Home Preparations for the winter Who was Chikatilo's zodiac sign? Under what zodiac signs were the most serial maniacs born? Fun comes first

Who was Chikatilo's zodiac sign? Under what zodiac signs were the most serial maniacs born? Fun comes first

A person’s date of birth determines his belonging to one or another zodiac sign and influences the formation of his personality. Based on statistical data, researchers have compiled various ratings. They express the predisposition of different representatives to certain characteristics. For example, Virgos are considered the most faithful, Scorpios are characterized by pronounced sexuality, and Geminis have the best sense of humor. The article will provide a rating of zodiac signs based on beauty, intelligence, fidelity, wealth and other interesting parameters.

The most charming and attractive

  1. A lion. She knows how to present her beauty favorably, even if she does not have ideal parameters. Extremely charming.
  2. Capricorn. He knows how to competently present himself and easily creates his own original style.
  3. Sagittarius. He has powerful charisma, so it’s impossible not to pay attention to a representative of this sign.
  4. Aries. It is remembered at first sight due to its bright image and originality.
  5. Twins. They often change their image, sometimes radically. Their attitude towards the world at the moment expresses them.
  6. Calf. Always looks natural. Has an excellent sense of taste.
  7. Cancer. It looks sophisticated and original. Does not like bright and catchy images.
  8. Scorpion. He has exotic beauty, is sensual, and considers himself perfect.
  9. Virgo. Takes good care of himself. She skillfully presents her beauty, even if she does not have an ideal appearance.
  10. Aquarius. Attractive not only in appearance. Attracts representatives of the opposite sex with its inner light.
  11. Scales. Possess expressive face And beautiful hands. They can bring disharmony into the image with the wrong choice of clothing or hair color.
  12. Fish. Vulgar images are not tolerated. They attract the opposite sex with the mystery of their image.

You can see certain trends in this ranking. But it should be remembered that the appearance and perception of a person by others depend not only on the zodiac sign. Moreover, the concept of beauty is subjective. This rating was compiled based on statistical data. Among the zodiac signs, regardless of their position, you can find both a not very attractive representative and an ideal of beauty.

Mental capacity

  1. Twins. Curious and easy to train. People with an inquisitive mind.
  2. Aquarius. He uses his mind exclusively for his own interests.
  3. Sagittarius. Thoughtful and calm. He has an analytical mind and is able to manage not only an enterprise, but even a state.
  4. Calf. He is persistent in learning and knows how to use accumulated knowledge.
  5. Scorpion. In case of insufficient mental understanding of the issue, he reaches heights with the help of perseverance and determination.
  6. Aries. Easy to learn, but lazy. Therefore, the mind is used to achieve personal goals.
  7. Capricorn. He is inquisitive and persistent, but sometimes prone to laziness.
  8. Virgo. Smart, inquisitive. Uses these qualities to climb the career ladder.
  9. A lion. He uses his mind to the fullest, but seeks profit and practical benefit from it.
  10. Fish. The presence of intelligence is often leveled by simplicity and carelessness.
  11. Scales. Possesses an analytical mind. All decisions they make are balanced.
  12. Cancer. Lazy, considers studying a pointless waste of time. In life he uses only part of the acquired knowledge.


  1. Scorpion. If he fell in love, then he would never cheat.
  2. A lion. The representative of this zodiac sign is faithful and reliable.
  3. Virgo. He is squeamish and selective about casual relationships, so he remains faithful.
  4. Calf. The family representative of this sign counts on the loyalty of his partner and pays in the same coin.
  5. Scales. They like stability and balance. They are not prone to cheating.
  6. Aquarius. Capable of betrayal if he feels that he is tied to his home.
  7. Cancer. Reliable and faithful, but only as long as he is comfortable.
  8. Fish. Between sublime feelings and sexual pleasure, they will choose the latter.
  9. Capricorn. His soul wants to be faithful, but his body craves new sensations.
  10. Twins. They are fickle and seek benefits and comfort in any relationship.
  11. Aries. A good family man, but he cheats because of the love of new sensations.
  12. Sagittarius. For him, love is a game, a sport, an adventure. You shouldn't expect loyalty from Sagittarius.

Virgos are the most sure signs zodiac Cheating (the rating indicates this) is not typical for them.

Capable of Killing

This list is compiled based on statistical data. The ranking of killers among zodiac signs is as follows:

  1. A lion. His actions are distinguished by their audacity and scale. Loves to demonstrate his strength and range.
  2. Calf. Does not experience feelings of revenge as long as his interests are not infringed. They act out of self-interest.
  3. Twins. They are distinguished by insolence and deceit. Sometimes they are too fussy, but they act decisively and cruelly.
  4. Cancer. Characterized by cunning. Acts guided by self-interest. He thinks through his actions down to the smallest detail.
  5. Scales. They kill in the name of an idea. Very cruel and cold-blooded.
  6. Capricorn. Actions are thought out to the smallest detail. Does not accept ostentation and unnecessary destruction. The main thing is to achieve the goal and hide the evidence.
  7. Aries. Characterized by toughness, not cruelty. Often acts out of a false sense of justice.
  8. Virgo. Calculating and extremely careful. Her actions are verified, calculated and irreversible.
  9. Fish. Daring, cruel and gambling. They kill without self-interest, but for the sake of success, power and recognition.
  10. Sagittarius. Fussy, illogical and sloppy. Makes serious mistakes.
  11. Scorpion. Bold but cautious. The bulk of the wood grouse are his doing.
  12. Aquarius. His crime is carefully thought out and calculated, despite the eccentricity inherent in this sign.

