Home Fertilizers Mars in the 3rd house for a man. Your most effective way to learn. Bill Herbst. Horoscope Houses

Mars in the 3rd house for a man. Your most effective way to learn. Bill Herbst. Horoscope Houses

By asserting themselves in the environment (usually through their words, opinions, knowledge or expression of points of view), people with Mars in the 3rd house assert their strength, vitality and existence. Although many of us are afraid to express our real thoughts, people with Mars in the 3rd house should do so - if possible, with tact, of course, as this is the universal antidote to the bad side of Mars expression.

Some may be afraid that being straight and pure will make them too rude or stupid. As a result, instead of saying what they really want to say, they often throw out a bunch of hints and often sigh loudly. Unfortunately, any house that Mars is in must be a type of fuel tank that can only accumulate a certain amount of unexpressed thoughts, feelings or actions before it all breaks out and makes a huge mess. After all, with Mars at 3, it's better to say what he thinks and feels than to suppress it for too long.

The mind is usually active, eager and quick. Penetrating intelligence, strong lexicon or clear verbal abilities may be in reserve, serving as a direct weapon with which he achieves what he wants. Although people with Mars in the 3rd house can sometimes force their thoughts down another's throat, their words also have the ability to move others to action. They may spend a lot of time fighting with others. They can attack any topic of interest with enthusiasm: there is a real desire to talk or write about what really concerns them. Some people can let off steam by expressing their thoughts and feelings on paper. A great form of self-therapy is to write a letter to someone who is annoying you, and then tear up the letter.

People with Mars in the 3rd house find their own initiatives and learn how to assert themselves by arranging power games with others in close (in childhood) surroundings. Therefore, this is one of the primary indications of conflicts with brothers, sisters, teachers and neighbors. These people may say “my brother did this, it wasn’t me!”

Because there is anxiety and high exhaustion nervous system, these people should strive to develop some degree of control and caution, especially when traveling and moving around. So Mars in the 3rd house should give an outlet to excess energy through sports or exercise. Some people relax when they dig under the hood of their car, however, any work with machinery and tools should be relaxing.

The old saying is that “thoughts have wings.” Mars in the 3rd house is strong on mentally; Any strongly expressed or shown thought can greatly influence the environment. His mind is a precise instrument that can be very effective, that can cut through any difficulty, but if it is used incorrectly, it can be dangerous and destructive, both to himself and to others. Regardless of the aspects of Mars, a person himself chooses whether to serve good or evil.

Impulsive, persuasive, restless and straightforward, never minces his words. He is inclined to bravely speak out in defense of relatives. The thinking process is of great importance for such a person. He is aggressively inquisitive and curious in actions and contacts. Often displays tactlessness, impatience, and is overly critical of others. Always full of good and interesting ideas, but due to nervousness, general anxiety and excessive activity, he often loses sight of important details. If a planet is affected, there may be a lack of brothers and sisters, as well as sharp ups and downs in life. early years life. The intellect is active, assertive and aggressive, the mind is agile and inventive. Also, a person is able, on the basis of a small number of facts, to indirectly come to important conclusions. IN difficult situations he reacts to what is happening almost instantly. In conversation he is very straightforward and sarcastic, passionately striving to receive and transmit information.

Possible inclination towards journalism, commentary and political activity. Often associated with communication systems, vehicles and publishing. Everything is done impulsively, headlong and without procrastination. Everyday work is full of movement, travel and meetings. Improper use of energy leads to recklessness in everything from driving a car to relationships with superiors. Such a person tends not to notice his own stupidity, sometimes denies his passion for disputes and quarrels, has difficulty analyzing difficulties that arise in contacts, does not like to correct his mistakes and often, trying to offend competitors, falls into caustic sarcasm. When traveling, he is exposed to dangers and accidents. He has the gift of persuasion and strives to get rid of guardianship early. The mind is energetic and lively, insightful and militant. Such a person is quick and agile in speech and very effective in the literary and pedagogical fields.

Such a person is very inventive and multi-talented. He strives for independence at all costs; selfishness is combined with efficiency and determination. Losses may be associated with incorrect execution of documents and careless signing of dubious agreements. the main problem life - recklessness of actions and the contradiction between sublime views and base instincts. Such a person is always in competition with relatives and at enmity with the outside world. He tends to be more active literary activity, which, however, brings him a lot of headaches and constant troubles. Trials and travel can be very dangerous for him. When the planet is damaged, he is self-willed and quarrelsome.

