Home Vegetables Peter the first and his paradise. Substitution of Peter I. Secret history

Peter the first and his paradise. Substitution of Peter I. Secret history

Peter I - the great Russian emperor and incredibly attractive and creative person, therefore, interesting facts from the biography of the king of the Romanov dynasty will be of interest to everyone. I will try to tell you something that is definitely impossible to find in any school textbooks. Peter the Great was born in a new style on June 8, according to the sign of the zodiac - twins. It is not surprising that it was Peter the Great who became the innovator for the conservative Russian Empire... Gemini is air sign, which is distinguished by ease of decision-making, sharp mind and amazing imagination. Only the "waiting horizon" usually does not justify itself: gross reality is too different from blue dreams.

According to the calculations of the square of Pythagoras, the character of Peter 1 consists of three units, which means that the emperor was distinguished by a calm character. It is believed that it is the person with three or four units that is most suitable for working in state structures... For example, a person with one or five, six units is distinguished by a despotic character and is ready to "go over their heads" for the sake of power. So, Peter the Great had all the prerequisites for occupying the royal throne.

Is it an heir?

There is an opinion that Peter the Great is not the own son of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov. The fact is that the future emperor was different strong health, unlike his brother Fedor and sister Natalia. But this is just a guess. But the birth of Peter was predicted by Simeon of Polotsk, he told the sovereign that soon he would have a son who would go down in Russian history as the great omnipotent!

But the wife of the Emperor Catherine I was of peasant origin. By the way, this is the first woman who was aware of all state affairs. Peter discussed everything with her and listened to any advice.


Peter the Great introduced many new ideas into Russian life.

  • During a trip to Holland, I noticed that ice skating is much more convenient if they are not tied to shoes, but are firmly attached to special boots.
  • In order for the soldiers not to confuse right and left, Peter I ordered hay to be tied to his left leg, and straw to his right. When practicing drill training, the commander, instead of the usual: "right - left", commanded "hay - straw". By the way, only educated people used to be able to distinguish between right and left.
  • Peter fought intensively against drunkenness, especially among the courtiers. In order to completely eradicate the disease, he came up with his own system: to give out cast-iron, seven-kilogram medals for every spree. Such an award was hung around the neck at the police station and you had to walk with it for at least 7 days! It was impossible to shoot on your own, and asking someone was dangerous.
  • Peter I was impressed with their beauty by overseas tulips, he brought flower bulbs from Holland to Russia in 1702.

Peter the Great's favorite hobby is dentistry, he with such interest tore out bad teeth from everyone who asked. But sometimes he was so carried away that he could vomit even healthy ones!

Substitution of Peter I

The most unusual and interesting fact in Russian history. Researchers A. Fomenko and G. Nosovskiy argue that the fact of the substitution was and provide strong evidence to confirm it. In those days, the names of the future heirs to the throne were given in accordance with the day of the angel about the Orthodox canons, and here the discrepancy was revealed: the birthday of Peter the Great falls on the name of Isaac.

From his youth, Peter the Great was distinguished by his love for everything Russian: he wore a traditional caftan. But after a two-year stay in Europe, the sovereign began to wear exclusively fashionable European clothes and never again put on his once beloved Russian caftan.

  • Researchers claim that the impostor who returned from distant countries had a body structure that was different from that of Peter the Great. The impostor was taller and thinner. It is believed that Peter 1 actually was not two meters tall before, this is logical, because the height of his father was 170 cm, his grandfather - 167. And the king who came from Europe was 204 cm. Therefore, there is a version that the impostor did not wear the favorite clothes of the king due to the size discrepancy.
  • Peter I had a mole on his nose, but after his stay in Europe, the mole mysteriously disappeared, this is confirmed by numerous portraits of the sovereign.
  • When Peter returned from overseas trip, he did not know where the oldest library of Ivan the Terrible was located, although the secret of its location was inherited. Princess Sophia constantly visited her, and new Peter could not find a repository of rare editions.
  • When Peter returned from Europe, his entourage consisted of the Dutch, although when the tsar just set out on the journey with him there was a Russian embassy consisting of 20 people. Where the 20 Russian subjects got to during the two years of the Tsar's stay in Europe remains a mystery.
  • After arriving in Russia, Peter the Great tried to bypass his relatives and associates, and then got rid of everyone in different ways.

