Home Diseases and pests Northwestern sector according to the teachings of Feng Shui. Feng Shui rules for love and marriage

Northwestern sector according to the teachings of Feng Shui. Feng Shui rules for love and marriage

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If a sector is missing: 7 correction methods.

Missing sectors in modern houses are not a rare occurrence. More and more houses are being built irregular shapes and design apartments of irregular shapes. However, new fashion trends will eventually give way to others, and houses that are incorrect from the point of view of Feng Shui will remain standing for many decades, influencing the fate of their residents. Therefore, if, when purchasing real estate, you did not attach serious importance to its shape, then now is the time to pay attention to this factor and correct its deficiency if the sector is missing.

Important! Missing sectors can be identified visually by stretching the Ba-gua grid onto the floor plan. If it turns out that a sector is cut by only half or a little more, then it must also be considered missing and measures taken in accordance with this (see sectors in the figure: South, South-West and North-East). If a sector is visually cut by less than half, but more than a quarter, then in this case it is considered that the sector “suffers”, and the same means are used for correction as in its absence (pay attention to the two left sectors on Figure: sectors East and Southeast).

You need to understand that the absence of one or another sector in itself is unfavorable, but not catastrophic, since there are certain techniques and means of correcting existing negativity, which we will now discuss. But if you are completely absent or three or more sectors are affected, as for example shown in the above apartment plan, then this is more serious, and Feng Shui techniques will only help smooth out the negativity a little and prevent it from growing, which is also better than doing nothing.

What happens when there is no sector support.

If East is missing: People lose their willpower, they begin to go with the flow, trusting in fate. Expansion of routine, lack of new events and strength to bring them. Unstable family relationships, quarrels in the family “out of nowhere” are not uncommon. Difficulties with excess weight.

If Southeast is missing: Obstacles on the way to achieving non-material and material well-being. Lack of opportunities to save money or invest profitably. Often expenses exceed income, debts grow, situations arise with non-repayment of loans, “getting” fines, penalties, etc.

If South is missing: The absence of the Southern Sector almost guarantees a lack of joyful emotions. The inhabitants of such premises rarely smile and are often in a “suspended” state. Overwhelmed by vanity and constant troubles. There is no clarity on where to move next.

If Southwest is missing: In this case, the position of the mistress of the house - the mother of the family - is weakened. Over time, this leads to the fact that she is no longer drawn to home. Devotion to family and common concerns disappears, very rare- support from relatives. The strength of the family and the bonds of marriage are at risk.

If West is missing: Residents of such a house are rarely satisfied with life, their creativity and projects for which they are not rewarded. They are overly superstitious, and children often develop various kinds of problems. Difficulties with conceiving are common in such apartments.

If North-West is missing: Difficulties for the head of the family who find it difficult to realize their potential. Confidence in yourself and your abilities disappears, inspiration stops coming, and difficulties arise in communication. Residents rarely get to go anywhere.

If North is missing: There is no clarity of thinking and accuracy in making decisions and actions. Lack of determination to implement own desires. Career growth is extremely rare, even if you have serious ambitions.

If Northeast is missing: Slowness in business, slowness in everything. Lack of understanding of your inner self, lack of emotional stability. Inability to perceive information, difficulties with educational process and getting an education.

Methods of correction in the absence of zones or how to get rid of the consequences if the sector suffers.

1. Using Mirrors.

By placing a mirror in the missing sector, you symbolically expand the space, you will make it visually more voluminous, and thereby partially compensate for the shortcoming. In this case, the mirror cannot be placed opposite front door, the entrance to the bathroom, places where garbage is stored and other aggregators of malicious Sha. In other words, the mirror should reflect everything that is pure, bright and beautiful, because what it reflects, it “doubles”. Wherein, the larger the mirror, the more a powerful tool correction it is considered. However, when choosing the size of a mirror, you must first of all be guided by the expediency of its use in a particular place and what it will reflect, being in one size or another. For example, you cannot use very large mirrors in the Southern sector, in the presence of a dangerous Water star or the energy of a harmful Tree, etc. Medium-sized mirrors can be used under such circumstances if the benefit from them is greater than the harm. Small mirrors can be used, subject to all other rules relating to mirrors, however, their benefit is small. You can read more in the article “Mirrors according to Feng Shui”.

How to hang or place a mirror. Generally, a mirror is recommended hang or place near the walls bordering the missing sector, that is, thus visually extending the space, making it complete.