Mental problems

  1. Virgo. He can go crazy, for example, with cleanliness, counting calories in the food he eats, or scrupulously balancing income and expenses.
  2. A lion. Those around him must unquestioningly obey his will, because he is a king.
  3. Twins. give them no rest. There are many personalities and subpersonalities within.
  4. Fish. They fall into prolonged depression. Communicate with other worlds and travel to parallel realities.
  5. Scales. They are prone to anxiety attacks and suffer from chronic indecisiveness.
  6. Aquarius. He has many reasons to go crazy due to the open and overly receptive consciousness of this zodiac sign.
  7. Aries. Prone to rapid changes in mood and emotions from wild rage to a state of euphoria and bliss.
  8. Capricorn. Can get bogged down in routine and monotony and still feel absolutely comfortable.
  9. Scorpion. A chronic form of paranoia cannot be ruled out.
  10. Cancer. Capable of immersing himself in occult sciences.
  11. Calf. Money and the opposite sex are two things that one can become fixated on, sometimes even too much.
  12. Sagittarius. Characterized by attacks of claustrophobia, that is, fear of enclosed spaces.

Tendency to violence

Zodiac signs that can show violence are ranked as follows:

  1. Fish. There is pronounced aggression and a tendency towards perversion.
  2. Calf. Not impulsive. He declares his rights to the pre-selected victim, and in case of refusal, he acts by force.
  3. Aries. It does not humiliate, does not prove its superiority, but simply overcomes resistance.
  4. Twins. Cynics and sadists. The act of violence is accompanied by beatings and perversions.
  5. Capricorn. Commits violence to gain power over the victim.
  6. Cancer. The main motive is revenge for previous failures in love or for the unavailability of the victim.
  7. A lion. With arrogant superiority, he suppresses the resistance of his victim.
  8. Scales. They act with pronounced aggression and perversion.
  9. Virgo. Commits violence due to inherent complexes of a sexual nature. He does this to gain peace of mind.
  10. Aquarius. There is no sexual connotation in his actions. There is only a desire to stun and shock the victim.
  11. Sagittarius. Commits violence in a bold, unbridled and perverted manner.
  12. Scorpion. Acts out of revenge. The reason for this may be material damage or insult.


  1. Virgo. He is distinguished by hard work, attentiveness, analytical mind and sobriety of mind.
  2. Scorpion. A talented strategist, he passionately pursues his goal and achieves what he wants. Has the gift of persuasion.
  3. Twins. Wealth gives them a sense of freedom and allows them to satisfy their craving for everything new.
  4. Aries. He works fruitfully and, accordingly, earns good money.
  5. Scales. They are quite reasonable about finances. Choose the golden mean between price and quality.
  6. Cancer. Differs in foresight. Saves money by choosing the most reliable way storage
  7. Capricorn. Even having earned capital, he continues to treat wealth wisely, without throwing money away or making thoughtless expenses.
  8. A lion. Maximalist and spender. He lives to the fullest, and therefore sometimes even finds himself on the brink of poverty.
  9. Calf. He is distinguished by strength of character and common sense.
  10. Fish. Talented, but impractical. Indifferent to money.
  11. Aquarius. An idealist, confidently moving towards his goal.
  12. Sagittarius. Sprayed and does not know how to notice little things.

Careless driving

  1. Scales.
  2. Aquarius.
  3. Aries.
  4. Fish.
  5. Scorpion.
  6. Calf.
  7. Sagittarius.
  8. Capricorn.
  9. Virgo.
  10. Twins.


  1. Scorpion.
  2. Aries.
  3. Calf.
  4. Twins.
  5. Fish.
  6. Sagittarius.
  7. Aquarius.
  8. Scales.
  9. Virgo.
  10. Capricorn.

Fun comes first

  1. Twins.
  2. Virgo.
  3. Sagittarius.
  4. Aquarius.
  5. Aries.
  6. Scorpion.
  7. Calf.
  8. Capricorn.
  9. Fish.
  10. Scales.

Rating of the most-most zodiac signs

The strongest zodiac sign in spirit is Pisces, despite its impressionability and sentimentality. They have internal resources that difficult situations allow them to bend but not break.

Scorpio is recognized as the most insidious sign, because if he decides to take revenge, then it is already impossible to stop him. Moreover, he will do this using sophisticated methods. Scorpio is an evil and dangerous enemy.

Taurus is rightfully considered the kindest, who does not like conflicts and is distinguished by gentleness and tact in communication. Representatives of this sign take pleasure in providing free assistance to those in need.

Geminis are recognized as the luckiest, because they have the ability to find themselves in right time in the right place. They are optimistic and lucky, so they are happy.

Leo is considered, because even when showing generosity and friendliness, he does this by catering to his desires. Representatives of the sign love to be the center of attention, they need flattery and praise, because at such moments they feel at their best.

Libras are the most sociable. They love to talk and get to know each other. Loneliness is difficult for Libra, but in company they find it easy and joyful.

The most closed one is Capricorn. It is difficult to imagine what thoughts live in his head. Representatives of the sign rarely trust other people and appear indifferent and cold.

Aquarius is recognized as the most brilliant sign. This is an idea generator with well-developed imagination and creative thinking.


One should not draw far-reaching conclusions from the above ratings. Don't be upset if it is your zodiac sign that tops the list of killers or is at the bottom of the list of rich people. The research results are based on pure statistics. There are no absolutely bad or absolutely good zodiac signs. It all depends on the individual person.

Incredible facts

Much has been said about the typical characteristics of zodiac signs.

But it's time to talk about real statistics. To demonstrate criminal tendencies, the FBI shared the birth dates of serial killers.

Read also:The Worst Qualities of Zodiac Signs

According to their research, some zodiac signs are more prone to certain types crimes

So, which zodiac signs are most likely to commit crimes?

Let us remind you that all zodiac signs can be divided into four forces:

Air– Aquarius, Gemini and Libra

Water– Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio

Fire– Aries, Leo and Sagittarius

Earth– Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo

Criminals by zodiac sign

Of all fire signs, among Sagittarius there are the most criminals, and they are the most difficult to arrest. Aries are usually armed to the teeth, but Leos are very dangerous.

When we're talking about O air signs , most crimes are committed by Libras, and they are usually well armed and dangerous. On the other hand, Geminis are most often caught cheating, and Aquarians most often commit crimes out of revenge.

From earth signs, Taurus is the most temperamental and risky. Virgos are usually armed, and Capricorns are the most versatile criminals.

Surprisingly, among water signs and most big number The criminals among all the zodiac signs have been found among Cancers, and they are very cruel. Pisces and Scorpios have an uncontrollable temperament.

