Home Berries Games for boring companies: "Mafia" and the like. Rules of the game "Mafia" with cards - all characters

Games for boring companies: "Mafia" and the like. Rules of the game "Mafia" with cards - all characters

Today we will try to briefly tell you about all the features of the "Mafia" and outline the framework in which it can take place. We will also give answers to the questions of how old you can play, in which company and so on.

This article is for people over 18 years of age.

Have you already turned 18?

If you are bored of sitting at home or just want new emotions and acquaintances, then the game "Mafia" will certainly brighten up your leisure. The essence of the game is extremely simple: lead your community to victory. It doesn't matter who you play for, whether it's the townspeople or the mafia. But it is with the division of roles that the eternal duel between law-abiding citizens and crime begins. All roles are distributed by blind chance - everyone who wants to take part in the game receives cards with the name of their character.

The rules of the game "Mafia": presenter

When a game is played in a close friendly company, a person is determined by a general vote for the role of a leader. His responsibilities include announcing the day and night, as well as the decisions made by the "night" characters. For example, it can be information about killed, rescued and cured characters.

The game has a clear regulation of what the presenter should say. The main emphasis of this role is complete neutrality, that is, this person should in no way help the players with his actions, gestures and words. If the "Mafia" initially started without a leader, it could be the first "killed" character, regardless of which side he was on.

The rules of playing "Mafia" with all characters

Initially, there were only two opposing camps in the game: the townspeople and the mafia, but over time, special characters appeared in it.

In principle, in the game, everything is decided by the change of day: night falls - the mafia wakes up. During the night, all players close their eyes, and only the mafia remains open. With signs the mafia agrees which of the civilians they kill. Then the mafia falls asleep with the townspeople, and the day comes. Everyone opens their eyes. The host reports that one of the residents was killed by the mafia (killed leaves the game). Now the players' task is to find the criminals.

But the mafia is also cunning, it doesn't want to lose. Members of the criminal gang pretend to be civilians and together with everyone participate in the discussion of criminals. They also have the right to vote.

The course of the game depends on psychological characteristics of each person: can you honestly look your friends in the eyes, say that you are not a mafia, while not giving yourself away with unnecessary gestures, tremors, excitement in your voice?

Briefly, the course of the game can be described as follows:

  • the presenter assigns roles and announces the onset of night. This is necessary so that criminals can get to know and build overall strategy for the destruction of civilians;
  • the day comes, and for the first time everyone is trying to determine who is playing which role. At the end of the day, a general vote determines a possible criminal who is removed from the game. The “killed” character reveals his card, and it becomes clear whose side he is on and who owns the victory in this round;
  • night falls again, and now the mafia is killing the most powerful enemy of civilians (or, conversely, the weakest, in order to confuse the investigation);
  • in the afternoon, the presenter talks about the losses, and everything starts anew;
  • the game ends at the moment when only one side's characters remain.

Civilians and the mafia are not all the characters in the popular game. Depending on the variety chosen, the heroes of the confrontation are the Sheriff (Commissioner), the Harlot (Mistress), the Doctor, the Maniac (a lone criminal who destroys everyone in a row), and even another rival mafia group (Yakuza). All these roles have special functions and are capable of both helping an individual city dweller to survive (Harlot, Doctor) and killing him on his own (Maniac).

Game "Mafia": the rules of the game in a large and small company

If you want to play with friends, then the question of how many people can play at the same time is the most relevant one. There are no special restrictions on the number of players in the "Mafia", but too many people will contribute to the delay in the process and the formation of several opposing companies (and for fun with friends it is useless).

With all the versatility of the entertainment, the ideal number of players is 3-5 people. This is quite enough to keep the intrigue, as well as interesting gameplay. When playing with a full set of characters, the number of required players increases to 10 people (this is quite logical, because in a three-player game there is no room for special characters). However, this type of entertainment has its maximum - 20 people.

The ideal number of players depends mainly on the game you choose and the number of characters. For example, let's take a company of 6 people. In a six-player game, you can choose 2 mafiosi, a Commissioner and 3 civilians. Other characters can also be, but this will significantly complicate the search for criminals and give them room to maneuver.

When playing 4 players with special characters, you can only define one special role. In addition, if 4 people are involved, there should be one mafioso - this will make his search more exciting and interesting.

Many people will, of course, answer “no” to the question “Is it possible to play Mafia together?” And will be completely wrong. The game for two is possible, because the cards are dealt for three, but the third character is not revealed. That is, the players do not know which camp they belong to. However, there is a significant disadvantage in a two-player game: the players have no room for error, since the truth is revealed immediately after the first round (after the first day of the game). However, this kind of entertainment also has benefits - it is an excellent base for training.

Rules of the game "Mafia" with cards

To start the game and define the characters, special cards are not needed - ordinary cards are quite suitable. In this case, the players agree that the red suit is the townspeople, and the black one is the mafia. When introducing special characters into the game, you should also agree on which cards they represent. For example, an ace or king of hearts becomes the Commissioner or Sheriff, and a lady of the same suit becomes the Mistress.

You can also play without cards - just write the roles on identical pieces of paper, and then distribute them among the players.

By the way, when playing cards, it is worth making sure that they all have the same shirts without visible flaws or marks. Otherwise, the owner of the tagged playing card will be declassified ahead of time. Also playing on simple maps, it is very important not to voice their suit and denomination - this will also help to declassify you in advance. However, in some cases, this can help confuse opponents (most often it is used by mafiosi, who are vitally important to stay in the game for as long as possible).

Board game "Mafia": the rules of the game

It was originally simple card game without special attributes, the main task of which was the study of psychotypes and psychological reactions different people... However, over time, it began to acquire not only additional special characters, but also attributes. This is how the tape measure and rituals with masks appeared in it. Playing the classic "Mafia", you must either calculate the mafiosi, or destroy all the townspeople without giving yourself away. Urban crime can impersonate mimics, actions or words, so it is very important to learn how to properly analyze the situation. That is why "Mafia" is, first of all, psychological fun, which is considered a special training all over the world.

But for crime with the revealing phrase “The city falls asleep. The mafia wakes up ”begins playing out a special strategy: how to remove the most astute player and not give himself away? That is why sometimes, with a simple game, mafiosi deliberately vote for their own character - in this way they divert suspicions from themselves.

The game of the big city is even more confusing, but also more interesting. It is in this strategy that alliances are most often created, which subsequently quickly disintegrate.

