Home Roses Small countries of the world and their characteristics. The smallest countries in the world and in Europe

Small countries of the world and their characteristics. The smallest countries in the world and in Europe

Young schoolchildren study continents, countries and states from childhood. The boys' favorite subject is geography.

It reveals many facts about the beauty of our planet. The powers of the world are diverse in area and population.

Some have vast territories, traditions and customs. And other countries have a small area, with a minimal population. There are more than 250 countries in the world.

If you look at a world map or globe, you can visualize which of them have big sizes, while others are difficult to see due to their small size.

The smallest country in the world is the Vatican. Its area is 0.40 square kilometers.

This is an independent state, but at the same time it does not have its own monetary currencies and identity passports.

The most small state in the world is located on the territory of Rome, and is the spiritual capital of the world.

In the territory catholic church The Vatican is inhabited by 820 people, the rest of the population are Italian subjects.

Citizens of the clergy are:

  • Clergy – 50 persons.
  • Guardsmen - 50.
  • Gendarmes -150.
  • Residents - 150.

The dwarf country has characteristic seasonal conditions similar to Mediterranean conditions. In winter, the temperature does not rise above 15 degrees. Sometimes precipitation occurs in the form of snow.

IN summer period the temperature rises to 30 degrees Celsius. Winds, showers and hail are not observed.

The state has languages: Latin and Italian. IN simple communication, during negotiations the main thing is Latin language. Italian is used to sign contracts, acts or decrees.

The most important member of the state is the Pope; he has his own government, which includes:

  • Governor.
  • Papal Commission.
  • State Secretariat.
  • Ecumenical Council.
  • Synod.

The main religion of the country is Catholicism.

All cities and countries have their own characteristic places of interest.

Consider the list of outstanding monuments and buildings that are the pride of the Vatican:

  1. St. Peter's Square, which was erected in the mid-18th century.
  2. The Apostolic Palace, which has a rich library of valuable manuscripts and books. The Pope himself lives there. Distinctive feature The palace has chapels and museums.
  3. The Grotta di Lourde cave, which was artificially created by the inhabitants of the country in ancient times.
  4. A historical monument of the country in the form of the Sistine Chapel. Prized for its historical manuscripts, drawings and frescoes inside the façade.
  5. An art gallery called Pinakothek.

The smallest country in the entire universe in terms of population is Pitcairn Island. It consists of 5 islands, of which only one is inhabited by people.

Important! Pitcairn is a unique and isolated island that was formed as a result of a volcanic eruption using lava.

The island has features and living conditions:

  • Area 4.5 square kilometers.
  • No more than 60 people live in the entire territory.
  • The native language is English.
  • The head of state is the British Commissioner.

All people are friendly and kind to each other. They help everyone in many matters and also consider themselves soul mates.

Rating of the smallest countries in the world

There is a list of small states, depending on the size of the territory:

  • Vatican.
  • Monaco.
  • Nauru.
  • Tuvalu.
  • San Marino.
  • Marshall Islands.
  • Liechtenstein.
  • Nevis.
  • Maldives.
  • Grenada.

Let's look at the table of the top smallest republics that are located in Europe:

Republic, by ranking increase total area, sq. km. Features of states
Vatican 0,40 Spiritual capital of capitalism
Monaco 1,8 A dwarf state with its own values ​​and resort recreation areas. The population includes people from other countries
San Morino 60 It is the most ancient and oldest country in the entire universe. It has beautiful landscapes and is located on the mountainside
Liechtenstein 58 A prosperous state due to ski resort, well-established policies and a small percentage of taxation from the people. Engaged in the supply of goods to other countries at low cost
Malta 300 Prosperous development of industry and tourist areas
Andorra 450 There is no duty on the type of products for all vacationing tourists
Luxembourg 2500 Is an international country with a tourist center in Europe
Cyprus 9000 A picturesque corner of the country with highly developed tourist areas. For vacationing citizens there is a huge range of services and entertainment at low prices
Kosovo 10500 Is the most beautiful country Europe, valued for its picturesque places
Montenegro 13200 State income comes from the large number of tourists. Those who like to relax choose a place for affordable prices and mild temperate climate

There is a list of which countries are the smallest in terms of population, according to various parts Sveta:

  1. Asia's smallest country performs South Ossetia, its population of all living citizens is about 70,000 people.
  2. Oceania - Niue with a population of 1400.
  3. Africa - Seychelles - 85,500 people.
  4. North America - Nevis - 50,000 people.
  5. South America - Suriname - 450,000 people.

