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Learn French for beginners. French: self-study

This self-study guide was created by an experienced French teacher using a simplified method developed by her and is aimed at effectively mastering a lively conversational speech. The course consists of 17 lessons, the study of each requires 1.5-2 hours. You will be able to speak and form simple sentences after the first lesson.
The self-instruction book contains the basic rules of pronunciation and grammar, Russian transcription, as close as possible to French phonetics, thematic dictionaries, conjugation of the most essential verbs, the formation of the five most common tenses, exercises with keys, dialogues and colloquial expressions. The course is very intensive, so if you go to Paris in just a month, it will help solve your problem.

Two kinds.
There are two genders in French - feminine and masculine, and they rarely coincide with Russian. For example, le livre (le livre) - a book - male, and we have a female one.

The genus can be determined by the article: le (le) - definite article masculine, la (la) - feminine definite article. To memorize the gender of a French noun, it's easier to learn it right away with the article.

If a noun begins with a vowel, the truncated form of the article is used regardless of gender:
le + amour = l'amour (lamour) - love.

In this case, an apostrophe is put - a superscript comma, indicating a missing vowel. That is, "love" in French is masculine, but this is not evident from the word, since the article le is truncated because of the vowel a. In French, e and other vowels at the junction of words are unacceptable, therefore it is impossible to say "le amour", the vowel e will necessarily fall out.

1. Two genders, 6 Unstressed pronouns, 6 Basic reading rules, 7 Conjugation of two basic verbs, 11 Common phrases, 11
2. Indefinite articles, 13 Letter h, 14 Binding (liaison), 15 Turnover c "est, 16 Two important verbs, 18
3. The most important prepositions, 20 Reverse ce sont, 22 Possessive pronouns, 23 Word order in a sentence, 25 Preposition chez, 25
4. Demonstrative pronouns, 27 Rules for reading some nasal vowels, 27 Fluent e, 28 Negation, 28 Hack to ask a question, 30 Interrogative phrase est-ce que, 31
5. Gender of adjectives, 36 Place of adjectives, 38 Plural adjectives, 39 Verb groups, 41 Regularity in the endings of verb conjugation, 42
6. Merged articles(definite article + prepositions a and de), 46 Imperative mood, 47 Adverb, 48
7. Question words, 55 Conjunctions, 57
8. Negative question, 64 comparative adjectives, 65 Грм meanings of the word si, 66 Time and hours, 70
9. Personal adjective pronouns, 72 Highlights, 73 Impersonal expression ilfaut, 74
10. Personal stressed pronouns, 80 Venir verbs, 81 Near future and recent past, 81
11. Impersonal turnover Well, 88 Suffixes that help determine the gender of a noun, 89
12. Feminine nouns, 95 Plural nouns, 97 Polite words, 98
13. Indefinite personal pronoun on, 104 Passe compose (compound past), 105
14. Personal adjective pronouns, 112 Reflexive verbs, 113 Others reflexive verbs, 114 Indefinite words 118 Restrictive turnover ne ... que, 120
15. Prepositions and adverbs, 129
16. Futur simple(simple future tense), 132 Adverbs en, y, 135 Adjectives and nouns - antonymic pairs, 137 Verb plaire - to like, 138 Degrees of comparison of adverbs, 139
17. Imparfait (incomplete past tense), 141 Basic conversation phrases, 142
Repetition 148.
Keys 149.

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And now you have come to the conclusion that you need to start learning French (of your own free will or under the yoke of circumstances (fell in love with a Frenchwoman)) I assure you - in any case, you will not be disappointed! Indeed, in addition to the fact that it is one of the most beautiful languages ​​in the world, it is also one of the 5 most widespread languages. On a par with English language, in French they communicate at all five continents the world.

How to start learning French.

Where to start studying? Oddly enough, start with your own THINKING. Most people who want to master a new language are faced with the fear of failure in learning, many believe that not everyone is given languages, and that only a select few can be polyglots. So, I declare with full responsibility that these are groundless fears (if not to say that they are complete nonsense)! Language is a skill! None of us are born speaking this or that language. We learn this in the process of life. And depending on the environment in which we were born, we master this or that language. Accordingly, if we succeeded once and we perfectly speak, read, write, think, for example, in Russian, then we will definitely be able to repeat our path and speak another language, for example, French. You must be sure internally that you CAN SPEAK OTHER LANGUAGES !!! This faith will determine your success. Of course, it will not be easy, since learning a new language is a job, and no small job. But you should know that you can achieve your goals if you just constantly study and do not shy away from completing tasks. The main thing in this business is to remember why you started all this, and then everything will work out.

