Home Useful Tips Slavic gods. Community of Aryan, Vedic and Slavic gods

Slavic gods. Community of Aryan, Vedic and Slavic gods

What God was praised in Russia? With all the confusion of the ancient gods that exists today, in general, it is not difficult to guess what the main God of the Russian people was. The very word Russia (ancient Ra-sia or Ra-syunya) indicates the god Ra. Other words confirm this as well.

Time (y + ra + i)

Culture (cult + Ra)

Tomorrow (covenant + Ra)

Faith (in charge + Ra)

Dawn (light + Ra)

Early (start + Ra)

Rainbow (Ra + arc)

Joy (Ra + give)

Town Hall - the building of the city government (Ra + soul)

Rat (gods of Ra) - today this word means an army, but since the Old Russian word "ratat" meant to plow, it can be argued that the word "army" meant a plowman, who was later called a peasant. Peasants in Rasii called people who achieved a very high level perfection.

In addition, if we recall that the main river in Russia, the Volga, was previously called Ra, then this finally convinces us of the correctness of this conclusion.

There is also direct evidence that the god Ra was worshiped on the territory of Russia - decoding the Russians birch bark letters made by lines and cuts, Grinevich G.S. repeatedly came across the phrase "we are the sons of Ra".

Lord Ra headed the European Pantheon of gods, and in the recent past he was worshiped by all of Europe, then not yet divided into numerous states and countries.

The principle behind the creation of the Pantheon of Gods

Now everything has been done to destroy the connection between man and the gods, and now most people adhere to atheistic views, likening in this respect to animals that do not even suspect the existence of gods. Gods, like life, are capable of self-arising, although in nature, if we approach from a scientific point of view, there are no gods described by modern religions as such. However, there are egregors (the spoiled word - aggregates) - psycho fields or astral-mental formations, which are conglomerates of similar human thoughts. It is the formed psycho-field that becomes the force that people perceive as God. Mass emissions of mental energy give the unit structure and function (which was purposefully done by our ancestors), and the unit turned into an active being with divine capabilities, capable of managing events in society and determining the evolution of life on Earth. Astral structures are not like mechanisms physical world as they consist of words and thoughts emotions. However, they can be controlled by priests through verbal control and assignment of functions to them.

Archaeological site in Kiev region near the village of Shumskoye showed that before the Vladimir reform of faith, the Russian Pantheon included 12 main gods. The number 12 coincides with the number of months in a year. In astrology, each month is subordinated to one of the elements: fire, earth, air or water. There were three fiery months: March, July and November, three earthly: August, December and April, three air months: September, January and May, and three water months: June, February and October. Accordingly, there are three fours of gods, differing in their functions. In nature, respectively, researchers have discovered four types of animal tissues and 4 types of plant tissues, there are 4 types of temperament, 4 blood groups are distinguished in serology, 4 types of nucleotides have been found in genetics, from which chromosomal DNA is built, 4 types of instinct have been identified in physiology (self-preservation, sexual , territorial and food) - in different areas of knowledge, researchers independently identified 4 main primary elements, which confirmed the fundamental nature of the law of the four elements.

Gods of elements

The gods of the elements - the fire of the earth, air and water - were not generated by man, but by Nature itself. These are also aggregates, but not of human thoughts, but conglomerates of emotional emissions from animals, people and plants. The elemental gods, due to the predominance of animal emanations, were unbridled, so the priests tried to saturate them with human emanations so that they could be controlled. From the information that has come down to us, the elements of fire, earth, air and water were ruled by the gods, respectively: Yarilo, Makosh, Stribog and Kupala. Yarilo - fire - masculine, Makosh - earth - feminine, Stribog - air - masculine again, Kupala - water - feminine (the words KUPATS and KUPEL come from her name).

Gods of the ages

The number "four" underlies the structure of the whole world and the ancients used it in the structure of their lives. According to the Vedas, a person must consistently go through all four age periods:

Until the age of 24, he was a learning student (whence the word "shame", which indicates the absence of sexual relations at this age), he comprehended all the wisdom of life: the basics of agricultural art, crafts, knowledge of rituals and holidays, housekeeping, communication skills in family life and in raising children, studied music, dance, secrets medicinal herbs, the laws of nature, magic and military art.

From 24 to 48 years old, a person could become a spouse and start a family and an economy. A girl at this age and a young man. Turned into a man (muzchina - from the word muse), they took possession of creative energies. During this period, the Rod was prolonged, children were raised and brought up, the acquired knowledge was realized in practice.

From 48 to 72 years old, a person could devote himself to serving society, become an artisan or a warrior. The man was no longer the main breadwinner of the family and his death in a military campaign did not affect the social reproduction of people.

After 72 years, a person automatically became a sage elder, and this period lasted up to 96 years. In Russia, persons who reached this age often became wanderers who walked around Russia and shared their life experience... Wandering as a mass phenomenon existed in Russia until 1917 and was destroyed by the laws of the new government.

Each period of human life has its own god. These were most likely: Khors (fire), Veles (earth), Sventovit (air) and Vei (water).

Gods of the realms

Analysis of the names of the gods of the caste-age periods shows that they are all male... While the gods of the elements have two masculine and two feminine genders.

There are four other gods found in ancient texts in both masculine and feminine genders:

Perun - Perynya,

Lada - Lada,

Mar - Mara,

Rod - Rozhana.

These gods were responsible for various kingdoms - Perun (in everyday life Pirun is pronounced so as not to shake the name of this great god in vain) was responsible for the kingdom of the gods, Lada - for the kingdom of people, Rod - for the kingdom of life, Mara - for the kingdom of spirits. The modern separation of the kingdoms of animal plants and minerals is incorrect, among the ancients they constituted one kingdom of life, since minerals are also considered living.