Important! Each part of the world has its own small state with smallest area and the population.

But the Order of Malta and the Vatican are dwarfed. There is no country in the world with the lowest indicators.

A small Arab state is the Bahrain archipelago and its 33 islands.

The Arab country has become famous due to its attractions and values:

  1. The most popular and sought after place for foreign and Russian tourists.
  2. The main hobby is undersea world diving in the Persian Gulf.
  3. The oil refining and gas industries are developing and thriving.
  4. All proceeds go towards developing a recreation area for all vacationers.

In small states there is an interconnected relationship of close relationships between all citizens. Government authorities are able to help and take care of the entire population.

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What is it called: Vatican | Country area: 0.44 km2

Where is it located: inside Rome

The smallest country in the world is the Vatican. This state is the smallest in the world in terms of area and number of citizens. The country is located inside Rome, the capital of Italy. The residence of the head of the Catholic Church, the Pope, is located here. Therefore, the miniature city-state is the spiritual center for the entire Catholic world.

All legislative acts of the smallest country come into force only after their publication in Latin and Italian. That is, in the Vatican there are two official languages. Although, due to the presence of many nationalities among church ministers, work in any convenient language of the world is allowed.

It is assumed that the name of the Vatican comes from the name of the god of death, Vattaca. After all, it was on the territory of the city-state that the Roman Emperor Nero killed the Apostle Peter.

History of origin

The current smallest country in the world did not always have such modest dimensions. From 752 until 1870, the Catholic Church owned a territory of 41,407 km². In those days, the state was called the Papal States. So the Vatican, with an area of ​​0.44 km2, is only a tiny fragment of that territory.

In the mid-nineteenth century, the Papal States were conquered by the united army of Italy. Then the Pope took refuge from the attack in the Vatican and began to live on its territory as a voluntary prisoner of the Apostolic Palace.

In 1929, the Lateran Treaty was signed to resolve the conflict. According to him, the Vatican was recognized independent state, and Pope Pius XI undertook to recognize the Kingdom of Italy for this.

Today, in addition to the territory of the Vatican, the Catholic Church owns buildings outside the smallest country. The largest among them is Castel Gandolfo - the summer residence of the Pope. Such objects are endowed with extraterritorial status, identical to foreign embassies.

Are the Vatican and the Holy See the same thing?

Most people believe that the Vatican and the Holy See are synonymous words. However, this is not the case.

The Vatican is a theocratic state ruled by the Holy See (or the Papal See). It is important to separate these concepts, since it is the Holy See that acts as a subject in international law.

For the Holy See, the Vatican is simply its own sovereign territory. That is, if hypothetically, the Holy See remains without the Vatican, then it will not cease to exist as a subject of international relations.

It is also easy to see the difference between these concepts using the example of the distribution of power. The head of the Holy See is the Pope, and the smallest country in the world, the Vatican, is governed by a governor and a Pontifical Commission, which are personally appointed by the pontiff.

In fact, the Pope determines the fate of both the Vatican and the Holy See, holding in his hands all branches of power - legislative, executive and judicial.

Election of the Pontiff

Saint Peter is considered to be the first Pope of Rome. After him, the position of pontiff became elective. At first, both church leaders and the people of Rome took part in this procedure. But due to significant manipulations to seize power in the Papal States, the ceremony was made available only to a narrow circle of cardinals of the Roman Curia.

Since the Pope is elected for a life term, new elections are organized after the death of the pontiff or when he voluntarily resigns. During the period until new dad Rimsky is not defined; part of his powers to govern the smallest country is carried out by the Camerlengo.

The election of the Pope has been called a conclave since 1274. Only cardinals aged no more than 80 have the right to apply for the position of pontiff and take part in voting. Elections are held within 15-20 days after the death or resignation of the Pope.