It was the archers who announced that Peter, who had returned, was an impostor! And they staged a riot, which was brutally suppressed. This is very strange, because only those close to the tsar were selected for the streltsy troops, the rank of archer was inherited from the confirmation of the tsar. Therefore, each of these people was unambiguously dear to Peter the Great before his trip to Europe, and now he suppressed the uprising in the most brutal way, according to historical data, 20 thousand people were killed. After that, the army was completely reorganized.

In addition, while in London, Peter the Great concluded his wife Lopukhina in a monastery without announcing a reason and married a peasant woman Marta Samuilovna Skavronskaya-Kruse, who in the future would become Empress Catherine I.

Researchers note that the calm and just Peter the Great became a real despot after returning from a foreign campaign, all of his orders were aimed at destroying the Russian heritage: Russian history was rewritten by German professors, many Russian chronicles disappeared without a trace, a new chronology system was introduced, the abolition of the usual measures of measurement, repression against the clergy, the eradication of Orthodoxy, the spread of alcohol, tobacco and coffee, a ban on the cultivation of medicinal amaranth and much more.

Whether this is really so is anyone's guess, all historical documents those times that we have can not be considered valid, because everything was rewritten many times. It remains only to guess and guess, you can also watch a film on this topic.

In any case, Peter I - significant person Russian history.

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One of the reasons that caused the appearance of the version about the substitution of Tsar Peter I was the research of A.T. Fomenko and G.V. Nosovsky

The beginning of these studies was the findings made during the study of an exact copy of the throne of Ivan the Terrible. In those days, the zodiac signs of the current rulers were placed on the thrones. Thanks to the study of the signs placed on the throne of Ivan the Terrible, scientists have found that the actual date of his birth differs from the official version by four years.

Scientists compiled a table of the names of Russian tsars and their days of birth, and thanks to this table, it was revealed that the official birthday of Peter I does not coincide with the day of his angel, which is a glaring contradiction in comparison with all the names of Russian tsars. After all, names in Russia at baptism were given exclusively according to the calendar, and the name given to Peter breaks the established centuries-old tradition, which in itself does not fit into the framework and laws of that time.

Photo by Stan Shebs from wikimedia.org

A. Fomenko and G. Nosovsky, on the basis of the table, found out that the real name, which falls on the official date of birth of Peter I, is Isaac. This explains the name of the main cathedral of tsarist Russia. So, in the dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron it says: “ Saint Isaac's Cathedral - main temple in St. Petersburg, dedicated to the name of St. Isaac of Dalmatsky, whose memory is commemorated on May 30, the birthday of Peter the Great. "

Image from the site lib.rus.ec

Let's consider the following obvious historical facts... Their combination shows a fairly clear picture of the substitution of a real Peter I for a foreigner:

1. An Orthodox ruler who wore traditional Russian clothing left Russia for Europe. Two surviving portraits of the tsar of that time depict Peter I in a traditional caftan. The tsar wore a caftan even during his stay at shipyards, which confirms his adherence to traditional Russian customs. After the end of his stay in Europe, a man returned to Russia who wore exclusively European-style clothes, and in the future, the new Peter I never put on Russian clothes, including the attribute obligatory for the tsar - the tsar's vestments. This fact is difficult to explain with the official version of a sudden change in lifestyle and the beginning of adherence to the European canons of development.

2. There are pretty good reasons for doubting the difference between the body structure of Peter I and the impostor. According to accurate data, the growth of the impostor Peter I was 204 cm, while the real tsar was shorter and denser. It should be noted that the height of his father, Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, was 170 cm, and his grandfather, Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, was also of average height. The difference in height of 34 cm is very much out of the general picture of real kinship, especially since at that time people more than two meters tall were considered an extremely rare phenomenon. Indeed, even in the middle of the nineteenth century medium height Europeans was 167 cm, and the average height of Russian recruits in early XVIII century was equal to 165 cm, which fits into the general anthropometric picture of that time. The difference in height between the real king and the false Peter also explains the refusal to wear royal clothes: it simply did not fit the newly-appeared impostor.