Calmness and a minimum of unnecessary emotions are the main rule of how to play Mafia correctly. Excessive emotionality and inability to think logically are serious interference in order to play well. Of course, over time, each of the players will develop their own strategy and line of behavior, but until this happens, they are an excellent target for experienced criminals.

Game "Mafia": rules for children

When spending leisure time with children, a very important place is given to the choice of entertainment (especially if you want to do it with maximum benefit). Therefore, sooner or later the question arises: is it worth playing "Mafia" for children? The game, of course, has no special age restrictions, but it is worth starting somewhere in adolescence(12-13 years old). Younger schoolchildren are usually overly emotional and are not able to keep the intrigue for a long time. In addition, when playing the children's "Mafia", there is always an uncontrollable resentment towards the rest of the participants. That is why it is worth choosing for this entertainment children who are capable of analytical thinking and good acting inclinations.

There are many different secrets of how to learn to play "Mafia", which can only be learned over time. It is worth starting with small friendly tournaments in order to understand the deep essence of the game and develop your own techniques. It is also worth accepting that it is simply impossible to play professional Mafia without a strategy. Psychological techniques, temporary alliances and the ability to transfer suspicions to another person is common practice and worth learning. Knowledge of psychology, physiognomy and development own tactics guarantee success and recognition in this field.

Mafia. Card game.
Mafia - team psychological turn-based role-playing game with a detective plot.
Plot: Residents of the city, exhausted from the rampant mafia, make a decision to jail all the mafiosi to the last. In response, the mafia declares war until the complete destruction of all decent townspeople.

Rules of the game

To play you will need special cards... You can also play with a regular deck, if you agree in advance which pictures - what will mean. In a simplified (classic) game, you will need maps with the mafia and civilians - townspeople. In more detailed versions of the game, other characters may also be encountered, such as a commissioner, a doctor, a fallen woman (mistress), a sheriff, a maniac, a lawyer ...

  • Before the start of the game, the cards are dealt face-down to the players. It is then that it is determined who will play for whom. There are exactly as many cards in the deck as there are participants in the game. The host of the game is determined either also with the help of a map, or the person who wants to is selected in advance.

You can print these maps for free on our website.

  • When opening your card, it is advisable not to show emotions. Very often, novice players rejoice violently when they see that they are a mafia - it becomes very easy to identify them. Rather, look at the map and immediately put it in your pocket or on the table, face down, so that no one can see it.

Characters (edit)

Civilians (townspeople)- play only "during the day", they can execute one of the players at this time of day. Until the end of the game, they do not know which of the players is playing for whom.
Mafia- during the day they pretend to be civilians, at night they kill the smartest citizen. All Mafiosi know each other.
Mistress (Fallen Woman, Girl)- plays for civilians, at night can save one of the players, spending the night with him.
Doctor (Doctor)- plays for civilians, heals the sick at night, does not know for sure which player is playing whom, so he can save the mafia from death.
Commissioner (Detective, Sheriff)- Plays for the peaceful, at night he tries to kill the mafia on his own. If it hits a city dweller, the presenter informs everyone that the commissioner missed. If at night he shoots and hits the mafia, the host announces one of the mafia killed.

Game plan

The host announces the first day of the game.

The first day.

Players get to know each other. You can come up with fictitious names and professions. On the first day, some conclusions can be drawn from the behavior of the players.
Poorly hidden joy, displeasure, ostentatious calmness - all this can become the key to unraveling who the mafia really is. But no discussions are allowed on this day.

First night.

The host says: "Night has come."
After the announcement of the host of the night, the players close their eyes or put on special masks.
The presenter says: "The mafia is awake."
After these words, the players who got the "mafia" cards open their eyes and greet each other. This should be done very carefully, as any movement can betray the players.
The host announces: "The Mafia is asleep."
The Mafia closes its eyes.

Second day.

The host announces: “The day has come. All residents of the city woke up "
Civilians wake up and decide which of them is the mafia. Mafiosi also take part in the discussion, posing as peaceful townspeople and trying to transfer suspicions to innocent players. Several suspects are selected, one of whom is executed as a result, and the player is eliminated from the game by showing his card before dying.

Second night.

Approximate plan for the night: Mistress, Mafia, Doctor, Commissioner - all wake up and fall asleep in turn, doing their nightly chores.

It looks like this:
The host announces: “Night has come. all residents fall asleep "
If you are playing with the "Fallen Woman" card, the leader announces it first.
Host: “The mistress wakes up”. The mistress must choose the player with whom she will spend the night, and therefore, whom the mafia cannot kill.
Host: "The Mafia is waking up." The Mafia opens its eyes. On this night, they must get rid of the most intelligent and dangerous civilian. Maintaining complete silence, the mafiosi, after consulting, choose the first victim and gesture to the host.
Host: “The Mafia killed a man. The mafia is falling asleep. "
Host: "The doctor is waking up." The player with the card, the doctor, wakes up and shows the leader at the player whom he wants to cure - to save him from death.
Host: "The doctor is falling asleep."
Host: “The Commissioner is waking up”. The player with the commissioner card opens his eyes and points to the alleged player, who, according to his assumptions, is the real mafia.
Host: “The commissar shoots and misses because he is aiming at a civilian.” (If the commissioner had pointed to the Mafia, the host would have announced the death of the mafia.)
Host: “Everyone falls asleep.”

Day three.

Host: “The third day has come. Everyone wakes up. Mafia killed Vasya Pupkin. The doctor cured Petya Sidorov, who was already healthy "or" The Mafia tried to kill a civilian, but the doctor cured him. "
The players again continue to find out and discuss who turned down the dark path and is the mafia. At the end of the day, a verdict is given and one player is executed.

This continues day after day until one of the camps wins.

Mafia salon team psychological turn-based role-playing game with a detective plot, simulating the struggle between members of an organized minority informed about each other with an unorganized majority.

The plot of the plot. Residents of the city, exhausted from the rampant mafia, make a decision to jail all the mafiosi to one. In response, the mafia declares war until the complete destruction of all decent townspeople.


The game was invented in the spring of 1986 by a student of Moscow State University Dmitry Davydov. At first, it was played in dormitories, auditoriums and corridors of Moscow State University, then it spread to other educational institutions USSR, and then abroad, first to Europe (Hungary, Poland, Norway, Great Britain), and then to the USA. The game was created based on the Italian TV series "Octopus", in which the police commissioner Cattani (Italian. Corrado Cattani) fights the Italian mafia.

