Home Diseases and pests How to open a beer shop? We draw up a business plan. Now, what worries anyone opening a draft beer store is profit. Assortment, equipment for a draft beer shop

How to open a beer shop? We draw up a business plan. Now, what worries anyone opening a draft beer store is profit. Assortment, equipment for a draft beer shop

Many people are attracted by the idea of ​​opening a business selling goods that are guaranteed to be in demand among the population. That is why many start their business by opening a grocery store or cafe. There will always be people. However, one can just as confidently state that people will continue to consume alcoholic beverages. And one of the most popular types alcohol is beer.

The advantage of trading in beer over the sale of other alcoholic beverages is that you do not need to purchase a license to sell it. Nevertheless, this type of business in itself is not at all simple and will require you to know many nuances and pitfalls.

First of all, you need to decide on the format of the establishment. You can open as small point of sale when leaving a large supermarket or a full-fledged store with a separate entrance and a wide range of products. This business plan is designed specifically for opening a separate store.

The next step is to define the target audience and product range. After all, you can limit sales to several types of beer, or you can expand the assortment with snacks, soft drinks, cigarettes and other related products.

After that, you will have to choose a location, conclude a lease agreement and decorate the premises. This stage should be addressed Special attention.

Business registration and obtaining permits is a particularly crucial stage in opening. Moreover, in 2016, the trading procedure became more complicated due to the tightening of control by the state.

Considerable investments in this type of business are coming. But the bulk of investment is in working capital, and shop equipment can be rented from a supplier.

The investment amount is 800,000 rubles.

The break-even point is reached in the third month of operation.

The investment payback period is from 7 months.

Average monthly profit - 130 000.

2. Description of the business, product or service

The idea of ​​the project is to open a store, the main product of which is beer. This drink is presented in a wide range: more than 20 types of draft beer. In addition, the buyer will be able to purchase additional snacks, as well as souvenirs: mugs, glasses, etc. The entire list of products sold is presented below:

  • Draft beer: light, dark, unfiltered;
  • Imported bottled beer;
  • Soft drinks: lemonade, kvass, juices, water;
  • Cigarettes: more than 200 names;
  • Related products: lighters, chewing gum, chocolates, coffee, tea, chewing candies, sweets, condoms, hookah tobacco;
  • Weight snacks: fish snacks, squid, meat snacks, pistachios, peanuts, crackers, smoked cheese;
  • Assorted snacks: nuts, chips, crackers, seeds, popcorn.

The cost of draft beer ranges from 60 to 250 rubles. per liter. The markup ranges from 50 to 100% depending on the type of beer, as well as on the state of the competitive environment.

The volume of beer sales strongly depends on the seasonality factor. Strong demand is observed from May to September, while in winter, revenue is significantly reduced. In the cold season, the beer shop exists at the expense of regular customers. Therefore, in order to neutralize the risk of being left without profit in cold weather, from the beginning of the opening, you should actively build up a circle of regular buyers. It is better to open a store between March and May, as in this case you have the opportunity to build up a large customer base by the winter season.

It should be noted that assortment preferences change throughout the year. In summer, the consumer prefers “light” beers, and in winter he chooses “strong” ones. Proceeding from this, it is necessary to regulate commodity balances, as well as form the optimal order size. The faster the product in your store is updated, the more customers will come to you.

3. Description of the sales market

The target audience of the project consists mainly of men - 70% of the total number of the target audience. Age - from 18 to 55 years old. Women make up 30% of the target audience. A significant proportion of sales are made to people between the ages of 25 and 35.

The beer store is visited as regular customers who regularly drink beer in large volumes and people from passing traffic who entered the store "on the way". The latter account for approximately 25% of all buyers.

The main flow of clients is residents of the nearest houses. That is why the location in the city center for this type of business is unprofitable in advance.

Direct competitors of the draft beer store are the same retail outlets. Large federal chains selling cheap bottled beer also pose a serious threat. However, the development of a unique selling proposition will help to bypass competitors and occupy a free niche in this business. The emphasis can be placed on a wide range of products, on high quality service, or on the provision of discounts and bonuses to regular customers.

The main asset of your company is a sustainable reputation. Therefore, special attention should be paid to maintaining order in the store. To do this, you need to install a panic button to call the security, as well as hang a video surveillance camera. If you do not want to spend money on buying a camera, you can install a dummy. This will have a positive effect on both seller discipline and buyer behavior.

Among the advantages over competitors are:

  • High quality products - only trusted suppliers and the best varieties beer;
  • Organoleptic properties - all types of draft beer are many times superior to any bottled beer in terms of taste and useful characteristics. Even in closed kegs, such beer is stored from 30 to 60 days, and in open form no more than 7 days. Thus, it is a natural product that retains many useful vitamins and minerals;
  • A unique bonus system for customers - a multi-level program motivates to bring friends and make purchases in your store;
  • All varieties are always available;
  • No expired goods - there is a constant rotation;
  • Every holiday there is a promotion;
  • Cozy, good-natured atmosphere in the store, pleasant interior;
  • Availability of related products - snacks and cigarettes;
  • Availability of soft drinks - sale of kvass and lemonade.

With competent management of one store, the business owner has the opportunity to develop his own retail network. And since one store covers a circle of customers within a radius of 500-1000 m, it is possible to open additional points even in one area. In this case, your company becomes known in wide circles of beer lovers, and a positive reputation ensures a continuous flow of buyers.

4. Sales and Marketing

You can also add additional products to the sale that are stylistically suitable for the design and concept of the store. For example, matches, lighters, toothpicks, glasses and so on.

A good way to attract and retain a customer is to develop an accumulative bonus system... In order to use it, the client needs to purchase a bonus card.

  • 5% of bonuses are accumulated from each purchase;
  • Bonuses are unlimited, that is, they do not expire over time;
  • Bonuses tie people to the store. That is, if there is a choice, the client will always come to the store where he has a discount or bonuses;
  • Many people have already got used to and fell in love with the bonus accumulation systems (they use Gazprom, Lukoil, Sberbank cards);
  • Payment for purchases with bonuses can be made either in full or in part (you can also set a limit - "no more than 20%");
  • Increased bonuses can attract buyers and even entice them from competitors (for example, a 30% promotion on a bonus card);
  • Advantages bonus card before the discount is that of all accumulated bonuses, no more than 70-75% is spent, while the discount is always provided.