Now let's move on to 10 useful tips to help you learn French.

Advice1. Determine who you are by the type of perception.

Who are you: audial (better memorize by ear), visual (trust your eyesight), kinesthetic (sensitive experience, sensations are important to you) or discrete (perceive the world using logic). In the first lesson, I always ask my students which way of memorizing is closer to them. The entire subsequent method of presenting the material and the learning process will depend on this.

If you've studied languages ​​before, think about what worked for you and what didn't. If you find it difficult to attribute yourself to one or another type of perception, you can take the test on the vast expanses of the Internet. And perhaps you, like me, are of a mixed type and you, like me, are important to hear, and see, and feel the material, to think logically.

Advice2. Start with phonetics and reading rules.

The phonetics of the French language is quite complex. Despite the fact that the pronunciation of most letters of the French alphabet is similar to the pronunciation of letters from the Russian alphabet, our languages ​​are historically related, and we use many borrowed words from the French language in our speech (yes, don't be surprised! You already know something) however, pronunciation of words and whole sentences can be difficult. French speech flows, there are many linkages and connections between words. Listen to French speech and repeat (this method is especially good for audiences). Listen to native speakers (audio and video can be found online) to get an idea of ​​speech speed and intonation.

Work on your articulation, do the exercises in front of the mirror. This is important for correct pronunciation, your rate of speech will depend on it, and this so that the interlocutor, hearing your speech, understands what exactly you mean. The Francophones themselves actively use facial expressions and articulation in the conversation.

Learn the reading rules. I warn you right away - this is not easy and will take certain time... The peculiarity of the French language is that words are written with big amount letters, but they are worn out in just a few sounds. For example: beaucoup (many) is written in as many as eight letters and is pronounced "boku".

Therefore, knowing the rules of reading will help you to read the words correctly, pronounce them correctly, and as a result, enrich your vocabulary with the help of books. AND read, read, read and read everything in French! (This is especially good for visuals, and auditors can listen to audiobooks) Fiction, scientific, magazines, newspapers, brochures, even advertising ... This will make your speech richer, richer.

Advice3. Practice grammar!

"Grammar" may sound boring, but it's incredibly important. Agree, we ourselves are pleased to communicate with a foreigner when he speaks Russian correctly. So for the French, grammatically correct speech pleasant and important. And in order to speak correctly, you must understand the structure of the sentence, how to use verbs in the present, past and future tenses, know the gender of nouns and the use of adjectives. If you belong to discretes, then you will love the grammar. it pure water logics!

If you are a beginner Francophone, then here is my practical advice... Remember, in a French sentence, the subject always comes first, the predicate comes second, and then the complement. For example: Je vais à l'école (I'm going to school). And this is very cool, because with a small vocabulary (at first), you can clearly express your thoughts in short sentences. For example, introduce yourself: Bonjour! Je suis Tatiana Voronkova. Je suis russe. Je suis professeur. J'aime le français. (Hello! I am Tatiana Voronkova. I am Russian. I am a teacher. I love French.)

Advice4. 15 minutes, but every day!

I think systems approach to learning French is very important. Let 15 minutes a day (that's not much), but devote the whole day to the language. Learn new words and phrases, grammar rules, practice pronunciation, or just read something every day. Plus, at least twice a week, devote an hour to French! It will definitely bear fruit. And in a month you will be able to speak simple sentences and in 5-6 months you will see significant progress.

Advice5. Internet to help you!

You do not let go of your phone or tablet, because you simply "stuck" in social networks? Or are you a fan of video hosting? Or like to read electronic books, magazines, newspapers? Great! All this will help you in learning French!

Customize your primary language on social media as soon as possible "Français"... You already know what is located and where, and you can practice the language in practice. For example: Quoi de neuf? (What's new?) In the news feed, or En ligne (online). You can also find French-speaking friends on social media and communicate with them both verbally and in writing.

