Home Grape Stooping in adults: how to fix it, basic treatment methods. Exercises for stooping: a simple complex for everyone

Stooping in adults: how to fix it, basic treatment methods. Exercises for stooping: a simple complex for everyone

In order for a person to be healthy and full of strength, correct posture is important. It prevents curvature of the spine and the development of scoliosis. The main cause of the disease is weakened back muscles. Exercises against stooping help to quickly and effectively strengthen them.

Causes of the problem

For many people, problems with the spine begin in at a young age. This is facilitated by time spent at a desk, watching TV in an uncomfortable position, and long games on the computer. Children's shoulders droop and they begin to slouch, causing irreparable harm spine. The problem is aggravated by a sedentary lifestyle, various microtraumas and chronic diseases.

A weakened muscle corset causes the natural curves of the vertebrae to become more noticeable. The first alarming signs of a slouched back appear, which you should definitely pay attention to:

  • protruding tummy;
  • rounded back shape;
  • narrowed chest;
  • protruding shoulder blades;
  • head hung low.

When such changes occur in a child, parents urgently need to show him to a doctor. If stooping is not dealt with at the initial stage, pathological deformation of the spine occurs. The spinal cord nerves are pinched and the vertebral discs are worn out. This causes back pain, migraines, and blurred vision with age.

According to doctors, there are two types of reasons why the disease develops. They are divided into:

  • psychological;
  • physical.

Spinal curvature caused by physical reasons, begin from the fact that a person does not monitor his posture. Psychological reasons much deeper. Slouching is caused by complexes and lack of self-confidence. Trying to isolate himself from a hostile world, a person unconsciously raises his shoulders, lowers his head, and arches his back. Psychological problems often become the culprits of stooping in adults and children.

How to define a disease?

The stooped back immediately catches the eye. To determine the degree of damage to the spine, you need to stretch out in a horizontal position on a hard surface. If the curvature is leveled out, the situation can be corrected by performing exercises against stooping.

You cannot rely on such a check with 100% certainty. To exclude catastrophic changes in the spine that require surgical treatment, you need to undergo a medical examination. The doctor will conduct an in-depth examination and prescribe an x-ray or computed tomography scan. After establishing an accurate diagnosis, a set of therapeutic measures is prescribed to return straight posture:

  • special physical;
  • classes in the pool, massage;
  • manual therapy;
  • wearing a corset that tightens the back muscles.

It may take several months to straighten your posture, but the results are worth it. After all, incorrect position of the spine negatively affects the functioning of all organs, worsens appearance and greatly reduces the quality of life.

What to do?

A bed for rest and a pillow are of great importance. To avoid problems with the spine, you need to sleep on a hard, even mattress. The pillow should be small. When you lie on it, your head should not rise above your body, but form one line with it. When treating slouching, it is recommended to purchase special pillows designed to straighten your back or sleep for a while without them.

To get rid of stoop, you will need to perform a special set of exercises aimed at improving posture. At the same time, it is important to comply with the basic requirement - always keep your back straight, remembering to straighten your shoulders.

Physical exercises should strengthen the muscles of the neck, back, and shoulders. To complete them you need half an hour of free time, a hard gymnastic mat and positive mood. Experts recommend doing exercises in the morning, immediately after waking up. If this is not possible, you can reschedule the workout to a later time, but keep in mind that it should be done 2 hours after eating and a few hours before going to bed.

Simple exercises

After warming up your muscles, start doing push-ups. They need to be done 10 times. They help build up muscle mass on the back and arms. In addition, during push-ups, the spine straightens and takes the desired shape.

  • The next exercise is called “Boat”. Lie on your stomach with your arms extended in front of you. Raise your legs first, then your arms. Lift your limbs 20-30 cm from the floor. Complete the task 20 times.
  • Then try more difficult exercise- “Basket.” Children can do it without effort. Adults who lead a sedentary life have difficulty performing this exercise to correct stooping. Lying on your stomach, bend your knees. Lift your shoulders off the floor, grab your feet with your hands and try to pull them closer to the back of your head. Hold this position for a minute, return to the starting position and repeat the exercise. At first, do 3-4 approaches. When the body gets used to the load, increase the amount to 10.
  • The “Cat” pose helps strengthen the back muscles when slouching. You need to get on all fours and alternately bend and bend your spine.
  • To develop your shoulder muscles, stand straight. Raise your right hand up, take your left hand behind your back. Bend both elbows and try to clasp your palms behind your back. Count down 2-3 seconds, lower your arms down and repeat the movement in the other direction. For positive dynamics to occur, you need to do 8 approaches regularly with each hand.
  • To strengthen the muscles of the cervical spine, sit on the mat, bend your knees, move your head back, straighten your shoulders and try to bring your shoulder blades closer to each other as much as possible. Repeat the movement 6 times.

The best exercise for stooping at home is “Wall”. Choose a flat wall or door. Press your back against it so that 5 points of your body touch the wall:

  • heels;
  • calves;
  • buttocks;
  • shoulder blades;
  • back of the head

Don't make the common mistake of trying to tilt your head back excessively to touch the wall. Instead, you should better bend your thoracic spine.

Put your hands down. Slightly bent elbows should touch the wall. First, hold this for 3-4 minutes. You will experience discomfort because the muscles are not used to being in this position. Increase the time by 1 minute every day until it reaches 7-8 minutes.

Exercises with weights

For with auxiliary items. Take several thin books, place them on your head and walk around with them for 10 minutes. During this period of time, it is important not to drop the brochures. To achieve this, you will have to keep your back straight and constantly monitor your posture. You can sew a small bag, fill it with 200-300 g of sand and use it instead of books. Squats with a load on your head help a lot. Do them 10 times daily.

A great exercise is to imitate riding a bicycle. Lie on your back, raise your legs and start making circular movements with them. Squeeze a long stick in your hands. Rhythmically lift it up and lower it to your chest. Do not stop exercising for 5 minutes.

To prevent complications, start exercising after consulting with your doctor. To prevent muscle microtraumas, increase the load gradually. Don't forget that even minor postural defects require correction. Therefore, even out muscle tone and strengthen them with a special set of exercises. It will increase the flexibility of the spine and improve general state health.

