Home Useful tips Dua for gaining strength. Cashew nuts. How much can you eat per day? Ruqya to attract wealth to the home

Dua for gaining strength. Cashew nuts. How much can you eat per day? Ruqya to attract wealth to the home

Muslim prayer connects a person with God and helps him in business. A Muslim believer not only leads a righteous lifestyle, but also knows prayers that help him in certain situations. According to hadiths, reading certain verses and surahs of the Koran helps in worldly life to attract good luck and get rich, meet love, get married and even get pregnant.

Luck from the perspective of Islam

Such concepts as “fortune smiled” or “luck turned away” do not exist in Islam. This is only anthropomorphization - an attempt to give a human appearance to certain phenomena. For example, Fortuna is the ancient Greek goddess of luck. This word has firmly entered the lexicon. It is also actively used by some Muslims.

Luck can be defined as unexpected success, but according to Islam, nothing happens by chance, neither good nor bad. Everything depends on the will of the Lord and is already predetermined. Therefore, it is not entirely correct for a believer to wish for good luck; it is more correct to wish for the successful start of a business and its completion.

Success is a positive assessment of current events. A person's success depends on his diligence and on the will of Allah, who knows what is actually best for his slave.

Conditions for achieving success

A Muslim who resorts to the Koran should know that it does not help Sacred Text, but the Almighty, to whom the words are addressed. Through His word He gives relief.

In Islam great importance have Arabic words. Surahs are depicted on souvenirs and on expensive fabric. If you buy it and hang it at home, it will work like a talisman.

Another important point: you cannot limit yourself to just listening or reading surahs of the Koran. In order to successfully start and complete a business, one must make the efforts permitted by Sharia: both mental and physical.

It is also advisable to perform additional acts of worship like this:

  • reading the morning dua - namaz;
  • Tahajun prayer at night;
  • abstinence from sinful words, deeds and thoughts;
  • distribution of alms.

Before starting work, it is important to perform at least a small ablution (taharat), which should not be neglected. Ablution is protection from Satan. Zikrs and prayers said in a state of ablution work much better.

Prayers for all occasions

The main prayer in Islam is namaz, which is read five times a day:

  • in the morning before sunrise during the dawn period;
  • at noon, when the sun is at its zenith;
  • in the evening until sunset;
  • during sunset, before the evening dawn fades;
  • during the twilight period from evening to dawn.

This helps cleanse the soul of committed sins and strengthens faith.

When a person has health problems, he often not only turns to a doctor, but also to Allah asking for help and healing. Muslim prayer for health helps to cleanse yourself of negative energy, which often causes the development of diseases. They pray not only for themselves, but also for loved one. You can say this prayer at any time of the day.

With the help of Muslim prayer for marriage and happiness, single people can attract love to themselves. Exist various options prayers, implying the performance of a certain ritual:

  • the girl must undress completely and stand in an empty basin;
  • take a glass of water and slowly pour the liquid onto the top of your head;
  • the liquid that has flowed into the basin is poured back into the glass and pronounced over it morning prayer Muslims;
  • Wishing for marriage, the charmed water is added to the drink of the beloved guy. It is recommended to read the first sura, which will protect against negative influences.

Surahs to increase income

The Holy Book of Islam contains certain suras , helping in business development and other matters. For example, reading after morning prayer Surah “Yasin” makes it easier to do business and helps in business. It should be remembered that the angels offer prayers at dawn for those who perform worship. If you read this surah, it will affect a favorable combination of circumstances.

To get rid of the need, it is recommended to read Surahs “Maryam” and “Tauba”, and for success in trade - Surah “Hijr”. Of course, there are no reliable hadiths about these surahs, but if you read them sincerely, you will have right intention and trust in the Mercy of Allah - you can get an answer to your prayers and improve the state and development of worldly affairs.

One of the most important suras that protects against poverty and poverty is the 56th sura “Al-Wakia”. It should be read after night prayer. According to authentic hadiths, Prophet Muhammad advised reading this surah every night so as not to be affected by poverty.

Attracting good luck and money

According to Muslim culture, to attract good luck, It is necessary to drive out evil spirits from life: genies and shaitans who steal a person’s happiness and poison his existence. There is a sign: when yawning, you need to cover your mouth with your hand so as not to fly into evil spirit and didn't take away my luck.

Devout Muslims condemn magic, witchcraft and spells. This is considered a sin, and if a Muslim gets dirty with it, he will lose all the benefits promised to him in his next life.

But, being creatures of blood and flesh, people have their own desires. A man must support his family in abundance, therefore Muslim daily prayer may include requests to Allah for the gift of wealth.

There are Muslim prayers for attracting money that are as powerful as conspiracies. They are called ruqya - a request for the fulfillment of a plan. They have a fairly wide range of applications. They cope well with life's troubles. The main quality of ruqya is that it is from Allah. Every word of hers is from the Koran. Prayers help you quickly pay off your debt and get the necessary amount.

