Home Roses Open a sports beer bar. Stages of building a business. How to choose a room for a sports bar

Open a sports beer bar. Stages of building a business. How to choose a room for a sports bar

Today, many are actively interested in sports. It became real fashion trend... At the same time, not everyone strives to achieve high success by going in for sports, many just need to cheer for their favorite team or watch competitions in their favorite sport. And such are the majority. They will become your clients if you create a sports bar as a business with which you will earn your first million.

Drawing up a business plan

Any business is better off starting with a business plan. The sports bar is no exception. Let's take a look at what expenses will entail opening our business. Below is a business plan for a sports bar for 100 people.


  • registration of documents for opening up to 10 thousand rubles;
  • a license to trade in alcohol 40 thousand rubles;
  • rent of premises from 80 thousand rubles. per month;
  • repair and design from 200 thousand rubles;
  • kitchen and hall equipment from 600 thousand rubles;
  • TV sets and equipment for broadcasting sports events from 400 thousand rubles;
  • personnel salary from 150 thousand rubles. per month;
  • purchase of food and alcohol from 160 thousand rubles. per month;
  • taxes depending on the form of ownership;
  • utility bills from 20 thousand rubles. per month;
  • advertising from 10 thousand rubles. per month;
  • unforeseen expenses 15 thousand rubles. per month.

In general, the initial opening costs will amount to 1,250 thousand rubles, and monthly - 435 thousand rubles.

In order to noticeably calculate the profitability of our future establishment, one must understand that the occupancy rate in common days is unlikely to exceed 50%, most likely on ordinary days - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, the average occupancy will be 40 people. On Fridays and weekends, as well as on the days of broadcasts of important sporting events, you can count on 100 people a day. Average check in a sports bar with a kitchen is 1,000 rubles per client. Accordingly, we will be able to earn 540 thousand rubles a month, which is 105 thousand rubles. profits without paying taxes. It is easy to calculate that our bar will start generating net income in 12 months.

Selection of premises

The ideal place to open a sports bar would be a separate standing building... Since the place is supposed to be quite noisy, especially on days sporting events... But since separate building- this is unrealistic, especially in the city center, we will consider other options.

Premises for a sports bar.

When choosing a room, you should pay attention to various features location of the future bar.

  1. If you are planning to open in a small town, it is very important to do it first. Indeed, in settlement with a small population, it will be difficult to compete. Although if your establishment is distinguished by a high level of service and this is the nearest suburb, then you can count on those who will come from the city.
  2. If the opening takes place on the outskirts, then your clients will be fans from the immediate vicinity, and possibly from all over the city. You need to try to equip parking and signs from the nearest major highway.
  3. And finally, the best option accommodation will be a densely populated area, with a large number shopping centers and offices. Here, in addition to watching sports broadcasts, you can organize business lunches and set meals, which will increase revenue.

Read also: Hookah business plan with calculations: how to open from scratch

Most likely, you will need renovation in the visitor hall or, if at least, Interior Design. It would be nice to decorate the walls with photographs of famous athletes, hang various sports paraphernalia.

Required Documentation

Let's define what it takes to open a sports bar regardless of the area. The first step is to settle all legal issues.

  1. It is necessary to determine the form of ownership. An individual entrepreneur is not suitable here, since a license for the sale of alcohol to private entrepreneurs is not issued. It is necessary to register an LLC.
  2. You also need to purchase a license to trade in alcohol for bottling.
  3. Obtain permission from the municipality to open a bar, here it is important to comply with the location requirements - distance from schools, kindergartens.
  4. Coordinate the premises with Rospotrebnadzor and fire brigade.
  5. In Rospotrebnadzor, it is necessary to obtain approval for ready meals(according to the menu) and raw materials.
  6. Check the availability of medical records from the staff.

Equipment selection

If you are thinking of how to start a sports bar from scratch, then you probably already came up with an idea how to equip your bar for fans. There should be enough large TVs in the visitor's room to watch interesting sporting events. It is desirable to have one very large screen and 3-4 smaller ones so that all visitors can watch the broadcasts. It is necessary to purchase furniture for the hall and bar. For the kitchen it is worth purchasing.

Sport has always brought people together. And not only those who are engaged in it, but also those who support their favorite sports teams. Sports bars are just the place where sports fans and fans will gather in order to watch matches, cheer together and chat with “like-minded people”. Sports bars in the CIS countries have appeared relatively recently, but have already become quite popular, especially among young people.