12. Gemini

Even though you hear a lot of bad things about Geminis, they are the least dangerous sign of the zodiac! Among Geminis, it is rare to find those whose hands were covered in blood, since they do not take others so seriously as to injure or kill them. Most great harm What they are capable of is to crush a person with their chatter.

11. Aquarius

Aquarius cares about justice and has strong ego, which is difficult to crush. This is the second least dangerous sign of the zodiac. This may be because they are smart enough to avoid getting caught, or they don't leave evidence behind after a crime.

10. Leo

Lions are actually big cats and they try to avoid any trouble. According to statistics, if Leo commits murder, he does it only to attract attention.

9. Libra

Libras are considered kind, fair and patient. However, there were more cases of murder among Libra than among Aquarius and Leo. Libras tend to become cruel if you try to abuse their good intentions.

8. Virgo

Among Virgos, there are usually psychopaths and very smart killers. However, Virgos are more likely to resort to fraud and theft than to murder.

7. Pisces

If you thought Pisces were cute, you are sorely mistaken. Among the most famous serial killers there are many Pisces. Given their penchant for addiction, Pisces often commit extraordinary murders.

6. Capricorn

Among all the zodiac signs, Capricorns are the average serial killers who kill the most people. Although they respect rules and laws, when they are angry they bring out the worst. They don't kill often, but once they start doing so, they are difficult to stop.

5. Aries

People born under the sign of Aries are known for their uncontrollable nature. They can get angry easily, but usually cool down quickly. You should stay away from Aries when they are angry, but they will soon forget what made them angry.

4. Taurus

Taurus's anger can be very intense. However, this zodiac sign is also more prone to cheating than murder.

3. Sagittarius

Sagittarius is in third position on the list of the most dangerous zodiac signs. They do not target petty crimes, but something larger, such as mass murder. Although in most cases, Sagittarians rarely harm others. They commit thefts more often, but are very difficult to catch.

2. Scorpio

People of this sign are real psychopaths. They can be sadistic and easily manipulate others. Scorpios often become professional spies and mercenaries. Most serial killers are born in November.

1. Cancer

Tops the list of the most dangerous zodiac signs Cancer. For the most part, people of this sign kill others out of jealousy, envy or emotional instability. They kill with special passion, and leave distinctive marks on the body of the victim.

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Virgo maniacs and people with mental disorders are the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Rating of zodiac signs by beauty, intelligence, and loyalty. Rating of killers among zodiac signs. Rating of mentally ill people by zodiac sign

A person’s date of birth determines his belonging to one or another zodiac sign and influences the formation of his personality. Based on statistical data, researchers have compiled various ratings. They express the predisposition of representatives of various zodiac signs to certain characteristics. For example, Virgos are considered the most faithful, Scorpios are characterized by pronounced sexuality, and Geminis have the best sense of humor. The article will provide a rating of zodiac signs based on beauty, intelligence, fidelity, wealth and other interesting parameters.

  1. A lion. She knows how to present her beauty favorably, even if she does not have ideal parameters. Extremely charming.
  2. Capricorn. He knows how to competently present himself and easily creates his own original style.
  3. Sagittarius. He has powerful charisma, so it’s impossible not to pay attention to a representative of this sign.
  4. Aries. It is remembered at first sight due to its bright image and originality.
  5. Twins. They often change their image, sometimes radically. Their appearance expresses the attitude towards the world at the moment.
  6. Calf. Always looks natural. Has an excellent sense of taste.
  7. Cancer. It looks sophisticated and original. Does not like bright and catchy images.
  8. Scorpion. He has exotic beauty, is sensual, and considers himself perfect.
  9. Virgo. Takes good care of himself. She skillfully presents her beauty, even if she does not have an ideal appearance.
  10. Aquarius. Attractive not only in appearance. Attracts representatives of the opposite sex with its inner light.
  11. Scales. They have an expressive face and beautiful hands. They can bring disharmony into the image with the wrong choice of clothing or hair color.
  12. Fish. Vulgar images are not tolerated. They attract the opposite sex with the mystery of their image.

No video.

You can see certain trends in this ranking. But it should be remembered that the appearance and perception of a person by others depend not only on the zodiac sign. Moreover, the concept of beauty is subjective. This rating was compiled based on statistical data. Among the zodiac signs, regardless of their position, you can find both a not very attractive representative and an ideal of beauty.

Mental capacity

  1. Twins. Curious and easy to train. People with an inquisitive mind.
  2. Aquarius. He uses his mind exclusively for his own interests.
  3. Sagittarius. Thoughtful and calm. He has an analytical mind and is able to manage not only an enterprise, but even a state.
  4. Calf. He is persistent in learning and knows how to use accumulated knowledge.
  5. Scorpion. In case of insufficient mental understanding of the issue, he reaches heights with the help of perseverance and determination.
  6. Aries. Easy to learn, but lazy. Therefore, the mind is used to achieve personal goals.
  7. Capricorn. He is inquisitive and persistent, but sometimes prone to laziness.
  8. Virgo. Smart, inquisitive. Uses these qualities to climb the career ladder.
  9. A lion. He uses his mind to the fullest, but seeks profit and practical benefit from it.
  10. Fish. The presence of intelligence is often leveled by simplicity and carelessness.
  11. Scales. Possesses an analytical mind. All decisions they make are balanced.
  12. Cancer. Lazy, considers studying a pointless waste of time. In life he uses only part of the acquired knowledge.
  1. Scorpion. If he fell in love, then he would never cheat.
  2. A lion. The representative of this zodiac sign is faithful and reliable.
  3. Virgo. He is squeamish and selective about casual relationships, so he remains faithful.
  4. Calf. The family representative of this sign counts on the loyalty of his partner and pays in the same coin.
  5. Scales. They like stability and balance. They are not prone to cheating.
  6. Aquarius. Capable of betrayal if he feels that he is tied to his home.
  7. Cancer. Reliable and faithful, but only as long as he is comfortable.
  8. Fish. Between sublime feelings and sexual pleasure, they will choose the latter.
  9. Capricorn. His soul wants to be faithful, but his body craves new sensations.
  10. Twins. They are fickle and seek benefits and comfort in any relationship.
  11. Aries. A good family man, but he cheats because of the love of new sensations.
  12. Sagittarius. For him, love is a game, a sport, an adventure. You shouldn't expect loyalty from Sagittarius.