On January 4, 1999, another student of Moscow State University, Aleksey Tarasov, created the first site for the game "Mafia" based on the PBEM type. The command system for controlling the game and part of the documentation were taken by Tarasov from another popular game on the network @ Galaxy +, which was implemented and supported by Anton Kruglov. The project was located on the kozanostra.ru domain and used great success in runet (up to 500 people played Mafia on the server at the same time). Over time, Cozanostra began to experience numerous organizational problems and on January 21, 2003 it ceased to exist. But already on February 26, another PBeM game server, mafiaonline.net, was created, which is a development "based on" the previous one; this project"Alive" to this day, but the problem of creating clear rules and the cultivated dislike of old-timers for newcomers hinder the popularization of the project (no more than 60 players play here at the same time).

At the turn of the century, since about 2000, numerous forum mafias have developed. The oldest of them still enjoy the well-deserved respect and attention of game lovers on the forums of the Absolute Games, RuBoard, Kamrad portals and on the forum famous writer and network figure Alex Exler.
One variation of the game was used in the 2005 movie Cry Wolf.

Mafia is recognized as one of the "50 Most Historically and Culturally Significant Games Since 1800."

Description of the game

Briefly (classic game)

The presenter distributes cards face down to the participants of the game. Those who got the red ones make up a team of "honest city dwellers" who do not know each other (the name "civilians" is also common). One of the "honest citizens" who received a red ace, a special player "commissar". Players with black cards are the "mafia" team. Game process divided into two phases "day" and "night". When the host announces the night phase in the city, the players close their eyes to “sleep”. On the first night, the presenter allows players with black "mafia" cards to open their eyes and remember their companions to "meet". After which the mafia "falls asleep", and the presenter demands to wake up the commissioner. Thus, the leader becomes aware of the alignment. At the announcement of the phase of the day, all residents wake up. During the day, the players discuss which of them may be "dishonest" involved in the mafia. At the end of the discussion, the moderator announces a vote for imprisonment (in different versions games, this process is called lynching, hanging, murder). Most suspicious resident who typed more votes goes to jail (leaves the game), and the host reveals his card and announces the game status. Then comes the "night" phase. At night, the mafia wakes up, silently (with gestures) "confers" and kills one of the surviving townspeople, showing the host who exactly. The mafia falls asleep. The commissioner wakes up and points to one of the residents whom he wants to "check". The presenter also silently, “on his fingers”, shows the commissioner the status of the person being checked. During the day, the presenter announces who was killed at night. This player leaves the game, his card ("status") is shown to all residents. Information about the events that have taken place is used by the surviving players for discussion and another "condemnation" @ The game continues until the complete victory of one of the teams, when the opponents are either completely imprisoned or killed.

The essence of the game

Researchers distinguish two types of games: competition (wrestling) and performance (masquerade). "Mafia" successfully combines features of both types. She is both a show and a struggle for survival. Unlike cards, this game has nothing to do with money, unlike golf, it does not require financial costs, unlike football of good physical fitness. Most importantly, it brings such a cherished intellectual pleasure. In the disinterested frivolity of the game, its potential is hidden.

This game is unique. It is based primarily on communication, on discussions between the participants. Here, deception and deceit, the conclusion and dastardly violation of treaties and alliances are constantly taking place and in fact legalized. The discussion of the game situation takes place through a clash of opinions in incessant disputes, while some players prefer to remain silent, while others, on the contrary, actively and noisily participate in the discussion. Thus, the game turns out to be infinitely far from the impartial duel of intellects characteristic of some board games (for example, chess, Go), and this brings it closer to real life... The goal of the game is @ to survive with your team.

The game has two main components: psychological and mathematical.
Mathematical: every "day" the players need to remember who voted for whom and who turned out to be the one for whom they voted. V important points it is easy to determine that the one who voted more often for the honest is most likely the mafia.
Psychological: Players must have acting skills to convince others of their honesty, as well as a strong gift of being carried away by others when voting for suspected dishonest players.

The axiom of each move of living inhabitants will become smaller, someone will be imprisoned, and someone will be killed. There is a paranoid atmosphere in the game, with each move the nervousness is exacerbated. Not a single honest citizen knows for certain who in the game belongs to the opposing team. Every ordinary citizen does not trust anyone and is forced to believe only in himself. Trusting someone else unconditionally often means being deceived and dying.

In order to survive, each member of the mafia team has to remain in the shadows, not to pay attention to himself special attention surrounding, skillfully dodge, masquerading as an honest citizen. The question "Are you really honest?" common. The main attribute of a mafioso is the ability to truthfully lie.

The main quality of an honest resident, arousing respect and praise from others, is the ability to recognize a lie in time. There are two main methods of detecting dishonest ones by honest residents.
Analytical. The decision of the analyst player to send a resident to jail is based on objective data, that is, on irrefutable facts, such as, for example, the results of voting.
Intuitive. The decision of the player-intuition is subjective, based on assumptions and interpretation of the discussion. Intuit, for example, cannot tell a member of the mafia from a commissioner. Intuit sees only the "status glow" - a special state of internal superiority that appears among status players (mafiosi, commissar), externally expressed by a disdainful attitude towards ordinary honest residents.

Psychologism and "interestingness" of the game "Mafia" consist in solving the problem, which of the teams will achieve victory. Mafia, where the members of the group, knowing each other, are not in the mood to allow voting for the landing of themselves, and which has the ability to accurately eliminate a member of someone else's team every move? Or a team of honest citizens who do not know each other, who can get rid of the mafiosi only through a universal vote with the mafia, and often leaving themselves behind?

Rules of the game

Number of players: optimal @ 9-15 people. Possible: from 2 to 30. With a small number of players, the game ends quickly, with a large one, because of the general noise and the division into groups of discussants, it makes no sense. Example: you can play together, dealing three cards, of which one is @ face down. Players decide which one is mafia, or mafia @ hole card. Then if they vote for the hole card, if that honest @ mafia won, if the mafia @ mafia lost. Or one of the players convinces the other that he is honest himself, and the other is @ the mafia and opens a hole card. If she's the mafia @ the mafia won.

Calculation of the number of mafia members in the game is carried out according to the formula: M =

where M @ is the number of mafiosi, N @ total number players, k @ calculated coefficient.

