Home Diseases and pests Summer camp in Finland with learning English. English language camp in Finland - holidays with benefits in Guittinen. The cost of training in camps

Summer camp in Finland with learning English. English language camp in Finland - holidays with benefits in Guittinen. The cost of training in camps

Knowledge of foreign languages, especially English, which is rightfully considered international, is indispensable today. That is why parents, trying to give their children a good language base, rely not only on special schools and tutors, but also on alternative forms of immersion in the language environment. One of them is language camps, which not only provide an excellent energy boost, but also provide harmonious development in the process of learning, allowing you to combine study and good rest.

In Finland, where English is compulsory in schools and is spoken by about 70% of the population, such camps are quite common and are popular among Russians, for whom great importance has the quality of education, proximity, the highest level of security and order, as well as favorable environmental conditions.

Camp Aurinko settled in Punkaharju College, in a unique, ecologically clean place, on an island immersed in greenery, where a picturesque road between two lakes leads.

What children are taught

First of all, language learning is taken seriously here, and despite the fact that it is impossible to learn English thoroughly during the camp shift, it still has a huge impact on the very attitude to the process.

An intensive program, lengthy classes with native speakers specially invited from the US and the UK, a variety of learning formats turn it from a familiar routine into a direct need, helping to fully immerse yourself in the language environment.

Here, children easily overcome communication barriers, since active communication in a foreign language contributes to the emancipation and replenishment of vocabulary. Caring counselors provide an individual approach to each child, and the rest of the staff are real professionals with pedagogical and sports education. Classes take place every day, and children are usually divided into groups according to the level of language proficiency, so that it is easier for them to learn it at a suitable pace.

What are language camps

In general, they can be divided into two main categories - camps with a bias in creativity and camps with a bias in sports, although these approaches are mostly combined, and it all depends only on the ratio of certain additional activities. In creative language camps, the learning process takes place outside the box: a creative gaming environment allows you to comprehend the language much faster, and under the guidance of teachers, children learn new words during numerous competitions, read stories, fairy tales and even comics, learn songs, poems, English proverbs develop creative inclinations. There are interactive and role-playing games, quizzes, skits and plays are staged.

In the camp dream team there are no textbooks and boring lessons - children learn to develop their imagination, speech and plastic abilities, studying according to the author's method of the school acting skills. They liberate themselves by improvising and getting into character, work with dialogues and monologues, develop intonation skills, learn to imitate and analyze, interact with a partner and feel the space.

In turn, in sports language camps Special attention given physical development, outdoor games, outdoor competitions and classes in professionally equipped sports halls. Under the guidance of coaches, regular sports and physical education events are held, for which at least three hours in a day. In addition, teenagers are taught the basics of safety and the reflection of aggression.

What else do they do here

Apart from foreign language many other interesting things await children: swimming and modern dances, orienteering and rock climbing, hiking and fishing, baseball and floorball, table tennis and badminton, and during the winter shifts, many camps actively practice snowboarding, skating and skiing. Children get an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with Finnish culture and life, with various museums and new cities, going there on excursions. They go on hikes, including boat trips, some camps provide a visit to the water park, zoo, planetarium, botanical garden.

At the Tanhuvaara Sports and Language Centre, located near Savonlinna, children can ride horses with an instructor, visit the swimming pool daily, and swim in the lake during the warm season.

Most camps have wireless access on the Internet, and computer classes where children can contact their parents via Skype at any time.

Animation and entertainment programs provide an extremely rich leisure time - discos and concerts, master classes of various directions and trainings are held here. personal growth, Mind games and cooking lessons, watching English videos together, and BBQ campfires.

Conditions of stay

The average age range of students is from 7 to 17 years old. The duration of training depends on the time of year and in the summer months it is about two weeks, although often the camp season takes about a week - however, this is an incredibly busy week during which children have time to learn many different skills. They live in separate rooms for 2-3 people, with all amenities. European standard, including a refrigerator and the ability to use the kitchen.

The camps provide multiple meals, mainly in the format buffet, which includes meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, cereals, pastries, and sometimes a special menu is provided for children with allergies.

Of course, round-the-clock medical care is guaranteed here - there is always a medical worker, and counselors usually also have special training. The camp schedule mainly looks like this: after breakfast, language or sports classes take place, then lunch, classes again, dinner, various leisure activities and evening tea.

In addition to the fact that some camps issue European-style certificates upon completion, children here gain incredibly valuable experience and the opportunity to reveal their potential, new knowledge and skills, make new acquaintances, communicate with interesting and positive people.

