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Ingredients marinated seaweed Korean recipe. Korean seaweed salad. Korean seaweed salad recipe

03.12.2016 1

Sometimes in markets or bee fairs you can meet honeydew honey. What it is, the benefits, harms and contraindications to its use will be described in more detail.

Where does honeydew honey come from?

Knowing how to distinguish natural honey from a fake, you may decide that you are being offered some product of low quality and not of bee origin. But it's not. Honeydew honey is as natural and created by bees as flower honey. It's just that bees make it in different conditions and not from nectar. In a particularly dry summer, when the flowers dry up, almost no nectar is released, hard-working bees are looking for a replacement.

And they are found in the form of honeydew, insect saliva, sweet secretions from leaves or needles, etc. The entire subsequent process of creating a product is the same as usual. But it is better for bees not to eat honeydew honey, it can only be used for human needs.

The fact is that it contains dextrins and a lot of nitrogenous substances. They cut the life of a bee in half. But honeydew honey can bring many benefits to people if used correctly. Depending on the origin, it is divided into two main subspecies:

  1. Vegetable - when the basis for delicacy is extracted from secretions from leaves, shoots, various liquids, honeydew, etc. There is also a division - deciduous or coniferous.
  2. Animal - all kinds of secretions of insects living on flowers and plants can also be a sweet substitute for nectar. At the same time, such honey will contain an increased amount of proteins and minerals, which are very useful for human body.

During the collection and creation of honeydew honey, it still has neither smell nor color. It begins to darken and thicken, as well as to acquire a bitter smell and taste, a little later.

Benefits for the human body

Honeydew honey has many useful properties, and therefore it is used to improve the condition of sick and debilitated people, and also treat many diseases:

  • strengthens the skeletal system, as it contains a high concentration of potassium and phosphorus;
  • rejuvenates the body, helping older people regain strength;
  • it brings great benefits for the work of the heart, capillaries and blood vessels, as the composition of this delicacy is incredibly high in potassium. And therefore, with its help, they restore patients after heart attacks, strokes, and even cure atherosclerosis;
  • heals colds and viral infections excellent effect on the immune system;
  • normalizes the work of the intestines and stomach, speeding up their work and improving metabolism;
  • raises the level of hemoglobin, due to which it is actively used for anemia;
  • promotes the elimination of dangerous toxins from the body, and even reduces the level bad cholesterol in blood;
  • due to the presence of B vitamins, honeydew honey is also used for the treatment nervous disorders in the initial stages, as well as for the treatment of insomnia;
  • they are treated with hypertension and sclerosis of cerebral vessels;
  • relieves nervous and muscle tension, relaxes, and also helps to restore energy after intense exercise;
  • well restores the work of the pancreas, gallbladder and liver;
  • and even in cosmetology, honeydew honey has found its application. With its help smooth wrinkles, improve complexion, get rid of cellulite, scars and stretch marks. Cosmetologists have found that he is able to quickly relieve swelling.

Honeydew honey and its benefits for the human body are highly valued, and therefore you should pay attention to it and learn how to distinguish it from fakes. It must be understood that the composition useful qualities honey product varies greatly depending on the region of collection and origin.

And most often it happens that honey does not work out of any one variety. And therefore, a certain amount of honeydew honey may be present in the composition of the flower, which is also not bad, because they positive properties enhanced by this combination.

Special differences

The honeydew product is unlike the usual flower, and therefore you need to know exactly how it looks, smells, what it tastes like, so as not to get a fake.

