Home Trees and shrubs Types of sports tapes. Tape - what is it? How to use tape. Main indications for use

Types of sports tapes. Tape - what is it? How to use tape. Main indications for use

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 10 minutes


The benefits of manual medicine have been known for a long time. But in the 70s, a doctor from Japan, Kenzo Kase, noting only its temporary effect, found the opportunity to strengthen and prolong the results of massage and manual therapy with the help of elastic tape, tapes. Already in 1979, the Kinesio company introduced the first kinesio tape to the market, and the method of working with tapes was called kinesio taping.

However, the term “kinesio” has become a household name today, and it is often used by other manufacturers in the production of their tapes.

What is kinesio taping - where is the technique of gluing kinesio tapes used?

Kinesio taping helps relax muscles and improve their rapid recovery after injuries. In addition, it helps to continue training as usual, without restrictions on freedom of movement.

Video: Kinesio tapes against pain

However, today this method is used not only for athletes, but also for...
  • Rehabilitation after injury.
  • Treatment of displaced vertebral discs.
  • Treatment of diseased joints.
  • In cosmetology for.
  • For sprains and injuries.
  • For swelling of the legs and varicose veins.
  • For menstrual pain.
  • In children with cerebral palsy.
  • In animals during treatment.
  • In the process of rehabilitation after a stroke.

Kinesio taping provides an immediate effect: pain goes away, blood supply is normalized, healing occurs faster, etc.

What is kinesio tape?

First of all, tape is an elastic adhesive tape that has a cotton (most often) or synthetic base and a hypoallergenic adhesive layer that is activated by body temperature.

After application to the skin, the tape practically merges with it and becomes imperceptible to a person. Tapes are elastic, like human muscles, and can stretch up to 40% of their length.

The structure of kinesio tapes is completely different from that of patches. Tapes...
  • 100% breathable.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Repel water.
  • Tapes are worn from 3-4 days to 1.5 weeks.

    High-quality branded tape can easily withstand the intense pace of intense training, competitions, showers, temperature changes, and sweat, providing maximum therapeutic effect around the clock and without losing its properties.

    Video: Kinesio taping. How to choose the right tape?

    Types of tapes - kinesio tapes, sports tapes, crosstapes, cosmetic tapes

    The choice of tape depends on each specific situation, in which it may be needed.

    For example…
    • Kinesio tapes. This version of tapes is suitable for soft areas of the body (for the muscular system), and is also used for neurological/visceral pain. The area under the tape after its application remains just as actively mobile: kinesio tape does not hinder movements, supports the muscle and even accelerates blood circulation. You can wear it around the clock.
    • Sports tapes. They are mainly used for the prevention and treatment of injured joints. Sports tape provides fixation of the joint, which limits movement. The tape should be changed before each workout.
    • Cross tape. This version of tapes is a small and inelastic lattice-shaped patches without medicines. Cross-tapes are attached to muscles, as well as to acupuncture and pain points to relieve pain and speed up the recovery process. In some aspects, this version of tapes can be a good replacement for kinesio tapes.
    • Cosmetology tapes. In cosmetology for smoothing wrinkles, correcting facial contours, treating swelling and bruises, eliminating wrinkles, etc. Safe and effective taping has become an excellent alternative to painful cosmetic procedures.

    Also, when choosing tapes, quality characteristics are also taken into account.

    There are tapes...
  • In rolls.
  • They are usually used by specialists in the field of kinesio taping, surgeons, orthopedists, etc.
  • In patches.
  • Convenient for home use. In stripes. They are the fastest and most convenient to stick on.
  • In sets for Tapes are also known...
  • Fluorescent. This cotton version of tapes is used for sports and walking in dark time days: the manufacturer applies safe fluorescent paint to the outer surface of the tape, which can be seen in the dark from afar.
  • With soft glue. They are used for sensitive skin, as well as in pediatrics and neurology.
  • With reinforced adhesive. Waterproof option for the most sweaty areas of the body. Most often used in sports.
  • Tapes are also divided according to the degree of tension:
    • K-tapes (approx. - up to 140%).
    • R-tapes (approx. - up to 190%).

