Home fertilizers Aeroflot baggage allowance. Weight and size of luggage on Aeroflot economy class aircraft. Rules for carrying hand luggage on Aeroflot aircraft

Aeroflot baggage allowance. Weight and size of luggage on Aeroflot economy class aircraft. Rules for carrying hand luggage on Aeroflot aircraft

For 2019, Aeroflot has left the maximum standards for the size, weight of hand luggage and baggage checked in for carriage on an aircraft unchanged. Known to seasoned travelers, restrictions on the number of seats, maximum weight and dimensions remain relevant. All baggage and carry-on baggage allowances vary by travel class and are subject to additional charges.

Aeroflot traditionally classifies as carry-on baggage all things that are carried by passengers, can be safely placed in the cabin and fit under established requirements. Responsibility for their condition and the harm caused by them rests entirely with the client. During the check-in process, hand luggage is weighed and checked for compliance with dimensions.

Number of seats

For things of this category, no more than one seat is allocated on the airliners of the company, regardless of class. In other words, one passenger is allowed to take one bag into the cabin. If the flight is performed by a family, the number of seats corresponds to the number of its members for whom individual seats are booked, regardless of age.

Limit dimensions

By general rule the size of hand luggage must ensure the possibility of placing it under the seat in front or on the top shelf. In Aeroflot, the maximum allowable dimensions for length, width and height are 55x40x25, respectively. The sum of three measurements is 120 centimeters for any tariff.

Permissible weight

The weight of hand luggage for transportation on an Aeroflot aircraft is set depending on the class. For customers flying at the Business fare, the allowable weight per seat does not exceed 15 kilograms. Economy class and Comfort provide the opportunity to take on a plane no more than 10 kilograms per seat.

Personal items

Aeroflot, like other carriers, allows its customers to take some things into the cabin without taking into account the above restrictions. They are included in the number of personal and are not taken into account when weighing. The list includes:

  • briefcases and women's handbags;
  • Cell phones;
  • portable computers, video and photographic equipment;
  • business papers in a folder;
  • books, newspapers and magazines;
  • shopping bag from duty free.

This list is much longer, with more detailed list can be found on the airline's website.

non-standard things

In the list of goods allowed for free transportation in the cabin, there are items that do not fit the weight norm. These are special wheelchairs for the disabled and baby strollers that are used by the client. They will need to be handed over to the flight attendant at the entrance to the cabin. If a wheelchair has an electric drive and weighs more than 32 kilos, prior approval is required, no later than 36 hours before departure (scheduled time is taken into account). Mandatory approval will be required for the transportation of all musical instruments, regardless of their size. Of the animals, only a guide dog is allowed to fly in the cabin free of charge, if there are appropriate documents (certificate and veterinary certificate). Flight in the cabin with other animals is allowed only in a special container, the weight of which, together with the animal, is not more than 8 kilograms.

Other restrictions

In addition to the things listed for this category, there are restrictions on the volume of liquids and compositions equated to it. It concerns drinking water, alcoholic beverages, cosmetics. The total volume of such substances cannot exceed a liter, all liquids must be poured into containers no larger than 100 ml. Not allowed for carriage in the aircraft cabin:

  • all types of weapons and ammunition, items imitating them;
  • hazardous chemicals (toxic, flammable, explosive);
  • objects capable of inflicting cut wounds;
  • things and devices containing magnets or magnetized components.

Some of these items can only be carried in baggage, others are completely prohibited for air transport. You can check the list and details of restrictions on the website or contact the contact center staff.

Baggage requirements

Aeroflot's luggage category includes items that exceed the weight and size characteristics of hand luggage and are transported in the luggage compartment on the aircraft. Items in this category are registered according to the piece system, taking into account the above parameters. Dimensions and weight, number of seats are differentiated in accordance with the rules for using a certain fare.

Number of seats and size restrictions

For Business, Comfort and Economy Premium fares, two seats per ticket are provided. According to the rules of the economy fare group, this parameter is limited to one seat. If a total weight registered things less than 10 kilograms - the number of places for free baggage is not limited. On the ticket, their number is usually indicated under the abbreviation PC (Piece Plan) with the corresponding number. Permissible dimensions in all cases should not be more than 158 centimeters in the sum of three dimensions (W * H * D).

