Home Berries Expert assistance with admission to master's programs at the world's best universities and business schools. Studying in the UK. Who is directly in your project group?

Expert assistance with admission to master's programs at the world's best universities and business schools. Studying in the UK. Who is directly in your project group?

Cass Business School is one of the leading business schools in the UK, ranked in the top 20 best schools in Europe according to the Financial Times. It has triple accreditation (EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA), which only 1% of business schools worldwide have.

Oksana Korobko, who is currently studying in the Master in Investment Management program, spoke about studying at Cass Business School:

— about how to increase your chances of getting into a top university,
— about the features of studying at a prestigious business school,
- advice for those who want to find work in the UK,

and a lot more useful and interesting information for those who are planning their admission to a foreign master's program.

Before her master's degree at Cass, Oksana completed the ICEF program, conducted jointly by the National Research University Higher School of Economics and the London School of Economics and Political Science, and worked for a year in Moscow on the Graduate program. Therefore, her opinion, advice and recommendations are very interesting and useful.

About preparation and admission

Oksana, we started working with you exactly a year ago in April. As far as I remember, you contacted us at the stage when you had already submitted Imperial college LondonAndLSE?

Yes, at that time I had already applied to Imperial and the University of Toronto, but did not receive positive answers. And I didn’t even apply to LSE, because I thought that they would definitely reject me there. My classmates, who had First-Class Honors for their undergraduate studies, were able to enroll only with good results GMAT. LSEs in principle give preference to First Class Honors for finance programmes. With Second Class Honors, one could enroll in Management or Management & Strategy. However, I didn’t want to go into management; I was focused specifically on the financial program. Although now I think that maybe it would be worth filing just in case - maybe something would come of it.

What was your result?GMAT?

650. I prepared for it for a very long time, but at the same time I worked at the same time, so the preparation, apparently, was not very effective.

The best way to prepare for the GMAT is to sit for a month, solve problems day and night, and pass everything by the end of the month.

But I did this for several months, for 2 hours after work, and I did not develop the skill of quickly solving problems. Therefore, with grief, I passed 650.

Why did you decide not to enroll immediately after your bachelor’s degree, but to work for a year? Did it just happen or did you have some kind of strategy?

In fact, it was both. In general, if you are going to a master's program immediately after a bachelor's degree, then the application process should begin in the 4th year. And it so happened that I didn’t pass the important exams of the third year of study very well. It didn’t even appear from my profile that I would have Second Upper, all the exams were 50-60 at most, and it seemed to me that I had no chance. I planned that it would be better for me to push myself up to Second Upper or First Honor in my fourth year of study and then apply. This was my strategy. And then it coincided that they made me an offer at Ferrero, which also had a graduate program. And I thought that I could gain some experience there, see how a real business works, and with this knowledge I would continue my education.

If upon admission you knew what you know now, having studied in the master’s programCassmore than six months, what would you do differently?

I would start preparing for the GMAT in the summer after 3rd year. By September I would take it and make sure that the results are normal, and then I would immediately start submitting documents. If you are accepted, you have already protected yourself, you can look for a summer internship somewhere in good location or just relax. But it turned out that for a whole year I did something, did, did, and the result came only in May-April, although it was possible to compress it and find out by September-November that you got accepted somewhere.

And another piece of advice – I would apply to more universities.

You can make a list of your top schools, the main thing is that it is not just one university. I also made the following mistake: in the first half of the year I really wanted to go to the University of Toronto, I spent a long time preparing for it, collecting all sorts of documents for a long time, but there was no result. And it made me very demoralized. If I had applied to, for example, 5 schools in the first half of the year, then maybe I would have already entered somewhere and worried less.

In general, the main tips are to apply to more places and start earlier and there will be a perfect strategy.

How did you choose universities to enroll in? What criteria and principles were important to you, how did you search for and select universities?

At first I thought about Canada. We have friends there who said that if you study there, it won’t be very difficult to stay, I found it interesting. But in the end, this option was eliminated, since the University of Toronto did not accept me.

