Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Summary of winter fun senior group dhow. Synopsis of educational activities for physical education in the senior group "winter. winter fun." Lesson notes for the senior group

Summary of winter fun senior group dhow. Synopsis of educational activities for physical education in the senior group "winter. winter fun." Lesson notes for the senior group

Program content:

  1. Improve children's ability to write a descriptive story based on a picture.
  2. Strengthen the ability to present the content of a picture in detail and logically; independently invent events preceding and following those depicted in the picture.
  3. Practice composing sentences and incorporating them into a coherent statement.
  4. To develop children's coherent speech in story writing, attention, and memory.
  5. Develop the ability to listen to the answers of your comrades to the end, without shouting.

Materials and equipment: painting “Winter Fun”, stereo system, DVD with music by A. Vivaldi “Winter”, board, magnets.

Preliminary work: conversations with children about winter and winter fun, selection of definitions, selection of synonyms for the word quickly - swiftly, dashingly, at full speed, like an arrow, in an instant, immediately, etc.

GCD move

Educator: Guys, let's guess the riddle and find out what we will talk about. So listen to the riddle.

Powdered the paths
I decorated the windows,
Gave joy to the children.
And I went for a sledding ride. (Winter).

A short conversation on the following questions:

  • Guys, what is this riddle about? (About winter).
  • What is our winter like? (Severe, white, silver, fluffy, snowy, frosty, cold).
  • What happens in winter? (Snow is falling, the wind is howling, rivers are freezing).

Well done guys, you remembered all its signs.

Exercise “Name the action” (with a ball).I will say an unfinished sentence, and the one to whom I pass the ball will finish the word I didn’t say.

  • Blizzard in winter... ( sweeps).
  • At night the wind is in the pipes... (howls, howls).
  • Snowflakes from a snow cloud... (fall, fly, spin).
  • There is a hungry wolf in the forest in winter... (howls).
  • For the winter the bear is in a den...... (falls asleep).
  • Frost on the cheeks and nose... (pinches).
  • In winter there is water in the river.… (freezes).
  • Frost on tree branches... (glitters).
  • In winter there is snow all around... (covers).
  • Trees in winter... ( sleeping).
  • Grass under the snow in winter... (warming up).
  • In winter insects... (hiding).

Well done! You know winter phenomena well. Do you know what winter cannot be without? Let's continue playing.

Game "Third Man".Now listen to my winter words, one of three words will be superfluous, you need to name it, explaining your decision:

2. Snowballs, sleds, skates.

3. Blizzard, skiing, frost.

4. Snowball, snowman, bullfinch.

Right! What smart people and smart girls! You know everything about winter and winter phenomena. Guys, do you think winter is good or bad?

Suggested children's answers:

  • It’s good in winter because there is a lot of snow and you can build a snowman and play snowballs.
  • It’s good in winter, you can sled down the mountain.
  • Winter comes the most best holiday - New Year, and this is very good.
  • It’s bad in winter, when it’s very cold, we don’t go for walks.
  • Birds feel bad in winter - they are cold and have nothing to eat.
  • In winter it’s nice and fun, we go skiing and play hockey.

For each answer, the teacher draws a circle of snowballs “good”, “bad”.

Guys, look at the snowballs and draw a conclusion: which snowball is bigger? There are more good things in winter: the kids love to play, have fun, and play sports.

But what games do they like to play? I'll make a wish for you puzzles:

My new friends are both brilliant and light,
And they frolic with me on the ice, and they are not afraid of the frost. (Skates).

They run forward with their noses in the air
Behind them are two lanes. (Skis).

Oh, it's snowing! I'm bringing out my friend horse.
I fly down the hill on it, and drag it back. (Sled).

Physical exercise.

  • “Winter has finally come, (children spread their arms to the sides)
  • The houses have become white (they fold their hands over their heads)
  • It's snowing outside (move hands from top to bottom)
  • A janitor sweeps the street (imitate)
  • We are sledding (squat, arms extended forward)
  • We write circles on the skating rink (put our hands behind our backs and spin slowly)
  • Skiing deftly, (imitate)
  • And we all play snowballs. (They make and throw snowballs)"

It's good in winter - a lot of games, fun activities. What can you do in winter? (Sledding, skiing, skating, building forts, making snowmen, etc.).

Dynamic pause.