On Youtube you will find mass useful videos in French.

Well, we have already said about books: look for your favorite reading matter in French (in electronic form it is easier to do this nowadays). Or find French children's books on the Internet. As a rule, they are brightly illustrated and simple texts- what is needed for a beginner-francophonist.

You will also find a lot of French-speaking news channels and applications on the Internet. I especially recommend the TV5Monde channel. Here you will learn world news, and interesting programs look at various topics but most importantly, this channel will help you learn French in the Apprendre le Français section (for all levels of language proficiency).

You will also find wonderful electronic dictionaries on the Internet. For example: Multitran, Academician, Yandex dictionary, etc.

And these are all free resources!

Plus, of course, you can find various online schools foreign languages ​​in which people learn on Skype. For example, Learning French at this school via Skype is practical and effective because you can learn French anytime, anywhere with a personal teacher. Learning your favorite language at home on the couch with a cup of tea is not a pleasant experience?

Advice6. Watch films with French subtitles.

French cinema is rich in masterpieces! Indulge in the pleasure of watching French films in the original. This advice will especially appeal to kinesthetics and visuals, but people with other types of perception, I'm sure, will also be happy to enjoy a movie. I recommend that you start with famous cartoons. Be sure to watch films with subtitles. But with subtitles in French! It is important. Cast aside the fear that you will not understand anything. You will understand! Based on the context of the picture, plot, knowledge of a certain number of words and expressions. You don't need to translate every word to understand the main meaning. But you will immerse yourself in the French-speaking environment for a while. And reading subtitles and correlating them with what you hear will help you understand how the words you read are pronounced.

For beginners, it will also be fun and useful to watch the educational series Extra Francais - about three friends in Paris who help the fourth to speak French. In this video, the quality is not very good, but it is the only one with subtitles. Try to download the entire series (or watch VK).

Advice7. Learn phrases, not words.

Try to memorize not single words, but phrases, phrases and sentences. Learn a few phrases in order to say hello and goodbye correctly, ask for help, ask something, give information about yourself, etc.

For example:

Say hello: Bonjour (Hello), Bonsoir (Good evening), Salut (Hey), Comment ça va?(How are you?).

Introduce yourself: Je suis .. . (I am ...) or Je m'appelle ... (My name is…).

Say goodbye: Au revoir(Goodbye), à bientôt (see you later), Permettez moi de faire mes adieux! (Let me say goodbye!)

Forms of appeal:

Excusezmoi! Pardon! (Sorry!),

Excusezmoi de vous déranger (Excuse for troubling),

Pouvez vous me dire (Can you tell me ...),

Puis je vous demander? (May I ask you?),

Pardon, pourriezvous me dire où se trouve ... (Sorry, could you tell me where to be ...).

Parlez lentement, sil vous plait (Please speak slowly.)

Je necomprends pas (I do not understand)

Rourriezvous maider? (Can you help me?).

Learning phrases like this will serve you good service for example when traveling in a French-speaking country if you need to know something or ask for help.

Advice8. Speak!

The best way to learn a language is to speak it! All the knowledge you have gained - words, grammar, verb conjugation, hundreds of exercises performed - is nothing without speaking practice. If you don't use them and speak French, you will, unfortunately, quickly forget everything. Language integrates into us when we interact with other people during a conversation.

And while it is easy and pleasant to speak, most people fear this step. This is the fear of making mistakes, speaking incorrectly, not understanding the interlocutor, hearing criticism of the pronunciation ...

But you need to overcome those fears and just start talking. You have to understand that it is not a problem to make a mistake, it is a problem not even to try ... And as the heroine of one famous film said: "You blurt out, but blurt out confidently!" Believe me, if you make a mistake, the interlocutor will help you correct it, and correct pronunciation even better deposited in your head. Accept any criticism of pronunciation with gratitude and find out how to speak correctly, build a sentence, which word is more appropriate here. This will help you improve your speech.

Speak French even if you feel uncomfortable about not knowing much. Everyone starts out like that, but over time you will improve. If you do not understand what your interlocutor is saying, ask him to repeat and speak more slowly. If you don't understand the meaning of a word, ask what it means. For example: Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire? (What does it mean?). This way, by the way, you will better learn and remember the meaning of new words.