How to open a sports bar from scratch

Let's take a step-by-step look at what needs to be done to get from the point “I have a cool idea” to the point “I have a profitable business”.

Analyzing the market

Just like that, it will be very short-sighted to take and open a sports bar anywhere and for just anyone. Firstly, such an establishment is quite specific. On the one hand, this is a place Catering... But it doesn't really look like a restaurant. On the other hand, it is something like a hobby club. But to call him as such, too, somehow the language will not turn.

It is very important to understand your target audience... After all, you will create an institution just for them. Visitors to sports bars are usually a young audience (mostly guys) who do not have much money, but they can quite afford to drink a glass or two of beer while playing their favorite team. With the help of market analysis, you should find out how much sports is developed in your city and how many people are interested in it. Are there any sports clubs, large sections, etc.

You also need to research the market for competitors. Are there any other sports bars? If so, where are they located, what is their pricing policy, what is their concept, how popular they are, etc.

Thinking over the concept

For your sports bar to truly become a fan favorite, it needs to be properly presented. If you just open a regular cafe, put a few plasma TVs and turn on a sports channel on them - this will not be a sports bar yet. Think over everything to the smallest detail: the interior on a sports theme, the appropriate uniform of employees, sports events, the ability to watch sports events by whole companies, etc. You yourself will have to plunge into the sports world. Follow sports events and broadcast all high and low profile sports events. It's great if you also sell sports souvenirs and symbols. Or maybe you will give a small gift to everyone who places an order for a certain amount or guesses the score of the match?

Finding a place

There are many options for placing a sports bar. You can open it in the city center. It will be expensive, but it will provide you with a steady stream of customers. On the outskirts of the city - it is also possible, but only if it is a densely populated area. Great option- nearby entertainment centers or office buildings. But be sure to research the area for competitors. Opening your own next to already successfully operating sports bars will most likely be unpromising. You, of course, can take a risk, but then your establishment in all respects should be 3, 5, 10 times better than your competitor.

A large space for a sports bar will be required - about 200 square meters... This is not a cozy cafe for romantic get-togethers. Noisy and large companies will come to the sports bar, so they should have a place to "roam".

We develop a menu

The sports bar menu should contain a variety of alcoholic drinks. There are necessarily many types, since this drink is especially loved by sports fans. And, accordingly, an appetizer. Do not put high prices on food, it is better to drive by selling drinks. They will be bought in any case, and if the snack is quite cheap, it will play a positive role in the eyes of the client.

We buy equipment

Apart from the broadcast of sports events, the rest of the sports bar is a cafe. Therefore, in the hall for visitors there should be tables, preferably of different sizes, so that there is room for both small and big company... Actually, the bar counter - you can't do without it either. Make the counter long enough so that visitors can also sit behind it.

Most important point in equipment, these are televisions. It is clear that they must be of high quality and expensive. Think carefully about their correct location, perhaps even hire a consultant on this matter. TVs must be sized to match the viewing distance. That is, of course, TVs with a large diagonal will be priority, however, if they are located very close to the tables, it will be uncomfortable to watch them.

Check that absolutely every seat has good overview at least one of the screens. You will be broadcasting sports events in live from the Internet. Get the support of a super reliable internet service provider. Can you imagine how angry your clients will be if the broadcast fails in the middle of an important match? Probably better not to think about it.

On ordinary days, you can show sports channels (select the most interesting), or repeat the most interesting competitions from different types sports.

Try to buy furniture as safe as possible. They will drink in your establishment, sometimes a lot. There can be disagreements among clients (especially if fans of different teams meet). Why give them the opportunity to cripple each other with chairs? Place either upholstered furniture or one that is difficult to even move.

We put in marketing efforts

Marketing to business is not a one-off activity. This is a permanent process that should never stop. Even before starting a business, you should take care of the following points:

1. Appearance sports bar. The project will only be successful if good content is placed in a beautiful wrapper. Create an attractive sign. With all her appearance, she must say that this is a sports bar, and nothing else. Exterior showcases would also be nice to have a sporty design. If conditions permit, make several signs directing passers-by to your establishment and place them around it.

2. Advertising campaign. Advertise wherever possible: on the street (leaflets), in the subway, on local TV, radio, on the Internet. If there is a popular video blogger in your city, pay him money so that he will tell in his next podcast that “a gorgeous establishment is opening soon at the address…” and so on. Collaborate with local sports clubs and sections. It won't cost you a lot to hang an advertising poster in their lobby. But on the other hand, you can grab attention right away. a large number your target audience. After all, it often happens that a person is interested in sports in general, despite the fact that he is engaged in one of its types.