  1. By appearance this variety will be dark. Of course, its final color largely depends on what exactly it is assembled from. But usually it is dark, more often even black. If coniferous trees grow near the apiary, then the product will have a green tint. Sometimes honeydew honey can be dark brown or slightly lighter. In this case, the veins will also be green.
  2. The taste of such a bee product will be sweet, but bitter. May taste like malt.
  3. The smell of such honey will be different from the flower. It practically has no smell, as such. But in some cases it will be spicy and bitter.
  4. The most striking difference is the crystallization of honeydew honey. It doesn't crystallize like normal bee product, and becomes more like a soapy solution. More often it even happens that honeydew honey turns sour and spoils before it has time to be candied.
  5. It is usually a thick, viscous consistency that does not dissolve in water. And when such honey is absorbed in the mouth, it will feel like you are holding a tar ball.
  6. You can buy such a variety only fresh, and therefore, knowing when it is produced, you can catch up with a familiar beekeeper in time. That is, if you notice that a dry summer has come, or the time is approaching autumn and there are fewer honey plants in the area, then it's time to look for such honey that bees make from honeydew.

It is important to be able to determine when there is honeydew in the composition of flower honey. In appearance, this will be more difficult to do, but there are other ways:

  • the acquired delicacy is dissolved in distilled water 1:1. Then six parts of medical alcohol are added to it. If a precipitate appears or the solution becomes cloudy, it means that honeydew honey is present in its composition;
  • if, however, not alcohol, but two parts of a solution of lime are added to the same solution and brought to a boil, then characteristic flakes will appear. This also testifies in favor of honeydew honey in the composition.

In Russia, honeydew honey is considered to be a second-rate product and is valued less than flower honey. The most useful and high-quality honeydew honey in the CIS is created in the Caucasus mountains. But in Europe, it is most often made from honeydew, which makes it especially valuable and useful. For this, they love him there, using more as a medicine than a simple sweetness.

Video: honeydew honey - what it is, how to distinguish it, benefits and harms.

Harm and contraindications

More often than not, the benefits and harms of any product go hand in hand. If a bee product is able to help and cure some human problems, then it can also be harmful with an illiterate approach. So, honeydew honey is not recommended for the following categories of patients:

  1. Allergy sufferers, especially if your allergy is related to bee products.
  2. With diabetes, any kind of honey should be consumed only after consulting a doctor.
  3. At overweight honey should be consumed only in limited quantities, so as not to aggravate already existing problems. Although it is easily digested, it is a fairly high-calorie product.
  4. Even though his ability to heal gastrointestinal diseases However, the use of such honey during exacerbations is undesirable.
  5. Pregnant women and young children under two years of age should also refrain from eating such allergenic foods.
  6. How to store and use
  7. Since honeydew honey deteriorates quickly, it must be handled properly.
  8. Do not buy too much of it so that you can use it before the first signs of delamination or sourness.
  9. Honey begins to deteriorate from contact with air, and therefore it should be stored in a carefully sealed container.
  10. A dark, slightly cool place is suitable for storage, but it is desirable that it is not a refrigerator.
  11. It is also important that the container is either glass or ceramic. Any other material may affect the quality and properties of the product.
  12. Honeydew honey, like any other, should be heated carefully and not too much. At temperatures above 60 degrees, all its useful qualities are neutralized.
  13. It is enough to eat one tablespoon of bee product per day.
  14. It is better not to add anything to it, but to use it in its pure form.

IN European countries honeydew is considered the most valuable type of honey. On the Russian markets it usually appears in late summer or early autumn - that's when it's time to collect this product. This type, at first glance, does not look very attractive to the buyer - there is neither a fragrant smell nor a sweet taste. In addition, there are certain problems with storage. However, this product has a truly rich composition: here are polysaccharides, minerals, and other vital elements.

As a result, the use of such honey brings significant benefits to the body.


Honeydew honey is a product with various shades. Usually it is black or dark brown, it can also be brown, amber with brown tint or dark green. The color depends on what becomes the source of the honeydew (sticky liquid on the leaves of plants), and in what conditions it is formed. The consistency is quite viscous, the product seems to stretch and somewhat resembles tar. When the fall is taken from coniferous plants, then not only the color changes, but also the taste - it becomes sweet. In other cases, it is even bitter and not particularly pleasant.

