Home Blanks for the winter How to find a lost thing. We read the conspiracy to find the lost thing

How to find a lost thing. We read the conspiracy to find the lost thing

Many can talk about how literally before our eyes some necessary thing disappeared, as if by magic. Just lying in plain sight, turned away for a minute, and now he is not able to find her. A wide variety of items disappear, expensive and cheap, usually of a relatively small size, and they can be found quickly or very slowly, and maybe never at all. If you have lost a thing, how to find it with the least nervous loss? There are many explanations and ways to find the lost, but the mystical reasons should not be discounted. It is far from always possible to explain the disappearance by logical and materialistic methods.

Why do things disappear?

Of course, some objects disappear for the most banal, at first glance, reasons: someone took it and did not put it in place, you can thoughtlessly take it and put it somewhere. But why is this happening? Sometimes the loss does not lend itself to any explanation - no one entered the room, there is no one to joke. If in such conditions a thing disappeared, how to find it as quickly as possible?

To begin with, you should try to find the culprit and determine the cause. Perhaps mysticism has nothing to do with it, and then it is a human or technical factor. If not, then it may be a brownie, devilry, the machinations of a witch or the influence of energy flows. In addition, psychics separately emphasize the likelihood of spontaneous selective blindness: the thing is in place, for some reason they simply do not notice it. If something valuable is missing, for a start you should calm down and take steps to search in stages.

Elimination of the human factor

Before embarking on mystical methods, it is worth checking materialistic hypotheses and excluding were there strangers in the house? Perhaps a family member entered the room? Other people's actions often become the reason that a thing disappeared. How to find it in this case? The easiest way is to ask everyone who entered the room, perhaps someone took the item.

The human factor also includes the personal forgetfulness or disorganization of someone who has lost something important. You can remove the item and forget about it, and then look for a long time, bewildered and suspecting the influence mystical forces... Clutter also contributes, sometimes the thing you are looking for lies quietly under a jacket thrown into a chair while the owner rummages through the whole room, trying to figure out where the folder with documents or the TV remote control disappeared. It is the disorder that is often associated with the following explanation for the loss.

Exists special category disappearing things, for which it is typical to disappear from time to time. These are teaspoons, socks, keys, and other relatively small items. Researchers from Australia decided to test the theory of mystical disappearances and began to monitor the availability of teaspoons in the university cafeteria. For this, a batch of teaspoons was purchased, each numbered. Every month, researchers checked how many spoons were left, and five months later, almost 80% of all purchased items had disappeared without a trace! By common sense, most of of the missing spoons was accidentally thrown out with the remnants of food or stolen, but the path of some could not be traced, and this is where something mystical lies.

Brownie discontent

By folk beliefs, brownies really do not like poorly organized household and try to attract the attention of the owners only possible way- hide important things from them. If a thing is missing, how to find it in the mess? In the search, putting things in order helps well, so a sly plan brownie acts.

If you are convinced that this is a brownie, then you can talk to him, instead of puzzling over the question of how to find the missing thing in the house. The conspiracy can be read on a cobweb - to find a cobweb, it is easy to blow on it and whisper: "Keeper of the house, help, find the missing thing." In this case, it is advisable to explain what kind of thing, especially if it is not the first loss. Otherwise, a sock lost last month may be found, and formally the conspiracy will work, but not as it should.

You can also whisper on a broom as a sacred object that has direct relation to the brownie. Even a free-form request for help in the search can work. Tying the scarf to the leg of a table, chair or stool also helps. Soon after tying the knot, the disappeared object is found, and sometimes in the most unexpected place.

The machinations of evil spirits

Unlike a benevolent brownie, he loves to hide things from ordinary ones Just for the sake of fuss and negative emotions... Please note: if after such a disappearance you quarrel with family members, accusing them of theft or carelessness, then this is probably the work of petty demons. You can also negotiate with them.

