Home Vegetables Musk turtle: pros and cons of choosing it for a home aquarium. Musk turtle. Lifestyle and habitat of the musk turtle

Musk turtle: pros and cons of choosing it for a home aquarium. Musk turtle. Lifestyle and habitat of the musk turtle

  • Order: Testudines Fitzinger, 1836 = Turtles
  • Family: Kinosternidae Agassiz, 1857 = Mud turtles
  • Species: Sternotherus carinatus (Gray, 1956) = Keeled musk turtle
  • Species: Sternotherus minor (Agassiz) = Lesser musk turtle
  • Genus: Sternotherus Gray, 1825 = Musk turtles

    There are two species in the genus, distributed in the southern and southeastern United States. One of the subspecies of the small musk turtle, S. minor depressus, is included in the IUCN Red List.

    Musk turtles (genus Sternotherus) get their name from their strong musk odor; no wonder local residents they call them stinkers. These are small freshwater turtles, 12–15 cm long, with a small oval plastron, the anterior lobe of which is movably connected to the main part. However, the range of movements of this part is very small, and the turtle cannot close the front opening with it, as do withdrawn turtles.

    Lesser musk turtle Sternotherus minor depressus Tinkle et Webb, 1955

    A small turtle, not exceeding 12 cm in length. The carapace is oval, in young individuals with three longitudinal ridges, which gradually disappear with age. The upper side of the shell is brownish-olive. On the sides of the head against a dark background there are light longitudinal stripes. Like other species of the genus, they emit a sharp musky odor.

    Inhabits large rivers, lakes, permanent streams and dams in the southeastern United States, where it has limited area, mainly in Georgia and Alabama. In a number of places, mixed populations of S. t. depressus and S. t. peltifer were found here.

    Predator. Eats various aquatic invertebrates, mainly mollusks. In May - July, females lay three oblong eggs in a hard shell twice per season.

    Systematic position This turtle has not been definitively established; some experts consider it an independent species. Guarded federal law in Alabama. Included in the list of rare and endangered species of animals in the United States.

    Common musk turtle (Sternotherus odoratus) has an oval carapace, in young individuals - with three longitudinal ridges. Against the dirty brown background of the head and neck, light longitudinal stripes are clearly visible. Males differ from females by having a longer tail, a short plastron and spiny scales on the inner sides hind legs. The scales serve the male to hold the female during mating. It is curious that these scales were previously considered “chirping organs,” and in popular literature one can often find such an explanation of their function.

    This turtle lives in a variety of bodies of water in the eastern and southeastern United States, and also penetrates into the extreme southeast of Canada. It leads an exclusively aquatic lifestyle, swims well, but most often wanders along the bottom of the reservoir in search of food. Its food consists of aquatic insects, mollusks, aquatic vegetation, as well as small fish. Willingly eats all kinds of carrion and is a good pond orderly.

    Egg laying occurs from April to July. Usually the female digs a shallow hole and lays 2 to 7 eggs in it. The eggs are covered with a hard and brittle shell. However, often the female does not dig a nest, but places the eggs in some depression in the soil or simply leaves them on the surface. When caught, this turtle behaves belligerently, vigorously breaks out and bites painfully. In addition, for the purpose of protection, it secretes the secretion of musk glands located at the back and sides under the shell. When kept in captivity, the turtle's character changes: it becomes calm and peaceful. Life expectancy in captivity is up to 23 years.

    Keeled musk turtle (Sternotherus carinatus)

    Close view - keeled musk turtle S. carinatus (Gray, 1956), distributed in the southern United States from eastern Oklahoma and Texas east to Mississippi.

    The keeled musk turtle (Sternotherus carinatus) differs from the previous species in its roof-shaped shell with a longitudinal keel in the middle. It is common in the southeastern United States, lives in marshy rivers and lakes and feeds on mollusks, crayfish and aquatic vegetation.

