Home Useful Tips What the Volga region borders on. Volga region: natural resources, geographic location, climate

What the Volga region borders on. Volga region: natural resources, geographic location, climate

  • Composition: Astrakhan, Volgograd, Penza, Samara, Saratov, Ulyanovsk regions, republics: Tatarstan and Kalmykia.
  • Main cities: Samara - 1150 thousand people - 1180 thousand people, Volgograd - 1005 thousand people, Saratov, Togliatti, Ulyanovsk, Penza, Astrakhan.

The Volga region is one of the three largest and most developed regions (Center - Ural - Volga region) that make up the economic basis of Russia. In its development, the region has received a lot from these neighbors and occupies an intermediate position between them, both in terms of geography and economic profile. From the Center he adopted traditions, from the Urals he received metal for its development, and on his own oil and gas, hydropower and land resources he created a powerful energy, oil refining and chemical industry and a strong agricultural complex. Today these industries define the specialization of the region. Thus, the development of the region was determined by a favorable combination of a convenient geographical location and significant natural resources.

The geographical "core" of the region is the Volga, which has long connected north and south, west and east. European Russia and opened her way to south seas and the countries of the east. All major cities of the region are located on the Volga. Railways crossing it at several points, they connect with the Urals and the Asian part of the country.

In the 30s, the agrarian Volga region in the past (along with the neighboring Volgo-Vyatka region) became the first region on the way of the shift of industry to the east. More than 300 factories evacuated from the front-line areas during the Second World War were located on its territory. These enterprises became part of the economic complex. The creation of a cascade of hydroelectric power plants on the Volga and the development of the oil and gas Volga-Ural province in the post-war years strengthened the region's energy sector and formed a powerful oil refining, petrochemistry, and organic synthesis industries. In the Volga region, qualified personnel were formed, which, in turn, began to attract here the industries of mass and high-tech mechanical engineering. This is how the production potential of this region gradually increased, which from the agrarian and commercial outskirts of old European Russia turned into one of the basic regions of the Russian economy.

The main branch of industry is mechanical engineering, which provides more than 1/3 of its industrial output and produces transport and military equipment, technological equipment... The leading place is occupied by the automotive industry - the only industry that during the period economic crisis 90s did not experience a strong collapse. The largest automobile plants in the country have been built in the Volga region - Volzhsky (VAZ), which now gives 70% of passenger cars in the country (in Togliatti), Kamsky (KAMAZ) for the production of trucks and diesel engines(in Naberezhnye Chelny), Ulyanovsk (UAZ), a trolleybus plant in Engels, and others. In dozens of cities in the Volga region and other regions there are enterprises that produce parts, equipment, units for these machines.

The Volga region is distinguished by the production of aerospace equipment: planes are built in Kazan, Samara, Saratov, Ulyanovsk, helicopters - in Kazan, missile systems - in Penza and Ulyanovsk. Shipbuilding is developed in Astrakhan and, in which tractors are also produced. Machine tools, instruments, and equipment for the chemical and oil industries are produced in Samara, Volgograd, Saratov, Kazan, Penza, and other cities. Many factories produce military equipment.

The second place in the economy is occupied by the oil and gas chemical complex. The area gave in the 60-70s. more than 60% of the country's oil, now depleted reserves provide it with the second place in oil production in Russia. But the largest in Russia oil refining, petrochemistry, production of polymeric materials and their products - rubber, tires, plastics, fibers and many others - has been created here. In Samara-Syzran, Saratov-Engels, Volgograd-Volzhsky, Nizhnekamsk, Astrakhan, complexes of these interconnected industries have been created.

Among others, the production of basic chemistry (sulfur, salt, soda), cement and other building materials, fur and leather goods, footwear, woolen and cotton fabrics stands out. An important place belongs to the fishing industry, which provides the main catch of sturgeon and other valuable fish in the country (in last years catch of sturgeon is temporarily suspended).

The Volga region is distinguished by its powerful energy industry: large thermal power plants are located in oil refining centers and generate 35 district energy, they are supplemented by the Balakovo nuclear power plant (Saratov region) and the Volga-Kama cascade of 4 large hydroelectric power plants. Energy from here goes to the Center and the Urals.