Gods of the worlds and Gods of ways of improvement

In Kalachakra, the ancient Eastern calendar, along with a 12-year cycle, there is a 24-year cycle (it is believed that the next generation changes after 24 years). It is also no coincidence that there are 24 hours in a day. So there were 12 more gods in the Pantheon.

These are the gods of the rulers of the worlds: Rule, Reality, Nav, Slav and the gods of the rulers of the paths of human development. A person has seven sheaths (bodies) - physical, etheric, astral, mental, casual, soul and spirit. Seven paths ruled by 8 gods made it possible to develop all seven human shells. Headed these paths Rule.

Gods governing the paths of development:

Lelya Yaga (yoga) - hatha yoga, the physical body

Jelly Yaga - Jnanni Yoga, the etheric body

Tanya Yaga - Tantra Yoga, Astral Body

Radegast Yaga - Raja Yoga, Mental Body

Bereginya and

Trojan Yaga - Yantra Yoga, the casual body of intuition

Kostroma Yaga - karma yoga, soul

Semargl - yaga - bhakti yoga, spirit.

Star of the Pantheon of Lord Ra

All 24 gods, which were divided into 4 groups, were ruled by Main god- Ra, and the Main God was called the Lord. From antiquity, magic squares have come down to us, the essence of which is that the sum of the numbers along the verticals, horizontals and diagonals is the same number. Sometimes, instead of numbers, there are squares with the names of the gods. The strongest is the magic square, in the cells of which are located gems, personifying the gods corresponding to them. Their correct location, as it is believed in the East, provides a person with the fulfillment of all his desires.

The diagram shows an asymmetrical cross, and we can conclude that it was necessary to wear it correctly around the neck with the long end up.

The following illustration shows the star of Lord Ra, derived from his magic square, consisting of 25 numbers from 0 to 24.

These numbers are the dates of the holidays of the gods of the Pantheon of Ra. in it, the sum of the numbers in each column and in each row is 60, that is, the number of minutes in an hour and the number of seconds in a minute. Why is this square needed? In nature, everything has a multiplicity.

For example, human body created according to certain numerical canons (the length of the head, ideally, fits into the growth a certain number of times, etc.). So the divine Pantheon, being a living organism, must be built according to the laws of biometrics, otherwise it will crumble. And instead of units of length, the ancients used units of time in the construction of the pantheon, that is, the dates of the holidays of the gods of the Pantheon. And a properly organized holiday (PRA + ZD = building, that is, the creation of Ra) gives divinity to culture and civilization.

Names and titles.

The rank system of our ancestors was open, which allowed a person and his cognitive process to develop indefinitely. The title was awarded to him and was composed of the functions characteristic of a given god, which a person could enhance with his developments, inventions, discoveries or research. Accordingly, according to their functions, he received the title. For example: the function of the goddess Lada is to keep harmony and harmony, and the function of the goddess Navi is to maintain peace. The title made up of the functions of these two gods is Ladomir. Or the title - Wise, given to a person for an invention that improves health (it consists of the names of Stribog - to keep health and Vey - to increase wisdom). The current titles - candidate or doctor (of sciences) - do not reveal the essence of the work this person, and now are sometimes awarded for completely useless discoveries!

The destruction of Vedic traditions on Earth began with the destruction of the name system of earthlings, with the oblivion of his eternal and real names, which allowed a person to remember all his past lives. Man was usually born in the year and month of his former patron gods. Their numbers and dates are the soul code that is assigned to a person for all his subsequent incarnations. Without knowing his eternal name, it is difficult for a person to regain his abilities gained in past lives and it is difficult to regain his former divine abilities.

Alias ​​names.

The Christian Church gives its parishioners the names of martyrs for the Christian faith, which in the future predetermines a martyr's fate. Christian names were and remain pseudonyms, since they have nothing to do with the names of our gods! Connecting us to the egregor of suffering, these pseudonyms siphon energy out of us, due to which we all have poor health and a short life expectancy.

Calling a person with a divine name, we bring him closer to achieving immortality, since all gods are immortal.

Everyone with pseudonym names was automatically included in the satanic egregor and acquired the whole beech of suffering and the whole complex of failures inherent in the egregor of modern "religions".

There are four types of alias names, which include modern names, patronymic and surname:

1. The first type is associated with the name of animals, trees, objects and their qualities - these are absolute donors of the satanic egregor (Kozlov, Lopatin, Olkhov ...). People with such names have a constant minus luck, which is why they usually drink too much.

2. The second type is associated with insects, birds or are derived from Greek, Roman and Hebrew names. These are a little lucky, but they periodically suffer losses and, as a result, have a total close to zero.

3. The third type of pseudonyms among "lucky" people in the meaning is associated with dragons, snakes, amphibians, or begin with the letter "I". These people, after a few luck, are necessarily unlucky, and if after that they manage to survive, then they start to be lucky again until the next life catastrophe. (Gadyukin, Gadov, Levin - in Hebrew means dragon, Makarov - in Sankrit means a snake).

To connect to our ancient egregor, Satanists used the sound "I". The prefix "i" to the name of the holy city of Rusalim turned it into Jerusalem, the horse into an icon, Govinda into JeGova. Virtually all sacred words have been changed and weakened. The preposition "them" in English still means "not" - imposible (impossible), impotent (incapable). Compare: the word EMPIRE ("them" + Perun) means UNDIVINE!

The long sound "I" has destructive force and therefore, all the best associated with evolution have been made beginning with the sound "I": sincerity, truth, art, idea, heal, plaintiff, source, researcher, fulfill ... A short "and" on the contrary stimulates creativity. How many words have survived in the language beginning with "Y"?