During the conclave, the cardinals must cease communication with outside world to keep the ceremony secret. Disclosure of secret information is punishable by expulsion. All election participants live in St. Martha's House. And the voting process itself takes place within the walls of the Sistine Chapel. After all participants have arrived, its doors are sealed to isolate the cardinals from outsiders.

In order to become Pope, a candidate must receive at least 2/3 of the votes. The results of the secret ballot are counted by three randomly selected cardinals, after which the ballots are burned. If none of the candidates received the required number of votes, then damp straw and tow are placed on the ballot papers, as a result of which the chimney of the Sistine Chapel goes black smoke. This is a signal to parishioners that a pontiff has not yet been chosen. And when the new Pope is elected, when the ballots are burned, dry straw is added to them and white smoke comes out of the chimney. In parallel with this, bells begin to ring in the Vatican, notifying the entire area about the appearance of a new pontiff.

Population of the smallest country in the world

Between 800 and 870 people permanently live on the territory of the Vatican. All these people are ministers of the Holy See. And there is simply no other way to obtain citizenship of the smallest country in the world. Moreover, after termination of work in the Papal See, citizenship is immediately revoked.

During the day, the Vatican employs approximately 3,000 salaried personnel who mostly perform menial tasks unrelated to service to the Catholic Church and the Holy See. Therefore, they are not considered citizens of the tiny city-state and live outside its territory.

If, after losing Vatican citizenship, a person does not have citizenship of any other country, then, according to the Lateran Treaty of 1929, Italy undertakes to accept him as its citizen.

Most of the Vatican's population is Italian. Although there is a large community of Swiss who are responsible for the safety of the Pope.

Swiss Guards

The Vatican may now be the smallest state in the world, but it even has its own guard. Of course, it is not as numerous as during the heyday of the Papal States. However, 110 guardsmen are quite enough for a territory of 0.44 km2. They are easy to spot by their bright unusual shape, the appearance of which has not changed for almost half a millennium.

It is not so easy to get into service with the Holy See. All candidates must meet a number of criteria: height from 174 cm, age between 19-30 years, Catholic religion, completed secondary education, undergo the four-month army training mandatory for the Swiss, and have positive letters of recommendation.

The Swiss Guards are subject to a number of restrictions, such as a ban on wearing long hair, mustache and beard. And the guardsman must be a bachelor. He will have the right to marry only after serving for more than 3 years and upon reaching the rank of corporal.

The main function of the Vatican Guard is to protect the Pope and his residence. It was the Swiss who received this great honor because in 1527 a small detachment of 189 guards heroically defended the pontiff during an attack on Rome. Only 42 guardsmen survived. To be fair, it is worth noting that this was the only time when the Swiss Guards took part in hostilities.

State financial policy

The Vatican receives the bulk of its income from voluntary donations, investments and tourism. Part of the money received goes to quite ordinary government needs in the form of salaries, maintenance of the Holy See and reconstruction of buildings. But the Vatican is also famous for the charity of the Pope. It allocates significant funds to support victims of natural disasters and to build churches in developing countries.


For the smallest country in the world, tourism is one of the main sources of income. In addition to pilgrims, he comes to the Vatican great amount people to see the ancient architectural ensembles and works of art the best masters world level.

To get the most out of your visit to the Vatican, you can contact your local tourist office. There, guests of the city-state are offered to sign up for excursions and purchase guidebooks and maps of the Vatican.

St. Peter's Square

At the entrance to the smallest country in the world is the most important square of the Vatican - St. Peter's Square. This is where pilgrims gather to receive the blessing of the Pope. It is especially crowded here during the main religious holidays - Christmas and Easter.

But in addition to the gathering place for parishioners of the Catholic Church, St. Peter's Square also deserves attention as an object of Renaissance architecture. It has the shape of an ellipse and is fenced on both sides by a cannonade of 284 columns. On the roofs of the structure there are 140 statues of Catholic saints. And in the very center of the square there is an Egyptian obelisk 25.30 m high, on both sides of which there are exquisite fountains.

Saint Paul's Cathedral

The main shrine for the Catholic world is St. Peter's Cathedral. It was built on the site of the execution and burial of the Apostle Peter, the founder of Catholicism. This building is both a place for religious services and a tomb for the most prominent persons of the Holy See.

