Home Grape Anniversary in the style of a gangster party. A new script for the entertainment program for the anniversary of the man "gangster party". Where to get clothes

Anniversary in the style of a gangster party. A new script for the entertainment program for the anniversary of the man "gangster party". Where to get clothes

New Year in the style of the Venice Carnival

The Venetian Carnival Ball is a game ball that immerses you in the era of the Carnival in Venice, which dawned in the 16th-18th centuries. Romance and freedom, the mystery of the mask, the brilliance of palace receptions, reckless street processions of harlequins, jugglers, drummers and fakirs, the Comedy del Arte theater and classical opera ... all this is mixed with medieval superstitions and legends - this is the atmosphere of the carnival.

Opening carnival

(official part)

  • The carnival is opened by masks from the Comedy del Arte theater (Harlequin, Doctor, Columbine, Pierrot, Officer, etc.)
  • An acrobat dressed as an angel passes along the rope and scatters rose petals.
  • On the audience to the sounds of the orchestra falls great amount confetti (sometimes balloons are launched)
  • Fakirs and a fire show perform on the stage.

Event progress

The host dressed as Harlequin (or paired with the host dressed as Columbine) announces the beginning of the holiday.

The competition is announced in the following categories:

"Best Mask"
"Best carnival costume"

Thematic and game zones

Puppet show

In this thematic zone, little rag men have fun, rage, suffer and love. They are dead while they lie in boxes, but as soon as they fall into the hands of a puppeteer, they come to life, filled with feelings and emotions. Their life is so similar to reality. These amazing dolls call to love them or hate them, rejoice with them or be sad. amazing world fairy tales are waiting for their audience at the Venice Carnival.


This was the name of an open gambling house allowed by the government. Here love intrigues were tied up and various adventurers honed their skills. People came here after academic meetings, court sessions, or just for a friendly dinner.

Ridotto at the Venice Carnival is not only a gambling house where guests can play cards and dice, drink in a cocktail bar, try to beat Pantalone, or just take a break from the carnival noise and whirlwind of dancing. At your service are salon games, fortune telling, performances by musicians and much more. This is the center of events, where something happens every moment of the carnival night...
Ridotto also has a buffet (free of charge) and a cocktail bar (for game "money")

divination room

Do you want to know the future and the present? Look behind the veil of secrecy and get in touch with the mystical? Go to the fortune-telling room at the Carnival - perhaps there you will find what you are looking for!


(fire show)

Fascinating dance of fire. It scares and attracts. The subordinate element dances, suffers, loves and hates in the hands of a skilled master. Dangerous and this attractive dance fascinates. Attractive and repulsive proximity permeates the air and beckons, attracts to join the crazy hot dance...

dance zone

For all those present, the best DJs and various musical groups, music for every taste and age.

December 3, 2015

What exactly do you associate a masquerade ball with? With something mysterious and romantic or mysterious and ancient?

Unsolved mysteries of masks and silhouettes in the twilight, stunning images and songs that penetrate right into the heart - all this is a masquerade ball for adults! Only here every guest can feel like an aristocrat of the Middle Ages, feel the full depth of colorful flowers and costumes in the style of MardiGras, an exquisite carnival in Venice, a ball of nobility in the palace of Louis XIV or a Victorian operetta.

All these ideas can be brought to life at a birthday party, corporate party, High school prom, New Year, Halloween, wedding or just a meeting of good old friends. A masquerade ball is a holiday where old traditions and modernity are harmoniously combined.

The essence of the masquerade ball

Masquerades originate from ancient greece, where noisy holidays were held with dressing up and processions in masks to the music, singing and incendiary dances in honor of the god Dionysus. AT medieval Europe Masquerades have become very popular in aristocratic circles since the 14th century. Dressing in a different suit or putting on a mask, a person went beyond the limits of the norm, and was transferred to a world of prohibitions, harmony, and otherworldly power. Feeling like someone else for at least one evening, people rested from the daily bustle and were distracted from the harsh reality of the world. Soon the mask began to symbolize equality between different layers population, it did not separate people according to their religion or status.

The masquerade was the perfect event for weaving intrigue, gossip, unrestrained fun, and, of course, forbidden love. Everyone who was wearing a mask could pretend to be a different person for the evening, show themselves from the other side, which had a positive effect on the fight against their own complexes. The true "I" of each person was lost at the ball, in the twilight of the masquerade was born new personality, with its mystical history ...

