Home Flowers Cancer compatibility in love and marriage. Love compatibility with a Scorpio woman. Positive and negative traits

Cancer compatibility in love and marriage. Love compatibility with a Scorpio woman. Positive and negative traits

Mysterious and a little aloof on the outside, with a subtle sensitivity and vulnerable inside, the Cancer girl is a difficult choice for men. The meaning of her life is emotional unrest, empathy, complex mood swings. On the other hand, Cancer is a constant zodiac, integral within itself, closed with a shell, not tolerating pressure. Under this sign people are born in the period from June 22 to July 22.

Cancer: characterization of the sign

Cancer's intuition is like water - it leads its ward along the path of least emotional excitement. Cancer is a sign of the zodiac, compatibility with which should be based on intra-family relationships. If this condition is met, there is an object of love and adoration at home - Cancer can become an owner, a tyrant, corrosive and constantly demanding maximum return from a partner. This is all Cancer.

The characteristic of the sign exaggerates, often giving an erroneous idea of ​​​​a person. In fact, those born under the influence of the Moon and the sign of water very subtly feel the world around them, which they themselves create. Their world is calm, without sharp jumps in emotions and passions. Cancer is very dependent on intra-family relationships and on its own memory, in which everything is fixed by scarring: once and for all. And here it doesn’t matter what exactly Cancer will remember: a quote from a movie, his mother’s favorite juice, the smell of a neighbor’s dog, or a brooch donated to a friend.

Crayfish. Horoscope. Young woman

In the head of a woman born under the sign of the Moon and water, thoughts are constantly spinning about how one or another event could be experienced. Constantly thinking, sorting through moments, a Cancer woman can drive herself into a psychological trap, which, firstly, she will not tell anyone, secondly, she will wait until her loved ones figure it out for themselves, and thirdly, pull her out of her own depressing thoughts almost impossible. Here, as they say, you have to wait until it goes away. Yes, Cancer is a zodiac prone to long-term introspection, which, as a rule, leads to nothing.

Thought is the basis of the life of Cancer. There, in his head, the maximum of their life passes, but if there is a person nearby with whom it is interesting to talk, who knows how to listen and knows how to speak, Cancer will linger with pleasure and devote himself to the conversation completely. In addition, as we remember, he has a good memory, which means that he is an excellent interlocutor in front of us. True, it will not be so easy to talk to a Cancer woman.

Compatibility with other signs

Cancer is a sign of the zodiac, compatibility with which either gives freedom or puts on shackles. Why? Because regardless of gender, Cancers are either leaders or martyrs. Either affectionate or a little hysterical. Either they love quietly and gently, or they oppress both themselves and their partner.

Cancer Woman - Aries Man

The initial stage of a relationship is boundless romance. She is delighted with his reliability and impulses, he - with how caring and understanding she is. True, this relationship is not the best union, since Cancer often goes too far with care and homeliness, and Aries loves a change of scenery and strives for freedom. A good union here is possible with the help of patience, compromises and respect for each other's interests.

Cancer woman - Taurus man

Cancer is a sensitive and empathetic zodiac. Taurus appreciates it. Such a union is almost perfect: Taurus performs purely masculine functions, Cancer girl purely feminine; he acquires with her maximum care and affection, she also gets the opportunity to sit at home and not worry about the outside world. The only advice: a Cancer woman should give in to her Taurus more often. Even if his thirst for activity is incomprehensible and unreasonable.

Cancer Woman - Gemini Man

This pair will not be unambiguous: on the one hand - great love On the other hand, there are many disagreements. She wants peace and always be with him, but he wants to go for a walk, a new car, become a Buddhist, drink lemonade and all at the same time, or better, go to a monastery. Or eat a pie. The inconstancy of Gemini will one day bring even a calm Cancer woman to hysterics.

Cancer Woman - Cancer Man

This union is like communicating with a mirror: similarity in everything, the same aspirations and goals, equal forces and an equal degree of perseverance in the creation of life. But it’s hard to live with a reflection: everything is predictable to such an extent that it even hurts your teeth. Cancer girl and Cancer guy will often come to blows. Moreover, these quarrels will be with the same arguments, but in complete silence. Because the girl-Cancer and the guy-Cancer are silent beings.

Cancer Woman - Leo Man

Sociable Leo will often disappear in companies, telling everyone a love story, torturing a closed girlfriend with this. Cancer will be offended and silent, bringing Leo to a boil. If in this pair everyone defends their interests and thinks about themselves, the separation will come quickly. If both of them sincerely admire each other, the relationship will be long and productive, despite the cardinal differences.

Cancer Woman - Virgo Man

This is a nice quiet couple who loves their family hearth, having common views on life in general, on comfort, on the family budget and on handling things. Yes, it will take a long time to start a relationship: the partners are very careful, but after a long buildup and grinding, they are unlikely to want to leave.

Such a union will be very gray and dull in appearance, but cozy inside. The downside can be the excessive pickiness of the Virgin and the vulnerability of Cancer.

Cancer Woman - Libra Man

Two cleaners. Two family men. Two economic natures. She will rejoice at a prudent and neat man. He will be happy with a woman with whom he can find stability. Libra is a man of the mind, not loving the excessive tenderness needed by Cancer. This will lead the Cancer woman to accumulate resentment, which can be avoided through frank conversations and direct requests. It is also very important to take control of the financial part, as Libra can be wasteful.

Cancer Woman - Scorpio Man

One of the most successful unions, as he and she become each other's friends, partners, lovers and ideal spouses. There will be practically no quarrels here, since understanding on highest level. Outwardly, this is a very calm, chaste union of two spouses who honor family traditions and life. And inside - the intensity of passions and a storm of emotions. True, no one will see it. The main thing is not to give Scorpio a reason for jealousy.

Cancer Woman - Sagittarius Man

The frivolous nature of Sagittarius and the prudence of Cancer. He is a carefree dreamer who loves to tell the truth to his face. She is hardworking, vulnerable and thinks about the future of the family. His criticism can hurt her very painfully, and the constant frivolity of a man will make you think: is such a charming, but windy
guy? Solution: learn to listen to each other, make concessions and avoid sharp corners.

Cancer Woman - Capricorn Man

In this pair, there is a clear distribution of roles: he is the earner, she is the hostess. The union will turn out to be very strong and comfortable for both, because next to each other they best qualities will come out on top, and feelings will be supported by tender relationships. To strengthen the union, it is important for him to learn to understand her sensitive nature, and for her to remember his prudent mind and inability to scan emotions.

Cancer Woman - Aquarius Man

When the initial intensity of passions subsides, the vulnerability of Cancer and the insane craving for freedom of Aquarius will remain. A serious problem will be the mockery of Aquarius over the vulnerability of Cancer. Such a connection will be fragile and short-lived due to the coldness of Aquarius and his creative nature looking for something new. A Cancer girl, with whom Aquarius is unlikely to be compatible, is unlikely to be able to bind free man to home and family.

Cancer Woman - Pisces Man

The union of Cancer and Pisces is built on tenderness, care, attention to each other. They are frank and love to spend time together, fully understanding and satisfying each other. In addition, the connection between them is established instantly. The conflict of this couple is zero: there are no quarrels here, since both are ready to put up. Their life is a solitary existence in harmony with each other. The disadvantage of the relationship will be that both are not able to make a serious decision about anything.

