Home Useful Tips Political geography as a scientific direction. Political geography and geopolitics

Political geography as a scientific direction. Political geography and geopolitics

Teacher: Maltieva K.B.

Item: geography

Class: 10

Theme: Geopolitics and International Organizations and Geopolitical Position

Lesson type: combined

TDC lesson:

educate - Show the influence of international relations on the political map of the world; to teach students to assess the political and geographical position of the country;

develop - to form the ability to conduct a discussion; to give knowledge about political geography and geopolitics; to form ideas about political geography as a scientific direction; help students assess the geopolitical position of individual countries

educate: Contribute to the formation of an emotional - value attitude towards the world,

patriotic education

Equipment: media materials; a political map of the World; atlases; textbook

Literature: grade 10 textbook, workbook

Teaching methods:

1. Methods of organizing scientific and educational activities:

Verbal: Conversation

      Visual: demonstration, illustration.

      Practical Exercises: Map Work

      Problem-search engines.


      Methods of independent educational work of schoolchildren.

2. Methods of stimulating educational and cognitive activity:

      Cognitive game methods.

      Educational discussions.

      1. Creation of situations of success in learning.

        Submission of training requirements.

3. Methods of reward

During the classes:

1.Organizational moment

2.Knowledge update

"Brainstorming" As it is called:

    hotbeds of international tension on the political map of the world - regional conflict or hot spot on the planet

    a state with sovereignty, i.e. political independence from other states, in solving internal and external affairs. sovereign

    countries politically and economically dependent - colonies

    Geopolitical problems and features of the spatial organization of the political life of society are studied by political geography, which arose at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.

    A single process of progressive development of mankind - world civilization

The science of world governance, which is designed to answer the questions that arise when solving global problems - geopolitics

Introductory speech of the teacher.

.1 station "Quiz squared" Find 8 European countries

Team Assessment: Compare your results with the slide and count the number of points. 1 answer - 1 point. Do not forget to enter the results into tables

2 station "Capitals of States"

The whole team works. It is necessary to establish the correspondence of countries and their capitals within 2 minutes. For each correct match 1 point

Establish a correspondence between countries and capitals






















3 station "Own game"

I propose to continue the journey through the countries Overseas Europe as if we were on the TV game "Own Game"

Rules of the game: The teams themselves choose the nominations of the questions and their cost. The higher the price of the issue, the more difficult the issue is.



the answers

It is better to see once than hear a hundred times

The 320-meter-high tower was assembled in record time - 2 years. Her openwork silhouette is known all over the world. However, not all French artists and writers did not accept this technical creativity for a long time, calling it a factory chimney. It got its name from the name of its creator

(Eiffel Tower, engineer Alexander GustaveEiffel (1832-1923)

The clock tower at the parliament building has become the national symbol of the state. Its stone walls rise to a height of 100 meters and end with a gilded spire. This tower was built by an architect named Ben, for which it got its name

This is perhaps the most amazing city in the world. There are no streets in it, instead of them there are canals. And palaces and houses rise right out of the water. Houses on opposite sides of the canal are connected by curved bridges. The city goes under water every year. Moving along the canals takes place on elongated boats - gondolas. This city is located on 180 islands

Venice, Italy)

Copenhagen symbol

The Little Mermaid, Andersen G.H

The center of ancient Athens, where all life was concentrated. Here were the temples of Hera and Zeus, Artemis and Aphrodite


for pleasure

There is no such thing anywhere else. She stands in the water. There are many palaces and spiers, but no cars

Get to know the country by its description

This country is located on two large and several small islands. It is famous for its fogs. It is sometimes called that - "Foggy Albion". The country is headed by a queen who reigns but does not rule. This is the tradition. Adherence to traditions and established order is the main national feature. The capital of the country was founded by the ancient Romans on the River Thames. And one of the small streets of the capital, Baker Street, is famous all over the world.

United Kingdom

This country is located in the north of Europe. They call it a long country. From south to north, it stretches for almost 1800 km. And go across it northern part you can walk in half a day. The capital of the country faces the sea with its facades. From the huge port of the capital, sea routes lead to all continents. It is also famous for its fjords. The great composer Edvard Grieg was born in this country.

Norway, Oslo

This country is one of the largest in Western Europe. She is considered a trendsetter of taste and haute couture. It is also famous for its architecture. Its capital is decorated with Notre Dame de Paris and the Louvre, built at different times, one of the greatest museums on the planet. The capital of the state stands on the Seine River. We know this country by literary works... She gave the world both three Musketeers and Fantomas.

This country is located in the south of Europe, on a peninsula. Its history goes back to antiquity, where reality mixes with legends. According to them, the ancient Gods of this country lived on Mount Olympus. Wonderful myths and legends about her brave and resourceful heroes are known all over the world. This country is the birthplace of the Olympic Games.

Greece, Athens

This small country is located in Western Europe. It is divided into 22 small republics - cantons. Picturesque mountain landscapes attract tourists and climbers. The country has three official languages ​​- French, German and Italian. She is the most peaceful in the world, because she has not participated in wars since 1815, but the Pope's guard consists entirely of her natives. Local banks hold money and securities from all over the world. Accurate and reliable watches made by the craftsmen of this country are highly valued everywhere.

Switzerland, Bern


The huge city, in which about 2 million people live, arose about 2000 years ago on an island in the middle of the Seine River. Now it is the largest financial center, a trendsetter in world fashion. The main ensembles of the city: Place de la Concorde, Louvre, Champs Elysees, Eiffel Tower.

The city is over 150 years old. Founded by the Slavs on the banks of the Dnieper on the way "from the Varangians to the Greeks." There are many ancient churches and cathedrals in the city, the remains of ancient fortifications.

It is a recognized center for international tourism. The world famous Prado Art Museum is one of the richest museums in the world.

The capital of the state was formed in the X century. The city is located on 5 hills of the Vyatava valley. One of the most beautiful cities in Europe. This capital is fondly called "Zlata ...".

Prague, Czech Republic

The city is eternal like an earthen pot.

But still well preserved.

And even ancient ruins

So neatly, carefully collapsed.

Rome - the eternal city

for pleasure

There is a glorious city

Climbed the tower

And all around the fields are not rural

And solid Champs!

What does that mean?

number of monarchies on Earth

political geography

the branch of geography that studies the PCM and the patterns of its changes

the change in the names of the country and the capital is a count or a qualitative change on the PKM


Which state has declared its independence, but it is not recognized at the international level.


What is the main task of geopolitics

definition and generalization of the geostrategy of the state

The most of the most

The largest state in terms of area

The largest country in Europe in terms of population


The smallest state in Europe and the world

Vatican area 0.44 km 2 829 people

The very first state that refused nuclear weapons

RK 08.21.1991 closure of the landfill

The coldest country in the world


for pleasure

The oldest flag in the world

Denmark - 600 years

Flora, fauna

Fertile soils and mild climate contributed to the development of agriculture in Moldova. The most important agricultural crop in the country


Agriculture in France almost completely provides the country with food. By the number of these animals, France ranks first in Europe

Monument to which representatives of the animal world stands in the German city of Bremen

Donkey, dog, cat and rooster - to the Bremen Town Musicians

The reserve famous for its bison

Blovezhskaya Pushcha

In the square of this European capital, there is a bear and a strawberry tree. Patriots of the city claim that earlier there was a whole grove of evergreen plants whose fruits taste like strawberries and many bears wandered.

for pleasure

Well, how clever scientists have come up with.