Surrounding people and objects

The placement of Mars in the 3rd house indicates that your assertive energy is directed towards day-to-day activities in your immediate environment. you “shoot” yourself into the world. Depending on the sign in which Mars is located, this process can be represented as a focused, laser-like handling of the environment, or the process can be similar to the shot from a hunting rifle, a sheaf of shotgun shells covering a wide range of activities. But regardless of the caliber of the charge and its mass, Mars indicates the impulse to real action; indicates a person who must break through, push through into the external environment. As a self-winding person, you are almost always busy, constantly confronting obstacles or problems in your environment. The problems you solve are usually designed to short term execution and almost instantaneous results after completion of the work. The task is to maintain personal emotional stability, regulate the energies of desires so that they retain the spirit of competition, but are always balanced and impartial. Learn ways to physically release aggression, conquer your environment without destroying it, and remember that people are more than objects on the battlefield.

Concrete Thinking

You are a mental warrior, passionately pursuing the task of seeking out and capturing the essence of information. Your thinking is insightful, even pugnacious in its desire to defend the essence of the matter, making its way through all the absurdities to its core, and to defeat opponents with excellent mastery of mental weapons - the “sword” of insightful perception and the “shield” of logic. However, sometimes the mental game becomes more important than the truth, and the trap of mental vanity can lead to dishonor: distortion of facts in one’s favor. The task is to use Reason as a surgical instrument, cutting away the heaps of deception and revealing the deep truth and, ultimately, the wisdom hidden in the very heart of truth.


Curiosity is razor-sharp, like a siren call that mobilizes your essence. Curiosity is a very fundamental urge and you certainly don't hesitate to provoke it. The relationship between subject and object is interesting: at first, the object that captures your attention excites you, but as soon as you become aware of your desire, the object turns into a stimulus that forces you to find out what attracted your attention. The object is transformed from a source of curiosity into a target.


Physical abilities often develop very early, and all sports and games are excellent learning tools. However, the ability to get along with other people is probably not one of the easier aspects of this planetary situation, because aggression and territorial claims are quite strong in normal human socialization. Process primary education- an arena of conflict, but interestingly, the effect is often positive because conflict can lead to the development of sharp and insightful thinking.


Your voice is open, motivating and often sharp. Here qualities such as speed and power are emphasized, rather than beauty and form. The words themselves, as well as the style of communication, are chosen to create maximum impact, and often the words literally seem to fly out of the speaker's mouth. You solve all matters confidently, avoiding omissions and doubts. Confrontation replaces tact, volume replaces grace, because mental competition is the leitmotif of communication, your ambition is the desire for mental victory. Other people should not start a conversation with you unless they are prepared for at least the slightest battle.

>> Mars in the 3rd house

The person who was born in Mars in the 3rd house, has an impulsive and restless disposition, knows how to convince others that he is right. Always knows what to say and when to say it. If someone offends his family members or friends, become a brave defender and support. Likes to think and rant on various topics.

He is overly curious and does not hesitate to ask people for any information that interests him. He can be called tactless and impatient, inclined to criticize everyone and find fault. His brain is capable of generating the most amazing ideas, but due to its irritability and multitasking, it often misses important details, which is why it is not possible to fully implement the plan.

Communication with a person with Mars in the 3rd house

If the planet is damaged, he grows up alone in the family, and lacks sisterly or brotherly complicity. As a child, he experiences many good and terrible moments. His manner of expressing his thoughts can be called aggressive. The mind is constantly busy inventing new concepts and solving pressing problems. To find the root of the problem, he only needs a few tiny clues. IN emergency situations differs in speed of reaction and correctness of actions.

He is used to speaking directly about what he thinks, and likes to make sarcastic jokes. Gravitates towards constant and continuous exchange of news.

There may be a predisposition to journalism, commerce or politics. He often finds himself in publishing or in the transport business and communications.

All actions are immediate; this person does not accept postponing things “until tomorrow” or until a more opportune time. Prefers dynamic work, filled with business trips and new acquaintances. If energy is directed in the wrong direction, then a person will constantly “walk on the razor’s edge.” This applies to both questions personal safety, as well as communication with senior management.

Character of a person with Mars in the 3rd house

Believes that he does everything exclusively correctly and meaningfully. Does not accept comments about his intelligence. Denies his addiction to gambling. It is very difficult for him to understand his own wrongness, he does not know how to ask for forgiveness in time. Trying to defend himself in a verbal skirmish, he does not hesitate to use caustic and harsh phrases.

