Home Potato Classics of the earth element: compatibility of a Taurus man and a Taurus woman. Taurus and Taurus - compatibility in a relationship

Classics of the earth element: compatibility of a Taurus man and a Taurus woman. Taurus and Taurus - compatibility in a relationship

A man and a woman born under the sign of Taurus understand each other very well - they have the same goals, life values, as well as the degree of activity. These people always communicate with pleasure, even if they are not too familiar. They are just pleasant to each other, but the fact that on the world they look the same, gives them a feeling of complete comfort.

If two calves are linked business relationship, then each of them did not dare to dream of a more reliable partner. These people do not risk unnecessarily, avoid dubious deals, act slowly but confidently. They carefully think over every step, so their business success is natural and does not belong to luck.

Personal relationships of Taurus from the very beginning are easy and pleasant. A man and a woman understand each other even without words, neither of them has a fear of disappointing the other with their actions. From the outside, their lifestyle may look too monotonous, but Taurus does not need frequent changes and change of impressions. Only an extraordinary event, such as deliberate deception or natural disaster, can destroy their union.

♉ + ♉: In a love relationship

PERFECT PAIR- A guy and a girl born under the sign of Taurus first communicate as friends, while gradually getting closer. The initiator of a love relationship is usually a young man, but for his chosen one, such a turn of events will not come as a surprise. Taurus do not like to act in disguise, so the girl noticed the guy's sympathy right away, but she did not hide hers either.

Lovers spend a lot of time together, avoiding noisy campaigns and crowded places. They love a calm romantic environment where no one will stop them from enjoying each other's company. In these relationships, there is no insane passion, jealousy, scandals and major quarrels. If misunderstandings arise between lovers, they help to solve them. frank conversations because calves do not like to darken.

The relationship of these people can begin in early adolescence, or even in childhood, and last for years without significant changes. Of course, each of them grows up, but preferences and habits remain the same. Most often such love affairs lead to the creation of a family, but already at a conscious age, after both acquire financial independence from parents. Of all the signs of the zodiac, Taurus is the most responsible, therefore he does not commit rash acts.

♉ + ♉: Married

PERFECT PAIR- Representatives of the Taurus sign are serious about creating a family, so they try to get to know each other as best as possible before the wedding. Young people can meet for several years before deciding to legalize their relationship. A Taurus man will never propose to his girlfriend if he is not sure he can provide future family... The marriage of this couple becomes a kind of quality mark that speaks of the stability of the financial situation of the spouses and their confidence in each other.

Very often, Taurus spouses join their efforts at work, as a result of which their bond becomes even stronger. The wife tries not to burden her husband with household duties, but he very often offers her his help himself. The spouses have no reasons for major quarrels, and they try not to pay attention to the little things.

V intimate life compatibility is excellent - both spouses have a low need for sex, they do not respect extreme and experimentation. A Taurus woman is not capable of treason, and if this happens, then only in an exceptional case, but even so, she will not make a secret of what is happening. The same can be said about her husband - he is not fond of women on the side, he does not know how to lie, so the wife can be absolutely calm.

Such marriages almost never break up, but there is an exception to any rule. A divorce of two calves can be provoked by external factors and unforeseen circumstances, but it cannot be said about these people that they did not agree in character.

♉ + ♉: In friendship

PERFECT PAIR- The Taurus guy and the girl of the same sign feel each other very subtly, in their relationship there is mutual respect, frankness and emotional closeness, but here it is a big question. These people can be friends only as relatives, because otherwise they are too attractive to each other. If, however, if there is no bright mutual love, Taurus will be able to be content with sympathy, and she is present. In fact, it is not so important whether these people are friends or meet - their compatibility is impeccable.

Video: Taurus ♉ Zodiac sign

Compatibility horoscope for the zodiac sign Taurus. Which Taurus union is considered ideal and successful? With what zodiac sign Taurus will find true happiness, harmony and love?

Are you a match for each other?