Customer loyalty is also increased by such Additional services, as an opportunity for the buyer to pre-order, and then pick it up at the appointed time.

Track customer reactions to every promotion you run. Ask them personally, arrange polls, start a book of reviews and suggestions - so you will be aware of changes in customer needs in time.

5. Production plan

State registration. To open a beer store, registration as an individual entrepreneur is enough. Ltd. is required for the wholesale of beer drinks. Selected taxation system - STS (6% of income);

  • Search for premises, conclusion of a lease agreement;
  • Renovation work, design;
  • Purchase of equipment, installation;
  • Obtaining permission from SES and Fire Service;
  • Staff recruitment;
  • Search for suppliers and formation of working capital;
  • Installation cash register, as well as connection to the EGAIS system;
  • Notification of Rospotrebnadzor about the start of activities;
  • Marketing campaign;
  • Beginning of work.

When choosing a room, you need to proceed from the range of products offered, the proximity of competitors, fire safety standards, and also take into account the contingent of passing traffic of people.

Thus, the following requirements can be imposed on the premises for organizing a store that provides more than 20 types of beer:

  • District - residential area;
  • Room size - at least 40 sq. M., 1st floor, the presence of two exits (according to the standards of the Fire Inspectorate);
  • Location - at a distance of at least 100 m from educational and medical institutions;
  • The entrance to the store should be located on the first line, not in the courtyards;
  • Lack of competitors within walking distance.

In order for your store to be perceived by the consumer not as a cheap pub, but as a real boutique of draft beer, you need to pay attention to the name of the store, its external design, as well as the internal design. To do this, you should use the services of a designer, purchase building materials, make repairs, order a sign.

The next step is purchasing and installing equipment. Distributors of large breweries often offer equipment rental or even provide it for free. Terms should be negotiated separately with each specific supplier.

After you have completed the repair and installed the equipment, you need to obtain permits from the Fire Station and SES. As a rule, if the premises have already been rented out before, and you have not done any redevelopment, then Required documents the landlord already has.

During the recruiting phase, you will need to interview and select two suitable candidates for the sales position. In addition, you need to outsource your accountant.

When choosing suppliers, you should pay attention that imported beer costs several times more than beer. Russian production... It is best to work with one large supplier who delivers fresh, high quality beer on time.

On January 1, 2016, a law was introduced in the Russian Federation on the introduction of a system for monitoring and accounting for alcohol through the EGAIS system. To connect to the system, you need to purchase a cash register system compatible with EGAIS, an UTM system and a JaCarta key with an electronic signature.

It remains to notify Rospotrebnadzor about the start of trading and announce the date of the festive opening of the store. A competent launching campaign will provide you with a flow of customers already on the first day of work.

6. Organizational structure

At first, the director was the only representative of the company's administrative staff. His responsibilities include:

  • Search for suppliers and conclusion of contracts;
  • Development and implementation of marketing campaigns;
  • Drawing up sales plans for 1, 3, 6 months;
  • Control over the timely opening and closing of the store;
  • Order financial resources companies;
  • Staff recruitment and payroll;
  • Regular payment of lease payments, as well as renewal of the lease agreement;
  • Monitoring of competitors' activities;
  • Development of the company's development strategy.

Salespeople should be hired to keep the store running smoothly. At the opening stage, two sellers will be enough, working according to the schedule - 2 working days after 2 weekends. The seller's salary is 500 rubles. per shift + 2% of total revenue per month. The fixed part is issued daily at the close of the shift, and the percentage is paid once at the end of the month. This method of remuneration motivates salespeople to increase sales.

A beer shop assumes a certain specifics of work:

  • First, the potential for inappropriate behavior on the part of buyers. In order to make the seller's work more comfortable, a video surveillance system is installed in the store. Moreover, at the entrance it is imperative to post an announcement about the presence of video cameras, even if in fact a dummy is installed. In addition, drunken services can be strictly prohibited.
  • Secondly, working with alcoholic beverages in spill attracts the seller in terms of opportunities to cheat and carry out fraudulent activities. The video surveillance system will prevent such behavior of your employees.

In this regard, it is important to seriously approach the selection of personnel, as well as develop a checklist for assessing the quality of the seller's work. Here are some examples of the clauses of such an internal document:

  • Clean working area;
  • Neat appearance;
  • Friendly customer service;
  • Informing all buyers about the availability of a bonus program and current promotions;
  • Cleaning after working day;
  • Regular withdrawal of stock balances;
  • Formation of an order for suppliers;
  • Checkout control, keeping a log of purchases.

Evaluation criteria need to be developed for each item. If at least one condition is not met, a fine is imposed.

Today beer is the most popular alcoholic drink in Russia. According to Euromonitor International, in 2012, 1,019 decaliters of foamy drink were sold in our country for total amount 904 billion rubles. At the same time, there is an increase in demand for draft beer. Consumers like rich taste"live" draft beer and its associated special aesthetics reminiscent of the times Soviet era... How to open a beer point and how much money will you need at the initial stages? This question is asked by many novice entrepreneurs, because this type of business is considered very profitable and promising.

Starting capital for opening a point of sale of draft beer - the amount of 400 thousand rubles.

Your financial investment can increase significantly if you choose to purchase a rental service retail space... It is worth considering the fact that at the initial stage, the best option would still be rent. Rental prices for retail space fluctuate between 1000-2000 rubles / sq. m.

The first procedure that you need to go through is registration as an individual entrepreneur. IP status - the best option for this business, but if you plan to carry out wholesale sales, registration in the status of a limited liability company is suitable.

Next, you need to get permission local administration and the territorial administration of Rospotrebnadzor for this type of activity, conclude a lease agreement, register a cash register, register with the tax inspectorate, and also obtain approval from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire inspectorate.

