Home Preparations for the winter Kovalev Sergey Viktorovich NLP. Program "Happy Destiny". Install, run, use

Kovalev Sergey Viktorovich NLP. Program "Happy Destiny". Install, run, use

A surge of interest in psychology as a purely practical science emerged at the beginning of the 2000s. At this time, psychology left the offices of scientists “to the people”, and psychologists began to be popular as healers. human souls capable of providing real help. The concept " practical psychology».

One of its brightest representatives is the psychologist Kovalev Sergey Viktorovich, who, having launched an active work at the turn of the 90s and the beginning of the 2000s, successfully continues to work today, healing the wounds of human souls.

Everyone can become happy.
Kovalev Sergey Viktorovich, psychologist


Sergey Viktorovich was born in 1954, on January 14th. He studied well, strove for knowledge, after school he entered the Moscow State University. There he passed full course education at the Faculty of Sociology and Psychology. A talented student was “threatened” with a red diploma, but Marxism-Leninism ruined the whole thing: he failed to get an “A” in this subject.

After studying, psychologist Kovalev Sergey Viktorovich managed to work in several places, including such unexpected ones for a specialist in his profile as the Krasnogorsk Mechanical Plant. By the time changes are planned in the country, Kovalev is already a well-formed psychologist who has managed to take his fate into his own hands: he opened a cooperative, leaving a stable but unpromising job, and wrote several works. The books dealt mainly with family relationships.

Subsequently, he became interested in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP for short) and developed the Eastern version of this trend in psychology. For reference: NLP is a way of influencing individuals, which includes behavior modeling and mind control.

Note! For those who own this technique, it becomes possible to program their thinking - and not only their own, but also the thinking of their opponent.

Sergei Viktorovich took part in the work of the World University for the Development of Science. As he himself notes, this was done by him in order to bring together as much as possible learning programs adopted in Russia and around the world. In other words, in this way he indirectly contributed to the development of uniform standards of education.

Today, the scientist lives in the Moscow region, where he continues to work in the field he chose in his youth, and also improves his body, doing martial arts and qigong practice. With a noticeable amount of self-irony, Kovalev notes that he somehow managed to become a member a large number all sorts of societies, sometimes not understanding why, such as the Guild of Automobile Journalists. He is married and has an adult daughter. Favorite members are a dog and a cat.

Current activity

Sergei Kovalev has many regalia and titles. Let's list at least a part:

  • doctor psychological sciences;
  • Professor;
  • President of the Interregional Branch of the Institute of Neurolinguistic Programming;
  • Certified NLP Master Trainer;
  • General Director of the Institute of Innovative Psychotechnologies;
  • scientific director of the Center for Practical Psychology.

The main direction of activity today is the holding of trainings and seminars in Moscow, the Moscow region and in Rostov-on-Don. As a professional coach, political consultant, Kovalev conducts training courses and provides assistance to anyone who has difficulties with career guidance.

On Youtube you can find collections of videos where a psychologist gives advice and recommendations for free to those who want to go through their life path with meaning and dignity.

In 2009–2010 Kovalev hosted the radio program “About Us. The psychology of the hidden. Many recognized themselves in the heroes and learned methods of overcoming failures, learning from mistakes.

You can look at the site of Sergei Viktorovich - there is also a lot of interesting things for those who are eager to acquire new knowledge.

He also continues to write books. To date, he has written 36 publications.


If the first works were devoted to family psychology, then later the author was fascinated by the topics of self-knowledge, the search for meaning, the search for opportunities to make life bright, rich and reveal the spiritual potential hidden in every person.

The easiest for an unprepared reader are:

  • “Rely on the doctor, but don’t make a mistake yourself”;
  • "Healing with NLP";
  • « Neuroprogramming of a Successful Destiny.

This block is intended to convince the reader that many diseases are caused by psychosomatics, and therefore, almost untreatable traditional preparations, they give up with purposeful and persistent "spiritual" work on them.

Indisputable fact: with psychological tricks and by changing the way we think, we are able to cope even with chronic or almost incurable ailments!

In the first decade of the new millennium, 2006-2008, a cycle of 3 works by Kovalev was released, dedicated to the Eastern version of NLP he developed. In books, the psychologist shares techniques that enable us to know ourselves and better understand our own goals and aspirations. In addition, the veil of secrecy over "stranger souls" is lifted. It becomes easier to understand your colleagues, partners and relatives.


