Home natural farming Game programs for children for October. Scenario of the summer competitive program for junior schoolchildren. Questions from the field of music

Game programs for children for October. Scenario of the summer competitive program for junior schoolchildren. Questions from the field of music

Scenario of an ecological holiday for students in grades 1-4.

The event is prepared by volunteers or activists of grades 5-7.

Leading. Hello dear guys, we live in a great huge country - Russia! We all love her very much, we love our city, our region.

Leading. But, unfortunately, not all residents of our city protect the surrounding nature, the beauty of rivers and forests.

We want the birds to sing

To make noise around the forest

To have blue skies

To make the river silver

For the butterfly to frolic

And there was dew on the berries.

We want the sun to warm

And the birch is green

And lived under the tree

funny prickly hedgehog,

For the squirrel to jump

To make the rainbow sparkle

To lil cheerful

Warm rain.

Dance "CLOUDS"

(children dance with blanks of white clouds in their hands to the tune "Clouds are white-maned horses")

The music “Clouds” sounds, two students come out from two sides with blanks of black clouds the size of whatman paper and close the students with white clouds)

Leading. Dear Guys! Our planet and our city are in danger. Look, the clouds came running on our clouds, closed them. What happened?

Leading. Nature is in trouble!Since the appearance of man, he has tried to conquer, to subdue nature. What he just did not invent to improve his life.

Man has created terrible poisons that kill insects and birds.(student comes out with a poster)

Man has created a car that poisons the air with harmful gases.(student comes out with a poster)

Man cuts down trees, drains swamps, covers the earth with a huge layer of garbage.(student comes out with a poster)

Leading. Come to your senses! Our city and our planet are in trouble! Guys, are you ready to protect nature? Yeaaaaaa….

Leading. Guys, are you ready to turn scary black clouds into white clouds? Yeaaaaa…..

First cloud:

People lived on the planet

Moms, dads and their children

People throw papers (everyone throws papers)

The planet will become a mess.

People lived on the planet

Moms, dads and their children

People will throw a bottle (everyone throws bottles)

There will be a landfill on the planet.

People lived on the planet

Moms, dads and their children

Throw people on the package (throw packages)

You don't recognize the planet.


Oh, what a dump, guys, it turned out !!!

Dirt, papers and bags ...

We have polluted the planet!


Let's protect the nature guys

Let's not forget her for a minute.

Picking up trash with music.

Leading. Guys, in order to protect nature, you need to know the birds, animals, plants that are in our area. Here are the riddles:

(children come out with posters of birds, but keep the drawings to themselves, make riddles and show pictures)

The yellow bird freezes

Feed her, poor thing.

Give me seeds and lard,

To make it easier in winter. (Titmouse)

Yesterday I walked in a blizzard

I saw a branch in the snow

And on the branch is a red ball.

Who is he, a living flashlight? (Bullfinch)

Here is a feathered city,

Clings to people everywhere.

We are hungry in winter

We will share with him

Asks a gray mischievous:

"Give me some bread!

I'm tired, chirp-chirp

And I froze a little!" (Sparrow)

Fidget motley,
long-tailed bird,
talking bird,
The most chatty.(Magpie)

Wears a gray vest
But the wings are black.
You see, twenty couples are circling
And they shout: Karr! Carr! Carr! (Crow)

Leading. Well done, you guessed all the riddles, let's call the birds to visit us!

Leading. Here a crow flew to us, listen to what she asks you.

A crow comes out, reads a verse.

Feed the birds in winter.

Let from all over

They will flock to you, like home,

Stakes on the porch.

Their food is not rich.

Need a handful of grain

One handful -

And they will not be afraid of winter.

How many of them die - do not count,

It's hard to see.

But in our heart there is

And the birds are warm.

Is it possible to forget:

Could fly away

And stayed for the winter

Along with people.

Train the birds in the cold

To your window

So that without songs it was not necessary

We welcome spring.

I suggest you play. I will name the birds, but if I make a mistake and you hear the name of a bird, then clap your hands, and if anything else, then stomp your feet.

GAME "Birds Have Arrived"

Birds have arrived: pigeons……… tits, flies………. and crows....

Birds arrived: pigeons…., tits….., storks…., crows……, jackdaws….., pasta.

Birds flew in: doves……, tits……., storks……, cuckoos……, white pillows……

Birds arrived: magpies….., sparrows….., ants……., jackdaws….., sticks….., swans…., starlings….

All of you are great!

Leading. Well done boys! Look, one black cloud has disappeared .... We drove it away.

Leading. There is one more left. Black, scary.

Second cloud:

Guys, do you know how to behave in the forest? ..... Yesaaaaa ....

I'll check now….


If I say it right - shout "yes-yes-yes"

If it's not true - shout "no-no-no"

Do not break the branches, do not tear the leaves in vain "yes-yes-yes"

Pluck flowers, weave “no-no-no” into wreaths

Make noise, shout, call out, lull the forest with a loud song "no-no-no"

Frogs, caterpillars, snakes, from the forest must be driven out of the forest. "no no no"

To learn the secrets of the forest, try not to make noise "yes-yes-yes"

All animals and plants are needed by the forest "yes-yes-yes"

Take an ax with you to the forest, you can light a fire there "no-no-no"

Do not throw garbage in the forest, clean up after yourself "yes-yes-yes"

What good fellows you are! You know all the rules! The forest will tell you thank you very much!!!

The music is "Forest Stream"

Leading. Oh, and who is it murmuring there!

Brook comes out.

