Home Mushrooms How to remove plasticine from clothes and home textiles: all folk recipes. Plasticine stains: how to remove them? Better ways

How to remove plasticine from clothes and home textiles: all folk recipes. Plasticine stains: how to remove them? Better ways

As a rule, only children play with plasticine. They mold animals, birds, funny people, cartoon characters, then play with them cheerfully and sometimes get their clothes dirty. However, we may also face this problem, if, for example, we do not notice a plasticine animal on a chair and sit on it. It will be a pity not for the cat, from which the cake will remain, but for the pants, because it can be very difficult to remove the plasticine stain.

In this post, we will look at methods by which you can solve this problem.

How to remove plasticine stain from clothes

We bring to your attention the following methods:

  • Freezing. Fold the soiled item neatly, place it in the freezer and let it sit for about 30-40 minutes. When the clay has hardened, try removing it with the blunt side of a knife. However, do this very carefully so as not to damage the fabric. In some cases, this procedure is sufficient to solve the problem at hand. If part of the stain still remains, try the following method to remove it.
  • Laundry soap. Soak the product in warm water for 10 minutes. After that, thoroughly lather the problem area with laundry soap, wait 30 minutes, then take a brush, vigorously treat the plasticine stain on both sides and wash the clothes. Use this way, if you need to save a product from a plain light fabric.
  • Baking soda. If the laundry soap does not help remove the stains, sprinkle some baking soda on them and leave for 5-10 minutes. Then scrub with a brush and wash clothes with powder.
  • Alcohol. A few teaspoons ammonia dilute in a glass cold water, immerse a cotton pad in the resulting solution and carefully treat the stain. When there is practically nothing left of the plasticine, rinse the product in warm water and then wash it.
  • Vegetable oil. Few people know that a plasticine stain can be removed with vegetable oil. Take a cloth, dampen it in oil, and start scrubbing the stain. When it is well saturated, the plasticine will go away. Immediately after this, there is new problem- oily area on clothing. To remove it, use a good Fairy dishwasher. Machine wash immediately afterwards.
  • Kerosene. This product dissolves greasy stains well and is also perfectly washable with powder. Just take a cotton pad moistened with kerosene, carefully treat the stain, wait a while, then rinse the item and wash in warm water.
  • Special tool. At the hardware store, you can buy a stain remover that can do the job easily. Remove some of the plasticine mechanically, place a white napkin under the problem area, then take another napkin or rag, apply liquid stain remover with it and wait a few minutes. As a rule, this time is enough for the plasticine to completely dissolve. Then rinse the garment and wash as usual.

In our previous publications, we also talked about. If you are interested, follow the active link.

Finally, we will give advice: before using the selected product, test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing, so as not to accidentally ruin the fabric during the procedure.


Now you know how to use simple folk methods remove plasticine stain from clothing. Thank you for the attention!

You will need

  • Stack (special scraper)
  • Vegetable oil
  • Paper (napkins)
  • Special detergent


In order to clear plasticine from flat surface table, you will need a stack (special scraper). After the child has finished sculpting, you need to very carefully scrape off the surface with a stack of plasticine. Be sure to pay attention to the pressure of the stack when assembling from varnished surfaces, so as not to scratch the varnish.

If it is stained in plasticine, then you need to proceed as follows. If possible, wash the toy in the hottest water possible using a special detergent. And then, if the plasticine has not completely washed off, you need to wipe off the soft remnants with paper.

If the baby's clothes have suffered from the plasticine invasion, then before removing the plasticine, the thing must be frozen. To do this, place it in the freezer for an hour or two, and then gently peel off the frozen plasticine.

Also, the plasticine stain can not be cleaned with the help of dry cleaning services. Before carrying a dirty item, it's best to call the dry cleaner and see if they handle this kind of dirt.

Your little one has smeared plasticine on the carpet and you don't know what to do. Tips on how to remove plasticine from carpet can help you clean carpet, even if the sticky substance is deeply embedded in the pile.


Then clean the place of contamination with a household brush, abundantly moistened with soapy water, but it is advisable to alternate the action several times, and then it is recommended to wipe the carpet dry. To get rid of plasticine, you can use an iron and clear sheet paper, place the paper on the plasticine stain, and then, from the top side, attach a heated iron to it for a few seconds. Instead of a sheet of paper, you can use a napkin or blotter from a school notebook; if it is heavily soiled, repeat the procedure several times, changing the napkins into which the molten plasticine is absorbed, but experts advise not to use this cleaning method on carpets that differ long pile.