Now we'll play. You (points to half of the group) will be snowflakes, and you (the other half) will be the wind. The game is repeated twice, the subgroups change roles. Snowflakes are spinning, running on tiptoes, the breeze is resting. As soon as I say “the breeze has woken up,” the breeze blows -shh, the snowflakes settle.

Didactic game with the ball “Call me kindly”(Children catch the ball, give answers to the teacher with a diminutive suffix)

  • Snow - snowball
  • wind - breeze
  • star - asterisk
  • winter - winter
  • Christmas tree - herringbone
  • snowflake - snowflake
  • Sun - Sun
  • snowman - snowman
  • star - asterisk.

Educator: Many poets, writers and artists depicted winter in their works. And in our art gallery there is a picture about winter. (The teacher draws the children’s attention to the painting “Winter Fun”).

Educator: In a real art gallery there is a guide who tells all visitors interestingly about the paintings. Do you want to try to become a tour guide, compose and tell a story based on this picture?

Communication by picture:

  • What time of year is shown here?
  • Why did the children come to the hill, and what happened there?
  • What were the children doing? (Children are sledding down the mountain, sculpting snow woman, skiing, playing snowballs).
  • How do the guys play in winter? (Fun, joyful, friendly, interesting, fervent).
  • At the end of the story, tell me what mood the guys were in and why you decided that way.

Remember the words that will decorate your story and make it interesting. Do not forget that children can be called differently when telling stories (children - kids, guys, boys and girls, they).

Children's stories based on the picture.


What did we do today? You tried your best today, made up different interesting stories. It seems to me that this story will be interesting for your moms and dads to listen to at home.

As a farewell gift, I want to give you pictures - “Winter Fun” coloring pages. Winter has only White paint, and you can color them with your colored pencils.

Marina Potapova
Summary of a lesson on FCCM using the presentation “Winter Fun” (preparatory group)


Subject: « Winter fun»

Target: Consolidate knowledge winter fun; rules of behavior outside in winter when playing in the snow.

Equipment: presentation.

OOD progress:


Guys, today we will talk about winter games and fun. Winter is a wonderful time of year, and also the best time to improve your health! Cool wind, light frost, movement in the air - good hardening. Just recently, all the paths and paths were dirty, black (it’s not for nothing that November is called "blacktrope", the trees stood sad, darkened from the thick moisture hanging in the air.

And today you noticed how everything has changed! Snow.



Winter has come,

Harnessed the horses to the sleigh,

I brought out a path,

The ice on the river has been swept away,

Connected to the shore

Chained to the ground!

Small guys

Yes lovely girls

She sat me down on the sled,

Yes, she rolled down the mountain!

After a snowfall, the air is especially clean, and you can go sledding down the mountain.

Children sledding in the snow

They rush down the hill like the wind.

Who is afraid of falling into the snow -

Let him not sit on the sled.

While riding a sled, it is easy to develop agility, dexterity, speed and coordination of movements.

Do you have a sled? What games do you think can be played? using a sled?

You can play these games: while driving down the mountain, tear off the ribbon from the branch of the bush, take out the flag stuck in the snowdrift, hit the hoop with a snowball. And all this on the go!

You can also ride on the ice from the slide.

Tell me guys, what other ones are there? winter Games and fun? Right! Skiing, skating, snowball fights, hockey.

Do you have skis? What do you prefer: to ride downhill or ski on flat terrain? Why?

I think that you all already know how to ski, that is, take long sliding steps. Skiing develops muscles. If you ski regularly, your arms will grow and become stronger faster, and your legs will become longer and stronger. Push off harder with either your right or left foot, bending your knees. The poles will help you glide and work on the rhythm of your movements.

What games can you play while skiing?

For example, in a stream. To play this game, you need to make a gate out of tilted sticks and drive through the gate without hitting the stick. It's not that easy! Especially for a beginner skier!

Many kids love to ski down the hills. When driving down a mountain, you need to learn how to brake and make turns. It is better to ride down the mountain by leaning forward and holding the poles behind. If you feel that you cannot stay on your feet, then try to fall on your side.

What is the correct way to climb a mountain?

(You can do it like a herringbone, or you can do it sideways - like a ladder).

Oh my skis

Oh, my skis, my skis, -

I'm not myself without you.

Well, what in the world is closer?

Should I have a snowy winter?

Put it on your felt boots

Crispy belts

And you drive all day,

And all day long.