Agriculture in terms of production is at the level of North. Caucasus. Here, agriculture and animal husbandry are equally represented, each giving 15% of their production from the all-Russian level. Large land areas and fodder resources allow keeping the largest livestock of cattle and sheep in Russia, cultivating winter (in the Right Bank) and spring (in the Volga region) wheat. The Volga region also produces sugar beets, sunflowers, and millet. Melons, tomatoes and other thermophilic vegetables are grown in the lower reaches of the Volga. Around major cities there are complexes for growing poultry, pigs, early vegetables.

The large population of the region was largely formed due to its influx from Central Russia, which contributed to rapid growth cities. And today the Volga region is a region of large cities, among which Samara, Kazan, Volgograd have more than 1 million people, Saratov has approached them, and the number of cities with a population of over 400 thousand people. more than in the "city" - the Central region. The townspeople make up 3/4 of the total population of the district. Density rural population 10-15 people, which is significantly higher than the average Russian level. The population of the Volga region is mainly Russian, but other peoples also live here, incl. Tatars are the titular nation of the Republic of Tatarstan, whose republic occupies the driest, semi-desert region of Russia.

The Volga region, like other regions of Russia, was strongly affected by the economic recession of the 90s. However, in the Samara region. and Tatarstan, where the share of the automotive industry and the oil industry is high, the decline in production was significantly less, and they, while maintaining the profitability of production, became part of the 10-12 regions that provide the main revenues to the Russian budget.

The ecological situation of the Volga region is determined, first of all, by the Volga problems. Divided by dams into a series of reservoirs with a low flow rate, the Volga and its bottom are polluted with compounds of metals, nitrates, oil products, pesticides and other wastes. The number of sturgeon fish due to the construction of dams on the way of their migration and poaching. Contamination exceeds sanitary standards in all large cities Volga region. In such regions as Samara, Volgograd, Astrakhan, Saratov, half of the population lives with constantly increased pollution. Most of the arable land suffers from wind and water erosion caused by continuous plowing of land, strong winds from the Volga region and the hilly relief of the Right Bank. Long-term washout and blowing out of soils led to the loss of half of the soil humus reserves. This requires serious soil protection measures, "mosaic" land use, organic fertilizers etc.

In the future, we can expect a recovery in the production of transport and agricultural equipment with its serial production for different consumers - from individual and small-group to large ones. Shipbuilding can play a special role. In the tradition of the Volga residents - to live next to the river, to enjoy its benefits. This can be helped by the creation of medium and small vessels for sports, fishing, transport and tourism. It is expected the development of communication by vessels "river - sea" between the seas of the European region, in which the Volga will play the main role... Little is produced in the Volga region now household appliances and consumer goods, the tertiary sector is underdeveloped. It's all - possible points growth. In the interests of the Russian economy - the revival of the role of the Volga region as a trade and transport crossroads of Russia, the development of various infrastructure and services for these purposes.

The region, located on the ancient Russian, covered with a thick sedimentary layer, is distinguished by large oil reserves - Romashkinskoe (Tataria) and Mukhanovskoe (Samara region), deposits - Astrakhan, sulfur - Astrakhan and Samara, salt - Lake Elton ( Volgograd region) and Lake Baskunchak (Astrakhan region), cement raw materials - Volsk (Saratov region). The Volga region is rich in fish, agro-climatic, soil and hydropower resources. Only Kalmykia, located in the south of the Volga region, is located in the dry continental () and lacks water resources. At the same time, almost the entire territory of the region is subject to periodic droughts and dry winds.

The population of the Volga region is 15 million people. The average population density is more than 30 people per 1 km2. However, the population of the district is unevenly distributed. The most densely populated are the northern regions (in Tataria, the average density exceeds 55 people per 1 km2), while in the south the density decreases significantly (for example, in Kalmykia, the population density is 4 people per 1 km2). Natural population decline is observed everywhere, the only exception is Kalmykia. In general, the area is dominated by women and the population is aging. The population of the area is characterized by the complexity of the national and. Russians, Tatars, Germans, Kazakhs live in the Volga region. This is the only region of Russia in which representatives of all three live - Christianity (Russians, Germans), Islam (Tatars, Kazakhs) and Buddhism (Kalmyks). There is a high level in the region: 73% of the population of the Volga region lives in cities. There are three millionaire cities in the region: Samara and Volgograd. Other major cities in the Volga region are: Saratov, Astrakhan, Penza, Ulyanovsk, Togliatti, Naberezhnye Chelny.