And the second country I considered was England. Yes, despite the fact that it is difficult to stay here, that it is not the most the best option emigration. And when I decided on the country, I began to choose universities based on some rational considerations. I based myself on ratings, opinions of other people, stories of successful employment after university, and the program as a whole. At that time, I was very interested in investment management, and not all universities offer this program. Therefore, the choice fell on Imperial College London and Cass, where there is a program in investment management. That’s how it happened that I ended up at Cass Business School.

Now you don’t regret thatImperialdidn't hit?

Now I don’t regret it, because the program is good, and Russian-speaking guys, even after Imperial, also face difficulties when getting a job. In addition, this program is about 19 years old at Cass, and in its first year at Imperial College London.

About studies and classmates

What are your impressions of Cass Business School?

Very good! When I was still an undergraduate and was thinking about this program, I had a feeling that it was still too expensive, but here I understand that every pound pays off. For example, at our institute there are 14 Bloomberg terminals - this is great, the subscription there is very expensive. At HSE we had one terminal, which you had to sign up for and wait a long time for your turn. And here I can come whenever I want, see what interests me, and I don’t have to sign up anywhere or wait for anyone. Great library. Very good teachers are either academicians with PhDs or practitioners who have worked in the industry for a long time. It’s a pleasure to listen to them, because they were there, they know everything and explain everything very well.

How many people study in the program?Investment Management at Cass?

There are about 120-130 people in the class, and we don't have seminars, only lectures that last 3 hours. In these lectures, anyone can respond and participate in the discussion. And practical classes are held in computer laboratories— there we already worked in groups. We have a very interesting division, I have never seen anything like it: in the first semester we were randomly divided into groups of 4 people. This semester we were already able to choose who to be in the group with. And in this group you solve most of the problems, do your coursework, someone also recommends solving cases in this group.

What kind of guys study with you? What nationalities are they, what age? With what background?

In fact, I thought there would be guys there who had just graduated from college. And I was very surprised when I saw the guys who had previously worked in Hedge Funds or as traders. There are a lot of people who worked in Asset Management. Some were managers of their own small investment fund, others simply traded themselves...

You can learn a lot from your fellow students, and there is such healthy competition.

This program is considered one of the most technical (although for me it is not technical at all, with very simple mathematics), so we have a lot of Asians, probably 50% of the course. The most diverse - those who were born here, from Hong Kong, Chinese, Malaysians, Thais, Vietnamese, Koreans, there is one Japanese. Everyone has different backgrounds.

All the rest are also such a multinational mix, exactly as promised. English, Germans, French, Italians, Scandinavians, quite a few Greeks, Turks, Indians, Americans, one young man from South Africa, another from the Bahamas. There are Russians, but very few; there are five people with me, and I am the only Russian girl on the course.

Who is directly in your project group?

At first, when we were randomly assigned, I somehow ended up in the group with another Russian guy. And there was a Vietnamese woman, but who was born and lived in the Czech Republic, and a Chinese man, who was born in England. That is, they all have European citizenship, but they are Asian guys.

And when in the second semester we were able to choose for ourselves, I was in a group with an Englishman, a Turk and a Mexican. Yes, I forgot, we also have Mexicans and Colombians. And in fact, this is very cool, because before my master’s degree I knew nothing about Columbia and was not interested at all. And now it turns out that studying has opened up some new horizons for me in this regard. This experience is also very enriching.

Yes, when I do interviews with our clients, absolutely all the guys say that, of course, studying is an incredible experience and gives a lot, but at the same time, it was simply impossible to imagine how valuable all this experience of communicating with guys of different nationalities would be, joint projects, experience of living in another country...

Yes, it develops very well and gives excellent communication skills. You really won’t get this anywhere else; it’s hard to imagine that you would find yourself in such a mix somewhere other than a master’s degree.

How are your classes going? The lectures cover some specific topics, and then you do all the practical tasks in a group?