The design of the interior of the cathedral was carried out by the eminent Giovanni Bernini together with his students. There is also a masterpiece sculpture of the Pieta by Michelangelo. If you wish, you can enjoy the panorama of the Vatican from a height of 132 m, climbing 323 steps to the roof of the cathedral.

Nineteen museums in the world's smallest country boast impressive art collections. different periods. This is the amazing painting by Michelangelo on the walls and ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, and the fantastic Stanzas of Raphael, the ancient statues of Apollo Belvedere and Laocoon with his sons, Gallery geographical maps, hall of tapestries, antique sarcophagi, chambers of the famous Pope Borgia, Vatican Library.

And today the Vatican regularly adds to its collection. For example, in the Courtyard of Pinia, in addition to the five-meter bronze cone created in the 1st century AD, in 1990 a modern sculpture of the Universe was installed.

Pope Francis in 2014 facilitated the installation of two iron sculptures by Alejandro Marmo, which were created almost from garbage. Thus, the pontiff draws attention to the global environmental problem.

Famous Gardens

The Vatican Gardens occupy more than half the territory of the smallest country in the world. Initially, they were of a practical nature - fruits and berries were grown in them, healing herbs. But over time they became simple decorative decoration states. You can walk through their territory only with a guide and only by prior arrangement.

Shopping in the smallest country

The Vatican is one of those countries where it is best to bring not souvenirs, but local euro coins. The tiny state independently mints its own coins. The “heads” of all euro coins is the same throughout the European Union, but back side contains specific symbols of the holy place.

Also in the Vatican they sell unusual stamps, guidebooks, albums with images of local attractions. Lovers of traditional tourist souvenirs will also not be left deprived; a variety of magnets, postcards and keychains are also available here.

Social policy of the Vatican

To maintain contact with current Catholics and further disseminate the teachings of the Catholic Church to the masses, the Vatican created its own television center (CTV). He is in live broadcasts services with the Pope and state celebrations on Wednesdays and Sundays. CTV is even creating documentaries. Also, the smallest country in the world has its own radio, it broadcasts on short waves AM and FM frequencies. And since 2008, the radio also works via the Internet.

Despite the established contact with Catholics, the social position of the Vatican is regularly criticized. Parishioners argue that the conservative teachings of the church on the prohibition of contraception, abortion, and non-recognition of sexual minorities do not correspond to the realities of the modern world.

  • The Vatican has been the official residence of the pontiff since 1377.
  • The total area of ​​the Vatican is almost 110 times smaller than Peterhof.
  • Approximately 75% of the citizens of this state are members of the clergy.
  • When visiting the Vatican, you can use its post office and send memorable cards to your friends from the smallest country in the world.
  • On the official website of the state you can online mode book tickets for any excursions.
  • It was in the Vatican that the decision to change was born Julian calendar into Gregorian, which is still used today.
  • The Vatican Museums are the third most popular in the world. Every year they are visited by 5 million people. Only the Louvre and the British Museum surpassed them.
  • St. Peter's Basilica is largest church in the world.
  • A defensive wall was built along the perimeter of almost the entire border with Rome, the length of which is 3.2 km.
  • Today, there are about 1.2 billion people around the world who have converted to the Catholic faith.
  • The Vatican has its own helipad. She has been working since 1976. Dad uses a helicopter to fly to international airports Rome and to his summer residence Castel Gandolfo.
  • The smallest state in the world can also boast of an iron drogue. It consists of a station and a 700 m long railway track connected to an Italian railway.

The size of the country was of decisive importance in Ancient world and the Middle Ages. More citizens and more territory - more warriors, peasants, workers, arable land. Now great importance have developed tourism, investments, good diplomatic relations with all countries to sell passports to rich people, business opportunities to work with low taxes.

Nowadays, small countries usually originate from former appanage principalities, or the island colonies of Great Britain, Spain and France. Some preferred association, union, and other forms of subordination to independence over their former mother countries. This article will help you find out which is the smallest country today.

20 smallest countries in the world

The list does not include former colony territories associated with major countries and being in any way dependent on them. Only sovereign and separate.

