Home Natural farming Analysis of marketing activity. Organization of marketing at the enterprise

Analysis of marketing activity. Organization of marketing at the enterprise

The marketing activities of enterprises include marketing research. Marketing research is a systematic collection, processing and analysis of all aspects of the marketing process, namely: product, market conditions, competitors, methods and methods of marketing, pricing system, sales incentives, demand generation systems, etc.

Marketing in modern conditions necessary at all stages of the operation of the enterprise. It happens that enterprises, in order to save money, refuse from marketing research. According to the calculations of specialists, the losses from this significantly exceed the costs of research.

The main task of marketing research is a comprehensive market research. Market research consists of two main blocks: the study of general economic conditions and specific market conditions.

The study of the general economic situation provides for tracking and detailed consideration of the processes, changes occurring in the national economy of a particular country, the economic community or the world economy as a whole, and contains an analysis of the main macroeconomic proportions and trends.

The study of the conjuncture of the commodity market includes an analysis and forecast of the state of the market for a particular product and provides for the study of industries and consumption of products, their interrelationships.

To study market conditions, a wide range of indicators is used, which can be grouped into the following main groups:

  • 1) Production indicators - the volume and dynamics of production in the industry as a whole; the rate of product renewal; volume and dynamics of real investments; information about the order book;
  • 2) Indicators of domestic commodity turnover - the turnover of wholesale and retail trade, which makes it possible to assess changes in effective demand for products for industrial, technical and consumer purposes; sales volumes of the largest wholesale and retail trade enterprises; cost of living indices; consumer costs (volume and structure); the volume of consumer loans; data on domestic transportation of goods;
  • 3) Indicators foreign trade- physical and value volumes, indices of foreign trade turnover; the volume of exports, imports, their indices; geographical distribution of exports, imports; trade balance; commodity structure of exports, imports; the country's share in world exports, imports;
  • 4) Indicators of dynamics and price level - wholesale price index; aggregate index of wholesale prices;
  • 5) Financial indicators - issue of securities; stock prices of enterprises dominating the industry; refinancing rate of the NBU; inflation rate; exchange rates; loan interest; bank deposits.

To evaluate competitors, you need to collect the following information:

  • 1) Assortment of products, main products or groups of products, areas of specialization;
  • 2) The range of exports and imports, the place of the company in the world market for the most important goods;
  • 3) Composition of governing bodies; organizational structure of management;
  • 4) The production and material and technical base of enterprises, the number and location of enterprises, their capacity, the number and location of sales organizations, stations Maintenance;
  • 5) The number of people employed in the firm;
  • 6) The main indicators of the financial condition of the enterprise for a number of years; asset, sales volumes, net profit, investments, etc .;
  • 7) Production, technical and other relations with other enterprises.

After that, it is advisable to conduct a comparative analysis of competitors to develop an enterprise strategy. The identification of current and potential competitors is carried out on the basis of two approaches. The first is related to the assessment of the needs that are met in the market by the main competing firms. The second focuses on the classification of competitors in accordance with the types of market strategy they apply.

In the first approach, we distinguish the following main groups of competitors:

  • 1) Firms that offer a similar type of product in the same markets;
  • 2) Firms serving other markets for similar products, the exit of which at the moment is likely to this market;
  • 3) Firms that produce substitute products that can push this product out of the market.

Identifying competitors based on groupings by strategy type is a widespread method. At the same time, a strategy in the field of market expansion, a strategy in the field of pricing and quality policy, and a strategy in the field of technology are investigated.

The results of the study of competing forms should be an assessment of the strong and weaknesses their activities (SWOT analysis).

The main task of comprehensive market research is the study of demand. Determination of demand includes an estimate of the magnitude and structure of actual demand, and a projection of market demand. The first step in determining the current actual demand is to determine it for the year preceding the year of research, or for several previous years. Since market demand is influenced by many factors, in order to forecast it, it is necessary to identify the key factors that determine the dynamics of demand and assess the degree of their influence on demand.

The most common methods for determining a prospective need are considered to be normative, statistical-extrapolation, and the method of expert assessments. It is advisable to combine these methods, which will reduce the error in comparison with the use of each method separately.

After calculating the demand, the intra-group structure of the demand is determined (for individual types, brands).

The analysis of consumer millet requires the study of the most important demographic factors affecting the state of demand and its dynamics, namely: the population of a country or segment, the birth rate, the age composition of the population, and the geographical distribution of the population.

When analyzing purchasing power the level of income of the population, the volume and conditions of granting a consumer loan, the amount of savings of the population, the level of education and professional composition are found out.

The system of indicators necessary for the analysis of consumer requirements for a product and consumer preferences includes general consumer requirements for a product: novelty and technical level of products, workmanship, uninterrupted operation, level of after-sales and technical service and the nature of the services provided, the ratio of product price and beneficial effect from using it.

An important component of the market research process is supply analysis. A number of indicators are used to evaluate the proposal: a quantitative assessment of the offer of a competing product; the share of enterprises - the largest suppliers of goods to the market and the assessment of their production planes; structure of offers on the market of goods; the level of prices for goods.

The actual market share is determined by the ratio of the actual volume of sales of a given firm to the total volume of sales for a specific market.

From the annual reports of firms and periodicals, they also receive information about the plans and programs of individual companies in terms of R&D costs, expansion of production capacities and modernization of production.

When analyzing the supply of a specific product, it is important to study the development trends of the corresponding world market. Firms are conducting research to identify the prospects for scientific and technological progress, great attention is paid to the expected discoveries, which may entail significant changes in the field of production in the world market.

The following sources of information are used to analyze the offer of goods:

  • 1) Analytical review of special books and magazines;
  • 2) Study of competitors' advertisements;
  • 3) Study of publications of patent services;
  • 4) Viewing the daily economic press;
  • 5) Visiting fairs and exhibitions;
  • 6) Watching special television programs;
  • 7) Chatting with suppliers and customers
  • 8) Study published market research data.

Strategic planning is the management process of creating and maintaining strategic alignment between a firm's objectives, potential and marketing opportunities.

At the same time, an assessment of the potential external and internal production and resource capabilities of the enterprise should be considered important. When there is a gap between the goals of the firm and its potential, it can be filled in three ways. The first is intensive development associated with identifying future opportunities that are embedded in the current system, the structure of marketing management. The second, integrated (complex) development, involves opportunities that need to be identified or created in the course of the current business. The third is diversification development, which means identifying opportunities that are not related to the current business of the company.

The advantages of strategic planning are that it forces managers to constantly think forward, it facilitates a clear coordination of the use of resources and the efforts of the firm.

To successfully ensure the strategic planning process, it is necessary:

  • 1) Clearly define the goals of the firm;
  • 2) Take into account external and internal factors, assess their impact on the activities of the company during the period under review;
  • 3) Reach agreement of different departments on common strategic goals, tasks, specific methods;
  • 4) Proceed from the fact that the flexibility, adaptability, efficiency of strategic planning of the firm's activities on the scale of the firm depends on the participation of the largest number of employees at all levels in the process of strategic planning.

The planning process goes through four stages:

  • 1) Development of common goals;
  • 2) Determination of specific, detailed goals and objectives for a given period of time;
  • 3) Determination of ways and means of achieving them;
  • 4) Control over the achievement of the set goals by comparing the planned indicators with the actual ones.

Planning always focuses on the data of the past, but strives to determine and control the directions of development in the future. Therefore, the reliability of planning depends on the accuracy and correctness of accounting calculations for previous periods.

For the basis of specific areas of production activities of the enterprise are taken separate tasks, which are determined both in value and in quantitative terms. In this case, planning should start from the so-called bottlenecks: recent times at Ukrainian enterprises it is sales, finance and high-quality workforce.

The strategic marketing plan covers all areas of enterprise activity, provides each division with the definition of clear goals in conjunction with the general tasks of the company, and performs a number of other functions.

The strategic planning process consists of six interrelated stages or elements:

Determining the objectives of the organization;

Setting marketing goals;

Situational analysis;

Marketing strategy development;

Implementation of marketing tactics;

Monitoring results.

Although each stage of planning is specific for certain types of organizations, the use of such planning is uniquely useful for all types.

Defining the objectives of the organization. The objectives of the organization relate to its long-term orientation to any activity and the corresponding place in the market. They are complex and formalized.

Setting marketing goals. Each business unit must set its own marketing goals. They are usually defined both in quantitative terms (sales in arbitrary units, percentage of profit growth, market share) and in qualitative terms (innovativeness, position in the industry). There is a steady trend among organizations to combine quantitative and qualitative indicators.

In a situational analysis, an enterprise identifies marketing opportunities and challenges that it may face. Sometimes a situational analysis shows that, despite the efforts of the firm, it should abandon the production of this group of goods.

Marketing strategy defines how the marketing structure should be applied in order to attract and satisfy target markets, to achieve the goals of the enterprise. In decisions about marketing structure, product planning, sales, promotion and price are central. Each part of the organization needs a strategy, and these strategies need to be coordinated.

Tactics are specific actions that are taken in order to implement a given marketing strategy. This takes into account two important marketing decisions related to the level of investment in marketing activities and the timing of marketing actions.

Monitoring the results includes comparing the indicators that are planned with real indicators, that is, with real achievements over a certain period of time. To do this, you can use budgets, timelines, sales data, and cost analysis. If the actual functioning lags behind the planned, then it is necessary to take appropriate measures after identifying the areas in which problems arise.

In some cases, plans have to be revised due to the impact on sales and costs of changing factors that are not under our control. Some forward-thinking companies develop such plans in which a number of actions and measures are foreseen in advance when the listed and unaccounted factors changes.

Thus, we can conclude that each company should have a systematized marketing plan, in which all its components should be integrated, agreed and coordinated. An agreed plan is clarity in the formulation of objectives, precise definition of their markets, a logical combination of long-term, medium-term and short-term plans. At the same time, all functions of marketing management must have reliable, accurate and prompt communication.

1.1 The essence of marketing organization 6
1. 2. Formation of a sales channel 11
1.3. Methods and tools of marketing and sales activities of the organization 19
1.4. Features of the marketing of food industry organizations and the stages of the formation of a sales policy 28
2.1 Feasibility study of Makhaon LLC 37
2.2 Analysis of the marketing environment of Makhaon LLC 50
2.3 Features of the marketing activities of LLC "Makhaon" 58
2.4 Analysis of advertising activities of the organization 59
2.5 Analysis of the assortment and nomenclature of products of LLC "Makhaon" 66
3.1 Summary 77
3.2 Marketing plan 78
3.3 Production plan 80
3.4 Financial plan 84
3.5 Environmental Impact of Project Implementation 86
3.6 Labor protection at the enterprise 87


The modern economy is characterized by the fact that the place of production and the place of consumption of the product do not coincide in time. In time, these processes also do not immediately follow each other. Eliminating the problems that arise for this reason requires a lot of money. V individual cases these costs require up to 70% of the retail price of the consumer product.
The manufacturer should expand the tasks of distribution of manufactured products in a rational way. This gives him a certain chance to stand out in relation to competitors.
The distribution system of goods is a key link in marketing and a kind of finishing complex in all the activities of the company in the creation, production and delivery of goods to the consumer. Actually, it is here that the consumer either recognizes or does not recognize all the efforts of the company as useful and necessary for himself and, accordingly, buys or does not buy its products and services.
Still, product sales must be considered as a constituent element of the marketing mix. Other components of the marketing mix are product, price and promotion system. Before carrying out the direct distribution of products, it is necessary to make sure that the goods are of proper quality, at an acceptable price, and that work has been done in the field of measures to promote the goods.
In most cases, production and consumption of products do not coincide either in time or in space. Therefore, no matter how varied consumer properties the finished product may have, a firm can count on real commercial success only if it is rationally organized (product) distribution and exchange, i.e. sales.
Firms have alternatives in organizing the distribution of their product. At the same time, it is based on the fundamental orientation of satisfying the diverse needs of the end consumer (or on building such a distribution system that would be effective both for the firm itself and for intermediaries) and the way of its existence, considered as a set of actions to bring the product as close as possible to target group of consumers (or vice versa, attracting consumers to the firm's product). The choice of orientation and the way to satisfy the needs of consumers is the essence of the firm's "policy" in the field of sales.
The sales policy of a company - a manufacturer of products should be considered as a purposeful activity, principles and methods, the implementation of which is designed to organize the movement of the flow of goods to the end consumer. The main task is to create conditions for converting the needs of a potential buyer into real demand for a specific product. These conditions include elements of sales policy, distribution capitals (sales, distribution of goods) together with the functions they are endowed with.
The main goal of the thesis project is to study the theoretical and practical foundations of the marketing approach in the activities of the organization.
The object is Makhaon LLC.
The subject of the diploma is the organization of marketing activities of Makhaon LLC.
In accordance with the set goal in the report, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
To study the theoretical foundations of the marketing approach in the enterprise;
Give a general description of the enterprise and its production and economic activities;
Analyze the performance indicators of the marketing activities of the enterprise;
Assess the state of sales of products at the enterprise;
Explore the external and internal environment of the organization.
In this thesis, theoretical questions are considered and disclosed on the elements, forms and stages of the implementation of the sales policy, according to the degree of influence of external and internal factors on the organization of the sales activity of the company. The research used such sources of literature as: Bagiev G.L., Kotler F. "Fundamentals of Marketing", Maslova TD, Savitskaya G.V., periodical literature - these are articles from the journals "Marketing Research", "Marketing in Russia and abroad ”,“ Marketing ”.

