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Churchill about the Poles, the hyenas of Europe. Poland and the Munich agreement. The Munich agreement and the appetites of Poland

B Two carnations for Comrade Stalin. Preparation.

For those interested.

Two carnations for Comrade Stalin. Preparation.

The already traditional event “Two Carnations for Comrade Stalin”, which has been taking place on the days of the Leader’s memory since 2010, will be held again on December 21, 2016!
Come yourself, invite your friends and like-minded people!

On December 21, 2016, we, ordinary citizens of Russia, will organize the laying of flowers at the grave of I.V. Stalin. We believe that it is necessary not only to pay tribute to the memory of the Leader, but also to remind everyone of his great role in the history of our Motherland.
The purpose of the action is to organize the laying of flowers, as well as to ensure the voluntary collection of funds from citizens for the purchase of flowers for the 138th anniversary of the birthday of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, the purchase of flowers and the laying of these flowers in Moscow on Red Square at the grave of Comrade Stalin on December 21, 2016.

Integrity and respect for history is important for any country and people who do not want to perish and dissolve in time. The history of our country spans many centuries; throughout there have been not only great victories and grandiose achievements, but also failures and setbacks. However, the fabric of history is inextricable, all these years and decades are watered with the sweat and blood of our ancestors, overshadowed by tireless work to build and strengthen the state.
Neither of historical periods cannot be erased from the national memory and discarded as harmful and unnecessary. Moreover, if we're talking about about the period of unprecedented rise and power of Russia - the period when for the first time in its history it for a long time became one of the two leading powers in the world - during the period of the Stalinist USSR, inextricably linked with the figure of J.V. Stalin himself.

The action was initiated by ordinary citizens of Russia of various political views without any support political party or movement. It is designed to ensure the collection of funds from citizens, the purchase of flowers and their laying on Red Square in Moscow at the grave of Comrade Stalin. memorable dates(December 21 and March 5) on behalf of all participants. The promotion also gives the opportunity to take part in the award for citizens living far from the Moscow region or for other reasons who are unable to do this in person.

The “Two Carnations for Comrade Stalin” campaign is being held for the thirteenth time since its inception in December 2010. During all stages of the action, a total of more than 47,000 scarlet carnations, purchased with funds from the participants of the action, were collected and presented. Photo reports about all stages of the action can be found on the information page of the action.

Brief chronicle of the event:

12/21/2010 Start of the Promotion. First assignment. 4,500 scarlet carnations were laid.
03/05/2011 The action took place for the second time. 3600 scarlet carnations were assigned.
12/21/2011 The action took place for the third time. 5050 scarlet carnations were assigned.
03/05/2012 Fourth stage. 620 scarlet carnations were assigned.
12/21/2012 Fifth stage. 5660 scarlet carnations were assigned.
03/05/2013 Sixth stage. 4000 scarlet carnations were assigned.
12/21/2013 Seventh stage. 5660 scarlet carnations were assigned.
03/05/2014 Eighth stage. 2000 scarlet carnations were entrusted.
12/21/2014 Ninth stage. 3500 scarlet carnations were assigned.
03/05/2015 Tenth stage. More than 1000 scarlet carnations were laid.
12/21/2015 Eleventh stage. 3000 scarlet carnations were entrusted.
03/05/2016 Twelfth stage. 4000 scarlet carnations were assigned.
12/21/2016 Thirteenth stage. As always, everything is in our hands!

Anyone can make a voluntary donation or personally take part in laying flowers. Details can be found on the Stalinizer website

Hyena of Eastern Europe

Now is the time to remember what Poland was like at that time, for the sake of saving which from Hitler we had to join forces with England and France.

As soon as it was born, the revived Polish state unleashed armed conflicts with all neighbors, trying to push their boundaries as much as possible. Czechoslovakia was no exception, a territorial dispute with which flared up over the former Principality of Cieszyn. That time nothing worked out for the Poles. On July 28, 1920, during the Red Army's attack on Warsaw, an agreement was signed in Paris according to which Poland ceded the Cieszyn region to Czechoslovakia in exchange for the latter's neutrality in the Polish-Soviet war.

