Home Trees and shrubs When are the social stipends paid? Social scholarships for students

When are the social stipends paid? Social scholarships for students

It is no secret that applicants who did not pass the competition to a university try not to waste time and are looking for an alternative option for admission. Technical schools and colleges are institutions that produce specialists in various fields and guarantee certification in a short period of time spent studying. Mid-level specialists are quite in demand on the labor market, so colleges do not experience a shortage of applicants.

When all the exams have been passed, the places have been determined, the student could breathe easy, if not for one “but”. I would really like to know if college students are entitled to a scholarship? Get answers to questions about what it is like, whether it differs much from the university one, and what its size is. Only knowledge can illuminate all the nuances that concern a student.

College payments

By regulations The Ministry of Education scholarship in colleges exists and is divided into social and academic.

How much is the scholarship amount:

  • payments to students under social scholarships amount to 730 rubles. Children from large families, children of disabled people, students who already have children of their own, and several other categories of poor or low-income people. They do not have the right to delay this payment if the student passes his academic tests on time. In this case, no attention will be paid to how successful the submission was. Orphans are also provided with a social scholarship;
  • For each student at a Moscow college, an academic scholarship of 487 rubles is established, paid monthly. In this case, the session must be passed without grades. A difficult task for meager encouragement from the state;
  • Increased scholarships in colleges are also paid, but it is an individual decision of the teaching and management staff of the college or technical school.

Only those who study full-time in a budget department can receive a scholarship; contract soldiers are not entitled to a scholarship. Undoubtedly, the amount of scholarships is ridiculously small, student forums are abuzz with discussions about this burning topic. But no changes in legislation are expected in the near future, so this issue cannot be resolved for now.

Disappointing facts

The scholarship for college students evaporates in the first half hour after receiving it. This is a joke from the students themselves. Based on the minimum amount of payments, which do not even carry a semantic load, many students would willingly exchange this privilege for regular travel cards or would prefer that this money be used to provide hot meals during the educational process.

There is not enough scholarship money even to pay for hostels, if any are provided. It is much easier to say that students do not visit museums, exhibitions and generally do not participate in the cultural life of the city, but with such a minimal allowance it is impossible to afford highly aesthetic entertainment. Many get out through additional part-time work or with the help of support from their parents.

Minimum student budget

Expenses for today's college students include food, room, Internet, travel, mobile communications. Due to an acute lack of funds, many are forced to work part-time in their free time from studying, and sometimes without paying attention to the fact that there is simply no time to study. This affects academic performance, and as a far-reaching consequence, the amount of knowledge acquired. There are no problems with payment today, except for one - Money very little.

It should be noted that in order to qualify for a social scholarship, you must provide a certificate from the dean of the college social services. But obtaining such a certificate will take quite a long time due to the influx of applicants. This is also a significant inconvenience, but these are the rules established by law.


From September 1, the Ministry of Education expects to increase the amount of scholarships by 15-20%, but mainly this will affect only those students who have distinguished themselves in scientific, research, sports, and cultural life educational institution. Freshmen will not be able to rejoice at this fact yet.

It is also known that in Sevastopol an underpayment of scholarships was discovered for the period from January to April, which affected students in medical college. The prosecutor's office insisted on payment of all debts, based on the legislation of the Russian Federation.

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Higher education in our country has long ceased to be something special and today has turned from a prestigious privilege of the elite into an indispensable attribute of everyone modern man. In Russia great amount various higher educational institutions (HEIs), they are divided into public and commercial (private). IN state university, unlike private, there is the possibility of receiving free higher education. There are also all kinds of specialties that give a reason to find your calling. A variety of forms of education - full-time, evening, part-time and distance learning - provides an opportunity to gain knowledge not only for young people, but also for those who have long started working. There are a variety of incentive configurations for successful students - scholarships. There are academic, social, nominal, presidential, Potanin and gubernatorial scholarships. We will talk about them further.

What is a scholarship - concept

A scholarship is financial assistance provided to students of secondary and higher educational institutions, as well as graduate students, doctoral students, and cadets. Also, there is different kinds scholarships that are paid directly to citizens who are not studying in educational institutions, but have excellent production indicators or learn from the organization. Despite general characteristics, there are also scholarships different types, which we will try to figure out.

With a complete list benefits for students in Russia can be found in the article at the link.

