Home Flowers Icon pochaevskaya meaning in what helps. Pochaev icon of the Mother of God - meaning, what helps

Icon pochaevskaya meaning in what helps. Pochaev icon of the Mother of God - meaning, what helps

The Pochaev icon of the Mother of God is known in Orthodox world... On August 5 and September 21, solemn services in her honor are held in all parishes. This is one of the shrines of the peoples Slavic states. Together with the Orthodox, people of other faiths come to worship her.

Icon of the Mother of God "Pochaevskaya"

From ancient times to her the people addressed their prayers in search of consolation and deliverance from everyday misfortunes. Not only believing parishioners come to pray before the holy icon Mother of God... There are people who rarely attend church or do not believe in God at all, but find themselves in a difficult life situation seek intercession before this image. Some make a long pilgrimage in order to perform a prayer service to the Pochaev Mother of God.

The history of the icon

Two monks came to Pochaev Mountain and found shelter in a cave... They spent their lives in fasting and praising. Day and night, the hermits were in prayer service, sanctified by the grace of God. One night one of the monks was praying at the top of the mountain. Suddenly a column of fire rose in front of him. The Heavenly Intercessor stood on a huge boulder, enveloped in a glow. In Her hands was a royal scepter, and on her head was a crown.

In such a miraculous way, the Mother of God pointed out the place where arrange a monastery... The monk called his brother to him, and the two of them watched the divine miracle. This appearance of the Mother of God was noticed by the shepherd, who was with his flock not far from the mountain.

In the morning, the hermits found on the boulder where the Most Holy Mother of our Savior stood, a trace from Her foot. It was filled with pure spring water. The amount of moisture never decreases and has miraculous property of curing diseases... On some copies of the icon of the Pochaev Mother of God, this imprint is depicted. The event dates back to 1340, after which a monastery began to be created on Pochaev Mountain.

In 1595, Metropolitan Neophytos traveled across Russia. After a long and tiring journey, the traveler decided to rest in the estate of Anna Erofeevna Goiskaya. In gratitude for the hospitable reception given to him by the landowner, Neophyte presented her with an icon of the Queen of Heaven. After the departure of the metropolitan strange things began to happen... At first, the courtyard people noticed the glow that surrounded the image, and then miracles began to take place.

Once the brother of the landowner Philip Kozinsky, being blind from birth, regained his sight while praying in front of the icon. Fearing to keep the healing image in her dwelling, the landowner conducted the shrine with prayers and lighted candles to the Pochaev monastery. Procession accompanied by the multitude Orthodox people... The monks gratefully accepted the icon for eternal preservation. This happened in 1597. Soon a church is being built in honor of the Assumption of the Mother of God. A shrine was housed here.

After the death of Anna Goyskaya, her possession was succeeded by the Lutheran Andrei Firlei. With his fellow believers in 1623, he seized the monastery and, having plundered the parish sacristy, stole the miraculous icon. The blasphemer ordered his wife to scoff at church utensils. His wife made blasphemous speeches about Orthodoxy. She was punished for her blasphemy... An evil spirit possessed her and tormented her until the icon was returned to the monks. Miracles continued to be performed from the image of the Most Pure One, and many people came to the monastery to find salvation and God's mercy.

In 1675, during the Zbarazh war, the Turkish-Tatar army, led by Khan Nurredin, surrounded the monastery. At dawn on August 5, trusting in the mercy of God, the monks, led by Hegumen Joseph Dobromirsky, sang Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos... At that moment, the Heavenly Intercessor appeared in shining vestments, accompanied by angels with drawn swords. Near Her stood the Monk Job, whose relics were laid to rest in the monastery. The saint bowed to the Most Pure One and begged to protect the monastery from destruction.

The besiegers began to shoot with bows at the heavenly defenders, but the arrows bounced off the Heavenly Host and destroyed the archers themselves. Great fear seized the Basurmans who besieged the monastery. The Turks began to scatter, panicking their brethren in panic. Russian soldiers and monks went on the offensive and captured many invaders... Struck by the mercy of the victors and the life of hermits, the captives converted to Orthodoxy. In commemoration of the victory won, the celebration of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God takes place on this day.

From 1721 to 1831 the Pochaev Monastery was ruled by Catholics. In 1733, the head catholic church Clement sent two golden crowns, which were fixed over the heads of Christ and the Mother of God. Rome officially recognized the icon as miraculous. During the reign of the Uniates, 539 cases of healing were recorded, descended from this image... In 1831, the Pochaev Monastery was returned to Russia and became known as the Lavra.