To attract financial success into your life with the help of a surah from the Koran for good luck, It is recommended to prepare in advance:

  • Do not eat sweets or meat for a week. It is advisable to eat only bread and water. This strengthens a person’s spiritual capabilities;
  • be pious and follow the rules of Islam: perform prayers, fast, pay zakat;
  • read and listen to suras from the Koran daily, repeating them at least 10 times a day;
  • Before touching the book of prayers, you must wash yourself thoroughly.

For successful trading

Many followers of Islam are interested in prayers that help develop business and increase sales. To improve trade, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

A Muslim who follows these rules can count on the Almighty to hear his prayers.

Prayers for luck and money

Traditionally Muslim woman is a good housewife. Her whole life is devoted to the home and her role in the family comes down to providing a home front for her beloved husband. The wife must strictly follow the requirements of Sharia and read prayers, attracting Allah's mercy, grace and good luck to her husband-breadwinner.

At the same time, women are given strength and wisdom to enhance the effect of spells and prayers. They recite ruqya for drinking and eating, illuminating the food with the blessings of Allah. Conspiracies and Muslim prayers for good luck and money, which are read while rolling out dough that absorbs good wishes, work well.

When using ruqa, do not forget to pray fervently and give praise to the Almighty. Also a must read Sura Yasin with Ayats. Possessing great power, it makes it easier for every believer to obtain wealth.

There is a rule in Islam that parents should teach their child to pray from the age of seven. Adults turn to Allah with a request for the health of their daughter or son, and for the well-being of their children. Muslim strong prayers They protect you from bad influences and help you find your way in life and not stumble.

Barakat - blessing of the Almighty

Most entrepreneurs who have achieved some success in business claim that in order to achieve something, need to work and work. Of course, people should create conditions for the fulfillment of desires, but if there is no barakat (grace) and tawfiq (assistance) from Allah, no success can be achieved.

Barakat is the endowment of things with divine grace so that even small things become big and bring benefit. Allah's blessing is necessary in everything: health, finances, family, relationships, work, etc.

In order to receive grace, it is not enough to listen or read dua for wealth, The following rules must also be observed:

It is important to know that only Muslims can use rituals traditional to Islam. For others they will not bring the desired result.

Attention, TODAY only!

As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh dear readers of my blog. Today I will write in sha Allah a post about dua, namely about dua for good luck in business. The life of each of us is filled various events and we always need the support and help of the Great and Mighty Allah. It is important to understand that you need to rely only on Him, the Gracious and Merciful. When we all start something important to us, we hope that it will be successful and that everything will work out for us, and that this business will ultimately bring us good.

If you are going to start some new business, then before that you should read not only the dua, but also the prayer. Such prayer and dua are called istikhara. In fact, istikhara is the real sunnah of our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)

Istikhara is performed as follows - 2 rak'ahs of prayer are read with the intention that you are performing istikhara (you do not need to say the intention out loud, you just need to have it in your heart). After you have read the prayer you need to do next dua(attached pictures):

The Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) encouraged such actions before starting any new business.

Here is another dua for doing things easily:

Simple dua for good luck in business

And now here is another simple dua for good luck in business, but the author of this dua is myself. We can ask Allah for exactly what we need. That is, you have the opportunity to turn to Allah with prayers (dua) in which you will ask for something, simply in your own words, so do this more often! Here is a simple example of a prayer for good luck in business:

O my Lord, Mighty, Wise and Merciful. Only You I worship and only You I pray for help. O Allah, help me in (name the thing you want to do). O Generous One, grant me barakat in my affairs. Protect from the evil of these things. O Allah, you can make sure that there is good in them and no evil, so do it. O Allah, forgive me and have mercy on me, O Forgiving and Merciful!

This is the dua for good luck in business.

Here is another very necessary “crib” for you, these are reliable time periods when Allah will accept your prayers without delay, this applies to any dua.

A real story related to Dua Istikhara from my life.

After you read “Istikhara”, you will be able to notice how quickly this or that matter makes sense and goes well, or you will immediately be able to notice negative aspects that you had not noticed before.

My personal experience. I'll tell you a story from my personal experience! One day, one of my brothers in faith and I gathered to unfold small business(this was about 2 years ago). He and I thought about everything for several days and considered various options for bringing our idea to life. When everything was almost ready for launch, he and I read the “istikhara”. After that, we were going to sign a cooperation agreement, because we know that according to the sunnah it is necessary to conclude agreements, and not just draw up verbal agreements.

In general, we listened to him, he gave us dali (evidence) that such a strategy was prohibited, and we, of course, abandoned such an idea. This story serves as a reminder to me of how important it is to read istikhara before starting a new business.

Try to turn to Allah with sincerity and hope. After all, if you call on Him with faith and hope, then He will definitely reward you. Think about how great His mercy is to you and me. Appreciate this and praise Allah many times, and then in sha Allah your affairs will go well, dear friends!

