Home Beneficial properties of fruits Express course on social studies Unified State Examination. Unified State Exam. Social science. Express preparation. Semke N.N. An interesting and intensive Unified State Exam course in social studies

Express course on social studies Unified State Examination. Unified State Exam. Social science. Express preparation. Semke N.N. An interesting and intensive Unified State Exam course in social studies

The “Get an A” video course includes all the topics you need to successful completion Unified State Examination in mathematics for 60-65 points. Completely all problems 1-13 Profile Unified State Examination mathematics. Also suitable for passing the Basic Unified State Examination in mathematics. If you want to pass the Unified State Exam with 90-100 points, you need to solve part 1 in 30 minutes and without mistakes!

Preparation course for the Unified State Exam for grades 10-11, as well as for teachers. Everything you need to solve Part 1 of the Unified State Exam in mathematics (the first 12 problems) and Problem 13 (trigonometry). And this is more than 70 points on the Unified State Exam, and neither a 100-point student nor a humanities student can do without them.

All the necessary theory. Quick ways solutions, pitfalls and secrets of the Unified State Exam. All current tasks of part 1 from the FIPI Task Bank have been analyzed. The course fully complies with the requirements of the Unified State Exam 2018.

The course contains 5 big topics, 2.5 hours each. Each topic is given from scratch, simply and clearly.

Hundreds of Unified State Exam tasks. Word problems and probability theory. Simple and easy to remember algorithms for solving problems. Geometry. Theory, reference material, analysis of all types of Unified State Examination tasks. Stereometry. Tricky solutions, useful cheat sheets, development of spatial imagination. Trigonometry from scratch to problem 13. Understanding instead of cramming. Visual explanation complex concepts. Algebra. Roots, powers and logarithms, function and derivative. A basis for solving complex problems of Part 2 of the Unified State Exam.

Unified State Exam. Social science. Express preparation. Semke N.N.

M.: 2012. - 256 p.

The publication is addressed to high school graduates to prepare for the unified state exam in social studies.

The manual has a unique structure designed for express preparation for the Unified State Exam in social studies. All material is divided into 100 lessons, one day is allocated for each lesson. Thus, in just 100 days, the student will be able to successfully prepare for the exam. The book contains test tasks in the Unified State Examination form (parts A, B and C), as well as detailed answers and comments to all tasks. Brief background information is provided in the margins.

The publication will assist teachers, tutors and parents in preparing students for the Unified State Exam in social studies.

Format: pdf/zip (2012 , 256 pp.)

Size: 5.3 6 MB


Format: pdf/zip (2011 , 256 pp.)

Size: 3 9.3 MB


Format: doc/zip (2011 , 256 pp.) (pages are inserted into the document with pictures, loads slower)

Size: 2 5 MB


1 DAY 29
Natural and social in man. (Man as a result of biological and sociocultural evolution)
DAY 2 31
Natural and social in man
DAY 3 33
Worldview, its types and forms
4 DAY 35
Types of knowledge
5 DAY 37
Types of knowledge
6 DAY 39
Types of knowledge
7 DAY 41
The concept of truth, its criteria
8 DAY 43
Thinking and activity
9 DAY 45
Thinking and activity
10 DAY 47
Thinking and activity
11 DAY 49
Needs and interests
12 DAY 51
Freedom and the need for human activity
13 DAY 53

14 DAY 55
System structure of society: elements and subsystems
15 DAY 57
System structure of society: elements and subsystems
16 DAY 59
Basic institutions of society
17 DAY 61

18 DAY 63
The concept of culture. Forms and varieties of culture
19 DAY 65
The science. Main features of scientific thinking. Natural, social and human sciences
20 DAY 67
The science. Education, its importance for the individual and society
21 DAY 69
Education, its importance for the individual and society
DAY 22 71
23 DAY 73
24 DAY 75
25 DAY 77
Concept social progress
26 DAY 79

DAY 27 81
Multivariate social development(types of societies)
28 DAY 83
Threats of the 21st century (global problems)
29 DAY 85
Economics and economic science
30 DAY 87
Factors of production and factor income
31 DAY 89
Economic systems
DAY 32 91
Economic systems
33 DAY 93

34 DAY 95
Market and market mechanism. Supply and demand
35 DAY 97
Permanent and variable costs
36 DAY 99

37 DAY 101
Financial institutions. Banking system
38 DAY 103
Main sources of business financing. Securities
39 DAY 105
Labor market. Unemployment
40 DAY 107
Types, causes and consequences of inflation
41 DAY 109
Economic growth and development.
The concept of gross domestic product (GDP)
42 DAY 111
Economic growth and development. The concept of gross domestic product (GDP)
43 DAY 113
The role of the state in the economy
44 DAY 115
45 DAY 117
The state budget
46 DAY 119
World economy
47 DAY 121
Rational economic behavior of the owner, employee, consumer, family man, citizen
48 DAY 123