Seminars and lectures occupy a large amount of work of the scientific director of the Center for Practical Psychology. Personal example is, without a doubt, the most persuasive way of learning. And if the material is backed up by the unconditional charisma of the lecturer, then success is guaranteed.

Here are the topics of courses and seminars by Sergey Kovalev:

  • "The Crises We Experience" (about personal crises on different stages life path)
  • "Secrets of effective communication" (useful for everyone, and especially for businessmen and leaders);
  • "Why We Don't Get What We Want" (about common mistakes"man of dreams");
  • "Managing Reality".

Those who have been trained according to the methods of Kovalev assure: in fact, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Even if you have lost your life orientation and the meaning of your own existence, with the help of a revolution in thinking, carried out under the guidance of an experienced psychologist, you will definitely return it. The main thing is to have a strong desire.

Let's work on ourselves?

“The soul must work” - we all know. But how and why?

The psychologist Kovalev Sergey Viktorovich has long ago found the answer to these questions. If you follow him through the darkened corridors of your own consciousness, you will be able to free yourself from the oppressive, meaningless burden of the past, find a new you and turn your life from a gray existence filled with constant fuss and endless work into a bright and colorful one, full of emotions, desires and goals. celebration.

These will be goals that will surely come true, because now you will become the master of your destiny, and not a timid guest who accidentally looked into this world.

And a psychotherapist. Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Doctor of Philosophy. Psychotherapist of the World and European registers. Active member of the European Association for Psychotherapy (EAPt) and the Professional Psychotherapeutic League (PPL). Lecturer and supervisor of PPL practice at the international level.

Specialist in neurolinguistic psychotherapy and NLP.

The creator of the original direction of neurolinguistic programming: Eastern version of NLP - modality (method) of psychotherapy and psychological counseling who has received professional recognition in Russian Federation. Head of two modalities of the Professional Psychotherapeutic League.

Author of neurotransforming. Developer of the concept of methodology and methods of generalized neuroprogramming.

  1. "Psychology of the modern family" (inform.-methodical materials for the course "Ethics and psychology of family life": A book for teachers)
  2. Preparing high school students for family life": A book for teachers.

In the same period, the Pedagogy publishing house already publishes such works as

  1. in the Pedagogy for Parents series. This book in 1988 becomes a diploma winner of the All-Union competition for best work popular science literature (diploma No. 73).
  2. "The Psychology of Family Relations". In 1990 this book was translated and published in Riga (Zvaigzne Publishing House).
  1. "NLP of pedagogical efficiency" - Voronezh: NPO "MODEK" Publishing House, 2001. ISBN 5-89395-341-X
  2. "Psychotherapy of personal history" - M .: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, 2001. ISBN 5-89502-220-0
  3. A cycle of 3 books in the series "Eastern version of neuroprogramming or textbooks on the ability to live"
    1. Book 1. "NLP Consulting: An Introduction to Human Well-Being" - MPSI, Bagheera-2, 2006. ISBN 5-89502-990-6, 5-98352-045-8
    2. Book 2. "NLP-psycho-correction: psychotechnologies of well-being, perfection and luck" - MPSI, 2007. ISBN 978-5-9770-0100-7
    3. Book 3. “Psychotherapy of personal history. Psychotechnologies for changing the past and creating the future” - MPSI, 2008. ISBN 978-5-9770-0356-8

Kovalev S.V. started his scientific activity in the bowels of the Moscow Institute of Management. Ordzhonikidze (now State Academy Management), where he dealt mainly with motivation issues. One of the recognized studies, in which S. V. Kovalev took an active part, was called “Study of motivation for advanced training of executives” (A. V. Filipov, S. V. Kovalev) was published in the journal “Psychology Issues”.