In most cases, even after thoroughly removing all pieces of trampled plasticine from the carpet, a colorless or colored greasy stain will remain on the coating, which is not so easy to remove. Therefore, use additionally a variety of cleaning chemicals that can deal with this type of stain. Ordinary laundry detergent or special carpet cleaners will do. If the carpet is very expensive, do not experiment with removing stains, but rather contact a company that offers high quality in-home dry cleaning of coatings.

V recent times manufacturers have learned to produce plasticine, which does not leave marks either on the hands or on the surrounding objects. Unfortunately, this miracle is worth much higher than average, so in schools and kindergartens, the good old mass for modeling is still used, tightly adhering to skin, fabric, wood and even plastic. Despite the seeming drama of the situation, it is quite possible to remove plasticine from clothes, furniture or the floor without consequences.

General Tips:

  1. Do not try to rinse off the plasticine stain with water or clean it with a tissue. The composition of plasticine includes wax, and this plastic substance from mechanical influences only smears and penetrates deeper into the structure of the tissue. The best effect on plasticine is a change in temperature: the substance solidifies from the cold, and from heating it melts.
  2. For the methods below, use an iron with a steaming function for an even better effect.
  3. Colored plasticine can be "soaked" with white: take a lump of light mass, stick to the dirt and tear it off abruptly. Repeat the action until only a greasy mark remains on the surface.

Store products. Special funds, to wash plasticine from clothes, no, but there are oxygen-containing stain removers: Antipyatin, Vanish, Ace Oxi Magic and others. Add any of these in the final wash and the greasy stain disappears. The proportions and processing method are indicated in the instructions.

How to clean plasticine with folk remedies

The methods depend on the material and the characteristics of the product.

Fabric and clothing

1. Place the soiled item in the freezer. After a couple of hours, the frozen plasticine will fall off by itself (by the way, you can do the same with chewing gum).

2. Iron the dirt through a napkin or paper towel (silk mode), do not forget to put toilet paper folded several times under the stain. The plasticine will melt and remain on the blotting paper. Change paper as needed.

Iron and paper is the fastest available tool

3. Apply to a cotton pad a little sunflower oil, wipe the dirty area thoroughly. The artificial clay will collect into pellets and be easy to clean.

Removing the remaining stain

Removing plasticine is only the first step: the substance leaves behind untidy greasy stains, so mechanical cleaning is not enough here, chemical treatment and washing are needed.

1. Make a concentrated soap solution (dissolve 200 g of shavings of laundry soap in 5 liters of hot water), soak the affected clothing for 15-20 minutes, then treat the plasticine stain with a brush (you can sprinkle the dirt with soda beforehand). This method works well for synthetics.

Soaking in soapy water does not replace a full wash: after treating problem areas, wash the item as usual.

2. To remove dirt from cotton or other natural material, use the following method: mix water with ammonia (10 drops per glass), carefully wipe the plasticine stain with this compound.

3. Make a paste from hydrogen peroxide and shavings of laundry soap (proportions per eye, you should get a thick gruel), apply the finished paste on the remaining trail, rinse off after 20 minutes.

Do not use this product on colored items: hydrogen peroxide can dissolve the paint.

Carpet and upholstered furniture

The same principle applies here as with the fabric: cold or warm.

1. Place a plastic ice bag or a bag of frozen vegetables on the stained area.

2. To clean the plasticine - heat it with a hairdryer or iron it through a napkin.

Wipe the remaining grease stain with a cotton swab with acetone, gasoline or ammonia, sprinkle the rest with soda, and after a while, simply sweep away the powder that has absorbed fat.

Oily plasticine stains can be removed well only with solvents.

Solid surfaces and wallpaper

Scrape off the clay with a silicone spatula (you can use one of the tools for working with plastic materials), remove the remains with soapy water or dishwashing liquid.

Stick a sheet of clean paper on the affected area of ​​the wallpaper and blow it with a stream of warm air from a hair dryer - the plasticine should melt and go to the "application". Wash oily residue with Fairy or another similar dishwashing detergent.

Pile, wool (animal), hair

Remove large lumps by hand, comb out the remainder with a comb, then treat the lint, wool or hair with a degreasing agent (such as shampoo) and rinse with water.

When there are small children in the house, you can expect surprises from them every minute. Paints, markers and plasticine - these creative tools can stain clothes in such a way that it seems that all that remains is to throw them away. Moreover, not only children's clothing suffers from them, but also things of adults, soft padding furniture and other textiles.

