Home Grape A summary of a speech therapy lesson - "the sound of c". Cognitive speech development of preschoolers. Synopsis of the lesson in the preparatory group "Sound and letter C

A summary of a speech therapy lesson - "the sound of c". Cognitive speech development of preschoolers. Synopsis of the lesson in the preparatory group "Sound and letter C

Where do we start? What will we do first?

Guys, birds also learn sounds in the forest. There is a board with a task under the tree.

Our lips, tongue

They study all the time.

They need to know how

Sounds come out!

Now we will find out how the sound [C] is obtained. Take the mirrors, say the sound [Ts].

Lips open or closed when making a sound C?

Are the teeth open or closed?

Is the tip of your tongue up or down?

And the back of the tongue?

Raise your palm to your mouth and make a sound C... Is the air jet warm or cold, long or short?

Now put your hand on your neck and make a sound C... Are the vocal folds trembling or not trembling?

Guys, is the air jet meeting an obstacle?

Is the sound [C] voiced or dull?

Is the [C] sound soft or hard?

This sound is always solid, it has no little brother soft sound.

Guys, now we know how the sound is formed, we can pronounce it like a squatter. Turn around yourself and turn into a squirt.

Well done, squatting, now I can let you fly through the forest, listen to other birds chirping. But be careful, there are many predators in the forest! If you hear the sound [Ts], stop and in no case move, so the predator will not notice you. The teacher alternately names sounds, syllables.

Turn around yourself and turn into guys.

Birds flew through the forest

And a little tired.

Guys, look the birds have sat down on the branches of a tree to rest. Let's walk carefully and take a look.

Look at the bottom branch of the tree, who is there?


HERON, DOVE, WOOKER, SWALLOW - predatory bird.


TIT, WILD DUCK, WILD DUCK, SWAN - not migrant, not waterfowl.

Starling, heron, firebird, tit - how different all birds are. Do they have something in common?

Where will the birds live now?

Guys, let's help the birds move into the house. In the first birdhouse, birds will live in the names of which the sound [Ц] at the beginning, etc.

Words: starling, heron, tit, firebird.

We did the first task! Everyone learned about sound. Now the second.

What is it about? What can we see, write and read?

What is the difference between sound and letter?

Now we will get to know the letter! This is the letter C.

The letter C is a hook at the bottom,

Like a tank with a tap.

Guys, look at the letter C has a hook, a tail.

How many sticks does the letter C consist of?

Are all sticks the same length? (show the same, longest, shortest).

How do you write the letter C? SLIDE! One - medium stick, two - long stick, three - medium, leave a small tail, four - short.

Now we are familiar with the letter C, we can put it back in place! The teacher unfolds the poster.

Educational activities in senior group to prepare children for literacy using ICT technologies.

Organizational form: frontal GCD.

Implementation educational areas: "Cognitive development"," Speech development ".


  • Creation of a phonetic and phonemic base for further education of children.
  • Prevention of errors in reading and writing.
  • Development of general educational skills and abilities.
  • Development of fine motor skills.


  • Revealing the characteristics of sound.
  • Determination of the position of the place of sound in a word.
  • Development of sound analysis and synthesis.
  • Acquaintance with the letter.
  • Formation of the experience of reading syllables and words.

Preliminary work: creation of a phonetic-phonemic base.

Equipment and materials:

  1. ICT (illustration of the city of sounds, sound C; illustrations for determining the place of sound in a word);
  2. pictures for each child to determine the first sound;
  3. demonstration pictures of passed letters;
  4. pictures for phonemic synthesis for each child;
  5. demo pictures for phonemic analysis;
  6. counting sticks;
  7. demo pictures denoting printed words;
  8. printed syllables;
  9. printed words for each child to read.

Methods and techniques: story, show, repetition, question and explanation, play.

Course of the lesson

Part 1: introduction
(Children on the projector see an illustration of the city of sounds, sound C)

Speech therapist: We continue to travel with you through the city of sounds. Our travelers rode the carousels, and a horse came up to them and asked: "Why don't you go to the circus, today there is a great show. There are various artists, trained animals. And I also perform there. Sit on me, I will quickly take you there. "

Our travelers got on a horse and she took them. On the way, she said that she also performed in the circus, and her name was the Queen.
The little fox was surprised and asked: "Why is your name, you have such an interesting name?"
The horse said, "My name is that because I have a speck on my forehead that looks like a crown, so they called me Queen. We need to hurry, otherwise we might be late for the circus performance." The horse began to run, and the hooves began to clatter along the clatter-clump-clatter path.