"Damn it, play and give it back," - the most simple formula... How to find the missing item if you suspect the involvement of demons? Prayer helps believers. You need to calm down, read any prayer that allows God's grace to descend on your restless soul. "Our Father" is usually heard, and the phrase "Deliver us from the evil one" is perfect for such cases. Priests do not advise flirting with devils and offering them bribes in the form of milk or sweets, only prayer will help to cope with evil spirits.

Look for the witch!

If you notice that things are missing after a visit to the house of a too-tongued neighbor, then this is not necessarily theft. Perhaps we are talking about a witch who deliberately harms, solely for professional reasons. How to find a missing thing in a house if you suspect a witch's work?

First of all, you need to weaken the influence of negative energy. For this, both prayer and some ancient rituals are suitable. For example, it is worth pouring a handful of salt under the threshold. This will not only prevent the witch from entering your house, but it will also cut off energy flow.

At the same time, you should not wish the witch evil, because evil only feeds the negative. On the contrary, it is better to pray for her health, ask the Light for protection for her soul, wish her healing from delusions. After that, the lost thing, if it was the witch who was to blame, will certainly be found.

Influence of energy flows

Psychics claim that they may well become the culprits of the sudden loss of things. There are many explanations for this phenomenon, and various mystical schools help to cope with this. For example, ancient art Feng Shui is designed to streamline energy flows, to help fill the house with light power, in which things will not just disappear.

How to find a missing thing in an apartment where a negative energy flow has formed? The first step is to check if the energy is really to blame. A candle helps a lot in this - the tongue of an open flame begins to crackle and vibrate if it passes through it negative energy... Christians are better off using a church candle because everyone will be rewarded according to their faith. It will be useful to go around the entire apartment with a burning candle in hand so that the tongue of an open fire closes the contour of the dwelling. Oddly enough, the above-mentioned banal cleaning, always with washing the floors, helps to streamline the flows. This not only leads but also renews the energy of the house. After this simple procedure, the lost item is usually found.

Inexplicable mass hassle

The next reason for the sudden disappearance of things gives rise to a distinct sense of bewilderment and even fear in casual participants. For example, you are going to give an object, put it on the table. The visitor is about to leave, and suddenly you both discover that the item is missing. It can be anything - a spool of thread, keys, an envelope with documents. At the same time, both you and your guest know for sure that they did not take, it seems, did not even leave the room. As if some kind of selective blindness had turned on. Irrational fear appears at the moment when an object is suddenly found in the same place where it was seen in last time and made sure of his absence several times.

Anything can be the cause of such a hassle, but most of all its massive effect is frightening, when several people are looking for keys that were just lying on the table, and find them there a few minutes later. Anyone can be blamed for this: jokers, brownies, devils, witches and even aliens. In this case, in order to find the missing thing, it is better to use the simplest conspiracy. Name the lost thing, for example, this ring, and clearly say in an orderly tone: "The ring has just been lying here, and it is better that it be in this place again." Run your hand over your face as if you were removing a blindfold from your eyes. Most often it helps.

Numerology: how to find a missing thing

The mystical doctrine of numbers, numerology, allows you to find missing items with a fairly high degree of probability. For this, special tables are used, which are given in books on numerology. Likely search locations are given in a numbered list.

There are two ways to find out which line corresponds to a lost item. First: you need to spell the name of the thing in the table with numbered letters of the alphabet, add up the numbers to get a number of no more than 84. That is, add up until you get a number less than or equal. This will be the line number indicating where to look. Second way: write down any nine numbers without hesitation. Then fold them in the same way as above and find the indication in the list.

There are many enthusiastic reviews shared by people who managed to find the loss precisely thanks to numerology. It should be noted, however, that this does not help in all cases. Unfortunately, if an item is stolen, then the chances of getting it back are significantly reduced.

Prayer as a way to search

God's intercession helps believers better than any other way. At the same time, it is better to pray from a pure heart, with goodness in your soul, without calling all kinds of punishments on the heads of possible culprits - this is not a Christian way.