3. Promotions. People love promotions and giveaways. It's fun and exciting for them, and the opportunity to get something for free or at a discount. Try to hold promotions on some important sporting date - the beginning of the Olympics or the Champions League, on the eve of the expected match, etc. And the prize, of course, should also be valuable to your customers.

Sports bar business plan

The amount of investment can vary greatly depending on what level of the establishment you are creating. You can spend absolutely different amounts, as well as for the purchase of equipment. Approximate calculations are as follows:

1. Equipment: from 9 thousand dollars;
2. Rent and repair of premises: from 4 thousand dollars;
3. Furniture: from 2 thousand dollars;
4. Decoration and design: from 3 thousand dollars;
5. First purchase of drinks and food: from 2 thousand dollars;
6. Salaries to staff: from 2 thousand dollars;
7. Marketing campaign based on stocks: from 4 thousand dollars.

The average profitability of such a business is 13-14%.

V recent years it is more and more difficult to start your own business and you must understand what risks await you, but if you have been carrying an idea in your soul for a long time open a sports bar with an unusual setting, cold beer and hot football battles, then the fear of mistakes should not stop you. The main advantage of such establishments is their growing popularity and low prevalence.

What do you need to open a sports bar?

  1. Market analysis.
  2. Determination of the target audience.
  3. Business plan development.
  4. Registration of all necessary documents.
  5. Choice of location.
  6. Advertising.
  7. Purchase / lease of premises.
  8. Purchase of furniture and equipment.
  9. Room decoration and repair.
  10. Recruitment.

Market analysis

In order for your work to be profitable, the first thing you should study is the target audience. You open a sports bar and your typical client is a man in his 20s and 45s. The main influx of clients falls on weekends, Friday nights, football and hockey matches, important sports events and the Olympics. In countries of the former Soviet Union such a market does not have high competitive rates, since it is only 20 - 30% full. Another plus, low prices for simple food (homemade or fast food and snacks) and alcohol will give you a competitive edge.

What should you provide to the client? Fast service, low prices, simple and familiar food, assortment of beer, the opportunity to spend time collectively watching this or that sports competition- that's all your visitor needs. Next, we will consider how to fulfill all these wishes and make money on it.


With sufficient advertising, this indicator can be leveled, but depending on the chosen place, you will need some additional spending. The main indicators in choosing a place for building or in buying / renting premises: traffic and convenience of customers.

The best place to open a sports bar is in a crowded part of the city center with no competitors in the neighborhood. But such a place is difficult to find, and land in the city center, if you are lucky enough to find it, is expensive.

Is the center too expensive? If so, then you can open a sports bar in a small town, but in this case the issue of competition becomes even more important. If there is another similar establishment in the city, then you should think about how your bar will differ from it. Here you should pay attention to the quality and speed of service, the uniqueness of the interior and exterior of the establishment itself, the range of food and alcohol, as well as small bonuses, for example: darts, table football, computer console, special discounts for regular visitors, promotions, convenient parking and so on.

The third option is the outskirts of the city. In this case, you can save on the purchase / lease of premises or land, but another problem will arise - attracting the target audience. For this it is worth using billboards and signs. The second disadvantage of this location is the landscaping and parking equipment, since your visitors will most likely come by car.


An item on which many want to save money, independently thinking through the arrangement of furniture, the place of the bar counter and plasma screens. If you do not have a specialized education or the innate gift of an architect-designer, then do not try to personally choose the upholstery for the chairs and the type of plaster for the hall. Consult with a specialist who can select inexpensive materials and furniture for you in accordance with all your wishes.

The room should not be too small, for a start it is worth going out of the fact that for each potential visitor, based on SES requirements, you need to allocate about 1.8 - 2 square meters. It is a good idea to equip a separate smoking room, or a place to play billiards or table football.

If the bar is small, then the placed plasmas should be visible from all places, and if the cloak of your establishment accommodates several halls, then the plasmas should be placed in each one. Of course, everyone who equips the room wants to squeeze the maximum out of every centimeter, but, again, given the possibility of a fight, the tables should not be placed too close.

You also need to be careful with the choice of all the little things with which you are going to add flavor to the room. It can hit anything: shelves with cups, hanging scarves and T-shirts, posters, paintings, decorative panels, various lamps, etc. Keep in mind that you have to keep an eye on all of this. Choose items that are durable and resistant to corrosive processes and are easy to care for.