Nevertheless, the Poles, in the words of the famous satirist Mikhail Zoshchenko, “harboured rudeness” and, when the Germans demanded the Sudetenland from Prague, they decided that the time had come suitable occasion get your way. On January 14, 1938, Hitler received Polish Foreign Minister Jozef Beck. “The Czech state in its current form cannot be preserved, because it represents, as a result of the disastrous policy of the Czechs, Central Europe an unsafe place - a communist hotbed", - said the leader of the Third Reich. Of course, as stated in the official Polish report on the meeting, "Mr. Beck warmly supported the Fuhrer". This audience marked the beginning of Polish-German consultations regarding Czechoslovakia.

At the height of the Sudeten crisis, on September 21, 1938, Poland presented Czechoslovakia with an ultimatum to “return” the Cieszyn region to it. On September 27, a repeated demand followed. Anti-Czech hysteria was whipped up in the country. On behalf of the so-called “Union of Silesian Insurgents” in Warsaw, recruitment into the “Cieszyn Volunteer Corps” was launched completely openly. The formed detachments of “volunteers” were sent to the Czechoslovak border, where they staged armed provocations and sabotage.

So, on the night of September 25, in the town of Konské near Třinec, the Poles threw hand grenades and fired at houses in which Czechoslovak border guards were located, as a result of which two buildings burned down. After a two-hour battle, the attackers retreated into Polish territory. Similar clashes occurred that night in a number of other places in the Teshin region. Next night the Poles raided railway station Freeshtat, fired at her and threw grenades at her.

On September 27, throughout the night, rifle and machine gun fire, grenade explosions, etc. were heard in almost all areas of the Teshin region. The bloodiest clashes, as reported by the Polish Telegraph Agency, were observed in the vicinity of Bohumin, Cieszyn and Jablunkov, in the towns of Bystrice, Konska and Skrzechen. Armed groups of “rebels” repeatedly attacked Czechoslovakian weapons depots, and Polish planes violated the Czechoslovakian border every day.

The Poles closely coordinated their actions with the Germans. Polish diplomats in London and Paris insisted on an equal approach to solving the Sudeten and Cieszyn problems, while the Polish and German military agreed on the line of demarcation of troops in the event of an invasion of Czechoslovakia. At the same time, one could observe touching scenes of “combat brotherhood” between German fascists and Polish nationalists. Thus, according to a report from Prague on September 29, a gang of 20 people armed with automatic weapons attacked the Czechoslovak border post near Grgava. The attack was repulsed, the attackers fled to Poland, and one of them, being wounded, was captured. During interrogation, the captured bandit said that in their detachment there were many Germans living in Poland.

As you know, the Soviet Union expressed its readiness to come to the aid of Czechoslovakia, both against Germany and against Poland. In response to September 8-11 Polish-Soviet border The largest military maneuvers in the history of the revived Polish state were organized, in which 5 infantry and 1 cavalry divisions, 1 motorized brigade, as well as aviation took part. As one would expect, the “reds” advancing from the east were completely defeated by the “blues”. The maneuvers ended with a grandiose 7-hour parade in Lutsk, which was personally received by the “supreme leader” Marshal Rydz-Smigly.

In turn, on September 23, the Soviet side announced that if Polish troops entered Czechoslovakia, the USSR would denounce the non-aggression pact it concluded with Poland in 1932.

As mentioned above, on the night of September 29-30, 1938, the infamous Munich Agreement was concluded. In an effort to “pacify” Hitler at any cost, England and France cynically surrendered their ally Czechoslovakia to him. On the same day, September 30, Warsaw presented Prague with a new ultimatum, demanding immediate satisfaction of its claims. As a result, on October 1, Czechoslovakia ceded to Poland an area where 80 thousand Poles and 120 thousand Czechs lived. However, the main acquisition was the industrial potential of the captured territory. At the end of 1938, the enterprises located there produced almost 41% of the pig iron produced in Poland and almost 47% of the steel.

As Churchill wrote about this in his memoirs, Poland “with the greed of a hyena she took part in the robbery and destruction of the Czechoslovak state”. An equally flattering zoological comparison is given in his book by the previously quoted American researcher Baldwin: “Poland and Hungary, like vultures, tore off pieces of a dying divided state.”.

Today in Poland they are trying to forget this page of their history. Thus, the authors of the book “The History of Poland from Ancient Times to the Present Day,” published in Warsaw in 1995, Alicja Dybkowska, Malgorzata Zaryn and Jan Zharyn managed not to mention at all their country’s participation in the partition of Czechoslovakia:

“The interests of Poland were indirectly jeopardized by the policy of concessions by Western states to Hitler. So, in 1935, he introduced universal conscription in Germany, thereby violating the Versailles agreements; in 1936, Hitler's troops occupied the Rhineland demilitarized zone, and in 1938 his army entered Austria. The next target of German expansion was Czechoslovakia.

