Home Preparations for the winter Because in most cases. From accidents. Power play

Because in most cases. From accidents. Power play

MAJORITY, ah, cf. Most of who what n. B. those present. B. votes. Overwhelming b. Dictionary Ozhegova. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Adverb, number of synonyms: 3 for the most part(22) in most cases (22) ... Synonym dictionary

CHILDREN- CHILDREN. Contents: I. Definition of the concept. Changes in the body during R. Causes of R.................................................. 109 II. Clinical course of physiological R. 132 Sh. Mechanics R. ................. 152 IV. Maintaining R......................... 169 V …

PNEUMONIA- PNEUMONIA. Contents: I. Croupous pneumonia Etiology.................................. and Epidemiology.................................. 615. Pat. anatomy...... ............ 622 Pathogenesis.................... 628 Clinic. .................... 6S1 II. Bronchopneumonia... ... Big medical encyclopedia

UTERUS- (uterus), organ that is the source menstrual blood(see Menstruation) and place of development ovum(see Pregnancy, Childbirth), occupies a central position in the woman’s reproductive apparatus and in the pelvic cavity; lies at the geometric center... ... Great Medical Encyclopedia

RHEUMATISM ACUTE- ACUTE RHEUMATISM. Contents: Geographical distribution and statistics. 460 Etiology and pathogenesis...... 470 Pathological anatomy............... 478 Symptoms and course......... ....... 484 Prognosis...................... 515 Diagnosis ... Great Medical Encyclopedia

STOMACH- STOMACH. (gaster, ventriculus), an expanded section of the intestine, which, due to the presence of special glands, is of particular importance digestive organ. Clearly differentiated “stomachs” of many invertebrates, especially arthropods and... ... Great Medical Encyclopedia

PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS- PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS. Contents: I. Pathological anatomy...........110 II. Classification of pulmonary tuberculosis.... 124 III. Clinic.........................128 IV. Diagnostics.........................160 V. Prognosis.............................. 190 VI. Treatment … Great Medical Encyclopedia

SEPSIS- (sepsis, septicaemia), general infection, determined by the body’s peculiar reaction to constant or periodic blood infection with various microorganisms and their toxins, not accompanied by any specific... ... Great Medical Encyclopedia

HEART- HEART. Contents: I. Comparative anatomy........... 162 II. Anatomy and histology........... 167 III. Comparative Physiology......... 183 IV. Physiology................... 188 V. Pathophysiology................ 207 VI. Physiology, pat.... ... Great Medical Encyclopedia

Personality picture. Since in most cases it is not possible to clearly date the onset of the disease, it is difficult to talk about the situation causing it

Since in most cases it is not possible to clearly date the onset of the disease, it is difficult to talk about the situation causing it. However, certain internal conflicts have been described as causal situations (Gentry, et al., 1982; Irvine, et al., 1991; Saab, Schneiderman, 1993). Arterial hypertension often begins when a person is in a situation of chronic tense anticipation (Grace, Graham, 1952). Typical statements of hypertensive patients: “I must be ready for anything”, “I am the type that takes on all the difficulties”, “no one can stop me, I am ready for anything.” Provoking situations are often prolonged states of fear, lack of time and increasing tension. In addition, situations are described in which there is a possibility of defusing hostility and aggressiveness, but this does not happen due to inhibition or scrupulosity.

Numerous experiments with both animals and humans have shown that blood pressure increases with fear, anger and bitterness and that chronic emotional overstrain can lead to persistent hypertension (Coeher, 1971, Groen et al., 1971, Angermeier, Peters, 1973; Cannon , 1953; Reindell et al., 1971). It is generally accepted that hypertensive patients have chronically suppressed aggression associated with fear.

For patients with hypertension, a typical neurotic personality structure is described with a predominance of obsessive states, which often results in internal and external conflicts, which makes emotional release difficult (Groen et al., 1971).


The fact that essential hypertension is common among members of the same family can be interpreted in terms of “psychological inheritance” (Hermann et al., 1989). Experimental studies show that patients with hypertension are prone to increased blood pressure even in situations that do not cause any changes in pressure in normotensive patients (Hodapp, Weyer, 1982).

