Home Trees and shrubs What talisman suits Sagittarius? Sagittarius. Zodiac horoscope

What talisman suits Sagittarius? Sagittarius. Zodiac horoscope

Duplicity: Male

Triplicity (element): Fire

Quadruplesity (quality): Mutable
Sagittarius are energetic, ambitious, generous, freedom-loving, they are not afraid of difficulties, they are able to perceive new ideas and explore unfamiliar territories.

Ruler Planet: Jupiter, chief ancient roman god, ruler of heaven. In astrology, Jupiter is considered the planet of good luck, optimism, growth and abundance.

Symbol: Sagittarius, personifying straightness, higher goals, love of hunting and outdoor activities.

Glyph (graphic symbol): The pictogram looks like an arrow directed into space. It is also an image of a human leg from hip to knee (the part of the body ruled by Sagittarius). Symbolic meaning is a line of wisdom, turned away from earthly problems and concerns to higher ideals.

Motto:"I see"

Polarity: Twins
Sagittarius is a sign of philosophy, higher knowledge and open-mindedness. Those born under this sign generate new ideas, willingly explore distant places, and avoid strong attachments. Opposing Sagittarius Gemini is a sign of self-expression and communication "tete-a-tete". Gemini are extremely talkative, love to give advice, try to direct (and even control) the lives of other people.

Body parts ruled by Sagittarius: Liver and thighs. Sagittarius needs to stay healthy exercise stress on fresh air... They have sensitive livers and are prone to hepatitis. They should not abuse alcohol.


Day: Thursday

Numbers: 5 and 7

Stone: Turquoise. She brings success in love, protects against injury, helps to foresee the future.

Colors: Purple is the exquisite color of the aristocracy and the artistic world.

Cities: Budapest, Colon, Toledo, Acapulco

Flowers: Daffodil, holly, dandelion

Trees: Mulberry, oak, birch

Metal: Tin

Animal ruled by Sagittarius: Horse


Sagittarius are prone to injury from fire and explosions, especially when traveling. Their desire for freedom can make their lover jealous and possessive.

Your Most Attractive Trait: Optimism

You are ruled by Jupiter, the planet of fortune. You seem to be flying through life. You are the chosen one of fortune, who always finds himself in the right time in the right place. Naturally, this contributes to the formation of a cheerful and active character. You have dark moments, but the clouds quickly dissipate. You are too interested in tomorrow to frown over an unfortunate today.

The enthusiasm of the fire element, the restlessness of mutability and the cheerful influence of Jupiter combine to generate an expansive personality that cannot be kept locked up. Independence is your guiding star. You are a freedom-loving adventurer with a passion for new ideas and relocation. You are infected with a chronic wanderlust and do not want to be cured of it. For you, the grass is always greener somewhere in the distance, your restless, curious nature requires travel, excitement and unusual activities. Sagittarius, like Gemini, who opposes him, wants to know, but if Gemini is enough to get acquainted with a new idea, Sagittarius will get carried away with it as much as possible. Sagittarius symbolizes the search for wisdom, it is a sign of philosophers and researchers.

Sagittarius is difficult to bond emotionally. You are not looking for long-term, deep relationships. Over time, you get rid of the bonds.

This does not apply to friendship. Are you always ready for friendly relations... You are the most glorious friend in the entire zodiac. Kind, sincere, cheerful, good-natured, you willingly provide services. Your help does not turn a person into a debtor. "No commitment" is the guiding motto of Sagittarius.

By appreciating freedom, you leave it to others. Do not interfere in other people's plans, do not impose your opinions, do not show jealousy and a sense of ownership. Some of your strengths include having a sense of humor. Lively and sociable, you are an excellent conversationalist, wonderful storyteller, a born showman. Literary and publishing activities, television, journalism - in these areas you can meet a lot of Streltsov. The most famous are Noel Coward, James Thurber, Mark Twain, Garson Canin, William Buckley and Woody Allen.