Scorpios, Leos and Virgos are the most loyal signs of the zodiac. Cheating (the rating indicates this) is not typical for them.

Capable of Killing

This list is compiled based on statistical data. The ranking of killers among zodiac signs is as follows:

  1. A lion. His actions are distinguished by their audacity and scale. Loves to demonstrate his strength and range.
  2. Calf. Does not experience feelings of revenge as long as his interests are not infringed. They act out of self-interest.
  3. Twins. They are distinguished by insolence and deceit. Sometimes they are too fussy, but they act decisively and cruelly.
  4. Cancer. Characterized by cunning. Acts guided by self-interest. He thinks through his actions down to the smallest detail.
  5. Scales. They kill in the name of an idea. Very cruel and cold-blooded.
  6. Capricorn. Actions are thought out to the smallest detail. Does not accept ostentation and unnecessary destruction. The main thing is to achieve the goal and hide the evidence.
  7. Aries. Characterized by toughness, not cruelty. Often acts out of a false sense of justice.
  8. Virgo. Calculating and extremely careful. Her actions are verified, calculated and irreversible.
  9. Fish. Daring, cruel and gambling. They kill without self-interest, but for the sake of success, power and recognition.
  10. Sagittarius. Fussy, illogical and sloppy. Makes serious mistakes.
  11. Scorpion. Bold but cautious. The bulk of the wood grouse are his doing.
  12. Aquarius. His crime is carefully thought out and calculated, despite the eccentricity inherent in this sign.

Mental problems

  1. Virgo. He can go crazy, for example, with cleanliness, counting calories in the food he eats, or scrupulously balancing income and expenses.
  2. A lion. Those around him must unquestioningly obey his will, because he is a king.
  3. Twins. Voices in their heads haunt them. There are many personalities and subpersonalities within.
  4. Fish. They fall into prolonged depression. They communicate with other worlds and travel to parallel realities.
  5. Scales. They are prone to anxiety attacks and suffer from chronic indecisiveness.
  6. Aquarius. He has many reasons to go crazy due to the open and overly receptive consciousness of this zodiac sign.
  7. Aries. Prone to manic-depressive psychosis. A rapid change in mood and emotions from wild rage to a state of euphoria and bliss.
  8. Capricorn. Can get bogged down in routine and monotony and still feel absolutely comfortable.
  9. Scorpion. A chronic form of paranoia cannot be ruled out.
  10. Cancer. Capable of immersing himself in occult sciences.
  11. Calf. Money and the opposite sex are two things that one can become fixated on, sometimes even too much.
  12. Sagittarius. Characterized by attacks of claustrophobia, that is, fear of enclosed spaces.

Tendency to violence

Zodiac signs that can show violence are ranked as follows:

  1. Fish. There is pronounced aggression and a tendency towards perversion.
  2. Calf. Not impulsive. He declares his rights to the pre-selected victim, and in case of refusal, he acts by force.
  3. Aries. It does not humiliate, does not prove its superiority, but simply overcomes resistance.
  4. Twins. Cynics and sadists. The act of violence is accompanied by beatings and perversions.
  5. Capricorn. Commits violence to gain power over the victim.
  6. Cancer. The main motive is revenge for previous failures in love or for the unavailability of the victim.
  7. A lion. With arrogant superiority, he suppresses the resistance of his victim.
  8. Scales. They act with pronounced aggression and perversion.
  9. Virgo. Commits violence due to inherent complexes of a sexual nature. He does this to gain peace of mind.
  10. Aquarius. There is no sexual connotation in his actions. There is only a desire to stun and shock the victim.
  11. Sagittarius. Commits violence in a bold, unbridled and perverted manner.
  12. Scorpion. Acts out of revenge. The reason for this may be material damage or insult.
  1. Virgo. He is distinguished by hard work, attentiveness, analytical mind and sobriety of mind.
  2. Scorpion. A talented strategist, he passionately pursues his goal and achieves what he wants. Has the gift of persuasion.
  3. Twins. Wealth gives them a sense of freedom and allows them to satisfy their craving for everything new.
  4. Aries. He works fruitfully and, accordingly, earns good money.
  5. Scales. They are quite reasonable about finances. Choose the golden mean between price and quality.
  6. Cancer. Differs in foresight. Accumulates funds by choosing the most reliable storage method.
  7. Capricorn. Even having earned capital, he continues to treat wealth wisely, without throwing money away or making thoughtless expenses.
  8. A lion. Maximalist and spender. He lives to the fullest, and therefore sometimes even finds himself on the brink of poverty.
  9. Calf. He is distinguished by strength of character and common sense.
  10. Fish. Talented, but impractical. Indifferent to money.
  11. Aquarius. An idealist, confidently moving towards his goal.
  12. Sagittarius. Sprayed and does not know how to notice little things.

Careless driving


Fun comes first

Rating of the most-most zodiac signs

The strongest zodiac sign in spirit is Pisces, despite its impressionability and sentimentality. They have internal resources that, in difficult situations, allow them to bend but not break.

Scorpio is recognized as the most insidious sign, because if he decides to take revenge, then it is already impossible to stop him. Moreover, he will do this using sophisticated methods. Scorpio is an evil and dangerous enemy.

Taurus is rightfully considered the kindest, who does not like conflicts and is distinguished by gentleness and tact in communication. Representatives of this sign take pleasure in providing free assistance to those in need.

Geminis are recognized as the luckiest, because they have the ability to be in the right place at the right time. They are optimistic and lucky, so they are happy.

Leo is considered the most selfish sign of the zodiac, because even when showing generosity and friendliness, he does this by catering to his desires. Representatives of the sign love to be the center of attention, they need flattery and praise, because at such moments they feel at their best.