1.1 The essence of the organization's marketing

Marketing of the organization refers to activities undertaken with the aim of creating a favorable image of the organization. It is valuable because it allows businesses to navigate the market well and determine its opportunities.
Marketing is a set of measures for the study of all issues related to the process of production and sale of products: product research, analysis of the volume of the enterprise's turnover, market research, forms and channels of promotion, product competitiveness, research of buyer's motives, advertising activities, development effective ways to promote goods, sales promotion. In other words, marketing is the planning and implementation of an idea, pricing, promotion of ideas, goods and services through an exchange that satisfies the goals of individuals and organizations.
Organizations are traditionally marketed by opinion management departments. This follows, in particular, from the following definition of the activity of organizing public opinion:
The organization of public opinion is a management function within which the assessment of public relations is carried out, the correlation of the principles and methods of the activity of a person or organization with the public interest, planning and implementation of an action program designed to gain understanding and perception from the public.
Opinion organization is, in essence, marketing management, shifted from the scale of a product or service to the level of the entire organization. Its implementation requires the same knowledge of the needs, desires and psychology of the audience, the same skills in the field of communication, the same ability to design and implement programs that influence behavior. The similarities between marketing and opinion organizing activities lead to the fact that a number of firms combine the two functions under a single leadership.
General Electric has appointed a Vice President of Marketing and Opinion Management who is responsible for all of the corporation's advertising, government relations and opinion organizing activities. At the same time, he is responsible for the marketing of the corporation as a whole, including research and work with personnel.
Marketing an organization requires evaluating its existing image and developing a marketing plan to improve that image.
Assessing the image of the organization
The first step in the image assessment process is to identify the current image of the organization among the key contact audiences. An image is the idea of ​​an object held by a person or a group of persons. Different individuals may have different images of the same object. An organization can either be happy with its image in the public eye, or find that it has serious problems with it.
Image planning and control: image health
The next step requires the organization to formulate the image it would like to have. At the same time, the organization should not strive for the "impossible". Let's say a management consulting firm decides that it wants to look more innovative, more welcoming, more competent, and larger.
After that, the firm develops a marketing plan designed to achieve a shift in the current image towards the desired one. Suppose she wants to focus on strengthening her reputation as a competent firm. The main thing a firm has to do is, of course, hire more qualified consultants. If she already has highly qualified consultants, but they are hidden from others, it is necessary to ensure that these people are more famous. Such consultants should be encouraged to join various industry and trade associations, give speeches, write articles, and conduct public seminars on "fashionable" emerging issues.
A firm should periodically review its audiences to determine if its actions are helping to improve that image. Change cannot happen overnight due to limited funds and the stickiness of public images. If the firm is not making progress, then there are some defects either in its very activities or in the organization of its communications.
The basic concepts of the field of marketing are the following: needs, requirements, requests, goods, exchange, transaction and market.
Marketing in industry is an effective system of activities of enterprises for the production and sale of products based on a comprehensive study of consumer markets in order to maximize their profits, meet the needs and demands of customers.
The marketing management process consists of market analysis, research and selection of target markets, planning marketing strategies and tactics, organizing implementation, and monitoring the effectiveness of marketing management.
Modern concept marketing is that the entire activity of the enterprise (scientific and technical, production, sales, etc.) is based on knowledge of consumer demand and its changes in the future.
One of the tasks of marketing is to identify unmet customer needs - in order to orient production towards meeting those needs. Marketing means developing, producing and marketing what there is really consumer demand for.
The marketing system puts the production of goods in a functional dependence on requests and requires the production of goods in the range and volume required by the consumer.
To implement the marketing plan, a set of measures is developed that are controllable and allow the marketing service to elicit the desired response from the market. The complex of such measures includes everything that a manufacturer can do to influence demand. This is the positioning of goods on the market, the ability to choose a product, pricing, distribution channels, sales promotion methods.
When implementing the marketing concept, the focus of making economic decisions is shifted from the production units of the enterprise to the units that feel the pulse of the market.
The marketing service is a think tank, a source of information and recommendations not only for the market, but also for the production, scientific, technical and financial policy of the enterprise. Here, on the basis of a thorough analysis of the state and dynamics of demand and the business environment, the question of the need, prospects, profitability of the production of a particular product is resolved.
Marketing is defined as an integral system designed to plan the assortment and volume of products, determine prices, distribute products between selected markets and stimulate their sales, so that the variety of benefits achieved thereby leads to the satisfaction of the interests of both producers and consumers. ...
The task of marketing in the exchange process is to understand what the consumer wants to receive and what he is willing to pay for the object of his dreams. The seller, on the other hand, seeks to satisfy his needs, for example, to get a decent price, conclude a long-term contract, or receive money exactly on time. The transaction is carried out when the buyer and the seller have agreed on the terms of exchange. Successful firms in the marketplace typically move from transactional marketing to relationship marketing. Transactional marketing is a one-time arrangement that benefits both parties seeking to maximize possible profit... However, if the parties are going to continue a mutually beneficial relationship, the situation changes.
The term relationship marketing refers to transactions that are constantly concluded between the parties over a long period of time. Such a relationship is established when each party has complete confidence in the other. With good relationships between counterparties, costs and time for negotiations are reduced, and the transaction itself becomes more predictable, and the degree of associated risk decreases.
Firm executives recognize that, in the long term, the approach to maximizing the single highest possible returns does not pay off. In contrast, relationship marketing involves investing in improving product quality and customer service and maintaining a sense of satisfaction.
Satisfied consumers for many years who remain loyal to a single manufacturing company tend to be more profitable than new ones. First, the company minimizes the costs associated with attracting them. Secondly, satisfied consumers are more likely to contact a company, recommend it to their friends and acquaintances, and are less price sensitive.

1. 2. Formation of a sales channel

The solution to this main task should, along with solutions in other areas of marketing, ensure the enterprise achieve one of the possible local goals - a financial nature (obtaining a planned profit, achieving a certain level of profitability, etc.), a market character (increasing sales volumes, achieving a certain market share, etc.) or of an innovative nature (presentation of a novelty product to the market). It is imperative to determine the consistency of the formulated goals in all areas of marketing.
For example, a manufacturer of sophisticated electrical appliances, intending to achieve one of the local financial goals - ensuring long-term profitability of the business by increasing the comfort of consumers when buying a refrigerator, sets the goals of a sales policy to improve consumer service from independent dealers. Such a goal will require significant financial investment in education and training of dealers to improve their business culture and develop their skills. The manufacturer can take on these costs, thus providing a more pronounced focus on the consumer. Indeed, a manufacturer may consider a high level of customer service from independent dealers to be the decisive factor in the long-term profitability of a business and even its survival.
The most significant information fields for analyzing the situation, developing a sales strategy and its successful implementation are the following:
♦ information about the market (location of end users, their number and degree of concentration, as well as their requirements);
♦ information about potential intermediaries (their needs and problems, costs, availability of their services, their ability and willingness to conduct a dialogue, etc.);
♦ information about the manufacturing company (own financial capabilities, size, experience and desire to control the ongoing processes);
♦ information about competitors (their sales policy, strategies, readiness and the nature of a possible response to the company's actions in the field of sales);
♦ information about the product (physical characteristics of the product, its price, degree of novelty, etc.);
♦ information about other factors of the external environment (economic conditions, socio-cultural changes, scientific and technological achievements of society, government regulation etc.).
Analysis of customer needs and service requirements
Customers may have needs and wants that can be met by building distribution channels, so the manufacturer should purposefully identify those needs. For example, the target consumer just wants to purchase your product without much time. What can you suggest in this case? You can cover your product with a greater number of the same type of retail outlets (offer your products in numerous specialized stores); can be involved in business relationship different types of merchants (to offer goods also in supermarkets), or it is possible to implement a completely new approach to sales (as a certain British company did when selling vegetables, fruits and flowers via the Internet, and with a regular virtual report to its customers about the process of growing products ). Figuratively speaking, here you need to find answers to the questions:
♦ Where does the consumer expect to see this product, where is it convenient for him?
♦ What time does the buyer expect to see our product?
♦ What level of service does the customer expect?
Reliable and timely answers to the questions posed will allow you to guide the company in further steps to choose the most suitable route for the movement of goods to the consumer.
Analysis of possible distribution channels
At this stage, there is a sequential search possible ways sales and their description. Decisions are made regarding the following:
♦ what is the possible length of the distribution channel (ie, the number of levels);
♦ what are the types of intermediaries with whom cooperation is possible
(wholesale, small wholesale, retail);
♦ what is the number of intermediaries of the same type at each level (ie, the nature of the market coverage - intensive, selective or mixed);
♦ what are the possible relationships between participants in the sales channel (cooperation or competition).
Analysis of sales costs
The company must determine the level of its own sales costs when using the possible use of different sales channels.
In each of the "transshipment points", sales costs increase. The manufacturer can take upon himself the sales costs in whole, in part, or in general "shift" them onto the shoulders of intermediaries. It all depends on the distribution of sales functions between these entities.
If a manufacturer intends to use an indirect long sales channel (which is observed in the case of mass production of consumer goods by small firms), then a significant part of sales costs falls on resellers. The reason lies in their performance of transport, storage, packaging and other functions, which they finance independently.
If a manufacturer intends to use an indirect short sales channel (which is observed in the case of production of mass-market goods by medium and large firms), then he is forced to take on part of the sales functions, for example, storage, delivery, establishment of information links and the implementation of these contacts. In this case, the manufacturer has to finance the sales work, therefore, his costs increase.
In this logic, the most significant are the sales costs when using the direct sales channel. However, much depends on the type of product offered to the market. If this product is not often in demand, but unique in its characteristics, or these rare purchases are very large-scale, then the choice of a direct channel is very reasonable.
Formulating a channel strategy
After setting the goals of the sales policy and conducting an analysis of sales costs, customer requirements and possible distribution channels (as well as, if possible, other environmental factors), it is necessary to formulate a sales strategy. If, for example, a manufacturer initially set himself the goal of differentiating products and positioning them as exclusive, then the exclusive marketing strategy supporting this choice (often implemented for prestigious goods) becomes a general entrepreneurial strategy. The same globality is characteristic of the sales strategy of delivering goods to the consumer in a new way, to which competitors have not yet "matured".
So, if the manufacturer assigns the sales strategy the role of providing the main long-term competitive advantage, then such a strategy "rises" to the level of general business.
It should be noted that many sales goals are too local to be of strategic importance. For example, ensuring the availability of goods at a level similar to competitors (which is associated with organizing sales and territorial distribution of sales outlets) is often not a strategic issue. They, therefore, can be classified as tactical and achieved in the framework of short-term tactical measures.
Channel strategy is a high priority area if at least one of the following conditions is met:
♦ target markets require close attention;
♦ competitive parity has been achieved in other marketing elements;
♦ implementation of the sales strategy will allow achieving synergy effect.
Evaluation of alternatives and selection of a distribution channel
V general case work at this stage consists of four steps (Fig. 2).
1. Development of selection criteria.
2. Selection of candidates.
3. Evaluation of alternatives by criteria.
4. Involvement of candidates in cooperation:
♦ when determining the main criteria for the selection of distribution channels, each enterprise is guided by its own considerations, in accordance with the set goals in the field of sales and strategy. At the same time, the more selective the sales policy of the company, the more criteria there will be and the more stringent they will be. There is, however, an established practice that allows you to navigate in the selection of criteria;
♦ selection of candidates is carried out with the involvement of a number of sources
information. These are the manufacturer's own sales force, third-party sales personnel, consumers, advertising agencies and trade shows. It is more expedient to use a combination of these sources - it does not matter whether they represent the level of wholesale or retail trade;
♦ the assessment of alternatives according to the criteria is carried out either by the manager responsible for these decisions independently, or by "collective reason", including representatives of the top management level - it all depends on the strategic importance of the issue;
♦ When involving candidates in cooperation, it should be remembered that this is a two-way process. Potential participants in the distribution channel also set their own criteria for the choice of manufacturers, so the manufacturer will have to convince them of his attractiveness as a partner, present himself and his product in a favorable light.
Motivating the participants of the sales channel
How to get resellers interested in your product?
♦ To make a decision on the means of motivation, one should:
♦ first, to accumulate information about the needs and problems of potential representatives of the sales channel;
♦ secondly, to be ready to support the sales channel;
♦ third, to be able to secure a leading position in the management of the sales channel.
Like any other market actor, trading intermediaries have their own needs and are faced with specific problems. Moreover, the needs of retailers and wholesalers (and among them large and small) can differ significantly. For example, small retailers often face overstocking of their warehouses, a shortage of retail space, an underdeveloped electronic information processing system, and other problems. Large traders, on the contrary, are forced to maintain large areas and numerous personnel, even if they cannot secure the desired profit in conditions of low margins. Wholesale organizations are faced with being "ignored" by retailers and end consumers who prefer direct relationships with manufacturers, etc.
In these conditions, the manufacturer can stop at one of the possible options for motivating the sales channel:
♦ "pull" goods into the sales channel;
♦ "push" the product into the sales channel;
♦ stick to both options at the same time.
“Pulling in” a product means that the efforts of the manufacturer are concentrated on the final consumer (or user): it is at the level of the consumer that the enterprise creates a favorable attitude towards the product, its brand. The well-known call "to ask for the goods in the shops or pharmacies of the city" makes intermediaries become interested in the required goods, in a peculiar way "pulling" the goods into the sales channel like a pump.
"Pushing in" a product means that the manufacturer's efforts are focused on the resellers themselves in an attempt to establish goodwill with them. Any available communication means are appropriate here, which cause voluntary interest among intermediaries in accepting goods in their assortment - and territorial exclusivity, and wholesale discounts, and training of the intermediary's personnel, and material incentives, etc.
A "mixed" solution also has a right to exist, but it requires a scattering of resources - financial, time, labor - and therefore is not always desirable.
Assessment of intermediaries' activities and revision of the distribution channel
Any decision on the selection of intermediaries is not made once and for all. A very fluid market environment dictates to the manufacturer the need to constantly monitor the actions of the sales participants in the following aspects:
♦ To what extent are the sales targets being met?
♦ To what extent is the accepted configuration of the distribution channel retained?
♦ To what extent are the sales costs of the enterprise remaining acceptable?
In the event of deviations, a timely response is required to revise sales routes and adjust them. In this case, the termination of relations with the intermediary is the last possible change.
The manufacturer's control capabilities are limited by several factors:
♦ first, the achieved degree of control over the sales channel;
♦ secondly, the number of channel participants;
♦ third, by the “power” of the channel participants.
In connection with the above, the following patterns are quite logical:
♦ the higher the achieved degree of control, the more information the manufacturer can receive;
♦ the more intermediaries are involved, the more
produced more superficially;
♦ than the greater rights in marketing issues have been transferred to the channel members
on the part of the manufacturer, that is, the stronger these intermediaries,
the more difficult it is to control them.

