Home Preparations for the winter Compatibility between signs of different elements. Elements of the Zodiac Signs: Love Compatibility

Compatibility between signs of different elements. Elements of the Zodiac Signs: Love Compatibility

Element Fire

Fiery signs do not have to yearn, they easily fall in love, but quickly cool down, all signs have desires for new connections, sensations. They are inventive and voluptuous. They live one day and really do not like when they are reminded of worldly affairs. It is typical for fire to live one day. Strong-willed, but often not restrained. Fire is quick-tempered and emotionally directed outward.

Element Earth

All earth signs strive for security and stability. They do not have quarrels, quarrels, claims, great passions and anxieties. They live peacefully and joyfully while others are in conflict and sort things out. And their common sense often prevails. They are responsible. Desires for the forbidden do arise from time to time, but they still remain. faithful friend friend.

These are polar elements, they do not fit well together - as a rule, Fire burns the Earth, and the Earth can put out the Fire. Sometimes this contrast of temperaments, the difference in life values, on the contrary, attract Fire and Earth to each other - but these unions are rarely strong and long-term. Most often, such partners do not have harmony in sex, and behavioral antagonism lies in wait for them in everyday life: Earth saves - Fire spends, Earth respects order - Fire creates chaos, Earth loves peace - Fire loves holidays. Eternal struggle!

Elemental Partner Compatibility

Life only this day, the will and incontinence in everything, inherent in fire, will very quickly be limited to the inherent earthly elements sobriety and practicality. Capricorns often attract Aries, Taurus - Lions, and Cancers - Sagittarius: antagonistic elements are attracted to each other very strongly. But not for life. And yet someday the restraint, prudence and pragmatism of the elements of the earth will begin to act on the nerves of its fiery partner, whose recklessness and impulsiveness will be unbearable for the earth.

The elements of fire and earth are elements hostile to each other. The earth puts out the fire, and the fire burns the earth. Although this combination is sometimes found in long-term relationships: although the values ​​of these people and their behavior are completely antagonistic, each of them will probably successfully benefit in this relationship.

When the moment inevitably comes in the relationship between the elements of earth and fire when they understand their incompatibility and dissimilarity to each other, then the further formation of their relationship will depend primarily on themselves. The fire will need to understand how important it is to reckon with reality and look at least from time to time into perspectives, ceasing to shift the entire heavy burden of practical worries onto your partner. The latter, however, needs to evaluate in his companion his kind-hearted will, and his constant willingness to take risks. But if both partners believe that it is he who is right, not wanting mutual understanding, they will move away from each other further and further: the fire - becoming colder, and the earth - more and more gloomy and restrained. However, make the decision to follow the path of self-development and spiritual development, they have a chance to reach a fundamentally different level of relations. But for this, they need to spend a lot of time and effort in order to gain mutual understanding in relationships and find a compromise.

Weaknesses in partner relationships

Very often there are sexual problems, At the very beginning of the relationship, there is a strong attraction - but very quickly the fire will begin to oppress the earth with its aggressiveness and extravagance in the problems of sex, thinking that its earthly partner is dreary and uninventive.

Compatibility of the elements of the Zodiac (Fire + Earth)

Ancient Chinese teachings about the elements determine the gender compatibility of Fire and Earth: Although these elements are very different in energy configuration, basic needs and life values sometimes such a strange mixture of optimism and caution can spark passion.

Compatibility Fire Earth in love and sex according to the horoscope

Like a scent autumn leaves crackling in the fire of a fire, your compatibility can be sharp and piercing. Fire and earth are very good at maintaining desire in each other.

The sensibility of the earth is very important. Although people of the earth may tire of the impulsive desires and childish sexual antics of fire, they are fascinated by the courage and imagination of this element. The earth provides a strong and stable intimacy where the fire can be carried away into the realm of fantasy without disturbing anyone, especially the earth itself, with its pragmatic approach to life. Pleasant stimulation of the senses, not the tension of emotional self-expression - that's the style of this strange partnership. But their energy needs external support - not because the fire lacks it, but because the people of the earth sometimes make the fire impatient and irritable, especially when their behavior in bed does not keep up with the pace that he sets.

The interior of the house, favorable for the compatibility of the elements

The element of wood can be represented in the bedroom setting with carved figurines or a bed with wooden posts. Climbing rather than creeping plants should be placed on the windowsill. Choose furniture with smooth lines so that the flow of chi energy can move freely around the room.

One of the best talismans for compatibility of the elements there will be a piece of onyx placed under the bed. This sharpens the senses and makes the relationship more stable.

Harmony intimate life Fire Earth

To stimulate sexual desire, do not undress as much as possible and do not care about fetishes or erotic underwear. The more pure and idealistic your attitude towards sex is, the more you will enjoy it.

Books on tantric sex will not only enrich the intimate experience of partners, but also bring in the qualities of metal energy for greater harmony in relationships (metal is associated with control and self-mastery, and tantric sex mainly deals with orgasm control through yoga and The right way breathing).