Weight restrictions

The allowable baggage weight on the plane varies depending on the fare. The limit for the Business group is 32 kilograms. For other groups, including Comfort, weight restrictions are more stringent. In this case, you can carry no more than 23 kilograms per person. For minors, the same rules apply for adults. These requirements may vary depending on the flight, so before the flight it is advisable to clarify how much weight you can take with you through the contact center of the carrier.

Exceeding the norm

All cases of excess items are registered as excess baggage. The calculation is performed for each parameter, if the excess is allowed for all requirements, the cost of transportation will be determined based on the total amount. Additional payment required:

  • for the second, third and each subsequent place, 2.5 and 7.5 thousand, respectively;
  • for exceeding the allowable weight depending on the class of service, 2.5 if the excess is from 23 to 32 kilos and 5 when the weight goes beyond 32, but does not exceed 50;
  • for exceeded sizes from 158 to 203 centimeters, 5 thousand are charged, more than 203–7.5.

The amounts are fixed domestic flights are charged in rubles, on international in foreign currency. In the latter case, payment is made in ruble equivalent at the current exchange rate of the Central Bank.

Non-standard cargo

Special transportation rules apply to heavy and/or oversized cargo. This category consists of objects weighing from 32 to 50 kilos, with dimensions not exceeding 203 centimeters in terms of the sum of length, width and height. Sports equipment is considered as one piece of baggage allowed for free transportation:

  • a set of skis with sticks and boots in a case;
  • covered snowboard with a pair of boots;
  • a pair of clubs in a case with packed equipment;
  • bicycle prepared for transportation;
  • covered golf equipment;
  • a pair of rods with a set of tackle in the appropriate packaging.

In addition to sports equipment, the list of non-standard luggage includes weapons with ammunition, different kinds musical instruments, animals. The category of non-standard may include containers common for travelers, for example, if the weight and size characteristics of a suitcase go beyond the permissible limits, it is considered oversized. The rules for transporting this category of cargo must be clarified with employees or on the airline's website.

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Aeroflot is rightfully considered the No. 1 airline in Russia, not only due to its long history and wide park aircraft, but also a huge number flights, excellent service and rich experience of cooperation with other airlines.

Booking classes and rates

The airline offers its customers a choice of several fares with different levels of service included in the ticket. The main differences between booking classes, like many other airlines, are the number of baggage allowances provided by Aeroflot; 2014 introduced a certain number of changes and additions to the standard set of tariffs.

From June 21, 2014, in addition to the usual business and economy class, Aeroflot customers can choose a convenient booking class from the options listed in the following table.

New fares from Aeroflot


Rate/ Bonus miles

Short description


Business Premium

2 pieces of luggage (32 kg)

Hand luggage up to 15 kg

Business Optimum

Comfort Premium

2 pieces of luggage (23 kg)

Discounts for children under 2 years old - 90%, up to 12 years old - 50%


Economy Premium

Economy Optimum

1 piece of luggage

Discounts for children under 2 years old - 90%, up to 12 years old - 25%

Economy Budget



Economy Promo

1 piece of luggage

No discounts for children from 2 to 12 years old


Passengers under 24

1 piece of luggage

discounts are not available

no bonus miles.

Often, when choosing fares, passengers are most interested in price and baggage allowance. If the price depends directly on the direction and date of departure, then the rules regarding baggage do not change and therefore can be considered in more detail.

Types of luggage

All baggage carried by an Aeroflot passenger on board an aircraft is divided into two types - checked baggage and hand baggage. Checked baggage is marked with a special tag indicating the final destination with all intermediate stops, and the tag also marks the connection of the baggage with the ticket number, respectively, and its belonging to a specific passenger. Checked baggage is kept in the hold during the flight.

Hand luggage is everything that the passenger takes with him into the cabin of the aircraft. Usually it is limited in volume and weight or a suitcase and a number of additional items.