Making an alliance is a difficult step for a Cancer girl. She is indecisive by nature and expects her partner to take the decisive first step for her. The manifestation of determination strikes Cancer on the spot. A partner who is not able to take care of himself, about her, about their life and the material component of life, will disappoint her very quickly.

If the union was not concluded amicably, but by coincidence (family decision, unplanned pregnancy, calculation, or something else) and there is no way to disperse, then in this case, only one thing can be advised: be patient and try to find the good side in a partner, whatever it may be.

It is not necessary to share everything with a partner and idealize him. The lack of heart-to-heart communication can be solved with the help of friends of interest, and sentimental communication can be replaced by writing poetry or another hobby. Of course, this will not solve the relationship problems, but it will allow the Cancer girl to remain herself and spend time alone with herself, in her shell, where she is best understood - in her own head.

What will be the compatibility of cancer with other signs of the zodiac will depend only on him. The fact is that Venus, under the influence of which he is, makes cancer the leading link in any relationship. The influence of Jupiter and the Moon also affects the life of this zodiac sign.

With his help, the lunar nature of such people is unpredictable, you never know what his reaction to this or that situation will be. AT in general terms, the compatibility of cancer with other signs of the opposite sex will not be perfectly smooth. We will find out in which unions there is a future, and where it is better to disperse at the very beginning of the development of relations.

General description of the zodiac sign Cancer

Who is this sign? It is important for Cancers to make a positive first impression on the people they meet. He does not tolerate criticism and does not like it when his actions and actions are condemned. Such people become persona non grata, they do not want to continue communication with them.

Cancer is a person who is not used to trusting people, he always leaves a bit of doubt and hides his true feelings from others. Such people have few acquaintances, not to mention true friends, time-tested. It is worth saying that there are legends about the hot-tempered nature of crayfish. If they argue or sort things out, they may resort to the use of physical force.

As for the positive qualities, this sign also possesses them. Among them are the following:

  • Love for work
  • Purity of mind
  • Intelligence
  • broad soul
  • Devotion

About the ability to make friends, you need to say separately. If cancer is friends, then this is forever, these relationships last for years, often starting from school. This sign is ready to sacrifice itself if a friend or his relatives and relatives need it, especially if he was born in the year of the snake, horse, dragon, rabbit or goat.

A man and a woman must take care of someone, without this they cannot imagine their life. It can be a wife or husband, children or just a pet. A representative of this zodiac sign will be happy to stand at the stove for a long time, carefully iron clothes and walk their beloved pet.

Cancerians are open to everything new. They travel with pleasure, love water bodies, this is explained by the fact that, according to the compatibility horoscope, cancer is a sign of water. It is important for him that the person walking with him through life next to him shares his interests. He is ready to talk for hours about his hobbies, proving that it is interesting and worth trying what he is interested in. Even the signs of the earth, which are usually not amenable to outside influence, easily succumb to the beliefs of cancer.

To sum up the qualities of the described zodiac sign, then Cancer can be described as an impulsive, passionate person, for whom it is vital to seek the truth always and everywhere, no matter how bitter it is. With it, you will be overwhelmed by a whirlpool of emotions, both positive and negative.

We will learn in more detail with whom cancer is compatible and how its relationship with other signs of the zodiac develops, talking about each of them separately

What promises in relationships with other water signs - Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio

As mentioned earlier, it is difficult for Cancer to open up to other people. If this is subject to someone, then only representatives of the water element. Scorpio does not have the simplest character, but despite this, they form a magical connection. Pisces is a mirror opposite in nature, but with cancer, they will complement each other like two halves of a puzzle. Two amphibians is not the most successful combination in the cancer compatibility horoscope, since both partners will pull the blanket over themselves. But, nevertheless, the union has the right to life, as they know their strengths and weak sides, as well as positive and negative traits.

The problem with such a relationship is that the element of water implies that such signs are overly emotional, all three signs are under the influence of impulses and depend on mood. If we compare the compatibility of cancer according to the signs of the zodiac, then the amphibian will be most comfortable with a scorpion, in their relationship he will be the head of the family. This will not work with fish, partners will be compatible only if the whole life is on the shoulders of the fish, cancer does not need to interfere there. Two cancers - most likely, it makes sense to refuse such an alliance, partner compatibility is more than 20%, it will be difficult for them to get along with each other.

The signs of the water element form many combinations in love, however, the following are considered the most successful, which are listed in the table for convenience:

Learn about compatibility with earth signs - Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo

This element is closest to cancer. Someone must pacify his wayward character, who will this sign be? Taurus is a zodiac sign, which is characterized as a gentle and sensual person, this is exactly what a representative of water needs, their compatibility is 100%. Cancer and Virgo are a good union, but besides love, something else must hold them - friendship, business, or just a common hobby. In union, Cancer and Virgo interact well with each other. The positive side of such a marriage is that the virgin, accustomed to pedantry and order in everything, will be able to accustom representatives of the described sign to this. Their feelings will not be passionate, although on the other hand, this is not bad. Such relationships are usually called platonic love, where there is no compatibility in sex, it will be cold and boring in bed.

As for Capricorn, they most likely do not have a common future with cancer, as with anyone from starry Albion. The explanation for everything is that these signs are the complete opposite of each other. They can only be together until it comes to marriage and the question of having children arises. If it comes to this, the couple will face problems, quarrels and constant conflicts, which cannot be avoided.

Among the representatives earth element, there are several couples with cancer that fit better than the rest:

  • Cancer woman (born in July) and Capricorn man
  • Taurus woman and man
  • Cancer man and Virgo woman

What happens in cancer with representatives of the elements of fire and air

Fire and air are not strongly combined with a representative of the water element. In such alliances, unhealthy rivalry and the struggle for leading positions appear. Of course, this should not be the case in love, thus, love and intimate relationships turn into a battlefield where no one will be the winner. This is explained by the fact that fire and air cannot interact, they will oppress each other. In the relationship of fire and air, development can go in two ways - either they will develop a lack of mutual understanding to the maximum and disperse into different sides or, if the wind blows in the right direction, their life together will succeed.

Romantic Cancer and Aries, who cannot sit still for a day, will not be able to get along under any circumstances. Even if at the very beginning it may seem that they are interested in each other, the first impression can be deceiving. They don't have a future. Gemini, due to their duplicity, will never be compatible in love with Cancers. The latter will not tolerate the fact that they are not treated sincerely and put on masks in certain situations. With the lions, everything goes well at first. Leo is a sign that the whole world obeys, in his opinion, will endure the antics of cancer and its bad character, but this union is not destined to last long. It is important for him to feel free and not burdened by a person, he himself is used to deciding what and when and for whom he will do.

Compatibility Horoscope - Cancer

cancer compatibility horoscope relationship with zodiac signs

#Cancer compatibility signs. #Sex. Reciprocity. #Astrology.

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Cancer Compatibility Horoscope ♋ Sexual Compatibility Cancer with other zodiac signs

Cancer woman and her compatibility - juicy details || Modern astrology

Crayfish. Compatibility by zodiac sign

Cancer Horoscope of compatibility of Cancer with other signs of the Zodiac Partners of Cancers. Personal horoscope

Cancer Horoscope sex compatibility of Cancer with other signs of the Zodiac. Cancer Partners Personal Horoscope

Compatibility horoscope - Cancer.