3. The portrait of Peter I by Godfried Kneller, which was created during the Tsar's stay in Europe, clearly shows a distinct mole. In later portraits, the mole is absent. It is difficult to explain this by the inaccurate works of portrait painters of that time: after all portrait painting of those years was distinguished by the highest level of realism.

4. Returning after a long trip to Europe, the newly-minted tsar did not know about the location of the richest library of Ivan the Terrible, although the secret of finding the library was passed from tsar to tsar. So, Princess Sophia knew where the library was and visited it, and the new Peter made repeated attempts to find the library and did not even hesitate to excavate: after all, the library of Ivan the Terrible kept rare editions that could shed light on many secrets of history.

5. An interesting fact is the composition of the Russian embassy that went to Europe. The number of those accompanying the king was 20 people, while the embassy was headed by A. Menshikov. And the returned embassy consisted, with the exception of Menshikov, only of Dutch nationals. Moreover, the duration of the trip has increased many times over. The embassy, ​​together with the tsar, went to Europe for two weeks, and returned only after two years of stay.

6. Returning from Europe, the new tsar did not meet with either his relatives or his inner circle. And subsequently for short term different ways got rid of his next of kin.

7. Sagittarius - Guard and Elite tsarist army- they suspected something was wrong and did not recognize the impostor. The outbreak of the streltsy revolt was brutally suppressed by Peter. But the archers were the most advanced and efficient military units that faithfully served the Russian tsars. Sagittarius became inherited, which indicates the highest level these units.

Image from swordmaster.org

Characteristically, the scale of the destruction of the archers was more global than according to official sources. At that time, the number of archers reached 20,000 people, and after the suppression of the rifle revolt Russian army was left without infantry, after which new set recruits and a complete reorganization of the active army. A notable fact is that in honor of the suppression of the rifle riot, a commemorative medal was issued with inscriptions on Latin, which had never been used before in the minting of coins and medals in Russia.

Image from oboudnoda.org

8. The lawful wife of Evdokia Lopukhina was imprisoned in a monastery, which the tsar did in absentia while at the Grand Embassy in London. Moreover, after the death of Peter, Lopukhina, by order of Catherine I, was transferred to the Shlisselburg fortress, which was famous for its harsh conditions of detention. Subsequently, Peter will marry Marta Samuilovna Skavronskaya-Kruse from the lower classes, who after his death will become Empress Catherine I.

Image from wikimedia.org

Now let us consider what the greatest steps the newly-minted tsar took for Russia.

All official versions claim that Peter I was the greatest reformer who laid the foundations for the formation of the most powerful Russian Empire. In fact, the main activity of the impostor was reduced to the destruction of the foundations of the former statehood and spirituality of the people. Among the most famous great "deeds" of Peter, there are both famous and little known facts, testifying to the true appearance and reforms of the new king.

- Introduction of the Russian form of slavery- serfdom, which completely restricts the rights of peasants both in the old and conquered lands. In one form or another, the consolidation of the peasants has existed since the 15th century, but Peter I carried out a tough reform in relation to the peasants, completely depriving them of their rights. A remarkable fact is the fact that neither in the Russian North, nor in Siberia serfdom did not receive wide distribution.

- Carrying out tax reform with the introduction of the most severe tax system. At the same time, the replacement of small silver money for copper money began. Having created the Ingermanland Chancellery, headed by Menshikov, Peter introduced ruinous taxes, which included taxes on private fishing, wearing a beard, and baths. Moreover, adherents of the old rituals were taxed twice, which served as an additional incentive for the resettlement of Old Believers to the most remote places of Siberia.

- Introduction to Russia new system chronology, which put an end to the countdown of time "from the creation of the world." This innovation had the strongest Negative influence and became an additional incentive for the gradual eradication of the original Old Believer faith.

- Transfer of the capital from Moscow to the built St. Petersburg. Mention of Moscow as the most ancient sacred place is found in many sources, including Daniil Andreev in his work "The Rose of the World". The change in the capital also served to weaken spirituality and diminish the role of merchants in Russia.