2. Using images with perspective.

Along with mirrors, you can also use images with a look into the distance or in depth. A mandatory condition is that they should not be depressing, but, on the contrary, radiate positivity. Important secret: in order for such an image to become not only a corrector of the missing sector, but also an activator of the one in which it is located, it is necessary to choose a composition that is as close as possible to the energy of the location. For example, if you are in the Northern sector of the room, you can use images of water (everywhere except the bedroom), in the Eastern or Southeastern sector you can choose the main color - green, etc. The advantage of such paintings is that they can be hung, glued or placed almost anywhere in all parts of the apartment or office, while there are many restrictions for mirrors. As options, you can use paintings, perspective wallpapers or murals. You can read more about which frescoes are best to choose in the article

How to position the image. The rules are the same as for mirrors. Since the paintings extend the space towards the missing sector, such a painting is necessary place on the wall behind which the missing sector is located or in the direction in which you want to visually “extend” the room.

3. Securing the symbolic “Anchor”.

A large, heavy object can serve as an “anchor”. Symbolically, it balances the space, making the missing part of the sector more significant. It could be a large stone, a column, a living tree or a statue, a sculpture, or even a very large mirror. When choosing an "anchor" be sure to be guided by the energy of your room will tell you what materials, colors and shapes such a “stabilizer” should be made of. Remember, its impact can be both constructive and destructive if not followed last condition. For example, a large bronze statue of an eagle in a sector with a dangerous metal star in the map will only increase the harmful influence of bad energy, and vice versa, in a sector with a favorable water star, a metal statue will fit perfectly, also combining the function of strengthening the favorable energy of the place. If you are new to feng shui, pay attention at least to the dominant element of the sector in which you want to anchor.

Where to put the symbolic anchor? In places bordering missing sectors, as close to the outer perimeter as possible room area. Such a technique will slightly balance the energy, but it is better not to consider it as an independent technique for correcting the missing sector, but to use it in the same way as all subsequent techniques in conjunction with others.

4. Activate the missing sector in other rooms.

Activate the missing sector in the Living Room or another room, following the rules for activating the sector. This is important primarily because in the absence of a sector, new opportunities simply will not come into the house. This method is not the most effective in terms of correcting the missing sector, but it nevertheless produces a noticeable effect. In favor this method it must be said that even weakly expressed support is still better than its complete absence, right?

How to activate a particular sector can be found in the relevant articles on the site, for example:

How to activate the sector of love and romantic relationships.
How to activate the Helpers and Travel sector.
How to activate the Health sector.
How to activate the Family and Marriage sector.
How to activate the Creativity and Children sector.
How to activate the Career and Business sector.
How to activate the Fame and Reputation sector.

5. Activate your Personal Sector.

In addition to the general sectors of the room, the energy of which affects all its inhabitants, there are also personal sectors for each specific person. For example, the Prosperity sector is located in the Southeast of the apartment, and the Personal Prosperity sector can be located in the South or any other sector, including coinciding with the Southeast. In the event that your personal sector does not coincide with the general one, which is missing, then to strengthen luck in the “suffering” area, you can activate your personal corner. To do this, you need to independently, or with the help of the Wizard, determine the location of all your personal sectors and activate the missing one. For example, if the apartment does not have the same sector of Wealth and Prosperity, then having learned your personal sector of Wealth, you need to identify its location according to the apartment plan and activate it. Do it in this specific example You can also put something valuable there: jewelry, wallet, coins, foreign banknotes, etc. The Master will tell you the subtleties and methods of activating and configuring your Personal Sectors, taking into account the energy of a particular room.

Let's consider another case when, for example, the Knowledge sector is missing, which is also your Personal Health sector or the “Heavenly Doctor”. That is, one sector located in the Northeast is missing, and two areas of your life suffer - Health and obtaining (assimilation) of Knowledge. In this case, be sure to strengthen both sectors in the living room or any other room: Northeast for Knowledge and East for Health.

6. Symbolism

There is an opinion that placement here two red eights with strictly defined favorable dimensions will also partially adjust the energy of the room. At the same time, if you cut out eights from paper or cardboard, then note that numbers 3-4 cm thick will attract “Six Types of Luck” to you, and the outer diameter of the rings 21 cm long will improve your overall luck. Depending on which particular sector is missing, you can choose different sizes that best suit the missing sector in terms of its vibration.