People who are under the patronage of Jupiter are extremely versatile and do an excellent job of different things. However, you lack patience. Without finishing one project, you rush towards a new challenge. This is partly due to the fact that you are bored with one activity for a long time, and partly because of your need to move forward and upward.

In business, you show imagination and intelligence, a willingness to embrace new and use it. But the best way you act when something really important is at stake. When you find yourself in a now or never situation, you risk the latter and double your bet. You believe in your luck.

You are straightforward and honest. Your sincerity makes you a comfortable partner, eliminating the need to puzzle over hidden meaning hints or nuances. There is no in your words secret meaning... You say what you think. Your harsh remarks are not caused by malice, but by the inability to beat around the bush. Ironically, you are quite sensitive, you are easily hurt by a rash act or a sharp refusal.

Sagittarius are among the nicest people. Yes, you can be extravagant and wasteful, sometimes even desperate and irresponsible. Yes, you often forget about appointments, do not have time to do something by the appointed date, and leave projects unfinished. Yes, your feelings can be superficial, you hardly recognize a strong bond. Despite all this, your society gives people pleasure. If you promise to get the moon out of the sky, everyone knows that you will not keep your promise. You know that too. You act openly, don't hide an ace up your sleeve.

Impulsive, lively, charming, you boldly hook your carriage to the merry-go-round of life and ride in it with carefree relaxedness.

Famous people born under the sign of Sagittarius:

Louise May Elcott
Woody Allen
Jane Austen
Ludwig van Beethoven
Busby Berkeley
William Blake
Leonid Brezhnev
William F. Buckley
Maria Callas
Thomas Carlisle
Hoagie Carmichael
Dale Carnegie
Winston Churchill
Joseph Conrad
Noelle Coward
Sammy Davis Jr.
Emily Dickinson
Benjamin Disraeli
Joe DiMaggio
Walt Disney
Charles de Gaulle
Kirk Douglas
Doris Duke
Irene Dunn
George Eliot
Chris Evert Lloyd
Douglas Fairbanks Jr.
Jane Fonda
Lynn Fontaine
Margaret Hamilton
Pope John XXIII
Boris Karloff
John Milton
Billie Jean King
Fiorello La Guardia
Max Lerner
John Malkovich
Mary Martin
Harpo Marks
Margaret Mead
Bette Midler
Emmett Kelly
Carrie Nation
Drew Pearson
Edith Piaf
Lee Remick
Edward J. Robinson
Lillian Russell
George Santayana
Charles Schultz
Eric Sevarede
Frank Sinatra
Margaret Chase Smith
Rex Stout
Jonathan Swift
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
James Thurber
Mark Twain
Liv Ullman
Dick Van Dyke
Rebecca West
Eli Whitney
Flip Wilson

Everyone knows that each of the signs zodiacal circle there are several types of different talismans, such as stones, metals, flowers and other symbols. Any of these elements has its effect on a particular sign, and for one it can be positive impact and for the other it is negative. But it is important to know that each person has their own natural patron - a tree according to the sign of the zodiac.

general characteristics

For any representative of the zodiacal circle in nature, there are several such patrons. And it is the person himself who decides which representative of the flora is closer to him or which one grows in the places of his residence. A well-chosen tree according to your zodiac sign can serve many functions, such as protection, calmness, energy replenishment, and even health restoration. Many tree species are so-called donors, because they are able to accumulate space energy in very large quantities... However, if the patron is chosen illiterately, such a tree may not only fail to give the necessary life-giving energy, but also take away the existing one. Although in some cases, and such "vampires" can be useful, taking away negative and waste energy. The most important thing is to know for sure your patrons and not be mistaken in finding a defender. In addition to direct contact with a living plant useful properties can also be possessed by products and amulets made of certain breeds.