What sound is heard at the beginning of a word in the words circus, queen, princess? (sound C is heard)
- Our sound in blue shoes. What do the blue shoes tell us? (this is a solid consonant sound)
- Say this sound and listen to how it sounds (children pronounce).
- Look at the right on the board a picture of our sound. We will designate it as a circus horse.

Part 2: main

Now we are going to listen to this sound. It can be heard at the beginning of a word, in the middle and at the end (pictures with diagrams appear on the proctor in turn).
- Who is this? (Tsar)
- Where is the sound C heard in this word? (in the word king consonant solid sound Ts is heard at the beginning of a word)
- What is it? (ring)
- Where is the sound C heard in this word? (in the word ring, a solid consonant sound C is heard in the middle of the word)
- What is the name of this candy on a stick? (lollipop)

Where is the sound C heard in this word? (in the word lollipop, a solid consonant sound C is heard at the end of the word)
- What it is? (mill)
- Where is the sound C heard in this word? (in the word mill, a solid consonant sound C is heard in the middle of the word)
- What is this? (pepper)

Where is the sound C heard in this word (in the word pepper, the consonant solid sound C is heard at the end of the word).
- What kind of bird is this? (heron)
- Where is the sound of C heard in this word ?? (in the word heron, a solid consonant sound C is heard at the beginning of the word)
- This building is called a palace.

Where is the sound C heard in this word? (in the word palace, a solid consonant sound C is heard at the end of the word)
- Gingerbread man tells you well done, they did everything correctly. Now we leave everything on the carpet, and there will be the next task. Now you each choose a picture for yourself (children choose pictures).

Everyone knows what his picture is called? (yes) You must identify the first sound that is heard in the name of your picture and find the corresponding letter and pick it up (children are doing the task). Now let's check.

Everyone calls the word and the letter he took (children's answers: house - D, bank - B, vacuum cleaner - P, ax - T, elephant - C, castle - Z, cat - K, poppy - M)
- The remaining letters were left without pictures. We have no pictures for them. Sit down and there will be the next interesting task.

Everyone will have a picture. I will consistently name the sounds, and you have to guess which word I have in mind. Whoever has a picture-answer will lift it up (everyone listens carefully and guess the word, children choose pictures). Put the pictures on the table in front of you, look at me and listen.

M Y L O - soap, T U CH A - cloud, R O Z A - rose, K A SH A - porridge, V A Z A - vase, F A B A - toad, Z U B Y - teeth, M HA has a fly.

Well done. Put the pictures aside and now the next task. This task is more difficult. I will show the picture and name it, and you must consistently name the sounds that make up this word.

Let's start. Who can call raises his hand. House - D OM, smoke - D S M, cat - K O T, nose - N O S, whale - K AND T, poppy - M A K, catfish - S O M, juice - S O K.
- We answered all the questions. Do we know that we hear and pronounce sounds, but we write and read? (letters)
- We designate our sound C with such a letter. (illustration depicting Petit with the letter C)

Petya worked as a hammer,
For three hours straight.
Chopped from four planks,
Letter C and very happy.

The letter C consists of three long and one short planks. Try to put the letter Ts out of the counting sticks. (Children complete the task)
- Well done. Correctly posted. We put the counting sticks back in place.

Dynamic pause

Look at me. They sat down exactly. Look at the right-straight, to the left - straight, up - straight, they clapped their hands above their head, they tapped their palms on the table quietly - loudly - quietly, their feet tapped the floor quietly - loudly - quietly, they clapped their hands in front of you loudly - quietly - loud. Well done!

We look at the board, connect and read the syllables all together (AC, OTs, UC, YTs, ITs, EC, CA, CO, TSU, TSY). Now we read in turn (read by the one who is called).
- The next task. Look at the pictures that are located on the board (TIT, DANCES, SHEEP, HARES, BIRDS, SPOKES, SHEEP, BUNNY). Are all the pictures clear?

I will give everyone a piece of paper with a word written on it. You will read it and find a picture that matches your word and attach the word to the picture.
- We read in turn, with our finger we follow the place where we read. We are not in a hurry (children choose sheets of paper with words and take turns reading the words and attaching them to the desired picture). Well done!