The metro has been laid from England to France.

There is an underground tunnel to the sea gods to spite.

Here, in any weather, it is quiet and light.

There is a tunnel under the sea, water rustles above it. And to us in Moscow from London

Trains arrive. The train is passing by

A ship floats above her. And overseas England becomes relatives.

Channel Tunnel

Assessment of teams: count the number of points. 1 answer - 1 point

4 station "Tell me a word"

Here are cards in which words are missing. You need to fill in these gaps using the reference words below. The maximum number of points is 6. We work in a team.

1.In the most populous country ___________ there are schools for poor students.

2. For violation of discipline, in fact big island _____ students copy pages from the textbook.

3. On the largest peninsula __________ is the largest lake ______________.

4. In the state __________, the largest in area, there is the city of Happiness.

5. The most well-fed people live in the country __________.

Answer: Germany, UK, Scandinavian, Venern, Ukraine, Greece.

4 station "Politicheskaya"

International relations affect the political map, but international tensions have subsided now, but not all problems have been resolved yet. So there are regional conflicts, many countries have nuclear weapons, the NATO bloc is expanding, international terrorism is unpredictable.

Until the end of the 20th century, the world was bipolar: it was dominated by the United States and the USSR, which stood at the head of the main world military-political blocs - the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Warsaw Pact Organization (OVD). It was an era of tough confrontation that was figuratively called the Cold War. The geopolitical picture of the world radically changed at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. The world has become multipolar: the role of China, India and the countries of the European Union has increased dramatically.

At the present stage, the role of political geography is constantly growing, because the alignment of political forces, ethnic processes changes the political situation, both in individual states and regions, and in the world as a whole. For example, the events in Yugoslavia, the coming to power in Pakistan of the military. Political factors affect the state of the environment, economic development, life and activities of people, international relations. In addition, political geography studies the influence of political forces and events on the development of the world economy.

Why the UN is one of the most influential international organizations in modern world?

But the conflicts remained.


Group 1 - The problem of conflicts

The main task of geopolitics is to study the geography of international relations, the balance of power between the great powers.

No state can exist autonomously from the international community and is obliged to maintain relations with its members, primarily with neighboring countries.

- Let's answer the problematic question: are there such global changes the political map of the world in the first half of the XXI century. (most likely not, because the world has become calmer and safer; there are regional hotbeds of conflicts, but the world community is making every effort to localize them, if there are changes, then small ones.)

Group 2 - International relations

Group 3 - The problem of the fight for the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons is still urgent! Why

Group 4 - International organizations

Instructional card. Read the text and find out the reasons for the conflicts.
Group 1 "Europe"
The situation in Spain.
In Spain, the national problem arose after the Catalans, Galicians and Basques were deprived of some of the administrative, financial, and legal privileges they had previously enjoyed and were forcibly subordinated to the central government in Madrid. For 40 years of Franco's rule, any manifestation of their national feelings was brutally persecuted. It was not allowed to fly Catalan and Basque flags, speak the national language and even perform national dances.
Republic of Sri Lanka.
The Republic of Sri Lanka, whose population is mainly made up of two large peoples: Sinhalese in the southern and central parts of the country - 74% of them and Tamils ​​in its northern and northeastern parts - 19%. The disagreements between Sinhalese and Tomila are deeply rooted. Sinhalese are devout Buddhists, and Tamils ​​are no less convinced Hindus. Back in the mid-1970s. the idea of ​​separatism and the creation of their own independent state of Tamil Ilam were widely spread among the Tomils. In practice, they led to numerous armed clashes and in total claimed the lives of about 60 thousand people. The main striking force of the Tamil separatists is the militarized organization "Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam", which is associated with numerous armed attacks by militants-tigers on the Sinhalese lands, terrorist acts.
Falkland Islands.
Short-term war between Great Britain and Argentina. In 1982, war broke out between Argentina and Great Britain over the Falkland Islands. The Falkland Islands is a colonial possession of Great Britain, which opposes the implementation of the UN decision on the decolonization of the islands and on the peaceful settlement of the dispute with Argentina regarding sovereignty over the islands. In the armed conflict with Argentina in 1982, Great Britain re-established colonial status by force.

Additional material about conflicts

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is a military-political alliance. Until 1990, it included 16 countries. In 1949, it included: USA, Great Britain, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Canada, Italy, Portugal, Norway, Denmark, Iceland. Greece and Turkey joined NATO in 1952, Germany in 1955, and Spain in 1982. Since the end of the Cold War, NATO's functions have changed. Arms reduction began, and some military bases were liquidated. Western supporters argue that NATO has evolved from military organization to a civilian peacekeeping organization. NATO members are assured of a democratic path of development.

Russia has its own compelling reasons. The country has taken steps unprecedented in history to meet the West in order to avoid confrontation with it. The Warsaw Pact organization was dissolved, does not exist Soviet Union... Russia turned out to be significantly weakened both economically and militarily. Russia does not accept NATO's advancement to the East in connection with the admission of new members. Became NATO members: Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia.

The problem of preventing regional conflicts. Most of the territorial border conflicts occur in Asia. These are the contradictions between India and China from abroad in the Himalayas, between India and Pakistan because of the state of Jammu and Kashmir, between Iraq and Iran, Iraq and Kuwait, Cyprus and Turkey, China and Taiwan, between Russia and Japan because of Kuril Islands... In Africa, conflicts between Somalia and Ethiopia, Morocco and Algeria, Morocco and Mauritania, etc.

Conflicts on a political-religious-ethnic basis in the 90s covered both Europe (Former Yugoslavia, Spain, Belgium, Ulster in Great Britain) and Asia (India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Lebanon, Iraq, Cambodia, Indonesia, etc. ), and Africa (South Africa, Sudan, Somalia, Rwanda, Burundi, etc.), and the CIS countries (Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, etc.). In the 1990s, progress was made in resolving the conflict between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization, as a result of which the Palestinian Authority was created, to which several cities on the banks of the Jordan River and the Gaza Strip were transferred. The racist apartheid regime in South Africa has been liquidated. The UN plays an important role in resolving conflicts, which plays the role of a mediator in resolving disputes in the former Yugoslavia, Cyprus, the Middle East, Cambodia, Angola, Mozambique, El Salvador, etc.

In the settlement of some conflicts, the role of great powers, especially the United States and Russia, is significant.

Group 3.The problem of the fight for the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons is still urgent! Why?

It is known that the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) was signed back in 1970. According to this agreement, five states got the right to enter the "Nuclear Club": the USA, the USSR (now Russia), Great Britain, France and China. In 1998, these countries were armed with about 6.5 thousand nuclear warheads. (Including the USA - 3264 and Russia - 2272). The NPT has already been signed by more than 150 states of the world. but India, Pakistan, North Korea are not among them. ... It is known. that they have been developing nuclear weapons systems for a long time, and India tested them in 1974. The "threshold" includes Israel, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Brazil, and others. But if such work was carried out, then in secret, no one performed open tests. All the more unexpected were the new explosions undertaken by India in 1998. at the test site in the Thar desert. These explosions were intended as a kind of warning to India's neighbors Pakistan and China. Response explosion in Pakistan.