A profitable bar must have at least 50 people. In addition to the main hall (or halls), it is important to conveniently distribute the rest of the premises. Separate entrances should be provided for the kitchen and warehouse. The bathroom should be taken away from the bar and the part of the hall where the bulk of the tables are placed.

Show matches

For the effective implementation of the project, you will need equipment: an antenna, a satellite dish, plasma screens, tuners and all accompanying cords, plugs and adapters (pay attention to the wiring, if you bought an old building, it will most likely have to be completely changed). Sign a contract with a cable TV channel, or opt for a sports-oriented satellite channel package.

One of the most important elements at this point is the placement of viewpoints and screens, and this should also be handled by your designer.

The documents

Business plan. This item does not depend on your specialization, it is a must in any business undertaking, since this is the basis. The business plan should include detailed step by step plan taking into account all your actions and possible force majeure.

The second step is registration. Special problems at this stage does not arise. Everything has long been thought out and simplified as much as possible, so if you do not have any violations that the fire service or sanitary and epidemiological station can reveal, then you should not worry.

To register, you will need to receive a package of documents. Keep in mind that some of them need to be processed for a long time, in addition, there may be problems with the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire department.


An important element and part of your earnings will be the sale of alcohol, which is associated with many difficulties. At this point, you should again resort to the help of experts to obtain the necessary permits and licenses. A slightly strange situation is developing with beer, because recently its status has changed several times: either it is a low-alcohol drink, then it is already strong alcohol and needs a license, pay attention to this. Indeed, in such establishments, beer is the most popular type of alcohol.

Another problem related to this topic is the placement of a point of sale of alcohol. To date, we have several restrictions associated with the placement with points of sale of alcohol, in certain places: near kindergartens, schools, markets, bus stops public transport etc.

And the third. Even with a license, you must submit a special declaration every quarter and in it describe how much and what type of alcohol you sold during this time.

Don't want to limit your assortment to just beer? Then I have bad news for you. To do this, you need a specialized license, the list of documents for which is very impressive and you need to start collecting them long before the opening of your establishment, because this process takes at least a month.

Another important point: if you have any tax debts, you are unlikely to get a license.


Of course, the main part of the menu is alcohol (those who come to the bar with a desire to eat healthy food or skillfully prepared dishes). First of all, you must submit big choice different types of beer - the most popular alcohol, other types - at your discretion.

How else to make money?

In addition to the revenue that the bar will give you directly, you can earn at least three more ways.

The first is the sale of sports symbols: scarves, hats, T-shirts, bracelets, armbands, flags, cups, medals.

The third is the organization of competitions with a cash prize. Darts, billiards, table football, eating hot dogs at speed - anything will do. All participants contribute a small amount, from which you compose the prize for the winner and receive a share for the organization.

Business plan

For starters, the most frustrating part is the costs. The prices are very approximate and, given the unstable economic situation, you should not rely on them one hundred percent, but for clarity, such a business plan is quite suitable.


  1. Cook (2-4 persons)
  2. Waiter (2-4 persons)
  3. Bartender (2 persons)
  4. Dishwasher (2 persons)

The organization of the robots should beat in two shifts, so you need at least two people for each position. The example is for a small bar.

Another point to think about is the security guard. Sports fans are easily excitable people and are already legendary about brawls in sports bars. You can take one guard per permanent basis and one more for peak days - weekends and big matches.

Technique(provided that the premises are purchased or rented with all kitchen appliances):

  1. Acoustic system - 350 - 1000 dollars.
  2. Plasma screen (2 pcs.) - 5000 - 8000 dollars.
  3. Satellite dish - 15 - 20 dollars.

Kitchen appliances can be varied, and their price depends both on what types of dishes you are going to serve (stove, grill, oven, oven, coffee maker, etc.), and on the quality of the equipment itself. In addition to cooking equipment, you will need hoods, sinks, a dishwasher (optional). Pay special attention to the choice of plumbing in the bathroom, it must be of high quality, otherwise you cannot avoid quick spending on the purchase of a new one. In the matter of choosing and purchasing kitchen appliances, it is better to consult with specialists.


  1. Renovation of the premises (with possible redevelopment) - 2500 - 6000 dollars.
  2. Furniture - $ 1,000 - $ 3,000.
  3. Purchase of symbols and design items - up to $ 900.

The list of necessary furniture includes tables and chairs, sofas and armchairs (optional, but desirable), bar counter, display cases, shelves and bar chairs.

As you can see, the price range is very painful as there are so many to choose from in today's market. The total volume of investments (without kitchen appliances and rent or purchase of premises) is 9.5 - 18.9 thousand dollars.