Astrological compatibility of Cancer with other Zodiac Signs

CRAYFISH! Compatibility with other zodiac signs.

Cancer Compatibility with Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer

Cancer will not be bad with Libra, their relationship can last a long time. However, over the years, passion will subside, only habit and craving for each other will remain. Libra will be flattered by the intellect of Cancer, they will want to learn from him and be led. A Sagittarius with Cancer has different goals in life and will part ways in a few weeks or months after they meet. Sagittarius will give Cancer signs of attention and, perhaps, a little intrigue will begin, a relationship without obligations. In the end, neither one nor the second participant in the relationship will be satisfied with such a development. Cancer and Aquarius are a couple that could have worked out well if not for the excessive daydreaming and detachment from the life of Aquarius. In addition, Aquarius often cannot keep their mouth shut, which will not please Cancer, because he is used to doing exactly the same.

Summing up, we can say that astrology does not promise happy relationship not with a single representative of the elements of fire and air. But there are exceptions to any rule, so it’s worth trying to build strong and long-term relationships.

Cancer zodiac sign compatibility with each zodiac sign

Learn more about the possible love relationships zodiac sign and who is most compatible with cancer.

Union with Aries

Cancer and Aries according to the compatibility horoscope can be together. Aries becomes more self-confident, and also gains peace of mind. The representative of the water should be the main one in the union in order to guide the partner in the right direction. However, after some time, both partners will get tired of it and the union will most likely crumble like a house of cards.

Union with a calf

According to the compatibility horoscope, Cancer and Taurus are more friends than lovers. However, if both partners make every effort, then with a high probability the union will work out successfully. But Cancer needs to understand that he will have to pull on himself everything that concerns the family - earnings, children and responsibility for the actions of the calf.

Union with the twins

The only thing that unites these representatives of the signs of the zodiac is the warehouse of character, because of this, cancer and twins according to the compatibility horoscope. When the signs of the zodiac find themselves in a profession, the likelihood of meeting becomes minimal, since everyone will be passionate about work. As mentioned earlier, for the described sign, the attitude of the twins to life is unacceptable, he does not understand his duplicity and insincerity and does not intend to put up with this.

Union with Cancer

To describe the union briefly, it is life with its own mirror image, two cancers according to the compatibility horoscope - a bad combination. We all know that similarly charged charges repel each other. this law physics works here too. You should not waste your time, energy, vital and sexual energy on the development of such relationships, they are doomed to failure.

Union with the lion

Partners can learn a lot from each other, their life experience is interesting and multifaceted. Cancer will most likely be uncomfortable, since the lion can surpass him in many ways. Cancer with Leo according to the horoscope of compatibility is about 60 percent.

Union with a virgin

This combination is rare. But if it happens, then the union is most likely successful. The problem will be that each of their partners will strive to take control of the relationship into their own hands. If cancer establishes its predominance, the marriage will last long and be successful, the sex life will turn out in the best way.

Union with the scales

In such a relationship there will be no sincere relationship and love, most likely, this is platonic love and nothing more. Although in such a marriage children can be born and more than one wedding anniversary can be celebrated.

Union with a scorpion

Scorpio will need the constant support of Cancer, similar to little child. Although, despite this, cancer will face every day a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bemotions that a scorpion will bestow on him. If both partners try to maintain harmony in the relationship, life will turn out well.

Union with archer

Cancer is able to subjugate the archer, fall in love and not leave for a minute. Over time, this feeling will become stronger if the cancer needs it.

Union with Capricorn

One of the most striking and ideal unions, Cancer with Capricorn according to the compatibility horoscope nice couple. Of course, the partners will face problems, but they will be so insignificant that they will in no way affect the development of their relationship.

Union with Aquarius

Aquarius in these relationships will play the role of an insensitive dictator, whose words and actions will hurt vulnerable cancer more than once. Aquarius has high intellectual abilities, which will appeal to Cancer very much. Whether or not to continue such a relationship is up to cancer.

Union with the fish

Not a bad combination for both signs. Here each of the partners can truly open up and show their "I". Both participants in the relationship are romantic, gentle and caring, they interact well with each other in the field of creativity.

Summing up

Finishing the characterization of the sign of the zodiac Cancer, compatibility with other signs will depend only on him, in many respects he himself decides how they will develop and what the outcome will be. He may not get along with anyone if that is his will. He is accustomed to occupy leadership positions, to occupy leading positions. In order for relationships in love to develop as best as possible, he should choose as a partner someone who can voluntarily obey him and listen to his advice.

Children of the Moon, sensitive and vulnerable, emotionally reacting to the reality around them and timid in communication, this is all about Cancers. In addition to these qualities, the mysterious moon endowed them with amazing intuition, which affects the compatibility of Cancers - they feel suitable partners on a subconscious level. The element of Cancers is water, but who said that it is always calm, water can be indomitable and energetic. At the same time, water is the soul of the world, it is closely connected with emotions and feelings. The moon and water are wonderfully combined in Cancers, making them a mystery to others.

They tend to hide their talents and remain in the background, they are as mysterious as their patroness.

Characteristics of the sign

The best partners for Cancers will be representatives of their own elements. Those whose element is earth can make up perfect union with Cancer, the earth is an excellent reservoir for water, in turn the water will nourish the earth. Scorpios and Pisces will get along with Cancers, but like any relationship, it takes a little effort.

Two Cancers? Perhaps, but not immediately, they will have to earn their happiness. Capricorns, Sagittarius and Virgos are very practical people, they will make an excellent match for Cancers if they can understand each other. Care must be taken with Aries, Sagittarius and Leo, flame signs can just dry up Cancers. FROM air signs everything is very individual, you will have to act by trial and error. You just need to remember that Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are not particularly patient, which means they will not wait for Cancer if he thinks too long.

Approaching Cancers is not so easy, only those to whom they sincerely sympathize will recognize them from the best side, others may consider them gloomy and withdrawn. Wards of the Moon do not tolerate deception in any of its manifestations, they are annoyed by flattery and duplicity in relationships, they intuitively feel the falsity of the interlocutor. It may seem that they can read minds. Perhaps that is the way it is.

Cancer compatibility with other zodiac signs

Cancer and Aries

Aries are fast and restless. The domineering nature of Aries simply requires Cancer to be subdued. The patience of Cancers will allow them to get along with Aries for some time, but not all their lives, it will not be pleasant for anyone to break themselves even for the sake of love. This union is good for romantic relationship, easy flirting and passionate dates. It is better for the wards of Mars and the Moon to remain friends and take a walk past the registry office, they have nothing to do there.

Cancer and Taurus

Such a union is possible if the couple wants it. Cancers are calm, Taurus are good-natured and patient. Venus and the Moon will take care of a lasting marriage for their wards. These two will be able to live a long life together without storms and passions. Smooth, smooth relationship, without excessive emotionality and passion, everything, as these guys wanted. It will seem that it is very boring, believe it or not, this couple will always find something to do.