They learn to interact with the team and make decisions on their own. different situations. Children's language camps in Finland are not only great benefit for health and intellectual development, but also the rest in amazing beautiful places where there is a warm, truly friendly atmosphere.

detailed information


The camp invites children from 7 to 18 years old.

It has been operating since 2000, offers classes with native speakers of English and Finnish, seminars, trainings, competitions, games, excursions, trips.

Comfortable environment, beautiful nature, there are two saunas and a beach on the shore of Lake Saimaa, a picturesque park turning into a forest.

Accommodation in spacious rooms for 3 people, 5 meals a day, special menu for children with allergies.

The cost of a weekly shift is 489 €, a two-week shift is 845 € + organizational and transport costs

Address: Ita-karjalan Kansanopisto, Valoniementie 32, 58450 Punkaharju, Finland

Phones: + 7 911 2269242; +7 812 9098395

Website: www.inkeri-club.ru/aurinkocamp


18 hours of English classes are offered according to the method of Professor Z.Ya. Korogodsky, acting trainings, sport games, quests, workshops, excursions.

The hotel with the necessary infrastructure is located in a pine forest, there is an indoor pool and a sauna overlooking Lake Pielinen, sports grounds, a games room.

Accommodation in comfortable rooms for 3-4 people, 4 meals a day.

Address: Lapikäytäväntie 54, 81590 Vuonislahti, Finland

Phones: +7 921 9731416; +7 812 4182120

Website: www.dt-camp.ru


The camp invites children from 7 to 15 years old.

It has been operating since 2008, it offers daily three-hour classes with native speakers, sports classes, snowboarding, skiing, excursions, dance master classes.

Operates on the basis of the sports and language center Tanuvaara, which is located 20 km from Savonlinna, has gym, stable, hall for discos.

Accommodation in rooms for 2-3 people, 4 meals a day in buffet style.

The cost of a week shift is 620 €, a two-week shift is 920 € + transfer costs.

Phones: +7 812 6276988; +7 951 6779744

Website: www.intelligent-centr.ru


The camp invites children from 8 to 17 years old.

Classes are offered with native speakers, a European certificate upon completion of the course, dancing, swimming, snowboarding, rock climbing, excursions.

It operates on the basis of various Finnish colleges located in Porvoo, Espoo, Karjaa.

Accommodation in rooms for 2-3 people, 5 meals a day.

The cost of a weekly shift is 490-520 € + organizational and transport costs.

Phones: +7 812 9094873; +7 921 9569448

Website: www.balticschool.ru


The camp invites children from 7 to 17 years old.

It has been working since 2000, it offers a lot of creative creative shifts - "Cosmos", "Star Camp", "Nordic World", "Nordic Holidays", "Koski's Kitchen", "Superheroes", "Your Voice".

Camps are located in Mikkeli, Savonlinna, Kitee, Kisakallio, Anjalankoski.

Accommodation in rooms for 2 people, 5 meals a day.

The cost of a week shift is 640 €; two-week shift - 890-990 € + organizational and transport costs and excursions.

Telephone: +7 812 3038696

Website: www.nordicschool.ru

Most Russians and citizens of the CIS countries prefer to send their children on vacation to England, Switzerland and other English-speaking countries. But Scandinavia is not inferior in terms of the quality of education and the variety of offers to the leading countries in the field of organizing “smart” recreation for children. What kind camps in Finland exist and what they can offer children during their holidays abroad, you will learn in this article.

What are the advantages of language camps in Finland?

Among the main advantages of holidays in children's camps in Finland are the following:

  1. Scandinavia is a part of civilized Europe, where the quality of education is far from last place. Therefore, learning English in a language camp in Finland is an opportunity to obtain a prestigious international certificate and an invaluable store of knowledge in the field of a foreign language.
  2. Finland is one of the leading Scandinavian countries in terms of the quality of organizing and conducting active children's recreation. This country is home to many sports camps in Finland, sports camps in Finland, adventure summer camps in Finland, etc.
  3. Language camps in Finland are high level service and comfortable accommodation while studying English in Finland.
  4. Learning a language in an English camp in Finland is cheaper than in the UK and many other European countries.
What language camps can Finland offer?

In this Scandinavian country there are enough children's camps in Finland, each of which, regardless of its specifics, is aimed at the comprehensive development of the child's personality. Language camps in Finland accept children from 8 to 18 years old.