For good compatibility, you'd better avoid making love in the water, except perhaps short shower. Water is unfavorable for your sexual expression and your psyche. If you are fire, learn to use your dominant passion to arouse the senses of the earth. Take your time trying a new position or changing your routine every time. new meeting.

Perhaps it would be best for this couple to make love outside the home more often. Earth highly appreciates communication with nature, and fire likes the freshness of novelty. The more diverse and even risky places for intimate meetings, the more the fire will allow the earth to "lead the show". Both can get something valuable from this deeply erotic compatibility.

Element Air

People of the element of Air are cold and prudent. However, they have a fairly even character, are not prone to mood swings and converge well with representatives of other Elements. People of the Air element are necessary to other people, as Air is necessary, since they are distinguished by rare sociability and pleasantness of character.

Element Water

Water signs live an emotional life. They are unstable and very sensitive. Perceive people and events through feelings and emotional response. They need romance, sublimity. Water always needs support, to confirm its views, as it doubts all the time. Watermarks vulnerable and susceptible, can hold grudges.

Sometimes these elements are drawn to each other, but something sensible rarely comes out of this: either a complete calm, or a formidable storm - always either too little, or too much for harmonious union. AT individual cases Air can inflate the sails of a family ship so that it glides on Water confidently and in the right direction. To do this, partners need to overcome disagreements caused by the contradictions of the elements - water signs are characterized by a heavy disposition, a sense of ownership, jealousy, and Air needs freedom of action and ease of communication.

Elemental Partner Compatibility

The combination of these elements is not very good - water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) live by feelings, but air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) do not. But not infrequently these elements are attracted to each other - this is like a fatality. The Air Sign thrives on the sensitivity and receptivity, the mystique and mystique, and the intuition of the Water Sign, and the Water Sign loves the sociability, communication skills, good intelligence, and versatility of the Air Sign's interests.

Because of the possessive nature of water, the air man cannot feel free. Just like fire, water oppresses the air with its own seething emotional outbursts. And this, in turn, quite often leads to a break in relations. Very often the air man leaves first.

At the very beginning of the development of these relations, partners, as often happens between antagonistic elements, are completely absorbed in each other: the air seeks to understand the incomprehensible change in the disposition of the spirit of the water man, fascinated by the brilliance of the mind and the ability to communicate with the air man. In sex, they both need romance and sublimity. But pretty soon they will begin to understand how different they are from each other and how hard it becomes for them to be together. Water signs need understanding and stability, which air signs can't give them. The longer the air person communicates with the water person, the more he will understand that it is difficult for him to understand the water person and worry about this - and his experiences will be transferred to the water person, who is very sensitive, the water person will begin to feel uncomfortable with the air person.

Weaknesses in partner relationships

In the relationship between water and air, often the admiration of air for the sensitivity and mystery of water turns into a misunderstanding of the changeable emotional state water person. The water partner, captivated, at the beginning of a relationship, by the intellect and sociability of a person of air, will not be able to endure his impartiality and reasoning for a long time. But if people of these elements can learn to understand each other correctly, their marriage can be productive and good: air will teach water to impartially, think judiciously and communicate freely with other people, and an air person can learn from a water person to catch the feelings of other people.

Compatibility of the elements of the Zodiac (Air + Water)

Horoscope of compatibility of signs of the Zodiac, according to the elements: fire-fire, fire-earth, fire-air, fire-water, earth-earth.

Horoscope of compatibility of elements - Fire / Fire

Aries - Aries Compatibility | Aries - Leo Compatibility | Aries - Sagittarius Compatibility
Compatibility Leo - Aries | Compatibility Leo - Leo | Compatibility Leo - Sagittarius
Compatibility Sagittarius - Aries | Compatibility Sagittarius - Leo | Compatibility Sagittarius - Sagittarius

It may seem at first that people with dominance in the horoscopes of the same element are perfect for each other, however, in reality for lasting love and most harmonious relations, you need a combination of different elements. The relationship of people with the dominant fire elements in the horoscope of both elements can look impeccable from the outside, but in reality everything is not so perfect, although, undoubtedly, they will not have to yearn.

Aries, Leo and Sagittarius fall in love extremely easily - but alas, they stop loving just as quickly. For them, life without love is not life, Aries and Sagittarius have more desire for new connections and relationships than Leo, who is more constant in love. Fire and fire are perfectly compatible in sex: both partners are inventive and voluptuous. However, there is a huge risk of their campaigns “to the left”, always arousing terrible jealousy and suspicion of partners towards each other.

The combination of fire elements can be unusually creatively fruitful, however, not having, for example: caution and practicality of the elements of the earth, fire signs often get into financial problems. This is a union of extravagant people who live only for today and do not tolerate reminders of worldly affairs and duties. This couple is able to live well in youth, when they can provide for themselves. But if over the years they cannot manage their impulsiveness and extravagance, their relationship may collapse like a house of cards in the wind.