You ask, where can you find a person who is ready to communicate with you in French? On the Internet ... On various forums and sites. And of course, the teachers are happy to communicate with you!

Think in French. Speak French out loud when you are alone. Comment on everything you do. If you wash dishes or drive a car, talk about it. Pay attention to your intonation and pronunciation. Listen to yourself.

Chip №9. Praise yourself for every success!

Be sure to praise yourself for every success and progress in your French language learning experience. Most people in the world recognize how difficult it is to start learning a foreign language. Some never take this step ... And you are great! You need to, and you do. Even if you learn a language solely for your own pleasure (as I did), you do it for yourself, you develop, and it is worthy of praise.

The French adore their language, their culture, and are very proud of their history. They are very sensitive to the fact that you are trying to learn their language. They are usually patient and kind. And most likely they will praise you for your zeal, too.

And positive emotions will nourish you for the next round of language acquisition, give you strength.

Chip10. Don't back down!

When you start learning French from scratch, you will, of course, make constant progress at first. Enjoy these moments. Then, after a certain amount of time, you might get the impression that there is no progress and you are at the same level for several months! Be patient. Keep working. You will definitely reach a new level of knowledge. The main thing is not to retreat and go forward!

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September 2008- a naive young lady with a level of French: under A2. Random scraps of knowledge in my head after foreign language courses. Phonetics, grammar, vocabulary - First level, speaking and listening comprehension approach zero.

November 2010- French level: B2 according to the young lady, or C1 according to DALF.

Hello, my name is Galya, I am the same young lady and I learned French on my own (almost). Two important caveats:

  • I was taught to read (and in French this is important!)
  • I was not raped by Popova-Kazakova (this is about the second part of the title of the article).

After documenting my knowledge, I taught and continued to learn French, and now I am so emboldened that I give advice on self-study. So, best advice, which so far I can give - go to the country of the target language! I did this in my time with French and have never regretted it. Now I am learning Spanish, and I would gladly wave to Latin America for a year, if not for a million “if only”. If your “ifs” don't let you do this either yet, another tip: create a language environment at home.

What is a language environment? If we take away the romantic and enthusiastic screams about “aaa around the French”, “aaa I saw Paris and did not die” what did I do differently? It took me 5 years of teaching to understand: NOTHING.

I just spent more time on the language than at home.

No magic pills and secret secrets. There are no miraculous implantations of language into the brain in the language environment. I did the same things as in the courses, the same as at home, just spent a lot more time on it.

I read a lot

At first, children's books were used (I worked as a nanny, and my wards were 4.5 and 10 years old). First of all, I dealt with preschool publications, then with comics, then I switched to teenage literature. Then she began to look at the parents' library, but this happened after the first 3-4 months of being in the environment. But even without the environment, you can download interesting adapted books for yourself.

In addition to books, I read everything that I saw: for example, after museums I took booklets with me to different languages describing the pictures and the plan, and then translating the French version, looking into the English / Russian translation. But what prevents me from opening the Louvre website http://www.louvre.fr/ now and doing the same?

I listened a lot

I listened to radio and television, for the first couple of months I understood only 10%. I watched news, TV shows and cartoons. I have never believed in “ passive listening”, But it was this that really pulled up listening and helped to speak faster.

If I had known about this magical "immersion", I could have done so from the very beginning and accompany my studies with daily listening, and not once a week for 5 minutes in courses. I could select listening the right level: listen to the news en français facile, for example. Listening to French is not just important, it is a prerequisite, if, of course, you want to understand not only written speech.

By the way about the letter. While the French themselves can sometimes scare you with their spelling, deal with all the superscripts from the start and learn to type correctly.

I spoke to native speakers.

You say it's easy to search for media when there is no choice. But there was a choice. The Russian-speaking population in Paris abounds: ours are everywhere and you yourself choose with whom to communicate.

My classmate moved to New York and for the first year of her life did not speak English at all. She knows the language perfectly, there was simply no one to practice it with. Her employers, colleagues and girlfriends spoke Russian. So much for the language environment. If you create it at home, then to talk to native speakers, you have at your disposal wonderful italki, polyglotclub and many more places where you can find a friend to chat on Skype.