Despite the protests of its government, in September 1938 in Munich, France, Great Britain and Italy signed a treaty with Germany giving the Third Reich the right to occupy the Czech Sudetenland, inhabited by a German minority. In the face of what was happening, it became clear to Polish diplomats that now it was the turn to violate the Versailles regulations on the Polish issue.”

Of course, is it possible to be indignant at the participation of the USSR in the “fourth partition of Poland” if it becomes known that they themselves are in the dust? And Molotov’s phrase about Poland as an ugly child of the Treaty of Versailles, so shocking to the progressive public, turns out to be just a copy of Pilsudski’s earlier statement about "the artificially and monstrously created Czechoslovak Republic".

Well, then, in 1938, no one was going to be ashamed. On the contrary, the capture of the Teshin region was considered a national triumph. Józef Beck was awarded the Order of the White Eagle, although for such a “feat”, say, the Order of the Spotted Hyena would have been more suitable. In addition, the grateful Polish intelligentsia presented him with the titles of honorary doctor of Warsaw and Lviv University. Polish propaganda was choking with delight. Thus, on October 9, 1938, Gazeta Polska wrote: “...the road open to us to a sovereign, leading role in our part of Europe requires in the near future enormous efforts and the resolution of incredibly difficult tasks”.

The triumph was somewhat overshadowed only by the fact that Poland was not invited to join the four great powers that signed the Munich Agreement, although it very much counted on it.

This was the Poland of that time, which we, in the opinion of home-grown liberals, were obliged to save at any cost.

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Polish President Andrzej Duda said that the Red Army was the main ally of Nazi Germany in 1939. He accused Russia of trying to hush up the facts of cooperation with the Nazis and the joint division of Poland. Dmitry Lekukh - about what the Polish president forgot to mention.

When historians say that Winston Churchill, who came up with the murderous phrase “Poland is the hyena of Europe,” simply did not like the Poles and Poland, they are still not telling the entire truth. Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill, there is such a suspicion, did not love anyone or anything at all except his country, his power and his duty. It’s just that he not only didn’t like Poles, but also completely sincerely didn’t respect them. He, for example, also did not like Russians very much, historically. But I respected it. There was a reason.

Actually, this famous remark of the British prime minister has a very real historical background. Poland, which easily forgot all its allied obligations - not to the USSR, by the way, we were not allies in those days, fortunately, but to England and France - sawed up Czechoslovakia with Hitler with great pleasure. The Fuhrer of the German people, by the way, in general in those pre-war years was a real idol of almost the entire Polish elite. For example, a portrait of Adolf Hitler decorated the office of Polish Foreign Minister Jozef Beck even on the day of the German invasion of Poland - it’s just historical fact. And this minister is also famous for the fact that it was he, in the then Polish triumvirate “after Pilsudski”, who was responsible for foreign policy, was back in the notorious “times of Pilsudski” the creator of an agreement almost similar to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, only providing for a deeper “integration” of Poland with Nazi Germany. And signed “a little earlier” - in 1934.

Moreover, this document also had its own secret protocols - in general, normal practice for those difficult years. Only now they were realized, among other things, by the fact that on September 30, 1938, Poland hastened to send another ultimatum to Prague and, simultaneously with German troops, brought its army into the Cieszyn region, thereby participating in the division of neighboring Czechoslovakia. And even such a hardened cynic as Sir Winston Churchill could not help but be outraged by this.

There were only eleven months left until the beginning of September 1939, when Hitler did the same with Poland itself. But then, at the “peak of German-Polish friendship and triumphant joint victories,” no one really knew about this.

And it is precisely these heirs of those Polish authorities who abandoned their people to German occupation and begging for handouts in the form of a government in exile in the capitals of England and France, will be for us, who laid down more than six hundred thousand of our lives for the salvation of the Polish people, Soviet soldiers, explain who and whose ally was during the Second World War?! Well, yes.