Another, important, drawback in the relationship of the elements of fire is the eternal craving of both partners for leadership, because of which one of the partners will always have to find himself in a humiliating position for him as a subordinate - over time, this partner will prefer to find a new partner for himself and leave, accompanying his own rupture of relations with a stormy scene with smashing dishes. You need to be friends with fire and work carefully: without combustible brushwood, it will go out, and if there is too much brushwood, it will get out of control, burning everyone in its path.

Elemental Compatibility Horoscope - Fire/Earth

Compatibility Aries - Taurus | Aries - Virgo Compatibility | Aries - Capricorn Compatibility
Compatibility Leo - Taurus | Compatibility Leo - Virgo | Compatibility Leo - Capricorn
Compatibility Sagittarius - Taurus | Compatibility Sagittarius - Virgo | Compatibility Sagittarius - Capricorn

The elements of fire and earth are elements that are antagonistic (hostile) to each other. The earth puts out the fire, and the fire burns the earth. Although this combination is sometimes found in long-term relationships: although the values ​​of these people and their behavior are completely antagonistic, each of them will probably successfully benefit in this relationship. Life only this day, the will and incontinence in everything inherent in fire, will very quickly be limited by the sobriety and practicality inherent in the earthly elements. Capricorns often attract Aries, Taurus - Lions, and Cancers - Sagittarius: antagonistic elements are attracted to each other very strongly. But not for life...

And yet someday the restraint, prudence and pragmatism of the elements of the earth will begin to act on the nerves of its fiery partner, whose recklessness and impulsiveness will be unbearable for the earth.

Very often there are sexual problems. At the very beginning of a relationship, a strong attraction arises - but very quickly the fire will begin to oppress the earth with its aggressiveness and extravagance in gender problems, thinking that its earthly partner is dreary and uninventive.

When the moment inevitably comes in the relationship between the elements of earth and fire when they understand their incompatibility and dissimilarity to each other, then the further formation of their relationship will depend primarily on themselves. The fire will need to understand how important it is to reckon with reality and look at least from time to time into perspectives, ceasing to shift the entire heavy burden of practical worries onto your partner. The latter, however, needs to evaluate in his companion his kind-hearted will, and his constant willingness to take risks. But if both partners believe that it is he who is right, not wanting mutual understanding, they will move away from each other further and further: the fire - becoming colder, and the earth - more and more gloomy and restrained. However, if they decide to follow the path of self-development and spiritual development, they have a chance to reach a fundamentally different level of relations. But for this, they need to spend a lot of time and effort in order to gain mutual understanding in relationships and find a compromise.

Horoscope of compatibility by elements

Horoscope of compatibility of elements - Fire / Air

Aries - Gemini Compatibility | Compatibility Aries - Libra | Aries - Aquarius Compatibility
Compatibility Leo - Gemini | Compatibility Leo - Libra | Compatibility Leo - Aquarius
Compatibility Sagittarius - Gemini | Compatibility Sagittarius - Libra | Compatibility Sagittarius - Aquarius

Highly good compatibility to say the least, beautiful. Both of them are alien to pessimism and narrowness of thinking, they are very smart - they love everything new. The air element can easily understand thoughts, feelings, deeds and the possible result of the activity of fire, without extinguishing its enthusiasm. It happens that people of the air cannot make a choice on their own - and at this moment no one is able to point them to a choice better than their fiery partners.

Relationships of opposite signs of the Zodiac, according to the elements (attention, but not antagonistic elements), are considered very productive and long-lasting in astrology. Let us recall the principle formulated by the world-renowned and famous Swiss psychologist Jung: In every idea, in its infancy, there is an opposite to it - so, in every leader - Aries, Libra strives for equality and harmony, in every power-hungry Leo - a humane Aquarius, and in an idealist - Sagittarius is a logical Gemini.

And yet, although the combination of the logical abilities of air and the relentless activity of fire looks perfect at first glance, both partners lack depth. After a long period, partners begin to feel that neither of them is able to completely capture the other - they begin to feel mutual equality and respect. At first, the fire will be seduced by the active intelligence of the air, its wit and mobility, and the air, in turn, will be seduced by the ease and desire for the power of fire. Both partners are very unforgiving, they soon erase mutual dissatisfaction and claims from their memory, which makes it possible for them to continue the relationship. AT sexual relationship they are very suitable for each other - both love erotic and sexual fantasies, and the colorful imagination of the air amazingly likes the fire. It rarely happens that fire can find its partner too esthete in relation to love and sex, and air finds that its partner is impatient and promiscuous, but this rarely leads partners to lengthy disputes.