1.3 Methods and tools of marketing sales
activities of the organization

The current stage of development of market relations in our country clearly highlights the availability of management technologies, management and marketing components of the enterprise. The list presented can be continued for a long time. However, it is quite clear that it would be incomplete without mentioning marketing.
There is a certain set of marketing means by which the company seeks to stimulate the demand for the goods it produces, this is the so-called marketing mix.
Today's businesses face many challenges. A competent analysis of the marketing mix and sales activities requires knowledge of the laws of the market, identifying cause-and-effect relationships in commercial processes. The effective solution to these problems is largely determined by the professionalism and qualifications of the company's salespeople. Compliance with the principles of the formation of economic ties will allow the trade and intermediary system to actively influence production, detect emerging discrepancies between supply and demand for certain types of goods and services, and form rational commercial ties between suppliers and consumers.
A marketing mix is ​​a set of controllable marketing variables that a firm uses together in an effort to elicit the desired response from the target market.
The marketing complex is developed on the basis of the results of marketing research, which provide the receipt of the necessary information about the macro- and microenvironment, the market and its own capabilities.
The main goal of developing a marketing mix is ​​to ensure sustainable competitive advantages for the company, gaining strong market positions.
One of the concepts of the marketing mix (4P) includes 4 components:
 product;
 price;
 distribution;
 promotion.
Ironically, in McCarthy's vision, all four elements of the marketing mix begin with an R. The result is the sonorous name of the concept - 4P.
Let's give brief description elements of the marketing mix:
1. A special type of product is represented by services. In industrialized countries, the share of services in the gross domestic product exceeds 70%, and in developing countries it is generally at least 55%.
A service is an event or benefit offered to any person and not resulting in the acquisition of anything.
Service is an object of sale in the form of actions, the result of which is one or another useful effect.
2. For the company, the price is the most important indicator, since its main function is to provide profit from the sale of goods.
Pricing is one of the four pillars of a marketing mix.
According to the marketing approach to pricing, it is important not only to determine the price level, but also to formulate the strategic line of the company's price behavior in the market throughout the entire life cycle of the product.
When developing a pricing strategy, a marketer should take into account the relationship between price, consumer purchases and their perceptions, that is, do not forget that the price level is to a certain extent determined by the buyer. A decrease in prices in some cases, especially for countries and buyers with a high level of income, does not strengthen the position of the company, and often even undermines its competitiveness due to the association of low prices with low quality among consumers.
It should also be borne in mind that the aggressiveness of the pricing strategy is quite dangerous, as it causes an extremely negative reaction from competitors. They can resort to strong countermeasures, which can lead to loss of market for firms that actively use price leverage in the market.
In the modern era, when supply exceeds demand in the main product markets, many marketers recommend avoiding direct price competition. Therefore, the pricing strategy of modern firms should be developed taking into account the "price-quality" ratio, the characteristics of market segments, differentiation and stage of the product life cycle, peculiarities of product positioning and other factors.
3. Marketing involves not only solving a relatively passive task of detailed and thorough study of consumer requirements for a product and adapting products to them, but also an active task of generating and stimulating demand for a product in order to increase sales, increase their efficiency and overall profit. It is to this goal that the activities to promote the product on the market as part of the marketing mix are designed to meet.
Promotion is any form of communication used by an enterprise for information, persuasion or reminder about its products, services or about the enterprise itself.
Promotion planning is a systematic decision-making concerning all aspects of this activity.
4. Sales is one of the elements of the marketing mix. Within the framework of this area of ​​marketing work, issues are resolved related to the choice of the type of sales network, the organization of sales channels for products and their combination across the entire range of products, the choice of an intermediary, etc. When choosing a method of bringing a manufactured product to the consumer, it is important to achieve the organization of an optimal sales system that ensures the efficiency of sales of manufactured products.
There are many ways to bring the product to the end consumer. In this case, it is possible to use branded stores of manufacturers, a retail network, wholesale and small-scale wholesale warehouses, stores, official dealers of the company or independent dealers operating in the market.
Different components of the marketing mix are often carried out by different divisions of the company and their plans are not linked to each other. In many cases, disagreements stem from a conflict of interest between the marketing or marketer and the sales team. The former are focused on long-term results, while the latter are focused on short-term indicators. In situations like this, you need to align all four aspects of your marketing mix.
The development of a marketing mix includes the development of:
product policy
communication policy
sales policy
the pricing policy of the company.
The directions of studying the element of the marketing mix are presented in Table 1.

Table 1
Directions of studying the element of the marketing mix
Element of the marketing mix Directions of studying the element of the marketing mix
(1P - Product) Criteria for the formation of an assortment offer under different market dynamics
New product development procedures
Elements of brand policy
Solutions for packaging and other characteristics of the real product offer
Interconnection of product offer and service system
Designing a "commodity loop"
Ways and methods of increasing the competitiveness of goods
Positioning of goods and product range
The procedure for withdrawing goods from sale
Ways to ensure guaranteed income from the sale of the existing range

(2P -Price)
Formation of a bank of pricing strategies for certain product lines
Pricing Recommendations for New Market Entry
Methods for calculating prices, discounts and markups for certain groups of goods or market conditions
Strategic and tactical decisions in the field of price changes
Price scale construction procedures
Forms and methods of price competition
Answers to competitors' pricing decisions
Price monitoring procedures
Formation of information databases on prices

Product promotion on the market
(3P - Promotion)
Advertising relationship
Proposals for personal (personal) sales, PR programs, short-term sales promotion
Recommendations for promoting trade and sellers
Consumer communication technologies
(4P - Place) Organization of a network of product sales, wholesale and retail trade, distribution and leadership
Optimization of product distribution schemes
Interaction of warehouses and retail (wholesale) trade
Selection criteria for distribution partners
Sales support programs
Managing links between multiple sales channels
Trade protection proposals
Recommendations for vertical integration and long-term supply contracts

Thus, you can see that it is from how the policy regarding these elements of the marketing mix will be built that the enterprise will have such a return. A competent analysis of the marketing mix and the implementation of its ideas requires knowledge of the laws of the market, the identification of cause-and-effect relationships in commercial processes. Considering all of the above, it should be noted that the correct analysis and use of the tools of the marketing mix will help the company to obtain maximum profit. minimal cost... Also, this analysis will help to correctly approach the marketing policy of the organization.
The main elements of the marketing policy are as follows:
transportation of products - its physical movement from the manufacturer to the consumer;
product revision - selection, sorting, assembly of the finished product, etc., which increases the degree of availability and readiness of products for consumption;
storage of products - organizing the creation and maintenance of its necessary stocks;
contacts with consumers - actions for the physical transfer of goods, placing orders, organizing payment and settlement operations, legalizing the transfer of ownership of the goods, informing the consumer about the product and the company, as well as collecting information about the market.
The high level of costs constantly encourages enterprises to seek better marketing methods. At the same time, it is obvious that sales functions can be transferred, but they cannot be excluded. From the point of view of the firm, the transfer of these functions to intermediaries is justified to the extent that, due to their specialization, they are able to perform them more efficiently and at lower costs than the manufacturer itself. The privileged position of marketers (distributors) in relation to manufacturers is due to five factors:
reduction in the number of contacts;
economies of scale;
reduction of functional inconsistency;
improvement of the assortment;
improved service.
Reducing the number of contacts is achieved by organizing trade through a wholesaler. Let's give an example: a product of this group is made by 3 manufacturers, and consumed by 5 consumers. The two most simple schemes for the sale of goods are possible:
without intermediaries, directly - each manufacturer is associated with each consumer; the number of links in such a scheme is equal to the product of the number of manufacturers by the number of consumers, i.e. 3 x 5 = 15;
through an intermediary - each manufacturer and each consumer is associated only with an intermediary; the number of links in such a scheme is equal to the sum of the number of manufacturers and the number of consumers, i.e. 3 +5 = 8. Such a marketing scheme, also called centralized, is more effective, since it reduces the number of actions that ensure the coordination of supply and demand.
The economies of scale in sales operations are obtained by grouping the offers from many manufacturers. The intermediary is capable of performing certain functions to a greater extent than the individual manufacturer. For example, the costs of a sales representative of a wholesale firm may be spread over several manufacturers. As a result, the cost of performing the sales function is reduced compared to the option where each manufacturer must have its own sales force.
Reduction of functional discrepancies between supplies and customers is also ensured by the sales organization through intermediaries. By purchasing large quantities of goods, ensuring their storage and dividing them into small batches, wholesalers and retailers enable manufacturers and consumers to deal with more convenient scales of supply. In the absence of intermediaries, the manufacturer had to produce goods in small batches in order to adapt to the volume of orders coming from individual buyers.
In addition, he would be forced to build up large reserves. If one organization undertakes two different types of activities, for example, production and sales, the optimal scales for which are different, it is forced to carry out at least one of these types on a scale that is greater or less than optimal. The consequence of this will be an increase in costs compared to the case when both actions are performed separately at their optimal level.
Improving the assortment of goods is one of the requirements of consumers. The assortment offered by the manufacturer is largely determined by the requirements for uniformity in production, the raw materials used, technological knowledge, etc., while the assortment of interest to the buyer is dictated by the consumption situation and the interchangeability of goods.
Typically, consumers need a variety of products in small quantities, while manufacturers produce a limited selection of products in large quantities. Consequently, the role of intermediaries is to provide a variety of goods so that buyers can purchase multiple items in a single transaction, saving time and effort. Similar savings are generated for the manufacturer. For example, a firm that specializes in a particular type of tool cannot open its own stores unless it starts offering a wide range of products commonly found in that type of store. Obviously, it is easier for a trader to secure this range by contacting several manufacturers, especially if they are competitors.
Improved customer service is ensured when the intermediary is engaged, since he is closer to the buyer, knows the local conditions and conditions of use of the goods better. It is easier for the reseller to adapt to local conditions, provide better after-sales service and other services. However, this superiority of intermediaries is not unshakable. In a competitive environment, intermediaries constantly have to improve the quality of services and reduce costs.
Thus, there are many marketing tools with which you can influence the marketing policy of the organization.

1.4 Features of the marketing of food industry organizations and the stages of the formation of a sales policy

Radical economic reform(the development of various forms of ownership, the formation of the market and the democratization of foreign economic relations) determines the most difficult tasks, the solution of which requires entrepreneurship and commercial initiative.
In these conditions, a special place is occupied by the marketing of food industry organizations, which is the most important element of the market mechanism of management, in which the main role in the formation of the structural and assortment policy belongs to the consumer.
With the development of the consumer market, which is formed on the basis of a variety of forms of ownership, wholesale trade in the means of production, effective horizontal ties, the production and marketing activities of food industry enterprises, according to the marketing concept, should be completely focused on specific consumers.
Competition of commodity producers, their forecasting of the market situation through a detailed study of demand, identification of various groups of consumers helps each of them to gain their place in the market and, ultimately, prevent imbalances in the development of a particular industry, balancing supply and demand.
Using marketing in the food industry as a method of purposeful regulation of production, its reorientation in accordance with changes in market conditions and the prospects for the development of consumer demand, the complexity and specificity of market relations in this area, especially pricing and planning of the range of food products, should be emphasized. However, if serious competition is developed, it will encourage manufacturers to constantly expand the range and improve the quality of products, as well as actively work on the creation of new types of products.
Briefly analyzing the patterns, it should be emphasized that in the process of marketing activities of food industry organizations there should be unity of goals and harmony of consumer interests - these are the needs, needs, demands of consumers, which are expressed in the demand for goods, services, ideas, and their quality. This requires harmony of interests: economic, social, aesthetic, etc. A product is a product of human activity, and it (especially the food industry) is intended for a person as a first necessity.
The marketing system at large food processing enterprises can function effectively provided
an adequate reflection of its production (how much and what quality products were actually produced) and organizational (what kind of organization and functional management structure) systems.
The marketing system should act as an integral unity, and it should be constantly modified taking into account specific factors and improved, i.e. be dialectical. The marketing system should have an optimal number of parts of the system and their connections (for example, the number of employees in the marketing service), a clear regulation of the job position of employees and a comprehensive implementation of their job functions.
Marketing has not yet become widespread in the food industry, although recently marketing departments have begun to be organized at some large enterprises located in large cities with a fairly saturated market.
The lack of attention to marketing is explained by the fact that food products are a basic necessity for humans and some managers have the opinion that the role and importance of marketing for the food industry is insignificant. This opinion is wrong. The target orientation, philosophy of business activity and its organization at food industry enterprises with marketing and production and sales orientation are different. The differences between marketing and sales orientations are presented in some works of domestic authors, but they are determined for all industrial enterprises in general and the specifics of the food industry are not highlighted.
In them, the main goal of the activity is set in front of the collective in different ways. With a marketing orientation, the goal of the collective of an enterprise (association) or the formation of a small business is to meet the needs, requirements, interests of consumers, and in the case of production and sales, the implementation of the production program.
Thus, we can say that marketing in the food industry requires special attention and approaches in the modern world. The stages of the marketing policy formation are especially important. Any changes in the sales policy predetermine significant structural changes in the already established sales channel.
In order for this process to take place in a more organized manner and, if possible, at a lower cost, such changes must correspond to the next stages of the formation of a sales policy.
The first step is to define sales goals. Depending on the systemic goals of the firm's activities in a particular market, sales goals can be: sales volume, income or profit, sales time, resource use, market coverage, degree of control over goods movement, and more. At the same time, regardless of whether the goals are for the long-term or short-term, they must be achievable in principle and have a quantitative expression.
In the second step, a sales strategy is selected. First of all, a decision is made on the choice of the principle of constructing indirect channels - using "pushing" or "pulling in" (Table 1.3.1) in practice, these principles often complement each other. Many firms use a “blended” principle in which sales efforts are divided between working with intermediaries and working with end users. Next, the alternatives to the configuration of distribution channels (types of channels and their structure) are identified.
When using direct channels, a structural unit (sales authority) is established, which will contact consumers (sales agents, stores, sales representatives, commission agents).
The result of the second stage is the implementation of the general concept of the enterprise's marketing from the point of view of the structure of the organization, the information links built, the conditions under which the delivery of products will be carried out, and the assessment of the value of the sales budget.

table 2
The principle of building indirect distribution channels


Concentration of manufacturer's efforts at the wholesaler level (for all functions). Further movement of products is the efforts of the wholesale trade.

Purpose: cooperation with intermediaries.

Concentration of producers' efforts on the end consumer, who in turn forms requests to intermediaries, and those to the manufacturer.

Purpose: attracting intermediaries.