Poor posture is common among both children and adults, which is most often associated with a lack of proper education and physical inactivity. Fortunately, this is fixable, since there are no pathological changes in the vertebrae, but there is uneven tension in the muscles that hold the spine and body in place. vertical position. There are several types of posture disorders: slouched back, round back, etc. Therapeutic gymnastics for each type of postural disorder is different. In this article we will look at exercises for stooping and round back. In subsequent articles - posture exercises for other types of disorders of the physiological position of the spine. Posture plays a huge role in the health of the spine, cerebral circulation, and normal physiological position. internal organs, their functioning and blood circulation in them. In addition, posture is important for proper physiological gait, which, together with the physiological curves of the spine and arches of the feet, creates conditions for shock absorption of the body, and also helps to save energy when walking, running, jumping, since there is no displacement of the center of gravity in any direction, the body is in a state of optimal balance, moves easily and less tired. This is important for the health of the feet and leg joints. I would like to note that correct posture affects a person’s mood, performance, and self-confidence. Outwardly a man with beautiful posture and his gait is pleasant for the people around him. Posture is a sign of a person’s culture and upbringing. Perhaps it affects the sense of proportion and the sense of the “golden mean”. That is, posture is an indicator general health body. Its importance is so great that you should immediately start doing posture exercises. It is necessary not only to strengthen the muscles of the torso, neck and legs, but also to cultivate posture in order to form the correct stereotype of the vertical position of the body in space. Who should we take as an example of excellent posture? Of course, from athletes - gymnasts and ballet dancers.

“Posture is a habitual posture at ease standing man without active muscle tension." (V.K. Dobrovolsky).
The essence of ideal posture is the physiological balance of the body in an upright position, achieved subject to the correct ratio of physiological curves of the spine and uniform muscle tone.

The normal posture of a casually standing person has the following signs:

  1. The axes of the body and head are located along the same vertical, perpendicular to the area of ​​support.
  2. The pelvis is tilted forward, the hip joints are extended, in the middle position, the legs are slightly tilted posteriorly.
  3. The curves of the spine (cervical, thoracic and lumbar) are moderately pronounced.
  4. Absence of spinal curves in the frontal plane. Normally, the spine looks like a straight line from front to back.
  5. The shoulders are turned and slightly lowered, the symmetrically located shoulder blades do not protrude.
  6. The chest is cylindrical or conical, moderately protruding.
  7. The abdomen is flat or evenly and moderately convex.
  8. The feet have a pronounced longitudinal arch (no longitudinal flat feet).

Due to this position, the axis of the body begins approximately from the middle of the parietal area of ​​the head, crosses the ear just behind the angle of the lower jaw, passes through the transverse line connecting the hip joints and ends at the center of the feet in front of the ankle joints.

*The formation of the curves of the spine occurs only after birth. The newborn's back is almost straight. Cervical lordosis is formed when trying to raise the head while lying on the stomach and in an upright position while holding the head straight. Lumbar lordosis - when standing and walking. At the same time, the formation of thoracic and sacral kyphosis occurs. Thus, the curves of the spinal column are functional adaptations of the human body to maintain balance in an upright position. If they were not there, the person would not be able to stand, as he would fall backward.

*When a child first tries to sit, he or she develops a general backward arching of the spine due to the heaviness of the head and upper limbs. Do not sit your baby down before 6 months of age. Strengthen your baby's back muscles with special gymnastics, for example, on a fitball. Let him crawl as long as possible. You should also not train walking ahead of time; let him stand up on his own when the time comes. Teach swimming.

*Thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis are more pronounced in women than in men.
The curves of the spinal column with a horizontal position of the body straighten somewhat, with a vertical position they are more pronounced, and when carrying heavy objects they noticeably increase.

Types of posture disorders.

Postural disorders are detected when examining the patient from the side (in the sagittal plane), in which the correct ratio of physiological bends changes. There is either a smoothing of the curves of the spine, or, conversely, their excessive increase; and there are also deviations of the spine in the frontal plane (when we look at a person from the front or back). With any violation of posture, the axis of the body shifts either forward or backward, while the body strives to restore harmony as soon as possible in order to give the body a stable position and maintain the shock-absorbing function of the spine. So, for example, with such a violation of posture as a flat back, the axis of the body shifts back and passes behind the hip joints, the muscles of the front surface of the body are tense to keep the body from falling back, there is a high probability of pathological curves of the spine in the frontal plane, which normally should not exist ; This is a compensatory adaptation of the body to provide a spring effect when walking, running and jumping in the case of a flat back.

1). Stooped back - increased thoracic kyphosis at the level of the upper third of the thoracic spine while smoothing the lumbar lordosis.

2). Round back – thoracic kyphosis is increased throughout the entire thoracic spine, shoulders are reduced, lumbar lordosis is smoothed.

3). – all physiological curves of the spine are increased; head, neck, shoulders tilted forward, stomach protrudes; stretched back muscles abdominals, buttocks and back surface hips; the angle of inclination of the pelvis is increased.

4). – all physiological curves of the spine are smoothed, the angle of inclination of the pelvis is reduced; the back looks like a board.

5). – thoracic kyphosis is smoothed, and lumbar lordosis is increased; abdominal muscles are weakened; the angle of inclination of the pelvis is increased.

Posture disorders when viewed from behind and from the front (in the frontal plane) are not divided into individual species. They are characterized by violations of symmetry between the right and left halves of the body. The spine can be deviated to the right or left completely or in any department. In childhood, this curvature is unstable and can be corrected by volitional muscle tension and in a lying position. Differential diagnosis is made with dysplastic scoliosis of 1st degree. If there is a violation of posture in the frontal plane, unlike scoliosis, there are no signs of pathological rotation around the vertical axis; x-ray the bases of the roots of the vertebral arches are symmetrical on both sides. That is, there are no irreversible changes in the spine.

Poor posture in children, left unattended and lasting for several years, can cause scoliosis, when irreversible changes appear in the entire spine, chest, and pelvic bones. Any violation of posture in a child is evidence poor care behind it from parents or lack of attention and care for their “treasure”.

Causes of postural disorders.

  1. Hypodynamia, weakness of the muscles that hold the spine in an upright position: the muscles of the neck, abdomen, back and lower limbs.
  2. Muscle imbalance, disruption of the physiological tone of the muscles involved in the formation of posture.
  3. The bad habit of incorrect body position in space. It is formed in the form of a stereotype due to incorrectly selected furniture, chronic stress, myopia, poor lighting, reading in bed, monotonous work and being in an unnatural position for a long time (for example, tailors who have the habit of sitting with their legs under them; at the same time unbends lumbar region spine). To form a habit correct posture it will take at least three weeks.
  4. The condition of the lower extremities is of great importance for the health of the spine and correct posture. Pathological factors are foot defects (clubfoot, flatfoot), as well as the shape of the legs (O or X-shaped) and the difference in the size of the legs, when one leg is shorter than the other, and the health of the joints.
  5. Premature sitting of a child in the first year of life (sitting is not recommended before 6 months of life), as a round back is formed (with excessive thoracic kyphosis and smoothed lumbar lordosis).
  6. The history of rickets before the age of 2 is important.

