Home natural farming Define zero ending. What is null ending? Are there first, second and third endings

Define zero ending. What is null ending? Are there first, second and third endings

An ending is a variable meaningful part of a word that forms the forms of a word and serves to link words in a phrase and sentence. This formative morpheme expresses the grammatical meanings of gender, person, number, and case.

Not all words have an ending. It is only for modified words. It happens that a word has an ending, but it is not seen or heard, i.e. it is not expressed in letters and sounds - it is a zero ending. In addition, the ending is not always at the end of a word. A word can have two endings. Sometimes, to highlight the ending, you have to use phonetic transcription.

The ending is a formative morpheme that expresses the grammatical meanings of a word (gender, person, number, case), and not lexical meanings like word-forming morphemes.

The ending differs from formative suffixes in the nature of the grammatical meaning it expresses.

Only changing parts of speech can have an ending(inflected, conjugated or changing by gender and number):

  • inflected nouns,
  • adjectives,
  • numerals,
  • pronouns,
  • Verbs,
  • communion.

To highlight the ending, you need to change the form of the word:

  • change number:

    meadow () – meadow (but),
    herbs (but)– herbs (s),
    dared () - dared (s);

  • change gender for adjectives and participles:

    white (th)- white (oh)- white (and I), thinking (s)- thinking (and I), sat () - sat (but);

  • case of parts of speech that decline: House () - House (but)- House (y), sin (s)- blue (his)- blue (to him) ;
  • face of verbs: write (y)- write (yeah)- write (ut) .

The part of the word that changes when changing the form of a word, is the ending.

Ending not included in the stem, since it only has grammatical meaning.

Ends of words different parts speeches may be the same, but their endings are different, i.e. words have different morphemic structure. Examples:

  • small And vision - adjective small and noun vision at the end of the word have -s . Changing the gender of the adjective: small(s) - small(s) -small(s) , we define the changing part - the last two letters change, therefore, -s - ending. Inflecting a noun vision (e) - vision (I) - vision (eat), determine the ending -e .
  • yawning And evil - gerund yawning does not have an ending, because is an invariable word, and an adjective hl (th) - evil (oh) - evil (s)) has an ending -and I .
  • in vain And Earth - adverb in vain does not have an ending, because is an immutable word, and a noun earthl (i) - earth (ey) - earth (s) has an ending -I .
  • banner And biology - nouns znam(s) - znam(s) -znam(em) And biologists(s)-biologists(s)-biologists(s) have the same endings -i.

Attention! Second person plural verbs present and future number and form imperative mood these verbs may coincide, but have a different morphemic structure, i.e. have two variants of morphemic parsing:

Complete (imperative mood, you-full-and-(those), -and- - imperative mood) second task after doing (present tense, you-full-(ite)) first.
you-years-and-(those) (imperative mood) - you-years(ite) ;
you-treat-and-(those) (second conjugation, imperative mood) - you-treat-(ite) etc.

In verbs of the first conjugation, an unstressed ending -(eat) in sound it coincides in sound with the imperative mood, but is written differently:

jump-and-(those) (mandatory inclination) — jump out-(you ) (first conjugation (to jump), second person, pl.).

With the help of the ending, the forms of modified words are formed.

The ending expresses various grammatical meanings of parts of speech:

  • number and case of nouns, numerals, personal pronouns (without a preposition or with )
    noun 2nd declension, Tv.p., singular who?, what? elephant( ohm), father( ohm), con( eat
  • gender, number, case of adjectives, participles, pronouns
  • person and number of verbs in the present and future tenses:
  • gender and number of past tense verbs, short adjectives

In addition to distinguishing word forms, endings sometimes perform meaningful function:

bread(s) - cereals and bread(s) - products baked from flour; men are men, teeth are teeth, leaves are leaves.

Sometimes the end is easy define not only form but also Part of speech. For example:

In a phrase, invariable words obey the main word in meaning, with the help of word order and intonation: run fast, run up.