According to Alexander (2002), the central point of the psychodynamics of a patient with essential hypertension is the constant struggle with the growing hostile-aggressive feeling. At the same time, there are difficulties in self-affirmation. Patients are afraid of losing the favor of other people and therefore control the manifestations of their hostility. As children, they are usually prone to fits of rage and aggression. Previously an aggressive child, an adult becomes emphatically compliant and cannot stand up for himself. Understanding the possibility of losing the affection of family and friends because of one’s aggressiveness forces the child to control his hostility and hide it. Patients with arterial hypertension constantly show irritability if they encounter insurmountable resistance. Their life forces them into the role of a “draft horse.” They get stuck in one job for many years and rarely change companies, even if they are underpaid. If they achieve a position of authority, it is difficult for them to become an authority for others. They do the work for others instead of establishing discipline. From this hyper-conscientious and extreme behavior with an excessive sense of responsibility, intensified feelings of anger, hostility and aggressiveness are born, which over time require more and more effort to contain them. This is how it develops vicious circle, which leads to chronic condition voltage. The characteristic situation that provokes the disease is life conflicts that mobilize hostility and the desire for self-affirmation and at the same time create the impossibility of their free expression.

Initially, these traits were discovered in the observed behavior of patients. Further studies showed that, in comparison with normotonics, their perception of conflict and stress is altered. For example, flight controllers are exposed to the threat of increased pressure not only

when they identify with their profession and are adaptive and courteous with co-workers, but also when they do not perceive and deny work stress (Rose et al. 1978).

Direct interaction within the family also plays a role in the formation of hypertension, as shown in studies conflict behavior in families with a hypertensive father, in which the family was studied as a clinical unit, based on a systemic view of symptoms (Baer et al., 1959, 1933; Baer, ​​1983).

The personality structure of a family member - for example, the conflict-aggressive impulse of a hypertensive patient - affects the interaction behavior of the family as a whole (“family accumulation” of essential hypertension). In every family, rules are formed between parents and children by which conflicts are regulated; in families with a hypertensive father, children have less effective ability to tolerate and resolve conflicts, as evidenced by the predominance of negative nonverbal communication in these families (for example, not giving an answer, turning their head away, avoiding eye contact). A variety of studies indicate that limited perceptions of conflict and stress and conflict avoidance correlate with the emergence of high blood pressure blood, i.e. these are the types of behavior that children, in the process of socialization in the family, acquire from a hypertensive father. This view could, along with the genetic component, reveal a complementary aspect of the possible replication of essential hypertension (Theorell, 1990; Luban-Plozza et al., 2000).

Family interaction is characterized by a kind of prohibition on speech or communication, which also affects the non-verbal sphere, as a result of which understanding, observing, controlling, restraining activities predominate, while giving, reporting, participating expressions rarely appear (Kroger, Petzold, 1985).

A single personality structure for all patients with arterial hypertension has not been established. However, given the wide distribution and wide variety of forms of the disease, this should not be expected.

Yet, among psychosomatically examined pre-selected patients, certain personality traits recur consistently. Hypertensive patients are described

_______________________Cardiovascular diseases

as hardworking people, committed to duty, sociable, with a great sense of responsibility. In this regard, they have internal and external conflicts from which they cannot emotionally distance themselves. In their specific attitude of modesty, they give up their needs for the benefit of others, wanting to receive their approval and not provoke aggression or hostility. It is these signs, described independently by different researchers as willingness to help, shyness, chronically suppressed aggressiveness, that make up the manifest personality traits that have great importance to form characteristic reactions suppression of needs perceived as dangerous. The manifest features of perception of the environment and behavior in many hypertensive patients are a form of defense against their own aggressive impulses (Cottingtone et al., 1986; Diamond, 1982).

Most patients with essential hypertension usually do not have proper awareness of their illness. From a psychoanalytic position, outwardly incorrect neurotic behavior is ideologically justified by the desire to be active and help people. But even with this unfavorable initial situation in in some cases Changes can be achieved if, thanks to the maturation of the personality, its one-sided direction is eliminated and the person as a whole begins to navigate life in a new way.