The most Full description in all details - a Muslim conspiracy strong for money with a sufficiently strong and safe magical influence.

Muslim conspiracies for money are significantly different from the rituals that are performed in the Slavic world. But it unites magical rituals that their effectiveness requires absolute faith in success.

Rituals options

The main difference between Muslim practical magic is that it is closely connected with religion and does not allow appeal to any pagan deities. Due to this magical rituals became part of traditional religion. While Christianity does not recognize Slavic magic, in any of its manifestations.

Muslim conspiracies often use verses from the Koran, so they are very similar to prayers. Sometimes during rituals entire passages from the Koran are read.

In the Muslim world, there are two types of magical rituals:

  • Canonical, which are permitted for use by Sharia;
  • Non-canonical, close to folk traditions specific locality, which are also accepted by Islam.

A sought-after ritual

Muslim money conspiracy helps to attract material goods and wealth in life, therefore is very in demand. The requirements for conducting the ritual are very strict and the slightest deviation from the rules will lead to its ineffectiveness.

During the preparatory period:

  • It is necessary to observe a strict fast for a week, and you are allowed to eat only bread and cold water.
  • Should be read daily in full Surah Yasin with 83 verses. Moreover, on the first day of fasting, this is done ten times, on the second - twenty times, and so on, that is, on the last day it must be read 70 times.
  • Before reading, it is imperative to perform a sacred ritual ablution.

After the seventh day, you need to go to the mosque and make donations. As an option, it is allowed to help any needy family. At this point, the ritual is considered completed, and if everything went as it should, then soon material well-being will come to the family of the person who performed the ritual.

Folk conspiracies

In addition, Muslim magic offers folk conspiracies that must be read. It is better to do this in Arabic. But for those who do not know it, you can use the translation.

One of the most effective Muslim conspiracies is read at dawn seven times.

It sounds like this in Russian:

Muslim rituals are very powerful. And in order for them to be for the good and not have any negative consequences, it is necessary to lead a righteous lifestyle and not wish harm to other people, under any circumstances.

Muslim conspiracies for all occasions

Muslim conspiracies are that hidden part of Islam, the existence of which many are not even aware of. True, unlike Orthodoxy and Slavic conspiracies, Muslim magic is closely related to religion. Islam does not prohibit some magical rituals, such as spells against damage, since it is believed that the prophet himself Muhammad performed similar rituals.

Magic in Islam

The peculiarity of the magical component in this religion is that in most cases entire chapters of the Koran are used ( suras).

Sura (Arabic: سورة‎‎‎) is the Arabic word for one of the 114 chapters of the Koran.

All existing in Islam ruqya(conspiracies) are divided into two types.

First, allowed Shariah, do not contradict religion and are essentially suras Koran. They are read only in Arabic, as in the original source. Such ruqyas are pronounced over water, which the person seeking magical effects will then drink, or over a sick person, if the ritual takes place to get rid of any illness.

There is a second type of spell. This type of ruqya is prohibited Shariah. And they are prohibited because the one who reads them addresses everyone except Allah: saints, prophets, angels, demons, and so on.

Meanwhile, in Islam, despite the mention in Koran of all the above creatures, prayers are addressed only to Allah. Any other variants of spells are considered polytheism. And if any rituals are used in the process, talismans - even more so.

It is worth mentioning separately about talismans and amulets that play big role in the life of Muslims. The fact is that from the evil eye small children mandatory hang on clothes different variants security amulets. Most often these are sayings from Koran and prayers. However, there are variants of amulets that contain not canonical texts, but different types decorations They are also prohibited by the official religion.

However, all these prohibitions do not interfere with the work of numerous sorcerers and witches. Muslim magic has its roots in Arab magic, which, as you know, is considered one of the most ancient, and is also not divided into black and white.

True, the majority of Muslim rituals that have reached us and are currently practiced “ white" and are represented by spells and rituals for protection, attracting good luck, love and prosperity, for money, health. Of course, there are also love spells, evil eyes and damage.

Stands apart love magic . After all, it is precisely this that women from other religions resort to when they want to attract the attention of a Muslim man. At the same time, if a Muslim decides to bewitch a woman of another religion, he also needs to use Islamic rituals for this.

However, the question arises: will a woman who is not involved in Islam be able to carry out an effective ritual to attract the desired man? After all, a prerequisite for any strong magical tradition is initiation. In this case, everything depends on the strength of love and sincerity of intention.

Rules for conducting Islamic magical rituals

Some ancient sources talk about the rules that the magician had to adhere to in order to perform a successful ritual. Some of them were formed in the Arab world before the advent of Islam. Some are similar to the rules of Western magical traditions, while others are a reflection of religious requirements.

So, first of all, the magician must perform the ritual while in a state of ritual purity. It's about about the cleanliness of the body, thoughts, clothes and the room where the ritual is performed.

