Home Helpful Hints Time sheet form. Features of filling the time sheet. Basic codes for filling out the time sheet

Time sheet form. Features of filling the time sheet. Basic codes for filling out the time sheet

The time sheet and payroll calculation in the unified form T-12 is required to record and record the time worked by personnel and calculate their salaries. You need to draw up a time sheet according to the instructions approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1. You are not required to use the unified form T-12, you have the right to develop a time recording form yourself, but ready to use is easier.

A sample of filling out a unified form T-12

The unified form T-12 contains two sections:

  • Accounting for working hours;
  • Calculation of payroll for staff.

The time sheet lists all worked and unworked working hours by the employee in hours / minutes. You can complete the timesheet using one of the following methods:

  1. Filling in the report card of appearances and absences from work. At the same time, in column 4 on the day when the employee, for example, worked overtime (on a day off), it is necessary to indicate the normal duration of work time and overtime work in one cell through a slash or in brackets. To do this, in the upper cell you write - "I / S", and in the bottom - "8/3", where "8" is the normal length of the working day, which is set for the employee and worked out by him, and "3" is what worked overtime.

    In addition, you can enter additional lines in column 4 opposite the employee's last name and initials in order to display overtime hours there. Please note that in order to add to the lines, you do not need to issue an order to change the details of the forms.

  2. Fixing in the time sheet only deviations from the normal duration, that is, absenteeism, hours worked overtime, etc. In this case, on the day when the employee had overtime, in the upper lines of column 4, you need to mark letter code"FROM". Under this code, in the lower lines, the duration of overtime work should be indicated.

In columns 5 and 7, it is required to reflect the number of hours worked for half a month (first and second). At the end of the month in the report card you need to fill out:

  • column 8, indicating in it the total number of days that the employee worked per month; column 9, where to note the total number of hours worked by the employee per month, taking into account overtime hours;
  • columns 10, 11 and 12. They separately show the hours of overtime worked per month;
  • column 14, - it is for the total number of all absences of the employee for the month (hours (days));
  • in columns 15 and 16, put down the code of the reason for the absence and the amount of days / hours of absence of the employee;
  • column 17, where all weekends and holidays per month.

If the company records hours worked and payroll are kept separately, then section 2 of the time sheet can be omitted. In this case, section 1 of the time sheet will be used as a separate independent document (see sample filling).

The time sheet in the form of T-12 is issued in a month in one copy for all employees in the company. A responsible person is responsible for compiling it - for example, an employee of the personnel department. The final document is signed by the head of the department or company and the employee of the personnel department, after which the completed time sheet is sent to the accounting department.

A sample of filling out the unified form T-12.

Labor law obliges employers to keep records of the hours worked by employees. Organizations regardless of legal status and individual entrepreneurs should take into account hours worked. Especially for this, the State Statistics Committee developed and approved the forms of the Timesheet N T-12 and N T-13.

Here are instructions for filling out, which will help to correctly reflect the data and use the time sheet rationally.

Why do you need a time sheet

The time sheet, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of 01/05/2004 No. 1, helps the personnel service and accounting department of the enterprise:

  • take into account the time worked or not worked by an employee;
  • monitor compliance with the working time schedule (attendance, non-attendance, lateness);
  • have official information about the time worked by each employee for calculating salaries or compiling statistical reports.

He will help the accountant confirm the legitimacy of accruing or not accruing wages and compensations to each employee. Personnel officer - to track the turnout and, if necessary, justify the penalty imposed on the employee.

The time sheet refers to the forms of documents that are issued to the employee upon dismissal along with the work book at his request (Article 84.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

It is worth noting that unified forms timesheets N T-12 and N T-13 from January 1, 2013 are not mandatory for use. However, employers are required to keep records (part 4 of article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Organizations and individual entrepreneurs can use other ways to control the time spent by employees in the workplace. But in fact, the format of the form developed by the State Statistics Committee is quite convenient and continues to be used everywhere.