Back to the table of contents

Your task is to choose a place with good traffic, in a well-visible area, at a distance of at least 100 m from educational institutions. It is very important how many people can see your sign. The best option would be a residential area, preferably a sleeping area. Also, the number of sales is favorably influenced by the proximity to recreation parks, beaches, bus stations, student dormitories. In business districts and places with a large concentration of office buildings, a beer point may not be profitable. It is worth finding out if there are supermarkets, bars, cafes nearby: this can negatively affect profits.

In a separate pavilion, you can arrange an area in a grocery store for a retail outlet, or rent a non-residential premises on the ground floor of a building. Keep in mind that, in addition to the sales area, you will need space for office and warehouse space. The optimal size of a retail outlet is 50 sq. m. If the size is much smaller, you will have to cut the range of goods.

A prerequisite is the presence in the room where draft beer is sold, two exits, a bathroom, as well as an alarm guard, a safe and a cash register.

Back to the table of contents

The main costs are the equipment required for trading. You will need 200-300 thousand rubles to purchase it. In order to save money, you can purchase used equipment. If you wish, you can conclude an agreement with the supplier of a specific brand of the manufacturer of draft beer, and then some of the equipment will be provided to you free of charge.

So, the main list of necessary equipment:

    Cash machine. (with passport)

    Refrigerator showcase.

    Refrigerated cabinet.

    Gas cylinders.

    Gas reducers.

    Kegs 50 and 30 liters.


    Air conditioning.

Average income in winter period- 150-250 thousand rubles per month; in the summer, the profit doubles: from 300 thousand rubles per month and more. Therefore, if you want to recoup your business as quickly as possible, we recommend that you schedule the opening of the outlet in May-June.

The range of products directly depends on the size of the area at your disposal. You can start with 10 varieties of the drink, so that both dark and light draft beers are present. In addition to the foamy drink, the assortment should include various snacks: snacks, dried fish, cheese, salted nuts. The availability of related products can double your profits.

If you have less than three outlets, then it is better to purchase through a distributor. It is profitable to buy products directly from the consumer plant, provided that you buy in large wholesale. The sellers introduce a double mark-up on beer of domestic producers, beer of imported brands, as a rule, is sold at a price 30% higher than the purchase price.

A seller selling draft beer must have a health book.

Organizing a point of sale for draft beer is not so troublesome and difficult if you have a small start-up capital and basic knowledge at your disposal. In the initial stages, you or someone from your family can directly engage in trade. But remember that a business requires constant growth to truly succeed, so strive to expand your network and staff accordingly.

Beer is a fairly common drink in Russia, and accordingly there is a great demand for it. Already many buyers have given their preference to draft beer, leaving bottled beer aside or on the shelves of hypermarkets, because they differ from each other not only in taste, but also in quality. Opening a draft beer store is a good idea for a business, as demand for it increases every year, despite the fact that such a business is in the seasonal category.


Store location- one of the main parameters of whether you will have a profit from the business or not. As you may have noticed, most often draft beer shops are point... They are located both in shopping centers, and at the exit from the supermarket, and near the metro, that is, in places with high traffic of people. In such shops, beer is bought to go, and the small rental rate allows you to quickly pay off and start making money. There is also a point of sale, in the form "Shop-bar". They are spread over a larger area and require a good bar and chairs. There are also beer boutiques which are small pubs.

When choosing a location for a store, it is important to take into account the existing “no-go zones”, which include medical, educational and sports facilities. Before renting space, it is important to study the area in which your future store will be located. The priority is given, of course, to sleeping areas, as they have more residents and fewer competitors (restaurants, cafes, bars).

The supermarket will also become a competitor, since it is sometimes easier to buy beer along with food in it than to go somewhere else on the way home. And, as already mentioned, they also often sell draft beer, so if the sale in them is not carried out by you, then, alas, only a variety of varieties in your outlet can increase the number of customers. It is not advisable to open a point and close to business centers. It is unlikely that someone will come to you during work for a whole liter of drink, so you only have to hope for the arrival of visitors after a working day.

It is also undesirable to open a store in the basement of a residential building, and this time the influencing factor is not traffic, but the possibility of fire safety problems, following which retail outlets should have two exits. Accordingly, you may stay there for some time, but they will close the store quickly enough.

Student dormitories or recreation parks can increase the number of buyers, as well as it is advantageous to locate such shops on the outskirts of the city. Many people on the way to the dacha want to buy a bottle of fresh draft beer with them.

One of the important permits will be a liquor license. and who can get it?

What do you need to open a tire shop? What documents to prepare and purchase equipment?

What do you need to open a store?

We have already talked about where it is better to locate the future store. Now let's dive into the list of documents (usually: a specific package) needed to open.

Documents for a draft beer shop

  1. If you are going to carry out street trading, you need to approve this with the local authorities.
  2. If the store will be located in a mall, you must obtain a permit to sell beer
  3. Registered individual entrepreneur or LLC.
  4. The conclusion of the SES (sanitary and epidemiological service) is required.
  5. Conclusion of the State Fire Inspection. (The premises for a draft beer shop must comply with fire safety standards).
  6. Conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor.
  7. The concluded agreement with the landlord (owner or tenant) of the area.
  8. Labor contracts with employees who have health records.
  9. Registered cash register.

What are the requirements for a draft beer store can SES put forward?

It is better to use tiles or non-toxic paint for finishing. Lighting should be both natural and artificial. It is also necessary to install emergency lighting. Central heating is required. Compliance with the hygiene conditions of employees is also important. It is better to discuss the details of these requirements with the SES staff.

Attention is also paid to the safe conduction of electricity. The cables must be laid at a certain height and must be protected from possible damage. The presence of a switch is required. Don't forget to buy fire extinguishers as well, and draw up an evacuation plan.

The fire department will require you to comply with these rules:

  1. The room must have an emergency exit, the doors of which must open from the outside.
  2. Safety instructions should be developed. All store employees must be instructed.
  3. The rooms must have signs with the fire department number, as well as plans for an escape route.
  4. Fire detectors must be installed.