Invariable words have no endings:

Invariable parts of speech Examples
gerunds seeing, hearing, collecting, washing
adverbs naked, fun, better, in German, first of all, unbearable, married
indeclinable nouns (usually borrowed): cocoa, necklace, flowerpot
indeclinable adjectives: khaki, bordeaux, beige
comparative adjectives: stronger, higher
possessive pronouns denoting belonging to a third person: him, her, them
interjections and onomatopoeia: wow, ah!
Service parts of speech:
unions though
let be

Attention! The absence of an ending in a word is not graphically indicated. In morphemic and word-formation parsing, you cannot put a zero ending sign! The whole word is included in the stem.

Participles and adverbs are invariable parts of speech, therefore they have no endings. Do not confuse gerunds and adverbs with adjective endings. Adjective endings can be changed:

  • doom/ but/t - doom / but/I- gerund suffix;
  • mil( and I) - the end of the adjective, which can be changed: cute (th), cute (th).

Zero endings

Declined or conjugated (changeable!) Parts of speech in some forms may have a zero ending.
The zero ending is not expressed by sound and is not indicated by a letter on the letter. You can find it by changing the forms of the word. If, when changing the form of a word, an ending appears, expressed in letters and sounds, then e
The null ending conveys a specific grammatical meaning:

table(), horse() - Im. n., male gender, second declension; cloud(), puddle(), mum() — value genitive plural

When the form of such words changes, after the stem, a pronounced (sounds, letters) ending appears.

Zero endings have: Examples
nouns male unit number 2 declension in the nominative and accusative cases:

forest() - forest(a), forest(y);
house() - house(s), house(s);
elephant() - elephant(a), elephant(y);
hero() - hero(s) [g'irOy"(a)];

nouns female 3rd declension in the nominative singular:

mouse() - mouse(s);
night() - night(s),
net() - set(s)

nouns in the genitive plural different kinds:

cloud() - cloud(a) - cloud(s),
fox() - fox(a) - fox(s),
soldier() - soldier(s),
windows() - window(o);
articles () - become (s) [stat'y "(a)]

short adjectives and participles of the masculine singular:

beautiful () - beautiful (a), clumsy - clumsy (a),
bad() - bad(a);
wounded () - wounded (a) - wounded (s),
conceived - conceived (a), conceived (s);

possessive adjectives in I.p. m.r.h.

fox () - fox (I) - fox [th "(a)], shark () , wolf ( see below why so)
mother's(), father's()

past tense masculine singular verbs in the indicative and subjunctive mood:

sang(), sang() would - sang (a),
washed (a) - washed (a) washed;

for verbs of the imperative mood singular:

learn(), watch(), write();

numerals in the nominative and accusative cases:

ten() - ten(s), ten(s)

Attention! It is necessary to distinguish between zero-terminated words and invariable words, because in a word with a null ending, it is indicated when morphemic analysis words, but in immutable words - no (no ending)!

  • noun already() (already (u), already (oh)) has a zero ending, and the adverb already - an invariable word and, therefore, has no ending.
  • net() - noun ( set(s), set(s)),
    ) - verb, where the ending is indefinite (th),
    start(s) - verb,
    five() - numeral ( heel(s)),
    way() - noun ( put(s), put(s)),
    though - union and immutable word, so there is no ending,
    let be , immutable word - no ending,
    thinking - gerund, unchangeable word - no ending.

The ending can be inside a word:

  • If the word has , then the ending is in front of it, inside the stem of the word: uch (y) s, uch (shh) sya, uchivsh (s) Xia(after the end there is a verb -sya / -s - the most common case); go (eat)-te; in the middle of compound pronouns: how (Oh)-either as (Wow)-either as (Wow) something, to (omu) someday.
  • In some compound words: to Komsomolsk (e)-on-Amur (e) .

Two endings in a word.

Compound words can have two endings:

  • for nouns: armchair (about)-bed () - armchair (but)-bed (And) ;
  • for numerals: five () ten () - five (And) ten (And) .

But, in compound nouns and adjectives that are written together, after the first there is a connecting vowel, and not an ending: myself- about-years () , red- about- leather (s) .

