Home Indoor flowers Key dates in the history of Russian journalism. History of Russian journalism of the 20th century. "history of domestic journalism"

Key dates in the history of Russian journalism. History of Russian journalism of the 20th century. "history of domestic journalism"

The emergence and development of Russian journalism in the first half of the 18th century. Petrovskiye Vedomosti.

Background and prerequisites for the emergence of Russian journalism. The first periodicals. "Vedomosti" (1702–1727). Lomonosov and scientific journalism. "St. Petersburg Gazette" (1727) - the first newspaper of the Academy of Sciences. "Moscow Gazette" (1756–1800).

Magazine periodicals. The first satirical publications of the second half of the 18th century.

Journals of the Academy of Sciences. Private magazines of a moderate liberal and progressive direction. “The Hardworking Bee” (1759) by A. N. Sumarokov is the first Russian private magazine.

Russian periodicals in the “age of Catherine”. Satirical magazines of the 1769–1770s. N. I. Novikov and his place in the history of journalism. Journals of Moscow University. "Interlocutor for lovers of the Russian word." Satirical journalism by D. I. Fonvizin (“Questions to the publisher”, “Friend of honest people...”). Journalism by A. N. Radishchev (“Talking Citizen”). Publishing activity of N. M. Karamzin (“Moscow Journal”, almanacs, “Bulletin of Europe”). Magazines by I. A. Krylov (“Spirit Mail”, “Spectator”, “St. Petersburg Mercury”). The state of the domestic periodical press by the end of the 18th century. "St. Petersburg Magazine".

Journalism of the first third of the 19th century. Activities of N. M. Karamzin. Journalism during the Patriotic War of 1812

Socio-political and literary life of Russia. Position of the press. Censorship statute of 1804

“Bulletin of Europe” under N. M. Karamzin and after him. Publications of the Free Society of Lovers of Literature, Sciences and Arts. Journalism during the Patriotic War of 1812. “Son of the Fatherland” by N. I. Grech in 1812–1825.

Journalism of the 20s XIX century; professionalization of journalistic work (“Moscow Telegraph”, “Telescope”, etc.).

The liberal opposition movement after World War II and its reflection in journalism. Literary societies and associations, their publications. Decembrists and journalism. Almanac by A. A. Bestuzhev and K. F. Ryleev “Polar Star” (1823–1825). Structure of the publication. Literature reviews compiled by A. A. Bestuzhev. Illegal journalism of the Decembrists. The role of “almanac literature” in the 1820s. "Mnemosyne." "Northern Flowers" Publishers and authors.

A. S. Pushkin is a journalist and editor. Publications of the “magazine triumvirate”.

Journalism of the second half of the 1820–1830s. "Moscow Bulletin" (1827–1830). “Moscow Telegraph” (1825–1834) N. A. and K. A. Polevykh. “Telescope” and “Rumor” (1831–1836) N. I. Nadezhdina. "Moscow Observer" (1835–1839). The beginning of the journal and journalistic activities of V. G. Belinsky. Articles from the 1830s

Government activities in the field of printing. Journalistic activity of A. S. Pushkin. Participation in the “Moscow Bulletin”, “Literary Gazette” (1830–1831). Attempts to create our own press organ. "Contemporary" in 1836 and after the death of Pushkin.

"Triumvirate" of journalists. “Northern Bee” by F.V. Bulgarin, “Son of the Fatherland” by N.I. Grech and “Library for Reading” by O.I. Senkovsky. The tendency is towards unscrupulousness, speculativeness, entertainment and the transformation of journalism into a “branch of trade”.

Journalism, journalism and literary criticism of the 1840-50s. (V. G. Belinsky, N. A. Dobrolyubov).

Socio-political trends of the 40s–50s. and the development of journalism. Publications of supporters of the “official nationality”, Westerners, Slavophiles and revolutionary democrats. Journalistic activity of V. G. Belinsky. Activation of social thought and the formation of new ideological trends. Westernism and Slavophilism. Conservative-monarchist publications (“Mayak”, “Moskvityanin”). Journalism of the Slavophiles. "Moscow literary and scientific collection."

“Domestic Notes” by A. A. Kraevsky. Structure, composition of authors, position in polemics on socio-political and literary issues. V. G. Belinsky in “Notes of the Fatherland”. The beginning of the publishing and editorial activities of N. A. Nekrasov. “Physiology of St. Petersburg” and “Petersburg collection”. “Contemporary” by N. A. Nekrasov and I. I. Panaev in 1847–1848. Belinsky's critical and journalistic activities in Sovremennik. "Letter to Gogol". Participation of A. I. Herzen in Sovremennik. Periodicals during the “dark seven years” (1848–1854). The fate of democratic and liberal publications.

"Free Russian Press" abroad. Journalism of A. I. Herzen during the period of emigration. His creation of the “Free Russian Printing House”. Publishing and journalistic activities of A. I. Herzen and N. P. Ogarev. "The North Star" (1855–1862, 1868) and "The Bell" (1857–1867). Socio-political position and relations with domestic democracy. “The Past and Thoughts” is Herzen’s final work.

Journalism of the 1860s; era of reforms.

1860 - “era of reforms”. Socio-political crisis. Ideological “pluralism” in society and its manifestations in journalism. Government censorship policy. Peasant reform and its reflection in journalism.

Development of revolutionary democratic trends in journalism. "Contemporary". Structure and ideological and creative direction. N. G. Chernyshevsky and N. A. Dobrolyubov in the magazine. Changes in the composition of authors. “Contemporary” about reforms, social and literary movements. Resumption of publication and new edition (1863). M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin in Sovremennik. “Russian Word” by G. E. Blagosvetlov as an organ of heterogeneous democracy. Ideological, political and aesthetic position of the magazine. Composition of authors. Critical and journalistic activity of D. I. Pisarev. Different approaches to the solution of social and literary issues and the controversy between Sovremennik and Russian Word (“schism in the nihilists”). Closing of magazines in 1866

Satirical and humorous publications of the 1860s. “Iskra” (1859–1873) by B. S. Kurochkina and N. A. Stepanova. Place and character of cartoons. “Beep” (1862) by D. D. Minaev. “Alarm clock” (1865–1871) N. A. Stepanova.

Liberal journalism in the 1860s. M. N. Katkov – editor and publisher. "Russian Messenger". Social and literary position. Composition of authors. Readership. Journalism by M. N. Katkov and K. N. Leontyev.

Publications of Slavophiles. “Russian conversation” (1856–1860) by A. I. Kosheleva. Structure, staff, participation in journal controversy. Newspapers “Rumor” by K. S. Aksakov (1857) and “Sail” (1859) by I. S. Aksakov. I. S. Aksakov – editor and publicist.

“Soil” magazines of the brothers M. M. and F. M. Dostoevsky “Time” (1861–1863) and “Epoch” (1864–1865). Ideological direction and circle of authors.

The growing influence of newspapers on public opinion. Coverage of political, economic and literary issues in them.

Journalism 1870-80s; populism and other trends in the press; liberal press; development of the newspaper business. M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin is a publicist and editor.

Socio-economic changes and ideological trends of post-reform times. Government policy in the field of journalism. The formation of populism. The main directions of development of journalism: conservative, liberal, democratic, populist.

“Domestic Notes” (1868–1884) by N. A. Nekrasov and M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Structure of the publication, composition of employees. Socio-political position of the magazine. Journalism by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, N. K. Mikhailovsky, G. Z. Eliseev. Fiction and literary and artistic criticism in the magazine. G. I. Uspensky.

Newspaper "Week" (1866–1901). Direction of publication and range of authors. Speeches on major social issues political life. Publication of “Historical Letters” by P. L. Lavrov. Changing nature of publication in the mid-1870s

Foreign and illegal populist publications. Uncensored press: “People's Cause” by M. Bakunin and other anarchist publications, “Forward” by P. L. Lavrov, “Alarm” by P. N. Tkachev and others. Disagreements within the revolutionary populist movement and their reflection in journalism. Illegal populist press in Russia: “Beginning”, “Land and Freedom”, “People’s Will”, “Black Redistribution”, etc.

The labor question in the populist press. The first speeches of Marxists in the legal press. Journalism by G. V. Plekhanov. The Liberation of Labor group and its publishing activities. The beginning of the journalistic activity of V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin). Polemics with representatives of populism.

Liberal and conservative trends in the domestic press. Publications by M. N. Katkov. “Citizen” by V. P. Meshchersky. Participation of F. M. Dostoevsky in editing “Citizen”. "A Writer's Diary".

"Bulletin of Europe" (1866–1918). The structure of the publication, the originality of historical and philosophical journalism. Publications on literature and art (A. N. Pypin, V. V. Stasov). Works by I. S. Turgenev, I. A. Goncharov, A. N. Ostrovsky, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. The magazine's polemics with conservative and democratic publications.

"Northern Herald" (1885–1898). Editorial staff and circle of authors. Proximity to populism. Participation of N.K. Mikhailovsky. Change of direction since the early 1890s A. Volynsky in the magazine.

“Russian Wealth” (1876–1918) is the central organ of populism. Editorial staff and circle of authors. “Russian wealth” as an artel publication. The heyday of the magazine from the early 1890s. Journalism and literary criticism of N. K. Mikhailovsky. Popularity of the magazine. Polemics with the ideas of “economic materialism” (Marxism). Fiction department of the magazine. Publication of works by N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky, D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak, I. A. Bunin, A. I. Kuprin, V. V. Veresaev, M. Gorky.

Journalistic and journalistic activities of A. P. Chekhov, A. A. Kraevsky, N. V. Shelgunov in the 80-90s. XIX century.

Major scientists and writers in the newspaper. “St. Petersburg Gazette” by V. Korsh. “Voice” by A. A. Kraevsky.

“The Case” (1866–1888) by G. E. Blagosvetlova. Traditions of revolutionary democratic journalism and the ideological and creative direction of the magazine. Journalism by N.V. Shelgunov. Participation of populists in the magazine. The structure of the publication and the originality of fiction.

“Russian Thought” (1880–1918) edited by V. A. Goltsev. The ideological direction, the circle of authors and its changes after the arrival of former employees of Otechestvennye Zapiski. Works by G. I. Uspensky, A. P. Chekhov, V. G. Korolenko, V. M. Garshin, N. S. Leskov and others. “Essays on Russian life” by N.V. Shelgunov and his position in the magazine.

Journalistic and journalistic activities of A.P. Chekhov. Work in humor magazines. Feuilleton review in “Fragments” by N. A. Leikin. Chekhov’s collaboration in A. S. Suvorin’s newspaper “New Time” and the magazine “Northern Herald”. The writer's transition to Russian Thought. Publication of the book “Sakhalin Island” (1893–1894).

Journalism of the 1890s; printing system at the end of the 19th century; journalism of the early twentieth century. Participation of V. G. Korolenko in the development of Russian periodicals.

New features in the development of the newspaper press in the 1870–1890s. Creation of telegraph agencies. Changes in the distribution system. Conservative newspapers: “Moskovskie Vedomosti” by M. N. Katkov, “Citizen” by V. P. Meshchersky. The liberal-democratic newspaper “Russian Vedomosti” (1863–1917) and its place in the newspaper press late XIX– beginning of the 20th century.

Magazine and newspaper in the press system. Types of newspapers. Creation by I. D. Sytin of the large-circulation newspaper “Russian Word” (1895-1917). Circle of employees (V. M. Doroshevich, A. V. Amfiteatrov, V. A. Gilyarovsky, etc.). Publishing business of A. S. Suvorin. Information and mass newspapers.

The fate of old “thick” magazines (“Bulletin of Europe”, “Russian wealth”, “Russian thought”). The originality of the newly created ones: “God’s World”, “Magazine for Everyone”, “Modern World”, etc. Development of illustrated weekly magazines (“Niva”, etc.). Popular science weeklies (“Around the World”, “Bulletin of Knowledge”, etc.). Publications representing the new ideological, philosophical and aesthetic quests of the Russian creative intelligentsia: “World of Art”, “New Path”, “Scales”, “ The Golden Fleece", "Apollo", "Theater and Art", etc. The originality of satirical magazines.

V. G. Korolenko as a journalist, writer, public figure. His civic position. Cooperation with the magazine “Russian Wealth”. Genre diversity of journalistic works by V. G. Korolenko. “The Multan case” (“the case of the Votyaks”), “The Beilis case” and the participation of V. Korolenko in them.

Print from the period of the First Russian Revolution; main types of periodicals. Multiparty journalism after 1905

Socio-political structure of society and periodicals. Conservative, liberal populist and opposition publications.

Changes in Russian journalism after 1905. Transformation of censorship policy. Formation of multi-party system and “non-partisanship” in journalism. Russian press during the First World War. Attempts to create a centralized organization for collecting information about military events. Newspaper "Russian Will". Participation in it by L. Andreeva.

The first workers' newspapers. The growth of the provincial press.

Domestic journalism after the February Revolution. A. M. Gorky is a journalist.

Journalism of Moscow and Petrograd during the February Revolution. “Russian Invalid”, “Russian Word”, their reaction to revolutionary events. "Bulletin of the Provisional Government" as a continuation of the "Government Bulletin".

Press of various political parties. “Rabochaya Gazeta”, “Unity”, “Forward” as the press organs of the Mensheviks. "The Cause of the People" of the Socialist Revolutionaries. Publishing activities of other socialist parties: Trudoviks, People's Socialist Party (ENS), maximalists, anarchists, etc.

Press of the Bolshevik Party. Resumption of publication of the newspaper Pravda, its position in relation to the February Revolution. New Bolshevik newspaper "Social Democrat". Peasant press in the structure of Bolshevik journalism. “Village Poor”, “Village Pravda”, “Peasant Newspaper”, etc. Military publications: “Soldatskaya Pravda”, “Trench Pravda”, “Wave”, “Morning of Pravda”, etc.

The beginning of M. Gorky's journalistic activity. Work in “Samara Newspaper”, “Odessa News”, “Nizhny Novgorod List”. Civil position of M. Gorky. Genre diversity of journalistic heritage. Reports by M. Gorky from the All-Russian Industrial and Art Exhibition (1896) Cooperation with Bolshevik publications. " New life»

Domestic press after October revolution.

Approval of one-party (“party-Soviet”) journalism. Central publications (“Pravda”, “Izvestia”, “Bednota”), further differentiation of the press (“Komsomolskaya Pravda”, “Trud”, etc.), development of regional media, publications for various audiences (Red Army soldiers, youth, peasants, etc. .). Agitation trains and agitation steamships. Formation of periodicals (socio-political, economic, literary and artistic, satirical, etc.). Book publishing. State control in the field of media. Creation and activities of Glavlit.

Formation of information services. ROSTA (since 1918) and its role. Creation of TASS (1925). The emergence of radio broadcasting and its development. Congresses of journalists. Preparation journalistic personnel. Editions for journalists. Rabselkorovsky movement.

The originality of the activities of the press during the period of “war communism”. Subjects and ideological content of Soviet press publications on military and economic issues. Print about the White Guard movement, internal conspiracies, resistance of some layers of the peasantry and Cossacks, foreign intervention. "Windows of ROSTA". Discussion of the transition to the NEP and the results it brings in economic restoration. The press and internal party struggle. Lenin is a publicist.

Journalism during the civil war in the territories occupied by the troops of the white movement. Journalism of Russian emigration after the end of the civil war. Leading publicists of Soviet (A. S. Serafimovich, L. M. Reisner, L. S. Sosnovsky, etc.) and emigrant journalism of the “first wave” (Yu. O. Martov, P. B. Struve, V. M. Chernov ). Publicists of the “Smenovekhovsky” movement.

Journalism in the conditions of the emergence of the Stalinist totalitarian regime in the second half of the 1920-30s.

Mass media under conditions of a totalitarian regime and the triumph of mono-ideology. General structure of central, local, national newspapers. The creation of newspapers of the political departments of MTS is a manifestation of the further subordination of the economy to the priority of ideology. Five-year radio plan for the USSR, its main tasks. Moscow television center on Shabolovka, television centers in Leningrad and Kyiv.

Main topics of media publications.

New forms and methods of mass work: public and industrial roll calls, visiting editorial offices, “Radio lists of the RKI”. Rabselko-Rov movement.

Essays, feuilletons, reports by leading publicists in print and on radio.

Journalism by N. Bukharin, M. Gorky, N. Pogodin, K. Radek, feuilletons and reports by M. Koltsov. Oppositional journalism to the Stalinist regime by N. Bukharin, P. Petrovsky and others. “Open Letter to Stalin” by F. Raskolnikov.