Polish President Andrzej Duda officially stated that it was the Red Army that was the main ally of Nazi Germany in 1939. Moreover, he accused Russia of trying to hush up the facts of cooperation with the Nazis and the joint division of Poland. And in general, according to Duda, for whom, as I understand it, there is no Nuremberg Tribunal, for his country the Second World War ended only in 1989, when the communist government collapsed. And Poland did not fight with Nazi Germany. Because there was no longer any Nazi Germany. And Poland, it turns out, fought with the USSR, which defeated Hitler.

The presidents of Germany and Poland at events marking the 80th anniversary of the start of World War II. Photo: globallookpress

Strictly speaking, after this only one question remains: did the ceremonial portrait of Adolf Hitler migrate, along with the other “legacy of Józef Beck,” to the offices of the current Polish government? What I and, I think, the great British politician Winston Churchill, who spoke so intolerantly about the Polish government, would not have been at all surprised by.

Poland has traditionally had no luck with the “elites”. The reason here is extremely simple: not distinguished since the times, perhaps, described in the novel by the great Polish writer Henryk Sienkiewicz “Crusaders” with special patriotism, which was replaced by “gentry arrogance”, in modern times these “elites” were generally simply stupidly Germanized or Russified, becoming part of other (Russian or German) elites. At the first opportunity, I selflessly betrayed them. I will not analyze here the reasons for the numerous “partitions of Poland” (for which, in my opinion, the Polish elites are much more guilty than Russia, Germany, and even Austria-Hungary). I’ll just note in fact that it’s already closer to end of the 19th century centuries, these Polish elites turned out to be so incorporated into the ruling classes of the empires that “divided Poland” that it was simply impossible to even talk about any “elite Polish consciousness”.

Let me remind you that Pilsudski and Dzerzhinski (who later became enemies) studied, you will be surprised, in the same Vilna gymnasium. And the fact that they both went “into the revolution” simply characterizes the contingent of new revolutionaries, both “class” and “national”.

Jozef Pilsudski, Joseph Goebbels and Jozef Beck (right) - meeting in Warsaw in June 1934

In fact, the dictatorship of Pilsudski itself, no matter how you feel about him (I, for example, don’t really), was the only possible attempt to create a new nation in Poland and new elite. And if with the first question everything more or less worked out, then with the second it turned out to be some kind of completely outright garbage. Especially after the death of Pilsudski himself, when the pro-German, or rather pro-Hitler party in official nationalist Poland became especially strong. Although they say that before his death, Pilsudski, who personally signed a non-aggression act with Hitler, cursed this action of his, as well as the alliance with Germany, hoarsely, but it was too late, the “heirs” came to power. Like the already mentioned nationalist and “Polish patriot” Jozef Beck. By the way, in 1991, his remains were transported to the “new” Poland and buried at the military memorial cemetery Voinskoe Powązki, where famous Poles are buried.

I wonder if the “ceremonial portrait” along with the body of the deceased in 1944 was on the territory of Romania, allied with the Fuhrer, where Beck fled from Poland, defeated by his idol. By at least Beck’s archive carefully preserved the joint, blissful photographs with the Fuhrer for us. This is precisely where “traditions” are observed in the “new Poland” in full and strictly.

Meeting between Hitler and Beck, 1938

As for the events themselves surrounding the commemorative events for the 80th anniversary of the start of the war, what is especially important here is not even the fact that we, the Russians, were not invited. As a result, neither Macron, nor Boris Johnson, nor even Donald Trump, who was frightened by the hurricane, came. Poland was simply pointed out to its modest place in the “concert of Western powers.” What, however, the Polish “elites” did not understand. Or they carefully did not want to understand. However, it doesn't matter.

And what is important now is that in Polish politics, it seems, it is not some, at least relatively healthy, pragmatism and not even completely Polish cunning that is beginning to play the first fiddle. And the banal and meaningless famous “gentry ambition”, because these movements, unpleasant not only for the Russians, but also for their allies in the Second World War, who also have their own understanding of history, cannot be explained by any other reason. Nowhere and no extra points in Poland in this case It doesn’t gain, but it can cause problems. In a word, in this vulgar and offensive anti-Russian rhetoric there is no desire to extract pragmatic benefits - political or economic. Here ambition manifests itself, so to speak, from pure love to art.

Simultaneous (this is also a characteristic pinnacle of Polish ambition, which continues to this day) “attacks” on the authorities of Russia and Germany - all this not only happened in Polish history, but also always ended approximately the same. You can guess how.