The manifest personality traits of a patient with arterial hypertension, his hard work and orderly behavior, contact, accuracy and conscientiousness are impressive, making him a seemingly pleasant, compliant patient. However, it should be remembered that in most cases a hypertensive patient does not verbalize his aggressiveness, ambition and desire for competition, which often remain latent. This can be felt if you try to have a lasting influence on the patient’s lifestyle. Its low compliance with the necessary long-term therapeutic program, during which the patient usually cannot realize his needs and cannot even express his judgments and attitudes that are contrary to the therapeutic program, often complicates the relationship between the psychotherapist and the patient. In work and family crisis situations, and especially in latent conflicts in relationships with a psychotherapist, patients

In most cases

more, mainly, most of all, preferably, as always, as usual, as usual, predominantly, mainly, as usual, for the most part, for the most part, predominantly, usually, most often, usually, above all, as a rule

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author Levasheva Editor E.

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5. Case reports

author Todeshi Kevin J.

5. Case Histories (All names have been changed in the interests of confidentiality.) Throughout the years that Edgar Cayce gave readings, he repeatedly suggested that individuals, meeting again and again in subsequent lives, resume their relationships in that lifetime.

8. Case reports

From the book Edgar Cayce and the Akashic Records author Todeshi Kevin J.

8. Case Histories (All names have been changed for the sake of confidentiality) Despite his accuracy in predicting future events, Edgar Cayce always firmly believed that the future was not “set.” Each individual is responsible for the form and content of his life.

From accidents

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2.2. Most old maps do not have the year they were made.

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2.2. The majority of ancient cards do not bear the year of their manufacture. The table above shows that out of 49 cards we processed, the year of manufacture is reliably read on ONLY SIX CARDS. Moreover, only one of them is a map of the 15th century (1442), and the remaining five

Power play

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2.2. Most old maps do not have the year they were made written on them.

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3. Case illustrations

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FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS SCISSORS This is a particularly good position if you are overweight or if your partner is pregnant. In either case, you certainly don't want to crush it. This pose is so named because if viewed from above, the man’s head and shoulders, as they should, are at rest.

Word check:

Finding the answer

Total found: 100

Question No. 236146
Is there a rule governing the choice of two- or two-X difficult words? How can you guess that bilingual is written without an X, and bilingual, for example, with an X? Thank you very much.

It is difficult to guess this without a dictionary. In most cases options with the first part two- And two- are equal, but a check against the dictionary is still required (for example, according to "Russian spelling dictionary" in the "Word Check" on our portal).

Question No. 235966
I always thought that German surnames bow down. For example, in Hitler, about Hitler, etc. However, I have Russian German acquaintances who assure that their surname is not inclined. What should I do? Thank you in advance.

Russian help desk response

The declension/non-declension of surnames depends primarily on what sound (consonant or vowel, stressed or unstressed) the surname ends with. At the same time, the linguistic affiliation of the surname In most cases doesn't matter. If we talk about surnames ending in a consonant, the following rules apply: male surnames they bow, women don’t.
Question No. 234104
Hello, please answer me if ( In most cases) “first of all” as an introductory phrase, and whether it is necessary to highlight it with commas in the middle of the sentence. I already asked this question 2 days ago, I did not receive an answer. For clarity, I will give an example: “The choice of learning technologies depends primarily on the age of the students.” Are commas needed before and after “first of all”? Best regards, Olga.

Russian help desk response

Words _first of all_ can act as introductory words and as members of a preposition, but it is often difficult to distinguish between these cases, and the decision to separate them is made by the author of the text. In the example given, it is better not to use commas.
Question No. 232988
1. The company is preparing gifts for the coming (N)new year. 2. In what cases is THANKS separated by commas. Thank you

Russian help desk response

1. Correct spelling with a capital letter. 2. If we mean the gerund _thanks_, then it (with or without dependent words) In most cases stands apart. If we mean constructions with the preposition _thanks to_, ​​then their isolation is optional.
Question No. 230294
Hello! I would like to know why in Soviet times most words had only one stress, and now these same words have acquired so-called acceptable meanings? I am already afraid to criticize people for the fact that they pronounce this or that word incorrectly, because at any moment someone from the famous Russian Academy of Sciences will take up and allow the second emphasis. I, of course, understand that the language must constantly develop, but at this rate we will soon reach a time when any word will have several acceptable stresses, and the phrase “ correct pronunciation" will be an empty phrase. Thank you!