An important rule that is relevant for the Arab-Islamic tradition today: Women, regardless of religion, should not perform rituals during menstruation.

Among other prohibitions during the rituals of Muslim magic: refusal of alcohol, tobacco and other “heavier” substances that can change consciousness.

The best time to perform rituals is Friday. Magical actions are repeated from three to seven times, while the person performing them must turn his face to the east (towards Mecca). All spells, regardless of whether they are suras or just spells, are read aloud.

Muslim love spells

For the first conspiracy It is necessary at dawn, standing in a basin, to pour a glass of water over yourself. Then collect this water again in a glass. For the collected water, you need to read the following plot:

Allah commanded to endure! I'm waiting! Allah commanded to love! I'm burning! Allah turned to (name) and told him to wait and suffer! As soon as he drinks the water, he will fulfill the command!

After which, a few drops of charmed water must be added to the victim’s food or drink, while at the same time, for protection, one must read first sura.

Next love spell read while standing on the road that goes as far into the distance as possible. Ideally, if the horizon is visible. You need to come there and read the plot every day until the result appears. While reading, it is important to imagine what is desired the man is walking along this road from afar to the reader.

Bismillahir Rahmonir Rahim. Man Abdehi Allazi Leil Ila Rabbi Aljdamilu Wa Ante Arhamar Rahemin.

Muslim conspiracies for money

Among the Muslim money spells translated into Russian, one of the simplest and most effective spells is considered to be one that does not directly ask for money, but speaks of happiness in the home:

Greetings, O happiness!

Welcome to my home!

Let it rain, oh happiness!

Come, O happiness!

Muslim spells for good luck

Muslim spells for good luck are very popular in Islam, like any rituals that bring success in any religions and esoteric movements.

All good luck spells in Islam are aimed at protecting against the machinations of evil spirits (shaitans and genies), which interfere ordinary people achieve what you want.

The following conspiracy exists in two forms: in Arabic and Russian.

Innaa lil-lyahi wa innaa ilyaihi raaji'uun, allaahumma 'indakya ahtasibu musyybatii fa'jurnii fiihe, wa abdilnii bihee hairan minhe.

Translation into Russian:

Verily, we belong completely to Allah and, verily, we all return to Him. O Lord, before You I will give an account for my understanding and correctness in overcoming this misfortune. Reward me for the patience I have shown and replace the misfortune with something that is better than it.

In addition, the Quran itself contains the following advice: When a person yawns, he must cover his mouth with his hand, otherwise a genie may fly in there, which will take away all the luck from a devout Muslim.

Muslim conspiracies for trade

We all know what it is East market and what importance is given to the art of bargaining there. In the Middle Ages, eastern merchants traveled all over the world. The trader's craft was considered dangerous no matter where he was: at home, trading in the market or traveling to other countries.

It is not surprising that in eastern countries Various Muslim conspiracies for trade are widely used.

All of them are suras from the Koran that must be read aloud before trading. Below we present a few of them.

“Allahumma, barik lahum fi Mikalihim. Wa barik lahum fi Sahihim wa muddihim.”

Option in Russian:

“Oh Allah! Grant prosperity (grace) to the scales and the things that were weighed on them.”

Another conspiracy:

Allahumma, barik li fi Mikaliya. Wa barik li fi Saii wa muddii

Another conspiracy that is read every morning by the merchant before starting work:


“Allah is above everything. There is no deity except Allah, the One, who has no partner, power belongs to Him. Praise be to Him alone. He resurrects and takes life. He is Alive and Immortal. Grace is in His hands. He is Almighty."

Muslim magic, like any other, offers a number of effective rituals. To achieve results, it is important to follow all the rules for conducting rituals, and most importantly, to maintain purity of intention and love in your soul throughout the entire work.

Money plot for Muslims

Any person wants to always have money and to have prosperity in his home; Muslims are no exception in this regard. And just like the Orthodox and people who do not profess any religion, representatives of Islam have their own ways of attracting money to their home.

Since ancient times, there have been special money spells for Muslims; they are passed down from generation to generation in Arabic, the language in which the Koran is written.

The Muslim religion and magic are very closely related. It seems to uninitiated people that Islam is a very strict religion. Actually, that's true.

But bright magical actions have become part of Islam today. For example, when treating, Muslims use not only herbs and water, but also verses of the Koran, Muslim spells and prayers.

There are some magical actions that are permitted by Sharia - reading prayers on water, blowing. It is believed that even the Prophet Muhammad once performed these actions.

There is one more feature of the Muslim religion: conspiracies are very similar to incantatory prayers. Also, Muslim conspiracies are similar to the conspiracies used by Christians.

At the same time, no one cancels the prayers, which Muslims call doga or doha, dua. It is true that as far as prayers are concerned, knowledgeable people emphasize that in Islam there are two types of prayers.

Some are canonical, that is, permitted by Sharia. Others are non-canonical, that is, folk, apocryphal.

