Home Perennial flowers April horoscope for gemini snakes. Career and finance. Horoscope of love and family relationships

April horoscope for gemini snakes. Career and finance. Horoscope of love and family relationships

Mid-spring will be a period of increased business activity for you. This is evidenced by the horoscope for April 2018 for the sign Gemini. Typical representatives this zodiac sign This circumstance should not be annoying; they are used to doing several things at the same time.

The first two decades of the month will give you a lot of new impressions and provide an opportunity to make significant amendments to your life. At this time, you will make new plans, often meet with your loved ones and friends, and make new acquaintances. Last days Gemini will spend April “in the shadows.” And this is correct, because the horoscope for April 2018 warns that high activity in the last ten days of April is fraught with serious consequences for you. From serious negotiations and acceptance important decisions during this period of time should also be abandoned.

In April, the life of Gemini will be marked by a bright, memorable event. You will even gain some popularity among the opposite sex, which will be either a joy or a burden for you. And yet this period of time will become the most significant and happiest for you.

Do you want the month to be as successful as possible? Use these lucky amulets and factors, a list of which has been compiled for you by experienced astrologers:

Symbols of good luck for the Gemini sign in April 2018:

Plant: Buttercup

Stone: Citrine

Number: 20

Color: Wine red

Mascot: Mercury

Animal: Elk

Name: Ivan

Favorable days to fulfill plans for April 2018 for Gemini: 1, 4, 7, 9, 11, 16, 19, 23, 25, 29

Unfavorable days to implement plans for April 2018 for the sign Gemini: 5, 13, 20, 26

Horoscope of love and family relationships

Love horoscope for the sign of Gemini warns that in April 2018 your boat will quickly sail along the river of happiness and love. You will express romantic feelings easily and freely, and this will bring you incredible pleasure. Geminis will delight their loved ones with gifts and demonstrate warmth and sometimes even sentimentality in close relationships. In April 2018, Gemini may get pregnant sensual relationships with immediate superiors. You may have to think about where the boundaries of this relationship will be set.

Gemini family relationships with their loved ones they will be calm, pragmatic, but at the same time not at all deprived of small family pleasures. Your spouse will understand you perfectly, and there will be practically no reasons for disagreements and quarrels. In April, you have a great chance of conceiving a child who will be born with talent in the field of art.

Single Gemini Those who arrange their personal lives must stock up on patience and wisdom. Love is like a rose, which you can admire for a long time, but at one fine moment it hurts to get pricked. As you know, Geminis are freedom-loving and independent, which can lead to problems in love relationships. The horoscope warns that in April 2018, Gemini should not flirt with strangers in front of their chosen one. This behavior may result in adverse consequences. It will be much better if you prove to your to a loved one all the seriousness of your intentions.

Gemini travelers, like those who practically live on business trips, can become heroes of bright romance novels. Single Geminis should stop complaining about their villainous fate and think about how to proceed. Maybe representatives of the opposite sex are scared off by your too uncriminal attitude. appearance? So be simpler, and people will be drawn to you! Use natural charm when you realize that you care about a person.

Career and finance

Forecast for employees. The Gemini horoscope for April 2018 indicates that mid-spring will be a good period for you, both financially and professionally. There is a high probability of career growth, salary increase or change of job to a better paying one. Using business qualities, you can become an informal leader in your team, and at the same time not ruin your relationship with anyone.

Be prepared for what you have to give practical advice and make responsible decisions. And you will have virtually no room for error. In April, Gemini can safely raise the issue of a promotion. wages, but it will not increase immediately, but when the time comes.

Horoscope for entrepreneurs of the Gemini sign. The combination of planets indicates that they are currently being created the necessary conditions for the successful growth of your income, as well as for fruitful work with new professionals and specialists. Do not ignore the opinions of experienced workers, listen to their comments and advice, even if these people do not seem likeable to you. The time will come and this will help you get out of your predicament.

Financial forecast. In April, according to the horoscope, Gemini can make good money on the side, without even making any plans for this. You do not expect any special expenses, but there is a risk of losing part of the profit. Don't make rash decisions, avoid pointless spending, and don't overreact to unexpected situations. All decisions should be made by you only in an atmosphere of absolute emotional balance.