The composition of plasticine includes chemical dyes, wax, clay, ozokerite and fats. All these substances prevent drying, but adhere firmly to the surface. Therefore, hard-to-remove stains remain on the fabric, especially if the plasticine is smeared and pressed into the surface. You can remove plasticine without damaging the fabric using several methods by properly preparing the thing for cleaning.

Clothes stained with plasticine should not be washed immediately. Visible particles of the substance are removed with a sharp object - a knife or a nail file, and then the thing is processed so that the plasticine is removed from the fabric fibers.


An effective way to remove a plasticine print from a fabric is to freeze it. A thing with adhered plasticine is wrapped in a plastic bag and placed in the freezer for an hour. The paraffin contained in the plasticine will freeze and fall off by itself. The remains are scraped off with a knife or file, clothes are washed in the usual way.

The heating

Under influence high temperature plasticine begins to melt - this property can be used to remove the fat stain from the tissue.

  • Stained clothing must be straightened out of the blue with a spot up;
  • Put paper napkins or newspaper sheets on both sides of the stain;
  • Iron the stain with a hot iron or warm it up with a jet of hot air from a hair dryer.

How to remove plasticine marks from clothes

After the plasticine is removed from the surface of the garment, oily colored spots often remain on it. The substance penetrates into the structure of the tissue, and this makes it difficult for its excretion. To clean the thing from traces of plasticine, the following means are used.

Laundry soap

This is one of effective ways get rid of the dirty stain. The thing, cleared of plasticine, must be soaked in warm water and soaped well, rinsed after half an hour. If the stain is too deep, you can use a thick soapy solution. Rub the soap into shavings and dilute hot water until a mushy mass is obtained. This mixture is applied to the problem area, rubbed in with a brush, and after half an hour the clothes are washed.


Also, when cleaning things with laundry soap, it is used baking soda... Sprinkle it on top of the soapy stain and gently rub it with a brush.

One more alternative way- a thick mixture is made from soda and warm water, rubbed into the stain, left to dry completely. After that, the item is washed by hand or in a machine.

The baking soda can be replaced with a common cleaning agent such as Comet or Domestos.


The only downside to this effective remedy is specific bad smell... But it can be easily removed with regular laundry detergent or fabric softener. And a plasticine stain can be removed by wiping it with a cloth dipped in kerosene.

Wool sock

An unnecessary woolen sock or any other wool item will help remove plasticine dirt. To do this, rub the problem area with a woolen product until the wool absorbs plasticine particles.

Vegetable oil

Oily stains left over from paraffin can be easily removed with a similar substance - vegetable oil. To do this, thoroughly wipe the thing in the area of ​​contamination with a sponge soaked in oil and leave for 20 minutes. After that, the excess oil is removed with a cloth soaked in Faery detergent.

If plasticine gets on a fur product, then it can be cleaned with oil. The oil is applied with a cotton swab to the pile, after which it is combed with a special brush or a fine-toothed comb.


10 drops of ammonia are dissolved in 100 ml. water. A cloth is moistened in the solution and the stain is rubbed with it until it is completely cleansed.

Video: how to remove plasticine from clothes

How to remove plasticine stains from different fabrics

An important condition when cleaning things from plasticine is to take into account their color and material. After all, one thing can be easily cleaned, and another just as easily ruined.

White things

Clothes white can be cleaned from plasticine using:

  • baking soda;
  • laundry soap;
  • ammonia;
  • oxygen bleach;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

In no case should whiteness and other chlorine-containing products be used to clean white clothes.

Colored products

When cleaning colored items, it is important not to damage their design. For example, you can easily spoil color range things using acetone solvents or chlorine-based products. You can remove a plasticine stain from colored fabric with the following substances:

  • laundry soap;
  • a mixture of dishwashing gel and soda;


Woolly items have an uneven surface and a porous structure, which prevents cleaning agents from penetrating deeply. In this case, solvents are effective:

  • turpentine;
  • kerosene;
  • refined gasoline;
  • nail polish remover without acetone.

With one of these products, you need to thoroughly wipe the stain and leave for half an hour. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

It is better to dry-clean things made of white wool, as they can turn yellow under the influence of solvents!


Silk is a delicate fabric, so be careful when cleaning. Plasticine traces can only be removed with pure alcohol:

  • spread the stained thing on a flat surface with a spot up;
  • put a paper napkin under the stain;
  • with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol, soak the stain until it disappears.


Plasticine that gets on clothes from jeans is removed using all of the above means, with the exception of acetone and chlorine-containing agents. You also need to pay attention to the color of the jeans. The white thing must be cleaned in a way suitable for this color.