Leading. Guys, a forest stream came running to visit us! And he's not very funny! Brook, why are you so sad?


I was fun and playful!

He ran through the forest, through the fields!

But suddenly the water turned black ...

And garbage, dirt here and there!

It became difficult for me ... I suffocate ....

From dirt, debris and sewage.

I'm talking to you guys...

Are you ready to help me? Yeaaaa….

Let's play with you! If you agree with what I will say, then shout "it's me, it's me, these are all my friends." And if not, then shut up. Clear? Ready?

GAME "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!"

    Who is protecting nature? Garbage everywhere does not throw?

    Which of you eats a candy and throws a candy wrapper right on the ground?


    Who hates birds? Does he shoot them with a slingshot?


    Who helps the birds in winter? Does he collect food in the feeder?

It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!

    Who doesn't hate animals! Do you love and respect them?

It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!

    Who breaks trees and bushes? Flowers beautiful breaks and throws?


    Who breaks glass on the road, that you can hurt your legs?


    And now I ask you to answer, who loves nature, children?

It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!

    And when you grow up

Who can surround the city with cleanliness and care?

It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!

Thank you, children, you are real connoisseurs and friends of nature. Forests and meadows, mountains and plains, streams and lakes will reveal their secrets to you - because you know how to appreciate the beauty of our land and protect it.

Leading. Look, guys, and the second cloud ran away ... .. That's how great you are! All clouds dispersed.

Leading. Let's now ask for forgiveness from nature and try never to upset her ... so that the clouds do not come running again!

Leading. Guys, repeat after us.

Forgive us little bug


Both the ant and the bee


Excuse me, slender poplar,


And cut down trees


Forgive us, trapped animal


You are so cramped in a cage


Forgive me for not saving


And you have become so rare.



Let's hope that nature will forgive us and as a sign of reconciliation with nature we will sing a song.

Leading. Song about friendship. Because one must be friends with nature and cherish this friendship.

SONG "If a friend does not laugh"

There are many miracles in the world, Man is the most wonderful of them all. But he loved only himself And ruined nature. He could not understand that nature is our mother! Forests are cut down, rivers are polluted, And we no longer like the water in our river. There are no animals in the forests now, After all, man is the most important of all! He could not resist, It was his vice. Why can't he live calmly and wisely? Protect, love, appreciate, Treasure all nature! And now we see Forests without birds, and lands without water ... Less and less surrounding nature, More environment.

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"Scenario of the grand opening of the "Year of Ecology""

There are many miracles in the world
The man is the most wonderful of them all.
But he only loved himself
And destroyed nature.
He couldn't understand
That nature is our mother!
Forests are cut down, rivers are polluted,
And we no longer like the water in our river
Now there are no animals in the forests,
Man is the most important of all!
He couldn't resist
This was his vice.
Why can't he
Live calmly and wisely?
protect, love, appreciate,
Appreciate all nature!
And now we see
Forests without birds, and lands without water...
Less and less nature
More and more environment.

Song « Tell birds »

Presenter 1. An amazing world - forests, fields, rivers, seas, sky, sun, animals, birds ... This is nature! Our life is inseparable from it. Nature is generous and selfless. She gives us everything for life and requires us to be careful, respectful attitude to yourself.

Presenter 2. Nature is the fundamental principle of all beauty. It can soften even the hardest of hearts. The great nature that surrounds us is capable of generating great thoughts and deeds.

Leading. Hello, dear participants of the opening ceremony of the Year of Ecology.

Leading. Good afternoon, all who are full of desires and deeds for the good native land.

Presenter 2. The second time in the XXI century by the President Russian Federation V.V. Putin decided to dedicate a year to solving the problems of environmental protection and nature protection. This is clear evidence that ecology in Russia has become a priority public policy. It is necessary to develop environmental responsibility by joint efforts: the state, business, science, culture, and society.

Presenter 1. The solemn opening ceremony of the Year of Ecology at the school is considered open.

Ved.1: We all owe our lives to the planet - the beautiful and only Mother Earth - green from forests, blue from oceans, yellow from sands. Our planet is the greatest mystery and wonder. It keeps in itself the most mysterious mysteries from the origin of life to the future destinies of mankind.

Presenter 1. Society begins with us, its future active citizens. And our school brotherhood is headed by the wise leader Gomkortieva Lidia Bashirovna.

Presenter 2. The floor is given to the director of the school Gomkortieva L.B.

Presenter 1. We are proud that nature has provided us with enormous wealth, the unique beauty of forests, rivers, endless meadows.

Presenter 2. The efforts of each of us to preserve all this splendor will be in vain without support state power and local leadership.

Presenter1: Dear friends, you are welcomed by the head of the municipal district ...

Song « take care earth »

Presenter 2. The logo of 2017 is an emblem that simultaneously represents the wealth, uniqueness of natural objects and efforts to protect the environment in Russia, since 2017 has been declared the Year of Ecology and at the same time the Year of Specially Protected natural areas. Our republic has preserved unique ecosystems, wonderful plants and animals, and now we all have to increase its beauty. And for this you need to know well natural resources native land.

"Snowy peaks,
masses of rocks.
from the creation of the world
in chaos rising to the sky,
dense forests,
boiling streams of noisy rivers,
meadows engulfed in a rainbow of blooms
and the aroma of herbs ... "
Presenter 1. Mountain Ingushetia - GIalgIayche - an amazing place: there are alpine meadows, pine groves, and broad-leaved forests, as well as the eternally snow-covered Main Caucasian Range, intermountain areas and purest waterfalls. Plus, the air here is exceptionally clean, which allows you to feel a complete merger with nature.