Slouch and round back.

Stooping – an increase in thoracic kyphosis in the upper parts of the thoracic spine while smoothing the lumbar lordosis (the lower part of the kyphotic arch ends at the level of the 7th – 8th thoracic vertebra); The shoulders are brought together, the shoulder blades are wing-shaped.

A round back has an even more pronounced kyphosis - the back is curved in the form of a large arc posteriorly, and the curvature also includes the lower cervical vertebrae. The shoulders protrude forward, the shoulder blades protrude wing-like, the chest is sunken, the neck rises obliquely forward, the head is also tilted forward, and the pelvis is pushed forward. The spinal column is bent over the sacrum, the stomach is protruded. The whole deposition of the body gives the impression of lethargy. When walking, the feet turn inward, the gait becomes uncertain, and the legs seem to drag along the ground. The man gives the impression of a gloomy, sad creature.

Common signs of a stooped and round back are an increase in thoracic kyphosis, smoothing of the lumbar lordosis, the back muscles are stretched, and the muscles chest the front is shortened, the neck is tilted forward.

People with a round back are accustomed to this body position, that is, they have formed a stereotype of body position at the level conditioned reflex, and giving the body the correct posture is discomfort for them, it seems to them that they are falling backwards, they want to quickly return to the usual position of “hunched and sullen.” Don't worry, this is normal. After all, if a person with healthy, correct posture is forced to slouch, then he will also experience discomfort and will want to return to his usual correct posture as soon as possible. Any habit takes at least 3 weeks to form. You need to really want and make an effort, doing therapeutic exercises every day. Gradually everything will work out. And then, when correct posture is achieved, it is necessary to constantly maintain it: train the back muscles daily using isotonic and other exercises.

Physical therapy for stooping and round back.

Exercise therapy for stooping and a round back sets the goal of teaching the feeling of correct posture and the formation of correct postures in everyday life. Therapeutic exercises for stooping aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back, abdomen, legs and neck; and also to relax and stretch the chest muscles. Attention is paid to gait and developing a sense of correct posture. The exercises used are isotonic, strength, extension exercises (with extension of the spine in the thoracic region in a supine position or placing a cushion under the back in the area of ​​thoracic kyphosis) - for the collar area, they can be used during the day when working while sitting at a table, they will look like stretchers.

The starting positions are different, but exercises lying on the stomach with hands working, first without objects, then with a stick and weights, are especially recommended; in the knee-wrist position, kneeling, standing with a gymnastic stick raised behind the shoulder blades, exercises against the wall.

Fitball - gymnastics is very effective, since exercises on the ball are performed while maintaining balance and symmetry of the body, and a sense of body position in space develops.

You can use dumbbells or weights for your arms and legs as weights (they are very easy to use). Exercises with weights not only improve muscle strength, but also promote a stronger muscular-articular sense of body position, which is very important when correcting postural problems.

Massotherapy back enhances efficiency therapeutic exercises, especially if the procedure is carried out before exercise therapy. Stroking is carried out along the long muscles of the back, along the broad and trapezius muscles, rubbing, kneading and chopping them for toning. If massage is not carried out, then before class it is advisable to do a self-massage of the back with a roller massager. If you are stooped, it is better to use not a flexible roller massager, but a massager - a stick with wheels strung on the rod.

The duration of therapeutic exercises for stooping is 30 - 45 minutes. The exercises are rhythmic at a slow pace. The lesson will consist of two parts: in the first part - strengthening the muscle corset, in the second - strengthening correct posture in various positions and conditions and exercises for the feet.

For morning exercises Isotonic exercises are also great for stretching the spine. Before going to bed, you can apply thoracic back extension while lying on your back on a bolster.

Swimming is useful for leveling the tone of the body muscles and stretching the spine, but you need to strengthen the muscles special exercises out of water.

Reclinators - orthopedic devices for correcting posture are needed only to help consolidate the feeling of correct posture and the formation of correct postures in everyday life. It must be remembered that wearing them for a long time weakens the muscles that must maintain this body position on their own. Therefore, the question of choosing and wearing a posture brace is decided by the doctor on an individual basis.

Fitball is gymnastics to strengthen the back muscles.

Therapeutic exercises for stoop and round back.

First we strengthen the muscle corset, then we train the sense of posture.

You will need a gymnastics stick, dumbbells (1 - 3 kg) and a bag of sand to wear on your head weighing 200 grams. It is advisable to see yourself in a large mirror, since it is important to maintain symmetry and perform the exercises equally in both directions.

1). Starting position – lying on your back, arms along your body.
1 – Inhale, raise your arms up and put them on the floor, straighten your feet (towards you).
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 – Stretching the spine, alternately stretch your heels down, breathing freely. Concentrate on the back of your legs and lower back.
8 – Return to initial position, exhale.
6 times.

2). Starting position - lying on your back, legs straight, arms bent at the elbow joints, hands pointing upward (towards the ceiling). Leaning on your elbows, straighten your back in the thoracic region, your head touching the floor with the top of your head. Hold for 10 seconds. Return to starting position. 3 times.
You should not throw your head back too much to avoid excessive neck extension; try to straighten your thoracic region more, while at the same time paying attention to relaxing and stretching the muscles of the chest.

3). Starting position – lying on your back, arms along your body. Perform an imitation of riding a bicycle with your legs with full amplitude until your abdominal muscles are tired.

4). Starting position – lying on your back. Diaphragmatic breathing: legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor, hands on the stomach. As you inhale, “inflate” your stomach, as you exhale, slowly “deflate” and draw it in a little. 6 times.

5). Starting position – lying on your back, legs straight, hands in the “lock” under your head.
Ab exercise "Cross".
1 – Connect the right elbow and left knee, exhale.

3 – Connect your left elbow and right knee, exhale.

Until your abdominal muscles tire.

6). Starting position – lying on your back, arms along your body.
1 – At the same time, move your arms and legs to the sides, slightly sliding along the floor, inhale.
2, 3 – Press down on the floor with your whole body, arms and legs, breathing freely.

6 times.

7). Starting position – lying on your back, hands in the “lock” under your head, legs bent at the knees.
1 – Raise your head and upper shoulder girdle, try to spread your elbows to the sides, inhale.

Until your abdominal muscles tire.