The lecture lasts 3 hours with a break of about 15 minutes in the middle. This is a regular lecture-presentation; both theoretical and practical issues can be discussed at it (for example, solving problems). And coursework - yes, that’s already practical task which we must complete as a group, either using Bloomberg or other programs. This is not just a set of examples or some kind of case, this is a very serious work, like a mini-business report, usually 10-15 pages. What differentiates my program from others is the volume of coursework. In other courses it’s something like “read the article, write what you think about it.” And here, for example, “create a strategy for a hedge fund.” In this regard, this is a research program; you need to devote a lot of time to self-education. And I really like it because it is a valuable experience.

Is it difficult for you to study in this program? To what extent was your preparation at ICEF and your work experience a good basis for studying here?

Yes, it helped a lot, because I'm great at math. We had an exam in quantitative finance, and I got the best result in the course. In this sense, my past education helped me. But there are some subjects that require argumentation, some examples from life, or writing a good essay - I have some difficulties with this, because I am not a native speaker.

What subjects, for example, were more difficult?

The Invest Management program is divided as follows: each course is a separate product. And in Fixed Income you have to write a long essay, and it seems to me that precisely because it was an essay, I did not have the best result.

In principle, the program as a whole, even not counting exams, is very intensive. At first, the teachers told us this: “The deadlines and the entire program are designed to put you under stress, so that you can feel how investment managers work. And if you feel very bad by the end last week, This is fine."

And indeed, many things were very intensive and at some points complex, because a very detailed analysis was required in a short time. And the exams are also quite difficult, you need to carefully prepare for them. On the one hand, this is good - you learn the subject and acquire very important knowledge. But, on the other hand, this is bad, because, for example, in other universities (LSE or Queen Mary, UCL) the session is once a year, you prepare for it for a month, and that’s it. The whole of December is free, and during this time you can apply for a job and look for some internships. The first semester is the most active in terms of deadlines, and this intensity “disturbed” a little: you want to find a job, but you don’t even have time to apply because you’re busy course work. Although, as experience shows, if people find a job, it is most often at the end of their studies.

What, in your opinion, are the features ofCass Business School(remembering your words that every pound is well spent)?

The main difference is that it is located right in the City - I once had an interview right in the next building. The atmosphere is not even that of a student, but rather of a business center. And in general, they provide very practical knowledge, a lot of relationships/collaborations with the industry, and this, it seems to me, makes the school stand out. Yes, there are no buildings here that are several centuries old, but there is real industry practice. For example, you go to the library, and in the financial area there is a news ticker, what is the price of the pound, what are the key indicators.

I think Cass is different in this regard, it is very focused on the financial industry, it is a very practical university with a business atmosphere.

About how the week goes and about student events

Can you briefly describe your typical week? What is your approximate time schedule: how much does it take to study, is there any free time left for any activities?

I'll tell you about the week when the deadlines were approaching. In the morning I prepare for a lecture and sit at the institute, sometimes playing sports (the only time when I can do this). Then there is a lecture, after which we go with the group to do an assignment. Then we go to some additional seminar (for example, ethics in business), because there is an opportunity to receive a certificate, which can then be included when looking for a job. The next day I prepare for lectures again: ours are very intensive, they ask whether you have read the articles, whether you have completed the tasks for the lecture, so I want to solve all this. So 4 days pass, quite intensively - lectures, group assignments, some seminars, and at the end of the week we went to the CFA conference. Only 10 students from the entire school got there; we were selected as the most active ones. The conference was dedicated to ethics in business and trends in investment management, it was very interesting.

On Friday, the guys sometimes go to some parties, or we just go to lunch or dinner. Sometimes we go to some events - for example, one Friday we went with our classmates to the musical “The Lion King”, another time to a chocolate festival. Or preparing for exams, looking for a job.

What student activities are there besides studying?

Yes, there is an unreal number of events here, some parties, tournaments, a lot of communities. I really loved the cultural community at Cass - they just go to museums, that's what I love. There may be fewer student activities than at other universities, but overall there are a lot of activities and you can find something you like. Again, in percentage more activities that are aimed at some practical seminars– people from the industry come and tell us something.