Journalism of Russian abroad: magazines “Socialist Bulletin”, “Revolutionary Russia”, “Modern Notes”, “New World”, etc. Journalism by A. Amfiteatrova, I. Shmeleva.

Mass media during the Great Patriotic War.

Changes in the media system during the war years. The creation of the Sovinformburo, its role in the system of domestic journalism during the war.

The nature of radio broadcasting. New military-political publications. Formation and activities of the corps of war correspondents. Journalistic activities of B. L. Gorbatov, K. M. Simonov, A. N. Tolstoy, A. A. Fadeev, M. A. Sholokhov, I. G. Erenburg. Magazine "War and the Working Class", "Slavs". Underground and partisan press.

Media about the nature of the war. The theme of the front and rear. Materials from the occupied territories. Images of heroes of the era. "TASS Windows". A pamphlet depicting the fascist occupiers and their minions. Coverage of the activities of the anti-Hitler coalition.

Russian foreign press about the war and life in the country.

Post-war domestic journalism.

Restructuring of the media in connection with the transition to peaceful labor. Development of radio and television broadcasting. Reorganization of the Moscow Television Center, the beginning of its daily television broadcasts. Differentiation of television programs. Book publishing. Training of journalistic personnel. Editions for journalists.

Information policy of party journalism. The significance of the newspaper “Culture and Life” and the resolutions of the CPSU Central Committee on cultural issues in the ideological sphere. Ideological campaigns. Unlawful persecution of “dissent” in the political, scientific, military, cultural spheres, the “Doctors’ Plot” and other actions of the Stalinist leadership.

The role of journalism in the restoration and development of the national economy. The politics of journalism in the field of culture. Development of popularization of scientific knowledge.

International information in the context of the Cold War. Formation of an “enemy image”. Coverage of the life of the “socialist camp”.

“Varnishing of reality” in the works of publicists. “Village journalism” by V.V. Ovechkin, E.Ya. Dorosh, G.N. Troepolsky and others in the formation of a sober view of rural life.

Domestic journalism in the context of searching for ways to democratize society in the second half of the 1950s - early 60s, its role in the economic and socio-political transformations of the country.

Soviet journalism as a system of a unified information and propaganda complex of the CPSU after the 20th Party Congress. The role and features of the “thaw” during the time of N.S. Khrushchev. The limitations of press democratization in conditions of one-party rule and mono-ideology.

Creation of the Union of Journalists of the USSR. Changes in the structure of journalism. The emergence of new publications. The role of the newspaper “Izvestia” under A. I. Adzhubey and the “Literary Gazette”, transformed into a weekly publication, in updating the self-awareness of society. “Komsomolskaya Pravda” under B. D. Pankin; creation in the newspaper “Institute public opinion" Activities of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company for the development of television and radio broadcasting. Changes in the activities of TASS, the creation of the Novosti Press Agency.

Internal economic problems of the media. Discussion of proposals and progress of reforms in the economic, political and social sphere. Dynamics of cultural policy. Difficulties associated with manifestations of voluntarism in the leadership of the country.

Promoting the success of space programs. International topics in journalism. Subject international organizations(UN, UNESCO, etc.). Media and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Ideological struggle with the Chinese leadership. Disputes around "Eurocommunism". The threat of the emergence of neo-Stalinism.

Media in the era of “stagnation” under L. I. Brezhnev. Exaggerated praise of the successes in the development of the country in the face of real stagnation. Growing understanding of the need for socio-economic transformations and their hidden manifestation in journalism. Attempts by Yu. V. Andropov to make partial changes in the activities of ideological institutions and journalism.

Development and manifestations of the dissident movement, the formation of illegal “samizdat”. Journalism of emigration of the “second wave”. “Continent”, “Sowing”, “Edges”. Intensification of information warfare in the international arena in connection with the abolition of jamming of foreign stations. “Freedom/Free Europe”, “Voice of America”, BBC and other radio stations in the information space of the USSR. Press journalism by A. Agranovsky, K. Simonov, A. Strelyany, G. Radov, Y. Chernichenko, V. Peskov, Y. Smuul and others.

From the editors of RN: A wonderful article about the development of civic journalism in our Fatherland - a matter that is so necessary now to strengthen the influence of patriotic online media and the blogosphere, and improve their quality.

Author Grabelnikov Alexander Anatolyevich - doctor historical sciences, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Mass Communications Russian University friendship of peoples, head Department of Journalism and Communication Studies at the Faculty of Journalism and Humanities of the University of the Russian Academy of Education. Worked in the newspapers: "Gornyak", "Evening Donetsk", "Construction Newspaper", "Veteran", magazines "Architecture and Construction of Russia", "Oil and Capital". Member of the Union of Journalists of Russia. Published over 200 scientific works and teaching aids.

The topic of the nationality of journalism in domestic medialogy is not new. During the years of Soviet power, journalism students in mandatory studied the principles of party-Soviet journalism, among which (along with party affiliation, ideology, truthfulness, mass participation, criticism and self-criticism) nationality was included. It meant the broad participation of workers in the press, the protection of the interests of the people, and the availability of publications to the masses, written in folk, popular language.

The principle of nationality, the researchers wrote, shows that the press unites the people and expresses their interests, using all its capabilities and genres for this; the press is created for the people and with their most active participation. Soviet journalism researchers closely associated this principle with the principle of mass participation, which manifested itself in the broad participation of the masses in the activities of journalism - correspondence in the media, the development of the workers' movement, and cooperation with editorial offices on a voluntary basis as freelance correspondents.

Where did these principles mature and who introduced them into domestic journalism? Party historians attribute this to the creation by V.I. Lenin of an all-Russian Marxist newspaper, which united disparate groups of Social Democrats into a single revolutionary party and became a platform for popular denunciation of the tsarist government. For this, “correspondents from all factories and factories were needed to provide information about all incidents.” Social-democratic publications began to organize an influx of such information on their pages: “It is necessary that tens and hundreds of workers write directly to Vperyod.”

From newspaper to newspaper, the Bolsheviks attracted more and more ordinary people to the workers' press. The participation of workers in Pravda became especially widespread. They not only wrote to the newspaper, but also collected money for its publication. This was given special importance, because thereby the workers “unite even more closely around the newspaper of their trend, the workers are organized into something ideologically united, the workers check the success of their awakening by seeing reports of contributions from one or another neighboring or familiar factory.”

The editorial rooms of proletarian publications were filled with worker correspondents who brought their notes, discussed them with employees, wrote materials here or reworked what they had written, and received new assignments.

The work of journalists of such newspapers was based not so much on writing their own materials, but on editing workers' notes, author's notes, correspondence, and preparing them for publication. “It was a highly skilled, enormously stressful job that did not fit the usual term of the time: “Editing manuscripts.” It was necessary to throw out what was superfluous, add what was missing, and sharpen it in the right direction, taking into account the local and general effect.” During the two years of publication of Pravda, more than 16 thousand correspondence and over 200 articles by workers were published in it.

“Outsiders expressed their amazement at this mass of messages and spoke about the extremely broad organization of chronicling in Pravda; they could not believe that Pravda did not have any chronicling organization and that all the messages were written by the workers themselves.”

As can be seen from these quotes, the Bolsheviks did a good job of organizing workers' publications. The people mainly provided specific facts, professionals processed them and used them for agitation and propaganda of their own ideas. Among the party writers there were representatives of the “working intelligentsia” - authors of leaflets, correspondence, articles and even brochures. However, before people's journalism, which would widely produce its own texts, was very far away, since most of the country’s population did not know how to write and read, newspaper texts were simply inaccessible to it.

Compared to these developed countries Europe, like Sweden or Denmark, where almost the entire population was literate, and in Switzerland and Germany illiteracy was 1-2%, Russia looked very backward: before the revolution, over 70% of the population, not counting children under 9 years of age, was illiterate." It was necessary, first of all, to eliminate illiteracy and raise the educational and cultural level of the masses. Therefore, after the October Revolution, schools, educational programs, clubs and literacy courses acquired enormous importance.

The methods and forms of information work with the masses developed during the revolutionary struggle received their further development during the years of socialist reconstruction. The new government and journalists began to involve non-literate people in newspaper activities and attempts to develop worker self-government through the press in 1920-1921. In 1923, they convened the first All-Union Conference of Workers' Correspondents, at which their tasks in building a new society were comprehensively discussed.

The resolution of the meeting emphasized that the workers' correspondent is a completely new, most important social force, born of the revolution. He not only covers the life of the enterprise and connects the newspaper with the working masses, but is also an active organizer of public life and control at his enterprise. Its main task is to identify the will of the working masses, develop their independence and initiative.

During the ensuing discussion at the meeting of workers' correspondents, two main points of view were identified. The first was that the working correspondent should turn into a working journalist and thus the press would become working in the full sense of the word, since newspapers would be published by workers. The second point of view, which won, defended the value of the worker correspondent as a representative of the working masses, who is directly connected with it, is a member of the working collective. And in this role he cannot be replaced by a working journalist, a professional press worker, cut off from his former work collective.

The value of a work reporter is that, unlike a journalist, he looks at the factory not from the outside, but from the inside, sees all the negative phenomena occurring there, gives his assessment of them, and indicates real ways to correct them. This was very important, because already in those years one of the most serious diseases of society was the bureaucracy of economic and Soviet bodies.

Control by the masses over the state apparatus acquired its clear outlines through the press, through publicity. Life has shown that mass control is also necessary over the work of the lower party bodies at the local level. N.I. Bukharin wrote that with the help of the rabselkorov movement, “we have here a special means of attracting non-party people, involving them in active social work, through them (as strange as this may sound to the “terribly left” and “terribly party” comrades), through them even (oh horror!) control our party organizations, especially in the countryside.Control in a special way, publishing messages in newspapers, giving the opportunity to speak out, demanding answers from the relevant persons, bodies, institutions, etc., etc. ". The village correspondent, in his opinion, should have informed through the newspaper about the shortcomings of party cells, about the outrages that were being committed there. “Here we need the greatest independence from this apparatus, the greatest freedom of criticism.”

However, in the 1920s. thoughts about self-government of the masses through the press, their control over the state apparatus and party organizations were not put into practice all because of the same great illiteracy of the population. Workers' correspondents, as its literate part, began to actively write, but there were only 150 thousand of them in a sea of ​​millions of people. A serious barrier was the lack of general, political culture ordinary people.

In subsequent years, the strengthening of subjectivism in the management of society, its bureaucratization, and the strengthening of the command-administrative system led to the curtailment of the rabselkorov movement. The bureaucracy, with which the workers and rural correspondents entered into a struggle, gained the upper hand.

Mass information turned into the kind of information for the masses that the then leaders of the party and government wanted it to be: it suppressed the truth, creating a false picture of the well-being of people's lives. The people became an object of manipulation.

It was decided for him, and without his knowledge, what he needed to know and what he didn’t need.

Restructuring of society in the second half of the 1980s. gave rise to many hopes for the further development of democracy, self-government, encouragement of initiative, self-activity of workers, and expansion of publicity. By this time, the country's population had reached the level of education that the Bolsheviks dreamed of. More than 80% of the employed population of the USSR had higher and secondary education. The country was considered one of the most reading in the world. The change in the political climate in the country has led to increased public activity, which was immediately reflected in the quantity and quality of correspondence in the media and in the increase in the number of subscribers to periodicals. According to sociologists, almost 10% of the country’s adult population (16 years and older) contacted newspaper editorial offices, 2% contacted radio, and 3% contacted television. They proposed new topics, pointed out sources of shortcomings, participated in raids, and wrote about best practices.

About 6% of the population, or almost 13 million people, directly acted as authors of materials in newspapers, radio, and television. Central television introduced the practice of direct participation of television viewers in programs using telephones. During the course of the program, they could call the studio, ask questions to the program participants, make their suggestions, that is, directly influence its course. New forms of participation in the information and propaganda process of all creatively active forces of society were created, and the opportunity arose to collectively seek and find solutions to the most important problems that life poses to Soviet society. The right words were also heard from the high party tribunes: “put into action all the instruments that give every citizen a real opportunity to actively influence the development of management decisions, check their implementation"; "in Soviet society there should be no zones closed to criticism. This fully applies to the media."

The discussions that readers had on the pages of newspapers made these publications the most widely read and popular among the audience. “Literaturnaya Gazeta”, “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, “Pravda”, “Trud”, “Construction Gazette” had on their pages from 11 to 17 headings, under which materials from readers were published. Why were these sections so popular? Sociologists believe that for the majority of the audience, speeches from the press, radio, and television sound convincing when they refer to the opinions of readers, listeners, and viewers, and not just to the point of view of the editors.

However, with the coming to power of the Liberal Democrats in 1991, the number of media through which the population took part in managerial practices began to decline. Using redistributed finances and technological capacities, numerous private publications, radio and television programs arose, the purpose of which was not to discuss social problems with the people. Moreover, this does not apply to information and commercial publications, which are created for business on advertising and light reading, but to serious, high-quality newspapers and magazines, in whose interests it is necessary to know the opinion of the country's population. The old pre-revolutionary principle was again in use: our business is to write, and your business is to read.

Over the past twenty years, media owners have managed to wean audiences away from active participation in society through the media. Many newspapers do not enter into correspondence with readers at all. Freedom of the media for the audience today lies in their complete liberation from expressing the interests of the population,

in manipulating his consciousness for his own purposes. As a result, there is a year-on-year decline in audience trust in the domestic media, as sociological surveys regularly show.

Forced out of the media as a subject of journalism, the audience moved in this capacity to a new information environment - the Internet and has now taken a very serious position in the blogosphere and social networks. This is developing especially rapidly in the so-called social networks, the range of which has recently expanded significantly. Among them are domestic “Odnoklassniki.ru”, “Vkontakte.ru”, “Moy Krug.ru”, “Privet.ru”, “Liveinternet.ru”, “Planeta.rambler.ru”, “My World.mail.ru” ", "Blogs mail.ru", "Diary.ru", "In the Circle of Friends.ru", "Habrahabr.ru". As well as popular foreign ones “Myspace.com”, “Facebook.com”, “Twitter.com” and others. Members of some networks already number in the millions. Thus, more than half a billion users are registered on Facebook, more than 97 million users on VKontakte, and 45 million users on Odnoklassniki.

The peculiarity of social networks is that the main advertising for them is the users themselves, who popularize these networks among their acquaintances and friends, thereby expanding the online audience. Social networks are predominantly a youth environment. The older generation has not had time to master computer technology and lives using the same means of communication. The middle generation are people who actively use information technology, and they are the ones who produce the most quality content in networks. However, in quantitative terms, young people predominate, born in the age of information and computer technologies (ICT) and perceiving all its achievements as a normal environment.

Goals and objectives of course 3
Program 4
Introduction 4
History of Russian journalism (1917–1945) 4
History of domestic journalism (second half of the twentieth century) 11
Study assignments for seminar classes 20
Topics of reports during practical classes 26
Subjects of coursework and theses 27
Questions to prepare for test 28
History of Russian journalism (1917–1945) 28
History of domestic journalism (second half of the twentieth century) 29
Goals and objectives of the course

The history of domestic journalism of the twentieth century is closely connected not only with the socio-political history of our country, but also with the history of domestic science, culture, literature and other arts, as well as with the history of the development of the media (including television, radio broadcasting, news agencies , Internet) and book publishing. More than seventy years of Soviet power left an indelible mark not only on the structure of the media, but also on the content and forms of presentation of journalistic materials, which were largely of a narrowly ideological and agitation-propaganda nature. At the same time, the political struggle waged between representatives of various social groups and ideological movements throughout the twentieth century led to the emergence in this era of such unique phenomena in journalism as the journalism of the white movement during the Civil War and the “collaborators” during the Great Patriotic War, journalism Russian emigration of three waves of the cultural and political “underground” of the 1950s–1980s.
Unlike educational courses of the Soviet era, a modern course in the history of journalism must take into account the diversity of ideological, political and stylistic trends in Russian journalism of the twentieth century, without going to the extreme of downplaying the importance of “official” (or “loyal”) journalism of the Soviet period, but not limiting itself to exclusively by her. Only a comprehensive consideration of the entire heritage of the 20th century in the field of mass media can give an objective idea of ​​the domestic journalism of the 20th century, which is a necessary condition for the training of competent and highly professional journalistic personnel. At the same time, the main logic of constructing the course is based on a chronological approach, which meets not only the traditions of teaching this course, but also the requirements of the State educational standard.
The course on the history of domestic journalism of the 20th century (since 1917) is one of the most important in the curriculum for students receiving education in specialty 021400 - Journalism. Being a natural continuation and completion of previous courses on the history of Russian journalism of the 18th, 19th and turn of the 19th-20th centuries, it is designed to familiarize students with the formation and development of the media in Russia in the 20th century. The objectives of this course include the study of changes in the periodical press system and the process of formation of domestic radio and television broadcasting, the development of theoretical knowledge about journalism, the experience of specific media and journalists, their place in domestic and national culture.