Russian help desk response

Indeed, for last years the literary norm has softened somewhat. Although in Soviet times many words had equal stress options, The general trend You noticed correctly. In recent decades, there has been a kind of “democratization” of the norm: much of what was previously prohibited by dictionaries has now become acceptable, and sometimes even preferred. There are several reasons for this.
Firstly, spelling dictionaries were previously aimed not only at a wide range of native speakers, but also (and even primarily) at radio and television announcers, whose speech should not have any inconsistency. Therefore the options In most cases not specified; double stress in words was given only when, with all the desire, it was impossible to give preference to one of the options. Now many dictionaries strive to reflect the dynamics literary norm, therefore, sometimes they also present as acceptable options that are not yet aesthetically acceptable for all native speakers (for example, _agreement, no socks_), but will undoubtedly become so in the future.
Secondly, the attitude of lexicographers to the variation of the norm has changed. Here, for example, is a quote from the preface to spelling dictionary Russian language 1959 edition: “The presence of hesitations (variants) often violates the correctness of speech and thereby reduces its intelligibility. This is especially intolerable for various forms oral public speech" Now such intolerance has passed; According to many linguists, lexicographic activity should not be reduced to “neither the artificial preservation of language remnants, nor the uncompromising prohibition of linguistic new formations” (K. S. Gorbachevich).
Finally, changes in language came after changes in socio-political life. Now there is an understanding that following the norm includes the ability to choose according to the situation verbal communication. In other words, along with unambiguous rules, the norm also presupposes the possibility of choice. This difference was very successfully formulated by B. S. Schwarzkopf (in his article on quotation marks) as the difference between rule And right. The right to choose (including choosing an option linguistic unit) and recognition of the right of another native speaker to make a different choice is the most important component of verbal communication.
Question No. 230196
I asked a question about the spelling of the word "Allocation" (one or two "l"), which is derived from the English "Allocation". Is there any rule in Russian spelling about writing such derivatives? In the literature that I come across, there is a spelling with both one and two “l”. Please kindly respond. Best wishes! Anatoly.

Russian help desk response

There is no clear rule regarding such cases. Since this word, according to sources, is derived from _Latin Al "about" and Locatio "placement"_ and In most cases written with two _l_, we recommend spelling _allocation_.
Question No. 228431
Please tell me if " is separated by commas " In most cases", if yes, then in what cases Sincerely, Elena

Russian help desk response

Words _ In most cases _ do not require punctuation.
Question No. 225107
Hello. Help us differentiate between the introductory word and the conjunction. Doesn't the same moment apply here as with HOWEVER (at the beginning of the sentence - a conjunction, in the middle - an introductory word)? Thank you.

Russian help desk response

HOWEVER - a conjunction and an introductory word.
1. Union. The same as “however, nevertheless, nevertheless.”
_Little by little, everyone joins their society, having completed quite important homework, such as: having talked with their doctor about the weather and about a small pimple that had popped up on the nose, learning about the health of horses and their children, who, however, showed great talents, having read the poster and important article in the newspapers about those arriving and departing, finally drinking a cup of coffee and tea... N. Gogol, Nevsky Prospekt. _
2. An introductory word indicating that the author is moving on to another thought or, while expressing his thought, experiences indecision or doubt. As a rule, the introductory word can be removed from the sentence.
Akakiy Akakievich began to make excuses, but everyone began to say that it was discourteous, that it was just a shame and disgrace, and he absolutely could not refuse. However, he later felt pleased when he remembered that he would have the opportunity to walk around even in the evening in his new overcoat. N. Gogol, Overcoat. “I wished with all my soul to be what you would like me to be; but I never found help in anyone... However, I myself am primarily to blame for everything. Help me, teach me and maybe I will...” - Pierre could not speak further; he sniffed and turned away. L. Tolstoy, War and Peace. Today the chairman of the house committee was looking into a complaint about a dog. Bim won. However, my guest judged like Solomon. Nugget! G. Troepolsky, White Bim Black Ear._
In most cases the word “however”, located at the beginning of the sentence, performs the function introductory word and is separated by a comma from subsequent words. The word “however” located at the junction of two parts complex sentence, usually acts as a conjunction.
Question No. 222316
About the answer to question 222254. About the book “Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation. Complete academic reference book" (ed. V. V. Lopatin). It is not entirely clear what you mean by “It can be used as a reference guide.” Does this book replace the book by D. E. Rosenthal “Handbook of Spelling and literary editing"? Both books are reference books. Previously, the main book of the editor/proofreader was "rosenthal". Now we should forget about it and switch to “lopatina”? Which of these authors should we believe in cases of disagreement?