Who keeps the timesheet in the organization

According to the Guidelines for the application and filling out forms of primary accounting documents:

  • the time sheet for 2019 is compiled and maintained by an authorized person;
  • the document is signed by the head of the department and the employee of the personnel service;
  • after which it is transferred to the accounting department.

As we can see, the rules do not establish the position of the employee who maintains the timesheet. Management has the right to appoint anyone to perform this task. To do this, an order is issued indicating the position and name of the responsible person. If the order to appoint such an employee is not issued, then the obligation to keep records must be spelled out in the employment contract. Otherwise, it is unlawful to require an employee to keep records. In large organizations, each department has a designated employee. He fills out the form within a month, gives it to the head of the department for signature, who, in turn, after checking the data, passes the form to the personnel officer. An employee of the personnel department checks the information, fills out the documents necessary for his work on its basis, signs the time sheet and transfers it to the accountant.

In small firms, such a long chain is not observed - the time sheet is kept by a personnel worker, and then immediately transferred to the accounting department.

What is the difference between forms N T-12 and N T-13 of the Timesheet

The two approved forms differ in topics, one of them (T-13) is used in institutions and firms where a special turnstile is installed - an automatic system that controls the attendance of employees. And the T-12 form is considered universal and contains, in addition, an additional Section 2. It can reflect settlements with employees for wages. But if the firm keeps accounts with personnel as separate view accounting, section 2 simply remains blank.

Filling out the time sheet

There are two ways to complete the spreadsheet:

  • continuous filling - every day all appearances and absences are noted;
  • filling in by deviations - only lateness, absenteeism are noted.

For example, we give instructions for filling out the T-13 form using the continuous filling method.

Step 1 - the name of the organization and structural unit

At the top, enter the name of the company (full name of IP) and the name of the structural unit. This could be a sales department, a marketing department, a production department, etc.

Step 2 - OKPO code

OKPO - all-Russian classifier enterprises and organizations. Contained in the databases of Rosstat, consists of:

  • 8 digits for legal entities;
  • 10 digits for IP.

Step 3 - document number and date of compilation

  • The number of the document is assigned in order.
  • The compilation date is usually the last day of the reporting month.

Step 4 - reporting period

The time sheet is handed over for the month - the period from the first to last number August in our case.

Step 5 - Employee Information

A separate line is filled in for each employee of the department.

  • Ordinal number in the table.
  • Surname and position of the employee.

  • A personnel number is assigned to each employee and is used in all internal accounting documents. It is retained by the employee for the entire time of work in the organization and is not transferred to another person for several more years after the dismissal.

Step 6 - Attendance and Hours Details

Abbreviated symbols are used to fill in information about attendances and absences of employees. You will find a list of them at the end of the article in a separate paragraph. In our example, for the worker Petrov A.A. 4 abbreviations used:

  • I - turnout (in the case of turnout, the number of hours worked is recorded in the bottom cell);
  • On a weekend;
  • K - business trip;
  • OT - vacation.

Step 7 - the total number of days and hours for the month

  • In the 5th column indicate the number of days and hours worked for every half month.

  • In the 6th column - the total number of days and hours for the month.

Step 8 - Payroll Information

The payment type code defines a specific type of cash payment, encrypted in numbers. Full list See codes at the end of the article. The example uses:

  • 2000 - salary (wages);
  • 2012 - vacation.

  • Corresponding account - an account from which the costs for the specified type of remuneration are written off. In our case, the account for writing off wages, travel payments and vacation pay is the same.

  • Column 9 indicates the number of days or hours worked for each type of wage. In our case, the days of attendance and business trips are entered in the upper cell, and the days of being on vacation are in the lower cell.

