Home Mushrooms Exam test in English. Experienced tips on how to prepare for an English test. Cambridge Language Tests

Exam test in English. Experienced tips on how to prepare for an English test. Cambridge Language Tests

An international test or language exam usually has four components: listening, reading, writing and speaking. For successful completion examination, it is necessary not only to pass the test, but to score the largest number points.

Who requires these certificates?

universities, international companies, research centers and laboratories where you can do an internship.

What is it for?

The host organization must make sure that you speak the language at the proper level in order to study or work.

Where can I take the exam?

Language tests are held in special accredited centers around the world several times a year. Anyone can submit them. You must register for the test in advance on the exam website.

There are many language exams, is any one suitable?

As a rule, a certain type of exam is indicated in the requirements for the candidate. If the information is missing, then you can safely provide any certificate confirming knowledge of a particular foreign language.

How long is a language certificate valid?

As a rule, the validity of an international certificate is limited to several years.

Helpful Exam Preparation Resources

To make the exam go smoothly, StudyQA has put together 40 resources for you to prepare for international exams in English, German, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese and French.

TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)

Basically, this language test is passed upon admission to universities in the USA, Canada, Europe and Asia. The certificate is valid for two years.

TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication)

The test required to apply for a job in an English-speaking company. Every year, 4.5 million people take this exam.

Ets.org/toeic- TOEIC official site.

Trial tests

goodlucktoeic.com- here you can find answers to questions about what TOEIC is, how many parts it consists of, where you can take the exam, as well as many useful materials and trial tests for TOEIC.

4tests.com- a large TOEIC test, which consists of 200 questions in two parts of the test.

Online.kgic.ca - mock exam for two parts of the test. You have two hours to complete the test.

English-test.net/toeic- several examples of tests with detailed advice for each part.


oral part

Toeic.youpla.be - great amount words required for the TOEIC exam.

Quizlet.com- business idioms that will come in handy when preparing for the oral part of the exam.

www.examenglish.com- a bunch of useful resources, tests, tips on all parts of the test.

englishclub.com- examples of answers for the oral part of the exam.

TestDaF test for knowledge of the German language

Fabouda.de- free exam preparation materials.

You can study English for as long as you like: a month, six months, a year, or devote a significant part of your life to this. However, the result of your perseverance will not entirely depend on this factor. You can learn English for two years, and still know very little. How diligently you go through this process will ultimately determine your level of English proficiency. To the question "Do you know English?" A simple “Yes” or “No” answer is not enough. Information about the level of your knowledge will sound more serious and meaningful. Knowing what you are capable of in English this moment will help implement your plans for the future. If you want to continue studying it, you will have to go through testing by English language . Based on the results, you will be able to choose the course that suits you. When applying to a university for some specialties, you will also need to pass an English language test. And its results can be significant influence for your further studies. If you are going to get a job where English is welcome or required, you also need testing. In this case, you will be able to present your future boss with an objective assessment of your knowledge. Our courses will help you prepare for testing of any complexity.

What is an English language test?

The word testing itself comes from English test denoting a test or test. IN this case we view the English language test as a test in which you test your level of knowledge in this area. English testing can cover any section of the language:

  • () and dictionary combinations
  • tests for knowledge of set phrases (phraseological units, idioms)
  • English speech comprehension tests ()
  • spelling tests and more

As we can see, you can test anything in English (any field of knowledge). The most common are the first two items. There is a separate article on our blog.

Testing in English can be written and oral. To test knowledge of grammar and vocabulary, a written version is used. Everything about colloquial speech and her listening comprehension refers to an oral English test (usually speaking or listening).

We conduct English language testing ourselves

If you have a specific goal for which you need to determine your level of English, or you are just curious to test yourself and your knowledge, use a computer and the World Wide Web. At the moment, the Internet is simply replete with sites where you can go online testing in English language. Firstly, almost any site dedicated to learning English has tests to determine the level of your knowledge. Our website is no exception. Below is a list of leveling tests, in order from easy to hard.

  1. A comprehensive test to determine the level of English knowledge on the website of our school

English is a language, the knowledge of which makes life much easier and opens up a lot of new opportunities. Want Good work- learn English, if you want to feel comfortable in almost any country - again, learn, you won't go wrong. If you decide to pull yourself together and start studying English intensively - congratulations, this is the right decision, which is worthy of respect!

Testing as a way to test knowledge

IN modern world one of the most common ways to control knowledge of the English language is to take a test. There are many internationally standardized tests, such as the TOEFL. Without passing this test, you will not enter any American higher education educational institution. Also, TOEFL is actively used in recruiting in foreign companies. In addition to TOEFL, the most common standardized tests include TOEIC, IELTS, and so on.