Can also be used symbol of double happiness as a symbol of good luck, it, like two eights, is able to slightly dispel negativity. However, neither he nor the eights, and even them together, are capable of seriously compensating for the missing sector. In other words, this method should only be considered as a method of correcting the missing zone if used in conjunction with one or more of the other options above.

7. Completion of the sector

A correction method suitable only for your own homes is to “complete” the missing sector: for example, add a beautiful terrace. And it is not necessary to complete the construction in the literal sense of the word; you can also lay out the flower beds in such a way that they will complete the perimeter of the house, covering the missing “piece”. In this case, you need to treat the fenced area extremely seriously and not allow any sources of Sha in it, such as a garbage can, a dump of unnecessary rubbish, a barn, etc.

If you find out that you are missing some sector, you should not rush headlong to look for another room solely for this reason. What if your front door faces one of your best directions? What if there is a lot of positive energy in the apartment and you just need to identify it and direct it in the right direction? Without knowing all this, you should not immediately abandon your usual way of life and place. Use correction methods, improve the Feng Shui of your home, “heal” it, keep the house clean and tidy, regularly clear away debris in closets, drawers, shelves and balconies, wash floors, windows and doors, wipe off dust, and then the lack of any whatever the sector will not affect you and your affairs and relationships at all.

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Day 5.
After we have cleared the space of unnecessary energies, we proceed to feng shui.
There are two love zones in the apartment. This southwestern sector And bedroom(no matter what sector it is in).
Personally, I have a bedroom (in new apartment) falls precisely in the southwestern sector (as you guessed, this is not accidental)))

Let's start with the rules of the southwestern sector.

1. We determine by compass, where is this sector located in your apartment?. And what is located there? What kind of room is there? What's there?

2. We remove the rubble from there, putting things in order in cabinets, drawers, and we ALWAYS keep this sector clean.

3. If this sector is poorly lit (for example, it is a corridor), install a good bright light and in dark time We turn it on periodically throughout the day (in this case, saving electricity is not our friend).

4. The southwestern sector has the element of earth and is supported by the element of fire. It means that color spectrum there should be beige tones (the color of earth) or pink, peach tones (the color of fire).

5. There should not be any no images of water.

6. In this sector there should be no metal.

7. What can be put/hung in this sector:
- any PAIRED images or statues,
- pink or red candles (fire in pure form),
- paintings with flowers. Traditional flowers of love in Feng Shui are roses and peonies. Roses can be hung for everyone, peonies - only for temporarily unmarried people;
- crystal, crystal chandelier;
- something stone and appropriate on the theme of love;
- clay, ceramic vases;
- hang the hieroglyphs “double happiness”

and/or "love";

Place any Feng Shui talismans for love (I’ll make a separate post about them)

8. It would be good here at least once a week light TWO pink candles, if you want to attract love, or two red ones if you are already in a relationship.

9. Whatever room the love sector is in, you can do Feng Shui there, except for the TOILET. If the toilet is in the southwestern sector, you need to do a number of manipulations:
- find the southwestern sector in your bedroom or living room (micro-feng shui);
- hang the trigram KUN (trigram of earth) there;

- place a pebble or pebbles nearby (you can put untreated semi-precious stones in a bowl);
- also put 2 candles.
That's it, you saved the love zone from the toilet in this way)

So, I invite you to explore your southwestern sector, and tomorrow we will continue the topic of love zones and I will talk about Feng Shui of the bedroom.

Brief description of the zone of love and marriage according to Feng Shui

Direction: southwest.

Element: Earth.

Yellow color.

Effect of activation: the sector is responsible for all areas of love - between parents, relatives, men and women, as well as sexual relations.

Activation of the zone of love and marriage

Firstly, make sure that this sector is always perfectly clean - this will help you keep your relationships clean, for example, preserve the fidelity of your spouses. If you don’t keep order here, then discord will inevitably arise in relationships, often ending in betrayal.

Secondly, pay attention to the fact that there are no broken, damaged or cracked objects in this area, otherwise your family life“cracks” will also appear. In Feng Shui, it is generally accepted that the strength of the objects in this zone is the strength of your relationship.

Thirdly, under no circumstances place used items or antiques in this sector, as they carry with them the energy of their previous owners. Do not forget that such things still remain alien, no matter how well they fit into the overall interior, so do not be surprised if someone else appears in your relationship, or one of the spouses begins to cheat. Always be careful with such things and objects. Everything in this area must be verified.