What types of scholarships are there in universities?

IN Russian Federation are installed the following types scholarships:

  1. state academic scholarship for students;
  2. state social scholarship for students;
  3. state scholarships for graduate students, residents, and assistant trainees;
  4. scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation and scholarships of the Government of the Russian Federation;
  5. personalized scholarships;
  6. scholarships for students awarded by legal entities or individuals, including those who sent them for training;
  7. scholarships for students of preparatory departments in cases provided for by this Federal Law.

Some students of universities and colleges receive increased scholarships. In turn, p The increased scholarship is divided intoincreased social And advanced academic. An academic scholarship is awarded for a student’s personal achievements in an educational institution, be it success in sports, education, or cultural and creative activities. A prerequisite for obtaining is full-time education and successful training. The academic scholarship is combined with the main one. The size of such a scholarship is usually 5-7 thousand rubles per month.

The increased social scholarship is also combined with the regular scholarship, but is paid only to those students who need financial support from the state. It is paid to students studying on a budgetary (free) basis.

The following can count on a social scholarship from the state:

  • disabled people and combat veterans;
  • children without parental care and orphans;
  • disabled people of groups 1 and 2;
  • persons injured as a result of an accident on Chernobyl nuclear power plant(Chernobyl victims).

It does not depend on academic success and can be paid even to those who pass the exam with satisfactory grades. Its amount is approximately 6-7 thousand rubles monthly.

More details about who is eligible to receive a social scholarship and the procedure for assigning it can be found in the article at the link.

Personalized scholarship differs in that it is an incentive for outstanding achievements, usually in research work and special scientific achievements, and can be provided not only to students, but also to citizens who are not students. The conditions for receiving and the amount of such scholarships directly depend on the authorities state power, as well as physical and legal entities, who have the right to independently establish their own stipend and pay at their enterprises to successful employees and those undergoing training from the organization. This type of scholarship is cumulative with the main one, subject to good academic performance.

Government and Presidential scholarships in the Russian Federation

Government and presidential scholarships stand out among all types of incentives. This type of scholarship is awarded to students studying in areas of economic priority. Awarded for special merits and various types scientific achievements. The size of the presidential scholarship is 7 thousand rubles for students and 14 thousand rubles for graduate students. The size of the government fee is 5 and 10 thousand rubles, respectively. Applicants for these awards must be full-time students, have good academic performance, participate in scientific, practical and research activities, sports and creative life educational institution.

Potanin scholarship is also one of the subspecies of the nominal one. Awarded to students from the Vladimir Potanin Charitable Foundation. It is paid to students who completed the previous two sessions with excellence and won a special competition, which is designed to reveal leadership and organizational skills in the children. This competition includes two stages of competition. In the first round, students must demonstrate intellectual abilities and solve various kinds of problems. In the second stage, applicants must persuade other contestants to their point of view. In addition to the monthly scholarship, the winner also receives the right to attend the Winter and Summer School, which conducts various trainings, master classes, popular science lectures, and is developing social projects, the best of which receive grants for implementation.

Governor's Scholarship appointed directly by the regional governor, that is, the head of the region. Its purpose, first of all, is to stimulate students and graduate students of the region and region to raise prestige in the region. In each subject of the federation it has its own size and conditions for receipt. Some rules are common to all regions. The student must be a full-time student, have good academic performance, participate in creative or sports life educational institution and have an active life position. The Governor's scholarship is paid on a competitive basis. As a rule, the number of those who can receive it is strictly limited. To receive this type of scholarship, the university must provide the following documents:

  • petition (statement) of the rector of the educational institution;
  • a copy of the record book with no academic debt, signed by the head of the university;
  • various types of confirmation of participation in social activities be it publications, photographs or videography.

Size governor's scholarship varies from 2.5 to 5 thousand rubles. Main feature is that this type of scholarship can be received not only by students of higher educational institutions, but also by those who receive secondary vocational education. In this case, the size of the scholarship may vary by two to three times.

Prepared by "Personal Prava.ru"

In Russia, scholarships have long been perceived as a pleasant bonus, rather than real financial support. Although there are various allowances and personal scholarships, which (with the slightest parental help) allow you to live quite well. But in most cases, the amount of scholarships for students and especially college students does not exceed 2,500 rubles. “Mel” found out what types of scholarships exist, what kind of scholarship current students, graduate students and doctoral students can count on, and how to get an increased scholarship.