Horoscope of compatibility by elements

Elemental Compatibility Horoscope - Fire/Water

Aries - Cancer Compatibility | Aries - Scorpio Compatibility | Aries - Pisces Compatibility
Compatibility Leo - Cancer | Compatibility Leo - Scorpio | Compatibility Leo - Pisces
Compatibility Sagittarius - Cancer | Compatibility Sagittarius - Scorpio | Compatibility Sagittarius - Pisces

The compatibility of fire and water in relationships is the most problematic, the environments of all combinations are these elements, and therefore their signs, antagonistic to each other. Both elements are extremely excitable, but in completely different ways. Fire is quick-tempered and spontaneous, its emotions are directed outwards. Water, being a more malleable and passive element, needs emotional support and understanding. Fire signs are extremely blind, they easily forget and forgive their partners for their mistakes; water ones are very susceptible and vulnerable, once offended, they can forever hold a grudge and evil on their offender. The fiery partner is unnerved by the rapid change in the mood of the water partner, the water partner thinks that the fire is very self-centered and soulless. Therefore, in these connections, the most large quantity disputes and disagreements.

Fire does not want to offend a close partner at all, however, due to the unwillingness of water to speak about their grief, emotional tension accumulates between them. When the water man explodes, unable to take any more offense, fire sign, instead of appeasing a close partner, often remains completely indifferent to him.

the main problem, facing each of the partners in these relationships - to learn to understand and accept the emotional world of your partner, so dissimilar to his personal world. The fire is obliged to accustom itself to reckon with the impressionability and touchiness of a close partner, and the water must renounce the manner of bearing its own insults every time alone, accumulating more and more of them with each new day.

At the beginning of a relationship, the principle of attraction of antagonistic opposites works - Aries / Cancer, Leo / Scorpio and Sagittarius / Pisces.

In sexual terms, the compatibility of fire and water is possible only at the very beginning of a relationship, when fire still retains its impulsiveness, and water has not had time to accumulate insults and insults. However, in the future, this couple can expect big problems: sexuality water element strongly related to their emotions, and because they have enough to feel offended or simply in a bad mood to slow down sexually. And vice versa, if the fire is not physically sick, it constantly flares up without difficulty - seeing this, water will often refuse him sex, with the idea of ​​​​avenging the insult caused to her, and sex will only be a weapon in the war of two partners. Emotional, mental and sexual differences will prevent them from living a long and stable life together.

Horoscope of compatibility by elements

Elemental Compatibility Horoscope - Earth/Earth

Compatibility Taurus - Taurus | Compatibility Taurus - Virgo | Compatibility Taurus - Capricorn
Compatibility Virgo - Taurus | Compatibility Virgo - Virgo | Compatibility Virgo - Capricorn
Compatibility Capricorn - Taurus | Compatibility Capricorn - Virgo | Compatibility Capricorn - Capricorn

In this union, there will be no dramatic quarrels and quarrels, which are in the relationship of two fiery signs, and, moreover, emotional and material problems, there will be no strong anxieties, great passion in them. All earth signs want to have security and stability, they don't need crazy adventures. They have mutual respect and help, and while other people are busy with their vanity, vanities, divorces and new marriages, they live long, peacefully and joyfully and happily in their marriage. And even if suddenly, some problems arise in their union, common sense and the craving of both for constancy and stability will always prevail over all adversity.

This couple is perfect for each other sexually. They do not like to talk about their emotional issues at all. At the same time, although they are willing to restrain personal feelings in the interest of the safety and security of their marital status They are unusually receptive to the romantic attraction of the opposite sex. But earth signs will never cheat on their spouse, whether they love him or not. Although the subconscious desire of everyone for the taboo forever tempts them to break devotion to a close partner. All earth signs have a great responsibility in their relationship, and therefore their unions are often long and happy.

Horoscope of compatibility of signs of the Zodiac, according to the elements: earth-air, earth-water, air-air, air-water, water-water.

The elements of fire include: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
The elements of earth include: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
The elements of air include: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
The elements of water include: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

Horoscope of compatibility by elements

Elemental Compatibility Horoscope - Earth/Air

Compatibility Taurus - Gemini | Compatibility Taurus - Libra | Compatibility Taurus - Aquarius
Compatibility Virgo - Gemini | Compatibility Virgo - Libra | Compatibility Virgo - Aquarius
Compatibility Capricorn - Gemini | Compatibility Capricorn - Libra | Compatibility Capricorn - Aquarius

The seeds that make the earth fertile are spread through the air - yet the air can raise clouds of dust. The relationship between earth and air is very, very problematic, as is the relationship between fire and water. Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) believe that the air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) are very superficial, the earth cannot master the air signs. In addition, earth signs overwhelm their partners with their inherent conservatism and pragmatism. So people of these elements do not really strive to be together, and yet, if some kind of relationship is established between the elements of earth and air, they can be both long-term and productive. The people of the elements of earth and air are united by a rational, logical type of thinking, the only difference between them is that the people of the elements of air are much more intelligent and prefer theories and theorizing, while the people of the elements of the earth in their considerations and views always remain sober and realistic and love practice. And yet, the combination of the qualities of thinking of these elements - the brilliant intellect of "air" people with the talent for the ability to organize and the constancy of "earthly" people can be extremely productive.