Well, then you breathe a little,

You're barely on your feet...

Oh, my skis, my skis -

There are no better skis in the world!

What do you think, how should you dress properly for skiing? You need to dress lightly, but warmly. Modern skier's clothing consists of overalls or a suit made of artificial material with the addition of wool, a hat that should reliably cover the frontal sinuses and ears, woolen knitted underwear, thin woolen socks, soft leather gloves or mittens.


Tell me, do you know how to skate? Do you have skates? Did you learn to ride right away?

The main thing is to remember: When skating, always lean your torso forward!

What glorious days!

Come on, kids, take your skates

Hurry to the skating rink!

Hurry up too, my friend.

Here we are playing by the Christmas tree,

We're rolling down the hill in a crowd.

We all have fun to the point of tears

And Santa Claus is not scary.

Kids love winter:

What a wonderful time!

I am sure that many of you like the fun, active game of hockey.

What do you need to play hockey? Right. Skates, sticks, puck, goal and of course ice. The players are divided into two teams, and each team tries to score the puck into the opponent's goal. There is a goalkeeper at the goal. His job is not to miss the puck.

Standing opposite each other with clubs

Teams of guys in red and blue.

Wearing helmets like knights, but don’t be timid,

The fight here is for training - they are playing hockey!

Here there are power techniques -

Players get knocked down very often.

Who is on skates and agile and faster -

He wins by playing hockey.

In winter there are also thaws. Then the snow becomes sticky and wet. It's a lot of fun to play in the snow in this weather! Slide 11

What games do you think can be played with snow? Slide 12

You can build a snow fortress or a snow palace. But we will do this ourselves when we go for a walk outside.

Slide 13,14

And now I propose to play a game. But to do this we need to split into two teams.

A game "Whose team will collect more snowballs" (snowballs made of cotton wool are scattered on the floor). There are baskets on opposite sides of the gym; at a signal, children begin to collect snowballs and take them to their basket. The team that collects the most snowballs wins.

Answer the questions:

1. Why are they useful? winter games and fun?

2. What winter fun you know?

3. What can you ride in winter?

4. Do you have a sled, skates, skis, or a snow scooter?

Guess the riddles “What do children ride?”:

I'll push off with sticks

And with steep mountain I'll rush. (By ski.)

Fast I fly forward

Silver cutting ice. (On skates.)

I'm steering the wheel

I'm riding down the mountain on it. (On a snow scooter.)

I'm rushing forward like a bullet

The ice just creaks

Let the lights flicker

Who's carrying me? (skates)


Publications on the topic:

Summary of educational activities for speech development “Winter fun” for young children using electronic educational resources Age: early (2.5-3 years) Integration educational areas: speech, cognitive, physical development. Objectives: Consolidate knowledge.

Lesson summary on the lexical topic “Winter. Winter fun" (senior speech therapy group) Topic: “Winter. Winter fun." Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about winter and winter fun. Activate the names of natural phenomena in speech: snowfall,.

Summary of a lesson on speech development. Storytelling based on the painting “Winter Fun” (preparatory speech therapy group) Purpose of the lesson: Improving the skill of composing a story based on a plot picture. Objectives: Correctional educational objectives: - Update.

Program objectives: Continue to consolidate children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature, winter fun, and the New Year. Develop observation skills.

Summary of a lesson in the younger group using ICT “Winter fun of a snowman” MBDOU Vorotynsky kindergarten No. 4 “Sun” Lesson in younger group using ICT. Topic: “Winter fun of the Snowman” Completed by:.

State budget

educational institution

Arkhangelsk region for orphans and

children left without parental care,

"Velsky Orphanage"


"Winter. Winter fun"

Summary of OOD on formation

complete picture peace

(mixed age group)


Istomina Yulia Vladimirovna


Velsk 2015

The purpose of the OOD: systematize children’s knowledge about the signs of winter, introduce them to the concept of “Winter fun.”