When going on a trip, you are likely to get into trouble. He knows how to manipulate people and convince them that he is right. Quickly ceases to need parental care. Wonderful developed intelligence allows you to build an excellent career as a teacher, or become a well-known writer.

In the event that the planet is damaged, he may think about committing suicide or inflicting irreparable harm health of a stranger. Such a person has the nature of an inventor. They say about such people that he was gifted by nature itself.

As mentioned earlier, from early childhood we strive to gain complete independence. He is distinguished by his high efficiency and determination, although he is very selfish in his views. Due to his impatience and restlessness, he may suffer losses by signing the wrong document or agreement without reading the terms.

The main difficulties in his life arise from actions committed on emotions, and internal struggle between high goals and animals, primitive instincts. Such a person finds it difficult to communicate with relatives, since he senses the hostility of the whole world for no reason.

He has a penchant for writing, but it does not bring him the desired satisfaction. Litigation or spontaneous travel can cause irreparable harm to his health.

Associated with aggression and conflict. The owner of the horoscope often has problems due to his sharp tongue, causticity and caustic remarks. Such people are prone to arguments and discussions. Even the smallest disagreements with their opponents make them angry. At the same time, the native often does not choose expressions and does not reach into his pocket for words. This behavior gives him the reputation of a conflicted, uncontrollable and quarrelsome person.

Brothers, sisters and close relatives play a big role in the life of the native. Relationships won't always be easy. Quarrels, rivalry and competition in the family are possible.

Native's tendencies and behavior

The owner of Mars in the 3rd house attracts attention due to his sharp mind, sociability and fast response. Such people can achieve great success in research, writing, and journalism. It will be good if the work involves traveling, interacting with people and concluding various deals.

In the process of work, mobile communications devices, computers, etc. are used. The man is impatient. The last thing he likes is to wait a long time for a response to his messages, so he calls after a while. Such a person can be assertive in business situations, and often achieves what he wants thanks to courage and a natural gift of persuasion.

In order to feel free and independent, the native needs his own vehicle. Without him, he is like without hands. By the way, many owners of Mars in the 3rd house have a great interest in technology, and therefore can fix a lot themselves in the mechanism of a car, motorcycle or bicycle.

The owner of Mars in the 3rd house has a thirst for knowledge. They don't have to be abstract. The native learns best information and skills that can be immediately applied in action. Such a person may be attracted to chemistry, physics, foreign languages, financial and technical sciences.

Mars in various zodiac signs

The essential power of Mars located in the 3rd house determines how successful the native will be in the intellectual sphere.

For example, Mars is powerful if it is in . Knowledge will be acquired by the owner of the horoscope slowly and systematically, and after some time it will form a solid basis for future activities.

If Mars is in a sign of weakness (for example, in), then the native will experience problems in studies. Laziness, inattention and poor concentration will hinder success in mental activity.

Mars in the 3rd house for a man

If Mars in a man’s birth chart is in the 3rd house, then this indicates his courageous, enterprising and sociable character. He shows his strength primarily in the intellectual sphere. Such a person likes to argue and puts some pressure on the interlocutor if he sees that they do not agree with him.

The owner of the horoscope loves high-speed driving and sports that require quick movements and lightning-fast reactions.

Mars in the 3rd house for a woman

Mars and its characteristics will describe the type of men most attractive to the owner of the horoscope. If the luminary is in the 3rd house, then the woman will give preference to a man who is erudite, sociable, open and easy-going.

Such women easily establish relationships. The acquaintance can happen on the street or in in social networks. Sometimes the owner of Mars in the 3rd house is helped to find her soul mate by her loved ones, relatives or good friends.

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Mars is the point of activity. The location of Mars tells us where and how a person acts. Paints the house where it stands. It is necessary to pay attention to the highlighted position of the planets especially. They characterize the psychotype.
Mars has a strong influence on the profession. Example: Mars in the basket handle, Uranus in the sixth house. Man despite Uranus/in in this example
he is in a weak position and will not engage in programming. Mars is the will to act on the physical plane. Provokes situations. If Mars is retrograde, then there are delays in actions, more late development, obstacles, difficulties in

social manifestations

Even if the sign is weak, it gives a tendency to take risks, mobility, dynamism, activity, independence, and the need for action. Does not necessarily give a strong physical constitution. Mars in the 1st house will not necessarily produce a person of average height and stocky build. It may appear more in mental activity, you need to look at the signs.
In Libra, a person grabs hold of different things and is ready to cooperate. In Pisces - very weak, but in the pen and ascending, retrograde, in an included sign. IN in this case Mars is not strong in quality, the first impulse is strong here. The person will be scattered, often lacking the will to complete the task.
Strength must be looked at by house; the closer to the top of the house, the more manifested the planet is. Mars in the 1st house is marked, usually with a sign on the face or skull (ascending Uranus or Aquarius also give a mark). Close to ASC - inflammatory diseases, difficulties in childhood.