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"We are victims of the Second World War. We are victims for whom damage has not yet been compensated"

“... Thirteen years ago, a collection of documents from Russian and Polish archives, “Red Army Soldiers in Polish Captivity in 1919 - 1922,” was published. Flogging with barbed wire, forced running until exhaustion with beatings with rifle butts, deprivation of shoes and clothing, lack of bunks for sleeping , and other fanaticism of the noble Poles led to the death of at least 30 thousand prisoners of war. Moreover, the survivors themselves pointed out that the deliberate genocide was carried out specifically against Russians and Jews. Himmler had someone to learn from in the art of a concentration camp executioner!

Needless to say, what awaited the German population of Poland at the beginning of the war? Costs.

“Two of them had their eyes gouged out with bayonets. The orbits were empty and looked like a bloody mass. Three of them had their skulls crushed and their brains leaking out.” This testimony of Pavel Sikorski - an elderly witness to a hellish nightmare - is only a small episode of the terrible massacre that the Wehrmacht soldiers saw when they entered Bromberg, Schulitz and other cities in the Poznan region. The streets were littered with corpses of men, women, small children and old people mutilated beyond recognition.

According to some estimates, 58 thousand people were brutally killed (and even if less? Five thousand? Ten? But there were more - there were 15 thousand identified corpses alone- M1). Not soldiers of the enemy army, but peaceful workers, neighbors of the Poles, their fellow citizens, finally. Who created this? Poor "victims of war"? Or the vultures who previously showed up at the Munich feast of the German lion (1938 - M1) to stealthily snatch a bloody piece of Cieszyn Silesia from the body of Czechoslovakia?

Indeed, Churchill was right when he dubbed Poland the “Hyena of Eastern Europe.”

But enough about atrocities and annexations. Let's talk about what, in addition to monetary and material reparations, Warsaw “legally” received as a result of the Second World War. The eastern regions of Germany were annexed to Poland, such as: part of West Prussia, part of Silesia, Eastern Pomerania and East Brandenburg, the important port city of Danzig, as well as the Szczecin district. That is, about 25% of the territory of Germany within the 1937 borders went to Poland.

The Poles received populated, economically developed territories from which the “victims of genocide” drove more than two million ethnic Germans. Their good homes, well-kept farms and thriving businesses went to the Poles.

And now the Poles, wiping away crocodile tears, want to rip money off the grandchildren of those whom they drove from these lands! But they don’t want to receive a counterclaim for the return of territories that belonged to the Germans for more than 800 years? After all, this exciting but dangerous game can be played by two people. And it’s time for official Warsaw to understand this. The Polish “victim syndrome” needs to end.”

Facts about Polish concentration camps for captured Red Army soldiers:

In the Strzalkowo camp: “It started with the administration of 50 blows with a barbed wire rod... More than ten prisoners died from blood poisoning.”

“Every day, those arrested are thrown out into the street and, instead of walking, they are forced to run, ordered to fall into the mud... If the prisoner refuses to fall or, having fallen, cannot rise, exhausted, he is beaten with blows from rifle butts.”.

In the Wadowice camp: “Long rods were always at the ready... I was spotted with two soldiers caught in a neighboring village... Suspicious people were often transferred to a special punishment barracks, and almost no one came out from there.”

In the camps of Brest-Litovsk:“The barracks themselves are overcrowded, and among the “healthy” there are a lot of sick people. ...Among those 1,400 prisoners there are simply no healthy ones. Covered with rags, they huddle together, warming each other.”

In the Dombe camp:“The majority are without shoes - completely barefoot... There are almost no beds and bunks... There is no straw or hay at all. They sleep on the ground or boards. There are very few blankets.”

The Nuremberg Tribunal in 1946 qualified such actions as “War crimes. Killings and ill-treatment of prisoners of war.” The clearly expressed national orientation of such a criminal policy forces us to raise the question of whether there are signs of genocide in the actions of the Polish authorities.

P.S. M1. Our century has brought about a Poland that grovels in meanness, as Sir Winston Churchill wrote: "It must be considered a mystery and a tragedy European history the fact that this people, capable of any heroism, whose individual representatives are talented, valiant and charming, constantly demonstrates such shortcomings in almost every aspect of their public life.

Glory in periods of rebellion and grief, infamy and shame in periods of triumph. The bravest of the brave have too often been led by the foulest of the foul!”

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