Sometimes you can feel the taste of malt. Honey quickly turns sour and is not able to be stored for a long time. It crystallizes very slowly and for a long time. After completion of the process, a viscous main product and a granular precipitate are formed. In water, honey dissolves with great difficulty.

Although in Russia the preference was always given to the flower variety, in Europe the honeydew product was especially valued because of its beneficial properties. The composition and content of nutrients also depends on the dominant component. For example, honeydew from ash leaves provides much more phosphorus than honeydew coniferous trees. The same goes for potassium and mineral salts. In general, honeydew honey contains a lot of fructose, glucose, sucrose and polysaccharides. It does not lose in terms of protein content either - there are about 4 times more of them than in flower honey.

The calorie content of the honeydew product is quite high - 324-328 kilocalories per 100 grams of products. The content of potassium is maximally represented in honeydew, the source of which was honeydew. Insect honeydew fills the product with proteins, acids and dextrins. From the useful substances presented in honey, you can find potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iodine. Sugars are predominantly represented by disaccharides not processed by insects.

Among the vitamins, vitamin C and B vitamins are distinguished. If we compare the composition with flower honey, then honeydew has less sugar, more proteins, nitrogenous and mineral substances. The latter - as much as 8 times. Therefore, often those diseases that nectar is not able to cope with are cured by honeydew.

Although the minerals present in honey are beneficial to humans, these substances make the product harmful to bees in winter, as insects cannot use it as a store. In addition, nitrogenous compounds interfere with the bees, making the product unsuitable for their nutrition - otherwise the insects will die from diseases. digestive organs. Honeydew honey is produced throughout Russia. The product is usually collected during those periods when the temperature rises sharply - mainly in summer and early autumn. If there is a desire to collect spring honeydew honey, then it will have to be mixed with flower honey.

In culinary application this product not very popular (not too pleasant taste and harmful processing high temperatures), so the main value of the product lies in its medicinal effects.

Benefit and harm

Useful properties of honeydew honey are very extensive - the benefit is almost the entire body. The use of the product gives energy and helps to recover both after a hard day and after a long illness.

Honey is a natural antiseptic with bactericidal properties and has a positive effect on the psyche, helping to cope with depression. Of course, honeydew honey also serves to strengthen the immune system. The substance will come to the rescue with blood loss, intestinal diseases and joint diseases.

The potassium present in the product helps to cleanse blood vessels and improve blood circulation. Very often, doctors recommend its use in hypertension and angina pectoris. B vitamins help to cope with insomnia and calm the central nervous system. People leading an active, eventful life are shown the use of this tasty supplement.

Finally, it's natural natural remedy removes toxins and other harmful substances from the body. Of course, honey is also actively used in cosmetology - masks based on it improve complexion and eliminate swelling, and body wraps help to cope with cellulite, stretch marks and other skin deformations.

The product is considered an ideal replacement for biological supplements, compensating for the lack of all important elements in the body.

Contraindications are quite rare - honeydew honey should not be tried by those who are allergic to bee products. When applying the substance to the face, in any case, it is better to first test the product on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin and wait for what happens in a day. You should not feed honey to children, whose body is not yet ready to absorb foods so rich in various substances. It is dangerous to use the product in large quantities and for people suffering from diabetes.

Since honey is quite high in calories, as a preventive measure it is recommended to take one tablespoon per day, about 120 grams. In addition, it is worth being careful for those who are afraid to get better or increase blood sugar. The maximum intake per day is limited to five spoons in case of illness and three during epidemics. infectious diseases. Means is eaten before meal, washing down with plain water or warm tea. It is important to remember that the product should never be heated - this way it will lose almost all of its useful properties.


To begin with, it is necessary to clarify the cause of honeydew honeydew. During periods when the summer heat is on or the weather is too dry, the flowers can greatly reduce or even stop the production of nectar. At the same time, the bees cannot stop their work, so they are looking for an alternative. In such cases, nature provides them with honeydew that appears on trees. Varieties of honeydew honey are determined depending on the honeydew used. This sweet substance is collected by bees when they do not find more suitable honey plants. It can be of plant and animal origin.