This is, of course, an incomplete list of required requirements. In order to comply with all the rules, it is better to consult with a specialist.

Equipment for a draft beer shop

Equipment can either be purchased or rented. It depends on your funds, as well as on your intentions for the duration of the business. If you are going to open a place that will exist for a long time, the equipment is worth buying - the less hassle.

Now let's move on specifically to what you need.

  1. Cooler. This machine will be able to maintain the beer temperature around +5 degrees. It is necessary to meet the needs of the client, because having bought warm beer from you again, no one will come to you. This pleasure is not cheap - about 20,000 rubles. But it is obligatory, there is nothing you can do about it.
  2. Stand for the installation of filling valves.
  3. Counter.
  4. Kegs. This is a stainless steel container that is used to transport beer.
  5. Beer column. It is not only a beer dispensing device, but also an important design element.
  6. Drip collector.
  7. Beer tap (if it is supposed to pour beer into glasses).
  8. Beer hose.
  9. Gas cylinders. They are needed in order to force beer out of the keg.
  10. Reducer for maintaining the pressure in the cylinder.
  11. Fridge.

Design and interior

The interior of your store can be very different, but it is better to adhere to established standards. Better to start from the interiors of an Irish or Czech pub. Combinations of brick structures and wood structures will make your store truly stylish. If you place several bar stools around the counter, dim lights will be a plus for you.


Choose pleasant employees, because not only you, but also the buyer will need to deal with them. They will become the face of your establishment. Look for future bartenders with experience so that they can work with utensils and so that nothing falls out of their hands. They should also be helpful and bold to politely refuse a client.

Do not forget about those cases when a person cannot pour more, therefore it is better to refuse from 100-200 rubles of profit and say “no” to the person in time.

Usually, in beer shops you work on shifts, so two employees with a 2 through 2 schedule are enough for you. It is better to pay for the work with a percentage of the sale. This will add motivation to them. To prevent employees from stealing, you can put "controllers" between the keg and the crane. This way you can keep track of whether the sales records are kept correctly.

You will also need an accountant and a cleaning lady.

Beer suppliers and beer shop assortment

For a successful trade, you need at least 7 varieties of the offered beer. It is recommended to sell light and dark beer, as well as 1-2 imported varieties. You can diversify the assortment with unfiltered products. Cider, mead and cherry beer are gaining more and more popularity. Try adding them to your assortment as well. With their sale, you will also have a buyer in a woman's face.

Add snacks to the beer sale. A rare buyer who wants to spend an evening after a hard day at work will deny himself the pleasure of buying dried fish for beer or other snacks. You will receive additional profit from this.

Beer storage

Kegs are considered the best storage for beer, especially in a draft beer shop. In them, the drink is hermetically sealed and delicious in a special way. The shelf life of draft beer in such a keg ranges from 30 days to 90. It depends directly on the type.

Kegs themselves are not recommended to be stored on the floor. Better to use a wooden deck for them and not keep them near the battery. The ideal storage temperature is +10 degrees. To preserve the quality and shelf life, it is best to move the keg to a room where it will be opened 24 hours before use.

Place the beer cooler in a ventilated area. If suddenly the beer in the keg is frozen, turn off the cooler. The gas cylinder must be in an upright position.

Sample business plan for a draft beer store

Now let's summarize by drawing up a rough business plan with the calculation of equipment costs:

  • Registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, legal advice - 25,000 rubles.
  • Rent for a draft beer shop 40 sq. m - 30-50,000 rubles a month. (Depends on the area).
  • Realtor services - 20,000 rubles.
  • Renovation of premises and interior design of a draft beer shop - from 40,000 rubles.
  • Equipment - 180,000 rubles.
  • Beer - 100,000 rubles
  • Accountant's salary (outsourcing) - 5,000 rubles per month.
  • Sellers (two-person service) - 35,000 rubles per month.

Total: about 460,000 rubles.

The monthly expense will be about 250,000 rubles. It turns out that you should earn more than 9,000 rubles per day. If the minimum order value is 300 rubles, then 30 buyers will be enough for you to payback. Agree, not so much.

In conclusion, we would like to wish you success in your business. Remember that compliance public services, a sober approach to business, as well as dedication to your idea, will help you achieve incredible results and profit.

In Russia, more than 11% of beer is sold for bottling through shops and small outlets. The emergence and large-scale development of this business falls on 2008-2009, when in circulation economic crisis like mushrooms after the rain, shops with a relatively small assortment began to appear. Beer on tap does not pass the pasteurization stage, it is characterized by brighter and richer taste than bottled. Therefore, every year it finds more and more admirers, and also makes many entrepreneurs who are building a business in this field successful.

The beer industry is one of the fastest growing even during the crisis - over the past 20 years, this segment has grown by about 6 times. This development was partially facilitated by the state, motivating to reduce the consumption of strong alcoholic beverages - brandy, vodka, etc. As a result, today ¾ of alcohol falls on beer. There is also a tendency towards an increase in draft beer outlets - these are detached buildings and departments in shopping and entertainment centers.

What does it take to open a beer shop?

Before opening any direction in business (for example,) you need to calculate all the main and additional expenses, analyze the consumer market, assess the level of competition, how much it costs to open a draft beer store, as well as the risks and disadvantages of the business.

Algorithm for opening a draft beer store:

  • financial calculations, drawing up a business plan;
  • opening and building a development strategy;
  • choice of store format for opening;
  • registration of a permitting package of documents;
  • search for a place, concluding a lease agreement;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • selection of a supplier and conclusion of a contract for periodic supplies;
  • personnel search, conclusion of labor contracts;
  • advertising;
  • opening of a draft beer shop.

Advice: selling draft beer is a seasonal business. Income in summer period exceeds this figure in winter by 4-5 times.

Since the storage period of a live foamy drink does not exceed 7 days, it is necessary to ensure implementation within this period so that the product does not have to be thrown away and suffer losses.