4. The fourth type of pseudonyms is given to a special category of people who have entered secret societies (mainly Masonic), they usually do not give their true names on pain of death. A good half of these names, as follows from the confessions of some Masons, are the forgotten names of our ancient gods.

Ancient names.

In ancient times, names were given to people in honor of the gods and reflected the year and month of birth. For example: Svyatoslav - reflects the fact of birth in the year of Slavi and the month of Sventovit; Peresvet - in the year of Sventovit and the month of Perun and. etc.

In ancient times, man had more than one name. The names accompanied a person through life and performed their function in each period of growing up. The number of names coincided with the number of subtle bodies of a person, and in total there were 7 names in total. It was necessary that the thin shells of a person turn into subtle bodies and have all the functions of the organism and the properties of the subtle worlds. Thus, the physical body received a connection with the six subtle worlds, acquired the capabilities of subtle bodies and became divine. It is easier for our consciousness to connect with the body, which has mind and intellect, than with the shell, which does not have them. Therefore, each shell was given a name. Man worked on transforming his shells into subtle bodies in order to gain divine perceptions and be able to live in subtle worlds... For evolution to take place, the etheric body must be more perfect than the physical, the astral body must be more perfect than the etheric, the mental - more perfect than the astral, the casual (the body of intuition) - more perfect than the mental, the soul - more perfect than the casual, and the spirit - more perfect than the soul.

Eight types of names that existed.

There were names: real, patronymic, talisman, sacred, unpronounceable, generic, eternal and spiritual.

The real name was given to the physical body of a person and consisted of two names of the gods: the patron saint of the month and the patron saint of the person's birth year. This was the first name of a person who was called by those around him, and it lasted up to 4 years during the formation period. physical body... The real name determined the divine destiny of a person. Today, the one who does not have his own name is reaping the fate of others.

Patronymic - the name of the father. The real name of the father was assigned to the etheric body of a person. The patronymic passed on to the child the abilities of the father and acted from 4 to 8 years old, while the formation was going on etheric body... It also served as a male charm.

Protection - the real name of the mother, was assigned to the third, astral shell, which was responsible for emotions and their qualities. The protective name was valid from 8 to 12 years old, while the astral body was forming. Now the echoes of this name have been preserved in the form of a surname.

Sacred name was given to the fourth - the mental shell of a person, it reflected the hour and minute of birth and acted during the formation mental body from 12 to 16 years old. Since the sacred name could not be used, only close people knew about it, and instead of it they often used a pseudonym. The sacred name gave a person his purpose and the meaning of this incarnation. If we compare the impact on human destiny stars and a name, then the astrological influence is negligible compared to the influence of the name. But if the position of the stars and the divine name of a person coincide in their numbers, then the influence of the stars, according to the principle of resonance, is multiplied tens and hundreds of times, helping a person to reveal the magical abilities of his body.

The unpronounceable name reflected the hour and minute of conception. This is a very important name. A person experiences this point every day and at this moment he cannot do anything, since this point is the entrance to all evolutionary programs, including destructive ones. Any word uttered at this moment can become a program.

Generic name - they called the casual shell of a person, it reflected the number of birth and the number of six days of birth (there used to be a calendar with a six-day week - 60 six days a year, divisible by 12). It operated during the formation of the casual body from the age of 16 to 20. The generic name determined the belonging of a person to the genus. The introduction of the seven-day period, as a result of Christianization, knocked down the natural 12-fold rhythm in man, which deprived him of the opportunity to influence nature and interrupted his connection with the gods of natural origin.

The casual shell was already eternal.

Eternal name - the name of the soul was given to the sixth shell of a person, it consisted of two names of the gods who patronized the number of the month of conception and ordinal number six days of conception. Acted from 20 to 24 years during the period of renewal of a person's body of the soul. The eternal name prescribed man to attain the eternity of the body or the eternity of the soul. The man received the eternal name even before his conception with the help of the "hail" of a deceased member of the clan, whom a young family wanted to call for birth. Therefore, the eternal name, like the spiritual one, was also called "nicknames." This name helped the person remember their previous lives. In every new life man comes with the same eternal name.

The spiritual name corresponded to the seventh shell and reflected the year and month of a person's conception. Thanks to this name, the spirit could take the form of a person's physical body, which was carried out from 24 to 28 years old during the period when a person bore this name. This name was given to all people, but it remained until the end of life among the priestly estate.

Thus, in order to find out your real Vedic divine names, you need to know the names of the first pantheon of 24 gods - the Pantheon of Lord Ra, as well as your exact horoscope of birth and conception, the horoscopes of the birth of your mother and father.

Vedic names help a person to develop according to natural laws, as they are consonant and awaken the energy of the egregor of the Vedic gods.

Worldview of the ancient Slavs, this is NOT a CULT of worship, it is a CULTURE and an ancient systematized Knowledge-Teaching permeated with the knowledge and experience of the Ancestors, with trepidation referring to the surrounding world, deifying all its manifestations! Slavic Vedism is Faith, the temple of which was Nature itself.
In a broad sense, the Vedic culture of the Russian People is the essence of the Russian Folk culture, in its foundations one with the culture of all Slavic peoples... These are Russian historical traditions, way of life, language, oral folk art (legends, epics, songs, fairy tales, tales and so on), ancient monuments of writing with all the knowledge contained in them, Slavic wisdom (philosophy), ancient and modern Folk art, the totality of all ancient and modern Beliefs.

Slavs(Old Slavic wordsѣnє, Belorussian Slavs, Ukrainian words "Jani, Bulgarian Slavs, Serbian and Macedonian Slovenia, Croatian and Bosnian Slaveni, Slovenian Slovani, Polish Słowianie, Czech Slované, Slovak. Slovania, Kashubian Słowiónie, v.-puddle Słowjenjo, n.-puddle Słowjany) is the largest ethno-linguistic community in Veneya's Europe.