It doesn't matter what English test you pass - a planned one at school or one on the results of which your whole destiny will depend. Proper preparation to passing the test always affects the result and will never be superfluous. We will talk about how to prepare for the English language test in this article. Moreover, some tips will be useful even if instead of English you need to prepare for tests in the Russian language or, say, in mathematics. So, let's begin..

Read and do

1. Take time to prepare. Yes, no matter how trite it may sound, "patience and work will grind everything." So go ahead, your main trump card on the test is your head filled with useful information. When preparing, it is very important to calculate your time and start preparing for the test in advance. As another one says folk wisdom“If you don’t eat, you won’t get drunk.”

2. If possible, go a few similar to your upcoming tests on one's own. In this case, you will be prepared for the specifics of tasks, which, without proper preparation, can cause a "stupor" or require more time to solve.

3. Watch movies and read books in English. So you can combine business with pleasure, and your brain will automatically fix and remember the established speech turns, expressions, new words, as well as a lot of other useful information.

4. Do not be nervous. In addition to your knowledge, the result of passing the test can be significantly influenced by your emotional condition. Almost everyone is familiar with the situation when, due to too much excitement, the simplest things suddenly cause difficulty. For example, you can, worrying, forget a word or rule. At the same time, in a calm environment, when the test is already over, this most treacherous word will itself pop up in memory. In order to fully reveal your capabilities and give your best on the test, stay calm and balanced, do not rush to make decisions, tune in a positive way. Remember that anxiety is a bad ally in passing the test, and in life in general. We recommend to study the article about that in our blog.

5. Get a good night's sleep before the test. strong and healthy sleep has a positive effect on brain function, so it’s not worth throwing a party or walking until morning before an important test, as well as frantically cramming Irregular Verbs all night long. Better sleep sweetly, and your brain will thank you!

We are well aware of how difficult it can be to pass this or that test. Often, students simply do not physically have enough time to prepare. IN modern system distance tests are widely used in education. There are situations when students have to decide how to simultaneously prepare for a test in history, mathematics, Russian, while doing a lot of other things at the same time. If for some reason you do not have time to prepare for the English test, we are always ready to help and pass any test with the required result. We hope that the tips in this article will be useful and will help you prepare for the English test and you will pass it with the highest score!

There is an exam ahead, but you are not sure that you will have time to prepare for it? We will tell you how to prepare for the English exam correctly, without hassle and sleepless nights.

Is preparing for an English exam stressful? Get rid of it with our tips. Despite the recent fashion in our country for everything native Russian, the English language is getting closer and closer to us: new technologies, the Internet, work, study - all these areas are somehow closely connected with English. It's no wonder that everything more people every year they begin to learn the language in order to obtain a certificate of English proficiency in order to have a document confirming their knowledge. But before you get the coveted certificate, you will have to work hard: preparing for the English language exam is a serious and time-consuming business.

How to quickly prepare for an English exam: tips for exam success

1. Set realistic deadlines

Many can prepare for the exam for several years, each time delaying the moment of passing the exam. At the same time, a person may be ready for a knowledge test, but because of the fear of failing the exam, it will seem to him that it is too early. A dream is a goal with a deadline. If you have a deadline for submission, you will be able to plan your preparation activities to the smallest detail.

2. Get ready to work hard with a minimum of days off

You need to practice daily, at least 1 hour a day. Closer to the date of the exam, it is desirable to increase the duration of training to 2-4 hours a day. However, do not forget about breaks. Check out the article "", the principles of time management described in it are ideal for preparing for the exam.

3. Test your knowledge

Before preparing, clearly define your level of English proficiency, find gaps and weak spots. To do this, you can go, it will show your achievements in writing, reading and listening skills.

4. Choose the “right” teacher

What kind of teacher to deal with: Russian-speaking or native speaker? As a rule, native speakers are great at helping to break down the language barrier. English-speaking teachers do not know Russian, so you have to speak English, and the teacher at this time corrects your mistakes and teaches colloquial clichés, useful vocabulary - helping your speech become "alive".

Thus, optimal choice- a combination of classes with a native speaker and a Russian-speaking teacher. Lessons will complement each other and help you achieve your goal.

5. Do typical tasks

Find out what tasks await you on the selected exam, then find examples of such exercises on the Internet and complete them daily, at least a couple of tasks a day. If you are to passing the exam, purchase a special manual with typical tasks and solve it from start to finish.