It is recommended to start with small volumes - 18-25 varieties are enough. The entire assortment should be divided into 4 sectors, each of which should contain 3-5 proposed options for a hop drink. For some buyers, it is important how much beer costs, others are willing to pay a lot, but only for their favorite beer. Carefully analyze consumer demand, after 4-6 months the assortment range can be adjusted. After a year, the owner has a clear picture of which varieties are selling best.

It is also advisable to offer snacks for foamy drinks - dried fish and squid, suluguni cheese, smoked pork ears, chips, crackers, nuts, etc. This makes it possible to double the bill. There is a great alternative for beginners -. In this case, part of the organizational issues will fall on the shoulders of the partner, and you will have the opportunity to work with a well-known trade mark and get a streamlined scheme of business processes.

Open a draft beer store: where to start?

The main thing is to open a place with a high traffic rate. Draft beer shops are spot shops - they are located at the intersection of busy roads, near the entrances to supermarkets, supermarkets, metro stations, that is, in places with a large crowd of people. Due to the small area, since the foamy drink is sold to take away, you can quickly recoup even the most expensive rent and go to stable income already this year 2016.

There are also points with a small amount of seats like a pub. They are located on a larger area and require the installation of a bar counter and chairs.

According to experts beer business, the coverage radius of one point is approximately 350-400 meters. It is important that it is in this place that high degree patency. For the calculation, you should take into account both the inhabitants of the area and the people who pass by.

After choosing a place, you need to take care of the visibility of the store - order a bright sign, place signs. You should not place a store near competitors - these are the same points of draft beer, universal kiosks, bars.

Since in every city the center is overflowing with similar establishments, sleeping areas remain free - great option to accommodate. it minimal amount competitors, relatively low rents and a steady stream throughout the day. According to experts, a student residence that is located nearby can increase sales by 30%.

But don't forget about the restricted areas, which include educational, medical and sports facilities.

It is not profitable to open a store from scratch near business centers, business districts. It is unlikely that someone will want to buy an intoxicated drink during the working day, the bulk of visitors will appear only after the end of the working day. In this place are more relevant.

The supermarket will also become a big competitor, as many find it easier to buy bottled beer while shopping than going elsewhere for a draft beer. In addition, there are often dispensing points already located at the outlet. If the sale in them is not carried out by you, then only a variety of varieties will help to increase the number of visitors.

Equipment for a draft beer shop

The equipment can be purchased independently or rented - depending on the availability of start-up capital and the foresight of the strategy.

You can enter into a long-term contract with a specific supplier. As a rule, most distributors supply their equipment, sometimes even take care of advertising and staff training.

In order to open a draft beer store from scratch, you need to purchase equipment:

  • cooler - a device for maintaining a stable level of liquid temperature (approximately + 5º);
  • a rack for placing filling taps;
  • bar counter or counter;
  • containers for transportation and storage - kegs;
  • column - a mechanism for dispensing a drink;
  • drip tray;
  • defoamers;
  • hoses;
  • gas cylinders for displacing liquid from the keg;
  • pressure reducer;
  • refrigerating chambers;
  • showcases for the sale of related products - snacks, dried fish, etc.

Beer shop decoration

The list of permits depends on the place in which the trade will be conducted. Without registration complete package documents, it is not necessary to open the outlet, as the inspection authorities can quickly close it before the circumstances are clarified, which will arouse suspicion among the residents of the district. Therefore, on the opening day, all documentation must be ready - from the seller's health book to.

Main list for shop decoration:

  • permission to trade from the local administration (if you want to open a point on the street);
  • permission to sell (if you plan to open a point in a shopping or entertainment center);
  • the conclusion of the SES authorities;
  • the conclusion of the fire inspection;
  • lease contract;
  • employment contract with personnel;
  • sanitary books of workers.

The owners of most outlets of this format are registered as individual entrepreneurs - the registration procedure will not take more than 5 working days, but the minimum.

In order to obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station, you need to use non-toxic paint or tiles for wall decoration. Lighting should be both natural and artificial, floors should be waterproof. The draft beer store should be well ventilated. Every day you need to carry out wet cleaning, cleanliness is the main criterion when analyzing the organs of the SES, as in the case.

To obtain a permit from the fire inspectorate, the following requirements must be met:

  1. the presence of an emergency exit, the doors of which must be opened from the outside;
  2. availability of instructions on fire safety measures;
  3. conducting a one-time briefing on fire safety measures for all workers;
  4. availability of an evacuation plan and plates with the fire department number;
  5. the presence of fire detectors.

How to keep records in a draft beer store?

“It’s not beer that kills people… it’s not beer that kills people,” joke experienced beer market players.

A draft beer shop from scratch is a fairly new opening in the field of sales. For the convenience of keeping records, it is recommended to choose automated computer systems... Most of the points from the moment of opening install automated trading equipment, some buy it after the start-up costs are recouped.

The store owner needs to choose a program that will record the transactions performed, take into account income and expenses, and also form a customer loyalty program.

Seller work technology:

  • acceptance of the order from the buyer;
  • pouring beer;
  • search for the ordered variety from the proposed list in a special program;
  • sending a label for printing;
  • gluing a label on a bottle;
  • barcode scanning;
  • settlement with the buyer;
  • printing a receipt.

Companies that optimize these processes and can be used when opening and operating a draft beer store from scratch:

  • "MiniSoft";
  • TapVizor;
  • Microinvest, etc.

Beer shop design

Draft beer shop decoration - important point... Simply making repairs and arranging furniture is not an option. It is necessary to create an appropriate atmosphere that will correspond to the intended theme and give visitors comfort.

Among a large number beer points in the development of design the task is to stand out from the competitors. This can be done by an original and unique interior, room decoration, general style, finishing materials and paraphernalia.

To match the specifics of the store, you can decorate the room in dark pastel colors, use rough wooden furniture, artistic plaster on the walls. An important design element is paraphernalia. These can be wooden barrels, dark wood, thematic paintings, ornaments from hops, etc. The lighting in such places is muted. As a rule, the rays are directed to the products, while other corners, the interior remains dark.

