Home Useful tips What kind of water to pour in buckwheat when cooking. How to cook buckwheat porridge. Secrets and subtleties of preparing buckwheat porridge. Why cover with a towel?

What kind of water to pour in buckwheat when cooking. How to cook buckwheat porridge. Secrets and subtleties of preparing buckwheat porridge. Why cover with a towel?

Hello, Dear friends and our readers. Today I would like to continue our current topic about healthy and healthy eating. And I’m going to talk to you about the benefits of such a wonderful, I’m not afraid of this word, cereal, like buckwheat. I hope, dear readers, that this delicious dish, like mine, is a frequent guest on your table. And for those readers who are still skeptical about buckwheat, I want to tell you how to cook buckwheat in water in a saucepan so that it is tasty and crumbly. You will also learn how to diversify it with vegetables and other available ingredients.

Buckwheat porridge prepared in the classic way

The advantage of buckwheat is that it is quite easy to prepare, so it can become a quick and light breakfast. By the way, I advise you to pamper your loved ones with such a healthy and low-calorie food at least once or twice a week instead of the usual sandwiches or pancakes.

We will need:

  • buckwheat – 200 grams;
  • filtered water – 400 milligrams;
  • a pinch of salt.

How to cook:

  1. First, our grains must be carefully sorted from black, unrefined grains and other debris.
  2. We wash the sorted buckwheat several times with running water. I usually use a fine sieve for this purpose.
  3. After we have washed the cereal, pour it into a saucepan or stewpan. We take the same glass that we used for buckwheat and pour exactly 400 milligrams of clean filtered water into the saucepan.
  4. Place our pan on medium heat and cook for 20-25 minutes from the moment it boils.

Our dietary and healthy breakfast ready.

For even greater benefits, I advise you to season the porridge not with butter, but with high-quality olive oil.

Cooking buckwheat in boiling water

I usually cook this cereal according to the classic recipe, pouring it clean before cooking cold water. But mine close girlfriend He always makes this porridge by pouring buckwheat into boiling water, and claims that this way it turns out more crumbly and appetizing.

We will need:

  • high-quality buckwheat – 1 cup;
  • water – 2 glasses;
  • a few drops olive oil and a pinch of salt.

How to cook:

  1. As usual, we sort out the cereal from debris and rinse thoroughly in several waters.
  2. Boil two glasses of liquid in a saucepan or saucepan, adding salt and olive oil.
  3. Gradually pour the cereal into boiling water, stirring thoroughly. How long does it take to cook? Depends on what kind of fire we will do it on. If on strong, then 10-15 minutes will be enough, on slow – 20-25 minutes.

As you can see, dear girls, there is not much difference between cooking buckwheat in cold or boiling water, so you can choose the method that you prefer.

Buckwheat porridge without cooking

This cereal can be prepared without heat treatment. Don't believe me? Completely in vain! The main thing here is to know the correct ratio of products, and I assure you that in the morning you will feed the whole family a quick breakfast without any hassle in the kitchen.

We will need:

  • buckwheat – 200 grams;
  • boiled cold water – 200 milligrams;
  • boiled hot water – 200 milligrams;
  • a small pinch of salt (you can do without it).

How to cook:

  1. As usual, we sort out the buckwheat from debris and husks and rinse it several times with clean water.
  2. Pour the cereal into a deep bowl and fill it with cold water, which we first boil, cover with a lid and leave for the whole night.
  3. In the morning, drain the excess liquid (if there is any left), again pour a glass of hot boiled liquid, cover with a lid and wrap in thick terry towel. We wait 10-15 minutes and serve the porridge prepared in this simple way to the table.

Alternatively, you can not wrap the buckwheat in a towel, but after pouring water over it a second time, bring it to a boil, immediately remove from the heat and leave to swell for another 5 minutes.

This dish retains all its beneficial properties, the porridge is nutritious and dietary, it is even recommended for people suffering from diabetes.