When in 1941 began Patriotic War Pochaev fell under the Nazi occupation. The Protodeacon Stratonikos performed a courageous act. He hid a wonderful icon in his house, not allowing desecration of shrine by the German invaders... After the liberation of the city, the icon returned to the monastery, and under its shade the monks began to rebuild their churches.

What does the icon of the Mother of God "Pochaevskaya" look like

The Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God is made in the Byzantine manner with oil paints on a linden board. At the bottom she lined with oak battens preventing bending. Its dimensions are 23 cm by 30 cm. Iconography defines it by type as Eleusa or. Once upon a time holy image covered with a thin layer of silver. Now it is being replaced by a robe of small pearls. The setting of the icon, which resembles a star, is decorated with precious stones... The savior sits on right hand Mother of God and closely presses her cheek to Her cheek. Icons of this type personify the boundless love and mercy of God for humanity.

In her hand, Mary holds the veil that covers the back and legs of the Savior. Left hand The baby is placed on the shoulder of the Mother of God, and with the right Christ blesses all Christians who come to him. The heads of the Mother of God and Jesus are adorned with crowns. The icon shows the faces of several saints. On its right side there are figures Old Testament prophet Elijah and the Florentine Martyr Mina, and on the left side there are images the first Christian passion-bearer Stephen and the Monk Abraham. The lower part of the icon depicts St. Paraskeva, the Great Martyr Catherine and St. Irina.

Where is the icon

In the Ukrainian city of Pochaev, for more than four centuries, the relic has been preserved by the monks of the Pochaev Lavra. Not far from the ark that protects the celibate foot of the Mother of God, there is the icon of the Mother of God "Pochaevskaya". It is suspended above the Royal Gates in the Holy Dormition Cathedral. A monk is always on duty near Her. When the troparia are sung, the icon is lowered to the level of human growth so that all those present at the service can come to her. Lists of the Divine Face are in the churches of many Russian cities.

How the icon and prayer help, their meaning

Sometimes the question is asked: "How does the Pochaev icon of the Mother of God help?" When a person is struck by a serious, and sometimes incurable disease, or in his life comes difficult period, then he turns to the Pochaev Mother of God. The holy relic helps a person to see the light both physically and mentally. The divine face comes to the rescue in the fight against devilish temptations, removes doubts, strengthens faith in God.

Sincere prayer can overcome diseases of the heart and blood vessels, helps to heal the musculoskeletal system. To understand the meaning of this icon, several cases of Divine help to the suffering should be cited, which are recorded in monastery books over a long history Orthodox monastery.

  1. In the seventeenth century, a boy suffering from an eyesore was brought to the Lavra. The sore eye was washed with water taken from the footprint of the Mother of God. The next day, an epiphany came, but soon the child died. His grandmother began to pray fervently before the holy image, and the boy was resurrected.
  2. The monastery settlement has been raided many times Tatar troops... After one such attack, a young monk was captured. Having fallen into slavery, he was forced to perform hard work... It would seem that this is how his life in a foreign land would end. Once on the feast of the Assumption Holy Mother of God the young man devoted himself to prayer on his knees. With his mind's eye, he carefully looked at the icon of the Pochaev Mother of God, which he remembered well when he lived in the monastery. The monk prayed so earnestly and for a long time for his return to the Lavra that, in the end, he fell asleep. When he woke up, he realized that he was sitting in front of the monastery gates, and his chains were lying nearby.
  3. In 1950, in the Pochaev Lavra, nun Varvara, who came here from Orenburg, received a miraculous healing from a long-standing ailment. For almost 50 years, she was able to walk only with crutches due to a disease in her legs. After the nun kissed the face of the Most Pure One with fervent prayer, strength began to flow to her sore legs. The nun returned home without crutches, which were left standing next to the miraculous icon.
  4. Count Potocki considered his driver guilty of the horse getting mad and overturning the carriage. He had already taken out his pistol, wanting to shoot his serf. But he turned to the Pochaev Monastery and offered up a prayer to the Pochaev Mother of God. The pistol in the hands of the count did not fire even once.

The significance of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God is also evidenced by the fact that the Ukrainian Church has established an order in her honor. It is awarded to clergy and laity for services to the Church.

What do they ask for in the prayer of the Pochaev Mother of God

Trusting in the help and intercession of the Mother of God, believers ask:

  • About deliverance from captivity or prison.
  • About curing chronic diseases.
  • About the admonition of sinful people, about the prevention of dirty thoughts.
  • About well-being and peace in the family, about the safety of housing and property.
  • About intercession for the Russian Land.