Muslims put forward many demands for the use of dogs, that is, spell prayers. So, to get the desired result you should:

  • read the prayer the number of times indicated in the spell. If this data is not specified, then the plot must be read 3-5 times.
  • When reading a conspiracy, you need to look towards the qibla, that is, Masjidul Harama Mecca.
  • pronouncing any incantations is allowed only after ablution.

Unfortunately, not every person who professes Islam can confidently use Arabic. Therefore, conspiracies can be read in Russian translation.

Muslim conspiracy to attract money

Bismillah ir-rahman ir-rahim,

Assәlamү galeykem, ya bakhet-dәүләt!

Әy vә khush kil, ya bәhet-daүlәt!

Koylar belen kil,

Kon koyash kebek tua kilgel,

Yagmur kebek java kilgel,

Kar kebek java kilgel,

Kysh kebek kyshlayu kilgel,

Sәgadәt kabylyn ala kil,

Nigmat kapugyn acha kil,

Rәkhmet nuryn chәchә kil,

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful!

Greetings, O happiness!

Welcome to my home!

Appear like a song, O happiness!

Be born like the day and the sun in the sky, O happiness!

Let it rain, oh happiness!

Come like snow in winter, O happiness!

Come, like the long-awaited winter after autumn, oh happiness!

Bring joy with you, oh happiness!

Open the gates of prosperity, O happiness!

Let the rays of gratitude illuminate everything around!

Come, O happiness!

This money spell for Muslims is read 7 times, preferably at dawn.

Muslim prayers for good luck and monetary abundance

Devout Muslims, like representatives of the Christian world, condemn witchcraft and other manifestations of communication with demons. For this is a sin and, having stained himself and his soul with witchcraft, a Muslim loses all the benefits promised to him in the next unearthly life.

But being creatures of flesh and blood in this world, people, of course, have their own desires. We need to raise children, provide our families with bread and clothing. According to Sharia law, a man is obliged to support his family in abundance, so everyday muslim prayer may include requests for Allah to grant wealth. It is better to ask God for luck and money than to fall for the bait of Shaitan.

In Islam, there is a certain type of prayer that has no less power than conspiracies. They are called ruqya - a Muslim prayer, a request for the fulfillment of a plan.

Their scope of application is very wide. The hands have the power to get rid of diseases of the body and spirit, and cope well with various troubles in life. From them you can draw strength in the fight against the enemy. You can also attract money, prosperity and luck to yourself with the help of a certain hand.

But the main quality of ruqya is that it comes from Allah. By replacing magical spells with ruqyas written by the Prophet, we have the opportunity, by the grace of Allah, to obtain the desired enrichment. Every word of the ruqya is taken from the Qur'an.

Rukya to attract wealth to your home

The order of prayer is determined by the will of Allah for every devout Muslim. IN Holy Quran given instructions for the obligatory performance of namaz - a daily Muslim prayer, the meaning of which is to pronounce the formulas of monotheism and to glorify and exalt Allah.

In the Koran there are no restrictions on words addressed to Allah, glorifying his power and superiority over people, as a supreme being, incomprehensible to human mind. For Ruqya there are no clear formulas and clear canons that must be read. The prayer became a continuation of the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad and later righteous people. For getting material well-being In order to attract good luck and money, it is customary to add rukya spells with a certain text code to those prayers with which Allah is glorified.

The rukya for luck and money is read once. After reading it during prayer, you should give a few coins to the poor in order to return your kindness and mercy back, through the will of Allah.

You should write the words of this ruqya above the entrance to your house. They will become a magnet to lure money and prosperity into your home. They will bring long-awaited prosperity to your family. This ruqya, like a spell, carries a certain formula, an algorithm within itself that gives the inexplicable supreme action, which, however, is not considered sinful according to the teachings of Sharia.

Rukya for a well-fed and rich life

A Muslim woman is traditionally a good housewife, and her whole life is devoted to the home. She rarely has the opportunity to influence the wealth in the family, except to provide reliable rear to my husband. Therefore, there is a rule: being a devout Muslim, it is necessary to strictly follow all the requirements of Sharia, read prayers in order to bring grace, luck and mercy of Allah to the breadwinner husband.

At the same time, women are given wisdom and strength to use spells to enhance the effect of prayers. These are the traditional ruqyas that can be recited for food and drink. They will illuminate the food with the light and blessings of Allah. These spells work well when the dough is rolled out - it seems to absorb good wishes.

“Oh, Great and Mighty Allah, I admire your strength, I humbly bow my head in prayer. Grant us your mercy. Grant prosperity and wealth to our home. Grant health to everyone who lives under our roof. Grant a successful path to those who bring joy to our home. Grant easy income to my husband and master. I rely on the will of Allah Almighty!”

But do not forget, in addition to this use of ruqya, pray earnestly in allotted time. Give praise to the Almighty. And be sure to read Surah Yasin with all the verses. Their great power makes it easier for every believer to obtain wealth.