Periodization of the history of Russian journalism of the twentieth century (since 1917). The connection between the history of domestic journalism of the twentieth century and the history of our country; the place of the media in this story. Russian literature and journalism, their relationship. General Features domestic journalism at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries as a prerequisite for the development trends of journalism after 1917. The variety of trends in domestic journalism of the 20th century: “Soviet”, “anti-Soviet” and “non-Soviet” journalism; overcoming this split in the 1990s. The emergence of new media in the twentieth century (radio, television, Internet, etc.).


Varetsky B.I. The rustle of pages, like the rustle of banners: The Russian press in three political regimes: A scientific and historical essay. – M., 2001.
Grabelnikov A.A., Minasova O.D. History of Russian periodicals (1703–2003). – M., 2004.
Gurevich S.M. Newspaper yesterday, today, tomorrow. – M., 2004.
Journalists of the 20th century: people and destinies. – M., 2003.
Legislation of the Russian Federation on the media. – M., 1999.
Kozlova M.M. History of domestic media. – Ulyanovsk, 2000.
Kuznetsov I.V. History of Russian journalism (1917–2000): Textbook. set. – M., 2002.
Hovsepyan R.P. History of modern domestic journalism (February 1917 - 90s): Textbook. allowance. – M., 1999.
Television journalism: Textbook. / Kuznetsov G.V., Tsvik V.L., Yurovsky A.Ya. – M., 2005.

History of Russian journalism (1917–1945)

Topic 1. Domestic journalism in the period between two revolutions (February - October 1917)

Events of the February Revolution of 1917 in the Russian press: attitude towards them in publications of various directions. Printing organs of the provisional government - "Bulletin of the Provisional Government" (formerly "Government Gazette") and "Narodnaya Gazeta" (formerly "Rural Gazette"), resumption of publication of previously banned publications.
The flourishing of the party press: conservative-monarchist publications ("New Time"; "Russian Will"), cadet ("Rech", "Birzhevye Vedomosti"), Socialist Revolutionary ("Delo Naroda", right-Revolutionary "Will of the People", left-Revolutionary "Banner of Labor" ), anarchist ("Anarchy", "Petrel", "Labor and Freedom", "Free Life"), Menshevik ("Workers' Newspaper", "Emancipation of Labor", "Unity") and Bolshevik ("Pravda", "Sotsial- democrat", "Soldier's Truth", "Trench Truth", "Wave", "Morning of Truth"; "Village Poor", "Village Truth", "Peasant Newspaper", etc.).
Adoption by the Provisional Government on April 27, 1917 of the Law (Resolution) on the press, guaranteeing the unimpeded publication, distribution and trade of printed publications of any political orientation.
Publication in Pravda of V. Lenin’s “April Theses” - the article “On the tasks of the proletariat in this revolution”; V. Lenin's polemics with the Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries, as well as the inner-party opposition (L. Kamenev, G. Zinoviev and their supporters) about the possibility of a socialist revolution in Russia.
The defeat of the Bolshevik press after the July events. Introduction in August 1917 of the “Temporary Rules on Special Military Censorship” and the Provisional Government Regulations “On Military Censorship of the Press.”
"Kornilov rebellion" and the unification of socialist parties and printed publications.
Journalistic cycles “A Year in the Motherland” by G. Plekhanov (newspapers “Unity” and “New Unity”) and “Untimely Thoughts” by M. Gorky (newspaper “New Life”).
Bolshevik press. Brief history. 1900–1917. – M., 1962.
Hovsepyan R.P. In the labyrinths of domestic journalism. Century XX. – M., 1999.
Okorokov A.3. October and the collapse of the Russian bourgeois press. – M., 1970.

Topic 2. Domestic journalism during the years of the civil war and “war communism” (November 1917 – 1921)

An attempt to seize the editorial office of the Bolshevik newspaper "Rabochy Put" and the beginning of the October Revolution. Transmission of the appeal of the Military Revolutionary Committee under the Petrograd Soviet “To the Citizens of Russia” via radiotelegraph; the role of radiotelegraph in post-revolutionary Russia (decrees, official messages, etc.).
Rejection of the October Revolution by the majority of political parties and non-Bolshevik publications.
The Bolsheviks' liquidation of the bourgeois media and the fight against the opposition press: the institution of press commissars; “Decree on Press” dated October 27 (11/10) 1917; “Decree on the introduction of the State monopoly on advertisements” dated November 8 (21), 1917, the creation of the Revolutionary Tribunal of the Press (January 1918), resolution of the Council of People’s Commissars of March 18, 1918, decree of the Council of People’s Commissars of August 4, 1918 - and their role in stifling free media. Protests against the closure of opposition publications (the creation of the Committee for the Struggle for Freedom of the Press, the publication of one-day newspapers; speeches by M. Gorky, V. Korolenko, etc.).
Lenin’s concept of Soviet media (articles “How to organize a competition?”, “The immediate tasks of Soviet power”, “On the character of our newspapers”). Publication of secret diplomatic documents from the archives of imperial Russia. Polemics with the “left communists” and the newspaper “Kommunist” on the issue of concluding the Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty.
Strengthening the Soviet and Bolshevik press. The role of the newspapers "Pravda", "Izvestia", "Bednota", "Newspaper of the Provisional Workers' and Peasants' Government", "Army and Navy of the Workers and Peasants" peasant Russia"in the system of Soviet media. Publications of Proletkults. Development of radio broadcasting; function of the radio interception service.
Creation of the Russian Telegraph Agency - ROSTA (09/07/1918), its functions. ROSTA windows.
Publications of the Red and White Army as a means of propaganda and agitation among the local population and enemy troops. Agitation trains and propaganda ships as a new form of outreach work with the population.
Journalism during the Civil War: V. Mayakovsky, L. Reisner, A. Serafimovich, D. Furmanov and others.
Specifics of the presentation of material in printed publications of the first years of the revolution. New forms of media work; the role of the institution of its own correspondents (sobkorov).
Brylyakov N. Russian telegraph... - M., 1976.
G.V. Journalism of two Russias: 1917–1920. – St. Petersburg, 1999.
G.V. Journalism and censorship in the conditions of the existence of two Russias: 1917–1920. // G.V. History of censorship in Russia in the 19th–20th centuries. – M., 2001.
Kucherova G.E. Bolshevik printed propaganda in the troops and behind enemy lines: 1917–1920. – Rostov n/d, 1989.
Okorokov A.Z. October and the collapse of the Russian bourgeois press. – M., 1970.
Smykalin S.I. Windows of satire ROSTA. – M., 1976.

Topic 3. Soviet journalism in the era of the "new economic policy" (1921–1927)

The crisis of the Soviet press in the first years of the NEP, its causes and ways to overcome it. State support for Soviet and Bolshevik publications (state funding, directive subscription, etc.). Revival of non-state non-political newspapers and magazines.
Creation of a unified state network of printed publications on the territory of the RSFSR (232 publications); its structure.
The emergence of the newspapers "Evening Moscow", "Red Star", "Komsomolskaya Pravda", "Trud" and their target audience. Proletkult magazines, RAPP, literary and journalistic publications ("Red Nov", "New World", "Siberian Lights", "Print and Revolution", etc.). The magazine "On Post" and its role in the literary-critical polemics of the 1920s.
The role of the "Workers' Newspaper" and its supplements, as well as the industry newspaper "Gudok" and its "fourth page" "Workers' feuilleton" in the development of Soviet journalism. Satirical publications and supplements to central newspapers ("Crocodile", "Lapot", "Buzoter", "Beach", "Red Pepper", etc.). Factory large-scale editions.
Rabselkorovsky movement: forms of mass work.
Development of radio journalism, radio newspaper releases.
Creation of the Telegraph Agency in 1925 Soviet Union(TASS). D. Vertov's magazine "Kinopravda".
Training of journalistic personnel: the first institutes of journalism; internship in central publications.
Participation of the Soviet media in the fight against hunger.
The intensification of the political struggle and the defeat of the “internal opposition” in the CPSU (b), the bias of their coverage in the party press. Articles by L. Trotsky “New Course”, A. Slepkov “On “old men” and “Leninists””, I. Stalin ““Trotskyism” or “Leninism””.
Journalism by M. Zoshchenko, V. Mayakovsky, L. Trotsky, K. Radek, L. Sosnovsky and others.


G.V. NEP as a reflection of the NEP: Essay on the history of the independent press of the early 20s of the XX century. – Cheboksary, 1999.
G.V. The evolution of Soviet censorship: glavlit - as its official institution (1922–1927) // G. V. History of censorship in Russia in the 19th–20th centuries. – M., 2001.
Ruzhnikov V.N. This is how it began: Historical and theoretical essay on Soviet radio broadcasting. 1917–1928. – M., 1987.
Fedorova O.P. Magazine journalism of the 20s as a source on the history of the Soviet intelligentsia. – M., 1995.

Topic 4. Journalism of the first wave of Russian emigration (1920–1930s)

Reasons for the first wave of Russian emigration. The main centers of Russian dispersion.
Typology of Russian publications abroad (review). The main directions in journalism of Russian abroad: conservative; liberal-democratic; pro-Soviet.
“Smenovekhovstvo” and “Eurasianism” as pro-Soviet ideological trends in the social thought of the Russian diaspora. Publications of “Eurasians” and Smenovekhites,” polemics with them by representatives of other ideological movements.
The significance of the newspapers "Rul" (Berlin), "Latest News" and "Renaissance" (Paris), "Segodnya" (Riga), "Nakanune" (Berlin), "Will of Russia" (Prague), "Zarya" (Harbin) and etc.
"Modern Notes" as the largest literary-critical magazine of the Russian diaspora. Magazines of Russian diaspora "Put", "Versty", "Conversation" and others. One-day publications of Russian diaspora, their varieties and role in the consolidation of Russian diasporas.
Professional associations of Russian journalists abroad, their goals and functions. The first foreign congress of Russian writers and journalists in Belgrade (1928): participants, agenda, results.
Journalism by I. Bunin, I. Vasilevsky (Not-Letters), Don-Aminado, A. Kuprin, Yu. Martov, P. Milyukov, M. Slonim, F. Stepun, L. Trotsky, N. Teffi, V. Chernov and etc.


G.V. Between two wars: journalism of Russian abroad. – St. Petersburg, 1998.
Journalism of Russian abroad in the 19th–20th centuries / Ed. G.V. . – St. Petersburg, 2003.
Literary encyclopedia of Russian abroad. 1918–1940. T. II: Periodicals and literary centers. – M., 2000.
Lysenko A.V. Voice of exile. The formation of newspapers in Russian Berlin and their evolution in 1919–1922. – M., 2000.
Journalism of the Russian abroad (1920–1945): Sat. articles. / Comp.: I.V. Kuznetsov, E.V. Zelenina. – M., 1999.

Topic 5. Soviet journalism during the years of industrialization (late 1920s - 1930s)

Industrialization and increasing the role of the agitation and propaganda nature of the Soviet media. The development of Soviet periodicals and its prerequisites (the emergence of new types of publications; printing of central publications in the regions from ready-made matrices; differentiation of the press and expansion of the number of industry publications). Dynamics of growth of total circulation of periodicals in the late 1920s - 1930s.
The role of the newspaper "For Industrialization" in covering the progress of industrialization and mobilization of the masses. Workers' and peasants' movement and specialized publications "To help the regional newspaper" and "Workers' and Peasants' Correspondent".
New forms of work of periodicals (public and production reviews and roll calls, meetings and conferences, readers' trials of newspapers, visiting teams, raids by shock labor groups, exchange and replacement strips, patronage of factories, etc.).
The emergence of new literary and literary-critical magazines ("LOKAF", "Print and Revolution"; regional publications); periodicals created on the initiative of M. Gorky, and their purpose ("USSR at Construction", "Collective Farmer", "Abroad", "Literary Study", "Our Achievements"). Changes in the structure of thick-magazine periodicals in connection with the creation of the Union of Soviet Writers. The crisis of literary criticism and journalism in the late 1930s; its reasons. Resolution of the Central Committee of K(b) “On literary criticism and bibliography” (December 1940).
Creation of a unified network of TASS branches and offices; participation of TASS in international information exchange; creation of TASS Photo Chronicle.
Development of radio broadcasting in the USSR: five-year plan for radioification of the USSR. Creation of the All-Union Radio Broadcasting Committee (VRK) under the People's Commissariat for Postal Service (September 1931). Replacement of radio newspapers in 1932 with new forms of radio broadcasting (information releases; thematic programs; broadcasts of sports matches, radio roll calls of enterprises, all-Union shows and radio rallies. Release of recorded programs; creation of the Central Phono Archive (1930). The first experimental releases of television programs from the Moscow Television Center on Shabolovka in second half of the 1930s.
Collectivization and I. Stalin’s articles “The Great Turning Point” and “Dizziness from Success” in the newspaper “Pravda”.
Industrialization in Soviet periodicals: "Leaflets of the RKI" in central and regional publications; columns devoted to the pace of industrialization and socialist competition; coverage of Industrialization Day (08/06/1929) in newspapers and on the radio.
Articles by N. Bukharin “Notes of an economist. Towards the beginning of a new economic year” and “Lenin and the tasks of science in socialist construction” in Pravda; defeat of the “right opposition” Coverage of the “cleansing” of the party apparatus and mass repressions in the Soviet press (detailed reports from court hearings, “pogrom” articles, letters from workers’ collectives in support of mass repressions, letters of renunciation from parents, etc.). Repressions in the ranks of Soviet journalists (M. Koltsov, editor of Komsomolskaya Pravda A. Kostrov, V. Bubekin, S. Tretyakov, K. Radek, L. Sosnovsky, etc.).
Foreign policy of the USSR in the media: coverage of events in Spain, preparation for a future war.
The main genres of Soviet journalism and their authors (industrial essay, agricultural essay, portrait essay, travel essay, reportage, documentary-journalistic feuilleton, etc.).
Journalism by M. Koltsov, A. Kostrov, K. Radek, E. Ryabchikov, L. Sosnovsky. Feuilletons by D. Zaslavsky, A. Zorich, M. Zoshchenko, I. Ilf, E. Petrova and others.


Gorcheva A.Yu. Gulag press (1918–1955). – M., 1996.
G.V. Vigilance was a fundamental principle of journalism in the 1930s. // G.V. History of censorship in Russia in the 19th–20th centuries. – M., 2001.
Ivanova R. Party and Soviet press during the years of the second five-year plan. – M., 1961.

Kuznetsov I. Party-Soviet press during the years of socialist industrialization of the country (1926–1929). – M., 1973.
Matvienko S. Leading publicists of the Soviet press during the years of the first five-year plan (1928–1932). – M., 1977.
Mishuris A. Seal born of October. – M., 1968.
Pelt V.D. Pre-war Soviet press. – M., 1974.
Perkhin V.V. Russian literary criticism of the 1930s. Criticism and social consciousness of the era. – St. Petersburg, 1997.
Rehabilitation. Political processes of the 30s - 50s: Sat. articles. – M., 1995.