In the first situation we are talking about honeydew and that carbohydrate substance that forms on trees. Plants can be either coniferous or deciduous, such as willow, oak, aspen, and pine. In the second situation, we mean the sticky salivary secretions of insects - for example, aphids or lice. A prerequisite is that living creatures must eat plant sap. This substance contains a high amount of sugar and remains on the leaves. Bees collect it in the hottest weather. Very often, such a pad contains interspersed pollen. Pad looks like a clear liquid, droplets of which can often be seen on plants in the morning.

It should be borne in mind that only honeydew is suitable for bees, the level of sucrose of which does not exceed 4%, and also where a large number of aromatic substances.

How to choose?

There are a lot of fakes and fictitious varieties of honey on the market today. Considering that pure honeydew honey is very rare (only as a processing of honeydew) and is usually mixed with flower honey (and the bees themselves mix nectar with honeydew), you should understand how to make right choice and don't fall victim to scammers.

It is possible to distinguish the honeydew variety from other varieties by the missing smell. You should take a good look at the color - it should be dark. It is possible to clarify the origin of honeydew and compare the existing product with confirmed data: honey on coniferous honeydew has a dark green or brown tint (in the first case - spruce, in the second - pine). Oak honey should be dark brown. If the honey is made from honeydew deciduous forests, then the color will be brown or even black, most likely with a green tint.

It will be important to look at the consistency of the substance - the top layer should be thick and viscous if the three months required for crystallization have already passed. You can also ask for a small amount to sample and experiment at home. Honey and distilled water are taken in equal amounts, and then six times more alcohol is added to them. If honeydew is available, then a precipitate will appear, and the color will become more cloudy. Lime water works in the same way, only it will need to be added 10 times more.

The appearance of flakes indicates the presence of the required substance. In addition, it is possible to check if the seller has added sugar syrup to improve taste. It is enough to take a spoonful of the product and drop it on a paper napkin.

If the substance spreads, then there were additives based on water.

How to store?

Long-term storage of honeydew honey is almost impossible. This situation has arisen due to the chemical composition and the ability to absorb water vapor from the air. If you still want to take a chance, then you have to comply with the conditions that are the same for all honey products. Exposure to direct sunlight is prohibited, it is important to control the level of humidity and observe temperature limits.

If the substance is planned to be stored for a short time, then the temperature is set to +15 degrees. For long periods of storage, it will have to be lowered to +7 degrees. Honey should be in a plastic or glass container, and the air humidity should be stably maintained at 60%

For information on how to recognize honeydew honey, see the following video.

In nature, there are two types of honeydew:
1. Vegetable origin - a sweetish liquid secreted by the leaves of trees and the shoots of some plants. There is an opinion that this liquid should not be called honeydew, but "out-of-color" nectar ("honey dew").
2. Animal origin - waste products (feces) of some parasitic insects (vegetable lice) that feed on plant sap. There are hundreds of insects that secrete honeydew, but bees collect only 71 of their species. Unlike "honeydew", it contains protein breakdown products and other substances of animal origin.
Most often, the source of honeydew is the leaves (needles) of coniferous trees, maple, oak, willow, ash, cherry, plum, apple, willow, etc.
A prerequisite for collecting honeydew by bees is the lack of a sufficient number of flowering plants. For example - honey of the first rolling ("May") padev initially it cannot be, as it was collected during the period of intensive flowering (May-June). signs honeydew honey characteristic of dry summers, and also inherent in late harvest honey, when most of plants bloomed. At the same time, honeydew must contain at least 4% sucrose and the necessary aromatic compounds, otherwise the bees will simply ignore it.