Special prayers "How to find the missing thing" can be found in numerous prayer books and collections. Usually, these prayers cause quite logical questions and unequivocal disapproval among the priests. Texts like "On the island of Buyan a stone lies, a bird flies to it" have nothing to do with Christian religion and are more related to mysticism. It is better to turn directly to God, to the Mother of God, to any of the patron saints and express in your own words a request for help, than to resort to dubious recipes from the first brochure that comes across.

Masha-Confused Syndrome

If such losses happen to you on a regular basis, then it may turn out that mysticism has nothing to do with it. Many psychologists jokingly call this the Masha-Confused Syndrome. Absent-mindedness and forgetfulness are not so harmless, because you can lose a vital item, such as a bottle of medicine.

Concentration and a firm conviction help: I ​​will find the missing item right now and I will not be nervous about it. It helps such people well psychological practice search - you just need to go through things in the place where you disappeared desired item calling them out loudly. Literally take it in your hand and say: "Passport, pen, envelope, book." This helps to get rid of the sensation that is called "point-blank cannot see."

Sudden return of things

It is not always possible to quickly find a missing thing, and this causes quite legitimate irritation. But many people note that the item is found immediately after they waved the hand at it and stopped the search. Of course, this only applies to those things that were not stolen or specially hidden, namely, disappeared in an incomprehensible way.

There is even a belief that things get tired of hiding as soon as they are forgotten. That is why so often you can hear stories about how something was found after the need for a search was gone. Regardless of the reasons why small things continue to disappear from us, it is worth learning to treat this with philosophical indifference. These are just things, they will certainly be found.

So, sometimes it becomes very offensive when you are looking for a thing all day, and it lies in the most conspicuous place. And we begin to wonder how it was possible to miss her. And the whole reason is in our forgetfulness, which, it turns out, can be easily dealt with. Our nature is so arranged that we are constantly trying to do several things at the same time. Let's say, talking on the phone, we can clean the room, wash the dishes, cook dinner. At this point, it is highly likely that things are automatically moving from their "native" places. The scissors end up in the kitchen cupboard, the sugar bowl in the trellis, and the sunglasses, even worse, in the trash can. This happens because our brain, performing several things, often gives preference to one or the other. To avoid this, try to remember one truth: protect yourself from extraneous thoughts at the moment when you shift the thing you need from place to place.

But if you nevertheless lost something and cannot find it in any way, and you need this thing very urgently, MirSovetov will tell you how to find it.

The power of science

To begin with, remember that the more you want to remember where your thing is, the less you will get it. And the expanses of our memory are so immense that it is very difficult for us to extract the memories we need from it.

It is worth learning how to distract yourself from searches. In many cases, of course, this is simply impossible - you are late for work, and the keys to your car or apartment suddenly disappeared and treacherously keep silent. But still try to disconnect from the search and sit down. At this point, close your eyes and don't think about the keys. After a few minutes, open your eyes, pour yourself, or whichever you prefer, calmly drink the drink. And believe me, you will immediately remember where your keys are. How a lost thing is restored in memory can only be explained by science, only it is subject to it. So, thanks to the fact that you switched to peaceful rest, you were able to transfer the search to the subconscious. And it also owns the information where the thing you lost lies. The main thing is not to panic, concentrate and be distracted!

From Basseinaya street

About people who very often lose something, and then with crazy eyes begin to look for a "loss" in vain, they say that they are absent-minded and inattentive.

But do not delude yourself, because the reason is not hidden at all in these human properties. There may be some temporary change in your home. After all, your home is considered a place where energy forces are regularly concentrated. They are directly related to your life. And when you are very tired, thinking about some work matters, you involuntarily start to soar somewhere in the clouds. At this moment, you forget about the house, and he “feels” it, and therefore there is an imbalance of the energy that is in it. And then you become more absent-minded and awkward - look for a switch on the wrong wall on which it is located, put a hot cup of coffee on the sofa and spill it or just look at the TV screen without responding to the child's questions. Therefore, experts recommend and before finding lost thing, be sure to think about home.

But you should not take everything categorically and spend every day in your home and transfer things from place to place. To be thoughts in the house is completely different. Your presence will be enough for him - just live in it, surprise family and friends with wonderful delicious meals, relax in it, meet guests and, in the end, just learn to accept its warmth.