Depending on the type of baggage that the passenger of Aeroflot flights takes with him on the plane, the baggage allowance may differ. In addition to the above two main types, baggage can be:

  • additional - children's luggage, children's or;
  • excess - exceeding the allowed number of baggage pieces, weight or volume;
  • special - sports equipment, musical instruments, weapons and animals.

baggage allowance

Before delving into the regulations, it is worth noting important point- baggage can be of two categories: free (included in the ticket price) or paid (exceeding the restrictions imposed by the selected fare). Depending on the category, the allowances may be dictated by various circumstances and differ from each other.

About the rules additional payment and the possibility of taking excess baggage on the plane is best to check with the operator in advance. In the event of a busy flight and aircraft, the airline reserves the right to refuse to accept additional weight on board.

The airline operates many flights in conjunction with other airlines. In the event that Aeroflot is not the main operator of a code-share flight, but only a partner of another airline, the baggage rules of the operating company apply on the flight.

If the flight consists of several flights and is operated by several airlines, not only Aeroflot, the baggage allowance is in accordance with the rules applied by the dominant air carrier on the flight. For example, if a flight consists of three flights, one of which takes 2 hours in the air and is operated by Aeroflot, another is above ground for an hour and is owned by Turkish Airlines, and the third is operated by Lufthansa and takes 8 hours, then baggage is subject to subject to Lufthansa regulatory control.

Free checked baggage

The airline operates a standard plan dominated by 1PC baggage allowance. Aeroflot provides two pieces of baggage (2PC) in business class and economy class only to certain destinations, including Los Angeles, New York, Tokyo, Shanghai, Yerevan and others.

One piece of checked baggage is limited in weight and volume. Maximum weight one included piece of baggage for business class is 32 kg, and for economy class - 23 kg. The volume of a suitcase or bag is calculated by adding three dimensions: length, width and height. It is allowed to carry baggage that does not exceed 158 cm in total, regardless of the booking class and fare plan.

Free hand luggage

Each Aeroflot passenger is allowed to take a small bag, suitcase or backpack weighing up to 10 kg into the aircraft cabin. Carriage of baggage in the cabin has more stringent requirements and restrictions. For example, in hand luggage you cannot carry liquids in containers larger than 100 ml, with a total volume of 1 liter; you will also have to get rid of piercing and cutting items, such as manicure sets, stationery scissors and blades, and medical instruments.

The carry-on baggage limit is 115 cm for all booking classes. The maximum cabin baggage weight is 10 kg for Economy Class and 15 kg for Business Class. What, how and in what quantity can be carried in the cabin of the aircraft is directly affected by Aeroflot's baggage allowance. In order not to encounter unforeseen difficulties, it is best to familiarize yourself with the regulations in advance.

In addition to the main carry-on baggage, there are a number of things and items for personal use that are covered by the free baggage allowance. Aeroflot offers its passengers the opportunity to take a small ladies' or men's bag with them on the flight, outerwear, laptop computer, photo and video camera, printed editions, umbrella, purchases from Duty Free and some other things.

Children's baggage allowance

Aeroflot distinguishes between two main categories of children: up to 2 years old and from 2 to 12 years old. Children under two years of age receive a 90% discount on a ticket, due to the fact that they are not provided separate place. Children from 2 to 12 years old occupy a full seat in the cabin, respectively, the same baggage rules apply to them.

Many airlines offer checked baggage for infants under 2 years of age. Aeroflot was no exception - the baggage allowance for infants limits the provided luggage space to 115 cm and weighing 10 kg. In addition to small checked baggage, the “ticket” of babies also includes hand luggage: a bag with things, a baby stroller weighing up to 12 kg, a portable cradle, the required amount of liquid formula or other baby food.

Passengers the largest airline The Russian Federation often encounters such a term as additional baggage in Aeroflot, which is called excess baggage on the official website. This category includes those types of cargo that go beyond the free baggage allowance established by the carrier. The passenger who has violated the rules must make payment taking into account current tariffs. How much does an extra piece of baggage cost at Aeroflot? What does the price depend on? How to make a payment? We will consider these and other points in detail.