If one type of remuneration (salary) is applicable to all employees during the month, then the type of payment code and account number are written on top, columns 7 and 8 are left blank, indicating only the days worked or hours worked in column 9. Like this:

Step 9 - details of the reasons and time of no-show

Columns 10-12 contain the code for the reason for the absence and the number of hours of absence. In our example, the employee was absent for 13 days:

  • 3 days - in connection with a business trip;
  • I was on vacation for 10 days.

Step 10 - signatures of responsible persons

The time sheet is signed at the end of the month:

  • the officer responsible for the maintenance;
  • department head;
  • personnel worker.

How to mark vacation in the time sheet

Before marking a vacation in the time sheet, it is important to know the following points:

  • what type of vacation to put down;
  • vacation period - from what date to what date the employee rests;
  • what method the time sheet is filled in - solid or only deviations are recorded.

Different types of leave are indicated in the report card by the following abbreviations:

another paid vacation

additional paid

administrative (without saving salary)

training with saving salary

on-the-job training (shortened day)

training without saving salary

for pregnancy and childbirth

caring for a child up to 3 years

without saving the RFP in cases provided for by law

additional without saving RFP

When using both methods of filling out the time sheet, the leave symbol is affixed for each day the employee is absent. It’s just that when using the continuous method, the remaining days are filled with turnouts (conditional code “I”), and when using the method of accounting for deviations, they remain empty.

Other designations and codes in the table

Let's bring letter designations used in the time sheet in the form of tables.

Workplace presence:

Absence from work:

temporary disability (sick leave) with payment of benefits

temporary incapacity for work without payment of benefits

reduced working hours in cases provided for by law

forced absenteeism during illegal suspension (dismissal)

failure to appear in connection with the performance of state (public) duties

absenteeism without good reasons

part-time work

weekends and public holidays

additional paid holiday

additional unpaid holiday


unexplained reason for absence

downtime due to the fault of the employer

downtime for reasons beyond anyone's control

downtime due to employee

suspension from work (paid)

suspension without pay

suspension of work with a delay in the RFP

We give only main digital codes of types of remuneration (Full list- in the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia of October 13, 2006 N SAE-3-04 /):

Completed timesheet template

When concluding labor contracts with employees, an economic entity must organize the recording of their work time. For these purposes, a time sheet can be used, which opens every month, and in it the responsible person reflects the time of work of employees, their holidays, sick leave and other types of absence from work. According to the data contained in this document, the salary is subsequently calculated.

The legislation requires the administration of the organization or the individual entrepreneur of the organization to keep records of the periods of work for each employee. Filling out the timesheet can be done by a responsible person, which is determined by the order of the management.

Most often, such persons can be heads of departments, personnel workers, accountant, etc. Their duty is to enter periods of work into the time sheet using codes and ciphers.

With development technical means a specialized system using cards can also be used to record work time, with the help of which the arrival and departure of an employee at the enterprise is recorded. Recording of working time can be carried out as a continuous reflection of work or summarized.

In the future, information from the time sheet is used in payroll, especially with a time-based system. Together with the employment contract, the time sheet is one of the justifications for the expenses of the enterprise, especially in taxation.

The time sheet not only fixes working time, but also allows you to monitor employee compliance with labor discipline. With the help of it, monitoring of compliance with the norms of the duration of work and the identification of overtime work is carried out. Many reports submitted to statistics and containing personnel records are filled out on the basis of a time sheet.

Important! If the company does not maintain a time sheet, then the regulatory authorities may apply appropriate penalties to it.

How is an employee's working time counted?

The law establishes two types of standards - a six-day work week(36 hours) and a five-day work week (40 hours). That is, workers can work five days with an eight-hour day of work, or six days with a six-hour day. Violation of them is allowed in rare cases - with a summarized accounting or an irregular schedule.

In the first case, the norms are applied in a larger period of time, for example, a quarter, half a year, etc. It turns out that in a shorter period of work, the fact may not comply with the current norms, but it should not exceed the norms in the selected larger time intervals.