There are several versions of the origin of the ethnonym "Slavs".
From two related Slavic words going back to the common Indo-European root ḱleu̯- "rumor, fame":
- wordsѣnot- these are “people, carrying a word, speaking“ our way ””, in contrast to the Germans - “dumb”, that is, “who do not know our language”, “strangers”;
- glory, that is, glorious - "glorious", glorify their Gods and Ancestors.
From the Aryan word s-lau̯-os "people" (with Indo-European "mobile s"), cf. Old Greek λᾱός ;.
From the toponym, apparently, the name of the river (compare the epithet of the Dnieper Slavutich, the rivers Sluya, Slava, Slavnitsa in different Slavic lands). This version is preferred by some linguists (for example, M. Fasmer) due to the fact that the suffixes -ѣн (in) and -yan (in) are found only in derivatives of place names.
This ethnonym as a tribal one was entrenched in the course of the ethnogenesis of the Slovaks (with a slightly different suffix), Slovenes, and Slovins. The ethnonym "Slovene" as the main one, apart from these peoples, was also worn by the Ilmenian Slovenes - the inhabitants of the Novgorod land.

Slavs-Slavs - Sl O vom sl a vyat their Gods and Ancestors!

Already many millennia ago, the ancient Slavs had an integral system of worldview, which was based on three main spheres: Yavi, Navi and Pravi - the original ancient Slavic trinity.
The universe of the ancient Slavs was multidimensional and represented a structure in which a person lived according to the laws of the Roda-Svarog, in accordance with the natural astronomical calendar. In this evolutionary device Reality was considered as the earthly phase of being, Nav was heavenly (subtle sphere of life), and Rule expressed a single Law that pervaded both spheres. Since the Slavs were inextricably linked with nature, being a part of it and cognized natural laws from the inside, through themselves, their perception of the world was alive, dynamic and multidimensional, like Nature itself.

Initially, the Slavs called themselves ORTHODOX, i.e. glorifying Rule.

The ideological basis of the Folk culture is the idea of ​​the community of the spirit of people speaking the same language, the understanding of the unity of the goals of the People (his self-preservation, saving and augmentation of spiritual and material wealth, and so on)... Regardless of the worldview, Faith or unbelief, all who classify themselves as a given People and associate their fate with it agree with these goals.

In a narrow sense, Vedic is the essence of folk religious culture. The general ideological basis of this culture is the Faith in the existence of the spiritual world and the rational principle in the surrounding Nature. This Faith is supported by both spiritual practice and Vedic theology.

VEDISM is a cosmic worldview. This is a holistic knowledge about the principles of the harmonious functioning of the Universe, expressed in the idea of ​​the interaction of cosmic forces, their multiple manifestations in one and the same - in the multiple.

The ideological main Russian Vedic religious culture is Russian Vedism, or Pra-Vedism, the righteous Faith that preceded the Vedism of India and Iran. Russian Vedism is the essence of the Russian national variety of the Vedic Faith. Accordingly, the Russian Vedic culture is the Russian national variety of the Vedic culture. Russian Vedism is international in content as much as the Vedic Faith itself is international, and national in image, language and origin.
There are three main branches of the Vedic tree - IRANIAN ZOROASTRISM, INDIAN VEDISM and SLAVIC VEDISM, which have similar ideas about the structure of the Universe. Cosmic forces are embodied, first of all, in the images of native gods; this philosophical concept of gods is distinguished by its depth and capacity. The concept of the One God, which manifests itself in all sorts of faces, that is, "the diversity of the one" is contrasted with the concept of "many different", as a category of disparate elements that are not connected into a single whole. The vast pantheon of Slavic gods, presented in the "Veles Book", is a complete universal system operating on the basis of the real laws of Genesis. At the head of this system, or rather, in the center of it, there is a striking image - THE GREAT TRIGLAV, consisting of Svarog-Perun-Sventovid.

Svarog(from Skt. svrga - "sky", "heavenly radiance") Supreme god, Creator and Creator.
Perun(from Old Slavic "pr" - struggle, battle; and also - the first, first rune) - the god of Fire, Lightning, cosmic Energy, which moves the world and transforms the Universe.
Sventovid(from "light" and "see") - the God of Light, thanks to which people become familiar with the world around them.
Meanwhile, all three faces - "THIS IS A GREAT MYSTERY, BECAUSE SVAROG IS AT THE SAME TIME PERUN AND SVENTOVID." Thus, indissoluble unity and mutual overflow is the essence of the Great Triglav.
The Divine principle among the Slavs permeates the entire Cosmos, starting from the incarnation in the Great Triglav, through the other Triglavs to the very Small ones (Steblich, Listvich, Travich), each of which, nevertheless, occupied its own place in the divine hierarchy, being components of the One and Indivisible ...
Thus, the Vedic worldview is based on understanding the essence of natural natural mechanisms and building your life in accordance with the principles that follow from this.
In Vedism, one does not need to believe in the existence, for example, of the Sun God Ra, in his power and his life force. It is enough to look up, see the Sun, feel its energy and see the influence of the Sun on life. It is not necessary to believe or not to believe in the God of fire Semargl - we constantly encounter fire in life. You don't need to believe in anything, open your eyes and heart wide enough, and then Nature will tell us all her living secrets.
The forces ruling the universe among the Slavs were not antagonistic: Chernobog and Belobog are two sides of being, like day and night, they oppose, "fight on both sides of Svarga", but at the same time are forces that balance the world. The same is with the images of MORA / MOROK / and MARA - the Gods of Darkness, Winter and Death: extinction, cold is one of the states of the eternal cycle of the Universe, without decay there is no rebirth, without death there is no life. All manifestations in Nature are varieties of its natural state. And this deepest understanding of divine principles was characteristic of the ancient Slavs much more clearly than to us, cut off from Nature, pampered by the "blessings of civilization", often forgetting their connection with the single organism of the Earth and the Cosmos.