Current regulations

To ensure that carrying extra baggage on Aeroflot aircraft does not come as a surprise, it is necessary to clearly understand the standards that the carrier sets for customers.

It all depends on the class of service that the passenger has chosen.:

  • In the class "Business" it is allowed to check in luggage for two pieces, each of which must not exceed 32 kg in weight. For hand luggage - 1*15 kg.
  • In "Comfort" and "Economy" classes(group "Premium") allowable rate less. It is also allowed to occupy two places, but the maximum weight should not exceed 23 kg. For hand luggage - 1*10 kg.
  • In other Economy class fares you can only take one seat, and the upper weight bar is only 23 kg. For hand luggage - 1*10 kg.

For all three cases, the norms for dimensions are identical - no more than 115 cm(for hand luggage) and 158 cm (for regular cargo). In other situations, you will have to buy a place for extra baggage on Aeroflot liners.

If the total weight of the transported cargo is not more than 10 kg, the number of seats is not limited. In this case, a mark on the number of allowable items for free cargo is placed on the receipt. The mentioned registration norms are valid from the point of departure to the city of destination or the first city of stop. In the case of cooperation with other airlines during the flight, the transportation norms may change.

How much does extra baggage cost at Aeroflot?

Knowledge of the norms of cargo transportation is mandatory for all passengers of the air carrier. Otherwise, oversized or extra-heavy baggage will be identified during the check-in period, which may result in a flight delay and inability to board the aircraft. That is why the conditions and norms for the transportation of things should be clarified in advance, even before buying a ticket and registering.

How much does extra baggage cost in Aeroflot? From November 15, 2016, new tariffs were introduced for the passengers of the air carrier. The cost of excess cargo depends on the type of "infringement", and the amount of payments is given in different currencies. Full information the price of additional baggage can be found on the official website of Aeroflot.

Basic rates:

  • In the event of an increase in the number of pieces (when the norm is limited to only one item), you will have to pay 2,500 rubles for the next piece, and 7,500 for the third. When transporting from other countries, the cost of an additional piece of baggage is calculated in euros and US dollars (100 and 200, respectively).
  • If according to the tariff the norm was two places, but they were not enough for the passenger to accommodate things, for the third and each subsequent position you will have to pay 7500 rubles. In US and EU currencies, this is 200 dollars (euros), respectively.
  • In the event that the weight of additional baggage carried on an Aeroflot airliner exceeds 23 kg, the cost of the additional payment will be 2,500 rubles. (125 in currency). In this case, the upper limit should not be more than 32 kg. If a higher norm of 32 kg was exceeded (but not more than 50 kg), you will have to buy an additional piece of luggage for the amount of 5000 rubles. (200 USD and EUR).
  • Another situation is related to the transportation of oversized cargo, the dimensions of which have gone beyond the permissible limits. If the dimensions (according to the sum of three dimensions) are more than 158 cm, but less than 203 cm, the payment for additional baggage at Aeroflot will be 5000 rubles. (125 dollars and euros).

Exceeding the dimensions of 203 cm will cost more- in the amount of 7500 rubles. (in EU and US currency - 200).

Tariff features

It is worth considering that the above rates are valid only for Aeroflot aircraft. For cases of joint operation, it is worth clarifying in advance how much an extra piece of baggage costs on an airplane, because tariff plan different carrier may be different. It is advisable to obtain this information in advance with the help of a contact center operator.

If the transported cargo has a mass of more than 32 kg, and its dimensions (dimensions) go beyond the allowable limits of the norm (from 203 cm or more), transportation can be carried out after resolving the issue with representatives of the airline.

Another point is how to pay for extra baggage when transporting it by Aeroflot. You can do this directly at the airport - near the counter where luggage is checked in. But it is better to do the work in advance - through the official website. If the actual weight of the cargo turned out to be more, you can pay the difference at the airport.

Russian Aeroflot has long earned a reputation as a leading airline that offers comfortable transportation services. Thousands of people, going on a trip, take luggage with them. Beginners are interested in what rules are set for carrying baggage at Aeroflot. Knowledge of the basic requirements protects against negative consequences when for non-compliance with the rules a fine is charged or hand luggage is confiscated.