The icon of the Pochaev Mother of God is especially revered border troops.

Coming to worship the icon of the Mother of God, Orthodox Christians turn their prayers to Her.

  • To You, O Mother of God, I turn with prayer, a sinner, and Your miracles, revealed in the Lavra of St. Pochaev, I remember, and I lament my sins. I know, Heavenly intercessor, that it is not befitting for me, a sinner, to ask for anything, but only the Righteous Judgment.
  • “The Queen of the Mother of God, who is blessed with Heavenly and earthly powers! Turn your merciful glance at the people standing before your sacred icon and praying diligently, and intercede before your Son and our God, so that no one leaves without his hope, but will receive from you in his purity of heart according to his need for healing his soul and in health of the body.
  • Save, Mother of God, beloved this abode from Thy name since ancient times, healing from Thy miraculous icon and an inexhaustible spring in the footprint of Thy open foot. Save from the attacks of the enemy, as you saved by Your manifestation from the raid of the Hagarian, and may the Most Holy Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and Your all-glorious Dormition forever and ever be glorious. Amen".

The Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God is one of the most revered shrines of the Russian Church. She is known to everything to the Slavic world: she is revered in Russia, Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria and other countries. Along with the Orthodox Christians of other confessions come to worship the miraculous image of the Most Holy Theotokos.

In the Pochaev Lavra, the ancient stronghold of Orthodoxy, the miraculous Pochaev icon of the Mother of God has been in existence for about 400 years. The miracles that flow from the holy icon are numerous and are attested in the monastic books by the records of believers who prayed for deliverance from incurable ailments, deliverance from captivity and admonition of sinners.

The celebration in honor of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God on August 5 (in a new style) was established in memory of the deliverance of the Dormition Pochaev Lavra from the Turkish siege on July 20-23, 1675.

In the summer of 1675, during the Zbarazh war with the Turks, during the reign of the Polish king Jan Sobieski (1674-1696), the regiments consisting of Tatars, led by Khan Nurredin, approached the Pochaev monastery through Vishnevets, encircling it on three sides. The weak monastery fence, like several stone buildings of the monastery, did not represent any protection for the besieged. Hegumen Joseph Dobromirsky persuaded the brethren and laity to turn to the heavenly intercessors: the Most Holy Theotokos and the Monk Job of Pochaev. Monks and laity prayed fervently, falling to the miraculous image of the Mother of God and to the reliquary with relics Rev. Job.

On the morning of August 5 (July 23, according to the old style), at sunrise, the Tatars held the last advice on the storming of the monastery, while the abbot ordered to sing the Akathist to the Mother of God. With the first words to the "Climbed Voevoda", the Most Pure Mother of God herself suddenly appeared over the temple, "the white-shining omophorion dissolving," heavenly angels holding drawn swords. The Monk Job was near the Mother of God, bowing to Her and praying for the protection of the monastery.

The Tatars mistook the heavenly army for a ghost, in confusion they began to shoot at the Most Holy Theotokos and the Monk Job, but the arrows returned and wounded those who fired them. Horror gripped the enemy. In a stampede, without taking apart their own people, they killed each other. The defenders of the monastery rushed in pursuit and captured many. Some of the captives later adopted the Christian faith and remained in the monastery forever.

More than half a century ago, on June 17, 1950, in the Pochaev Lavra, the miraculous healing of nun Varvara (in the world Elena Konstantinovna Putyatina) took place, whose both legs were paralyzed for 48 years. She came from the city of Chkalov (now Orenburg), with difficulty walking on crutches with the help of her companion nun Maria. Attaching herself to the list of the miraculous image of the Mother of God, the nun immediately got to her feet. The crutches she left in the monastery are still standing at the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, testifying to the miracle that had taken place.

Troparion, voice 5:
Before Thy holy icon, the Lady, / praying healings are vouchsafed, / true knowledge of faith is accepted, / and the Hagarian invasions are reflected. / For the same to us, who fall to You, / ask for forgiveness, / enlighten the thoughts of piety of our hearts, / and lift up a prayer to Thy Son / for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion, voice 1st:
Source of healings and faith Orthodox affirmation of Pochaev Thy icon, the Mother of God, appear as we who come to her from troubles and temptations of freedom, keep Thy Laura intact, affirm Orthodoxy in the surrounding countries, and resolve sins Thy prayer book: the tree is more desirous , you can.