Destruction of ancient Russian chronicles and the beginning of rewriting the history of Russia with the help of German professors. This activity has acquired a truly gigantic scale, which explains minimal amount surviving historical documents.

- Rejection of Russian writing, which consisted of 151 characters, and the introduction of the new alphabet of Cyril and Methodius, which consisted of 43 characters. With this, Peter dealt a severe blow to the traditions of the people and cut off access to ancient written sources.

- Cancellation of Russian measures of measurement, such as fathoms, elbow, vershok, which subsequently caused dramatic changes in traditional Russian architecture and art.

- Reducing the influence of the merchants and the development of the industrial estate, who was given gigantic powers, right up to the creation of his own pocket armies.

- The most brutal military expansion to Siberia, which became the forerunner of the final destruction of Great Tartary. In parallel, the conquered lands were planted new religion and the land was heavily taxed. At the time of Peter, there was also the peak of the plundering of Siberian burials, the destruction of holy places and local clergy. It was during Peter's rule in Western Siberia that numerous detachments of bugroviks appeared, who, in search of gold and silver, opened old burials and plundered the saints and sacred places... Many of the most valuable "finds" made up the famous collection of Scythian gold of Peter I.

- Destruction of the system of Russian self-government- zemstvos and the transition to a bureaucratic system, which, as a rule, was headed by hirelings from Western Europe.

- The most severe repressions against the Russian clergy, the actual destruction of Orthodoxy. The scale of repression against the clergy was global. One of the most significant punishers of Peter was his close associate Jacob Bruce, who became famous for his punitive expeditions to the Old Believer monasteries and the destruction of old church books and property.

- Widespread distribution in Russia drugs rapidly and persistently addictive - alcohol, coffee and tobacco.

- Complete ban for growing amaranth from which both butter and bread were made. This plant contributes not only to improving human health, but also extends life by 20-30%.

- The introduction of the system of provinces and the strengthening of the punitive role of the army. Often, the right to collect taxes was placed directly in the hands of generals. And each province was obliged to maintain separate military units.

- The actual ruin of the population. So, A.T. Fomenko and G.V. Nosovsky indicate that according to the census of 1678, 791,000 households were subject to taxation. And the general census, carried out in 1710, showed only 637,000 households, and this despite the sufficient a large number of lands subordinated to Russia during this period. It is characteristic, but this only influenced the strengthening of tax taxes. So, in the provinces, where the number of households was decreasing, taxes were collected according to the data of the old census, which led to the actual plundering and destruction of the population.

- Peter I distinguished himself by his atrocities in the Ukraine. So, in 1708, the hetman's capital, the city of Baturin, was completely plundered and destroyed. The bloody massacre killed more than 14,000 people out of the city's 20,000 inhabitants. At the same time, Baturin was almost completely destroyed and burned, and 40 churches and monasteries were plundered and desecrated.

Contrary to popular belief, Peter I was by no means a great military leader: de facto he did not win a single meaningful war... The only "successful" campaign can only be considered The northern war, which was rather sluggish and lasted for 21 years. This war caused irreparable damage to the financial system of Russia and led to the actual impoverishment of the population.

One way or another, all the atrocities of Peter, called in the official versions of history " reform activities", Were aimed at the complete eradication of both the culture and faith of the Russian people, and the culture and religion of the peoples living in the annexed territories. In fact, the newly-born tsar caused irreparable damage to Russia, completely changing its culture, way of life and customs.

If you study all the facts of history and events that happened, but were kept secret, then there is unequivocal evidence that Peter I was replaced by an impostor.

The process of replacing Peter I took place during his visit to Amsterdam together with the Grand Embassy. You should consider the sources that confirm this fact.

Together with the embassy, ​​a young man of about twenty-six years of age, who was taller than average, had a solid build, a mole on his left cheek, and wavy hair, set off on the journey. He was Orthodox Christian, who knew the Bible by heart, had an excellent education and was very fond of everything Russian.

Upon his return two years later, this man practically did not speak or write in Russian, who hated everything that concerned Russians, i.e. it turns out that he forgot everything he knew before leaving and acquired new skills, the mole on his left cheek also disappeared, and his hair became straight.