Topic 6. Domestic journalism during the Second World War (1939–1945)

Preparations for the coming war in Soviet periodicals of the late 1930s. Coverage of military events on Lake Khasan, Khalkin-Gol, the Soviet-Finnish war. The cessation of criticism of Germany's militaristic policy in Soviet publications after the conclusion of a non-aggression treaty between the USSR and Germany on August 23, 1939; condemnation of the "imperialist policies" of France and England.
Reflection in the Soviet media of the inclusion of Western Ukraine, Moldova, and the Baltic countries into the USSR; creation of new republican periodicals.
Government Statement on June 22, 1941 on the treacherous attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR. Release of "Latest News" at 12:45 with the first messages from the front. The optimistic tone of the Soviet government's statements and the change in their tone in the first days of the war. Speech by I. Stalin on July 3, 1941 on the radio.
Creation of the Sovinformburo (06/24/1941) and military departments in the editorial offices of central newspapers and on the All-Union Radio.
Reduction in the number and volume of periodicals during the war years; creation of a network of front-line, corps, divisional and other newspapers. Central publications of the military press ("Red Star", "Red Fleet", "Stalin's Falcon", "Red Falcon"). Partisan press and the press of underground party committees (“For Soviet Ukraine", "For Soviet Lithuania", "Partisan of Ukraine", "Red Partisan"). Directives of state and military-political bodies: "On the mobilization of journalistic personnel in the military press", "On the organization of party-political work in war conditions", " On the work of special correspondents at the front" (August 1941); "On the work of war correspondents at the front" (September 1942).
Publications published in the places of key events of the Great Patriotic War and their significance in covering military events ("Leningradskaya Pravda", "Stalingradskaya Pravda", etc.) The slogan "Everything for the front, everything for victory!" and propaganda of labor heroism in the Soviet press.
Organization of branches of the All-Union Radio Committee (Kuibyshev, Sverdlovsk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur). Creation of a mobile editorial office for the front-line broadcast “The Front Speaks”; organization of broadcasting for temporarily occupied territories. Broadcast by Central Radio of programs from besieged Leningrad (speeches by writers O. Berggolts, Vs. Vishnevsky, V. Inber, A. Prokofiev, N. Tikhonov, etc.). Daily radio broadcasts “Letters to the Front” and “Letters from the Front”. Publications for the population of liberated countries: “Free Poland”, “Hungarian Newspaper”, “New Voice” (Romania), “Daily Review” (Germany).
Military correspondents of the Sovinformburo, TASS, as well as the newspapers Pravda, Izvestia, Krasnaya Zvezda, Red Fleet, Komsomolskaya Pravda; their role in covering military operations and the life of the soldier and officer corps. Conscription of writers to military corks: the activities of B. Gorbatov, A. Tvardovsky, B. Polevoy, K. Simonov and others. “Visiting writing brigades” on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War.
Information and propaganda activities of Hitlerite and collaborationist media in temporarily occupied territory, the place of disinformation in it. German radio broadcasting: radio centers in Orel and Smolensk.
Military journalism by A. Tolstoy (“What We Defend”, “Moscow is Threatened by the Enemy”, “Motherland”), I. Ehrenburg (“On the First Day”, “On Hatred”, “Justification of Hatred”, “We Will Stand”, etc. ), K. Simonov ("Cover Parts", "On a Festive Night", "Anniversary", "Fighter of Fighters", "Songs"), V. Grossman (" Battle of Stalingrad", "Volga-Stalingrad", "Vlasov"), etc. Article by I. Ehrenburg "Enough!" and controversy with it.


Gershberg S. The newspaper will be published tomorrow. – M., 1963.
Leningrad speaks. – L., 1986.
History of Soviet radio journalism: Documents. Texts. Memories. 1917–1945. – M., 1991.
Chroniclers of victory. – M., 1984.
Mishuris A. Soviet journalism during the Great Patriotic War. – M., 1980.
Popov N., Gorokhov N. Soviet press during the Great Patriotic War. 1941–1945. – M., 1981.
Simonov K., Ehrenburg I. In one newspaper. – M., 1984.
History of Russian journalism (second half of the twentieth century)
Topic 7. Soviet journalism in the first post-war decade (mid-1940s - mid-1950s)

Reorganization of the press in connection with the end of the war. Decision of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks "On improving the quality and increasing the volume of republican, regional and regional newspapers" (06/20/1945). Expanding the volume and circulation of publications; strengthening newspaper editorial offices.
Development of a network of industry newspapers, emergence of new publications ("Construction Materials Industry", "Water Transport").
Expansion of the borders of the USSR and the emergence of new regional publications (Lvovskaya Pravda, Kaliningradskaya Pravda, Minskaya Pravda).
Optimization of the print media system in the early 1950s: a slight reduction in the number of newspapers while increasing circulation.
The role of the press organ of the propaganda and agitation department of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (CPSU) - the newspaper "Culture and Life" in the cultural policy of the party. Publications of the CPSU Central Committee "Agitator", "Party Life", "To Help Political Self-Education", "Questions of the History of the CPSU". Professional publications for journalists ("Soviet Press", "Workers' and Peasants' Correspondent", "Radio", "To Help Local Radio Broadcasting").
Post-war resolutions of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (CPSU) on the need to strengthen the problem-thematic and ideological content of the press and increase its role in the political education of the working people, strengthening the party leadership of the press and overcoming omissions in the organizational and mass work of the Soviet press.
Creation of the Committee on Radiocommunication and Broadcasting under the Council of Ministers of the USSR; resumption of television broadcasting. Unsuccessful attempt reorganization of grassroots radio broadcasting in the late 1940s. Formation of a network of television programs; the emergence of television documentary.
The topic of the rise of the national economy in the Soviet media: coverage of the implementation of the Fourth Five-Year Plan and the organization of socialist competition; new forms of social and organizational work of periodicals (assistance in disseminating best practices in the industry, public raids with the participation of workers' and staff reporters, changing newspaper pages, "Stakhanov Tuesdays" in Trud, etc.).
Lighting Nuremberg trials in the Soviet press; reporting and journalism Sun. Vishnevsky, L. Leonov, E. Kononenko (“Pravda”), P. Troyanovsky, K. Simonov, Yu. Korolkova (“Red Star”).
Resumption of repression against the creative and scientific intelligentsia; the fight against “rootless cosmopolitanism” and “adulation of the West” in the Soviet press. Resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks “On the magazines “Zvezda” and “Leningrad” (08/14/1946) and its significance for tightening the political regime.
The peace movement, the beginning of the Cold War and their reflection in the Soviet press. Formation of the “enemy image”.
“Vacquering of reality” in Soviet journalism and attempts to pose acute problems of post-war reality. Journalism by E. Dorosh, A. Kalinin, V. Ovechkin, I. Ryabov, V. Tendryakov, G. Troepolsky and others.


Blum A. Soviet censorship in the era of total terror: 1929–1953. – St. Petersburg, 2000.

About the party and Soviet press, radio broadcasting and television. – M., 1972.
Yurovsky A. Television - searches and solutions. – M., 1983.

Topic 8. Soviet journalism during the years of Khrushchev’s “thaw” (mid-1950s – mid-1960s)

The death of I. Stalin and its coverage in Soviet periodicals.
Historical meaning The 20th Party Congress and its results for domestic journalism. Pravda editorial "Why is the cult of personality alien to the spirit of Marxism-Leninism?" (March 26, 1956). Liberalization of the Soviet regime, publication of highly problematic journalistic articles and works of literature, including “returned literature.” Poems by E. Yevtushenko "Babi Yar" (LG 09/06/1961), "Stalin's Heirs" ("Pravda" 10/21/1962), A. Solzhenitsyn's story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" ("New World", 1962, No. 10). Re-establishment of the Union of Journalists (1957), holding the 1st All-Union Congress of Journalists (1959).
Resolution of the CPSU Central Committee dated 01/09/1960 “On the tasks of party propaganda in modern conditions". Reactionary "kickbacks" (resolutions of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) condemning the magazines "New World" (1954), "Ogonyok" (1958), the campaign of persecution of B. Pasternak in Soviet periodicals (1958); "manege scandal" (1962) and directives of the CPSU Central Committee on the fight against “formalistic” and “anti-national” tendencies in culture, etc.) Feuilleton by A. Ionin, Y. Lerner and M. Medvedev “Near-Literary Drone” (“Evening Leningrad” 11/29/1963) and the beginning of persecution I. Brodsky.
New periodicals ("Moscow News", "Socialist Industry", "Soviet Russia", "Soviet Sport", etc.) and their place in the Soviet press system. The role of the newspaper "Izvestia" under the editor-in-chief A. Kochubey, the novelty of his editorial policy.
The creation of Economic Councils and the functions of publications of territorial production departments, as well as collective farm and state farm mass circulation and regional publications.
Ideological division Soviet magazines(“New World” and “October”, “Youth” and “Young Guard”). The role of the magazine "New World" and the editor-in-chief A. Tvardovsky in the formation of the ideology of the "sixties".
Development of TASS and creation of the first Soviet public news agency - News Press Agency (02/21/1961). Reforming the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, increasing its status. Development of radio and television broadcasting: transition to round-the-clock broadcasting; the creation of the youth radio station "Yunost" (October 1962), the 24-hour information and music radio station "Mayak" (August 1964); second program of Central Television (February 1956).
Coverage in the Soviet media of Khrushchev’s “campaigns” (development of virgin lands; “Catch up and overtake America”; “communization of the countryside”; creation of Economic Councils; space exploration, etc.). The appearance in the press of problem-critical materials devoted to ecology, new forms of management, the problems of the “common man”, the need for polemics, etc. New forms of work of printed publications (analytical articles in Pravda, problem articles in Izvestia, interview of the day in " Soviet Russia", socio-economic essays and "Institute of Public Opinion" in "Komsomolskaya Pravda", etc.).
Journalism by A. Agranovsky, E. Dorosh, V. Lakshin, S. Rassadin, Y. Smuul and others.


Alexey Adzhubey in the corridors of the fourth estate. – M., 2003.
Vilchek D.Sh. Soviet journalism of the 50s–80s (from V. Ovechkin to Yu. Chernichenko). – M., 1996.
Criticism of the 50–60s of the twentieth century / Comp., preface, preamb. and note. E.Yu. Skarlygina. – M., 2004.
Kuznetsov I., Finegrit E. Newspaper world of the Soviet Union: In 2 volumes - M., 1972.
Lakshin V. “New World” during the time of Khrushchev. – M., 1991.

Topic 9. Soviet journalism during the period of “developed socialism” (mid-1960s – mid-1980s)

Change of leadership of the CPSU and the USSR in October 1964 and the gradual winding down of the gains of the “thaw”. Overcoming the consequences of Khrushchev’s voluntarism and economic reform of the late 1960s, coverage of “new management methods” in Soviet periodicals. Foreign policy of the USSR in the Soviet media; the defeat of the “Prague Spring” and the article by S. Kovalev “Defense of socialism is the international duty of communists” (Pravda, September 26, 1968).
Collapse political freedoms and the beginning of the human rights movement. Gradual "rehabilitation" of I. Stalin; "cult of personality" by L. Brezhnev. Collective letters condemning A. Solzhenitsyn and A. Sakharov.
Increase in circulation of periodicals, popularity of non-political publications ("Worker", "Peasant Woman", "Health", "Man and the Law", "Krugozor", etc.). The defeat of the editorial board of "New World", the resignation of A. Tvardovsky (1970).
The structure of radio and television broadcasting in the 1970s – early 1980s. (5 central radio programs and 4 television channels). Construction of the Ostankino TV tower (1967).
New forms of work in periodicals: holiday targeted issues dedicated to the anniversaries of the revolution and the formation of the USSR; freelance departments; public reception areas; columns in Pravda: “Let’s go to October,” “About time and about ourselves,” “October in the destinies of people”; "Leaflets of party-state control" ("Soviet Russia", "Pravda"); all-Union and republican meetings, press conferences of secretaries of party committees, heads of Soviet bodies and economic workers, meetings with journalists; editors' days, etc.
Leading Soviet publicists of the 1960s–1980s. (A. Agranovsky, I. Andronikov, E. Bogat, Y. Gribov, A. Zlobin, V. Roslyakov, V. Peskov, Y. Smuul, T. Tess, etc.), problems of the village in the essays of Y. Chernichenko, I Vasilyeva, A. Nikitina; environmental issues in the speeches of S. Zalygin; reports and essays about the war in Afghanistan by A. Kaverzneva, A. Prokhanov. Journalistic collections "Steps" (1975–1985). Radio broadcasts by A. Barto “Find a Person” (radio station “Mayak”, 1965–1975).


Vilchek L.Sh. Soviet journalism of the 50–80s: From V. Ovechkin to Yu. Chernichenko: Textbook. allowance. – M., 1996.
G.V. The period of dominance of party censorship on a national scale. // G.V. History of censorship in Russia in the 19th–20th centuries. – M., 2001.
Multinational Soviet journalism. – M., 1975.

Topic 10. Domestic journalism of the second and third waves of Russian emigration

Reasons for the emigration of the “second wave”: “Dipians” and defectors, the role of the beginning of the Cold War in the support of Soviet emigration by Western governments.
Newspapers "Russian Thought", "Russian News"; creation of the magazines “Grani”, “Posev”, “New Journal”, “Bulletin of the Russian Christian Movement”, “Renaissance”, etc.
G. Adamovich's polemic with A. Akhmatova about emigration (magazine "Bridges". 1965. No. 11).
The third wave of Russian emigration: causes, composition, main features. New publications of the Russian emigration: the newspaper "Russian American" ed. S. Dovlatova; magazine "Continent" ed. V. Maksimova, magazine "Syntax" ed. A. Sinyavsky. Ideological divisions within the Russian diaspora abroad.
Broadcasting of Western radio stations in the USSR ("Freedom", "Free Europe", "Voice of America", "BBC Russian Service", etc.); protests of the Soviet government, suppression of "voices".
Emigrant publications after 1985, their free distribution and publication in their homeland.


Dovlatov S. Speech for no reason..., or Editor’s Columns. – M., 2006.
Free word "Sowing". 1945–1995. – M., 1995.
Union catalog of Russian foreign periodicals and ongoing publications. – St. Petersburg, 1996.
Skarlygina E.Yu. “Uncensored culture of the 1960s–1980s and the “third wave” of Russian emigration.” – M., 2002

Topic 11. Domestic journalism and journalism in "samizdat"

The demonstration on December 5, 1965 in defense of A. Sinyavsky and Y. Daniel as the birthday of the human rights movement in the USSR. Creation of an initiative group for the protection of human rights (1969–1980); social movement"Moscow Helsinki Group" (1976–1982). Repressive actions of the authorities against dissidents (punitive psychiatry; political trials, provocations, expulsion from the country). The emergence of the culture of "underground" ("nonconformism"). The concept of "samizdat"; the main directions of development of samizdat periodicals (socio-political; erotic-pornographic; religious; literary-philological, etc.).
Moscow publications: Phoenix magazine by Y. Galanskov and N. Gorbanevskaya (1966); magazine "Syntax" by A. Ginzburg (1959–1960). Bulletin "Chronicle of Current Events" (1968–1971) and its role in the creation of an alternative information field in the USSR.
Leningrad publications: the magazine of V. Krivulin and T. Goricheva “37” (1975–1981); magazine "Hours" by B. Ivanov and B. Ostanin (1976–1990); magazine by K. Butyrin and S. Stratanovsky "Obvodny Canal" (1981–1993); magazine of the Leningrad rock movement "Roxy" (1977–1990), etc.
Samizdat publishing houses (Be-Ta, Halevi, etc.).
Samizdat in the first years of perestroika: the creation of Vyach. Argunov in 1986 of the coordination center of the informal democratic movement - the Moscow Bureau of Information Exchange (news service, samizdat library). The largest samizdat publications (Blagovest, Referendum, Rossiyskie Vedomosti, Democratic Opposition, Free Word, Express Chronicle, etc.), their role in creating the information field during the years of perestroika. The loss of the meaning of samizdat after the adoption in June 1990 of the USSR Law “On the Press and Other Media”.


Kornilov E. Samizdat and alternative press // Don. – 1990. – No. 3.
Informal Russia. – M., 1990.
Through the pages of samizdat. – M., 1990.
Samizdat Leningrad. 1950s – 1980s. Literary encyclopedia. – M., 2003.
Suetnov A. Directory of samizdat periodicals. – M., 1990.

Topic 12. Domestic journalism in the era of “perestroika” (second half of the 1980s – early 1990s)

Extraordinary (March) plenum of the CPSU Central Committee in 1985 and the beginning of perestroika processes. Resolution of the XIX Party Conference "On Glasnost". The concepts of “new thinking”, “acceleration”, “glasnost” in Soviet journalism.
Mass periodicals and the reason for their popularity ("Arguments and Facts", "Komsomolskaya Pravda", "Trud").
The USSR Law "On the Press and Other Mass Media" and the USSR Law "On Public Organizations", their significance for the development of independent media.
The emergence of new types of periodicals (publications of regional and regional Soviets people's deputies; socio-political and illustrated weekly publications; weeklies for business people with monthly supplements; weeklies for mass audiences; monthly newspaper and magazine publications, etc.). New newspapers (Glasnost, Government Bulletin, Rabochaya Tribuna, Kuranty, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Sovershenno Sekretno, Den) and their place in the domestic press system during the years of perestroika. Increase in circulation of artistic, literary and historical magazines in connection with the publication of “returned literature.”
The role of the weekly "Moscow News" (editor-in-chief E. Yakovlev) and the magazine "Ogonyok" (editor-in-chief V. Korotich) in ensuring "freedom of speech" and "freedom of conscience."
"Alternative publications", their varieties ("democratic", "conservative", "nationalist", religious and philosophical, literary and artistic, commercial, etc.). Variety of party periodicals.
The emergence of new information agencies (Interfax, Postfactum, ARNIKA, etc.).
Development of radio and television broadcasting; creation of cable television systems. New information (“News”) and information and journalistic programs (“600 seconds”; “Look”, “Fifth Wheel”, “Before and after midnight”, “7 days”, etc.). The first teleconferences with the USA (V. Posner and D. Benahue), their significance for ensuring intercultural dialogue.
Restriction of press freedom during the days of the State Emergency Committee (August 1991); the release of the Obshchaya Gazeta, the activities of the Interfax news agency and the Echo of Moscow radio station to overcome the information blockade of the country. Decree of the President of the RSFSR dated September 11, 1991 “On measures to protect freedom of the press in the RSFSR.”
New themes of the Soviet media (democratization of society, the fight against party privileges, the elimination of “blank spots” in history, rural problems, etc.). Controversy between democratic and conservative forces: “I can’t give up principles” by N. Andreeva, “What’s next?” Y. Bondareva and others. Development of pre-factual (anticipatory) journalism (the fight against the construction of the Nizhneobskaya hydroelectric station, the fight to save Lake Baikal, against the diversion of northern rivers).