The most important branches of industrial specialization in the Volga region are the mining industry, electric power industry, aluminum metallurgy, chemical and industry.

The extractive industry of the Volga region is distinguished by the development of the oil (Tataria and Samara region), gas (Saratov and Astrakhan regions) and mining and chemical industries (Astrakhan and Samara regions).

Electricity is one of the critical industries economy of the region, and the Volga region is distinguished by the development of all types, and especially hydropower. The largest hydroelectric power plants in the region are Volgograd and Volzhskaya, TPP - Zainskaya, two nuclear power plants - Balakovskaya and Dimitrovgradskaya.

Ferrous metallurgy of the Volga region is represented only by the processing metallurgy (Volgograd) and the production of pipes ().

The metallurgy of aluminum (Volgograd) is of great importance.

Mechanical engineering is the main branch of industrial specialization of the region, where the automotive industry stands out (about 80% of cars, 99% of trolleybuses, a significant part of trucks and all-terrain vehicles in Russia - Togliatti, Ulyanovsk, Naberezhnye Chelny, Elabuga, Volzhsky, Engels), shipbuilding (Astrakhan, Volgograd, Zelenodolsk), aircraft manufacturing (Samara, Kazan, Ulyanovsk, Saratov), ​​industry (Penza), machine tool building (Samara, Saratov), ​​tractor building (Volgograd), agricultural machine building (Syzran, Kotelnikovo, Frolovo).

It is distinguished by the production of polymers (Samara, Togliatti, Saratov, Balakovo, Volgograd, Volzhsky, Kazan, Nizhnekamsk), oil refining (Samara, Saratov, Volgograd, Novokuibyshevsk) and gas (Saratov), ​​as well as the production of fertilizers (Togliatti and Balakovo).

Among industries light industry The most developed were the textile (Kamyshin) and fur industries (Kazan).

The diversified structure in the Volga region has food industry: groats (Volgograd and Samara), meat (Kazan, Samara, Volgograd), butter (Saratov), ​​confectionery (Samara), fruit and vegetable and fish (Astrakhan).

The defense industry is distinguished by the development of aviation, rocket-space and radio-electronic equipment (Kazan, Ulyanovsk, Samara, Saratov), ​​the production of armored vehicles (Volgograd) and nuclear weapons(Zarechny).

Specialization in the Volga region changes from north to south. Almost everything is occupied by the grain region, specializing in dairy and beef cattle breeding, sheep breeding, pig breeding and poultry farming, the production of wheat, rye, millet, sugar beets, sunflowers, potatoes, and mustard. Branches of specialization are: sheep breeding and beef cattle breeding, rice production, fruit and melon crops.

All types of transport are developed in the Volga region, but the river region plays a special role, transporting about 1/3 of all cargo. The Volga, called "the main street of Russia" and connected with other canals, forms a single deep-water system of the European part of Russia. Major river ports are Kazan, Samara, Saratov, Volgograd, and Astrakhan, located in, is also a seaport. Most of land roads cross the region in a latitudinal direction, linking Russia with Kazakhstan, the Center - with and Siberia.

They export from the Volga region: oil and oil products, natural, salt, electricity, aluminum, cars and trucks, airplanes and helicopters, machine tools, instruments, watches, tractors, rubber, tires, fur, grain, cereals, melons and gourds, canned vegetables and fruit, meat products, fish, wool. From other regions of Russia and from abroad, they import into the region: alumina, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, furs, fabrics, and consumer goods.

The main directions for the development of the economy of the Volga economic region should be: solutions related to pollution, air and water basins, with the depletion of land and fish resources, construction of new irrigation systems, the introduction of the latest energy-intensive, but water- and material-saving industries, the introduction of waste-free technologies, development transport and accurate, solving the problems of conversion and revival, the comprehensive development of the agro-industrial complex.


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Rice. 1. Map of the Volga region ()

In the southeast of the European part of Russia, where the Volga flows, one of the largest economic regions of our country is located on both banks of the river. Volga region(fig. 1). River Volga(Fig. 2) serves as the main area-forming axis of the Volga region.