All camps in Finland can be divided into:

  1. Children's camps in Finland for children from 8 years old. Each Kid `s camp in Finland, it tries to offer its young students, in addition to studying in Finland, a variety of activities: sports, extracurricular activities, hiking, excursions, various sports and intellectual contests and competitions, etc.
  2. English camps in Finland for teenagers. The educational program of such children's camps in Finland may include intensive language classes in Finland, academic programs, as well as a variety of cultural and entertainment programs designed to meet the needs and interests of the age.
  3. Youth language camps in Finland. As a rule, most youth camps in Finland are international language camps in Finland, which bring together students from all over the world. In such camps in Finland, youth forums are often held and grandiose youth themed parties are held.
  4. Thematic camps in Finland. These are language camps in Finland with a specific focus (theme) educational program: adventure summer camps in Finland, children's camps in Finland with a musical bias, etc.
What sports camps are there in Finland?

Each children's camp in Finland pays special attention to maintaining the health, mental and physical fitness of their pupils. But besides the traditional summer camps in Finland and thematic camps in Finland, this country can offer children specialized sports camps in Finland. For example, very popular among foreign students From 8 to 18 years old, hockey camps in Finland are used, because hockey in Finland is more than a sport, it's a way of life. Such a lifestyle is willingly tried on by children from many countries, especially countries with harsh and long winters: Canada, Russia, and the CIS countries. Confirmation of the mass love for hockey is the fact that hockey camps in Finland 2014 were packed.

What do summer camp programs in Finland include?

Each summer camp in Finland offers English studies in Finland, and often also a second foreign language course, such as Finnish. In addition to studying in Finland, children visit water parks, go hiking, have picnics, visit national nature reserves, amusement parks, participate in a variety of extracurricular activities(discotheques, theatrical shows, sports tournaments, etc.), travel around the country as part of excursion programs.

What to do in Finland in winter?

It is a mistake to assume that winter camps in Finland have nothing to offer children other than ice hockey and skiing. Many children associate winter with New Year's fairy tale, fun performances, gifts and miracles. And what winter fairy tale can do without huge snowdrifts like in Finland. Many children, having visited the winter language camps in Finland 2014, got a lot of pleasure from communicating with Santa Claus, meeting noble reindeer, life and culture of indigenous northern peoples Finland, participation in animated performances, etc. For most Europeans, snowy winters are a real exotic. Therefore, even staying in a children's camp in Finland for children, and especially kids, is a real trip to the Snow Queen's castle.

What is the best camp in Finland?

Finland strictly monitors the quality of teaching English in Finland and the level of organization of cultural and entertainment programs in children's camps in Finland. Therefore, it is quite difficult to say which of the camps in Finland is the best. It all depends on individual preferences. One of the most popular camps in Finland is the Scandinavian School language camp in Finland. Nordic school camp in Finland, where children of any age can learn English in Finland, but also show their sports, creative and personality traits and talents.

Language camp in Finland for schoolchildren from 10 to 17 years old. In each shift, exciting excursions, a trip to the water park, thematic classes and interesting lessons of English language with teachers from the UK, USA, France, who will be able to develop the potential of the child.

Region: Finland, Ita-Suomen laani (fi)
Nearest city: Mikkeli, 20 km
Age: for children 10 - 17 years old
Address: Pyöryläntie 9, 50300 Mikkeli ()
Departure with escort: from Petrozavodsk
Number of participants: 25
Starting year: 2012
Required documents:
  • current international passport,
  • Schengen visa (we provide an invitation for a visa),
  • medical insurance,
  • birth certificate,
  • notarized consent from both parents to the child's departure abroad.
Organizer: KROODO Center "Initiative"
TIN: 1001047155
Certificates and awards:

The camp is located 20 km from the center of Mikkeli. The center is located on the territory of the former rural school, in wooden, warm buildings. No more than 25 children stay in the camp at the same time. The camp is located next to the forest and picturesque lake. Fresh air, living in environmentally friendly homes contributes to the health of children.


beach, playground, gym, football field, as well as a trampoline, a place for a barbecue.

Security and medical care:

All teachers are instructed in the provision of honey. assistance, there is a first aid kit in the camp. For each child, medical insurance is issued, according to which you can get medical care in honey. institutions in Finland.

General program:

The camp program consists of 3 parts.

In the morning passes thematic program , according to the topic of the selected shift.

After lunch pass English classes with teachers - native speakers.

And in the evening the guys are waiting entertainment , where they will be offered classes in a dance studio, sports games in the hall and on the street, cycling, group tasks, organization of mini-theatrical performances, board games, campfire gatherings, discos, culinary master classes.


09.00 - Breakfast

10.00 - Thematic program.