Taurus Taurus Compatibility

How in Great love and in fleeting hobbies, "bulls" can be very sentimental. Two "bulls" are guaranteed success in relationships, because both of them are looking for the same thing - reliability, comfort, music and good food. These two adorable creatures are simply in love with the process of preparing and absorbing food. In fact, they are in love with all the good things of life, everything that contributes to comfort - what a wonderful union they can create! Of course, he may be boring, but I doubt they will notice it. In the end, they just do not like change - no, they are not lazy at all, they only conserve their strength. People-"calves" are inherent large stock strength and energy, because they know that it is a sin to waste them, and cherish them wherever possible. They are not wasters - they are equally frugal about money. The only cloud on the horizon of their relationship can arise only in case of anger or stubbornness of both "bulls" for some controversial issue- after all, none of them admit they were wrong for fear of appearing weak. So, if you are a "Taurus" and have found a "Taurus" spouse, rejoice - happy, serene days full of pleasures have come for you!

Taurus Gemini Compatibility

"Taurus" - the person who is happy when he is left alone, alone, to watch the grass grow - it seems extremely difficult to keep up with the "twins" who want to continue the party all night long; and do not forget that there are two of them in one - cheerful, tireless, enthusiastic Gemini, whom you need to keep up with. For a "calf" this is almost impossible. "Gemini" love to talk and argue - and "Taurus" almost always prefers silence to words. "Gemini" are completely independent and soar in the air, with amazing dexterity and ease transferring from one cloud to the next. This is not at all easy for a "bull" who hates change and wants only tenderness - but here short hugs are possible, perhaps even a hot handshake ... but the "twins" are already far away, engulfed in some new thought that has just come to their mind. For this relationship to be successful, at least the "twins" are ready to hug, and the "Taurus" is ready to think.

Taurus Cancer Compatibility

This combination is a wonderful combination. "Cancer" and "Taurus", so dissimilar at first glance, usually converge in many ways. They both love to eat - as much as they love to cook. Both are lovers hearth, both like a lot of greenery (of course, not some kind of grass; we mean banknotes). So far so good, but problems come with mood swings. "Cancer" is mood-dependent, very sensitive and needs constant sympathy. You can't talk to a "cancer" when his mood fluctuates between laughter and tears, and the "calf" may find it difficult to express sympathy for him, especially if the "cancer" has fallen under the power of self-pity. It's not that the bull isn't kind, it's just that the Taurus thinks moaning is a waste of time. Both of these people are great accumulators, and not out of greed or stinginess: uncertainty about the future makes them save for a rainy day. In general, this harmonious union two souls, and if the "crab" and "bull" decide to go through life hand in hand, they may well find significant amount of money.

Taurus Leo Compatibility

Undoubtedly, the relationship of people born under these signs was not established in heaven. "Leo" is too playful and too proud for a "calf", a hunter to pause, think over and weigh everything. Both are in great need of emotional support and encouragement - and may never receive them completely: the "bull" is not able to constantly flatter the "lion", as it would like, and the "lion", of course, is too selfish and arrogant to show devotion and obedience "bull". The "lion" can simply get bored in alliance with the "bull" and, in all likelihood, he will need a faster pace of life. The "Taurus" may consider his position too difficult - after all, the "lion" requires attention to his person all the time. The big "cat" loves to play, embarking on risky ventures and adventures with a light heart. The big "bull" is not ready for this - he does not need any adventures! He likes to travel slowly and on a proven path. Maybe you should think about it?

Taurus Virgo Compatibility

Usually this combination is marked by very friendly relations. Both of you are not bragging about each other. "Virgo" is capable of performing delicate work, "Taurus" is able to take upon itself the creation of its general outline.

All of this can develop into very strong and rewarding relationships. The character of the "calf" is very reliable, solid and fully corresponds to the earthly aspirations of the "virgin" - pragmatic and down-to-earth, by no means "castles in the air." They both speak the same language. Representatives of these negative earth signs are very reliable, prudent, caring and noticeably afraid of the unknown. You can be a great couple - feel free to go for it!

