Home Flowers Aquarius in the year of the monkey characteristics. Discreet Monkey. Love and relationships

Aquarius in the year of the monkey characteristics. Discreet Monkey. Love and relationships

Characteristics and compatibility in love will help you initially build the right position in winning the heart of your beloved prince. In astrology you can find all the answers to your questions.

Characteristics of an Aquarius – Monkey man

Men of this sign have a certain charm. People are easily attracted to them. Childlike spontaneity in behavior makes meeting new people simple and easy. At the same time, they are very calm. There are few emotional natures among them. Some are even considered stale breadcrumbs.

But such indifference and dryness are only appearances. In fact, deep down, representatives of this zodiac sign experience different feelings. They are able to empathize with the grief of others, or rejoice in the happiness of other people. They are able to openly express their emotions only in the company of old and close friends. The same applies to relatives. Only you should have a good relationship with them.

Men born under the sign of Aquarius in the year of the Monkey are interested not only in different people, but also cultures, traditions, religions. Therefore, they often begin relationships with representatives of the fair sex of foreign origin.

As for interest in religion, it often goes beyond standard limits. Such men believe in fortune telling, omens and superstitions. Among them you can also find magicians.

Aquarius-Monkey men have many acquaintances. But for close communication, he chooses a very narrow circle of close friends. They are mostly altruists, always ready to help and at the same time modestly hide from the praise of their deeds. It is with such people that this sign maintains a close connection.

Aquarius is a zodiac sign that belongs to people of the future. The monkey stands out for its spontaneity in behavior. When these astrological parameters are combined, a rather interesting and versatile personality is obtained. Aquarius-Monkey men have excellent taste and good imagination. Among them there are many people of creative profession. Their star lights up quite early and shines for many years. All this thanks to a special vital energy, which was given to a man with the zodiac sign Aquarius and the year of birth of the Monkey.

If a man has not chosen a creative path, then he will definitely waste his energy and potential in entrepreneurial activity. Representatives of this sign rarely suffer from a lack of financial resources. At the same time, they manage to spend it. Especially often there are parties in their house, among the guests you can meet famous people.

Often full of energy Aquarius-Monkey men realize themselves in several areas at once. Everything has been easy for them since school. Handmade, performed by a master of this sign, is especially unique. Men born in this sign take great pleasure in working with their hands.

Compatibility in love between Aquarius and Monkey men

Aquarius - Monkey men do not see happiness in family worries and everyday affairs. These are creative people in spirit. They are oppressed by monotony and dullness. The strongest marriage with such a man will only be if the woman fully shares his views. She must arrange the family nest on her own. A man of this sign should not be involved in this. He won’t be able to help with anything concrete, but will only start to get nervous. So some representatives of this sign leave their family in search of new creative inspiration.

You should not hold such a man by force, or resort to tricks. Even children won’t stop him if he’s tired of all the bad stuff.

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(from 02/12/1956, from 01/30/1968, from 02/16/1980, from 02/04/1992)

He always has a bright personality. He is not characterized by fussiness and the desire to become the center of attention. The fact is that he always follows the path that he determines for himself. In addition, he has excellent intuition, which allows him to achieve good results in one field or another. He's always in in a great mood and surrounded by many friends.

Characteristics of an Aquarius man - Monkeys in LOVE

In love, he attracts everything new and unusual. He must constantly see changes in relationships so as not to get bored. In addition, he is always surrounded by fans and often does not try to choose one from the crowd. And the whole point is that he is looking for a new experience that can be found with different women. This is not inconstancy, but a desire to simply understand the essence of the relationship. However, this attitude towards love does not suit the woman.

He has an ambiguous understanding of love, for example, he often believes that love is not a feeling for two. He can also understand love as friendship. It should be noted that friendly feelings are often much more important to him. more important than love. That is why with him it is difficult to understand where love begins and where friendship ends. This approach often makes choosing one partner impossible.

Aquarius born in the year of the Monkey in BED

He loves everything unusual in bed. Often uses fantasy to get vivid satisfaction. It can also be used several unconventional methods to understand how much pleasure they can give. He is sensual, so he expects caresses and touches from his partner. It is necessary to constantly invent new things with him so that he feels happy and satisfied.