4 group. International organizations page 88 and page 303

The main direction of geopolitics is: GWP (geopolitical)- this is the position of the country on the political map, its relationship with other states (especially with neighboring ones) and international unions and organizations. GWP is a historical category that changes over time.

Output: in order to understand qualitative and quantitative shifts on the political map of the world, problems of economic and political cooperation between countries, trends in the development of MGRT, it is important to study political geography. She is able to help in the development of recommendations for solving many political and social problems.

Discussion of problems. Conclusions.
Speeches by group representatives

Let's conclude:

1. What can be causes of regional conflicts? (causes of regional conflicts can be: political, ethnopolitical, territorial disputes between states, religious

2. What types of international relations can there be?

1. How have international relations changed after the 90s of the XX century? (Possible answers: the Cold War has ended and the confrontation between two systems, two major nuclear powers: the United States and Russia has ended; the world has become calmer and safer; there are regional hotbeds of conflicts that pose a threat to peace; the NATO military bloc is growing; the process of unification is underway in Europe: the number of EU member states is growing; international terrorism can lead to an exacerbation of regional conflicts; there has been a proliferation of nuclear weapons.)

    Why is Russia opposed to NATO's eastward expansion?

    What is the role of the UN in resolving international conflicts?

    What is the role of Russia in the settlement of regional conflicts? Can Russia play the role of the world's policeman?

    International relations can develop from confrontation to mutual understanding and cooperation. Give examples of the development of international relations in the following sequence. (The relationship between Russia and the United States, Europe and Asia Pacific, NATO countries have announced the Partnership for Peace program.)

    Is a third world war possible in the 21st century?

III. Practical work

The teacher gives the definition of the political and geographical position of the country. (GWP is the position of an object in relation to other states and their groups as political objects. GWP is a set of political conditions associated with geographic location country, expressed in a system of political relationships with the outside world.)

The work is done in groups or individually. The group selects a country to characterize its GWP. The teacher introduces the students to the GWP characterization plan of the country.

A sample of the work.



IV. Homework

1. § Review the main terms and concepts of the topic.

Political geography it is a branch of political and social geography. This is a separate science that studies territorial distribution of political forces and processes predominantly within a country.

Geopolitics (according to V.A.Kolosov) - a scientific direction that studies the dependence of the foreign policy of states and international relations on the system of political, economic, environmental, military-strategic and other interrelationships caused by the country's GP and other physical and economic-geographical factors. The range of interests of geopolitics goes beyond one country.

Evaluation table:

group 1 Composition:

station 6

group 2 Composition:

station 6

station 6

station 6

UNITED NATIONS. The UN is a universal organization that performs both general political and specialized functions, since it includes more than 30 interconnected associations. Founded back in 1945, now it covers 192 countries of the world and is the center for solving the problems facing humanity. The organization works every day to promote human rights, protect the environment, fight disease and reduce poverty. The UN develops norms and rules for safe and efficient air traffic, pays attention to improving telecommunications and protecting consumer interests. She is the initiator of international campaigns against drug trafficking and terrorism. Acting in all regions of the world, this organization provides assistance to refugees, helps to increase food production, and plays a leading role in the fight against AIDS. The main bodies of the UN are the General Assembly, the Security Council, the International Court of Justice, the Secretariat and others. Special attention should be paid to the branch organizations created by the UN to solve certain problems of international development.

Among them, one of the most authoritative was UNESCO - UN Specialized Unit for Education, Science and Culture. The goal of this intergovernmental organization is to promote peace and strengthen international security through the development of cooperation between states in the humanitarian sphere. UNESCO unites 188 countries. One of the areas of its activity is the protection of the cultural and natural world heritage and its use for the needs of international tourism. The list of world cultural heritage, compiled under the auspices of UNESCO, has 890 sites (as of 2009). Of the many attractions Of Ukraine it includes the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev, the historical center of Lvov, the most ancient beech forests of the Ukrainian Carpathians, the Ukrainian part of the Struve geodetic arc.

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) under the UN was created with the aim of improving the quality of nutrition and productivity in the agricultural sector, improving the living conditions of the rural population, and promoting global economic growth. FAO shares its expertise in agricultural policy formulation, planning, legislative drafting and national strategies for development and overcoming malnutrition and hunger. For the implementation of local projects, FAO provides technical and limited financial assistance from developed countries and banks.

World Trade Organization (WTO) - An international association that deals with the rules of trade between countries, makes sure that trade exchanges are easy, predictable and free, and also regulates trade disputes. This organization unites more than 150 members, which carry out 97% of the world trade turnover.

World health organization (WHO ) - UN Specialized Association, main goal which is to promote the protection of the health of the population of all countries of the world. This organization coordinates international cooperation to develop and improve health systems, eradicate infectious diseases, introduction of universal immunization, combating the spread of AIDS, epidemics and pandemics, Coordination of pharmaceutical activities. The founding day of WHO - April 7 (1948) - is celebrated annually as World Health Day. The WHO includes 193 countries. Ukraine Member of WHO since 1948 (As an independent country renewed membership in 1992).

International Atomic Energy Agency (The IAEA ) - International Organization for Scientific and Technical Cooperation in the Field of Peaceful Uses nuclear technology... Its members are 146 states. The IAEA sets standards for nuclear safety and environmental protection, provides technical assistance to countries, and encourages the exchange of scientific and technical information on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

The name of the United Nations organization was proposed by US President Franklin D. Roosevelt. It was first used in 1942 in the Declaration, when, during the Second World War, representatives of 26 states pledged on behalf of their governments to continue the joint struggle against the countries of the fascist coalition (Germany, Italy, Japan).

GENERAL POLITICAL ORGANIZATIONSCouncil of Europe , which has been operating since 1949, is an intergovernmental organization whose mission is the protection of human rights and the rule of law. The organization promotes European cultural identity and diversity of European cultures, solves the problem existing in society (in relation to national minorities, racial and interethnic intolerance, environmental protection, AIDS, drugs, organized crime, etc.). The Council of Europe helps to establish democracy in the region by supporting political, legislative and constitutional reforms... This organization, together with the countries of Europe, includes Ukraine(Since 1995) and post-Soviet countries such as Russia, Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia.

History of creation European Parliament is associated with the European integration processes that began in 1950-1970. In the past, this association had the status of an advisory and control body in solving common problems of the member states. Today, the European Parliament includes representatives from 27 European countries that are EU members (Table 6), and it occupies a leading position among the institutions created within the EU. The defining principles of the organization are the equality of the member states in solving issues, freedom, security, solidarity and ensuring long-term peace on the territory of the EU states.

Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) formed in 1991 as an economic, political and economic union Belarus, Russia and Of Ukraine... In the same year, eight more former republics of the Soviet Union joined the CIS: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, And in 1993 - Georgia... In 2005, the CIS left Turkmenistan... Ukraine is a co-founder of the organization, but the CIS Charter has not been approved, therefore formally it remains a member, but an observer. In 2008, the Georgian parliament made a decision to terminate its membership in the CIS, but so far this country remains a member of the Commonwealth.