Fourth, place two candles in the sector - white and red, which, according to Feng Shui, will personify a man and a woman. Some Feng Shui masters advise spouses to tie candles with a red ribbon to maintain a strong relationship. In the event that suddenly misunderstandings arise between you and conflict situations, light these candles for a short period, thereby helping to cleanse the subtle levels of your energy.

Fifthly, in order for the relationship between spouses to remain tender, strong and full of love, Feng Shui advises that all items in this sector - from armchairs to sofa cushions and a two-armed candlestick or lamp - be paired. The presence of an unpaired item in this area, as well as portraits or photographs of single women and men or scattered figurines, can lead to divorce or an inability to find your “half.”

Of the paired Feng Shui symbols that are suitable for stimulating this sector:

  • doves, embodying romantic love;
  • butterflies associated with joy and love;
  • a pair of mandarin ducks is one of the most popular symbols of happiness and constancy in love;
  • geese representing fidelity in marriage.

Sixth, if you are a lonely person and you need to attract a romantic feeling into your life, then place here any objects made in the shape of a heart - boxes, postcards, soft toys, valentines, etc. This will help activate the necessary qi.

Seventh, the southwestern sector is an ideal place for an altar, where:

  • items that are erotically significant to you (love items, erotic incense, aphrodisiac essential oils);
  • romantic evidence of your feelings (the most the best photos, where you two are and where you are happy, love messages and especially souvenirs dear to your heart);
  • treatises on love - “Kama Sutra”, “Tao of Love”, etc.;
  • stones that match yours zodiac signs, they must be located nearby in such a way that they are not separated by other objects;
  • paintings or albums of erotic content that will help enhance the sexual aspect of relationships.

Do not allow anyone to touch these items and do not display them in public.

Eighth, display your best wedding photos or photos taken on your walls. Honeymoon, in which you and your spouse are happy and radiate love. Powerful Energy These images will have a positive impact not only on this sector, but also on the entire house. However, avoid:

  • imitations of marble and granite. Photographs in such frames will bring falsehood into your life - everything will seem wonderful in appearance, but in reality an invisible barrier will arise between you;
  • massive and heavy frames. Photos should be in elegant frames that create a feeling of lightness. Otherwise, you risk complicating your relationship;
  • photographs with defects - scratches, cracks, which seem to separate you: they pose a serious threat to your relationship. If such an image is displayed or stored in this sector, then you cannot avoid divorce, since all its shortcomings are projected onto your love relationship.

Ninth, make sure that calm, romantic music is often played in this sector - this will harmonize energies and bring numerous vibrational flows into balance.

Tenth, avoid in this sector, especially in the bedroom, any electrical appliances that generate overly active and difficult to control qi. This can have a detrimental effect on your relationship, figuratively speaking, making it more artificial.

Eleventh, the southwest is an ideal place according to Feng Shui to store any memorabilia associated with your family, such as a family archive.

Southwest - zone partnerships Feng Shui.

This is also the zone of the wife and mother. The absence of this angle is a direct threat to the marriage and well-being of the mistress of the house. Getting married without this corner in your apartment or room becomes a problem. To activate the energy of the southwest, it is necessary to place a composition of stones in this sector. There should be 9 stones, of which two are larger than the rest. If you can't find 9 decorative stones or crystals, take two and tie them with a red ribbon. Make sure this sector is always lit. Place a lamp with crystal pendants in it. However, crystal is desirable, but not required. As a last resort, you can get by with a regular red or Pink colour. And don't skimp on electricity if you want to truly awaken the energy of this corner. Hang here a photo of you and your husband (or fiancé) in which you look happy.

The missing earthly southwestern node is filled with a mirror or image of a mountain, a physical map of the world, a model of the earth - a globe.

Place the character "Love" (Ai) in the southwest corner . Love breathes life into the heart and gives grace to the body. In the center is the hieroglyph “heart”, above it is breathing, below it is “graceful gesture”.

Southeast - zone financial well-being, or, as it is also called, the Dragon Zone according to Feng Shui.

His image in this corner will protect your well-being. In order for it to grow continuously, you need to place an aquarium, a decorative fountain, or even just some kind of container with water in this corner (but do not forget to change the water in it at least once every three days!). Indoor plants, especially those that are in the phase, also contribute to the awakening of the wooden energy of the southeast. active growth.