    MUSK TURTLE (Sternotherus carinatus Gray, 1956) has an oval carapace, in young individuals - with three longitudinal ridges. Against the dirty brown background of the head and neck, light longitudinal stripes are clearly visible. Males are distinguished from females by a longer tail, a short plastron and spiny scales on the inner sides of the hind legs. The scales serve the male to hold the female during mating. It is curious that these scales were previously considered “chirping organs,” and in popular literature one can often find such an explanation of their function. This turtle lives in a variety of bodies of water in the eastern and southeastern United States, and also penetrates into the extreme southeast of Canada. It leads an exclusively aquatic lifestyle, swims well, but most often wanders along the bottom of the reservoir in search of food.

    Its food consists of aquatic insects, mollusks, aquatic vegetation, as well as small fish. Willingly eats all kinds of carrion and is a good pond orderly. Egg laying occurs from April to July. Usually the female digs a shallow hole and lays 2 to 7 eggs in it. The eggs are covered with a hard and brittle shell. However, often the female does not dig a nest, but places the eggs in some depression in the soil or simply leaves them on the surface. When caught, this turtle behaves belligerently, vigorously breaks out and bites painfully. In addition, for the purpose of protection, it secretes the secretion of musk glands located at the back and sides under the shell. When kept in captivity, the turtle's character changes: it becomes calm and peaceful. Life expectancy in captivity is up to 23 years.

    "Stinky" or "Smelly Jim" - these unflattering names belong to one of the smallest turtles living on the North American continent. When in danger, the musk turtle releases a viscous secretion with a pungent odor.

    Description of the musk turtle

    The reptile belongs to the genus Muscovy (Sternotherus/Kinosternon) and represents the family Mud turtles(Kinosternidae). The latter, with different morphologies, have one common feature- a powerful large head with “steel” jaws that easily crush the shells of small mollusks.

    Important! The musky turtle is distinguished from other turtles on the planet by a characteristic detail of its exterior - chains of growths on the skin (along the throat and neck), reminiscent of papillomas. Other species do not have warts.

    In addition, the reptile belongs to the suborder Hidden-necked turtles, the name of which is given by the way it retracts its head into the carapace: the musk turtle folds its neck in the shape Latin letter"S".


    Extremely Long neck– another nuance that sets the musk turtle apart from others. Thanks to the neck, the reptile reaches its hind legs without difficulty or any damage to the body. These are miniature turtles the size of a palm, rarely growing up to 16 cm. Adults (depending on the variety) reach middle length 10–14 cm. The genus of musk turtles is divided into 4 species (some biologists speak of three), each of which fits into its own dimensions:

    • common musk turtle – 7.5–12.5 cm;
    • keeled musk turtle – 7.5–15 cm;
    • small musk turtle – 7.5–12.5 cm;
    • Sternotherus depressus – 7.5–11 cm.

    The dominant background of the oval shell is dark brown, diluted with olive-colored spots. In a natural body of water, the carapace becomes overgrown with algae and noticeably darkens. The tone of the abdominal shield is much lighter - beige or light olive. In young turtles, the upper shell is equipped with three ridges, which disappear as they grow older. Whitish stripes stretch along the head/neck of adult reptiles.

    The musk turtle's tongue (naturally small and weak) is structured in a rather original way - it is practically not involved in swallowing, but is involved in the breathing process. Thanks to the tubercles located on the tongue, reptiles absorb oxygen directly from the water, which allows them to sit in the pond without getting out. In young turtles, sexual dimorphism is smoothed out, which is why male and female individuals are practically indistinguishable. And only with the onset of fertility does the male’s tail begin to noticeably stretch out, and on the inner surfaces hind legs spiny scales are formed.

    This is interesting! These scales, which facilitate coupling with a partner during sexual intercourse, are called “chirp organs.” The name is due to the chirping sounds (arising from friction), similar to the singing of crickets or birds.

    The limbs of the musk turtle, although long, are thin: they end in clawed paws with wide membranes.


    In the musk turtle it is associated with water element– the reptile crawls ashore to lay eggs or during prolonged downpours. are good swimmers, but most of all they love to wander along the bottom in search of suitable food. Increased vigor is demonstrated in dark time day, at dusk and at night. Males are distinguished by a quarrelsome disposition, which also manifests itself in relation to their relatives (it is for this reason that they are seated in different aquariums).