The ending is distinguished by the sound composition

using transcription, since the spelling does not reflect the morphemic composition of the word:

  • Possessive masculine adjectives ending in -y:

    fox(), wolf(), bear(), where - uy is a suffix and has a null ending. When declining, runaway - And - drops out of the suffix, there remains a suffix that sounds like [th'] , and in the letter it is transmitted with a separator soft sign: fox (his) [fox’-th-‘(willow)], wolf (his) [wolf’-th’-(willow)], bear (his) [m’edv’ezh-th’-(willow)] - suffix sounds in transcription [th'] and ending.

  • IN following words the suffix -й- also appears in the sound composition of the word: guns [rouge-y'-(a)],gun [rouge-y'-(o)]; sparrow ya [sparrow'-y'-(a)], sparrow yu [sparrow'-y'-(y)] ; edge, edge [edge-th'-(y)]. Suffix -th- is preserved during the formation related words: rifle, sparrow [ sparrow'-y'-in-(th)] . In these words and others like them (dancer, grumbler; gorge, knowledge, aspiration; May, tram etc.) not in all forms the ending is indicated by letters.

List of used literature

  • Kazbek-Kazieva M.M. Preparation for Olympiads in the Russian language. 5-11 grades. - 4th ed. – M.J. Iris-press, 2010
  • Panova E.A., Pozdnyakova A.A. Reference materials in Russian to prepare for exams. - M .: - LLC Astrel Publishing House, 2004.-462 p.
  • Svetlysheva V.N. Handbook for high school students and university applicants / V.N. Svetlysheva. — M.: AST-PRESS SCHOOL, 2011 — ISBN 978-5-94776-742-1.

Schoolchildren very often have questions about how to distinguish words without an ending from words with a zero ending. The confusion with this comes from a misunderstanding of what an ending is, what role it plays. This question is both simple and complex at the same time. Simple because understanding this linguistic term absolutely accessible to the student. A is difficult because its study requires knowledge of what a word change is, how a word differs from a word form, and therefore, ultimately, knowledge of what the grammatical meaning of a word is.

What is ending

So, let's start with the fact that there are words with an ending and words without an ending. Examples of words with an ending: house-a, cat-a, dad-a, well-a, window-y, beauty-s, earth-e, yam-ah. Examples of words without endings: tasty, fun, not, for, hoping, working.

The first group of words ends in sounds or combinations of sounds that change if you change the form of the word: houses (houses), cats-y, dad-oh, windows-a, beauty-oh, earth-yah, yam-e. More precisely, it is precisely because the ending changes that the form of the word changes. If the word "cat" ends with -a, then we will understand that we are talking about one cat: "A fat cat is sitting on the fence." If at the end of the word -i, then, depending on the context, we can talk, for example, about the absence of a cat: “There is no more fat cat on the fence”, or about several cats: “All cats love to sit on fences.” In the above sentences, we used three forms of the same word "cat": in the nominative singular (the cat is sitting), in the genitive singular (there is no cat) and in the nominative plural (the cats love).

We can also, for example, change the word “world”: world-a, world-e, world-om, world-s.

Grammatical and lexical meaning of the word

Let us note that this is exactly the same word, since we are talking about the same phenomenon of reality, which is characterized in the same way. If we wanted to characterize this phenomenon differently, we would use the possibilities of numerous affixes of the Russian language: kitty, koshunya, koshulya, koshusya, koshandra ... By adding emotion, assessment to the word, we formed a new word: cat and koshushya are different words, and not forms of the same word. These words have different lexical, but the same grammatical meaning: the nominative case, singular. We can form other forms of these words: cats, koshuses. These are different words in the same form, that is, their lexical meanings are different (we neutrally indicate the animal with the word “cat”, and affectionately call it the word “mowing”), and the grammatical meanings are the same (genitive case, plural).

Similarly, we can do with the word "peace". Forms of the same word: house-a, house-y, house-ohm, house-ami, house-ah. Words derived from it with a different meaning (the same meaning plus an expression of our relationship or specification of the size): house-ik, house-in-a, house-seek-e.

