Home Garden on the windowsill Competitions for the new year for different ages. Competitions for a New Year's corporate party with colleagues: cool, funny and most interesting

Competitions for the new year for different ages. Competitions for a New Year's corporate party with colleagues: cool, funny and most interesting

It's no secret that 2016 is the year of the monkey. eastern horoscope. And since the monkey is a playful animal, then we will play and fool around on New Year's celebration. And interesting and cool contests will help us in this. New Year 2016 for a corporate party with jokes. Those who will participate in the contests will have a lot of fun. And those who will watch what is happening will receive a lot of positive. In general, let's move on to the contests, and you'll see for yourself.

By the way!
If you have not prepared for your colleagues entertainment program, then look at our author's . You will be able to surprise your colleagues and they will remember this new year forever.

1 competition.
Girls participate in the first competition. But if there are a lot of girls, then first you need to hold a mini-competition. The host asks the girls what types of glasses they know. Whoever answers first gets on stage. And the glasses are as follows: optical, sun, ski, computer, for swimming, 3D - glasses, welding, for a motorcycle. And maybe even more. The main thing is that you need to put all these glasses one by one on the table. When the first girl named glasses, she goes on stage and chooses exactly the glasses that she named. This is a little prelude to the competition. When all the girls are on stage and with glasses, we start the competition.
We ask the girls if they know the fable - “monkey and glasses?” Of course they know her. In this competition, the roles of monkeys will be played by girls. The facilitator reads his fable, and the participants perform movements with glasses along the facilitator's fable.
The year of the monkey is coming
The monkey dreams of being stylish!
I went to the market to buy glasses.
The only problem is that he doesn't know where to wear them!
I came home and froze in front of the mirror,
And first I tried on glasses around my neck!
(participants try on their glasses around their necks)
The glasses didn't fit around my neck.
Maybe then put them on your pants?
(participants try on glasses on pants or on a skirt, dress)
And the glasses look terrible.
Where to wear them, tell me a mirror!
Ah, I understand, - the monkey screamed.
And she began to try on glasses on her chest.
(the participant is trying on glasses on her chest)
They look good, but still not the same.
Can you put them on your forehead? Here it is!
(Participants try on glasses on their foreheads)
And the glasses don't look good on the forehead.
So how do you make it easy, ah?!
The monkey twisted his glasses in his hands,
And she put them on her ass.
(participants attach glasses to their ass)
O! the monkey exclaimed - super, class!
I found a place for glasses, they are just right there!
The moral of this story is this.
Whatever she was:
Monkey, monkey or macaque.
Endure it all year, we will love without flaw!

After the competition, the audience chooses the best participant by applause, who receives the title - the symbol of 2016 (or the title of monkey of the evening)

Don't forget to look. Toasts are the best occasion to raise a glass and drink for the outgoing and the coming.

Competition 2.
Shall we have a dance competition? But first, let's again hold a kind of prelude to the competition. Now the questions are answered by men. The facilitator asks what species or what monkeys do you know. The man who answered first takes the stage. And so on until the men in the amount of at least five people gather. And the types of monkeys are: monkey, macaque, baboons, gorillas, howler monkeys and others, if they are called.

Every man who named a kind of monkey. He enters the stage and a sign with the name of a monkey is hung around his neck. After the men have gathered on the stage, they are invited to choose a couple among the girls. When each man has a couple, the host says:
- now, on the eve of the new year, the monkeys begin mating season. At this time, the male monkeys dance their wild dances for the females. And the females look at the dances and make a choice - to mate with him or not. Now our males will dance dances for females to attract their shooting to their person!
To dance males, you need to make a selection of music from different directions to make it more fun. The music turns on and the males begin to dance near their females. After the dance, the audience chooses the winner by applause.

Competition 3.
The next competition follows from the previous one. When one winner has been chosen, the others are given a chance to keep their female. To do this, they must emit their greatest cry, growl or roar. The males take turns making sounds to try to attract the female one more time. After everyone has published something, the audience determines who was more original and funny. He wins this competition.

Competition 4.
In this competition, we again return to the fable "monkey and glasses". Only now you don’t need to do anything, you just need to guess celebrities by points. How to do it? First, a fragment of a face with glasses is displayed on the screen, and the guests must guess whose face it is. When guessed or not guessed, the full image is shown. See the video below for an example:

Competition 5.
And, finally, a competition that will be in everyone's house - a competition with a banana. Everything is simple here, men and girls are divided into pairs. Men, like real fighters, wear boxing gloves on their hands. There are two bananas on the table next to each man. At the command of the leading man, they must take a banana with gloves. Try to peel it and feed your soul mate. And whoever feeds both bananas first in such a difficult way, he receives the title - the male of 2016.
Do you remember, in the first competition we determined the monkey of the year? this pair will be the best and will receive a special prize. If a. Of course, your boss will take care of the prize, and will not be greedy.