Watch a video on how to cook buckwheat with kefir:

Recipe for viscous buckwheat porridge

When I came to visit my grandmother, she always treated me to buckwheat porridge. It was not crumbly, but a little viscous, reminiscent of oatmeal. Sometimes I cook this dish to relive those happy childhood memories. True, I cook buckwheat not with milk, but with water, so that it is more dietary and low-calorie.

We will need:

  • buckwheat – 1 cup;
  • clean filtered water – 4 glasses;
  • A little vegetable oil and salt.

How to cook:

  1. Pour the sorted and washed cereal into a saucepan or saucepan.
  2. Pour all 400 milligrams of water into it. To make the porridge viscous, we take liquid in a ratio of 1:4, that is, twice as much as in classic recipe.
  3. Place the pan with cereal on small fire and cook it for approximately 40-45 minutes. Before serving, add oil.

Alternatively, this dish can be cooked in the oven; it will be richer and more flavorful.

Check out the information about.

Royal dish

Don't be surprised by such a pretentious name. After all, buckwheat prepared in this way was served back in Ancient Rus' at royal feasts and banquets. In those days, this dish was especially popular. I offer you, dear girls, step by step recipe preparing such royal porridge at home. I assure you, this dish has every chance of becoming the star of the holiday table!

We will need:

  • high-quality buckwheat – 400 grams;
  • pure filtered water – 400-450 milligrams;
  • dried mushrooms (you can take both fresh and pickled) – 200 grams;
  • small onions - 2 pieces;
  • carrot fruits – 2 pieces;
  • pickled corn – 100-150 grams;
  • any vegetable or butter(I recommend olive) – 100 milligrams;
  • spices with mushroom aroma, ground black pepper, salt.


A porridge loved by nutritionists, a traditional side dish familiar from childhood - buckwheat, buckwheat, buckwheat. The mountainous regions of India and Nepal are considered the birthplace of this unique culture.

Buckwheat- a record holder for the content of vitamins and minerals, but it is important to take into account the rules for preparing the product to preserve useful elements.

Buckwheat is sold in the form of whole kernels - kernels, chopped - prodel, in the form of smoothed grains peeled from the shell - Smolenskaya, is gaining popularity green buckwheat- unroasted raw grains.

From each type of buckwheat you can prepare healthy and delicious dishes.

Useful properties of cereals

  • improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, normalizes cholesterol levels, vascular elasticity;
  • removes excess fluid, relieves swelling, restores the functions of the excretory system;
  • green buckwheat is a natural antioxidant, removes toxins, free radicals, recommended for radiation sickness;
  • helps restore the body's reproductive abilities, the presence folic acid is crucial in the first trimester of pregnancy for the normal course of gestation, as well as fetal development;
  • has a general strengthening, immunomodulatory effect;
  • reduces weight, stimulates metabolic processes;
  • restores energy potential after severe, protracted illnesses.

Energy value - 100 g of dry buckwheat contains 310 kcal; during cooking, the calorie content decreases, and in 100 g of finished porridge it is already 110 kcal. It is recommended to consume it 2-3 times a week for breakfast or lunch; before 15:00, all useful elements are absorbed, and carbohydrates do not have time to turn into fat deposits.

Dishes made from buckwheat (preference for green) are recommended for people with infectious diseases, pathologies of the heart, blood vessels, with diabetes mellitus, in case of malfunction of the kidneys, liver, obesity. The absence of gluten allows it to be included in the gluten-free diet menu. Positive influence Buckwheat also has an effect on the nervous system, improves cognitive abilities, and increases resistance to stress.


The only contraindication can be excessive consumption, which should be limited to 2 times a week for pregnant women and patients with diseases of the digestive tract. Balanced diet also excludes a mono-diet, the basis of which is cereal.

How to cook buckwheat correctly

Buckwheat dishes will turn out tasty and nutritious if you follow the cooking technology. Preserving the healing qualities of cereals is not difficult; you need to know some cooking features.