Tame Nathan

They say that sometimes things do not go missing because of our absent-mindedness. Sometimes the tricks of the brownie are to blame. After all, from time immemorial it is known that he loves to joke with the owners and hide things from them. This happens very often when moving. After all, the drummer feels anxiety at the same time and is very worried - permanent place the residence has changed. And when you can't find your favorite necklace and think that this is the trick of your new "friend", do not panic. Better try to appease him with something tasty - leave cookies, cake or sweets on the table overnight. He really loves to feast on flour and sweets. And then you will definitely find the lost thing, which will practically "return" to its place by itself.

For some reason, our ancestors very much believed in omens and were sure that a handkerchief tied to the leg of a chair or an inverted glass would help return the little thing you lost.

Once a man, having lost his glasses in the house, began to talk to them and clap his hands at the same time. The family thought it was time. But it turned out that he was just looking for his unit. Believe it or not, this is how he found his glasses!

There are also mysterious ways to return the desired item. To do this, at sunset, necessarily on Thursday, open the window and turn to the west. In this case, it is advisable to read the so-called conspiracy. It may seem funny to some, but it actually works great. So, “Devils, devils come to me, I ask for your help! Find my thing, take away the power from the thieves and return it to them only when I find what I have lost. " Incredible, but it helps! And many people found long-lost things just like that.

An easier way involves taking threads of any color, tearing off as many centimeters as your height. But no less, because the method will not work. Then you need to fold it seven times and tie it in three knots. Put it under the pillow before going to bed. And with a clear conscience, not thinking about anything, go to bed. In a dream, you will definitely see the place where the lost thing lies.

Our grandmothers still looked for everything in this way - they put dried grass, motherwort and lavender in a copper cup, set fire to and fumigated the whole house. After some time, the thing itself "came" into the hands of our ancestors.

If you are not afraid of domestic spiders, and you urgently need to find a passport, MirSovetov recommends, if possible, to find an insect at home. Then blow on him and ask him to find the lost. And since according to legends, the spider is the guardian of the house and the family hearth, rest assured that it will run exactly where the thing lies.

If there were no spiders in your house, try to make an ordinary pendulum, walk around the house with it and carefully examine everything. Where it starts to rotate, there is your "loss".

In search, it is advisable to always listen to your own. Try to include and imagine a ball of thread, the end of which is tied to the lost item. Try to mentally wind the thread around your finger and pull what you are looking for towards you.

In extreme cases, you can resort to spiritualism, because the "refugee" urgently needs to be returned. To do this, you need to purchase a candle purple, sit in the center of the room and light it up. At this moment, try with your thoughts to go to where your thing may lie. The result can be twofold: either you yourself remember sharply where you put what, or the wax will help you - in which direction it will flow, in that direction the thing will!

These methods will help you find the item you just lost, as well as the one that you have already forgotten about, even if the searches were long time are ineffectual.

Last resort

Well, if no methods helped at all, there is only one thing left. Spring-cleaning! It is worth cleaning up all hard-to-reach places, from the smallest screws in the closet to rearranging furniture. So you will create not only comfort in the house, but also find things that you forgot to think about! Only in this way there is a high probability that they will all fall into place! Let it be elementary old way, but tested over the years and by all housewives.

Never despair, because if a thing is lost in the house, and you never let strangers in, then be sure that sooner or later the thing will be found. To do this, you just need to be patient.

In the end, if a thing is not precious, but dear to you as a memory and searches remain unsuccessful for a long time, remember, this is a reason to acquire something new. And let that remain with you in fond memories. After all, nothing for a person remains the most valuable than his memory of something!

Probably, this happened to everyone? You just had a small, but very necessary thing in your hands: glasses, a flash drive, keys, or at least a pen. Someone distracted you, and, voila, what was in your hands disappeared in an unknown direction. Where did it go? For the twenty-fifth time, you run a marathon through an apartment hoping to find the missing item. Now not a single thing is in its place; you have turned every nightstand, every chest of drawers upside down. We looked under a stack of newspapers, and even made an audit in every sneaker and boot. How to find a lost item, if you have searched EVERYTHING already?