    Kinesio tapes differ in material density, composition, amount of glue and size.

    One of the most important characteristics is the roll size:
  • 5 m x 5 cm. Standard size. Used in sports and in the treatment of injuries.
  • 3 m x 5 cm. A roll is enough for several basic applications.
  • 5 m x 2.5 cm. Tapes for children or narrow parts of the body.
  • 5 m x 7.5 cm. Option used in plastic surgery, to eliminate swelling, for large areas of the body for injuries, etc.
  • 5 m x 10 cm. Used for lymphatic drainage and for injuries to wide areas of the body.
  • 32 m x 5 cm. Economical roll for 120, on average, applications. For those who use tapes constantly.
  • The most convenient, undoubtedly, are pre-cut tapes, which are a roll with pre-cut strips of a certain length. This option is good if you know exactly what size tape you need on an ongoing basis.

    Video: Common mistakes in kinesio taping

    Truth and myths about kinesio tapes and kinesio taping

    The scope of using tapes has long gone beyond sports, and the actively growing demand for kinesiotaping and “multi-colored patches” has led to an increase in the number of myths about the method itself and the “plasters.”

    For example…

    Myth 1: “The effectiveness of kinesio taping has no evidence”

    Even some health workers often talk about the lack of research on the effectiveness of tapes.

    However, the evidence base that has developed over the years of using tapes confirms that tapes are effective.

    It is important to note that in the USA and European countries this technique is officially used in rehabilitation and in the provision of medical care.

    Myth 2: “Color matters”

    There are a lot of rumors about the effect of tape color on the body.

    But, in fact, color does not play a big role, and affects mainly the mood of the wearer of the tape - and nothing more.

    Myth 3: “Using tapes is difficult”

    Even a beginner can easily make an applique with the help of instructions, diagrams and videos.

    Myth 4: “Tapes are a placebo!”

    According to clinical trials involving volunteers, the method is 100% effective.

    Myth 5: “Tapes are addictive”

    Tapes do not cause any addiction, and the method itself is considered one of the safest.

    As for the analgesic effect, it is achieved through a massive effect on skin receptors.

    Myth 6: “All tapes look like they came from an incubator”

    Despite all the external similarities, tapes differ in quality and properties. It will be very difficult for a non-professional to distinguish them from one another.

    What a beginner can do is check the quality certificate, because the effectiveness of the tape will depend on the quality.

    How to buy tape. Which tape is better? Criterias of choice

    Today you can buy tape without difficulty, because... the selection is huge and there are various trade marks from different countries.

    But how to choose the right kinesiology tape from this variety? Who can I buy tape from with a quality guarantee?
    Let's figure it out. But we only take into account quality product.

    What is kinesiology tape? What is the difference between tapes from different brands?

    The properties of all tapes are approximately the same. Kinesiology tape is an elastic adhesive plaster consisting of a cotton or synthetic base with acrylic glue.

    The difference is precisely the basis, i.e. fabric on which glue is applied. The difference is also in the paper backing. It can be rough, dense and thick.

    When people talk about thin kinesiology tape, usually for aesthetic taping, they mean a thin paper backing. This is a little trick.

    For therapeutic taping, the following properties are important: stretchability and tear force (see tables No. 1 and No. 2). These properties vary depending on the brand.

    Summary table No. 1



    Tactile sensations

    Roll length m

    Ud. weight g/m.

    Let's stretch.

    Let's stretch

    Load 1 kg.



    In 5 days






    Kinesiology Tape

    Not specified

    Not specified


    Kinesio Tex Gold FP

    Kinesio Holding Corp.


    Kinesio Tex Classic

    Kinesio Holding Corp.




    Kinesiology Tape Mueller




    Physio Tape GmbH






    What are the best kinesiology tapes?

    This question can only be answered by understanding for what purpose you are using the best tapes.
    Kinesio taping (with artificial tape tension) is used for athletes.
    Therapeutic taping is used in medicinal purposes for patients.