Presenter 2. In the Republic of Ingushetia, the Dzheirakh-Assy State Historical, Architectural and Natural Museum-Reserve has been operating since 1988. mountain zone Ingushetia is famous for its most beautiful natural monuments, such as the Targim valley, the gorges of the Armkhi and Assa rivers. There are many historical and cultural monuments here, the most significant of which are the temples of Albi-Yerdy, Tkhaba-Yerdy, Vovnushki castles, architectural structures Khamkhi, Targim, Egikal and others.


I want to glorify in verse

my native Ingushetia,

Where I meet dawns and sunrises,

Nature's incomparable studies.

I see mountains, waterfalls,

I follow crystal jets cascades,

Here the sun shines in the sky -

I'm ready to sing everything in verse.

And these towers in the distance

And the fish swimming in the depths

Skies of boundless height

And towers, silent series.

I dedicate this verse

My beloved Ingushetia,

Land of my fathers and grandfathers

There is no native land, nothing is nicer !!!

Song « My edge »

Vedas.1: At the end of the last century, mankind realized that our planet is fragile and vulnerable. The most vulnerable on it is the forests: after all, it is they who provide the oxygen we need so much. Most people think that a forest is a lot of trees growing together. But then the park and the garden and the alley are also forests? No, a forest is a community of woody, herbaceous plants and various animals.

scene ____________________

Lead 1.

The green pioneers of our school appeal to everyone who is not indifferent to the fate of our planet, who wants it to be clean and green.

Despite the fact that your age is short,
You make it shorter man
Lose and don't think about it
That you and the children will have to live in it.
Please think about
What is the world like
in which we live.
"The world is big," you answer.
"What will happen if there is no beauty?"
"There won't be fewer people in the world."
Are you sure about your answer?
Deforestation is a common occurrence.
Think about the future of another generation.
Will they see "disappeared" lives?
Will they live peacefully in their native Fatherland?
What is coming towards man?
"Hell" or "paradise" until the end of the century?
The issue will be resolved only when
When will we take up ecology together, right?

We declare to any battles with nature, to everything that threatens the biosphere of the Earth, threatens people, every person our

"No!" .
We declare peace and tranquility, love and respect for nature, caution and wisdom, ecological culture our

"Yes!" .
Let's not be indifferent, let's ring all the bells.

All of us living on planet Earth!

Song _____________________

Presenter 1. Nature is a house in which flowers and bread grow day after day, children laugh all around, and this house and laughter is one, one for everyone, There is no other house in the world.

Presenter 2. Nature is a house under snow and rain. In any frost and heat, it is arranged for glory. Keep this house we live in. A peaceful home has a right to this.

Presenter 1. Going to a beautiful dream, do not tear flowers in vain, feed a whining stray dog. You plant a birch, but you clean your path - cleanly sweep and remove the garbage.

Lead 2.

May the cheerful chirping of birds always caress your ears,
Let the beauty of native places caress your eyes.
Follow the sun boldly. Although this path is not known.
Go my friend, always go the way of good.

Song __________________________

If you plant a tree

Next to your house, you

Breathe clean air

You will be forever young.

After all, nature has rewarded

All the trees on earth

Possess this power:

Give oxygen to the environment.

Do you know how useful

You bring nature

If you throw away all the waste

Not in the grass and not in the bushes!

Man is part of nature

Remember this, friend!

We will always be healthy

If everything is clean.

Presenter 1. O People! We must be wiser. Love, take care of the globe. Be tolerant, be gentler and kinder... and put an end to the war forever.

Presenter 2. Oh, the king of Nature, my dear Man, How short can your age be! For how many years the rumor has been circulating among the people, That stupidity only leads to bad things.

Presenter 1. Let's take care of our Earth! Everywhere, at every step, all together and each separately. We won't have another planet! The Earth with its biosphere is the greatest miracle, we have only one.

Presenter 2. Friends! Let's create cleanliness and comfort in our school and classrooms, on our streets and in our city. And then the Earth's tomorrow will be the way we create it today.

Vedas. 1 Take care of this Earth, this water. Loving even a small bylinochka,

Vedas 2 Take care of all the animals inside nature, kill only the animals inside yourself!

Final song




In the State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 3 of Karabulak"

Tangieva L.B.

  • creating conditions that encourage children to treat nature “far and near” with attention and care, to learn, but not to destroy it;
  • promoting the formation of highly moral qualities, love for all living things;
  • awakening of the sensory perception of nature, as close to us, but unique beauty that requires protection from the consequences of human activity
  • Hall decoration: poster: “Man, help me!” asks nature.

    On the stage is a model of the globe with the rising sun, flowers, butterflies, birds.

    Children's drawings on the theme: "Take care of nature."

    Equipment: multimedia projector, laptop, screen, slide presentations, video clips, Sounds of Nature soundtracks, music synthesizer; costumes of the "heroes" of the holiday.

    The song by E. Krylatov is performed on the next. Y. Entina “To what progress has come”.

    (The screen shows footage of a modern industry that dumps production waste into the environment)

    Teacher: Dear children! Our planet is in trouble! The culprit of this deadly misfortune is man, i.e. all of us, you and me.

    Since the appearance of man, he has tried to conquer, subdue nature. That only he did not invent to improve his life!