Anton/ 01/20/2019 For those who are interested, there is an audio and video recording of the seminars [email protected]

Paul/ 01/12/2019 An excellent author, he likes everything. Completed all workshops. I keep records and practice. Write to mail [email protected] yandex
[email protected]

Andrey/ 10/20/2018 For those who are interested, there are audio and video recordings of the following seminars by S. V. Kovalev:

Kovalev - An Introduction to Well-Being, Efficiency and Happiness
Kovalev - Introduction to another life
Kovalev - Relationships
Mastery integration. Reality control modules
Kovalev - Integration of ego-states
Kovalev - Advising on the implementation of the plan. Models and modules for implementing intentions
Kovalev - Modules of psychosemantic psychotherapy of acute (crisis) conditions
Kovalev - Module for the development of superpowers and the improvement of oneself and others
Targeting and using trances
Kovalev | Mastery integration. Work modulo Kovalev S.V.
Kovalev | Fundamentals of Counseling, or an Introduction to Human Well-Being
Kovalev | Introduction to psychocorrection and psychotherapy
Kovalev Sergey - Symboldrama
Kovalev Sergey - Psychotherapy of social panorama
Kovalev Sergey - Psychotherapy of life scenarios
Kovalev Sergey - Psychogenetic, transgenerational psychotherapy. Dealing with Ancestral Syndrome
Kovalev Sergey- Neurotransforming Love Relationships
Kovalev Sergey - Money
Kovalev Sergey - Working with parts
Kovalev Sergey - Psychotherapy Independent Units Consciousness: Special Psychotechnologies
Kovalev Sergey - Productive dialogue with the unconscious
Kovalev Sergey - Introduction to psychocorrection and psychotherapy

Contact: [email protected]

Veronica/ 8.10.2018 The author is gorgeous!!! He integrated all the cool psychotechnologies into the system, invented a really working technique, constantly improves and helps all his students grow! But just reading will not help the reader, you have to take care of yourself. Thanks Sergey Viktorovich for the titanic work.

Elena/ 02/22/2018 To the comment "Vlad / 12/26/2015
there are negative reviews here, I don’t agree with everyone, because I apologize for the frankness, you can crap any person. I watched his video on YouTube about the swine attitude of parents towards children, with which I absolutely agree. you can see it at every turn real life, I want to tell the authors of negative reviews, don’t fuck ... brains for yourself and people, the author has worked hard and offers the best, if you want to take knowledge, if you don’t want to pass by, don’t create a stink "-
Your parents forced you to study a little - start not with psychology, but with the Russian language. After all, it is simply indecent to write so illiterately.

Marina/ 04/8/2017 I am very grateful to the author for his competent and simple explanation of life programs and the opportunity to work on increasing one's self-awareness. Thank you, Sergey Viktorovich!

Tatyana/ 6.04.2017 I love this man!!! Everything he says, the way he says it, is just cool! I am grateful to myself for my curiosity, thanks to it I know about this author, and I have the opportunity to listen, read, learn, change.

the guest/ 12/18/2016 The whole problem is that you cannot create the "correct" image of yourself being in the "wrong" state. From the wrong state, you can only program the wrong image of yourself and the circle will close. And people on every corner seem to encounter this and cannot understand why all these miracles of technology don’t work for them. In fact, for a person who is in the “correct” state and there is no longer a special need to use any techniques, everything goes on as usual. And will one self-hypnosis be enough to achieve some results, I think the answer obvious

Eugene/ 12/17/2016 The author has deteriorated terribly. In general, even before that, there were only show-offs in his books, supposedly with a hint that you would come to the seminar, I will tell you more there. But now even some students have turned their backs on him. Confessed-confessed.

Andrey/ 12/16/2016 Funny flatterer, simple as a fellow.
Business is business. I understand.)))

wadi/ 13.12.2016 Everything comes down to creating good image yourself and delete the bad one, and a lot of books have been written about this, and the whole point is what I said. But nowhere is it written why it works. Why on earth. You better tell me why it works and where it all comes from, and then I somehow I'll figure it out

Ruslan/ 10.12.2016 Natalia / 30.12.2015
10 I love Kovalev very much. I read and looked at a lot. I don’t understand one thing about his greed. After all, the main thing is to give, share, the more you give, the more you have.
So you didn’t GIVE enough to get Kovalev’s books for free :-)))

Elena/ 10/14/2016 Alina T, "By the way, people are mirror reflection each other. If you look in the mirror and see greed, remember that you are seeing yourself. Either look for a good wise eternal or don't look in the mirror."
Take a look at yourself. What is there in your mirror?

As for YouTube, I prefer to read in order to skip somewhere quickly, and somewhere to focus attention, to think. Yes, and I have no time to sit at the computer, watch what I may not need.
Running through the eyes. It is immediately clear whether it is worth spending time on it or not.