Prayer of the Pochaev Mother of God:

To You, O Bogomati, we, sinners, flow in prayer, Your miracles in the Holy Lavra of Pochaevsty, revealed in remembrance of our contrite sins. Vema, the Lady, vema, as if it is not befitting us, sinners, to ask for something, only leave us for the hedgehog righteous Judge of our iniquity. Everything we endured in our life, sorrows, and needs, and diseases, like the fruits of our falls, vegetating to us, to this God allowing us to be corrected. Even so, all this, by His truth and by His judgment, the Lord guided His sinful servants, and in His sorrows to Your intercession, O Most Pure One, and in the tenderness of their hearts they cry out to Thee: sins and iniquities of ours, Good, do not remember, but more honorable hand of Thy having raised up, stand up to Thy Son and God, let the fierce deed by us let us go, yes, for the many unfulfilled promises our face will not turn away from His servants, but He will not take away His grace, helping our salvation, from our souls. To her, Lady, wake our intercessor for our salvation and, having not abhorred our cowardice, look at our groans, even in our troubles and sorrows before Thy miraculous way we exalt. Enlighten our minds with affectionate thoughts, strengthen our faith, confirm hope, grant love to the sweetest gift to accept us. These ubo, Most Pure, by gifts, and not by sickness and sorrow, let our belly be raised to salvation, but from despondency and despair of our souls, save us weak from the troubles and needs that are on us, and the slander of humanity and unbearable diseases. Grant peace and prosperity to the Christian intercession by Thy intercession, Mistress, confirm the Orthodox faith in our country, throughout the world, do not betray the Apostolic and Cathedral Church to belittling, the statutes of the saints, Father forever unshakable, save all those who come to You from the perilous moat. Also, the heresy of our deceived brethren, or the saving faith in the sinful passions that ruined the pack. true faith and bring repentance, so that, together with us, those who worship your miraculous image will confess your intercession. Grant us, Most Pure Lady Theotokos, even in this belly, behold the victory of truth by Thy intercession, grant us gracious joy before our death to perceive, as in ancient times the inhabitants of the thought of Thy appearance showed the conquerors and enlighteners of the Agarens, yes, we are all grateful and with a heart together prophets, and apostles, and with all the saints, Your mercy is glorifying, let us give glory, honor and worship in the Trinity to God the Father who is singing, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

What they pray for in front of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God

Before the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God, they pray for:

  • Strengthening faith;
  • Liberation from bad addictions;
  • Help in any business;
  • Healing from infirmities;
  • Protect from enemies.

Through prayers in front of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God, miracles happened more than once.

  1. The grace of the Most Holy Theotokos did not leave the believers during the time the icon was in the possession of the Uniates.
  2. The man born blind has become clear.
  3. Healing of nun Barbara.

Based on materials open sources internet

Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God. Video

One of the most important shrines that was sent to people is the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God - a miraculous image associated with many amazing phenomena and miracles of faith

The story of the miraculous image

Starting the story of how the Pochaev icon of the Mother of God appeared, one should travel back to distant times. When Russia took over Golden Horde, two Orthodox monks went to Volhynia. Wandering through the dense forests, they found a refuge for themselves, it was a small cave located in Pochaev Mountain. In this part, the land was practically not inhabited by people. As time went. The monks lived in constant prayers with requests to free the Russian land from the ruinous raids of the Tatar-Mongols. One day, after a long prayer, a monk went to the top of the mountain and an image of the Mother of God appeared in front of him, who stood on a stone, and everything around her was on fire.

The monk immediately called his partner and together they began to watch this unusual phenomenon... A shepherd was walking near the cave at the same time, he also saw this interesting phenomenon... The shepherd climbed to the top of the mountain and fell on his knees before the image of the Virgin. After a while, the vision went away. But the stone where the Mother of God appeared became the most real evidence that she appeared to people because there was a trace from her foot on it. The Akathist used for veneration for the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God briefly notes these events.

Creation of the Pochaev Lavra

Since that time, the water that flows near this stone and in its wake has been considered holy and healing. Comes there annually big number pilgrims, in order to taste this water and take it with you. Over time, the water in the footprint does not disappear, it is still full.
After a while, a stone monastery and a church were built near the place of the appearance of the Mother of God. The Pochaev icon of the Mother of God also helps, which is also revered as miraculous. Many copies depict stone prints and the footprint of the Blessed Virgin.
In the Pochaev Lavra itself there is an icon of the Mother of God, which is of significant importance for believers and was brought there by Anna Goiskaya.

