Home Fertilizers Indisputable proof of the existence of God. Does God Really Exist, Evidence

Indisputable proof of the existence of God. Does God Really Exist, Evidence

Especially for Sergei.

Evidence based on the laws of thermodynamics

The point of view is quite widespread that existence of god unprovable by rational-logical means that His existence can only be taken on faith as an axiom. If you want - believe, if you want - do not believe - this is everyone's personal business. As for science, then most often it is believed that her business is to study our material world, study by rational-empirical methods, and since the God intangible, then the science has nothing to do with Him - let him, so to speak, "deal with" religion.

In fact, this is just not true - namely the science provides us with the most compelling evidence for the existence God the Creator everything around us material world.

Already in the 9th grade of high school, students have an idea of ​​some fundamental scientific laws for example about Energy conservation law(also called the 1st Law of Thermodynamics), and the Law of Spontaneous Growth entropy also known as 2nd Law of Thermodynamics... So, the existence of the biblical God the Creator there is a direct logical consequence of these two most important scientific laws.

Let us first ask ourselves the question: where did the surrounding us around us come from material world? There are several possible answers to it:

1) Peace on the sly evolved for many billions or trillions of years from some " primordial matter". At present, this is, so to speak, the "generally accepted" point of view. As if once there was a complete chaos, which then, for unknown reasons, suddenly "exploded" ( theory Big bang ), and then slowly “ evolved"From" primary broth"To amoeba, and then to a person.

2) Material world existed always, forever - in the form in which we observe it now.

3) Material world just took and emerged from nothing a certain time ago.

4) Peace was created By god some time ago in the form primordial chaotic matter, and then evolved To modern look for many millions of years, but not "by itself", but under the influence of the same God... This is the so-called theory " theistic evolution", Which is also quite fashionable now.

5) Material world was created from nothing By god a certain time ago, fully completed, and since then to the present has been in a state of gradual degradation... This is a biblical concept, or creationism.

Now, armed with the 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics, let's try to answer the question, which of these concepts is correct, or, more precisely, which of them is this laws at least does not contradict.

1st of the above concepts clearly contradicts 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, according to which, all natural spontaneous processes go up entropy(that is, chaos, disorder) system. Evolution how spontaneous complication natural systems are completely and absolutely unambiguously prohibited 2nd Law of Thermodynamics... This law tells us that from chaos never, under no circumstances can it be established by itself order. Spontaneous complication any natural system impossible. For example, " primary broth"Never, under any circumstances, for any trillions and billions of years could not give rise to more highly organized protein bodies, which, in turn, never, for any trillions of years, could not" evolve"In such highly organized structure, As a person. Thus, this "generally accepted" modern point of view on origin of the universe is absolutely incorrect, since it conflicts with one of the fundamental empirically established scientific laws2nd Law of Thermodynamics.

2nd concept also contradicts 2nd Law... For if our material world was eternal and had no beginning in time, then, it is quite obvious that, according to 2nd Law, he degraded by now to the level of full chaos... We, however, observe in the world around us highly ordered structures, which, by the way, we ourselves are. So, the logical consequence of the 2nd Law is the conclusion that our Universe all around us material world had a beginning in time.

3rd concept according to which peace emerged from nothing "by itself" a certain time ago in the finished highly ordered form, and since then slowly degrades, - of course, does not contradict the 2nd Law. But ... it contradicts the 1st Law ( The law of conservation of energy), Whereby, energy(or matter, because E = mcc) cannot arise by itself, out of nothing.

The currently fashionable 4th concept, according to which evolution exists, but not "by itself", but under " management of god", Also contradicts 2nd Law of Thermodynamics... This the law, in fact, it does not matter at all whether evolution"By itself", or "under the leading of God". He simply speaks of the fundamental impossibility of flow in nature evolutionary processes and fixes the presence in it processes directly opposite - spontaneous disorganization processes... If evolutionary self-complication processes existed in nature (regardless of whether under the influence God, or without Him), then 2nd Law simply would not be open and formulated science in the form in which it now exists.

And only the 5th, biblical concept, creationism, completely satisfies both fundamental scientific laws. Material world did not arise by itself, it was created by the immaterial the God- and it matches The law of conservation of energy (1st Law of Thermodynamics), Whereby matter does not arise by itself out of nothing. Wherein 1st Law captures the absence of occurrence matter (energy) from nothing at the present time, which also corresponds to the biblical statement that “in 6 days completed the God and rested his deeds, "- that is, that since then the God no longer creates new matter... Mentioned in Bible"Curse" imposed By god on material world, just corresponds to the action 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.

Thus, one can calmly and boldly, without any exaggeration, assert that co-creation material world proven by science, since this fact is an obvious logical consequence of two fundamental, empirically established scientific laws1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics.

Another thing is that after all science you can not believe. For example, different kinds inventors " perpetual motion machines", In fact, do not believe in the truth 1st Law of Thermodynamics - the Law of Conservation of Energy... Therefore, they are trying to invent a mechanism that would create energy"Out of nothing". Likewise, those who believe in the truth evolution theory, in fact, do not believe in the truth 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, unambiguously forbidding the possibility evolution how self-complicating process- and in the same way they try to "invent", to invent a "mechanism" that seems to exist in nature, or law, according to which would occur self-organization processes of matter.

Georgy Khlebnikov,
candidate of philosophical sciences.

EDITORIAL. By publishing this material, we risk a lot. We take this risk because today many believers and non-believers alike agree that it is impossible to rationally prove the existence of God. True, for various reasons. If the former believe that this is impossible, since God reveals himself to the purity of the heart, and not to the intricacies of the mind, then the latter are convinced that since it is impossible to scientifically testify the fact of the existence of God, then there is no God either, because only science is objective.