  1. Order of Malta (not Malta). The area is 120 square meters. On this territory is located the palace-headquarters of the order, located in Rome. This building is essentially the state. They issue their own brands, car numbers, and passports. It is the smallest country in Europe and it is also the smallest country in the world in terms of territory.
  2. Vatican. 0.44 km². This is the official location of the center of the Catholic Church. About a thousand people have citizenship, mostly priests, cardinals, archive workers, and papal representatives (legates).
  3. Monaco. 2 km². A former principality currently associated with France. Here are expensive casinos, Formula 1 venues and other entertainment for the rich. The most populous state in Europe.
  4. Nauru. 21 km². A small island located in the Pacific Ocean. It had large deposits of phosphorites, thanks to which its inhabitants were among the richest people on earth. However, they were soon exhausted and the economy collapsed sharply, plunging the country, unprepared for such a scenario, into poverty.
  5. Tuvalu. 26 km². Everyone is accustomed to considering the poorest countries in Africa. However, this island-state is located in the Pacific Ocean. It makes money by reselling the .TV domain, which is purchased by TV channels around the world.
  6. San Marino. 61 km². According to legend, it was founded by a mason named Marino, who founded a Christian community on the mountain. Even Napoleon did not touch the small but proud state when he captured Italy.
  7. Liechtenstein. 160 km². In the gorge between Switzerland and Italy, a separate modern state grew from a medieval city, and a rich one at that. So named because of the name of the ruling dynasty.
  8. Cook Islands. 236 km². They receive help from New Zealand and earn money from tourism and marine fishing. This name was given in the 19th century by the Russian navigator Ivan Krusenstern. James Cook himself once called them differently.
  9. Saint Kitts and Nevis. 261 km². A state of two islands in the Caribbean Sea. They export tobacco, sugar, oils, and fruits. And quite successfully: in terms of GDP - 74th place in the world. The smallest country in South America.
  10. Maldives. 298 km². It is an archipelago, a chain of small 26 atolls consisting of coral reefs, a total of 1192. It is located in the Indian Ocean.
  11. Malta. 316 km². The name comes from the words sweet honey. Such a small territory in the Mediterranean could belong to Russia, because... Emperor Paul was chosen as head of the Order of the Johannites (who had inhabited the island since its discovery) and ruler. However, his death and the policy of the new sovereign Alexander of a commonwealth with England disrupted all plans. So the British made their military base there, and in the 60s of the last century they gave independence.
  12. Grenada. 344 km². The country interesting story. First there were plantations with slaves, then there was a revolution and the power of the communists, and then a new coup and the power of conservative supporters of the Western economic model.
  13. Barbados. 431 km². It was a colony of the Portuguese, then an independent territory after the slave revolt.
  14. Antigua and Barbuda. 440 km². The name translates as ancient and bearded. Classically originated from a former colony.
  15. Seychelles. 455 km². Successful compared to other African powers due to its offshore economy and highly developed tourism industry.
  16. Andorra. One of the richest ( minimum wage 1000 euros) and ancient (mentioned in 778) states in Europe. At the same time, it is small - 468 km². The economy is independent from the government, the budget is filled from tourism and banking services.
  17. Saint Lucia. 616 km². Discovered by Columbus on the feast of St. Lucia. Later it became a possession of England.
  18. Micronesia 702 km². The name comes from the word small, which is confirmed in practice. Consists of 116 islands. Depends on US assistance, providing them with a base for the fleet in return. Dogs are bred for meat for export.
  19. Bahrain. 766 km². Exports gas, oil, pearls, offshore zones. Located in the Persian Gulf. One of the few places on the planet where there are more men than women.
  20. Karibati. 812 km². Consists of atolls (coral reefs that have become dry land). It was first occupied by Japan, then gained independence. The country is threatened by flooding, overpopulation, and climate change, which the president (who is also the minister of foreign affairs and head of government) often declares from the UN rostrum. One of the islands was used for nuclear and nuclear testing. hydrogen bomb USA.