    An athlete is healthy man, who has increased muscle potential, whose body works absolutely normally.

    A patient is a person who has pathological changes in the body, that is, altered original functionality.

    The use of kinesiological tapes for fundamentally different groups It has different approach and tapes must be used to solve specific goals.

    Rocktape and Kinesio tape are used for athletes.

    EPOS tape works effectively for working with patients. You can buy EPOS tape from an exclusive representative who guarantees the quality of the product.

    Summary table No. 2



    1. Breakout force kg.

    2.Tearing force kg.

    3.Tearing force kg.

    4.Tearing force kg.

    100% stretch

    Type of fabric

    Weak underpressure

    Without vacuum

    Altermed Co Ltd

    Avg. underpressure

    Weak underpressure

    Not specified

    Not specified

    Weak underpressure

    Kinesio Tex Gold FP

    Kinesio Holding Corp.

    Very strong


    Kinesio Tex Classic

    Kinesio Holding Corp.

    Strong vacuum

    Strongly rarefied.

    Very strong. resolution

    Average vacuum

    Weak vacuum

    Weak vacuum

    Physio Tape GmbH


    Strong vacuum

    Average sparse.

    Without vacuum

    Without vacuum

    Why EPOS tape?

    It was experimentally revealed that for the most effective use Tapes during treatment with taping require a stretch of 150% with a pull-off force of 1.50 kg.

    If you look at tables No. 1 and No. 2, you will notice that these indicators are suitable for EPOS tape.

    And also, for the choice it was important that the manufacturer EPOS tape is one of the oldest tape manufacturers in the world, having accumulated unique experience production of original tapes.

    Guaranteed quality of products produced in our own production.

    Strict laboratory control of released products.

    Delivery to Russia through an official supplier who has the ability to quickly communicate with the manufacturer to resolve any issues related to the product.

    Close cooperation between manufacturer and supplier to preserve the consumer qualities of tapes all the way from production to South Korea to the supplier's warehouse in Russia.

    You can buy tape from Orthodinamika, the official supplier of products to the Academy of Therapeutic Taping.

    EPOS tape has all international quality certificates.

    Buy the best for effective use.

    "prmedia:treelike_comments" is not a component

    In case of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the tape is applied not only to the damaged area, but also to the healthy undamaged areas adjacent to it.

    It is very important to properly separate the adhesive strips from the packaging. They are cut with scissors, and in cases where very quick application is required, they are torn off. When performing this procedure, the doctor’s (masseur’s) hands must be clean and dry, otherwise the tape will stick to them.

    Adhesive plaster bandages, no matter what part of the body they are applied to, can only be applied correctly if certain rules:

    • The tape should only be applied qualified specialist(doctor, massage therapist, trainer) with special knowledge and taping skills
    • Before applying the tape, the body area must be clean, dry, and the hair must be shaved.
    • The athlete should be laid down or seated in a comfortable position so that the area for applying the tape is motionless and accessible. Give it an average physiological position
    • The segment (part of the body) on which the tape will be applied must be given the position in which it will be after applying the tape
    • The doctor (or massage therapist) must face the athlete in order to be able to observe him. If symptoms indicating incorrect application of the tape are detected (cyanosis, swelling, severe pain or lack of sensitivity and active movements), it must be removed and a new one applied.
    • Applying the tape begins with securing rounds (above and below the site of the disease)
    • Taping is applied with both hands: with one hand the head of the adhesive plaster is rolled out, and with the other hand it is straightened out.
    • Each subsequent turn of the adhesive plaster should cover the previous turn by half or two-thirds
    • Adhesive plaster strips should be pulled evenly so that the strips do not move, form folds and constrictions, and do not peel off from the surface of the body
    • At the end of applying the tape, it is secured with control rounds
    • Correctly applied tape should not cause discomfort, pain, numbness, tingling, poor circulation, etc.
    • You cannot apply tape during competitions without testing it in training. The tape must be applied by the same doctor (massage therapist)
    • Should be given Special attention protection certain places body from strong compression with an adhesive bandage, preventing compression of blood vessels and nerves
    • You cannot apply tape if there is severe pain syndrome, swelling of tissues, areas of the body with hairline, contaminated or damp skin. If there are abrasions or scars on the area where the tape will be applied, it is treated with iodine (brilliant) and a piece of bandage or bactericidal adhesive plaster is placed