I studied with authentic textbooks.

Now you won't surprise anyone with this, nevertheless, some people prefer Popova-Kazakov. Let tomatoes and slippers fly at me, but how good it is that no one gave me this famous “base”. Then I still had to go through it, but I'm sure that you need to start with modern textbook, from the very beginning, gaining living vocabulary and listening to live dialogues.

Conclusions from this story:

  1. Intensive is the best pace of language acquisition. Stretching pleasure, we lose the drive, desire and, accordingly, regularity.
  2. The language environment can be created without leaving your computer. This requires the Internet, desire, and also concentration. So stop reading about how others learn languages, start doing it yourself!

If you decide to dive into French next year, then keep an action plan for beginners:

  1. We are looking for someone to teach you how to read or check your well-read texts. If you understand yourself, then this is the only exception when it is better to take a Russian-language textbook. But in any case, let someone check you and correct the mistakes. The worst thing you can think of is not knowing the reading rules and taking Passé Composé. Understand pronunciation once and for all. It is logical and also beautiful.
  2. Take the tutorial Latitudes 1 - it will be the basis of your program. Follow it, in no case missing audio and tasks in workbook... The answers to all this wealth can be found for free, as are the manuals themselves.
  3. You can “dilute” this tutorial with the books Grammaire en dialogues and Vocabulaire en dialogues, tightening up grammar and vocabulary. But no more than one chapter a day, because the material you have learned needs to be repeated. Use the method that suits you to practice new words.
  4. We listen to French speech every day - the more the better. You can get started with the Coffee Break French podcasts, the Extra series. Watch movies with subtitles, sing karaoke songs, watch interesting interviews or musicals. Dive in, in a word. Here is a list of resources to choose from.
  5. After the first month of classes, we begin to read regularly. First, adapted or children's literature, like Petit Nicolas, then light books that you read in Russian, then something from contemporary authors. Balzac and Flaubert will wait for your confident B2.

In your moments of despair, read Kato Lomb's “How I Learn Languages” and you will understand how lucky you are in the Internet age. There are now so many authentic materials of excellent quality that it will last for more than one life.

P.S. If you have already started, dropped out or in the process of learning a language, then all these tips are already clear to you, and you, of course, have not learned anything new.

I just wanted to say that the language environment is not a panacea. In a linguistic environment, the same is lazy and in the same way “I will do it tomorrow”. Moreover, neither a collection of links to valuable resources, nor advice from polyglots, nor unlimited Internet... It's all about motivation and discipline, and then you can learn French on your own!

As for me, I did not give up studying foreign languages, although I returned home. My little secret: like-minded people from Language Heroes. This is more than a language environment :)

Many thanks to Galina Lyapun for writing this article. You can find even more great and useful French material on her.

In France, everyone speaks the most beautiful language world - French. It is a pleasure to study and pronounce it. At the same time, there will be no difficulty in pronunciation, except for the notorious rolling "r" for a Russian-speaking person. All the difficulties lie in reading the written words, where 8 letters can be pronounced as 2. So where to start learning French, if only "Salute" and "Cherche la fam" come to mind?

The whole process of learning any language is broken down into essential blocks or stages, including compulsory exercises and additional classes to expand the horizons and stir up interest in the country, culture and history. The first stage is always the setting of pronunciation, it includes:

  • Study of the alphabet, letters and sounds transmitted by them;
  • Learning simple monosyllabic words, as examples for the alphabet or for laying down vocabulary;
  • Training the perception of sounds by ear, getting used to French speech through audiobooks, music, videos.

The second stage includes reading and comprehending French words "at sight". Here it is already more difficult, the rules of phonetics and spelling are included in the process. Usually at this stage they add to listening to speech:

  • Performing phonetic grammar exercises

    Study of letter combinations, rules for reading individual diphthongs or triphthongs. there are a great many of them in the French language;
    Practice pronunciation of words and phrases written in the book;
    Collecting the first words into a personal dictionary.