Familiarize yourself with the Cambridge exam format and practice typical tasks You can visit this site examenglish.com. There you will find free tests to prepare for IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, CAE, FCE, KET, PET, PTE Academic, PTE General, Michigan.

6. Develop all skills at the same time

Any exam consists of several parts, which test all the skills of English: written and oral speech, listening, reading, lexicon, knowledge of grammar, pronunciation. We each have our strengths and weak sides, strong must be skillfully used, and weaknesses must be developed to strengths. How to work on each of the skills? We offer the following methods:

  • Reading skill. Read texts on various topics: from newspapers and magazines to fiction and popular science literature. So you will learn new words from the context, increase your reading speed, use visual memory to remember the spelling of new words, refresh your knowledge of words and phrases on specific topics. A typical reading task for the exam is text comprehension questions. You can practice this skill on the site. There are dozens of tests on a wide variety of topics and questions for understanding.
  • Writing Skill. The standard task for the exam is an essay. Learn to write it correctly: any letter you write should have an introduction, a few paragraphs of body text, and a conclusion. Please note that some exams may ask you to write a letter in a specific style, either formal or informal. Therefore, practice using the appropriate vocabulary and grammar correctly. In addition, try to keep within a certain amount and time when writing. For example, if you know that during the exam you need to write an essay of about 200-250 words, accustom yourself to write just such volumes, then when passing you will not need to count the words, you will see that you have achieved the ideal length. An important condition writing is having someone to test and evaluate your writing skills. Such a person will be able to tell you how to write and how not to write. You can get acquainted with the main types, structure and rules for writing an essay in our article "".
  • Listening skill. A typical exam task is listening to an audio file and answering questions to it. The English listening comprehension test is one of the most difficult parts of the exam. However, if you are engaged in listening, then there will be no problems with this test. One of the most effective and available ways skill training - listening to audio podcasts. We wrote about the secrets of working with audio files in the article "".
  • Speaking skill. A typical task is a spontaneous speech on any topic. This part of the exam is best rehearsed with your teacher: he will help you correct common mistakes and teach you how to speak naturally. There is a simple and very effective exercise to train spontaneous speech: choose any subject and try to talk about it for 1 minute. So you will learn to talk about anything, and this is exactly what you need on the exam. You can also work on your speaking skills on your own. To do this, try the following method. Take an interesting video, watch it several times, learn the subtitles. After that, turn on the video without sound and try to get into the pace of the speaker. This exercise will help you learn useful vocabulary and become fluent in English. Also, do not forget to read aloud: you will improve your pronunciation, work on intonation and correct accent, learn to formulate your thoughts clearly and competently.

7. Read about the experiences of people who have passed the exam

If you are interested in a series of Cambridge exams FCE, CAE, CPE, then you should definitely read the article by teacher Svetlana “How I passed the CAE. Confessions of a certificate holder". She shared personal experience passing one of these exams good advice how to show "class" in the oral part of the exam. Try to learn from other people's mistakes.

Learn all you can from the mistakes of others. You won't have time to make them all yourself.

Learn everything from the mistakes of others. You won't have enough time to do them all on your own.

8. Practice the exam

Find out how the test works, how much time you will have to complete each task, etc. Together with a teacher or a friend who also needs to take the test, try writing an essay, reading the text and answering questions, doing listening exercises and speaking the most different topics in English. At the same time, it is necessary to comply with certain time assigned to each part of the exam. By the time of the exam, you should have the notorious “sense of time”, which will tell you at what pace to complete this or that task.

9. Get all information in English

Try to get all the information you need during the day in English. Looking for a new microwave? See descriptions of models and reviews on the websites of foreign online stores. Would you like to bake a pie? Look for the recipe on English sites. Can't imagine your life without books? Read them in English. Do you want to learn how to properly prepare for the English language exam? Look for information in English! In such a simple way, you will enrich your vocabulary with vocabulary from various areas life and discover many useful and exciting resources.

10. Don't get distracted by alarmists

Proper preparation for the English exam is the key to success and Have a good mood. You will probably go to some English learner forum before the exam, where you will look for tips on how to prepare for the English exam. It happens that the participants in the discussion give very valuable recommendations, but you will have to isolate them with difficulty from the stream of complaints and panic messages about how “it is difficult to pass the exam”, “super difficult tasks are promised this year”. Such messages distract and move you away from your desired goal. It is better to spend precious time studying or relaxing.

We hope that after reading our article, you will no longer torment Google with the question “How to prepare for the English exam”, but start working hard and productively. If you need help, try enrolling in the course "". Experienced teachers will be happy to help you prepare for the test. Passing the exam is not so difficult if you thoroughly prepare for it. We wish you neither fluff nor feathers!