However, not everyone knows that there is a centuries-old tradition in Christian culture. In the Middle Ages, such evidence became popular thanks to Catholic scholastic theologians, especially Anselm of Canterbury and Thomas Aquinas.

True, the scholastics, as a rule, did not turn their arguments to atheists - what atheists in the Middle Ages! - but to believers, in order to confirm the faith in a rational way. Since the existence of God seemed obvious, "reasonable", then in the world, in life, philosophers sought to find obvious, reasonable confirmation of this.

It is interesting to note that no such school of "proofs of the existence of God" has emerged in the Orthodox tradition. Orthodoxy proceeded and proceeds from a different understanding of the relationship between faith and reason (although neither Orthodox nor Catholics, as a rule, oppose reason and faith). The main proof in Orthodoxy was and remains the man himself, who in his heart met with God. And if this meeting did not take place, how can you believe? And if it happened, then loving heart no more arguments are needed!

But many of us were trained precisely in Western philosophy. And our thinking itself has acquired such a Western "flavor". How many times have we heard: but you prove, justify rationally that God exists! And if, by and large, such evidence is unlikely to be able to lead a person to God (this is the position of the editorial board), this does not mean that they are absolutely useless. Indeed, for some, they can be the first step on the path to faith ...

Today we do not live in medieval Byzantium or Rus, but also not in medieval Western Europe. Much water has flowed under the bridge since then, but the believing mind did not stop searching inquisitively for the rational foundations of its faith, finding new and new evidence of the Creator's presence in the world.

The following article is an attempt at enumerating and (to begin with) brief description searches in this area. Of course, one cannot agree with all the arguments, and if someone is interested in this or that proof, the editorial board is ready to provide both the author and his opponents with an opportunity for discussion.


1. The first proof, which can be called "existential" (that is, "proof from existence"), is formulated as follows: Why is everything that is more likely to be than not?

After all, both creating something and maintaining the existence of anything is much more difficult than having nothing at all. Try, for example, to design a cottage yourself, choose a suitable place for it, build and constantly maintain order in it ... Or, for example, to make your garden really a vegetable garden, you need to regularly dig it up, plant it, weed it, water it, etc. If this is not done, the vegetable garden will immediately overgrow with weeds, run wild and turn into an ordinary field without any trace of reasonable care.

In other words, the existence of any thing or structure requires a continuous expenditure of energy; when its internal supply is depleted or its inflow from the outside ceases, the structure collapses. Therefore, the eternal existence of the Universe contradicts, for example, the second law of thermodynamics, according to which all the stars in the Universe should have extinguished long ago and even the atoms should have disintegrated if, as atheist materialists assert, nature existed forever.

So why does it still exist as BEING, as a beautiful and wonderful Cosmos? Undoubtedly, only because it was created by Someone and since then has been supported by Him.

This Creator is God, about whom Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), who formulated the laws of universal gravity and motion, discovered differential calculus, said: “He abides forever; is present everywhere; It constitutes duration of time and space. "

2. The second proof is as follows:

Why is everything that is, naturally and amazingly ordered, bears the undoubted imprint of a reasonable plan for the structure of the whole? After all, such a plan cannot but presuppose the existence of a Mind superhuman in its capabilities, a truly divine Planner (since regularity is a property of reason)?

So, Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543), who created the theory that the Sun is in the center of the universe, and the Earth only revolves around it, believed that this model demonstrates the wisdom of God in the universe, for “who else could have placed this lamp ( Sun) to a different or better position? "

When a watchmaker assembles a watch mechanism, he scrupulously adjusts one detail to another, takes a spring of a precisely calculated length, a certain size of a hand, a dial, etc. As a result, a wonderful mechanism is obtained, which, by the very fact of the expediency and calculation of its device, points to the mind that created it.

But how much more complex, harmonious and more reasonable the arrangement of the entire Universe around us, this beautiful Cosmos!

Albert Einstein (1879-1955), who formulated the theory of relativity, expressed this thought in the following way: "The harmony of natural law reveals Reason that is so superior to us that, in comparison with it, any systematic thinking and action of human beings turns out to be an extremely insignificant imitation."

The Universe, as the ancient Greeks said, is "Cosmos", that is, a perfectly ordered and harmonious complex system consisting of interconnected parts, each of which is subject to special laws, and everything in general is governed by a combination of general laws, so that the pursuit of any particular goal surprisingly contributes to the achievement of the overall goal of the whole.

Therefore, it is impossible to admit that all this was a matter of chance, and not of reasonable Providence, that is, the Providence of God.

3. " Cosmological proof"The existence of God was developed by the ancients (in particular, Aristotle) ​​and is most often found in as follows: every thing in the world and everything, the entire Universe as a whole has a reason for its existence, but it is impossible to continue this sequence, the chain of reasons ad infinitum - somewhere there must be a First Cause, which is no longer conditioned by any other, otherwise everything turns out to be groundless, "hangs in air ".

Not only philosophers speak about such a Reason, but also many naturalists and scientists. Thus, the famous Louis Pasteur (1822-1895), who developed, among other things, the world-famous milk purification process, which since then bears his name, often referred to the "cosmic asymmetric Force" that created life. He believed that the concept of CAUSE "should be reserved for the only divine impulse that has shaped this universe."

It is clear that such an unreasonable reason is God: “God is not a man” - He is spiritual (“ideal” as a thought), that is, it is outside time and space, therefore it does not arise, but exists eternally, being not a cause in the physical meaning of this word but the Creator of the visible Universe and its laws.