Part 3

What sound did we meet today? (with sound C)
- What do we know about him? (this sound is a consonant, solid, denoted in blue)

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Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution « Kindergarten"Swallow" village Taezhny "

Abstract of a lesson on teaching literacy "Sound and letter C"

prepared by a speech therapist

Kudrina Natalia Vladimirovna

Taezhny, 2014

The sound and the letter Ts.

Goals: to introduce children to the sound C and the letter C; Development phonemic hearing; teach to pronounce the sound C in syllables, words, sentences; learn to determine the place of sound in a word; improve the skills of sound-syllabic analysis of the word CHIP; develop children's fine motor skills and graphomotor skills.

Equipment: grandfather, woman, chicken with chickens, shells with tasks, sound C, symbol of sound C, sandbox, pictures with sound at the beginning, middle and end of a word, a cloud attached to the ceiling, letters C, schemes for sound-syllabic analysis.

Course of the lesson

Organizing time ... Guys, guess the riddle:

Appeared in a yellow fur coat,

Goodbye two shells.


Who is the mother of the chickens?

Children: chicken.

Do you want me to tell you a story?

1. The speech therapist tells the children a fairy tale:

Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman, and they had a poached chicken. The chicken laid eggs not golden, but simple ones, and small, yellow chickens hatched from them. But suddenly an evil sorceress flew in and carried the little chickens to a distant sandy land. The grandfather is crying, the woman is crying, the chicken is crying: "Save my little chickens."

Guys, can we help the chicken? Shall we save her little chickens?

Children: Yes.

But to get to this country, you have to complete many tasks. But I think you can handle them. So, let's hit the road.

1. And here is the first task: Pronounce the Ts sound correctly.

Children pronounce the sound C in chorus, individually. A speech therapist gives a characteristic of the sound C (consonant, deaf, hard, denoted by a blue circle).

Well done boys! You have completed this task.

2. Repetition of a syllable chain for a speech therapist.

Repeat after me:

TsA- TsO - TsU - TsY

AC - OTs - UC - YTS

3. Finish the words with the syllable CA.

And now I will speak words, and you end this word with the syllable CA: milli (CA), vodi (CA), pevi (CA), smoke (CA), umni (CA), sick (CA).

Well done boys. Our path continues.

4. Selecting the sound C at the beginning, middle, end of the word from the pictures.

Are you tired on the way?

Would you like to drink some water from the well?

Children: Yes.

Oh, but there is no water. What is it?

The speech therapist takes a picture out of the well.

Children: Ring.

And where is the sound C in this word?

Children: in the middle of the word.


The speech therapist places the picture on the panel. Etc. with the rest of the pictures. Children take out pictures, name the word, place the sound C in the word and place it on the panel.

5. Guessing riddles.

We continue our way. (On the way there is a tree). The tree blocks our way to the sandy land. We need to guess riddles and then maybe the tree will let us through.

Speech therapist makes riddles to children.

Long and green in the garden,

And in a tub, yellow and salty.

Running up the mountain

Somersault from the mountain.

6. Drawing up proposals based on pictures-answers.

Now let's make sentences with answer words.

Children make sentences. The tree is removed. A sandy land in front of the children.

Well, here we are in the sandy land. Let's call the chickens: CHICK-CHICK-CHICK.

What? Our chickens do not respond. We need to complete one more task, then we will definitely find them.

7. Drawing up a scheme of the word CHICK.

Let's outline the word CHICK.

Children do sound-syllabic analysis of the word.

The music of the wind sounds, the letters fall from the clouds.

8. Acquaintance with the letter Ts.

Oh, what is it guys?

Children: Letters.

What letter is that? Maybe some of you already know?

Children: This is the letter C.

The letter C corresponds to the sound C. Let's write the letter C on the sand.

Children write the letter C in the sand and see a chicken in the sand. Found in all chickens.

So we found all the chickens. Let's take them to the chicken.

Children carry the chickens to the hen.

9. The result of the lesson.

Children, grandfather and grandmother ask what tasks did you complete? Were the tasks difficult? What sound did we meet today? Grandfather and grandmother thank you, and while you were away, the chicken laid more eggs, but not simple ones, but magic ones. They are with a surprise. Help yourself!