Another point of compulsory spending is wages. With a two-shift form of organization, as indicated above, the costs of wages will be $ 1000 - $ 1500.

An important issue is access time. If you plan to close at nine in the evening, then you shouldn't even start. Classic fan meetings usually last until morning or at least late at night, so access should be 24/7. Hence the need for a two-shift work organization.

Next, let's move on to the pleasant one - the calculation of revenue. The average revenue is planned for a fifty percent fullness of the hall. In addition, days with a fullness of about 100% are taken into account. These are days of broadcasting important matches and competitions, there are 2-5 of them per month (the usual month is taken into account, which does not fall on the World Cup, ice hockey and the Olympics).

Let's assume:

  1. Entrance ticket (which includes a glass of beer and snacks) - 1.8 - 2 dollars.
  2. A glass of beer - 0.5 - 1.5 dollars.
  3. The average lunch is $ 2-5.

With a 30-40% mark-up on beer and snacks, costs account for 60% of revenue. I will save you from the calculations, with 50 and 100% of the bar's workload, earnings on ordinary days are $ 400 - $ 500, and on peak days - up to $ 1,400. Thus, we receive up to 18 thousand dollars a month. We subtract all costs from this and we have a profitability indicator of 11%. Thus, of course, subject to a constant fullness of 45-50%, your business will start making a profit literally from the first month.

Sports enthusiasts fall into two categories: those who love to do sports and those who love to watch athletes. And it's not a fact that there are more of the former.

If you want to open a business for sports fans, and yourself, as they say, in the "topic", choose an audience - and start saving money. Is your audience the athletes themselves? Buy exercise equipment and look for a gym. Prefer to watch football matches and root for your favorite teams? The sports bar is a good choice.

A sports bar is not a new phenomenon for Russia. But, alas, it is still rare. A rare bar broadcasts anything other than football, and there are not so many establishments themselves. Unlike the fans. You will have a clientele, even if you live in small town... True, there will be a lot of expenses. How to open a sports bar from scratch, how much it costs, how to arrange an institution, we will tell you in this article.

Choosing a concept

First of all, decide what kind of place it will be. Please note that:

  • they prefer to follow football and hockey with large and cheerful companies; in a bar, teams of fans can often gather ("near football" - typical example), sometimes - and aggressive;
  • two bars on the same territory can coexist, on one condition - if they have a different concept;
  • while watching, viewers often react too emotionally: it is better not to sell strong alcohol in a sports bar - limit yourself to beer and low-alcohol cocktails;
  • Fans do not like to eat tightly during matches, but they often intercept snacks - crackers, nuts, all kinds of snacks.

When choosing, be guided by the city and region. You - Big city, and in the area there is not a single sports bar? Feel free to open a football - you will immediately gain a clientele.

Is the city small and there are no sports bars at all? You can open universal and broadcast key matches and competitions. Do not forget to advertise and schedule matches - different fans will come to you.

There are already many sports bars in the city, are the competitors strong and will not give customers back? Go the other way. Pick an unusual niche. For example, martial arts, boxing, kickboxing and weightlifting. Do not hesitate: there will be a lot of people who want to watch the battle.

In accordance with the concept, you will have to think over the name, choose the right room and equip it in sports style... For example, in a bar where boxing matches are broadcast, you can hang up gloves and similar equipment.

We draw up a brand book

A brand book is a name, a logo, corporate colors, design of a signboard and much, much more. Keep in mind that it is by the name that your bar will be remembered and subsequently searched.

What do you need first?

  • Name + second level domain. Yes, you also have to take care of the site in advance. It is not known when you will open it and if you will open it at all, but it is worth booking and paying for a domain. It is inexpensive - 100-200 rubles per zone.ru. In general, having a website, even if you don't plan on shipping anything, is good practice. Here you can publish news and schedule of matches, menus, here - visitors will be able to book tables in advance.
  • Logo. It is important that the logo is unique. It is not difficult to come up with it for a sports bar: it is enough to start from the chosen sphere. A soccer ball or a basketball, gloves, a ring or a soccer field ... there are a lot of options. Are all ideas as old as the world, but there are simply no new ones? Do it easier: make a logo from the name. It is possible.
  • Corporate colors, lines, font. In a word, everything that will be used in the logo, when designing a signboard, interior, website, print advertising. One font and two or three corporate colors are enough.