About job search

How are things going with your career? How is your job search going?

In fact, it seems to me that a career after Cass Business School is a bit weakness, the only negative, in my opinion. In general, the career center works the same way as in other institutes: they will help with both a CV and a cover letter, if you have an interview with some company, they will find people who have already passed this interview with whom you you can talk. And the Career Fair there was very good, there were a lot of companies.

The difficulty is that Cass Business School is still a very young brand, and not all industries are interested in it. For example, Investment Banking - they don’t really look at Cass, they mainly target only Oxford and Cambridge, not even LSE always. But for other industries - Investment Management or Sales and Trading - Cass is well suited. I currently have an internship at a consulting firm where I worked a lot with various CVs, and I see that from Cass Business School there are a lot of people working in Asset Management.

In my opinion, the point here is not about Cass itself, but about the fact that without citizenship, in principle, it is quite difficult. And I understand employers: what’s the point for them to hire me and not a Briton from Cass? Compared to the British, I speak worse, I have to pay for sponsorship. It seems to me that not only people from Cass experience this, so it’s not about the school you went to. I know people from Oxford who were here, didn't get a job, came back, and I know people from Cass who found a job. At the same time, I have the following observation: I applied to 30 places, and where Russian was required, they answered me everywhere (for example, even from Morgan Stanley).

The advice that I can give to everyone: success in terms of screening and interviews will be if the work involves a relationship with Russia, because the Russian language is our only advantage.

In principle, it seems to me that it’s possible to find a job, because a lot of my friends have found one.

But there is one more problem, and this already concerns all graduates, not only Russians. Here you will have to do for 2-3 years what the very best entry-level analyst does, despite your knowledge and experience. And in Russia, it seems to me, you can get a much higher level of responsibility, more interesting tasks, your career will go faster. So now I’m thinking – is it worth it? Yes, I wanted to stay here, but now I think that I can find such a job in Russia, and at the same time, my job will be much more interesting and better, even despite the fact that there is a crisis in Russia. This realization came to me recently, although I remember that we had graduates who said the same thing. It’s very nice and interesting here, London is a wonderful city, I would happily stay here. But specifically in terms of your career, it’s unlikely that you’ll build one here very quickly. Here you really have to work a lot to be appreciated.

When did you start looking for a job?

First semester, but I feel like I put less into it than I should have. We should have started earlier - there were a lot of refusals due to late submission. Even if the deadline is, for example, December 4, most likely, by December 4 they will already have final candidates for this position.

And the second piece of advice that I want to give everyone: if there is a problem with solving some numerical tests, you need to sort it out in the summer! Practice, write a CV, cover letter and be ready to apply in September.

Then you won't be late with submission. If a position opens in September, it means that candidates are already being looked at in September.

How did you look for housing?

I live in the official hostel of Cass Business School - Pure City. But I mistakenly chose a rather expensive hostel, but its advantage is that it is very close to the school, 5 - 7 minutes. The hostel opened only in 2014, everything is very new, it’s clear that no one lived before me.

The hostel resembles a hotel, everyone has such small apartments with their own bathroom. I'm not renting a studio, but an en-suite apartment, i.e. I share the kitchen with other students. But the kitchen is very spacious, and despite the fact that 10-12 people share it, somehow it turns out that it is never full. Therefore, I don’t see the point in taking a studio and overpaying by about 25%. I am very pleased with the hostel, but not entirely happy with the price - it turned out that Cass has another hostel, Alliance House, which, although further away, is several times cheaper.

Is there anything else you want to add?

I want to say that London is a wonderful city, there are wonderful people and wonderful weather. Even the locals say that the weather is bad in London, but I answer - come to Moscow, and you will understand what bad weather is) I remember there were heavy rains probably 4 times (although they say that I was just lucky with the weather). Good weather is something that you don't expect and that's nice. Overall, London is great!

Cass Business School is one of the leading European business schools. It effectively cooperates with leading financial corporations, giving its students the opportunity to get excellent practice with highly qualified specialists. Many teachers hold high positions in the UK government.