Word-forming and formative morphemes

As you can see, the lexical meaning here is changed with the help of a suffix, and the grammatical meaning with the help of an ending. But this does not mean that the suffix can only change the lexical meaning. For example, in the word “walk-l-a”, the suffix -l- is the past tense suffix of the verb “walk”, that is, with its help a new word is not formed, but its form is formed.

Thus, there are such parts of the word with the help of which new words are formed - these are word-forming morphemes, and those with the help of which they change, the forms of the word are formed - these are form-forming morphemes. The ending (inflection) is a formative morpheme.

What words can have an ending

From here we can do the following inference. If the ending is a formative morpheme, that is, a part of a word that changes its forms, then it can only be in those words that change. Going through a random series of words in search of words with endings is irrational. They need to be looked for among the words of certain categories, namely, among certain parts of speech. Say, nouns are mostly inflected, which means they have endings.

Words without ending. Examples

However, there are words that do not change their form. So, these are words without an ending. Examples should be looked for among the words of certain grammatical groups. For example, these are adverbs. As you know, this is an invariable part of speech, which means that adverbs have no endings: cheerfully, patiently, resourcefully (the dog cheerfully ran after us; mother patiently listened to her daughter; in disputes, this person always dodged resourcefully).

Adverbs should be distinguished from short forms of neuter adjectives: "This sentence was resourceful and witty." Here the final -o is the ending indicating neuter gender and singular.

Checking for termination

It is easy to prove that in short adjectives -o is the ending. We need to change the word: "This remark was resourceful and witty." The final -o was replaced by the final -a, which indicates the feminine gender. The adjective has changed its form to agree in gender with the noun.

Accordingly, there is only one way to define words without an ending. If it is impossible to form the forms of a word, then the word has no ending.

Zero ending

It is just as easy to “calculate” words with a zero ending. The rule here is simple: if the word has forms (changes), and an ending expressed by sounds appears in place of the “silent” ending, then the apparent absence of inflection is a zero ending.

Let's say the word "world" ends with the consonant of the root R, after it nothing sounds in the word. However, it is worth changing this word: worlds, worlds, worlds, worlds, as we see that a sounding ending appears after the root. This means that its absence in the nominative case of the singular is imaginary, in fact, instead of pronounced sounds, there is an empty window, an empty cell, which can be filled at any moment. Moreover, it is precisely by the fact that it is not filled that we determine the case and number. This is an example of a minus sign. Silence ending in this case no less significant than its specific sound.

Examples of such significant absences a lot in life. For example, a sign with its name can be lit up above the entrance of a cafe during business hours. Then, if the lights are off (silent), for potential visitors, this means that the cafe is closed. If the green light of a traffic light is not on, this does not mean that it does not exist at all, its "silence" is significant.

A dash or gap at the place where the price is indicated in the restaurant may mean that the specified dish is not in the assortment.

If you enter the house and shout: “Who is at home?”, then silence will be a sign for you that the family is still absent. A dark window can also indicate this.

Zero termination and no termination

Thus, the null ending is a kind of "off" morpheme. It was turned off in order to express its "silence" a certain meaning. In the words “hands-(-)”, “legs-(-)”, “heads-(-)”, “clouds-(-)”, this empty, “non-burning” window means the genitive plural. In the verbs "walked-(-)", "spoke-(-)", "sang-(-)" - the masculine singular. In all these word forms there is an ending, but it is expressed by zero sound.

Therefore, it would be wrong to say, for example, that “ruk” is a word without a suffix and an ending. There really is no suffix here, but there is an ending. The sound of the word ends with the sound "k", and its composition, the actual boundaries - with a morpheme expressed by zero sound.

The absence of an ending, in contrast to the presence of a null, is a place beyond the boundaries of a word. It is not opposed to the “on” ending, since the grammatical nature of this word does not imply an ending at all. Well, fearfully, under, with, deepening are all examples of words without an ending.

Thus, in the morphemic analysis of a word, it is necessary to distinguish words without an ending from words with a null ending. Variable lexical units will have an ending, albeit expressed by zero sound, and the composition of invariable words does not imply an ending, including zero.