Corporate for the New Year


Going to a New Year's corporate party, remember that you still have to work with these people.

Between active competitions and games at the New Year's corporate party, it is necessary to take "table" breaks. So that they are not boring, offer guests several competitions at the table. In addition, "sitting" contests are suitable if employees do not want to get up from the table or the room where the holiday is held does not allow other contests and games to be held.

Competition Abroad!

The number of players is not limited. Imagine that the leader is a customs officer.

Ask the players the question: “What one item would you take with you abroad?”

Let the player name items for you until you miss him. Skip the person if he calls the word with the first letter of his name. The task of the players is to find out what is the criterion for your decisions.

chants competition

A minimum of 6 people are required to play. The facilitator offers a phrase that the players pronounce in turn. At the same time, each next player says it with more and more growing emotions. The game is played for interest, but it is possible to remove participants from the game who (according to the general opinion) could not pronounce the phrase with even greater emotional intensity. In this case, the last player remaining in the game is declared the winner.

Chants for New Year's corporate party

  • "Leave me alone" ( mild annoyance to intense anger).
  • "I managed" ( from calm affirmation to delight).
  • "I'm scared" ( from calm affirmation to horror).
  • "It's so funny" from smile to uncontrollable laughter).
  • "You are the best" ( from friendly reassurance to fiery love).
  • "I lost him" from mild sadness to unbridled grief).
  • "It's such a mess" from approval to disgust).

Word Guessing Contest

Props: notes with hints.

In this competition, teams need to guess the word. To do this, players look for notes with clue words hidden on the table. Having found all the clues (or most), the players will probably guess which word is hidden. Each team has its own word and its own clues, which means that the search area must be delimited. The first team to guess the word wins.

Examples of words and clues

  1. Mouth, life, ice, source = water.
  2. Rose, information, bouquet, nose, bottle = smell.
  3. Culture, Jules Verne, elements, electrical outlet, clay = earth.
  4. Lord, gymnastics, wedding, speed = ring.

search competition

For the competition, you will need to prepare as many leaves as the person is present. Each person writes a description of their appearance on a piece of paper, for example, plump lips, beautiful eyes, a brilliant smile, a mole on the cheek. Then all these leaves are folded into a hat or box. They take out the leaves one by one and try to guess who is described on this leaflet. To get interested in guessing, we can say that the one who guesses the most wins. Each person can name only one option. If someone has already offered a variant, who is described on this leaflet, then he cannot name the second time.

This competition is good to hold at the beginning of the holiday. The team is divided into two teams. The facilitator makes interesting and comic riddles. One correct answer - one step to the table. The distance for the location of the teams is selected depending on the number of participants. Approximate riddles for the competition may be as follows:
- what can be seen when a woman lifts her leg, the word is of 5 letters, starts with “p”, and ends with “a” (heel);
- a hairy head deftly fits on the cheek (toothbrush);
Who doesn't get their hair wet in the rain? (bald);
Why do goats have sad eyes? (because the husband is a goat);
- in one place he takes, and in another - he gives (ATM) and so on.

President's New Year's greetings

Each of the guests for a moment becomes the president of the country and each of them gets his 5 words for phantoms, which he must organically insert into his New Year's greetings. Words must be unusual to make congratulations funny, for example, crane, duck, Chinese, bananas, worm; airship, Turks, mole, broth, radish; goose, glass, peas, Kirkorov, teeth and so on. For the most cheerful and foldable congratulations, the president will receive a prize.

Everybody is dancing

Everyone who wants to participate. The presenter puts on a cheerful and moving song, or vice versa - slow and smooth. Participants will need to dance, but not just dance, but only with a certain part of the body. To do this, everyone chooses a card on which a specific part of the body will be written. For example, fingers, head, legs, buttocks, stomach and so on. As soon as the music begins to sound in the hall, the participants join the dance of their specified part body. The most eccentric and artistic is awarded a prize.