Health and energy background

According to the horoscope for April, you have no particular reason to worry about your health. Unexpected changes in mood are quite likely, making some adjustments to the overall physical state. However, Geminis live almost constantly in a changing energy field, and therefore you can easily adapt to any condition or event.

It is possible that the high amplitude of the energy vibration in combination with nervous tension can lead to sleep disturbances and jumps blood pressure. Therefore, try to refrain from violent reactions to any external stimuli, do not succumb to the fears that haunt you, and stay more fresh air and experience positive emotions.

For Gemini, April 2017 portends many pleasant events. In addition, representatives of this zodiac sign will be very impressionable about everything that happens to them. Therefore, the month promises to be bright.

This may be due to events such as unexpected popularity, dizzying career success, or participation in famous events. However, you should not stop there, otherwise you will not be able to get all the fruits from your efforts and hard work. You have been striving for success for a long time, and it did not come as a surprise. Pay more attention further development. The stars this month advise you to be active, especially for creative individuals.

In April 2017, Gemini will experience new achievements and serious prospects.

But only if they themselves do not turn away from change. There is no need to be afraid of them, you should go towards everything that happens to you.

You finally felt like you were achieving everything you set out to achieve. And the stagnation that occurred in your life before should not become a reason for passivity and fear.

Traveling and visiting new places will bring you benefits associated with new acquaintances, self-development, and increasing your own potential. Don't stand still, you should move forward in your achievements.

Family life and personal relationships of Gemini in April 2017

For Gemini in April 2017, the opinions of others will be extremely important. This applies to both the representatives of the zodiac sign themselves and their partners. You may choose a more beautiful or luckier significant other just to impress those around you.

Think about whether what people say about you is really that important to you. Don't sacrifice personal relationships and happiness for short-term success.

Having affairs on the side can be decisive in your life. But before you commit rash acts, rushing headlong into the pool, you should once again think carefully about everything and soberly assess the situation. Perhaps you do not need such drastic changes, because you are a calm person by nature, and home comfort plays an important role in your life.

You should definitely diversify your long-standing relationship with your partner. Put more positive emotions and impressions into them, spend time the way you both would like. Otherwise, routine and dullness may bury your love, which you previously valued so much.

The first half of the month is more suitable for new and fruitful acquaintances. You will even be surprised how active and vibrant your personal life can be.

In April 2017, Gemini may suffer from their own absent-mindedness and frivolity at work.

You can achieve serious success. But only if you put a lot of effort into it.

You should constantly remember this, otherwise you will stay stuck in one place for a long time, and about climbing career ladder All that remains is to dream.

You may encounter problems of this kind:

  • you invest more in the business than it pays for itself;
  • more effort is expended than required;
  • any mistake can lead to serious consequences;
  • luck and success will go to your head;
  • colleagues may weave intrigues against you;
  • you will not always feel the reality of what is happening, this can play a cruel joke on you;
  • dubious projects and the desire to get rich quickly will cause trouble.

Caution, self-discipline and constant development are the three pillars on which your well-being will stand.

In April, Gemini will have a good period associated with the acquisition of new things. This could be a fairly large purchase, for example a car or real estate. However, you should plan your expenses carefully, as they may significantly exceed your profit not only for this month, but also for the following months.

Gemini health in April 2017

The increased activity of Gemini promises them serious overexertion, which results in loss of strength and depression. You should devote more time to rest. He can be active. The main thing is that you receive moral satisfaction from the process and are distracted from everyday problems.

It is worth doing to strengthen the body and take care of yourself. A trip to a beauty salon or spa won't hurt you.

The pancreas may be vulnerable this month. Stop taking questionable drugs, even if you have previously used them. Immunity to some will increase in April medicines and allergic reactions to foods. Poisoning is possible: pay serious attention to your diet.

Do you have big plans for spring? The Gemini horoscope for April 2018 will help you understand in which direction you should act! The stars claim that now is not the time to rush and try to “spur” circumstances in any way. Everything that you have been persistently pursuing over the past few months will happen naturally.