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Areas of study

    The University trains specialists in the following faculties:
  • Insurance and Actuarial Sciences.
  • Finance.
  • Management.

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    Specialists receive training in the following areas:
  • banking;
  • Accounting;
  • capital investments;
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  • management;
  • trade;
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  • Management of risks;
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In order to enroll in a business school, you will need a higher education diploma and test results. At least three years of work experience is also required. Students are offered compulsory and optional modules to study. Persons over 24 years of age are allowed to apply.

Adults study at the school, but they write reviews about what is offered here wide range entertainment programs and activities for students. These are parties, competitions, communities of interests. A variety of master classes are also held. There are several comfortable dormitories on the territory of the University, which allows students to get to classrooms in a matter of minutes.

The Executive MBA program is aimed at to a greater extent for practical activities, it is quite flexible, which allows each listener to adapt it to their field of activity.

Training is conducted twice a week in evening time or on weekends. This makes it possible to combine study with work. In general, the training lasts two years. The school is located in London City and does not have branches in other cities or countries.

If you are afraid that you will not be able to adequately cope with the entrance testing, then our specialists will help you prepare for admission to executive MBA institutions. By collaborating with us, applicants can easily answer test questions correctly and easily pass interviews. By choosing us, you choose your successful future and become one step closer to obtaining an MBA diploma.

general information

As an integral part of City University London, Sir John Cass Business School (that's its full name) has a first-class reputation as one of the best, elite business schools in the world. It successfully maintains the gold standard accreditation of the so-called "triple crown" - the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), the Association of MBAs (AMBA) and the European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS).

Sir John Cass was a man of great ambition. The only son of a successful London entrepreneur, he began an active political and social life after his father's death in 1699. Having achieved great success in his career, Sir Cass founded a school in 1710 and devoted the rest of his days to it, and invested all his wealth in the development of the minds of future generations. In 2001, City University Business School received a donation for development from the Sir John Cass Foundation, after which it was renamed Sir John Cass Business School (or Cass Business School for short)

Cass Business School has maintained its reputation for 40 years high level for outstanding achievements in research and business education, allowing you to attract your researchers, students and businessmen from all over the world to exclusive business seminars and corporate events. Scientific research, conducted by Cass Business School, are considered works of national and international significance.

By joining Cass Business School, every student becomes part of an ever-growing and powerful global community that they can enrich own history success.

The convenient location of Cass Business School in the center of the financial district of London (the City of London), close to the Old Street tube station, is certainly one of the advantages of the school, allowing students and teachers to be in close contact with global companies and global organizations, as well as practitioners business specialists.

  • Ranked 6th full-time MBA in the UK, 13th in Europe and 46th in the world (the Financial Times Global MBA Ranking 2018)
  • 37th place in the world ranking of MBA programs for 2017 (the Financial Times)

Training program

  • MBA - 12 months. The program starts in September.
  • Executive MBA (EMBA) – 24 months. There are 2 options for attending the EMBA program: - evening (twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 18:15 to 21:00). The program starts in September. - on weekends (one long weekend per month - from Friday to Monday). The program starts in March.

Entry requirements

English language requirements:

    Fluent in English as a native language

    IELTS: minimum 7.0

Higher education:
  • Higher education diploma with good and excellent grades*
  • * candidates without scientific degree with relevant business experience of 6 years or more
Professional work experience:
  • Minimum of 3 years (5 years for EMBA) of full-time work in a management position after completion of a bachelor's degree
GMAT/GRE (MBA only):
  • GMAT: from 600 points ( average - 640)
  • GRE: From 75% in quantitative and verbal parts
  • About 400 words – reasons for choosing this program and business school 6.

Features of the program

Studying one of the MBA programs at Cass Business School, one of the world's leading business schools, means receiving vocational education in a unique location and unique scientific environment. The Cass MBA prepares students for the realities of business in a globalized environment and teaches effective management in such a business environment by developing critical thinking abilities.

  • MBA

The Cass Full-time MBA, or full-time MBA program, is a dynamic and intensive 12-month course that includes workshops on key aspects of management while allowing you to adapt educational process in accordance with individual needs student.