Anna lived in the 16th century and was a Volyn landowner. Once, a Greek metropolitan visited her house. She met him kindly, showed true hospitality. Finally, he blessed Anna and presented her with an old icon of the Virgin Mary, which now accepts prayers of believers to the icon of the Mother of God, because the Pochaev Lavra attracts many pilgrims and parishioners.

First, the landowner left the icon in her home place for prayer. After a while, she noticed that the icon emits an unusual light and unusual wonderful things are happening nearby. Her brother Philip was blind, and after he read a prayer to the icon of the Mother of God of Pochaev, he was cured of this ailment. This was the first famous case help of the Pochaev Mother of God to ordinary believers.

Miraculous phenomena do not cease to delight people at the present time. That's why a large number of pilgrims and go to these parts to drink some water and bow to the icon of the Virgin.

When reading prayers, they ask to help relieve them of various diseases and other unpleasant moments in life. The Pochaev Icon helps believers with a variety of requests.

How does the icon help?

Throughout the time of veneration, the icon of the Pochaev Mother of God gave people many miracles. Only recorded miracles are about six hundred and every year this number is constantly increasing. From ancient times, facts have come down about incredible healing options such as raising children and more.

That is why children are also advised to pray to this icon, Pochaev Mother of God is considered the patron of young children. In addition, they use prayers to the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God from prison. , and the Blessed Virgin helps those who are wrongly accused and defend.

Throughout history, this image has been the defender of the faith and the Russian land. After all, there were such historical periods when on this territory the Lutherans were actively spreading own faith... Nevertheless, the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Pochaev has always helped the Orthodox.

Iconographically, the image belongs to the Eleus type, that is, Tenderness. Here the Mother of God and Christ clung to each other. This image symbolizes the yearning of people for the Lord.

Prayer and veneration of the icon

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos before Her icon "Pochaev":

To You, O Bogomati, we, sins, Thy miracles flow in prayer, in the Holy Lavra of Pochivsty manifested, remembering our contrite sins. Véma, O Lady, Vema, for it is not befitting us sinners to ask for it, so that we will leave us for our Right Judge of iniquity. Everything we endured in our life, grieve, and need, and sickness, as the fruits of the fall of our vegetation to us, I allow this God for our correction. The same with all His truth and judgment, the Lord will bring the Lord to sinful His servants, like in their sorrow to Your intercession, Most Blessed One, who welcomed them, and in the compassion of God, all the hearts of God, they do not cry out to Thee and do not sin , to Thy Son and to God appear, may He forgive us for the evil of what we have done, so that for the great unfulfilled promise of our face, He will not turn away from His works, let His grace, who will save the soul from the one who has received it. She, O Master, be to our salvation Khodataitsa and, having not abhorred our faint-heartedness, behold our groaning, even in our troubles and sorrows before Thy miraculous image we can see. Enlighten our minds with tender emotion, strengthen our faith, strengthen my hope, give us the sweetest love to receive us. This ubo, Most Blessed One, with gifts, and not by sickness and sorrow, may our life be lifted up to salvation, but from despondency and despair our soul protects us, save us, the sick, the sick, the needy, and the needy, the needy ... Grant peace and prosperity to the habitation of the Christian representation of Thy, Sovereign, confirm the Orthodox faith in our country and in the whole world. Do not betray the Church of the Apostles and the Cathedral of the Holy Father; keep the commandments of the holy fathers forever unshakable, and save all those who flow to You from the rogue of the perishing. And also the jesus of our deluded brethren, or the saving faith in sinful passions that destroyed the packs to true faith and repentance, bring, together with us, Thy miraculous conception of God. Vouchsafe slaughter us, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, even in the stomach this and victory of truth in thy intercession behold, vouchsafe us a fertile joy before the death of our perception, As drevle monks Pochayevskaya thy phenomenon winners and educators Hagarites showed Thou, yes, all ye that we have a grateful heart, together with the angels, and the prophets, and the apostles, and with all the saints, Thy mercy is glorifying, let us give glory, honor and worship in the Trinity to God the Father who is sung to God, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Of all the manifest miraculous images the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos is one of the most revered Christian shrines. The Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God is worshiped not only by Orthodox, but also by Christians of other trends and religions in all Slavic countries. The ancient face of the Mother of God has been located in the ancient stronghold of the Pochaev Lavra for more than 400 years.