It can also be active, but is more stable, material, pleasure comes from the action itself. Tendency to self-affirmation, to risk in financial matters, activity, skill in financial matters.
The practicality of Mars can be expressed in the fact that its actions must be specific.

Mars /both in the 1st and 2nd houses/ - a tendency to injuries, bruises, blows.

The desire for leadership among the immediate environment (brothers, sisters, close relatives), conflicts are possible, speech dynamism, active among friends. Affected Mars - troubles, injuries on short trips. Sometimes the thirst for knowledge is an active, lively mind. When Mars is in aspect with Mercury - a corrosive mind.
Example: Mars on the cusp of the 2nd house, afflicted - the death of a sister, she died in the first year of life / the girls were twins /.

Mars is near the cusp of the 4th house / in the last, 3rd part of the house, the planet influences the next house, the action begins in the house where it stands, and the result in the next house, especially if no more than 5 degrees from the cusp of the house / may give invention, conflicts in the home, the death of one of the parents, or grandparents, or simply the departure of one of them from home. The distance from the house cusp can indicate the year of the event.

In angular houses the influence of the planets increases. Mars in the 4th house can talk about events in the house, relationships with Mars-type parents. Long-term conflict since childhood. A planet in the 4th house is not visible externally, it will only be felt by those who live nearby./Jupiter after 30 years/. Psychologically, the Sun in the 4th house is almost not noticeable, but in its circle, in a natural environment, it is bright and sunny.
Mars in the 4th house - a person does not look like Mars. His emotions create the mood for everyone around him. The 4th house is connected to the astral, a person with such Mars can be an astral bully when strong emotions are manifested. A person himself may not have conflicts, but conflicts can arise among those around him, only because he is among them. But sometimes there can be outbursts of their own. Hereditary situations are also associated with the 4th house, ancestral karma. May speak about the character of the father or mother. Tendency to manage own home, do without asking anyone. Transfers his conflicts from his father’s house to his own. Such a person must be made to understand that he is source of conflict asking him suggestive questions like: “Have you noticed that your surroundings are exploding after you?”


Creativity, entertainment, love, children, heart impulse. House gambling, speculation, the desire to play for luck. Mars gives the direction to invest money in an enterprise in order to earn quickly and a lot. It is necessary to look at aspects to the 2nd and 8th houses, or their rulers, then tell the client whether he should engage in such matters /if the square to the 2nd house is a tendency to lose in these situations/. We must pay attention to the transits of planets to Mars, which is in the house. Mars in the 5th house - addictive, passion, intensity of feelings, assertiveness, categorical / all or nothing /, falling in love. When aspected by Pluto, there are conflicts with a loved one, especially in a woman’s chart, where Mars is the beloved, the lover. Mars in aspect with Venus - flexibility, plasticity, art.
Increases jealousy, strong love situations, love of sudden spending, sometimes for show. Talks about children, about relationships with children. If Mars is afflicted, then the child may have a conflicted, stubborn character. In a man's chart, Mars intensely aspecting the 8th house can indicate the death of a child. In a woman’s chart, she talks about the peculiarities during childbirth, for example, Mars is in square with the 8th house, and according to the directions, the top of the 5th house fell on Mars - the child died in the maternity hospital. The 6th house from the 5th is the 10th - the health of children, their illnesses. The 8th house from the 5th will be the 12th - you need to look at the confirmation of these instructions /10,12 houses/ and look at the child’s chart. Events in the lives of children in a woman’s chart can be viewed from the 5th house / for the child it will be the 1st /. The card works well for astrally close people or blood loved ones.
Mars in the 5th house for men to a lesser extent Don Juan can give a passionate heart. Strong Mars for men it can give - creativity or your own business, business, passion.