8). Starting position – lying on your back, arms to the sides, legs straight.
1 – Move the straightened right leg over the left, touch the floor with the foot, press the right hand to the floor, inhale.
2 - Return to the starting position, exhale.
3 – Move your left leg over your right, inhale.
4 - Return to the starting position, exhale.
10 times.
This exercise trains the rotation of the pelvis following the forward movement of the leg, which is useful for walking “from the hip.”

9). Starting position: lying on your back, arms along the body, legs bent in knee joints, feet on the floor.
1 – At the same time, raise your pelvis and straighten your right leg up, stretch it, pulling it behind you right side pelvis, inhale.
2 - Return to the starting position, exhale.
3 – Raise your pelvis and left leg up, pulling left side pelvis, inhale.
4 - Return to the starting position, exhale.
10 times.
Try to do it the same way on both sides. Concentrate on turning your pelvis.

10). Starting position - lying on your stomach, hands in support near shoulder joints, “squeeze your buttocks,” legs are tightly closed and pressed to the floor.
1 – Straighten your arms forward, exhale.
2 – Arms to the sides, straighten your back, raising your head and top part body as high as possible, look forward, legs pressed to the floor, inhale.
3 – Back in the same position, move your arms along the body, press your palms to your body, continue inhaling.
4 - Return to the starting position, head down, begin to exhale.
Continue without stopping at a slow pace with maximum range of arm movements until the muscles fatigue, concentrating on the thoracic spine.

eleven). Starting position - lying on your stomach, your head lies on your hands folded in front of you, your legs are tightly closed.
1 – Raise your straightened legs, spread them to the sides and place them on the floor, as if carrying them over low objects.
2 - Return to the starting position, performing the leg movement in reverse order.
when the legs go up - inhale, when they go down - exhale.
Until the muscles of the lower back and buttocks become tired.
Relax your muscles by slightly rocking your pelvis to the sides.

12). Starting position: lying on your stomach.
Isotonic exercise “Boat” 1 – 3 minutes without rest. Don't hold your breath.
Raise your legs tightly closed and your arms straight ahead, evenly straightening your entire spine and stretching it as much as possible. At the same time, hold your hand by the wrist, your hands are pressed to your ears, you don’t need to throw your head back, look down at the stopwatch.
Relax your back muscles by rocking your pelvis to the sides.

13). Starting position - lying on your stomach, hands in the “lock” on the back of your head, head down.
1 – Raise the upper shoulder girdle and head, keep your hands on the back of your head, try to spread your elbows as far as possible to the sides, inhale.
2 – With your right hand, stretch towards your feet, look at your hand, exhale.
3 – Return to position No. 1, inhale.
4 - Return to the starting position, exhale.
Do the same in the other direction.
6 times.
Relax your back muscles by rocking your pelvis to the sides.

14). Starting position – lying on your stomach, your head resting on your hands folded in front of you.
1, 2 – Simultaneously raise your straightened right arm forward and left leg back, look down, stretch your spine along this line, reach with left heel, inhale and exhale.
3, 4 – Smoothly return to the starting position, inhale and exhale.
Do the same by raising the straightened left arm and right leg.
6 times.

15). Starting position – standing in a knee-wrist position.
1 – Raise your right arm up to the side, pointing your hand towards the ceiling, look at it, inhale.
2 - Return to the starting position, exhale.
3 – Same with the left hand, inhale.
4 - Return to the starting position, exhale.
6 times.

16). The starting position is knee-wrist.
1 – Slightly arch your back upward and lower your head down to “accelerate”, in order to achieve a greater amplitude of movement in the next point, exhale.
2 – Bend your back, raise your head and look forward, inhale.
With each new repetition, move your attention down the spine, starting from the 4th thoracic vertebra to the sacrum. Thus, the extension of the spine will be better, and the sense of posture will be better formed.

17). The starting position is knee-wrist.
1 – Bend your arms at the elbow joints, head and shoulders drop.
2, 3 – Climb under the invisible bar, arching your back and moving your body forward, smoothly moving your spine, trying not to touch the invisible bar under which you are crawling.
4 – Slowly return to the starting position.
6 times.

18). Starting position – knee-wrist position, back slightly straightened, knees together.
"Fox Tail"
1 – Simultaneously move your feet to the right and your head with your ear to your right shoulder, inhale.
2 - Return to the starting position, exhale.
3 – Simultaneously move your feet to the left and your head with your ear to your left shoulder, inhale.
4 - Return to the starting position, exhale.
6 times.

19). The starting position is knee-wrist.
1 – Simultaneously raise your right arm forward, left leg back, inhale.
2, 3 – Stretch the spine along this line (stretch with the heel), exhale.
4 - Return to the starting position, inhale, exhale.
Do the same with your left hand and right foot.
6 times.

20). The starting position is knee-wrist, knees together, arms spread wide.
1 – Lower your right shoulder to the floor, turn your head to the left and place your right ear on the floor, your right arm is straightened and your left arm is bent at the elbow joint, exhale.
2 - Return to the starting position, inhale.
3 – Left shoulder lower to the floor, place your head with your left ear on the floor, exhale.
4 - Return to starting position, inhale.
6 times.

21). The starting position is knee-hand.
1 – Right hand slides forward as far as possible, head drops down, exhale.
2 - Return to the starting position, inhale.
3 – Left hand slides forward, exhale.
4 - Return to starting position, inhale.
6 times.

22). Starting position – kneeling, stick behind shoulder blades.
1, 2, 3 – Slowly tilt your body back as much as possible, do not straighten your back, concentrate on the front of your thighs, buttocks and abdominals.
4 - Return to starting position.
5, 6, 7 – Slowly tilt the straightened body forward as far as possible.
8 - Return to starting position.
6 times.
You can ask someone close to you to hold your feet while leaning your body forward, so as not to fall and to perform the exercise more efficiently.

23). Starting position - on your knees, stick behind your shoulder blades, reach up with the top of your head, look at some point in front of you.
1, 2 – Slowly sit on your shins, at the same time lean forward, lie with your stomach on your feet, continue to look at the chosen point: your head rises, your back straightens.
3, 4 - Return to starting position.
6 times.

24). Starting position – standing, stick behind shoulder blades, legs together.
Slowly, smoothly and rhythmically roll from heels to toes, trying to reach up with the top of your head. Until the muscles of the lower legs become slightly tired.
The smaller the distance between the hands holding the stick behind the shoulder blades, the better for straightening the spine in the thoracic region.

25). Starting position – standing, stick behind shoulder blades, legs slightly apart.
Squats. Squat slowly, straighten up a little faster, try to maintain balance. When standing up, you need to pull your buttocks in and bottom part belly.
To the point of slight fatigue.