SPECIALIZED ORGANIZATIONS. European Union (EU)- Political and economic integration association 27 European countries, formed in 1993 (Table 4). The EU combines the characteristics of an international organization and a state, but formally it is neither one nor the other. The EU countries have come a long integration path: from the signing in 1951 of the treaty on the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community, to the 2007 Lisbon Treaty on reforming the EU. He plays a huge role in international relations. The EU countries have pledged to pursue a joint foreign policy, agree on the main directions of economic, environmental and social policies.

Table 4 EU member states(As of 2009)

Year of admission


Founding countries: Belgium, UK, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, France

Austria, Finland, Sweden

Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Poland, Malta, Cyprus

Bulgaria, Romania

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO or North Atlantic Alliance. NATO is an international military-political organization created in 1949. Now it includes 28 states (Table 5). This organization seeks to join in the future and Ukraine... The main principle of the organization's activities is the collective defense system - joint organized actions of all its members, if a threat arises from the outside. Today NATO is one of the leading components of security in all

Table 5 Country-NATO

Year of admission


Belgium, UK, Denmark, France, Netherlands, Iceland, Canada, Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, USA, Italy (founding countries)

Greece, Turkey


Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary

Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia

Albania, Croatia

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) unification of major oil-producing developing countries ( Algeria, Venezuela, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Qatar, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, UAE Saudi Arabia). Founded back in 1960, OPEC now controls over a third of the world's oil production. The organization coordinates oil policy (regulation of production, exports, prices, etc.), raising revenues, promoting the development of national oil reserves in the interests of its members).


International relationships have long occupied an essential place in the life of any state, society and an individual... The origin of nations, the formation of interstate borders, the formation and change of political regimes, the formation of various social institutions, the enrichment of cultures, the development of art, science, technological progress and an effective economy are closely related to trade, financial, cultural and other exchanges, interstate alliances, diplomatic contacts and military conflicts - or, in other words, with international relations. Their importance is growing even more today, when all countries are woven into a dense, ramified network of diverse interactions that affect the volume and nature of production, the types of goods created and prices for them, consumption standards, values ​​and ideals of people.

The end of the "cold war" and the collapse of the "world socialist system", the entry into the international arena of the former Soviet republics as independent states, searches new Russia its place in the world, the definition of its foreign policy priorities, the reformulation of national interests, the threat of being drawn into bloody conflicts raging on the periphery of the post-Soviet space - all these and many other circumstances international life have a direct impact on the everyday existence of people and the fate of Russians, on the present and future of our country, its immediate environment and, in a sense, on the fate of humanity as a whole.

In the light of the above, it becomes clear that today the objective need for a theoretical understanding of international relations, in the analysis of the changes taking place here and their consequences, and, not least, in the expansion and deepening of the relevant topics in the general humanitarian training of students, is sharply increasing. The work offered to the reader's attention is designed to contribute to the formation of a holistic, systematic understanding of international relations as a specific area of ​​social interaction and is intended primarily for university students specializing in the study of political science and sociology. At the same time, it can be useful not only for them, but also for students of other specialties when they master basic socio-political disciplines - especially since the courses taught today in these disciplines, as a rule, either do not contain an international political section at all. or limit it to one or two topics.

The systematic, purposeful study of international relations is associated with the interwar period of the first half of the 20th century, when the first research centers and university departments, programs appear training courses, in which the results of the new scientific direction are generalized and presented. At first, its formation took place within the framework of philosophy, as well as such traditional scientific disciplines as history, law and economics.


International organizations

For the implementation of international cooperation, including in international politics, various intergovernmental and non-governmental international organizations are being created. They have permanent governing bodies with specific competencies, powers and functions. At the beginning of the 21st century, there were 3,000 intergovernmental organizations, supplemented by 20,000 different non-governmental international organizations, of which approximately 2,000 have observer status at the UN.

The first international organization that exists to this day was the Universal Postal Union (UPU). It has been in operation since 1875. International organizations are created on a different basis for different purposes, cover the most different aspects international relations. They are created in the economic, political, cultural, national areas, have certain features and specifics. Examples of various international organizations include:

- regional organizations such as the Union of Independent States (CIS), Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), European Union (EU), League of Arab States (LAS), Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), etc .;

- economic organizations for example: International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Trade Organization (WTO), International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD);

- organizations in the field of certain areas of the world economy for example: International Energy Agency (IEA), International Agency Atomic Energy (IAEA), Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), etc .;

- professional organizations: The International Organization of Journalists (IOJ), the International Association for Political Sciences (IAPS), the International Organization of Criminal Police (INTERPOL);

- demographic organizations: Women's International Democratic Federation (WFWF), World Youth Association (WAM), World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY);

- organizations in the field of culture and sports: International Olympic Committee (IOC), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO);

Military organizations: North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Pacific Security Pact (ANZUS);

Trade union organizations: International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU), World Confederation of Labor (WKT);

Organizations in support of peace and solidarity: the World Peace Council (WPC), the Pugous Movement, the Organization of Solidarity of the Peoples of Asian and African Countries (OSNAA), etc .;

Religious organizations: World Council of Churches (WCC), Christian Peace Conference (KMK), etc .;

- environmental organizations: Greenpeace and others;

The International Red Cross (ICC) is an organization whose purpose is to help prisoners of war and other victims of war, catastrophes, natural disasters.

The most significant role in the system of international relations is played by the United Nations (UN). Its members are about 190 states, i.e. about 80% of all countries, which testifies to its universality. The UN largely determined the political climate on the planet in the second half of the 20th century. The role of such a structural subdivision of the UN as the UN Security Council is very important in world politics.

Today, one of the main tasks of Russia's foreign policy is its entry into the WTO (World Trade Organization), which will open up the internal markets of many countries for Russia. On the other hand, this poses a certain threat to domestic producers, forced to compete with foreign producers, which will receive easier access due to a decrease in customs duties to the Russian market. There are lively discussions about the general balance of positive and negative consequences of joining the WTO. The conditions for Russia's accession to the WTO are the subject of many years of negotiations.

Another international organization with which Russia is now actively interacting and substantially rebuilding the system of its relations with it is NATO. Russia is also rebuilding its relations with other international organizations, which is associated with changes in the world political process and with the new position of Russia in the system of international relations.

The role of international organizations in solving such global problems as the threat nuclear war, approximation ecological disaster, the alarmingly rapid growth of the planet's population, outstripping the growth of resources, overcoming the lag of the countries of the poor South from the rich North, etc.

At present, the joint efforts of all countries to combat international terrorism, which pose a threat to all mankind, are important. If a few years ago Russia, fighting against its manifestations, met with a lack of understanding from the West, then after the terrorist attacks in the United States in September 2001, most countries of the world united in their desire to end terrorism.

Working with the map

1. Find out which international organization has the most extensive spatial organization.

2. Indicate on which mainland there are no headquarters and offices of international organizations. Think why.

3. Name where the headquarters of the UN, UNESCO, BSEC are located.

4. Are the offices of international organizations located in Third World countries?

Practical work "Assessment of the geopolitical position of the country - ... .."