In accordance with the goal, the following were identified tasks:

    continue to develop children’s coherent speech;

    establish cause-and-effect relationships of natural phenomena: the sun shines, but does not warm; snowing; it's cold outside; animals hide in holes; the night is long, the day is short, etc.;

    expand children's ideas about the variety of games and entertainment in winter (sledding, skiing, skating, building a snowman, playing snowballs).

    expand and intensify lexicon on the topic “Winter, winter fun”;

    teach to perceive the beauty of nature, notice the expressiveness of the image, mood;

    consolidate the ability to perceive the image of winter in music, poetry, drawings;

    enrich children's speech with nouns and adjectives;

    continue to teach children to answer the teacher’s questions with complete answers and construct complex sentences.


    develop observation skills, interest in surrounding nature, activity, attention;

    develop thinking, memory, visual perception, auditory and visual attention, fine motor skills;

    develop aesthetic perception the beauty of nature;

    expand and enrich children's knowledge about winter changes in nature;

    promote children's interest in nature;

    perform imitative movements in accordance with the text, develop fine motor skills, graphomotor skills.


    to instill in children feelings of love and respect for nature;

    cultivate the ability to listen carefully to the stories of your comrades, complement the answers;

    bring children joy and satisfaction from the activity.

Educational area: cognitive development

Integration of educational areas: "Social-communicative", " Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic", " Physical development»

Type of children's activity: gaming, motor, communicative, visual, musical.

Preliminary work:

    observing signs of winter;

    viewing reproductions of paintings by Russian artists and illustrations about winter;

    reading books and poems about winter


Multimedia projector, flannelograph, magnetic board


    Demo- presentation “Winter” to the music of Vivaldi “The Seasons. Winter"; pictures with signs of winter; bunny toy; a beautiful box with Kinder eggs, decorated with snowflakes; pictures depicting winter fun for children; pool with glass pebbles; small pictures depicting children's fun; "snowball"; material for a snowman (three circles, eyes, carrots, bucket, pens, buttons), sweet prizes.

    Handout – envelopes with cut-out pictures; task sheets.


I. Organizing time

Teacher: Hello children! Let's say hello.

Invite the children to stand in a circle and repeat the actions after the teacher.

The sun woke up and yawned sweetly.

The sun extended its ray to you,

The sun caressed your cheek.

Good morning wished you.

Teacher: Guys, please come to the screen.

Presentation "Winter". Music is playing. The teacher reads a poem.

The beauty of winter has arrived.

Brought us a lot of snow.

And with it came frost.

It stings your ears, stings your nose.

Not an evil frost. He brought a lot of joy!

He brought winter fun.

Everything that gives children joy!

What time of year was the poem about?

Teacher: Guys, tell me why you love winter? (Children begin to fantasize, talking about what they can do in winter, despite the frost and cold, and as a result it turns out that winter is the most interesting and fun of all seasons.)

Teacher: What interesting things can you do outside in winter? (children's answers: you can ski and skate, play hockey, build forts out of snow, build a snowman, throw snowballs

II . Main part

Teacher: Today the topic of our lesson is “Winter Fun”. Tell me how you understand the word “fun”. What winter fun do you know? Well done!

Then the teacher invites the children to look at the pictures:

Boy skiing

Girl skating

Children make a snowman

Children play in the snow.

Sample questions:

Who do we see in the picture?

What does this character do?

When can you go ice skating...

What are the children wearing?

Teacher: Winter is a beautiful, wonderful time. Miracles happen in winter! So a miracle happened to you and me today. A bunny came to visit us. Say hello to him. He really wants to exercise and play with you. The bunny has prepared it for you interesting tasks. And you yourself must choose which task to perform. (Children take out the tasks in Kinder Surprise eggs, decorated with snowflakes, one at a time). And we will move around the group imitating the movements of a skier and skater.

1. Envelopes with a surprise

(each child takes out a cut-out picture depicting winter sports from the envelope, collects it and names it).

2. Pool with glass pebbles

(pictures with children’s fun are hidden in the pool; you need to choose winter fun and name them)

3. Outdoor game

Game “What do we like in winter?”

What do we like in winter? Claps

White glades. Spread your arms to the sides

And on a snowy hill Raise your hands up, show the “slide”
Skis or sleds Skier walking

What do we like in winter? Claps

Soft snowdrifts, Show snowdrifts

To dig day after day Simulate digging snow with a shovel
Fortress to do to Make snowballs
What do we like in winter? Claps
Dress warmly Simulate putting on clothes
In a warm fur coat, Clap your hands on your clothes
Warm up in the cold (2 rubles) Jumping

4. Exercise “Name the action” (with a “snowball”)

I will say an unfinished sentence, and the one to whom I give the snowball will finish the word I didn’t say.