Spring signs: Pisces, Aries, Taurus

Who has the most diverse set of tree patrons is Pisces, a zodiac sign whose tree must bear fruit in order to achieve maximum effect"Communication" with him. For these purposes, the middle of summer is best suited. Viburnum, honeysuckle, yew and larch - here best friends Pisces. The fruits from the patron trees are of particular importance for this sign. But the aspen will take away all the negative energy, but you should be careful with it.

In order to maximize recovery vitality and replenish the energy balance, Aries needs to "communicate" with trees in the summer. Conifers are definitely their loyal allies, especially spruce and pine. In addition to them, you should pay attention to alder, linden, oak. It is desirable that the trees have a well-developed crown, and it is also better to stop the choice on the specimen that stands alone, away from the rest.

In Taurus, the patron tree is quite peculiar. Poplar very well cleans the energy field of a person, but you need to be careful with it, because it can take away the necessary energy. It is preferable for Taurus men to choose chestnut, but for women - Walnut... Other trees of the sign are rowan and oak.

Summer signs: Gemini, Cancer, Leo

The tree of the zodiac sign Gemini is primarily a fruit tree, mainly an apple or pear tree during their flowering period. But maple can be a faithful assistant in prevention. various diseases, but referring to your Gemini trees is best at the end of summer.

Cancer, choosing a tree by the sign of the zodiac, you need to pay attention to alder, willow and elm, which work as filters. energy flows... They are especially effective in last months spring and summer.

The elm is also the main tree of the zodiac sign Leo. Cypress has protective and healing properties, but Leo men must definitely interact with oak.

Autumn signs: Virgo, Libra, Scorpio

A practical Virgo is not always spiritually stable, so alder and hazel, as well as fruit ones: plum and apple, especially when the fruits ripen on them, will become her loyal patrons. July, August, as well as October - the best time for the contact of the Virgin with her tree.

For Libra, the main tree according to the zodiac sign is birch, a real healer of body and soul for people born under this constellation. Linden will also heal and relieve fatigue, but you can also pay attention to maple and mountain ash.

Scorpions are favored not only by tall and tall chestnut and pine, but also shrubs - dog rose and hawthorn. Spruce and mountain ash are also great for Scorpio for "communication", for which perfect timing will become early spring when the kidneys began to swell.

Winter signs: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius

In March, August and October, Sagittarius should definitely turn to any of their two main talisman trees: cedar or hornbeam, which protect and restore the spiritual powers of this sign.

Those born under the sign of Capricorn have three strong patrons that have powerful healing properties. These are fir, beech and birch. It is best to contact them when the first snow has just melted, or in late summer, when the harvest is in full swing.

Although Aquarius and Taurus have absolutely different elements, but here is one patron tree for two. Poplar will give Aquarius an energy balance, and linden and euonymus will become a life-giving force for them. The end of spring is best for contact with these trees.

Sagittarius is considered the most active, strong and courageous people. According to the horoscope, the sign itself is depicted in the form of a beautiful centaur with the body of a horse, with a bow and arrow in his hands.

The association with a horse is not accidental here - everything related to horses has long been inherent in this particular sign. But besides the animal, there are special stones, wood, images and colors that can also be used as a talisman for a Sagittarius.

What talisman is perfect for all archers, and why do these brave people need talismans at all? the main task magic object is to strengthen volitional qualities of character, to concentrate the energy of the chakras, to harmonize the flow of energies in the body.

Both women and men of this sign can achieve a lot in their lives, but for this they need to manage their strength and emotions, be able to concentrate on the main thing, be wiser and more judicious. Plus, luck and protection won't hurt anyone! So picking up a good horoscope or other artifact is an important matter. Here is what is inherent in them:

  • Planet - Mercury.
  • The symbol is a centaur, a horse.
  • Shades of blue.
  • Flowers - carnation, daffodils.
  • Stones - amethyst, garnet, opal, turquoise, chrysolite.
  • The metal is zinc.