Get rid of your significant other

Friends, anything happens at a corporate party and therefore it is better to think over various excuses for your soulmate in advance. Each of the participants takes out his phantom, which indicates specific situation, for which the participant must come up with the funniest excuse. For example, you have three lipstick marks on your shirt; you came home in men's shoes; you have a napkin in your pocket with a phone number and Natalie's name; you have a man's tie in your purse and so on. There is a prize for the funniest and most interesting excuse.

Ski meeting

The game can be played both for teams and for individual participants. The guests are late for an important meeting, but the roads, as luck would have it, are covered with snow. Therefore, you need to get on skis. Each participant receives two landscape sheet and two sticks. On the “start” command, the participants get on skis (on two landscape sheets: with one foot on one sheet, and the second on the other) and begin to move towards the goal in such a way that the sheets from under their feet do not disappear. The participant who arrives at the meeting the fastest will win.


Each of the participants is invited to pull out one card, on which the name of one of the signs of the horoscope will be written, i.e. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. The task of each will be to show with the help of gestures and facial expressions what kind of sign he got, the rest guess.

snow bucket

Guests are divided into teams with the same amount human. A bucket (basket) is located at the same distance from each company, and each team has a whole stack of plain paper white sheets. On the “start” command, the participants of each team cooperate, crumple up a sheet of paper, turning it into a “snowball” and throw it into their bucket (without stepping over the line). The team that fills its bucket with snow faster than the rest from a specified distance will be the winner.


Guests are divided into equal teams, each team receives a pile of old and unnecessary documents and papers. On the “start” command, team members must crumple each leaf and make the best handsome snowman. For the nose, eyes and bucket, you need to show imagination and take something from the table (any product) to complement the image with creativity. The team that makes the prettiest paper snowman the fastest wins.

Film, film, film

The guests are divided into teams with the same number of people and in 5 minutes of preparation each team must show their miniature from the Soviet film about the New Year, for example, "Irony of Fate", "Magicians", "Gentlemen of Fortune", " Carnival Night" and so on. For the best performance, the team will receive a bottle of champagne or a kilo of tangerine.

Follow Santa Claus

Two teams with the same number of people. Each team will need a pair of skis. On the “start” command, the first participants put on skis and move to the Christmas tree, crush it and back to the team, pass the baton to the second participants. The team that skis the fastest will win.

Show program: "This is a cheerful planet New Year."

The crew of the interstellar liner (two animators) welcomes the guests.

Hello ladies and gentlemen! We are glad to welcome you aboard our intergalactic spaceship Paradise! Today we will go with you on an interstellar voyage and fly into the constellation of the horse to the planet New Year!
It was from there that we received the video invitation.
Broadcast from the Hubble telescope


So we're off!

Song about good mood.

If you smile
On the day you go new
If you are enthusiastic
waiting for the new year
And today is waiting for you
milky road
And now it starts
new year starship

And a smile for sure
Let it not leave your eyes
And good mood
Will not leave you anymore!

1 Toast:
So, friends, the time has come,
At this festive table,
Fill all your glasses
Champagne rainbow wine.

The word is given to CEO company _____________________________.

Let's raise our glasses to good luck and good mood!


Who came here not to be angry, but to have fun with the soul, clap your hands! ..
Who came here to eat clap too ..
If you come with friends clap your hands
If you and your colleagues clap too..
If you came with your wife, clap your hands
If someone came with her husband, clap too
Who slept all night tonight, clap your hands
Who played love all night, clap too ..
Who worked all year clap your hands
Who wishes everyone happiness, clap too!

2 Toast:
We would like to wish you wholeheartedly
Never get tired of life!
Take off and return to childhood
Joking, laughing, singing and having fun!
May your company grow and grow
Let everyone have a bank account!
Let the house be full of love!
Good luck to you in two thousand and twelve!



We continue our flight. Our starship is moving at great speed, in just 2 Earth hours we will reach our destination. In the meantime, let's greet those who were born in the year _____________. Are there any in the hall?


we were attacked by a pirate spaceship, On-board computer report damage

Pirates run out, whistle, clap crackers and take 6 people prisoner.
- This is our ship now.
"Wait, can we make a deal?"
- If six volunteers get out of our handcuffs, then we'll see, and if they can't, you take us with you.

Bond game. (Soundtrack:)

4 Toast(from Pirates)
Here he comes the horse, Happy New Year to you!
We wish you much happiness at this finest hour,
Strength, vigor, health and cheerful eyes,
New Year's adventures and other pranks!