Honeydew honey properties primarily depend on the type of plants and insects that secrete honeydew, as well as on the climatic and geographical conditions of the area, collection time, strength bee family etc. In particular, fall, collected from ash leaves contains potassium 8 times, and phosphorus - 5 times more than in pine needles. During the collection, the pad is colorless, and after a while it begins to gradually and intensely darken. honeydew honey much thicker than flower, but if there is an admixture of flower in it, its density is significantly reduced.
It differs from the flower in a significant content of dextrin and melecytose, in addition, it contains maltose, raffinose, sucrose, fructose, glucose and a number of unidentified sugars. Of the free amino acids, there are aspartic and glutamic acids, alanine, cystine, arginine, glycine, leucine, histidine, methionine, lysine, proline, trionine, tryptophan, valine and tyrosine.
For stocks of bees for the winter honeydew honey in most cases, it is not suitable, since the high content of minerals and nitrogenous compounds can cause poisoning and even death of the bee colony.
Honeydew honey is not harmful to humans.
Most often, it is as sweet as it is floral. But sometimes it has a characteristic bitter tint. According to this taste, a specialist will always distinguish the presence of honeydew in flower honey. The smell of honeydew honey less pronounced or absent, and sometimes peculiar to the point of unpleasantness. Although it is quite fragrant and pleasant to the taste (from conifers). The color in most cases is from dark brown to black, and with conifers - dark green or even amber. Distinctive external honeydew honey properties- its peculiar viscous, sticky, viscous and sticky consistency. It is poorly soluble in water, does not melt in the mouth for a long time and lies in a separate lump.
Hardwood honey settles slowly with the formation of small crystals, sometimes it does not crystallize at all, coniferous honey candied quickly enough, sometimes right in the combs. Unlike the flower, it is almost devoid of bactericidal properties, and in combination with its high hygroscopicity and moisture content, it sours more often.
In tsarist times, a beekeeper caught selling honey mixed with honeydew was severely punished. He was given a special label, without which he later had no right to exhibit his products on the market, where he was sent to the most inconvenient place, away from conscientious beekeepers.
If at the end of August-September you are offered to buy fragrant "high-quality" forest honey of a dark brown color, explaining its characteristic shade with a bribe from flowers from a "too dense reserved forest", - at best, in front of you honeydew honey with an admixture of flowers. This impurity determines its aroma. Surprisingly, your "dense" amateur beekeeper himself frankly believes in unique properties your product and you will not be able to convince him.
The presence of honeydew in honey is determined by a simple laboratory method. Its presence is most typical for hot dry summers.
Often in dry summers, dew is observed on leaves and grass in the mornings and evenings. Some believe this is the result of condensation of atmospheric moisture. They are deeply mistaken. This is the very "honeydew" secreted by plants, or the honeydew left by parasitic insects.


In Russia honeydew honey properties not studied enough. But, in comparison with the flowery, unconditional positive quality its is a high content of trace elements(10 times higher); vital compounds of iron, manganese, cobalt, phosphorus, etc. (3.5 times); enzymes; organic acids and phytoncides. According to the findings of scientists (NSHI) honeydew honey “It is especially useful for weakened children, patients suffering from anemia, in postoperative period, with large blood losses ”(M. E. Granzon). In particular, in Europe (especially in Germany) coniferous honeydew honey is valued more than the best flower honey.
And yet, before using honeydew honey(especially children) we recommend that you first consult with your family doctor.

Note: when heated above 50 ° C, honey loses its properties and its value will not be higher than sugar syrup.

Honeydew honey is a product of beekeeping, but its source is not pollen or sweet nectar, but certain secretions of insects, animals and plants. Bees collect it in the summer during the period of especially hot days, when there is no way to find nectar or pollen, so they are looking for alternative sources.

To have an idea of ​​​​what honeydew honey is, you need find out its origin. In the summer heat flowering plants begin to fade, and the bees have nowhere to take the honey plant, but they need to fill the combs constantly. Therefore, they have to be content with another product that is isolated from certain plants and animals.

In plants, this is honeydew - sweet secretions. They are mainly found on coniferous trees, as well as on willow, linden, cherry, plum, aspen, apple tree. In animals, this is a sweet secretion in more aphids that feed on the sap of fruit trees.