Taurus Libra Love Compatibility

Both "Libra" and "Taurus" are ruled by Venus and both love beauty. But "Taurus" and "Libra" are peculiar different level thoughts, and when faced with difficulties, the life path of representatives this combination can get quite bumpy. A slow "Taurus" approach to life issues can depress and irritate the "scales". Usually "Taurus" is a rather unhurried traveler, inertia is a part of his nature; often he prefers to accept things as they are. On the contrary, the "scales" will never tire of weighing all the "pro" and "contra" - in every situation, no matter how small and insignificant it may seem. Victory in a verbal duel is extremely important for the "scales" - in fact, it seems to them the most important victory in life. A Taurus man may find the scale's decision-making manner quite tedious — after all, it is not easy for the scales themselves to come to a certain conclusion. Taurus is not always ready for constant discussions. This is not the best union in troubled times.

Taurus Scorpio Compatibility

These two really like each other and together they can make a single whole. "Scorpio" is what the "bull" would like to become, "bull" is what the "scorpion" secretly aspires to be. Of course, don't ask the "scorpion" to openly admit this fact. "Taurus" is able to offer the depth and tolerance that "scorpio" so much needs - "Scorpio" sincerely wishes to find these properties in a partner. When these two decide they are on their way, the outcome of their union can be truly fantastic, whether in business, marriage, partnership, or love. However, there is one "but": how slowly they learn to use strengths and each other's talents! Each of them has what the other needs. No doubt in materially this union is very strong, however, emotionally and spiritually, minor difficulties can arise. If they decide to work together to overcome them, they will certainly succeed - thanks to their extreme loyalty and devotion to each other.

Taurus Sagittarius Compatibility

These relationships can be great fun, but they lack the deep compatibility that can turn them into a lasting union. "Taurus" is too big a proprietor for "Sagittarius", "Sagittarius" is too sociable and frank for the "Taurus" to like it. Taurus is usually calm and happy wherever he is, while Sagittarius seeks to travel and see the world. "Sagittarius" is very, very optimistic, he has very little (or not at all) time and patience for pessimism and despondency, so characteristic of "Taurus". Representatives of these two zodiac signs are sincere and honest, but with one significant difference. "Sagittarius" will always say whatever they think without worrying about how pleasant it will sound to their interlocutors. "Taurus" are more sensitive and will not deafen people with their truth - they will prefer to keep quiet modestly.

Taurus Capricorn Compatibility

This combination is likely to be very successful - both "bull" and "goat" are practical and conservative. They look at many things the same way and can be happy together. Both of them would like to climb to the top. It is there that they feel safety and comfort, it is there that they are calm and serene. The "goat" undoubtedly has artistic and creative inclinations, and "bull" and "goat" both share a love of music. Sounds good, doesn't it? "Taurus" almost always has a wonderful sense of humor, and "Capricorn" strives to keep up with him, answering with his restrained and dry jokes. This is a great combination to make money.

Until now, everything is fine, but now not so good: difficulties may arise if tension appears in their relationship - after all, "Taurus" is a little slow, and "Capricorn" may be somewhat discouraged by an apparent lack of enthusiasm. However, with the natural compatibility of these signs and with a little bit of effort, they can be happy, climbing up one path.

Taurus Aquarius Compatibility

"Aquarius" rushes faster speed light, in a twinkling of an eye, covering the past, present and future, the "calf" is here and now; he is really interested in only one moment - this moment is called the present. However, "Aquarius" is able to plunge into the future for a long time, completely forgetting about returning to the present - a state of affairs that completely confuses the "Taurus". Both are tuned to too different frequencies. They can find not very many topics on which they are good to talk with each other ... and this despite the fact that the "jug bearer" is known as a selfless chatterbox, who never for a moment does not stop pouring on his interlocutors all the knowledge he has collected on the roads of the future and the past. Possessing good old common sense, the practical "bull" is not very sociable, so it will take them a lot of time before their conversation gets off the ground. It is absolutely clear that if they join hands with mutual efforts (however, only the efforts of Hercules can help), they can learn a lot from each other.

Taurus Pisces Compatibility

It's a pretty good combination.