Having installed such a plant in the south-eastern corner (good - with rounded dense leaves, the so-called " Money Tree"), place coins wrapped in red paper or tied with a red ribbon under the flower pot. The energy of the southeast corner also promotes good luck and good health for the eldest daughter.

The hieroglyph “Energy” (Ch"i) is suitable for this angle. . "Qi" - Universal breath or life-giving energy. The image of “Qi” is created by two hieroglyphs - “breath” and “rice stalk”. You can also put a teapot, a frog or a mirror here.

The south is a zone that protects the reputation of family members according to Feng Shui.

This is also the place of the middle daughter. In the absence of this angle, family members may suffer from manifestations of distrust on the part of others, from gossip and gossip. If this corner is available and properly decorated, then the family will enjoy honor and respect among relatives and friends, neighbors, friends and acquaintances. Moreover, with certain personal indicators, one of the family members can gain wide popularity in society or even become famous. The south is a diocese of the fire element, and the fire must be constantly maintained so that it does not go out. But placing a fireplace or stove in this corner is dangerous, because in this case the fire can get out of control and cause trouble. It is better to take care of bright lighting in this area and place indoor plants in it, perhaps with sharp leaves, as well as a painting or reproduction depicting a sunrise, a rooster, pink flamingo or peacock. In this sector of the apartment or room, shades of green and red should prevail.

The hieroglyph “Glory” (Hua) or “Flower” is suitable for this angle. . Fame is as beautiful and fleeting as fresh flower. A red Chinese paper lantern and a vase of flowers are also suitable here.

The north is the zone of career and social status according to Feng Shui.

Missing this angle significantly reduces your chances of moving up the career ladder.. It is best to expand the wall in the place of the missing northern corner using a mirror. If for some reason this is not possible, then photo wallpaper depicting a waterfall or a beautiful river landscape should be pasted on the wall. If such a corner exists, an aquarium with goldfish should be installed in it. This will bring you not only success in your career, but also money.

It is very effective to place in this corner a portrait of an aquatic or black turtle, which is the patroness of the northern direction and the element of water. In this corner, an abundance of vegetation, as well as yellow and green tones in the decoration, are extremely contraindicated. The northern corner patronizes the second son (or all sons born between the eldest and the youngest) in the family.

The hieroglyph for north is "Beauty" (Mei) . The image of softness and passivity, indicated by the hieroglyph “Lamb,” is supported below by the hieroglyph “Man.” Beauty - great power. You can hang a picture of water on the north wall or place a figurine of a dolphin in the corner.

North-West - zone business connections, support and assistance, including from influential people in Feng Shui

This is also a father and husband zone. If the head of the family is a man, then the absence of a northwestern corner is almost a disaster. Without support from influential and powerful people, he is unlikely to achieve significant success, both in his career and in business, and as a result, the well-being of the family may suffer. The metallic energy of the northwest should be stimulated with various kinds metal objects, such as bells (tie red ribbons on them), horseshoes, as well as installing a radio, stereo system, TV or computer in this corner. Enhance the northwest corner with a mirror or mountain landscape wallpaper. In this case, the slopes of the mountain should be gentle. If this sector is occupied by the kitchen, then you have a great chance to reinforce the energy of the north-west by covering the floor with tiles made of pressed stone chips, or, in extreme cases, ceramic, but “like stone”.

"Unity" (Hsieh) - hieroglyph for northwest . Symbolically, this is the idea of ​​world order. Consists of three hieroglyphs "Troika", combined with the hieroglyph "Strength" or "Power". It means "Together we stand." You can also put figures of seven gods here.

Northeast is a zone of study, education, knowledge, professional and intellectual improvement, wisdom and life experience according to Feng Shui.

It is in this sector of the house or room that there should be a desk at which a schoolchild or student studies. The desk should be well lit. In this corner you can place a fireplace or stove. Place a large rock crystal on the desk, in its northeast corner, which simultaneously awakens the energy of this corner and strengthens the owner’s memory. The absence of this angle makes it difficult to perceive new information, reduces the desire for self-improvement, which sooner or later leads to stagnation. The energy of this angle has a beneficial effect on the fate of the youngest son in the family. When decorating this part of the room or apartment, use red, yellow, ceramic jewelry, decorative boulders and mountain landscapes.
The northeast corresponds to the hieroglyph “Wisdom” (Chih). Wisdom, like the rays of the sun, illuminates all living things. Consists of the hieroglyphs "Oath", "Mouth" or "Spoken" and "Sun". Decorate the northeast corner with a candlestick, lamp or Yin-Yang symbol.