26). Starting position – standing. Place the stick vertically in front of you at a great distance from your feet. The hands are located on top of each other and lie on the upper end of the stick.
1 – Slowly lean forward, resting your hands on the upper end of the stick, do not bend your knees, lower your head and place it between your hands, hang on the stick in this position, exhale.
2 – 7 – Rock forward and backward, slightly in a circle - intuitively, carefully stretching the spine. Breathing is voluntary.
8 - Return to starting position, inhale.
3 – 4 times.

27). Starting position – standing, legs together, stick behind shoulder blades. You can do it without a stick, placing your hands on your belt and placing a bag of sand on your head.
1 – Raise both heels and move them to the right.
2 – Raise the toes of your feet and move them to the right.
Continue to move to the right side like this, maintaining posture and balance.
Then repeat the same on the other side.
Achieve perfect quality performance of each exercise.

28). Starting position – standing, stick behind shoulder blades, legs widely spaced.
1 – Squat to the right, bending your right leg at the knee, exhale.
2 - Return to the starting position, inhale.
3 – Squat to the left, bending your left leg at the knee, exhale.
4 - Return to starting position, inhale.
The exercise is difficult. Do it 3 times first. remember, that higher value has high-quality and conscientious execution of exercises, and not their quantity.

29). Starting position – standing, stick in hands below in front of you.
1 – Raise the stick up and slightly back, stretch with the top of your head and arms up, at the same time take your right leg back onto your toes, inhale.
2 - Return to the starting position, exhale. Maintain your posture.
3 – Repeat point No. 1 with the left leg moving back.
4 - Return to the starting position, exhale.
6 times.
(You can hold a bag of sand on your head).

thirty). Starting position – main stance.
1, 2, 3 - Take your right leg back and up, arms to the sides, stand on your left leg, maintaining balance, look forward. Try to maintain the position so that your right leg, back, neck and head form one beautiful smooth arc. Stretch your spine.
4 - Return to the starting position, exhale.
Do the same with the left leg.

31). Starting position – basic stance, stick behind shoulder blades, sandbag on head, walking with heel to toe forward and backward. Do the same without a stick.
Walking big steps forward. At the same time, when moving forward, for example, with the right leg, follow it with the right side of the pelvis to increase the length of the step. This is necessary for the formation of walking “from the hip”.

32). Starting position – basic stance, hands on the belt, a bag of sand on the head.
1 – Get down on your right knee.
2 – Get down on both knees.
3 – Place your right leg, bent at the knee, forward.
4 – Straighten up, return to the starting position.
4 – 6 times.
Then do the same, starting with the left leg.

33). "Rubber band." Starting position – main stance. Spinal stretching exercise in a standing position. While doing this, you need to pull your heels down and the top of your head up. Stretching occurs as you exhale.
1, 2 – Raise your arms up to the sides, inhale, hook your hands into a “lock.”
3, 4, 5 – Turn the “lock” with your palms outward and stretch your head and arms up, and your heels down, smoothly and conscientiously stretching the spine, like an elastic band, exhale.
6 – Release your hands, inhale.
7, 8 - Return to the starting position, exhale.
3 times.
If done correctly, you will feel hot, maybe sweat, your cheeks will turn pink, and you will have a pleasant feeling of saturating the body with energy.

Of this entire set of exercises, the most important exercise is isotonic, which provides constant physiological muscle tone– back straighteners. If you are lazy and do not want to do exercises for stooping every day or at least every other day, then you can force yourself to do the “Boat” or “Airplane” once a day for 1 minute without rest. And, if you want to develop correct posture as quickly as possible, then you should approach your exercises with love and great pleasure, a set of exercises should be learned by heart, and the exercises should be performed efficiently.

Prevention of postural disorders.

1).The main means of preventing postural disorders is physical therapy. Therapeutic back massage in combination with exercise therapy gives even better results.

2). The bed should be hard and even; the pillow is flat, low (the size of the shoulder) so that the head lies flat. You should not sleep on a soft, sagging mattress.

3). Proper organization of the workplace: lighting and furniture. Lighting should be sufficient and diffused. The height of the table should be such that if you put your hand on your elbow, then middle finger should reach the corner of the eye (the back should be straight).

It is necessary to combat such postures that distort posture, such as the oblique position of the shoulder girdle when writing, when left hand hanging from the table; or an oblique position of the pelvis when placing your leg under you.

The choice of chair is of particular importance. Correct posture while sitting on a chair is possible provided that not only the back is straightened, the shoulders are straightened and there is no “limp” of the body hanging on the spine, like on a hanger, but the most important condition is to transfer the center of gravity of the body to the feet. Then the spine ceases to be a “hanger”, is significantly unloaded and freed from holding the weight of the body. This undoubtedly has a beneficial effect on the intervertebral discs, the ligaments of the spine, and the tone of the muscles that hold the body in an upright position.

The simplest option for creating conditions for the physiological position of the body while sitting is to sit on a regular chair approximately in the middle of the seat, placing a block 10 - 12 cm high under the back legs of the chair, or more precisely, the plane of the seat should be tilted forward by 8 - 10 0.

Dancing Chair.

But even more the best option– purchase, which allows you to find the optimal body position for each person individually, since the height of the chair is adjustable and there is a labile seat; It is possible to move and exercise the muscles of the body during a long sitting position. This invention is worthy of attention and admiration. You can sit on the Dancing Chair for the benefit of yourself and your health.

Another recommendation for organizing a workplace at a table: position the table so that when sitting behind it there is a wall behind it, so that the window and door to the room are in sight on the right or left, and there is free space in front (if this is not possible, then you can hang on the wall in front of the table, either a mirror or photo wallpaper with a perspective, so that there is a feeling of space in front. This creates psychological comfort for the person sitting at the table, which is one of the factors that positively affects the state of posture, since this arrangement of the table contributes to a feeling of security, awareness and awareness. freedom of action increases resistance to stress, which means less tension in the muscles of the collar zone, which are the first to react under stress, turning into a shell that protects from impact.

4). Before leaving the house, you need to stand against the wall, pressing the back of your head, shoulder blades, buttocks and heels against it. At this time, you need to try to “glue” your lower back to the wall with your stomach (the lower back will not stick to the wall, but there will be proper muscle tension). Squeeze your buttocks tightly, pulling them “into you.” Stretch the top of your head up and your heels down, stretching your spine. You need to stand like this for a while (for example, one minute), to remember well this feeling of correct posture. Then go about your business, trying to maintain this body position while walking.