The third stage is the selection of intermediaries and participants in the sales system. For this purpose, a list of specific requirements for them arising from the general marketing concept is established. Requirements may be related to the market opportunities of intermediaries (market coverage), the ability to maneuver, the level of professionalism of employees, the ability to demonstrate products, provide services to consumers, etc. (Table 3).
Table 3
Criteria for selecting a sales agent.

Reasons for choosing
1. Financial
aspects a) the more financial opportunities, the better.
b) the duration of work in this area (the more, the better).
2. Organization and main indicators of sales:
- the number of employees;
- the level of competence in technical issues... - availability of a powerful sales network.
- the rate of growth of turnovers (the more the better).
- the presence of personnel not trained in technical matters is undesirable;
- dynamics over the last 3-5 years;
- the period of analysis of sales indicators.
3. What products are sold by the intermediary.
- products of competitors;
- products that complement your products and services;
- products and services of the highest quality.
Is it possible to entrust the sale of your products:

Sometimes you can trust;
- the most preferred intermediary;
- the higher the quality, the more trust in such an intermediary.
4. General range of services and products. You need to make sure your brand gets the attention it deserves.
5. The reputation of the company. You can only judge by your own experience.
6. Degree of market coverage:
- in a geographical context;
- in the sectoral plan;
- the frequency of receiving orders; The bigger, the better:
- it is necessary to avoid duplication of own sales network;
- the dealer's sales network should cover the main segments (consumer groups);
- increasing the frequency of receiving with the start of work.
7. Stocks and storage facilities:
- type and level of reserves;
- warehouses. The main thing is the readiness to supply the product to the consumer at any time:
- availability of a full range and delivery set;
- the level of technical equipment is highly valued.
8. Sales management and strategy. The main thing is to assess the degree of aggressiveness in the market and the desire to become a leader in your industry.

At the fourth stage, the search for ways of implementing successful cooperation between the participants of each distribution channel is carried out. The very possibility of cooperation already follows from the community of interests in the sale of a specific product. However, so that it can be implemented practically and with maximum profit for all parties, methods that stimulate cooperation are used. By the nature of the tasks being solved, they can be combined in several directions (Table 4).
Table 4
Methods for achieving collaboration in the distribution channel


Motivating sites.
To achieve the interest of intermediaries in the sale of goods, to improve their own competitive position in their eyes.
Positive motivations: discounts, trade margins, free supplies, material incentives, contests, training and information, advertising.
Negative motivations: threats to break off relations, fines.

Formalization of relations.
Ensure regular contact with the mediator.
Contracts, agreements, integration of activities (vertical and horizontal); fixing the rhythm of deliveries, payment procedure, ordering.

Programming future activities.
Create conditions for future cooperation.
Market research with partners, developing ways to better serve customers, forecasting sales volumes and profitability.

The choice of methods in each specific case is determined by the goals of sales, its structure, the principles of building sales channels and the characteristics of each intermediary. It should be borne in mind that in situations related to the choice of means of achieving cooperation, the manufacturer does not always play an active (or even decisive) role. Often the conditions are dictated by intermediaries, especially if they have any advantages that allow them to do so.
The fifth stage is the development of technology for controlling sales activities as a whole, for each distribution channel and individual intermediaries. Contrasting parameters here can be the achieved sales volume, the prevailing level of sales costs and profitability of sales, the quality of work with consumers, efficiency in solving sales problems, cooperation relations, the image gained from the consumer, etc.
These indicators can be used to assess the effectiveness of sales channels and intermediaries. The obtained values ​​of the indicators are analyzed, the results of which are the basis for making subsequent decisions to continue cooperation or refuse it, as well as on ways to further improve sales.
Thus, when choosing a channel, the best one is the one that covers all the necessary functions for the intermediate processing of the sale of goods to the final consumer better than competitors and at the lowest relative costs.

2.1 Feasibility study of Makhaon LLC

Makhaon LLC is located in the city of Yoshkar-Ola of the Republic of Mari El. The company is engaged in the production of bakery and confectionery products, has its own network of grocery stores. It consists of two production departments (bakery and confectionery).
Location of the enterprise: 424013, Republic of Mari El, Yoshkar-Ola, st. Machine builders, 132.
The enterprise is a legal entity, has separate property in economic possession, accounted for on its independent balance sheet, is responsible for its obligations with this property, can acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights on its own behalf, and bear obligations.
The company carries out the following activities:
trade and purchasing;
other types of work and services.
The company is a commercial organization, the authorized capital of which is divided into a certain number of shares, certifying the obligations of the participants in the company in relation to the company. The authorized capital of the enterprise, taking into account indexation, is equal to 72,580 rubles.
The range of manufactured products includes:
- bakery products (wheat, rye bread, loaves);
- confectionery (cakes, mini cakes, rolls, pastries).
Seriality of manufactured products - from individual orders before mass production.
One of the activities of the company is branded trade. To date, the Makhaon retail chain has 1,600 retail outlets, including 15 stores.
The number of employees at the enterprise is 485 people. Production profitability - 7-8%. The organizational structure is presented in the appendix.

The production of confectionery products is equipped with kneading and cream-making machines, electric cabinets, electric and gas ovens, a line for enrobing mini-cakes and pastries, steam boilers, a biscuit-cutting machine, and a line for pouring biscuit dough.
The production of bakery products is equipped with a warehouse for bulk storage of flour, flour sifting, five production lines (with a total capacity of 50 tons per day), of which:
- 2 lines for the production of tin bread (25 tons per day);
- 2 lines for the production of loaves (with a total capacity of 20 tons per day);
- 1 production line hearth bread(5 tons per day).
Makhaon LLC is a separate integral system of technological, social and economic relations, acting as an economic unit. The enterprise in the process of functioning operates within the framework of the laws of the Russian Federation, legal norms.
Consumers Makhaon LLC is a constituent part of the bakery and confectionery industries of the food industry in Russia.
By releasing bakery and confectionery products, the company sees among its potential consumers people with different socio-demographic characteristics, income levels (confectionery products are designed mainly for people with an average and high income level).
The main reason for the consumption of bakery products of LLC "Makhaon" is the daily physiological need of people, motives - a low price relative to other manufacturers, good appearance and quality.
The reasons for the consumption of confectionery products are various solemn occasions, holidays, and need. The motives are good design of products and packaging, good taste, reasonable price. The products manufactured by the enterprise are supplied in full to the market of the city of Yoshkar-Ola.
The main sources of income for the fixed capital of LLC "Makhaon" are: profit from the sale of products; financial assets - profit from turnover, depreciation deductions; raw materials - state, private, commercial organizations; equipment - equipment manufacturing enterprises.
The channels for supplying resources to the enterprise are varied. Among the suppliers are both local enterprises and organizations, as well as regional, foreign ones.
The main problem of obtaining and delivering resources is the establishment of such a form of payment that would suit both the supplier and the consumer.
The bakery industry in which the company operates is not monopolized at all. LLC "Makhaon" has no higher authorities, subject only to the legislation of the Russian Federation and state regulation.
Continuous improvement of products, aimed at full qualitative satisfaction of the needs of people, should be the main principle of the work of every enterprise. The results of the activity and the success of the enterprise in the market depend on this.
The main sources of new ideas and technological innovations for Makhaon LLC are seminars of industry specialists, visits to related enterprises, cooperation with foreign partners.
Channels information services are also: the Moscow Institute of Processing Industry, the St. Petersburg Institute for Advanced Studies of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, the State Research Institute of the Food Industry, international exhibitions, specialized publications.
Information Support. The provision of Makhaon LLC with the necessary information about markets, competitors, innovations is carried out by marketing research specialists, sales agents, representatives and dealers of the enterprise in the markets. The sources are statistical offices, periodicals, own research.
Technical and economic indicators, a system of meters characterizing the material and production base of enterprises (production associations) and the complex use of resources. These indicators are used for planning and analyzing the organization of production and labor, the level of technology, product quality, the use of fixed and circulating assets, labor resources; are the basis for the development of the technical and financial plan of the enterprise, the establishment of progressive technical and economic norms and standards.
There are technical and economic indicators common (uniform) for all enterprises and industries and specific, reflecting the characteristics of the department. industries.
For a qualitative analysis of the effectiveness of the management system, we will try to assess the state of the organizational and technical level of production of LLC "Makhaon".
Table 5 shows the dynamics of the main technical and economic indicators of the organization.
Table 5
Dynamics of the main technical and economic indicators of the activity of Makhaon LLC
Indicators 2006 2007 2008 Absol. rev. (+, -) Growth rate,%

2007 to 2006 2008 to 2007 2007 to 2006 2008 to 2007
1 . Sales proceeds, gys.rub 38551 44347 91929 5796 47582 115 207.3
2. Complete s / s of products sold, thousand rubles. 31986 35880 72297 3894 36417 112 201
3. Profit from sales, thousand rubles. 2611 3018 8023 407 5005 116 265.8
4. Profit before taxation, thousand rubles. 1887 2323 6484 436 4161 123 279
5. Average number. workers, people 278 346 485 68 139 124 140
6. OPF, thousand rubles. 12232 13211 13129 979 -82 108 99.4
7. Working capital, thousand rubles. 4111 6486 11833 2375 5347 158 182.4
8. Mater, costs, thousand rubles.
2066 2314 5080 248 2766 112 219
9. Return on sales,% 6.8 6.8 8.7 0 1.9 100 127.9
10. Profitability of core business,% 8.0 7.3 9.6 -0.7 2.3 91 131.5
1 1. Costs for 1p. products, rub. 0.83 0.81 0.79 -0.02 -0.03 97.6 97.5
12. Labor productivity, thousand rubles / person. 111.4 114.9 222.1 3.5 107.2 103 193.3
13. Return on assets of fixed assets, RUB / RUB 3.15 3.36 7.0 0.21 3.64 107 208.3
14. Capital intensity of fixed assets, RUB / RUB. 0.317 0.298 0.143 -0.019 -0.155 94 48
15. Turnover of circulating assets, number of turnovers 9.378 6.837 7.769 -2.541 0.932 73 113.6
16. The capital-labor ratio of the pile, RUB / RUB. 35.4 34.2 31.7 -1.2 -2.5 97 92.7
17. Material efficiency, rub. / Rub. 18.53 20.25 24.87 1.72 4.62 109 122.8
18. Material consumption, rub / rub. 0.054 0.049 0.040 -0.005 -0.009 91 81.6
Based on table 5, we can conclude that the sales proceeds tended to increase, this is due to an increase in the volume of production. Labor productivity has also increased, its growth rate amounted to 193%. The growth of capital productivity, as well as a decrease in capital intensity, indicates an increase in the efficiency of using fixed assets. The average annual number of employees increased in 2008 by 139 people due to an increase in production volumes.
The primary task of industrial enterprises is the fullest possible provision of the population's demand with high-quality products. The rate of growth in the volume of production, improving its quality directly affects the amount of costs, profit and profitability of the enterprise.
The main tasks of the analysis of the production program are:
-evaluation of the degree of implementation of the plan and the dynamics of production and sales of products;
-determination of the influence of factors on the change in the value of these indicators;
- identification of on-farm reserves for increasing the output and sales of products;
-development of measures for the development of identified reserves.
The total amount of proceeds from the sale of goods, works and services of the LLC Makhaon enterprise is presented in table 6.
Table 6
Indicators of sales of marketable products of LLC "Makhaon"

Indicators 2006 2007 2008 Growth rate,%

2006 by 2005 2007 by 2006
Proceeds from the sale of goods, works, services in current prices, thousand rubles
38551 44347 91929 115 207,3

Thus, the proceeds from sales during the analyzed period in 2008 compared to 2007 increased by 107.3%, in 2007 compared to 2006 by 15%. Consequently, the organization's performance is improving in the reporting year.
The financial results of the enterprise are characterized by the amount of profit and the level of profitability. Profit is a part of the net income created in the production process and realized in the sphere of circulation, which is directly received by enterprises.
The main objectives of the analysis of financial performance are:
-systematic control over the implementation of plans for the implementation of products and profit;
-determination of the influence of both objective and subjective factors on the volume of product sales and financial results;
- identification of reserves for increasing the volume of sales of products and the amount of profit;
-evaluation of the work of the enterprise on the use of opportunities to increase the volume of sales of products, profits and profitability.
Profit values ​​are important not only for the enterprises themselves that produce and sell products, but also for owners, investors, suppliers, creditors, banks associated with the activities of this enterprise. Therefore, the analysis of financial results, in particular, profit in modern economic conditions and the development of measures to increase it is the most important factor successful activity of the enterprise. The amount of the received ¬ profit reflects the final financial results of any enterprise. One of the main tasks of the analysis is to identify the reserves for increasing the mass of the profit and the level of profitability as the most important indicators of the efficiency of the enterprise.
To analyze and assess the level and dynamics of profit indicators, table 7 is drawn up, which uses the data of the company's accounting statements from form No. 2.
Table 7
Profit before tax of Makhaon LLC

Indicators 2006 2007 2008 Growth rate,%

2007 to 2006 2008 by 2007
1. Proceeds from the sale of goods, works, services in current prices, thousand rubles. 38551 44347 91923 115 207
2. Cost of goods sold, products, thousand rubles. 31986 35880 72297 112.2 201.5
3. Selling expenses, thousand rubles. 3955 5449 11609 137.8 213
4. Profit from sales, thousand rubles 2611 3018 8023 115.6 265.8
5. Interest payable, thousand rubles. - - 493 - 22.1
b) Other operating income, thousand rubles 48 42 77 -6 35
7. Other operating expenses, thousand rubles. 772 737 1616 95.5 219.3
8. Non-operating income, thousand rubles. 147 51 106 34.7 207.8
9. Non-operating expenses, thousand rubles 132 123 472 -9 383.7
10. Profit before taxation, thousand rubles 1887 2323 6484 123.1 279
Based on the data in Table 7, the following conclusions can be drawn: profit from sales during the analyzed period is growing, the rate of increase in 2007 was 115.6% in relation to the previous year, and in 2008 it was 265.8% in relation to 2007. The largest sales profit was received in the reporting year. The main factors that directly influenced its growth are the growth in production volumes (207% in 2008) and a decrease in the growth rate of the cost of production and work (179.6%) in comparison with the growth in production volumes.
Profit before tax in 2007 is growing by 23.1% in relation to the previous year, in 2008 the growth rate was 279% in relation to 2007. Consequently, the activity of the enterprise in the analyzed period is quite effective. Profit growth testifies to the improvement of the enterprise's activity.