You also need to add the spelling of words to reading, so the third stage is usually a letter, which, in turn, consists of the following additional tasks:

  • Practice writing typing and uppercase letters the French alphabet;
  • Performing exercises in notebooks aimed at developing motor skills and getting the hand used to writing French letters;
  • Maintaining your own dictionary, where you need to write down the learned words with transcription and translation;
  • French spelling, mastering the features of the composition of sentences and punctuation marks.

After you can write and receive basic knowledge about reading individual letters and letter combinations, you can proceed to the most important stage - Speaking, construction of phrases. Conversation is the most difficult moment in any foreign language.

It is necessary to express a thought, collecting in a heap all the knowledge gained about pronunciation, grammar, and the construction of sentences. That is why the first 3 stages go first to think based on visual, mechanical and sound associations, the so-called "anchors". On the final stage already being added:

  • Adapted literature;
  • Audio materials, video materials with subtitles;
  • Personal conversation with other students or with representatives of the French-speaking nation - native speakers.

Exercises and methodological literature need to continue to be studied and mastered in order for the training to be comprehensive and versatile. If you choose one thing, the lessons will become boring and it will be difficult to spur interest. It will be quite difficult to learn French on your own without a weighty goal.

Who can help you learn French

Self-study of the French language is a difficult and time-consuming business, it requires remarkable patience and iron motivation, otherwise nothing will work out. You need to spend 40-60 minutes a day on classes, although you should be 3 times a week, regularly, without long and frequent absences. Then the result will be noticeable quickly enough. You will not speak French in a month or two, as advertisements for some courses promise, it takes a student about six months to start building the first meaningful expressions from scratch.

On the way of developing pronunciation, parsing grammar and searching for teaching materials, it is better to contact a specialist. It will be very difficult and time-consuming to independently look through all the courses offered on the Internet and choose the one you need, and the teacher can correctly suggest and correct your searches. What options can you choose:

  • Ready-made full-cycle courses presented online in free or paid access;
  • Online learning courses led by an educator;
  • Classes in a language school - a course of study;
  • Personal training with a teacher;
  • The toughest way is a trip to France for a couple of months with or without basic knowledge, and learning the language "in the fields".

Any of these options can work well if you are motivated and motivated to learn. Without them, no teacher will make you speak.

Resources for learning French

If you decide to start learning on your own, without the help of a teacher or with his minimal participation, then you can use the World Wide Web as a source of information and knowledge. There are dozens of websites, apps and teaching aids... 7 most popular ones:

  1. lingust.ru is a great resource for all levels, from basic to advanced. Methodical literature, assignments and audio assistants will guide you and advise on how best to structure the training.
  2. le-francais.ru - invites students to learn French using online lessons and specially designed materials. A popular and useful site for beginners.
  3. tapis.com.au is an interesting resource for beginners and those wishing to pull up old knowledge. Many interesting materials- audio, video and exercises.
  4. podcastfrancaisfacile.com - a site with a bunch of different materials in audio format to listen to in free time... There is information on different topics and sections of teaching materials.
  5. francaisonline.com offers online language learning with educators. Convenient and simple site and additional sections teaching materials for self-study.
  6. bescherelle.com allows you to learn a language in game form, the site contains complex and simple games, puzzles and rules presented in the form interesting game... Suitable for any level, it will be interesting even for children.
  7. hosgeldi.com is a resource for replenishing vocabulary, invites you to regularly learn new words, you can subscribe, and you will receive materials by mail.

If you are visual by the type of information perception, and learning is easier while watching video materials, then the following resources are for you:

  1. Video tutorials from the Kultura TV channel using the Polyglot system are available on the network at TK Kultura. Here you can get basic knowledge of pronunciation and grammar of the French language in 16 lessons using a specially developed methodology.
  2. The site bonjour.com is for beginners who decide to learn pronunciation on their own. Here you can find many videos about sound rules basic words and phrases.
  3. A treasure trove of videos in all languages ​​of the world is the BBC's website, where you can find scientific programs, interviews, funny and educational materials in French. bbc.com
  4. An interview in French with subtitles can be viewed at ina.fr. There will be enough material to master the features of pronunciation and improve reading speed.
  5. Interesting material is presented by the baihou.ru website in the form of a training series, where all information is presented simply and clearly, each video has subtitles.

For maximum immersion in culture and daily life French people can join print and Internet publications in France, watch national television and listen to local radio stations.