Apparition of the Virgin Mary

The footprint of the Virgin Mary is depicted under the faces of the Mother of God and the Savior. It is displayed in memory of the miraculous appearance of the Queen of Heaven herself. This happened in 1340 on the mountain where the Pochaev Lavra is now located. Then two monks settled on this dais, wishing to retire from worldly life and devote themselves to prayers and service to the Lord.

As a reward for this, they were honored to see the Tsaritsa. And greatest miracle could see a shepherd who was tending a flock of sheep nearby. According to legend, the Queen of Heaven descended in a pillar of fire. Unharmed by the flame, she touched the stone with her foot, and in this place there was an imprint of her foot, which was filled with clean water... It still exists today, many pilgrims visit this place to collect miraculous water.

This legend is displayed on one of the miraculous icons called the Burning Bush. It is believed to protect against fires, which is why it is often placed in homes. The military, pilots, firefighters, doctors, rescuers ask her for help, considering the icon as their patroness. People who suffer for a long time from their sins believe that a miraculous image can incinerate their sins in repentance. It also helps with mental ailments, infertility, disorders of the musculoskeletal system and diseases that were beyond the power of doctors.

History of the Pochaev Icon

In the 16th century, the image of the Mother of God and the Child belonged to Metropolitan Neophytos of Constantinople. One day he passed through Pochaev and stayed with the noblemen of the Goysky. In gratitude for the warm welcome and in memory of his visit, he blessed Anna Goiskaya and presented her with a shrine. Soon, the metropolitan was appointed patriarch, and the holy image became famous for the most glorious miracles. Since then, the icon of the Pochaev Mother of God has become the lamp of faith of many pilgrims and the shrine of the whole nation.

The photo at first glance illustrates that the face of the Virgin Mary was executed by a talented painter in the Byzantine style. At the same time, the artist used oil paints, and the image itself is depicted on a linden board. The icon was decorated with a small silver covering made in the form of a riza, but it was badly worn out. Over time, it was replaced by a pearl placer.

For several decades the Pochaev icon was kept in the pious Christian family of the Goiskys. Although the icon was placed in a home prayer house, its owner was not distinguished by great strength of faith. When the maids said that they saw a bright radiance from the image, Mrs. Goyskaya considered this nonsense of commoners and did not attach importance to the miracle. But soon the mistress saw a dream in which the Most Pure One herself appeared to her in a shining light. After this, near the holy image, Anna ordered to light an inextinguishable icon lamp

In 1597 a miracle happened, which forever changed Mrs. Goyskaya's attitude to religion. Leaning against the icon during prayer, her brother Philip was healed. This made such a strong impression that Anna decided to transfer the shrine to the monks who settled on Pochaev Mountain. There they soon built a temple in honor of the Dormition of the Mother of God, and a monastery was built there. Goiskaya allocated considerable funds for this. Since that time, the icon has acquired the name "Pochaevskaya".

After the death of Anna Goyskaya, the mountain, together with the church and the monastery, went to her nephew Andrei Fereley, who was not Orthodox Christian... He removed the holy icon and other valuables from the church and kept them with him for about twenty years. Once he decided to mock the shrine in front of the guests, and for this he disguised his wife as a priest. She began to loudly shout blasphemy against the Mother of God, for which she was immediately punished. According to legend, she possessed evil spirit, and the offender fell ill with a mental illness - demonic possession. Only after Fereley returned the holy image to the monastery, his wife recovered.

The meaning of the image

In the right hand Blessed mary keeps God's Child, a the other covers His legs and back... The Blessed Virgin leaned her head against the Face of the Infant, which symbolizes her boundless motherly love... With His right hand He gives His blessing, and He holds the other on the shoulder of the Mother.

In addition to the Holy Faces, the Icon also depicts seven God's Pleasants.

Miracles of the shrine

Healing of Philip of Goyski was the first manifestation of the holy image that has survived to this day, but by no means the only miracle of the Pochaev icon of the Mother of God. What the shrine helps in and what miracles it does is known practically from the moment of its appearance.

There are more than 500 cases of healing described in the annals. But miracles still happen today. The rescue of a nun from Orenburg is known. She could not walk and came to the shrine to pray for her recovery. Grace descended on the nun and went home on her own. Her crutches are still near the image.