    He invented deadly poisons to kill insect pests, fertilizers to make crops rich and poisoned the earth, cars he created filled the streets and poisoned the air with exhaust gases, he cut down trees, drained swamps, covered the Earth with a layer of garbage.

    Look at the poster: “Help me, nature asks. She can't take it anymore.

    Our event is a wake-up call for each of us. Your hearts should respond, and what to do - the guys of the second grade will tell you.

    After introductory remarksthe song “Our land” sounds, music by D. Kabalevsky, lyrics by A. Alien.

    Lead 1: If we want to help our planet, our sick nature, we must know the truth about its diseases, no matter how terrible it may be. Today we are going on a unique journey through our native country, through our beloved land.

    Children sing a song “Musician – Tourist” music by Y. Chichkov, lyrics by K. Ibryaev. Through a multimedia projector, slides of the nature of the Altai Territory, the Zonal District are shown.

    Lead 2: We must remember that a person can do a lot: he is not only a destroyer, he is also a gardener and a doctor. He admires nature. Do you know plants and animals? Let's see. Prove it! Guess our riddles.

    (Guesses appear on a makeshift screen)

    Alenka grows in the grass
    In a red shirt.
    Whoever passes,
    Everyone bows down. (Strawberry)

    In the dense forest under the tree,
    strewn with leaves,
    Lies a ball with needles,
    Lump, but alive. (Hedgehog)

    Green, not a meadow,
    Bela, not snow,
    Curly, not a head. (Birch)

    The owner of the forest
    Waking up in the spring
    And in winter under a blizzard howl
    Sleeping in a snow hut. (Bear)

    In the meadow, near the trees,
    The house is built from needles.
    He is not visible behind the grass,
    And it has a million residents. (Anthill)

    From branch to branch
    Fast as a ball
    Jumping through the forest
    Red circus.
    Here on the fly
    He tore off the stump
    Jumped on the trunk
    And he ran away in a hollow. (Squirrel)

    mustachioed muzzle,
    striped coat,
    Washes often
    And I don't know about water. (Cat)

    Blind by day, sighted by night
    It catches mice, not the cat. (Owl)

    Mother, father I don't know
    But often I do.
    Children I will not know -
    I'll make someone else's! (Cuckoo)

    10 student:

    Curls dropped into the river
    And she was sad about something.
    What is she sad about?
    Doesn't tell anyone. (Willow)

    Lead 1: Poets and writers have always admired nature, but you will see that troubles await nature at every turn.

    2 host: The beauty of nature must be protected!

    By the river, by the cliff
    The willow is crying, the willow is groaning.
    Maybe she feels sorry for someone?
    Maybe she's hot in the sun?
    Maybe someone is naughty
    He took it, and offended the willow?
    Maybe the willow is thirsty?
    Can we go ask?

    2 student: But people do not pay attention to beauty. In hot countries, wonderful forests disappear - the "lungs of the planet" - the jungle. This is one of the wonders of nature. More than half of the animals, plants and fungi that are on Earth live here.

    People destroy forests for timber, to pave the way, to plow the field.

    Every day, 5 million trees die under sawing.

    Our forests are dying too! Guys! Each of us should plant a tree so that new sprouts help all of humanity breathe easier.

    (During the speech, a presentation is shown on the screen about the forest clearings around the village, the nearest forest belts, forest areas)

    little apple tree
    In my garden
    White - white
    Everything is in bloom.
    I put on a dress
    With white border.
    little apple tree,
    Befriend me.

    4 student: But not everyone wants to be friends with nature. Every family throws something away every day. For a year, one inhabitant of the Planet throws out one thousand kilograms of garbage. Thus, it pollutes the air and groundwater.

    Guys! There are special places for garbage!

      (On the screen unauthorized dumps of the village, streets)

    5 student (in a mongrel dog costume):

      Oh, it's bad for the homeless,
      Bad hungry
      So defenseless
      So outrageous!
      Nobody loves us
      Nobody caresses
      Nobody on the threshold
      He doesn't let us in.

      Oh how we suffer
      From the pain of loneliness!
      And to us
      I want human joy!
      Why are we afraid?
      Why despise?
      Why are children with us?
      So rarely played?

      Ah, life is hard
      Without a friend - the owner!
      Therefore we all
      And howl desperately!
      But who will love us

      Nothing about this
      Will not regret!

      (Poem by B. Zakhoder).

    6 student: Not only stray dogs live badly.

      A few years ago, they decided to destroy the wolves so that they would not touch livestock. The wolves were destroyed, and the number of sick wild animals increased 15 times.

      Wolves also cannot be destroyed, because they are the orderlies of the forest!

    Aspen chills.
    Trembling in the wind
    Moaning in the sun
    Freezes in the heat.
    Give Aspen
    Coat and boots.
    Gotta get warm
    Poor donkey.

    8 student: Once in China they decided to destroy sparrows because they pecked grain in the fields. Sparrows were killed, aphids, insects appeared and destroyed the fields. Everything in nature is needed!

    Whale spends his whole life in water,
    Although he is not a fish.
    He eats in the sea and sleeps in the sea,
    For which he is thankful.
    It would be crowded on dry land
    From such a huge carcass!

    10 student: The man reached the sea. Here, right up to the horizon, the sea is covered with black pieces of fuel oil the size of a pea and even a potato. The inhabitants of the ocean are dying. And even birds, falling into deadly mud, die. Remember! Poisoned water is death for the inhabitants.

    11 student:

    Get your bag out!
    I'm not a bug!
    I don't want to go into the box
    Exactly ladybug
    Don't put on a pin
    Like a stupid goat.
    Then I'll die of boredom!
    Remove your hands.
    Get your bag out!
    Well, what kind of bug am I?