49 DAY 125
Social stratification and mobility
50 DAY 127
Social groups
51 DAY 129
Social groups
52 DAY 131
Youth like social group
53 DAY 133
Ethnic communities
54 DAY 135

55 DAY 137
Interethnic relations, ethnosocial conflicts, ways to resolve them Constitutional principles (fundamentals) of national policy in the Russian Federation
56 DAY 139
Social conflict
57 DAY 141
Kinds social norms
58 DAY 143

59 DAY 145
Social control Freedom and responsibility
60 DAY 147
Deviant behavior and its types
61 DAY 149
Social role Socialization of the individual
62 DAY 151
Family and marriage
63 DAY 153
Family and marriage
64 DAY 155
Power concept
65 DAY 157
The state, its functions
66 DAY 159
The state, its functions
67 DAY 161
The state, its functions
68 DAY 163
The state, its functions
69 DAY 165
The state, its functions
70 DAY 167
Politic system
71 DAY 169
Typology political regimes
72 DAY 171

73 DAY 173
Democracy, its basic values ​​and characteristics
74 DAY 175
Civil society and the state
75 DAY 177
Political elite
76 DAY 179
Political parties and movements
77 DAY 181
Facilities mass media V political system
78 DAY 183
Election campaign in the Russian Federation
79 DAY 185
Political process. Political participation
80 DAY 187
Political leadership
81 DAY 189
Organs state power RF. Federal structure Russia
82 DAY 191
Law in the system of social norms
83 DAY 193
System Russian law. Legislative process
84 DAY 195
Concept and types of legal liability
85 DAY 197
Constitution Russian Federation. Basics constitutional order RF
86 DAY 199
Legislation of the Russian Federation on elections
87 DAY 201
Subjects civil law
88 DAY 203
Organizational and legal forms and legal regime of entrepreneurial activity Property and non-property rights
89 DAY 205
Hiring procedure. The procedure for concluding and terminating an employment contract
90 DAY 207

91 DAY 209
Legal regulation relations between spouses. Procedure and conditions for concluding and dissolving a marriage
92 DAY 211
Features of administrative jurisdiction
93 DAY 213
Right to favorable environment and ways to protect it
94 DAY 215
International law(international protection of human rights in peacetime and wartime)
95 DAY 217
Disputes, procedure for their consideration
96 DAY 219
Basic rules and principles of civil procedure
97 DAY 221
Features of the criminal process
98 DAY 223
Citizenship of the Russian Federation. Conscription, alternative civilian service
99 DAY 225
Rights and obligations of the taxpayer
100 DAY 227
Law enforcement agencies. Judicial system

What you need to know to pass the Unified State Exam in Social Studies 2017

The Unified State Examination in social studies is rightfully considered one of the most difficult humanitarian exams. It includes 5 sciences: philosophy, economics, law, political science and sociology. Each section requires careful study. In order to begin training directly, you need to master key concepts and social science theses from all 5 disciplines.

How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in social studies in 2 months

As soon as possible, attention must be directed to the most important thing - practical testing of the exam. Long annual courses and preparatory courses at the university are not designed for effective study in a short time. Therefore, the obvious solution to how to quickly prepare for the Unified State Exam in social studies is express preparation.

Express course on preparation for the Unified State Exam in social studies - 8 intensive lessons with a teacher highest category aimed at repeating and consolidating the exam material.

The structure of the online course for preparing for the Unified State Exam in social studies is divided into several semantic blocks, each lesson pays attention to Unified State Exam assignments dedicated to a specific section of the subject. Five lessons cover tasks on law, politics, economics, sociology and philosophy. The final three classes are reserved for working with texts and essays in the Unified State Exam in social studies.

During classes, the student not only learns the material, but also understands the algorithm for completing all tasks and learns to avoid common mistakes.

Online preparation for the Unified State Exam: advantages


Online learning significantly saves time, which is especially important for graduates before final exams. In addition to the set class time, the student is offered the opportunity to study the material in a recording when he has the opportunity free time. Express preparation for the Unified State Exam in social studies saves time on transportation, coordinating schedules, freeing up legal time for the student to rest.


Courses Federal Center online training "Academy" is taught by teachers from leading universities in Moscow, Unified State Exam experts. Their qualifications are confirmed and reflected on the personal page of the site. The system of intensive preparation for the Unified State Exam in social studies has been developed in accordance with state standards general education and relies only on current information about the exam.