How to cook buckwheat:

  1. To prepare 1 serving you will need 1/3 cup of cereal; you need to select particles of plant debris from the kernels.
  2. Rinse the cereal thoroughly under running water 2-3 times, it is important that the water is clear and free of impurities.
  3. Place the kernels in a thick-bottomed saucepan and add 2/3 cups of water. If 100 gr. measured using scales, the liquid will need 2 times more.
  4. As soon as the water boils, remove the resulting foam with a slotted spoon, add salt, cook over medium heat under a closed lid for another 12-20 minutes, on average the whole process takes no more than 25 minutes.
  5. Buckwheat in bags does not need to be sorted and washed, pour 1.5 liters of water into the pan, wait for it to boil, add some salt, lower the bag, cook for 18-20 minutes, then place in a colander as soon as excess liquid drips, you can cut the bag and enjoy the excellent taste.
  6. Store the finished dish in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days, at a temperature of 2°C - 4°C, in a tightly sealed container; if the porridge is cooked in milk and other ingredients are added - honey, butter, meat, herbs - the period is reduced to a day.

How long to cook buckwheat for garnish

Preparing a salad base or side dish is very simple. To ensure that the cereal remains crumbly and retains vitamins and minerals, you need to follow the step-by-step instructions.

How to quickly cook buckwheat

A simple recipe for buckwheat porridge

A distinctive feature of the porridge is its looser consistency. Goes well with mushrooms, meat, milk, suitable for dietary nutrition, as well as for the treatment and prevention of anemia.

  • after the cereal is washed and dried, pour it with milk or water, the proportions are the same as in the classic recipe; if you want to make it more viscous, you need to add another 50 ml of water;
  • As soon as the liquid boils, remove the foam with a slotted spoon, reduce the heat to low and cook with the lid closed;
  • After 20 minutes, check readiness: when completely evaporated, the porridge should slightly stick to the bottom;
  • if there is still liquid left, you need to turn off the stove, cover with a lid and wait another 15 minutes until the kernels absorb moisture and open all their taste qualities;
  • Add butter and chopped herbs to the prepared porridge.

Watch the video on how to prepare the very popular dish “Buckwheat in the Merchant’s Style”

Popular options for cooking buckwheat

There are many cooking methods traditional dish. The variety of recipes allows you to create a culinary masterpiece while preserving everything useful qualities plant product.

On the water

Proportions: 1 part cereal to 2 parts cold water, adding a pinch of salt, cook under a closed lid for up to 20 minutes, you can season with oil, honey, dried fruits;

With milk

There are 2 ways to cook with milk. In the first case, the dish is cooked over low heat for half an hour, in the second, the porridge is cooked in water for the first 20 minutes, and boiling milk is added 10 minutes before turning off.

After cooking, you can shade the taste with both sugar and salt.

Diet porridge

Does not require cooking, cooking begins in the evening, after clearing of debris and rinsing under running water, the cereal is poured with hot liquid in standard proportions, covered with a lid, wrapped in a towel, and by morning the porridge is ready;

To prepare crumbly buckwheat, after the water boils, add the cereal to the pan, reduce the heat and cook for 10-15 minutes without opening the lid, then remove from the stove and wrap it in a towel, after 40 minutes the crumbly porridge is ready;

Liquid buckwheat porridge

Basis baby food is liquid buckwheat porridge . To prepare it for 20 gr. purified, washed, dried cereal will require half a glass of water, the same amount of milk, 5 grams. butter, sugar to taste - but not more than 10 grams.

Pour water over the cereal, cook over low heat for half an hour, when evaporating, add liquid to the desired volume, add hot milk, cook for another 15 minutes, remove from heat, add butter and sweeten.

Porridge for babies

Pure premium grains need to be ground in a coffee grinder into flour, 1 teaspoon requires 100 ml of water, pour the resulting buckwheat powder with liquid, cook over low heat for 10 minutes, stirring constantly.