Cancer and Gemini

Gemini is too impulsive and restless, Cancers simply will not keep up with them, and indeed the union of air and water promises to be difficult. Gemini frivolously can hurt sensitive Cancers and will not even notice their resentment. Representatives of the water element must be treated delicately, they are very vulnerable and sensitive, but Gemini will not be able to follow these rules. But the couple has excellent intimate compatibility, a tender romance awaits them, which will give both a lot of impressions. But you should not rush with your family, if you really want to go to the registry office, you should make sure that this is the same love.

cancer and cancer

Two Cancers are the kinship of souls and mutual attraction. This couple knows how to spend time, it is likely that they have similar tastes and interests. But to create a lasting union, you will have to work and stop being selfish. Wards of the Moon will understand each other without words, their intuition borders on mysticism, in these relations it is impossible to hide anything. Perhaps Cancers know better than astrologers what the future holds for them. This will be an interesting and mysterious union, their compatibility, although not perfect, is enough for a strong marriage.

Cancer and Leo

The radiance of Leo can conquer anyone, so cute Cancers will fall under this charm. Only different elements will complicate relations in this union as much as possible. Daily battles on various occasions will simply exhaust the calm Cancer. Yes, and the Lions are not used to proving that they are the best, they are sure that this is already obvious to others. Combining these two signs will be difficult. But opposites attract and true love works wonders.

Cancer and Virgo

Virgos, out of old habit, will try to find flaws in Cancers. At first, they will seem secretive and too mysterious to them. When will they realize that there is no catch. Earth Virgos will decide what can be built with Cancer harmonious relationship, and minor flaws can be corrected gradually. But Cancers do not think so, their plans do not include meeting someone's overestimated requirements. They are used to relying on their intuition, and not on the clear plans that Virgo makes. But anything can happen, and love can be evil.

Cancer and Libra

The positive qualities of Libra and their charm will surely attract Cancers to them, who will be subdued by the sincerity and sociability of Libra. The Moon and Venus can help their wards converge, their compatibility is quite possible. The main thing is that Cancers understand in time that they have met their man, Libra is not going to wait forever. This marriage does not promise to be smooth, there will be quarrels, possibly scandals, but the spouses will easily step over this and move on hand in hand.

Cancer and Scorpio

Scorpios love to set their own rules and lead in pairs, Cancers will allow them, of course, if they truly love their soul mate. Despite the fact that Scorpios and Cancers are very different, common element water will help them get closer and understand each other. The relationship between the wards of the Moon and Pluto promises to be difficult, but all the more interesting. Scorpios will thank fate more than once for Cancers, it is difficult to find a more reliable companion and faithful spouse. Yes and in intimate sphere the couple is fine.

Cancer and Sagittarius

The bright character of Sagittarius, their honesty and good nature will conquer Cancers. The stars warn that it is better to avoid this union, fire and water are completely incompatible. Most likely, the amorous ward of Jupiter will break the heart of Cancer. He will run away from the relationship as soon as he decides that they have exhausted themselves. Cancerians can be very emotional about a breakup, regarding it as a betrayal. Cancerians should think carefully before diving into this relationship.

Cancer and Capricorn

This alliance will be built on trust. Capricorns are solid and practical, these thoughtful guys are clearly suitable for modest Cancers. A calm future and a measured life awaits them, where everything is planned in advance, Capricorns will take care of this. This relationship may seem dreary and insipid to others, although Capricorn and Cancer do not care about other people's opinions, they feel good, and this is the main thing.

Cancer and Aquarius

This is a very interesting union, the basis for it will be mutual respect, which is not bad for marriage. He will not bring dizzying passion, but Cancers will not suffer from this. As for Aquarius, their attraction to their soul mate will be so strong that it will simply not be possible to break off relations. In addition, Aquarians love everything unusual, and more mysterious satellite life is hard to imagine.

Cancer and Pisces

The compatibility of this pair is ideal, they can be demonstrated to society as an exemplary family to follow. They will not only understand each other, they can feel the desires of their partner, and believe me, they will also fulfill them. Their relationship will be perfect in all areas - faithful friends, reliable partners and ideal lovers. The couple will not cause envy among those around them, they simply will not give a reason for her and will not flaunt their happiness.

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Do you want to know the compatibility of Cancer with other signs, but you can’t find the information you need? If you have landed on our site, be calm, because from this publication you will receive answers to all your questions regarding this topic.

Moreover, you will learn not only the compatibility of Cancer with other signs of the zodiac, but also get to know this sign even closer. Linda Goodman's table was chosen as the source.

Cancer - compatibility of men and women of this sign with other signs of the zodiac

Before you find out the compatibility of Cancer with other signs of the zodiac, we invite you to find out what character traits are inherent in people born under the auspices of this sign.

What are crabs?

Crayfish is that sign of the horoscope, which never succumbed to the knowledge of Sigmund Freud, who connected his life with psychology. He knows what women need, but this will remain his secret, his "trump card", since such people are secretive.

Cancers have extraordinary charm. And this is not at all a beautiful prince or a beauty, however, that feeling of comfort emanating from him literally “makes” you feel comfortable and relaxed. Looking at such a person, it seems that he is simultaneously naive, frightened and wary, so the desire to protect him from all misfortunes involuntarily arises. Whereas, in fact, it is not easy to figure out Cancer. It is extremely difficult to call him naive and innocent if you still managed to fully understand what is going on in his head. These character traits are nothing more than a screen behind which a person hides so stubbornly, because hiding is his need, his element. Therefore, you should not immediately believe everything that Cancer says. Do not make hasty conclusions about him, because in fact it may turn out that you do not know anything about a person, but at the same time you are like a read book for him.

It is worth adding that if a person whose zodiac sign is Cancer was the first to make contact with you, then this means one thing - he knows you well, because before that he managed to carefully study you as a person. And even if he had to make inquiries about you, it was not difficult for him, because if he was interested in a person, then he would get the information he needed in all conceivable and inconceivable ways.

Cancer compatibility with other signs

Compatibility Horoscope - Cancer

CRAYFISH! Compatibility with other zodiac signs.

Compatibility horoscope - Cancer.


Compatibility of signs of the zodiac Cancer woman. Compatibility of zodiac signs in love.

#Cancer compatibility signs. #Sex. Reciprocity. #Astrology.


Cancer Compatibility with Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer

Crayfish. Compatibility by zodiac sign

The Cancer woman, as well as the Cancer man, cannot stand unexpected meetings, especially for those people who were born during the first decade of July. They do not trust the open smiles of complete strangers, they suspect everyone who is unfamiliar to them. That is why people born under this sign of the lunar calendar try not to get into such situations and avoid them in every possible way. But if meetings of such a plan do take place, then by all means they intend to be the first to "attack" the opponent, just not to be "eaten" by him. For him, every information about a fellow traveler, interlocutor is important, because he needs to know whether he is in danger, whether it is worth making such acquaintances, etc.

And if a person who was born under this sign of the horoscope himself expressed a desire to get to know you, then be sure that he did everything to get to know you as a person and, based on his conclusions, decided that you should not expect trouble from you. Recognizing that you are weaker than yourself, even if not physically, but mentally, he is ready to appear before your eyes. If a Cancer woman or a Cancer man realizes that a person is useful to them, then he will not get rid of such “cooperation” with Cancer until the end of his days. And that's all, because Cancers love to collect the necessary, useful, so to speak, utility collectors. Moreover, he says goodbye to the "treasure" only when it does not represent even the slightest value for him.