What kind of story you write depends on the proper organization of the party.

Definition of subject matter

A masquerade ball can be of different themes, and depends on the preferences and imagination of the organizers, as well as the general vision of the holiday. Consider the brightest topics for the event:

  • MardiGras is a holiday for lovers of rich flowers, unusual images and unbridled joy.
  • The Phantom of the Opera is a Victorian party accompanied by classical music.
  • An aristocratic party in the spirit of France of the 18th century is a celebration of luxury, pompous outfits, expensive jewelry and gourmet food.
  • Old Hollywood is an event dedicated to glamor and social life, all guests of the event coquettishly hide their faces behind exquisite masks.
  • Movie-cartoon masquerade is a celebration of the heroes of your favorite cartoons and movies, suitable for both children's and adult holidays.

Important factors in determining the theme of the party is the allocated budget and the venue of the holiday. Some masquerade balls are relatively economical, such as the Old Hollywood style party, while MardiGras requires you to shell out a good deal for the ballroom and costumes.

Masquerade ball invitations

After determining the theme of the masquerade, it is necessary to organize invitations for guests. The main symbol of such celebrations is the mask, so it is not surprising that invitations are most often made in her style. The front side can be decorated as a Venetian boudoir, that is, sheathed with elegant fabric, painted with gold colors and sparkles.

Can do more simple options, for example, cut out a mask from cardboard, paint it with glitter glue, paints, markers or confetti.

The text of the invitation may be different, but it is important to indicate the date, location of the event, theme, dress code. Each guest can come up with a name for himself in accordance with the theme of the holiday. For example, if the party is in the style of the French aristocracy of the 18th century, then the guests can become Josephine, Constance, Jacques, Louis, etc. It will be interesting and spicy at the same time.

Costumes for a masquerade

Attire is very important for theme party, and it's bad if some guests ignore the line that warns about the theme of the evening. To avoid embarrassment, you need to introduce a few rules:

  • Invitations are given to the guests of the event at least 2 weeks before the Masquerade.
  • AT without fail dress code is discussed with each guest.
  • You need to have a few extra masks for those who are still poorly prepared for the holiday.

A costume for a masquerade ball should be thought out to the smallest detail and extraordinarily luxurious, with notes of sexuality and humor. He must show all the mystery of the image.

There are many places in cities where costumes, wigs and necessary accessories are rented, you just need to tell the phone to the guests. Also, the costume can be sewn to order or manually, if you have seamstress skills.

Girls for the holiday can dress up as a queen, lady, movie diva of the 20s or Princess Elsa from the Frozen cartoon. Suits in the style of a count, baron, Zorro or even the image of Marlon Brando are perfect for men - a black tailcoat with a bow tie will always be in place.

party masks

Separately, it is worth mentioning the masquerade mask as a symbol of this holiday. Even an ordinary tailcoat or a small black dress together with an elegant mask will look harmoniously at the ball. The perfect mask from gypsum, you can easily prepare at home. You will need some tools and skills of an artist-decorator. For cooking you need:

  • 20 tapes of medical plaster based on gauze, measuring 2.5 cm by 4 cm.
  • Cream.

The face is smeared with cream, plaster strips soaked in water are applied to it. After drying on the face, an impression is taken and it is given the desired shape using sharp knife. Then everything depends solely on the will and imagination. The mask can be painted, decorated in different styles, decorate different materials, stones, threads, sequins, etc.

It is much easier to make a fabric eyeglass mask at home. Pearls, guipure, sequins - this is a small fraction of what can bring a hint of mystery and perfection into the eyes of a woman in a mask.

The most affordable accessory for a party will be a blindfold mask. Its presence will make a woman's look full of charisma, expression and mystery.

Room decoration

The atmosphere at a holiday of this type simply has to be mysterious and unusual for all guests, otherwise the whole meaning will be lost.

If a large-scale party is planned, then you can order the services of special design agencies banquet halls. If the masquerade will take place in an apartment or a private house, then the organizers themselves should take care of decorating the rooms.

The main decor elements for the festive room will be beads, feathers, candles, mirrors. Well, masks, they should be everywhere. On the walls you can hang themed posters depicting Venice, balls in France period XVIII centuries, paintings by famous artists of that time, tapestries and candelabra.

An interesting and practical idea would be to decorate a room in one color scheme. This will significantly reduce the problems of choosing matching colors, and save money.