Dreamy and idealistic “fish” could benefit greatly from a relationship with a calm and practical “calf”. Without a doubt, there will be no explosions and sparks will not fly: in a relationship with a "calf", "fish" are guaranteed safety. Pisces can be great friends with Taurus and - since both of these signs love to do the same things - they can make a wonderful couple. However, before "Pisces" and "Taurus" understand each other and become friends, "Taurus" may mistakenly consider "Pisces" a reckless and empty creature. The "fish" is also capable of considering the "bull" too mundane and rude - so persistently and stubbornly he strives for possession of money. This is a combination of signs in which both people can teach each other a lot and learn a lot on their own. If both of them are involved in discussions, the dispute will not lead them to a solution and neither of them - to victory; however, thanks to their sense of humor, this situation will never lead to collisions.

Taurus Aries Compatibility

A resolute "ram" in the same arena with a stubborn "calf". What will happen? The best moments of "rams" are associated with moments of rest, when they are not rushing somewhere, seized by another crazy idea that does not give them either sleep or rest. Also, the "bulls" have time devoted to fantasy, wisdom, a warm sense of humor - then they do not reflect, angrily and gloomily, over some trick of the "rams". However, let's not lose sight of the fundamental differences between "bulls" and "rams", the internal reasons that make them be the same similar friend on a friend like ice and fire. For an interest in life, "rams" need something magical - at least a glimpse of a miracle. "Taurus" is important for peace and quiet, they are completely independent and practical. Both of you are undoubtedly looking in different directions.

Taurus was born under the elements of the earth, and the beautiful Venus, the goddess of love, protects them. The Taurus element is associated with constancy and routine, but the earth signs themselves cannot be called boring - they always strive forward, and stubbornly achieve their goals. Two Taurus next to each other is not so bad, on the contrary, the stars will be happy to follow the development of events, and will help the earth signs in case of problems.

Taurus are reliable and unshakable, they personify strength and tranquility, until, of course, their volcanic insides appear - here Taurus will show the world their superiority. Taurus exist well next to each other, April Taurus will perfectly understand Taurus, who was born in May. Earth signs are peaceful and extremely patient, next to their own kind they are good and calm.
Taurus is difficult to unbalance, but if, in the union of two wards of Venus, one Taurus begins to swing the rights, the second earth sign will instantly put him in his place. Taurus will always support each other, but it's not bad if a water sign accidentally peeps into their union - after all, the earth needs recharge.

Taurus may be pessimists, but the stars hope that the patroness Venus will not let her two wards become sad and will make their cooperation interesting and promising.

Taurus woman and Taurus man

The Taurus guy is a wonderful guy, loyal and sensitive. The sign of the earth is laconic, but it is a pleasure to communicate with him. Taurus cannot stand haste, does everything slowly and thoroughly, sometimes he may seem pedantic and boring, but when they get to know him better, people understand that you can go on reconnaissance with this guy. If a Taurus falls in love, then no one and nothing will stop him - he will go to the end. The ward of Venus is an extraordinary romantic, he is in mature age will write his beloved confessions on the asphalt, and fill her bed with rose petals. Taurus is often sentimental, but with his naivety he is able to conquer many - after all, every lady will be pleased to look after a man who blushes at the word Sex and is embarrassed to kiss on the street.

Lady Taurus is a feminine and charming person. She loves beautiful things and tries to surround herself with comfort. Therefore, he chooses men for a long time and carefully, making special demands on them. The character of Venus's ward is very light, she can conquer both a simple plumber and a minister, but she will most likely choose the one who is richer as her husband. Any man will be happy if the Taurus lady pays attention to him - the girl of the earth can be a sorceress, a princess in bed, and a queen in the kitchen. But future husband Taurus ladies must try - material security is in the first place for Taurus women, after love, of course. The Venus ward loves to spend - so her husband should be at least a millionaire.

Dating a Taurus woman and a Taurus man

Taurus loves to have fun, and the most common hobby of earth signs is painting, or music. Taurus can get acquainted, for example, at an exhibition, or at a concert of a famous pianist. It is not excluded that the wards of Venus will meet at some fashionable get-together where stars and celebrities gather.

The Taurus man will certainly pay attention to the mysterious beauty, who with a languid look looks at a beautiful chandelier, or chirps cheerfully with some handsome man. The Taurus lady has great taste and she always looks stunning, so it will be difficult for the Taurus guy to break through the crowd of fans.