It is difficult to name the cost of the brand book. It depends on the popularity of the design studio, the city where it is located, your budget and the ability to negotiate. Do you want to be as cheap as possible? Do it yourself - choosing the corporate colors is easy, as well as checking the domain, and the logo can be drawn manually. You can order the design of leaflets and signs later, separately.

We select a room

Before starting a sports bar from scratch, you need to decide on the location. Of course, rent, although if you have a large enough amount, the place can be redeemed. Such proposals are regularly received from developers in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

If you don't have much money, you will have to rent the premises. Please note that you will be renovating and remodeling it for your business, so short-term lease options should not be considered. And it is important to immediately determine the size and location of the bar. Such a business does not forgive mistakes.

What should be the premises?

According to the law, catering establishments (and this is exactly what you have, even if you only sell snacks and beer) can only be opened in rooms with heating, ventilation, running water and sewerage. In addition, it is worth considering where and how you will install the air conditioner: in the summer it may be too hot in the bar.

The size is more difficult. Much depends on the concept and direction of the sports bar.

Universal, football, hockey facilities should be large enough to fit 50-60 people inside. More is better. Football fans are usually collected large groups... If you want to equip a small sports bar dedicated to boxing, tennis, biathlon and other not so popular types sports, you can make a small institution.

The ideal shape for a sports bar is a square. Narrow halls will not be very comfortable for spectators. However, it all depends on the location of the screens: having thought out the layout correctly, you will make any room comfortable for the audience.

In addition to the hall, the bar should have:

  • wardrobe or area for outerwear;
  • bar counter;
  • kitchen;
  • utility room;
  • toilet.
  • The kitchen must be large enough.

Where should a sports bar be located?

Unlike an ordinary drinking establishment, a sports bar does not need to be located in a walk-through area. Your "trick" is specificity. This means that your bar will be found if you give a good advertisement.

Of course, you shouldn't open a sports bar:

  • v mall if the premises do not have a separate exit to the street; in the historical center of the city (where there are many tourists, regular customers there will be little);
  • next to other sports bars, unless, of course, you have a clear and original concept;
  • next to educational and, unfortunately, sports facilities is prohibited by law.

Have you chosen a place? Specify the cost and multiply by 12: it is better to pay for the rent a year in advance. And also - take into account the costs of repairs, signage and furniture.

We equip a sports bar

So what does it take to open a sports bar?

If you already have a room, you will need:

  • renovation (ideally - and entrance lobby);
  • furniture for the hall, bar and kitchen;
  • appliances: kitchen, bar and monitors for watching matches (you can also use a projector);
  • inventory and utensils: from beer glasses and plates to all kinds of sports items that you hang on the walls.

All this will take a lot of money. Most likely, from a million rubles. Do you want cheaper? Choose a space that requires almost no renovation and buy used appliances and furniture. There are many such offers: establishments often close.

We are formalized according to the law

First, decide what kind of alcohol will be in your bar. If you plan to sell only beer, the status of a sole proprietor is sufficient. If there is strong alcohol, you will have to open an LLC and pay for a license (this is 300 thousand rubles). The trade in spirits is getting more complicated every year, so it's easier to focus only on beer.

When choosing a taxation system, consider the size of the premises. If the area of ​​the bar is less than 60 square meters, UTII is suitable. If more, it is better to hire an accountant and calculate taxes according to the simplified tax system. This is only 6% of all income and an opportunity to save on contributions to social funds. To register an individual entrepreneur, you only need a passport and TIN (if any). An entrepreneur with UTII can register with only a temporary residence permit in the region. If you want a simplified tax system, but are constantly registered in another region, you will have to regularly go to the local tax office.

After registration, you need to buy and register cash machine(do not forget about online cash registers) and hire employees. Subsequently, you will also have to receive "guests" from the SES and the fire inspection. This means, and bring the bar to mind: ensure cleanliness, buy a fire extinguisher and perform some other activities.

Additional organizational moments

There are a couple of things to take care of:

conclude an agreement with cable television: without this you will not be able to broadcast programs;
connect the burglar alarm and agree with the private security company so that the guard leaves on your call or signal: it is cheaper than hiring your own "bouncer";
conclude an agreement with a household waste disposal company.

Who will work in your bar?

Doing everything yourself, even if you have a very small bar, will not work. Someone will have to manage the bar and take care of the delivery of food and drinks, someone will stand behind the counter, and someone will have to deliver orders and wipe tables.

You will have to hire:

  • accountant (you can - within the framework of outsourcing or part-time);
  • two bartenders;
  • from two to six waiters;
  • cooks;
  • cleaner.