The walls of the room can be draped with burgundy, green and blue fabrics. Garlands will perfectly complement the decor of the hall, it can be pendants of flowers and butterflies.

If the party is planned in a fun and modern movie-cartoon style, then you can decorate the walls with posters of your favorite cartoon and movie characters, install some funny tantamares (decorations with holes for faces for photographing), scatter confetti and streamers around the rooms. Gold, silver, yellow, red, blue air balloons and electric garlands are also used as decorations for masquerade balls.

Musical arrangement

If the party is organized in the style of a masquerade ball of the Middle Ages, then the best music will be the classics: Bach, Beethoven, Mozart and other masterpiece creations. Eternal music, like no other, will fill the evening with a pleasant atmosphere, encourage the images of guests, and invite you to speak on important topics or just have a good time with friends.

If the party is organized in a movie-cartoon style, then modern hits, songs that remind friends of a fun pastime in early years or any other fun music.

Entertainment at the ball

Undoubtedly, the main form of entertainment at the ball is dancing: classical, Latin or modern.

At the masquerade ball of the time of Louis XIV, dance cards were in circulation, each lady was awarded a certain gentleman, with whom she was obliged to dance the whole evening. A similar practice can be offered to single guests at your masquerade. The ladies themselves will draw a card with the name of the gentleman, and maybe by the end of the evening a few more strong couples will be organized among your friends.

At such a thematic holiday, you can spend the following entertainment.


The guests are divided into two groups. One makes interesting and funny script, and the other embodies it on an impromptu stage under the clear guidance of the "director" from the first group. The script for the team can be a parody of everyone's favorite movie, theatrical performance or a fairy tale.

"Competition for the best image"

A traditional competition at almost all events. It is important that the participants carefully prepare for its holding and think over their image to the smallest detail. The winner is the participant who received the most applause for his costume.

"Queen of the Masquerade Ball"

The girls are just thrilled different competitions beauty. The most beautiful, mysterious, sophisticated, sexy and at the same time interesting lady becomes the queen of the masquerade ball. The winner will wear a crown all evening and be surrounded by all sorts of honors.


Holding an auction is an aristocratic occupation. You can use an unusual mask as lots self made, a bottle of rare wine, a shoe of the queen of the evening, etc. An important feature of this game is the host's sense of humor, able to conduct an auction in a positive and cheerful atmosphere.

At the very beginning, the minimum bid per lot is set, it can be a coin of a designated denomination or a small denomination.

"Thematic photo shoot"

Who doesn't want to get a photo for memory, and even in such a chic way. Therefore, an interesting and positive photo session of the guests of the holiday will give everyone present a great mood.

"Dress Contest"

In the company of best friends, you can be a little frivolous and, for example, take and change into a costume of the opposite sex. Ladies will become gentlemen and vice versa. After a fun dressing up and applying make-up on the newly made "ladies", you can hold a contest where participants will compete for the title of "Mrs Gentleman" and "Mr Lady".

"Spacious petticoat"

Such a competition is only suitable for an 18th century European style party, as it requires ladies in dresses with fluffy skirts. The essence of the competition: two girls in dresses and a team of guys choose, the more gentlemen fit under each skirt, she wins. hide under fluffy dress you need completely, no peeping arms and legs. Fun for all guests of the holiday is guaranteed.

Another version of this competition: one of the girls has a gentleman hiding under her skirt. Guests must guess which of them is hiding the lucky one.

Gifts and prizes

As gifts and prizes at a masquerade ball, beautiful masks, hair accessories, pendants with keys, butterflies under an elegant tailcoat, or joke prizes. For example, a bandage on a leg, a mustache on a stick, a mask with a nose or a funny shape.

Treats and table setting

The idea of ​​a classic masquerade ball does not provide for a standard feast. Party guests are treated from a buffet table. Ideally, hire waiters, but if this is not possible, then you can simply organize the distribution of snacks and drinks yourself.

Treats of the evening might include beef medallions, mussel or shrimp salad, rosemary chicken, French bread, sesame buns, and more. From drinks cognac, red or white dry wines, champagne are perfect.

Dessert can consist of “mask” cookies, strawberries, grapes, cakes decorated with lacy chocolate patterns, and, of course, a cake decorated with a holiday theme.
masquerade ball fun and original event whose relevance has not been lost for centuries. Each guest of the evening can feel like an aristocrat of the 19th century, an actor of the 20s or partners of Bonnie and Clyde, trying on the appropriate image. The main thing is to be fun, interesting and unusual.