Additional features

For each student there is a Personal Area, which reflects his successes. As part of the course, in addition to the main lecture part, additional theoretical materials are provided, as well as interactive test tasks.

The publication is addressed to graduates high school to prepare for the unified state exam in social studies.
The manual has a unique structure designed for express preparation for the Unified State Exam in social studies. All material is divided into 100 lessons, one day is allocated for each lesson. Thus, in just 100 days, the student will be able to successfully prepare for the exam. The book contains test tasks in Unified State Examination form(parts A, B and C), as well as detailed answers and comments to all tasks. Brief background information is provided in the margins.
The publication will assist teachers, tutors and parents in preparing students for the Unified State Exam in social studies.

Which of the following needs are satisfied by political institutions?
1) the need for reproduction
2) the need for security and social order
3) need for subsistence
4) the need for knowledge acquisition, personnel training

The fact that the unknown always remains beyond the limits of knowledge has not yet been discovered by people, talks about
1) objectivity of truth
2) absolute truth
3) relativity of truth
4) evidence of truth

A sign of what type of society is the central role scientific knowledge as a source of innovation?
1) traditional
2) industrial
3) post-industrial
4) pre-industrial

Are the following judgments about the material and spiritual needs of the individual true?
A) Both the material and spiritual needs of the individual are biologically determined and given to a person from birth.
B) There are limits to the growth of spiritual needs.
1) only A is correct
2) only B is correct
3) both judgments are correct
4) both judgments are incorrect

Manifestation economic sphere life of society is
1) victory in the elections of nationalist parties
2) a rally in solidarity with workers around the world
3) folk dance festival
4) increase in GDP (gross domestic product)


1 DAY 29
Natural and social in man. (Man as a result of biological and sociocultural evolution)
DAY 2 31
Natural and social in man
DAY 3 33
Worldview, its types and forms
4 DAY 35
Types of knowledge
5 DAY 37
Types of knowledge
6 DAY 39
Types of knowledge
7 DAY 41
The concept of truth, its criteria
8 DAY 43
Thinking and activity
9 DAY 45
Thinking and activity
10 DAY 47
Thinking and activity
11 DAY 49
Needs and interests
12 DAY 51
Freedom and Necessity in Human Activity
13 DAY 53

14 DAY 55
System structure of society: elements and subsystems
15 DAY 57
System structure of society: elements and subsystems
16 DAY 59
Basic institutions of society
17 DAY 61

18 DAY 63
The concept of culture. Forms and varieties of culture
19 DAY 65
The science. Main features of scientific thinking. Natural, social and human sciences
20 DAY 67
The science. Education, its importance for the individual and society
21 DAY 69
Education, its importance for the individual and society
DAY 22 71
23 DAY 73
24 DAY 75
25 DAY 77
Concept of social progress
26 DAY 79

DAY 27 81
Multivariate social development (types of societies)
28 DAY 83
Threats of the 21st century (global problems)
29 DAY 85
Economics and economic science
30 DAY 87
Factors of production and factor income
31 DAY 89
Economic systems
DAY 32 91
Economic systems
33 DAY 93

34 DAY 95
Market and market mechanism. Supply and demand
35 DAY 97
Fixed and variable costs
36 DAY 99

37 DAY 101
Financial institutions. Banking system
38 DAY 103
Main sources of business financing. Securities
39 DAY 105
Labor market. Unemployment
40 DAY 107
Types, causes and consequences of inflation
41 DAY 109
Economic growth and development.
The concept of gross domestic product (GDP)
42 DAY 111
Economic growth and development. The concept of gross domestic product (GDP)
43 DAY 113
The role of the state in the economy
44 DAY 115
45 DAY 117
The state budget
46 DAY 119
World economy
47 DAY 121
Rational economic behavior of the owner, employee, consumer, family man, citizen
48 DAY 123

49 DAY 125
Social stratification and mobility
50 DAY 127
Social groups
51 DAY 129
Social groups
52 DAY 131
Youth as a social group
53 DAY 133
Ethnic communities
54 DAY 135

55 DAY 137
Interethnic relations, ethnosocial conflicts, ways to resolve them Constitutional principles (foundations) of national policy in the Russian Federation
56 DAY 139
Social conflict
57 DAY 141
Types of social norms
58 DAY 143