Profitability indicators characterize the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole, the profitability of various activities (industrial, entrepreneurial, investment), cost recovery, etc. They more fully than profit characterize the final results of management, because their value shows the ratio of the effect to the available or used resources.
The profitability of production activities is calculated by the ratio of gross profit to the amount of sales costs; profitability of sales is calculated by dividing profit from sales by the amount of proceeds received. As can be seen from the calculation, the profitability of production activities, as well as the profitability of sales, in 2006-2008. was at a sufficient level. That is, during this period, the company made a profit from the sale of its products. In 2008, the company's production becomes average profitable (17.9%), then again increases to the level of 32.4%.
The level and dynamics of profitability indicators is influenced by the entire set of production and economic factors: the level of organization of production and management; structure of capital and its sources; the degree of use of production resources; volume, quality and structure of products; production costs and production costs; profit by types of activity and directions of its use.
The relative characteristics of the results and efficiency of the enterprise are profitability indicators. The calculation of indicators of profit of economic activity is presented in table 8.
Table 8
Indicators for assessing the profitability of economic activities
LLC "Makhaon"
Indicators 2006 2007 2008 Absol. rev. (+, -)

2007 by 2006 2008 by 2007
Overall profitability of the enterprise 11 11 24 0 13
Net profitability 7 7.3 17 0.3 9.7
Return on equity 9 9.9 25 0.9 15.1
Total profitability of production assets 13 15 36 2 21
Thus, the total profitability of the enterprise in 2006 was 11%, in 2007 the value of the indicator did not change, but in 2008 the total profitability reached 24%, having increased by 13% in comparison with the previous reporting period. Net profitability also tended to increase throughout the analyzed period. From 2006 to 2008, its value increased by 10% and in 2008 was 17%.
The return on equity increased in 2006 by 0.9%, and in 2007 it changed by another 15.1% in the direction of its increase, reaching as a result 25%. This profitability at the enterprise has the highest value of the above indicators of the efficiency of the enterprise. In 2006, its value increased by 2% to 15%, and in 2007 - by another 21%, totaling 36%. The above indicators do not have standard values, but in general the profitability can be assessed as satisfactory.
The volume and timeliness of all work, the efficiency of the use of equipment, machines, mechanisms depend on the provision of an enterprise with labor resources and the efficiency of their use. Let's analyze the use of labor resources.
The sources of information for the analysis are the statistical reporting “Report on labor”, data timekeeping and the personnel department and are shown in table 9.
Table 9
Dynamics of the number of employees of LLC "Makhaon"

Absol. change (+, -) Growth rate,%
Average headcount 2006 2007 2008 2007 by 2008 by 2007 by 2008 To
2006 2007 2006 2007
Total, people 278 346 485 68 139 124.5 140.17
PPP, people 249 289 428 40 139 116.1 148.1
including workers, 207 246 383 39 137 118.8 155.7
employees, people 42 43 45 1 2 102.4 104.7
Employees are not
main production - 29 57 57 28 0 196.6 100
leadership, people
Table 9 shows that the average number of employees increased in 2008 in comparison with 2007 by 139 people, which amounted to 26% of the total number of 2007. The upward trend in this indicator was outlined back in 2006. In 2007, the growth rate of the number of workers in non-core production was very high - almost 200%, but in 2008, compared to 2007, the number of workers in non-core production remained unchanged, that is, an increase in the total number occurred during this period due to an increase in the number of industrial -production personnel.
The growth rate of employees is also small - only 4.7%, and the absolute change in this indicator was 2 people. The highest growth rate has the indicator of the number of workers at the enterprise.
Next, it is necessary to identify the changes that have occurred in the structure of the number of employees during the analyzed period (table 10).
Table 10
Analysis of the structure of the number of LLC "Makhaon"

Average headcount 2006 2007 2008 Deviations in structure,%

People % People % People %

Total 278 100 346 100 485 100 - -
PPP 249 89.6 289 83.5 428 88.2 -6.1 4.7
Workers 207 74.5 246 71.1 383 79 -3.4 7.9
White-collar workers 42 15.1 43 12.4 45 9.2 -2.7 -3.2
Non-core production workers 29 10.4 57 16.5 57 11.8 6.1 -4.7

Analyzing the data in Table 10, we can conclude that the predominant number of employees at the enterprise is industrial and production personnel, whose share in the structure ranges from 89.6% in 2006, 83.5% in 2007 and up to 88.2% in 2008, thus, it changed by 6.1% in the direction of decrease in 2007 and increased by 4.7% in 2008.
Most of all, the share of workers has changed - their percentage in the structure of the number of workers increased by 7.9% and amounted to 79% in 2008.
If in 2007, in the structure of the total number of employees of the enterprise, the share of industrial and production personnel decreased, and the share of workers in non-core production increased, then already in 2008 everything is the other way around.

2.2 Analysis of the marketing environment of Makhaon LLC

In relation to the factors of influence of the macroenvironment, the enterprise, basically, occupies a subordinate position, without being able to influence them. Enterprises are assessing this impact in order to better adapt to the factors of the macroenvironment and to tune in advance for the projected changes. Information taken from the official website of the Republic of Mari El and the city of Yoshkar-Ola.

Table 11
Macroenvironment of Makhaon LLC
Factor Manifestation Possible reaction enterprises
Political factors
Low interest of the state Lack of benefits, strict legislation Adaptation to new economic conditions
The presence of business contacts between the presidents of Mari El and the Russian Federation Guaranteed support from the state The state as a regular client
Economic forces

High inflation in the industry
2006 10.9%
2007 9%
2008 11.9%
Rising prices for certain types of raw materials

Saving resources, increasing production costs

State budget surplus
2006 7.5% of GDP
2007 8.4% of GDP
2008 923.5 billion rubles Increase in the volume of government transfers Intended use Money- increase in sales

Growth in real incomes of the population
2006% 11%
2007 10%
2008 12%

Growth in spending on goods and services in general structure costs:
2006 70.4%
2007 70.1%
2008 70.9%
Increase in effective demand Expansion of sales markets, increase in the range of goods

Decrease in population
Yoshkar-Ola: (thousand people)
2006 278.4
2007 262.6
2008 249.8
Republic of Mari El: (thousand people)
2006 716.9
2007 711.5
2008 707.8
Russia: (million people)
2006 142.8
2007 142.2
2008 142.0
Negative impact on demand and staffing component Struggle with competitors for sales markets by expanding the range, reducing prices
Consolidated budget of the RME (million rubles):
2006 7906.1
2007 8478.2
2008 9061.7
Growth of loans in the republic at the state level Expansion of sales markets due to an increase in production volumes

Legal factors
the federal law dated 02.10.2007 N 229-FZ
"ON EXECUTIVE PRODUCTION" (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on September 14, 2007)
Legal instability, changes in a number of legislative acts of the Russian Federation Adaptation to new economic conditions
republican target program
"Governmental support
entrepreneurship in the Republic of Mari El
for 2008-2010 "
Government assistance in financing and supporting entrepreneurship Reducing enterprise costs

Technological factors

The development of organizations and enterprises of the food industry goes in different directions

The possibility of using new production technologies and expanding the range Use of morally and physically obsolete equipment before the financial opportunity to purchase new technologies appears at the expense of investors
Low share of R&D expenditures - 1.8% of budget expenditures Slow implementation of new technologies Temporary use of outdated technologies

Now a few words about the immediate environment of the enterprise. The environment of the immediate environment includes that part of the external environment with which the enterprise has a specific and direct interaction. The focus is on consumers, competitors, suppliers and workforce. The direct impact environment is also called the direct business environment of the organization. This environment forms such subjects of the environment that directly affect the activities of a particular organization.
The effective development of any business is limited by the vigorous activity of competitors. The only solution the problem is a systematic analysis and understanding of competition, that is, the creation of a system of criteria for evaluating similar market participants in order to identify their disadvantages and advantages. Competitors must be monitored continuously.
The bakery market of the enterprise is determined by the geographic boundaries of the Republic of Mari El. The main volume of sales falls on the market of the city of Yoshkar-Ola, which is the main target market of the enterprise for this type of product. The location of MAKHAON LLC directly in the city of Yoshkar-Ola facilitates the task of collecting marketing information about the market and allows you to quickly adapt to the changing conditions of the microenvironment.
The total market capacity of the city of Yoshkar-Ola is approximately 24,000 tons of bakery products per year. The share of LLC "MAKHAON" is, respectively, 22.7%.
The division of the confectionery markets in which the enterprise is present can be carried out on a geographic basis. These are the markets of the cities of Yoshkar-Ola; Cheboksary and No-vocheboksarsk; Kazan; Nizhny Novgorod; Tolyatti;; Samara; Naberezhnye Chelny and nearby towns; Ulyanovsk; Ufa; Salavat and Sterlitamak; Orenburg; Yekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk; Permian; Yaroslavl; Moscow and the Moscow region. Target markets in this case can be considered the markets of the cities of Yoshkar-Ola, Cheboksary, Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Ufa and Moscow, which together provide the company with about 75% of the total sales. Special strategic importance is attached to the market of the city of Moscow.
The position of MAKHAON LLC in the market of cakes in the city of Yoshkar-Ola is characterized by the same positive aspects as the position in the market of bakery products, in addition, the well-known brand MAKHAON in this case works for both types of products. In the markets of other cities, the company is deprived of these advantages. Moreover, the authorities of some constituent entities of the Russian Federation tend to pursue an explicit or implicit policy of protectionism, which negatively affects the activities of the enterprise.
At the same time, the cake market seems to be more differentiated, so the company carried out marketing research aimed at identifying market segments. The research was carried out by interviewing the end consumers of the products at the points of sale. Polls were conducted in the cities of Yoshkar-Ola, Kazan, Ufa. The respondents were people who bought the cake. The study showed that approximately 50% of direct buyers of cakes are women aged 26 to 45 years of average social status.
In the bakery market of the city of Yoshkar-Ola, the company competes with the following companies:
- RSUE "Mariyskiy Khleb";
- RSUE "Firma Souvenir";
- LLC "Yoshkar-Ola plant of grain products";
- LLC “Stambulka”;
- other manufacturers (bakeries of other settlements res¬
public, small bakeries).
The percentage of production capacity utilization for bakery products is 50%.
The main market players, besides LLC MAKHAON, are RSUE Mariyskiy Khleb and RSUE Firma Souvenir. These producers account for about 2/3 of the volume of sales of bakery products. The shares of other manufacturers do not exceed 10%.
Thus, an oligopolistic model of competition is emerging on the bakery market. All bakeries produce practically the same assortment of bakery products, and the population has a historically established consumption of the main types of bread.
As a result of the analysis internal environment the data of the strategic potential is displayed within the framework of the set goal; to what extent the enterprise meets the target requirements in terms of the quantity and quality of resources, the state of functions and projects. Thus, we conduct an analysis of the actual and regulatory potentials (or we compare our company with the main competitor, if we assess our competitive advantages).
At the end of the analysis, the picture of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise becomes clear. Strengths are possible key success factors.
Information on strengths and weaknesses is presented in table 12

Table 12
Strengths and weaknesses of MAHAON LLC

Strengths Weaknesses
Innovations in technology and recipes Lack of production areas for further smooth expansion of cake production
Professional management Insufficiently fast assortment renewal
Possibility of attracting financial resources Absence of a system of total quality management
Positive company image
Wide client base
Extensive experience in the market
Availability of a vehicle fleet

The data in Table 12 show that the company has a fairly large number of strengths. The main weakness of the enterprise is the lack of the possibility of a significant expansion of the volume of production, the only possibility for this is the construction or lease of additional premises.
Other weaknesses are associated with the organization of processes within the enterprise and can be eliminated through reengineering.
Opportunities and threats of the external environment are presented in Table 13.
Table 13 shows that the external environment is fraught with more threats to the enterprise than it provides opportunities.

Table 13
Opportunities and threats of the external environment of LLC "MAKHAON"
Features Threats
Possibility of organizing production branches The emergence of new competitors
Ability to enter new markets Lower living standards of the population
Renewal of the product range due to the latest developments in the field of cake production Activation of existing competitors
Increased transportation costs in the development of remote markets
Deterioration of the brand image with insufficient product quality
Lack of qualified personnel (confectioners) in the city of Yoshkar-Ola

As the data in Table 13 show, the main strength of the enterprise is the availability of adequate financial resources or the ability to attract them. Financial resources are sufficient to realize emerging opportunities and prevent or mitigate the consequences of threats. The constant search for new markets, renewal and expansion of the assortment are the strengths of the company. Also significant strengths are the management of the company, its market experience and innovative thinking.
The weaknesses of the enterprise can almost equally impede the realization of opportunities and fail to cope with the consequences of threats. However, their influence is not as strong as in the case of strengths.
The main capabilities of the enterprise are the ability to build new production branches, which will be located in close proximity to target markets, and to update the assortment.
These opportunities will help not only to realize the strengths of the enterprise, but can also reduce (eliminate) the weaknesses of LLC MAKHAON. Threats to the activation of existing competitors and the emergence of new ones have an impact on all the weaknesses of the enterprise, but the consequences of these threats can be mitigated by using a significant number of the strengths of the enterprise.
The least controllable threat is the lack of qualified personnel. And although the company is currently closely cooperating with specialized educational institutions, this problem remains and additional efforts are needed to resolve it. It is necessary to complete the training of all top management employees at the higher master's courses by 2010. Heads of divisions to undergo refresher courses on personnel management by the end of 2009. To systematically improve the qualifications of all employees.
2.3 Features of the marketing activities of LLC "Makhaon"

As you know, the marketing policy of an enterprise includes a product, price, sales policy, as well as a policy of promoting goods on the market. Making a decision on how to meet the needs of buyers, the marketing and development department at Makhaon LLC develops its own marketing system, or a certain combination of its main elements, better known as the four pi.
It can be concluded that the number of consumers of products manufactured by Makhaon LLC is constantly growing. As a result, the company increases sales and profits. Product research Makhaon LLC offers the production of bakery and confectionery products made from high-grade flour, differing in:
good taste
high calorie content
ease of assimilation
implementation in packing form
slowly growing stale.
As for confectionery, the most preferred are:
Puff pastry products,
Oatmeal cookies with 19% of the vote.
16% of buyers prefer biscuits, rolls, muffins.
13% of votes were given to shortcrust pastry products.
Just add the fact that the “geography” of the sale of bakery products has also changed. In 1996-1997 these products were sold in supermarkets, "Products" stores, " Fresh bread"," Hot bread "and" Bread ". Currently, bakery stores have become universal, and bakery products are sold as close as possible to the buyer: in supermarkets, mini-markets, in markets, from cars, in containers, stalls, from trays near public transport stops, and the bread is always fresh or hot. more often packaged, sold throughout the day without lunch and at night.
At the meetings of buyers with manufacturers of products sold at low prices, it was established that Makhaon LLC implements a social policy with the main task of providing the population with affordable food for all. The company achieves this by managing the full cycle for the production and sale of bakery products: it buys grain itself, grinds flour, bakes bread and sells it in its chain of stores at a low price, and at the same time, a minimum profit per unit of production is laid.
The above is specific example applying the concept of enlightened, socially responsible and socially ethical marketing in the enterprise, which is one of its distinctive features.