The aliens come out.
Welcome earthlings! We are glad that you have responded to our call for help.
What happened to you?
We have a problem, all the inhabitants of the planet have forgotten songs about the New Year. Help us remember them.

Competition of songs about NG. (sing songs about winter, about the Christmas tree, about the snowflake, about the snow maiden, about the new year,)

5 Toast. (from aliens)
Let the horse to you in the New Year
Health, happiness will bring,
Let everything be in order at work,
Let the storms pass by.
Celebrate the new year with a song
But don't forget about us!


Ship Paradise in touch
What should we do?

Competition "Star" Phonogram:

The star has been lit! We're flying on.

Disco. 20 minutes.

2 o'clock
Dear guests, I ask everyone to take their seats and fasten their seat belts.
Two unknown objects are approaching us.

Phonogram: Chastushki 5 pcs.
A rabbit and a cat come out. They sing ditties.
How did we forget! Of course, you need to spend the outgoing year! What was yours like?

And we will find out now.
Let him raise his hand
Who suffered a career take-off (raised)
Let him send an air kiss
Who was lucky in love all year (kiss)
Thumbs up
Who celebrated success more than once! (finger ok)
Come on, wave your hand
Who rejoiced with all their hearts! (waving)
And stand up friendly
Who strove for their dream (stand up)
Let them clap their hands
Who bought a good gift for himself! (clapping)
And raise your glasses up
Those who have worked hard
Worked tirelessly,
Who brought the salary to the house
Who has fun at the banquet
In spite of all the crises in the world
Who looks forward joyfully
Happy Happy New Year!

6 Toast
Friends, let's say together Thank you for the outgoing year, let's say goodbye to the cat and the hare and drink for this wonderful year!

We are approaching our destination. And now we have a great horse CAM in touch. He kindly agreed to talk to us and answer those who wished what awaits them in the year of the horse.

Teleconference with a horse.
O Great Star Horse, tell me what awaits me?

7 Toast.
Year of the horse, he is flawless
Knocked on our doors
May luck be eternal
And everyone found happiness!

And our spaceship is approaching the planet "New Year".


The song “And the New Year, and the new year is approaching inaudibly” The DM and the Snow Maiden come out and sing.

The tree is waiting for friends today
And dress up for a long time
And the New Year, and the New Year
Approaching silently.
And the New Year, and the New Year
Approaching silently.

Snow Maiden

From all sorrows and worries
We will get rid of this day
And the New Year, and the New Year,
He is famous for miracles.
And the New Year, and the New Year,
He is famous for miracles.

Frost crackles, a blizzard sweeps,
A white blizzard is spinning,
And the New Year, and the New Year,
Makes friends younger.
And the New Year, and the New Year,
Makes friends younger.


And we are with you at least a whole year
Ready to meet him
And the New Year, and the New Year
Brings new happiness to us.
And the New Year, and the New Year
Brings new happiness to us.

Hello friends
Our dear guests,
We got it and everyone is alive!

Snow Maiden:
We have been waiting for you impatiently
Your path was difficult and great
Grandpa, look, no one slumped!
Cheerful, cheerful
The holiday is ready to celebrate!

DM:(make an order)
I will read out for order my New Year's order
Listen to everyone carefully and strictly follow the order

All honest people must
Happy New Year's Eve.
Wear masks, dresses for the carnival ...
Make it super unprecedented
Meeting the holiday for everyone
To be successful in the year!
Everyone wants to dance and sing,
Smile and joke
Laugh, dance round dances.
Well, who does not want to want everything,
So endure it all.

Of course Santa Claus guests agree with your decree. Where do we start?

I think everyone expects gifts from me, fulfillment of desires?

Leading: Of course

DM: But please make me happy first.

Poems DM.

Leading: Are you satisfied with Santa Claus?

DM: Yes

Leading: Of course, we should all shout “One, two, three, burn the Christmas tree!”
Phonogram: Christmas tree light up.

DM: Oh what a beauty, I love it
Well, now honest people dance together in a round dance

Phonogram: The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree.

Snow Maiden:
Yes, they dance beautifully on Earth, and now let's do it our way
On our planet they do it like this, repeat after us

Phonogram: Evribadi

DM: I wish happiness, good luck to the people, live happily
Snow Maiden: Happy New Year everyone!
DM: sunny days let the weather bring! health and strength
Snow Maiden: And happy New Year!
DM: Stormy love to you, like spring waters! Tender hugs!
Snow Maiden: And happy New Year!
DM: Let your income be worthy! Pockets full!
Snow Maiden: And happy New Year!
DM: And it's great for you to walk with the people! Glory to the holiday!
Snow Maiden: And happy New Year!
DM and Snow Maiden: Happy New Year!