But the Taurus man is a smart guy and he will definitely come up with something. Moreover, he compares favorably with other men - his appearance always flawless, and the Taurus tie is worthy of being described in a separate chapter. Taurus has a sea of ​​ties for all occasions, and, moreover, all of them are not cheap - and this piece of clothing will be noticed by the ward of Venus right away.

Earth signs will certainly like each other - they are smart and intelligent, they can support any conversation, and, importantly, the pets of Venus know how to listen to the interlocutor. Taurus will not feel frenzied passion during the first communication, but the attraction will be strong, so the stars are already holding their fists so that the acquaintance of the pets of Venus turns out to be a continuation.

Dating a Taurus woman and a Taurus man

It's good to make a first date in the country, or just somewhere in nature, the main thing is beautiful landscape, and so that the weather does not disappoint. The Taurus guy can show imagination and invite a lady for a country walk. Of course, there is no need to insist, all of a sudden the girl of the earth turns out to be suspicious and thinks that Taurus is some kind of maniac.

Ward of Venus will appreciate and beautiful bouquet, and a cute inexpensive gift, of course, a Taurus guy can spend a fortune on a diamond ring, but the stars advise saving this surprise for the tenth date, and for now confine yourself to a touching soft toy or a heart-shaped pendant.

Lady Taurus on a date will look like she doesn't work at all and has just returned from a luxurious vacation, in principle, the girl of the earth is always at her best, but here she will surpass herself. The boy of the earth will have only one desire - to quickly rush with his lovely partner to the registry office, so that she does not flee anywhere.

But the stars advise the signs of the earth not to rush - the two Taurus could not meet by chance, because Cupid had been hatching his plan for several months, and all he had to do was choose a suitable tree so that it would be more convenient to shoot the pets of Venus.


The Taurus girl is a great partner for any man, and for the guy of the earth, she will be the perfect option. The love of two Taurus is like a flash, but it will last for a long time, and the outcome of the relationship will depend only on the wards of Venus. Both the guy and the girl Taurus are jealous, but in moderation, so they will not have to break dishes. Taurus will look a couple of times in their phones for traces of betrayal, and on this, perhaps, they will calm down, if, of course, they do not find anything suspicious.

Friends of Taurus will be happy for their friends - still, earth signs walk with blissful smiles, do not control anyone and do not give advice. But the relatives of Taurus will walk with dissatisfied faces - how is it that their favorite earth signs stopped ringing in the evenings, forgot about daily gifts for relatives, and generally do not let anyone outside the door.

Yes, just the pets of Venus are happy, and they do not care about the experiences of others, champagne and ice cream are delivered to them directly to the apartment, and the garbage can be thrown out from the balcony.

Cupid will be inspired by his success, because his arrows do not always hit where they need to, and, perhaps, the mischievous boy, for loyalty, will launch a couple more arrows at Taurus. Sex for Taurus will be fantastic, so the love signs of the earth simply will not have time for all sorts of clarifications.


Taurus are practical guys, so, most likely, after the first night spent together, they will decide to live in civil marriage... Indeed, why spend money on travel, calls and other trifles, if you can just carry things once?

The Taurus girl will expect constant worship from her lover, but this is difficult to achieve while living under one roof. After all, Taurus, who walks around the house in stretched tights, cannot evoke romantic feelings, so there are possible small disagreements among cute doves on domestic grounds.

Yes, and Taurus himself can be nervous because of the requests of his earthly friend - either the dress is too cheap, then there is not enough money for a hairdresser. In general, the stars advise the wards of Venus - not to forget about their love and not to pay attention to troubles. Joint travel will help Taurus cope with problems - quit business and go to the village or to a sanatorium. New impressions did not prevent any couple in love.

Taurus can leave for the country - nevertheless, closer to their element, and Fresh air will cool the beloved and help to see things soberly. Friends will not leave Taurus alone, but they will not be too intrusive - either one comrade will drive by and look at the light, then the second friend will accidentally end up in a neighboring dacha.

In general, it's time for Taurus to get ready for the wedding - the cafe has long been ordered, the toastmaster has learned jokes and toasts, and the singers have already broken their voices, learning the family anthem for you.