Vachnadze G. Secrets of the press under Gorbachev and Yeltsin. – M., 1992.
Publicity. Pressing questions and necessary answers. – M., 1989.
Grabelnikov A.A. Mass media of post-Soviet Russia: Textbook. manual for universities. – M., 1996.
Television at the turn of two centuries. – M., 1989.
Fedotova L. Teleconferences between the USSR and the USA: comprehensive sociological studies. – M., 1990.
Yakovlev A. Preface. Collapse. Afterword. – M., 1992.

Topic 13.
Journalism of the Russian Federation in the 1990s.

Law "On the Mass Media" (1991); Law “On State Support of Media and Book Publishing in the Russian Federation” (1995) and their significance for the development of domestic media.
Destruction of the single information space of the USSR in connection with the emergence of independent states; a number of publications lost their central status and gained all-Russian status.
The crisis of print media due to the economic crisis began
1990s (fall in circulation, closure of many publications, decrease in state support).
Overcoming the crisis, the transition of the media to commercial lines, the emergence of new newspapers of various types (socio-political; publications with universal content and “tabloids”; youth publications and publications for children; women’s; advertising and information; business and agricultural press; international socio-political and socio-economic publications; publications of national groups, communities; administrative regions; religious publications; publications of political parties and associations, etc.).
Splits and mergers of some publishing houses; the emergence of publishing houses (Publishing houses: “Kommersant”, “Arguments and Facts”; Rodionov Publishing House, etc.). Opposition publications (Zavtra, Soviet Russia, Pravda; magazines Our Contemporary, Moscow, etc.).
Variety of periodicals (socio-political; popular science and cultural-educational; historical, local history and artistic-literary; religious-philosophical; business, women's; elite; children's and youth; confessional; cultural studies; corporate and club; recreational, erotic and etc.).
The development of radio and television broadcasting, the emergence of commercial and independent radio stations and television channels (“Echo of Moscow”, “M-Radio – new wave"; "Radio of Russia "Nostalgie"; TV channel "2×2", etc.); bankruptcy of the state-owned company "Ostankino" and the creation of ORT.
A variety of forms of information and analytical broadcasting; the predominance of “journalistic” television over “announcer” television; "personification" of radio and television programs.
Creation of ITAR-TASS and RIA Novosti; development of online media and online versions of printed and media resources.
"Oligarchic" media holdings and the influence of their owners on the information policy of television channels and print publications. The influence of the media on the results of state elections. Death of journalists V. Listyev, D. Kholodov, A. Borovik.
The most important events of the 1990s. in the domestic media (economic reform and economic crises; the war in Chechnya and terrorist attacks; political struggle and corruption scandals).


Grebelnikov A.A. Russian journalism at the turn of the millennium. – M., 2000.
Zasursky I.I. Mass media of the second republic. – M., 1999.
Kornilov E.A. Journalism at the turn of the millennium. – Rostov n/d, 1999.
Resnyanskaya L.L., Fomicheva I.D. Newspaper for all of Russia. – M., 1999.
Russian Mass Media System / Ed. Ya.N. Zasurskogo. – M., 1995.
Encyclopedia of life in modern Russian journalism: In 2 volumes - M., 1998.

Topic 14. Domestic journalism at the present stage

Declining authority and popularity of print media
Closing or changing profiles by many publications.
Centralization of power in the Russian Federation and the state's struggle with the "oligarchic" media; "nationalization" of the media, restrictions on "freedom of speech" and controversy about the need for censorship in the media.
Decrease in the level of political analytics on state television channels and in print media; “tabloidization” of printed publications, strengthening of the entertainment component on radio and television, marginalization of “opposition” publications. Opposition press (Novaya Gazeta, New Izvestia, Kommersant). Refusal of most publications from strictly opposing the authorities (Izvestia, Moskovskie Novosti, Literaturnaya Gazeta, etc.). Death of journalists involved in investigating corruption in Russia (Yu. Shchekochikhina, P. Khlebnikov, A. Politkovskaya, etc.).
Modern system TV channels: central (ORT, RTR, TVC, NTV, "Culture", "Sport") and decimeter (Ren-TV, STS, TNT, etc.). Creation of military-patriotic (“Zvezda”), Orthodox (“Spas”) television channels, as well as a channel broadcasting to foreign countries (“Russian today”).
Journalism by M. Sokolov (Izvestia), A. Politkovskaya and Yu. Shchekochikhin (Novaya Gazeta), V. Tretyakov (Moscow News), A. Minkin (Moskovsky Komsomolets); television journalism by A. Karaulov, M. Leontyev, V. Pozner, A. Pushkov and others.


Russian media: Textbook. allowance / Ed. Ya.N. Zasursky, E.L. Vartanova, M.V. Shkondina. – M., 2005. – (Ser. Classic university textbook).

Study assignments for seminar classes

Topic 1. Domestic journalism in the period between two revolutions (February - October 1917)

Issues for discussion

1. Proclamation of “freedom of speech” by the Provisional Government and the reasons for its subsequent restriction.
2. The formation of a multi-party press in the period between two revolutions.
3. Printing before and after the events of July 1917
4. The role of Bolshevik publications in the preparation and implementation of the October Revolution.
5. “Untimely Thoughts” by M. Gorky in the newspaper “New Life”: the main problems raised by the author.


Gorky M. Untimely thoughts and reasoning about revolution and culture. – New Life, 1917 – 1918. // Untimely thoughts. – M., 1990.
Law on the press of April 27, 1917 // Kuznetsov I.V. History of Russian journalism (1917–2000): Textbook. set. – M., 2002.
Kamenev L. Provisional government and revolutionary social democracy. Without secret diplomacy // see Kuznetsov I.V.

Topic 2. Domestic journalism during the years of the civil war and “war communism” (November 1917 – 1921)

Issues for discussion

1. Coverage of the October Revolution in periodicals of the post-revolutionary period.
2. “Decree on the Press” and the policy of the Bolshevik Party in the field of media and “freedom of speech.” Lenin's concept of Soviet media.
3. Stages of the formation of the one-party press in 1917–1921.
4. The role of radio broadcasting and ROSTA in the development of Soviet media.
5. Establishment of the institute of staff correspondents and workers' correspondents.


Decree on printing of October 27 (November 9), 1917 // see Kuznetsov I.V.
Decree on the revolutionary tribunal of the press // see Kuznetsov I.V.
On the revolutionary tribunal of the press: Decree of the Council of People's Commissars // see Kuznetsov I.V.
About the Russian Telegraph Agency // see Kuznetsov I.V.
Bulgakov M. Future prospects // Bulgakov M.A. Notes of a Dead Man: (Theatrical Novel) / Comp. IN AND. Loseva. – M., 1998. – (Library of World Classics).
Lenin V.I. How to ensure the success of the Constituent Assembly (on freedom of the press) // Complete. collection Op. T. 34: On the character of our newspapers // see Kuznetsov I.V.

Topic 3. Soviet journalism in the era of the “new economic policy” (1921–1927)

Issues for discussion

1. The crisis of the Soviet press in the first years of the NEP, its causes and ways to overcome it.
2. The structure of a unified state network of printed publications on the territory of the RSFSR. New periodicals.
3. Development of radio broadcasting; syncretic forms of the first radio broadcasts.
4. Internal party struggle on the pages of the Soviet and party press.


Trotsky L. New course. New course (part II) // Trotsky L.D. To the history of the Russian revolution. – M., 1990.
Slepkov A. About “old men” and “Leninists” // Pravda. – 1924. – August 6.
Stalin I. “Trotskyism” or “Leninism” // Pravda. – 1924. – November 26. or http://www.petrograd.biz/stalin/6-20.php

Topic 4. Journalism of the first wave of Russian emigration (1920–1930s)

Issues for discussion

1. The reasons for the emergence of the first wave of Russian emigration.
2. Main directions in journalism of Russian abroad.
3. “Smenovekhovstvo” and “Eurasianism” and their periodicals in Russian diaspora.
4. The main topics of speeches by publicists of the Russian diaspora: problems of the emigration mission and attitudes towards the USSR.


Bunin I.A. Mission of Russian emigration // see Kuznetsov I.V.
Merezhkovsky D. Open letter to Wells // The World Returned: An Anthology of Russian Abroad. T. I. – M., 2004.
Stepun F. On the future revival of Russia // The Returned World: An Anthology of Russian Abroad. T. I. – M., 2004.
Tolstoy A.N. Open letter to Tchaikovsky // On the Eve. – 1922. – April 14.
Teffi N.A. Nostalgia // see Kuznetsov I.V.
Ustryalov N. In the struggle for Russia // The Returned World: An Anthology of Russian Abroad. T. I. – M., 2004.

Topic 5. Soviet journalism during the years of industrialization (late 1920s - 1930s)

Issues for discussion

1. New tasks of the Soviet media in connection with industrialization and collective farm construction.
2. New forms of social and organizational work and information and propaganda work of Soviet printed publications.
3. Journalistic and publishing activities of M. Gorky.
4. Development of radio and television broadcasting in the USSR.
5. Coverage of political processes of the 1930s. in Soviet periodicals.


Gorky M. About our achievements // http://www.maximgorkiy.narod.ru/STATY/_dostig.htm
Who are you with, “masters of culture”? // http://www.maximgorkiy.narod.ru/STATY/mastera.htm
Koltsov M. On the issue of stupidity. Praise for modesty // see Kuznetsov I.V.
Stalin I. The year of the great turning point // Pravda. – 1929. – November 7. or http://www.petrograd.biz/stalin/12-1.php
Stalin I. Dizziness from success // Pravda. – 1930. – March 2 or http://www.petrograd.biz/stalin/12-2.php
Raskolnikov F. Open letter to Stalin // see Kuznetsov I.V.

Topic 6. Domestic journalism during the Second World War (1939–1945)

Issues for discussion

1. “Defense” topics in Soviet periodicals of the first pre-war years.
2. Changes in the structure of the Soviet media in connection with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.
3. Creation of the Sovinformburo, its role in covering military operations.
4. Activities of military correspondents during the war. Leading Soviet military officers, the main topics of their speeches.
5. Journalism of the war years.


On the creation and tasks of the Soviet Information Bureau: Resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated June 24, 1941 // see Kuznetsov I.V.
On the work of war correspondents at the front // see Kuznetsov I.V.
Gorbatov B. Letters to a friend. About life and death // see Kuznetsov I.V.
Tolstoy A.N. Homeland // see Kuznetsov I.V.
Sholokhov M. Science of Hate // see Kuznetsov I.V.
Ehrenburg I. About hatred. Mad wolves // see Kuznetsov I.V.

Topic 7. Soviet journalism in the first post-war decade (mid-1940s - mid-1950s)

Issues for discussion

1. Reorganization of the Soviet media system in connection with the end of the war.
2. The role of the media in restoring the war-ravaged economy of the USSR.
3. Party policy in the field of media in the post-war decade. The next political campaigns, the role of the media in them.
4. The USSR’s struggle for peace and the beginning of the Cold War, their coverage in the Soviet press.


On improving the quality and increasing the volume of republican, regional and regional newspapers // see Kuznetsov I.V.
About the magazines “Zvezda” and “Leningrad”: Resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) // Power and the artistic intelligentsia: Documents of the Central Committee of the RCP (Bolsheviks) - All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), the Cheka-OGPU-NKVD on cultural policy. 1917–1953. – M., 1999.
On the creation of editorial boards in republican, regional and regional newspapers // see Kuznetsov I.V.
Kalinin A. At the average level // see Kuznetsov I.V.
Ovechkin V.V. Regional everyday life. At the forefront // see Kuznetsov I.V.

Topic 8. Soviet journalism during the years of Khrushchev’s “thaw” (mid-1950s - mid-1960s)

Issues for discussion

1. The historical significance of the 20th Party Congress and its results for domestic journalism. New periodicals, their originality.
2. Publications that shaped the ideology of the “sixties”. The role of the magazine "New World" in the system of periodicals of the "Thaw" era.
3. Expanding the scope of what is “permissible” in journalism: the most important problems, raised on the pages of periodicals of the second half of the 1950s - the first half of the 1960s.
4. Development of radio and television broadcasting during the “thaw”.


On the tasks of party propaganda in modern conditions. From the resolution of the CPSU Central Committee of 01/09/1960 // see Kuznetsov I.V.
On measures to further improve the work of radio broadcasting and television: Resolution of the CPSU Central Committee 06.06.1962 // see Kuznetsov I.V.
Yevtushenko E. Babiy Yar. Heirs of Stalin (any edition).
Pomerantsev V. On sincerity in literature // New World. – 1953. – No. 12.
Yashin A. Levers (any edition).

Topic 9. Soviet journalism during the period of “developed socialism” (mid-1960s - mid-1980s)

Issues for discussion

1. The collapse of the democratic achievements of the “thaw” era; "creeping Stalinism".
2. “New management methods” and their coverage in the Soviet media.
3. Reasons for the popularity of non-political periodicals in the 1970s–1980s.
4. New forms of work in periodical media.
5. Journalism of the late Soviet years: main issues.


Agranovsky A. Reconstruction // see Kuznetsov I.V.
Radov G. Impunity // see Kuznetsov I.V.
Chernichenko Yu. About potatoes // see Kuznetsov I.V.

Topic 10. Domestic journalism of the second and third waves of Russian emigration

Issues for discussion

1. The reasons for Russian emigration of the second wave, its main features.
2. Continuing, renewed and new publications of the Russian emigration in the 1940–1960s.
3. The third wave of Russian emigration: causes, composition, main features.
4. The main topics of post-war emigrant journalism.


Adamovich G. On the margins of "Requiem" // Anna Akhmatova: Pro et contra. – St. Petersburg: RKhGI, 2001.
Solzhenitsyn A. Letter to the leaders of the Soviet Union. Education (any publication).

Topic 11. Domestic journalism and journalism in “samizdat”

Issues for discussion

1. The reasons for the emergence of the human rights movement and its forms.
2. Typology of Samizdat periodicals.
3. The role of the bulletin “Chronicle of Current Events” (1968–1971) in the creation of an alternative information field in the USSR.
4. Samizdat periodicals during the years of perestroika and its role in the democratization of Soviet power.


Sakharov A. Reflections on progress, peaceful coexistence and intellectual freedom // http://www.yabloko.ru/Themes/History/sakharov_progress.html
Chukovskaya L. The Wrath of the People. Mikhail Sholokhov, author of "The Quiet Don" // Works: In 2 volumes - M., 2000. - T. 2: Process of exclusion. Open letters. Excerpts from the diary. Varia.

Topic 12. Domestic journalism in the era of “perestroika” (second half of the 1980s - early 1990s)

Issues for discussion

1. Reasons for "perestroika". Resolution of the XIX Party Conference "On Glasnost" and its role in the democratization of the Soviet system.
2. The USSR Law “On the Press and Other Mass Media” and the USSR Law “On Public Organizations” and their significance for the development of independent media.
3. Typology of “alternative publications” during the years of perestroika.
4. New information and journalistic programs on TV.
5. Soviet media during the days of the “putsch”.
6. Disputes about the past, present and future of the USSR in Soviet periodicals of the “perestroika” era.


About publicity. Resolution of the XIX Party Conference of the CPSU // see Kuznetsov I.V.
On the press and other media: Law of the USSR of June 12, 1990 - M., 1990.
Andreeva N. I can’t give up principles // see Kuznetsov I.V.
Belov V. “To revive the peasantry in the peasantry...” // see Kuznetsov I.V.
Zalygin S. Turn // see Kuznetsov I.V.
Solzhenitsyn A. How can we arrange Russia (any edition).