A six-month-old baby can be cooked with milk, the proportions are 1 tsp. buckwheat flour, 50 ml low-fat milk, 50 ml water; closer to a year, gradually add a pinch of sugar, 5 ml of baby milk cream.

How to cook buckwheat

Today you can use new ways to prepare your favorite porridge, preserving all the valuable elements in it.

In a saucepan

The pan should be selected with a sufficiently thick bottom; the lid should be closed during cooking, this allows you to reduce the cooking time and avoid burning, cooking time is 15-20 minutes;

In the microwave

Pour the cereal into a special bowl, add water, observing classic proportions, cover with a lid and put in the microwave. Set the mode to boiling, after the beep, stir, cover and cook for 4 minutes.

Repeat the process again - open, stir, close and cook for 4 minutes, check for the absence of water and the opening of the kernel, if liquid remains at the bottom, send for an additional 2 minutes, add salt, add oil;

In a steamer

100 gr. pour the cereals into a container for rice, 120 ml of water is required, set it on the lower level of the steamer, turn on the timer for 40 minutes, after the beep, take out the finished dish;

In a slow cooker

It is prepared very simply, for 1 cup of cereal, take 2 cups of water, fill the multicooker pan, add salt, select the “Porridge” mode, wait for the sound signal that the porridge is ready.

Cooking features

For each dish there are subtleties of preparation:

  1. For side dishes, medium-density grains are allowed; cooking time should not exceed 20 minutes.
  2. For salads, it is preferable to pour boiling water over the kernels and cook for no more than 7-10 minutes.
  3. For cutlets, buckwheat, casseroles, the cereal is steamed for half an hour, then combined with other ingredients and heat-treated.

To obtain the desired result, it is worth considering the subtleties of preparing cereals:

  • for crumbly porridge you will need a cauldron with a thick bottom, as well as the correct ratio: 1 part cereal, 2 parts water or milk;
  • to speed up the cooking process, it is better to pour the cereal with boiling liquid rather than cold;
  • Green buckwheat cooks faster than brown buckwheat; after boiling, 10-15 minutes are enough until the dish is ready.

Typical cooking mistakes

Overcooked, burnt porridge can result if you do not take into account the following features:

  • The choice of the right cookware is important - a cast iron or glass pan with a thick bottom; it is not recommended to cook in an enamel one;
  • It is better to add oil to an already prepared dish;
  • after boiling, be sure to remove the foam, otherwise it will settle as a brown coating on the cereal;
  • if the water ratio, as well as the time, is exceeded - more than half an hour, the porridge will stick together, boil over, and the calorie content will also increase to 150 kcal per 100 grams;
  • Pre-frying the cereal in a hot frying pan will help make it crumbly and improve its taste.

Healthy, delicious buckwheat dishes will decorate the table, providing the body with additional valuable vitamins and minerals.

Everyone's favorite buckwheat can be cooked in many ways, not just traditionally boiled in a saucepan. How to diversify your buckwheat menu and how to cook it quickly and tasty - this is what the article will discuss.

Without a doubt, she can be called the queen of porridges buckwheat for its nutritional value, rich vitamin and microelement composition, as well as impeccable taste, which each of us knows since distant childhood.

Everyone knows about the benefits of buckwheat, but about how to cook it correctly, few people know about the many ways of this process. We will look at all the ways to prepare buckwheat porridge in this article.

How to cook buckwheat correctly: in hot or cold water?

Traditionally, almost everyone cooks buckwheat throwing it into boiling water, without even thinking about whether it is correct to prepare this product this way. In fact, it is more correct to cook buckwheat in a completely different way, which was actively used in ancient times by our ancestors.

You can cook buckwheat in both cold and hot water

Turns out, if you pour buckwheat with cold water and put it on the stove to cook, then it will cook faster, it will be softer and more tender. But it’s not worth saying that it’s wrong to throw buckwheat into boiling water - this is just another way of preparing it, in which the resulting the porridge will be more crumbly.