Rice. 2. Volga River ()

The territory includes two republics: Tatarstan, with the center in the city of Kazan, and Kalmykia, with the center in the city of Elista; six regions: Astrakhan, Volgograd, Saratov, Penza, Ulyanovsk and Samara. The core of the region is the Volga, which is the connecting link of the subjects of the federation that form this economic region. District stretched out from north to south for about 1500 km and is located between two industrial cores: Central Russia and the Urals. In addition, the area borders with the Central Black Earth Region, the North Caucasian, or European South, the Ural, Volgo-Vyatka and Central.

Republic of Tatarstan

Tatarstan situated in the center Russian Federation on the East European Plain, at the confluence of two largest rivers: Volga and Kama. Capital republics - Kazan (Fig. 3).

General square Tatarstan - over 67 thousand km 2. Length territory from north to south - 290 km, and from west to east - 460 km. Borders with foreign states Tatarstan does not. Among the peoples inhabiting Tatarstan, the prevailing number of population- Tatars (more than 53%), in second place - Russians (40%), and in third place - Chuvash (4%) (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Population of Tatarstan ()

Colors state flag republics mean: green - the green of spring, rebirth; white is the color of purity; red - maturity, energy, strength and life (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Flag of Tatarstan ()

Central coat of arms Tatarstan is a winged leopard (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Coat of arms of Tatarstan ()

In ancient times, it is the deity of fertility, the patron saint of children. In the coat of arms of the republic, the leopard is the patron saint of its people.

Volga region located on the East European Plain and the Caspian Lowland, its natural conditions quite diverse and more often favorable for farming (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. The landscape of the Volga region ()

Territory The Volga region covers several physical and geographical zones: forest-steppe ( Northern part district), vast steppe areas (latitude of Syzran and Samara), desert chain ( South part district). The Volga River and the Akhtuba River divide the region into two parts: the high right bank and the lower left bank, the so-called. Trans-Volga region. On the left bank, near the Volga, the area is lowered, the so-called. Low Volga region. To the east, the area begins to rise, forming the High Volga region, or the Trans-Volga region, the southern part of which is called the General Syrt. The right bank, up to Volgograd, is occupied by the Volga Upland, the maximum height of which is 375 m above sea level. The upland is located in the Zhigulevsky Ridge opposite the city of Samara. For most of the territory of the Volga region, it is characteristic that up to the present time a ravine-gully and river network is being formed here. In addition, the slope of the Volga Upland, located along the Volga and washed away by the river, is prone to landslides. On the territory of the Plain-Caspian Lowland, depressions and estuaries are formed, into which melt spring waters flow down. This makes it possible to form more fertile soils and grasses. The floodplain of the Volga-Akhtuba territory is also flooded during floods.

Volgaoriginates on the Valdai Upland at an altitude of 229 m above sea level, flows into to the Caspian Sea, mouth lies 28 m below sea level. The Volga is the world's largest river of internal flow, that is, it does not flow into the World Ocean. It receives about 200 tributaries. Left tributaries- Oka, Sura, etc. - more numerous and more watery than the right, such as Kama, Belaya, etc.

Rice. 8. Volga basin ()

Pool Volga occupies about 1/3 of the European territory of Russia and extends from the Valdai and Central Russian Uplands in the west to the Urals in the east. Volga crosses over several natural areas: forest, forest-steppe, steppe and semi-desert. It is customary to divide the Volga into three parts: The Upper Volga (from the source to the mouth of the Oka), the Middle Volga (from the confluence of the Oka to the mouth of the Kama) and the Lower Volga (from the confluence of the Kama to the mouth). The great Russian river Volga inspired artists, writers, poets, filmmakers (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. I. Aivazovsky "Volga near the Zhiguli mountains" ()

The largest, most pronounced and well-known bend of the Volga River, located in the lower reaches of the Volga between the village of Usolye and the city of Syzran. The territory of the Samara Luka named Luka, because here the Volga makes a bend, bending around the Zhiguli mountains (Fig. 10).