For the game "live" @ in salons (offline, in "real"), on IRC, in chats and forum versions, k varies from 3 to 4. That is approximately k = 3.5.

In the game with delayed move @ PBEM, variant @ is adopted k = 4.5.

Cards@ uncrumpled unspotted, "honest" @ red (diamonds or hearts), "mafia" @ black (spades or clubs), "Commissar" @ ace of diamonds (hearts), or the king of the same suits. Possible: any small items of two types @ coins, plastic eggs from "kinder surprises", pebbles on the beach (by color or cracks), shells @ Example: cards with 6 from the preference deck cannot be dealt @ it is desirable that the shirts are the same ...

Distribution: the presenter carefully shuffles the cards and bypasses all the others, giving out cards to choose from from cards turned face down in a fan. When you receive a card, you need to look at it and put it in your pocket, unnoticed by your neighbors. Possible: After the shuffle, the deck is passed in a circle, each one draws one card and passes on. Minus @ can drop cards.

Reaction to the distribution: Many players, turning out to be the mafia, lose at the time of the distribution, if they are watched. Inexperienced and novice players, receiving a mafia card, rejoice @ "no need to determine who is honest and who is mafia @ slap everyone." By their joy, one can understand their mafia affiliation. Experienced players do not show joy, but often have any habits @ when they find themselves in the mafia, they start: swinging in a chair, rubbing their hands, scratching their heads, picking up something from the table and starting to chew.

First night: The facilitator (usually one of the experienced players) asks if everyone has looked at their cards. Then he commands: "Everyone closed their eyes, the night has come." All players close their eyes. The presenter says: "The mafia opened her eyes and is getting to know each other." Players with black cards open their eyes and begin to look around for awake players. The leader at this time can say: “I count to 5. One, two, three, four, five. Everything. Mafia met and fell asleep. Morning has come. Everyone woke up. "

Mafia on the first night: the mafia has to wake up on the first night to get to know each other. Anyone who has not woken up violates the rules of the game @ further, when discussing during the day, members of the mafia will rely on incorrect data. It is necessary to get acquainted as carefully and silently as possible.

Honest on the first night and subsequent ones: One of the options (for beginners) @ is to sit as quietly as possible and listen to who is moving and where, whether chairs, beds squeak, or someone's neck crunches in search of friends. But this is not a game for the best ear, it is not forbidden to make noise, move and even talk @ explaining: "This is me in a dream @". V critical situations@ honest 1-2 more @ the best option @ sit quietly.

First day. Players have information: about the reaction to the distribution, how the host led, what was heard at night, how the players' mood changed during the night. The conversation can proceed in any way: "He is the only one with glasses @ means mafia." "She stirred all night." "Vasya drank tea at night and did not pour himself on @ means mafia." Both honest and mafia, to convince others that they are right, can use honest and dishonest arguments, both truthful and false information... On the first day, novice players @ mafia are easily killed; Experienced players, once in the mafia together, after the first night sometimes start laughing merrily, hoping to easily win @ this and let them down. They often kill on the first day in a single impulse: an experienced player holds his hand raised for someone for a long time, persuading everyone to kill this comrade.

Vote. Voting @ is a process when live players raise their hands for landing someone and hold them for some time (from 5 seconds or more). If a player is imprisoned @ more than half of the players have held their hands for him for more than 5 seconds, he has no "last word". If his exclamations convince some of the players to give up @ then he can say “ the last word”, Or may not speak. The last word is not part of the game; it is one way to keep yourself alive during the discussion. After voting, the player opens his card, any discussion ends, the players try to remember who voted for and against. If the player is honest, then those who planted him @ under suspicion, if the mafia @ then who did not vote.

Night. The host announces: “Everyone fell asleep. The mafia woke up (evil, insidious, etc.) and chooses a victim. " At this time, the mafia players confer with their glances and show, for example, with a finger whom to kill. Or the presenter points to the sleeping people in turn, and the mafia waves its head in the affirmative. The Mafia is trying to kill the most experienced players who can figure it out, or those who very convincingly dissuade and are hard killed during the day, those who expressed suspicions of her on the previous day, as well as the commissioner. However, for an interesting game in an equal composition, they usually do not kill experienced players @ this is what a beginner mafia does, so it is easy to figure it out later. The one who expressed suspicions is not always killed @ before the night they say: “Well, that's it. I figured out the mafia @ it's you, you and you. Now they'll kill me tonight. " Therefore, he is kept alive. The best option@ is to kill the commissioner. You can also kill a member of the mafia (usually in a non-critical situation), about whom everyone is already sure that he is a mafia, and he will be killed during the day for sure. The host tries not to speak at night, looking at the mafia all the time so as not to betray her. A player is considered killed at night if all members of the mafia agree. At night, the mafia is obliged to agree on whom they actually take out of the game with their shot.

Morning. The host announces: “The mafia has chosen its victim. The mafia fell asleep. The commissar woke up. " The commissioner wakes up and chooses whom to check. Only one player can be checked. The Commissioner points to someone. The presenter silently nods: "Yes, mafia", or shakes his head: "No, honest." If the commissar is killed that night, even before his check, the leader shows crossed arms @ this means that the commissar is killed. If the commissioner points at the player, and he has just been killed, then the presenter also shows crossed arms @ the corpse cannot be honest or the mafia. The commissioner checks the players who are most suspicious to him, or who are completely honest, so that it is clear who to rely on in the discussion. If the game is played with an out-of-team maniac playing personally for himself, then when asked by the commissioner, the presenter twirls his finger at his temple, showing that the player being tested is @ "maniac" (and not the commissioner @ idiot).