And now we have the opportunity to tell fortunes before the New Year. Divination 1-9

8 Toast For the fact that all the good and good things come true!


Before the chimes strike 12, we have Earth in touch.

Video 9 Putin NG teleconference.

9 Toast
Per good wishes from Putin

Phonogram: Alexey Kortnev - Bells.

And of course, before the Chimes, the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev will congratulate us, and the Chairman of the Central Committee of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev, the First and Last President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev and, of course, VV Putin will help him in this

Phonogram: video 10 Congratulation of the President chimes.

10 Toast
Happy New Year!

The song "New Year" I sing.


The game:
wall to wall lambada (0:32)
wall to wall arash (east) (0:32)
wall on the Lezginka stack (0:25)
wall to wall can-can (0:32)
wall to wall dance of small swans (0:29)
wall-to-wall rock-n-roll (0:28)

The game:
war of the ages - 1 everything in life is (0:22)
war of the ages - 2 dances dances (0:21)
war of the ages - 3 neighbor pieha (0:25)
war of centuries - 4 katya take the phone (0:20)
war of ages - 5 give love take flowers (0:25)
war of centuries - 6 is not Russian (0:28)
war of the ages - 7 I scream (0:33)
War of the Ages - 8 I'll Be Your Baby (0:38)
Game: Ali Baba
34.098 Tarkan – Kuzu Kuzu (3:49)
35. New Gems - Ali Baba (3:49)

Game: Color dancing
36. Colored dances (3:52)

37. mix for streptiz (2:18)


We wish you Happy New Year
solve the most difficult problems
May the Year of the Horse bring
Pockets full of luck

We wish you inspiration
Be more confident and richer
May the Year of the Horse bring
Pockets full of luck

We wish our native team
Only accurate submissions!
Swim in a positive way
Pockets full of luck!

We wish you endless luck -
After all, it means a lot!
Everyone festive mood
Pockets full of luck!

0 1312321

A corporate event is a rather ambiguous event. On the one hand, games and entertainment in the company of colleagues help to unite the work team and dilute the business environment in the office. On the other hand, go fine line corporate ethics and ruin your reputation is quite easy, given that such activities at work are often accompanied by alcoholic drinks. Therefore, in order to maintain all decorum, create a positive friendly atmosphere and have a good time with colleagues, you need to think through the scenario in detail. corporate holiday. Or rather, add a lot of funny and cool contests, games and active entertainment for adults. Then the time in the company of colleagues will fly by quickly and cheerfully, and there will be no desire to spend the whole evening exclusively at the table. In today's article, we have tried to collect best ideas and examples of contests and games for New Year's corporate party. It is the New Year that the teams celebrate widely, amicably, noisily and cheerfully at work, in restaurants, karaoke clubs and even outside the city in nature. And our contests for the New Year's corporate party 2018, including in the question-answer format, which you will find below, are perfect for any holiday venue.

Cool and funny contests for a corporate party for the New Year 2018 - ideas and examples

If you try to briefly describe what competitions for a corporate party for the New Year 2018 should be like, then immediately arise in my head funny examples cool entertainment. Of course, humor is one of the main criteria when choosing a contest for a New Year's corporate party. It is also important that the competition has simple rules, and he himself was not tightened in time. Do not forget that humor in such contests and entertainment should not be below a certain level of decency and business ethics.

Cool ideas with examples of funny corporate contests for the New Year 2018


Zodiac circle

Each participant pulls out a card with the name of a certain zodiac sign. His task is to demonstrate to others the sign he has come across with his manners, behavior and habits. Naturally, it is forbidden for participants to speak and write tips.

Where I am?

A sheet with the name is glued to the back of each participant. certain place. For example, a hospital, a park, an office, a maternity hospital. The facilitator then asks the participants tricky questions about what they do in mysterious place hidden from their sight. Since the guests of the holiday know the hidden place, but the participants do not, it turns out to be very fun.

Competitions for the New Year's corporate party 2018 for adults with jokes - options for the office

If the New Year corporate party 2018 is planned to be held in the office, then for adults it is worth choosing contests with jokes. This option is especially good for a small team, where everyone is close and has known each other for a long time. In this case, contests with jokes will only add enthusiasm and laughter to the New Year's corporate party.