So, if by date of birth and horoscope you are Sagittarius, let's try to find for you the perfect amulet that will become your defender forever!

A little magic

The main thing for an amulet is to choose the right item, charge it with your energy, believe in its power and not give it to anyone. The amulet can be made with your own hand, received as a gift or bought, this is not so important. The main thing is to understand which one will be the best.

1. Everything related to horses is the best amulet for archers.... It can be small, an image of a horse or centaur, a hoof or a horse's head. This amulet can be worn as a decoration or kept at home in the form of a figurine.

Any material - metal, wood, the main thing is natural and strong. The image of a horse is suitable as a talisman for all Sagittarius, for any date of birth, both for a man and a woman. It will attract a lot of luck and success! And it will also protect against troubles and evil.

2. Salamander is a wonderful charm for you. She is the embodiment of the very element of fire, and this is exactly your element! The salamander will help you be luckier and stronger, will not allow you to stop halfway, will help you achieve any goal and go to the end. In any struggle, rivalry or confrontation, this is - best helper... You will be fearless, faith in yourself will appear, and reliable protection from failure. Isn't it a perfect amulet?

3. Like the salamander, the fiery symbol is the Phoenix bird. She will become a reliable assistant in difficult situations, and will not be afraid of any difficulties. Any defeat for you will be only the beginning of a new path, you will be able to "rise from the ashes", like this miracle bird. Such a talisman can not be worn all the time, but only in difficult moments life when you need help higher powers... He will help!

4. Stones, how can we do without them! You can select by date of birth, but universal amulets-stones are considered the best. For archer women, a turquoise earring or ring is the best amulet you can find. Turquoise will attract good luck, love and harmonize the inner nature.

topaz or ruby ​​are perfect, and all red stones, especially dark, saturated shades. You can also wear amethyst or black pearls. A charm made of stone can be of any shape, in the form of a ring, pendant, earrings or ring, in the form of a set of jewelry. The main thing is that you like him! Then he will be your reliable assistant.

5. The Scandinavian rune of victory can become a male amulet for archers. Material - necessarily wood or metal. A small wooden pendant or pendant with an engraved rune is both a decoration and a magical artifact that will always and in everything bring victory, good luck and luck. With him you will be invincible! He will strengthen faith in his own strength, strengthen the will and spirit, and ward off failures.

Whatever talisman you choose for yourself, the main thing is to believe in it magic power and be treated with care. Remember that this is not a simple decoration, but a magical item that can give you a lot. When choosing an amulet, listen to your heart - it will tell you exactly where “your” thing is. Take care of it and use it for your pleasure!
Author: Vasilina Serova

Astrologers believe that talismans and amulets for Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) should be bright and open, like the character of people born on these numbers. Gloomy objects, things with bad story or, presented with evil thoughts, will bring only negative to the sign.

Certain talismans have different effects on the life of a Sagittarius:

Good talismans for Sagittarius are figurines and any objects with the image of a horse... The animal brings a sense of inner peace to the representatives of the sign and promotes self-realization. Astrologers advise Sagittarius in periods severe stress go horseback riding or just pet a horse. The animal seems to relieve pain and prompt correct exit from unsolvable situations.

The horseshoe makes the zodiac sign even more fortunate. A souvenir or real horseshoe (or a piece of horse harness) helps Sagittarius to correctly distribute forces and concentrate on the most important thing in this moment... Talismans associated with horses attract financial success to their owner.

The graphic symbol of this zodiac sign is often the centaur - a creature with the body of a horse and the head and torso of a person. A figurine of this mythical hero or an object with his image will help Sagittarius realize and accept all sides of his character, teach him how to use his own talents as efficiently as possible and fight negative traits.

Arrows and arrows of the most different forms and sizes - strong talismans for the representatives of the sign. The main thing is to choose the right material for the amulet. Then Sagittarius can quickly find happiness in his personal life.