    12 student: On one island, they decided to destroy mosquitoes. Used pesticides.

    Mosquitoes died, there was nothing to eat for other animals

    1 presenter: Oh, how interesting is the life of animals! How many interesting things you can learn about them! Let's see!

    (Squirrel and Bear come out. Staged. N. Sladkov. “Squirrel and Bear”).

    (Forest landscape on the screen)

    Hey Bear! What are you doing at night?

    Am I? Let's eat!

    And I eat during the day.

    And in the morning?

    I also eat.

    Well, what about in the evening?

    And I eat in the evening.

    When do you not eat?

    Yes, when I'm full.

    And when are you full?

    And never...

    (Magpie and Hare come out. Staged. N. Sladkov. “Magpie and Hare”).

    (Forest landscape on the screen)

    Here you are, Hare, and fox teeth!

    Uh, Magpie, it's still bad.

    Here you are, gray, and wolf legs!

    Uh, Magpie, happiness is not great.

    Here you are, oblique, and lynx claws!

    Uh, Magpie, what are fangs and claws to me!

    My soul is still hare.

    (Dandelion and Rain come out. Staged by N. Sladkov.)

    (On the screen, a meadow of forbs)

    Hooray! Guard! Hooray! Guard!

    What's wrong with you, Dandelion? Didn't you get sick? Look, it's all yellow! Why are you shouting “hurray”, then “guard”?

    Scream here! My roots are happy for you. Happy rain, everyone shouts “hurray”, and the flower

    “Guard” screams – afraid that you will spoil the pollen.

    So I was confused: hurrah, guard, hurray, guard!

    (The Fox and the Hedgehog come out. Staged by N. Sladkov)

    (On the screen the edge of the forest)

    You are the Hedgehog to everyone, good and handsome, but thorns do not suit you.

    And what, Lisa, am I ugly with thorns, or what?

    It's not that it's ugly....

    Maybe I'm clumsy with thorns?

    Yes, not that - to clumsy!

    Well, what am I with thorns?

    Yes, some you are with them, brother, inedible!

    Lead 2: We are traveling, and what a journey without rules, a halt without songs and undertakings!

    1 presenter: Each of us dreams of trusting and devoted friend- a dog. But do we always repay our friend for loyalty with love?

    (The performance of the songs is accompanied by a slide presentation about schoolchildren's pet dogs)

    The song "Do not tease dogs", music by V. Shainsky, lyrics. A. Lamm

    The song “The dog is gone”, music by V. Shainsky, lyrics. A. Lamm

    Song “Everyone knows it” music by S. Krylatov, lyrics by Y. Entin

    Scene “The Sad Adventures of Carlson”

    (The story saver “The Kid’s Room with a view of the courtyard” is on the screen. The Kid enters)

    Kid: Guys, today Carlson promised to fly to us for the holiday, but he is not and is not. Maybe something happened! Maybe the motor blew up. Or did he overeat sweets and his tummy hurt?

    (Knock on the door. Carlos enters with a handkerchief. He coughs, sneezes)

    Baby: Carlson! Finally! Are you sick? And I thought Carlsons never get sick, they are always so ruddy, moderately well-fed. We'll give you medicine now. True, it is bitter, but it heals very well.

    (He carries a large vial-bottle, “Medicine” is written in large letters on it).

    Carlson: "Medicine". Is it still bitter? Have you forgotten that I get well only from jam! Well, at the very least. From delicious cake. And from bitter medicine I can die.

    Kid: Well, okay, don't be upset, you'll have jam. In the meantime, please tell me what happened to you?

    Carlson: I'll tell you now. Guys, how do you know where I live? That's right, on the roof. I always have clean air there. And the dirty air makes me sneeze.

    Kid: But where did you breathe the dirty air? Guys, where is the air polluted in our village?

    Children answer: Right!

    Carlson: Wow! Finally, I caught my breath, I felt better. While I was flying to you, I even composed poems. Here listen!

    Who suffocated from the dust
    Choke on acrid smoke,
    We will cough and wheeze
    And he can't sing at all.
    No jam will help
    No candy, no cookies.

    Oh, and I got into history! My motor is broken. I flew to the service station. Do you know what it is? Yes, this is a service station; I thought they would fix it for me.

    I look, and there is a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bcars! That's where I started to choke! From what do you think?

    Children answer: Right!

    Somehow I caught my breath, I'm flying to you, and here is a garbage dump, and such a suffocating smell comes from it! I thought I wouldn't make it!

    Where have you seen such dumps? The children answer.

    Kid: What should we do, Carlson? What are we to breathe?

    Carlson: I've already thought of it! It is necessary to make a huge vacuum cleaner and suck out dust and soot from the pipes.

    Kid: I'll upset you, Carlson. Such vacuum cleaners have already been invented. But not everyone uses them.

    Carlson: How can I be now?

    Kid: We came up with and prepared a gift for you. Look! This is a gas mask!

    Carlson: What funny word! And why is it called that?

    The children answer.

    Student 1: Don't pick the flowers! Let beautiful plants remain in nature!

    What other rules do you need to know and remember?

    (Carlson puts on a gas mask)

    Well, now I walk like this all the time?

    Kid: Carlson! Here's how we can help you! To plant trees.

    They will clean the air like a vacuum cleaner. And you will never sneeze and cough! Shall we plant guys?

    Carlson: Thank you guys! You are true friends. And now it's time for me! Goodbye!