Libras are the most sociable. They love to talk and get to know each other. Loneliness is difficult for Libra, but in company they find it easy and joyful.

The most closed one is Capricorn. It is difficult to imagine what thoughts live in his head. Representatives of the sign rarely trust other people and appear indifferent and cold.

Aquarius is recognized as the most brilliant sign. This is an idea generator with well-developed imagination and creative thinking.


One should not draw far-reaching conclusions from the above ratings. Don't be upset if it is your zodiac sign that tops the list of killers or is at the bottom of the list of rich people. The research results are based on pure statistics. There are no absolutely bad or absolutely good zodiac signs. It all depends on the individual person.

The most evil sign of the zodiac: who should you be wary of?

There are people among the zodiac signs different characters. The degree of a person’s aggressiveness also depends on the location of the stars. There are constellations that are considered the most kind towards others, and there are people born under the most evil zodiac signs.

Of course, this does not mean that they should necessarily be feared. However, using careful behavioral tactics and knowing character traits, you can find a simpler and safe way interaction with them.

Which zodiac sign is evil, dangerous and cruel?

Cruelty is expressed differently in men and women, therefore the zodiac signs should be considered by gender. The concept of evil includes internal tension, conflict and negative relationships with the world and people, which bring problems to life.

Among the stronger sex, they especially stand out following signs, capable of being as evil and cruel as possible:

They are ruled by the planet Mars, which is closely associated with belligerence and the ability to incite conflict. Aries' actions largely depend on his mood. When he feels good, he usually does not harm anyone. But, if you make Aries angry, you should expect trouble. Fire controls his actions - powerful energy which spares no one.

Hot temper and stubbornness make it almost impossible to agree on anything with Aries; he will get his way, and completely without taking into account the interests of other people. This sign is very impulsive, which makes him unpredictable and dangerous when angry.. His anger flares up suddenly and very strongly, and his reaction can be violent, even leading to a fight.

This sign is very calculating, cynical and soulless. He is a real tyrant, it is difficult for both his loved ones and his colleagues. In life, he strives to suppress people by any means, not recognizing the power of others and not giving them the right to make mistakes and personal opinions. At the same time, Capricorn’s intelligence is low, his thinking is more primitive, and therefore he often uses force to solve problems, even with a weak opponent.

This strong sign, possessing cunning and hidden anger inside. Scorpio may be outwardly friendly, but in his head he carries evil plans . There is a storm of emotions in him, and the element of Water strengthens them. It’s easy to anger Scorpio; he doesn’t skimp on words. However, this sign has a lot of patience, so negative emotions he can accumulate for a long time, splashing them out one day.

Communicating with these zodiac signs is quite difficult. Interaction requires patience, tactics and maximum endurance. Often partners simply cannot stand it and leave so as not to become objects of aggression and revenge.

Among women, the following signs have the greatest severity of evil character:

The weak half of humanity under this sign also displays traits of aggressiveness and stubbornness. Fire also affects women, making them unpredictable and dangerous.. She may suddenly break dishes in the heat of an argument, simply because she was confronted.

On the one hand, this is a family sign and loves its home. But prudence imparts cynicism to actions. Fear can make this sign angry and aggressive. Cancers don't like it when things don't work out as planned, so sometimes they lose their temper.

She is also capable of showing aggression and becomes a tyrant. She recognizes power without calculating consequences well. It is very difficult with a Capricorn woman in the family, since she is the power, it is difficult for her to recognize male superiority. Life with Capricorn is a constant clash with a complex and stubborn character. Men with such a woman suffer and become weak or leave.

Women by nature have increased emotionality and sensitivity, and the presence of some planets in certain places natal chart sometimes enhances negative character traits.

Under what constellation are aggressive and vindictive people born?

The two most aggressive sign- these are Aries and Capricorn. The impulsiveness of Aries sometimes plays a cruel joke on them, because aggression arises suddenly, regardless of them. The desire to solve issues with fists constantly arises in this sign; he simply does not understand other types of influence, since for him fighting is natural.

Capricorn, despite his aggressiveness, rarely seeks revenge. But if you decide, then this revenge will be thoughtful and using force. Especially it concerns male half. Capricorn's vindictiveness is at a primitive level; he will not come up with something sophisticated, but will simply do some dirty tricks in order to harm the offender and take revenge for words or actions.

Scorpio shows cruelty, and he acts in a sophisticated way. Scorpio men have a more stable character. A woman controlled by this sign happily hatches plans for revenge. For Scorpio, the degree of cruelty largely depends on his upbringing; if his parents were able to properly work on his character, then he can become relatively calm. However, if he is seriously hurt, revenge and cruelty will not keep you waiting.

If you have a Scorpio as a friend, beware of him. What makes Scorpio dangerous is the fact that he is secretive and does not reveal his plans until the end. Even those close to him do not know what is in his head and what he will do next. This is an insidious and very cunning enemy, which is almost impossible to defeat.

Thus, the most evil signs of the zodiac are Scorpio, Capricorn and Aries. The way they express aggression may differ. If Capricorn and Aries instantly express their indignation, then Scorpio is a sophisticated avenger. Cancer can also be partly classified as a sign capable of anger if you get involved in his affairs or family.

Under what zodiac signs were the most serial killers born?

The tendency of people to commit serious serial crimes is determined by experts in the field of psychology, sociology, criminology and even astrology. Serial rapists and killers have something in common mental disorders, behavioral stereotypes, manic obsession and, according to astrologers, the signs of the Zodiac. Under which of them are multi-episode maniacs most often born?

Is it true that most maniacs were Virgos?

As we see, not just one virgin. I typed in the first ones I remembered and did a little googling and went through about 20 people. Either this statement does not apply to Russian maniacs, or it is not entirely true.

That is, there is no connection to signs, although I admit that if you take everything, then some sign will prevail.

Zodiac signs are generally an idea without practical application. They don't exist in reality. When people thought that the sky was a firmament, albeit very distant, then combinations of stars moving in the sky in a certain direction, then thoughts about the influence of this event on a person could still take place. But in our time, knowing that in fact the stars that seem nearby to us are separated from each other by astronomical distances and do not move at all relative to the Earth, to talk about constellations as something other than the convenience of astronomers for orientation on the sky map - just ridiculous.