Slavs - children and grandchildren of the gods... The Slavs are responsible for everything. Because taking on the degree of responsibility for the quality of the surrounding world is the most important step on the path of becoming oneself as a Creator. The ancestors of the Slavs thanked the Gods and praised their greatness and wisdom, for which they were called "Slavs". And that means their descendants must create the world in which they live. Create your own family, Clan, relationships with other Clans, and existing side by side plants, animals, birds, lands, waters, fossils. Earthly life given to a person for improvement and approaching the Gods by "purity of body and soul." It depends on the degree of knowledge of the laws of Rule and their fulfillment on the earthly path, whether a person becomes a deity or goes into the category of low-frequency entities.

In recent years, interest in ancient history our Ancestors - Slavs, their Beliefs and culture. Many publications appeared, full of such phrases as Russian Vedas, Slavic-Arias, etc. Many are trying to draw linguistic and cultural parallels with India and find out who influenced whom.

Indeed, there are a lot of similar moments, and I will cite the most striking of them. From the whole extended family Indo-European languages the closest to each other are Russian and Sanskrit (language ancient india) , and also there is an amazing similarity of the pre-Christian cults of the Slavs with the religion of the ancient Aryans - Hinduism. Both of them call books of knowledge - Vedas. Veda (Vedi) is the third letter of the Russian initial letter (Az, Gods, Vedas ...)... It is curious that even the national currencies of the two countries are similarly named. We have rubles, they have rupees. Linguistic coincidences reject any doubts and confirm the kinship of the Russian language and Sanskrit.

Perhaps the most surprising is the information in both traditions about a certain land in the far north - Daaria, Arctida, which in the European (Greek) tradition is called Hyperborea. In his Centuries, Michel Nostradamus calls the Russians “ Hypereborean people", That is, those who came from the Far North.
The ancient Russian source "The Book of Veles" also speaks of the exodus of our ancestors from the Far North in the period of about 20 thousand BC. due to the sharp cooling caused by the global cataclysm. According to many descriptions, it turns out that the climate in the north was previously different, as evidenced by the finds of fossilized tropical plants in the northern latitudes.

M.V. Lomonosov in his geological work "On the Layers of the Earth" wondered where in the Far North of Russia "So many extraordinary large ivories have taken over in places that are not convenient for them ..." .
One of the ancient scholars, Pliny the Elder, wrote about the Hyperboreans as a real ancient people who lived near the Arctic Circle and was genetically related to the Hellenes through the cult of Apollo of Hyperborean. His Natural History (IV, 26) literally says: “This country is all in the sun, with a fertile climate; there are no discords and all sorts of diseases ... ".
This place in Russian folklore was called the Sunflower Kingdom. The word Arctic (Arctida) comes from the Sanskrit root Arka - the Sun.
Recent studies in the north of Scotland have shown that 4 thousand years ago the climate at this latitude was comparable to the Mediterranean and there were many thermophilic animals.
Russian oceanographers and paleontologists also established that in 30-15 thousand BC. the Arctic climate was mild enough. Academician A.F. Treshnikov came to the conclusion that underwater rock formations - the Lomonosov and Mendeleev ridges - rose above the surface 10-20 thousand years ago Arctic Ocean, and there was a temperate zone.

There is also a map of the famous medieval cartographer Gerard Mercator, dated 1569, in which Hyperborea is depicted as a huge Arctic continent of four islands with high mountain in the middle. This universal mountain is also described in the Hallin myths. (Olympus) and in the Indian epic (Measure).
The authority of this card is beyond doubt, since it already depicts the strait between Asia and America, which was discovered by Semyon Dezhnev only in 1648 and began to be named after V. Bering only in 1728. It is obvious that this map was compiled according to some unknown ancient sources.
According to some Russian scientists, there is indeed a seamount in the waters of the Arctic Ocean, almost reaching the ice shell. Scientists suggest that she, like the aforementioned ridges, plunged into the depths of the sea relatively recently.

Daariya-Arctida (Hyperborea) is also marked on the map French mathematician, astronomer and geographer Orontius Phineus in 1531. In addition, she is depicted on one of the Spanish maps late XVI century, kept in the Madrid National Library.

Map of Orontius Phineus (1531) - left / center / - Daarius; right Antarctica

Map of Gerard de Yode (1593)

This disappeared ancient land is mentioned in epics and fairy tales Northern Peoples... About the journey to the Sunflower Kingdom (Hyperborea) narrates ancient legend from the collection of folklorist P.N. Rybnikova:

“He flew to the kingdom under the sun,
Climbs off an airplane eagle (!)
And he began to walk around the kingdom,
Walk along the Sunflower "

Moreover, it is interesting that this "airplane eagle" has a propeller and fixed wings: "a bird flies and does not flap its wing."

Indian scientist, Dr. Gangadhar Tilak in his work " Arctic homeland in the Vedas"Quotes from the oldest source of the Rig-Veda, stating that "Constellation" The Seven Great Sages " (Big Dipper) is right over our heads "... If a person is in India, then, according to astronomy, Big Dipper will only be visible above the horizon. The only place where it is directly overhead is in the area beyond the Arctic Circle. So, the characters of the Rig Veda lived in the north?
It is difficult to imagine Indian sages sitting in the middle of snowdrifts in the Far North, but if you raise the sunken islands and change the biosphere (see above), then the descriptions of the Rig Veda take on meaning. Probably, at that time the Vedas and Vedic culture were the property of not only India, but many peoples.