These relationships may have problems in the emotional and sexual terms of relations, these two elements are very different from each other, so it can be difficult for them to live together. People of both elements do not like to talk about their feelings - the air because it lives mainly by reason, and the earth - because it is constantly trying to keep its emotions under control - to control them. Due to this state of affairs, a person of air may consider his partner not refined and romantic, and a person of earth will be unnerved by the inability of air in the sexual sphere to respond to purely physical sexual stimulation and do without various romantic fantasies and reasoning. As you understand, marriage among such people, where quite a bit is allocated for sex. important role, would be problematic.

The positive aspects of their relationship include the fact that the air will constantly stimulate intellectual activity land, the land, for its part, will be able to turn the air partner's fantasies and projects into reality. But in order for these relationships to last, these elements need to learn to understand and respect their partner as he is.

Horoscope of compatibility by elements

Elemental Compatibility Horoscope - Earth/Water

Compatibility Taurus - Cancer | Compatibility Taurus - Scorpio | Compatibility Taurus - Pisces
Compatibility Virgo - Cancer | Compatibility Virgo - Scorpio | Compatibility Virgo - Pisces
Compatibility Capricorn - Cancer | Compatibility Capricorn - Scorpio | Compatibility Capricorn - Pisces

These elements are very well suited to each other. Reliability, fidelity and constancy of the earth are perfectly combined with the defenselessness and vulnerability and touchiness of water. With water, the earth does not feel very tense and anxious, as with a man of the elements of fire, or insecure, indecisive and oppressed, as with a man of the elements of air. But even in the most best compatibility elements, perhaps, their minuses, and in this case it is the frequent fluctuations and pessimism inherent in both the elements of earth and the elements of water. If the earth meets practical problems, and the water fears for its own safety, nothing will be able to restore their once lost trust in each other. They can then start withdrawing into themselves, each one only interested in personal problems.

Sexually, these elements are perfectly compatible with each other. Water feels safe with an earthly person, so to speak, “at ease”, and a wonderful emotional field helps and improves them very well. sexual harmony. Earth, on the other hand, tears off in the watery sign sensitivity and acute susceptibility, which it cherishes to the extreme; in addition, the great need for water in sexual contact (associated with emotional trust in a partner) also meets the desires of the first.

Sometimes earthly man it can be difficult to understand the changeable disposition of the spirit of water, and a water person can find the earthly one very domineering and conservative - but in most cases these elements get along very well with each other.

Horoscope of compatibility by elements

Horoscope of compatibility of elements - Air / Air

Compatibility Gemini - Gemini | Compatibility Gemini - Libra | Compatibility Gemini - Aquarius
Compatibility Libra - Gemini | Compatibility Libra - Libra | Compatibility Libra - Aquarius
Compatibility Aquarius - Gemini | Compatibility Aquarius - Libra | Compatibility Aquarius - Aquarius

This union will never have problems, but there is big chance that their relationship will only be platonic.

The relations between the same element described in the last article have their pluses and minuses, the minus outweighs in the end. The compatibility of people with the elements of air / air (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) is no exception, and their relationship will also have disadvantages. If within certain period everything will go very well, but then the partners will start blaming each other for impracticality and inability to do and carry out vital business instead of constantly “flying in the clouds”.

All air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) are very romantic. They treat love a little bit literary, giving everything connected with love a great meaning. Since physical intimacy in a relationship is not the most important thing for them, they are predominantly disposed to indulge in fantasies and fictional experiences, and not to see all the realities of life that surround them.

This couple will vigorously take part in public life. Although all air signs love to argue and discuss, they will have much less quarrels than other combinations of the same elements. They are able to separate long time- and with mutual trust in each other, none of their “adventures” and partings will lead to a break in relations. To other people, their couple will seem perfect, well, it is likely that this is not so far from the truth!

Horoscope of compatibility by elements

Horoscope of compatibility of elements - Air / Water

Compatibility Gemini - Cancer | Compatibility Gemini - Scorpio | Compatibility Gemini - Pisces
Compatibility Libra - Cancer | Compatibility Libra - Scorpio | Compatibility Libra - Pisces
Compatibility Aquarius - Cancer | Compatibility Aquarius - Scorpio | Compatibility Aquarius - Pisces

The combination of these elements is not very good - water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) live by feelings, but air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) do not. But not infrequently these elements are attracted to each other - this is like a fatality. The Air Sign thrives on the sensitivity and receptivity, the mystique and mystique, and the intuition of the Water Sign, and the Water Sign loves the sociability, communication skills, good intelligence, and versatility of the Air Sign's interests.

At the very beginning of the development of these relations, partners, as often happens between antagonistic elements, are completely absorbed in each other: the air seeks to understand the incomprehensible change in the disposition of the spirit of the water man, fascinated by the brilliance of the mind and the ability to communicate with the air man. In sex, they both need romance and sublimity. But pretty soon they will begin to understand how different they are from each other and how hard it becomes for them to be together.