Let's pose the question differently: do any external factors (geographical, geological, position of the Earth relative to the Sun, something else) influence the appearance of maniacs? So far no such ones have been found. They talk a lot about the influence of family, about relationships with parents, about social pressure and especially ideological pressure. The abundance of maniacs in the United States is explained by the prosperity of various Protestant churches in this country with their strict system of restrictions and strict rules of behavior that put pressure on developing sexuality. The more puritanism weighs on the brain, the more likely it is that the brain will boil and take itself in unpredictable directions.

The USSR also had its share of Puritanism, although it came not from the church, but communist party. Having won, the Bolsheviks considered the family to be something moribund and patriarchal. Abortion was allowed earlier than the rest of the world - in 1920. Marriage and divorce were simplified so that you could get them by going in and out of the registry office. Then a Georgian pop loser came to power and adjusted all this fun in accordance with his views on life. Abortion was banned and divorce became more difficult. I won’t say that Stalin was wrong in everything, he just saw that the communist future predicted by his great theotheristic party comrades was not even going to somehow be realized on a planetary scale, and the country needed to live somehow. The steadily declining role of the family had to be urgently, by order, retained and declared a value. The result was an explosive mixture of communist ideals and puritanism.

this phrase taken out of context (in fact, it was about advertising on television) reflects the state of affairs - Soviet life proceeded as if people did not need intimacy at all. From party meetings about “immorality” to families crammed entirely into one room in a communal apartment - all this was one big anti-sex that contributed to the emergence of maniacs.

So it’s not the stars, but people who contribute to the emergence of maniacs. Failures in nature should also not be ruled out.

Killer statistics by zodiac sign

Man is a creature belonging to two different worlds: the world of nature, i.e. the rough animal world, and the world of spirituality, where aspects such as mercy, humanity, and compassion play a role. These worlds are in opposition, influencing the nature of human decisions.

Killers by zodiac sign - is astrology competent in such matters? Can an astrologer tell who comes to the conclusion about the need to kill another person before others, and who allows himself to take such a step?

Killers by zodiac sign - philosophy, theory and reality

People are capable of murder. But is everyone capable of this? Under what conditions is a person capable of killing? And under what circumstances spiritual world will take over the natural world, keeping man from committing murder?

Who are they - killers among the zodiac signs? Representatives of which zodiac signs are capable of becoming serial killers?

Crime horoscope – killers among the zodiac signs

Social research has shown that, according to most people, Virgos are the most likely killers among the zodiac signs. Moreover, it is the quiet, inhibited, hardworking, unimaginative Virgos who occupy leading positions among the most terrible maniacs!

This is the opinion in sufficiently subjective, just like the opinion of the jury is subjective. Let's look at the criminal horoscope and determine who among the zodiac signs are the most likely killers.

Among the killers, mutable signs predominate: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces. Here's an example: Jeffrey Dahmer is a cannibal serial killer, zodiac sign Gemini;

John Gacy - pedophile, homosexual, killed more than 30 people, zodiac sign Pisces.

Cardinal and fixed signs also feature in the list of killer zodiac signs. Chikatilo is the zodiac sign Libra, Onoprienko is Leo, Pichushkin is Aries,

Mukhankin is Taurus, Slivko is Capricorn.

However, there is something in common between them: many maniacal murderers were born in the year of the Rat and Horse.

Rating of killers among zodiac signs

And if in terms of murders the criminal horoscope shows Leo, Taurus and Gemini in the top three, then in terms of especially dangerous and brutal murders Gemini, Libra, Pisces and Scorpio are in the lead.

Killers among the zodiac signs - astrology and its practical application

Criminal tendencies in a person are defined in different ways. To understand human psychology, to understand what motivates whom, you need to take into account many factors, the main ones being heredity and environment. However, with the help of horoscopes of zodiac signs, you can understand whether a person is capable of becoming a killer long before criminal tendencies begin to manifest themselves.

ARIES (21.03. – 20.04.)

The nature of the possible criminogenicity This is due, first of all, to Aries’ lack of an inferiority complex, and therefore, they do not seek to assert themselves at the expense of other people and do not strive to rise in their eyes at any cost, since they already value their merits quite highly. Aries, as a rule, is alien to malicious envy, which pushes people who are sensitive to other people's success to commit crimes. Aries is confident in himself and in his plans he relies only on his perseverance and his abilities, which, it is true, he is sometimes inclined to overestimate. Aries is extremely aggressive, but his aggression is aimed not at destruction, but at overcoming.

Therefore, Aries the rapist does not seek to humiliate, trample his victim into the dirt, does not even seek to prove his superiority, namely to overcome her resistance, to crush the obstacle that has arisen, which, as a stubborn and despotic nature, infuriates him. Aries the killer can act from false sense of justice. Aries is initially adventurous, and this quality can become the reason for many decisive actions, sometimes irreparable.

Aries ranks among killers seventh place, among rapists - third. Aries in much to a greater extent tougher than cruel.

CALF (21.04. – 21.05.)

The nature of possible criminality is determined, first of all, by Taurus’ ability to gradually and purposefully accumulation of aggression, which entails well-planned, coldly calculated crimes. It is this ability to patiently wait in the wings that makes Taurus criminals the most dangerous.
Taurus will never deviate from what is planned crimes and will do it without affect, calmly and confidently, having well foreseen everything possible consequences and taking care to securely hide the evidence. Taurus is not envious, does not suffer from complexes, but he will certainly take what he considers to belong to him by objective or established right for himself. Taurus combines the desire to accumulate and the desire to convincingly demonstrate their material status.

Taurus killers act for initially selfish reasons. They are not vindictive in the generally accepted sense, but, having experienced some kind of infringement of their interests, they pass sentences on their future victims.

The Taurus rapist lacks impulsiveness. He very rarely chooses unfamiliar and unfamiliar women as his victims; no, he takes a liking to the object in advance, first openly declaring his rights to it, and then, having received a refusal, he takes by force what he considers his own.