How to transfer hand luggage using Aeroflot

The rules for the carriage of hand luggage and luggage in 2019 at Aeroflot are as follows:

  1. Bags and suitcases placed in a separate compartment of the liner are classified as baggage, they are labeled with a special mark.
  2. The passenger is allowed to take the necessary things into the cabin of the aircraft, packed in a small handbag, for example, a lady's bag.
  3. Be prepared to go through the procedure of inspection of things, this is done taking into account the observance of the safety rules of tourists.
  4. Aeroflot's free baggage allowance is valid until the end of September 2017. The deputies adopted a law that in October 2017 and to this day cancels free transportation baggage at the discretion of the carrier. What tariff rates Aeroflot will set is still unknown, most likely, a bag up to 23 kg will cost about 2,000 rubles.
  5. The number of bags allowed is determined by the ticket price. If the ticket is high-class, there may be more luggage, on an all-inclusive basis.

Free baggage allowance at Aeroflot until the end of September 2019

Anyone who is going on a trip before the end of September 2019 can still use the previous baggage rules at Aeroflot:

  1. If a we are talking about the economy class, the baggage allowance is 1 piece, designed for 23 kg.
  2. An economy class ticket at a premium fare at Aeroflot allows you to claim 2 free places for suitcases, each of which assumes a weight of no more than 23 kg. The same standards apply to the comfort class.
  3. Business class tickets allow the passenger to place 2 pieces of baggage weighing no more than 32 kg.
  4. Before passing the control, measure the size of the suitcase. total amount width, length and height cannot be more than 158 cm.

If the flight is a joint flight with another airline, Aeroflot's free baggage allowance plus the requirements of the partner company apply.

If you are flying with Russia or Aurora, worry about additional rules not worth it - in 2019 they are identical to Aeroflot.

Reading the baggage requirements on the plane on Aeroflot flights, recorded on the carrier's website, you can see the mysterious inscription 1pc. It indicates the number of bags or suitcases, the maximum number of which is three.

How much does excess baggage cost with Aeroflot

Until the end of September 2019, Aeroflot applies a surcharge rate for excess baggage and carry-on baggage that a passenger leaves in the cabin. What are the things that are overrated?

  1. If they do not fit into the norm by weight.
  2. They do not fit in size, physical characteristics.
  3. Occupy more places than required by the rules.

In 2019, paying for an additional place for a suitcase costs a tourist 2,500 rubles. If he also needs third, fourth and subsequent places, they cost 7,500 rubles (each). From the end of September 2017, a surcharge for any luggage, except for a handbag, is expected - it will amount to 2,000 rubles for each backpack with a size of 23 kg or more. But while the exact prices have not yet been determined. The Russians hope that the payment for luggage will affect the cost of tickets, perhaps they will decrease.

If the weight of one backpack exceeds the norm is 32 kg, the tourist must pay 2,500 rubles to the Aeroflot cash desk. Bags from 32 to 50 kg cost 5,000 rubles.

How to lighten the weight of a suitcase

Saving money hasn't hurt anyone yet, so it's important to be able to pack your suitcase so that its weight is minimal. Use these useful advice seasoned travelers who have traveled half the world with a small backpack:

  1. No need to try to cram the whole house into a suitcase if you are going on vacation or a business trip for a couple of weeks. Call the hotel and ask if a hairdryer is provided in the room, if there are new slippers, toiletries and cosmetics. If you can’t say goodbye to your favorite lotion or fragrant shower gel, pour liquid formulations into 100 ml bottles. These are the rules of Aeroflot. And it is better to initially purchase a small bottle with the original label so that you are not pestered with unnecessary questions at the airport.
  2. You should not collect things for any weather, only the most necessary.
  3. To make the wardrobe look diverse, take clothes in primary colors - beige, black, cappuccino, mustard, blue.
  4. Pack your suitcase according to the previously compiled list of things. According to the degree of filling the bag, gradually cross out the stacked items.
  5. Wear bulky clothes.
  6. When traveling, plan to use the laundry service, then you need a minimum of clothes.
  7. Brochures, magazines, books - all this can be downloaded at electronic version to a smartphone.
  8. Twist your clothes into rollers - this way they will hardly wrinkle and take up a minimum of space.