    In addition, in captivity they quickly panic, especially at first, until they get used to the new environment and people. It is at this moment that musk turtles use their destructive weapon more often than usual - an odorous yellowish secretion produced by 2 pairs of musk glands hidden under the shell.

    This is interesting! Under natural conditions, reptiles like to expose their sides to the sun, for which they not only go out onto land, but also climb trees, using branches bent over the water surface.

    In warm regions with ice-free water bodies, animals are active all year round, otherwise they go to wintering. Musk turtles wait out the winter cold in shelters such as:

    • crevices;
    • space under stones;
    • roots of uprooted trees;
    • driftwood;
    • muddy bottom.

    Reptiles know how to dig holes and do this when the water temperature drops to 10°C. If a pond freezes, reptiles burrow into the snow. They often winter in groups.


    It is not known for certain how long the musk turtle lives in the wild, but the lifespan of this species in captivity is approximately 20–25 years.

    Range, habitats

    The musk turtle has settled in the eastern and southeastern United States, in southeastern regions Canada and even in the Chihuahuan Desert (Mexico). On the North American continent, reptiles are distributed from New England and southern Ontario to southern Florida. IN westward The range extends into Central/West Texas and Kansas.

    Favorite habitats are standing and slowly flowing freshwater bodies of water (with shallow depth and silted bottom). On southern territories turtles are active all year round; in the northern regions they hibernate.

    Musk turtle diet

    Musk turtles are omnivores and will sweep away almost anything that lies on the bottom, which they explore day and night. Growing reptiles usually eat aquatic plants and insects, and in rare cases, their comrades.

    The diet of adult animals consists of the following components:

    • shellfish, especially snails;
    • vegetation;
    • fish;
    • centipedes;
    • aquatic worms;
    • carrion.

    Due to the fact that reptiles do not disdain carrion, they are called orderlies of reservoirs.

    In captivity, the musk turtle menu changes somewhat and is usually composed of the following products:

    • crustaceans;
    • fish fry;
    • boiled chicken;
    • plants – duckweed, lettuce, clover, dandelions;
    • calcium and vitamin supplements.

    A musk turtle should not be placed in an aquarium together with ornamental fish - otherwise it will eat them.

    Natural enemies

    All turtles have strong armor, but, oddly enough, it does not guarantee their complete safety - the threat comes from a considerable number of enemies living in water and on land. The biggest blame for the extermination of reptiles lies with people who hunt turtles for their eggs, meat, beautiful shells, and sometimes just out of boredom.

    Beasts of Prey

    Wild big cats and foxes have become adept at splitting strong carapaces, throwing turtles from a height onto rocks. The jaguar, for example, so carefully (according to eyewitnesses) removes the reptile from its shell, as if it were wielding a thin sharp blade rather than claws. At the same time, the predator is rarely satisfied with one turtle, but immediately turns several on its back, choosing a flat (without vegetation) area. On such a cutting board, the reptile cannot catch on anything, stand up and crawl away.

    Feathered predators

    Large birds lift musk turtles into the sky and from there drop them onto rocks to peck the contents out of their cracked shells. Even crows prey on small reptiles, which should be taken into account when keeping turtles under open air. It is better to cover the enclosure with a net or keep an eye on the pet when it crawls out to bask.


    Reptiles are prone to cannibalism and often attack weaker, younger or sick relatives. It is not surprising that musk turtles (with a lack of food or from an excess of aggression) attack their fellow tribesmen, leaving the latter without a tail, paws and... without a head.

    Predatory fish

    These natural ill-wishers threaten little turtles after they are born.

    Important! If you keep your musk turtle indoors, try to keep it away from other four-legged pets, especially rats and dogs. The latter can bite through the shell, and the former can gnaw off the turtle's paws and tail.

    Weakened and sick musk turtles turn into easy prey for small beetles and ants, which thoroughly bite off the soft parts of the turtle's body. a short time. In addition, reptiles are plagued by other scourges, including parasites, fungi, helminths and viruses.