Video: How to cook buckwheat correctly?

How to cook buckwheat in a saucepan, proportions?

If you decide to cook buckwheat, then for this simple undertaking you only need to know the correct ratio of water and cereals. Of course, it is impossible to say unequivocally, with scientific accuracy, how much water is required to boil a glass of buckwheat, since Various factors need to be taken into account:

  • Will the porridge cook under the lid or not?
  • what will be the strength of the fire on the stove
  • cereal will be thrown into cold or boiling water

It is best to cook buckwheat in a cast iron pot, but if you don’t have one, then a regular pan will do.

Nevertheless approximate proportion, which can be adjusted in the future, is considered ratio 1:3 when they take it to prepare porridge 1 cup buckwheat And 3 glasses of water.

If a glass of porridge is not enough for a family, then, while maintaining the proportion, the amount of cereal can be increased, not forgetting that for 2 glasses of buckwheat you will already need 6 glasses of water.

2 cups of buckwheat require 6 cups of water

It is also important to consider what kind of buckwheat is available, if it too light, then you need to fry it a little in a frying pan without oil.

Before preparing porridge, you must carefully sort through the cereal to remove from it all foreign inclusions, such as pebbles, dry stems, grains of other crops and chaff.

After this buckwheat washed under running water, This removes fine dirt. In order to wash the cereal well, you can also soak for 20 minutes V warm water, then massage and rub with your hands.

After this you can proceed directly for cooking porridge. If you want soft and boiled porridge, then you need to pour it into the pan and pour cold water in the required proportion, then place on the stove and cook until the water has completely evaporated.

If you prefer crumbly buckwheat, then the washed porridge should be thrown into boiling salted water. When the water with buckwheat boils, you can reduce the heat and cover the saucepan with a lid.

Ready buckwheat porridge usually add butter

After finishing cooking the porridge add to it to taste butter, sugar, cream, prepare meat gravy or season with stew.

How to cook buckwheat in the microwave?

You can quickly and quite simply use buckwheat cook in the microwave. This method will not only be an excellent opportunity to prepare crumbly porridge at home, but also to figure out delicious lunch right at work during lunch break!

Although preparing delicious porridge in the microwave is not difficult, you still need to follow some rules so that an unforeseen situation does not happen when instead delicious porridge You will end up with undercooked cereal.

Microwave - great helper for cooking buckwheat

When preparing buckwheat porridge in the microwave, do not forget:

  • for porridge you need to take a deep bowl, and fill it with buckwheat by a third, because the porridge will increase significantly in volume during cooking
  • proportion for this cooking method - 1 serving of cereal and 2 servings of water
  • Before you add water to the cereal, you should boil it
  • water for porridge add some salt or add salt to already prepared porridge
  • to prepare porridge you need to select maximum power microwaves

If you set the porridge to cook on high 600 W, then for complete cooking you will need 8 minutes.

If the buckwheat is steamed, then it will take less time to cook

To cook porridge in the microwave you will need minimum set of products which everyone has:

  • buckwheat
  • salt (or sugar)
  • butter

If the porridge is according to the suggested recipe it turned out a bit dry and not enough steamed, then you can add a little more water and put it for a few minutes in the microwave. After the buckwheat is completely ready, you can add butter, salt to taste or sugar.

Video: Buckwheat in 15 minutes. Microwave recipe

How to cook buckwheat in a double boiler?

Double boiler- a faithful and reliable assistant to any housewife who will help prepare healthy, tasty, juicy food that retains maximum nutrients.

And since buckwheat is one of the most dietary grains and incredibly healthy, it is not surprising that cooking buckwheat in a double boiler will create a tasty and healthy dinner for the whole family.

You can also cook buckwheat in a double boiler.