Another scenario is even more "tragic" - the fifth day you are in search of such a necessary little thing. You are so desperate that you would even pay a private detective to find her! And she silently lays down in some secluded place.

How to find a lost thing, which you still can't do without? Let's turn to our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers for advice. They probably know how to find the missing.

How to find a lost item in the house?

1) Try to include intuition and imagination: you have in your hands an imaginary ball with a thread, the other end of which is tied to the missing thing. Wind the thread around the ball, and the thread will lead you to the item you need.

2) Turn to the otherworldly inhabitant of your house or apartment - the housekeeper. He probably got bored and decided to play pranks with you! In the process of searching, say “Brownie, have you played? Please return. " Most likely, the missing thing will be found right there. And reward the brownie for this with a saucer of jam. For this, he will return to you not only those things that he himself hid, but also that were lost due to your absent-mindedness!

3) Take an empty glass and turn it over. The same effect will be if you do this with a cup. Rumor has it that the method works.

4) Use the ancient recipes of real magicians: put a bunch of dried lavender, motherwort and wormwood in a small copper dish. Drop a drop of alcohol and light it. Fumigate the house with this smoke and mentally hold the missing thing in your hands.

5) A very simple way to find a lost thing is as follows: bandage a chair leg with a handkerchief and sit on it. Psychologists explain the finding of an object by the fact that you briefly switch your attention to another object, thereby distracting from the main problem. Who knows how to know ...

6) Do you talk to pets? Try to talk to the loss as if it were an inspired subject. Call, ask to come back. Sounds like crazy, but who will know about it?

7) The methods of spiritualism will also be appropriate here, because you have to find a "refugee". Sit in front of a lighted purple candle and return your thoughts to the lost thing. There are two possible answers: either you will sharply remember where this thing may be, or the wax flowing from the candle will tell you in which direction to look.

8) The house spider, by the way, can be an excellent Holmes. Ask him for help in the search and blow lightly on the spider, and then let him crawl about his “household” chores.

9) Take any object that fits for a pendulum, and walk with it around the house, mentally asking the question about the missing thing. The pendulum sways, which means you can definitely look for something there.

10) Well last method: thread with knots. You need to take a thread of about your height, then fold it 3 times, and then at 7 more and tie 3 knots on this thread. Before going to bed all this complex structure put it under your pillow. In a dream, you will receive an answer to where to look for the disappeared thing.

Didn't all the methods described here give the desired result? How to find the lost item in this case? Here is the answer to this question, for sure, lies on the surface: do a general cleaning. You will find many objects that you have already mentally said goodbye to for a long time!

Almost everyone has had a situation in their life with the loss of this or that thing. Many are familiar with the feeling when the desired object was just in the hands, and now it disappeared without a trace. And sometimes it seems that the thing should be in its usual place, but it is not there. The easiest way is to arrange a general cleaning and turn the whole house, but this does not always help. There are several effective ways quickly remember where the necessary thing went, both psychological and not entirely scientific.

Method 1

For all the comicality of this method, you can try to appease the brownie, because it is he who can be the culprit of the loss. Following the superstition of the brownie, you need to bribe with something: put a glass of milk or a saucer with jam in a corner, put a sweet bun, cookies or a little honey. It is generally accepted that brownies love sweets, so they will be happy with such a delicacy and stop playing naughty.

Method 2

An alternative to bribing a brownie can be a kind of game with him, superstitious people sometimes use this old way- contact the brownie. As a rule, they say bluntly: "Play and give," and the necessary thing will soon be found.

Method 3

One theory says that missing things can slip away from your attention in a certain spatial corner of an apartment or house. If you follow this logic, then the search will require more effort than just calling out to the housekeeper.

For example, you can buy a candle in the most ordinary store. bright color, which you need to put in front of you at home and light it up. Looking at the flame of a candle, try to revive in memory and visualize the lost thing. It is believed that referring to the depths of memory, thus, you can remember where you could go, you need a thing.