    There are many words with a zero ending, they have a zero ending in the nominative case, and change when declension.

    For instance:

    fear (zero ending) - fear (ending -a-), wolf - wolf, steppe - steppe,

    pain - pain

    brother - to brother, in order to understand that there is a zero ending, it is enough to change the word by number or cases.

    Examples of null endings:

    • Secretary;
    • help;
    • calculator;
    • Journal;
    • a life;
    • groom;
    • batteries;
    • lazy person;
    • the curtain;
    • great-grandfather;
    • came;
    • Firefly;
    • implemented;
    • volt;
    • composer;
    • water pipes;
    • nightingale;
    • thistle;
    • ant.
  • Examples of words with a zero ending can be as follows: move, union, watermelon, year, city, fetus, bridge, mouse, wounded, order, husband, table, matchmaker, brother, nose, meadow, leaf, peanut, sock, slippers, elk , elephant, hero, night, beautiful and more.

    Examples of nouns with a zero ending, as a rule, these are words of the 2nd or 3rd declension, for example:

    lilac, execution, compote, chair, phone, engine, backpack, stove.

    It is worth noting that the zero ending in other case forms becomes materially expressed. Compare:

    lilac - zero ending,

    lilacs - ending I;

    compote - zero ending,

    compote - ending OM.

    Examples of verbs with a zero ending, a large layer of such words are masculine words of the past tense indicative mood, for example:

    came in, finished, ran across, poured out, ran, looked in, jumped over, drank, finished, etc.

    Examples - fox, tasks, walked, oven.

    There is certain rules, setting the definition of null termination. This rule is already passed in the third grade and it sounds like this

    We remember the declension gender, number, case, what effect they have on the formation of the ending.

    Examples of words with a zero ending: table, cat, fur, sin, ax, pie, forest, demon, light, answer, husband, throne, magician, peace, shutter, sunset, answer, stack, barn, Cossack, warrior, blacksmith, armor, ocean, dinosaur, space. In other forms, all these words have endings. For example: blacksmith-a, blacksmith-om, blacksmith-s. Therefore, all the words given for example also have an ending, which is considered zero.

    Null-terminated words are not to be confused with invariant words, since they have no endings in any form.

    Zero inflections are called(ends in school curriculum), which we do not pronounce and do not hear sounds they not expressed, and also do not write and do not see letters they not marked. Flexions are found only at significant inflected words inclined or conjugated.

    Zero inflection is revealed by a simple comparison of the form given to us with other word forms of the same lexeme, where the inflections are pronounced.

    Consider, as an example, a small sentence: Brother did his homework. There are two lexemes with zero inflections in nm: BRATIK, PERFORMED. The lexeme BRATIK is in the initial form, there is no EXPRESSED inflection behind the stem, but any word forms from the paradigm of its form change help to understand that it exists: BRATIK, BRATIKOM (inflections -A, -OM). The same is true in the verb PERFORMED: as soon as we put it in a different gender or a different number (PERFORMED, PERFORMED, PERFORMED) it will become clear: in the word form from the sentence given as an example, inflection is zero.

    Zero inflections are:


    number one:

    • 2nd sk. husband. kind in them. fall: ghost, interruption, internationalism, baboon, brother;
    • inanimate 2nd cl. husband. kind in wines. fall: I recognize the locker, telephone, rise, alarm clock;
    • 3rd sk. in the fall them. and wine: degree, mouse, target, falseness;
    • various PATH in the same cases;


    • 2nd sk. husband. and avg. genus (not all) and 1st cl. kind of women. and husband. in the fall genus: no towns, schools, lands, sisters, steeps, grandfathers;
    • various on -MYA in the fall. genus. pl. numbers (except for the lexemes TEMYA, FLAME, BURDEN they do not have a plural number): imn, time, tribal, sign, vymn (unusually, but the lexeme VYYA is used in the plural), seeds, stirrups;


    • The possessives on -IY, -OV (-EB), -IN- (-YN-) are all suffixes, in the pad. them. and wine. husband. kind: whose? Mashin, papa, tsaritsyn, grandfathers, Dalev (about the dictionary), raven, wolf, bear;
    • short qualitative ones including units. male gender: handsome, interesting, magnificent, attractive, powerful;