4. "Anthropic principle of the Universe" as proof of the existence of an intelligent plan for the structure of the Universe and God was, probably unwittingly, put forward by modern science, which suddenly found out that life on Earth, the emergence of man and the development of civilization are possible only in the presence and combination of extremely tough and paradoxically unlikely conditions, which, as it were, were originally inherent in nature itself: a fixed distance from the Sun (a little closer to it - and living organisms would burn out, a little further - they would freeze, turning into insensible blocks of ice); the presence of the Earth's rotation, without which unbearable heat would reign on one half of the planet, while the other would be constrained eternal ice; the existence of a satellite of a certain size, providing a complex system of circulation of water flows; minerals and resources: coal, metals, oil, water, etc., without which a technogenic civilization could not arise and develop, etc.

Moreover, modern scientists have the impression that the entire universe is located and oriented in such a way that it can be viewed with human eyes! The existing coordination, interconnectedness and interdependence of these factors is such that the possibility of its "accidental" appearance is completely excluded.

5. The following proof of the creation of the Cosmos by an intelligent will was also formulated at the forefront of modern cosmology and physics, which drew attention to the paradoxical nature of the existence of the Universe in the form in which it exists: it turned out that only by four basic physical constants, without which it could not would exist for a long time as a structurally organized whole, the probability of their "accidental" occurrence and coordination with each other is approximately 10 to the minus 100th degree. But there are not four basic constants, but even more ...

6. The following “teleological” (from the Greek “telos” - performance, result) proof of the existence of God in general form has been known since antiquity, when Aristotle first noticed the presence of clearly expressed expediency in the body of some animals and in nature. However, only modern discoveries in biology have indisputably proved the systemic nature of these teleological mechanisms and their necessity for the existence and survival of almost all types of living beings.

A variety of the activity of these mechanisms is, for example, the "pre-established harmony" of the development of various living organisms, which, even in their embryonic state, know in advance what they will have to face after birth.

And - which Darwinian evolutionary theory is no longer able to explain - studies of fossil organisms have shown that many of them have organs that anticipate external environmental conditions for millennia, organs that are absolutely useless in the current conditions of existence of these animals, but this mind in hundreds of generations, when the conditions of existence will radically change!

A legitimate question arises, to which the modern evolutionary theory there is no answer: how can a body devoid of mind have such an amazing pre-knowledge of the coming changes and how can it itself cause the required favorable mutations in itself ?!

This astonishing fact unambiguously indicates the presence in the world of a certain and reasonable program of development, that is, Providence, which is called the Providence of God.

7. "Transcendental" proof of the existence of an ideal world and God, was partly discovered by Kant and can be presented as follows: there is a world outside space and time - the spiritual world, the world of intellect, thought and free will, - which is proved by the presence of thoughts in every person, which can refer to the past and the future, that is, "travel" to the past and the future, as well as instantly be transported to any point in space.

Each of us, having turned our consciousness to the source of our thoughts, can easily notice that they appear as if from somewhere outside, the thought turns out to be, as it were, a spiritual ray projected from somewhere, which illuminates material being as sunny bunny- no one ever manages to cover it with a hand, it always turns out to be on top ...

Thus, human thought, supposedly born in the brain, appears simultaneously inside and outside matter - it seems to arise due to neurophysiological processes in the tissues of the brain, surrounded by the bones of the skull, but, at the same time, fundamentally exists outside of any matter, outside of space and time.

Thanks to this, a person clearly realizes that he has a spiritual nature, which is fundamentally different from physical world that surrounds it. But from this it follows that this other nature, this Spirit, of which man is the manifestation, also possesses both reason and free will - like man himself.

8. The following proof could probably be called "creationist" - it is based on the fact of the existence of organisms and living systems in nature, which in principle cannot develop into a similar whole from parts by evolutionary way, as Darwinism believes, but can only be created together, how exactly such an organic whole.

For example, the interconnected system of the heart, lungs and blood circulation in living beings can be attributed to them: it is impossible to imagine that at first, suppose, there was only blood circulation without a heart, then the heart gradually "attached" to it and began to pump blood, and only after that the lungs have just begun to develop.

9. Proof of the existence of God and the spiritual world from personal experience- Most people have met in their lives with "strange" manifestations of the divine and the superhuman: both beneficial, Divine, and malevolent, demonic, or, probably, most often, both together.

In order not to touch upon many dubious "legends of deep antiquity", I will tell you about an incident that happened to my colleague. He came from a believing family, but at one time he taught "scientific atheism" at the university for many years and, like most Soviet intellectuals, led a by no means pious lifestyle. Having experienced several personal tragedies, he realized the viciousness of his life and decided to go to the temple.

“When the priest,” he told me, “read a prayer over my head that forgives sins, and I began to get up on my feet, some unknown force suddenly began to throw me from side to side so that I could not stand on my feet: parishioners they supported me on both sides, my knees were shaking and, to top it off, I was suddenly overcome by a strange weakness. So, for the first time on myself, I felt the demons in the sinner, - he concluded.

Quite a lot of similar examples could be cited.

10. Proof from the existence among ALL nations and peoples of ideas about God and superhuman powers in one form or another; if individuals are atheists and are found among many peoples, then there are no "atheistic" nations on Earth.

11. Proof from the belief in God of most of the outstanding geniuses of mankind. For example, the absolute majority of Nobel laureates.

It should also be remembered that all scientists who contributed to the emergence and development of modern science(Copernicus, Kepler, Newton, Boyle, Bacon, Pasteur, Einstein) believed in God.

Thus, the founder of modern chemistry, Robert Boyle (1627-1691), began every day with prayer; moreover, 2/3 of the income of his estate in Ireland went to help the poor and support the Church, and 1/3 went to the spread of Christianity and missionary activity among the Indians.

Francis Collins, one of the founders of genetics, said: “Whenever we learn something new about the human genome, every time I feel a sense of awe that humanity now knows something that only God has known until now. I do not believe that scientific research can somehow threaten God. On the contrary, I think that God only benefits from our curiosity. "

12. An undeniable proof of the existence of God is also the regular appearance in the history of mankind of great saints and religious figures who directly have spiritual revelations from above and thereby testify about His existence.