An enterprise needs not only to produce good products, but also to inform consumers about their benefits, as well as to achieve a clear positioning of its products in the minds of consumers. To do this, the enterprise must skillfully use such means as advertising, sales promotion and public relations.
Advertising is a cash form of communication carried out through paid means of disseminating information with a clearly indicated source of funding, i.e. promotion of goods and services through the media - newspapers, magazines, television and radio.
The objectives of the advertising campaign of LLC "Makhaon" are: formation of a certain image of the company in the consumer; the formation of the need for this product; sales promotion of goods; acceleration of goods turnover; the desire to make this consumer a regular buyer of this product, regular customer firms; formation of the image of a reliable partner in other firms.
Magazines, newspapers, television and radio stations usually attract the right audience with their non-advertising content, and the advertiser will have the opportunity to appeal to this very audience.
Other advertising media have to rely solely on the message itself to reach a specific audience. Important role the link between advertisers and potential buyers is played by, in particular, direct mail advertising, posters, billboards, advertising tablets in public transport and advertising design of commercial premises.
Advertising is, first of all, a form of mass exhortation, and the media help it to make contact with the audience.
Having defined the objectives of advertising and the advertising budget, the management must develop a general creative approach to advertising, its creative strategy. In the process of its creation, three stages can be distinguished: the formation of the idea of ​​appeal, the assessment and selection of treatment options, and the execution of the appeal.
In order for the advertising company of the enterprise to be really effective, in the market conditions it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:
to demonstrate to the consumer as much as possible exactly what benefits he can get from using this particular product.
do everything possible to ensure that the trademark, brand of the enterprise
were visible in the market so that they could not be confused with anything.
advertising needs innovation, ingenuity.
use simple language, publicly available terms and expressions in advertising.
use more illustrations and visual aids in advertising.
Since at this stage of market development it is extremely important to bring information to as many potential buyers as possible, the marketing service specialists decided to analyze the coverage of the audience of various mass media in the city of Yoshkar-Ola.
To obtain data on the audience coverage, the Makhaon company contacted the Spektr advertising and information agency. The analysis results are presented in table 14.

Table 14

Reaching the audience of the media
the city of Yoshkar-Ola

Media name

Audience coverage, thousand people

"Efir" TV company 852
ORT 827
NTV 707
Culture 321
STS 302
Europe plus Yoshkar-Ola 378
Russian radio 484
Pulse Radio 205
Volga 146
Passage 128
Marikas 131
Radio Russia 512
Lighthouse 364
Everything for you 220
Program for all 200
Hand to hand 500
Evening Ola 550
Postal courier 300
Mari wholesaler 250

As can be seen from Table 14, the local television channel Efir, the radio channels Russkoye Radio and Europe plus Yoshkar-Ola, the newspapers Iz Ruk v Ruki and Vechernyaya Ola have the largest audience coverage. It was decided to place advertisements in all mass media, that is, on television, in the press and on the radio.
The average cost of a standard package (6 times a day during a week - 42 broadcasts) on the Efir TV channel is 1960 rubles.
The company decided to use the Efir TV channel for advertising, since with a slightly higher absolute cost of advertising, it covers a much larger audience, which can be seen from the relative cost of advertising per person.
The cost of the package (8 broadcasts per day during the week - 56 broadcasts) on the Russian Radio channel is 3,710 rubles, on the Europe plus Yoshkar-Ola channel - 3,024 rubles. Per viewer, the cost of advertising on the Russian Radio channel will be 3710/484000 = 0.0077 rubles, on the Europe plus Yoshkar-Ola radio channel - 3024/378000 = 0.008 rubles.
The greatest coverage of the audience with the same relative cost of advertising is provided by the radio station "Russian Radio", which it was decided to use for advertising.
The cost of an advertisement in the size of 1/16 of a page in the Iz Ruk v Ruki newspaper is 450 rubles. Accordingly, when reaching an audience of 350,000 people, the cost of advertising per person is 450/500000 = 0.0009 rubles.
The cost of a similar advertisement in the newspaper Vecher-nya Ola is 520 rubles, the cost of advertising per person is 520/550000 = 0.00095 rubles. However, the newspaper Iz Ruk v Ruki is a specialized advertising edition and people purchase this newspaper to receive certain advertising information, therefore, it was chosen as a means of advertising.
In addition to advertising in the media, it was decided to use outdoor advertising (branded price tags, brochures, posters, billboards).
The placement of outdoor advertising was entrusted to representatives. Representatives were advised to hand over promotional products to merchandise experts during their visit to the store and concluding an agreement. The total budget of the advertising campaign for the first year was set at 1.5% of the turnover in the city of Yoshkar-Ola.
The size of the advertising budget can be determined according to one of four principles of calculation: "from cash", "as a percentage of the amount of sales", at the level of competitors' costs or "based on goals and objectives."
Presumably, the volume of sales in the city of Yoshkar-Ola for the first year of operation may amount to 200 tons in the amount of 5780256 rubles. Thus, it is assumed that during the first year 86704 rubles will be spent on an advertising campaign in the city of Yoshkar-Ola.
It is supposed to use the following materials: articles; periodic publication of the price list of the offered goods; short advertisements.
The advertising campaign budget for the first month is shown in Table 15.

Table 15
Advertising campaign budget for the first month of work
Means of advertising Cost, rub.
"Russian radio" 3710
Efir TV company 1960
Newspaper "From hand to hand" 1800
Outdoor Advertising 5208
Incl. price tags 310
Billboards 4402
Booklets 186
Posters 310
Total 12678

Direct advertising involves delivering an advertising message directly to a potential consumer through sellers, distribution agents, dealers, etc. The main types of advertising and information publications: Leaflets are supposed to be distributed by mail, at an exhibition, etc. The advertising campaign provides for the issue of brochures.
LLC "MAKHAON" uses the following promotion methods (for confectionery products):
advertising (radio, television, newspaper, outdoor, point of sale, booklets, calendars, posters, direct mail);
sales promotion (presentations, tastings);
RC campaigns (newspaper and magazine articles that form a positive image of the enterprise, participation in national competitions);
exhibitions-fairs (regional and international);
sponsorship, charity;
The company organizes periodic advertising campaigns in selected regions using 1-2 radio stations and 1-2 television channels. Usually, promotions are organized 2 weeks before the start of food exhibitions, in which LLC MAKHAON takes part and continue for a month.
Thus, in parallel with the impact on the end consumer, there is an impact on the representatives of retail trade enterprises, who additionally receive invitations to the exhibition through direct mail.
In addition, the company regularly participates in tasting contests held within the framework of exhibitions, and at the moment is the owner of more than a dozen gold and silver medals.
Also, the company uses such means of promotion as presentation-tasting. This method of promotion is especially widespread in the city of Moscow. So, in September 2006, a series of tastings was held in the stores of the Perekrestok trade network. Specially designed equipment is used for tastings.
Making every effort to develop new sales markets and increase sales, the Makhaon firm pays great attention to communication complexes.

2.5 Analysis of assortment and nomenclature
products of Makhaon LLC

It is very important to constantly monitor and analyze the volume of production at the enterprise, since such reporting is important for maintaining the competitiveness of the organization and developing a new sales policy for the company.
Sales of the company's products by region in 2005-2007 is presented in table 16.
Table 16
The size and structure of sales volumes
LLC "Makhaon" in the context of regions

2006 2007 2008 Growth rate%
Consumers thousand thousand thousand 2007 2008
rub. % rub. % rub. % to 2006 to 2007
The total volume of sales in the ITR 14649 38 13304 30 12870 14 -8 -16
Sales volume outside the RME 23902 62 31,043 70 79,059 86 8 16
Tatarstan 3855 10 6209 14 22063 24 4 10
Bashkiria 2313 6 3547 8 7355 8 3 0
Moscow 4625 12 7096 16 21143 23 4 7
Samara 1928 5 1774 4 3677 4 -1 0
Togliatti 771 2 886 2 919 1 0 -1
Cheboksary 1928 5 2217 5 5517 6 0 1
N. Novgorod 1157 3 1774 4 2758 3 1 -1
Ulyanovsk 1157 3 1774 4 4596 5 1 1
Perm 1542 4 1774 4 3677 4 0 0
Ufa 4626 12 3992 9 7354 8 -3 -1
Total sold 38551 100 44347 100 91 929 100
According to the data in Table 16, it can be concluded that the volume of sales within the Republic of Mari El is reduced in 2008 by 24% compared to 2006, this was due to an increase in the number of competitors and, as a result, an increase in the volume of supplies outside the Republic of Mari Email
Organization of sales at the enterprise. Makhaon LLC sells its products in the markets of 10 regions of Russia, the largest of which are the Republics of Mari El, Tatarstan, Bashkiria, Moscow and other cities: Samara, Togliatti, Cheboksary, Nizhny Novgorod, Ulyanovsk, Perm , Ufa.
In accordance with the results of marketing research carried out at the enterprise in almost all regions, the buyer is a woman of 26-45 years of average social status, who most likely represents a household and acts as a buyer from the whole family.
If in the city of Yoshkar-Ola cakes are purchased 1-2 times every six months, or even less often, then in larger cities such as Kazan, Moscow and other cakes are purchased 1-2 times every 2-3 months. The approximate number of consumers is 20 million people.
The assortment of bakery products manufactured by MAKHAON LLC, with an indication of the characteristics, is presented in Table 17.
Table 17
Assortment of bakery products of LLC "MAKHAON"

Name Weight, kg Flour type Product type
Bread "Krestyansky" 0.65 rye-wheat (second grade) bread
Bread "New" 0.55 wheat (premium and first grade) bread
White bread 0.55 wheat (first grade) bread
Bread "Village" 0.5 wheat (premium and first grade) bread
Bread "Bodrost" 0.5 rye-wheat (second grade) bread
Loaf "Podmoskovny" 0.4 wheat (premium) loaves
Butter loaf vanilla 0.3 wheat (premium) loaves
Loaf "Special" iodized 0.3 wheat (premium) loaves
Loaf with poppy seeds 0.3 wheat (premium) loaves
Loaf "Children's" 0.3 wheat (premium) loaves
Loaf "Cut" 0.4 wheat (premium) loaves
Butter loaf with raisins 0.3 wheat (premium) loaves
Saika 0.2 wheat (premium grade) loaves

Bread "Krestyansky" and "New" are made to order with the addition of iodine. Thus, the company produces all major types of bakery products.
The structure of production of bakery products by LLC "MAKHAON" in 2007 is presented in table 18.
Table 18
The structure of the production of bakery products of LLC "Makhaon"

Name Issue,
tons Share in total volume,%
Bread "Peasant" 3430.1 62.9
Bread "New" 496.1 9.1
White bread 147.6 2.7
Bread "Village" 433.8 8.0
Bread "Vigor" 197.5 3.6
Baton "Podmoskovny" 195.0 3.6
Butter loaf with vanilla 153.3 2.8
Loaf "Special" iodized 14.3 0.3
Loaf with poppy seeds 22.1 0.4
Baton "Children's" 33.0 0.6
Loaf "Cut" 284.4 5.2
Butter loaf with raisins 3.5 0.1
Saika 34.9 0.6
Total 5454.9 100.0

As the data in Table 18 show, the main share (80%) of the physical volume of production of bakery products falls on 3 names. Accordingly, these names (bread "Krestyansky", "New" and "Derevensky") deserve close attention of the enterprise, primarily in terms of quality.
Competitiveness indices of rye bread (maximum - 10 points) are presented in Table 19.
Table 19
Competitiveness indices of bakery products

Producer RSUE "Firma Souvenir" RSUE "Mariyskiy Khleb" OOO "Makhaon" Orsha bakery
Competitiveness index 8.88 9.13 9.37 8.32

As can be seen from Table 19, bakery products produced by MAKHAON LLC satisfy the needs of the population by more than 90%, not yielding to any of the competitors. Thus, the market growth rate is expressed as a negative value, the relative market share of LLC MAKHAON is currently 0.82. Leaving this market, however, does not seem advisable, since this product is strategically important and allows the company to receive a stable income. In addition, the company is in the position of the “vice-leader” of the market.
The structure of production of confectionery products of LLC "MAKHAON" is presented in table. twenty.
Table 20
Structure of confectionery production by Makhaon LLC
Name Weight, kg Output, kg Share in total volume,%
Magic cake 0.95 85477.2 6.9
Cake "Prague" 0.85 75797.8 6.1
Cake "Grace" 0.8 72940.0 5.9
Athens cake 1.05 66961.7 5.4
Cake "Earl Ruins" 0.7 63182.7 5.1
Cappuccino cake 0.8 60069.0 4.8
Machaon cake 0.9 52798.5 4.3
Stefania cake 0.85 52 165.4 4.2
Inspiration cake 1 48685.0 3.9
Magnolia cake 0.75 47225.3 3.8
Magnolia cake 0.8 46815.5 3.8
Carolina cake 0.95 45 420.5 3.7
Cake "Marseille" 0.8 44912.0 3.6
Camellia cake 0.75 42422.3 3.4
Machaon cake 0.9 36504.0 2.9
Exotic cake 0.7 33389.5 2.7
Cake "Yoghurt with kiwi" 0.65 27047.8 2.2
Viennese cake 0.55 27665.0 2.2
Black Velvet cake 0.5 24801.5 2.0
Venice cake 0.9 23640.3 1.9
Snowstorm cake 0.7 23677.5 1.9
Fruit Valley cake 0.7 22498.0 1.8
Honey cake with boiled condensed milk 0.7 19271.5 1.6
Lady's fingers cake 0.8 17073.6 1.4
Third Rome cake 0.8 17875.2 1.4
Macedonia cake 0.65 14621.1 1.2
Nefertiti cake 0.8 13866.4 1.1
Fruit cake 0.8 12022.4 1.0
Cake "Greece" 0.8 9035.2 0.7
Magic Night cake 0.85 7384.0 0.6
Emerald cake 0.7 4351.0 0.4
Pharaoh cake 0.75 5325.8 0.4
Total cakes 1 46524 92.5
Truffle cake 0.09 70 475.5 5.7
Gulliver cake 0.08 9807.0 0.8
Caramelka cake 0.06 3956.6 0.3
Stefania cake 0.04 4255.3 0.3
Magic cake 0.03 3792.2 0.3
Carolina cake 0.045 941.7 0.1
Total cakes 93609.345 7.5
Total confectionery 1240 133.5 100.0