Gives the type of activity, for example military. Mars in the 10th house rarely indicates a military profession. Mars in the 6th house can give military surgeons / just surgeons more often go to the 8th or 10th houses /. Inflammatory processes, operations, injuries. The trend towards independent activity at work, at school. Likes to be in front and does not like to obey. In the service he is active, active. Mars in the 6th house with a tie to the 2nd house - the person is very active. Mars in aspect to Saturn means conflict with superiors, dislike of discipline. Mars aspected higher planets- disease or professional activity. Invisible planets or diseases or relationships in society / Which? Aspects will be shown. Mars in the 6th house is a leader at work, if it is his business.
Mars in Aquarius and Aries indicates that the person will leave work and do his own thing.
The 6th house indicates beneficial animals.


Similar to 1st. Mobility, dynamism, leader, debater. Example: Saturn ascending, Mars in the 7th house - a person does not look like an arguer, but loves to argue, although this happens without pressure.
Conflicts in the 7th house with loved ones and partners, leading to lawsuits / without “blood” /. It is more difficult to show one’s own activity, rather in contacts.
A tendency towards group contacts indicates marriage. Men have conflicts with partners. Women have love situations, active temperament, difficult love situations.
Mars in the 7th house - the situation is ambiguous, there may be aggression towards partners, or there may be aggression of partners towards the owner of the card. Mars in Libra - there is stubbornness, pressure on a person, but it will look like aggression from partners.
IN female sign- perceives aggression, in male sign- is aggressive towards his partner. Mars is clearly visible in its strong signs and bad in the weak. The impulse comes from one, and it is realized by another. Mars in the 7th house prefers to act through a partner. If offended, he will convey retribution not himself, but through his loved ones.


Professions: surgeon, analytical scientist, businessman, athlete, criminal. Small traders with their tents. Injuries, accidents , incidents, blood, firearms /love fire signs/. Operations, accidents, violent death, misfortunes with loved ones, near death. Occult abilities, yoga, magic. If Mars is in the middle of the house, then a dual situation arises. In the last third of the 8th house there is black magic. Being at the beginning of the house is positive, the middle is negative, the end of the house is synthesis. Mars at the cusp of the ninth house will indicate
White Magic
. The closer to the beginning of the house the location of the planets, the stronger they act, in the middle they are weaker, towards the end they are strong again.

Complicated matters with death, it can “walk” nearby.

Example: Moon conjunct Saturn in the 8th house and Mars affects the 8th house - accidents constantly. While the Moon is direct in the 8th house, it is good to move at this time.
Deep analytical thinking is possible when pointing to science. In a woman’s chart there is a strong first love, first intimacy, difficulties during pregnancy and childbirth.


Men have dangers, stress on long journeys, dangers abroad / with afflicted Mars /. The activity can well unfold far away, in another country. The 9th house is a creative house and Mars in the 9th house is a form of creativity. Moves associated with the army, sometimes with training. Mars in the 9th house does not always indicate education. A planet in the 9th house conjunct the MC - a situation in the life of the parents not long before birth. afflicted Mars on the MC may indicate that at the time of birth some parent is missing.. Mars in the 2nd house of manual professions - blacksmith, steelmaker, carver. Mars in the 6th house is military, because house of service.
May indicate misfortune of parents, divorce. (Near the Arctic Circle, some houses are huge, and all the others take up little space; there may be Mars in square with Venus in the same house. Venus in the 12th house - emotions are squeezed, it is difficult for her to express herself).
10th house in early childhood wears shade 4. These houses can indicate the character of the parents. Behind the conflict there is a tendency towards command. Mars is on top of the 10th house in square with the Moon - you need to look at your parents' houses, it speaks of relationships with your parents. Mars in the 10th and 1st houses - desire for command.
Mars in the 10th, 11th and 12th houses - when afflicted by higher planets - is a dissident.


When Mars is afflicted, there are conflicts with friends. Through the 11th house - characteristics for children. Mars in the 11th house does not give idealism. Social activities, clubs. Conflicts with society, charity.


Secret enemies. Forced stay away. 12th house of relations with society. Detachment from roots, isolation. Forced situation, karma.
Isolation, like emigration, illness. A tense planet means conflict with society. Lenin has Mars in the 12th house. Secret, revolutionary societies. Magic, misfortunes with loved ones, or your own traumas, misfortunes. Difficulty expressing yourself. People with Mars in the 6th house do not appear aggressive; they can be internally aggressive. Psychological difficulties, tension in the astral plane, emotions as in the 4th house. Tendency or susceptibility to magic. Situations on long trips. With harmonious aspects in a woman’s chart - love, possibly secret.

he may have been killed. The planet aspecting Mars indicates the type of trouble (Neptune - poison, Pluto - fire, Uranus - injuries while traveling, with electricity).


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