One of the points of self-control while maintaining correct posture is that while standing and walking, your legs should not be visible when you lower your eyes.

5). Do not wear a bag with a belt over your shoulder, as the belt tends to slip off your shoulder, and to avoid this, you will raise the shoulder on which the bag hangs, which will lead to a distortion of posture in the frontal plane.

6). You should not carry a heavy bag in one hand; it is better to divide the weight into two equal parts and carry it in two hands, or at least often transfer the bag from one hand to the other.

Prevention of postural disorders has special meaning for children, since it is very important to form the correct stereotype of a sense of position in space from childhood. It is easier to immediately develop correct posture than to correct the habit of incorrect body position. A person with poor posture seems to be sitting or standing correctly. But when correcting his posture, he experiences discomfort, it seems to him that he is falling backward, which looks somehow “proud” and unnatural. To convince him of the need to correct his posture, it is best to take photographs and show him. Better yet, take before and after photos. That is, put the body in the correct position for at least a few seconds, photograph it and present it for comparison. We need to help a person realize the difference so that he himself wants to train posture and make it a good habit. After all, constantly pulling or tapping on the back to make you straighten up is not good, it can irritate and spoil the mood, moreover, it can cause internal resistance against constant control from others because the habitual incorrect position of the body is a “comfort zone” from which to leave I do not want. To win in this matter, you need to really want to have correct posture, for this you need to understand its value and necessity both for external beauty and for the health of internal organs and the whole body, and for the health of the individual. Getting rid of the stereotype of incorrect body position in space, formed in the brain, is just as difficult as, for example, quitting smoking. Therefore, it will take dedication, concentration on maintaining correct posture (constant mindfulness), patience, daily work - posture exercises and, of course, control of the result.

Stooping and curvature of the spine are the scourge of our time. According to the Ministry of Health, these diseases affect more than 80% of the world's population. Getting rid of stoop is not as difficult as it seems, but it is a process that requires attention and maximum discipline.

Definition of stoop

Slouching is the inability to hold the back in the correct position, which is caused in 90% of cases by muscle weakness. At an early stage, this is revealed by the lack of habit of maintaining posture. Chronic slouching leads to problems with the spine. In particular, these can be various scoliosis, kyphosis and lordosis. Therefore, stooping needs to be identified and treated at an early stage.

The most well-known deviations that can be corrected in the initial stages are scoliosis, lordosis and kyphosis.

How to determine it yourself

Signs of stooping are visible naked eye: drooping shoulders, concave chest, drooping head. All this is leveled out if you lie on a hard horizontal surface (floor). If the stoop has taken a catastrophic turn and developed into extensive thoracic kyphosis, then in addition to the inability to straighten the back on one’s own, there is also a curvature in the thoracic region, which is visible on x-rays. To determine the presence of curvature/progressive stoop on your own, you need to perform a couple of simple exercises.

  • Using slow circular movements, lift your shoulders up, move them back and lower them. If this exercise causes pain in the spine, it means there is a stoop.
  • Slowly bend over, maintaining an arch in your back. As in the case described above, discomfort They will tell you about problems in the spine area.

Ways to get rid of slouching

First of all, it should be said that it will be much better if a doctor is involved in determining postural disorders. He will assign the violation an appropriate degree, if any, and prescribe a set of measures to improve the situation.

Wearing corsets and other special devices

The most popular method is a special corset that tightens the back muscles, forcing a person to forcibly maintain his posture. To get rid of painful cutting sensations, a person will forcibly tense the necessary muscles, which will shape his posture.

It is better to entrust the choice of a corset to a professional, because there are many varieties of it

Visiting doctors. Surgical intervention

In some cases, when the lack of habit of maintaining posture leads to worse consequences (spinal curvature II and III degree), your own efforts and efforts may not be enough to resolve the consequences. In this case, you need to visit doctors who specialize in treating the spine. Upon examination, they will be able to identify the degree of curvature, and most importantly, help in recovery. In rare cases, you have to go under a surgical knife. To prevent this from happening, you need to constantly work on your posture.

Self-relief from illness

It may take months to independently resolve problems caused by lack of correct posture, but the result obtained will be consolidated without medical intervention, and the acquired skills and a bit of health will be additional advantages.

So, in order to get rid of spinal problems on your own, you need:

  • will;
  • excerpt;
  • discipline.
  • Stooping without curvature - swimming, improving the muscle corset.
  • Slouch with slight curvature - lack of vertical loads, stretching, stretching, improvement of the muscle corset.

The main difference between simply strengthening posture and spinal alignment is that with a slight curvature, compressive vertical loads and lifting heavy objects without special training are contraindicated.

A set of exercises to get rid of stoop

There are several ready-made sets of exercises aimed exclusively at correcting posture and spinal problems. A set of static exercises is designed to align the spine, resolving the effects of stoop and kyphosis.


We stand close to the wall, straighten our shoulders and lean against it with the back of our head (1), shoulder blades (2) and buttocks (3). In this position, you need to spend 5 approaches of 5 minutes every day, increasing the standing time by 10 seconds per approach.

The technique of performing the exercise is developed through long training sessions.

This exercise will develop the habit of maintaining posture without additional muscle strengthening. The results will be short-term, and in order to maintain your condition in the future, you will need to independently develop the habit of maintaining posture or resort to other exercises.


This exercise is known to everyone who attended sports clubs as a child. You need to lie on the floor on your stomach. Wrap your arms around your legs and try to pull your legs to the back of your head with your hands. It is necessary to spend up to thirty minutes a day in a position of tension (divided into approaches!), and then no less than this time.

Besides these basic exercises that require constant implementation, you can approach the correction of stoop in a comprehensive manner, developing each muscle responsible for posture.

Children can only do this exercise once or twice, but adults need to be careful

On the abdominal muscles

You need to start with the abdominal muscles. Oddly enough, but the notorious cubes are the key to good posture. Muscle training will help eliminate signs of lordosis and scoliosis. The internal abdominal muscles (core) are responsible for maintaining the alignment of the spine and all organs.

  • A basic exercise that can help strengthen your posture is simple crunches. The technique of the exercise is extremely simple. We lie down on the floor, bend our legs at the knees and twist, trying to touch our knees with our faces. You need to curl in small quantities - no more than 20 times per approach, 4–5 approaches per workout.
  • The second exercise for the abdominal muscles, which can help improve posture, comes from Pilates - this is the classic birch. Correct technique needs to be trained for several months. The exercise itself must be repeated morning and evening throughout the year. Initially, you can take the birch tree position for 10–20 seconds, performing 10 approaches per session. Further, the time spent in the pose gradually increases.