The speech therapist distributes chocolate eggs to the children and says goodbye to them.


    We speak correctly. Synopsis of frontal classes in the preparatory logogroup / O.S. Gomzyak. - M.: Publishing house GNOM, 2011

    E.V. Kuznetsova Development and correction of speech in children aged 5-6 years: class notes / E.V. Kuznetsova, I.A. Tikhonova. - M .: TC Sphere, 2004.

    N.V. Nishcheva The system of corrective work in a speech therapy group for children with OHP / N.V. Nishcheva. - SPb: CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2001.

"Sound and the letter C".

Master class summary for preparatory children speech therapy group

Target: complex correction and development of cognitive and speech activity.


    development of phonemic hearing, perception, analysis and synthesis;

    development of active and passive vocabulary;

    development of grammatical structure and coherent speech;

    development fine motor skills hands;

    development of auditory, visual attention and memory, thinking;

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, games for the interactive whiteboard "Set the table" and "Funny bumps", picture cards for the sound analysis of words and squares-symbols, paper flowers with petals taken out.

Org. moment.

Children join the group and greet the guests.

2. Syllabic analysis.

Speech therapist: Guys, do you remember the fairy tale about the Heron and the Crane, who visited each other? Screensaver picture of the Heron and the Crane on int. chalkboard.

And then Tsaplya gathered to visit Crane. And Crane was waiting for Tsaplya, preparing.

Tell me, how do we meet guests at home? What do we treat them to? (children's answers)

And what do we need for tea drinking? (children's answers)

So Crane was laying the table.

Interactive game "Set the table"

Tell me, what is the name of the dishes into which we will pour sugar? (Sugar bowl)

What is the name of the candy dish? (Candy bowl)

What is the name of the napkin holder? (Napkin holder)

What is the name of the dishes in which we put the crackers? (Sugar bowl)

What is the name of the dish in which we put the bread? (Bread box)

What kind of dishes do we put under the cups? (Saucer)

Guys, say the names of the dishes, dividing the words into parts with claps. (Children clap. Count the number of syllables in each word.)

3. Isolation and characterization of sound.

And what is the general sound in each word? (sound C)

Let's remember what we know about the C sound?
The sound C is concordant, dull (we define the “work of the neck” with the palm of your hand), always solid.

Today we will work with you with sound and the letter C.

Heron is coming to visit. Guys, let's go with the Heron.

4. Isolation of the sound C by ear from a number of sounds, a number of words.

And many insects flew in the swamp, which the Heron wanted to catch. And we will catch insects with the help of "traps" and play a game, we will "catch" the sound of Ts.

Guys, prepare your "traps" and we will catch the sound "C". Children select the sound C from a number of sounds, then from a number of words ( table, flower, fighter, light, face, egg, finger, tweezers, sand, ring, place, chick).

- This is how the Heron caught the insects for the Crane.

5. Determination of the place of sound in a word.

But the frogs were dexterous, jumping from bump to bump. Guys, we will help the frogs and tell you which bump you need to jump on. We will guess riddles and determine where the sound C is in the word: at the beginning, middle or at the end. We will select the desired bump.

Play on an interactive whiteboard.

Riddles: Running uphill,

And somersault from the mountain.

Appeared in a yellow fur coat,

Goodbye two shells.


Two rings, two ends

And in the middle of the carnations.


Long and green in the garden,

And in the tub, yellow and salty.

Smart sisters

Guests are welcomed all day

Treat with honey.

6. Sound Analysis the words

We did a great job. The Heron crossed the swamp and found herself in a clearing, where there were many beautiful flowers. And while the heron is enjoying the scents, we will sit down at the tables and make a surprise gift for the crane, sign the postcard with sound circuits words FLOWERS, HERON.

Children sit at two tables, work in groups. Word schemes are performed with the analysis of sounds on picture cards.

7. Finger gymnastics "Flower"

(using mnemonics)

Our scarlet flowers bloom their petals Unclench your fingers gently.

The breeze breathes a little, the petals sway. Wave your hands in front of you.

Our scarlet flowers cover the petals Gently squeeze your fingers.

They fall asleep quietly, shake their heads. Smoothly lower them onto the table.

8. Sound synthesis.

Guys, the flowers in the meadow were unusual. Flower petals with letters. But a breeze blew, and the petals flew away. We will collect the petals and get the word.