The Taurus wedding will be modest but unforgettable at the same time. Everything will be thought out to the smallest detail, even practical earth signs will order gifts themselves. The donated money will go to the improvement of the housing of the Taurus spouses, but in honeymoon it is better not to deny yourself - the parents will not forget to give some money to the wards of Venus, so there is nothing to worry about. The married life of two Taurus will be quite harmonious. The Taurus bride will only become a wife, throw off the mask of the snow princess, and become kind, sincere and affectionate. Yes, and the Taurus husband will meet expectations - it is difficult to even imagine a more loving spouse.

Parents from Taurus will turn out wonderful - children will grow up in love and adoration, signs of the earth will not deny their offspring in anything. Both mom and dad Taurus will bring up their children on personal example- kids will be honest, sincere and reliable. It will always be noisy in the Taurus house - the neighbors' tomboys will happily come running to the smell of pies, or to the sound of music, because Taurus mom is trying her hand at cooking again, and Taurus dad bought a drum and guitar for the children to choose from. Taurus will be happy with each other and, having played the silver and golden jubilees, the wards of Venus will not lose love and tenderness.


Taurus will notice each other in childhood - the boy and girl of the earth are unusually independent and decisive. The cheerful pets of Venus have many friends, because every child is interested in communicating with Taurus, who are smart beyond their years, and besides, they will never be arrogant. But Taurus will be more comfortable with each other - they go from school together, even if they study in different classes, the boy and the girl Taurus also try to run side by side to the store for bread.

No one will dare to offend the pets of Venus - the signs of the earth value their friendship very highly, and anyone who dares to break it will not be good at it. Relatives of Taurus friends will be delighted that their children are so similar - the parents will secretly hope that the friends will someday get married. But Taurus has already firmly decided not to part and not ruin their friendship with some kind of wedding, because they already feel good around.

As adults, Taurus will not lose affection, on the contrary, their union will become even stronger. The Taurus girl will even consult with her sensible earth friend about choosing a partner, and the Taurus boy himself will often send his girlfriend photos of new darlings so that his faithful earthly friend expresses an opinion. Taurus do not know how to quarrel - and what should they share, because earthly friends have become as one whole.


Both man and woman Taurus literally attract money to themselves, so by creating an alliance, they can enrich themselves in no time. The signs of the earth only need to remember: the division in their partnership is not needed, everything should be equal.

The Taurus woman is drawn to everything beautiful, the guy of the earth also loves comfort and coziness. The office of two Taurus will look like a palace, however, it can be a little tough with servants, because practical and economical signs of the land will feel sorry for money for such nonsense. Taurus businessmen will be in order in everything, from accounting to a desk - they can be visited every day from tax office, all the same they will not dig into anything.

Taurus are good in any area, today they can start farming, and tomorrow they can switch to the restaurant business - the main thing is that there is stability and interest, and everything else will follow.

Businessmen Taurus rarely have competitors - after all, few people dare to approach such a close-knit team, and it is not interesting to quarrel with the wards of Venus, because the signs of the earth have arguments and clear answers for everything.

The stars believe that enterprising and smart Taurus will definitely succeed and, perhaps, outperform a couple, three rich people.

At first, a relationship between two such unshakable, firmly grounded actors seems unlikely, since both are not prone to concessions and value personal comforts most of all. However, things are not so bad. Taurus, indeed, are motivated only by their own desires, but in in this case it is their partner who is such a desire, otherwise he would simply not be near them (trust me). Problems in the Taurus-man and Taurus-woman relationship will begin when, in the name of common interests, one of them needs to sacrifice personal preferences. Of course, such collisions happen in any relationship, it's just that Taurus makes concessions more difficult than others. And this is where the most interesting thing begins: when two representatives of the most fixed (stubborn) sign of the zodiac try to find a mutually acceptable way of coexistence, they, surprisingly, usually successfully solve this problem.

Taurus man and Taurus woman are practical and gentle; they crave wealth and a luxurious life. The need for material things - especially for goods best quality- develops in them the skills that they use to get what they want. These do not necessarily include business savvy, but Taurus is a masterly master of the art of seduction. It's hard to compete with them in this! With representatives of most other signs, Taurus-man and Taurus-woman manage to do business in such a way that they begin to perceive it as an honor to be of some use to them. In union with another Taurus, both partners develop their talents more than successfully. If any need arises, they should directly admit this to their companion, however, hoping for his help in satisfying own desires, they must be willing to offer him something in return.