In the lists of both murderers and rapists, Taurus ranks leading second place.

TWINS (22.05. – 21.06.)

The nature of possible criminogenicity is determined, first of all, by the extreme increased level personality anxiety. There is no initial adventurism in Gemini, their aspirations are unpredictable and lightning fast, but, nevertheless, when commit crimes, they do not do this spontaneously, as it seems at first glance, they are driven by a completely conscious desire, which only arises so quickly that it seems random and makes their actions difficult to predict.

Gemini killers are distinguished by their insolence and deceit. They are somewhat fussy, but determined and cruel. They implement their plans quickly, without delay, hiding them as reasonably necessary.

Gemini rapists are extremely cynical and tend to accompany the act of violence with beatings and manifestations of sexual perversion. They rarely kill their victims to cover their tracks, but are sadistic during the act of violence.

Among the murderers are third place, as well as among rapists. But on the list of especially dangerous murderers sentenced to death penalty, occupy terrible first place, sharing it with Libra.

CANCER (22.06. – 22.07.)

The nature of possible criminogenicity is determined, first of all, by his high demands, which do not always correspond to his capabilities, and his vindictiveness, which can take on the character of an obsession. Among a certain part of Cancers, stable misanthropy prevails, which, when hypersensitivity may become fertile ground for crimes.

Killer crayfish are particularly cunning. They think through their plans well and circle over their victim for a long time, dulling his vigilance in order to deliver an unexpected, accurate and crushing blow with the least negative consequences for himself personally. The main motive for murder is greed.

Cancer rapists commit their actions under the influence of the same misanthropy and vindictiveness. This may be revenge on the chosen victim for his previous love failures or for her arrogant behavior towards him, but one way or another, a vengeful feeling is invariably present in his actions.

Cancers are on the list of killers fourth place, on the list of rapists - sixth, as well as on the list of especially dangerous criminals.

A LION (23.07. – 23.08.)

The nature of the possible criminogenicity is determined, first of all, by the power-aggressive nature of Leo with an attitude toward the decisive suppression of any opposition. Leo is devoid of anxiety, envy or vindictiveness is alien to him. He combines high self-esteem with an unshakable belief in his own rightness and daring determination to achieve the task. Leos are characterized by desperate robbery attacks, Act of terrorism, but without sophisticated cruelty. A lion is capable of derailing a train, but will not torment its victim with a red-hot awl.

Killer lions are distinguished by their boldness and large-scale actions, somewhat ostentatious display of strength and gambling.

Leo rapists are guided by extreme vanity, disregard for any prohibited barriers and the desire to break the resistance of the victim, subjugate him to his will and demonstrate his superiority.

Lions are on the list of killers first place, but among especially dangerous criminals they occupy fifth place, rapists - seventh.

VIRGO (24.08. – 23.09.)

The nature of possible criminogenicity is due, first of all, to the increased anxiety of this nature and its suspiciousness, combined with conservatism, sometimes clearly aggressive character. Virgos do not tolerate any deviations from the established rules; they see this as an encroachment on their vital interests with persistent, targeted and well-thought-out aggression, which they sometimes sincerely consider only a defensive reaction.

Virgo-killers are, as a rule, extremely careful, calculating and devoid of any impulsiveness. It cannot be said that they commit a crime with cold cruelty, but their plans for crimes are always verified, calculated and, most importantly, irreversible, as is observed in inhibited, quiet, ordinary, but internally intact people.

Virgo rapists often act under the influence of painful experiences caused by a complex of sexual inferiority. They seek self-affirmation, coldly perceiving the sacrifice only as a means of restoring disturbed mental balance.

In the general list of killers, Virgos occupy eighth place, on the list of rapists - ninth. On the list of especially dangerous - fifth, sharing it with Leo.

SCALES (24.09. – 23.10.)

The nature of possible criminality is determined, first of all, by an aggressive consumer attitude towards life. This is not a momentary whim, it is a persistent position based on the unshakable confidence that Libra should own everything that they want to see as theirs. They do not tolerate obstacles in their path, not sweeping them away, but destroying them in other, more subtle and sophisticated ways.
Confidence in the correctness of the chosen one criminal path makes Libra especially dangerous and aggressive. What for representatives of other signs of the Zodiac is a challenge to society, an outburst of negative energy, manifestations of evil vindictiveness or pathological greed, for Libra it has the character of a formed ideology; they are confident in their right to forcibly influence established norms, and exercise this right without the inherent hesitation them in other life manifestations.

Libra is a rapist, basically following the principle “Everything is mine! – said Damask steel,” to a large extent they strive for aggressive satisfaction of their increased voluptuousness, as a rule, showing sexual perversion.

In the general list of killers, Libra ranks fifth place, but on the list of especially dangerous criminals - first, sharing it with Gemini. Libra is on the list of rapists eighth place.

SCORPION (24.10. – 22.11.)

The nature of possible criminality is determined primarily by the scale of the motives. Yes, Scorpio’s nature contains vindictiveness, mercilessness, and truly samurai patience in anticipation of the hour of terrible revenge. What distinguishes Scorpio from other signs of the Zodiac is the scale and Shakespearean depth of the motives for atrocities. Scorpio is a convinced individualist, he, as a rule, is completely devoid of the herd instinct, he is a kind of Count of Montecristo, lone vigilante.
Scorpios only in exceptional cases participate in group crimes. Devilishly inventive in planning crimes. His ultimate goal is not so much the visible result and not so much the torment of the victim, but the very fact of accomplished retribution.

Scorpio killers combine extraordinary audacity and equally extraordinary caution when committing crimes. There is no doubt that the majority of culprits in unsolved murders are Scorpios. IN total number murderers occupy a very modest eleventh place, but are fourth on the list of especially dangerous ones.

Scorpio rapists, as a rule, are guided in their actions by considerations of revenge, and not destruction, as such. Scorpio can rape a victim who has caused him significant harm or insulted him in one way or another.

On the general list of rapists they last.