At first, you are allowed to lean a little against the wall.


Exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles help strengthen the spine and get rid of distortions and scoliosis. Without these muscles, it is impossible to imagine further preparation of the spine for serious loads. With weak oblique abdominal muscles, there is a risk of getting an uneven load on the spine and aggravating the situation.

As the main exercise, you can use cross crunches, bicycle (exercise), side bends and mill.

To complicate the exercise, you can stretch your arms along your body.

Core muscles

Core muscles are internal abdominal muscles that do not affect appearance, but support all organs and vertebrae in a certain position.

Training your core muscles will get rid of the “bulging belly” syndrome and strengthen the spine in the lower part, which will also avoid herniated discs and other spinal problems.

The main exercise for the core muscles has been and will be vacuum. The vacuum technique is simple. You need to get on all fours, tilt your head down, then pull in your stomach (without inhaling) and raise your head up. Also correct execution

exercise helps in getting rid of visceral fat

One of the main muscles responsible for maintaining the correct position of the spine is the latissimus. She pulls her shoulders back and muscle tone supports the spine in a strictly vertical position, eliminating scoliosis and other complications. There are not many exercises that you can do at home. Basically these are pull-ups to the horizontal bar with different grips and some types of deadlifts:

  • Free weight row to the waist;
  • Pull-ups to the battery;
  • Working with a chest expander.

Note: a bag of books, a bucket of water, or other weights with comfortable handles can be used as free weight. The best option will be the purchase of collapsible dumbbells.

Exercises for the latissimus dorsi muscle are characterized by complex and strict technique. Failure to follow the rules can injure your back and worsen poor posture.

Lumbar pumping at home

Exists great amount Lower back exercises that you can do at home, but the best one is the lumbar raise. The technique is extremely simple: you need to lie on the floor, bend your knees, and place your hands along your body. Then raise your hips up and strive to maintain this position for as long as possible. Repeat daily 20–30 times, divided into 2–3 approaches.

Working with diamond shapes

There are a huge number of exercises for rhomboids, but, unfortunately, everyone needs special equipment, which is located in gyms. There are only two exercises that you can do at home:

  • Low weight deadlift;
  • Pull weight to the chin.

The technique of the first exercise can be seen in the following image.


Working out the rhomboid muscles not only helps you get rid of slouching, but also saves you from serious damage to the spine. A formed muscle corset of powerful lats and rhomboids helps maintain mobility even in the case of intervertebral hernia and other pathologies.

A selection of exercises (video)

We present to your attention a selection of the most effective exercises for girls and men.

A simple way to combat slouching (Taras Blago)

Yoga therapy: how to correct kyphosis

How to straighten your back with exercise therapy


  • It is strictly forbidden to use any of the presented exercises if scoliosis of the second degree or higher is detected.
  • It is not recommended to use heavy weights for osteochondrosis.
  • Deadlifts are prohibited for people suffering from blood pressure problems (hyper- and hypotension).
  • The list of contraindications also includes spinal injuries.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Injuries to bones and joints (arthrosis, arthritis, etc.).
  • Non-standard anthropological data.

Slouching is a problem that is easier to prevent than to deal with the consequences later. Most exercises aimed at strengthening the muscle corset help get rid of small spinal curvatures caused by the inability to maintain posture. By spending one or two months on exercises, you can forget about slouching for a long time, improve your health, and even acquire a powerful muscle corset that will save your back from sprains and overloads.

In order for a person to look beautiful and feel confident, not only “the face, the clothes, the soul, and the thoughts” need to be beautiful, but also the posture. Slouching or curvature of the spine can cancel out all external data, no matter how beautiful they may be. In addition, stooping accelerates the development dystrophic changes spine. Therefore, exercises for stooping are important not only for posture, but also for the health of the entire musculoskeletal system.

The sooner you start doing anti-slouch exercises, the more hope there is that they will be effective. After all, as you know, humans complete their formation at the age of about seven years. This means that it is much easier to correct unwanted curvatures in children than in adults.

Today, many complexes have been developed that contain exercises to correct stooping in children. Some of them can also be used for adults. Gymnastics for children's stoop must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

See, for example, how stooping in children is eliminated with the help of exercise machines and regular exercises for children in the center.

Video exercises to correct stoop in children:

In general, posture correction for an adult is carried out in two directions:

  • using special correctors (corsets and collars)
  • by performing special physical exercises

Causes of stoop

Most often, slouching is caused by behavioral reasons:

  • prolonged incorrect postures and uneven distribution of physical activity (this is especially observed in children during homework and when wearing school bags incorrectly)
  • lack of sleep with large physical activity or being forced to sit for a long time, resulting in overexertion and fatigue (this is usually typical for adults)

Both of these factors external, and the stooped back caused by them is called acquired, caused by external reasons. To combat it, exercises against stooping are the main method of treatment.

In this video you can learn more about how stooping is formed and how to determine the degree of stooping. The video also contains simple exercises from stooping.

Internal reasons, although less often a factor in stooping, are more varied:

  1. Infectious diseases - osteomyelitis, bone tuberculosis
  2. Metabolic disorders leading to calcium deficiency - rickets - a common disease in young children, osteoporosis - more often observed in old age
  3. of different etiologies: 3 - 4 stages of scoliosis caused by hip dysplasia, due to legs of different lengths
  4. Birth defects

Slouching of the back caused by the above factors is called acquired or congenital, caused by internal reasons. In this case, treatment of the defect is more difficult. Gymnastics for such stooping are prescribed at the second stage. The first step is to eliminate (if possible) internal conditioning causes.

Exercises against stooping in children

Let's look at several exercises that are effective for eliminating stoop in children. To perform them you will need a chair, a gymnastic stick, a towel, and weights of 0.2 - 0.5 kg. It is also useful for an adult to do them.