Taurus men and Taurus women sexual compatibility

Sensual Venus tends to inflame passions, especially for people under her control - here the most exquisite pleasures and in any quantities are guaranteed. Unlike fire and air signs, notable for their fast and noisy love games, two Taurus are able to turn intimacy into an event that lasts the whole evening (or all day!). It can be preceded by a sumptuous dinner or just a strawberry, which they feed each other, but in any case, a feast of the body is expected. Candles, bath, massage - will become integral elements sacred rites. These two do nothing "quickly", on the contrary, both seek to prolong sensual pleasure; after that they will spend another hour hugging.

The worst thing is if one of them interrupts the love process because of their sudden anger or coldness. Taurus men and Taurus women have an exceptional memory, they remember offenses for a long time. If one of them decides to give free rein to his discontent, the other will certainly express his own claims to him ... and, thus, the circle will close.

Taurus man and Taurus woman business compatibility

A business relationship between the two Taurus does not seem like a good or productive combination. They are too similar to each other, and for them there is not the greatest threat to their business, like the moment when they disagree.

Taurus-Taurus compatibility: what you need to know about each other

If both of you come to the conclusion that there is an insurmountable barrier between you in the form of dissimilar ideals or development prospects, then your relationship is unlikely to be viable. An unhappy Taurus can be depressed for a long time (you know that), but an angry Taurus is easy to soften with acceptance and understanding. You both melt from a gentle touch or kind word, but only when you feel that they come from a pure heart.

If both of you cannot give up your selfish impulses in favor of what you have here and now, then most likely your relationship will come to a standstill. On the other hand, responsibility and understanding the significance of the moment can make them promising, and then you will find your happiness. The existence of this couple directly depends on the personal responsibility of each of its participants: Taurus-man and Taurus-woman themselves should do what they expect from their partners.

Taurus man and Taurus woman compatibility: chances for the future

It's great when partners are similar to each other, but excessive similarity can slow down the development of a relationship. Of course, when referring to the full natal chart it may turn out that there are still differences at the personal level of partners, but in any case, the motivation for both is to gain well-being. There is no doubt that this union can be successful, however, communication between partners is not always easy and joyful, as evidenced by the mediocre TOTAL COMPATIBILITY ASSESSMENT. Taurus, definitely, can change the current state of affairs, but making them want to put some effort into this is not an easy task.

Taurus man and Taurus woman compatibility: how to keep love

  • Make him a delicious meal.
  • Give him a neck massage.
  • Present him an expensive and rare thing.
  • Don't make him answer immediately (unless you want him to say no).
  • Don't lend him money, just supply it irrevocably.
  • Trust him when he says he can fix the problem.
  • Remember every day what you value about him, and then give him another compliment.
  • Let him go to bed whenever he wants to.
  • Wake him up only with the smell of hot coffee or tea (no screaming).
  • Don't use his stuff.

How compatible is a Taurus man in love relationship with other signs of the horoscope

Practically perfect compatibility Taurus and Taurus in love will help a couple create great relationship, the ending of which can be a happy marriage.

Characteristics of the sign

Taurus is one of the most patient, balanced and thoughtful signs of the zodiac. His calmness in some matters is simply amazing. However, one should not create illusions that the representatives of the sign can get on their nerves with impunity. Like any person, Taurus' patience is not infinite, but his “ Last straw"Is capable of causing such a violent reaction that the opponent will be horrified. It will not be easy to calm the raging representative of the sign, therefore, you need to think carefully before entering into a confrontation with him.

Taurus are quite purposeful and persistent natures, which, combined with a strong will, allows them to achieve a lot in work and business. In friendship, representatives of the sign are always ready to lend a shoulder to friends and expect the same from them. In love, people of the sign are as solid as in life. Their feelings arise slowly, mature for a long time and do not disappear in an instant. The planetary ruler Venus makes Taurus wonderful family men who think primarily of loved ones.