Water signs need understanding and stability, which air signs cannot give them. The longer the air person communicates with the water person, the more he will understand that it is difficult for him to understand the water person and worry about this - and his experiences will be transferred to the water person, who is very sensitive, the water person will begin to feel uncomfortable with the air person. Because of the possessive nature of water, the air man cannot feel free. Just like fire, water oppresses the air with its own seething emotional outbursts. And this, in turn, quite often leads to a break in relations. Very often the air man leaves first.

In the first article on the compatibility of the elements, it was already said that the elements tend to tend to antagonistic elements (Fire-Earth, Water-Air ...), but after a long time (and sometimes quite quickly) they are no longer able to tolerate those character traits of their partner that so attracted them to each other, and the relationship is dying. In the relationship between water and air, often the admiration of air for the sensitivity and mystery of water turns into a misunderstanding of the changeable emotional state of a water person. The water partner, captivated, at the beginning of a relationship, by the intellect and sociability of a person of air, will not be able to endure his impartiality and reasoning for a long time. But if people of these elements can learn to understand each other correctly, their marriage can be productive and good: air will teach water to impartially, think judiciously and communicate freely with other people, and an air person can learn from a water person to catch the feelings of other people.

Everything can be divided into four groups according to the elements zodiac signs: Fire, Water, Earth and Air. It is on this basis that temperament can be determined and sustainable qualities each representative zodiacal circle. From this point of view, water signs can be called changeable and dynamic, air - mobile and contact, fire - sparkling and temperamental, and earth - solid and stable. We will talk about the characteristic features of the representatives of each of the above elements and their compatibility in this article.

Characteristics of fire signs

Fire Signs have a truly fiery temperament. The peculiarity of this element is warmth and dryness, personifying metaphysical energy, life and its strength. In the Zodiac, there are three signs that meet these qualities: Sagittarius, Aries and Leo. They have an inexhaustible creative spirit, unshakable will and extraordinary penetrating power. In addition, the element of Fire gives them enterprise, constant thirst activity and organizational skills. They defend their independence, independence and personal freedom from childhood. It is interesting that they do not know how and do not like to obey, but they can adapt to almost any conditions. Flexible mind, strong will creativity to difficult life situations allow them to deal with any problem.

People whose horoscopes are dominated by the element of Fire are extremely ambitious. They are quick-tempered, impetuous, courageous, self-confident, courageous, warlike, careless, impatient and unceremonious. They love and know how to lead. The business activity inherent in them and the flight of the soul help them to reach serious peaks both in the material and spiritual spheres. They get genuine pleasure from their work, are proud of their own successes and expect universal recognition.


The signs of the fire of the zodiac vary somewhat by month. For example, the character of Sagittarius differs from the explosive temperament of Aries and Leo. His fire does not burn, but seems to smolder peacefully under the ashes. This is the flame of inner passions, safely hidden from prying eyes. Sagittarians have another salient feature: Like their element, they are uncontrollable. Like fire, they are easily transferred from one object to another and never look back. For them, the most important thing is adventure and action. They are always full of enthusiasm and often go beyond their own capabilities. Representatives of other zodiac signs can keep their energy under control.

Sagittarius Compatibility

Sagittarius is a fire sign, so they attract the attention of people around them with their ability to have fun, curiosity, spirituality and good disposition. However, not everyone can get along with them. For example, the signs of Fire and Earth contradict each other in everything. Cautious Taurus, fisted Capricorn and pedantic Virgo can cause a strong attack of irritation in freedom-loving Sagittarius. And the signs of water (Pisces, Scorpions and Cancers) require constancy and reliability from their partners. But any bonds are a serious test for Sagittarius, so he will try his best to avoid them. Representatives of this sign are close to the fire and air elements. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are not jealous and love a variety of adventures. They will make an excellent company for Sagittarius in any endeavors. And Lions and Aries have a similar temperament and powerful vitality. They will quickly find mutual understanding with the representative of this zodiac sign and make his life happy.

a lion

The signs of the Fire of the Zodiac do not suffer from modesty and strive to make themselves known to the whole world. This quality is especially evident in Leo. In their horoscope, the Sun dominates - the planet, thanks to which all life on Earth appeared. Perhaps that is why the representatives of the "solar" sign consider themselves absolutely irreplaceable and refuse to play second fiddle in any situation. Their fearlessness and strength could be the source of many troubles for them, but they are smart enough to avoid them. With their courage, they win the sincere sympathy of others. They are fair and want to see everyone around them happy. However, their own person is always in the first place for them.