1 var- Germany 2 var- China

Target on tutorial page 89

GWP is the position of an object in relation to other states and their groups as political objects. GWP is a complex of political conditions associated with the geographic location of a country, expressed in a system of political relationships with the outside world.)

GWP characterization plan. (Option I).

1. Political and economic assessment state borders:

a) level economic development neighboring countries;

b) belonging of neighboring countries to political blocs;

c) strategic assessment of the state border.

2. Attitude to transport routes, markets for raw materials and products:

a) the possibility of using sea and river transport;

b) trade relations with neighboring countries;

c) provision of the country with raw materials.

3. Attitude towards "hot spots" of the planet:

a) direct or indirect relationship of the country to regional conflicts;

b) military-strategic potential and the presence of military bases abroad;

c) the attitude of the country's government to international detente and disarmament.

4. General assessment of the political situation in the country.

GWP characterization plan. (Option II).

1. The position of the country in relation to other countries.

2. The level of economic development of neighboring countries.

3. Attitude to world transport routes, markets for raw materials and product sales.

4. Position in relation to the "hot spots" of the planet.

5. The current political situation, domestic and foreign policy. (Overall rating).

A sample of the work.

Political and geographical position of France.

France is an economically developed country. She is included in the "big seven". France is located in Western Europe. Has a central position. In the east, the country borders on Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Italy. In the south, France borders on Spain and Andorra. Separated from Great Britain by the English Channel.

France is surrounded by developed countries. Neighbors, like France itself, are members of the military-political bloc NATO and the economic union - the EU. The neighboring situation is favorable.

France has a coastal position. In the south, it is washed by the Mediterranean Sea and has a large port of Marseille. In the west, France is washed by the Bay of Biscay of the Atlantic Ocean. Thus, France has free year-round access to the oceans, and therefore trade with the countries of the world. France has a dense transport network connecting it with its neighbors (road and railways , rivers, canals). France is insufficiently provided with its own raw materials and fuel, therefore it is a major importer of gas, coal, oil, timber, etc. The largest volume of trade is with the EU countries.

France, as a NATO member, takes an active part in the settlement of regional conflicts, has a large military potential and military bases outside the country.

Output: The political and geographical position of France is generally quite favorable.

5 station "Politicheskaya"

Teams are given assignments on problems, international organizations and international relations. The task of the teams within 2 minutes is to briefly outline the information on the POPS-formula