    Musk keeled turtle

    The musky keeled reptile belongs to the silt family and the musk genus. Length adult can reach up to 12.5 centimeters. They have a brown-olive color - a keel runs through the center of the reptile, thanks to which the turtle got its name. The reptile's plastron is made in a yellow-brown, eye-catching color. On the head there is dark spots, while she herself is brown. There are warty growths on the lower part of the jaw of this species. Males are distinguished by a long tail, somewhat reminiscent of a claw. Females have a much shorter tail.

    Turtles live in the USA. They prefer swampy areas with rivers and lakes, which have a slow current and a uniform bottom. Such turtles are capable of not going up for a long time, while consuming oxygen dissolved in the liquid, which they consume through the oral cavity. The main delicacies of the reptile are aquatic plants, mollusks and crustaceans.


    An animal becomes an adult when it is two years old. Mating time begins in mid-March and ends in June. Pregnancy in a female usually lasts about two months, after which the female does not dig a hole, as many reptiles do, but lays her offspring on the surface of the substrate. Up to 6 eggs can be present in one clutch, further incubation of which lasts from 3 to 4 months.

    The turtle is capable of biting a person quite painfully, which is facilitated by sharp teeth and a long neck. This neck allows the turtle to reach its hind legs. In addition, the animal is able to emit a pungent odor thanks to a pair of musk glands. The advantage of these turtles is that they can be kept in groups without any problems. Conflicts between them will arise only during feeding. The dimensions of the aquarium required to keep this type of reptile are 50x70x50 cm. The liquid should occupy up to 90 percent of the bottom area, while the rest of it should remain above the water.

    The water level should be kept at 40-45 cm. You will rarely see turtles surfacing as most They will spend time walking along its bottom. You should consider quality system water renewal, because it will become polluted quite often. Experts advise replacing water every 2-3 days. Preference should be given to small aquarium filters, since large ones can cause some discomfort in reptiles during operation. A couple of times a week, new water should be added to the aquarium to replace the water that has evaporated. The ambient temperature should be between 22-25 degrees, while the room temperature should be kept at 25 degrees.


    You can feed your turtle at home with special food: frozen bloodworms, shrimp and balanced dry food.

    We can offer you bloodworm "Marlin aquarium"(http://marlin-shop.ru/product/zamorozhennye-korma-dlya-ryb/5860), special dry food for turtles "AQUAV Turtle stick"(http://marlin-shop.ru/product/zamorozhennye-korma-dlya-ryb1/5667).

    Buy wisely

    If you like the musk turtle, you can buy it from our online store. Do not forget that before making a purchase, you need to prepare the aquarium and all the conditions for the existence of the reptile.

    An aquarium filled with fish is the most common hobby underwater world at home. However, today you can show your imagination and equip, for example, an aquaterrarium - a home for aquatic turtles. For such a case, an unpretentious, non-capricious species that is not distinguished by its large size is suitable - the ordinary musk turtle. It is under water almost all the time and does not require open equipment. separate place under the sun (lamp), except for the reproduction process.

    How does she look?

    A small (up to 10 cm) creature, consisting of an oval, strong house and a rather vulnerable body. The carapace has an oval outline, from light olive to dark brown in color. The body is brownish in color with clearly defined light stripes, giving the baby a special attractiveness. The eyes are located on the sides of the small head and directed downwards. The keeled musk turtle is slightly larger (up to 16 cm in length). Carapace round, resembles a roof. A wavy ridge runs across its entire surface, giving the individual a certain seriousness.

    Particular attention to the neck. It is capable of stretching to a considerable length, somewhat reminiscent of a snake. In the mouth there are teeth and a tongue of a special structure. The fact is that this type of reptile is able to extract oxygen from water using its tongue. That is why individuals do not have to come to the surface to breathe. They can remain under water almost all the time, except for breeding moments.

    The tail is long and mobile, at the same time strong. It participates in swimming movements, acting as a rudder.

    The paws have small membranes between the toes to make it easier to scoop up water. However, the main propulsion movement when swimming is provided by the hind legs: they are stronger and longer. In a male with inside are covered with special spines, but they play a certain role during mating.

    Why this name?