His intimate life is also quite difficult moment. The fact is that he understands this sphere as a necessary component and determinant of love. As a result, in order to find his other half, he often goes to great lengths. He can often change partners if he understands that the girl is not his ideal. In addition, his intellect is too developed to find a partner according to his level and needs.

Aquarius man horoscope - Monkeys in MARRIAGE

He loves children very much and always tries to make them brave and kind. He can study with them for a long time, forgetting about his wife. However, if she offers him joint entertainment, a hobby, they can find mutual language. Such a marriage will be somewhat unusual, but they will be interested in each other. This is how he sees his marriage. An unusual understanding of marriage can repel, but it can also attract.

He always tries to find variety in life, so it is difficult for him to concentrate on family concerns. In addition, he has difficulty performing household duties. But he can be completely tamed and attracted if the girl is interested in it. She should attract him, he himself should always try to find out more about her. In this case, marriage turns for him into something extraordinary, attractive and requiring his mental strength.

The most important! What kind of girl does he need?

Thus, he is quite an interesting personality who can captivate any woman. However, it is impossible to keep him near you. You need to change your attitude towards marriage and relationships somewhat in order to be truly happy. It should be noted that he can be quite disciplined, which, combined with his intelligence, will attract luck, money and love.

Entrepreneurship, curiosity, originality and ambition - distinctive features representatives of this type. They are charismatic, resourceful and quick-witted, which makes them endearing to others.

Personality Traits of Aquarius in the Year of the Monkey

Such people can find success in the field of science or art. Aquarius-Monkeys are able to clearly analyze prospects and choose the best ways to achieve goals. They absorb well new information and benefit from it. Men born during this period tend to be formal, but are also capable of coming up with innovative ideas and being creative. Aquarius-Monkeys can make a significant contribution to the development of a business and bring it to its logical conclusion. They are not used to stopping in the face of difficulties if they consider their mission important and necessary.

Character of the Monkey-Men of the Aquarius sign

Owners of this combination of signs are moderately emotional, good-natured, and hospitable. They love to fantasize, sometimes fall into oblivion, but quickly return to reality. Aquarius-Monkeys are selective in communicating with others, so they do not have many friends. They try not to trust people with secrets and behave prudently and cautiously. They strive for harmony, but periodically suffer due to perfectionism.

Personal life of Aquarius-Monkey Men

Such men pay attention to mysterious and charming women. Aquarius-Monkeys avoid banality and a standard approach to relationships. They want to fill their personal life with bright events and impressions. Aquarius-Monkeys are in no hurry to get married and assess the prospects of relationships very strictly. If something doesn’t suit them, they easily break up.

Who can never be predicted are those born under the auspices of these two signs. Aquarius-Monkeys are not only unpredictable, but also completely elusive in life. Craving for surprises and non-standard solutions becomes their unshakable credo.

Actually, it is precisely these explosive qualities, as well as a thirst for constant change and unexpected antics, that they attract others. As a rule, such people become ringleaders fun companies and leaders of entire communities. Monkey-Aquarius - their soul and charm “in one bottle”, because imagination and fantasies do not leave the Monkey-Aquarius for a moment!...

This is the explanation of why such sociable people are simply not capable of suffering from loneliness. They are sociable and easily acquire connections and friends. However, this does not mean that they just as easily let their real friends into a confined space. In this matter, Aquarius-Monkeys are very selective and conservative, because they make friends for life.

Another strong point of these sign representatives is creative passion. Aquarius Monkeys can have several talents at once. They do not like dull everyday life and strive for a sparkling pastime.

Aquarius Man - Monkey

Enterprising pragmatists - this is how we can generally call the strong half of this combination of signs. Such men can become successful in specialties involving mathematical calculations, where it is necessary to “use your brain to the fullest.” They are meant to be inventors or outstanding scientists. They are said to be a rare category of men who are able to predict situations hundreds of steps ahead. This is why it is ideal for them to run their own business.
But if business qualities are developed in such a Monkey-Aquarius perfectly and stably, then love sphere For them, it’s more of a passing fad. Such suitors quickly cool down and are practically incapable of feeling affection for any one woman. They quickly get tired of monotonous novels.