TOP 10 smallest countries by population

  1. Vatican. The smallest country by area, it also has the smallest population. About a thousand people have citizenship. Basically it is temporary, for those who work under a contract in the Vatican. Priest monks and the apparatus of the Roman Catholic Church have life sentences.
  2. Tuvalu. 10,000 people. A small territory and an equally small number of people on it. 94% this indigenous people- Indians.
  3. Nauru. 10,500 people. IN Good times the population was many times larger, and foreigners among them accounted for 70%. Now there are about 10% of them.
  4. Cook Islands. 17,500 people. The population mixed with New Zealand citizens. This is where it mainly flows from the island due to unemployment.
  5. San Marino. 30,000 people. It is almost impossible for foreigners to obtain citizenship: you need to be born in San Marino, or have been married for 15 years, or simply live in the territory for 30 years.
  6. Liechtenstein. 37,000. People from German-speaking peoples live in the country. At the same time, Liechtenstein has a fairly high birth rate, and not due to migrants.
  7. Monaco. 37,800. Very high density population due to its small area. Average duration life is 90 years, more than in Japan.
  8. South Ossetia. 50,000. This little-recognized state, which broke away from Georgia along with Abkhazia in 2008, is doing quite well: schools and its own university are operating, trade and tourism are developed. Ossetians consider themselves part of Russia and strive to unite with it.
  9. Saint Kitts and Nevis. Approximately 50 thousand people. The territory was used for plantations, and African black slaves were brought there. Now 94% are their descendants. Only 1.5% are white.
  10. Dominica. 73,000. Located in Latin America. There is a high percentage of emigration from Dominica. At the same time, life expectancy is quite high (77 years).


When you hear the word “country,” we usually imagine a large state with a vast territory and a significant population. However, this is not always the case. Some countries in our world are so small that they occupy less territory than, for example, one of the capitals of the globe.

A state in the eastern Caribbean. Consists of two islands - Saint Kitts and Nevis. The area of ​​the country is 261 km². Population - 49 thousand 898 people. It is the smallest country in Latin America in terms of area and population.

2. Cook Islands

This archipelago is self-governing public education. The country's area is 236 km², and its population is 19 thousand 569 people.

3. Marshall Islands

Pacific State. The Republic of the Marshall Islands is located on 29 atolls and 5 islands, with a total area of ​​181 km². About 68 thousand people will live here.

4. Liechtenstein


State in Central Europe. The capital of the principality is Vaduz. The country's area is 160.4 km². 35 thousand 870 people live here.

5. San Marino

A state surrounded on all borders by Italy. The country's area is only 61 km². 32 thousand 75 people live here.

6. Tuvalu

The tiny Pacific state is located on 5 atolls and 4 islands. The total area is 26 km². Tuvalu has a population of 10 thousand 544 people. This country is considered one of the poorest. But the country's authorities found a way to replenish the treasury. They put the national domain zone “.tv” up for auction and a buyer was found immediately, because the “.tv” zone is a tasty morsel for television companies and video sites. Now the country receives $1 million every quarter in exchange for the right to use their domain zone.

7. Nauru

State on a coral island in the western part Pacific Ocean. The area of ​​the country is 21 km², the population is 9 thousand 322 people. It is the smallest republic in the world, the smallest island state and the smallest country in Oceania.

8. Monaco

A principality that many associate with France. Located in southern Europe on the coast Mediterranean Sea. The area of ​​the miniature country is 2.02 km², and the population is 35 thousand 986 people.

9. Vatican

The state is located on the territory of Rome. The area of ​​the Vatican is 0.44 km². Population - 836 people.

10. Order of Malta

The smallest state in the world is the Order of Malta, or rather the Sovereign Military Hospitable Order of St. John, Jerusalem, Rhodes and Malta. The Order of Malta is also located in Rome. The total area of ​​the state is 0.012 km².

Its territory is limited to several buildings - the Magistral Villa, the Magistral Palace, as well as Fort Sant'Angelo in Malta. The order consists of 12.5 thousand people who are citizens of the state. The Order of Malta issues passports, car plate numbers, prints its own currency. The state has diplomatic relations with 104 countries and is a member of the UN observer commission.


The G8 countries are known to everyone and in the past we presented the top 10; it is easy for a state with a vast territory to declare itself on the world stage. But small countries are also interesting from a tourism point of view. They, like the “big brothers”, have their own history, interesting places to visit and picturesque landscapes. There are 192 sovereign states approved by the United Nations. They also include the 10 world powers with the smallest area. Below we present the top 10 smallest countries in the world.