According to some philologists, from the Sanskrit name of Mount Meru (located in the center of Daaria / Hyperborea /) going on Russian word Peace with three main meanings - the universe, people, harmony. This is very similar to the truth, since according to Indian cosmology, Mount Meru on the metaphysical plane of being penetrates the poles of the Earth and is an invisible axis around which the world of people revolves, although physically this mountain (she is Olympus) now not manifested.

So, a cross-analysis of different cultures speaks of the existence in the recent past of a highly developed civilization in the north, which disappeared under unclear circumstances. Inhabited this land by those who Glorified the Gods (universal hierarchy) and therefore they were called Slavs ( NOTE: more precisely - Slavic-Ariami). They believed that one of their ancestors was the sun god (Yaro, Yarilo) and therefore they were Yaro-Glory. Another frequently used term in connection with the ancient Slavs is Aryus. The word Arius in Sanskrit means "Noble", "Knowing the highest values ​​of life."

Usually it was called the upper class of the Vedic society in ancient India. Some researchers see a connection between this word and the name of the divine progenitor of the Slavs - Yar.

The "Book of Veles" says that it was Yar, after a sharp cold snap, that brought the surviving tribes of the Slavs from the Far North to the region of the modern Urals, from where they then went south and reached Penzhi (Punjab state in modern India) ... From there they were later taken to the territory of Eastern Europe by the Aryan commander Yaruna. In the ancient Indian epic "Mahabharata" this plot is also mentioned and Yaruna is named by his Indian name - Arjuna. By the way, Arjuna literally means "Silver, bright" and has something in common with the Latin Argentum (Silver). It is possible that another interpretation of the word Arius as "white man" also goes back to this root Ar (Yar).
Also see books by V.N. Demina "Mysteries of the Russian North", N.R. Guseva "Russians through the millennia" (Arctic theory), "Book of Veles" with translation.

As you know, all ancient cultures were based on the understanding that a person is dependent on external forces that have their own personifications (Deities)... Ritual culture consists of certain ceremonies that associate the beggar with the source of a particular energy. (rain, wind, heat, etc.)... All Nations have the notion that these Deities, although they are in the highest regions of the cosmos, thanks to their power, are able to hear human requests and respond to them. Below I will give a table of correspondence of the names of the Deities who were worshiped in Russia and in India.

I have given only those names in which there is a complete or partial match, but there are also many different names and functions. After this (although not complete) the list of Deities, the idea of ​​the Paganism of the ancient Beliefs of Russia and India naturally arises.

However, this is a hasty and superficial conclusion. Despite such an abundance of Deities, there is a clear hierarchy, which is built into a pyramid of power, at the Top of which is the highest source of everything (Vishniy or Vishnu)... The rest simply represent His authority as ministers and deputies. The President, being singular, is represented through an extensive system. In the “Book of Veles” it is said about this: “There are those who are deluded who count the Gods, thus dividing Svarga (Upper world)... But is Vyshen, Svarog and others - the essence of the multitude? After all, God is both one and many. And let no one divide the multitude and say that we have many Gods. " (Krynitsa, 9)... Paganism in Russia also existed, but later, when Vyshny was forgotten and the concept of hierarchy was violated.

Also, our ancestors believed that reality is divided into three levels Rule, Reality and Nav. The world of rule is a world where everything is correct, or an ideal upper world. The world of Revelation is our manifest, obvious world of people. Navi world (non-Reveal)- it is negative, unmanifest, lower world.

The Indian Vedas also speak of the existence of three worlds - the Upper World, where goodness dominates; middle world overwhelmed by passion; and the lower world, immersed in ignorance. Such a similar understanding of the world gives a similar motivation in life - it is necessary to strive for the world of Rule or goodness. And in order to get into the world of Pravi, you need to do everything right, that is, according to the law of God. From the root Prav comes such words as Prav-yes (what gives Rule), U-governing, Management, Government. That is, the point is that this governance should be based on the concept of (Higher reality) and real government should spiritually uplift those who follow the ruler, Leading his charges on the paths of rule.

The next similarity in the spiritual realm is the recognition of the presence of God in the heart. This concept is stated in the Indian source Bhagavad-gita. In Slavic thought, this understanding is given through the word "conscience". Literally "Conscience" means "according to the message, with the message." "Message" is a message or Veda. Living According to the News (Veda) emanating from God in the heart as His information field, this is “conscience”. When a person comes into conflict with the unwritten laws emanating from God, he conflicts with God and himself suffers from disharmony in his heart.

We, the descendants of the knowledgeable Slavs, were familiar with the Pantheon of Greek, Roman, Scandinavian, Indo-Iranian, Egyptian and other Gods even from school. The mythology of these peoples can be easily encountered in textbooks and history books. Of the Ancient World... However, these books do not contain a section on Ancient Rus (why? - information for thought). In most historical books, the opinion prevails that the Slavs, as a civilized people, developed only with the adoption of Judeo-Christianity, although historical and especially archaeological data testify:

For many thousands of years, our Ancestors preserved themselves as a nation, cherished their native language, culture and customs based on an inextricable connection with Nature, courageously defending their territorial and spiritual independence. Great states, empires were born and died around, and sometimes many tribes and peoples disappeared from the face of the Earth, but our Ancestors, possessing a deep understanding of the fundamental principles of nature and being inextricably linked with Nature, learned to live by Conscience in harmony with Nature, becoming a part of it , thanks to which they were able to transmit the fire of life to us through the centuries.

Glory to our Gods and Ancestors!

Hindus and Slavs worshiped the same gods.

Every culture is based on a spiritual essence. It lies in the understanding that man is not alone on this earth. We are surrounded by youngsters, whom we subordinate to our influence, as well as senior mentors, on whom we already depend. In addition, every culture is inherently ritualistic. After all, the ritual is a connecting thread that unites generations and even peoples.