Sagittarius obeys the elements of fire, so even a small source of it is able to calm and restore strength. A set of candles, a lighter, objects depicting tongues of flame are good talismans for people born in this astrological period. They will protect the sign from illness and stress, help to cope with internal problems.

Salamander is another animal that astrologers consider an amulet for the representatives of this zodiac sign. The talisman depicting this lizard or a pendant in its shape embodies the energy of open fire. He makes the sign more purposeful, does not allow you to go off the intended path. Salamander decoration can be presented to a person who starts a complex or long-term project.... It is possible that Sagittarius will be delighted with a living lizard in the terrarium. When choosing a pet, the representatives of the sign are better off choosing loyal and sincere dogs of medium and large breeds.

Another mystical animal, or rather an insect, can become an amulet for Sagittarius. This is a scarab beetle. With its help, the sign achieves its goal faster, bypassing many obstacles. The scarab helps prevent conflict situations and resolve existing quarrels.

Sagittarius, according to astrologers, is close in spirit with the ancient Scandinavians, Greeks and Celts. Large adornments in one of these styles, clothes with national ornaments, and victory runes make the sign simply invincible. Talismans instill confidence, help convince people and attract allies.

Sagittarius by the sign of the zodiac is influenced by Jupiter. Astrologically, the planet corresponds to tin. Metal enhances positive traits the nature of the representatives of the sign. Tin figurines, cutlery or souvenirs will protect their owner from envious people, external negativity and negative magical effects.

Suitable metal for Sagittarius is zinc... Products made from it coincide in energy with the aura of the representatives of the sign. This metal helps to properly distribute the seething energy of Sagittarius, increases resistance to disease. Steel is another metal that protects this zodiac sign. Steel talismans teach their owner to say "No", not allowing others to use their boundless kindness.

A living tree or products made from it will become good talisman and a talisman for the representatives of this zodiac sign. Sagittarius is a whole person, so objects made from a whole piece of wood are more suitable for him. When choosing a living tree, representatives of the sign need to pay attention to tall plants with a wide crown. The exception is bonsai, which gives wisdom and patience to its owner.

Another suitable tree is ash. Figures or decorations from it give protection on travel, business trips and any risky situations. Ash teaches this zodiac sign to recognize deception and enhances intuition.

Sagittarius can choose such a tree as a hornbeam as a talisman. It corresponds to the sign according to the horoscope of the Druids. Items made of hornbeam or beech make their owner discerning and successful in personal relationships.

The cosmic law is the same for all that exists, which means that vegetable world obeys the same principles as the human world. Therefore, the ancient astrological knowledge about plants will help us to establish harmony with nature. In this article, you will find out which cultures belong to the sign of Sagittarius and what are their bioenergetic characteristics.

In the constellation Sagittarius are the center of our Galaxy (closed from visibility by dense clouds of gas and dust) and the point winter solstice, passes through it Milky Way... About 115 stars are distinguished in this constellation, the brightest of them is called Rukbat (in Arabic “Rukbat al Rami” means “knee of the arrow”).

In the constellation Sagittarius, the ancient Greeks saw the mythical centaur Chiron galloping across the sky with a drawn bow and ready to shoot an arrow at Scorpio, who mortally stung the hunter Orion. Chiron was considered an excellent shooter and patronized sailors. According to legend, to help navigators (for better navigation at sea), he invented the Zodiac, dividing the annual path of the Sun (Helios) into 12 parts (constellations of the Zodiac). After the death of the wise centaur Chiron, Zeus turned him into the constellation Sagittarius and left him to shine in the sky as a reward for all his services, including the education of the glorious heroes of Greece.

Characteristics of Sagittarius plants. "Faster, higher, stronger"

Sagittarius is the third sign of the element of Fire. It is ruled by Jupiter - the "planet of fortune" as astrologers call it. That's why magic talisman for Sagittarius, a horseshoe is considered, bringing luck. Jupiter activates the religious worldview, philosophical thought, wisdom, knowledge, desire for self-improvement and love of travel. Likewise, Sagittarius plants contribute to the achievement of success, fame, honor, spiritual development and prosperity.