The course structure consists of 2 modules:

The main program of general management (September - April) of 4 blocks, ending with a strategic project.

Specialized program (April - August), including at least 6 elective disciplines, and the final project - Business Mastery Project.

  • Executive MBA

The two-year Executive MBA program is focused on practice and allows for great flexibility. This high-quality, dynamic course, focused on conducting international business, will allow students to adapt the acquired skills to their professional field. Since the program consists of attending seminars only twice a week in the evenings, or one long weekend a month (from Friday to Sunday), it is usually combined with professional activities.

The course has the following structure:

Year 1: General Management Core Programme, where each semester ends with examinations and at the end of the year there is an international consultancy week.

Year 2: Specialized program, or electives, culminating in a final project - Business Mastery Project. MBA programs with the bulk of their studies in London have a truly global context. While working on a business project as part of the emerging markets consulting week, students visit countries such as Poland, Brazil, Vietnam, gain first-hand insight into the formation of a business in such economically difficult environments as the market of China, India, the UAE, the USA and South Africa, depending on the chosen elective. Cass Business School's MBA programs provide the best preparation for international executives.


Students who have an unconditional offer of admission are eligible to apply for university accommodation. City University London has two residential residences at its disposal - Alliance House and Willen House. Alliance House is located in a quiet area of ​​north London, close to Newington Green. There is a pleasant atmosphere of the student community here, and there is everything you need for life - shops, cafes and bars. Students get to the educational institution using a convenient regular city bus route (the journey takes 30 minutes), and many even ride a bicycle (free bicycle parking is organized near the residence and university buildings). Willen House is located on Bath Street, in the Islington and Clerkenwell area, and the university itself and all amenities are just a few minutes' walk away. Also nearby is one of the city's most popular cultural sites, the Barbican Centre, with its galleries, theatres, cinemas and concert venues. Due to the fact that the number of places reserved to accommodate MBA students is strictly limited, rooms are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Priority will be given to applicants who have immediately accepted an unconditional offer of admission, paid a housing deposit to reserve a place and completed an online application for accommodation in a student residence.

Tuition and living costs

Tuition fees for the program in 2019 (pounds sterling):

  • MBA (12 months) – £44,000

Additional charges:

  • Registration fee – £100
  • Deposit – £5,000
  • Executive MBA (24 months) – £50,000 (over 2 years)

The tariff covers the course of study for 2 years and all basic educational materials first year, placement during the mandatory Emerging Markets Consultancy week and professional development and career coaching sessions.

City University is a public research university that is part of the University of London. The university is highly ranked both in the UK and abroad and has an excellent reputation. The university's business school, Cass Business School, has an impeccable reputation and is one of the leading in the country.

The university ranks 29th in the summary table of the Times Higher Education publication and is included in the list of 100 best universities world founded less than 50 years ago. City University is a member of the Association of MBAs, a member of the European Quality Improvement System (EQUiS) and a member of Universities UK.

Quantity foreign students and students studying on master's programs - one of the largest among all British universities. The university perfectly combines theoretical and practical training: many university students receive both professional and scientific awards.

City University offers high quality education covering modern tendencies business for 160 years. The University was originally called Northampton Institute. It was founded in 1852 and named after the Marquess of Norhampton, who donated the land on which the university was built. The institute was established for training local population Parish Charity Act of the City of London (1883).

    Year of foundation


    South East England

    Number of students

Academic specialization

The university pays Special attention postgraduate education: almost half of students study in programs postgraduate education. The Online Careers Network offers practical assistance to more than 4,000 former and current students. City University Law School is the first university Law School in London, teaching students and practitioners at all stages of legal education.

The university also opened the first Higher School Journalism (Graduate School of Journalism) and has become a recognized European leader in journalism education. Member of the Faculty Social Sciences(School of Social Sciences) is part of the Center for Comparative Social Surveys, which coordinates the European Social Survey. The School of Informatics is at the forefront of teaching and research in the field of informatics and computer science.