The invisible master of a light bulb, a water supply system and ... the Universe.

Let's continue to analyze the names of the Slavic and Indian celestials. Another character with both cultures total value, is Varuna. So it was called both in India and in Russia. He, like Indra, ruled over the water element. Another common god of the Vedic and Slavic pantheon is Kryshen, who is better known in India as Krishna. And it is usually associated with the embodiment of Love and Wisdom. The goddess of love is also the famous Rada (or Lada in the Slavic pantheon). Hindus call her Radha, which speaks for itself: she is a goddess who brings joy.

Another common deity of the Vedic and Slavic pantheon is Surya - the embodiment of the sun. The Russian language keeps many parallels associated with the name of this god. For example, the word suritsa, meaning kvass, is a drink made from bread crusts that were infused in the sun. Also remember - the dye of sunny orange color used to be called "red lead".

The supreme president of the monotheistic pantheon.

A little higher, I have named the names of the gods, by which one can observe complete or partial coincidence in cultures. Of course, there are also more divergent names, but, in general, they are of the same root. But even the above examples speak volumes about the abundance of these interesting similarities. Such an extensive line of deities can unwittingly lead to the idea that the Vedic culture is pagan, professing polytheism, that is, polytheism. But it seems so only at first and superficial glance.

To prove this, let us turn to the book of Veles. There is strong evidence that this polytheism is not paganism in its pure form... This is because such a hierarchy of celestials has its own absolutely clear distribution, built in the form of a pyramid of power, which is headed by Vishnu or the Most High. In addition, his name, meaning "above all", speaks for itself.

Other deities are the personification of his power, but only at a reduced level. That is, they are like the ministers of Vishnu, if we imagine the latter in the role of the president, who represents his power through many channels. Veles's book says about this: "Those who count the gods and share the Swarga (that is, the Upper World - author's note) are mistaken. Is the Vyshny (or Svarog) the embodiment of several deities?" As in Christian theology, Svarog is one and multiple at the same time. Do not divide this multitude and assume that we have many Gods.

This dictum indicates that monotheism or monotheism does not at all imply that God has no substitutes. After all, this has been the custom since antiquity, when people projected any process taking place on our earth onto a prototype in the spiritual world. So in any system, be it a large company or the Universe, there is a boss who has deputies. After all, it is always more convenient for the main person to contact people who turn to him through his intermediaries. That is, the "head" itself wants to have helpers, and therefore there are different gods who are responsible for certain energies.

Such a thought does not contradict the statement about monotheism, it is just necessary to see and understand it dialectically: how personally each of us realizes that God is many-sided and one at the same time. Remember the famous trinity in Christianity, where the unity of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, some explained using the example of a shamrock, where all three leaves grow from a single center.

Slavic-Indian cosmogony: three levels of the world.

But what do the Vedas say about these worlds? In the Upper or Higher world, the energy of grace prevails. Our Middle layer is immersed in various passions, and the lowest - in ignorance or ignorance. From such a similar interpretation of the structure of the world comes a single life motivation or philosophy of life. She says that one must strive to get into the kingdom of Truth, Truth (that is, Rule) or Goodness.

And for this it is necessary to act correctly, that is, according to God's law. After all, righteousness gives truth, since by itself comes from the root "righ", and from them such expressions as rule, government, government and, of course, the word truth are formed. The main meaning law proceeds from the fact that he must proceed from the concept of the highest Truth, reality or Rule, which can be comprehended while in earthly reality or at the Middle level.

Such parallels speak not only of similarity Slavic mythology and the philosophy of the Vedas, but also about the righteous philosophy of life, to which we, both the Hindus and the Slavs, adhered: to seek and find the vital Truth. And we can do this with the help Slavic traditions and knowledge obtained from the Indian Vedas.

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Today we are finishing the topic about the questions and problems of choosing the idols of the Slavic gods. In this material, we will dwell in detail on female deities, as well as on possible combinations of their idols with male ones. Note that the goddesses in the pagan faith of the Slavs were equally revered by both men and women, and it was not at all reprehensible if a man worshiped a female deity. So […]

Today we will tell you about Chernobog, or rather, about whether it is even worthwhile to have his idol at home, whether it is dangerous and what it can lead to. Next, as promised, we will talk about the possible and best combinations of idols in the shrine. But first - Chernobog. Chernobog, like other pagan Slavic gods, tried (and quite successfully) [...]

A special place among the Slavic gods is occupied by male deities - wars. But because of their appearance and bloody sacrifices, they were little revered by most of the tribes, but were widely known from ancient times Yarilo - the god of grain, dying in the earth and reborn as an ear. The Slavs presented themselves as young men on a white horse, in whitish clothes, with a wreath of wildflowers, with rye [...]

The supreme deity among the Slavs was Rod, the god of the sky, thunderstorms, fertility, the ruler of the earth and all living things. The root "kind" means birth, relationship, spring, harvest. Such concepts as “people” and “homeland” are also associated with the Rod, the color red was called red, and lightning, especially ball lightning, was called “rhodium”. Variety of cognate words, once again, emphasizes the strong bond of Rod with people. Slavs [...]

It protects the sea surface and ocean waves. Veles is related not only to earth, fire and air, but also to water. If you listen to the name of Wise Veles, you can hear a whisper sea ​​tide: Veles-waves, Veles-free, Veles-will ... Veles is not only the Highest power that commands life, but it is also the Highest will that allows you to return from the kingdom of the dead. Veles is the ruler of Navi and [...]