On the media: Law of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1991 // see Kuznetsov I.V.
Leonov L. Our cause is right // see Kuznetsov I.V.
Minkin A. About journalism: very subjective // ​​Journalists of the 20th century: people and destinies. – M., 2003.

Topic 14. Domestic journalism at the present stage

Issues for discussion

1. The system of modern media in the Russian Federation: main features.
2. The decline in the authority and popularity of print media in modern conditions with the increasing role of television and the Internet.
3. Establishing state control over independent media, the forms and purposes of this control; strengthening the role of PR journalism in the media.
4. Printed “tabloids”, strengthening of entertainment in electronic media, marginalization of “opposition” publications.

Subjects of reports during practical classes

First semester

1. “Untimely Thoughts” by M. Gorky.
2. L. Trotsky as a publicist.
3. Journalism L. Reisner.
4. Creative M. Koltsov – journalist, editor, publisher.
5. Journalism by L. Sosnovsky.
6. Journalism N. Pogodina.
7. Karl Radek – publicist.
8. Military journalism by I. Ehrenburg.
9. Military journalism by A.N. Tolstoy.
10. Military journalism by K. Simonov.
11. History of the newspaper "Pravda" (1912–1953).
12. History of the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" (1924–1953).
13. History of the newspaper "Gudok" (in the 1920s).
14. History of the Russian emigration newspaper "Vozrozhdenie" (Paris).
15. History of the Russian emigration newspaper "Last News" (Paris).
16. History of the magazine of Russian emigration "Modern Notes" (Paris).

Second term

1. Journalism by A. Kolosov and V. Ovechkin, dedicated to the problems of the collective farm village.
2. Activities of V. Maksimov - publicist and editor of the magazine "Continent".
3. Journalist dynasty of the Agranovskys.
4. Publicistic speeches of A.I. Solzhenitsyn. Articles “Live not by lies” and “How can we organize Russia”.
5. Journalism by Yu. Chernichenko.
6. Activities of V. Korotich - publicist and editor-in-chief of the magazine "Ogonyok".
7. Journalism by Yu. Shchekochikhin.
8. History of the newspaper "Pravda" (1950–1990s).
9. History of the newspaper "Izvestia" (1950–1990s).
10. History of the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" (1950–1990s).
11. History of the Literary Newspaper (1950–1990s).
12. History of the magazine "New World" (1950–1990s).
13. History of the magazine of Russian emigration "Grani" (Germany).
14. History of the radio station "Echo of Moscow" and its place in the system of modern domestic media.
15. TV show “Vzglyad” and its role in the formation of freedom of speech during the years of perestroika.

Subjects of coursework and dissertations

1. The role of the Bolshevik press in the preparation and implementation of the October Revolution of 1917
2. “Decree on the Press” in the context of the information policy of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks).
3. The genre of poetic reporting in the Soviet works of V. Mayakovsky.
4. The role of the fourth page of the newspaper "Gudok" ("Workers' feuilleton") in the formation of Soviet satire.
5. The method of “change of profession” in the journalistic activity of Mikhail Koltsov.
6. Soviet humorous and satirical publications (principles for nominating publications).
7. Coverage of the political and social life of the USSR in periodicals of Russian diaspora (using the example of the newspapers “Rul”, “Vozrozhdenie”, “Last News”, etc.).
8. Polemics with “Eurasianism” in periodicals of the Russian emigration.
9. Military journalism by Vasily Grossman.
10. The cult of “exemplary” feats in periodicals during the war years.
11. Coverage of the Nuremberg trials on the pages of the Soviet press.
12. The role of the newspaper “Culture and Life” in the party’s policy in the field of culture and art.
13. Alexey Adzhubey – Chief Editor newspaper "Izvestia".
14. History and role of the “samizdat” bulletin “Chronicle of Current Events” in the public life of the USSR.
15. Soviet “pre-factual” journalism of the 1970–1980s: main issues.
16. The role of the newspaper "Moscow News" in the formation of independent media during the years of perestroika.
17. Collections of socio-political journalism of the second half of the 1980s – early 1990s: main issues.
18. The genre of political feuilleton in modern media.
19. Political novel-pamphlet of the 2000s. (S. Dorenko, V. Solovyov, D. Bykov, A. Prokhanov, etc.).
20. The image of the “enemy of Russia” in right-wing radical publications.
21. The reasons and role of the publication of “general newspapers” in the history of modern Russia.

Questions to prepare for the test

History of Russian journalism (1917–1945)

1. History of domestic media from February 1917 to the present: periodization.
2. Russian press on the eve of 1917 (general characteristics).
3. Domestic press in the period between two revolutions (February - October 1917).
4. “Untimely Thoughts” by M. Gorky: the main issues of the writer’s journalistic speeches.
5. Domestic journalism in the era of multi-party politics (November 1917 – July 1918)
6. Formation of the one-party system of Soviet journalism in the era of intervention and civil war (1918 - early 1920s).
7. Soviet press of the NEP era. The crisis of the Soviet press and its overcoming.
8. Major magazines of the 1920s. Literary and artistic publications, their position in the literary struggle.
9. Political struggle of the 1920s. and its reflection on the pages of the Soviet press.
10. Printing of the first wave of Russian emigration (1920s): main periodicals.
11. Pro-Soviet publications of Russian diaspora in the 1920s.
12. Professional associations of writers and journalists from Russia abroad. The first foreign congress of writers and journalists.
13. Development of the structure of the media in the USSR in the late 1920s - 1930s.
14. Coverage of collectivization and industrialization in the Soviet media of the 1930s.
15. Soviet press during the years of the second and third five-year plans. Intensifying ideological struggle in the 1930s.
16. Magazines from the 1930s Propaganda of the achievements of the Soviet state in magazines. The crisis of literary magazines.
17. Domestic journalism of the 1930s: main topics and genre originality.
18. Printing of the first wave of Russian emigration in the 1930s: main names and publications.
19. Domestic media on the eve and during the Great Patriotic War.
20. Journalism during the Great Patriotic War.
21. Telegraph agency of the Soviet Union: history in the 1920s–1930s.
22. Development of radio broadcasting in Soviet Russia in the 1920s–1930s.
23. The emergence of television broadcasting in the USSR.
24. Creative activity one of the Soviet publicists of the 1920s–1930s. (optionally).
25. The role of the newspaper “Pravda” among the Soviet media in the 1920–1930s.

History of Russian journalism (second half of the twentieth century)

1. Development of the media system
2. The main topics of media speeches in the first post-war decade.
3. Development of domestic media in the era of the political and cultural “thaw” (second half of the 1950s – first half of the 1960s).
4. The place of the newspaper "Izvestia" among the print media during the "thaw" years
5. The importance of the magazine "New World" among magazine periodicals during the Thaw years.
6. The main problems of journalistic speeches on the pages of the domestic press during the “Thaw” era.
7. Development of domestic media in the era of political “stagnation” (second half of the 1960s – first half of the 1980s).
8. The main problems of journalistic speeches on the pages of the domestic press in the era of “stagnation”.
9. Soviet radio and television in the 1950s–1980s.
10. The work of one of the publicists of the 1960–1980s. (optionally).
11. Russian journalism of the second and third waves of Russian emigration.
12. Periodicals of "samizdat". Human rights movement and periodicals of the domestic “underground” of the 1960–1980s.
13. Domestic journalism in the era of “perestroika” (second half of the 1980s - early 1990s): the formation of a multi-party press.
14. Leading print media of “perestroika”.
15. Domestic television in the second half of the 1980s - early 1990s.
16. Domestic journalism in the 1990s. The main problems of journalistic speeches in the media.
17. Journalism of the Russian Federation at the present stage: the system of modern print media.
18. The main problems of journalistic speeches in modern media.
19. Modern television: structure, information policy, main information programs.
20. Information agencies of the USSR - Russian Federation in the second half of the twentieth century.

XVIII century - the time of the birth of Russian journalism.

Background and prerequisites for the emergence of Russian journalism. The first periodicals. "Vedomosti" (1702–1727). Lomonosov and scientific journalism. "St. Petersburg Gazette" (1727) - the first newspaper of the Academy of Sciences. "Moscow Gazette" (1756–1800).

Journalism of the second half of the 18th century.

Journals of the Academy of Sciences. Private magazines of a moderate liberal and progressive direction. “The Hardworking Bee” (1759) by A. N. Sumarokov is the first Russian private magazine.

Russian periodicals in the “age of Catherine”. Satirical magazines of the 1769–1770s. N. I. Novikov and his place in the history of journalism. Journals of Moscow University. "Interlocutor for lovers of the Russian word." Satirical journalism by D. I. Fonvizin (“Questions to the publisher”, “Friend of honest people...”). Journalism by A. N. Radishchev (“Talking Citizen”). Publishing activity of N. M. Karamzin (“Moscow Journal”, almanacs, “Bulletin of Europe”). Magazines by I. A. Krylov (“Spirit Mail”, “Spectator”, “St. Petersburg Mercury”). The state of the domestic periodical press by the end of the 18th century. "St. Petersburg Magazine".

Journalism of the first third of the 19th century.

Socio-political and literary life of Russia. Position of the press. Censorship statute of 1804 “Bulletin of Europe” under N.M. Karamzin and after him. Publications of the Free Society of Lovers of Literature, Sciences and Arts. Journalism during the Patriotic War of 1812. “Son of the Fatherland” by N. I. Grech in 1812–1825.

The liberal opposition movement after World War II and its reflection in journalism. Literary societies and associations, their publications. Decembrists and journalism. Almanac by A. A. Bestuzhev and K. F. Ryleev “Polar Star” (1823–1825). Structure of the publication. Literature reviews compiled by A. A. Bestuzhev. Illegal journalism of the Decembrists. The role of “almanac literature” in the 1820s. "Mnemosyne." "Northern Flowers" Publishers and authors.

Journalism of the second half of the 1820–1830s. Government activities in the field of printing. "Triumvirate" of journalists. “Northern Bee” by F.V. Bulgarin, “Son of the Fatherland” by N.I. Grech and “Library for Reading” by O.I. Senkovsky. The tendency is towards unscrupulousness, speculativeness, entertainment and the transformation of journalism into a “branch of trade”.

"Moscow Bulletin" (1827–1830). “Moscow Telegraph” (1825–1834) N. A. and K. A. Polevykh. “Telescope” and “Rumor” (1831–1836) N. I. Nadezhdina. "Moscow Observer" (1835–1839). The beginning of the journal and journalistic activities of V. G. Belinsky. Articles from the 1830s

Journalistic activity of A. S. Pushkin. Participation in the “Moscow Bulletin”, “Literary Gazette” (1830–1831). Attempts to create our own press organ. "Contemporary" in 1836 and after the death of Pushkin.

Journalism and journalism 40–50 years. XIX century

Socio-political trends of the 40s–50s. and the development of journalism. Publications of supporters of the “official nationality”, Westerners, Slavophiles and revolutionary democrats. Journalistic activity of V. G. Belinsky. Activation of social thought and the formation of new ideological trends. Westernism and Slavophilism. Conservative-monarchist publications (“Mayak”, “Moskvityanin”). Journalism of the Slavophiles. "Moscow literary and scientific collection."

“Domestic Notes” by A. A. Kraevsky. Structure, composition of authors, position in polemics on socio-political and literary issues. V. G. Belinsky in “Notes of the Fatherland”. The beginning of the publishing and editorial activities of N. A. Nekrasov. “Physiology of St. Petersburg” and “Petersburg collection”. “Contemporary” by N. A. Nekrasov and I. I. Panaev in 1847–1848. Belinsky's critical and journalistic activities in Sovremennik. "Letter to Gogol". Participation of A. I. Herzen in Sovremennik.

Periodicals during the “dark seven years” (1848–1854). The fate of democratic and liberal publications.

"Free Russian Press" abroad

Journalism of A. I. Herzen during the period of emigration. His creation of the “Free Russian Printing House”. Publishing and journalistic activities of A. I. Herzen and N. P. Ogarev. "The North Star" (1855–1862, 1868) and "The Bell" (1857–1867). Socio-political position and relations with domestic democracy. “The Past and Thoughts” is Herzen’s final work.

Journalism of the 1860s

1860 - “era of reforms”. Socio-political crisis. Ideological “pluralism” in society and its manifestations in journalism. Government censorship policy. Peasant reform and its reflection in journalism.

Development of revolutionary democratic trends in journalism. "Contemporary". Structure and ideological and creative direction. N. G. Chernyshevsky and N. A. Dobrolyubov in the magazine. Changes in the composition of authors. “Contemporary” about reforms, social and literary movements. Resumption of publication and new edition (1863). M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin in Sovremennik. “Russian Word” by G. E. Blagosvetlov as an organ of heterogeneous democracy. Ideological, political and aesthetic position of the magazine. Composition of authors. Critical and journalistic activity of D. I. Pisarev. Different approaches to solving social and literary issues and the controversy between Sovremennik and Russian Word (“schism among the nihilists”). Closing of magazines in 1866

Satirical and humorous publications of the 1860s. “Iskra” (1859–1873) by B. S. Kurochkina and N. A. Stepanova. Place and character of cartoons. “Beep” (1862) by D. D. Minaev. “Alarm clock” (1865–1871) N. A. Stepanova.

Liberal journalism in the 1860s. M. N. Katkov – editor and publisher. "Russian Messenger". Social and literary position. Composition of authors. Readership. Journalism by M. N. Katkov and K. N. Leontyev.

Publications of Slavophiles. “Russian conversation” (1856–1860) by A. I. Kosheleva. Structure, staff, participation in journal controversy. Newspapers “Rumor” by K. S. Aksakov (1857) and “Sail” (1859) by I. S. Aksakov. I. S. Aksakov – editor and publicist.

“Soil” magazines of the brothers M. M. and F. M. Dostoevsky “Time” (1861–1863) and “Epoch” (1864–1865). Ideological direction and circle of authors.

The growing influence of newspapers on public opinion. Coverage of political, economic and literary issues in them.

Journalism 1870-1890s

Socio-economic changes and ideological trends of post-reform times. Government policy in the field of journalism. The formation of populism. The main directions of development of journalism: conservative, liberal, democratic, populist.

“Domestic Notes” (1868–1884) by N. A. Nekrasov and M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Structure of the publication, composition of employees. Socio-political position of the magazine. Journalism by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, N. K. Mikhailovsky, G. Z. Eliseev. Fiction and literary and artistic criticism in the magazine. G. I. Uspensky.

“The Case” (1866–1888) by G. E. Blagosvetlova. Traditions of revolutionary democratic journalism and the ideological and creative direction of the magazine. Journalism by N.V. Shelgunov. Participation of populists in the magazine. The structure of the publication and the originality of fiction.

Newspaper "Week" (1866–1901). Direction of publication and range of authors. Speeches on major issues of social and political life. Publication of “Historical Letters” by P. L. Lavrov. Changing nature of publication in the mid-1870s

Foreign and illegal populist publications. Uncensored press: “People's Cause” by M. Bakunin and other anarchist publications, “Forward” by P. L. Lavrov, “Alarm” by P. N. Tkachev and others. Disagreements within the revolutionary populist movement and their reflection in journalism. Illegal populist press in Russia: “Beginning”, “Land and Freedom”, “People’s Will”, “Black Redistribution”, etc.

The labor question in the populist press. The first speeches of Marxists in the legal press. Journalism by G. V. Plekhanov. The Liberation of Labor group and its publishing activities. The beginning of the journalistic activity of V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin). Polemics with representatives of populism.

Liberal and conservative trends in the domestic press. Publications by M. N. Katkov. “Citizen” by V. P. Meshchersky. Participation of F. M. Dostoevsky in editing “Citizen”. "A Writer's Diary".

"Bulletin of Europe" (1866–1918). The structure of the publication, the originality of historical and philosophical journalism. Publications on literature and art (A. N. Pypin, V. V. Stasov). Works by I. S. Turgenev, I. A. Goncharov, A. N. Ostrovsky, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. The magazine's polemics with conservative and democratic publications.

“Russian Thought” (1880–1918) edited by V. A. Goltsev. The ideological direction, the circle of authors and its changes after the arrival of former employees of Otechestvennye Zapiski. Works by G. I. Uspensky, A. P. Chekhov, V. G. Korolenko, V. M. Garshin, N. S. Leskov and others. “Essays on Russian life” by N.V. Shelgunov and his position in the magazine.

Journalistic and journalistic activities of A.P. Chekhov. Work in humor magazines. Feuilleton review in “Fragments” by N. A. Leikin. Chekhov’s collaboration in A. S. Suvorin’s newspaper “New Time” and the magazine “Northern Herald”. The writer's transition to Russian Thought. Publication of the book “Sakhalin Island” (1893–1894).