These are not only such prophets as, for example, Moses, Isaiah, Ezekiel, who constantly communicated with God, but also the righteous, who illuminated and directed the life of people with their light at all times.

Perhaps, it will be enough just to remind the reader of such great Russian saints as John of Kronstadt to understand that God now just as often speaks to us as in distant biblical times - there would be eyes to see and ears to hear.

God is always with us, it is we, due to our weakness, that we retire, then we again try to return to Him.

13. Proof by contradiction: the tragic fate of projects (and, often, own life and fate) of outstanding atheists. The most striking example here can be the example of the "Lenin-Stalin case" and their followers, who for the first time in history tried to build an atheistic state on a "scientific basis" both on the territory of Russia and other countries of Europe and Asia.

For example, the fate of the best materialist philosopher of the USSR - Evald Vasilyevich Ilyenkov, the son of a famous Soviet writer, laureate of the Stalin Prize in literature, turned out to be tragic. All his life, substantiating the atheistic thesis about the "self-development of matter", which for its existence does not need any spiritual foundation, Evald Vasilyevich could not find a moral support anywhere in the Soviet atheistic reality, fell into a deep depression and committed suicide ...

14. The "ethical proof" of the existence of the supersensible world is also widely known, which proceeds from the objective existence of morality and ethical laws governing the behavior of human beings.

The studies of many philosophers indicate that events and environmental influences can only to a certain extent predetermine people's behavior and force them to certain actions: no matter how strong the pressure from the outside, a person always has the opportunity to break the causal relationship, which unreasonable nature obeys and act as a free creature, that is, as a creature of another, unearthly world!

To illustrate this, a simple example can be given: why do some people give alms and others do not? It would seem that the latter are acting quite logically and rationally - why part with their funds, money, knowing in advance that you will not receive any compensation ?!

So what compels the former to give alms, sometimes even in significant amounts? In the physical world, in nature, there is nothing that could explain such "illogical" behavior - this explanation lies outside this, in the supersensible world, where the great moral ideas love, kindness and mercy.

The famous reasoning of Immanuel Kant, who clearly showed that a person in his actions and actions is guided by values ​​that do not belong to the material world, belongs to the same type of proof of the existence of God.

15. Great distribution also received proof of the existence of God called the "aesthetic argument", which says: in nature there is an amazing supernatural beauty of the starry sky, sunsets and sunrises, the Northern Lights, harmonious pictures of nature, the perfect arrangement of the beautiful bodies of living beings, etc. designed for aesthetic enjoyment intelligent creature- a person - because apart from him in nature itself there is simply no one to contemplate it.

The aforementioned Robert Boyle felt such awe of the beauty of nature that he often said: "When I study the book of nature ... I often have to exclaim along with the psalmist: Oh, how diverse are Your creations, Lord, in Your wisdom You created them all!"

16. Proof of the existence of God "from real to absolute perfection", it was put forward by Thomas Aquinas: in nature there is a clearly observed gradation of perfection inside different types being, which can be understood only in the presence of an absolutely perfect Being, that is, God.

This proof may seem rather complicated at first, but a simple example will help you understand its essence: if you have a ruler, say, 30 centimeters long, and your colleague has 50 cm, if there are meters rolled into rolls and other measuring instruments, then all this is only because the dimension of space (its extension in different directions) and the idea of ​​length actually exist.

In the same way, one could give similar examples with measures of weight, time, etc. But in nature, there are more complex views gradations, among which a unique place belongs to the "ascending ladder" of perfection both in inanimate and living nature, and in human society and also among the people themselves: there are, for example, crooked and ugly trees, there are ordinary, unremarkable, there are “simply” beautiful, but there are also unusually beautiful, perfect specimens. And so not only among various types of trees, but also among various species of fish, animals, inside human races etc. - you can find more and less perfect individuals everywhere. But these different degrees of perfection in inanimate nature (for example, among stones!), Between separate types objects, living beings, etc., could not exist if there was no really existing measure of absolute perfection for them, which, however, we do not find in the material world, but which cannot but exist, and this perfection is God !
This is the essence of this proof.

Thus, we see that from where and how we began to consider surrounding a person the world, all roads inevitably lead to the One who created and decorated it, Who constantly supports and guides it, and without Whom it could not exist even for a moment - to God.

American intelligent design advocate Thomas Woodward visited Denmark and presented a refutation of Darwinian evolution. The Videnskab journalist discussed his hypothesis with Danish scientists.

On a Saturday night in May, Thomas Woodward enters the Hyunes Church in Rødovre. The audience prepares to listen to Woodward's third lecture titled "Scientific Evidence for the Existence of God?"

The invitation describes the lecturer as follows: “Dr. Thomas E. Woodward is a professor at Trinity College, Florida and the author of several books that question Darwin's teachings. Woodward will talk about the results scientific research which do not support pure materialism, but rather give reason to believe in God the creator. "

In other words, Woodward is a supporter of the idea of ​​the so-called intelligent design. The meaning of the idea is that natural science and especially Darwin's theory of evolution cannot explain the origin and development of life. God is behind it all. The author of intelligent design.


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Science increasingly believes in God

The Wall Street Journal 12/27/2014 Intelligent Design Against Evolution

“Design theory analyzes the physical world to find out what is due to nature and what is divine design. We can make sure that the theory is correct by examining patterns and discovering evidence in nature. "

The most compelling evidence comes from biology, says the professor, and gives several examples, which in this article will be commented on by two Danish scientists who advocate the theory of evolution - a professor of biology at the University of Aarhus Peter Funch and a professor of zoophysiology in the same educational institution Tobias Wang.