The West is a zone of good luck and prosperity for offspring according to Feng Shui.

Place portraits of your children in this sector. If you don’t have children, then in this sector of the house or apartment you can place the works of your mind or skillful hands. The energy of the West is the energy of the metal element. Metal symbolizes wealth, power, power. If you want to achieve a high position, gain influence and wealth, awaken the energy of the West with the help of bells, various metal objects, horseshoes, striking clocks, white and yellow, silver and gold. Place a large magnet tied with a red ribbon and an image of a mythical white tiger in the western corner ( snow leopard) or mountains with a snowy top. The absence of the western corner has a particularly negative impact on the fate of politicians, officials, managers, administrators, directors, etc. This is also a zone youngest daughter and the absence of active Western energy may adversely affect its destiny.

"Happiness" (Fu) - hieroglyph for the western corner . Confucius said: "A handful of rice, a glass clean water, an elbow under my head, and I’m happy!” The idea of ​​the hieroglyph “Fu” is “to fill”, “a cultivated field”, “mouth”, “ singular" and "heaven". Here you can also place coins, a cat figurine and a wind bell.

The East is the zone of happy family life according to Feng Shui.

Its absence promises constant disagreements among family members, aggravation of the problems of “fathers and sons”. This is an area of ​​development and growth that helps parents keep up with their children, understand and share their interests. The energy of the East gives children an incentive to develop, raises their level of activity and desire for spiritual growth. The East, along with the Southeast, is under the protection of the Dragon and its image will protect the peace of your family. The absence of the eastern corner stimulates the appearance family problems and poses a threat to children's health. The absence of this zone is especially dangerous for the eldest son. You can strengthen and awaken the energy of the eastern corner with the help of water and indoor plants, blue, gray and green colors.

Hieroglyph of the eastern corner - "Longevity" (Yung) . The concept of longevity is closely related to the concepts of “eternity” and “leaving a mark.” Yung is health and gray-haired wisdom. In the east you can place a dragon figurine, a mirror or a green plant on a stand.

Feng Shui represents the zone creative self-realization and a children's area. For people involved creative activity, or those who are associated with the manifestation of creativity in different areas, recommend that this sector be activated in order to receive assistance from it in developing its potential. But this sector is also a symbol of children (our own, others’, future and present). And those parents who want to strengthen their relationships with their children or wish their children health and good luck, as well as those who want to experience the joy of motherhood and fatherhood, should contact close attention specifically to the western sector.

According to the tradition of Chinese teaching, children attract beneficial Qi energy into the house and contribute to its accumulation. A house in which children live is considered quite attractive for good luck. Therefore, according to Feng Shui, it is given great importance energy associated with children.

First, you will need to determine, using a compass, where in the apartment or house the west is located and, accordingly, the children’s sector. This can be done in any room of the apartment: in the nursery, in the living room or in any other room. Having determined which side the west is on, you will also find a place for the sector responsible for the well-being of the child (or children, if there is more than one child).

The most important rule for efficient work any area - keeping it tidy and clean.

Any zone can be effectively activated by lighting: sconces or table lamps should be turned on evening time and burn for at least 3 hours. This general rule applicable for any zone: to activate the knowledge zone, the northeast sector is illuminated, the zone of harmony and love is illuminated in the southwest, success and good luck are illuminated in the south, etc. You should know that success and luck in any zone can be attracted with the help of bright light. If you need more luck in life, then try to ensure that the house is well lit at night and there are no dark corners and rooms left in it. Good luck is always accompanied by bright light.

You can activate the children's sector using incense, incense sticks and aroma lamps. Smells are powerful conductors and magnets for attracting the energies of the Universe. You can activate the children's zone using the following scents: geranium, grapefruit, jasmine, ylang-ylang, calendula, cedar, incense, cinnamon, lily, lemongrass, nutmeg, mint, honey, rosemary, eucalyptus, chamomile, tangerine. You can purchase special aroma sticks for this sector: “Little Angel”, “Mother and Child”. Smoking aromas in the western zone will have a beneficial effect on the energies of children and parents.