Alina T/ 1.05.2016 After getting acquainted with the author and his works through films and programs, I feel even more sorry for the fatherland. Here the author is scolded for being greedy, saying that he does not allow downloading books ... Go through YouTube ... do not be lazy ... the author is CONTINUOUSLY developing and recommends for the effect not to read books but to participate in seminars, listen to his speeches. Because by the time the book is completed, it ceases to be relevant ... he says it himself. Moreover, he also says that in books 1% of everything he knows ... Lord, the author is a perfectionist and he knows about it and works on his shortcomings, he himself talks about it ...
How did culture still grind if so many people immediately fall for the topic of money ... By the way, everything is free on YouTube, do not be lazy and go. You will be very surprised. Especially those who talk about greed. By the way, people are mirror images of each other. If you look in the mirror and see greed, remember that you are seeing yourself. Either look for a good wise eternal or do not look in the mirror.
Good luck everyone

EVGENY SAMUSENKO / 23.04.2016 Main principle psychotherapy-We will not solve your problem, but we will help you change your attitude towards it. So, we can congratulate everyone who works with this Kovalev psychotechnique. They have already picked up the "key to themselves."

I was born quite a long time ago, but as a person who is going to live happily ever after (due to the neuroprogramming of his own Consciousness and Body), he has already changed the dates of birth for himself twice.

Successfully graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University (although he lost his red diploma due to the “four” in the exam in scientific communism). Having changed several rather exotic jobs (such as the Krasnogorsk Mechanical Plant, the Krasnogorsk State Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, and even the Higher School of Economics at the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League), he got a job at the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the Moscow Institute of Management with relief. And in vain, since it turned out that this is still an office that fully and completely meets the principle of "a flock of comrades" and "a terrarium of like-minded people." With "grief" he wrote and published his first books on psychology modern family. Unable to withstand the terror of the cafeterias, he fled to free bread, opening one of the first cooperatives in Russia. He never returned to the civil service, but managed to fall deeply in love with NLP, and being in this still unceasing state of love, he also defended himself, and at the same time created his own scientific direction: Eastern version of neuroprogramming (the author's method of counseling and psychotherapy). He opened his own NLP Technology Center in order to move neuro-linguistic programming not only forward, but also to the masses.

He joined the work of the World University for the Development of Science, Education and Society (WUDSES) in order to somehow contribute to the convergence of educational and scientific programs Russia and the world. Created within the framework of the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League (OPPL) the Interregional Department of NLP-consulting, coaching, psychology and psychotherapy, sincerely (but, it seems, unsuccessfully) hoping to unite the diverse and diverse actions of the "gentlemen of the enelpers", and at the same time to slightly increase the level of qualification and demand designated community. Became a member (perhaps in vain) of many public organizations, including (if I'm not mistaken) the Russia Without Drugs movement and the Automobile Journalists Guild. He wrote a bunch (about two dozen) of books on psychology and neurolinguistic programming, and not only did not stop, but on the contrary, began to write them with redoubled zeal.

Now living happily in own house in the near Moscow region, from where he does not often and not willingly choose to go to Moscow. He conducts a lot of trainings in the Moscow region and in Rostov-on-Don, and is going to significantly expand this geography. Still insanely hard work, but with even more pleasure.

He has been happily married for a long time, brings up his beloved daughter, and from other household members a dog and a cat. He is no longer young, but still far from the same as before, but is engaged in martial arts and the “iron game”. Moderately but confidently, she practices esotericism, qigong, meditations and astral flying. And, most importantly, he is going to do a lot more in his earthly life ...

Official data

Psychologist, psychotherapist, management consultant, political consultant.

Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Academician of the IIA.

PhD, GrPhD, Full professor.

World and European Registry Psychotherapist, Certified NLP Master Trainer and Ericksonian Hypnotherapy Specialist.

Full member of the Russian Psychological Society and the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League (OPPL).

President of the Interregional Department of Neuro-Linguistic Programming: NLP Consulting, Coaching, Psychology and Psychotherapy of the OPPL; community-certified consultant; official teacher and supervisor of the practice of the international class of the OPPL.

General Director of NLP Technology Center LLC; vice president of the Social Security Agency, vice president of WUDSES.