In winter there is a snowstorm... (sweeping).
From a snow cloud, snowflakes... (fall, fly, spin).
There is a hungry wolf in the forest in winter... (howls).
For the winter the bear is in a den... (falls asleep).
Frost on the cheeks and nose... (stings).
In winter, the water in the river... (freezes).
In winter, snow is all around... (covers).
Trees in winter... (sleep).
In winter, insects... (hide).

5.Worksheet assignments (before completing the task, perform finger exercises)

Finger gymnastics

One two three four, Bend your fingers starting from the thumb.

You and I made a snowball. Depict how a snowball is made.

Round, strong, very smooth Show a circle with your hands.

And not at all sweet. Wag your finger.

Once - we'll throw it up, Throw an imaginary snowball.

Two - we'll catch Catch an imaginary snowball.

Three - let's drop Drop an imaginary snowball.

And... we'll break it. Stomp your foot.

6. Let's make a snowman(Children use a flannelgraph to lay out a snowman from prepared figures)

III. Reflection OOD

Teacher: Well done boys! We completed all the tasks. The bunny really liked it. Did you like it? What did you like most? The bunny has prepared sweet surprises for you. It's time for him to go home. Let's tell him goodbye!

Thanks for the activity!

Martynovich Raisa Valentinovna
Summary of educational activities for communication “Winter fun”. (Senior group).

Program content:

1. Teach children to see all objects in a picture and combine them;

2. Develop the ability to compose a short story;

3. Strengthen children’s knowledge about winter, winter phenomena;

4. Clarify knowledge about winter species games, fun;

5. Enrich and activate children's vocabulary;

6. Develop logical thinking, memory, imagination;

7. Foster a tolerant attitude towards children’s answers.

Vocabulary work: learn to coordinate adjectives with nouns in gender and number, practice selecting a verb to a noun.

Individual work: with Natasha, Dima, Azalea.

Target: to activate children’s speech in class.

Preliminary work: reading poems about winter and winter fun, walks, observations, winter Games.

Methodical techniques:

Verbal: questions, answers, clarifications, analysis, artistic expression;

Gaming: exercises, games;

Visual: looking at pictures;

Practical: reading a poem with imitation of movements.

Material: envelope with riddles, Snowman toy, set of pictures « Winter fun» , 4 "tracks".

The course of direct educational activities.

1. Organizational moment. "Kindness".


Good morning, children. I am glad to welcome you to our friendly circle. I am very pleased that you have today good mood. And I really want the good mood to not leave you throughout the day. I invite you to hold hands, look tenderly into each other’s eyes and convey warmth, kindness, and a feeling of joy from our meeting.

2. Game motivation.

IN the group received a letter, on the envelope of which a snowflake is drawn.


Guys, look, what is this?




Who do you think brought it?

Children answer and express their opinions.


And in the envelope there is a clue - a riddle (teacher reads a riddle).

I lived in the middle of the yard

Where the kids play

But from the sun's rays

I turned into a stream. (Snowman).

(The Arrival of the Snowman).


There is another riddle in the envelope.

3. Guessing the riddle

The cold has arrived

The water turned into ice

Long-eared gray hare

Turned into a white bunny

The bear stopped roaring

A bear hibernated in the forest

Who's to say, who knows

When does this happen?


What time of year is this riddle about?

Children's answers.

4. Conversation.

By what signs did you guess? How do we determine that winter has come? Do you like winter? What can you tell us about winter, after what time of year does it begin? What exactly do you like about her?

Children's answers.


The snowman invites you and me on a journey into winter.

5. Word game "Choose your words". Educator:

In winter, the weather outside varies. Either there will be a snowstorm, then there will be severe frost, or there will be snowfall. I'll call a natural phenomenon, and you answer.

Freezing (what is he doing)- crackles, pinches, bites... Blizzard (what is he doing)- curls, rages, howls, sweeps... Snow (what is he doing)- walks, flies, falls, spins... Children (what are they doing)- having fun, walking, playing, rejoicing, riding. ...

5. Didactic game "Pick up clothes" .


Before we go on a trip, we must dress properly. What clothes do you think you should wear to feel good? (What clothes are usually worn in winter).

Children's answers.

6. Didactic exercise "Choose a path".


We dressed warmly so we won't freeze. Look, there are 4 roads here, which path should we take to get to winter? How do you think? Why?

(Children look at the paths).

Well, let's hit the road - the path to winter - winter?

(Children walk along the path).