Fly with Aeroflot planes - have you heard this slogan from the distant past? The giant carrier has been carrying Russian travelers around the world for many years. How to fly Aeroflot planes with luggage - we tell!

Baggage allowance on an Aeroflot plane

Aeroflot is the only company in Russia that applies a piece measure when transporting baggage. This means that the number is limited things suitcases per passenger.

If you are flying economy, only 1 suitcase can be checked in at no extra charge. Moreover, the weight of the bag should not exceed 23 kilograms, but the dimensions are not fundamental. The main thing is that it fits the requirements of standard luggage - 158 centimeters on all sides in total.

Not all items included? Do not be upset, luggage is what is rented at check-in. There is also hand luggage, about it - a little lower.

From Premium and Comfort ticket holders in luggage compartment will go as many as 2 suitcases of 23 kg. But in Business you can take more things: two large places weighing 32 kilograms. There is where to roam)

How many kilograms can I carry with Aeroflot?

Carry 23 kilograms in a suitcase that will fly in the luggage compartment, and you can take another 10 kilograms into the cabin. So an economy class ticket for an Aeroflot plane includes 33 free kilograms.

Be careful, since February 2018, additional control of the amount of things has been introduced at check-in and when boarding the plane, employees will check the size, weight and number of bags. Everything will be screened: hand luggage, things in the cabin, suitcases checked in as luggage. If the norm is exceeded, they will calculate how much to pay for the excess. And if they refuse, they threaten to refuse transportation.

Aeroflot measures luggage not in kilograms, but in pieces - pack your things in one suitcase. And for hand luggage there are size restrictions (more on them below). But if all your things together weigh less than 10 kilograms, the number of bags will not be counted.

Hand luggage on an Aeroflot plane

Take one small suitcase measuring 55x40x25 centimeters to the cabin. Make sure that only allowed items are inside and that the dimensions are respected. If the dimensions are exceeded, the bag will be sent to the luggage compartment, and you will be charged a surcharge.

During February 2018, Aeroflot twice changed the requirements for the size of hand luggage on the plane: the original 55x40x20 centimeters have now been replaced by dimensions of 55x40x25 centimeters - this is a cabin size suitcase.

Plus, you can carry a backpack or bag for free (<5 кг и сумме размеров <80 см), портплед с костюмом, товары Duty Free в запечатанном пакете, лекарства и детское питание на время полета, приспособления для пассажира с ограниченными возможностями, детскую коляску, детскую люльку и букет цветов.

Aeroflot: what can and cannot be carried in baggage and taken in hand luggage

Do not take any poisons, weapons, toxic or dangerous substances on the plane. If you fly on a safari with a crossbow or shoot fish in the Red Sea, the weapon will fly in your luggage, and a permit will be required for it. An imitation of a weapon - yes, we are talking about a toy gun - will also have to be checked in as luggage.

Files, scissors, knitting needles and any kind of knives are not allowed in the cabin - hand over piercing and cutting objects in your luggage or you will have to leave them for inspection. Strong alcohol is not allowed on the plane, and no more than 5 liters per passenger will be accepted into the luggage compartment. This does not apply to sealed drinks from Duty Free. Aerosol deodorant, hairspray and other sprays - pack in a suitcase, they will not let you into the salon. And it’s better to replace it with dry and liquid analogues or buy it already on the spot.

Take a thermometer, a blood pressure monitor, 2 kilograms of dry ice, a disposable lighter and 100 ml of hydrogen peroxide in hand luggage - of course, if any of this is needed.

Hand over everything liquid and jelly-like at registration, you won’t be able to feast on grandmother’s jam in flight. If you take it into the cockpit, pack liquids in small bottles up to 100 milliliters in volume and no more than one liter per person.
Segway, gyro scooter and electric scooter will have to be left at home or take out the battery from there and check the vehicle in luggage. A battery of less than 160 watt-hours will be allowed to be loaded on the plane, and in hand luggage. And more powerful ones will be issued only as a dangerous cargo.