For those preparing for the main school exam

There are 15 types of scholarships in Russia. To figure out which one you will have, it is important not to confuse academic with social, or basic with advanced. However, sometimes the difference between one and the other is literally two hundred rubles. Small, but enough for an extra student lunch. You should not rely on a friend’s scholarship from a neighboring university, because each educational institution has the right to approach this issue individually. But successful study - general condition for students of all universities and colleges.

State academic scholarship

This scholarship can be received by every student enrolled on a budget. It is issued at the end of the session. But before the first session it is paid regardless of performance. From the second semester, only those who have shown good and excellent results and have no tails after exams receive it. Academic scholarship amount for students Russian universities no less 1 340 rubles, for college and technical school students - from 487 rubles

To receive an increased academic scholarship, you need not only to finish the semester with straight A’s, but also to take an active part in public life university The gap between the regular and increased scholarships can be quite serious. For example, at the Krupskaya Moscow State Regional University it is more than 3 000 rubles

State social scholarship

Its payment does not depend on the student’s creative success and academic performance. It is issued to those in need - disabled people of groups I and II, orphans and children left without parental care. The amount of social scholarships in universities from 2 010 rubles, and in institutions of average vocational education- from 730 rubles

State scholarship for graduate students and doctoral students

Graduate and doctoral students studying full-time and successfully passing the annual certification are also entitled to receive a state scholarship. Scholarship amount - 6 000 rubles for graduate students and 10 000 rubles for doctoral students writing dissertations in technical and natural sciences. Their list is established by the Ministry of Education.

Scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation and special scholarships of the Government of the Russian Federation

Paid to students full-time students who have achieved outstanding results in their field. These are the winners of the Olympics, creative competitions, authors of discoveries, two or more inventions, scientific articles in central publications.

Amount of the scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation: for students - 2 200 rubles, for graduate students - 4 500 rubles

Russian government scholarship amount: for students - 1 440 rubles, for graduate students - 3 600 rubles

Personalized scholarships

These include scholarships established by legal entities and individuals as a kind of support for talented students. They are appointed for achievements in learning, different areas sports, science, technology, creativity.

For example, the Vladimir Potanin scholarship, which has existed for 16 years, is paid to master’s students and master’s teachers who have passed a competitive selection. Its size reaches 15 000 rubles per month.

Every student is interested in the question: what will be the amount of scholarships for students in 2016-2017? Even though the scholarship is insignificant, it is guaranteed support for students from the state.

According to Dmitry Livanov, it is planned to increase the amount of scholarships for full-time graduate students and for public sector students. One cannot miss the fact that the scholarship is not the same as living wage, forcing the bulk of students to find auxiliary income. And this, accordingly, negatively affects learning.

Types of scholarships:

  • State social scholarship;
  • State academic scholarship;
  • State scholarship for graduate and doctoral students;
  • Personalized scholarship;
  • Scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation and special scholarships of the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • Governor's Scholarship.

The student’s achievements and academic performance do not affect the social scholarship in any way. Such a cash benefit is intended for needy students, for example, orphans, disabled people, and so on. On average, a social scholarship is about 2,000 rubles per higher institutions and about 730 rubles in colleges.

Academic scholarships are awarded to public sector students every semester. However, this scholarship is performance dependent. previous session. But for freshmen, the scholarship is identical for everyone; during the first semester they receive minimum size benefits. The minimum scholarship amount is at least 1,300 rubles, for college students - about 480 rubles.

As for graduate students and doctoral students, they also receive monetary rewards. To receive a scholarship, you must undergo certification every year. For correspondence form Study scholarships are not provided for both postgraduate students and students of higher and secondary educational institutions. The scholarship amount for graduate students is 6,000 rubles, 10,000 rubles for doctoral students who conduct various studies, they write scientific works in technical and natural disciplines. The list of sciences is established by the Ministry of Education.

A personal scholarship is provided not only to students, but also to all other citizens who have distinguished themselves in scientific activity. If you study well, this scholarship is combined with the main one.

Presidential scholarships are provided for students studying in areas beneficial to the country's economy. Paid for achievements and various successes. In addition, only full-time students with high academic performance who are actively involved in the life of the educational institution can apply for this scholarship.