If you are faced with the need to pass an international test that will determine your level of English proficiency, then you are planning to move abroad in the near future in order to continue your education or employment. Prestigious Universities and employing companies put forward rather high requirements for candidates, among whom there are also minimum scores received for a particular language test.

In addition, if you just want to move to live in another country, you will also need to pass one of the international exams that will determine your level of English proficiency. It is impossible to fail some tests, in any case you will get at least some score, some have a “Fail” rating in the exam results assessment system - not passed.

Of course, it's better to take maximum amount points. But you need to remember that your result will depend not only on the level of English, but also on the preparation for the exam format. Each of the language tests has its own characteristics, in addition, a certain amount of time is allocated for the task, which you may not have enough if you do not calculate in advance how many minutes you will allocate to which task.

There are a huge number of tests to determine the level of English proficiency. You just need to choose the one that is right for you.

Types of international exams in English

All tests for determining the level of English are designed for those who study the language as a foreign language and are not native speakers. As a rule, the choice of test will depend on the choice of the country in which you want to study or work.

The most popular international exams:, and Cambridge tests.

TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication)

An exam to determine your level of business English. The TOEIC certificate is valid for two years, so it is better to take the test on the eve of your official employment or admission to a foreign university.

TOEFL or IELTS: which one to choose?

We have already talked about the exam and its American counterpart. We just want to once again draw your attention to the fact that the choice of exam will depend on the country: in the USA and Canada, TOEFL results are recognized, in the UK and Australia, IELTS or Cambridge exams are preferred.

The IELTS certificate, like the TOEFL certificate, is valid for 2 years from the date of receipt of the test results. In this exams University of Cambridge differ from IELTS and TOEFL as they do not have an expiration date.

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Cambridge Language Tests

Name of the exam What level is it for?
  1. (Preliminary English Test) - confirms language proficiency at a basic level
  2. (First Certificate in English)
  3. (Certificate of Advanced English)
  4. (Certificate of Proficiency in English)
  5. (Business English Certificate)
  6. TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test)
  7. (International Legal English Certificate)
  8. (International Certificate in Financial English)
  1. For Intermediate level
  2. For the Upper-Intermediate level
  3. For advanced level
  4. For Proficiency level
  5. Business English Proficiency Exam Intermediate level– Upper Intermediate
  6. English language teacher exam, for at least Upper-Intermediate level
  7. Legal English Proficiency Test for Upper-Intermediate – Advanced
  8. Financial English exam for Upper-Intermediate – Advanced levels

Every year more than 2 million people take the Cambridge language exams.

There are also special Cambridge exams for children and teenagers: Cambridge Young Learners Exams. They are designed for different ages and language proficiency levels: Starters, Movers and Flyers. the main objective of these tests is to prepare young candidates for the future Cambridge exams for adults.

Each exam has its own characteristics, and yet there are some common features for all English tests:

  • Firstly, all these exams are designed for those who study English as a foreign language
  • Secondly, test results are recognized educational institutions English-speaking countries and companies-employers
  • Third after passing the test, you will receive an international certificate
  • Fourth x, you can take each of these exams only on the basis of the official test center for taking international tests
  • Fifth, exams test all your language skills: reading, writing, speaking, listening

Which exam to choose?

There is also a classification that helps to simplify the process of choosing the type of international exam. A number of tests measure general English, some tests measure your level of academic English, and there are exams that test your level of business English only.

General English Exams

For exams that test the proficiency in general English, we include and. The Key English Test tests the development of elementary language skills. The grade for the exam is set based on the percentages earned. If you score less than 65%, you will receive a "Fail" grade - not passed.

Preliminary English Test is a preparatory exam that is usually taken by those who want to participate in the Work and Travel or Work and Study programs. The test is evaluated in the same way as KET. Only if you score 65-69% will you receive a certificate "passed to level A2".

Professional and Academic English Exams

These exams include a number of Cambridge tests: FCE, CAE, CPE, as well as IELTS and TOEFL. These exams test English proficiency at the academic level and you can use the results for admission to higher education institutions.

Business English Exams

In addition to the exam, which we have already mentioned, there is another exam to test business English proficiency - BULATS, whose name stands for Business Language Testing Service. This exam is multilingual, that is, it can assess the level of proficiency not only in English, but also in German, Spanish or French. Minimum level English proficiency for successful delivery This exam must be at least Intermediate. Business exams also include specialized tests ILEC and ICFE.

We wish you success in preparing and passing international language exams!

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