Children collect petals for a flower and from the proposed letters make up the words: circus, light, street.

Guys, what words did you get?

And what is the general sound of these words? And in the word light What sound do we hear instead of the C sound? (WITH)

Does this word suit us?

What sounds need to be replaced in order for the word to work for us? (replace the sound C with C and get the word COLOUR)

Guys, let's give you a sound and a letter WITH to our guest guys.

- That is how long, without haste, Tsaplya walked to Crane. And what happened next in this tale, we will tell you tomorrow ...

Non-state educational institution

for preschool and younger children school age

"Progymnasium No. 63 of JSC" Russian Railways "

Master class summary for children of the preparatory speech therapy group

"Sound and the letter C".

Completed by: teacher-speech therapist Ryabikova N.N.

Ryabova Lyubov Yurievna


MADOU GTSRR d / s No. 4 "Yolochka"

r.p. Golyshmanovo

Target:- to acquaint children with the voiceless consonant sound [C] and the letter C; continue to teach children to identify the place of sound in three positions; learn to draw up a word scheme.

Developing environment: split alphabet of large and small format, plot pictures, syllabic table, toy or plane image of a chicken; object pictures with the image of sheep, caterpillars, tits, starlings, fox, marten, bear, she-wolf, heron, motorcycle, flowers, well.

Org. moment:

Today, guys, we will again go to the Kingdom of "ABC" for new knowledge. But first, guess the riddle: "He appeared in a yellow fur coat, goodbye, two shells." Who is this? (Chick).

How are chickens called? (Chip-chick-chick)

(To depict a chicken sitting in an egg. Show how he crawls out of the shell: first he stuck out the head, then the right wing, then the left.)

The teacher gives the sound analysis.

You probably already guessed what sound and letter will be discussed (we will listen and pronounce the sound [Ts]).

The sound [Ts] is always pronounced firmly. The obstruction is formed by the front of the tongue wall. The sound [Ts] is complex, it consists of the sounds T and C, which are pronounced quickly one after the other. If you bring your hand with the back of your hand to your mouth, then when pronouncing the sound [C], one blow of the air stream is felt, and not two, as with TPP or THOUSAND.

3. Definition by ear of the word with the sound [C] in the quatrain:

Now, listen to the quatrain and name the words with the sound [Ts]:

The chicken admired the chickens:

What is not a chicken, then a clever one!

Well done, daring,

A very valuable chick! (chickens, chicken, chicken, smart, well done, daring, valuable chick)

Let's pronounce the sound [Ts] in syllables: Tsyp looked around and was surprised: "Hats-ots-uts, its-ots-ats!".

I saw a sheep, was frightened: "Tsa-tso-tsu!" (express fright with facial expressions)

The chicken reassured him: "Tsa-tso-tsa." (pronounce in a lower voice)

  1. There is such a proverb among the people, guys, about chickens. Do not count your chickens before they are hatched .

What do you think it means? (it is said when it is premature to judge the results of something). Let's say it again and remember.

5. Physical minute "Heron"

It's very difficult to stand like this:

Do not lower your leg to the floor,

And do not fall, do not swing,

Don't hold on to your neighbor.

Guys, determine the place of the sound [C], in three positions:

- at the beginning of a word : heron, flower, target.

- v the middle : button, chicken, ring.

- at the end : hare, singer, German.

(Give your examples: cucumber, starling, sage, well done, etc.)

6. Characteristics of sound. (consonant, voiceless, hard)

7. Guys, what does the letter C look like?

Here is the letter C:

With claws at the end.

Scratching claw,

Like a cat's paw.

8. Place of the letter in the alphabet: - Guys, name the neighbors of the letter C. (X, H)

9. Reading the syllabic table and words.

Assignment: from the syllables spread out on the floor, you need to make words and read them.







10. Bottom line: - What sound did you meet? Give a characterization.

What letter? What does it look like?

Presentation presentation "Letter C"

List of used literature:

1.Bondarenko T.M. 2006 " Complex classes v preparatory group kindergarten ".

"Certificate of publication in the media" Series A No. 0002166 date of dispatch of the registered parcel on September 6, 2013. Receipt No. (postal identifier) ​​62502663120182

2.Pozhilenko E.A. 1999 Magic world sounds and words "A guide for speech therapists

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