The governor's scholarship is appointed by the regional governor. To receive such a scholarship, you must be a full-time student, have good grades, and prove yourself in university life. After which the educational institution is obliged to collect and submit documents proving these facts. This type of scholarship can be received by students of higher and secondary educational institutions, but the amount differs, for university students - from 2,500 to 5,000 rubles, for colleges 2-3 times less.

Who will get a scholarship increase?

The amount of the scholarship will be revised depending on the region and inflation rates, although an increase of 20% was previously planned.

By promoting and stimulating students, their performance ratings improve. And along with them the level and prestige of education. Thanks to good monetary incentives, students will devote time to their studies and strive for self-development.

How much will scholarships increase?

It is not news that each student's scholarship may be different from other students. The amount of the scholarship depends on each educational institution, specialty and student’s academic performance.

The maximum scholarship amount can be about 10,000 rubles. It is a mistake to think that this amount will be paid to all students. The scholarship in the region will differ from the central one. However, we can say with certainty that the minimum scholarship will not be lower than the subsistence level established in the regions. Therefore, the economic state of the region directly affects the scholarship.

Usually, a scholarship is the only way of income for students. Especially for those who devote all their time to study. Who strive to obtain high-quality knowledge in their specialty. As soon as this bill is passed, scholarships for students will be an excellent help in educational process, and main goal students will focus on learning rather than looking for work.

Scholarships Russian students will be indexed by 5.9% from September 1 this year, said the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva.

"IN federal budget From September 1, scholarships will be indexed by 5.9%. And we concluded, it is very important that we are with everyone educational institutions concluded agreements on the provision of subsidies for the payment of scholarships,” Vasilyeva said at a meeting with media representatives.

According to her, thus, from the beginning of the next school year Students of Russian universities will begin to receive increased scholarships.

Scholarship amount for students in 2017. Scholarships for Russian students will be indexed from September 1

Scholarships for Russian students will be indexed by 5.9% from September 1, 2017. This was announced by Russian Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva at a press conference on August 7.

According to the minister, the necessary funds from the budget have already been allocated and agreements on the provision of subsidies for the payment of scholarships have now been concluded with all educational institutions.

Earlier, during a meeting with teachers at the All-Russian Youth Educational Forum “Tavrida” in Crimea, Vasilyeva said that total number budget places in universities this year there was no reduction and amounted to 57%. At the same time, according to her, more budget places are allocated to in-demand engineering, medical and pedagogical specialties.

To date the average size The state academic scholarship in universities is about 1.5 thousand rubles, the social scholarship is 2.2 thousand rubles. Average college scholarships are about 540 and 800 rubles, respectively.

Scholarship amount for students in 2017. In Russia, from September 1, scholarships will be indexed by 5.9%

Russian Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva stated that from September 1, 2017, scholarships for Russian students will be indexed by 5.9%. “We have entered into agreements with all educational institutions to provide subsidies for the payment of scholarships,” Interfax quotes her as saying.

According to Ms. Vasilyeva, from the beginning of the next academic year, students at Russian universities will begin to receive increased scholarships.

In February, the Ministry of Education and Science changed the rules for paying scholarships. According to the new rules, the amount of the scholarship is determined taking into account inflation and the cost of living.

On January 1, amendments to the Law “On Education” came into force. After this, some regions found themselves in a situation that threatened needy students with refusal to pay social assistance. Human rights activists argued that if previously all low-income people had the right to support, now in a number of regions the list is limited, for example, to “citizens of working age who are actively looking for a way out of a difficult situation.” life situation" The Ministry of Education and Science responded that tightening the rules will not entail a reduction in the scholarship fund.

Types of scholarships in Russia.

Academic - issued during the semester based on the results of the previous session (with coefficients taking into account the difference in success). First-year students enrolled on a budget are given the same salary to everyone in the first semester (for example, the minimum required by law). [source not specified 2967 days]

Social - issued to those in need (the corresponding list is determined by law, but the university administration can expand it) to students studying on a budgetary basis.

Honorary - awarded to those who have especially distinguished themselves by decision of the body that established it (for example, a scholarship from the Academic Council, a scholarship from the Government or the President of Russia).

Enterprise (company) scholarship - awarded to students who have committed themselves to work for a job upon graduation this enterprise(company).

One-time financial assistance - issued at the request of the student once a semester.

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