People who were born when the water sign was in Venus are overly shy, because Venus in Cancer is characterized by difficulties and negative energy for this zodiac sign. The life of young Cancers is considered stormy, unsafe, while with age, people of this sign accumulate impressions, due to which they adapt to such a life and do not react so violently to all rarefaction factors.

Cancer women

The fair sex of this watermark is the true guardian of the hearth. She will be able to easily create in her home the most comfortable conditions for all family members, from small to great. She takes care of her children with trepidation, love and care, giving all of herself family life. The man who is next to her feels very comfortable, trying to quickly return to the house where she is waiting for him, so the best, the only, ideal and unique. Mars “tried” here, which endowed the women of this sign of the horoscope with such special skills and natural traction.

A woman born under this sign is an excellent conversationalist, because she can support absolutely any topic. It is very easy to communicate with such a woman, she is quite cheerful. As for relationships, the Cancer woman prefers friendship with the opposite sex, but love for her is an intimate topic, so she will not share this with every friend of hers. From a relationship partner, she will always demand reciprocity, and the same as she gives herself.

Who is the best match for a Cancer woman?

The most perfect match women according to the horoscope Cancer will be with representatives of the zodiac signs of the water element. It can be two signs - a Scorpio man and a Pisces man. With people whose horoscope falls under these signs, she will feel comfortable, because it is in them that she will be able to find faithful companions of her life. Moreover, it is with such people that the sexual life of a Cancer woman will be as liberated as possible.

As a rule, the relationship of a Cancer woman with watermarks horoscopes begin with friendship or building a joint business. When a woman understands that something more than friendship is coming in a relationship, then she tries in every way to hide her love from others, prying eyes while standing strong alliance with your lover.

There will be a complete idyll in the family, where the Cancer woman builds relationships with the Taurus man, who also needs a strong, friendly family, avoiding noisy crowds and all kinds of events, where you are like a midge under a magnifying glass, which every now and then someone considers. The girl of this watermark of the horoscope can also build love with a guy who was born under the sign of Virgo.

Cancer Woman compatibility with other representatives of the Star Horoscope

The compatibility of a woman according to the Cancer horoscope, for example, with Gemini, is not entirely ideal, however, such a “star” combination can change both one and the other relationship partner, and these changes will not always be for the better. Gemini will help him discover in himself those qualities that he himself did not know about, so we can clearly say that these two signs are compatible.

Whereas the compatibility of a Cancer woman with a Libra man is not very successful, since the variable nature of the latter is not correct in the concept of a waterfowl sign. Libra does not always know what they want, and such behavior does not fall under the criteria of people born under the sign of Cancer.

With whom is a Cancer woman incompatible?

The compatibility of Cancer and other representatives of the zodiac, not mentioned above, will not be the most favorable. However, most of all, Leo is not suitable for women of this sign. The only relationship that can be between these signs is the sex life in bed, while in everything else - these are two completely different person which are completely incompatible. The compatibility of Lions and Cancers is extremely low, and all because the man in this union acts as a dominant individual, with which a girl born under the water sign of the horoscope cannot exist for a long time. Although the ascendant in the sign of water created them for a calm, measured family life, they do not express a desire to bend and adapt to their partner.

Cancer men

The Cancer man is endowed with such character traits as secrecy in the manifestation of emotions when communicating with other signs of the horoscope. Representatives of the stronger sex, who were born under this sign, know how to make money, are always faithful and devoted to their girlfriend, spouse, so any Cancer wife may not worry that her lover will look at other women. Often, in order to offend a Cancer man, it will be enough to say just a few offensive, in his opinion, phrases, since such people are vulnerable, especially for those men who were born in the period from the third decade of June to the first decade of July. The man of this watermark knows perfectly well how to win the favor of the girl he likes and will do everything so that she reciprocates. There is no limit to the perseverance of this sign, so he will look after the object of his adoration with great pressure, but he will do it with incredible tenderness and romance.

In intimate relationships, Cancer men are distinguished by a passionate disposition, although appearance this is not visible at all. And their imagination is so limitless that they can do it even in those places where any other person would not dare to do it.

As for health, such people do not get sick so often, but in their youth, ailments such as herpes, psoriasis and others are not uncommon. skin diseases. Therefore, it is worth consulting a doctor in a timely manner if signs of these diseases are detected in order to avoid negative consequences in the form of skin defects. This feature is directly related to the fact that the man of this horoscope sign is overly emotional. And since such people are not used to showing their feelings, their experiences literally "eat" them from the inside, manifested by a decrease in immunity and the occurrence of skin diseases.

Who is the best match for a Cancer man?

Like the fair sex of this zodiac sign, men will be best in relationships with Scorpio and Pisces. However full compatibility will be with Scorpio, she will be incredibly good in intimate relationships, that a man simply will not express a desire to give up this pleasure. Passionate love will always bind a Cancer man and a Scorpio woman, which is why the strongest union is created from this pair.

Cancer man and Taurus woman are also a good couple. The only thing that a woman should show in these relationships is as little stubbornness as possible than any “star” sheep (Aries, Capricorn) is endowed with. Otherwise, the stubborn nature of the Taurus woman will simply annoy the Cancer man.

The compatibility of Cancer with other signs, such as Capricorn or Virgo, is also not bad, one in such a relationship will lack passion, but love will be strong.

Cancer man compatibility with other representatives of the Star Horoscope

The compatibility of the representatives of the stronger sex born under this water sign with Aries is problematic, since such a violent combination, fire-water, is not ideal, or rather, they are completely opposite. Yes, they may have stormy, passionate novels, but this is not for long, because it is difficult to endure the explosive, sometimes incomprehensible nature of Aries.

Whereas in Pisces Cancers will be able to find reliable partners, friends and buddies. Therefore, if you are friends with just such a sign of the horoscope, then know that your friendship will last forever, because you are of the same element, which means you understand each other without words, at the subconscious level.

With whom is the Cancer man incompatible?

Compatibility Cancer man and Leo woman - the most unfavorable union. Leo is exactly the person who must be avoided under any circumstances, it can be not only love, but also work. And even more so, it is not recommended to intersect with him in business, because whatever he may be, pleasant, good-natured outwardly, but inside he is a real cat, which is characterized by deceit, intrigue, excessive independence and self-confidence.

Lionesses do not pay due attention to family life, most they spend time at work, building their career, with friends, going to clubs, taking care of themselves, but not at home, putting family responsibilities on the shoulders of a guy, spouse. In turn, the guy is not ready for such a stormy and eventful life, he wants the other half to be as family as he is. In other words, the compatibility of Cancer man and Leo woman is unacceptable. If, nevertheless, the union of Cancer and Leo took place, then we can say with a high probability that it will not have a favorable continuation. Simply put, people of these signs will part anyway.

The union of Cancer and Sagittarius is unfavorable, and even more so if the girl was born in the year of the Goat. Sagittarius people are naturally endowed with excessive laziness and stubbornness. The Sagittarius woman will not take responsibility for household chores, and the Cancer man does not need such love. Moreover, he does not want to take responsibility for the actions of his soulmate, who is prone to making far from sound decisions.

A Cancer man and a Sagittarius woman will not be able to get along together - compatibility can be safely equated to zero.

Cancer Man and Cancer Woman Compatibility?

This combination of characters is not ideal, but a couple of Cancers often make strong and friendly families.