    1 host: The halt is over. We rested, and now we get to work. What should we do after the break?

    (On the screen in the form of prohibition traffic signs rules)

    Student 1: Don't pick the flowers! Let the beauty of the plant remain in nature!

    2 student: Do not break the branches of trees and shrubs!

    3 student: Do not catch wild animals and do not take them home!

    4 student: Do not catch butterflies, bumblebees, dragonflies and other insects!

    5 student: Don't forget the frogs and toads!

    6 student: Do not ruin the bird's nests!

    7 student: Do not leave garbage in the forest, in the meadow, on the shore of the reservoir!

    The song “Wounded Bird” (A girl in the Earth costume comes out)

    (Screen shots from the programs: "Disasters", "Greenpeace")

    Earth, have mercy! Man, don't kill me! You cut down the trees, it deprives me of moisture! I'm drying up, Soon I won't be able to give birth to anything: not a seed, not a flower. Because you can't live without me!

    (Solemn music. The Red Book is brought out from the depths of the stage. Pages are inserted in it: black, red, yellow, green)

    1 student: The Red Book is an international state document where data on rare plants and animals. The Red Book is called so because the color red is a signal of mortal danger. It is stored in Switzerland.

    2 student: But putting it in the Red Book does not mean saving.

    3rd student: (enters, takes the Black Page)

    I am a black page of the Red Book. I am a witness to the disaster of our planet. My lists contain the names of those plants and animals that are no longer on Earth. She is dead! They are killed! They are destroyed by man!

    All together: Protect nature! Take care of our home - the Earth!

    All participants of the event sing the song "You are a man"(music by E. Krylatov, lyrics by Y. Entin)

    (The screen shows shots from the life of the school: planting seedlings on flower beds, working in the arboretum caring for trees, growing vegetables, hiking and excursions into nature).

    Scenario of ecological event for elementary school.

    Targets and goals:
    - formation of children's opinion in defense of the environment,
    - the formation of schoolchildren's responsibility and active life position for "The Common Home We Live in"
    - attracting students' attention to existing environmental problems,
    - education of ecological culture of the younger generation.

    Event progress.


    Good afternoon, Dear friends!

    This year has been declared the Year of the Environment.

    We are all residents of one big house called planet Earth. We are gathered here today to remind each other that the planet we live on is in danger, but it is up to us to save it.

    Look around: how beautiful, wonderful world surrounds us.

    Forests, fields, rivers, seas, oceans, mountains, sky. Sun, animals, birds. This is nature! She feeds us, gives us water, clothes, gives us everything for life and in return requires very little - a careful, respectful attitude towards herself.

    However, sometimes both adults and children act soullessly towards her. Some of the most beautiful reservoirs turn into sewers, rivers dry up, forests suffocate from garbage, disappear rare species plants and animals.

    Do you want to save your planet from pollution? Do you know the main problems of the Earth? (children's answers)

    Let's see what is ecological situation in our hometown.

    The main environmental problems of the city of Berezovsky:

    1. Pollution atmospheric air as a result of pollutant emissions stationary objects industrial and municipal enterprises, as well as vehicles.

    2. Pollution of water bodies and irrational use water resources due to the exploitation of dilapidated enterprises treatment facilities.

    3. Imperfection of the system for handling production and consumption waste.

    Guys, together we are the children of the Earth. The earth is our common home. If we want to help our planet, our sick nature, we must know the truth about its diseases, no matter how terrible it may be. We must remember that a person can do a lot: he is not only a destroyer, he is also a gardener and a doctor. Environmental problems arise more and more often because of the influence of man on nature. Nature protection, the rules of behavior in it studies whole science- ecology. And now we will ecological game, which will show us how well you are familiar with nature.

    "Mysteries of the Forest"

    1 student:

    Alenka grows in the grass
    In a red shirt.
    Whoever passes,
    Everyone bows down. (Strawberry)

    2 student:

    In the dense forest under the tree,
    strewn with leaves,
    Lies a ball with needles,
    Lump, but alive. (Hedgehog)

    3 student:

    Green, not a meadow,
    Bela, not snow,
    Curly, not a head. (Birch)

    4 student:

    The owner of the forest
    Waking up in the spring
    And in winter under a blizzard howl
    Sleeping in a snow hut. (Bear)

    5 student:

    In the meadow, near the trees,
    The house is built from needles.
    He is not visible behind the grass,
    And it has a million residents. (Anthill)

    6 student:

    From branch to branch
    Fast as a ball
    Jumping through the forest
    Red circus.
    Here on the fly
    He tore off the stump
    Jumped on the trunk
    And he ran away in a hollow. (Squirrel)

    7 student:

    Two brothers

    Looking into the water

    Century will not converge. (River and banks)

    8 student:

    Blind by day, sighted by night
    It catches mice, not the cat. (Owl)

    9 student:

    Mother, father I don't know
    But often I do.
    Children I will not know -
    I'll make someone else's! (Cuckoo)

    10 student:

    Curls dropped into the river
    And she was sad about something.
    What is she sad about?
    Doesn't tell anyone. (Willow)

    11 student:

    Not the sea, not the land

    Ships don't sail

    And you can't walk. (Swamp)

    12 student:

    What kind of girl is this

    Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,

    Doesn't sew anything

    And in needles all year round. (Christmas tree)

    13 student:

    Just born

    Immediately turned into a hat (mushroom)

    14 student:

    What kind of tree is

    There is no wind, but everything is trembling? (aspen)

    15 student:

    green in spring

    sunbathing in summer

    put on in autumn

    Beautiful corals (rowan)

    "Feathered Friends".