SAGITTARIUS (23.11. – 21.12.)

The nature of possible criminality is determined primarily by the explosive and gambling nature of Sagittarius. This avid gamer adventurer As a rule, he realizes his aggression in daring and sometimes unpredictable frontal attacks caused by a spontaneous outburst of anger or an unexpected turn in the development of a rather banal conflict that did not at all imply a tragic outcome. Sagittarius is subject to the influence of the herd instinct, which can push him to commit crimes as part of a group. Here the excitability, gambling and relatively easy suggestibility of Sagittarius play a fatal role.

Sagittarius killers are careless in the process of hiding evidence, fussy and illogical. While hiding from justice, they make mistakes so gross that they sometimes seem like a subtle deliberate game of an experienced and intelligent repeat offender.

Sagittarius-rapists are hasty in making decisions, daring and unbridled. They are prone to sexual perversions that are clearly provocative and demonstrative in nature.

In general, Sagittarians rank on the list of killers penultimate place, as well as the list of rapists.

CAPRICORN (22.12 – 20.01.)

The nature of possible criminality is determined, first of all, by the determination, will and efficiency of Capricorns. Capricorn never commits a crime under the influence of anger, hatred or passion. His actions are always verified, thought out and subordinated not to the immediate, but to the core goal of his life.
Capricorn is devoid of inferiority complexes, anger, envy and jealousy. Capricorn's crimes in most cases are selfish in nature. He builds his well-being thoroughly and persistently, and everything that poses a threat to this well-being is decisively and mercilessly swept out of the way. No wonder crimes, committed by Capricorns became noticeably more frequent during the period of privatization of apartments and state property.

Capricorn killers are distinguished by cold cruelty and clearly thought-out actions that are carried out dispassionately, efficiently, without any affect or vandalism. The main thing is achievement ultimate goal and careful concealment of evidence, which Capricorns do well in most cases.

Capricorn rapists commit violence out of a desire to spread their dominion, to make the object their property.

Capricorns are on the list of killers sixth place, rapists - fourth.

AQUARIUS (21.01. – 19.02.)

The nature of possible criminality is determined, first of all, by a tendency to affectation, obsessions and the desire to destroy anything valuable. existing order of things. These qualities often make crimes Aquarius is unpredictable from the point of view of formal logic. Aquarians are devoid of self-interest and envy in the standard sense of the word, but an unsatisfied desire for recognition and success can push Aquarius to extraordinary actions that shock others and introduce a new spirit into routine reality.

Aquarius killers combine the eccentricity of the motive and the clear logical thoughtfulness of the criminal act. This combination poses many mysteries for the investigation, which, however, are completely solvable if the peculiarity of Aquarius’s nature is taken into account when assessing the motive for the crime.

Aquarians are on the list of killers sixth place, rapists - fifth.

FISH (20.02. – 20.03.)

The nature of possible criminogenicity is due, first of all, to the increased anxiety of these stupid natures, experiencing constant emotional vibration, strong changes in value orientations and an explosive mixture of a wide variety of complexes - from the guilt complex to Oedipus. These complex natures are either extremely inhibited or psychopathic, and the alternation of these polar states is sometimes impossible to predict.

Pisces can be both Mozart and Salieri. Another feature of Pisces is the significant danger of alcohol and drug addiction, which sharply enhances criminal Pisces potential. The blurring of character traits greatly complicates the logical justification of the criminal motives of these people, who are at the same time brave and cowardly, self-confident proud and lowly envious, prim prudes and voluptuous perverts.

Killer fish are distinguished by extreme audacity and gambling cruelty. Their motives are fame, power, prestige. As a rule, there are no selfish motives in the crimes of Pisces.

Pisces-rapists show particular aggressiveness, cruelty and a tendency towards sexual perversion.

In the general list of killers, Pisces ranks modestly ninth place however, on the hit list - leading second. On the list of rapists, Pisces ranks first place.

Man is by nature capable of violence and murder. But not everyone is capable of committing this act. What kind of person can kill? What could prompt him to do this and what circumstances would prompt him? What can make animal instinct take over the spiritual world of an educated person? How can you determine what is in your environment? In this article you will find out which zodiac sign is the most aggressive and possibly capable of murder.

There are two essences living in a person. One of them is his spiritual world, the soul. The second integral part of man is the animal given to him by nature. And one of these parts always takes precedence over the other when making decisions. And of course decision depends entirely on the choice made.

According to social research, it became known that the most dangerous are Virgos. Seemingly quiet and calm, hardworking and domestic, they are capable of the most terrible murders. According to statistics, Virgo occupies a leading position as.

This statement can be questioned if you look at it from the perspective of a criminal horoscope. According to this horoscope, most of all aggressive and brutal killers Mutable signs include Leo, Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces. Zodiac killer, confirming this statement and committing crimes one after another is Jeffrey Dahmer. He is irrefutable evidence that the killer can be recognized by his zodiac sign. Gemini by zodiac sign Jeffrey, was a brutal cannibal serial killer. Proof of the cruelty of Pisces is a man who committed murders of more than 30 people in his life, John Gacy. Gacy was a violent pedophile and homosexual.

Among the cardinal and fixed signs there are also maniacs famous for their cruelty. For example, Chikatilo, who was a Libra.

But serial killers have something else in common. Most of them were born in the year of the Horse and Rat.

The first place in murders is occupied by Leos, followed by Taurus and Gemini. But if we consider murders by their cruelty, then Gemini will take the leading position. Next come Libra, Pisces and Scorpio.

With the help of psychology, you can determine whether a person has killer tendencies. And this depends on many factors, for example, the genes laid down, the environment in which the person grew up. With the help of a horoscope, you can determine whether a person can commit murder. And this can be done much earlier than his first crime, thereby preventing it. A specialist astrologer can help with this.

The horoscope does not at all say that if you are a murderer, you will become one. In the civilized world, people know how to hide their emotions, hide their animal nature inside, and resolve issues in a civilized way, and not physically. But despite this, if you have suspicions about your friend, you can turn to horoscopes and determine how aggressive he is and what aggression can ultimately lead to.

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