Also, today, many draft beer stores have deviated from the main theme in the development of their design and opened bright, spacious rooms with additions of red, orange or blue colors. As a result, the room appears visually large, there is a feeling of cleanliness and comfort. Large windows, standardized interior and a huge number of lamps make the draft beer shop bright, light and unforgettable.

A large role in the development of design belongs not only to the interior, but also to the sign. It should be laconic, bright and memorable. You can place original or standard signs around the store that will guide people and push them to make a purchase.

How to promote a draft beer shop?

When choosing advertising and marketing moves, it is worth starting from the specifics of the business. What is relevant for most areas may not produce results in the beer business. For example, advertising on television, radio, placement of advertisements in print media will be expensive, but will not give the expected effect.

In addition to signage, interior design and thematic design, outdoor advertising - banners in the area of ​​placement - can be a good marketing ploy.

Advice: hard to believe - but even the name of a draft beer store influences the sales volume. It is important to come up with a short, concise and original name that is quickly remembered.

Experienced beer business players effective method called sound advertising. Any promotion or lucrative offer is announced to passers-by via a megaphone. In this case, the main thing is to do such events periodically, otherwise the residents of neighboring houses will hate you.

Everyone approaches the issue of discounts differently. Some experts advise against giving away discount cards"Right and left", as in winter time the store can expect losses. Other popular outlets boldly introduce discount and savings cards to attract buyers.

Also, the marketing issue can be resolved with the beer supplier. Many of them give advertising paraphernalia with their logo for free - these can be ashtrays, coasters for glasses, etc.

How much does it cost to open a draft beer store?

The threshold for entering a beer point starts from 300 thousand rubles. Initial investments depend on the region of location, store format, and types of supplied beer.

Consider a sample business plan for opening a draft beer store from scratch:

  • registration of individual entrepreneurs, registration of permits - 10 thousand rubles;
  • lease payments - 40 thousand rubles. per month;
  • repair and finishing works - 80 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of beer equipment - 180 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of the first batch of goods (beer plus snacks) - 100 thousand rubles;
  • advertising - 10 thousand rubles;
  • salary of personnel (2 sellers) - 40 thousand rubles.

Based on the calculations, in order to open a draft beer store from scratch, you need to spend 460 thousand rubles. Each month the expenses will amount to about 250 thousand rubles.

This suggests that the revenue per day should not be less than 9 thousand rubles. If average check will be 300 rubles, it is enough to serve 30 buyers. It's not that much.

Is it profitable to open a draft beer shop?

Draft beer is a popular product. Opening a store selling it from scratch is an excellent metropolis too. The margin level varies between 50-100%.

Since this business is seasonal, it is possible to recoup the initial investment only in warm weather. Experts advise to open a point from scratch in early spring, so that by the beginning of summer the store will be "heard". The initial costs can be recouped in the first summer month. In winter, many points are simply closed, as the business becomes unprofitable. In this case, it is important to retain the right to rent the premises. Sometimes it is more profitable to pay rent payments during non-working months than to start from scratch later and spend money on advertising in a new location.

Calculation of the project payback:

  • the average cost of a liter of draft beer is 60 rubles;
  • average turnover per day (in summer) - 250-300 liters;
  • the average monthly turnover will amount to 450-540 thousand rubles.

As can be seen from the calculations, the payback period of the project will be 1-1.5 summer months.

Draft beer store as a business: reviews

Aspiring and seasoned entrepreneurs who have managed to open a draft beer store from scratch have generally received positive reviews. Most of them literally "live" by their own business, highlighting the whole culture of consumption of live draft beer.

It is recommended not to be afraid of the competition, which is now enough in every city. If such a large number of outlets are functioning, which means there is a demand for the product, and they can be squeezed out by finding new places (it only seems at first glance that there are no such places left) or offer a wider assortment. “There will be beer - there will be buyers,” says Sergei Rozhkov, owner of a draft beer shop from Yekaterinburg.

It is also noteworthy that many managed to open a business without their own investments. If you build a competent business plan and be confident in the profitability of the project, you can get credit funds and quickly repay the loan.

Negative reviews about this business can be obtained only in the winter. If from November to February (the most critical time) the point "goes to zero" - the profit received pays for the monthly expenses, it is better not to close the place. If the store is operating at a loss, the activity can be stopped during the crisis period.

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Opening a draft beer store is a profitable business if you approach everyone responsibly organizational issues... The profitability of the project largely depends on the choice of location. Despite the fact that the business is in the seasonal category, high demand in warm weather can quickly recoup the start-up investment and ensure work in the winter months. Also, when organizing, it is important to design the premises, the general style, the preparation and collection of permits and the search for a reliable supplier.

In contact with

* Calculations are based on average data for Russia

500 000 ₽

Initial attachments

10 months

Payback period

25-30 sq.m.

Required area

30 - 100%

Product markup

Opening their own draft beer shop is a dream of many aspiring entrepreneurs. A positive example of acquaintances and friends who talk about how they beat off the point in a couple of months, small investments, impressive crowds of customers and publishers can create a kind of aura of success around this business. However, you shouldn't rush to open a beer point without calculating at least the approximate price of the issue and assessing the risks.

The situation on the beer market

Before starting any business, one cannot do without analyzing the situation in the industry as a whole. The beer retail market is no exception. Firstly, aspiring entrepreneurs should remember that the boom in opening live beer outlets has ended for many years. The main reason is called amplification state regulation industries - the environment for small businesses has become noticeably more complicated. Since 2008, the beer market in Russia has been shrinking. Increased excise taxes - from 12 and 21 rubles. per liter of beer with an alcohol content of 0.5-8.6% and more than 8.6% in 2012 up to 21 and 39 rubles. respectively in 2017. This led to a rise in prices. According to experts' forecasts, in 2017 the beer market will lose another 2-5% - the industry will also be affected by the ban on the sale of beer in PET containers with a volume of more than 1.5 liters.