    All groups of animals are interesting, but most often nature lovers are interested in the life and habits of birds. The flights of birds, which take place twice a year, are very amazing.

    What kind of birds do you guys know where you live?

    What kind of birds are there? (migratory and settled)

    Who are settled, and who are migratory, do you guys know? (migratory - fly away, settled - winter)

    Why do birds fly away? (In winter, the birds are cold, but they especially suffer from hunger, there is no food, all the insects hid)

    How can we help the birds? (It is necessary to make birdhouses, bird houses, feeders)

    And now let's guess riddles and imitate this bird.

    Sleeps during the day, flies at night

    And scares passers-by (owl)

    Far away is my knock

    Heard around

    I am an enemy to worms

    And the trees are a friend (woodpecker)

    naughty boy

    In a gray coat

    Sneaking around the yard

    Collects crumbs (sparrow)

    Lives in hot countries

    And in non-hot zoos

    And he is arrogant and boastful

    Because the tail is beautiful.

    He admires them

    And shows us (peacock)

    Hide chickens in the sky clear

    Dark shadow circles (hawk)

    Who is without notes and without flute

    Who is this? (nightingale)

    He importantly wanders through the meadow

    Comes out of the water dry

    Wears red shoes

    Gives soft feather beds (goose)

    Our cheerful friend

    Gives us feathers for a pillow

    Gives eggs for pancakes

    Easter cakes and pies. (chicken)

    Green Pharmacy.

    In the natural pantry, as in a pharmacy, you can find the right medicines, but in this pharmacy everything is without labels. To get them, you need to know and love nature well. In addition, in the "green pharmacy" one must behave in the same well-mannered way as in the real one.

    And what medicinal plants do you know? (answers guys)

    "A complaint"

    There are many rules in nature
    You need to know them by heart.
    And now the time has come
    Look in the book of complaints.

    I suggest you take one letter each. Complaints of animals are written in these letters, it is necessary to determine about whom in question and what benefits it brings.

    1. “I myself know that I am not a beauty. If I show myself, many will shy away, or even throw a stone or kick me. For what? After all, they came up with the idea that there are warts on my hands. Some nonsense. Not everyone can be beautiful! And the benefit from me to people is great. ”

    (Toad. One toad saves a whole garden from caterpillars and worms. If cockroaches are in the house, bring a toad and they will disappear) (Frog. Each of them destroys in one day a large number of midges, slugs, mosquito larvae, among which there are larvae of malarial mosquitoes.)

    2. "On the globe there is, perhaps, no such creature, about which so many legends and fables were told, as about us. I don’t like that we love darkness, that we don’t look like ordinary birds and animals. But we are man's friends, not enemies. What do we do? After all, that's how we were born. We love hanging upside down. And they offend us undeservedly.


    3. “Oh, people don't like me! I don’t like my voice and my eyes, they say, are not beautiful. They think I bring bad luck. But is it so? If not for me, someone would be sitting without bread. Therefore, think carefully or offend me or respect me?

    4. "In the life of nature we play big role. We loosen the soil, spread the seeds and fruits of plants, exterminate many insects. Close cohabitation with us is good for trees. We arrange underground and ground galleries, opening access to the roots of the tree. Therefore, the tree grows faster than the neighboring trees. That's how helpful we are. But people don't always treat us well. It happens that our houses (anthills) are ruined and we have to rebuild the house or look for another shelter.


    5. “The most faithful companions of man are birds. All insectivorous birds eat 5-10 times more harmful insects than useful. Pair big birds during the period of growing chicks, more than 2 thousand insects exterminate. In most cases, we find in the neighborhood of man an abundance of food and security. But this is not always the case. Often people destroy us birds, destroy nests, break eggs.


    6. “The name of the first spring month is associated with me. I give people very tasty and health drink. And people abuse it, chopping and cutting my trunk, and after that I die. But it could be of much more use."

    Summing up the event.


    Do not damage tree bark. They stop growing and die painfully for a long time.

    Do not pick flowers in the forest and in the meadow. After all, a flower in a vase is a prisoner sentenced to death. Let the flowers please our eyes, rejuvenate the soul of those who come to the forest to look at them.

    In the forest, try to walk along the paths so as not to trample the path and the soil. folk wisdom says: one person leaves a footprint in the forest, a hundred people leave a path, and thousands leave a desert.

    Do not knock down mushrooms, even inedible ones. Amanitas help trees grow. Moose, squirrels, magpies feed on them.

    Don't make a fire in the forest. Fireplaces are wounds in the ground cover of the forest.

    Olga Bogun
    Ecology entertainment scenario for older children preschool age « educational lessons Ecolenka"

    Target: To form an ecological culture in children. system of value relations to nature, respect for it.


    1. Develop cognitive interest to the natural world.

    2. Form the foundations of ecological culture and culture of nature.

    3. To cultivate a humane, emotionally positive, careful, caring attitude towards the natural world and the world around us as a whole.

    4. To form the development of elementary norms of behavior in relation to nature, the ability and desire to preserve nature and, if necessary, provide assistance to it.

    5. To form the initial skills of environmentally competent and safe behavior for nature and for the child himself.


    Prohibitory signs in nature, presentation "Rules of behavior in nature", audio recording

    "Fidgets", flower stencils, capsules from kinder surprises, plasticine black and white color, household waste, 2 baskets. For experience: glasses, cloudy water, paper funnel, pebbles, sand.