These changes happened to the young man in just two years and therefore are considered quite unexpected.

Substitution of Peter the Great

An interesting fact: the papers of the Grand Embassy do not have any mention of Mikhailov's illness (Peter went there under this name), and it was not a secret for the ambassadorial representatives who this Mikhailov really was.

After this trip, a sick man with chronic fever, with obvious traces after the use of mercury preparations, which at that time was used to treat only tropical fever, returned.

I would like to emphasize that the Grand Embassy used the northern sea ​​route and tropical fever could only be contracted by visiting the south, especially the jungle.

In addition, upon the return of Peter I, in cases of complications at sea, he demonstrated extraordinary skills of boarding combat, the features of which can only be known personally by taking part in it.

All this testifies to the fact that the man who returned from the Great Embassy is an experienced sailor who fought in many battles at sea and visited the southern side.

Before leaving, Peter I could not take part in such battles, since at that time Muscovy, except Of the White Sea, had no outlet to the seas, especially tropical ones. And Peter I was extremely rare in the White Sea.

After visiting the Solovetsky Monastery from the boat that survived the storm, he made a memorial cross with his own hand in honor of salvation from that storm. This cross is intended for the Arkhangelsk Monastery.

It is worth noting the fact that after his return he did not want to see Tsarina Evdokia, his beloved wife, with whom he corresponded and whom he missed while away, but sent her immediately without any explanation to the monastery.

DS Merezhkovsky in his work, which was called "Antichrist", wrote about the complete change in appearance, psyche and character after the return of Peter I.

The Russian embassy, ​​which accompanied the tsar, included 20 people, the main one was A.D. Menshikov. Returning to Russia, the embassy was represented only by the Dutch (with the notorious Lefort) and Menshikov.

These people brought the tsar, who spoke Russian very badly and did not recognize any of his friends and relatives, which immediately prompted the idea of ​​a substitution. This is what prompted Tsarina Sophia, who was the sister of Peter I, to take a bold step - to send the archers to the impostor. It is known from history that it cost her her life, since the riot was brutally suppressed, and Sophia was hanged at the Spassky Gate. The imposter who arrived, after having exiled the wife of Peter I to the monastery, where she never ended up, ordered his wife to come from Holland. He killed the brother of Peter I, Ivan V, as well as the children of Alexander, Lawrence and Natalia, although this is said differently in the official version of history. Alexei, the youngest son, was executed after trying to free the real king from the Bastille.

The impostor Peter I transformed Russia as a conqueror. Russian self-government was defeated, and in its place came the bureaucratic apparatus of foreigners who forcibly propagated debauchery, drunkenness and theft in the country. He turned the peasants into slaves who obeyed the nobles (although this is attributed to Ivan IV to idealize the image). There was a defeat of the merchants, as well as the planting of industrialists. The clergy also survived the defeat, as they represented the main bearer of Russian culture. Because of this, Orthodoxy and attempts to bring it closer to Catholicism were destroyed, which inevitably led to atheism. This impostor also introduced smoking, became the initiator of the use of alcohol and coffee. The Old Russian calendar was destroyed, and civilization became younger in 5503 years. Russian chronicles first took everything to St. Petersburg, and then burned it, and the German "professors" wrote a different Russian history.

Under the pretext of fighting the old faith, the elders who had lived for more than three hundred years were destroyed. A ban was issued on the cultivation of amaranth and the use of bread from it, which was the main food for the Russian people, which helped to destroy the longevity on earth, which was still in Russia at that time.

The liar carried out the abolition of natural measures, such as fathoms, elbows, etc., which destroyed ancient Russian architecture and art, life became ugly. The title system was replaced by the European one, respectively, the peasants turned from the estate. Russian writing was destroyed, since 151 characters were replaced by 43 characters, which made up the writing of Cyril and Methodius. The Russian army was disarmed, because the archers were exterminated as a caste that possessed special abilities and weapons, and replaced by firearms and piercing weapons, and the army was dressed in a different uniform - first French, and then German. Popular name such regiments - "funny".