Skepticism about the basic principles of evolution

The theory of evolution is built on two basic principles- mutations and natural selection. Mutation is a change in genetic material that transforms the entire organism, and natural selection is the primary mechanism of evolution. Individuals whose genes are best suited to environment are most successful in survival and reproduction.

Sometimes unfavorable mutations also occur, they complicate survival and therefore are not passed on to future generations. In other cases, mutations are beneficial because they make the body stronger and give it an extra chance of survival.

Thomas Woodward says, referring to the American biochemist and fellow intelligent proponent Michael Behe:

“Mutations destroy, not create. The question is whether there is credible evidence that mutation and natural selection can create something new. In my opinion, this is the Achilles heel of neo-Darwinian theory. "

What is the opinion of Danish scientists?

“Indeed, most mutations are harmful, but it is not true that they are purely destructive. Sometimes mutations occur that make the organism more resistant and give it advantages over other individuals who do not have similar mutations, ”says Peter Fünch. Tobias Wang also disagrees with Woodward's statement.

“Yes, most mutations are destructive, but they are eliminated and only a few positive versions persist. This mechanism is well described. "

As concrete example natural selection can be called antibiotic resistance of bacteria.

A person with a bacterial infection may be treated with antibiotics that kill the bacteria. But some bacteria have genes that enable them to better resist antibiotics. If they survive, they begin to reproduce in the patient's body, and a new generation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria with the same gene appears. Further in the same spirit. The individuals whose genes are best adapted to environment survive.

The mystery of the Cambrian explosion

Thomas Woodward finds another biological sign of intelligent design in fossils.

“The most powerful proof of design in nature is that living organisms suddenly arose in the Cambrian geological period with no evidence of evolutionary action. In the Cambrian, marine animals suddenly appeared, but under the Cambrian layer there is an empty layer with only fossil microorganisms, for example, bacteria. "

Thomas Woodward talks about the so-called Cambrian explosion that occurred about 540 million years ago. According to fossil finds, in the early Cambrian, marine fauna suddenly emerged. Woodward believes that this phenomenon cannot be explained through the theory of evolution.

Animals existed before the Cambrian

The phenomenon of the Cambrian explosion has not yet been found reliable scientific explanation, but there is nothing unnatural about it, says Peter Fünch.

“The assertion that there were no animals before the Cambrian explosion is incorrect. There are also more ancient fossils of animals, although there are few of them. I think the Cambrian explosion can be explained by the environmental changes that created Better conditions for the origin of life, ”explains Peter Fünch, adding that there are other theories.

For example, many believe that the oxygen content in the atmosphere has increased, which has determined the existence of a number of life forms.
There is also a simpler explanation.

“Finding any fossil today means that it was stored under exceptional conditions. So the farther into the past, the less likely such finds are. Fossils from the Cambrian period have been found in a small number of places where, for example, landslides could occur and buried fauna. The fossils survived because there was no access to oxygen, ”says the scientist.

Scientists continue to argue about why, according to the finds, at the beginning of the Cambrian period there were complex shapes life.

Are bats challenging the theory of evolution?

During a lecture at Rødovra, Thomas Woodward shows pictures of a fossil - a bat.

“This is a bat of the Eocene epoch, that is, it is about 50 million years old. As you can see, its structure is almost identical to that of the modern red nozzle. Just incredible, right? According to the theory of evolution, the early bats should be different from the current ones. We cannot observe the development step by step that Darwin talked about, ”points out Thomas Woodward.

He then displays an image of a fossil fern. It is also so similar to the modern one that grows in any forest around the world that it is easy to confuse them.

But, according to Tobias Wang, this cannot be called an argument against the theory of evolution.

“Bats or ferns have changed little, because even then they took on a shape perfectly suited to the environment. Evolution by natural selection does not mean that every organism will necessarily change over time. Since the bat is so well adapted to its living conditions, it is only natural that it does not change. "

Intelligent Design is a Matter of Faith

Until we have conclusive explanations about the origin and development of the universe and life in it, the conflict between the natural sciences and the theory of intelligent design will continue, and maybe even longer, because natural Sciences by definition, they will not be able to prove that the creator did not exist, concludes Tobias Wang.

“The debate about whether there is a creator of everything will never exhaust itself. It is exclusively about faith. If one chooses to believe that the universe and life arose as a result of divine intervention, then it is a matter of religion. Of course, science has difficulties with this. Even if natural evidence is found, the adepts of intelligent design can always take a step back and point to the creator as the cause of everything. "

Thomas Woodward in Denmark

Intelligent Design Professor Thomas Woodward of Trinity College Florida, US, visited Denmark in late May for a lecture series.

The performance at Hoynes Church was one of the last on his Danish tour. He also visited Maryager, Aarhus and Copenhagen and told why he believes that life was created by a creator and developed under his supervision.

Elena Terekhova

Does God really exist?

About, does god exist, you can argue a lot and for a long time. There are many opinions on this matter, but everyone understands them differently, therefore disagreements may arise. The traditional answer to this question is to explain natural phenomena as events subordinate to the mind of the Creator.

It is worth imagining on which high level cells have been created that make up all living things. This construction is far superior in complexity to the most extraordinary skyscraper. Proceeding even from such small arguments, one can understand that everything that surrounds us in this world did not appear just like that and out of nowhere.

When atheists talk with believers on the topic of whether God exists, one often hears as a reproach the provocative question that you are talking about God, but you yourself have never seen Him.

Indeed, in order to convince a person of the existence of someone or something, the simplest thing will be to show him this. Christians see the manifestation of God in everything that surrounds them.

The fact is that everyone is free to choose any religion or not to choose it at all. But if you ask a Christian about the existence of God, you will immediately hear an affirmative answer. These people firmly believe that diseases and trials are sent to develop spirituality and strengthen faith.