Who does not know Her, our Motherland, our Fatherland, our Russia. Motherland-Mother, Mother of Cheese Earth, our Sweet Mother. All these names are collected in one glorious name - Russia! We are Russian people, we are Dazhdbozh's sons and grandchildren, we are children of the Goddess of Russia. Mother Russia expects from us filial love and great achievements. Our deeds are the work of masters [...]

Chernobog - Lord of Navi, God of Darkness and the Underworld. Chernobog - God of evil and madness, death and destruction, God of all black and bad. The whole world, created by Svarog, God Veles divided into two identical parts. He gave one part to the possession of the forces of Good, and the second part went to the dark forces, which were personified by God Chernobog. God Chernobog is painted all black, and [...]

God Horse is the son of Rod, the patron saint of movement and time. He represents the mysterious pantheon of the Navi Gods. Khors - God of the Sun, Slavic God of the Solar Disc, Solar Circle, Solar stake. Horse is revered by all Slavic lands... The memory of the human race brought to us such kind and strong words as a round dance, good. The round dance is perhaps the most ancient Russian dance, when our Ancestors, [...]

God Stribog was born from the breath of Rod. Stribog is the God of the Wind. Stribog is capable of causing and taming storms and hurricanes. Stribog's assistant is a huge Stratim bird. Stribog's chambers are located in the middle of the ocean, on fairy island, in a deep, dense forest or at the very end of the world. Stribog is able to breathe life into the human body with the wind. Stribog's Day is Saturday. Stribog is brave [...]

The Goddess Nedolya (Nesrecha) is the complete opposite, the reverse hypostasis of her younger sister, the Goddess Doli (Srechi). Goddess Nedolya is always in a sad image elderly woman, for she has to interrupt the fate of every person. A fragile and uneven thread of the fate and life of a person marked by a Divine lesson is wound on its granite spindle. After the final and fully completed assignment, Nedolya breaks off the gray thread [...]

Goddess Share (Srecha) - Almighty Heavenly Goddess of luck, happiness, creative deeds, happy destiny and happy life... Goddess Share is an eternally young and beautiful Heavenly Spinner, spinning her wonderful thread of fate and human life. Goddess Share is a very skillful and experienced needlewoman and craftswoman. A thread of life and destiny is wound around her emerald spindle. The thread is golden, strong and straight. […]

Karachun is the God of Russian frosts and cold winter. No wonder the month of December wears ancient name Jelly. It is clear that Jelly means a freezing and cold month. It is not for nothing that the people say: "such a frost that you cannot show your nose on the street, you cannot expel a dog." Karachun is not only the patron saint of this month, but he helps in every possible way to people born in this [...]

Midday is the sister of Zarya-Zarenitsa, Vecherka and Night-Bathers. The Goddess of Midday is very playful: she loves to send all kinds of visions, troubles and hallucinations on travelers. As you know, the working day in the village begins very early, when life on earth is ruled by Zarya-Zarenitsa. Everyone tries to wait out the midday heat, sit out in the shade. Midday strictly observed people, and punished those who dared to work in [...]

Goddess Makosh is the omnipotent Goddess of the Russian pantheon. Even in the days of patriarchy, she was the only one who was asked for help in solving family and purely female issues. Goddess Makosh is the most Russian of all Slavic Goddesses: the capital of Great Russia, the city of Moscow, is named after her. Images and idols of the Goddess Makosha are made from special, female tree species, mainly [...]

Goddess Marena, Mara, Morena, Morana is a formidable and almighty Goddess of Death and Winter. Marena is the daughter of Lada and sister of Lelia and Zhiva. Marena's symbols are the Black Moon, a pile of broken skulls and the famous sickle with which She cuts the thread of Life. Mara's domains are scattered all over the world. But the most beloved and famous are the ice cliffs in the far north, [...]

The Goddess of the Bath is the Queen of the Night, the wife of Semargl, the Mother of Kupala and Kostroma. The Bathing Lady and Semargl first met on the banks of the Great River Ra, the modern Volga. Semargl, as the God of Fire, could not help but notice the beauty of the Bathing Lady. Their Love flared up quickly and hotly. Only once a year could Semargl meet the beautiful Swimsuit. The rest of the time He was [...]

Kupala is the son of God Semargl and the Goddess of the Night Bather. Kupala had a sister - Kostroma. Once, when both of them were still young, Kupala and Kostroma fled to the Currant River, to listen to two sweet-voiced birds - storytellers. The Bird of Happiness - Alkonost began to sing for Kostroma. And the bird of sorrow - Sirin, began to sing for Kupala. These two magical birds possessed [...]

Goddess Karina-Karna is the Weeping Goddess. She accompanies every funeral rite. Karna-Karina constantly flies over the fields past battles... She, together with Jelly, her sister, begins to cry and yearn in the places where the departed warriors found their last rest. If the warrior died heroically and far from his relatives, from his home, then the Goddess Karna-Karina always flew in and mourned the hero [...]

The goddess Zarya-Zarenitsa loves to appear in the form of a young girl. Zarya-Zarenitsa is the sister of Evening, Midday and Night-Bathing. Zarya-Zarenitsa is the Wife of God Khors. Three omnipotent daughters of the Goddess Lada flew to Their wedding: the Goddess of Life - golden-haired, green-haired Alive, black-haired Marena and blue-eyed, blond Lelia. They presented Zara-Zarenitsa with a golden scarf, which illuminates the sky in the morning. Horse received a gift [...]

The Goddess Zhiva personifies beauty and youth, the fertility of nature and man. Alive - Mother of the Thunder God Perun. Zhiva loves to go down to the ground, when the grass and trees begin to turn green, when fields, gardens and forests begin to bloom, when young, spring nature appears before the eyes, surrounded by beauty and tenderness. Zhiva loves to walk surrounded by her young maids-Zhivits, from the views [...]

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