But the most important crime of this person is rightfully considered the destruction of education in Russia, since a specialist who depended on others came to replace the universal independent scientist.

Before the appearance of this liar, the Russians did not know what wine was, and by his order everyone was given free drink from barrels right on the square. The purpose of this act is to remove from memory past life... During Peter's time, babies were persecuted, who, after birth, remembered past lives and knew how to speak, although they began to persecute them since the time of John IV. This put a curse on, and therefore today a child born who speaks lives only about two hours.

After such actions, no one could call Peter the Great, but already in the nineteenth century, after all the horrors were forgotten, stories appeared about Peter the innovator, who did a lot of useful things for the good of Russia. Special attention is given to imported potatoes and tomatoes from Europe. Before the reign of Peter, there were 108 types of vegetables, nuts, fruits, berries, cereals, which corresponded to the figure of the Russian gods. And after Peter, only a few sacred species remained. In Europe, such destruction was carried out much earlier, especially for cereals and nodules associated with human reincarnation. The only thing that the impostor did good was to introduce the use of potatoes, since the Old Believers did not eat them. Plants that were considered sacred were taken into certain time and were destroyed, made the organism devoid of divine reactions. The food became mixed, which began to provoke a putrefactive process in the body, and people ceased to smell, but on the contrary began to exude a stench.

In our time, the fruit is a concept that unites fruits, nuts, berries, and earlier they were called gifts, and fruits were the gifts of shrubs and herbs. The campaign regarding the impoverishment of our food has continued even now, since kalega and sorghum are almost never used, and poppy cannot be grown at all. Many sacred gifts today are known to us only by names.

What happened to the real Peter I? He was seized by the Jesuits and placed in a fortress in Sweden. But the king was lucky enough to convey a letter to the Swedish king Charles XII, and he helped to get out of captivity. Joint forces organized a campaign against the liar, but the Jesuit-Masonic brothers from Europe and the Russian troops (whose relatives were held hostage so that the troops would not side with Charles) were able to defeat Poltava. The real Peter I was again seized and sent further - to the Bastille, in which he died some time later. He wore an iron mask on his face, which caused a lot of talk in Europe and France. King of Sweden Charles XII escaped to Turkey, and from there made an attempt to organize a campaign against the liar again.

It seems that it would be worth killing the real Tsar Peter and not creating problems for yourself. But the invaders needed a conflict, and without his living behind bars, the wars would not have succeeded - neither the Russian-Swedish, nor the Russian-Tatar, which helped with the organization of new states: Sweden, Turkey. In the 18th century, throughout Russia, there was talk that Peter was an impostor, and this made it possible for historians who came from the Germans (Miller, Bayer, Schletzer, Kuhn) and distorted the history of the country, without any difficulty to call all the kings false rulers who did not have the right to the throne, and those who could not be accused of this changed their surnames and they became Ruriks.

Roman law can be considered the genius of Satanism, as it underlies some of the constitutions of today's states. They created it, despite all the ancient canons and ideas about society. For the first time in history, the judiciary was taken away from the priests and handed over to people who were not ordained, and this suggests that the best have faded into the background, and power is in the hands of anyone.

Roman law is presented to people as the crown of all human achievement, when in fact it is the pinnacle of disorder with irresponsibility. The laws of the state under him are based on prohibitions and punishments, which corresponds to negative destructive emotions. This can lead to the fact that society will not be interested in executing laws, and officials are opposed to the people.

Unlike Roman law, the Russian state was built not on laws with prohibitions, but on a civil conscience, which created a balance between prohibitions and liberties. The famous historian from Byzantium Procopius of Caesar wrote that the laws were all in the Slavs' minds only. Ancient society also had a regulation of relations, which was based on the principles of horse. It is from this word that we now have the concept of "canon". If you take into account the principles of horse, then a person can avoid making mistakes and reincarnate. Principles are above the law. Directly the word "law" is "beyond the horse." The commandments are much more than a con, therefore they have superiority. The Commandments Can Be Improved human organization and thinking that can do more better principles horse.