Why, then, do Christians know so confidently the answer to the question of whether God exists? From the lives of the saints. This is one of the reasons for their confidence. The lives of the saints have been a favorite reading since ancient times. Orthodox people... Children read lives with early childhood, thus studying literacy and perceiving the example of the life of holy people.

The righteous had great faith, for which they often went to torment and death. Information about this has come down to our times thanks to the records of eyewitnesses of that time. The miracles that the saints have shown and are still being evidence of the existence of God and His special relationship to those who love Him.

About, does God exist and what faith is true is evidenced by an event that occurs once a year at the site of the Holy Sepulcher. On Easter day, many people of different confessions gather in the temple. In place of the Coffin is allowed Orthodox priest, which is pre-checked for the presence of flammable substances.

The priest prays until midnight, and at this moment the candles themselves kindle, he distributes this fire to everyone present in the temple. For the first few seconds, fire has healing properties and does not burn the body. Taking advantage of this, believers apply it to sick parts of the body in order to be healed ... Many Christians consider this fact sufficient to prove that God exists.

Take it for yourself, tell your friends!

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In our article we will talk about faith in God and how to believe. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Savior who came into the world in human form. This happened by the will of God as an opportunity to be saved and get into the Kingdom of Heaven for man.

S. Amalanov

Does God exist. Proof.

The question of the origin of life remains open for most people. If we take into account the possibility of bringing life to Earth from space, then there are two main possible versions of the origin of life in the Universe.

  1. Life arose as a result of random biochemical processes (abiogenesis).
  2. Life was initiated by a certain Supreme Divine Person who is the root cause of the entire universe.

In view of the fact that we do not have direct evidence of either the first or the second option, it remains only to use our mind, to logically approach the answer to the origin of life.

The world around us can be divided into animate (living) and inanimate (inanimate) objects.

Everything that happens in our world is subject to rules that have their exceptions, as well as rules, or laws that Dont Have exceptions.

Evidence that God exists.

What can be the basis for the proof that God exists? It is not possible to directly represent God Himself. Therefore, to prove the existence of God can be represented as follows:

The existence of unambiguous laws that indicate a certain object - possessing the qualities of the Supreme. Moreover, it is important that the presented laws do not have a single case of exceptions.

Consider following laws universe.

The first law with no exceptions.

This is the law of causation. It follows from this law that any manifestation has one or more causes, and itself, in turn, is the cause of other manifestations. Everything that we see around us is the result of some reason.

Based on this law, it follows: in order for all existing objects to appear, there must be one original Root cause of all things, and this Root cause- exists outside the law of time.

The second law has no exceptions.

Inanimate (inanimate) object - can cause other inanimate objects.

Animated (living) objects - can cause both inanimate and animate objects.

It follows from this law: Only a living (animate) being can be the primary cause of the entire universe.

Earlier, when wildlife was not yet so well studied, hypotheses appeared that living things could arise directly from inanimate nature. When conducting more thorough research, and observing the purity of experiments, scientists were unable to reproduce the process of the origin of life from an inorganic substance. Later, when the DNA molecule was discovered, and it became known that the information in it is stored in an encoded form, there are no attempts to "give birth" to life from an inanimate substance among adequate people.

The third law with no exceptions.

If all parts of one object have one common property, then an object consisting entirely of such parts also has this property.

For example: if all, without exception, the parts of which the table consists, are made of wood, then we can say that the table is made entirely of wood. All this is absolutely obvious.

All living biomass of the Earth consists of living objects. All living objects have one thing in common: the reason for their appearance was another living object (Law No. 2). According to the third law, the entire biomass of the Earth (that is, life on Earth) has a source of life, which can only be - another living object.

Not recognizing this conclusion means recognizing your thinking as illogical and inadequate, not taking into account the obvious facts, which have not a single case of exception.

All three of these laws can be applied to all life in the Universe. And only the real fact of the origin of a living object from a nonliving one can force us to reconsider these laws of origin.

If we argue that life (a living object) occurred as a result of the random interaction of inanimate elements, then we will contradict everything that we can see, that is, common sense. And if we cannot give a clear and definite description of this First Cause, then we must admit the fact of its existence.

Let's take a closer look at a living object.

All bodies that have signs of life have a cellular structure. When scientists better studied the structure and function of cells, it became clear that the substance, the contents of the cell, is an extremely complex system of dissimilar components. The cell has irritability, the ability to move, grow, reproduce and adapt to changes external environment... The set of biochemical processes carried out by the cell that ensure its growth and restoration is called metabolism, or metabolism. The protoplasm of each cell is constantly changing: it absorbs new substances, exposes them to various chemical changes, builds a new protoplasm and converts the energy contained in the molecules of proteins, fats and carbohydrates into kinetic energy and heat, as these substances are converted into other, simpler compounds. This constant expenditure of energy is one of the characteristic features living organisms peculiar to them alone. Tens of thousands occur in living cells chemical reactions, each of which has a certain meaning. Among other things, a cell of a living organism has the ability to reproduce. If you set a task to develop and "design" something similar, even if modern level development of science, this is not possible. That is, with the application of the accumulated intellectual potential of all mankind! Is it possible to speak seriously about the "accidental" origin of this most complex organic formation, due to the accidental "successful" mixing of chemical elements? It is, like, after a sandstorm, the Moscow City building will be “accidentally” built, with all the office equipment inside.

The DNA molecule deserves a separate consideration. This molecule stores all the necessary information to build a new organism. The uniqueness of this structure lies in the fact that all the information contained in the molecule is encrypted. This fact alone proves that the creation of this structure cannot be explained by chance. Deciphering this information, in order to build a new organism, also cannot do without the presence of a decryption program. Nothing can be encrypted in a strictly defined order "by itself", and then, also "by itself" - decrypted.