Political geography and geopolitics are often identified, presented as a part and a whole, or, even worse, opposed to each other. In any case, this is hardly correct. If we are guided by purely semantic considerations, then only political geography will be a “refined” geographical discipline, while the phrase “geopolitics” has a clear interdisciplinary implication, although in real life the ontology of a particular science does not always “reckon” with semantics. At the disposal of the scientific community of geographers there are many definitions of the subject of political geography, given in different time well-known foreign and domestic authors. Let us recall some of them: “the essence of political geography is the territorial differentiation of the political mosaic that has developed on the earth's surface” (R. Taylor); "The study of changes in political phenomena from place to place in connection with changes in other features on earth as the House of Man" (R. Hartshorne); “Political geography is a part of human geography, associated with a specific aspect of connections in the“ earth-human ”system and emphasizing a special relationship between geographical factors and political processes” (H. Weigert); "Poetic geographers deal with geographic implications political decisions and actions, as well as geographical factors influencing their implementation ”(M. Peshine); “A special geographical science that studies the spatial organization of the political life of society and territorial combinations of political forces” (V. A. Kolosov); "The study of spatial and areal structures and relationships between political systems and structures, or simply - a spatial analysis of political phenomena ”(R. Casperson); “Study of political regions or features of the earth's surface” (L. Alexander); “The study of political phenomena in relation to their territory” (V. Jackson), etc., etc. From these, largely overlapping with each other, the general contours of political geography emerge as a discipline that studies the spatial organization of the political life of society and interconnections (relationships, interactions) between geographic factors and political processes. (For us, the emphasis on the existence of interconnections between the natural and the “humanized” environment is of particular importance.) Gradually, the opinion emerged that the sphere of political geography encompasses issues of interstate and interethnic territorial delimitation, political and administrative structure and political federalism, relations between the capital and the “periphery” , the alignment of political forces during election campaigns (electoral geography), etc. No one disputes the point of view according to which it became possible to talk about political geography natural resources or the political geography of the economy and its individual sectors, meaning, for example, the formation of a transnational investment "field" and international flows of goods, work force and capital, etc. It would be a mistake to believe that a certain integral system of scientific concepts has already been formed, which could be designated as a special level of integration of political and geographical knowledge. This is partly due to the fact that our perception of the political organization of the world sometimes suffers from subjectivity. There is a certain conventionality not only in determining the cardinal points, but also in the delimitation of political regions. So, the cardinal points are not geostationary: they are fixed depending on the location of the observer (the classic eastern country of Japan - "the land of the rising sun" - in relation to the United States turns into a western one). In order for the cardinal points to turn from relative concepts into geostationary ones, a “logical reference point” is necessary - a spatial center. Something similar sometimes happens with political regions. For example, at one time, according to the logic of the conflict between East and West, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan suddenly became associated with the West, and socialist Cuba, located in the western hemisphere, with the East. (The very concept of "East" over the centuries has repeatedly changed its content. Until the XX century, it was used depending on the context as a synonym for China, the Byzantine Empire, Orthodox Christianity, Slavic world... From about 1920, the East became associated with the "communist world" and acquired a purely Asian contour, although later even Africa was often referred to the East.) For several millennia in a row, the so-called "mental (cognitive) maps" played a leading role in recreating the political picture of the world. , which were based on the reflection of the personal attitude of their creators. For example, the ancient Chinese believed that the "Celestial Empire" was naturally located in the center of the world, surrounded on all sides by barbarians. Many inhabitants of ancient civilizations adhered to a similar opinion. In the minds of many, up to recent decades, distances were distorted. So, until the middle of the XX century. Australians felt closer to Great Britain than to the Philippines, and Jamaicans felt closer to Canada or the same Great Britain than to neighboring Antigua. As you know, all geographical maps distort reality (including political), so the task of the cartographer is to minimize distortions. Special meaning at the same time, such elements as the type of projection, scale, symbolism play. Thus, the political maps of the world in the Mercator projection, widely used in the last century, usually significantly exaggerated the size of territories in high latitudes and practically ignored the polar regions, which undoubtedly influenced people's perception of political realities. One of the varieties of political cards is propaganda cards. In the XX century, especially during the Cold War, the old caricature-like forms were replaced by more advanced cartographic materials, which were designed to emphasize the “aggressive essence of the enemy”. The USA and the USSR organized a series of maps showing each other's militaristic preparations in order to prepare public opinion for the increase in military spending. In the late 60s. The USSR, where cartographic art was at a sufficient high level, suddenly began to produce maps that significantly distorted the physical and geographical parameters of some strategic regions. In this case, both “pseudo projections” of maps and deliberate territorial displacement of natural boundaries were used. There was hardly a need for such "tricks", since they became apparent when looking at old maps, as well as when using aerial photography (and later - Earth satellites and spaceships). We believe that our perception of the political organization of the world suffers from subjectivity the more, the more often geographers avoid taking into account the natural-spatial substance, “wallowing in the mud” of political science conclusions. As for geopotics, it is, in the opinion of many authors-geographers, the theory and practice of state foreign policy based on the maximum consideration of geographical factors. In Western literature, political geography and geopolitics are sometimes distinguished by the following "images" proposed by Haushofer: "Political geography considers the state from the point of view of space, and geopolitics - space from the point of view of the state" (15). On the whole, these images are acceptable, although, strictly speaking, the content of political geography, according to the prevailing ideas, is much broader. If the object of political geography is all forms of organization of society that arise in the process of interaction between political life and geospace, then the range of interests of geopolitics is limited only by issues of control over geospace. Geopolitics (from the Greek geos - "land", politike - "politics") in the initial interpretation - the theory and practice of state foreign policy, based on the maximum consideration of geographical factors, the discipline of the geographical conditionality of various political processes and phenomena. Here are several other definitions of geopolitics (sometimes very controversial!) - for their comparison and the search for truth: “a political concept that uses geographic data (territory, position of the country, etc.) to justify imperialist expansion. Geopolitics is associated with racism, Malthusianism, social Darwinism "(Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 1988); geopolitics is the science of “the relationship between the physical environment in the form in which it is perceived, changed and used by people, and world politics” (K. Gray); it is the science "of geographical distribution and geographical character political associations"(P. Savitsky); geopolitics can be "defined not simply as the objective dependence of the foreign policy of a particular nation on its geographic location, but as the objective dependence of the subject of international relations on the totality of material factors that allow this subject to exercise control over space" (K. Pleshakov); “Geopolitics is the science of the geographic determination of ethnopolitical processes in the state and international relations (Yu. Platonov); “Geopolitics is a discipline that has as its subject“ the use of spatial factors by states in defining and achieving political goals ”(N. Mironenko). - that is, with its transcendental sociomorphism. (Being an "independent geopolitician" is a privilege that may have only appeared at the end of the 20th century. early XXI c.) Over time, some scientists, based on the closest connection of geopolitics with other spheres scientific knowledge, began to defend its synthetic character, including in it elements of history, economics, political science, state studies, strategy, military affairs, sociology, psychology, ethnology, religious studies, ecology, etc. Moreover, today some “non-geographers” believe that “ geo "in the concept of" geopolitics "no longer just indicates geographic aspect in politics, but denotes all-national scales and rules of behavior in the conditions of the world system. “In this sense, geopolitics is designed to investigate how, with the help of what mechanisms and on the basis of what principles this system lives and functions. It can be considered as a discipline that studies the fundamental structures and subjects, global or strategic directions, the most important patterns and principles of life, functioning and evolution of the modern world community ”(1, p. 9). There are attempts to "liberate" geopolitics from the seemingly narrow framework of political geography and proclaim it a complex science of modern multilayered world politics. It seems that such attempts can lead to a gradual erosion of the very subject of geopolitics, its inevitable discrediting and the loss of scientific identity in the "boundless sea" of political science. It should be remembered that the object of study of this discipline - "geo" - remains the same, that, being an interdisciplinary branch of knowledge, its "mother basis" - geography - remains unchanged. Among the basic concepts and categories of geopolitics: state, bloc of states, geostrategic and geopolitical regions, political border, sphere of influence, balances and counterbalances of power, mutual suppression, buffer zone (country), satellite states, geopolitical ally, superpower, centers of power, geopolitical forces, frontal rivalry, political integration and disintegration, an arc of instability, geopolitical scenarios of the future, etc. The content of the absolute majority of them does not need special explanation. For example, political space, as the basic concept of geopolitics, is associated with the length and depth of boundaries. political activities(only here space is viewed as a direct political force). It is believed that a geostrategic region covers a fairly large part of the world political space, which is distinguished by the quality of its location, the intensity and nature of the orientation of trade and cultural-ideological ties. An integral attribute of such a region is the ability of some force to control the most important strategic routes on land and sea (for example, heartland or rimland). In turn, the geopolitical region is an integral part of the geostrategic region and is characterized by a more modest size and a higher density of trade, economic, cultural and political ties. It is quite obvious that the number critical categories geopolitics refers to the political border, which is always man-made (ie, "artificial") and performs important geopolitical functions: a) political; b) protective; c) military-strategic. Such borders separate the zones of action of national sovereignty, serve as the frontiers of the states' forward defense, and act as points of control over the flow of people, goods and capital. Geopolitical lines are the structure-forming moments of the organization of the geopolitical space, acting as the primary elements of the reconstruction of the world geopolitical picture. They seem to lock onto themselves various elements of geopolitical interaction. (For example, the main US oil routes from the Middle East are considered by this state as its sphere of vital interests.) The main functions of geopolitics include cognitive, forecasting and integration.

  • 2.1. Territorial and political systems as the main
  • Object of study
  • The main types and functions of territorial and political systems
  • 2.2. The main approaches of political and geographical state studies
  • 2.3 The main categories of political geography
  • Topic 3. Political and geographical analysis of the morphological features of the state territory
  • 3.1. The structure of the state territory and types of states
  • Provision of territorial resources of parts of the world and individual countries (Mashbits, 1998)
  • The structure of the countries of the world by the size of their territory
  • Extreme countries by size of state territory
  • 3.2. Morphological features of the territory and models of states.
  • Morphological models of states
  • Topic 4. Geographic limology and research methods of state borders
  • 4.1. State boundaries, their types and methods of study
  • 4.2. Dynamics of state borders and scenarios of their evolution
  • Geography of state borders in the world *
  • Topic 5. Political and geographical structure of the state territory
  • 5.1. Forms of state administration and administrative-territorial division
  • ATD structure in some European countries
  • 5.2. Political and geographical foundations of federalism and types of federations
  • Internal differences in some federal states in the 1990s *
  • Topic 6. Formation of geopolitics and the main concepts of the school of continentalists
  • 6.1. Subject and functions of geopolitics
  • 6.2. Geopolitical concepts of the school of continentalism
  • Topic 7. Geopolitical concepts of Atlantists and models of modern world development
  • 7.1. Classic geopolitical school concepts
  • Atlantists
  • 7.2. Geopolitical models of the polycentric world, new projects of mondialism and neoatlantism
  • Topic 8. Geopolitical concepts of Russian and post-Soviet political geography.
  • Topic 9. Geoeconomic structure of the world and models of interaction of world economic and geopolitical processes
  • 9.1. Geoeconomic structure and regional dynamics of the world economy
  • Subregional structure of the world economy
  • Share of leading countries in global GDP,%
  • Typology of world subregions by level and rate of development in 1990-2001 *
  • Types of countries in Central and Eastern Europe by level and rate of development in 1990-2001 *
  • 9.2. Geopolitical cycles and world economic development
  • Characteristics of cycles ("long waves") of the world conjuncture n. D. Kondratyeva
  • Characteristics of the long cycles of world politics (according to Modelski, Thompson, 1988)
  • A Dynamic Model of Hegemony and Rivalry (Analysis of the British and American Centuries)
  • Topic 10. Geopolitical position of the cis countries: conditions of formation and ways of evolution
  • 10.1. Geopolitical transformation of the world and features of the development of the cis
  • 10.2. Geopolitical position of Russia and ways of its evolution
  • 10.3. Geopolitical orientation of Belarus
  • Topic 11. Political and geographical structure of Europe and types of regional conflicts
  • 11.1. Evolution of the political and geographical structure of Europe
  • Subregions of Europe * according to the UN classification (2000) (absolute values ​​in the numerator, percentage in the denominator)
  • 11.2. Types and genesis of regional conflicts in Europe.
  • Typology of Regional and Secessionist Movements in Europe (Gorzelak, 1992)
  • The main centers of regional movements and separatism in Europe (Zayats, 2004)
  • Topic 12. Political and geographical structure of Asia and regional conflicts
  • Colonial partition of Asia in 1900
  • The main hotbeds of regional conflicts and separatist movements in Asia Abroad (Zayats, 2004)
  • Topic 13. Political and geographical structure and regional conflicts in Africa
  • Colonial division of Africa in 1900
  • The main hotbeds of regional and separatist conflicts in Africa (Zayats, 2004)
  • Topic 14. Political and geographical structure and regional conflicts in America
  • Colonial and Dependent Territories (2001)
  • The main centers of regional and separatist conflicts in America (Zayats, 2004)
  • Topic 15. Political and geographical structure of Australia and Oceania.
  • Composition of territory and population of Australia (2000)
  • Political and geographical division of Oceania
  • Main literature
  • Topic 1. Political geography as a socio-geographical science