The compatibility of a woman according to the Cancer horoscope with a man born under the same zodiac sign is an emotional union:

  1. Due to the same temperament, the guy and the girl will compete, and if one of them does not give in from time to time, then an unpleasant moment may come in the relationship, which, most likely, will lead to the fact that people simply disperse on different sides.
  2. There are also positive sides this union. Between people who were born under the sign of Cancer, there is a kind of invisible family thread, so this combination of people provides them with complete mutual understanding, due to the fact that they are similar.
  3. And yet, so that there are no disagreements between the two people of this sign of the horoscope, one should work hard so that there is harmony in the relationship. Otherwise, it is better not to torment each other and disperse peacefully.

This is how the compatibility of Cancer people with other representatives of the "star" horoscope looks like. With Leo, this zodiac sign has no future in terms of a joint union, there will be disagreements, quarrels and rivalries in relationships. Whereas such a combination of signs as Cancer and Taurus is successful. And remember, everything depends not only on the stars, but also on ourselves: we ourselves can influence our own destiny!

We wish you good luck and success!

Compatibility horoscope: which zodiac sign is cancer compatible with a woman - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Who is Cancer compatible with according to the horoscope. Cancer compatibility with other zodiac signs

Who is Cancer compatible with according to the horoscope and who are they?

Cancer is the one that Sigmund Freud and everyone involved in the science called psychology could not understand. Cancer knows what women want. But he won't tell anyone. Because it's not a talking sign.

Cancer is incredibly charming. This is not necessarily a handsome man or a beauty, but a feeling of comfort emanates from him. He seems almost a baby, innocent and naive at the same time, a little scared and wary. And I want to take care of him with all my might and treat him with something delicious. In fact, Cancer is not naive. And you can't call him innocent either. It's just a screen behind which he hides. Because hiding is his basic need. His element. His horse. A secret is something to which he cannot be indifferent. So don't rush. Don't trust him. And don't make sudden movements. Neither to him, nor in relation to conclusions about him. Because you don't really know anything about him - and he knows too much about you.

Keep in mind: if Cancer met you himself, it means that he knows you very well. That he took the time to study you. That he made inquiries about you. And I certainly watched you when you didn't see it. Cancer hates unexpected meetings. He knows that it's just terrible when you are attacked by someone unknown under the pretext of acquaintance. Because Cancer does not trust your open smile, suspecting you of a wolf in sheepskin. He hates such situations and tries to avoid them in every possible way. He is even ready to pretend to be dead, just not to be eaten - namely, he suspects you of the intention to devour him when you completely unexpectedly grow up in front of him. He must always know who is rushing to meet him, how dangerous this person is and what this acquaintance will cost Cancer.

If he himself gets to know you, it means that he has already sat in ambush, tracking you down, and made a preliminary conclusion about the degree of your usefulness and danger to him. If you are deemed safe enough, Cancer is ready to show itself to your eyes. And if you are recognized as useful, then you simply will not get rid of it until the end of your days. Because Cancer is a collector of everything useful. Collector of everything you need. And he will not part with what he has collected until his life depends on it.

The younger the Cancer and the more unsafe his life, the more he tends to get scared. With age, accumulating more and more new impressions, he gradually learns not to die of fear every time someone sneaks up behind him to suddenly say something in his ear or pat him on the shoulder. He is very circumspect. Very attentive. Very vigilant. And if you want to deal with him, do the same as he does. Approach slowly and remain vigilant.

Cancer compatibility with other zodiac signs - in life and love

Cancers are emotional. They all agree with this. This is because feeling saves a lot of time. When a person could not yet speak, he memorized everything with the help of feeling. For example, a child sees an apple. He takes it and examines it carefully: what color it is, what shape it is, what it feels like, how it smells. When the preliminary examination is over, the child eats it and listens to his feelings. If the sensations are pleasant, then this is imprinted in the form of a feeling of pleasure. If the sensations are unpleasant - in the form of a feeling of anxiety. Keeping pleasant feelings is too unprofitable, because in the world great amount pleasant things, healthy food and what can give strength to continue living. Therefore, memory, the great rationalist, stores only those feelings that should warn of danger. If a child almost died from an apple that he ate, then another time he will not eat it under any circumstances. Unless with the threat of instant death. He can't say why he doesn't want to eat the apple because he doesn't remember the first time. Because memory does not show him the details. But she very strongly connected the event with its consequences. And now the child says: I don't know why, but I won't eat this for anything in my life.

Similarly, Cancer does with any other event. He retains the event, perhaps completely, but he never intends to present it to his consciousness in an expanded form. It's a very long time to unpack a folded memory. He wraps the event in a feeling and in this form applies to Everyday life. If you concentrate, you can probably remember where it comes from. But usually this is not necessary. And if the event is classified by Cancer as dangerous, then a package pops up in the mind - a feeling of fear. He glues each new impression to similar impressions of the past. And that is why psychoanalysis is practically useless. Because for memory there is no difference between real events and fantasies, for example. And you will never know what really happened and what a person dreamed about. Because dreams are also a way of memory to connect the impressions of the past day with all the accumulated impressions of life.

Cancers are emotional. Unfortunately, most emotions are negative character Therefore, Cancers are considered hypochondriacs and suspicious creatures. Feeling is their only guide in this world, and they rely on it for lack of a better one. They worry all the time, worry all the time, wait all the time to see if something is scary, threatening, dangerous, wrong. They cannot tell you what is wrong with this person, object, event, process, because it will take a very long time to explain. They know, of course, but it takes time to put it into words, and words are not the most effective form of weapon. So they just put their feet up while the others try to analyze the situation. It's always better to run away. If nothing bad happens, you can go back. And if it happens, then you will stay alive.

It is difficult to say how much you can trust the feelings of Cancer, whom you know personally. Because his feelings may be inadequate. Exaggerated or understated. It depends on many factors. But, nevertheless, he himself always relies on them. And if he is still alive, what more?

Cancer compatibility with other zodiac signs - how Cancers behave

Get upset. Stickiness is not as bad as it seems at first glance. Of course, not many people are happy when they feel like they are being treated like a cash cow, because Cancer does not maintain relationships with those who cannot be of any use to him. But actually it's not bad. If you do not want to help him with something, you can always get rid of him with some harshness. And the less useful you are in his eyes, the less harshness he will never forgive you in your life. But if you are very helpful, he is willing to endure just about anything. It works the same way in the opposite direction. The more you need it, the more harshness you will have to endure from it. And the less - the calmer the relationship will be.

Cancer tightly sticks to everything that it has appropriated. It becomes literally a part of him. He used to appropriate the food he found or grew. But then, when civilization with all its benefits was sufficiently strengthened, he began to appropriate money. And now money is a symbol of life for him. He is absolutely sure that it is impossible to live in the world without money, no. Theoretically, he would like to pocket all the money in the world. But in practice, he is too often content with the fact that only survival on the verge of starvation can ensure him. He knows what the minimum minimum is, and under certain circumstances quite easily descends to it, never to return from there. What for? He is full, drunk and has a nose in tobacco. What more could you want non-dependent person? However, this is a rather rare case. Because Cancer is never truly independent. Because either he himself depends on someone, or someone depends on him. Cancer is never alone.