Day. The presenter says: “The commissioner checked. I found out everything. Asleep. Everyone woke up. And only Petya did not wake up. And Petya was an honest citizen @ "The card of the murdered man is revealed at night. If the commissar is killed during the day, then the presenter skips the commissar's morning. On the second and all subsequent days there is great amount information: who and when voted for whom, what happened and who was killed at night, who behaved how, who was checked by the commissioner, how many mafias remained. The players try to make chains: “If Misha is in the mafia, then who else? Masha and Vanya ". The suspects make up their own chains. Voting occurs when players do not receive half of the votes. Lists for voting (oral) @ type are drawn up: “Alla, Petya, Vanya were proposed. We vote for Alla. "

Game situations

The commissioner, without opening his card, announces @ “at night I checked Kolya, and he turned out to be a mafia. Who is behind Kolya? " In a critical situation, the mafia often speaks. In an uncritical situation, the mafia can nominate its commissioner. Then both commissioners put forward their versions of whom they checked at night. It is convenient for the mafia to report that their fake commissioner was checking all those subsequently killed.
At even number players (in some versions of the game) the corpse has a "half voice". But he has the right to vote only if the number of honest and mafia is equal @, that is, in critical situations. In this case, he can raise his hand only at the time of voting and has no right to take part in the discussion.
You cannot name your card, like "I have 6 diamonds again." The game is on not on the definition of the card, but on honesty or mafia. If an inexperienced player, or an experienced one says so, should immediately find someone who has the same card.
When playing, most often the same people get mafia or fair cards, and it also often happens that in the course of several games the commissioner @ is the same person. Therefore, the player referring to the theory of probability is most often @ the mafia.
Experienced players often split into pairs @ on the very first day, accusing each other of being mafia and urging them to vote, but do not vote themselves. In the following days, the charges usually end.
"The corpses are silent." The killed players have no right to speak during the discussion, to give out any information to the living and to influence the course of the game in any way: “Well, it's still clear. Hurry up".
"Honest but stupid." For an experienced (honest) player, an inexperienced and honest one is often more dangerous than the mafia, because he rarely gives in to persuasion and votes randomly, or according to the principle: "But he just didn't give me a chocolate bar." Therefore, it also makes sense to vote for such people during the day. There are also "quiet" honest (usually girls), pacifist inclinations who do not vote for anyone, even being a mafia. They also need to be killed early, as they cannot be identified, and non-voting often delays the game very much. There are also "noisy" honest ones who, having made sure that someone is a mafia, no longer change their minds until their death or his death, convincing others of this. There are honest, “touchy” ones who say @ “me again, and that this is again. Vasya, you are a fool. I won't play with you anymore @ "sometimes being the mafia. You can't play like that.

Tactics in the game

"Gang of Siskins" (used mainly in chat rooms and IRC)

This tactic consists in the fact that at the very beginning of the game, some of the honest residents (siskins) unite in a group and vote the same at all votes. The advantage is that it is enough for the commissioner to check someone from the gang and, after making sure that the gang is heading in the right direction, continue to look for mafs. The leader of the gang @ is most often an honest citizen, rarely a commissioner. Although the leader may be one of the mafs who represent great danger for the honest. On the other hand, being a leader is very responsible and dangerous (there is a high probability that they will be "killed" at night). Anti-gang tactics. The main tactic of the mafs is to find the commissioner. Once the commissioner is killed @ half the battle is done. If the commissar is smart and does not show up for a long time, then it makes sense to kill the leader of the gang every night.

"False Commissioner"

The tactics are simple: someone who is not really a commissioner impersonates. The tactics are used by both honest citizens and the mafia. The meaning of the use of tactics by honest residents: to cover the commissioner from the mafia (it is important that in this case the commissioner turns out to be reasonable and does not panic). The meaning of tactics for the mafia: to find a real commissioner, or at least to confuse honest citizens.

Varieties of the game

Every year the game has more and more variations. Especially generous with changes and innovations of the Internet version of the Mafia. There are few ways to develop the game, and they lend themselves to classification.
The main status honest citizen is the commissioner.
The love of changing the functions of the commissioner is in the blood of the players.

Shooting Commissioner@ (especially popular in parlor games) checking a dishonest resident, such a commissioner immediately kills him;

Reanimating Commissioner@ his checked by this move cannot be killed;

Detective@ the commissar who decides to @ check someone or just shoot him every move;

Jailer@ checking the dishonest resident, immediately sends him to jail. But if the jailer is killed, all prisoners are released.

Priest@ after confession (check) finds out the status of the citizen, and the citizen of the priest.

Journalist@ does not check, but compares two residents for the "same" statuses.

Donor(other name @ recruiter) @ checking an honest resident gives that person the right next night check someone yourself.

Commissioner is replaced by a pair of statuses "Judge and prosecutor"@ "In the morning" the prosecutor sets the tone for the discussion of the day, accusing one of the residents of involvement in the mafia, and the judge "in the evening" makes a decision on the citizen being sent to jail @ can and acquit.

Assistant Commissioners.

Doctor(the names "resuscitator", "doctor" are also popular). Able to protect a resident from a bullet.

Bodyguard- kills one of the attempted assassins.

Girl. Blocks special abilities. Maybe, for example, by pointing at a member of the mafia, prevent them from shooting.

Crest."Kumuet" @ if he is imprisoned or killed, he "drags" along with him to the prison / grave and godfather.

Sheriff. Independent shooter of a team of honest citizens.

Witness(other name is "homeless"). Keeps track of one of the residents and, in the event of his death (or attempt), sees his killer.

Elder. An unrepentant honest citizen.

Samurai. If enemies shoot at the villager he is covering, he dies instead.

Sergeant. He knows who the commissioner is and knows the statuses of the players he has checked. He himself cannot check, but if the commissioner is killed, the sergeant becomes a commissioner.

Specialized mafiosi.

Thief. Mafia analogue of the "girl". Also able to block the special abilities of residents.

Killer. Optional independent mafia shooter. The mafia team actually has two shots @ the collective and the killer.

Advocate. Mafia inspection commissioner.

Jealous. Aims to find the girl or the resident she is blocking. If found, @ will kill both.

Entering the game of the second maf-group @ "Yakuza". Specialized Yakuza Warriors:

Thug. He blunts the victim so that not only special abilities are blocked, but even the ability to vote.

Ninja. Unverifiable.

Kamikaze. Aims at finding a commissioner. As soon as he finds @, he dies with him.

Mafia leaders.

In a three-way game (two mafias and honest citizens), the status can participate Mafia Boss - "authority"(from the mafia team) and "Sensei"(from the yakuza team). In some variations of the game, the mafia is not able to kill the sensei, but the yakuza @ the authority.

Boss(he is the "godfather"). May strip players of their voting rights on the move.


The desire to dilute the team game with non-team characters playing every man for himself was so great that a huge number of individual statuses were invented:

Maniac. Lonely out-of-command shooter. He can win (as, indeed, other loners) only if one remains alive in the city.

Scumbag(alternative name @ "Robin Hood"). Perverted shooter. He does not touch simple (without special features) honest citizens, destroys the rest for a sweet soul.

Poisoner. Maniac chemist. His victim dies only a day later.

Fanatic. A loner who has learned to block for survival.