The School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences offers students internships that provide professional experience while studying. Thanks to the Radiography Center named after. Saad Center for Radiography Clinical Skills Education, City University is one of only a few institutions to have a computed tomography (CT) scanner with software, simulating radiotherapy. Business School named after. Cass Business School offers the third largest business and management degree program in the UK.

Education in the UK

“Study in England” - these words make an impression even on those who are extremely far from educational topics. Centuries-old traditions combined with the most progressive educational methods make studying in the UK a truly invaluable contribution to the future of every student. In international rankings of educational institutions, British universities and schools consistently occupy the highest positions. According to The Times Higher Education, 3 of the top 10 universities in the world are in the UK.

By the way, it is in England that crown princes and offspring of billionaires are usually sent to study, so if you are planning to get an education in the UK, know that you will find yourself in excellent company.


High quality education.

Education in England is considered one of the most prestigious in the world. It is not for nothing that many countries have taken the British model of education as a basis.

British universities annually occupy the highest positions in educational rankings.

Brilliant career prospects.

Diplomas from British universities are highly valued by employers around the world. Studying in England for Russian students is a great chance to build a successful career.

Practical orientation of higher education programs.

British universities pay great attention develop practical skills, invite industry professionals to teach classes and organize internships for their students.

Opportunity to work while studying.

Foreign students at British universities have the right to work up to 20 hours a week.


Studying in England has been attracting students from all over the world for centuries thanks to its wide range of educational programs and the highest quality of education. In addition to language schools, very popular among foreign students are: English universities and private schools. Due to the difference in secondary education systems in the UK and Russia, for Russian students special programs preparation for entering British universities.

Studying at language schools in England

Study in England for language courses- this is a great way not only to master English, but also to get to know Shakespeare’s homeland, the culture and way of life of its current inhabitants.

UK language centers offer a variety of different study programs for students of all ages.

Adult students (16 and older) can choose general English courses (about 20 lessons per week) or intensive courses(from 25 lessons per week), as well as preparation programs for TOEFL, IELTS and other tests, business English or individual sessions(One-to-one English). Educational programs for adults are available at any time of the year.

Younger students tend to come to the UK to study English during their holidays. Language camps, in addition to English lessons, they offer a lot of educational and entertainment activities: excursions, hikes, active recreation, competitions, traditional English species sports

Language centers in the UK, in addition to general English and exam preparation, offer “English + sports”, “English + creativity”, “English + recreation” programs, which allow you to combine hobbies with language learning.

Some linguistic schools offer programs that, in addition to English lessons, include a number of academic disciplines. This program is perfect for students who in the future plan to enroll in private schools or universities and continue their studies in the UK. Summer schools at some British universities also offer similar courses. Programs for studying certain disciplines and corresponding vocabulary in English are very popular. For example, there are special programs for engineers, doctors and journalists.

Education in private boarding schools in England

The British secondary education system consists of four levels:

Pre- preparatorySchool.

Preschool education for children aged 3-6 years.


Primary school for children from 7 to 11 years old.

Secondary School – Fifth Form (GCSE).

Secondary school for teenagers aged 11 to 16 years.

Sixth Form (A-Level)orIB).

High school for students from 16 to 18 years old.

Although for British citizens school starts at the age of 5 (Pre-preparatory school), foreigners are accepted into English private schools only from the age of 7 (Primary or Preparatory School). If you want your child to speak English as a native speaker by the age of 18, then you should start learning with Preparatory school. However, most parents are frightened by the prospect of sending their child to another country at this age. Therefore, middle and high schools are the most popular among Russians.

Russian citizens, as a rule, send their children to study in the UK from the age of 13. Over the course of several years of studying abroad under GCSE programs, and then A-level or IB (International Baccalaureate), the student manages to get comfortable in an unfamiliar cultural environment, improve his English and prepare to take final tests, so that he can then successfully enter higher education. educational institution. Some English schools offer American education High School Diploma, which is suitable for students planning to continue their studies in the USA.