The western zone can be activated by hanging pictures of small children in it. It can also be photographs, drawings, embossings, engravings, sketches and any artistic images children, made in different techniques. The western zone will be effectively activated with the help of images of baby animals and the Dui trigram. You can also use stylized Chinese well famous paintings, such as “Boy with a Sparrow”, “Boy with a Peach”, “100 Children”. Exactly 100 kids who happily play in front of the house are considered a powerful talisman that can attract good luck to both children and adults, filling the house with the most valuable yang energy, and significantly increasing luck in matters of childbearing.

Figurines and images of children will bring a large amount of pure yang energies into the house.

Suitable mascots for the western zone

To give more energy in the western zone, it is necessary to additionally place (in addition to pictures of children) corresponding talismans. Here you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • The ruling element of the western zone is Metal. Therefore, any metal accessories will act as activators of this sector;

The number of the West zone is seven.

Favorable colors are white and metallic shades: silver, steel, gold, copper and yellow.

Suitable shapes are round, oval, square.

Crystals, a crystal egg, all kinds of bells (for example, “”), robotic toys and others are considered good talismans for this sector.

Elephant figurines and images are ideal talismans for the children's sector. They will protect, support and protect the younger generation in the house. You can place a pair of elephants with their trunks up on the sides of the front door and orient them so that the elephants' heads are directed towards the central part of the house, and not vice versa. The interpretation of this arrangement of elephants is that luck is already in the house. An elephant in a child's room will bring a lot of luck for children.

What do baby talismans mean in Feng Shui?

Children's figurines are considered powerful energizers of the western zone, and they are very often used. Among them, the most popular are the following:

  • baby with a sparrow - symbolizes happiness, heavenly protection and protection higher powers for small children;
  • a pair of children with coins - brings happiness and good luck to the house, enhancing the spread of beneficial Qi energies in the home. Located in the western sector, the talisman gives protection, happiness and good luck to children, in the hallway - it will attract beneficial energy into the house, as well as abundance and wealth for the whole family, will help attract energies to increase the family;
  • kids with pumpkin and coins are very suitable talisman for the growth and prosperity of the family. A pumpkin, having a shape favorable according to Feng Shui, can itself be a carrier and repository of valuable vital energies. By placing these bright figurines in westward home, you will make your relationship with your children more united and friendly and bring luck to your children. If you place this talisman in, it will be an impetus for growth in material well-being families;
  • a laughing Buddha, surrounded by kids, will become a symbol of real and great luck in the house, including in the offspring. Ideal place for the mascot - the western zone;
  • Fu Xing (Sau) with a boy and peach fruits - a figurine of the Chinese deity Sau symbolizes health, happiness, protection of children from troubles and adversities, their injuries and illnesses;
  • wind music (bells with a subtle sound from seven metal tubes), although not an image of children, serves as a good energizer for the western sector. It should be placed against the wall. It is especially favorable to have wind chimes in the sector, which top part, to which the tubes are attached, resembles the shape of a pagoda or a celestial circle (solid or circle);
  • robotic toys are a good symbol for a constant flow of positive energies and an excellent activator of living space;
  • seven metal coins, placed in this sector, are a fairly simple but effective talisman. This way you can attract good luck and success to your children.

What is unacceptable to locate in the western sector?

Unfavorable symbols for the children's area and the creativity area in the west of the home are considered to be a fireplace (any type of it), candles triangular shape, the use of red colors and shades, green, large quantities water symbols. All the above symbols should be avoided in the west zone.

When using metal accessories to activate energies, do not forget that they should not bear the imprint of aggression or threat, or suppression. You cannot decorate either the western sector or any other place in a house or apartment with knives, swords, sabers and other similar bladed weapons.

For those who want to get pregnant faster

The use of the image of a crane with a peach fruit is considered analogous to the Slavic stork bringing children. Therefore, it would be nice to have it in the western sector for those who are engaged in issues of planning and replenishing the family. The symbols of peas and pomegranate are considered a sign of fertility. They also need to be placed here.

Using stones that enhance reproductive function and promoting the conception and birth of a child are also welcomed in the western zone. Such stones are rock crystal, emerald, amethyst, diamond, garnet, lapis lazuli, malachite, topaz, jasper, and amber. The use of stones is very individual. It is better to use those that you trust more and give purely personal preference.

Activating the western zone of children according to Feng Shui, using personal beneficial directions for the child will help him successfully develop and grow healthy, confident and calm and ensures that your little children will remain a loving part of the family over time. In a home with pure and favorable energy, there are no difficult and disobedient children.

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