So we came to the playground. And winter has prepared a lot for us funny games. Let's see (looking at pictures).

7. Making proposals based on plot pictures.

Questions for children:

What time of year is shown?

What kind of winter is it in the picture? (Snowy, frosty, cold, silvery, cheerful, beautiful, joyful....).

What are the children doing? (Children sledding down the mountain, making a snow woman, skiing, playing snowballs....).

How do the guys play in winter? (Friendly, fun, joyful, fervent, interesting....).

Imagine that you are next to children, what do you hear? (Cheerful laughter, children's voices, creaking snow, barking dogs....).

If you were next to the children depicted in the picture, what activity would you choose, what game?

8. Didactic exercise « Winter fun» .


So what are they? winter fun?

Shows a picture of skates.

What is this fun?

Right. Come up with action words. What do children do on skates? (They spin around, play hockey, run).

Similar work is carried out with other pictures.

9. Physical education moment "In winter".

(The text is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time).

How interesting it is for us in winter! (hands to the side)

We're going on sleds in a crowd, (imitate sledding)

Then we'll play snowballs, (imitate modeling and throwing snowballs)

We all put on our skis together, ( "dress" skis, "take" sticks, "are going")

Then everyone started skating (depict ice skating)

Happy winter days! (hands to the side)


The snowman asks you to close your eyes. One, two, three - a miracle happens! We found ourselves in the picture. Imagine that you are walking on the street. Find yourself in the picture and tell us what you are doing.

10. Children compose stories based on the picture.

(The teacher listens to the story of 4 - 5 children, helps if difficulties arise, achieves a complete and detailed answer, and helps with the correct construction of sentences).

Our guest, Snowman, is very happy. He liked your stories about winter fun.

It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. The snowman asks you to close your eyes again. 1-2-3 - a miracle will happen. Did you enjoy our trip?

11. Summary. Word game "Not really".

What did you do today,

Give me the answer, my friend.

Listen carefully,

Answer "YES" or "No".

Did you play snowballs with your friends?

Have you collected mushrooms in the forest?

Did you sled down the hill?

Did you swim in the river in the village?

Have you wandered through the forest on skis?

Did you find many flowers?

Did you dig beds in your garden?

Did you dance with Santa Claus?

Are you tired of answering yet?

Are you expecting winter again in a year?

Thank you for your kind eyes and friendly smiles. And I would like to end our journey with a smile again. Let's hold hands and smile at the Snowman, each other and everyone around.

Publications on the topic:

Scenario of fun in the pool with parents “Winter racing” (senior group) Scenario of entertainment with parents Senior group “New Year's Races” Goal: to promote the development and popularization of physical education and recreation.

Holiday in the pool “Winter fun” (middle group) Goal: instilling interest in swimming. Objectives: 1. Continue teaching how to immerse yourself in water with your head and exhale into the water. (Educational.

Project “Good winter fun” (middle group) Topic: “Good winter fun!” - middle group PREREQUISITE FOR GOAL SETTING: A little hare from the forest comes running to the children. He says what he wanted.

Goal: conducting small Olympic Games– increased interest in physical culture And healthy image lives of children and adults. Identify abilities.



  1. continue to consolidate children’s knowledge about the seasons, namely winter;
  2. continue to teach children to listen and understand speech addressed to them and to use speech themselves correctly, to respond complete sentences to questions.
  3. Develop fine motor skills of the hands;
  4. Encourage children to respect nature;
  5. Sensory education;
  6. Develop memory, attention, thinking;
  7. Activate and expand your vocabulary;
  8. Improve coordination of movements.

Materials and equipment: picture-graphic plan; carpet (flannel); lacing “snowflake”, envelopes for the game “who is faster?”; colored blanks for making feeders (origami); musical composition A. Vivaldi “seasons” (winter); doll with changeable clothes; figures of animals and birds, coniferous and deciduous trees, sky, sun, snowdrifts on Velcro.


1. Introduction

Educator: Children, now I’ll tell you a riddle, and you listen to it carefully and tell me what time of year this riddle is about.

Powdered the paths

I decorated the windows,

Gave joy to children

And I went for a sledding ride. (winter)

(Children guess the riddle)

Educator: today we will continue to talk about winter and winter fun.