Cancer is so affectionate because it wants to live. He cannot live alone. And no matter how angry you are with him that he is like a leech, he cannot change. Because loneliness for him means death, even something worse than death. He must constantly take care of someone or something. Or find someone who will take care of him. Because that is the meaning of life. His life. And there is no force in the world that would convince him otherwise. He alone has no life. Actually it's wonderful. Because this is the only representative of the Zodiac who will not let a beggar die of hunger, will not let a person. freeze on the street, will not pass indifferently past a hungry dog ​​and will never leave one who is almost dying. Cancer cannot allow someone to die of starvation or cold death, and even alone. Thanks to Cancers, there are rooming houses, refugee camps, free health care and the distribution of food to those who have sunk to the very bottom. Cancer believes that life is priceless, no matter how it passes and no matter how meaningless it may seem to those who are successful and full. And he will never leave the one who once took care of him without a piece of bread and a mug of water. He can give him much more, but by no means less.

Who is Cancer compatible with according to the horoscope - the generosity of Cancer

If you are threatened with death, you can turn to Cancer, and he will ransom you from your bony creditor. And the closer you are, the more you can buy it for you. Cancer will redeem his children from death at any cost. Even at the cost of your life, if need be. But you will have to return to him what he spent on you. Because his resources do not belong to him - but to those who find themselves in a situation like yours. How can he ransom his son if you don't give him back what he spent on you? How can he help those who have nowhere else to look for help? He will ransom you - but you will fall into slavery for this until you work off the debt. If you're lucky, it will happen someday. But technically, this debt is unpaid. Because you didn't just get a hundred and fifty thousand bucks to give back to those who will blow your head off if you don't pay. You get your worthless life back. In fact, you sold it first to those to whom you lost, and then to the one who bought you from them. So if you didn't die, you still have to pay. And Cancer is not the worst of creditors. For he is patient.

Duty to a mother is something like that, isn't it? Before the Motherland. Before the land that fed you and gave you basically everything you have. And these debts are not paid. Although many people do not pay them. After all, Cancer is not ready to kill you in order to force you to return the debt. Selling his house to ransom his child from captivity, Cancer says goodbye to the house forever. And he knows about it. He knows that he will have to start all over again. But this does not stop him, for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Matt.b:20.). The Cancer child is always his main treasure, for the sake of which everything that is done is done, and for the sake of which his heart continues to beat.

Cancers are always compassionate. But what you personally can count on is determined by how much you are personally dear to him. In other words, the degree of relationship. Blood, of course. The closer the relative, the more Cancer owes him. And the more unbearable may be the nature of his beneficence. The farther you are from him along the family line, the calmer he treats you. But he still feels that even a countryman is closer to him than a roommate, if Cancer lives abroad, not at home. A fellow countryman can always count on warmth and participation, and even on a tiny one-time financial assistance, which no neighbor will ever get. Cancer is always ready to give a person in difficulty at least something, even a penny, because this guarantees him survival in a similar situation.

People don't like that kind of debt. Because you have to pay for them with patience. Cancer is horrified that he lost his home, land, money, cattle because you were in trouble. He will take out on you all his fear, all his horror, nag you and whine, and endlessly ask how you are not ashamed, didn’t he teach you caution, didn’t he warn you of danger, well, why didn’t you listen, why now for you, he must go through the world and how do you even dare to look him in the eye? He will exhaust your soul because you did the same to him. If you ruined it through your own fault - I don’t even know, maybe you really would have been better off dead than staying alive at such a cost.

But if you were not to blame, but the circumstances just happened, you will not hear complaints, accusations and reproaches. Because it is for the sake of such an occasion that Cancer has collected everything that has been collected. He knew that one day the day would come when everything would come in handy. And he's ready. When such a day comes, there will be no person in the world more proud of himself than Cancer. For the sake of such moments, Cancer lives and collects everything that it can reach. He lives so that no circumstances could be unexpected. To always, eternally and invariably, win your life and the life of your children from circumstances. The moment he opens his cellar, he feels like God. Because there, below, there is absolutely everything. And because of that, we won't die without a fight.

With whom is Cancer compatible according to the horoscope and what is important to him?

Cancer seeks its roots with the stubbornness of a maniac, because he feels that he does not have them. In the depths of his soul, he guesses that he has no ancestors. That he created himself. That he has always been. He does not know how this is possible - and begins to believe in reincarnation and other nonsense. He digs through the archives for papers to make sure he didn't come out of thin air. But it's useless. Because contrary to logic and common sense, contrary to everything that Cancer sees around him, he really does not have parents. He was never born. Because he is the very first of people, and there was no one before him.

Cancer is mother. It is a being without roots - because she is her own root. A being without a homeland - for it is its own homeland. A creature without a home - for she is the home. All her attempts to attach to the place are in vain. Because she herself is the place.

Cancers are always sad. They don't know what the reason is, and they think it's a homesickness, a homesickness. And roam the earth in search of a home. They suspect all the time that their father's house is not really their home. They leave the place where they were born to find one that is their own. But as soon as they leave, they feel that they need to return. Cancers go away and come back. They do not know that in fact they themselves are the motherland. That the body they live in is their only home. This house has no ancestors and never had. And it is useless to look for them in the archives, making a pedigree from Ruriks or from Adam. Or look for them in past lives. There are no past lives. There is no past, no matter how you look. And this feeling of abandonment and abandonment will never go away. He cannot be cured by scrolls with endless lists of names. Because the First Cause was not material. And every Cancer, every person, every mother is a creation of the Spirit of God. And his house.

In fact, what Cancer is looking for as its homeland is not a place, not a house, not a fortress, not a land, and not even a cave. This is his family. These are the ones who will make him a whole person. The way the Lord made it. And when he finds them, he finds peace. He takes his place. When he has a family, he is at home. Cancer can cross times and spaces, countries and continents, peoples and civilizations - and everywhere feel safe, at peace, in the cradle. He is not alone - his blood is next to him, so what difference does it make what a century is in the yard and what kind of land flashes there, outside the window of his train or under the wing of his plane?

Cancer compatibility with other zodiac signs

Crayfish is a watermark. These are quiet people of conservative views. The most valuable thing for them home and children. Cancers will ideal partners for Scorpio, Taurus, and Pisces. But the alliance with Capricorn, Libra, Aries and Virgo will be unsuccessful. As well as with Gemini and Aquarius

Perfect Match for Cancer

In the first half of life, you are most likely to meet your ideal among Scorpions and Pisces, brothers in the element of water. Just remember that with Scorpio it is necessary to share all his professional interests. Only under this condition will marriage become lasting. And with Pisces, try to establish such a close emotional contact, which is akin to a telepathic connection: every partner’s thought must resonate, every feeling must receive a response. In the second half of your life, representatives of other signs can make your happiness: Taurus or Virgo. At the same time, Taurus should be enough wealthy man, and Virgo is a real philosopher, preoccupied with the search for the meaning of life.

Best Match for Cancer

Fish: This combination of zodiac signs can be called ideal - confirms the compatibility horoscope. Pisces and Cancer find in each other what they have been looking for for a long time. Cancer inspires Pisces to ideas, and they inspire him to implement his plans. In tandem, Pisces and Cancer can achieve tremendous success. Both of these signs have a well-developed intuition, which helps them to subtly feel each other's mood and anticipate desires. This is the key to a successful marriage, the Pisces Cancer compatibility horoscope predicts.