What does 1PC baggage mean on an Aeroflot ticket?

Did you meet the 1PC marking on the ticket reservation? - This is a measure of baggage in the quantitative system of transportation. Literally, 1PC means 1 piece, that is, one piece. Shows the number of suitcases you can carry on the plane.

A quantitative measure (piece concept) is used by airlines in Canada, the USA, Central and South America. Of the companies popular with Russians, Lufthansa and Aeroflot should be mentioned.

Free baggage is indicated on the receipt, when booking a ticket, look for it in the form of an inscription 1PC / 2PC / 3PC. 1PC - one piece of baggage, 2PC - two pieces of baggage, 3PC - 3 pieces.

You will find the same marking on tickets for international flights. Often there is a designation 23KG nearby - the maximum weight of a piece of luggage.

There are exceptions to any rule: on flights to Washington, Delhi, New York, Beijing, Tel Aviv, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Shanghai, take one more bag. If you are a lucky member of the bonus program, check the conditions - your luggage will be increased.

How to buy extra baggage at Aeroflot

If the number of seats, weight or dimensions of things is more than specified in the ticket, issue an excess. You will have to pay 2500 rubles for the second suitcase, the same amount will be written out if the weight of the bag is more than the prescribed 23 kg, but less than the maximum 32. But a heavy suitcase from 32 to 50 kg will cost you 5 thousand extra.

Dimensions will also be checked: for the sum of measurements 158-203 cm, 5,000 rubles are paid,oversized >203 centimeters is already more expensive - 7500.

It is not possible to buy additional baggage over the Internet, everything is processed at the check-in desk. Our advice: call Aeroflot and, having reported the booking code, specify how much and how to pay extra for excess baggage.

Oversized baggage on an Aeroflot plane

If the weight of your suitcase is from 32 to 50 kilograms, and the sum of all measurements is more than 203 centimeters, then the luggage is considered non-standard. Notify the airline 36 hours before departure that you are carrying non-standard baggage. Call the call center, indicate the reservation number and the characteristics of each piece: weight and dimensions, they will also ask about the nature of the cargo.

If oversized luggage is presented only at check-in, it can be sent on the next flight, as there is not enough free space in the luggage compartment.

Aeroflot often arranges promotions for free transportation of sports equipment, especially to popular destinations during the season - look for promotions on the website or check the current conditions in the call center.

Reliable packaging is your concern. So that non-standard luggage is not damaged by loaders, carefully and securely pack it, preferably in a special case, and ask for a fragile cargo sticker - then they will handle it more carefully.

Fragile and valuable luggage is transported in a separate passenger seat. You will have to buy another ticket at the regular fare, with the porthole seat going to the cargo. Check the maximum dimensions of the load - 135x50x30 centimeters, and the weight is less than .80 kilograms. You will have to lift this cargo on the plane yourself, as well as carry it through all the inspection points. And an additional suitcase is not allowed on this ticket (

Since mid-February 2018, Aeroflot has increased the sum of 3 dimensions for musical instruments to 135 centimeters.

Take musical instruments up to 135 cm in hand luggage at no extra charge. You can take the guitar to the salon, regardless of size, the main thing is to inform about it 36 ​​hours in advance. True, apart from the tool, hand luggage is not allowed, the rest will have to be sent in luggage.

If the size is more than 135, you will have to buy an additional seat for the instrument in the cabin, and for very large ones (exceeding 135x50x30cm), ask to reserve a place in the luggage compartment.

Aeroflot lost luggage, what to do

  1. keep your flight documents: boarding pass and baggage tag stub;
  2. without leaving the arrivals area, fill out the form at the Lost service
  3. on the Aeroflot website, track the status by the number of the wanted application;
  4. call the warehouse of unidentified things at the airport of arrival;
  5. wait 21 days checking status;
  6. on the 22nd day, hand over the documents to the nearest office: luggage tag stub, list of things with value, application for damages and do not forget your contact details.

Follow the instructions, 90% of luggage is returned to the owners in the first few days.

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