Chinese and zodiac horoscopes, superimposing on each other, somewhat change the classical characteristics of the representative of the sign, smoothing out some character traits and adding others. So, the year of the Rat brings sociability to his temper, and the Ox will add stamina, assertiveness, and sometimes add such a character to the character of the sign negative quality as excessive stubbornness. The combination of Taurus with the Tiger "gives birth" to people of action, and the union of Taurus and the Cat or Rabbit - shy and cautious individuals. Taurus-Dragon is a dreamer and romantic, and Taurus-Snake lives according to the principle: "Patience and work will grind everything."

Representatives of the sign, who appeared in the year of the "reign" of the Horse, know the measure in everything, which helps them not only in their personal life, but also in their work. Taurus-Goat can stand up for himself, and Taurus-Monkey is able to decide everything and agree with everyone. The tandem of the representative of the sign and the year of the Rooster "gives birth" to energetic and self-confident people. Taurus-Dogs are cheerful and love to learn, and Taurus-Pigs or Pigs are the most imperturbable of all representatives of the sign.

Taurus man - Taurus woman compatibility

Taurus man and Taurus woman have excellent compatibility in love relationships. The reason for this is the similarity of the characters, habits and aspirations of the representatives of the zodiac sign. The compatibility table between partners gives this couple a high enough percentage that will allow their union to be happy and durable. In the relationship between Taurus and Taurus, there is no place for stormy romances, loud quarrels and emotional expression of feelings. Their connection will be measured and down to earth.

From the very beginning of the relationship, partners perfectly understand with whom fate brought them together. None of them harbors any illusions about their other half, understanding and accepting all its advantages and disadvantages. This approach to relationships is good because it protects partners from shocks and disappointments. Taurus girl will conquer the guy with her balanced character, hidden sexuality and similar outlooks on life. The young lady will like a man for his truly masculine virtues: strength of character, dedication and reliability.

The relationship between lovers is developing rather slowly. Representatives of the sign are not inclined to make hasty decisions, therefore, before marriage or before cohabitation it will take a long time. However, if Taurus decided to take the next step, then they will not turn back. The negative side relations between representatives of the sign can become their mutual stubbornness, which can knock their heads together.

Sexual compatibility

Lovely sexual compatibility zodiac signs Taurus man and Taurus woman - a big plus to the relationship between partners. Quite often, the connection between the representatives of the sign begins with the bed. The first thing that attracts lovers to each other is their external appeal... Moreover, men like the type of their sisters according to the sign. Representatives of both sexes are quite sensual natures in terms of sex, so it will not be difficult for them to find mutual understanding in intimate life.

The guy in bed behaves with restraint and somewhat conservative, which is not suitable for every woman. The indisputable advantage of a man of a sign in sex is his tirelessness, passion and respectful attitude to his mistress. These advantages cannot fail to please the representative of the beautiful half of humanity, who is distinguished by her exactingness to her sexual partner. In bed, a Taurus woman likes everything to be "beautiful". Romantic entourage with burning candles and silk sheets, an attentive lover who whispers in her ear tender words love - all this excites a woman to the extreme.

Men of the sign have another feature in sex, which attracts the attention of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity to him: they are up to gray hair are in excellent sexual form... In bed, guys prefer to give the reins to their partners, which makes women of the sign very happy.

Girls are prone to frequent change of sexual partners, which they regard as just a search for new sensations. Young ladies go for experiments only with those lovers who they trust.

Marriage compatibility

The Taurus spouses are perfectly compatible in family relationships. Considering the fact that representatives of the sign usually approach marriage responsibly, weighing all the pros and cons for a long time, then they should not have any “surprises” in this regard. Together, the husband and wife feel quite comfortable, and rarely quarrel. To outsiders them family life it seems like a "stagnant swamp" in which nothing ever happens. But no matter how "boring" they seem family relationships spouses, together they feel good and calm.

Another nuance of marriage between Taurus is the correct distribution of responsibilities. Having a difficult and stubborn character, each of the spouses can "rest on the horn", considering his decision to be the most correct. Representatives of the sign are reluctant to compromise, so spheres of influence need to be distributed in the family. The husband has to answer and make decisions in his sector, and the wife in hers.

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