Leo Compatibility

Leos are very attractive and are of interest to all signs of the zodiac. However, find mutual language with them is not as easy as it seems at first glance. For example, many claims to each other have the signs of Fire and Water. The compatibility of these two elements is a big question, because Pisces, Scorpios and Cancers prefer stability and require maximum dedication from partners, while Leo will not subordinate his life to the interests of the second half. He is too proud and independent for that. It is also difficult for people whose horoscopes are dominated by the element of the Earth to find the key to the representatives of the "solar" sign. Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus are too predictable and stable. Leo's extravagance annoys them, and extravagance makes them think about choosing a more practical partner. Representatives of the fire and air elements are the most suitable companions for Leo. Aries and Sagittarius will give up their leadership for the sake of the "sunny" lover and make his life truly beautiful. And Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are able to inspire representatives of the "royal" sign to new exploits and endlessly admire his strong and generous nature.


Fire Signs are aggressive and courageous people. If necessary, they are able to mobilize all their internal forces and fully equipped to meet an opponent, while having remarkable chances of success. All of the above is fully consistent with the character of Aries. Representatives of this sign are able to defend their interests, while possessing extreme egocentrism. They are straightforward, in disputes they fiercely prove their point of view, but they never cause rejection among people, as they have a rare charm. Aries are real hard workers. As a rule, they achieve success in their careers. However, they have one drawback. Boldly taking on the implementation of another idea, they are practically unable to bring it to the end.

Aries Compatibility

Water and Fire signs are attracted to each other. This fact is clearly visible in the Aries horoscope. They get along well with Pisces and help them overcome shyness, charm Cancers, find a common language with Scorpios. However, the initial infatuation sometimes ends in bitter disappointment. Too little in common between these two elements. Therefore, in order to get along in a long and happy marriage, representatives of these zodiac signs will have to work on themselves and overcome a serious difference in temperaments.

Of all the representatives of the air element, Aries are most inclined to communicate with Gemini. The pressure from the former will be completely offset by the ingenuity of the latter. But with Libra and Aquarius, more complex relationships can develop. Aries will have to use all their tact in order to keep representatives of these zodiac signs near them.

Aries do not interact well with the earth element. At first, they may be fascinated by the restraint of Virgo, the consistency of Capricorn, the confidence of Taurus, but insoluble contradictions in the characters will quickly make themselves felt. The signs of Fire and Earth are opposite in nature.

Representatives of the fire element will worthy partners for Aries. However, fierce competition in this case can't be avoided. Lions and Sagittarius will never give up their positions and will not give way to their beloved. But this competition will give partners real pleasure.

Earth element signs

If the Fire signs welcome changes in their lives, then the Earth signs prefer stability in everything. They are characterized by patience, reliability, practicality, rigor and confidence. People of the elements of the Earth have a melancholic temperament and rare endurance. Often even in early age they set a goal for themselves and consistently achieve it all their lives. At the same time, they usually prefer the path of least resistance, but if necessary, they can mobilize all their forces and overcome a serious obstacle. The creation of material values ​​is the main occupation in the lives of people in whose horoscopes the elements of the Earth are expressed. They are very practical, but hard to adapt to new living conditions. That is why they do not like to change their place of residence and are very attached to their work and home. Consistency often brings Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus the desired success.

Earth Sign Compatibility

The signs of the Fire of the Zodiac are not always pleasant to people of the elements of the Earth. Of course, they need warmth. However, with intense interaction of these two elements, friction can occur. Hot earth, as you know, turns into a hot desert. That's why happy marriage between representatives of these two elements rarely develops.

But water signs get along well with earth signs. For example, Pisces and Scorpios can make an excellent match for Capricorns. Unless they have no prospects with Cancers. And the desire of the Virgins to patronize and control everyone will resonate in the hearts of Scorpios and Cancers. However, they will not be able to find a common language with Pisces. Taurus also gets along well with representatives of the elements of Water. He can do happy crayfish, get along with Pisces, but will fight all his life for the palm with Scorpio.

Air signs can irritate earth signs with their fickle and changeable dispositions, but some relaxation is also necessary for these consistent bores. That is why a long-term relationship may arise between representatives of these elements, but marriage is unlikely.

Earth signs interact best with each other. Taurus will always find an approach to Capricorn, Virgo or Taurus, because in addition to love and friendship, he will be able to offer them a long and successful cooperation.

Air Signs

Representatives of the air element are responsible for contacts and relationships. They are endowed with mobility, liveliness, changeability, flexibility, agility and curiosity. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius know how to impress the people around them with their intelligence and rare quick wits. They instantly grasp the information and pass it on to others in their own processed form. Then the signs of Fire, Water, Earth and Air, if they are in the same team, will unite together to solve this or that problem. Of course, one of the signs of Air will give a brilliant idea, leaving its implementation to representatives of other elements. However, he will not stand aside either - he will inspire his partners to carry out the event until the last minute.

Air signs are recognized diplomats. In addition, they can brilliantly prove themselves in science, art and journalism. Talented, bright, sparkling, they attract the attention of all representatives of the zodiac circle. But getting along with them is not easy.