A man walks through the desert incinerated by the sun and drags a whole heap of very heavy things: a huge weight, a metal chain, millstones from a mill wheel, and on his back, in addition, a bag of sand. Why take sand with you to the desert? It's obviously just as useless as the rest of the equipment. The trouble is that a person does not remember when he put this burden on his shoulders and why he drags it for so long. He had long been accustomed to this burden and stopped noticing it. Don't know? Kovalev Sergey Viktorovich (psychotherapist) believes that this person personifies any of us. It is we who walk the winding roads of life for a long time and carry in our minds the burden of unnecessary problems.


Kovalev Sergey Viktorovich - psychotherapist. His biography is quite common and accessible to a wide range of admirers of his gift. He was born on January 14, 1954.

The young man received a classical education in the Moscow state university Sergey Kovalev, a psychotherapist in the future, studied well, but due to the fact that he failed to successfully pass State exam in scientific communism, I had to forget about getting a red diploma. After the institute, he quite often changed his field of activity: the Krasnogorsk Mechanical Plant, the Krasnogorsk city committee of the Komsomol and even the Higher Komsomol School under the Central Committee of the Komsomol. An active search for a place in life at the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the Moscow Institute of Management has ended. This brought a long-awaited relief to Kovalev, whose activity so far has not corresponded to his aspirations. This period was overshadowed by the fact that, unfortunately, Sergey Viktorovich could not reach an understanding with his colleagues. But it was at this time that his first book was published, which explores psychology family relations.

More on public service the psychotherapist did not try himself. Kovalev works hard, is still engaged in reinforced physical activity, prefers martial arts, enjoys qigong exercises, esotericism, practices meditation.

Sergei Viktorovich prefers not to mention his personal life unnecessarily and does not make it public. But it is known that this moment Kovalev is happy family life: he and his wife raised their daughter Elizabeth, born in 1979, who prefers to follow in her father's footsteps. Currently, Sergey Kovalev is a fairly well-known psychotherapist, and he lives in his house in the Moscow region. In addition to native people, his favorite pets live in his house - a dog and a cat.

Passion for NLP programming

Sergey Kovalev (psychotherapist) began to develop his hobby since leaving the Moscow Institute of Management. On the basis of NLP, he created his own direction: the Eastern version of neuroprogramming, in other words, the author's method of consultations and psychotherapy.

He is the founder of the NLP technology center, which brought together followers this direction and is used to improve skills and exchange information.

Achievements and regalia

Currently, video materials about NLP programming, the author of which is Sergey Kovalev (psychotherapist), have become widespread. All his books are in demand, used as study guides. Sergey Viktorovich created the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League, is included in the World and European registers, has been certified as an NLP master trainer.

A little about books

No wonder the conversation about Sergei Viktorovich began with a story about the desert. That's the way a man goes life path, carrying the burden of childhood problems, the insecurities of youth and all the mistakes and problems that have accumulated in the years of maturity. But at the same time, he forgets about the main thing: the need to be happy and healthy, raising his children in the same vein. Kovalev Sergey Viktorovich (psychotherapist) began to write books while in public service. At the moment, there are over 30 of his works, and many of them are intended for a trained readership. It is worth noting the most famous and accessible to readers who do not have special knowledge in psychology:

  1. “Rely on the doctor, but don’t make a mistake yourself! Or self-healing programs without doctors and drugs.”
  2. "Neuroprogramming of Successful Destiny".
  3. "Healing with NLP".
  4. "How to live in order to live?".

The essence of NLP theory is that human thinking has the opportunity to contribute to the development of events according to its own scenario. For this you need to know exact result which you want to achieve, to assess and feel the situation as soberly as possible. Flexibility helps to adapt to all the events that occur around, while not deviating from the goal.

Where are we from?

There are several books that every person simply needs to read in order to understand the degree of responsibility for all the deeds, thoughts and actions that parents do in relation to their own children. Everything that has ever been said about a child, for example, statements about his appearance, abilities, degree of guilt in certain events - all this becomes a big obstacle, sometimes a really huge well in which the best motives of the baby can drown .

Instead of supporting the child in his progress and development of personality, many parents have chosen the tactic of caution. After all, even a small remark can stop the child's further attempts to achieve his goal. It's about about the work of Kovalev under the eloquent title “We come from a terrible childhood. Or how to become the master of your past, present and future.

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