A dreamy mood will take over many Geminis in April. And this is not surprising - watching the singing birds and basking in the warm rays of the spring sun, it is very difficult to concentrate on everyday responsibilities! Fortunately, you can allow yourself to “slow down” and take a little break from your boring routine. However, this does not apply to accountants, financial analysts and representatives of other “computing” professions - it is strictly contraindicated for you to be absent-minded!

The Gemini horoscope for April 2018 warns you against trying to implement long-term plans during the month. It’s better not to rush things now; nothing good will come of it anyway. It’s better to turn your mind’s eye to the path you’ve traveled, analyze the mistakes you’ve made so as not to repeat them in the future.

Easter falls on April 8 this year. If you stick to tradition Orthodox religion, then do not schedule any important things for this day - it is better to visit the temple, and then spend free time in the family. Be careful on April 4th, on this day Saturn is in a negative aspect with Mars, which increases the risk of minor accidents and injuries. It is best to start a new business on April 18, 21 or 27 - on these days the stars favor you.

Lucky days for Gemini in April 2018: 12, 16, 18, 21, 27, 28.

Unlucky days for the Gemini sign in April 2018: 3, 4, 19.

Gemini love and family horoscope

Free Gemini, you will soon have the opportunity to use your wit and communication skills to the fullest! Astrological forecast predicts you bright and colorful adventures. What will be the ending of a romantic acquaintance? Alas, even I could not have predicted this for sure. Everything will depend on you, and only on you!

The Gemini love horoscope for April 2018 shows that during this month you will have to make an important choice. If you wish, you can consult with your family and friends, with friends, with people whose opinion matters to you. However, when the time comes to make the final choice, it is up to you to make the decision.

Family Gemini The horoscope for April 2018 predicts several minor conflicts over money issues, as well as possible quarrels due to differences political views. But don’t worry about this - all misunderstandings can be quickly resolved! Your discretion and fast reaction will help reduce all disputes to nothing.

In the second half of the month, you will have the opportunity to calmly do household chores. According to your personal horoscope, starting from the 15th, will begin to increase beneficial influence your patron Mercury. This will have a positive impact on both your emotional well-being and the situation in your family.

Money and work - finance horoscope for April 2018

The horoscope for this month advises representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign to spend extremely carefully financial resources. Mercury is at odds with Saturn, meaning many Geminis will be faced with unexpected expenses. So strict budget planning is a must for you now! If you were planning large purchases or transactions, then, if possible, postpone them to the next month.

Gemini employees may offer this month new job or the opportunity to participate in a promising project. You have to decide for yourself whether to accept the offer or not. On the one side, financial horoscope Gemini for April 2018 declares that money will not hurt you now. On the other hand, an unexpected side hustle can interfere with your main job. Is it worth the risk? stable income for casual income?

Gemini businessmen in April will have to undergo a real test for leadership skills and the ability to manage a company under stressful conditions. It is possible that unscrupulous competitors will try to set you up. So for a month, avoid dubious transactions and financial transactions, which may cause problems for you. Fortunately, everything bad ends sooner or later, and your horoscope says that by the end of the month you will be able to return to your usual work schedule.

Health horoscope for the sign Gemini for April 2018

The physical and nervous stress that many Geminis will have to experience during April will adversely affect their health. To compensate for the costs, you will have to take a short vacation, take a break from work and everyday household chores. Eat more vitamins, spend more time in the fresh air. The horoscope for the sign Gemini for April 2018 recommends replacing watching TV series and communicating on social networks with “live” communication. Meet with friends more often, go out into nature, fishing or barbecue.

Along with the long-awaited thaw, April will bring Gemini some very pleasant moments, about which the love horoscope will tell you in great detail. The love forecast contains a lot of encouraging omens for Gemini for April 2019. The love horoscope will warn the wards of Mercury that it is impossible to foresee, and if representatives of the sign listen to the recommendations of the stars, then happiness will come love front they cannot escape.