Rice. 10. Samarskaya Luka ()

According to one of the legends, Samarskaya Luka was formed due to the fact that the Volga cheated, cheated: deceived the Zhiguli and fled to the Caspian Sea. The territory of Samara Luka was divided into two parts: National park and Zhigulevsky reserve. Talisman National park chose the fox as the most common and typical animal of the Samara Luka. V folklore the fox is smart, beautiful, cunning, like the Volga, therefore she was chosen as a talisman (Fig. 11).

Also her name was Lukerya Patrikeevna.

Endemic plant species, that is, plants that germinate only in a given territory are hawthorn (Fig. 12) and Tatar scabbard (Fig. 13).

Rice. 12. Volga hawthorn ()

Rice. 13. Tatar barker ()

Most numerous animals- elk (Fig. 14), wild boar, pine marten, badger, mole rat, squirrel, fox and, in small numbers, lynx.

average temperature January decreases to the east, while the average July temperature rises in the east and southeast direction... The Volga region is characterized by a pronounced continental climate, and its continentality increases with movement from northwest to southeast. In the south of the Volga region, there is the driest climatic zone in Europe. The Volga region is characterized by early spring and late autumn frosts. Thaws sometimes occur in winter. Droughts can form in summer and autumn, and during summer dry winds, the vegetation dries up on the vine. Natural cover preserved in small areas of the region. These are forb-feather-grass, fescue-feather-grass and meadow steppes, alkaline meadows, and in the coastal strip of the Caspian Sea - even desert landscapes.

Natural resources The Volga regions are diverse. TO mineral resources include oil (Fig. 15) (Tatarstan and Samara region), gas (Astrakhan and Samara regions, Kalmykia), salt (Lake Baskunchak and Volgograd region), limestone, sand and other building materials (Volgograd and Saratov regions), there is a deposit of native sulfur (Samara region).

Rice. 15. Placement of oil and gas fields on the map of the Volga region ()

There are quite developed in this region agroclimatic resources because it is warm, there is a variety fertile soil and sufficient hydration. The region is rich and water resources ... Thus, it can be said that due to the variety of resources in this area, it can be developed various industries industry.


  1. Tell us about the geographical location and relief of the Volga region.
  2. Tell us about the climate and nature of the Volga region.
  3. Tell us about the natural resources of the Volga region.


  1. E.A. Customs Geography of Russia: economy and regions: grade 9, textbook for students of educational institutions. - M .: Ventana-Graf, 2011.
  2. Fromberg A.E. Economic and social geography. - 2011, 416 p.
  3. Atlas of economic geography, Grade 9. - Bustard, 2012.
  1. Internet portal Komanda-k.ru ().
  2. Internet portal Tepka.ru ().

Astrakhan, Volgograd, Penza, Samara, Saratov, Ulyanovsk regions, the Republic of Tatarstan, the Republic of Kalmykia-Khalmg-Tangch.

Economic and geographical location

The Volga region stretches for almost 1.5 thousand km along the great Russian Volga River, from the confluence of the Kama into it to the Caspian Sea. Territory - 536 thousand km 2. The EGP of this area is extremely favorable. A network of transport routes connects it with the most important economic regions of the country. The axis of this network is Volgo-Kamsky river path- gives access to the Caspian, Azov, Black, Baltic, White and Barents Sea... The use of oil and gas pipelines also contributes to the improvement of the area's EGP.

Natural conditions and resources

The Volga region has favorable natural conditions and is rich in water (the Volga and its tributaries) and land resources, located in a temperate climate. However, the area is unevenly provided with moisture. In the lower reaches of the Volga, there are droughts, accompanied by dry winds that are destructive for crops. Most of the region has fertile soils and extensive pastures.

The relief of the Volga region is different. Western part(right bank) - elevated, hilly (Volga Upland, turning into low mountains in the south). Eastern (left bank) - low-lying, slightly hilly plain, more wooded and monotonous.

The relief and climatic conditions determine the variety of soils and vegetation. Nature is diverse. In the latitudinal direction, forests, forest-steppes, steppes are replaced, which are then replaced by sultry semi-deserts.

The area is rich in minerals: oil, gas, sulfur, salt, Construction Materials(limestone, gypsum, sand).

Oil is mined in Tatarstan, Samara region, gas - in the Saratov, Volgograd, Astrakhan (gas condensate field) regions. Table salt is mined at Lake Baskunchak.