    • demonstrative and possessive in number of units. sort of husband. (cases of them. And, if they spread an inanimate noun, wine.): this, that, your, mine, ours, yours, yours;
    • demonstrative SUCH and interrogative-relative WHAT in the number of units. kind of husband;
    • personal I, YOU and HE (in other inflections expressed in the words WE, YOU inflection -Y);


    • quantitative with the value of a) units (5 9), b) whole tens (10 80) and c) whole hundreds (200 900) per pad. them. and wine. and in complex numbers. in these cases there are two zero inflections: at the end of the word and in the middle, as well as two expressed in other cases, with the exception of the two indicated above;
    • quantitative, denoting whole hundreds (200 900) in the genus. pad. at the end of words: two hundred, four hundred, eight hundred, five hundred;
    • ONE (male) in the pad. them. and, when combined with noun. inanimate, in wine;


    • indicative mood in masculine. kind of past tense: translated, tested, illustrated, scattered;
    • conditional inclinations in the gender masculine. unit numbers: would translate, test, illustrate, scatter;
    • imperative moods in the number of units: review, laugh, add, mark;

    AT PARTICIPONES passive short numbers units. kind of male: we carry (from carried), we decide (from solved), completed, built.

    Besides, one should distinguish between words with zero inflections and words in which there are no inflections.

    Zero ending is a fairly common case in the Russian language and there are quite a lot of words that have such an ending not expressed by sounds or letters. For example, many nouns have zero endings in the nominative case: Wolf, Hare, Elephant, Thrush, Mouse, Rabbit. When changing the form of a word, the ending in these words appears - Wolf-Wolf-Wolf-Wolf-Wolf.

    Another case of the presence of a zero termination may be the disappearance expressed by sound endings in declination, for example in plural. So in the word Owl the ending is A, but in the plural and the genitive case we get the word (no one?) SOV, also with a zero ending.

    Zero ending not materially expressed. That is, it is there, but we do not see it. There is no sound after the root, which expresses the grammatical meaning. For example, the word housequot ;. When changing, the ending appears - home, home, home, etc.

    Son, Georgian, soldier, pomegranate, move, year, city, fruit, bridge, order, matchmaker, brother, husband, table, nose, meadow, leaf, union, watermelon, toddler, sock, slippers, elk, elephant, hero, night, mouse, wounded, beautiful, etc.

1. Ending is a morpheme that usually occurs at the end of a word and which indicates a connection given word with other words. The ending expresses the meanings of gender, number, case, person.

The ending is often called the inflected part of the word.

Wed: book - books - book.

This means that changing the ending does not change the lexical meaning of the word.

Endings do not participate in word formation. These are always formative morphemes. They are used in the formation of forms of the same word.

2. Endings express grammatical meanings:

    gender, number, case- in nouns ( book- ending - but indicates feminine, singular, nominative), adjectives ( the big Book- ending - and I indicates feminine, singular, nominative), participles ( written book- ending - and I indicates feminine, singular, nominative), some pronouns ( my book- ending - I indicates feminine, singular, nominative), some numerals ( one book- ending - but indicates feminine, singular, nominative);

    case- some pronouns ( no one- ending - Wow indicates the genitive case) and numerals ( no five- ending - And indicates the genitive case);

    faces and numbers- for verbs in the present and future tense ( think- ending - Yu indicates 1 person, singular);

    gender and number- for verbs in the past tense ( read- ending - but indicates feminine, singular).

3. The ending can be expressed by one or more sounds.

No knife, cut with a knife.

    But the end may be zero. The zero ending is not expressed by sound and is not indicated by a letter in writing, however, it is the absence of a materially expressed ending that has a certain grammatical meaning, for example: knife□ - zero ending indicates masculine, singular, nominative.