Hacker. Hacks into the computer and finds out the status of the victim. The presence of a hacker in the game obliges the host to disclose the result of the hacking to all residents.

Rogue. Simultaneously steals and uses a stiffened special choice.

Rebel. Able to pull an unused voice to land from a non-voting resident in favor of his own.

New game features:

Unfamiliar Mafia.

"Shoutout" (used in PBEM) An honest resident killed or imprisoned by the first move becomes a "mouthpiece" @ a liaison (between the commissioner with assistants and unverified townspeople) and an advisory (between the commissioner, his assistants and verified honest residents) link. In the morning, the megaphone sets the tone for the discussion, asking citizens for candidates for possible mafiosi and / or offering to speak on someone, and in the evening summarizes the opinion of the city and, after consulting with the commissioner, gives the city a recommendation (“order”) to land.

Game without a commissioner. Only honest residents and mafiosi. The accepted name for such a game is @ "peakless cap".

Game with the deputy. During the day, residents elect a deputy who will personally decide who will go to prison.

The game is "blind". After the turn, the cards of the killed and planted residents are not revealed.

Diplomacy. Game without shooting or checking.

Three-way game with a renegade. When one of the mafias is destroyed, the renegade "picks up weapons" and turns into the last member of the mafia / yakuza.

Foundling. The mafia cannot kill a foundling, although he belongs to the honest inhabitants. A foundling does not know his status, the mafia can find out the status of a foundling only if a "shot" is not taken at him.

Bastard boss. The same as a foundling, but the mafia knows his status in advance and cannot shoot him at night.

Play without a leader. The first honest resident killed or imprisoned becomes the leader.

The so-called "Romanian version of the game". Each live player votes with two balls each turn. Black is given to the most suspicious player. White @ who looks most honest. The player who has much more black balls than white ones goes to jail.

Special condition of the day. Every day, a card is drawn at random, on which it is written special condition, for example: “Today is courtesy day. If during the discussion someone intercepts another, then he is deprived of the right to vote "," All men were called up for military training. Only women participate in the discussion, but they can only choose a victim in their own circle. "

Ouija sessions. A card is drawn, on which three questions are listed, from which you can choose one and ask the dead player. The questions are designed in such a way that they do not give a direct indication of who is playing what role.

In one of the salon versions of the game the mafia at night does not discuss the shot. The host lists all the players. Whose name will the mafs shoot at the same time @ make a move forefinger resembling pulling the trigger of a weapon @ that is killed.

Role-playing game "Ostrakism", invented in Germany. No mafia. The starving passengers who find themselves on the island after the shipwreck eat a person a day. Only the last two will survive (win). Ostrakism was embodied in the PBEM version by Alexei Tarasov in 1999.

Resolving controversial situations.

For example, there is one maf and one honest one. Exists following ways solutions:
Count the mafia victory.
Declare a draw.
Cast lots.
Give the right to vote to the last honest killed.
In some versions of the game, "loners" are considered not independent, but "neutral" characters. When, say, one maniac remains alive in such a game, the victory may not be credited to him, but to honest residents.
In the Internet versions of the Mafia, post-game bonuses are common to the most distinguished players (often the winning team). The game currency, visual insignia (for example, medals), additional points to the internal rating of each specific player are used.

Table sets

So far, special decks of cards for playing the Mafia are being created only abroad, popularizing any of their game "assembly" of status players. All commercial versions of the game are of course "copyright" kits.
The first was released by Looney Labs in 1997 under the title "Are You a Werewolf?" was renamed to Seer, Mafia @ to Ghouls, Lead @ to Regulator.
In 2001, Looney Labs sold the rights to Werewolfia to the French company Asmodee Editions, which finalized the game and released it first in France under the name Les Loups-garous de Thiercelieux, and then in the United States as “ The Werewolves of Miller "s Hollow (eng.)." the rules are spelled out.
In 2002, the Italian company daVinci Editrice S.r.l. has released its game compilation of the ghoul mafia, called "Lupus in Tabula (eng.)".
In 2007, the American company Bezier Games joined the Werewolf celebration with the Ultimate Werewolf set.
The 2000 release from Toy Vault Inc does not stand out from a number of mystical decks. This themed version of the Mafia, titled "Do You Worship Cthulhu?"
The only set based on the classic Mafia detective story is the 2002 "Bang!" By Italian Emiliano Sciarra.
Other packs (rare national and only planned) can be found at BoardGameGeek.

TV versions

From time to time, information appears about the implementation of the game on television in the form of a TV show.
From 1990 to 1995, the Latvian National Television broadcasted the weekly TV show "Parliament against the Mafia". According to eyewitnesses, the game was played for 12 people. One of the gangsters was the "Godfather", he summed up the opinions of the members of the mafia, after which he personally decided who to take his life. The Commissioner was called "The Investigator". In the afternoon, all living residents @ "parliamentarians" @ discussed who they should "lynch". Two convicts were given a minute for the last word before the execution. Anyone who failed to pity the parliament was "executed."
The last known attempt was made in 2004 by Channel 5 of St. Petersburg. For the show, which was called "Against the Mafia", a version of the game was chosen with the cards of killed and imprisoned residents (the so-called "game in the dark"), which were not disclosed by the host after the move. The game was role-playing @ residents received cards with the name of the profession, which they should name the viewers and act out during the show. Two players, on whose cards was engraved "mafia" and another one who had a "commissar", in a split second had to come up with a profession and thereby dissolve in the crowd of honest townspeople. The game was played for nine people in original colorful decorations. To create a sense of intrigue and empathy for honest residents, the game "nights" were shown only at the very end of the show. As players were invited correspondents of the newspapers "Panorama TV", " TVNZ", Magazines" Sobaka.ru "," Calendar "," Afisha "and novice St. Petersburg film actresses. At the end of each game, the top three players were selected as the host, rewarded with cash envelopes. The winner of the final super game became the proud owner of a ticket to Sicily.

Game slang in the Mafia:

Maf@mafioso (player for the mafia team).
Komi(commie) - Commissioner.
Serge- Sergeant.
Chizh- an honest resident.
Schizh@any status honest resident (komi, serzh, doc)
VBS, illegitimate, son, daughter- the illegitimate son of the boss.
Manya- a maniac.
Dock@ doctor.