I.L. Solonevich, who knew all the pros and cons of Western democracy, wrote that in addition to the Russian monarchy, which already exists for a long time and rests thanks to the people's government, merchants and clergy (talking about pre-Petrine times), there is also a dictatorship and monarchy, which replace each other every 20-30 years.

Diderot, Rousseau, D "Alambert have already written about the famine, terror, wars, the defeat of France in 1814, 1817, 1940 in the past tense. Hegel, Mommsen, Nietzsche, Rosenberg have also already talked about the terror, wars, famine and devastation of 1918 and 1945. But the Chernyshevskys, Lavrovs, Mikhailovskys, Milyukovs and Lenins still have famine, terror, wars in their texts, that is, defeat is only in the future and it is inevitable.

Solonevich believes that not all philosophers themselves have learned the ideas that can destroy society, they often helped them in this.

V.A. Shemshuk "Return of Paradise to Earth"

Peter I has a phrase that demonstrates his attitude towards the Russian people. It is documented and the meaning is as follows: with any European people, the goal can be achieved with the help of human-loving methods, but not with the Russians, since these are animals that need to be converted into people. It is very difficult to believe that it was the animals who thanked him by calling him the Great.

Russophobes explain this by the fact that the tsar turned animals into people, and it is thanks to this that Russia is called Great. And these grateful people have already called him Great. Or is it that the gratitude on the part of the owners of the Romanovs is so manifested for the fact that all traces of the greatness of the Russians as a people were destroyed, which haunted those who wanted to create a great history for themselves.

There are many about Peter I interesting facts... Now information is known that the reign of this tsar cost the Russian people 20 million human lives, about which in question in the article by N.V. Levashov's "Visible and Invisible Genocide".

In Moscow they gossiped: "The sovereign is not of the Russian breed, and not the son of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich." The unequivocal proof was that the tsar favored the Germans - hence he himself was one of them. They argued only about when and who replaced the monarch.

For "obscene speech" they flogged, tortured, sent to hard labor and exile, but they could not eradicate the rumors.
According to one version, the boy was replaced in infancy by the Germans. The "mothers" of the tsarevich gape, and it was then that they found themselves in their arms instead of Pyotr Alekseevich "nemchonok".

According to the other, the child was replaced by Tsarina Natalya Kirillovna herself, fearing that her husband would stop loving her if she gave birth to a girl. Allegedly, the queen put a child from a German settlement in a cradle, and gave her daughter to someone. Peter allegedly learned about the substitution from his mother when she was dying.

Evil tongues even found the "real" father of Peter I, who was allegedly an associate of the reformer king Franz Lefort. It was this that explained the general's closeness to the tsar, his appointment as admiral, and then as head of the Great Embassy.

According to another version, the king was changed during a trip to Europe. It happened in Riga, where the real Peter was walled up in a wall, or “the tsar in the Germans was laid in a barrel and put into the sea”, and instead of him an impostor came to Russia.
There was a version that the king was tortured in dungeon by the Swedish queen Christina, who replaced Peter with her man.

It is argued that Peter I, according to the recollections of his contemporaries, changed dramatically after returning from the Great Embassy. Portraits of the tsar before and after his return from Europe are cited as proof of the substitution. It is alleged that in the portrait of Peter, before his trip to Europe, he had an elongated face, curly hair and a large wart under the left eye. In the portraits of the king after his return from Europe, he had a round face, straight hair, and there was no wart under his left eye. When Peter I returned from the Great Embassy, ​​he was 26 years old, and in his portraits after his return he looked about 40 years old. It is believed that the king before the trip was a dense build and above average height, but still not a two-meter giant. The tsar who returned, however, was thin, had very narrow shoulders, and his height, which was established with certainty, was 2 meters 4 centimeters. So tall people were very rare at the time.

In addition, there is a version shared by the series Russian historians that Peter I died in 1691 during military exercises due to an accident. Allegedly, his entourage was very scared of losing their position, so they went for a substitute. The head of the conspiracy was Prince Fyodor Romodanovsky. By his order, a "replacement" was found for the Dutch shipbuilder Jaan Mus, who had come to Russia, who was supposedly very similar to the tsar. Russia is actually Prince Romodanovsky, hiding behind a foreign impostor. After his death, in 1717, the new entourage decided to put an end to the only heir to the real Peter - Tsarevich Alexei, who fled to the Holy Roman Empire. He was lured from there to Russia, and soon he died in prison. So, according to this version, the Romanov dynasty was interrupted.