A powerful ritual for receiving prosperity in a devout Muslim home

To beg Allah for wealth, you can conduct a certain prayer service that can fill your home with money and prosperity. But in return for the desired enrichment, it is necessary to show a degree of loyalty to Allah and show your efforts and endurance.

  • The ritual begins with strict fasting. Only bread and water are allowed for food during whole week. By this you show the degree of your sacrifice and taming of the spirit.
  • Every morning begins with reading the surahs of the Koran. Especially Surah Yasin with the verses. Every day you should add ten times of reading it, starting from the first day with ten readings.
  • Don't forget about the ritual ablution. An unclean person must not touch the sacred Book.
  • After you have fasted and prayed for all seven days, go to the mosque and after the solemn prayer, give alms to the poor.
  • It is viewed favorably by Allah if you benefit a needy family with a donation. Then you will be rewarded back with a shower of gold.

Be sure to end your daily prayer service with the words of ruqya, the formula of which is to attract wealth. These words must be read after you have completed the ceremony, devoting time to reading the ruqya every day.

Amulet to attract wealth and prosperity

In order not to lose luck and always be in abundance, you need to make yourself an amulet that protects you from poverty. The basis of this amulet should be a small piece of paper on which the words ruqya are written, which attract money. This is a transcription Arabic words Russian alphabet.

Write these words on a small piece of paper, fold it and hide it in a leather bag sewn by your wife. Wear it around your neck or in your pocket. But try not to lose it and treat it with care.

The words of this ruqya can be written on sheets of paper and placed in secluded places in your home. They will attract and provide grace in your home, protect you from poverty and begging. It will not be amiss if you say these words during your daily prayer.

  • Important! To use traditional Islamic rituals, you must first be a Muslim. For people of other religions, these recipes will not bring the desired result.

Muslim conspiracies to attract money

Muslims have their own effective conspiracies, helping in difficult situations. After all, a Muslim cannot read orthodox prayers or conspiracies based on appealing to the Slavic gods.

Since ancient times, there have been special Muslim conspiracies for money; they are passed down from generation to generation in Arabic, the language in which the Koran is written. Unfortunately, not every person who professes Islam can confidently use Arabic. Therefore, conspiracies can be read in Russian translation. Basically, in many Muslim countries magic has always been banned.

Features of Muslim conspiracies

For the use of conspiracies in some countries you could pay with your life. But still, magical knowledge is alive in the Muslim world, it helps people improve their lives through an indirect appeal to Allah.

All conspiracies of Islamic peoples are very religious in nature, the verses of the Koran are themselves important magical instrument, because with their help they treat various diseases. Muslim conspiracies can be accompanied by certain actions that the ritual provides for. Some of them involve the use of amulets, which are taken from the Koran.

In Muslim countries, two types of spells and conspiracies are used. Firstly, these are canonical texts that are permitted by Sharia law. Secondly, non-canonical, these are prayers that live among the people, they are in many ways similar to the conspiracies of the Slavs.

Popular Islamic money spell

“In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful! Greetings, O happiness! Welcome to my home! Appear like a song, O happiness! Be born like the day and the sun in the sky, O happiness! Let it rain, oh happiness! Come like snow in winter, O happiness! Come, like the long-awaited winter after autumn, oh happiness! Bring joy with you, oh happiness! Open the gates of prosperity, O happiness! Let the rays of gratitude illuminate everything around! Come, O happiness!”

Below is a Russian transcription of this conspiracy in Arabic. It can be used by those who do not know Arabic, but wants to read the plot only in this version, because he considers it a more reliable way to get money.

“Bismillah ir-rahman ir-rahim, sslam galeikem, ya bhet-dlt! y v hush kil, ya bhet-dlt! Kilr beln kil, ya bhet-dlt! Kn v koyash kebek tua kilgel, ya bhet-dlt! Yagmur kebek yava kilgel, ya bhet-dlt! Kar kebek yava kilgel, ya bhet-dlt! Kysh kebek kyshlayu kilgel, ya bhet-dlt! Sgadt kabalyn ala kil, ya bhet-dlt! Senechlek berl kil, ya bhet-dlt! Nigmt kapugyn acha kil, ya bhet-dlt! Rkhmt nuryn chch kil, ya bhet-dlt!”

To improve wealth

You can write this text on a piece of paper and carry it with you always. With proper faith, it will attract happiness to its owner and help money flow to him like a river.

To achieve the desired result, to attract happiness, prosperity and money, you can perform a week-long ritual. It is believed that one must undergo a strict fast for a week, which involves eating only bread and water, and the water should be cold.