    When a new product appears on the market, while few people know it, there is no point in counterfeiting it and the risk of running into a counterfeit product is not great. However, as soon as a product becomes recognizable and popular, many people want to “skim the cream” by offering copies and fakes at a lower price.

    This is exactly what is happening now with Kinesio tapes on the European and Russian markets. Many companies began to copy the exclusive Kinesio Tex Gold tape and pass off their products as Kinesio. Unfortunately, even companies with a name in sports medicine have begun to sin with this.

    Let us remind you that Kinesio Taping (kinesiological taping) is an exclusive patented method, and Kinesio is a registered trademark. Those who try to copy this method commit illegal actions and violate copyright laws. In addition, such companies discredit the method, since the method does not work with fake tapes (or copy tapes), which undermines its authority among specialists and patients.

    Therefore, it is very important not to make a mistake in choosing and buy only original ones, produced using original technology under the supervision of the founder of the method, Dr. Kenzo Kase.

    What are you risking by purchasing a fake?

    If you practice kinesio taping, what is most important to you? That's right, the main thing is the result! What ensures the result? Taping technique and tape quality! Kinesiology taping is a method invented by Dr. Kenzo Kase, plus the tape itself, produced by special technology. That is, the result is determined by these two components. Poor-quality tape will not provide results in the first place, and can also harm health by causing an allergic reaction.

    The texture of fake tapes, as a rule, is either more rigid and rough, or, conversely, loose and thin. The elasticity is not stable (and in kinesiological taping it is controlled stretchability that matters), the adhesive coating does not provide strong adhesion, as a result of which the tape does not last the required 3-4 days and peels off when water procedures. In addition, most fakes cause a severe allergic reaction.

    The real original Kinesio tape is produced only in 4 colors - beige (flesh), black, blue and red (closer to pink). It was just recently released. These colors made the Kinesio tape recognizable, but also became the subject of copying. Now, having seen the characteristic blue or pink tape, you need to be careful and not fall for a fake.

    What to pay attention to to be sure that you are purchasing original Kinesio tape:

    1 package

    Each tape is rolled, each roll is packed in an individual cardboard box. The box has a characteristic golden color, has windows through which the tape is visible, a side slot for ease of use and appropriate markings (see markings)

    6 individual packages are placed in a cardboard box, also golden in color and with appropriate markings (see “Marking”).

    2) Marking

    Official Kinesio logo. If there is no this logo on the packaging or on the tape itself, then it is a fake. The official name of the tape is Kinesio ® Tex Gold ® . The name is indicated on the box and on the paper base of the tape.

    Inscriptions on the packaging:

    #1 in Elastic Therapeutic Taping - No. 1 in elastic therapeutic taping

    Exclusive for the Kinesio ® Taping Method

    Kinesio ® Tex Gold ® — official name teip

    This product is endorsed by Dr. Kenzo Kase, Founder - This product is endorsed by Dr. Kenzo Kase, founder of Medot

    Water-Resistant - water-repellent

    If you do not find the above inscriptions on the roll packaging, then this is not Kinesio tape.

    3) Tape color

    The original Kinesio Tex Gold tapes are available only in 4 colors - beige (flesh), black, blue and red (closer to pink). Just recently, the white Kinesio tape was released.

    If you see yellow, green or another color, it's a fake.

    4) Tape width

    Currently, the Kinesio Tex Gold tape, 5 cm (2 inches) wide and 5 m long, is officially supplied to Russia. If you see a narrower tape or a tape of a different length on sale, it’s a fake.