Some workers may be eligible for reduced daily allowance or weekly. How exactly you need to take into account the time of work of employees must be fixed in. The time sheet must also reflect all the time when the employee did not work, but was registered at the enterprise.

These periods may include:

  • Hospital.
  • Downtime period, etc.

The report card opens at the beginning of the month, and at the end of it it is closed. Responsible person in the middle of the month sums up the subtotal, reflecting the data for the first part of the work time. The document is signed by the head of the department and submitted for verification to the personnel department. Then this it is transferred to the accounting department for payroll calculation.

Attention! The time sheet for 2017 can be, as in previous periods, of two types - form t-12 and form t-13. The first involves not only accounting for working hours, but also the possibility of calculating salaries. Form T-13 is used only to fix the time of work; other documents are used to calculate wages.

Is it legal to use electronic control systems?

The legislation provides for the obligation of the employer to record the time of the employee. For these purposes, he has the right to use various electronic systems. But in order to put them into practice, the administration of the company must reflect in the internal regulations and labor contracts concluded with employees this moment.

If this is not done, then these electronic systems cannot be used.

Using various means, the time of arrival and departure from the enterprise is fixed. In the future, such a system, based on the data received, fills in automatic mode report card.

Download the form and sample timesheet filling

Timesheet download the form in excel format, by and by .

In Word format.

In Excel format.

Attention! If the reason for the absence is unknown, then the letter code "НН" must be affixed to the report card. In the future, this code is refined. If the employee was sick during this period, then the code is corrected to "B". In the event that there are no supporting documents, then instead of the code "НН" the code "PR" is entered.

Holidays fell on vacation time

According to the Labor Code, if holidays fall on the vacation period, then in the calculation calendar days they don't turn on.

When an employee is granted annual leave, then during his period, days off are not marked in the timesheet, because they are included in the number of calendar days - they are replaced by the letter code "FROM" or the numeric designation 09 for annual leave, as well as the OD code or designation 10 - for additional leave.

Attention! Non-working holidays are not included in the number of calendar days. Therefore, in the timesheet, such days must be indicated by the letter code "B" or the number 26.

Employee falls ill while on vacation

If an employee falls ill while on vacation, then to confirm this fact, he must provide a properly issued sick leave. As a result, rest days must be extended by the time spent on sick leave, or rescheduled for another time.

Initially, vacation time should be marked in the timesheet with the letter code "FROM", or the number 09. After being provided sick leave ok, then the time sheet should be adjusted - for the days of illness, instead of the previous designation, the code “B” or the digital designation 19 is written.

Business trip fell on the weekend

According to the letter from the Ministry of Labor, all days of a business trip must be noted in the report card, even if they fall on weekends. To do this, you need to use the designations in the report card - a special letter code "K" or the digital designation 06. In this case, the number of hours does not need to be put down.

If at the time of being on a business trip the employee worked on weekends, then in the timesheet they are marked with the code "РВ" - work on weekends, or with the number 03. The number of hours of work must be put down only in one case - when the company's management gave the employee a specific instruction how many hours of the day off he needs to devote to work.

Attention! In more detail about how it is paid, it is noted, as well as other features are described in this article.

In accordance with Part 3 of Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to keep records of the time actually worked by each employee.

To do this, employers can use one of the approved unified forms:

  1. form No. T-12 - can be used if the organization jointly keeps track of working time and pays staff. At the same time, it is allowed to use the form without filling out the second section related to the calculation of wages.
  2. form No. T-13 - used in conditions of automated data processing. Forms of this form with partially completed details can be created using the tools computer science. These props include: structural subdivision, surname, name, patronymic, profession (position), personnel number.
Symbols of worked and unworked time, presented on title page The timesheet in form No. T-12 is also used when filling out form No. T-13.

Timesheet is maintained authorized person in one copy, signed by the head of the structural unit, an employee of the personnel service and transferred to the accounting department.