- Which of you can name how many winter months there are? ( Children answer: three winter months)

—Can you name the winter months? (December January February)

- Well done, now tell me the very first winter month. They still say about him: the end of the year, and the beginning of winter? (children answer: it’s December)

- And the second winter month is called. . . . . (children answer in unison: January)

- And the third, the last and coldest month? (children call: February)

— Guys, do you know what month it is? (children call the month)

2. Work according to a picture-graphic plan.

(a picture and graphic plan is hung on a magnetic board)

The picture-graphic plan shows pictures in the sequence shown in the diagram (see below)

(A panel is attached to the flannelgraph: carpet blue color, and attributes are laid out on the table: animal figures, sky, sun, snowdrifts, coniferous and deciduous trees with Velcro

When composing a story according to a picture-graphic plan, the child comes to the table, tells the story and attaches the figurine to the blue canvas. If a child has difficulty or has forgotten, then other children help him).

— Sky (what? gray, blue, cloudy, cloudy, snowy, low, dark, gloomy)

The sun (is shining. But it’s not warming, it’s cool).

Clouds (what? white, gray, large, small, snowy, low, beautiful, fluffy).

— Wind (strong, cold, freezing, weak, north, warm).

— Birds (have already flown to warmer climes, wintering birds remained for the winter: bullfinch, goldfinch, crossbill, tit, magpie, crow, sparrow, pigeon, woodpecker, nuthatch).

— The day is getting a little longer, and the night is getting shorter. At night the sky is clear, dark, starry, beautiful.

— Animals (bear, hedgehog) sleep in secluded, warm burrows and dens. stronger frost, the more soundly the bear sleeps. A hare runs in a white fur coat. He changes his skin so that he is not visible on the white snow. A hungry wolf and a fox walk through the forest. They are very angry. A squirrel sits on a branch and gnaws nuts and dry berries and mushrooms).

— People put on warm clothes (warm hats, boots, mittens, scarves, fur coats), children ski, sled, and skate.

— A day in winter (frosty, snowy, sunny, short, windy, clear).

— Snow (white, fluffy, dirty, cold, crumbly, soft, crunchy, sticky, shiny).

— Snowdrifts (snowy, deep, high).

Educator: Do you know proverbs and sayings about winter? ( Children answer: yes, we know)

  1. In the winter cold everyone is young.
  2. What is born in the summer will be useful in the winter.
  3. Winter is not summer - she’s wearing a fur coat.
  4. Winter without snow is summer without bread.
  5. The frost is not severe, but it does not require standing.
  6. In winter the snow is deep, in summer the bread is high.
  7. A lot of snow means a lot of bread.
  8. A lot of snow in the fields means a lot of bread in the bins.

Educator: Well done guys. Look at our winter landscape, do you like it? (Children answer: Yes, I like it).

Educator: What is missing in the picture? Look carefully. (There are not enough snowdrifts in the picture, because it is winter and there is a lot of snow).

Educator: That’s right, there aren’t enough snowdrifts. After all, there was so much snow. Which one of you will attach the snowdrifts? ( the child stands up and attaches the snowdrifts to the canvas)

Educator: Snow fell in the yard. Guys, let's go out into the yard and make a snowball. (children stand in a circle and begin to perform finger exercises).

3. Finger gymnastics (coordination of speech with movement, development of imagination)


One, two, three, four Bend your fingers, starting with the thumb.

You and I made a snowball “Mold” by changing the position of our palms.

Round, strong, very Show a circle, clasp your palms together,

Smooth stroke one palm with the other.

And not at all sweet. They threaten with their finger.

Once - let's throw them up. They look up and throw an imaginary snowball.

Two - we'll catch them. They squat and catch an imaginary snowball.

Three - let's drop They get up and drop an imaginary snowball.

AND. . . . . let's break it! They trample an imaginary snowball underfoot.

Educator: What a snowball we made. Let's imagine that we took this snowball in our hands. What does this snow feel like?

(Children answer: the snow is soft, smooth, cold, sticky, white, crispy, hard, fluffy)

Educator: Guys, what will happen if a snowflake falls on our palm? (Children answer: It will melt and turn into a drop of water).

Educator: Correct. Why do you think a snowflake turns into a drop of water? (Children: because a snowflake consists of water. When it’s frosty outside, the water freezes and turns into a snowflake, and when it hits a warm palm it melts).

Educator: Guys, imagine that we went outside and began to trample on the snow, when we trample on the snow it crunches. Do you know why snow crunches?