Options for adult contests for the New Year's corporate party 2018 with jokes in the office

Pop the balloon

To participate, you need several couples who stand with their backs to each other. Between them, the leader pinches the ball. The task of the pair is to burst it as quickly as possible without the help of hands.

guess who

One participant, for example, the director, is blindfolded. His task is to shake hands with individual colleagues to guess who is standing in front of him. To confuse the director, you can repeatedly put the same participants, or invite someone from technical staff.

Siamese twins

Several pairs of participants compete for running speed around the Christmas tree. But at the same time, the participants in a pair are tied to each other by one arm and leg.

Funny and funny contests with jokes for a New Year's corporate party at the table, examples

Examples of fun and funny contests with jokes for a New Year's corporate party at the table

sing me a song

The leader divides the participants of the feast into two teams. Each team in turn must sing a few lines from songs on the New Year theme. Also suitable are songs about winter and children's musical works.

Santa Claus bag

The host gives a small bag of Santa Claus, which the participants must pass around the table. At this time, music is playing, and if it stops, the participant with the bag must perform a number for Grandfather Frost.

Alphabetical Menu

Funny contests for the New Year's corporate party 2018 at work in the question-answer format

If you want more fun and sedentary contests for the New Year corporate party 2018 at work, then pay attention to the options in the question-answer format. They are very similar to popular quizzes, but instead of questions on intelligence and knowledge, you can choose a comic and entertaining format.

Competitions for the New Year's corporate party 2018 to work in a fun question-answer format

Who am I?

The participant chooses a note with the name of a fabulous New Year's character in a hat. He shows his name to other participants, but he does not see it. His task, asking questions that can only be answered yes or no, to guess his character.

Mr. X

The leader knows in advance Interesting Facts from the personal life (hobbies, hobbies) of all participants. Then he issues a small secret biography those present, and their task is to leading questions guess who in question.

Exactly the opposite

The facilitator asks the participants in turn tricky questions, to which they must give an absolutely opposite answer to the correct one. For example, to answer what color milk is, you need to answer that it is black. It is better to take questions regarding the New Year theme or the work team.

Active games and contests for the New Year corporate party 2018 at work - cool ideas

active games and cool contests there is also a place at the New Year corporate party 2018 at work. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe place allows you to choose active games for a large number participants. Such team activities always have a positive effect on the atmosphere of the holiday.

Cool games and active contests for the New Year corporate party 2018 at work

Relay race with gifts

Participants are divided into two teams, each of which is given a small gift. The task of the participants is to carry a gift around the Christmas tree and pass it on to a teammate. But it needs to be done in an unusual way, which is voiced by the presenter: walking backwards, squatting, jumping, limping, etc.


Participants are divided into pairs, put back to back and their hands are tied. One of the participants should take a spoon with ice in his mouth. The task of the pair is to follow the leader's commands as quickly as possible without dropping their piece of ice.


The participants of the two teams, in turn, must use the improvised means provided by the leader to dress the selected player in new Year costume. At the same time, both speed and the external resemblance of the hero to the character that the host thinks are important.

Funny and active competitions for a corporate party for the New Year in nature, examples and ideas

If you are planning to hold a corporate party in honor of the New Year in nature, then the examples of funny and active contests that you will find below will come in handy. Remember that such a corporate party in the countryside can take place in several stages and consist, for example, of active games on outdoor recreation and champagne parties by the fireplace. Therefore, warn colleagues in advance about the dress code so that everyone can fully participate in entertainment.

Funny ideas for active competitions in nature for a corporate party in honor of the New Year

snow battle

Participants are divided into two camps that wage a snow war between themselves. Their task is limited time build a protective structure out of snow and make snowballs. The team that quickly destroys the enemy headquarters wins.

Shine Christmas tree!

New Year's zoo

Each participant is given a note with the name of a particular animal. Its task is as realistic as possible in natural conditions show the habits of this animal in life. You can take animals from Eastern calendar and supplement their list with other specimens exotic for our country.

New Year's contests games, entertainment for corporate parties for the New Year 2018, video

Entertainment, games and competitions for the New Year corporate party 2018 can be cool, funny and fun. But the main thing is that the corporate party for the New Year 2018 leaves behind only pleasant memories. Here are ideas for board games, active contests and adult entertainment that are perfect for new year party with colleagues. They can be used for a holiday at work, in the office at the table, in karaoke, outdoors or in a restaurant.

New Year's entertainment with contests and games for corporate parties for the New Year 2018

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