10. Malta

The Republic of Malta has 3 large and a scattering of tiny islands, which are located in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, 93 km south of the coast of Sicily. Gozo and Comino are sparsely populated islands, but Malta, on the contrary, is a modern and vibrant island with an urban lifestyle. The country won its independence from Great Britain in 1964, and is currently a member of the European Union. The capital is Valleta, the country has a population of 452,000 people, and Malta's area is only 316 km2.

9. Republic of Maldives

Paradise in the ocean - the Republic of Maldives. The name Maldives or Maldives is also known. The country is located in the southwest of India, in the waters Indian Ocean. Strictly speaking, these are many small islands. The uniqueness of the state is that it is the smallest Muslim state in Asia, its area is 298 km2, and the population is just over 320 thousand people.
The capital of the Republic of Maldives is the city of Male. In 1965, the Maldives gained independence from Britain, and 3 years later it became a republic.

8. Saint Kitts and Nevis

The smallest state, not only in area, but also in number of citizens, is in eighth place among the smallest countries. The country owns 261 km2; area for 50,000 inhabitants. The country consists of the islands of Saint Kitts and Nevis in the eastern Caribbean Sea. Independence, along with the name, was obtained in 1983, and in currently In addition to tourism, the electrical engineering industry is very developed on the islands. The capital of the country is the city of Basseterre.

7. Republic of the Marshall Islands

A nation in the Pacific Ocean consisting of 29 atolls and five isolated islands in Micronesia. More than 60,000 people live on an area of ​​181 km². The country boasts turbulent historical events, during which it was part of the Spanish, German and even Japanese empires. The islands were liberated from the latter by the United States as a result of World War II. However, the States withdrew their claims, and the country gained freedom only in 1986.

6. Liechtenstein

A tiny state in the center of Europe, bordered by Switzerland and Austria. Political structurea constitutional monarchy. It doesn't even have its own airport, the nearest one is Swiss Zurich. This is a tax haven for businessmen from all over the world. Due to the low tax rate, many large European enterprises are registered here. The country lives on tourism and winter sports. The number of inhabitants is 35 thousand people, the area of ​​the country is 160.4 km2;. The capital of Liechtenstein is the city of Vaduz.

5. San Marino

A European mini-state located inside Italy. He has a lot of titles with the prefix “eldest”:
- the oldest republic in the world
- the oldest sovereign country in the world
- the oldest national constitution, adopted back in 1600 and the fifth smallest country in the world.

4. Tuvalu

Pacific island power. It consists of 4 islands and 5 atolls. Tuvalu does not have mineral resources and the inhabitants are engaged in agriculture and fishing. For this reason, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and the USA are helping the country. The country also sells a national top-level domain (.tv). The state gained independence from England in 1978. The area is 26 km2;, local population- 10 thousand people. The capital of Tuvalu is Funafuti.

3. Nauru

Republic of Nauru, third smallest country in the world is a mini island state in the South Pacific Ocean. Located next to another island country- Kiribati. It is the smallest independent republic on Earth. And also the smallest island state, the smallest power outside Europe and the only republic in the world without an official capital. In 1999, the republic was admitted to the UN. The country's area is 21.3 km2; the population is about 9.5 thousand people.

2. Monaco

The Principality of Monaco is located on the shores of the Ligurian Sea and borders France. The Grimaldi family has ruled the country since 1297. Monaco is one of the most densely populated countries - 17,814.85 people/km2;. It has worldwide fame thanks to the casino in Monte Carlo, as well as the Formula 1 racing championship “Grand Prix of Monaco”. The country attracts capital richest people planet through your tax breaks. The area of ​​the state is 2.02 km2, and 36 thousand people live there permanently. The capital bears the name of the country.

1. Vatican

The smallest country in the world, famous sovereign state led by the Pope. He also has the title of Bishop of Rome and is located in the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican. The country is a religious complex surrounded by a walled enclave in the very center of Rome. The Vatican has its own police, military contingent and Swiss Guard, which is the personal security of the Pope. The area of ​​the Vatican is 0.44 km2; the population is 840 people, the capital is the Vatican.

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