        The subject of political geography and its structure

    Political geography is a relatively "young" scientific discipline. Its origin dates back to the 18th century, when, in the context of the growing differentiation of geographical knowledge, political geography began to stand out in the experiments of classification. I. Kant, who taught geography at the University of Königsberg, divided it into physical, commercial, moral and political geography (1755). A similar classification was used by the professor of St. Petersburg University A. Buching (1766), dividing geography into mathematical, natural and political. The subject of political geography was the study of the actual division of the world into states, analysis of their territory and mutual location, the nature of borders, the formation of interstate unions. It arose at a time when geography was considered only a natural science, dealing with the study of the natural environment and landscapes. Nature-centrism also determined the initial methodological formation of political geography as an independent science explaining political processes by the nature of natural conditions and types of geographical landscapes.

    With the publication at the end of the 19th century of the book "Political Geography" by the German geographer F. Ratzel (1897), the main object of research was the state as a geographical object, its internal features and external relations in interstate relations. At the initial stage of the development of political geography at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, research on natural-climatic and cultural-historical features was most developed. state territory, its geographic location, state borders and their evolution. The state was interpreted in the spirit of social Darwinism as an organism waging a struggle for existence and striving for external territorial expansion.

    Subsequently, in the first half of the twentieth century, geopolitics received the greatest development. as an applied branch of political geography that studies the influence of geographical, historical, political and other factors on the strategic potential of a state and its participation in international relations. This was reflected in the definition of political geography by V.P.Semenov-Tyan-Shansky (1915) as a science that studies the spatial relationship of the territorial power of individual states.

    In subsequent years, ideas about the subject and methods of political geography expanded significantly. In Western countries, the subject of political geography was defined as the state from the point of view of its genesis, resource endowment, conditionality of specific geographic forms of its development (Pounds, 1972), and the spatial aspects of political processes, their dynamics and activities to establish and maintain control over various political units. (S. Cohen, 1971).

    In the context of the geopolitical confrontation between the two systems and the primacy of Marxist ideas in the countries of the former Soviet bloc, political geography was considered part of economic geography (Semevsky, 1964). A detailed interpretation of political geography in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia notes that political geography "studies the territorial distribution and balance of political forces both within countries and between individual countries and groups of countries in connection with their socio-economic structure, issues of territorial formation of countries and states, their state borders, historical regions, administrative structure ”(TSB, t-6, p. 278). Subsequently, in 1970-1980. in the scientific and methodological arsenal of political geography, new concepts were introduced about the "political-territorial organization of society" (Gorbatsevich, 1976; Yagya, 1982), "territorial-political systems" (Mashbits, 1989), "political and geographical space" (Aksenov, 1989), which made it possible to give a systematic interpretation of the modern essence of political geography and its subject of research (Kolosov, 1988; Kaledin, 1996; Kolosov, Mironenko, 2001). V. A. Kolosov (1988), noting the specific position of political geography at the junction of geographical and political sciences, interprets it as “a special geographical science that studies the spatial organization of the political life of society and the territorial combinations of political forces in their conditioning by specific combinations of diverse socio-economic factors ... "(P. 16). The main object of modern political geography is determined by territorial-political systems (TPN), interconnected combinations of elements of the political sphere in their interaction with each other and with geographical space, objectively on a certain territory (Kolosov, Mironenko, 2001, p. 243). The subject of political geography determines primarily the property territoriality, reflecting political phenomena in space (displayed on a map), on a certain territory within established boundaries and taking into account differentiation from place to place. The difference between political geography and other political sciences is that it studies political processes and the functioning of the TPN in connection with geographic space, takes into account local conditions, establishes patterns of development from the geographical position of objects and provides a comparative analysis of their dynamics in different regions. She uses the geographical method, focusing on the territoriality of political processes and phenomena and their differences from place to place (Turovsky, 1999, p. 11).

    Modern political geography studies the spatial organization of the political life of society and territorial-political systems, with an analysis of their internal structure and the interrelationships of key elements between themselves and geographic space at all levels of the territorial hierarchy.

    Being an independent geographical science, political geography (PG) has a complex internal structure in which the following are distinguished (Kaledin, 1991):

      general (theoretical) PG, which reveals the originality of the subject area of ​​science, its methodological and theoretical basis, the system of scientific categories and place in the system of scientific disciplines;

      industry (functional) PG, considering specific functional types of political activity of society and individual social groups(geopolitical, party, ethnic, military, religious, etc.);

      regional PG, which studies territorial and political systems of various hierarchical levels, their formation, dynamics and typology in changing geopolitical conditions;

      applied PG, which determines the main directions of the emergence of this science into public practice and information support for managerial, ideological, educational, political-cartographic and other activities.

    In the modern system of geographical sciences, PG, being an integral part of socio-economic geography, synthesizes the conclusions of the geography of the economy, population, culture, and, to a certain extent, natural sciences branches of geography, expanding the integration functions of the entire complex of geographical sciences. As a public geographical science, PG closely interacts with the historical and philosophical-sociological sciences (history, political science, sociology), the theory of international relations, state building and law. However, this does not give grounds to consider PG or its applied part - geopolitics, as an integral part of other sciences (for example, political science), artificially pulling it out of the family of geographical sciences. This leads to the loss of the property of territoriality of the studied political processes, the mechanism of spatial conditionality of the action of socio-economic, political and geographical factors in the functioning of territorial-political systems and their elements.