Love horoscope for Gemini for April 2019

April will start ambiguously for Gemini. For some people it will be very calm in the middle of spring this year, others will face a huge amount problems requiring immediate solutions. Gemini will sometimes be surprised at how differently circumstances turn out for people of their zodiac sign in early April. The stars will answer this question simply: the situations are so different only because of the differences in the personal lives of Gemini.

In early April, long-single Geminis will feel a surge of strength, thanks to which they will be able to make their dreams come true, quickly establishing relationships with the person of interest. By the end of the month, Gemini can also instantly break off all connections, but this will only happen when strong desire return to the free life that Mercury’s wards have had over the past years.

In mid-spring 2019, happily married Geminis will be faced with a very tricky obstacle, on which the boat of their love may well crash. It will be especially difficult at the beginning of April. Doubts will appear, new feelings will arise, family relationships will deteriorate greatly. But towards the end of the month, Gemini will have a chance to restore their former idyll. However, for this they will have to try.

Love horoscope for Gemini women for April 2019

In April, Gemini girls will be very happy, but this period will not last long. The love horoscope predicts several important events. The first will concern a new awareness that has not previously entered the thoughts of representatives of the element of Air. The second will make Gemini girls reconsider their entire lives. As a result, in April, serious changes may occur on the love front, including a breakup.

In April, girls of the Gemini sign will have several directions that will help improve their relationship with their significant other. It is at this moment that one should admit that there is no single key to the heart of a lover.

Good events will happen in the life of all Gemini girls who want to get married. In April they will have a unique chance. The main task Single women will just have to watch out for it.

Love horoscope for Gemini men for April 2019

Many Gemini men may begin a crazy romance in April. In the spring of this year, they already had temptations that they managed to more or less resist, and during the period of dominance of the element of Fire, it will be extremely difficult to ignore new feelings. Because of this, Gemini may experience serious problems, but all this will become clear later, but for now only incredible happiness, genuine euphoria and a lot of exciting moments await them.

When meeting girls in April, Gemini will not feel the usual embarrassment. The stars are preparing such a gift only for those who have not been able to arrange their personal lives for a long time and who constantly suffer defeats on the love front. Gemini womanizers will be less lucky. In April, such men will have fewer reasons to show their charisma and charm the women they like.

Positive changes in relationships await those Geminis who have recently become single. In mid-spring, they will be able to correct their mistakes and prove to their lovers the sincerity of their feelings and the seriousness of their intentions. In connection with such forecasts, Gemini should be prepared to have the courage to take the most serious step in life - proposing their hand in marriage to their beloved.

Love horoscope for Gemini for other months of 2019

Twins. Horoscope for April 2019 for Gemini.

Geminis shouldn't have to worry about choosing what to spend April on.
. Concentrate on the boring but useful - work and self-education. And then soon you will thank yourself for this. The best way solve accumulated problems at home - pacify emotions and listen to loved ones. Friendliness is the motto of the month. And extend it to your colleagues as well.

Favorable days in April in April 2019 for Gemini – 5, 7, 13, 17, 23, 28.
Unfavorable days of April 2019 for Gemini – 1, 3, 9, 12, 15, 20, 29.

Gemini's career and finances in April 2019
IN April Gemini It’s better not to look into the future and live for today, here and now. Then you will not miss out on good luck, which by the end of the month may fall on the heads of the most patient. Do not try to solve all problems at once, try to act measuredly and consistently. Take your time to make decisions and listen to the advice of others, perhaps their opinion will coincide with yours.
The key to Gemini’s success in the financial sector in April will be perseverance and hard work..

Numerous efforts will bear fruit by the end of the month and give impetus to the future.
IN April Gemini Gemini's personal life in April 2019 Don’t rush to make decisions, as this month has prepared several pitfalls. If decision is made

, some couples may separate. Perhaps this is not a disaster, since the partner either did not suit you or was not serious.
IN April Gemini Gemini health in April 2019 It is recommended to start taking your diet more seriously, which is closely related to health. Problems may arise with. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the condition of the lymph nodes. If necessary, be sure to consult a doctor.

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