The population of the Volga region is multinational, amounting to 16.6 million people. The average population density is 30 people. by 1 km 2. It is much higher in the middle reaches of the Volga on the right bank. The minimum population density (4 people per 1 km 2) is in Kalmykia.

The Russian population predominates. The population of the Republic of Tatarstan is 3.7 million people. (among them Russians - 43%); 327 thousand people live in Kalmykia (the share of Russians is more than 30%). The urban population is concentrated mainly in large cities located on the Volga (urbanization rate - 73%). Millionaire cities - Samara, Kazan, Volgograd. The Volga region is provided with labor resources.


The main branches of specialization of the Volga region- oil and oil refining, gas and chemical industries, complex mechanical engineering, electric power and construction materials production.

The Volga region occupies 2nd place in Russia after the West Siberian economic region for oil and gas production. The amount of oil and gas produced exceeds the needs of the region, therefore oil and gas pipelines have been laid to the west, including abroad. It is also an area with a developed oil refining industry, not only for its own oil, but also for the oil of Western Siberia. There are 6 refineries in operation (Syzran, Samara, Volgograd, Nizhnekamsk). Refinery and petrochemicals are closely related. Along with natural gas, associated gas is extracted and processed (used in the chemical industry).

The Volga region specializes in the production of electricity, which it supplies to other regions of Russia. Energy is provided by hydroelectric power plants of the Volga-Kama cascade (Volzhskaya near Samara, Saratov, Nizhnekamsk and Volzhskaya near Volgograd, etc.). Thermal power plants use local raw materials, and Balakovskaya (Saratovskaya) and Tatar nuclear power plants have been built (the construction of the latter caused public protests).

The chemical industry of the Volga region is represented by mining and chemical (extracting sulfur and table salt), organic synthesis chemistry, and polymer production. The largest centers are: Nizhnekamsk, Samara, Kazan, Syzran, Saratov, Volzhsky, Togliatti. In the industrial centers of Samara-Togliatti, Saratov-Engels, Volgograd-Volzhsky, energy and petrochemical cycles have developed. The production of energy, petroleum products, alcohols, synthetic rubber, and plastics are geographically close to them.

The needs of the energy, oil and gas and chemical industries accelerated the development of mechanical engineering. Developed transport links, the availability of qualified personnel, and the proximity to the Central Region necessitated the creation of instrument and machine-tool factories (Penza, Samara, Ulyanovsk, Saratov, Volzhsky, Kazan). The aircraft industry is represented in Samara and Saratov.

But the automotive industry stands out especially in the Volga region: Ulyanovsk (UAZ cars), Togliatti (Zhiguli), Naberezhnye Chelny (heavy vehicles), Engels (trolleybuses). Volgograd has the country's largest tractor plant.

The importance of the food industry is preserved in the region. The Caspian Sea and the Volga estuary are the most important inland fishing basin. However, it should be noted that with the development of petrochemistry, chemistry and the construction of large machine-building plants, the ecological state of the Volga River has deteriorated sharply.

Agro-industrial complex. In the forest and semi-desert zone, the leading role in agriculture belongs to animal husbandry. In the forest-steppe and steppe zones - crop production (primarily grain farming). This part of the Volga region also has the highest plowed area (up to 50%). The grain region is located approximately from the latitude of Kazan to the latitude of Samara (rye, winter wheat); meat and dairy cattle breeding is also developed here. Crops of industrial crops are widespread, for example, mustard crops account for 90% of the crops in the Russian Federation. Sheep farms are located to the south of Volgograd. In the interfluve of the Volga and Akhtuba (lower reaches) vegetables and melons and gourds are grown.

Fuel and energy complex,(see. Electricity). The region is provided with fuel. The power industry of the region is of republican importance - it supplies other regions of the country (hydroelectric power plants on Yolga and Kama, thermal power plants, nuclear power plants).

Transport. The transport network of the region is formed by the Volga and the roads crossing it. Volga-Don and other navigable canals provide access to the seas. The modern Volga is a chain of reservoirs. But the Volga route is seasonal (the river freezes in winter). Important role play iron and car roads, as well as gas and oil pipelines.

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