All these facts that have been discovered prove that the organization of such complex structural formations, simply by the fact of its existence of its structure, cannot do without the use of the intellectual principle. And this proves that the root cause of everything that exists is a living object, the abilities of which cannot be compared with the abilities of a person.

The fact is that the theory of the emergence of life as a result of random biochemical processes was born when the most complex structure of a living cell was not yet so well studied. Therefore, the version of the "accidental" origin of life did not look as ridiculous as it looks now.

Modern scientists have already learned how to write encoded information into a DNA molecule, and subsequently, to decode and read. Against the background of these abilities acquired by man, the genetic modeling of living beings by other intelligent beings began to look absolutely natural. But do not forget that according to the law of causality, there must be Root cause- the main source of life, which was the cause of the very first intelligent being. And this Root cause- exists outside of time. A person, due to his imperfect mind, is unable to understand how one can exist outside of time. But a person must be reasonable enough to admit the existence of things that are inaccessible to his understanding. And this means that such things as the First Causes of life must be understood as an axiom, without trying to fully understand it with your consciousness, which is not sufficiently adapted for this.

Many reasonable people, based on the obvious things and laws that surround us, unequivocally believe in the existence of a Reasonable First Cause of all that exists. But, at the same time, they believe: since God is so Incomprehensible, then there is no need for religions - as such. Thereby - "freeing" oneself from the comprehension of spiritual knowledge. To the question of what religion is needed for, a complete and convincing answer is given in the article.

How to prove to an atheist that God exists?

As the most significant counterweight to the idea of ​​the existence of a divine principle, is the theory of Charles Darwin. This theory is still being studied in high school... Modern scientists are in no hurry to accept the critical views of their colleagues on the theory of evolution. Too much would have to be rewritten and rethought in all of science. And what a large number of scientific degrees, titles and scientific works would have to be canceled.

The thing is that Darwin set out his theory at a time when scientists could not so carefully study the structure of living organisms. MORE (!), DARWIN HIMSELF ACTUALLY REFUTED HIS THEORY. More details. Darwin's theory was based on the gradual development and complication in the course of the evolution of living organisms. That is, all organs of a living being and living organisms themselves, according to the theory, should develop - gradually, from simpler ones to more complex ones. Darwin admitted that if organs of living beings were found, which, in the absence of one element, could not function. That is, the organ should have appeared - immediately. So called - irreducible or complex organs.

And such bioconstructions have been found!

An "irreducible" or complex element , which demonstrates the refutation of Darwin's theory, became a small flagellum for movement unicellular organisms... In fact, it turned out to be a complex unique bio-mechanism.

1. A flagellum for movement under water is an absolutely irreducible design. She simply will not be able to work ate to remove at least one detail. Based on this, the theory gradual development collapses. Below is a video film in which scientists, by the way, former supporters of the theory, having thoroughly investigated the complex irreducible structure of the flagellum, came to an unambiguous conclusion: this element could not gradually develop. All its constituent parts are absolutely necessary for the flagellum to function!

If we remove one - any element of this biological structure, then the flagellum simply will not perform its functions.

Conclusion: this bioconstruction appeared immediately, and not gradually "in the course of evolution." This means that the reason for its appearance was - a reasonable idea, embodied in the reality of a complex biological structure.

According to the theory, the evolution of species should have occurred gradually, from simpler to more complex. It would be logical to assume that the DNA molecule, which in its essence is a coded blueprint for a future organism, should have become more and more complex, as more and more new organisms have become more complex. But after studying the DNA of the amoeba, the scientists found that the genome size of the unicellular amoeba is about a hundred (!!) times larger than the human genome! In addition, the DNA of two very similar species can be dramatically different. This inexplicable, and clearly contradictory discovery, scientists called the C - paradox.

More details about the refutation of the theory of evolution are given in the article

Or, you can watch a 28-minute scientific VIDEO that shows how - Darwin himself in essence - refutes his theory:

How to prove to an atheist that God exists?

There is a category of people who say: show me God, then I will believe. Anything to prove to such a person is wasting your time in the most useless way. He has already decided everything for himself. A person who really wants to find out something for himself is ready to follow the road of knowledge, or at least - logical reasoning.

It is possible to prove to a person that God exists if we analyze such a phenomenon as clairvoyance.

Everyone knows such a phenomenon as clairvoyance. It is defined as a type of extrasensory perception, the supposed ability of a person to receive information in addition to the channels of perception, known to science and defined by modern scientific means, including information about the events of the past and the future (Wikipedia). One of the most striking examples possessing the gift of clairvoyance, was Wanga, Nastradamus. However, there are always skeptics whose pride will not allow them to come to terms with the fact that there is someone with more abilities than him. In particular, Michel Nastradamus is accused of the fact that there is no clear reference to time in the events described in his quatrains. But the time of the events predicted by Nastradamus was given in encrypted form. And Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima were able to decipher these dates, as described in their book "Deciphered Nastradamus". Numerous facts confirming Vanga's clairvoyance also speak for themselves. But how can this unusual phenomenon be explained? Let's try to figure it out.

In fact, we encounter the clairvoyant effect every day. For example, a weather forecast is also a "clairvoyance" fact, but not always accurate. In essence, clairvoyance is an accurate forecast of events that will occur in the future. But what is necessary in order to predict future events as accurately as possible? This requires two things:

  1. All possible data that may affect the course of the predicted event;
  2. Error-free, accurate analytical processing of all these data, which gives the only correct forecast for the development of this or that event.

What data, in the first place, influence, and, ultimately, determine all the main events? These are the thoughts and desires of people who, to one degree or another, can influence the development of the predicted event. And the only person to whom these qualities are attributed is the Supreme Divine Personality. The most complete picture of what is happening is given by the Vedic scriptures, such as Bhagavad Gita ... They say that the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the First Cause of everything, resides in the heart of every living entity in the form of Paramatma, and who knows all the thoughts of the living entity's desires.