For delicious porridge from a steamer you need to take water and cereal in a one to one ratio. As a rule, to prepare buckwheat it is enough 30-35 minutes. The cooking process itself is very simple:

  1. Select foreign impurities from buckwheat and rinse it thoroughly
    2. Add the required proportion of water to the water tank, but not less than the minimum mark, otherwise instead of delicious buckwheat porridge you will end up with a burnt steamer
    3. Place buckwheat in the food compartment and set the timer for the required time

Crumbly steamed buckwheat is perfect for breakfast

Once ready, buckwheat can be transferred to a pan and seasoned with oil, stew, and fried vegetables.

How to cook buckwheat in a slow cooker?

Cooking buckwheat in a multicooker will be elementary if your device has porridge mode or even special for buckwheat. In this case, it is enough to put the buckwheat in the multicooker, fill it with water, set desired mode and go about your business until the smart kitchen appliance “tells” you that cooking is complete. If There is no porridge mode in the multicooker, then many people have a logical question: how to cook buckwheat in this case?

Buckwheat porridge in a slow cooker

First of all, you need to take into account that to prepare porridge you need constantly boiling water throughout the entire cooking process. It means that temperature regime should be in the slow cooker not less than 100°.

In a slow cooker, the porridge turns out especially tender

On average, to cook buckwheat it takes 30-50 minutes. If we take into account all the specified parameters, then the optimal solution for preparing delicious porridge will be any of the following multicooker modes:

  • "Bakery"
  • "Steam"
  • "Arbitrary"

Ready porridge can be decorated with greenery

To prepare porridge in one of these modes, you need to place buckwheat and water in the multicooker. in a ratio of 1:2, as well as half a teaspoon of salt. Set the mode with the required temperature and time and wait until the dish is cooked.

Important: when cooking buckwheat in a multicooker, do not open its lid until it is completely cooked.

How to cook buckwheat with milk?

Enjoy buckwheat porridge with milk Not only children, but also adults love it, and preparing it is as easy as shelling pears. The resulting product is useful and is a dietary option (if you choose low fat milk), is pleasant to the taste and is perfectly absorbed by the body.

Porridge with milk - a product from childhood

To prepare buckwheat with milk you need to thoroughly sort out the buckwheat and rinse. After this, the cereal is completely ready for cooking, which includes next steps:

  1. Measure out water, milk and buckwheat in a ratio of 1:1:1
    2. Pour water into the pan and bring to a boil
    3. Into boiling water throw the cereal and cook covered until the liquid has completely evaporated
    4. Pour into the pan with buckwheat milk, stirring, bring to a boil over low heat
    5.After 10 minutes Cooking buckwheat can be turned off and infuse under the lid within 15 minutes

The consistency of buckwheat with milk can be very different and even more like milk soup

Into the finished porridge you can add sugar, jam, a few tablespoons of condensed milk or honey - it all depends on your preferences.

How to cook buckwheat in bags?

Modern buckwheat producers have found a way to save useful material buckwheat When cooking, speed up its cooking and leave the dishes clean after cooking.

All this is possible thanks to buckwheat in bags, which recently appeared on supermarket shelves. Many people accepted the know-how with a bang, but still didn’t understand it How to properly cook packaged porridge.

Buckwheat in bags

Cooking buckwheat in a bag is much easier than plain buckwheat. To do this, you just need to place a large pan on the stove. with 1.5 liters of water and salt it a little. When it boils, place it in water bag of porridge(or several) and cook for 15-20 minutes.

After cooking, remove the porridge from the bags and arrange it in portions

After this time, the bags must be removed from the boiling water and place in a colander to allow excess water to drain. After this, the bag is steamed with a knife, butter is added and the aromatic porridge is ready to eat.

How to cook buckwheat for complementary feeding?

One of the most suitable porridges for the first feeding, undoubtedly, is buckwheat. She is like a source nutrients, will become simply indispensable for the full growth and development of the baby. Preparing buckwheat for a baby’s diet has its own characteristics that a young mother should know.

Most babies love buckwheat porridge.