Method 4

If you do not feel as if the thing was just in your hands and suddenly disappeared, you can try to return to its original place. Once there, you need to repeat all the same steps that were done before, go along the same route. Reconstructing your own actions can help you immediately remember where the item you are looking for is.

Method 5

If a small object is lost, then only logic will help in this situation. It is necessary to start thinking where it would be logical to put it. For example, it is convenient to put a small item in a desk drawer or a small box. It is necessary to search first of all where it would be most rational to put this very thing.

Method 6

You should imagine that now the thing is in your hands, and then remember exactly how it looked and try to mentally repeat your actions. If a scheme of action "drew up" in my head, you need to go and check - what if this is exactly what happened?

Method 7

Try to think about where this item was usually stored and see if there is a pile of newspapers, linen, children's toys or something else. Perhaps it will be enough to pick up the newspaper, and the "loss" covered by it will be found.

Method 8

Psychologists believe that forgetting can help in the quest. Sometimes, in our attempts to search, we get too carried away with the smallest details and unconsciously prevent ourselves from concentrating on the main thing. Thus, we deceive our own brain, which begins to think that the thing has already been found, and falsely calms down. At the same time, the thing itself may lie right in front of our eyes, but we do not see it.

In this case, you can try to distract yourself, stop thinking about the loss, and do other things. Most likely, after a while, the loss will be discovered.

Method 9

According to old take, you can take scissors, open them and put them open on the table. According to the legend, the lost things are then found instantly. The secret is that at this moment your attention shifts to the scissors, and you do not think about the lost thing and soon you will easily remember where it is.

Method 10

Take any chair in the house, tie a handkerchief or towel to its leg with one knot, and then go about your business. After a while, the lost thing will be revealed. A similar effect can be obtained by turning upside down a glass or cup, which is most often used in the house.

Method 11

The pendulum helps in finding the missing things. It is quite simple to make it - you just need to tie a small weight to a long thread and, holding it by the upper edge, walk through the apartment or other room. At this moment, mentally talk about the loss, and if in some place the pendulum began to move - look carefully, it is probably here that the missing thing is waiting for its owner.

Method 12

You should stand at the same place where the last time the lost thing was in your hands and throw a similar object up with an exclamation: "Brother, find your brother!" Where the object falls, there you should look.

This procedure can be repeated several times, and one of the attempts will most likely be successful. This method is effective when looking for rounded objects that could easily roll up somewhere.

Method 13

You can take a thread the length of your own height, fold it in seven layers and tie it with three knots at an equal distance. Put the thread under the pillow and go to bed. It is likely that in a dream you will see where the necessary thing could disappear.

Method 14

Do not be lazy to inspect the places in which you have already searched. It happens that during a second inspection, the thing is found.

Method 15

If no method helps to remember where you put the thing, then only hypnosis will help. You can go to an appointment with a hypnologist, but here you should think about whether the lost thing is badly needed. It may turn out that it is better to forget about it, wait a while and not waste money, and the thing will be found by itself and pretty soon?

Recover the course of events that preceded the loss. Where was this thing before it disappeared? What exactly did you do with her? What other things were in your field of vision at the same time? And they are in this moment where?
Walk up to where you last saw this item before losing it. Do the same as you did before you disappeared. A person remembers not only with his “head”, but also with his whole body. The body memory can easily tell you where you left the lost object.

Talk to the Lost in a friendly way. Mentally see the missing thing, and let its image be as bright and colorful as possible. Imagine that you are not looking for her, but she is you. Where would she start her quest? What words does she expect from you now? And what would she say to you in return?
It often happens like this: you are still continuing your strange "conversation" with the loss, and she is no longer a loss at all, here she is - in front of you!
Gestalt psychologists say: in order to establish a "relationship" with your things, sometimes put yourself in their place. Funny? And you change the question in the store from "Which of these bags should I choose?" to the question "Which of these bags would choose me?", and your choice will be surprisingly easy and fast.