If you don’t want to cook in a bar in principle, you don’t need a cook (as well as a full kitchen). The rest will be required. Everyone will have to pay a salary. Please note that when officially registered, the salary cannot be lower than the minimum wage. Pledge to the salary fund and contributions to the Pension Fund, FSS and other funds.

Profit and investment

As you can see, there will be a lot of costs, even if you do not take into account the sign and advertising in general. All this will take no less, but rather even over a million rubles. At the same time, the bar will not justify itself immediately: in the first months you run the risk of working at a loss until you gain regular customers.

How much does it cost to open a sports bar from scratch, and how to properly manage your money, you will learn at own experience... In the meantime, focus on the amount of at least a million rubles - subject to the lease of premises and salaries to employees for at least 3-4 months in advance.

How much can a bar bring?

Let's say you have a hall for 50 people. On the weekend, during an important match, exactly 50 visitors came to you. On average, each of them ordered 1,000 rubles worth of beer and snacks. For 2 hours while the match is in progress, your earnings amounted to 50,000 rubles. Subtract from this the costs of buying beer and snacks, salaries, rent, taxes and other expenses. In any case, you get about 30,000 rubles. And this is only two hours.

Alas, on other days things may not turn out so well. But even if there are always 10 people in the bar, this will be enough to cover the costs and make a profit. And this is without taking into account weekends and holidays, when attendance increases by itself.

What is a sports bar? In fact, this is a standard bar, with a kitchen and alcoholic beverages and the ability to watch the broadcast of matches. Interest in sports in our country is traditionally high, and during major sporting events, broadcasts are collected from screens. great amount spectators. Not everyone likes to watch matches at home, many prefer to visit for these purposes sports bar... The opening of such an establishment can bring tangible profits, while it is recommended to open a bar on a daily basis. significant event then a full hall will be provided. Such a day can be participation in a tournament of the Russian national team or the start of a major championship.

How to get customers' attention?

A sports bar does not make sense without visitors, so the first step is to understand how exactly to ensure the proper attendance of the institution. Opening on a big day can provide some popularity, but it is not enough to function with high profits in the long term. The bar should be comfortable, have delicious cuisine, sports broadcasts shouldn't be the only reason to visit. This will turn casual visitors into repeat visitors.

To open a sports bar, you need to clearly represent the target audience. Mostly men different ages that come to such places in the evening or at night, when the bulk of sports matches take place. The cuisine is preferably German - beer and meat, various spices. When choosing a work schedule, you should be guided by this information. Will provide irreplaceable help ready business sports bar plan, which takes into account all expenses and income.

There are several ways to open a sports bar with minimal investment... You can reduce the cost of many things, but what you shouldn't save on is advertising. The attractiveness of the institution begins to gain points already from the name, therefore, the franchise of a sports bar with a well-known name can be used to start. To do this, you need to get special permit, and the design should be consistent with other similar establishments.

By the time the bar opens, potential visitors should already be willing to come here; outdoor advertising should be displayed at least a month before the start of work. A business plan for a sports bar should take into account the costs of public relations on the Internet, local television, radio, distribution of flyers and signage of banners. Advertising in periodicals can bear fruit. print media... Discounts and special offers should be provided for regular customers.

What should a sports bar look like?

Competent decoration of the premises is almost half of the success of the establishment. If you have any specific work or ideas about the concept of a bar, this will be a great advantage, but in general, design development should be entrusted to professionals. Your idea may sound like a genius to you, but in practice it won't always work the way it is supposed to.

The arrangement of furniture, the location of the bar counter, the place of installation of plasma screens and their number - everything should be calculated so that visitors can watch the games of their favorite teams as comfortable as possible from any place. Following the advice of experts in this matter is the only right decision.

An example project will have following characteristics:
- the area of ​​the premises is 200 square meters;
- 100 seats folding from 25 tables for 4 people;
- there was a cafe or other similar establishment in the occupied space in the past.
The last point is important enough, this condition is largely conducive to opening a sports bar from scratch, so the cost of repairs is significantly reduced.

Most of the visitors to the sports bar are middle-income people, so the menu should be composed in accordance with this feature. If the layout of the room allows, you can highlight separate place for playing billiards, organize a shooting range. To be able to show all important broadcasts, you should conclude agreements with many telecom operators. Registration can generate income - some businesses in the city may be interested in buying advertising spaces.