Buckwheat for a child can be prepared based on:

  • milk
  • breast milk

If the child is not allergic and you have already tried the usual in his diet cow's milk low fat content, then you can safely cook porridge from it. In the event that you do not want to start complementary feeding from dishes, containing cow's milk, then you can use the mother’s expressed milk or just special baby water that you use to feed the baby.

The finished porridge is whipped in a blender

As for buckwheat, it can be boiled whole kernels or pre-ground in a coffee maker. Do not forget that if you cooked unprocessed buckwheat, then after finishing cooking the porridge should be blend with a blender until smooth (the consistency should be of medium thickness so that the baby can easily swallow the porridge in this form).

Very important: for the first feeding in porridge absolutely not recommended add salt and sugar!

How to cook crumbly buckwheat for a side dish?

To make buckwheat porridge fragrant and crumbly, you need cook it properly. The first rule on the path to perfect porridge is The correct proportion of cereal and water is 1:2. If there is more water, the buckwheat will be too soft and viscous, which not everyone likes.

Buckwheat is an excellent side dish

It is also important that buckwheat should be put in cold water and so put it on fire. After the water boils, add some salt, reduce the heat and cover the pan tightly with a lid. So the porridge should simmer for 20 minutes.

Buckwheat goes well with meat, stew and vegetables

The preparation does not end there - the buckwheat must be “wrapped” and let stand for 15-20 minutes after removing from the stove. After steaming, the porridge will become crumbly and at the same time tender. And, of course, we should not forget that You can't spoil porridge with butter- generously season the buckwheat with butter and, before it has time to cool, serve the aromatic side dish on the table.

Video: Buckwheat porridge is the best side dish!

Buckwheat porridge is one of the healthiest, most satisfying and affordable dishes. To cook delicious and crumbly porridge, you need to remember a simple recipe and learn a few secrets.

To cook good porridge, you need to choose the right cereal. When buying buckwheat in a store, pay attention to the integrity of the grains - there should not be any cracked or crushed ones among them; also, do not buy porridge with big amount“garbage” - pebbles, twigs, admixtures of other grains.
Manufacturers assure that their grains do not need to be sorted and washed. However, we highly recommend doing this anyway. Sort through the buckwheat, remove the grains in the hard black shell, and then rinse in water.

You can start cooking the washed buckwheat right away, or you can pre-heat it in a frying pan. To do this, place wet buckwheat in a heated frying pan and, without reducing the heat, heat the grain for 3-4 minutes. This technique will not affect the taste of the porridge at all, but the aroma ready-made dish will improve significantly.

You need to boil salted water in a saucepan in advance. Take water at the rate of 1 part cereal to 2 parts water. Pour the cereal into boiling water and bring it to a boil over high heat. After boiling, dirty foam may rise to the surface - skim it off with a spoon. Add 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil (odorless!) to boiling water.

Next, reduce the heat and, without covering with a lid, cook the cereal for 8-10 minutes. Watch the cereal: if you see that there is still clearly a lot of water, keep it on the stove for an additional 1-3 minutes. After turning off the heat under the pan, add butter to the porridge and cover it with a lid.

If you are short on time, then, in principle, you can already eat this porridge, but if you additionally “tire” it, the porridge will turn out more tender, more aromatic and much tastier. To do this, wrap the pan first in 3-4 layers of newspapers, and then in woolen items (scarves, sweaters, blankets). Leave your package in a warm place for an hour, then open the lid and enjoy the wonderful aroma of buckwheat.

One of the secrets of successful buckwheat is the use of thick-walled cookware when cooking, ideally cast iron cauldrons. This will allow the grains to heat through and cook evenly. Secret number two - do not stir the cereal while cooking! Due to immobility, all grains absorb water equally and cook equally.

Buckwheat porridge is a satisfying, healthy and affordable dish. However, in order to prepare crumbly and rich in flavor buckwheat, you need to take into account several important points. And first, understand what kind of water to put the buckwheat in - boiling or cold. You will receive detailed answers to this and many other questions regarding cooking buckwheat in our article.