Ask a brownie or a brownie for help - as our grandmothers assure - a great lover of playing hide and seek with the tenants. Contact him with a request to return find a lost thing and return it to you. The most popular phrase: "Brownie, brownie, play and give it back!" You can add something else from yourself, they say, I understand, you are bored, lonely, but I really really need this little thing, and I'll give you in return ...
Now is the time for you to be distracted for 15-20 minutes. After the break, return to the search, and the loss will be quickly found.
Psychologists will confirm: we see only what we want to see. Our worldview always stands between us and the world. Maybe you don’t see brownies just because you don’t believe in them? Make an exception this time and imagine that in front of you is a kind of unusual interlocutor, an invisible tenant of your house, who is usually called Brownie.

Tie a handkerchief to a chair leg in the evening and go to bed. In the morning, either the missing thing will be found by itself, or you “suddenly remember” where you put it.
Why it happens? You have disclaimed responsibility for the search and unconditionally entrusted them to forces unknown to you. And in response to trust, gratitude always follows.

Use the pendulum to find the lost thing. To do this, tie a small thread to a small but weighty thing (a heavier ring, a very large button). Grasp the loose end of the string, extend your hand forward, and close your eyes for a minute to focus. Wait for the string to start moving the pendulum. Then move slowly around the room. Where pendulum movements change to rotational ones, and you need to look for a lost thing.
Psychologists explain this phenomenon by the presence of subtle connections between the thought (idea) of a person and the movement of his hand (motor skills), hence the name - "ideomotor act".
V esoteric knowledge the explanation is similar: if you trust your subconscious and allow it to control your behavior, it will "see" what we are not able to perceive consciously.

Start cleaning up where you went missing. Only cleaning should be done not in the usual way, but, so to speak, systematically.
To begin with, clear out all the "towns" - that which you and your household have piled up for recent times: magazines and newspapers piled up in a pile, laundry piled on an ironing board, business letters and papers piled up on the desk, etc.
The soul of the house (of course, your house has a soul!) Does not tolerate chaotic, unstructured spaces, and does not get tired of reminding you of this. If you find lost in things dumped at random, treat this as a useful signal sent by your home: "Every part of your home should be pleasing to the eye!"
"Towns" defeated, and the loss has not been found? We continue cleaning. The next goal is things that have not been used by us for a long time and, in fact, are no longer needed either by us or by the house. It's time to revise the shelves with linen, books, old toys, and the remains of perfumery. Without pity, we get rid of ourselves and rid our sweet home of unnecessary things, and we don’t need everything that we haven’t used for a year or more.
Was the missing piece found in an old box in the far corner of the shelf? - All because you finally heeded the voice of your house: "I am too small to store so many unnecessary things."

Pull the silver thread between yourself and the lost item in your mind. Imagine how you pull on this thread and approach the loss. All your attention is only a thin silver thread! If you can focus on it and follow where it comes from, then there you will find what you were looking for.

Just postpone your searches for a while, especially when you see that you are unsuccessfully moving along vicious circle, repeatedly returning to the same search locations. If time is running out (of course, you need a lost thing, but not in a hurry), switch to something else. Violence is unproductive, including self-abuse.
Do what psychologists call "letting go." Allow yourself to stop looking for a while and return to them, say, tomorrow.
And tomorrow the information you need will pop up in your memory.

Expand your search area, to do this, just start looking for the missing item where, in your opinion, it certainly should not be. The method of action "by contradiction" helps to break the stereotypes of consciousness and go beyond the boundaries that you have invented for yourself.
Admit it, how many times have you found your lost thing where it never occurred to you to look for it!

Turn the empty cup upside down and place on the saucer. Let it turn out as if you saw your loss and caught it, covering it like a butterfly with a butterfly net. Oops! Now watch out - you will find her soon.
Our fantasies can be as productive as our real actions.

Play with the situation, look at it from different angles, fantasize, instead of getting angry with yourself or others for the seemingly ridiculous and accidental loss. Remember that any accident is just an unknown pattern.

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