Now miraculous icon stays in the Holy Dormition Cathedral Pochaev Lavra as part of the iconostasis, which the monastery inherited from Alexander II. Every day the ministers lower the image on silk ribbons so that Christians can bow before him and read a prayer. Thousands of people, amazed at the healings that the miraculous icon created, come to bow before it in the hope that the Most Pure Virgin will help them in the same way as it happened before. Therefore, Orthodox believers value and revere the Pochaev icon of the Mother of God. What do they pray for and come with such requests? First of all:

  • to give health to yourself and loved ones, to heal ailments of the body and soul, to get rid of lameness and blindness;
  • endow the family with peace and quiet, help get rid of disagreements, quarrels and enmity;
  • protect your home from enemies and unwanted guests, thieves;
  • guidance on the true path, strengthening faith, protection from wrong thoughts.

Prayer of the Pochaev Mother of God

When petitioning, one should cleanse the soul and mind of bad intentions, forgive your offenders, open your heart and sincerely wish forgiveness for the sins you have committed. When reading a prayer, you need to completely trust the Virgin Mary, and these promises must be fulfilled, otherwise you can draw on yourself anger and punishment.

The Akathist before the image tells about the appearance of the Lady on Pochaev Mountain, where her trace remained, about the history of the holy icon, about the healings that occurred by the grace of the Virgin Mary. It is performed in the form of a hymn, which must be sung while standing. Akathist to the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God was created and approved for general church use in 1883.

Celebrating this shrine takes place on August 5 - in honor of the deliverance of Pochaev from the Turks and on September 21 - in honor of the transfer of the miraculous image to Pochaev Mountain. These dates are considered the days of commemoration of the icon.

When praying, one should not forget that the greatest miracle is the healing of the human spirit, the softening of the heart so that it can empathize and sympathize with its neighbor; filling it with love and forgiveness, which leads to peace and tranquility. Then a person can help others - heal their spiritual wounds. This should be asked first in prayer.

There are many icons of the Mother of God in the world. Some of them managed to survive, and some have not survived to our time. There are also such images that are considered miraculous and many people come specially to the temple in order to pray for help. One of these icons is the Pochaev Icon, which has been helping and illuminating many parishioners for centuries.

Pochaev icon of the mother of God, what does it help?

The history of the emergence of the Pochaev icon originated in the sixteenth century. When Metropolitan Neophytos drove through the city of Pochaev. In this city he was greeted by the noblemen and presented him with an icon as a token of gratitude. After that, he became patriarch. And the donated image became famous for the fact that performed great miracles.

For many years she lay in the house of Christians, and after the first healing from her happened... Then the owner of the icon decided to transfer it to the monastery, and since then it has become the property of the Orthodox people. After the owner of the icon died, her relatives decided to return it to themselves. But in the new house, the image of happiness did not bring. Therefore, she was given back to the monastery. Several decades later it was given to Catholics... Pope Clement then installed a robe of gold on it.

After a century, the property was returned v Orthodox Church ... Now this is the property of the laurel, and every Saturday it is sung over it, thereby remembering the healing of the blind girl.

What does the Pochaev icon mean?

Distinctive feature the image is the face of the Savior and the Mother of God, on which there is a footprint. The foot is a memory of the visit of the Queen of Heaven herself. Lavra Pochaevskaya located on the mountain of the same name. Then it was empty and one day two monks saw it. There stood the Mother of God, who was crowned with a crown. The maiden held a scepter in her hand. And the flame, despite the fact that it emanated from it, did not burn. The vision soon ceased, but her trace remained. So that typo was filled with water.

From that place, the monks began to build a mountain, on which sixteen temples are located today. After that, the Assumption Church appeared there, and later the Cathedral was erected. The original image was made on a linden board, like other icons. They painted the icon with oil paints. A thin silver stripe is applied at the top, and at the bottom it is lost. But it was quickly replaced by a pearl garment. The frame looks unusual, which resembles a star, which is decorated with rays.

Where is the image of the Pochaev Mother of God located?

The icon of the miraculous Pochaev is located in the temple above the gates... Early in the morning, even when it’s dark, it’s lowered on required level... It hangs on silk ribbons, and is guarded by a monk on duty. Everyone who is attending the service approaches the icon. There is also a healing spring in the temple, which was discovered by the Mother of God. The spring can be found behind the fence. It is allowed to kiss the image of the foot in the temple. And water can be drawn from a novice.

Pochaev Lavra with the original image of the Mother of God can be found on Western Ukraine ... There lived a prayer book, where he lived for several hundred years. His holy relics are also kept in the temple. The first and second wars did not destroy the cathedral, and during the war it was never closed.

In addition to the Ukrainian monastery, you can meet the Pochaev Icon in churches in Moscow, Rostov-on-Don and many other regions of Russia and former countries CIS.