Rapid growth and development

Sagittarius are restless and active. They are able to go to the ends of the world for their dreams, and the energy of the plants of this sign helps to materialize this dream. For success in business and the fulfillment of desires, it is important to have fast-growing, tall crops with a strong stem, large leaves, red or orange flowers in the house. For example, reed (bamboo) palms, sacred ficus (religious), balsam, tetrastigma.

Attractiveness and nobility

Sagittarius are very charming and selfless. These are knights with a heightened sense of justice, who oppose any manifestation of evil. Astrologers endow such qualities with a carnation (Dianthus). Also in Ancient rome the carnation was grown in honor of Jupiter, hoping that he will notice his favorite flower on Earth and be merciful to people. The Parisian Communards made the scarlet carnation the “flower of the revolution”. Carnations still grow at the Wall of the Communards in Paris.
For today, breeders have brought a large number of carnation hybrids. This noble flower grown with my own hands, brings good luck in business and supports well-being in the home.


The most best qualities Streltsov - vitality and optimism. Sagittarius are mobile, active, active, so it is easy to work with them. They know how to charge others good mood... Streltsov has the most stable psyche, but sometimes they are not sure of themselves. This is the result of the contradiction between dreams and reality. Sagittarius with a shattered psyche need to grow chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum), symbolizing vitality and temperament. Chrysanthemums delight gardeners until late autumn and are not afraid of the first frost. They easily tolerate a transplant even at the peak of flowering, in a cut they stand for more than 3 weeks, and in terms of the variety of forms of inflorescences and the splendor of colors, they simply have no equal. It is better for inexperienced growers to first master the cultivation of Korean chrysanthemum, and only then can large varieties blooming in November-December be cultivated in greenhouses.

Spiritual development

Sagittarius are disposed towards spiritual development and comprehension of philosophical truths. They need to grow bonsai cascading and asymmetrical shapes that stimulate the thinking process and expand the worldview. In the East, they believe that bonsai makes a person's mind more sensitive, and the heart - wise. The basic requirements for indoor bonsai are high indoor humidity and constant soil moisture in the flower pot.

In the house of Sagittarius, another plant of Jupiter, lemon (Citrus limon), will perfectly master. Lemon has tremendous potential energy, encouraging vigorous activity, broadening one's horizons and achieving goals. This plant brings variety to life and attracts interesting events... A grafted fruiting lemon helps to improve financial situation the owner.


Sagittarius express their opinion directly, regardless of persons and circumstances. And their words reach the goal like a flying arrow. This straightforwardness is promoted by Sansevieria - one of the most unpretentious indoor plants with variegated, straight and long leaves. Many are afraid to keep sansevieria ("mother-in-law's tongue") at home, believing that it will provoke a quarrel and backbiting. But this is not the case. On the contrary, the plant cleans the space from negative energy words and thoughts. Sansevieria will help Sagittarius striving for self-improvement and career growth.

Sagittarius Plants

  • Indoor plants: azalea, fuchsia, indoor bonsai, balsam, Vuagnier tetrastigma (indoor grape), three-lane sansevieria, hamedorea, eucharis, clivia, clerodendrum, crinum, strelitzia, tunbergia, sheflera, sacred ficus (religious), hemantukera.

  • Garden plants: anise, asparagus, mint, borage, dandelion, rhubarb, sage, strawberries, strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, green onions, watercress, pepper, nutmeg, grapes, calendula, cinquefoil, lungwort, gladiolus, cloves, chrysanthemums.
    Shrubs: currants, walnuts, sea buckthorn.

  • Trees: ash, hornbeam, figs, beech, plum, apricot, elderberry, almond, chestnut, mulberry, reed (bamboo) palms.

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