Taurus: A favorable combination of signs. Taurus balances Cancer, who is prone to mood swings, and he, in turn, brightens up the usual and somewhat monotonous life of Taurus. This couple enthusiastically builds their family nest and finds harmony in this, confirmation of this is contained in the compatibility horoscope. Cancer and Taurus are extremely suited to each other. These relationships can end in a successful marriage, if you talk about everything that does not suit you in time. A lot of small omissions can lead to a major quarrel, the Cancer Taurus compatibility horoscope warns.

Scorpion: This is an extremely successful combination of zodiac signs. A devoted Cancer will never give a jealous Scorpio a reason to doubt, and the energy of Scorpio will give Cancer confidence, this is evidenced by the compatibility horoscope. Cancer and Scorpio understand each other perfectly, but never become too predictable. Both of these signs sometimes tease each other, but intuitively know when to stop. The marriage will be successful, and sincere affection will not turn into a routine, this is confirmed by the compatibility horoscope Cancer Scorpio.

Virgo: The relationship of representatives of these zodiac signs can be called extremely favorable. The emotions of Cancer have a positive effect on the pragmatic Virgo, this is confirmed by the compatibility horoscope. Virgo and Cancer find in each other what they want: Cancer is impressed by the practicality of a companion, and Virgo likes the caring and sentimental nature of her chosen one. In addition, in these relationships, Cancer finally begins to feel self-confident, and Virgo finds someone who is able to see true passion behind her coldness, this is evidenced by the Cancer Virgo compatibility horoscope.

Worst Couple for Cancer

Aquarius: This couple may be disappointed in each other after the first romance is replaced by a long relationship, this is evidenced by the compatibility horoscope. Cancer and Aquarius often cease to understand each other, and Aquarius still begins to openly manipulate his companion. The practical Aquarius cares little for the subtle emotional swings that Cancer lives with. With a long relationship, he often takes the defenseless Cancer under his complete control, the Cancer Aquarius compatibility horoscope warns.

Scales: There are too many contradictions in the relationship of this couple: Cancer appreciates one thing, Libra - completely different, this is indicated by the compatibility horoscope. Cancer and Libra look at everything from a different angle: Cancer needs to experience the whole gamut of vivid romantic feelings, and Libra, above all, appreciates intellectual intimacy. The frivolity of Libra upsets the sensitive and jealous Cancer. In most cases, Libra in these respects is not ready to give up the search for new experiences and, with any hint of restriction of freedom, they are ready to retreat, the Cancer Libra compatibility horoscope warns about this.

Twins: Gemini, as a rule, slay Cancer on the spot and in awe, this confirms the compatibility horoscope. Cancer and Gemini, however, rarely come to an understanding. And the reason for this is that Cancer tries to completely control his half. Gemini, who are accustomed to free entertainment, will not put up with these for a long time, which can lead to a major conflict, Cancer Gemini compatibility horoscope warns.

Sagittarius: The romance of this couple threatens to turn into a phantasmagoria: scandals and high-profile showdowns are so likely - the compatibility horoscope warns. Sagittarius and Cancer perceive relationships differently. Sagittarius is often not ready to give up innate flirting, which leads to outbursts of jealousy of Cancer, who is used to guarding his companions like the apple of his eye. In addition, Sagittarius loves traveling and moving too much, and Cancer is quite happy in a quiet family nest. Sooner or later, quarrels and conflicts will follow, this portends the compatibility horoscope Cancer Sagittarius.

Strained relations

Crayfish: The relationship of this couple promises to be long and strong, this confirms the compatibility horoscope. The Cancer man in such a pair more often takes on the role of a patron who anxiously takes care of his companion. However, excessive demands and emotional sensitivity can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts, the compatibility horoscope warns. A Cancer woman pays more attention to her partner and more subtly feels the changeability of his mood. The key to success in these relationships will be caring and striving for complete understanding, says the compatibility horoscope Cancer.

Capricorn: Representatives of these zodiac signs have too different characters, which ultimately lead to conflict, the compatibility horoscope warns about this. Capricorn and Cancer often cannot agree for one simple reason: because of the unwillingness to understand what the other half wants. Cancer needs attention, and Capricorn has a billion other interests, the main one being work. Capricorn is distinguished by innate restraint, which depresses Cancer. This couple can only have chances if they learn to successfully complement each other, Cancer Capricorn predicts compatibility horoscope.

Cancer Man with other Zodiac Signs

Cancer woman compatibility with other zodiac signs

Psychological compatibility Cancer woman and Pisces man in a relationship Between partners in this union reigns supreme.

Psychological compatibility Cancer woman and Aquarius man in a relationship A very difficult partnership, in a cat.

Psychological compatibility Cancer woman and Capricorn man in a relationship Despite the fact that this is the opposite.

Psychological compatibility Cancer woman and Sagittarius man in a relationship A very difficult union that can be �.

Psychological compatibility Cancer woman and Scorpio man in a relationship Cancer and Scorpio is pretty close.

Psychological compatibility Cancer woman and Libra man in a relationship Not always in a relationship of this kind.

Psychological compatibility Cancer women and Virgo men in a relationship Relations between Cancers and Virgo okaz.

Psychological compatibility Cancer woman and Leo man in a relationship The beginning of this union can be successful.

OVERALL COMPATIBILITY RATING: 8.6. Psychological compatibility Cancer of a man and Cancer of a woman in a relationship Everyone.

OVERALL COMPATIBILITY RATING: 5.2. Psychological compatibility Gemini men and Cancer women in a relationship.

OVERALL COMPATIBILITY RATING: 9.2. Psychological compatibility Taurus man and Cancer woman in a relationship Rel.

GENERAL COMPATIBILITY ASSESSMENT: 5.9 Psychological compatibility Aries men and Cancer women in a Union relationship.

Cancer zodiac sign - compatibility

Each of us is able to get along well with some people and has difficulty communicating with others. A zodiac sign like Cancer is compatible with many people because it is gentle and understanding in nature. However, for such people there are those with whom it will be difficult to build relationships.

Cancer zodiac sign - woman compatibility

A Cancer woman is compatible in love with many people, but does not always choose suitable partners. She cannot understand herself, and her partner does not always manage to do this either. She is afraid of criticism and ridicule, she is vindictive.

She lives in past memories, feelings, and all this is very dear to her. There should be a tactful, kind, understanding partner near her - the other just hurts her feelings. She is an excellent hostess, diligent and hospitable, and a person to whom all this is alien will not get along near her.

Cancer man: compatibility in love

A man whose zodiac sign is Cancer is compatible with all water signs. However, he could get along with anyone who would appreciate his feelings and not be offended by his secrecy.

A man with the zodiac sign "Cancer" is compatible with those who are tolerant of jealousy, as a strong owner. A freedom-loving coquette will not suit him. His type is an intellectual woman who is also not averse to doing housework. This is an attentive person with an analytical mindset, he can easily solve any problem. However, Cancer is not confident in himself, and in a relationship he constantly requires proof of love and affection.

Cancer compatibility with zodiac signs

Cancerians do not always understand themselves, and they need a partner nearby who will help them in self-discovery and who will be patient and devoted.

Cancer can repel with its tendency to feelings and depression - light sadness is its usual state. But if this does not frighten their partner, then the union will be strong and happy.

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