"Northern Herald" (1885–1898). Editorial staff and circle of authors. Proximity to populism. Participation of N.K. Mikhailovsky. Change of direction since the early 1890s A. Volynsky in the magazine.

“Russian Wealth” (1876–1918) is the central organ of populism. Editorial staff and circle of authors. “Russian wealth” as an artel publication. The heyday of the magazine from the early 1890s. Journalism and literary criticism of N. K. Mikhailovsky. Popularity of the magazine. Polemics with the ideas of “economic materialism” (Marxism). Fiction department of the magazine. Publication of works by N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky, D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak, I. A. Bunin, A. I. Kuprin, V. V. Veresaev, M. Gorky. Journalism by V. G. Korolenko.

New features in the development of the newspaper press in the 1870–1890s. Creation of telegraph agencies. Changes in the distribution system. Conservative newspapers: “Moskovskie Vedomosti” by M. N. Katkov, “Citizen” by V. P. Meshchersky. The liberal-democratic newspaper “Russian Vedomosti” (1863–1917) and its place in the newspaper press of the late 19th – early 20th centuries. Major scientists and writers in the newspaper. “St. Petersburg Gazette” by V. Korsh. “Voice” by A. A. Kraevsky. The first workers' newspapers.

The growth of the provincial press. The beginning of M. Gorky's journalistic activity.

Journalism of the early 20th century

Socio-political structure of society and periodicals. Conservative, liberal populist and opposition publications.

Magazine and newspaper in the press system. Types of newspapers. Creation by I. D. Sytin of the large-circulation newspaper “Russian Word” (1895-1917). Circle of employees (V. M. Doroshevich, A. V. Amfiteatrov, V. A. Gilyarovsky, etc.). Publishing business of A. S. Suvorin. Information and mass newspapers.

The fate of old “thick” magazines (“Bulletin of Europe”, “Russian wealth”, “Russian thought”). The originality of the newly created ones: “God’s World”, “Magazine for Everyone”, “Modern World”, etc. Development of illustrated weekly magazines (“Niva”, etc.). Popular science weeklies (“Around the World”, “Bulletin of Knowledge”, etc.). Publications representing the new ideological, philosophical and aesthetic quests of the Russian creative intelligentsia: “World of Art”, “New Path”, “Scales”, “Golden Fleece”, “Apollo”, “Theater and Art”, etc. The originality of satirical magazines.

Changes in Russian journalism after 1905. Transformation of censorship policy. Formation of multi-party system and “non-partisanship” in journalism. Russian press during the First World War. Attempts to create a centralized organization for collecting information about military events. Newspaper "Russian Will". Participation in it by L. Andreeva.

The February Revolution of 1917 and changes in the structure of journalism. Policy new government in the field of printing after the October Revolution of 1917. The fate of Russian periodicals and their publishers. Movement towards a mono-ideological press system.

Journalism of the first Soviet decade.

Approval of one-party (“party-Soviet”) journalism. Central publications (“Pravda”, “Izvestia”, “Bednota”), further differentiation of the press (“Komsomolskaya Pravda”, “Trud”, etc.), development of regional media, publications for various audiences (Red Army soldiers, youth, peasants, etc. .). Agitation trains and agitation steamships. Formation of periodicals (socio-political, economic, literary and artistic, satirical, etc.). Book publishing. State control in the field of media. Creation and activities of Glavlit.

Formation of information services. ROSTA (since 1918) and its role. Creation of TASS (1925). The emergence of radio broadcasting and its development. Congresses of journalists. Training of journalistic personnel. Editions for journalists. Rabselkorovsky movement.

The originality of the activities of the press during the period of “war communism”. Subjects and ideological content of Soviet press publications on military and economic issues. Print about the White Guard movement, internal conspiracies, resistance of some layers of the peasantry and Cossacks, foreign intervention. "Windows of ROSTA". Discussion of the transition to the NEP and the results it brings in economic restoration. The press and internal party struggle. Lenin is a publicist.

Journalism during the civil war in the territories occupied by the troops of the white movement. Journalism of Russian emigration after the end of the civil war. Leading publicists of Soviet (A. S. Serafimovich, L. M. Reisner, L. S. Sosnovsky, etc.) and emigrant journalism of the “first wave” (Yu. O. Martov, P. B. Struve, V. M. Chernov ). Publicists of the “Smenovekhovsky” movement.

Journalism of the late 20s and 30s. XX century

Mass media under conditions of a totalitarian regime and the triumph of mono-ideology. General structure of central, local, national newspapers. The creation of newspapers of the political departments of MTS is a manifestation of the further subordination of the economy to the priority of ideology. Five-year radio plan for the USSR, its main tasks. Moscow television center on Shabolovka, television centers in Leningrad and Kyiv.

Main topics of media publications.

New forms and methods of mass work: public and industrial roll calls, visiting editorial offices, “Radiolistki RKI”. Rabselkorovsky movement.

Essays, feuilletons, reports by leading publicists in print and on radio.

Journalism by N. Bukharin, M. Gorky, N. Pogodin, K. Radek, feuilletons and reports by M. Koltsov. Oppositional journalism to the Stalinist regime by N. Bukharin, P. Petrovsky and others. “Open Letter to Stalin” by F. Raskolnikov.

Journalism of Russian abroad: magazines “Socialist Bulletin”, “Revolutionary Russia”, “Modern Notes”, “New World”, etc. Journalism by A. Amfiteatrova, I. Shmeleva.

Journalism during the Great Patriotic War.

Changes in the media system during the war years. The creation of the Sovinformburo, its role in the system of domestic journalism during the war.

The nature of radio broadcasting. New military-political publications. Formation and activities of the corps of war correspondents. Journalistic activities of B. L. Gorbatov, K. M. Simonov, A. N. Tolstoy, A. A. Fadeev, M. A. Sholokhov, I. G. Erenburg. Magazine "War and the Working Class", "Slavs". Underground and partisan press.

Media about the nature of the war. The theme of the front and rear. Materials from the occupied territories. Images of heroes of the era. "TASS Windows". A pamphlet depicting the fascist occupiers and their minions. Coverage of the activities of the anti-Hitler coalition.

Russian foreign press about the war and life in the country.

Journalism of the first post-war decade

Restructuring of the media in connection with the transition to peaceful labor. Development of radio and television broadcasting. Reorganization of the Moscow Television Center, the beginning of its daily television broadcasts. Differentiation of television programs. Book publishing. Training of journalistic personnel. Editions for journalists.

Information policy of party journalism. The significance of the newspaper “Culture and Life” and the resolutions of the CPSU Central Committee on cultural issues in the ideological sphere. Ideological campaigns. Unlawful persecution of “dissent” in the political, scientific, military, cultural spheres, the “Doctors’ Plot” and other actions of the Stalinist leadership.

The role of journalism in the restoration and development of the national economy. The politics of journalism in the field of culture. Development of popularization of scientific knowledge.

International information in the context of the Cold War. Formation of an “enemy image”. Coverage of the life of the “socialist camp”.

“Varnishing of reality” in the works of publicists. “Village journalism” by V.V. Ovechkin, E.Ya. Dorosh, G.N. Troepolsky and others in the formation of a sober view of rural life.

Journalism of the second half of the 50s - the first half of the 80s.

Soviet journalism as a system of a unified information and propaganda complex of the CPSU after the 20th Party Congress. The role and features of the “thaw” during the time of N.S. Khrushchev. The limitations of press democratization in conditions of one-party rule and mono-ideology.

Creation of the Union of Journalists of the USSR. Changes in the structure of journalism. The emergence of new publications. The role of the newspaper “Izvestia” under A. I. Adzhubey and the “Literary Gazette”, transformed into a weekly publication, in updating the self-awareness of society. “Komsomolskaya Pravda” under B. D. Pankin; creation of the “Institute of Public Opinion” in the newspaper. Activities of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company for the development of television and radio broadcasting. Changes in the activities of TASS, the creation of the Novosti Press Agency.

Internal economic problems of the media. Discussion of proposals and progress of reforms in the economic, political and social sphere. Dynamics of cultural policy. Difficulties associated with manifestations of voluntarism in the leadership of the country.

Promoting the success of space programs. International topics in journalism. Theme of international organizations (UN, UNESCO, etc.). Media and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Ideological struggle with the Chinese leadership. Disputes around "Eurocommunism". The threat of the emergence of neo-Stalinism.

Media in the era of “stagnation” under L. I. Brezhnev. Exaggerated praise of the successes in the development of the country in the face of real stagnation. Growing understanding of the need for socio-economic transformations and their hidden manifestation in journalism. Attempts by Yu. V. Andropov to make partial changes in the activities of ideological institutions and journalism.

Development and manifestations of the dissident movement, the formation of illegal “samizdat”. Journalism of emigration of the “second wave”. “Continent”, “Sowing”, “Edges”. Intensification of information warfare in the international arena in connection with the abolition of jamming of foreign stations. “Freedom/Free Europe”, “Voice of America”, BBC and other radio stations in the information space of the USSR. Press journalism by A. Agranovsky, K. Simonov, A. Strelyany, G. Radov, Y. Chernichenko, V. Peskov, Y. Smuul and others.

Journalism of the second half of the 80s.

Journalism of the period of awareness of the crisis of the socio-economic system and attempts at reform socialist society. Proclamation of the concept of “perestroika” (M. S. Gorbachev, A. N. Yakovlev) and the transition to glasnost and “socialist pluralism”. Transformations in the system and activities of traditional media. CPSU on the restructuring of the central party press. Transformation of the magazine "Communist" into "Free Thought". The actual elimination of censorship. Law “On the Press and Other Mass Media” (1990). Creation of non-state news agencies (“Interfax”, “Postfactum”, “Ether Digest”, etc.). Elimination of obstacles to the distribution of foreign publications, including those published by emigrants. Organization of on-air cross-border teleconferences. Formation and development of independent media (Kommersant newspaper, Ekho Moskvy radio station, NTV television company, etc.). Revival of church-religious mass press. Changes in book publishing. The role of “Moscow News” (E.V. Yakovlev), “Nezavisimaya Gazeta” (V.T. Tretyakov), “Arguments and Facts” (V. Starkov), “Ogonyok” (V.A. Korotich), as well as “Literary Gazette” and other publications, including “thick” magazines (“New World”, etc.), newly emerged regional media in the formation of “new thinking” in a wide audience. Broadcast on TV and radio of speeches at the Congresses of People's Deputies (A. D. Sakharov, Yu. N. Afanasyev, etc.). Discussion clubs in the media. Journalism by Ch. Aitmatov, V. Belov, I. Vasilyev, S. Zalygin, E. Nosov, V. Rasputin, V. Selyunin and others. Collections of political journalism “No Other Thing”, “Bitter but Necessary Lessons”, “Direct Speech”, etc.

The formation of crisis phenomena in the political, economic, social, spiritual spheres during the period of perestroika. Growing demands for fundamental change.

Journalism of the Russian Federation

Radical changes in the system of domestic media after the disintegration of the USSR, the formation of sovereign independent states on its territory and in connection with the elimination of the dictates of the CPSU in the activities of the media. Press, radio broadcasting, television, news agencies of sovereign Russia.

The Law “On the Mass Media”, its structural and ideological manifestations in the activities of the media.

Business press of the Russian Federation: mass newspapers “Economic Life”, “Business World” (Moscow), “Far Eastern Capital” (Vladivostok), mass special editions.

Children's publications: “Youth Newspaper”, “Verb”, “Treasure Island”. Religious print.

TV and radio broadcasting system. The first non-state structure on central television. TV channel "2x2" (August 1990). Trends in the development of regional press.

The entry of Russian journalism into the global information space. Transformation of foreign broadcasting (“Voice of Russia”). Distribution of Russian print and electronic media in foreign countries. Foreign press (in foreign and Russian languages), accessible to the Russian audience. Foreign television and radio broadcasting in the information space of Russia. CNN and Euronews (including in Russian). Foreign journalists and social and political figures in the Russian media. Expanding access of the Russian audience to information posted on Internet portals from foreign information services, media and websites of foreign journalists, social and political figures and organizations. Participation of foreign media institutions in Russian journalism(investments, joint publications and programs, reprints, use of audio and video recordings in Russian media).

Problems, difficulties and threats associated with the entry of Russian media into the global information space.

N. I. Yakushin

L. V. Ovchinnikova



Issue 2



Institute international law and economics named after A. S. Griboyedov


Department of History
national journalism
and culture of Russian speech

Yakushin N. I.

Ovchinnikova L.V.

Story domestic journalism (1702–1917). Issue 2: Tutorial. – M.: IMPE im. A.S. Griboedova, 2008. – 122 p.

Prepared by the Faculty of Journalism.

© Yakushin N.I., Ovchinnikova L.V., 2008

The proposed study guide is part of a single educational and methodological set “History of Russian Journalism (1702–1917)”, which consists of a study guide, an anthology 1, teaching materials (questions and assignments at the end of each section; topics of abstracts, term papers and dissertations) and a list of basic literature for a deeper understanding of the material. Questions and assignments, as well as reference lists, are given at the end of each chapter.

The structure of the teaching aid corresponds to the program “History of Russian Journalism (1702–1917)” for students studying in the specialty “Journalism”:

PartI. XVIIIcentury - the time of formation of Russian journalism

PartII. Russian journalism of the first half of the 19th century

Chapter 1. Russian journalism at the beginning of the 19th century (1801–1812)

Chapter 2. Russian journalism during the Patriotic War of 1812 and the Decembrist movement

Chapter 3. Russian journalism 1826 - early 1840

Chapter 4. Russian journalism of the 1840s and the period of the “dark seven years” (1848–1855)

Part III. Russian journalism of the second half of the 19th century

Chapter 1. Ideological quests, social and literary movement and journalism of the “era of reforms” of 1856–1866

Chapter 2. Russian journalism 1866–1881

Chapter 3. Russian journalism of the 1880–1890s

PartIV. Russian journalism of the late 19th – early 20th centuries (before 1917)

The first issue presents part I (the 18th century - the time of the formation of Russian journalism).

The second issue includes chapters 1–4 II .

Chapter 1
at the beginning of the nineteenth century

The beginning of the 19th century was marked by the accession to the throne of Alexander I in March 1801. The new emperor could not ignore the discontent that gripped Russian society during the reign of Paul I (1796–1801), and considered it necessary to carry out reforms aimed at softening Pavlov’s regime and creating conditions for the renewal and development of economic, political and cultural life in the country. “The beginning of the reign of Emperor Alexander was marked by the most brilliant hopes for the well-being of Russia,” wrote A.A. Bestuzhev. “The nobility had a rest, the merchants did not complain about the loan, the troops served without difficulty, the scientists studied what they wanted, everyone said what they thought. And everyone, to a great extent, expected even better things.” Already in the first days of his reign, Alexander I issued a decree on the return from exile and restoration of civil and official rights of persons convicted during the reign of Catherine II and Paul I for freethinking. Following this, the Secret Expedition, which committed justice and lawlessness against persons suspected of political unreliability, was abolished, the ban on the import of goods, books and periodicals from abroad was lifted, and private printing houses, prohibited by the decree of Catherine II, were again allowed to open. At the same time, the new emperor created Secret committee, designed to consider the general plan for government reforms and resolve the most important issues of the internal life of the country, among which was the peasant question. Thus, in 1801, a law was declared prohibiting the sale of peasants without land; in 1804, a decree on “free cultivators” was announced, which gave landowners the right to release peasants and allow them to buy their own freedom. However, both of these innovations did not receive the support of the nobles and were used only in rare cases.

Important transformations were carried out in the field of education: universities were opened in Kazan, Kharkov, Vilno, Dorpat (Yuryev); a little later (in 1818) the St. Petersburg Pedagogical Institute was transformed into a university; in addition, several lyceums were opened: Demidovsky in Yaroslavl (1805), Tsarskoye Selo (1811). Richelievsky in Odessa (1811). The number of gymnasiums has expanded to 45. All this could not help but expand the number of educated people and contributed to the development of the cultural and mental level of Russian society and the revitalization of public life.

In 1804, the first censorship Charter in Russia was adopted, which proclaimed “the general spirit of tolerance and love of enlightenment”, and also spoke of the need to protect authors from the arbitrariness of censors: they were recommended to be guided by “prudent leniency, moving away from any biased interpretation of works or places in them, which for some imaginary reasons seem appropriate for prohibition,” and if “the place subject to doubt has a double meaning, then in this case it is better to interpret it in a manner most favorable to the writer, rather than to persecute him.” In addition, the Charter noted: “Censorship should not delay manuscripts sent for its consideration, especially journals and other periodicals that must be published urgently and lose news value if published later.”