The rumor that the true tsar was replaced, that the tsar was sitting in a "glass pillar" in Stockholm (Stekolny), and some "German" came instead, spread among the Old Believers in connection with the drastic changes, reforms that began upon his return Petra from abroad. The meaning of these rumors was reduced to the idea of ​​"the coming of the Antichrist to the world" and the inevitable end of the world. And False Peter allegedly became such an antichrist, who began to destroy the ancient "holy Russia". Let me emphasize that for the Old Believers, Patriarch Nikon was also the Antichrist. In fact, there was no physical substitution - Peter, as Peter was, and remained. This is evidenced by his correspondence, handwriting analysis, way of thinking and so on. But he changed his politics. The Shooting Uprising of 1698 prompted him to end the old order of things. He decided to start reforms that, in his opinion, were supposed to transform Russia into a European state.

Public consciousness, bizarre waves of memory actualize different plots in forms and images that are far from the data that historical science can verify and critically conceptualize. This is part of a phenomenon called Public History. And we should not react to the actualization of an image or phenomenon in the same way as, for example, we react to a new scientific book. We can criticize public perception and recollection of history, but only from the position of Public History. A literary work based on history remains literary work and hearing by hearing. The discussion about whether Salieri poisoned Mozart, whether Boris Godunov killed Tsarevich Dmitry, whether Peter I was replaced - these are questions that testify to the popularity of the topic or hero, and not about the existing discussion of experts on this issue. Historians, on the other hand, have no discussion about replacing Peter. He was not replaced. The fact that this question has arisen again is evidence of playing with the theme, evidence of the popularity of the image of Peter and the interest in his actions.

And who analyzed the handwriting of Peter I and the "way of thinking" and where can you read about it? And then you know, Nicholas II "abdicated", and Count Fredericks "assured" the abdication, so much so that on three originals the assurance is written over a pencil and matches up to a millimeter and nothing, none of the historians bothers.


The way of thinking remained the same - it is in Golikov in 15 volumes, in Ustryalov in 8 volumes. The Antichrist was called not only because of the help of books and fingerprints, but because on the banner of the Preobrazhensky regiment, as well as in the fields of the Ilyinsky-Chernigov Mother of God was depiction of the iconography of the Virgin "Clothed in the Sun" from Revelation chapter 12. Since the Azov Mother of God ascends in her iconography to the Image from Revelation. This was most likely ideologically conceived during the war with the Turks, although it may have arisen even after the trial of the archers. He, in principle, administered almost divine justice - but the believers were sure that it could not be bloody. a common mistake of all dictators.


Sorry, but this is what gave 5 minutes of searching. "Ivan Ivanovich Golikov. Was sentenced to 'deprivation of honor', confiscation of property and exile to Siberia. However, at the request and on the occasion of the opening of the monument to Peter I, he was amnestied with a ban on doing business. According to legend, he, kneeling before the Bronze Horseman, swore to himself to write the history of Peter the Great.

He lived in Moscow, with Blankennagel's daughter Pelageya Ivanovna in the village of Anashkino. Having moved to Moscow, he worked for the rest of his life to fulfill his promise. He was greatly helped by II Neplyuev, PI Rychkov, II Shuvalov, Krekshin, Count AR Vorontsov, Princess ER Dashkova, especially GF Miller and H. H. Bantysh-Kamensky. Golikov used folk legends, materials of Moscow second-hand booksellers and various archives, including the archive of the Academy of Sciences and the archive of the Foreign Collegium (not earlier than 1789). "

From point of view modern man, such a source cannot be trusted, it is obvious that the pardoned, in fact, a swindler, and pardoned those who later "helped" him to work on his work, simply had no options to write something different from the general line of the party. Judging by such a "assistant" as Miller, it is most likely, in general, a nominal author, in fact an avatar of Miller or another professional historian.

I decided not to look for Ustryalov.


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