    Postgraduate student of the department

    Minsk, 2002


    Geopolitics seems to be undergoing a renaissance today. If not long ago the official Soviet science defined it as “the direction of bourgeois political thought based on the extreme exaggeration of the role of geographical factors in the life of society”, as an ideological substantiation of the “aggressive foreign policy of imperialism”, nowadays it is quite common to state that geopolitics is the final clue and explanation of many civilized processes that remain inexplicable in purely political, economic or naturalistic terms. Geopolitical issues are in the focus of attention of a significant number of articles published in scientific periodicals, think tanks, specially created magazines. Politicians, journalists, television and radio commentators willingly use the term itself, which has already become a familiar part of the political lexicon.

    This interest and even a kind of fashion for geopolitics is understandable. The modern stage of world history is characterized by powerful shifts in the existing equilibrium and requires the adoption of a number of urgent political decisions. There are profound shifts in the balance of power on the world stage, accompanying the collapse of the entire former international order. A significant geopolitical factor is still the collapse of the Soviet Union, and with it the resulting uncertainty of the borders of the post-Soviet countries.

    Geopolitics and Geopolitics

    The relationship between geography and politics is one of the key methodological problems of geopolitics. Already in the most entrenched name of the discipline - "geopolitics" - contains an indication of the synthetic nature of this scientific and philosophical direction. The classics of geopolitics, obviously, deliberately consolidated in the title the understanding of geopolitics as a result of the synthesis of geography and political science.

    Geographers were the first scientists to formulate the basic principles of geopolitics. The need to differentiate geography and geopolitics stems from the different subjects of study of these sciences. However, to define geopolitics as a discipline, it is not enough to indicate the boundary between geopolitics and geography. It is also necessary to take into account another well-established science - political science. It is then that, placed between these two sciences, geopolitics becomes an obvious and deterministic discipline.

    The scientific achievements of the founders of geopolitics were immediately applied in practice, were put into the service of state power, concrete political practice, international relations and military strategy... However, the term, and indeed science itself, was constantly subjected to obstruction by the scientific community, and in the minds of the broad masses, it was firmly associated with the expansion policy of Nazi Germany. Too frank exposure of the hidden mechanisms of the foreign policy of states did not suit those in power, without interfering, nevertheless, with the use of open laws in practice. In the USSR, for a long time, geopolitics was banned as a "bourgeois science", in the West, in a short time, it became an extremely popular discipline in matters of strategic and military planning, and now the teaching of this science is compulsory at all higher educational institutions The West, preparing heads of state and responsible analysts.

    The predecessors of geopolitics are considered Herodotus and Aristotle, N. Machiavelli and C. Montesquieu, J. Boden and F. Braudel ... Moreover, it should not be considered an achievement of only European civilization. Consonant ideas can be found, for example, in the work of the Chinese thinker Song Qi back in the 6th century. BC BC, which left a description of six types of terrain and nine types of space that a strategist must know for successful conduct military policy... Interesting and relevant to geopolitics judgments were also expressed by Ibn Khaldun (16th century), who linked together the spiritual forces of human associations (social communities, in modern terminology), their ability or inability to rally and fight for conquest and preservation powerful empire and those impulses that originate from the natural environment. Some geopolitical concepts were formulated as early as the 19th century by the German geographer Professor Friedrich Ratzel (1844-1904). And the term "geopolitics" was first used, as is commonly believed, by the Swedish professor Rudolf Kjellen (1864 - 1922) in the book "Introduction to Swedish Geography" (1900), giving it the following definition: "This is the science of the State as a geographical organism, embodied in space ".

    As a result, he came to the conclusion about the need for an organic combination of five interrelated elements of politics: economic policy, demopolitics, sociopolitics, short-term politics and geopolitics.

    Friedrich Ratzel and his students created a discipline designed to study the relationship between geography and politics, based on the position of the country, the space it occupies and its borders. The great nations are, F. Ratzel believed, which have a sense of space. Consequently, the boundaries may be subject to narrowing or expanding, depending on the dynamism of the people in question. During the Third Reich, such ideas led the compatriot F. Ratzel, the famous geopolitician Karl Haushofer (1869-1946), to the theory of "living space", which for a long time discredited the scientific status of geopolitics.

    The idea of ​​the American Admiral AT Mahan (1840-1914) about the antagonism of sea and land states and about the world domination of the sea powers, which can be ensured by controlling a series of strongholds around the Eurasian continent, gained wide popularity. No less famous was the theory of the English geographer and politician H. D. Mackinder (1861-1947), according to which the one who rules Eastern Europe, rules the Heartland, who rules the Middle earth, rules the World Island, who rules the World Island rules the world. However, already a contemporary of Mackinder, such an authority in geopolitics as K. Haushoffer, were quite critical of his views.

    Mackinder's theory has been challenged and refuted within geopolitics itself. American researcher Nicolae J. Spykman in his work “American Strategy in World Politics. The United States and the Balance of Power ”(1942) formulated the strategic concept of“ Rimland, ”which he argued was much more accurate than the famous“ Heartland ”. Spykman argued that if the Heartland exists geographically, then, firstly, its invulnerability is seriously violated by the development of strategic aviation and other advanced weapons. And, secondly, contrary to Mackinder's forecasts, it has not reached the level of economic development that would enable it to become one of the most advanced regions in the world. The decisive struggle in both the First and Second World War, Spykman argued, did not unfold in the Heartland zone, and not for its possession, but on the shores and lands of Rimland. World domination therefore does not depend on control over Eastern Europe.

    Since with the coming to power of the Nazis in Germany, geopolitics began to be actively used to justify "racial superiority", the conquest of "living space", "the great historical mission of Germany's domination over the rest of the world," so many researchers in both Europe and America began to doubt scientific validity of the term itself. At the same time, one part of scientists began to consider the concept of "geopolitics" as a pseudoscientific neologism, serving to attempts to justify the aspirations to change the European order, as a tool, power, and propaganda tool. Others, without denying the term itself as a whole, express serious skepticism about its instrumental capabilities. Still others believe that geopolitics is capable of producing certain scientific results, but only in a very narrow sphere, reflecting the mutual influence of politics and the spatial and geographical characteristics of states or their alliances. Others express the opinion that geopolitics should be viewed not as a science or discipline, but only as a method of a sociological approach that links the geographic environment and the international activities of states. Finally, there are those who believe that geopolitics is not a science, but something much more complex.

    Recently, in opposition to the term "geopolitics", the term "geoeconomics" has appeared, coined by Edward Luttwack. According to Luttwak, the bipolar world is withering away and military power has become of secondary importance not only in relations between North and South, given the enormous technological superiority of the North, but above all in North-North relations, between geo-economic poles and industrialized states. According to Luttwak, the same economic competition between industrialized states differs from the past precisely in that states can no longer resort to military force. However, this is a topic for a separate study.

    Geopolitics is the science of social security

    Since the advent of global technologies, geography has ceased to describe the process of interaction between man and the environment. At the same time, the relevance of studying the processes of such interaction has increased as never before in the history of mankind. For the first time in history, humanity has become vitally dependent on the correct choice of the model of human interaction with the environment. That is, there was a need for the appearance scientific discipline that could effectively describe the collision that occurred. The need arose for a discipline that would combine political science, sociology, philosophy with geography. It is precisely such a discipline that, in theory, geopolitics is called upon to become.

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