Aquarius Woman - Monkey

The ladies of such a contradictory union of signs are cunning temptresses and creative people. Thanks to their delicate taste and being endowed with many abilities by nature, they confidently achieve their career goals. Quick reaction and an undying desire to “learn forever” are the main qualities of such ladies.

But as soon as it gets close love relationships, Aquarius-Monkey women can run away... right from the aisle. The insane fear of losing personal freedom is to blame.

Aquarius-Monkey is an experimenter in life, for whom there are no taboo topics. He lives like he burns a candle at both ends. The poet John Donne has the fate of a repentant sinner. The rake and adventurer did not escape fatal passion. A secret marriage to his patron's niece put an end to his career. Then there was poverty, the death of children, ordination and the authority of a brilliant preacher. If Byron had not died, who knows what he would have become. To close the “theme of love”, let us mention the bright image of Leopold von Sacher-Masoch (“Venus in Fur”) - the inventor of masochism and writer, whose surname gave the name to masochism.

Composer, artist and writer Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann combined a cheerful disposition and a thirst for life, courage and passion. And in literature - subtle irony, mysticism, grotesque, thoughts about death and a view of the world that frightens ordinary people. His imagination knew no bounds, or rather, it reached it in the works “The Golden Pot”, “ Sandman", "Lord of the Fleas", "The Nutcracker", "Worldly Views of Murr the Cat" and "Little Tsakhes". Humor and satire, fantasy, and a light-hearted attitude to what is happening are characteristic of many representatives of the Aquarius-Monkey group, but they are always combined with a realistic attitude to reality, which, in their opinion, is filled with routine, philistinism, prejudices, lack of freedom and stupidity.

The religious reformer and mystic Ramakrishna advocated for a world religion (Monkey), but, like Aquarius, he believed that a person should not renounce the world, but must fulfill his duties in the world. Ramakrishna, as Romain Rolland writes about him, with the help of yogic practice could travel through other worlds, relieve pain, read thoughts, and perform other miracles. Surrealist writer Andre Breton believed that the individual gains freedom only in proactive acts, such as sleep and delirium. And this is also the freedom-loving mystic Aquarius-Monkey!

Aquarius-Monkey can decide what is beyond the boundaries of good and evil. The duality of the appearance and essence of the heroes of Rutger Hauer, who can be on the screen and “ fallen angel", and "the devil's spawn", "is contained in his mysterious appearance and inner turmoil, the struggle of multidirectional forces." In this context, we can mention director Alan Parker (“The Wall”), or rather, the hero of his bloody mystical-Satanic thriller “Angel Heart,” where a private detective, on the instructions of a certain Lou Cifer (Lucifer), tries to investigate a series of bloody crimes that, in moments of darkness, the mind itself does it.

Let's pay attention to the work of another director, winner of two Oscars, Milos Forman. His musical “Hair” tells about the rebellion of youth, the film “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” is about problems of personality, freedom and madness. The struggle for freedom of thought and action leads to the opposite result - lack of freedom. The absurdity of the Monkey manifests itself most clearly here. The heroes of the films “Ragtime” and “Amadeus” throw a challenge to social foundations, the result is the death of those who challenge.

Aquarius-Monkey also gravitates towards the comprehensiveness, depth and power of the problems being solved. The monumental canvases “Boyaryna Morozova”, “Morning of the Streltsy Execution”, “Suvorov’s Crossing of the Alps”, “Conquest of Siberia by Ermak” were written by the Itinerant artist Vasily Surikov, who through painting tried to show Russia in its most difficult times. turning points stories. And cartoonist Jean Effel took on none other than “The Creation of the World.” The greatest theoretical physicist of our time, child prodigy Lev Landau graduated from school at 13 and entered college at 14, then he studied abroad. Contemporaries noted his insatiable curiosity.

Landau didn’t even call his work work - “this is high pleasure, pleasure and great joy.” That's what he is, Aquarius-Monkey!