    The fact is that in the lower part of the body of this species, under the shell, there are musk glands. If the reptile is afraid, stressed or under the influence negative factors, these glands secrete a special yellow liquid, which is characterized by a sharp unpleasant smell. This is a bad sign internal state musk turtle, it's worth paying attention to this Special attention and help cope with stress.

    What does he like to eat?

    The musk turtle is not a glutton, but it is far from being a vegetarian. Being a predator, she will not let any prey slip from her clawed paws. Food can be torn apart by teeth or swallowed whole. In this case, it is possible that she will choke. Therefore you should not give big pieces or in a very hard state.

    Animal food, rich in protein, is necessary for growing individuals. Their diet is characterized by:

    • regularity (every day);
    • balanced diet;
    • the presence of vitamins and microelements;
    • enriched with calcium to strengthen the shell.

    Minced meat and fish, squid, shrimp, shellfish, insects and snails are suitable as animal food.

    For older individuals, it is useful to give plant foods, for example, chopped greens, cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage and others. In extreme cases, the reptile can nibble on young shoots of aquarium plants.

    One of the recommendations in organizing catering could be the following: at the time of feeding, you should try to place the turtles in a neighboring aquarium. Immediately after eating, after 15-20 minutes, you can return them back. This will avoid contamination of the water with food debris and its rotting. In addition, almost always while eating, turtles have acts of defecation, which further pollutes their habitat.

    Are special conditions required?

    Musk turtle: maintenance should be neat and regular. It is necessary to establish control following:

    • water temperature;
    • soil quality;
    • correct placement of plants (preferably in pots to avoid digging);
    • availability of conditions for underwater travel and bottom exploration.

    Availability of a bridge for staying on fresh air Not necessary for muskies. However, if you plan to reproduce them, it is better to think about this in advance. The fact is that egg laying occurs on land, in a damp and warm place, which can be holes, depressions or artificial small containers.

    What does reproduction look like?

    Externally, female and male individuals are practically no different from each other. Sometimes when you buy a company in one place you can only get females at a time. Therefore, it is recommended to buy from different places and, better, at different times.

    When the time comes for breeding, the male climbs on top of the female, helping himself to stay on with the help of spines. hind legs. The fertilized female carries future children inside herself for some time, after which she begins to lay eggs.

    A few days before, she eats a lot and looks for a place under the artificial sun, better, ultraviolet lamp. In the period from May to August, the female can lay eggs several times, in each clutch there can be 2-3 of them. Having completed the process, the “mother” does not care for her children, but goes back into the pond. The turtles hatched after 2-3 months can sit in their shelter all winter, feeding on the contents of the yolk sac. But this is in nature. Exceptions may be made for aquariums. Children gain independence much faster because weather do not affect the microclimate parameters in the aquarium.

    How to equip an aquarium?

    Since the turtle's lifestyle is significantly different from the fish's, the design of the aquarium must be appropriate. For one or two individuals, an aquarium area of ​​20 by 40 cm is sufficient. The height of the water in it should not exceed 15 cm, although musky varieties will not suffer in a deeper house.

    So that curious individuals can freely dig the soil, it should be selected in a suitable manner. Sand or gravel will do. Design objects firmly installed on it will be beneficial. Only they should not consist of small break-off particles.

    Plants are not only a source of oxygen and a decorative element. It is a potential food and subject of study. Use better variety with wide leaves creating shady conditions for rest.

    Is it worthwhile to diversify such an aquarium with fish? A matter of taste. Some aquarists are not inclined to clutter the underwater space big amount residents, each of whom must have conditions for free living. Others, on the contrary, prefer to dilute the company of turtles with fish. This gives liveliness, activity and positivity.

    In any case, do not forget that turtles can consider small fish as live food, and hunting for big fish can turn life in an aquarium into a hectic mess.

    Be that as it may, keeping such individuals in the home aquatic kingdom is a matter of taste. One thing is certain: due care and attention will not go unnoticed. Turtles are not just underwater inhabitants. According to many, they are biologically wise and mysterious. Probably, they still conceal the wisdom of the centuries that have passed since their appearance.

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