    Zero terminations are found in the following forms:

    nouns in the form of the nominative case, singular, masculine (2 declensions) and feminine (3 declensions);

    Table□ , daughter□ .

    part of the nouns in the form of the genitive case, plural;

    No forces, no cases, no soldiers.

    for short adjectives in the singular, masculine;

    Vesel, happy.

    verbs in the past tense, singular, masculine;

    Read, sang.

    at possessive adjectives with the suffix -y.

    fox□ , wolf□ .


1) Final sounds (and letters) in the form of the genitive case, plural, 1 declension and 2 declension are not endings - armies□ , foothills□ , saucer□ . This is part of the base, and the ending here is zero. For verification, you can compare the data of the form with the forms of the nominative case, singular.

Yes, noun army[arm’ij b] has the ending -i (sound [b]), and [j] is included in the stem [arm’ij]. In order to prove this, you can decline the word: in army[j] Yu, army[j] to her etc. In all these forms, [j] is preserved. This means that [ j ] is part of the stem, because the ending is the variable part of the word. Only in the form of the genitive case is this sound graphically expressed using the letter й ( armies), and in other forms it does not receive a special designation.

In forms like foothills, saucer we are seeing a similar phenomenon. Only here there is also fluency of vowels ( i, e).

Wed: foothills[pr'i e dgor'j b] - foothills[pr'i e dgor'ij]; saucers[bl'utts b] - saucer[bl'udts].

2) In the form of the nominative case, singular, masculine, qualitative and relative adjectives-y is the ending (this is the inflected part of the word, cf.: blue - blue). In the same forms of possessive adjectives ( fox, wolf) -th is a suffix. It persists when tilted. Only in other forms the suffix is ​​presented in a truncated form - [j], and in writing it is not graphically expressed. The presence of this suffix is ​​signaled by the separating b.

Wed: wolf - wolf[j] his, fox - fox[j] his.

4. The ending is usually at the end of a word.

Exceptions are:

    endings before postfixes -sya (y reflexive verbs, participles), -te (in the plural imperative), something, something, something(for indefinite pronouns);

    Studying, studying, let's go, those, someone, someone, someone.

    endings in compound numbers, where endings follow each root.

    In three hundred, there is no five ten.


Indeclinable and non-conjugated words: adverbs (for example: always, very), service parts ( under, and, as if, not), immutable nouns (for example: coat, coffee), invariable adjectives (for example: beige, marengo) have no endings! Don't confuse no endings with zero endings!

The spelling of the endings is determined by the part-of-speech attribution of the word and therefore will be considered when characterizing the corresponding parts of speech.

5. The foundation is a part of a word without an ending. The basis is the carrier of the lexical meaning of the given word.

6. With declension and conjugation, the stem can change - decrease or increase.

For example: leaf □ and leaf [ j ]- I- in the plural, the stem increased due to the suffix -j-. Such changes in the stem are typical, as a rule, for the verb: in most verbs, the stem of the infinitive and the stem of the present tense do not match.

Wed: zhd-a - be and zhd - at- the basis in the present tense has been reduced (the suffix is ​​lost - but); chit-a - be- chit-aj - ut- in this case, the basis in the present tense, on the contrary, increased due to the sound [j], which is part of the suffix of the present tense and the imperative mood (cf.: chit-ai).


1) In feminine nouns with final (final letters) -iya ( army, sandal, revolution etc.) and the neuter gender with the final -ie ( being, tension, retribution etc.) is a vowel and refers to the stem, since it is preserved during the declension of nouns.

Wed: army - I, army - and, army - her; be-e, be-I, be-eat.

2) In masculine nouns with the final -й ( proletarian, sanatorium, region etc.) this consonant also belongs to the stem, since it is preserved during the declension of nouns, cf .: edge, edge[j]- i, kra[j] -yu, kra[j]- eat. IN indirect cases[ j ] is not graphically indicated by a special character. Its presence is indicated by vowels. i, e, u after another vowel (see paragraph 1.5).

Thus, these nouns in the nominative case, singular, like the others ( table□ , horse□ and similar), have a zero ending:

edge□ , proletarian□ , sanatorium□ .

7. Since there are several postfixes in Russian, that is, suffixes that can be located after endings, then the foundation some forms of words can be torn.