Air signs compatibility

The signs of Air and Fire can create an excellent tandem, in which the first will effectively inspire the second to great achievements. Such an alliance may seem very successful from the outside. However, partners are able to quickly cool off towards each other. The reason may be the excessive assertiveness of the signs of Fire. Actively feeding on the air element, they are able to get carried away and go beyond all boundaries. And pressure, control and constant criticism are extremely undesirable for Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. They prefer freedom in everything, therefore, most likely, they will leave their "fiery" partner. The signs of Fire according to the horoscope, in turn, do not tolerate inconstancy. The very first attack of jealousy will make them think about the expediency of a relationship with their unreliable partner. The breakup can be very painful. What signs of Fire are able to come to terms with the variability of the air element? Only the most devoted and in love! They will be able to tame their soulmate to perseverance and constancy.

The signs of Fire and Air, the compatibility of which was discussed above, are, in fact, antagonistic to each other. And how are things with other representatives of the zodiac circle?

The stable and consistent Earth signs will be resented by the extravagance and superficiality of the Air signs. This tandem can be extremely unsuccessful. The air, of course, is able to spread the seeds that will subsequently fertilize the Earth, but it is also able to raise thick clouds of dust, in which each of the partners will be very uncomfortable. However, everything is not so bad. Incredibly, the signs of Earth and Air also have common features. They are united by a sober and logical mindset. The brilliant intellect of the representatives of the air element and the organizational talents of the earth element can be successfully combined into a fruitful union.

At first, the signs of Water and Air have a very reverent and tender relationship. However, people whose horoscopes are dominated by the water element need attention, stability and boundless devotion. The inconstancy of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius can hurt them greatly.

Best of all, Air signs get along with each other. They are very romantic, and physical intimacy is not the main thing for them. Therefore, the relationship between them will be slightly literary, built on fantasies and experiences. In addition, representatives of this element are not jealous. They can part for a long time, but with mutual trust, unite again, creating perfect union that everyone around will admire.

Signs of the element of Water

People whose horoscopes are dominated by Water are rich inner world. For all their external inconstancy, they are extremely stable in their addictions. They are characterized by dreaminess, softness, uncertainty and indecision. They are not able to express their feelings as vividly as other signs of the zodiac. However, their inner experiences are very deep and rich.

There are many successful musicians and artists among the representatives of the water element. They can also excel in areas related to service and catering. And Scorpios, for example, are able to become excellent detectives and investigators.

Water Element Compatibility

The signs of Water are drawn to the representatives of their native element on a subconscious level. They understand each other perfectly, respect the partner's personal space and safely avoid mutual insults. Most successful couples between representatives of the water element - Scorpio and Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer.

Good partners for people of the Water trine will be the signs of the Earth. Any couple consisting of representatives of these elements has a high chance of building a long and fruitful relationship. They can create strong family and live happily ever after. Rare exceptions are due, as a rule, to the personal individual qualities of partners.

Between the signs of Air and Water, everything is much more complicated. They are incredibly easy to converge with each other and are on the same wavelength for some time, but then their relationship also cools rapidly. Passionate and bright love may arise between them, but a beautiful romance is unlikely to end in a happy marriage.

The signs of Fire according to the horoscope, despite their different temperaments, are able to awaken deep passion in their "water" partners. The representatives of these elements have completely different approach to life. If Pisces, Cancers and Scorpios weigh their every step, then Lions, Sagittarius and Aries are carried away without looking back and just as quickly cool off. However, if the partners take a closer look at each other, they will understand that their relationship has prospects. The signs of Fire, whose compatibility is ambiguous, will certainly appreciate the originality of the judgments of the representatives of the water element, and they, in turn, will be imbued with the ardor and passion of Leo, Sagittarius or Aries. So, subject to mutual respect and tolerance, this union has a great chance of success.


The signs of Water, Fire, Earth and Air have different compatibility. Much depends not only on which element dominates in their horoscopes, but also on the personal qualities of each specific person. However, inexorable statistics suggests that representatives of different elements still have certain preferences. For example, most women trying to find their soul mate on the Internet are Air and Fire signs. Why are Leos, Sagittarius, Aries, Libra, Aquarius, Gemini looking for their happiness on dating sites? It's simple, because they easily converge with representatives of the same elements, who are also not averse to meeting on the Internet. However, some representatives of these signs are not at all inclined to long-term relationships (Gemini, Sagittarius), sometimes spoiled and capricious (Aries, Lions), and very picky (Libra, Aquarius). So it turns out that the second part of the male population (signs of Earth and Water) practically does not intersect with girls of other elements. Representatives of the fire and air elements consider them boring bores, incapable of great feelings. But in vain! They make the best spouses. Often the signs of Fire in the horoscope (as well as Air) do not guarantee a strong family happiness. Therefore, we encourage girls to pay more attention to representatives of the signs of Water and Earth. They can also be very interesting partners and interlocutors.

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