Completing the time sheet

Filling out the time sheet can be carried out by the method of continuous registration of attendances and absences from work, or by registering only deviations (absences, lateness, etc.).

Consider these two methods using the example of filling out form No. T-13.

Option number 1
In form No. T-13, the top line is used to mark symbols(codes) of working time costs, and the lower one - to record the length of time worked (in hours, minutes) according to the corresponding codes of working time costs for each date.

In the presented example, the costs of working time are taken into account in the Timesheet by the method of continuous registration of attendances and absences from work. When reflecting absences from work, which are recorded in days (annual basic paid leave (OT), days of temporary disability (B), leave without saving wages(DO), absenteeism for the duration of the performance of public duties (G), additional annual leave without pay (DB)) in the time sheet in the top line in the columns, only codes of symbols are entered, and in the bottom line the columns remain empty.

Option number 2
Sample time sheet (excerpt)
In the presented example, the costs of working time are taken into account in the Timesheet by registering only deviations (work on weekends (PW), lateness).

When reflecting absences from work, which are recorded in days (days of temporary disability (B), business trips (K)), in the Time Sheet in the top line in the columns only codes of symbols are entered, and in the bottom line the columns remain empty.

When filling out columns 5 and 6 of the Time Sheet, the number of days worked is entered in the upper lines, and the number of hours worked by each employee during the accounting period is entered in the lower lines.

from the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of 01/05/2004 N 1
Section 2

Time sheet
working hours and payroll
(Form N T-12)

Time sheet
(Form N T-13)

They are used to record the time actually worked and (or) not worked by each employee of the organization, to monitor compliance with the established working hours by employees, to obtain data on hours worked, to calculate wages, and also to draw up statistical reporting on labor. With separate accounting of working time and settlement with personnel for remuneration, it is allowed to use section 1 "Accounting for working hours" of the time sheet in form N T-12 as an independent document without filling in section 2 "Settlement with personnel for remuneration". Form N T-13 is used to record working time.

They are drawn up in one copy by an authorized person, signed by the head of the structural unit, an employee of the personnel service, transferred to the accounting department.

Notes in the Time Sheet on the reasons for absenteeism, part-time work or outside the normal working hours at the initiative of the employee or employer, reduced working hours, etc. are made on the basis of duly executed documents (sick leave certificate, state or public duties, a written warning about downtime, a statement of part-time employment, a written consent of the employee to overtime work in cases established by law, etc.).

To reflect the daily cost of working time per month for each employee in the time sheet, the following is allocated:
in the form N T-12 (columns 4, 6) - two lines;
in the form N T-13 (column 4) - four lines (two for each half of the month) and the corresponding number of columns (15 and 16).

In forms N T-12 and N T-13 (in columns 4, 6), the upper line is used to mark the symbols (codes) of working time costs, and the lower line is used to record the duration of worked or unworked time (in hours, minutes) according to the corresponding working time codes for each date. If necessary, it is allowed to increase the number of columns for affixing additional details on the working hours, for example, the start and end time of work in conditions other than normal.

When filling out columns 5 and 7 of the time sheet in the form N T-12, the number of days worked is entered in the upper lines, and the number of hours worked by each employee during the accounting period is indicated in the lower lines.
The costs of working time are taken into account in the Timesheet either by the method of continuous registration of attendances and absences from work, or by registering only deviations (absences, lateness, overtime hours, etc.). When reflecting absences from work, which are recorded in days (vacation, days of temporary disability, business trips, leave in connection with training, time for performing state or public duties, etc.), only codes are entered in the Timesheet in the top line in the columns symbols, and the columns in the bottom line remain empty.

When compiling a time sheet in form N T-12 in section 2, columns 18 - 22 are filled in for one type of payment and a corresponding account for all employees, and columns from 18 - 34 are filled in when calculating different types of payment and corresponding accounts for each employee.