How Wow-to - ending - Wow, basis as.. then ; uch it sya - ending - it, basis uch..sya .

    It is necessary to distinguish between the basis of a particular form of a word and the basis of a word (in word formation).

    The basis of a particular form of a word is represented by a part of the word without an ending.

    Recording - be, wrote down - but, write down - at.

    The stem of a word is determined by initial form words. It includes the root, prefixes and derivational suffixes and postfixes. Formative suffixes and postfixes will not be included in the word-formative stem.

    For example, in order to identify the stem of a word in verb form wrote down - but, you must first indicate the initial form of the verb (infinitive) write down and discard the ending (in other concepts - a formative suffix) indefinite form -be: record- .


1) The derivational basis of the verb is determined by the form of the infinitive. This is especially important to take into account, since, as noted, the verb: a) the stems of the present tense and the infinitive often do not coincide, b) it is enough big number formative suffixes (-l - in the past tense, -i - in the imperative mood).

2) Verbal reflexive postfix -sya (learn be xia, we be xia) is not formative, therefore it must be included in the stem of the word.

3) As noted, in some cases, the forms of nouns in the singular and plural differ not only in endings, but also in formative suffixes. In this case, the basis of the word (for word formation) is also determined by the initial form - singular, nominative case, cf .: a son□ /sons- the basis of the word (for word formation) - son-.

4) As noted, participles and gerunds occupy an intermediate position between independent parts of speech and special forms of the verb. Since in this manual they are considered as independent parts of speech, the participle suffixes ( -om / -em / -im; -usch / -yushch / -ashch / -box, -nn / -n / -enn / -en / -t, -sh / -sh) are classified as part of the derivational basis of the word.

Good evening, dear reader site!
We will be glad to help you in solving all your questions. Are you worried about the answer to the topic of which words have a zero ending? Be sure to provide examples. Let's figure it all out together.
In general, inflections are called zero, which we do not pronounce and do not hear - they are not expressed by sounds, and also we do not write and do not see. Such inflections are found only in significant modified words, i.e. inclined or conjugated.
Zero inflection is revealed by a simple comparison of the form given to us with other word forms of the same lexeme.
Consider the following example:
My sister did her homework. As we can see, it has two lexemes with zero inflections: SISTER, PERFORMED. The lexeme SISTER is in the initial form, there is no EXPRESSED inflection behind the stem, but any word forms from the paradigm of its form change help to understand what it is: SISTER. Same most and in the verb PERFORMED: as soon as we put it in a different gender or a different number (PERFORMED, PERFORMED, PERFORMED) - it will become clear: in the word form from the sentence given as an example, inflection is zero.
But where do zero inflections occur most often?
2nd sk. husband. kind in them. case, for example ghost, interruption, internationalism.
inanimate 2nd cl. husband. kind in wines. case, for example, I recognize a locker, telephone, rise.
3rd sk. in the fall them. and wine. degree, mouse, target, falseness.
Possessive on -IY, -OV (-EV), -IN- (-YN-) - these are all suffixes, in the pad. them. and wine. husband. kind: whose? - Machines, fathers, grandfathers;
Masculine: handsome, interesting, gorgeous, attractive;
demonstrative and possessive in number of units. sort of husband; noun inanimate, vin.): this, that, his, mine, ours; demonstrative THAT and interrogative-relative WHAT; personal I, YOU and HE (in other inflections expressed - in the words WE, YOU;
quantitative with the value of a) units (5 - 9), b) whole tens (10 - 80) and c) whole hundreds (200 - 900) per pad. them. and wine. - and in complex numbers. in these cases there are two zero inflections; quantitative, denoting whole hundreds
5. Do VERBS:
inclinations indicative in husband. kind of past tense: translated, tested, scattered;
conditional inclinations in the gender masculine. unit numbers: would translate, test, illustrate;
imperative moods in the number of units: review, laugh, add;
6. Do participles passive short numbers units. kind of male: we carry (from carried), we decide (from solved), completed, built.
So based on all of the above and the examples given, I hope that you have understood the topic, and our Desk team to answer all your questions!
We wish you good luck and success!

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