The data in Table 20 indicate that in the assortment of the company's cakes there are no separate items that occupy a significant share of the production volume. However, the ten items with the largest shares account for 50% of the total production. Thus, it makes sense for an enterprise to pay more attention to this particular group of products.
Competitiveness indices of confectionery products of the main manufacturers of the Republic of Mari El, calculated by analogy with bakery products, are presented in Table 21.
Table 21
Confectionery competitiveness indices

Manufacturer RSUE "Firma Souvenir" LLC "DianaK" LLC "Makhaon"
Competitiveness index 7.49 9.28 9.63

As the data in Table 21 show, the quality of the products of MAKHAON LLC exceeds the quality of the products of the closest competitor by 3.8%. The life cycle of the cakes is in maturity and this stage, most likely, will continue for a long time.
At the same time, there is an assumption about the existence of product life cycles in the markets of individual regions.
If we use the terminology of the product life cycle, then in the market of the city of Yoshkar-Ola, products are at the stage of maturity, although there is a slight decrease in volumes in 2006. but given year led to a sharp decline in the standard of living of the population, which could not but affect the consumption of cakes, which do not belong to essential goods and are not vital for humans.
Thus, we see that Makhaon LLC is actively involved in meeting consumer demand by developing products for segments of the population with different income levels. Attracting the attention of new consumers through marketing activities.


Marketing planning is carried out by developing a set of long-term and current plans.
Strategic planning is the first step in the planning process for a company. It includes defining the company's mission, analyzing strengths and weaknesses, the organization's environment and business portfolio, formulating goals and objectives, and functional plans. The mission must be fulfilling, challenging, individual, market-oriented and conducive to realizing the company's capabilities.
Strategic planning is the process of determining the strategy of an organization by establishing its mission, analyzing strategic positions, researching internal and external factors and actions that can lead to the achievement, retention, development and capitalization of competitive advantages. The strategies chosen must effectively capitalize on the firm's strengths, overcome its weaknesses, and capitalize on favorable external conditions and avoid external hazards.
Bakery production. If the current market situation persists, MAKHAON LLC in the context of a slight decline in the industry is unlikely to be able to increase sales of bakery products, especially since it is not the market leader at the moment. This means that the market leader RSUE "Mariyskiy Khleb", while maintaining the existing situation, is in a more advantageous position, continuing to use such an element of ensuring internal competitive advantage as economies of scale.
Thus, the goal of MAKHAON LLC in this area of ​​business should be to increase the sales of bread to at least 6625 tons per year (the volume of production of the Mariyskiy Khleb RSUE in 2007). This means that the company needs to increase sales in 2009 by 21.5% compared to 2008.
To achieve this goal, the enterprise needs:
1. Strengthen control over the quality of products, the greatest attention should be paid to the bread "Krestyansky", "New", "Derevensky". To do this, carry out a series of test baked breads with varying the basic recipe and tasting. To monitor and provide feedback, in addition to the existing monitoring of sales, add a weekly telephone survey of stores.
2. Organize a system for monitoring retail prices of competitors in different districts of the city, adjust their own retail prices based on the monitoring results.
3. Control the process of delivery of products to stores of its own trading network, record the time of absence of certain assortment items in retail outlets, develop a system for reducing these time intervals.
4. Conclude agreements with city shops for the exclusive presentation of bakery products of LLC MAKHAON in their assortment list.
Confectionery production. Assessment of the discrepancy between the actual and the desired state of the business of the enterprise.
If the current situation persists, the enterprise will continue to use the economies of scale, but it may find itself in a situation where further intensive growth will be impossible due to the lack of production reserves. If in 2007 the enterprise produced 1240 tons of products, then taking into account the growth in previous years and the rate of development of the industry, LLC MAKHAON will have to produce 1488 tons of cakes and pastries in 2009, or 124 tons on average per month. Taking into account seasonal fluctuations in demand, production, for example, in December will have to exceed 200 tons per month, which seems unlikely.
So, the task of maintaining the growth rate seems to be difficult to achieve. To simplify its solution, you can direct the efforts of the enterprise to smooth out seasonal fluctuations. In the period from April to July, the demand for the company's products falls by 30-40% in relation to the remaining period. During this period, it is advisable for the enterprise to increase the intensity of product promotion, especially in those regions where the greatest decrease in sales volumes is observed, for example, in the city of Moscow.
Thus, the enterprise still needs to plan for 2010 the task of increasing sales volumes by 20% in relation to the previous period. A difficult task, but not impossible. This decision is also supported by the fact that in such a rapidly developing market, a slowdown in growth rates will ultimately lead to a decrease in the company's market share. In parallel with this, already in 2010, the enterprise needs to develop a business plan for organizing a production branch, as close as possible to large sales markets, which may be Moscow, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan.

3.1 Summary

Reasons for choosing this project:
First, the establishment of this type of production does not require highly qualified specialists. Personnel training is carried out in a few days, which makes it easy to solve the problem of hiring a labor force. In addition, the installation of equipment is also carried out in a very short period of time (up to 1 month, depending on the equipment supplier). Moreover, as a rule, the company supplying the equipment produces, in addition to installing the equipment, its complete setting and training of personnel.
Secondly, the products of the mini-bakery are in great demand. At a time when large bakeries can hardly cope with the needs of the population, mini-bakeries are gaining more and more market share in this area, the fact is that large bakeries are difficult to reconstruct and can hardly react to changes in demand for bakery products. ...
As a result of such surveys, preference is given to certain types of bakery products, which again increases the attractiveness of the mini-bakery from the point of view of stores.
There is one more positive feature of the bakery. All manufactured products are sold through a retail network. According to the current legislation, legal entities can make mutual settlements in cash if the amount does not exceed 2 million rubles.
Thus, we can easily regulate the amount of cash at the bakery's cash desk, which will be spent on the purchase of working capital, dishes and other small tools for production, as well as for the issuance of wages to employees. Such an organization of work will help to avoid unnecessary operations, such as withdrawing cash from the company's current account and depositing the cash balance to the current account, which require additional payment in the amount set by the bank. This project it is planned to be implemented in the form of the establishment of a Limited Liability Company (LLC).
The planned volume of net profit per year upon reaching production capacity will be at least $ 173,338.32 and a profitability of about 580%. The payback period of the project will be reached in 6 months.

3.2 Marketing plan

The main task facing the enterprise is to expand the sales market for products and strengthen the gained positions by expanding the range of goods produced.
In order to follow the development strategy of the enterprise, the tactical plan necessary activities as follows:
1. Using internal potential to improve product quality.
2. In today's economic conditions, the preservation of selling prices for products with a stable profitability.
3. Formation of consumer preferences towards the company's products.
4. Expansion of the client base within the city and region.
5. Providing support to sales representatives from the enterprise.
6. Development and implementation of training projects.
7. Organization of clear feedback from clients.
8. Promotion of the company's products by all available advertising means.
9. Ensuring the dynamics of the development of competitive advantages - prices, quality, stability in the market.
10. Diversification of products based on the development of new types of products.
The business plan assumes the production of bakery products made from high-grade flour, differing in:
good taste;
high calorie content;
ease of assimilation;
implementation in packing form;
slowly growing stale.
To improve the taste and aroma, aromas and spices are added (vanillin, cinnamon, mint, cumin, etc.). The appearance of the product is attractive to the buyer.
Knowing our customers will allow us to determine the requirements of certain segments that we can serve. Knowing our competitors enables us to determine which segments' needs we can meet better than our competitors. Knowing the potential of the market will allow to outline the prospects for the economic success of the enterprise, which can be achieved with more efficient customer service than competitors.

3.3 Production plan

The main raw materials for the production of bakery products are flour, water, salt and yeast. These are the components without which nothing will work. But you can also add fat, sugar, milk powder, raisins, spices and much more to get a variety of tastes.
After delivery, the flour is stored in the warehouse. Before entering the bakery, it is sieved on a special machine. Then the flour enters the kneading machines, where it is mixed with water and yeast, as well as with various additives. After the dough is mixed for aging in a special container. Then the dough enters the dough dividing machine, where it is divided into equal pieces, then goes to the molding, where the pieces turn into balls. Further, the dough enters the dough-rolling machine, where it is used to produce blanks of loaves, rolls, bagels, etc. There, a piece of dough is first rolled out by machine rolls into an oblong pancake, and then rolled into a roll.
This roll enters the gap between the pick-up drum and the forming cover, the drum rotates and rolls the dough over the cover. After that, the dough is kept warm for some time so that it comes up and becomes loose, porous and soft. And then it goes into the oven. Before baking, a special mechanism makes cuts on the dough. Without which the bread, continuing to rise in the oven, will burst and turn out to be ugly, “torn”. And the cut dough simply diverges slightly along the cuts, and then crispy scallops are obtained in their place. The baked bread is laid out on trays and delivered to the sales area.
Scheme of the technological route for the manufacture of bakery products:
1) Sifting flour
2) Kneading the dough
3) Extract of the test
4) Cutting the dough into equal pieces
5) Preparing the dough for the dough rolling machine
6) Forming the shape of the product
7) Exposure of the workpiece
8) Making incisions
9) Baking
10) Unfolding on trays
The country's market now has a very wide range of proposals for the sale of baking equipment. To do right choice when buying equipment, you need the help of specialists who have been working in this area for more than one year and have extensive experience.
Therefore, we turned to the firm "Niva" in Moscow, which provides consulting services, assistance in purchasing equipment for baking bread, training bakeries personnel, and selling full packages baked goods baking documentation.
As a result of the analysis different types equipment, both domestic and foreign production, and the authoritative opinion of the consultants of the company "Niva" concluded that the equipment, which is often advertised in various media, does not correspond to the characteristics indicated in the advertisement. So, for example, the equipment of the company "doka-bread", according to the experts of the company "Niva", is not capable of producing high profits. In addition, the Doka-Khleb company does not actually provide consulting services, equipment adjustment and training of specialists. As a result, after purchasing this equipment, you have to contact other companies to start production at the proper level. Niva was often approached with such a request, and in almost all cases their specialists were powerless to change anything, since this equipment was developed at a very low level.
On the advice of Niva specialists, it was decided that the equipment would be purchased by the Sindika-Kural joint venture. The cost of this equipment is $ 69,000. The choice was made in favor of this company, since at relatively low prices, this equipment allows you to produce up to 5000 loaves per eight-hour shift, which is significantly higher than the productivity of similar equipment of the same cost.
The price also includes the whole range of services and work related to its installation, start-up, commissioning and personnel training. In addition, this amount includes a one-year warranty service for the equipment and free replacement of spare parts for this period of time.
The feasibility study for the calculation of the mini-bakery will be carried out in foreign currency, namely in US dollars. This is due to the fact that the growth of the dollar exchange rate actually reflects the inflation rate of the Russian currency, in other words, the cost of raw materials and finished products in terms of US dollars remains constant. The bakery workers will also be paid wages based on a certain rate in dollars. This will make it possible to constantly take into account the rise in inflation.
Calculations of the cost of equipment and areas for it are shown in tables 22 and 23.

Table 21
Scroll necessary equipment
Name Characteristics Total
equipment cost, USD
1 Electric furnace 8 m2 62100
2 Set of spare parts 627.27
3 Elevator 80 HP 1568.18
4 Spiral kneader 80 l. 878.18
5 Dough divider 1003.65
6 Unrolling machine 50 cm (width) 2195.45
7 Emulsifier 439.09
8 Tool set 188.18
Total 69000

Table 23
Production equipment area
Type of equipment Area m2
Electric oven 8.0
Flour Sifting Machine 3.0
Kneading machines 2.0
Container for holding dough 1.4
Dough divider 0.7
Dough Forming Machine 1.6
Dough rolling machine 2.6
Aging table 2.0
Slicing machine 1.0
Transporter 2.4
Total: 24.7

The total area occupied by the equipment is 24.7 m2
Taking into account the layout of the equipment and ensuring the convenience of its maintenance, the linear dimensions of the production workshop will be: length 9.0 m; width 7 m; height 3.2 m. The total area of ​​the workshop will be 63 m2.

3.4 Financial plan

Obviously, for the fastest return on costs and maximum profit, more intensive use of equipment is required.
Therefore, we will focus on 2-shift work without weekends and holidays. The duration of one shift is 8 hours. Such work will require three shifts of workers who will go to work on a staggered schedule.
Data with the main characteristics of production are shown in table 24.

Table 24
Main production characteristics
Indicator Value
Number of work shifts 3
Duration of a work shift, hour 8
Number of shifts per working day 2
Number of working days per month 30
The amount of bread baked per shift, loaf 5000
Loaf weight, kg 0.4
Total number of products per month, tons 120

The cost of the equipment we have chosen is 69, OOO $. This set of equipment includes all the necessary elements for baking bread. This includes bakery equipment (from a kneader to ovens), equipment for storing, cutting and processing dough (tables, cabinets, shelves), small tools such as knives, scrapers, brushes, utensils for making dough, in other words, the purchased set of equipment will be enough to start production.
However, in addition to equipment for the production of bakery products, which are food products, it is necessary to obtain a quality certificate and a permit for production activities. To obtain such a permit, you first need to have a hygienic certificate for the product.
The "Niva" company, already known to us, is engaged in the sale of complete documentation packages for the production of bread. It includes a hygiene certificate, Full description technical process for baking bread, recipe for dough preparation, as well as additional recommendations on the use of the "Eketra" enhancer, which is produced by "Niva" and is a necessary component for making bread "Niva". The cost of such a package of documentation is $ 100.
After purchasing a hygiene certificate, it is necessary to obtain a certificate of compliance of our products with the standards specified in the hygiene certificate. To do this, you need to make product samples, which are submitted for examination to one of the experimental laboratories in Moscow. In our case, it was RosTest, which issued a quality certificate for our products.
So, the sum of all capital costs for setting up production is $ 69,100.