Alexandra Savina

In the fall, we want to stay at home more and more., and the most common entertainment is home parties and get-togethers with friends. We have collected ten not the most famous games for a company (alcoholic and not only), for most of which only paper and a pen are needed. We are sure they will make the cold autumn days more fun.


You will need: Paper and pen, timer

How to play: You can buy the Boom board game, or you can create cards for it yourself. Before the start of the game, each of the players writes names on several paper cards famous people(it's better to choose celebrities who are well known to everyone present - it's easier and more fun). Then the players are divided into teams; the team is given a minute for one move. In the first round, players need to take cards from the deck and explain to other team members who they are talking about, without naming a celebrity - they get as many points as they can guess. When all the cards run out, they are folded back into the deck and the second round begins: now the names of the celebrities need to be explained in pantomime. In the third round, the names must be explained in one word. The advantage of the game is that all the players are involved in it: even if it is not your turn now, you need to listen carefully, because the cards are repeated.

Winking killer

You will need: Deck of cards or paper and pen

How to play: At the beginning of the game, you need to distribute the roles and choose who will be the killer - for this you can use several cards according to the number of players (the one who draws the ace of spades becomes the killer) or write the roles on pieces of paper. Players draw a card or piece of paper without showing it to others and sit in a circle. The killer's task is to discreetly wink at other players: the one to whom he winks, "dies." The task of the rest of the players is to catch the killer: at any moment of the game they can blame someone. If the name of the killer is named correctly, he lost; if the player makes a mistake and calls the name of the innocent, he also "dies". If the assassin manages to get everyone but the last player out of the game, he wins (and this is much more difficult than it sounds).


You will need: Alcohol

How to play: Not the easiest, but very fun alcoholic game different variants the rules of which are detailed in Wikipedia. Players stand in a circle and take turns counting to 21. According to one of the most common variations of the rules, players can count one, two or three numbers. If the player calls one number, the game continues in the same direction as before (for example, the person to the right of the player counts further). If he calls two numbers, the game changes direction (in our example, the next number is called by the person to the left of the player). If the person calls three numbers, the game continues in the same direction as before, but the player next to the counting player skips.

The player who must call the number 21 loses, and must also drink as a punishment - and also come up with one more additional rule (for example, all numbers that are multiples of three must be pronounced in English, or instead of the number 5, one of the players must be winked). Anyone who makes mistakes, calls the wrong numbers, gets confused by the new rules and hesitates too much, should also drink as a punishment. The game can be continued until each number has its own rule - or until you get tired of drinking.

Insert the phrase

You will need: Paper and pen

How to play: A game to play throughout the evening. Each of the guests, when he comes to you, needs to distribute a piece of paper with pre-prepared phrases (for example, "I'm thinking of running a marathon", "Game of Thrones" taught me a lot "," What do you think of the latest Yeezy collection? "). The players' task is not to show their proposal to others, to quietly insert it into a normal conversation. After the player utters his phrase, he must wait five minutes so that the others have the opportunity to calculate it. If during this time a person is not caught, then he receives a prize. This game also has an alcohol version: in this case, if someone was able to successfully insert their phrase into a conversation, everyone else drinks. If someone catches you using a pre-prepared phrase, you will have to drink already.


You will need: Alcoholic jelly or shots

How to play: Players sit in a circle at a table lined with glasses of alcohol (calculate your strength when choosing a drink!) Or glasses of alcoholic jelly. At the start of the game, everyone looks down, and then, on the count of three, they look up and look at the other player. If you are looking at someone who is not looking at you, you are in luck; if your eyes meet, you need to shout: "Medusa!" - and have a shot. And so on until the alcohol ends - or just gets bored.

Sing song ping pong

You will need: A device that plays music (but not required)

How to play: The game that appeared and became popular thanks to the film " Perfect voice". It can be played both split into teams and one by one. In order to achieve success in the game, you need to be able to improvise well - but to be able to sing professionally is not at all necessary, the main thing is not to be shy. The player or team making the first move starts singing any song (you can just play the first song in the player). The rest of the participants can at any time interrupt the one who is currently singing and sing another song, starting with the word that occurs first in the text, and so on. The round continues until one of the players manages to sing his song to the end - in this case, he gets a point. The game can be continued until someone scores 5-10 points, depending on how long it takes you for one round. If desired, the game can be complicated and played in English.

A donkey

You will need: Paper and pen, alcohol (optional)

How to play: This is an alcoholic game, but you don't have to drink at all - instead, you can impose a different fine. Before the start of the game, each participant receives a piece of paper on which he must write some task. All pieces of paper are folded into a hat or box; the players take turns drawing one at a time, without showing it to the others. After that, the players begin to deal with their tasks in turn. Everyone has a choice: you can complete the task, you can exchange with someone who has not yet completed their own (at the same time, it is impossible to discuss which task someone has), or refuse to complete the task and drink - or get another set penalty. If you have your own task, you cannot exchange it with others - you have to do it or have a drink.

Two truths and one lie

You will need: Paper and pen (optional)

How to play: Each of the players needs to come up with three sentences about themselves - two true and one false. The players take turns reading out statements about themselves (in any order), and the rest need to determine where the truth is and where is the lie. After the others have voted, the player tells how it really is. The success of the game largely depends on how creative the participants are - but it helps well in an unfamiliar company.


You will need: Hats, paper crowns, or party caps

How to play: The good thing about this game is that it can be played discreetly throughout the evening - especially if you are having dinner at the same table. It got its name from the popular Christmas crackers in the UK and some other countries, which have a small prize and a paper crown. Players wear hats or any other headgear, and the host announces that all players must take them off after he takes off his. The presenter should take off his hat not immediately, but after a while, when the players are distracted and, possibly, forget that the game is still going on. The one who takes off his hat last loses.

birds of a feather flock together

You will need: Paper and pen for each player

How to play: Before starting the game, the facilitator should come up with ten categories (for example, “Silent movie actresses”, “ Alcoholic cocktails"," Musicians of the 80s "). Play better big company and the players must split into two teams. The facilitator announces each of the categories in turn, and the participants must write the first three words or names that come into their minds that match it. Trying to be the most original is not worth it: points are awarded for words written by several people from the team. For example, a word written by three team members can be awarded three points, a word written by four team members can be awarded four points, and so on. The team with the most points wins.

People who like to spend time with their friends with benefit will be interested in learning how to play Mafia. This is a common form of entertainment that is kind of intelligent and will definitely not make you bored. It is important to understand all the subtleties of this game, otherwise nothing will work.