Professional stain removers

In addition, you can use a professional stain remover, which can be found in a large assortment on the household chemicals market. The best remedies according to reviews of housewives:

Name of funds Manufacturer The purpose
Vanish United Kingdom Removes stains of various origins.
Ecover Belgium Stain remover based on natural ingredients... Easily removes stains of various origins.
Frau Schmidt Austria Removes greasy, blood stains, traces of wine and berry juice.
Antipyatin Russia Used when soaking clothes different colors and fabrics.

As you can see, with little effort, there are no traces of plasticine. The main thing is not to panic and provide timely assistance to clothes.

In a fit creative process little sculptors are oblivious to caution. Colored plasticine appears on the face, on the T-shirt, on the hair and on all the objects surrounding the creator. It is impossible to interrupt the baby by frightening off his muse. There is only one thing left for mothers: to learn effective ways how to remove plasticine from clothes.

Plasticine is a mixture of paraffin, wax, fats and dyes. The mixture is quite dangerous if it comes about dirt on clothes. Even after removing the top layer of the sticky mass, a greasy stain will remain in its place. The main mistake of inexperienced parents is trying to wash plasticine in washing machine... On the contrary, such washing "seals" the wax in the structure of the fabric and complicates further removal. Do not try to wipe off the plasticine with a knife either: this will not give any result, except for possible damage to the clothes.


If the baby does not have time to deeply rub the sculpting material into the clothes, the chances of its removal without a trace increase. Noticing an imprint on a child's clothes, do not rush to grab a knife or nail file and try to clean off the plasticine. Use wiser methods. Remove an ice pack or any frozen food from the freezer and place it on the affected tissue for 5 minutes. Do not use a piece of ice to avoid wetting the fabric. Better place the ice in a glass to be placed on the plasticine print.

If the child gets dirty at home, change him, and put the dirty little thing in the freezer for half an hour. At sub-zero temperatures, the wax hardens. The harder the material, the easier it is to clean it from matter. It will fall off in one piece, and the small remaining particles can be picked off with a fingernail or any non-sharp object. After deleting maximum number plasticine from clothes, you will find a greasy stain.

The heating

To remove the remaining plasticine, you need to radically change the methods of influencing it. Freezing must be replaced by heating. To do this, you need a hair dryer or iron. Stock up paper napkins, unnecessary pieces of natural fabric, or toilet paper(only heavy multi-layer paper will do).

Preheat the iron with a setting for delicate fabrics. Place a napkin under the soiled area of ​​a T-shirt, jeans or trousers, cover the stain with a second napkin. Iron the item slowly. Change your blotter as soon as the melted wax begins to show up on the bottom or top napkin. This should be done until the paraffin wax disappears from the clothes.

If you cannot use an iron, a hairdryer will do. Place a napkin under the cloth and blow on the dirt warm air... You need to periodically blot the stain with a second napkin. Ironing guarantees best result and helps to quickly remove traces of wax from clothes.


Only after two stages of heat treatment can one proceed to attempts to wash off the plasticine. First you need to soak the place of pollution. Prepare a strong soapy water solution. Dissolve in warm water 20 g of laundry soap or special soap for removing stains (Antipyatin). Soak part of the fabric in the solution for half an hour. To enhance the effect, you can rub baking soda into the stain.


Only after all three stages can you send your clothes to the wash and be sure that the stain can be washed off. Install the program available for this type of clothing. If the item is white, be sure to add stain remover or bleach. The higher the washing temperature, the more likely it is that plasticine contamination will disappear without a trace.

It happens that after 4 stages of cleaning clothes from plasticine, a barely noticeable color spot remains at the site of pollution. In this case, you will need:

Hydrogen peroxide can only treat residual stains on light-colored clothes, so as not to provoke the appearance of a whitish spot on a bright T-shirt. For colored items, the Vanish stain remover or Antipyatin soap is suitable.

Despite the strong unpleasant smell, ammonia is extremely useful in everyday life. To remove the stain, prepare a solution (10 drops of ammonia per glass of water). With a cotton swab dipped in the solution, you need to process the trace from plasticine to it complete disappearance... After this procedure, you need to wash the item in the washing machine with additional mode rinsing.

Vegetable oil demonstrates excellent results. It is rubbed into the plasticine stain so that the fabric is soaked through and through. Do not be afraid that the greasy stain will not be removed later. The usual dishwashing detergent will not help in this matter.

Try not to dress your baby in fancy clothes when sending to Kindergarten or sitting down at home for modeling. The main thing is not to interrupt the child in a burst of creativity and not to deprive him of the opportunity to develop.

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