3.5 Environmental Impact of Project Implementation

The functioning of a mini-bakery implies a certain ecological load on the environment:
power consumption for equipment operation and room lighting;
consumption of fuels and lubricants during the transportation of raw materials and finished products;
the need to dispose of production waste.
Considering environmental impact the implementation of the project, it can be noted that the technical characteristics of the equipment and the features of the technological cycle make it possible to reduce energy consumption per unit of production in comparison with more large industries and thus reduce the energy consumption required to provide the city with bakery products
Relatively small production volumes allow marketing in a small area in the immediate vicinity of the bakery, reducing the adverse effect of transport operation.
Production waste is exclusively packaging materials from the received raw materials (paper, cardboard), which are subject to recycling by means of the appropriate urban infrastructure.
Assessing the complex environmental effect of the project, one can expect some reduction in the environmental load in the industry as a whole by reducing energy consumption per unit of production and optimizing the transport distribution scheme.

3.6 Labor protection at the enterprise

Labor protection (OT) is a system of legislative acts, socio-economic, organizational, technical, hygienic, therapeutic and prophylactic measures that ensure the safety, health and performance of a person in the labor process.
The task of OT is to minimize the likelihood of injury or illness to the worker while ensuring comfort at maximum productivity. Real production conditions are characterized by hazardous and harmful factors. Hazardous production factors - factors, the impact of which on the worker in certain conditions lead to injury or other occupational diseases.
A harmful production factor is one whose impact on a worker under certain conditions leads to illness or decreased performance. Dangerous - moving parts of mechanisms, hot bodies. Harmful - air, impurities in it, heat, insufficient lighting, noise, vibration, ionizing laser and electromagnetic radiation.
Legislative and normative acts of OT.
The legislation on labor protection reflects the following rules and regulations:
rules for organizing labor protection at enterprises; safety rules and industrial sanitation; rules to ensure the individual protection of workers from occupational diseases; rules and norms of special labor protection for women, youth and persons with reduced working capacity; legal provisions that provide for liability for violation of labor protection legislation.
The most important provisions in the field of labor protection are enshrined in the “Labor Code”. Ensuring healthy and safe working conditions is the responsibility of the administration of the enterprise. The administration of the enterprise is obliged to introduce modern safety measures that ensure sanitary and hygienic conditions and prevent the occurrence of occupational diseases of workers. Industrial buildings and structures must meet the requirements to ensure safe working conditions. These requirements include: rational use of territories; correct use of equipment; protection of workers from the effects of harmful production factors; maintenance of industrial premises in accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements. In the legislation on labor protection, special attention is paid to the observance of labor protection in the design and development of new machinery and equipment.
Thus, we see that according to the business plan, the Makhaon LLC does not need to close production or greatly transform it. A mini-bakery, especially in a crisis, is the best option improving the sales policy of the enterprise, since it does not require high material and physical costs. Secondly, bread and bakery products are essential commodities, which will be in demand even in a very difficult economic situation. At a time when large bakeries can hardly cope with the needs of the population, mini-bakeries are gaining more and more market share in this area, the fact is that large bakeries are difficult to reconstruct and can hardly react to changes in demand for bakery products. ...
Another feature of mini-bakeries is that since all stores are close to the bakery, bread usually arrives at them almost immediately after baking, which contributes to its good realization.
In addition, due to small production volumes, the mini-bakery does not have very many stores to which it supplies products. This allows you to constantly study the demand for your products by conducting a survey of store employees.


After analyzing the work, you can come to the following conclusions and conclusions:
In conditions of fierce competition and rising costs, marketing becomes an indispensable condition for the survival of an economic entity, especially sales policy, which is directly related to marketing. Interest in these activities is growing as more and more organizations in the business, international and non-profit sectors realize how exactly marketing contributes to their more successful performance in the market. This applies both to our country, which is now in a transitional period, and to the United States, where many mining and heavy industries have also only recently turned to marketing.
Marketing (from the English market - market) is a complex system of organizing production and sales of products, focused on meeting the needs of specific consumers and making a profit based on market research and forecasting, studying the internal and external environment of the exporting enterprise, developing strategies and tactics of market behavior with the help of marketing programs.
These programs include measures to improve the product and its assortment, study buyers, competitors and competition, ensure pricing policy, generate demand, stimulate sales and advertising, optimize distribution channels and organize sales, organize technical services and expand the range of services provided. Marketing as a product of a market economy is, in a sense, a philosophy of production, completely (from research and development work to sales and service) subordinate to the conditions and requirements of the market, which is in constant dynamic development under the influence of a wide range of economic, political, scientific and technical and social factors.
Manufacturing and exporting enterprises see marketing as a means to achieve goals fixed for a given period for each specific market and its segments, with the highest economic efficiency. However, this becomes real when the manufacturer has the opportunity to systematically adjust its scientific, technical, production and sales plans in accordance with changes in the market situation, to maneuver with its own material and intellectual resources in order to provide the necessary flexibility in solving strategic and tactical tasks, based on the results of marketing research.
Under these conditions, marketing becomes the foundation for long-term and operational planning of the production and commercial activities of the enterprise, drawing up export production programs, organizing scientific and technical, technological, investment and production and sales work of the enterprise team, and marketing management is an essential element of the enterprise management system.
The trade mark "Makhaon" was developed and registered in Moscow in 1993, the motto of the company "Makhaon - a holiday in your home!" Was created, and red became the corporate color.
Currently, Makhaon is the largest producer of cakes and pastries, producing more than 120 tons of products per month and supplying it to more than 10 regions of Russia: the Republic of Mari El, Tatarstan, Chuvashia, Bashkortostan, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm, Orenburg , Yekaterinburg, Ulyanovsk, etc.
The original design, colorful packaging, variety and high quality products meet the highest Russian and European standards.
The firm "Makhaon" controls 15% of the Volga region market for cakes and pies, using the latest developments in additives for food and confectionery products from leading manufacturers from Germany, Belgium, France and other countries of the world.
The pace of technological change in the food industry is quite dynamic. LLC "Makhaon" in its structure has a technological service, the responsibilities of which include the development and control of technological processes, the development of new formulations and product design. The enterprise uses design technology in its production.
It is important to note the fact that the sales proceeds tended to increase, this is due to an increase in the volume of production. Labor productivity has also increased, its growth rate amounted to 193%. The growth of capital productivity, as well as a decrease in capital intensity, indicates an increase in the efficiency of using fixed assets. The average annual number of employees increased in 2008 by 139 people due to an increase in production volumes.
Makhaon LLC applies the concepts of enlightened, socially responsible and socially ethical marketing at the enterprise, which is one of its distinctive features.
There were positive changes in the profit structure of the reporting period. In 2008, the share of profit from sales decreased in comparison with the previous year, although in total terms there was a noticeable increase. The share of losses from other operations decreased. If in 2006 it was 91.5% of the balance sheet profit, then it decreases to 26.3%. The share of losses from non-sale transactions is also increasing. In the reporting year, they amount to 53.7%, which is several times more than in 2006.
Thus, an increase in the balance sheet profit and profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise in the reporting year is a positive factor in the activities of the enterprise. In general, we can say that the company's activities in the reporting year are improving, an increase in the company's profits is a positive factor in its economic activities.
To improve the efficiency of the company's marketing activities, it is proposed, according to the business plan, to create a mini-bakery. A mini-bakery, especially in times of crisis, is the best option for improving the sales policy of an enterprise, since it does not require high material and physical costs. Secondly, bread and bakery products are essential commodities, which will be in demand even in a very difficult economic situation. At a time when large bakeries can hardly cope with the needs of the population, mini-bakeries are gaining more and more market share in this area, the fact is that large bakeries are difficult to reconstruct and can hardly react to changes in demand for bakery products. ...
Another feature of mini-bakeries is that since all stores are close to the bakery, bread usually arrives at them almost immediately after baking, which contributes to its good realization.
In addition, due to small production volumes, the mini-bakery does not have very many stores to which it supplies products. This allows you to constantly study the demand for your products by conducting a survey of store employees.


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45. www.marketing.spb.ru
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48. www.metaphor.ru/er/approach/development
49. www.rhr.ru/index/jobmarket


Annex 1
Organizational structure of LLC "Makhaon"

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Marketing activities at the enterprise are a topical topic today. The process of marketing activities implies a system of various activities that must be analyzed and the best option selected.

In the course work, a number of schemes of organized structures used in marketing activities are used, after analyzing which you can choose the best option.

As practice shows, in the context of the transformation of the domestic economy into market marketing is often the most "bottleneck". With an ineffective marketing system, flexibility and resource capabilities of the production, financial and other subsystems of firms remain unclaimed.

Many businesses are currently slow to implement true marketing and research activities. However, along with this, there is often no correct understanding of the very concept of "marketing activity", "marketing system", "marketing management", "marketing management", as an integral subsystem of company management. Objective reasons for this are associated with the fact that marketing touches and intersects with the most diverse aspects of the enterprise, but at the same time does not duplicate them. Marketing, in the broadest sense of this concept, is understood as a system for the implementation of the following principles: customer orientation, economic efficiency as the basis of the firm's activities; coordination of efforts of all services and departments to achieve the set goals. This is where marketing takes over some of the management functions.

The problems of marketing activities are very relevant, since most state enterprises do not have an optimal marketing organization system or do not have one at all.

So I chose the theme term paper"Analysis of the marketing activities of the enterprise".

The aim of the work is to study and master the methodological foundations of marketing management, identify weaknesses, analyze and develop them, as well as analyze the financial condition of the enterprise.

The object of the research is the JSC "Khakassky fish processing plant" - an enterprise that is engaged in fish reproduction.

The work consists of two parts. The first part reveals the theoretical foundations of the analysis of marketing activities. Here is the essence and significance of the analysis of marketing activities, the analysis methodology is studied.

In the second part, the analysis of the financial and economic activities of the research object is carried out on the basis of absolute and relative indicators.

The theoretical main research was the scientific works of domestic economists and articles of periodicals.

Analysis of marketing activities

Organization of marketing at the enterprise

The term "marketing" - literally the process of promotion to the market - does not fully reflect the internal duality of the process and emphasizes the more "active" side of marketing in comparison with the "analytical" one. To characterize this duality, the terms "strategic" and "operational" marketing are used. Strategic marketing is a process of analysis, which includes analysis of needs, market segmentation, analysis of competitiveness, and finally, the choice of a strategy for the development of an enterprise. Operational marketing is the process of selecting a target segment, followed by drawing up a marketing plan and applying a complex of marketing communications in selected market segments, based on their marketing budget.

Marketing is a system of organizing and managing the production and sales activities of enterprises, market research in order to form and meet demand for products and services and make a profit.

As a management function, marketing is no less important than any activity related to finance, production, scientific research, logistics, etc.

As a management concept (business philosophy), marketing requires a company to view consumption as a “democratic” process in which consumers have the right to “vote” for the product they want with their money. This determines the success of the company and allows it to optimally meet the needs of the consumer.

Since marketing is a way to convince the masses to make a purchase, most people mistakenly identify this concept with sales and promotion. The difference is this: Sales is mainly about face-to-face contact - the seller deals with potential buyers. Marketing uses the media and other means to grab attention and convince many people - people who may not have any direct contact with anyone in the marketer's company at all. One of the leading management theorists, Peter Drucker, puts it this way: The goal of marketing is to make sales efforts unnecessary. Its goal is to get to know and understand the client so well that the product or service will exactly fit the latter and sell itself.

Marketing is a complex, multifaceted and dynamic phenomenon. This explains the impossibility in one universal definition to give a complete description of marketing, adequate to its essence, principles and functions.

The basic principles follow from the essence of marketing. However, in domestic and foreign literature under the "principles of marketing" are understood quite different things. Having considered the positions of various authors, comparing them, we highlight the following fundamental principles:

1. Careful consideration of the needs, state and dynamics of demand and market conditions when making economic decisions;

2. Creation of conditions for maximum adaptation of production to market requirements, to the structure of demand (and based not on immediate benefits, but from a long-term perspective);

3. Impact on the market, on the buyer using all available means, primarily advertising;

The main tasks of the marketing information department in accordance with the main strategic goals of the company and its current tasks, reflected in the business plans and documents on the establishment of this enterprise, the marketing information department in its daily activities is obliged to implement the following main tasks:

Providing the management of the company with the necessary marketing information in the interests of developing strategies and tactics of development and market behavior of the company. The department is obliged, if necessary, to clarify and supplement the specified information, as well as to carry out all the necessary work to analyze and assess various types of current and future market situations.

Conducting the entire complex of market research related to the market, product and consumers both according to the approved marketing research plan, and according to special instructions from the management and according to the assignments of other divisions of the company.

To determine the goals and functions of the marketing department, it is necessary to conduct a complete analysis of the company's activities and identify bottlenecks and imbalances in its functioning. Based on the data obtained, construct a hypothesis for resolving these problems by the forces of the newly created marketing department, i.e. develop a marketing plan. Based on the marketing development strategy and the goals of the marketing department, we can build a hypothesis about the rational structure of the marketing department. In this case, it will look like this: the director of the marketing department reports directly to the CEO and / or the Board of Directors. He coordinates and is responsible for the work of the department as a whole. The optimal size of the department is 7 employees.

Constant participation in the development of strategies and tactics of the company's market behavior through: the formation of commodity, price, sales, advertising and service marketing strategies; consulting assistance to the firm's management and other departments involved in the development of strategies and tactics of the firm's market behavior. Organization of advertising activities, as well as the development of a set of measures for the formation and maintenance of public relations, ensuring both the necessary profitability and profitability of the company, and maintaining its good name in the eyes of the public. Continuous analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of marketing in the company and the corresponding development of the service. Assisting and providing marketing advice to all departments of the firm. Methodological guidance (and partial implementation on its own) and training of all personnel of the company in the basics of marketing. Assessment of the psychological suitability of the employees employed by the firm of the applied position. Analysis of the general

psychological state of groups, collectives and individual employees of the firm.

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