59 DAY 145
Social control Freedom and responsibility
60 DAY 147
Deviant behavior and its types
61 DAY 149
Social role Socialization of the individual
62 DAY 151
Family and marriage
63 DAY 153
Family and marriage
64 DAY 155
Power concept
65 DAY 157
The state, its functions
66 DAY 159
The state, its functions
67 DAY 161
The state, its functions
68 DAY 163
The state, its functions
69 DAY 165
The state, its functions
70 DAY 167
Politic system
71 DAY 169
Typology of political regimes
72 DAY 171

73 DAY 173
Democracy, its basic values ​​and characteristics
74 DAY 175
Civil society and the state
75 DAY 177
Political elite
76 DAY 179
Political parties and movements
77 DAY 181
Mass media in the political system
78 DAY 183
Election campaign in the Russian Federation
79 DAY 185
Political process. Political participation
80 DAY 187
Political leadership
81 DAY 189
State authorities of the Russian Federation. Federal structure of Russia
82 DAY 191
Law in the system of social norms
83 DAY 193
System of Russian law. Legislative process
84 DAY 195
Concept and types of legal liability
85 DAY 197
Constitution of the Russian Federation. Fundamentals of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation
86 DAY 199
Legislation of the Russian Federation on elections
87 DAY 201
Subjects of civil law
88 DAY 203
Organizational and legal forms and legal regime entrepreneurial activity Property and non-property rights
89 DAY 205
Hiring procedure. Procedure for conclusion and termination employment contract
90 DAY 207

91 DAY 209
Legal regulation of relations between spouses. Procedure and conditions for concluding and dissolving a marriage
92 DAY 211
Features of administrative jurisdiction
93 DAY 213
The right to a favorable environment and ways to protect it
94 DAY 215
International law (international protection of human rights in peacetime and wartime)
95 DAY 217
Disputes, procedure for their consideration
96 DAY 219
Basic rules and principles of civil procedure
97 DAY 221
Features of the criminal process
98 DAY 223
Citizenship of the Russian Federation. Conscription, alternative civilian service
99 DAY 225
Rights and obligations of the taxpayer
100 DAY 227
Law enforcement agencies. Judicial system

They give you the opportunity to pass the test well and increase your level of knowledge. Guys who want to connect their future university studies with culture, politics, economics, maintaining public order, must be well versed in this subject and understand the relationship between different areas life. Only by seeing the whole picture and being able to analyze information can you not only pass the test well, but also become an excellent specialist. This is precisely the goal teachers set for students. training center by giving them necessary knowledge and good motivation.

Unified State Exam express courses in social studies for eleventh graders

To understand a subject well, you need to understand all the intricacies and realize how diverse our society is and what social responsibilities every person does. During classes, teachers do more than just lecture graduates. They provide different real examples, which can clearly show how and why certain issues are resolved. School teachers rarely pay attention to nuances and place the main emphasis on repeating and memorizing terms, designations, and rules. But this does not give the necessary result, since students simply do not understand the real mechanism of influences and relationships.

Even quick preparation for the Unified State Exam in social studies at the center necessarily includes the study of people’s behavior in society, social and economic changes that always occur precisely under human influence. Therefore, in every lesson we use different ways submission of information:

  • presentations;
  • graphics;
  • tables;
  • documentaries;
  • video lectures;
  • textbooks.

Also, for each topic, students complete practical tasks from the test book. Since there are few children in groups (from 2 to 7 people), the teacher can pay attention to everyone and make sure that the child understands everything and is ready to give a complete, thoughtful, detailed answer.

Fast Unified State Exam course in social studies is carried out according to the spiral system. Its main difference from traditional repetition of material is that all topics are repeated several times, but with each repetition the level of difficulty of the tasks increases. Therefore, knowledge of terms is brought to automaticity, and the guys fully understand all the nuances, hone the skill of beautifully expressing their thoughts, and write essays on various topics.

In class, students are allowed to engage in discussions, discuss each other's answers, but not turn it into a meaningless argument. The teacher confidently coordinates everything that happens in the class and teaches the children that they need to be able to respect their opponents and construct a conversation correctly.

An interesting and intensive Unified State Exam course in social studies

Motivation is very important for high school students. Teenagers are often lazy and careless about homework because they do not believe that it will somehow affect their life in general. Therefore, in the learning process, the teacher not only tells the theory, but also uses different psychological techniques to turn your group into a team of like-minded people who know how to set goals and achieve success. Before the start of the courses, personal free conversations are held with the children, during which teachers determine exactly how they can influence the student in order to get excellent results.

Intensive preparation for the Unified State Exam in social studies is designed for students with different backgrounds. They are divided into groups according to their level of knowledge and work is structured so that, in the end, everyone can pass the test without stress, get a good score and enter prestigious universities.

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