Other representatives of this astrological type: Giambattista Bodoni - typographer, creator of the classic font; Sigismund I - Holy Roman Emperor; Ivan Betskoy - founder of the Smolny Institute of Noble Maidens; Hugo de Vries - botanist and geneticist; Horace de Saussure - naturalist who coined the word "geology"; Grigory Grumm-Grzhimailo - researcher Central Asia; Edward Sapir - linguist; Gleb Krzhizhanovsky - revolutionary, head of the GOELRO plan and author of “Varshavyanka”; Morris Travers - scientist who discovered neon, argon and krypton; Auguste Piccard - physicist and creator of stratospheric balloons and bathyscaphes, Gleb Kotelnikov - inventor of the parachute.

Among the Aquarius-Monkeys are tennis player Marat Safin, gymnast Boris Shakhlin, cosmonaut Alexander Serebrov; film directors: pioneer " new wave", Oscar winner Francois Truffaut ("Fahrenheit 451") and Alexander Zarkhi ("Baltic Deputy", "Member of the Government", "Anna Karenina"); actors Rodion Nakhapetov (“Don’t Shoot the White Swans”, “Torpedo Bombers”), Nikolai Trofimov (“War and Peace”, “Tobacco Captain”, “Circus Princess”); writer Evgeny Zamyatin (dystopian “We”); songwriter Igor Shaferan (“The Daisies Hid”); musician John Lydon or Johnny Rotten (“Sex Pistols”, “PIL”).

Aquarius-Monkey woman horoscope

They are beautiful, mysterious, resourceful, not afraid to try themselves in a new business and start life over again, they do many things at once. They do not like to limit themselves to the established framework of the family, they often fall in love and know how to benefit from their hobbies.

Model (“Cosmopolitan”, “Vogue”), singer (16 albums), actress (“Nobody But You”, “Marielena”) Lucia Mendez has been in show business since she was 8 years old, but still graduated from university and received a teaching diploma in English. After university, her artistic career continued successfully - roles in theatrical productions and then recordings, and then TV series. Lucia was completely absorbed in her career and did not want to get married, but she met her beloved - a director. When their son was born, she retired from business, but after a break she triumphantly returned to the stage and to the world of music.

However, the independent and freedom-loving nature of the star led to her falling out with TV magnates, and they excommunicated her from broadcasting and cinema. Then came the divorce. But Mendes is not the kind of woman to give up. She went to America and started her own business - a cosmetics company, and then returned to her homeland to again become a movie and pop star.

Lana Turner - film actress, star and sex symbol of the 40-50s of the XX century, “pin-up girl” in the barracks American army. Her personal life, which contained a lot of scandal, was the subject of public discussion. And Lana artificially supported these scandals so that they would not forget about her. Even the death of her daughter brought her a new rise in popularity. Turner gradually began to lose her reputation as the most undressing actress in cinema, but her seven marriages provided food for gossip. Lana also acted for television, in particular in the soap opera Falcon Crest.

Lisa Marie Presley is the daughter of Elvis Presley and actress Priscilla Presley. Since childhood, she dabbled in drugs and alcohol, ran away from home, and started having boys at the age of 14. She received treatment, sang, spending time in noisy companies with musicians. She was married and gave birth to two children, then a divorce followed and a new short-term marriage with Michael Jackson. So she repeated her mother’s scenario by marrying a rock idol. Now Lisa is the wife of actor Nicolas Cage.

Poet Rimma Kazakova (“Nabelo”) is energetic, open, and sincere. Actress Olga Kabo (“Cyrano de Bergerac”, “The Musketeers 20 Years Later”) at the age of 30 entered the history department of Moscow State University, and this was after GITIS. Olivia d'Abo graduated from ballet school, starred on television at the age of 13, and at 15 she made her film debut as a princess. Her role is wide - from drama to comedy. Also here are actresses Vera Glagoleva (“Don’t Shoot the White Swans,” “Torpedo Bombers”), Svetlana Kharitonova (“The Cranes Are Flying,” “Visit to the Minotaur”), ex-wife Tom Cruise Mimi Rogers (“The One Who Watches Over Me”), model Christina Ricci.

See also the characteristics of the sign-year:

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