Documents to open

Doing business without registration is a crime, so it is imperative to register your activity. To do this, you can use different shapes entrepreneurial activity, the most common are individual entrepreneurs and LLCs, both are well suited for doing business. A special license is required to sell alcohol, although some beers can be sold without it. If you have come to the decision to trade only in beer, then you should know that alcoholic products up to 9% are not subject to licensing. Thus, in the first stage, costs can be reduced. ...

There are some restrictions for individual entrepreneurs. They can only sell beer, beer drinks, mead, and more. If you decide to trade in strong alcohol besides beer, then you should open an LLC for your activities.

Before opening a sports bar, you should get the conclusions of the sanitary and epidemiological station, the fire service, conclude an agreement with an organization dealing with garbage collection and disposal of lamps, and issue a cash register. The absence of even one of these agreements can be regarded as a violation of the law, which can lead to the imposition of fines and restrictions on the conduct of activities. It is necessary to correctly calculate the opening time in order to have time to pass all the necessary checks.

All bulk purchases alcoholic beverages and retail sales v mandatory are entered into the EGAIS system, reflect the write-off and battle in it. For violation of the law, the enterprise faces a fine.

How to choose a room for a sports bar

In order for your activity to be successful, you need to find the right room for the opening of the bar. Where it is possible to trade in alcoholic beverages, the Ministry of Finance indicated in its letter 03-07-06 / 49171 of 23.08.2016. When providing catering services, there are no restrictions on the time of trade, but nevertheless, the norms for observing silence should be observed. A sports bar implies the whistle and shouts of fans, so if your premises is located in a residential building, then you should make high-quality soundproofing. It is necessary to pay attention to this, as our legislators are going to legalize responsibility for disturbance of peace.

After reviewing the documents on the possibility of placing a sports bar, we begin the search. The choice of premises also depends on the concept of enterprise development. Let's consider several options:

1. Sports bar in the form of a cafe with plasmas on the walls.

Establishments of this type are mainly present on the market and are often located in residential buildings... This is due to the fact that in daytime the bar worked as a cafe and could provide everyone with business lunches. In order to open a similar sports bar, you need to make high-quality repairs, redevelopment. The repair will primarily be associated with sound insulation and ventilation of the room, and the organization of the hood. Redevelopment of the premises is necessary in order to be able to see the broadcast of the match from anywhere in the hall (when planning the purchase of one large plasma), the organization of several zones for viewing by large companies.

2. Sports bar with a shooting range.

A shooting range with air rifles is a good addition to the opening of a sports bar. The only thing is that a shooting gallery is usually opened where the owner of the establishment understands a lot about weapons. The shooting range is not licensed; a license for pneumatic weapons is not required. A room of 15-20 m2 is suitable for organizing a small entertainment shooting range. The organization of his work will not be, there are no special requirements for the premises. The design of the bar can be military-themed. When organizing a bar in a residential building, the soundproofing recommendations remain valid.

3. Sports bar with billiards.

This case is a combination of two businesses. Billiards itself as a business is capable of making good money. If you are not going to organize a full-fledged billiard room, then 2-3 tables are enough for a sports bar. It is good if these tables are located on the second floor. It is not bad if for organizing a business with such a concept, the business initiator selects a room with a height of about 6 meters.

Usually, the premises for a sports bar are chosen in central places of the city, with good parking lots, close to transport stops, central street intersections.

Features of the opening of a sports bar.

On this moment the demand for sports bars is much higher than the supply, which is reflected in rather low competition. Each open establishment turns out to be necessary, because many companies want to watch the game of their favorite team in a bar, but often there is no opportunity for this simply because there is no suitable places... The probability of going bankrupt when choosing this business is close to zero, in addition, there are ways to open a sports bar from scratch, for this purpose it is easy to take out a bank loan. Often for business development Banking services are provided on preferential terms.

This does not mean that you need to immediately take on the design of the enterprise, first you need to carefully study the market. Competition in this environment is not very scary, but the presence of an institution with a similar theme within walking distance can harm both owners. If the premises were found only in such an area, it should be calculated whether the consumer demand will be able to pull two sports bars. The biggest problem observed on ordinary weekdays, because during peak loads, when matches are held top level, both bars will be provided big amount clients.

The recognition of the bar is important, in large cities this indicator is difficult to overestimate. If a person has a choice of which of the two establishments to go to, he is more likely to choose the one that has its own style. You should impose your services with the help of PR, all means will be good. The kitchen plays a role in shaping the image, delicious food will be an important plus for any bar. When opening a sports bar, you should know your visitor so that your services meet his desires. Then the resulting profit will exceed initial expectations.

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