13.00 - Lunch, free time

14.30 - Language classes in game form(English language)

16.00 - Free time

16.30 - Outdoor games on the street

17.30 - Preparation for a creative group task

19.00 - Dinner

19.30 - Presentation of the group task

20.00 - Discussion of the results of the day

21.30 - Evening tea

Camp video:

Payment method:After booking The following payment options are available on our website:
  • on a bank statement to an account organizer
  • cash at the office organizer
Included in the price:
  • accommodation
  • food
  • English lessons with native teachers
  • master classes, thematic program
  • all necessary materials for classes
  • excursions, entry tickets
  • escort of counselors
The price does not include:
  • travel from Petrozavodsk to Mikkeli by bus with escort (about 60 Euro in both directions)

On request, departure can be arranged from St. Petersburg.

One of the most tempting ways to spend summer or winter holiday for a child is a trip abroad to a language camp. This way of recreation provides time for traditional children's entertainment, and excursions to the territory of another country, and education (at least language). This article will reveal all the main issues related to children's recreation in the camps in Finland. You can read about how to get to a language camp in Finland, what exactly will be taught to children there, and in general, should a child be sent to such a camp? In addition, aspects of cost, age limits, effectiveness of training, knowledge of the language and required documents will be considered.

Sending a child to camp

The first issue under consideration is, in fact, the beginning of "cooperation" with the language camp in Finland. It is important to understand here that globally, all children's camps in the country are divided into two types: with Russian-speaking accompaniment and without it. The first type provides for holidays in Finland with the support of Russian counselors (who are responsible for the children during their stay), while in the camps of the second type the child will completely immerse himself in the Finnish language environment (Finnish counselors are responsible here).

In order to get to the language school in Finland (which is the children's camp), it is enough to contact the representatives of the camp or a travel agency in your country. A lot of such representative offices are located in St. Petersburg (this is due to the geographical proximity of the city to Finland). There are also a lot of them in Moscow and other major cities Russia. Large travel companies provide full support for sending a child to a language camp online.

With local, Finnish, camps, the situation is somewhat more complicated. Most representatives in Russia offer trips only to places with Russian-speaking counselors and teaching exclusively in English. If you want to send your child to study Finnish and live in a Finnish environment, you will have to negotiate directly with the management of the language school in Finland. It is also worth remembering that the child in the Finnish camp will not have any language support, apart from communication with parents.

The essence and effectiveness of training in camps

In language camps for schoolchildren in Finland, children can combine leisure and study. If everything is clear with the first one (a standard set is offered here, including holidays on the lake, walks in the forest, trips to the water park and excursions to the cities of the country), then it is worth understanding the training in more detail.

The main direction of the Russian-speaking camps is teaching English, and only it. The fact is that, according to representatives language schools, « Finnish language not popular, but speaks English and local population". Therefore, during the holidays in Finland, the child will be able to learn only English (this applies only to camps with Russian counselors). The teachers here are varied. According to travel agency workers, English is taught with native speakers (teachers from England and the USA). But in reality, it often turns out that local, Finnish teachers teach the language according to a peculiar system. According to the feedback of parents who sent their children to Russian-speaking camps, the effectiveness of the Finnish system is noticeably lower than the standard one, and children do not receive much knowledge. Total time classes range from 2 to 5 hours a day (depending on the age of the children and the intensity of the language camp).

The second type of summer (and winter) language camps in Finland offers children, in addition to learning Finnish, other areas of study. Thus, organized by schools, schools and colleges, children's camps offer music training, fine arts, the basics of ethics and morality, cultural studies. Many camps are based on churches and other religious institutions. In such places, theology will be additionally taught to the child. It is rather difficult to assess the effectiveness of the local training. For native Finnish language camps, very important role language plays. The child will immediately be surrounded by Finnish-speaking peers and teachers (they are also likely to speak English). Under such conditions, without basic knowledge these languages ​​and teaching will be ineffective, and a high level of proficiency in Finnish and English will be a good help in teaching other subjects.

Age limits and other requirements

Children's camps begin to accept participants from 5 years old. True, in the segment of 5-7 years, such camps are more focused on entertainment and recreation. Children from 7 years old can go to full-fledged language camps in Finland. The upper "threshold" of age is set within 14-15 years. All tours are usually two weeks long.

Another important requirement is knowledge of the language, which has already been mentioned. This is not relevant for Russian camps, however, in Finnish camps, the child must speak at least English at an intermediate level.

Also, a child going to a children's language camp in Finland must have certain documents with him. Here is their list:

  • Passport with valid Schengen visa. For children whose age does not allow obtaining a passport, you need to issue a travel document for the child.
  • Power of attorney, according to which parents allow the child to travel outside the country.
  • Insurance policy.
  • Detailed information about the child, which includes basic information about health, the presence of allergies to anything, dietary habits, and more.