    Characters: fairy tale hero"Ekolenok", children, presenters.

    Entertainment progress:

    The children are in the hall.

    Leading: Guys, I suggest you go to the forest today. Do you want to visit the forest? Then we turn around one after another and go along the path into the forest. (The song “We are going to the rainbow” sounds Spanish. “Fidgets”, the children go one after another).

    Leading: Here we are in the forest. Children, well, in the forest, beautiful, clean air, birdsong soothes and pleases the ear. Listen to the birds singing in the forest. (The recording of "Voices of the Forest" sounds).

    The forest has its own rules and laws for maintaining order in nature. Animals all observe them, but a person sometimes violates them. Do you know the rules of behavior in the forest? Let's repeat them. I will tell you how some people behave in the forest, and you will determine the correctness with the answers “Yes” and “No”.

    1. We sat in the clearing,

    Everyone drank and ate

    And then we went home

    They took the trash with them! Correctly?

    2. You can walk in the forest

    Break branches from a tree?

    3. Girls tore flowers

    And tied into wreaths.

    And the clearing is empty

    Not a flower left! Correctly?

    4. You can go home,

    Take food with you?

    5. Children walked through the forest,

    They didn't make noise, they didn't shout,

    The berries were picked

    The bush was not broken! Correctly?

    Leading: Well done, what's that noise? : Someone seems to be calling for help.

    Eco-kid: Help! Help! (Ekolenok runs in)

    Leading: Meet the guys - this is my friend Ecolenok. What happened?


    Hello guys.

    Trouble happened in the forest

    Everything around has changed:

    The birds don't sing

    Flowers don't bloom

    The wind doesn't make noise

    The river does not murmur ....

    Leading: Guys, let's help Ecolenk save the forest! Do you agree? Then go!

    (Children go under "We are going to the rainbow" in Spanish "Fidgets").

    Leading: Here we are in a forest clearing. Look, what a dirty meadow, what happened here?

    Eco-kid: People scattered garbage

    They didn't clean up after themselves

    All flowers withered

    Butterflies are gone...

    Leading: Guys, let's put things in order in the clearing, and then the clearing will bloom again, and beautiful butterflies will fly to it!

    A game-competition "Who is faster" is being held

    Household waste is scattered on the floor: capsules from kinder surprises, bags, sticks, jars, etc. Children are divided into 2 teams, and each team, at the signal of the host, collects household waste in their basket.

    Eco-kid: Thank you guys. Now take a break and see what beautiful butterflies have flown into the clearing.

    (Children sit on the carpet, a butterfly dance is performed)

    Leading: Guys, we collected all the garbage in the clearing. This waste is called household waste.

    Did you know that all these items can be given a second life. Today I will teach you how to make a bee from a Kinder Surprise capsule.

    Making bees from capsules from kinder surprises.


    1 Make stripes. Roll two long thin sausages from black plasticine, press them firmly against the container and press down with your finger.

    2. We make wings. Roll two balls of the same size from white plasticine and flatten them with your fingers, trying to give the shape of an oval. Stick to the container.

    3. We make a muzzle. Roll up and glue two identical small black balls (eyes) and a small sausage - spout (sting) to the container.

    Eco-kid: And a stream clogged in the forest. The animals even have nowhere to drink water.

    Leading: Guys, how can we help Ecolenok?

    Leading: Yes, right. We need to teach Eco-kid to purify water, but we don’t have a filter, but we can make it from natural material that is around us.

    Experience: Water purification.

    Leading: Guys, there is a method of water purification - this is cleaning with sand and pebbles. Why is the water from the spring, which passes underground through the thickness of mud and sand, not only not polluted, but also becomes crystal clear? Let me show you how to purify water. Look, I got water from a polluted spring. What kind of water?

    Children: dirty.

    Let's take a funnel, put sand in it and slowly pour out the polluted water (We will put small sticks of paper in it)

    What happens to water?

    Where is the garbage left?

    Children's answers:(debris stays on top of the sand while water passes through).

    Leading: Let's conclude: What do sand and pebbles do with water?

    Children's answers:(sand is permeable, can pass water and clean it)

    Eco-kid: Thank you for teaching me how to purify water in a stream. Let's listen to how cheerfully the brook murmured!

    (Children listen to the audio recording "The murmur of the brook").

    Eco-kid: And now I suggest you look at interesting pictures about the rules of behavior in nature.

    (Children watch the presentation.)

    Leading: So our journey through the forest is coming to an end, you did a good job, helped the forest inhabitants, and now let's repeat the rules of behavior in the forest.

    1 child:

    In the forest, the order is:

    Sat - clean up after yourself!

    2 child:

    Don't touch the ants

    Go your way!

    3 child:

    You don't break trees

    And do not pluck flowers in vain!

    4 child:

    You can’t make noise in the forest, shout,

    Take animals from the forest

    5 child:

    The bonfire decided to make

    Don't forget to turn everything off

    It's not far from disaster

    Putting out fires is not easy!

    Eco-kid: Well done, you know the rules of behavior in the forest, just do not forget to follow them! And I will place your signs in the forest,

    And then the reward for you -

    Birds, animals - you are all welcome!

    Butterflies are fluttering

    Flowers are blooming

    Berries sing for you

    Come, have a good time!

    Leading: So the time has come to say goodbye to the Ecoleonok, we need to return to Kindergarten.

    Let's hold hands friends

    And along the forest path

    Let's go to our home.

    (Children leave)

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