    5) Paper base of the tape

    The Kinesio ® Tex Gold ® paper base has a mesh for easy cutting of the tape, as well as the Exclusive for the Kinesio ® Taping Method KINESIO TEX GOLD www.kinesiotaping.com branding. Some fake tapes use the phrase “KINESIOLOGY TAPE”, which can be misleading, since the familiar word KINESIO appears to appear. Don't fall for this trick.

    6) Tape texture

    The texture of Kinesio Tex Gold tapes is uniform, quite dense, the edges do not fray, and when stretched, the tape stretches evenly, which is clearly visible in the light. The texture of fake tapes, as a rule, is either more rigid and rough, or, conversely, loose and thin; some fakes have heavily frayed edges. The elasticity is not stable (and in kinesiological taping it is controlled stretchability that matters), the adhesive coating does not provide strong adhesion, as a result of which the tape does not last the required 3-4 days, and completely peels off during water procedures. In addition, most fakes cause a severe allergic reaction.

    7) Manufacturer

    Initially, Kinesio Tex Gold tapes were produced in Japan, but due to rising costs, production was first moved to Korea. Several deliveries per Russian market It was made in Korea (as indicated on the packaging). Now the original Kinesio Tex Gold tapes are produced only in the USA. Tapes from new shipments will only be made in the USA with the indication Kinesio Corporation, Albuquerque on the packaging.

    Kinesio tapes in Russia

    The Eaglesportsmed company (ISM LLC) is the exclusive distributor of the original ones in Russia. We supply only original products and guarantee their origin and quality. In addition, we conduct and issue official certificates to trained specialists.

    We are primarily interested in ensuring that the method works and helps athletes recover faster from injuries, so it is very important for us that specialists use original tapes and avoid fakes.

    If you have purchased tape and are unsure whether it is real Kinesio tape, call us and we will give you qualified advice.

    If you purchase tape from a local supplier, check if this company is our official partner. If not, then the proposed tape is a fake.

    We wish everyone success in their work. If the result is important to you, buy only high-quality products sports medicine!

    The term "taping" comes from English word tape, which is translated as “tape”, including “adhesive tape”. Taping is one of the methods of functional treatment and prevention of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system and consists of applying adhesive bandages that fix the damaged joint, creating rest for the injured area. Unlike plaster casts and other bandages, taping makes it possible to treat injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system through movements.

    When determining renewal dates: training sessions It is necessary to take into account not only the nature of the disease, injury, its location, the age and functional state of the athlete, the characteristics of the sport, but also clinical and anatomical data. Normalization of well-being usually precedes (and often significantly) the processes of regeneration. Therefore, it is necessary to use taping when resuming training after swelling and pain disappear. The loads should be insignificant and should have a special focus. First, you should perform exercises on simulators, simple, small range of motion, muscle stretching exercises. Early resumption of activities without taping leads to repeated injuries and their transition to the chronic stage.

    Taping is used not only for the functional treatment of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, but also for preventive purposes. It is also indicated for immobilization of joints, since it does not violate the integrity of the joints and mobility in them, and does not limit movements.

    For taping, you must have special equipment, tools, medications: a table or massage couch, bench, various stands (preferably retractable, which allows you to change their height), scissors with blunt ends for removing tape, scalpel, iodine, brilliant green, bandages, adhesive plasters of various sizes , glue, alcohol, razor, ammonia, ether for cleaning the skin.

    Types of Pharmacels® sports tapes

    They highlight the most different types tapes: hard (not stretchy) and elastic, especially strong and easily torn, adhesive (sticky) and cohesive (fixed only to themselves), classic white and colored.

    Leading manufacturers of sports medicine products usually have several various types tapes, each of which is good for its own purposes. Let's take a closer look at what types of tapes there are, using the example of Pharmacels LLC products.

    Sports tape MASTERS Tape.