The Charter, although it expanded the rights of writers and journalists and even allowed discussion of socio-political issues in the press, nevertheless, it prescribed “the study of all truth relating to faith, humanity, civil status, legislation, government or any other branch government" to be carried out "modestly and prudently." At the same time, the Charter prohibited the publication of works “contrary to the government, morality, the law of God and the personal honor of citizens.” And if such works were received by the censorship department, then the government should be informed about this “in order to find the author and deal with him according to the law.” In addition, the charter legalized preliminary censorship, and in additions to it it was prescribed, for example, to prohibit writing about court cases and government policies without the consent of the Ministry of Public Education, about performances of imperial theaters and actors’ performances, etc.

The revitalization of social and cultural life in the country, the expansion of the readership, the opportunity to discuss issues that were previously prohibited, had the most significant influence for the development of journalism. During the first decade of the 19th century, over 80 new (including in foreign languages) periodicals appeared. True, most of them were destined for a very short life. Some magazines were published for one or two years, while others disappeared after the publication of the first issue. This was explained, first of all, by the fact that there was no mass readership in the country at that time, so magazine circulations usually did not exceed 300–500 copies, which made their publication unprofitable. And the printing houses of that time were not suitable for printing large quantities. To a large extent, the development of periodicals was hampered by the lack of talented editors and professional journalists.

Just like in the second half of the 18th century, magazines occupied the leading place in the Russian periodical press of the first decade of the new century. They were published mainly in St. Petersburg and Moscow. In addition to literary magazines, industry publications (mostly government ones) with a professional focus began to be published at this time. They covered economic, scientific, technical and other issues. Thus, the Ministry of Internal Affairs published "St. Petersburg Magazine"(1804–1809) , on whose pages, in addition to the highest decrees and government orders, articles on economics, trade, agriculture, public administration, etc.; The Academy of Sciences issued "Technological Journal" (1804–1815) And "Statistical Journal" (1806, 1808), Provisional Artillery Committee of the War Ministry - "Artillery Journal" (1808–1811). Among the industry magazines there were also private publications, for example, "Economic magazine published by Vasily Kukolnik" (1807). At the same time, magazines appeared: music (“Journal of Russian music for 1806”), theatrical (“Dramatic Messenger”, 1808), children's ("Children's Friend", 1809), military ("Military Journal", 1810–1811), magazines for women (“Magazine for Darlings”, 1804) and etc.

As for newspapers, there were few of them, and in terms of content they were significantly inferior to magazines. Nevertheless, the newspaper business developed. This was due to the increased interest of a fairly wide range of readers (including low-income people) in the events taking place in Russia and abroad. This was noticed back in 1802 by N.M. Karamzin, who wrote in his journal “Bulletin of Europe”: “It is true that many nobles, even those in good condition, do not take newspapers; but merchants and townsfolk already love to read them. The poorest people subscribe, and the most illiterate want to know what they are writing from foreign lands!” The popularity of newspapers among democratic sections of readers was explained not only by the presence in them of operational information about various aspects of life in Russia and other countries, but also by the fact that subscriptions to them, compared to magazines, were much cheaper.

In the first decade of the new century, in addition to the official newspapers that continued to be published "St. Petersburg Gazette" And "Moskovskie Vedomosti" on the pages of which mainly government decrees, messages about court receptions and festivities, information about the political life of European countries were printed, some ministries founded several industry newspapers: Ministry of Trade - "St. Petersburg Commercial Gazette" (1802–1810); Postal Department of the Ministry of the Interior – "Northern Post" (1809–1819), were for informational purposes only. There were messages about scientific discoveries, technical innovations, trade fairs, information on exchange rates, as well as government chronicles, official documents, government decrees and orders related to the ministries of commerce and internal affairs.

In addition to state newspaper periodicals, two private newspapers were published at the beginning of the century: "Moscow Scientific Gazette" (1805–1807) And “The genius of the times. Historical and political magazine" (1807–1809).

The latter, by the way, although it had a subtitle - “magazine”, but, in essence, was a typical newspaper, both in terms of frequency (published twice a week) and form (a page of a quarter of a sheet, divided into two columns), and in terms of content (small articles and short notes, which were usually of an informational nature, contained information about various aspects of the political, economic, and military life of mainly European countries). It should be noted that at the beginning of the 19th century in journalism, there was no clear distinction between the concepts of “magazine” and “newspaper”. Not only newspapers, but also almanacs and various kinds collections.

A notable event in Russian periodicals of the first decade was the publication of the first provincial newspaper in Russia - "Kazan news" (1811–1820), on the pages of which messages were placed about the state of trade, industry and education in the province, works of art by local authors, articles and notes on literature, etc. were published. Later, newspapers appeared in other provincial cities: in Astrakhan (1813), in Odessa ( 1820) etc.

The revival of Russian social life and the increase in the number of periodicals was an incentive to intensify literary criticism, which, although it lagged behind the development of literature (primarily due to the lack of professional critics), nevertheless became an important component of many newspapers and magazines, sometimes acquiring public sound. An example is the critical speeches related to the discussion of the need to create an original national literature and the Russian literary language, which partly manifested itself during the controversy that unfolded around the brochure by A.S. Shishkov “Discourses on the old and new syllables of the Russian language” (1803). Many writers of that time repeatedly spoke about the place that criticism should occupy in periodicals. Thus, writer and translator D.V. Dashkov, in the article “Something about Journals,” published in the “St. Petersburg Bulletin” (1812), wrote: “Everything can be included in ... a magazine: literature, news about important discoveries in the sciences and arts, etc., but the main thing the goal... should be criticism.” In addition, Dashkov made an attempt to formulate the basic requirements that must be presented to a journalist who publishes critical articles in the press. In his opinion, he needed to have “a thorough knowledge of all parts”, since “all sciences, arts and arts belong to the vast circle of his studies” and urged him to “beware of partiality or vile envy of great talents.”

During the first decade of the 19th century, Russian magazines began to acquire a stable typological structure. Almost each of them had thematic departments: Russian and foreign literature, arts, sciences, etc. A special role was assigned to criticism, although as a special form of literary activity it was just taking shape and was mainly concerned with annotating works fiction and judgments about their language and style without analyzing the ideological content and connection with life.

The most famous and long-lasting magazine of the first decade of the new century was "Bulletin of Europe" (1802–1830) Over the course of almost thirty years of existence, its direction, structure and composition of employees underwent constant changes depending on the historical situation in the country and who headed it. The magazine arose on the initiative of the Moscow bookseller I.V. Popov, and N.M. was invited as editor. Karamzin. It was he who came up with the idea of ​​turning Vestnik Evropy into a new type of socio-political and literary magazine with permanent sections and strict periodicity (published twice a month), organically combining politics and literature. It had two permanent departments: “Literature and Mixture” and “Politics”. The latter consisted of two parts: “General Review” and “News and Comments”.

G.R. took part in the literary department. Derzhavin, I.I. Dmitriev, V.V. Izmailov, V.L. Pushkin and others, and translations of works by foreign authors (Zhanlis, Gray, etc.) were also published. Notes from foreign magazines and articles on events in Russian history were also placed here.

Particular attention in the magazine was paid to the “Politics” department. Its content was distinguished by its versatility and wide coverage of various aspects of the political and social life of foreign countries, foreign and domestic policies of Russia. Political reviews of European events, articles and notes were published here, touching on current problems of Russian reality, writing and speech statesmen, official documents (manifestos, decrees, reports, etc.), translations of articles from foreign newspapers and magazines with editorial comments. The department was solely headed by Karamzin himself. He closely followed the development of international life and the events taking place in his own country, selected and edited materials prepared for publication, trying to give their presentation a lively and fascinating character. Later V.G. Belinsky, wrote that Vestnik Evropy was characterized by “smart, lively transmission of political news, so interesting at that time.”

A notable feature of Vestnik Evropy was that it did not have a criticism department. Karamzin explained his absence by the fact that, in his opinion, serious criticism is possible where there is rich literature. “Good criticism,” he wrote in the article “To the readers of the Vestnik,” “is a luxury of literature: it is born from the great wealth of literature; and we are not Croesus yet.” This did not mean at all that Karamzin was against the publication of critical reviews of works of contemporary literature. He even published them in his magazine. True, he believed that criticism should concern only works worthy of praise. “...If something great comes out, why not praise it? – he wrote. – The most moderate praise is often a great encouragement for young talent. That's my rule."

This “rule” led to the fact that literary critical materials appeared quite rarely in Vestnik Evropy. And the activity of Karamzin himself as a literary critic at this time noticeably decreased, although he published several interesting critical works in his magazine (“On the book trade and the love of reading in Russia”, “Thoughts about solitude”, “Why are there few author’s works in Russia?” talents”, etc.). At this time, Karamzin paid much more attention to working on journalistic articles, which largely determined the nature and direction of the magazine.

Already in the programmatic article “To the Publisher,” which opened the first issue of Vestnik Evropy, Karamzin stated that, in his opinion, the main advantage of any magazine (including his own) should lie in the diversity of its content and the desire to “help moral the formation of such a great and strong people as the Russian one; develop ideas, point out new beauties in life, nourish the soul with moral pleasures...”

The general direction of the “Bulletin of Europe” was openly educational and humanistic in nature. Karamzin (like most liberal-minded figures of Russian culture) connected the future of Russia and the hope for its prosperity with the rule of an enlightened monarch, the spread of education among all classes and the moral education of modern society, which, in his opinion, should be facilitated to a large extent by fine literature. Recognizing the historical inevitability of the “moral and political” revolutions taking place in the world, Karamzin, nevertheless, considered them “dangerous and reckless.” He advocated for an evolutionary path of development of states in which stable political, economic and social relations had developed. This is exactly the kind of state he imagined modern Russia to be. Karamzin called for the establishment of a “cordial connection” between the ruler and his subjects, for the improvement of civil laws, for the humane and generous attitude of landowners towards serfs, believing that each of them should be their “defender in civil relations, an assistant in the disasters of chance and nature.” . All these calls largely corresponded to the spirit of the times associated with the liberal aspirations of Alexander I at the beginning of his reign.

It should be noted that Karamzin sought to convey his views and beliefs, expressed in journalistic articles, to readers in an accessible and unobtrusive form, in a lively and figurative literary language. V.G. could not help but pay attention to this. Belinsky, who wrote: “Karamzin, having transformed Lomonosov’s prose, brings it closer to natural Russian speech and instills elements of elegant French publicism into Russian literature.”

In 1804, Karamzin, having received the title of court historiographer, left Vestnik Evropy. In subsequent years, the magazine changed editors several times. At first it was headed by the sentimentalist writer and journalist P.P. Sumarokov, and then from 1805 to 1807 and from 1810 until its closure, the magazine was headed by Moscow University professor, historian M.T. Kachenovsky. In the period from 1808–1809, “Bulletin of Europe” was edited by V.A. Zhukovsky (in 1810 together with M.T. Kachenovsky).

Already under P.P. Sumarokov "Vestnik Evropy" becomes predominantly literary magazine. The political reviews introduced by Karamzin disappeared from it, and the “Politics” department began to be filled with brief news of an informational nature. With the arrival of M.T. to the magazine. Kachenovsky's "Bulletin of Europe" has lost the spirit of modernity. A significant place in it was now given to scientific articles historical content, most often authored by the editor himself. True, during the war with France (1805–1807), the Vestnik Evropy published political feuilletons with a pronounced anti-French orientation and patriotic poems by V.A. Zhukovsky, S.N. Glinka. A.F. Merzlyakova and others. As for the problems of domestic policy, they were practically not discussed in the magazine. The literary department continued to publish poems by V.A. Zhukovsky, translations of works by foreign writers (A. Kotzebue, F. Chateaubriand, etc.), and occasionally works by new authors appeared (K.N. Batyushkov, A.F. Voeikov, A.A. Pisarev). In addition to works of art, since 1806 the magazine began publishing critical articles and theater reviews. In the controversy surrounding the treatise “Discourse on the Old and New Syllables of the Russian Language,” Vestnik Evropy fully supported its author A.S. Shishkova.

V.A. brought a living spirit to the “Bulletin of Europe”. Zhukovsky, who edited the magazine in 1808–1809. Under him, the literary department was transformed in many ways, in which, in addition to Zhukovsky himself, K.N. Batyushkov, P.A. Vyazemsky, N.I. Gnedich, D.V. Davydov and other famous poets of that time. In the programmatic article “Letter from the district to the publisher” (1808, No. 1), Zhukovsky wrote that he set mainly educational tasks for the magazine, and saw the duty of a journalist as “to hide the useful and instructive under the guise of what is entertaining and pleasant.” At the same time, he was very skeptical about the usefulness of publishing political and literary critical articles for the magazine, since, in his opinion, politics in a country where the general opinion is obedient to the active authorities cannot have any particular attractiveness,” and criticism has nothing to do at all. “What benefit can criticism bring in Russia? – asked Zhukovsky. – What do you want to criticize? Mediocre translations of mediocre novels? And then he repeated Karamzin’s words almost verbatim: “Criticism and luxury are the daughters of wealth; “We are not yet Croesus in literature.” However, later in the article “On Criticism” (1809, No. 2), Zhukovsky recognized the importance of criticism and willingly published articles by various authors on issues of literature and criticism in Vestnik Evropy, and published more than ten of his own literary critical works.

In 1810, the structure of the “Bulletin of Europe” underwent major changes. Instead of two departments, the magazine now has five: “Literacy”, “Science and Art”, “Criticism”, “Mixture”, “Review of Incidents”. But this reorganization changed almost nothing in the journal, which since 1811 was headed single-handedly by M.T. Kachenovsky. Under his leadership, Vestnik Evropy became an increasingly conservative publication, consistently opposing political liberalism, progressive social ideas and new trends in literature. Begins to occupy an important place in the magazine scientific department, which published articles on history and archeology written by professors P.F. Kalaidovich, A.F. Merzlyakov, I.M. Snegirev and others, as well as historical works foreign authors (for example, E. Gibbon).

The “Bulletin of Europe” revived somewhat in 1814, when, instead of the ill M.T. Kachenovsky, the magazine was edited by V.V. for a year. Izmailov. It was under him that A.A. made his literary debut. Delviga, A.S. Pushkina, A.S. Griboyedov and other young poets.

In 1815 M.T. Kachenovsky returned to “Bulletin of Europe” and finally determined its composition, which remained until the closure of the magazine: 1. “Fine Literature”, 2. “Fine Arts”, 3. “Modern History and Politics”, 4. “Mixture”.

Despite the rather broad program announced, “Bulletin of Europe” increasingly turned into a purely “scientific” publication, which gave preference to articles on history, political economy and economic life Russia, as well as translations of works by foreign scientists dedicated to the history and literature of Slavic countries. At the same time, the literary department faded significantly. One after another, K.N. left the magazine. Batyushkov, V.A. Zhukovsky, P.A. Vyazemsky, N.I. Gnedich and others. “Bulletin of Europe” becomes a stronghold of conservative forces and begins an active struggle against new trends in literature and, above all, against romanticism. M.T. Kachenovsky called for “studying the ancient classics” and not “wasting time imitating fashionable verses, the merits of which have not yet been proven by criticism.” He was hostile to the writers of the younger generation and willingly published articles directed against A.S. Pushkin and romantic poets, polemicized with the Moscow Telegraph magazine, which in 1825 began to be published by N.A. On the left, seeing him as an unwanted competitor. According to V.G. Belinsky, already “in the early twenties, “Bulletin of Europe” was the ideal of deadness, dryness, boredom and some kind of senile moldiness.” By the end of the decade, unable to withstand competition with the Moscow Telegraph and having lost subscribers, Vestnik Evropy was closed in 1830.

The success of “Bulletin of Europe” under the leadership of N.M. Karamzin had the most significant influence on the development of journalism in the first decade of the 19th century. Almost simultaneously with Vestnik Evropy and under the undoubted influence of its editor, several new magazines arose. One of the first among them was "Moscow Mercury"(1803), published by Karamzin’s follower and defender of sentimentalism, writer P.I. Makarov, who stated that his magazine would be designed primarily for the taste of “dear, dear ladies.” Addressing them, he wrote: “We would prefer to please you, dear readers; We will only call your approval our crown and happiness.” Wanting to please “dear readers,” Makarov repeatedly spoke on the pages of the magazine in defense female education and developed the idea of ​​a woman’s social vocation.

“Moscow Mercury”, although it was a purely literary magazine, nevertheless, the features of a moderate-liberal publication were clearly visible in it. It was published monthly and consisted of five sections: “Mixture”, “Russian Literature”, “Foreign Literature”, “Notifications” and “Fashions”.

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