Russian help desk response

As old Muller said, in our time you can’t trust anyone, sometimes even yourself :)
The fact is that the last lifetime edition of Rosenthal’s reference book was published in the early 1990s, and all further reprints of this book were prepared by editors and proofreaders after the death of Dietmar Elyashevich. And some of the recommendations offered in this directory (for example, writing _to Ukraine_) seem very controversial. In addition, Rosenthal's reference book lags somewhat behind modern writing practices.
As for the complete academic reference book “Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation”, among its authors are leading research fellows Institute of Russian Language named after V.V. Vinogradov RAS and other linguistic institutions, which have prepared more than one reference guide. Thus, N. A. Eskova is the author of “ Brief dictionary difficulties of the Russian language,” L. K. Cheltsova is one of the authors of the “Reference Book of the Publisher and Author” (together with A. E. Milchin), N. S. Valgina is one of the leading modern specialists on syntax and punctuation.
Our recommendation is to use both books; there are not many discrepancies between them, and in case of discrepancies in the recommendations, in our opinion, it is preferable In most cases refer to the complete academic reference book.
Question No. 219686
In what cases is “of course” separated by commas, and in what cases is it not? Thank you

Russian help desk response

In most cases words are _of course_ separated by commas. However, as the reference book on punctuation by D. E. Rosenthal points out, “sometimes the word of course, pronounced in a tone of confidence, conviction, takes on the meaning of an affirmative particle and is not punctuated: _Of course it’s true! Of course it is."
Question No. 217432
Are the -nyi endings spelled correctly? Or should I write -nye? “And in unity with him I walk in life” “So that it can be seen from a distance that I am your child” “Waiting patiently in tedious waiting” “The soul hurts, is tormented by anxiety”

Russian help desk response

Forms in -ye are colloquial, but in poetic speech In most cases they are precisely what are used (to facilitate reading and rhyming).
Question No. 216313
“of course (,) problems arise...” is there a comma? If so, in what cases is a comma not placed after “of course”? Thank you

Russian help desk response

In most cases words are _of course_ separated by commas. However, as the reference book on punctuation by D. E. Rosenthal points out, “sometimes the word _of course_, pronounced in a tone of confidence, conviction, takes on the meaning of an affirmative particle and is not punctuated: _Of course it’s true! Of course it is." IN in this case, in our opinion, it is better to put a comma: _Of course, problems arise_.
Question No. 215093
Please help me place the accents the following words(this is necessary for dubbing the video). 1) Development of heavy and high-viscosity oil resources? (Oil?). In general, oil workers tend to use noun. oil in plural h, would this be a mistake? 2) Multilayer deposits. 3) does capillary pressure bury? (buries?) residual oil. 4) NenutOnovsky? liquids

Russian help desk response

1. The stress falls on the first syllable. Use of the form plural perhaps in professional speech. In most cases It is better to use the words _...grades of oil_. 2. Correct: _multi-layered_ (the emphasis falls on _ы_). 3. Correct: _bury_. 4. There are two possible options: _non-Yutonovskie_ and _non-Yutonovskie_.
Question No. 214306
Good afternoon again. Please tell me how to write - Our Lady Intercessor, Our Lady Intercessor, Our Lady Intercessor? Thank you.

Russian help desk response

In most cases correct: _Our Lady Intercessor_, but in some cases a different spelling is possible, for example in the title of the icon: _Our Lady Intercessor_.
Question No. 214111
Why is a person writing on an Internet blog called a “blogger” (with two “g”). In most cases This is exactly the spelling that appears. Is this true?

Russian help desk response

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