Form N T-13 "Timesheet" is used for automated processing of credentials. When compiling a time sheet in form N T-13:
when recording credentials for payroll for only one type of payment and a corresponding account common to all employees included in the Timesheet, the details "type of payment code", "corresponding account" are filled in above the table with columns from 7 to 9 and column 9 without filling in columns 7 and 8;
when recording credentials for payroll for several (from two to four) types of payment and corresponding accounts, columns 7 - 9 are filled in. An additional block with identical column numbers is provided for filling in data on types of payment if their number exceeds four.

Timesheet forms in the form of N T-13 with partially completed details can be made using computer technology. These details include: structural unit, last name, first name, patronymic, position (specialty, profession), personnel number, etc. - that is, the data contained in the directories of conditionally permanent information of the organization. In this case, the form of the time sheet changes in accordance with accepted technology credential processing.

The symbols of worked and unworked hours, presented on the title page of form N T-12, are also used when filling out the time sheet in form N T-13.

  • APPENDIX 2 "Time sheet" (Excel with formulas) (XLS 68 Kb)
  • APPENDIX 1 "Time sheet" (Excel) (XLS 151 Kb)

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    Management may decide to temporarily suspend work in the organization. The reasons are different: equipment breakdown, interruptions in the supply of raw materials, an accident or natural disaster. But even in such a situation, the company is obliged to keep records and submit tax and financial statements.

  • Working during parental leave: clarifying the situation

    The Labor Code legislates the solution to a common problem in life. The child's mother or others entitled to parental leave may in some cases be able to work from home or work part-time. And they want to realize this opportunity. There are many reasons for this: you need additional material support from your family, you need to constantly improve your skills, and simply, you don’t want to be away from the team for a long time. Consider how this is implemented in labor legislation.

  • Employee vacation - questions and answers

    Question: The employee goes on annual paid leave, order personnel service prepared and transferred to the accounting department to pay for the upcoming vacation. But due to difficult financial position The accounting department will pay the vacation only after it ends. Can…

  • Irregular working hours. Subtleties of application

    Irregular working hours ... Most often, this wording is used to legitimize the regular processing of most employees. But it's not about the name. This special treatment organization of working time, which the Labor Code allows to apply, but only for individual workers and subject to a number of conditions.

  • What is an irregular working day

    Rostrud explained in detail what an irregular working day is and how it should be compensated in accordance with the current version of the Labor Code.

  • Vacation vacation strife. Granting leave by employers - individual entrepreneurs

    Relationship between employee and employer individual entrepreneur have their own characteristics.

  • "Reduction" of working time

    Today, a popular "anti-crisis" measure is the so-called reduction of working hours. The purpose of this measure in practice is the same - to reduce wages. At the same time, the term "reduction of working hours" is understood in an economic sense, and not in a legal one, which sometimes leads to legal consequences that are completely unexpected for employers...

  • Part-time work: fixing violations

    Under the current conditions, the transfer of employees to part-time work is practiced by companies quite often*. However, the very procedure for establishing part-time employment, from the point of view of the law, is not always carried out flawlessly. Let's look at the most problematic situations related to changing the operating mode, which our readers told about. Let's analyze the errors inherent in these situations and show you how to fix them.

    Many will probably agree that holidays are a very subjective matter. In addition to the holidays mentioned in the calendar - "March 8", " New Year" etc. there are days that people, for one reason or another, also consider a holiday.

  • Types of working hours

    Work time normal working hours and reduced working hours are established by the Labor Code and other laws, while part-time work is established by agreement between the employee and the employer.

  • Working hours (shifts)

    A working day is the statutory time of the day spent on work. The duration of work during the day, the moment of its beginning and end, breaks are established by the rules of the labor schedule, and for shift work- also shift schedules.

  • Working time - what is it?

    Working time is the time during which the employee, under the terms of the employment contract, must fulfill his labor duties, as well as some other periods of time that the legislation of the Russian Federation refers to working time.

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