(Children: yes, we know, because snow consists of snowflakes, and snowflakes consist of small crystals. When we step on the snow, the crystals break and make a crunching sound).

Educator: Well done guys, you know so much about winter. Have you looked at snowflakes? They are all so different, not a single snowflake is alike. But if a snowflake hits our palm, it will quickly melt.

- Do you want to make yourself such snowflakes that won’t melt even on the hottest day? (Children: yes, very much)

Educator: Then let's go to our places and I'll show you how to make such snowflakes. (Children go to their places and the teacher shows the children how to make a snowflake. Children perform snowflake lacing to the music)

Educator: What kind of snowflakes did you make? Do you like snowflakes? (Children: yes, they like it very much).

Educator: Now let's go to our winter landscape and attach snowflakes to the picture. (Children attach snowflakes to the carpet).

Educator: Children, do you like winter? ?(Children: yes, I like it). What winter fun do you know?( Children begin to talk about what winter fun and entertainment they know).

Educator: Let's stand in a circle and play one winter fun - build a snowman ( Children stand in a circle).

4. Physical exercise “SNOWMAN”

Come on buddy, be brave buddy Children walk in a circle, pretending to roll in front of them

Roll your snowball through the snow.

It turned into a snowball. They stopped and “drew” a circle with both hands.

And the lump will become a snowman. They “draw” a snowman from three circles of different sizes.

His smile is so bright, they show their hands on their face and smile.

Two eyes, hat, nose, broom, show 2 eyes, cover head with palm

They show their nose, stand up straight and hold an imaginary broom.

But the sun will burn slightly - Slowly they squat.

Alas! And there is no snowman! They shrug their shoulders and shrug their shoulders.

Educator: What a pity if such a cheerful and beautiful snowman melts in the sun. Do you guys want to make a snowman out of snow so that it never melts? (Children answer: yes, we want)

Then let's go to our seats and play the game "Who is faster."

(Children pass and sit down in their places)

5. Folding a snowman. Game "Who is faster?" (development of visual attention, thinking, fine motor skills)

Educator: Guys, let's count together:

One, two, three - start of the game!

(Children, to the music, begin to assemble a snowman from parts. Whoever assembled the snowman first raises his hand. The teacher helps the child who is a little at a loss and encourages the others.)

Educator: What beautiful snowmen you made. Look them up. What color are the bodies of snowmen? (Their body is white)

— What color are the buckets? (Green buckets).

- Look at his eyes, what color are they? (The snowman's eyes are black)

- what do they look like? (Eyes look like coals)

Educator: Such snowmen will definitely never melt. Did you enjoy collecting snowmen? (Children answer)

— Do you like winter? (Children answer: yes)

— Do you like winter fun? (Children: yes, we love!)

Then let's stand in a circle and show how much we love winter-winter.

6. Round dance “Winter-winter”

(Children together with the teacher stand in a round dance, a melody sounds and the children sing the round dance song “Winter-Winter”.)

7. Educational moment. Conversation with children.

Educator: Now listen, guys, to A. Yashin’s poem

Feed the birds in winter!

Let it come from all over

They will flock to you like home

Flocks on the porch.

So many of them are dying - it’s impossible to count them,

It's hard to see.

But in our heart there is

And it’s warm for them!

Train your birds in the cold

To your window.

So that you don’t have to go without songs

Let's welcome spring!

Educator: Guys, how can we help the birds in winter? (Children: we can make bird feeders and feed them).

Educator: Who knows how to make a feeder? (The child says: I know how to help the birds, I can make a feeder for them and begins to recite A. Chepurov’s poem:

It's hard for birds to winter

We need to help the birds

I'll cut it in half

Spruce board

I made it with my dad

Ptichka's dining room

Birds fly into the garden

They'll sit and talk.

They have nothing to fear

Let the frost crackle angrily

Their dining room is open

From morning to evening.

Educator: What a great guy. But we will not make a wooden feeder. Let's make a paper feeder. And everyone’s feeders will be different, multi-colored, and our birds will definitely like such feeders.

Educator: Let me show you how to make such feeders. ( The children sit down and the teacher shows them the technology for making a feeder using the origami technique. A melody sounds)

Educator: Raise your feeders up, do you like feeders? Well, the birds will definitely like them, let's feed our birds (the teacher pours food into the feeder and the children, together with the teacher, go to feed the birds)

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