  1. We rise slowly on our toes, spreading our arms to the sides, raising them up, inhale. As you exhale, lower slowly. We do this up to 10 times
  2. Leaning against the wall with your shoulder blades, we put our arms over our heads, lean them against the wall and, while inhaling, bend our back. As we exhale we come back
  3. We stand near the wall at arm's length. Do push-ups against the wall, pressing your chest against it
  4. Standing with our hands down, we clasp them behind our backs and bring our elbows together, move our shoulders and head back, and bend our chest forward as we inhale. Relax, unclasp your hands, exhale
  5. Standing on your knees and placing your hands behind your head, we sit on your heels. Rising from the heels while inhaling, we spread our arms to the side and bend forward. Exhaling, we sit back on our heels
  6. We lie on our backs, placing a towel rolled into a roll 2-3 cm thick under our shoulder blades. We take weights in our hands and alternately swing our arms from the body to the head
  7. Get on all fours, resting on your hands. Alternately, while inhaling, we lift up the left and right leg without bending them, and while exhaling, lower them
  8. We lean our straight arms on the back of the chair, being at a distance of two small steps from it. As you inhale, bend your torso forward without bending your arms and legs. As you exhale, return to the starting position
  9. We place the gymnastic stick, holding it with both hands, over the head on the shoulder blades and make turns left and right, inhaling when turning, and exhaling when returning to the starting position

A set of exercises for adults

Adults can use the following exercises for stooping:

  1. With our elbows bent and our heads raised, we crawl on all fours around the room in a deep squat. We take about 50 such steps
  2. Standing on all fours, we bend and, while inhaling, move our torso forward, as if we want to crawl under the crossbar. When we return, we exhale. Perform the movement 7 times
  3. Lying on your back, bend your elbows. Leaning on them and on the shoulders, we lift the chest as we inhale and bend it, and lower it as we exhale. Repeat the exercise 10 times
  4. We roll over onto our stomachs. Leaning on your elbows, inhale and raise your head back, bending your back. We lower ourselves as we exhale. We perform the exercise 7 times
  5. From the same position, placing your hands behind your head, as you inhale, raise the upper part of your body, and as you exhale, lower it. Repeat also up to 7 times

Watch the video set of exercises against stooping and for spine flexibility:

Ergonomics in the fight against stoop

To combat slouching, it is important not only to perform daily exercises.

Your desk or computer desk and chair should be adjusted to suit your height so that your knees are at right angles, your feet are flat on the floor, and your forearms are resting on the desk. The dimensions of standard furniture are usually consistent with ergonomic standards and are taken from ready-made tables.

In custody useful exercises for women. The video explains how slouching can spoil not only your posture, but also the shape of your chest, and provides simple and accessible exercises for everyone. Taking care of your posture is not at all difficult: sometimes all it takes is 10 minutes a day.

There are no age restrictions for acquiring ugly posture. IN Lately, she began to meet all the time. Slouching is also the cause of many diseases of internal organs. The gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system. Impaired blood flow leads to heart disease and vascular systems, a complete supply of blood and oxygen to brain tissue.

Causes of stoop

Postural distortions in people of any age can occur for any reason. External or internal reasons may contribute to this phenomenon.

External reasons:

  • Sedentary lifestyle caused by the nature of work, forced immobility at the desk;
  • The muscular system of the back does not receive a certain tension and load, begins to weaken and cannot hold the back in upright position;
  • Specific professional activity that requires immobility and constant tilting of the head forward;
  • Poor nutrition;
  • Insufficient sleep duration;
  • Abnormal difference in leg length;
  • Incorrect posture during sleep;
  • Adverse environmental factors.

Look at its features and execution technique.

Internal reasons:

  • Past illnesses: rickets, tuberculosis of bones, discs in the spine;
  • Traumatic changes in the vertebrae, reduction in size, osteoporosis;
  • Loss of auditory and visual reflex, forcing a person to lean forward towards the interlocutor;
  • Distortion of the body due to the abnormal structure of the bones of the lower extremities, causing a bend in the spine.

Congenital causes:

  • Pathological changes in the vertebrae that occurred during intrauterine development;
  • Abnormal changes in the anterior spine.

Acquired reasons:

  • Flat feet, rickets, tuberculosis;

  • Scoliosis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, neuralgia and others;
  • Injuries to the spine and back muscles;
  • Complications after surgical interventions.

How to fix slouching?

The most difficult thing to correct is congenital factors using therapeutic exercises. But it is quite possible to strengthen muscular system under the supervision of a doctor in a physical therapy room. The specialist compiles a complete set of gymnastics to eliminate stoop. Corrective exercises are easy to do. You need to start practicing with morning exercises.

We have prepared material in which we describe, we recommend reading and bookmarking it.

If you do not fight stoop, it can develop into serious diseases of the spine, such as kyphoscoliosis, kyphosis, scoliosis, which are difficult to treat.

Set of exercises

At first glance, it seems that there is something easier than keeping your back straight? Straighten your shoulders, head looking forward, do not bend your neck, take confident steps. With this setting, the curves of the spine acquire the correct shape. But in reality everything is much more complicated. At the slightest distraction, the back will instantly return to its previous position.

Sessions of therapeutic exercises and massage can help. They will help strengthen the back muscles, which, when slouched, begin to become decrepit and sag. must be done twice or thrice a day, and when sedentary life at work, increase the amount to 10 times.

Exercise 1

Stand near the wall, touch the surface of the wall with straightened shoulder blades, they should not stick out. Take one step away from the wall, fix your torso in this position for 30 seconds and return back.

Exercise 2

Place a tray on the top of your head and place a book or other similar object on it, walk around the room, keeping your back straight, do not lower your head, and do not drop the object from your head. Later you can complicate the exercise with squats and turns.

Exercise 3

Imagine that there is a thread stretched upward from the top of your head. Walk with the feeling that if you change the angle of your head or slouch your back, the thread will break. You can make it more difficult by changing the rhythm of your walking.

Exercise 4

While standing, lift each forearm alternately as high as possible. Change the position of each shoulder back and forth without lifting up. Keep your torso straight without bending. As you abduct your shoulders, with your shoulder blades touching, bend forward, then bend back.

Exercise 5

Move your outstretched arms to the sides, then back, try to bring your shoulder blades together. Lower your arms slowly, keeping your back straight.

Exercises 6

Lower your arms gradually, placing your palms together, while the edges of your palms should not touch your torso. Bend your elbows and let your palms slide up to your sides. Try to go higher.

Read more about the material on our portal.

Exercise 7

Lie on the mat, bending your knees. Bend at the waist, resting on your feet. Raise your stomach up and stay in this position for 1-2 minutes. Return slowly to the starting position.

Exercise 8

Lie on your stomach, hold your ankles with both hands. Bend over, bringing your head closer to your feet if possible. Stay in this position for 1-2 minutes.

Adviсe! Constantly think about keeping your back muscles straight. Keep your shoulders straight, pull your shoulder blades back. The chin looks forward, slightly raised. The muscles of the anterior abdominal wall must be constantly pulled in, straining them, and holding your breath.

Give up the bad habits of lying in front of the TV or reading while lying down, keeping your head on the pillow. Rest your lower back on a hard bolster to prevent your back from arching.

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