Buckwheat is not only tasty, but also rich in beneficial compounds, and dietary fiber. It nourishes the body and cleanses the intestines. This is the only cereal containing choline, a vitamin responsible for the functioning of the central nervous system. nervous system and brain.

Reference. Buckwheat kernels contain polyunsaturated fats, which improve metabolism and lower blood cholesterol levels. The cereal contains flavonoids quercetin, orientin, vitexin, isovitexin, which prevent the development of cancer cells.

TO beneficial properties product also worth mentioning:

  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • strengthening the heart muscle and blood vessels;
  • eliminating the risk of developing varicose veins.

Due to its high magnesium content, buckwheat acts as a natural antidepressant.

How to cook buckwheat correctly

To make the porridge tasty and crumbly, you need to choose high-quality cereals, decide on the choice of dishes and the sequence of actions.

Dishes with a thick bottom will be the most suitable option. She will provide optimal quantity couple responsible for preparing porridge.

To speed up the process, buckwheat is soaked for a couple of hours before cooking. By absorbing water, the cereal will cook much faster.

The correct ratio of buckwheat to water is another important aspect. If there is a lot of liquid, the dish will look like soup, not porridge. If there is not enough water, it will boil away and the cereal will burn. One glass of buckwheat to one and a half glasses of water is the optimal ratio, which achieves the best result.

The cereal is added only after the liquid has boiled. Even if the buckwheat has been pre-soaked, when immersed in cold water the kernels will become limp, which will negatively affect the friability. When the cereal is in boiling water, reduce the temperature to a minimum and cover the container with a lid.

Maintain uniform boiling intensity. Buckwheat should not boil, but only simmer slightly. The average cooking time with this approach will be 20 minutes. When the porridge has absorbed all the water and looks crumbly, it’s time to finish cooking. During cooking, do not open the lid and stir the contents of the pan. Steam passages should form on their own in the porridge, which affect the friability of the buckwheat.

After finishing cooking, you can let the porridge “finish”. To do this, wrap the dishes in a towel or blanket and leave for half an hour - the taste of the dish improves noticeably.

Features of steamed buckwheat

Heat treatment has a positive effect on the taste of the dish, but has a destructive effect on the food contained in it. Buckwheat is no exception.

Instead of boiling water, you can use warm or even cool water. However, keep in mind that in this case the grains will be denser and more elastic after infusion.

Buckwheat is soaked not only in water, but also in fermented milk products, for example, kefir. This improves digestion and enriches the body with vitamins. Kefir should be room temperature. They pour it over washed buckwheat in a 1:1 ratio. After a few hours, this buckwheat can be eaten.

The duration of infusion depends on the quality of the products, conditions environment and taste preferences.

To ensure that the cereal fully reveals its taste, and the resulting dish is enjoyable, follow these simple recommendations:

  1. It is better to ignite the cereal before cooking. This is done in a dry frying pan, without oil. This buckwheat will have a richer and brighter taste.
  2. Choose a lid according to the size of the pan: it should fit snugly. During cooking, do not remove the lid and do not stir the porridge.
  3. After the cereal has absorbed all the moisture, the cooking temperature is reduced. If, after cooking, you let the porridge stand with the lid closed, the taste of the dish will improve.
  4. It turns out nourishing and tasty if you add finely chopped raw onion during the cooking process. It is thrown into the pan 10 minutes after the start of cooking, after which the container is closed with a lid. You can also add dry mushrooms after chopping them first.

Advice. You can saturate the taste of porridge with fried onions, chopped boiled egg and oil. It is best to introduce additives while the porridge is curing. Then leave it for another 5 minutes to soak in the smell.


Adhering to the simple rules indicated above, from ordinary buckwheat you will prepare an exquisite and unusual dish. With regular consumption of buckwheat, the intake of vitamins and minerals into the body is ensured.

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