All days of fasting are accompanied by reading Surah Yasin. On the 1st day of fasting it is read 10 times. On the 2nd day - 10 more, that is, 20. So you need to add 10 times daily, and by the end of the fast, read this Surah 70 times a day. We should not forget that the Sura can be read only after ritual ablution. This Sura is a very powerful way to influence fate. When the 7 days are up, you need to donate money either to the needy or to the mosque. If all actions are performed correctly, then in a couple of weeks the first signs of material well-being will appear.

Turning to Muslim conspiracies for money, as a rule, gives a positive result. But what still matters here is the faith of the person himself, his ability to lead a righteous lifestyle, the desire to do good and not wish harm to others.

Dua prayers

Muslims have special prayers, which can be called the word “supplication”. In Islam, prayer is a communal action (namaz). But there are also personal pleas. Which can be understood as a variant of a witchcraft conspiracy. A Muslim can turn to Allah to protect a person from troubles and grant him all good things, including money. The Prophet Muhammad himself noted that prayer is a kind of weapon of a Muslim.

Such a prayer must begin with chanting the Creator, followed by repentance for the sins one has committed. Then they calmly and restrainedly read the prayer words, repeating them 3 times. From the point of view of official religion, such conspiracies can be turned to at any time in life. But there is also a more preferable time. This is the gap between adhan and iqana.

You must say your prayers by bowing to the ground. It is believed that this is the position that brings a Muslim closer to God. You cannot disturb Allah over trifles, so you can pray only when things really need help higher powers. For example, money is urgently needed for treatment, or a wanderer needs help on the way.

To get wealth and money in sufficient quantities, you can use a special magic table. The table should be drawn exclusively from right to left. They are working on it on Thursday. While working on the table, read the Sura. The following words are written on the table:

“Allahumma sali ala saidina.”

It is then rolled up and carried with you as a talisman.

Muslim prayer is designed to connect a person with God and help him in business. A Muslim believer must not only lead a righteous life, but also know prayers that will always help him. Eat special prayers to improve the state of affairs in work, trade, and study. It is advisable to repeat all these prayers as often as possible. Their texts exist in Arabic and Russian; you can use the option that is more convenient.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

    For good luck in work and attracting money

    In order to attract good luck and financial success into your life with the help of prayer, it is recommended to prepare in the following way:

    • Avoid eating meat and sweets for a week. Eat only bread and water. This helps strengthen a person’s spiritual capabilities.
    • Every day you need to read suras from the Koran. It is advisable to repeat them at least 10 times a day.
    • Wash thoroughly before touching the book of prayers.

      The prayer itself to attract money is said once a day. After its completion, it is advised to go out into the street and distribute a certain number of coins to the poor. You need to read the following text of the prayer.

      “Oh happiness, I turn to you in the name of Allah the Merciful! Be the ruler in my home. Be the patron of my family, protect it from troubles and adversities. Become my Sun, give me joy. Create me a paradise on earth. Come to my house, we are waiting I'm looking forward to seeing you!"

      To attract money to your home, you can also read this prayer. She has considerable strength.

      "In the name of Allah, the Ruler of all that exists. O Great Allah, protect me from the damned Shaitan. Give me refuge from grief and anxiety, give me strength, help me overcome debt bondage and humiliation from people. Take me away from what is forbidden. Give me what is required by law. Show me Your mercy and free me from those desires that You did not send.”

      Women read special spells: “O Great Allah, grant us your mercy. Grant us wealth and prosperity. May all my loved ones be healthy. May everyone who brings joy to our home be happy. May my husband and master have good job which will bring us prosperity."

      Dua for good luck in trading

      Many adherents of Islam are interested in prayers that help increase sales and improve their business. To improve trading, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

      • Be pious. The merchant must follow the rules of Islam: fasting, performing prayers, zakat, etc.
      • Honesty. You cannot deceive buyers, only in this case Allah will send prosperity.
      • You need to start work early in the morning. This is the most effective way to fulfill desires. The Prophet Muhammad read the following prayer: “Great Allah, give me blessings in the morning.”
      • A person must be submissive to fate and humbly accept everything that Allah gives him.
      • We must give alms to people who need it. Allah loves generous people.
      • You need to sell those products that benefit people. They contain more grace.
      • It is forbidden to envy those faithful who are doing well in trade. Prayers should be offered for their success.

      If all these rules are observed, a Muslim has a chance to count on his prayer being heard by the Almighty. Here are the texts of prayers that are recommended to be said to increase success in trading:

      • "What Allah willed. There is no power except with Allah."
      • "O Allah, Great Lord! Pay off our debts for us and lead us out of poverty!"
      • “O Only One! O Great One! I call on you through Muhammad, your prophet! I ask you, my Lord, give me and my family food, give me a good inheritance, with the help of which I can pay off my debts and improve my affairs.”

      Dua for good luck in studies

      Many students and schoolchildren are worried about their academic performance and are worried that they will not be able to pass exams. But for a Muslim believer, everything is possible, and with the right mood and reading necessary prayers he will certainly pass everything perfectly. You need to remain calm before the exam. the main objective learning is to earn the pleasure of Allah and serve the glory of Islam .