A masquerade is a place where time epochs intersect, the past becomes the present, so that a beautiful and bright future can take place.

"Venetian Ball" or "Secrets of Venice"

Venice - one of the most charming cities in Italy and one of the most magical in the world.

Why? This can be explained by the number national holidays, some of which were abolished in the 20th century.

But unchanged calling card to this day remains the Venice Carnival.

An ancient carnival culture that veils the true face allows you to be any character,

allows you to be unrecognized all evening. The ball turns into intrigue ...

No one knows who is who… The idea is that the most important thing is to travel back in Venice for your holiday…

Meeting guests (buffet area)

At the entrance to the hall there are living statues in Venetian masks that come to life when guests appear.

The music of the Venetian carnival sounds in the background (as an option, you can invite a quartet),

in the hall, guests are greeted by the girls "Lady Buffet" and stilt walkers, they offer to try real Italian wine.

We will also prepare a huge number of masks and accessories for all guests.

A mobile photo studio will operate at the meeting, where guests can try on unusual costumes

The host of the ball must be in a real Venetian costume, he will be the ringleader and entourage all evening.

Following the theme of the Venice Carnival, we propose to include the following numbers in the program (of your choice):

Show soap bubbles(the girl works in a Venetian costume).

The bubble show always delights the audience, whether they are children or adults.

Everyone wants to be in the center of a giant bubble.

Also at the Venetian corporate party, a show ballet is simply obligatory

Gorgeous costumes, different dances, master classes - guests are delighted

Air gymnasts and circus artists are the main artists of the evening

The content of the program can be anything. DJ selects music according to the theme:

background, for games and contests, screensavers. The DJ also relies on the taste needs of the guests.

The host has about 40 competitions to choose from. All competitions, of course, are stylized as a Venetian carnival.

Here you can see our original numbers:

We will end the evening with a chic neon or fire show.

“Italy is a land of dreams with golden fruits,” wrote the Frenchman Emile Zola. The German poet Goethe said that "he who has seen Italy, and especially Rome, will never be unhappy." Italy is able to charm anyone! This is the country of the sun, the sea, tasty food and love. Its color will make the holiday unforgettable. The Italian theme will be relevant for both New Year's corporate party, and for a narrow party in honor of the anniversary. This is an opportunity to have a hearty meal, drink excellent Italian wine, nostalgia for old Italian music and leave this event in memory for a long time.

If this topic is close and interesting to you and you want to organize a holiday in Italian style, our script may be useful to you. The program is built in the form of a virtual trip to Italy. Guests are invited to visit iconic places and have some fun at the same time. The structure of the script allows you to easily rework it by removing some components and introducing others. With slight adjustments, the script can be used to set up a teen party.

Party in Italian style: decor

The room can be decorated in the colors of the Italian flag: green, white and red. Multi-colored ribbons and balls will make the venue not only “thematic”, but also bright. The colors of the Italian tricolor can also be repeated in table textiles (for example, a tablecloth in one color, and napkins in two others).

A playful festive atmosphere will be created by garlands of triangular tricolor flags. Mini flags of Italy placed in vases will decorate the table.

The best decoration of the feast will be ... food. For many, Italy evokes pleasant gastronomic associations. So, on the tables you can put transparent vases with a variety of pasta, including colored ones. Tomatoes, pizza, oranges and olives will delight you with taste and create the right entourage.

You can hang enlarged images of an Italian boot on the walls different colors and sizes. Posters with views of Venice or reproductions of paintings by Leonardo da Vinci would also be appropriate.

Italian Style Party Scenario: Virtual Journey

1. Obtaining a visa

The host asks the guests if they want to go to Italy and spend a holiday there, traveling around the most interesting places this wonderful country. Guests, of course, agree.

To go to virtual tour you need to get a visa. It will be issued only to those who pass the test for knowledge of Italy. The facilitator offers to start testing immediately.

The visa test is conducted in the form of a quiz. It is better if it is a quiz in pictures - this format is simpler and more interesting. If it is possible to prepare sheets with task pictures printed from the Internet, it is worth giving preference to him. If this is not possible, an oral quiz will be held.