Mafia rules

Among lovers of this type of entertainment there are certain rules, which is important to consider so as not to spoil everything.

  1. It is important to contain your emotions so that other players do not quickly identify the character.
  2. The presenter must create the mood in the game, so it is forbidden to pronounce words dryly, briefly and in monosyllables. Otherwise, everyone will be bored and uninteresting.
  3. The Mafia rules state that players who have left the game should not comment on anything and prevent others from "investigating". They must remain silent for the rest of the game.
  4. When figuring out how to play Mafia, it is worth pointing out that the leader should not show himself in any way towards one or another participant, giving hints. He does not even have to look towards any player, focusing attention on him.

Classic Mafia - the rules of the game

In the first version of the game, there were only two opposing camps: civilians and mafiosi, but after a while other characters appeared that added variety. rules classic mafia indicate that the game is being played according to the following scenario:

  1. First, using cards, it is determined what role each person will play. After that, the presenter announces the coming of night, when all people close their eyes, and then the mafia wakes up. With the help of signs, they agree on which of the civilians will be killed. Then the mafiosi close their eyes again.
  2. The host announces the day when everyone opens their eyes. Participants start a discussion to determine who is playing which role. The task is to determine who the mafioso is. People should use different arguments to defend yourself and blame others.
  3. The day ends with a general vote, when a possible criminal is determined and he is removed from the game. This person opens the card and then it becomes clear which side he played on, and who became the winner in the round: mafiosi or civilians.
  4. Then the presenter again announces the onset of night, and everything is repeated from the beginning. The game is considered over when there are characters from only one side.

How to play Mafia without cards?

In the special board game Mafia, there are several attributes, for example, masks that help people cover their faces in order to hide their emotions and not give themselves away. In addition, the set contains special cards with the name and image of the characters, which the participants pull to assign roles. Describing how to play Mafia and the rules of the game, it is worth noting that it is not necessary to use cards, since you can simply cut the same pieces of paper, which should not be different. Write the roles on them, shuffle them and let the players choose the option for themselves.

How to play Mafia with regular cards?

You don't need special cards to assign characters, as you can use a regular deck. First, you just need to agree that the red suit will indicate the townspeople, and the black one - the mafia. When additional characters are turned on, cards are also selected for them, for example, the king of hearts can be the sheriff, and the lady can be the nurse. If you are interested in how to play Mafia with cards, it is worth pointing out that it is important to first make sure that they have the same shirts, that there are no marks or flaws, otherwise the game will be declassified.

Mafia rules for kids

There is no strict age limit for this game, but it is best to start using this entertainment option as a teenager. Describing how old you can play Mafia, we will point out that ideal age- 12-13 years old. This is explained by the fact that younger students are too emotional, so they cannot long time keep intrigue. In addition, it is possible an uncontrollable resentment against other participants who begin to calculate the mafiosi. It is important that the child is capable of analytical thinking and has good acting skills.

How many people can play Mafia?

Many people ask this question, but there are no special restrictions regarding the choice of the number of players. At the same time, participation a large number people leads to a delay in the process, which makes the game more boring. rules board game Mafia say that the ideal number of participants is selected depending on the chosen strategy and the number of characters. Many fans of this entertainment are sure that it is better when six people participate, where two mafiosi, a commissioner and three civilians are involved.

How to play Mafia - roles

Each character has its own strategy, which helps to create interesting game... The main characters of the rules of the game Mafia:

  1. Civilian... The person must conduct a calm dialogue, looking closely at other participants in order to identify the mafiosi. You can record suspicious gestures and statements. If a civilian comes under suspicion, the main thing is not to behave aggressively, which can further confuse the players.
  2. Mafia. the main task The "dark" side - to confuse the participants to the maximum. You can try to copy civilians in order to join their company.
  3. Doctor... Explaining how to play Mafia, it should be pointed out that this character, who can save any player from elimination, must have excellent analytical skills. The doctor must hide his role so that the bandits do not quickly remove him from the game.
  4. Putana... Such a player can protect the character from both the good and the bad side, so there is no need to hide. In this role, you can reveal your resourcefulness and adventurism.
  5. Sheriff... A man who should suspect everyone. Only this player can "kill" anyone at night, trying not to hit a civilian. If the Sheriff falls under suspicion, then one of the civilians can impersonate this hero so that he is left alone.

Describing how to play Mafia correctly, you should pay attention to additional roles that have their own purpose:

  1. Detective... The player can check or kill some participant at night. He must agree in advance with the presenter about the appropriate gestures.
  2. Killer... When a person with this role wakes up, he decides who he will hunt for. To do this, the presenter takes turns calling the characters, and the killer nods at any moment. After that, he can check one player per night, and after being caught, the victim dies.
  3. Werewolf... Initially, this character has no functions, but if one mafiosi was killed, then in the next circle the werewolf turns into him and performs all his functions.
  4. Advocate... The tasks are identical to the sheriff, but only he plays for the mafia.
  5. Kamikaze... If this player is killed, then he can take with him any other "for the company".
  6. Bodyguard... Each night, this player saves one participant, and when he is killed, the bodyguard dies in his place.

How to play Mafia together?

Many are sure that it is unrealistic to play this game together, but in fact it is not. This is explained by the fact that the cards are dealt not for two, but three, just the third character is set aside and is not revealed. As a result, the players don't know which camp they belong to. Describing how to play the tabletop Mafia, it is worth pointing out an important disadvantage of the two-player game, so people simply do not have the opportunity to make a mistake and go to the next round, since the cards will be revealed immediately after the first round. At the same time, many believe that such a game will be an excellent workout.

How to play Mafia threesome?

The game is more interesting when many people participate in it, but three of us can try it. The leader in this game is removed and any person takes on his role. There are no additional characters in this version of the Mafia. In the instructions on how to play Mafia with friends, it is indicated that the participants are divided into one mafia and two civilians. The game will be short because, as in the case of two players, it will be immediately clear who is who.

How to play Mafia 4?

With such a number of participants, a presenter is also not needed in the game, since any person can speak "duty phrases". As for voting, you can put a hat in the center of the table for it, and each participant will write on a piece of paper the name or number of the suspect, and then put it in the hat. After that, the votes are counted and the total is announced. Finding out how to play four of the mafia correctly, it is worth pointing out the correct distribution of participants: one is the mafia, two civilians and any additional role, but more often the choice falls on the maniac.

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