Honeydew honey is usually divided into two types:

  1. Vegetable look. The composition of such a product contains carbohydrate sugars, which bees extract from shrubs, fruit and coniferous trees. Plant honeydew contains enzymes and carbohydrates plant origin. Honeydew bees also excrete useful material, which they then lay in the honeycomb. This allows the bees not to stop working in dry hot weather.
  2. animal look. Mostly bees rob aphids. Aphids leave a sweet coating on the leaves of trees, which bees collect and produce honeydew honey. In addition to aphids, bees can collect honeydew directly from animal bears and mealybugs.

Gallery: honeydew honey (25 photos)

Differences from flower honey

For correct definition Honeydew honey just needs to activate your senses: sight, smell and touch. For vision, the task is quite difficult. The color of honeydew honey may vary: brown to almost black like resin. The color depends on the place of origin of the honeydew:

honeydew honey does not have a special smell. Usually honeydew has no smell, but the exception will be collected from coniferous trees. Its aroma will be pleasant.

The taste of the bee product is quite pleasant. It has a moderate sweetness, sometimes with a slight bitterness. The consistency of this product is very thick and almost does not crystallize. Over time, it may separate into two layers or may become similar in appearance to liquid soap.

As a result, the main differences between honeydew honey and flower honey are more dark color, thicker consistency and no smell.

Benefit and harm to the human body

A high amount of elements of animal origin and plant enzymes gives honeydew honey beneficial features for the human body. Continuous intake of this product with food has a positive effect:

  • due to the high content of elements such as potassium and phosphorus, it accelerates the process of bone tissue recovery after fractures and injuries;
  • a feature of the constant use of the product is the restoration of the cardiovascular system after experienced serious illnesses, such as heart attack and stroke, is an obstacle to the development of atherosclerosis;
  • able to quickly recover physical strength after heavy loads;
  • helps to maintain mental performance during periods of increased stress;
  • helps the older generation to avoid "age-related" diseases;
  • has the properties of an immune stimulant and thereby prevents the occurrence of colds and flu during the epidemic season;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  • due to great content beneficial trace elements animal and vegetable origin has a positive effect on the composition of the blood;
  • another feature is the use of the product to prevent anemia.

The special beneficial properties of honeydew honey will only work if use it correctly. This bee product must be taken separately from meals. You can add it to warm drinks: tea or herbal infusions. The temperature of the drink should not be higher than 60 degrees, otherwise all the beneficial properties of honeydew honey will disappear. This product also works well with fresh vegetables or fruit, salads are often made with it.

Honeydew honey can be taken in small amounts by people with diabetes. Pad contains a large amount of carbohydrates, but due to the presence of enzymes, the product is able to speed up the metabolism, remove toxins and excess cholesterol compounds.

The benefits of honeydew honey are now known, but how will it help harm a person? Main contraindications:

Terms and conditions of storage

Pad may quickly absorb moisture. From this it follows that it is necessary to store honeydew honey in a tightly closed container in a dry and cool room.

This product is not stored for a long time due to its origin. It contains elements of animal protein, and it lacks the protective substances phytoncides. It is phytoncides that make it possible to store ordinary honey. long time, as they protect it from the formation of microbes and bacteria. In the presence of protein, microorganisms can quickly develop, and this will lead to souring of honeydew.

It follows from this that it is not recommended to purchase honeydew honey in reserve. It is better to take the amount of the product that you are able to eat. in the next two or three months.

Honeydew bees are forced to collect due to the lack of nectar and pollen during hot weather. Pad is divided into two types depending on its origin: animal and vegetable. Honeydew honey can be distinguished from ordinary flower honey by its color and the absence of a characteristic odor. The high amount of elements of animal origin and plant enzymes in the composition of this product helps people in many regenerative processes of the body. Honeydew honey is harmful to a certain circle of people who are allergic to bee products and have certain severe diseases: diabetes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

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