Test quiz in pictures. Three objects are depicted on a sheet (preferably large format). Only one of them has to do with Italy. Pictures are numbered. It is worth using at least 8 worksheets.

Guests can be divided into 2 teams. The facilitator shows the sheet to the team and offers to name the number of the picture with the correct answer. There is only one attempt to answer correctly. For a correct answer - 1 point. If the team remembers the name of the depicted person or the name of the object, they are awarded an additional point.

Task examples

1. Which one is Italian? The sheet shows Monica Bellucci, Penélope Cruz and Sophie Marceau. Correct answer: Monica Bellucci.

2. Which of these architectural monuments is located in Italy? The sheet shows Gaudí's Sagrada Familia, Leaning Tower of Pisa and Acropolis of Athens. Correct answer: leaning tower of pisa.

3. Which of them is an Italian fashion designer? The sheet shows Calvin Klein, Domenico Dolce, Christian Lacroix. Correct answer: Dolce Domenico.

4. Which of these cars is the product of the Italian car industry? The sheet shows Ferrari, sports BMW, Nissan. Emblems are worn. Correct answer: ferrari.

5. Which of these emblems is the coat of arms of Italy? The sheet shows coats of arms of Italy and two others European states . The inscriptions, if any, are erased.

6. Which of them is of Italian origin? The sheet shows soccer player Francesco Totti, Pope Benedict XVI actress Claudia Cardinale. Correct answer: Totti.

7. Which of the symbols is the emblem of Italian football club? The sheet shows coats of arms of Barcelona, ​​Milan and Real Madrid. Correct answer: "Milan".

8. Which shot is taken from an Italian movie? The sheet shows stills from three films, only one of which is Italian. For example, « Godfather”,“ Life is beautiful ”,“ Oscar ”(1991). Correct answer: "Life is Beautiful".

When preparing tasks, you can use images of various monuments and local landscapes. Musicians, painting and even words can all be included in the picture quiz.

Quiz - the first stage of the test for knowledge of Italy. Second phase - language test. The facilitator reads Italian proverbs to the teams (first in the original language, then in translation) and offers to quickly pick up a Russian (or one that has taken root with us) analogue. The more analogues the participants remember, the more points they will receive (for each analogue - 1 point).

  • "Chi ha la lingua va in Sardegna". Those who have a language will reach Sardinia (the language will bring them to Kyiv).
  • "Prendere due piccioni con una fava". Get two doves from one bean (kill two birds with one stone).
  • "La gallina vecchia fa buon brood". Good broth from old chicken ( old horse furrow does not spoil).
  • "Meglio essere il primo in provincia che il secondo a Roma". Better to be first in the province than second in Rome (better to be big fish in a pond than shallow in the ocean).
  • “Cacio e sano; se vien di scarsa mano". Cheese is good if you take a little (everything is good in moderation).
  • Lupo non mangia lupo. Wolves don't eat wolves (a crow won't peck out a crow's eye).
  • "È meglio un uovo oggi di una gallina domani". Better egg today than a chicken tomorrow (a bird in the hand is better than a bird in the sky).
  • Chi dorme non piglia pesci. Who slept, he did not catch the fish (he who gets up early - God gives him; you can’t even pull a fish out of the pond without difficulty).

At the end of the test, the total score is calculated. Participants of the team that gave more correct answers at the end of two stages can be awarded small prizes with the symbols of Italy.

The facilitator reports that everyone passed the test without exception. Visas received, which means it's time to prepare for virtual travel to Italy. The guide and interpreter will, of course, be the host. Italian music is on.

2. Arrival in Italy

So, here it is - Italy. An audio signal is heard from the speakers, after which an “Italian” speech is heard (the assistant presenter is with a microphone “off-screen”). If it is difficult to organize, the "Italian" may appear in the hall in person.

After each line "in Italian", the presenter gives a Russian translation.

Rousseau tourist, look drunk!
- Dear guests from Russia!

Rousseau money Italy expected!
- Welcome to sunny Italy!

Promised full, drunk.
- An exciting journey awaits you.

Pasta overgrown and puzanto grown.
- You will taste delicious Italian dishes.

Milano shop ah-lu-lu.
- Visit architectural monuments.

Machos ballos popinalya, millions of raking. Canaglia!
- You will get acquainted with our football - the pride of the Italian people!

Sicilito gangsterito all sit in politics.
- You will visit the Sicilian paradise.

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