In addition, the child will need to give money for small expenses with him. Sometimes leisure (excursions) are paid separately already on the spot, this should be taken into account when planning the amount of money given on the road.

The cost of training in camps

The average cost of a standard two-week vacation in Finland is between 800 and 900 euros. It should be borne in mind that this price is the lower segment of the market for children's camps. For it, you will receive a standard set of a Russian-speaking language camp - training, food and leisure. Excursions, most likely, will need to be paid separately. Also, this amount does not include the issuance of a Schengen visa, the purchase insurance policy and travel back and forth.

When placed in camps near the Finnish-Russian border, the cost increases significantly. For 2 weeks you will have to pay from 1200 euros, for the whole month - 2400 euros. The fare in this case will also increase (the distance from the capital is greater, therefore, the transfer is more expensive).

There are no free programs in children's language camps in Finland. The only way to get on such a vacation without paying for the stay is to have acquaintances in the leadership.

Should I send my child on vacation to Finland?

Summing up, it is worth noting the negative feedback from parents who sent their children to Finland. The main complaints relate to the insufficient level of education (teaching English), the poor quality of nutrition, and weak control by those responsible for this. There are also cases of the appearance of "grandfathers" who put themselves above the newcomers who came to the camp. Regarding leisure, the opinions of parents differ - some say that there is no free time at all, others believe that children, on the contrary, are bored. Moreover, all these disadvantages relate to Russian-speaking camps, while there are almost no national Finnish reviews (just few people go there).

However, on the other hand, a vacation in Finland for a child is an unforgettable adventure, which at the same time can also benefit in the form of knowledge of a foreign language. In such camps, children communicate with their peers, spend time culturally, and gain new practical knowledge. So the choice is up to the parents.

Summer school holidays 2019

Children's sports and language camps in Finland:

Arrival dates for summer 2019:




01.06-14.06 1 shift


14.06-27.06 2nd shift


27.06-10.07 3rd shift


10.07-23.07 4th shift


23.07-05.08 5th shift


Borga folkakademi

(English + sports)

detailed description programs

watch here:


50 km to Helsinki

23.06-06.07 1 shift


06.07-19.07 2nd shift


Educational Linguistic Center

Tyoväen Akatemia

(double English)

detailed description of the program

watch here:


Resort suburb of Helsinki

05.08 - 18.08

one shift


Vastra Nylands folkhogskola

detailed description of the program

watch here:

Karyaa (Karis)

70 km from Helsinki

Borga Folkakademi College,

(price: 770 euros + OTR)
01.06-14.06 1 shift
14.06-27.06 2nd shift
27.06-10.07 3rd shift
10.07-23.07 4th shift
23.07-05.08 5th shift
(English + sports)

Työväen Akatemia College,

(price: 930 euros + OTR)
23.06-06.07 1 shift
06.07-19.07 2nd shift
(double English)

College Vastra Nylands ,
(800 EURO + OTR)
05.08 - 18.08 - one shift
(English + dancing, acting)

When invariably the highest quality, we have one of the MOST low prices for such programs! We are convinced that expensive does not mean better! Compare, try and join our team. You'll like it!

Dear friends!

We invite you to take part in our summer programs which are held jointly with colleges in Finland. The programs are designed for schoolchildren aged 7-17 and are aimed at learning and improving the English language, gaining new skills, making new interesting friends, improving health, and just for a great vacation!

Spend school summer vacation to good use!

We invite you to the summer children's English camp in Finland

Language camp programs include:

  1. English language: with a native speaker teacher ( 3/6 academic hours daily). We only have REAL native English speakers - full-time teachers of colleges with a profile teacher education. At the end of the course, students receive a European certificate. Unique Exam Opportunity University of Cambridge with a certificate from the University of Cambridge!

2. Intensive classes various types sports:

  • swimming with a coach in the pool
  • team sports
  • modern dances
  • orienteering

Lessons adapted for children varying degrees preparedness, and are conducted under the guidance of experienced, certified professionals.

4. Entertainment:

fun games, creative contests, intellectual quizzes, team games, discos, birthday parties - all this and much more awaits you at the Baltic School.

We provide full employment for children from wake up to lights out!

Dear parents!

In order to better control and pay more attention to each child, we form small groups in races. Therefore, we recommend that you TAKE CARE OF vouchers for our programs in children's camps IN ADVANCE. LIMITED NUMBER OF SEATS .

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