Due to these and other trends, beer consumption in Russia decreased from 77 liters per person per year (the peak was recorded in 2008) to 50 liters in 2016. Compared to other countries, beer consumption in our country is relatively low. For example, in the Czech Republic, which is considered the leader in beer consumption, each resident of the country in the same year, on average, drank 143 liters of beer. At the same time, no matter what pessimistic forecasts would be made by analysts, beer is still the most favorite alcoholic drink of Russians. For example, in 2016, the average Russian drank only 6.7 liters of vodka, 3.5 liters of wine and 1.1 liters of champagne, which is many times lower than beer consumption indicators.

Beer consumers are mainly men aged 18 to 55, regardless of marital status and income. At the same time, even with a general decrease in the population's ability to pay, beer still does not lose its audience. Today, a certain culture of beer drinking has developed in the country - the number of formats of establishments is multiplying, and producers offer varieties for every taste and wallet. The business of selling live beer is still popular. Beer is served both in premium restaurants, sports bars and craft beer bars, as well as in regular draft pubs. However, while not all buyers can afford the first option, the second option is much closer to the people. A small pub is easier to open - there will always be some flow of customers at the outlet. However, it has become more difficult to enter the market - most of the profitable places have already been staked out, the “zones of influence” of pubs have been divided, so now partly you need to win your client.

Location and premises of the beer shop

The key factor for a draft beer store is its location. It is with the choice and assessment of the future point that experienced entrepreneurs advise to start. The best location of the pub is traditionally considered to be a street with busy car and pedestrian traffic in a residential multi-storey area. The search for a future location should usually begin with considering options in new high-rise neighborhoods, where there are either no competitors at all, or few. The advantages of this location are obvious - it is big number potential customers per square area. In addition, new buildings are places where young people who actively consume beer move. Under no circumstances should you locate a pub where people do not live - that is, in a business center, remote from "sleeping" areas and from residential buildings in general. The fact is that live beer is bought by people in order to leisurely drink it at home.

It is possible to estimate the density of the market and calculate the number of operating pubs in a particular area with the help of electronic cartographic reference books like “2GIS”. Even better - immediately assess the place yourself, take a closer look at the contingent of residents, their gender, age, approximate level of income, assess pedestrian and car traffic. It should be remembered that the pub should be located no closer than 100 meters from schools, kindergartens and medical institutions. Also, proximity to sports or cultural facilities, gas stations, military facilities, as well as being in markets, bus stations, airports and other places is not allowed. mass gathering citizens.

Since beer cannot be sold from non-stationary premises, temporary structures such as stalls and kiosks will not work. The building of the pub must have a foundation and be entered in the real estate register. For a start, a small shop with an area of ​​25-30 sq. meters selling at least 10 types of beer... About 8-10 sq. meters of this area must be allocated for a warehouse. Rent will depend on a number of factors: city, proximity / remoteness of the center, metro stations and bus stops, presence / absence of repairs, etc. and can vary from 10-15 thousand in small towns with a population of about 100 thousand people and reach 100-150 thousand and more in Moscow. It is worth remembering that these amounts, as a rule, do not include utilities.

Table 1. Rent for 20-30 sq. meters of retail space in Russian cities

* according to the announcements on the Avito website as of September 2017

Assortment and suppliers of beer

Even before opening a point of his beer entrepreneur must decide on the suppliers. It is best to conclude contracts with those beer producers who are in demand on the local market. Accordingly, first you need to find out which sorts of beer are more popular with the residents of the city or district, what exactly they trust. According to the experience of entrepreneurs, if it comes about the point with 10 types of beer, then about 6 of them will be local bottled - unpasteurized unfiltered beer from a local manufacturer is already well known to the buyer. Live beer is stored for a short time, starting to lose its taste in 3-5 days. The remaining ones may be less well-known, but high-tasting premium varieties. This is a pasteurized beer with a long shelf life, which allows transportation from Europe and storage in the store with low demand. Do not forget to keep the beer suppliers close to the store so that you do not have to incur additional transportation costs.

Even for a small outlet selling draft beer, you should not limit the assortment - during the season, expand the assortment of drinks with kvass and lemonade. Also, the store should always sell beer snacks - dried fish and snacks - crackers, pistachios, chips, squid and so on. The larger the assortment delicious snacks, all the better.

The markup for draft beer will be from 30 to 100%, it is advisable to set the markup for a snack at the level of 20-25% so as not to force the buyer to go to the nearest supermarket for it. PET containers for the sale of beer will cost a small amount. Wholesale price for plastic bottles today is about 4.5-5 rubles. for a volume of 0.5 liters, 5.5-6 rubles. for 1 liter and 6-7.6 rubles. for 1.5 liters. As a reminder, the sale of beer in PET containers with a volume of more than 1.5 liters has been prohibited in Russia since July 1, 2017.

Establishing a beer selling business

The most optimal form for starting a draft beer retail business will be an individual entrepreneur. The procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur is much faster and cheaper than an LLC, it requires fewer documents, besides, an entrepreneur can freely use funds from a current account for personal needs. It is worth remembering that to wholesale or sell strong alcohol individual entrepreneurs prohibited by law. For retail trade in draft beer, the following OKVED-2 codes are suitable:

    47.25.1: Retail sale of alcoholic beverages, including beer, in specialized stores;

    47.25.12: Retail trade in beer in specialized stores.

Since the turnover of alcohol in the country is controlled by the state, even small business cannot do without interaction with the EGAIS. EGAIS is state system for alcohol control. It concerns individual entrepreneurs selling draft beer only in part - they are required to connect to the system only to confirm bulk purchases from the supplier. To do this, you need to obtain a special electronic signature and register on the Rosalkogolregulirovanie website. After that, the buyer will receive his identification number (ID), and the beer supplier will be able to issue invoices for him and reflect them in the EGAIS. After accepting a batch of goods, the supplier debits it from his balances in the system, and it is recorded by the buyer. Until the fact of receipt is reflected in the Unified State Automated Information System, the products will not be released for sale.