“I dwell in the heart of every living being, and memory, knowledge and forgetfulness emanate from Me. The aim of all the Vedas is to understand Me. "

The approximate dimensions of the Paramatma are also given, which are equal to the distance between the end of the large and the end ring finger hands, that is, about twenty centimeters. According to the Vedic literature, the heart also contains the soul - "atma", which is a living being associated with a certain time with the physical body.

In the Vedic scriptures, it is also indicated that Paramatma (Supersoul) and atma (soul) are of the same nature. That is, in other words, they are identical, substances.

Let's summarize the intermediate result. The Supreme Being, who is the main source of life, is present in every person, in the form of a certain wave field (Paramatma). The thoughts of a person, which also have a wave characteristic, are available to Paramatma. Thus, God has all the information about every person. Having the most powerful analytical thinking, and all the necessary information, the Supreme Being has the ability to give an accurate forecast of events that happened in the future. This information is transmitted to the person (predictor), who voices these events of the future.

Some clairvoyants (also Vanga) have the ability to "read" information from a person's information field, and even from objects belonging to a person. But only the Supreme Personality can process and summarize all the information emanating from millions of people. Clairvoyant people explain that information simply appears in their heads as ready-made video information.

In fact, the manifestation of such a phenomenon as clairvoyance proves the existence of a certain Supreme Personality, which, due to its presence in the form of an energy substance (Paramatma), in the body of living beings, possesses complete information about a living being (including his thoughts). But just try to imagine what kind of analytical power you need to have to process so much information, given the dynamics of the interaction of this data with each other! And the fact that people periodically appear who demonstrate such unique capabilities looks like a demonstration of proof of the existence of a Supreme Personality with supernatural powers that are very difficult to comprehend.

In order to make sure that the DNA molecule could not be created "randomly", but only for a reason - intelligent initiation from an inconceivably powerful Being, you can read the following studies of scientists.

DNA is the largest storage molecule in the entire universe. Modern discoveries reject the idea of ​​"junk" DNA that does not code for proteins, and reveal many of its amazing functions, which we have only recently become aware of. Dr. John Mattik, a leading scientist in the field of DNA function, believes that junk DNA acts like the latest computer technology. operating system... Most recently, he expressed his regret that the idea that non-protein-coding DNA is junk has seriously hurt science:
"The refusal to recognize all the meanings of [non-protein coding DNA] may well be considered one of the biggest mistakes in the history of molecular biology."
Electrical protection.
Another remarkable property of DNA in cells is how it conducts electricity. 2,3 But DNA is very vulnerable and easily damaged. Free radicals attack DNA, taking away an electron (oxidation process) from one of the bases - the chemical "symbols" of the DNA code. The resulting "hole" in place of the electron can move along the DNA and behave like a positive electric current.

We have already said that some part of the "junk" DNA is a pair between the "symbols" A and T (bases adenine and thiamine), and this blocks harmful electrical current. This pairing acts as an isolation or "electronic lock in the chain", protecting important genes from electrical damage by free radicals attacking a distant part of the DNA.

More recently, Jacqueline Barton of the California Institute of Technology proved that DNA also uses its own electrical properties for protection. Along the edges of some genes is a sequence of G "symbols" (guanine base). They easily absorb the electron hole, so that it moves along the DNA until it reaches the sequence of G symbols. This removes damage from the parts of DNA that code for proteins.

This is very similar to the principle behind galvanized iron. Here, a coating of a reactive and less important metal - zinc - sacrifices itself, takes on all oxidation, protecting the iron from rust.
DNA damage is scanned electrically.
Our cells have an elaborate DNA repair mechanism. Considering that in each cell there are about 3 billion "letters" responsible for information, then the amount of checking to detect errors should be very large.

Intact DNA conducts electricity, while damage blocks the current. Dr. Barton found that some "repair" enzymes exploit this pattern. One pair of enzymes attaches to various parts DNA strands. One of the enzymes sends an electron down the strand. If the DNA is intact, the electron reaches the other enzyme and causes it to be detached, that is, this process checks the DNA region between them. If there is no damage, there is no need for repair.

But in the presence of damage, the electron does not reach the second enzyme. This enzyme moves further along the thread until it reaches the problem area, and then fixes it. This repair mechanism appears to be present in all living things, from bacteria to humans.

This ingenious repair system must have existed in all life forms from the beginning, otherwise life could not continue due to damage to the DNA. As scientists discover more and more evidence of the complex structure of life, we are even more convinced of how "wonderfully created" we are.

Having familiarized himself with all of the above arguments, not a single person with adequate thinking would think of asserting that life could "spontaneously arise" as a result of a chaotic mixing of molecules. Well, those people who are in no way satisfied with existence Higher Mind, will always exist. And they will not have hopes to get new - true knowledge about the universe until they have a desire to get this knowledge!

An interesting fact is that committing sinful acts, and even just thoughts that are considered in different religions as - "sinful", greatly reduce the speed of the brain, that is, reduce - the amount of vital (mental) energy, which is directly perceived by a person as a feeling of happiness. You can read more about this in the article. (the page will open in a new additional window).

Peace to all! S. Amalanov


- it is described in more detail what kind of charitable activity is called the highest efficiency charity. And also why some people feel the need to do charity work.

— — research, statements. quotes from famous scientists about God. Documentary"DEVOLUTION OF HUMAN". .

With all major types spiritual development and real knowledge about the main source of life, you can familiarize yourself by reading one of the most ancient scriptures, which contains the whole essence of Vedic wisdom - Bhagavad-gita published on our website.

"Bhagavad-gita as it is" - book. which for five thousand years has turned the consciousness and life of millions of people, read on our website.

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