    MASTERS™ Tape Pharmacels® - classic basic sports tape - 100% cotton tape highest quality, on one side of which special medical glue is applied. It is called basic because this tape is used in most tape dressings. MASTERS Tape is available in various lengths and widths and this allows the sports doctor/massage therapist to solve most problems in one way or another related to taping.
    Color MASTERS™ is indispensable for creating headbands for various purposes in team colors.
    MASTERS™ PRO Tape is an “advanced” version of MASTERS. This ribbon is made from extra category cotton and has a porous base.

    Along with the production of sports tapes from natural cotton fabrics, Pharmacels® produces a special tape EUROLINE Tape. It is made from mixed fabric - polycotton - a mixture of cotton and polyester, this allows us to offer users a more economical and tougher tape. Such sports tapes quickly gained popularity and are now produced by almost all well-known manufacturers. Mixed fabric tape is used in cases where the stiffness of natural cotton is not enough, for example, when it is necessary to strengthen the base tape bandage or create a particularly strong and rigid bandage. Such properties of a tape bandage are necessary, as a rule, in football and rugby, less often in basketball.

    Elastic sports tapes

    In this line of Pharmacels® tapes there are 3 product groups:
    - light adhesive tapes that can be torn by hand,
    - durable adhesive tapes for dressings subject to increased loads, usually requiring scissors work,
    - cohesive tapes (adhesive only to themselves).
    Let's consider their properties in order.

    Pharmacels offers 5 different elastic adhesive tapes: Lightweight (easy to tear) TEAR-LASTIC™ tape and PRO-LASTIC tape are a kind of “corrugated” tape, they are made of a very light, “breathable” material. STADIUS™ tape is also easy to tear without using scissors, but the fabric of this tape is denser. The main difference between these tapes is their elasticity. The lowest is TEAR-LASTIC™, the highest is STADIUS™. This tape is successfully used for “spatting” - taping over sports shoes. The compression developed by the STADIUS™ tape allows it to be used in extreme strength and injury-prone sports such as hockey, rugby and football.
    Lightweight, elastic Pharmacels® tapes are practical and easy to use. It's really best choice for both professional and beginner tapers. For example, TEAR-LASTIC™ tape is recognized as the most convenient for self-taping.

    Extra durable elastic tapes STRETCH tape and ACTIFORCE tape. They are made from durable 100% cotton fabric. To work with these tapes, scissors are required, but this inconvenience is compensated by unprecedented strength characteristics. The elasticity of these tapes is due to the special weaving of the threads that make up the fabric. The result is confident yet gentle compression. Main uses: strengthening the Achilles tendon when taping the ankle, supporting the wrist joint, palms, knee taping, compression bandages for various purposes, often used as an adhesive elastic bandage.

    Separate and very interesting view elastic tapes is a relatively new tape for Russia - cohesive elastic tape (CO-STICK® tape from Pharmacels®). Let's remember, “cohesive - sticking only to itself and not sticking to the skin or hair. Such properties expand the possibilities for using the tape, allowing you to use it without fear of damaging the skin or experiencing discomfort when removing the bandage.
    Cohesive tape is often used to stop bleeding by applying a pressure bandage.

    General rules for taping

    In case of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the tape is applied not only to the damaged area, but also to the healthy undamaged areas adjacent to it.

    It is very important to properly separate the adhesive strips from the packaging. They are cut with scissors, and in cases where very quick application is required, they are torn off. When performing this procedure, the doctor’s (masseur’s) hands must be clean and dry, otherwise the tape will stick to them.

    Adhesive plaster bandages, no matter what part of the body they are applied to, can only be applied correctly if certain rules are followed:

  • Taping should only be applied by a qualified specialist (doctor, massage therapist, trainer) with special knowledge and taping skills.
  • Before applying the tape, the body area must be clean, dry, and the hair must be shaved.
  • The athlete should be laid down or seated in a comfortable position so that the area for applying the tape is motionless and accessible. Give it an average physiological position.
  • The segment (part of the body) on which the tape will be applied must be given the position in which it will be after applying the tape.
  • The doctor (or massage therapist) must face the athlete in order to be able to observe him. If symptoms indicating improper application of the tape are detected (cyanosis, swelling, severe pain or lack of sensitivity and active movements), it must be removed and a new one applied.
  • Applying the tape begins with securing rounds (above and below the site of the disease).
  • The tape is applied with both hands: with one hand the head of the adhesive plaster is rolled out, and with the other hand it is straightened out.
  • Each subsequent turn of the adhesive plaster should cover the previous turn by half or two-thirds.
  • Adhesive plaster strips should be pulled evenly so that the strips do not move, form folds and constrictions, and do not peel off from the surface of the body.
  • At the end of applying the tape, it is secured with control rounds.
  • A correctly applied tape should not cause discomfort, pain, numbness, tingling, poor circulation, etc.
  • You cannot apply tape during competitions without testing it in training. The same doctor (massage therapist) must apply the tape.
  • Particular attention should be paid to protecting certain areas of the body from strong compression with an adhesive bandage, preventing compression of blood vessels and nerves.
  • Do not apply tape in case of severe pain, tissue swelling, on areas of the body with hair, or on contaminated or damp skin. If there are abrasions or scars on the area where the tape will be applied, it is treated with iodine (brilliant) and a piece of bandage or a bactericidal adhesive plaster is placed.
  • Apply the adhesive plaster without pressure, without making loops (gatherings, folds), smoothing it well and modulating the bony protrusions. The adhesive plaster is cut with scissors or torn off by hand. Bandages are usually applied in 3- or 5-layers to the upper extremities, 5-6-layers to the lower leg, and 6-8-layers to the thigh and torso.

    It is necessary to monitor the athlete's condition after applying the tape. If symptoms are detected indicating compression of the nerve, compression of blood vessels (as evidenced by cyanosis, swelling, severe pain or lack of sensitivity and active movements), the bandage must be removed and a new one applied.

    Errors when applying tapes
  • When the tape is tightly applied, cyanosis occurs, blood circulation and nervous sensitivity are disrupted, and unpleasant sensations appear.
  • If some parts of the adhesive plaster are applied tightly and others loosely, then the bandage becomes unusable. In this case, the bandage should be changed.
  • The usefulness of the tape is impaired if the first securing rounds are not done. It should be noted that the bandage is more durable if the fastening rounds are applied to the skin, previously lubricated with glue (cleol, plastubol, etc.).
  • If, when applying the tape, the athlete strains the muscles and tries to hold the affected (injured) segment, then the tension of the adhesive plaster will be weak and the bandage will loosen when the athlete relaxes the muscles. In this case, it is better to change the bandage.
  • There are two types of adhesive bandages: without pads and with pads (adhesive). Dressings without pads are usually 3 or 5 ply upper limb, 5–6 layers on the lower leg and 6–8 layers on the thigh and torso. If the tape needs to be made more durable, adhesive bandages are used. For the same purpose, fixing rounds are applied to the skin, previously lubricated with glue.

    Long-term use of tape for prophylactic purposes leads to detraining of the fixed segments. The main purpose of using tape is to use it when resuming training after suffered trauma or diseases of the musculoskeletal system after a course of treatment. In this case, before training, massage is performed and tape is applied for 10-20 days.

    For certain diseases or injuries (for example, with a habitual dislocation shoulder joint) tape does not help, so it is not advisable to use it, especially in ice hockey (where power moves are allowed), in sambo wrestling, etc. In sports such as freestyle and classical wrestling, where sweating is pronounced, only adhesive bandages should be applied. Tape is unacceptable aquatic species sports.

    I would like to separately draw the reader’s attention to the 1st point of the taping rules. This article is for overview purposes only and does not allow you to master skills.
    Scheme of the 4th method of shoulder taping

    Taping of the lower back Taping of the hip and knee Taping of the foot Used literature
    • Dubrovsky V.I. Massage: textbook for medium and higher textbook head - M.: “VLADOS”, 2001
    • Dubrovsky V.I. Rehabilitation in sports- M.: “Physical Education and Sports”, 1991

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