Study in the UK in high school allows you to compensate for the difference in programs between the Russian and British education systems. This means that when applying to British universities you can do without a preparatory program.

Higher education in England

System higher education in Great Britain began to take shape at the end of the 11th century, when the first university in the country, Oxford University, appeared. Today there are more than 300 higher education institutions in England, 78 of which are among the best universities in the world (according to The Times Higher Education 2015/2016 ranking).

It must be said that studying at a British university is not at all similar to studying at a Russian university. Higher education in England is mainly focused on independent work. Students at local universities spend a lot of time writing essays, preparing reports, working on creative projects. This approach develops in students such qualities as initiative, responsibility and focus on results.

Certainly, highest quality English higher education attracts many students from abroad to the country. According to the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA), the number of foreign students in British universities exceeds 400,000.

Bachelor's degree

It will take from 3 to 4 years to obtain a bachelor's degree in Britain, depending on the chosen specialty. Some four-year programs include a year of internship or a year of study at a partner university in Europe, Asia or the USA. Despite the fact that a bachelor's degree is only the first stage of higher education, already at this stage students are expected to high degree responsibility and independence.

Master's degree

After a bachelor's degree, students can continue their studies abroad in England on master's programs. Most master's programs last one year, but there are also two-year programs that include one year of study and one year of internship. The post is also popular among foreign students diploma programs MBA business education, which is offered by many British universities. The duration of study for these programs varies from 1 year to 2 years.

Preparatory programs

Due to the difference in education systems, students from Russia cannot immediately enroll in undergraduate programs in England after school. The fact is that English universities do not accept the Russian certificate of 11-year secondary education. For a student from Russia, there are two ways to get a bachelor's degree at a British university - complete the last two classes of an English school, or, after completing their studies at home, enroll in preparatory program Foundation at an English university. Experience shows that the second way is faster and less expensive. Foundation programs typically last one year, and some institutions offer an accelerated option to complete the program in just six months.

Apply to a British master's program if available Russian diploma A bachelor's degree is much simpler, but there are some nuances here too. To enroll in a British university for a master's or MBA program, a graduate of a Russian university needs to pass a language test. As a rule, this is IELTS, although some universities also accept TOEFL. Each university sets its own passing score for the language test, and for master's programs it is quite high. For those students who need to improve their English to the required level, there are Pre-Masters preparation programs for the master's program. In such programs, students have the opportunity not only to improve their language level, but also to begin studying in some of the subjects that they will study in the master's program. Pre-Masters are a great way to learn English and adapt to a new learning environment.

Vocational education in England

In addition to higher education, British educational institutions also offer diploma programs. They differ in that they are aimed at obtaining practical skills and do not imply the award of an academic degree. During training, students acquire the necessary skills to work in a particular specialty. Such programs are on average cheaper than bachelor's or master's degrees.


Studying in England is not only prestigious, but also quite expensive. Tuition fees in British university depends on the status of the educational institution and on how in demand your chosen specialty is. On average, for 1 year at university you will have to pay from 11,000 to 23,000 pounds sterling.


In order to enroll in a university for higher education in the UK, you need:

    • Have certificate of secondary education– for admission to undergraduate programs or Bachelor's degree– for admission to master’s programs.
    • Pass the training programFoundation– for admission to undergraduate programs.
    • Have certificateIELTS.
    • Write motivation letter.


To travel for a short (up to 3 months) study abroad program in England, a tourist visa will be sufficient. But for studying in private school or the university will need to apply for a special student visa. To do this you will need:

    • Invitation from an educational institution.
    • Extract from bank account(the amount is calculated individually based on the cost of training).
    • Certificate from place of work or study.

Also for registration student visa must be passed medical test for tuberculosis in an accredited medical institution.
If you are planning to go to study in the UK or want to send to English school your child, contact the KNOWLEDGE CENTER. The company’s specialists will advise on all issues related to education in England for Russians, select the educational institution that is right for you and help you correctly fill out the documents necessary for enrollment. Contact us by phone

+7 495 225 44 43 or use the online application form below.

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