  • Television France- france24.com, tivi5mondeplus.com, d8.tv;
    All radio stations in the country- radios.syxy.com;
    French dailies and their online versions - Le Figaro and Le Nouvel observateur.

These resources will be enough to diversify boring lessons and exercises, get a lot of different information about life and the situation in the country, study the peculiarities of culture, important milestones in the history and mentality of the French.

  1. Learn to enjoy the lessons. Boring memorization of rules and monotonous repetition of the same words will not bring results, because something else needs to be invested in the work. Dilute materials funny videos, reading books, watching movies, combine pleasant pastime and lessons. Find an interesting interlocutor and practice what you have learned in a personal, casual conversation.

  2. Spend 30-60 minutes a day in French. Regular, even short, sessions can have tremendous results if done productively and until they get bored. Perfect timing- 40 minutes, of which 10-15 minutes for repetition of old material, the rest of the time for new knowledge. Choose your time most active your brain. For someone in the morning it is easier to recognize and remember, someone is an owl and new material fits in the head only at night.
  3. Don't try to learn everything in one sitting. It is still possible to sit over the lessons on the first day of training for 4-5 hours, but such a volume will quickly get bored and become a burden. Accordingly, productivity will quickly drop to zero. Divide the class into one-hour blocks and practice every day.
  4. Get a dictionary. A notebook with notes performs several functions at once: mechanical memorization of the passed material, words are always at hand and available for repetition, all studied information in one place. You can duplicate new words on a separate sheet and attach in a prominent place. You can periodically look at what you have written out of boredom and refresh your memory.
  5. Review the material you covered. Allocate 20-30% of the class time to yesterday's topic, and better first time to look through everything recorded. If you spend 15 minutes a day on this, then the material will not have to be learned again in a couple of months.
  6. Read more literature. Reading books broadens one's horizons, distracts from problems, calms and helps in learning. French authors have worked as productively as in any other country, so there is material for everyone. At the initial stage, you will need to search for adapted literature and read books of your level or higher with a dictionary. With the growth of vocabulary, the range of works will increase and expand.
  7. Try to talk as often as possible. You can't learn a language without practice, not in six months, not in your entire life. The meaning of training is precisely in the opportunity to maintain a dialogue and communicate with representatives of another country. You can get the opportunity to communicate on special forums, in language schools, on social networks, on trips. At first, communication will be primitive, but with the help of the interlocutor, you can find out stable turns of speech, words often used in dialogue, analogs to standard phrases and much more.
  8. Find like-minded people. A person needs to always feed his interests and find strength for further development... It is best to do this by showing off the knowledge gained and the evolution of knowledge. In language schools, on forums and among friends, you can find the opportunity to exchange results. Nothing motivates like the desire to do better than someone else's.

  9. Study the language comprehensively. Exercises, writing, reading, audio materials, video materials - everything should be included. For self-study of French, you need to paint a program where all types of classes will be harmoniously combined. Then the training will be productive and interesting.
  10. Try to learn phrases rather than single words in the context of everyday conversation. The concepts vary greatly depending on the neighborhood. Words taken out of context have little to do with real speech. Try to learn exactly the phrases in order to memorize the features of the construction of sentences, the use of individual words, phraseological units and idioms.
  11. Develop a system for rewarding yourself for success. In the classroom with a teacher this function perform grades, praise, prizes. Any rewarding activity may be suitable for self-study. Learned the block - indulge in an ice cream, a trip to the park, or a new trinket. Choose for yourself pleasant trifles and celebrate small victories. While waiting for the prize, a boring lesson will be much faster and more productive.

  12. Don't quit at the first difficulty. The most difficult will be 3-6 months, when the first fuse has passed, and the material is still little studied. Then laziness begins, the search for excuses and the first skipping classes. Find the strength to overcome them, in six months it will be much easier, the brain will get used to the portioned loads and it will become calmer to perceive new information.

How to learn French on your own?

Summing up, I need to say about motivation. The main thing is to want to learn French, the materials and courses are in free access online and bookstores. Find an hour a day in class and enjoy it by combining learning with watching movies. reading books, communicating with interesting people... Then the process will be as productive as possible, even without resorting to the help of teachers and other linguistic specialists.

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