Beer shop taxation

The best form of taxation for small beer outlets is considered single tax on imputed income (UTII). Entrepreneurs prefer it due to the fact that the amount of tax in this form is tied to a small area of ​​the pub, while the amount of tax is always fixed. In addition, until recently, the absence of the need to keep accounting and start a cash register was considered as an advantage of UTII over other forms of taxation. However, due to latest changes in the legislation, the optional use of the cash register for UTII and PSN was limited to a period until July 1, 2018. From June 1, 2018, payers of UTII and PSN will also need to acquire online cash registers with a fiscal registrar.

In other words, now any outlet selling draft beer cannot do without: a computer with RAM from 2 GB and above, Internet connection, operating system Windows 7 and higher, a crypto-key with an electronic digital signature (EDS), UTM and software for EGAIS, as well as an online cash register and a barcode scanner. On the one hand it is new headache and costs for many entrepreneurs, but there are also conveniences: with the cash register it is easier to control sales and the seller's conscientiousness, the inventory procedure is facilitated, and it becomes possible to pay by credit card, customer confidence increases. In hard-to-reach areas of the country that do not have access to the Internet, legislators will allow the use of cash registers offline, without transferring data through the network.

Beer shop equipment

Your beer shop will need special bottling equipment, including a multi-circuit cooler, carbon dioxide gas cylinders for dispensing beer from kegs, defoamers, gas reducer, hose and fasteners, kegs, pallets, beer column. Also, we must not forget about the refrigerating chamber, which will be needed for storing fish, about the bar counter and other furniture. For a store with an area of ​​25-30 sq. meters for these purposes can be kept within 200-250 thousand rubles.

Table 2. Indicative list equipment for a brewery for 10 types of beer

Ready-made ideas for your business

The equipment should be purchased from a local supplier. Installation, as a rule, is carried out by the forces of an invited specialist. There is also an option to rent the equipment for free from local beer producers, but at the same time the entrepreneur will be obliged to sell only factory beer with the prescribed volume of brew. This option is well suited for those who do not want to immediately purchase expensive equipment without really getting used to this business. It is worth noting that beer equipment will require ongoing maintenance with flushing of the circuits.

Advertising and promotion of a beer store

For a beer store, it will be necessary to make a good advertising sign, preferably illuminated, so that the beer can be seen in dark time days. It is hardly worth saving on this point. The main stream of buyers falls on the evening. The cost of the sign will be 15-30 thousand rubles. Enticing pavement signs and handing out leaflets and flyers can also help. In case a decision is made to work with one brewery, with advertising materials the distributor himself will help.

In order to acquire regular customers at the opening stage, it is a good idea to arrange some kind of advertising campaign, for example, with a beer tasting or a gift of 0.5 liters when buying 1.5 liters of beer. This will help draw attention to the newly opened store in the early days. Most of the time, buyers can be encouraged to buy large volumes of beer. For example, provide a discount when buying 10 liters of beer.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that the best advertisement the store will have two conditions - it's great location and high quality beer. Word of mouth is of great importance in the beer business - as soon as the seller sells sour beer at least once, the notoriety will spread throughout the entire district.

Beer shop staff

Trade beer legally (excluding outlets Catering) is allowed from 8 to 23 hours. The daily work of a beer shop with a schedule from 10:00 to 22:00 will require two vendors. If an entrepreneur plans to sell beer on his own, then he will need to hire at least one seller to replace. High qualifications in this matter do not matter. It can be either a man or a woman over the age of 18. The employees of the pub must have a health book.

Initial investments, revenue and profit of a beer store

In addition to the costs of repairs, the purchase and installation of draft and cash equipment, the creation of a sign, the purchase of beer and snacks, you will need to spend money on some other things. Don't forget about the security. Any beer shop can use a button quick response and a video surveillance system. For these purposes, it is worth pledging at least 15 thousand rubles. CCTV camera when can serve good service- its presence disciplines sellers, allows solving misunderstandings when working with clients. In addition, do not forget that you work, if not with strong alcohol, but with alcohol, which means you need to be prepared for any incidents. Additional expenses can be added by non-obvious expenses like advance payments to the landlord, purchase of office supplies or payment utilities... Therefore, for the first time, it is necessary to have some kind of airbag. It should definitely include the costs of the first months of rent and the payment of salaries to employees. Thus, investments in the opening of a pub for 25-30 sq. meters will be about 500-600 thousand rubles.

According to the experience of similar stores, in order to reach zero, that is, to cover all rental costs, salaries, taxes and the purchase of beer and snacks, it is necessary to sell goods for 200-250 thousand rubles per month. A turnover of 300-350 thousand rubles will allow you to reach a net profit of 50-70 thousand rubles. That is, on average per day beer shop need to be sold for at least 10 thousand rubles. Even with such a rather modest sales plan, the pub will pay off in 10 months. You need to understand that success will largely depend not on luck and “how it goes”, but on all decisions you make, from the chosen location and supplier to the personality of the seller and the availability of this or that type of beer in the assortment.

In this business, I would single out 2 main risks. The first is the absolute unpredictability of the current government in the field of lawmaking. It is not possible to predict it, relying on ordinary logic, and this is no secret to anyone. It is not known what our legislators will lobby tomorrow. As an option, and even very serious, this is the creation of a self-regulating organization for beer sellers, another "game" with areas, with a location, with a store's number of storeys (they may be prohibited from placing them in the basement, for example). New requirements for the storage of beer (temperature, humidity), for containers or sellers. All this is sad, unpredictable, and sometimes illogical.

And the second factor that I often point out to aspiring entrepreneurs in the consulting process is the gradual “blurring of the market”. This has already happened with the pharmacy sector, when there are three pharmacies in one house. Market blur, which, ultimately, will lead to the fact that the profitability from the sale of 1 liter of beer may remain, but the sales volumes will noticeably decrease. They can decrease in multiples, which will lead to the fact that the so-called. The “break-even point” in liters will be much higher than the volumes that can actually be sold.

Do not forget that this business is subject to seasonal demand. And given the fact that the conditionally "winter period" in Russia is 6 months or more in some regions, it is advisable to provide for the sale and related products, the sale of which would keep it "afloat" in the off-season.

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