Icon of the Mother of God - Pochaev icon

The image of the Mother of God has several main types. The Pochaev icon also has distinctive characteristics. It can be recognized by its main features.

  1. Mother and baby face each other. This image is applicable to the disclosure of the concepts of love and mercy.
  2. Mary's head is inclined towards the Son.
  3. The son hugs the mother with his left hand.
  4. The image is made with oil paints up to the waist.

In the Pochaev Icon, the Mother of God holds a plaque in her right hand, which wraps around Jesus Christ. In addition, the icon has a precious setting, as it shines with gold around it.

There are some faces of saints on the image... Consider all possible options.

  1. The first martyr to be killed for the Christian faith is Stephen.
  2. There are many famous Christians under the name Abramius, most likely he was the one who crushed idols and united the pagan tribes into Christianity.
  3. The prophet who was taken to heaven alive. He is famous prophet, who is considered the patron saint of the pilot, paratroopers. He is also revered in Islam and Judaism.
  4. The first Florentine martyr is Mina.
  5. The first martyr Catherine, who dedicated herself to God in refusal to marry the Roman emperor.
  6. A Christian woman who was put to death together with two sisters - Saint Irina.
  7. The saint who died with her entire family during the reign of Nero is Paraskeva.

Looking at the composition of the Mother of God and the Son, one can seem that love is depicted. Everyone will be able to try on this role. But in fact, it depicts the relationship between God and the soul. Therefore, if you look deeper into the icon, you can see a completely different context for this.

The meaning of the Pochaev icon and how does it pray?

To date, about five hundred miracles are known that occurred among believers who prayed in front of the image of the Mother of God and her son. Let's consider the brightest of them.

  1. The first miracle that happened in the temple of a noble family, where the icon was located. The man was blind from birth, constantly praying in front of the Icon. It happened that in time he was healed and received his sight. After that, the icon was transferred to the temple so that it could help others.
  2. The monk was taken prisoner by the Tartars. He was in custody far from the monastery and was to be executed. He lamented and prayed to the Mother of God that he could see the walls of his native monastery. And suddenly the Mother of God took him to the Lavra, where he found himself among the festively dressed monks.
  3. There is a known case when the Turks captured Pochaev and then the Mother of God appeared. She consecrated the city and the Turks lost their heads from fear and began to kill each other.
  4. In the seventeenth century, a son of a landowner died. His grandmother prayed all night in front of the icon of the Mother of God and asked that the grandson be returned. By morning, the grandson came to life and asked for food.
  5. Currently, one of the last miracles that the icon did is the healing of a deaf boy. The baby's grandmother took the icon to the hospital and left it in the ward. The prognosis for a cure was disappointing. But the next morning, the Mother of God healed him and he began to hear, he was immediately discharged.

God's icon: what is the meaning

When a person has problems that he cannot solve on his own, he cannot explain anything and is confused. But scientists admit that not all miracles lend themselves to explanation. In order for the Mother of God to help you need to learn how to pray correctly. A lot of prayers sounded in front of the Pochaev icon, and many of them acted correctly. But how to pray for the image so that the Mother of God will help?

An important point when communicating with icons, it is necessary to learn how to pray correctly, so that the Mother of God through the icon hears your requests.

  1. Great strength has the appearance of the mother of God and the son. This image helps thousands of people. Correct prayer is a heartfelt request.
  2. When praying, a person should not pray, but reflect on the wording of his request. Thus, he should not look at the request from the outside and on trifles.
  3. You should not be distracted from the main thought, since you can repeatedly strengthen the prayer with your energy and the call of the heart.
  4. The main thing is to disconnect from everything that surrounds you and is happening. You need to feel your request and prayer from the depths of your soul.
  5. Prayer should come from the heart and transmit your energy. Only in this case there will be a result from the help of the Pochaev mother, who helps everyone who comes to her with pure thoughts and strong faith.

Regardless of whether you go to the Pochaev Lavra for a real image or embroider it yourself. The main thing is to say the prayer correctly, with all your heart. In case you decide to embroider an image, it is best for you to do it on the territory of the church and be in a peaceful state. You must be pure of heart and focus on your request throughout your work.

It is worth noting that it is possible to receive help from the Mother of God, since she performed five hundred miracles. But we must remember, only one thing - true believer can get help from heaven. Faith can be gained by people who turn to divine powers for any help. Only they will help to be guided and protected.

icon of Pochaev Mother of God

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