Muslims have their own effective conspiracies that help in difficult situations. After all, a Muslim cannot read Orthodox prayers or conspiracies based on appeals to Slavic gods.

In this topic:

Since ancient times, there have been special Muslim conspiracies for money; they are passed down from generation to generation in Arabic, the language in which the Koran is written. Unfortunately, not every person who professes Islam can confidently use Arabic. Therefore, conspiracies can be read in Russian translation. In principle, in many Muslim countries magic has always been prohibited.

For the use of conspiracies in some countries you could pay with your life. But still, magical knowledge is alive in the Muslim world, it helps people improve their lives through an indirect appeal to Allah.

All conspiracies of Islamic peoples are very religious in nature; the verses of the Koran are themselves an important magical tool, because with their help they treat various diseases. Muslim conspiracies can be accompanied by certain actions that the ritual provides for. Some of them involve the use of amulets, which are taken from the Koran.

In Muslim countries, two types of spells and conspiracies are used. Firstly, these are canonical texts that are permitted by Sharia law. Secondly, non-canonical, these are prayers that live among the people, they are in many ways similar to the conspiracies of the Slavs.

Popular Islamic money spell

“In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful! Greetings, O happiness! Welcome to my home! Appear like a song, O happiness! Be born like the day and the sun in the sky, O happiness! Let it rain, oh happiness! Come like snow in winter, O happiness! Come, like the long-awaited winter after autumn, oh happiness! Bring joy with you, oh happiness! Open the gates of prosperity, O happiness! Let the rays of gratitude illuminate everything around! Come, O happiness!”

Below is a Russian transcription of this conspiracy in Arabic. It can be used by those who do not know Arabic, but want to read the plot only in this version, because they consider it a more reliable way to get money.

“Bismillah ir-rahman ir-rahim, sslam galeikem, ya bhet-dlt! y v hush kil, ya bhet-dlt! Kilr beln kil, ya bhet-dlt! Kn v koyash kebek tua kilgel, ya bhet-dlt! Yagmur kebek yava kilgel, ya bhet-dlt! Kar kebek yava kilgel, ya bhet-dlt! Kysh kebek kyshlayu kilgel, ya bhet-dlt! Sgadt kabalyn ala kil, ya bhet-dlt! Senechlek berl kil, ya bhet-dlt! Nigmt kapugyn acha kil, ya bhet-dlt! Rkhmt nuryn chch kil, ya bhet-dlt!”

You can write this text on a piece of paper and carry it with you always. With proper faith, it will attract happiness to its owner and help money flow to him like a river.

This plot is based on a direct appeal to happiness; the reader of the plot calls him to the house in the name of Allah. This plot can be invoked at dawn. This period of time, just like in the Christian world, has the symbolism of the beginning of everything new and good. You need to pronounce the words 7 times.

To achieve the desired result, to attract happiness, prosperity and money, you can perform a week-long ritual. It is believed that one must undergo a strict fast for a week, which involves eating only bread and water, and the water should be cold.

All days of fasting are accompanied by reading Surah Yasin. On the 1st day of fasting it is read 10 times. On the 2nd day - 10 more, that is, 20. So you need to add 10 times daily, and by the end of the fast, read this Surah 70 times a day. We should not forget that the Sura can be read only after ritual ablution. This Sura is a very powerful way to influence fate. When the 7 days are up, you need to donate money either to the needy or to the mosque. If all actions are performed correctly, then in a couple of weeks the first signs of material well-being will appear.

Turning to Muslim conspiracies for money, as a rule, gives a positive result. But what still matters here is the faith of the person himself, his ability to lead a righteous lifestyle, the desire to do good and not wish harm to others.

Dua prayers

Muslims have special prayers, which can be called the word “supplication”. In Islam, prayer is a communal action (namaz). But there are also personal pleas. Which can be understood as a variant of a witchcraft conspiracy. A Muslim can turn to Allah to protect a person from troubles and grant him all good things, including money. The Prophet Muhammad himself noted that prayer is a kind of weapon of a Muslim.

Such a prayer must begin with chanting the Creator, followed by repentance for the sins one has committed. Then they calmly and restrainedly read the prayer words, repeating them 3 times. From the point of view of official religion, such conspiracies can be turned to at any time in life. But there is also a more preferable time. This is the gap between adhan and iqana.

You must say your prayers by bowing to the ground. It is believed that this is the position that brings a Muslim closer to God. You cannot disturb Allah over trifles, so you can pray only when things really need the help of higher powers. For example, money is urgently needed for treatment, or a wanderer needs help on the way.

To get wealth and money in sufficient quantities, you can use a special magic table. The table should be drawn exclusively from right to left. They are working on it on Thursday. While working on the table, read the Sura. The following words are written on the table:

“Allahumma sali ala saidina.”

It is then rolled up and carried with you as a talisman.

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