Home Roses Icon of tenderness on both sides. What can you ask the Mother of God from her icon of Tenderness. Seraphim-Diveevo Icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness"

Icon of tenderness on both sides. What can you ask the Mother of God from her icon of Tenderness. Seraphim-Diveevo Icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness"

The article will focus on the icon of the Mother of God Tenderness, what believers pray in front of her and what unique significance it has for the whole world. It depicts the Virgin immediately after the Good News, when the archangel Gabriel appeared to her and announced that she would become the Mother of God. This moment captured the beginning of the Incarnation, from here begins the fulfillment of the promise of the salvation of all mankind. The Lord has already come to earth to show His love and atone for the sins of the world.

“Tenderness” is not just an icon, it is a testimony. ABOUT eternal life, about forgiveness. The image foreshadows death on the cross in the name of infinite love.

Description of the Tenderness icon: types

In this article, you will learn about the Serafimo-Diveevo Icon of Tenderness. But in addition to the most famous "Joy of All Joys", there is a whole iconographic type of icons under the general name "Tenderness". Let's get to know them briefly.

Icons "Tenderness" (Eleusa) - one of the main types of images of the Mother of God. There are many traditional icons, the main hallmark which is a letter from the Virgin with Christ in her arms, where they press their cheeks against each other. Which is the iconographic type of Tenderness in the traditional version. This symbol means the absence of distance between God the Son and His Mother and the endless love between them. The glorified icons of the Mother of God of this type are as follows:

  • Novgorod;

  • Pskov-Pechersk;

  • Vladimirskaya;

  • Feodorovskaya;

  • Donskaya;

  • some others.

There are also lesser-known iconographic varieties of Tenderness, such as the "Leaping of the Child", which also belongs to the type of Eleusa.

But the greatest fame and veneration belongs to the Diveevo icon "Tenderness", before which the Rev. Seraphim of Sarov. He called her "The Joy of All Joys" and healed the sick before her. The Mother of God repeatedly appeared to the saint herself, healed him of deadly disease, "this kind of ours" - spoke of him. Father Seraphim left this icon behind him as the Guardian of the Diveevo Monastery. The icon became famous for many miracles.

The original has miraculously survived to this day. The shrine is kept in the Patriarchal Church Vladimir icon Mother of God, working Patriarchal residence in Chisty Lane. There is a tradition one day a year - on the Feast of Praise Holy Mother of God- to bring the Serafimo-Diveevo Icon of the Tenderness of the Mother of God for worship to all believers. Divine service with the image takes place in the Moscow Epiphany Cathedral in Yelokhovo. Traditionally, an akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos is read on this day. The holiday is celebrated on Saturday of the fifth week of Lent.

Serafimo-Diveevo Icon of the Mother of God Tenderness: meaning

Seraphim's Tenderness is one of the most touching images of the Most Holy Theotokos. Here she is depicted as if alone, but remembering what the event is dedicated to, we know that this is not so. The son is invisibly present and reflected in her face with divine features - meekness, chastity, quiet light.

It is difficult to even guess what the Mother of God felt at that moment: on the icon we see her lowered gaze. Cross-folded hands on the chest symbolize the inexpressible Mystery, foreshadow the sacrifice on the cross. The head is in a touching half-tilt. The image of the words around the crown: "rejoice, Unbrideed Bride."

Several expressive strokes were depicted by an unknown icon painter on the canvas. And these strokes perfectly conveyed the essence: before us is the Mother of God at her most exciting moment, immediately after the Annunciation. Soon she will go to Elizabeth, and cousin will say to her the words that will become a hymn to the Mother of God: “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice! ..”. And the Virgin will answer: “My soul magnifies the Lord ...”, - we sing this Song to her to this day. The culmination of the event. Mankind has matured to accept the Son of God, and behold, He is with us.

Miracles of the Icon of the Mother of God Tenderness

Taking its origin from the hands of Rev. Seraphim, this image has been pleasing us with its help for several centuries. Miracles continue today. The modern icon of the Mother of God “Seraphim’s Tenderness” is known, called Lokotskaya, after the place of finding in the village of Lokot, Bryansk region. This is the world's only double-sided miraculous myrrh-streaming icon. There are numerous testimonies that bodily and mental illnesses are healed before the image. She also turned out great. One woman saw on the counter in the store a paper calendar of the Virgin, lying in neglect. It turned out that the calendar is expired and is not subject to sale. Fearing for the fate that the holy Face might face, the woman took the image home. Over time, he began to stream myrrh, then miracles and healings occurred. Next, in the house of a woman, all the icons were streaming myrrh. On the paper icon "Tenderness" another Face was formed, on the other side. The icon can still be found today. Its keeper, Natalya Shishkova, has been hosting pilgrims for more than 10 years.

According to her, prayer before the icon of the Mother of God Tenderness helps to heal serious illnesses and cope with life's difficulties.

Icon of the Mother of God Tenderness: what helps and what do believers pray for?

Serafim's Tenderness is the embodiment of purity and restrained joy. One of the most exalted images of the Virgin. Among the people, the icon is revered as a faithful assistant in choosing a worthy groom and a teacher of chastity for girls. It is believed that the icon of the Mother of God of Tenderness helps young girls in choosing their path, what they pray for in front of her, as well as good marriage, conception, safe delivery. You can ask for the gift of a noble disposition and clean life for fragile girlish hearts.

The icon is not easy. The prototype turned out to be in the hands of Seraphim of Sarov: how, when, where this icon came from - we don’t know anything. It is only known that the monk always fervently prayed before it, blessed his spiritual children with it, miracles and healings took place before this icon. And as a culmination, after prayerfully standing before her on a stone for 300 days, Father Seraphim gave his soul to God.

Icon of the Mother of God Tenderness: prayer and troparion


Accept, O All-Mighty, Most Pure Lady, Lady of the Theotokos, the only application to Thee, from us, Thy unworthy servants: chosen from all generations, the highest being of all creatures of heaven and earth, for the sake of Thee, the Lord of forces be with us, and by Thee we know the Son of God and let us be vouchsafed the communion of His holy Body and His most pure Blood; even more blessed are you in the birth of childbirth, God-blessed, the brightest of the Cherubim and the most honest of the Seraphim. And now, all-singing Most Holy Theotokos, do not stop praying for us, Thy unworthy servants, to deliver us from every evil advice and every circumstance and keep us intact from every poisonous pretense of the devil; but even to the end, with Your prayers, keep us uncondemned, as if by Your intercession and help we save, glory, praise, thanksgiving and worship in the Trinity to the One God and all the Creator, we send up, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion, tone 4

Let us fall down to the Theotokos with tenderness, all burdened with sins, kissing Her miraculous icon of Tenderness, kissing and crying with tears: Mistress, accept the prayer of Your unworthy servants and grant us, who ask, great Your mercy.

We see that the icon of the Tenderness of the Mother of God has not lost its significance to this day. And, probably, it is unlikely to lose. What are they praying for? Who will help us so much, who will console us so much, if not the Queen of Heaven? With maternal tenderness, until our last day, she will take care of everyone who does not reject her help. Let us pray to her for prudence, high morality. May she not leave us in trials and may we not forget about her in prosperity.

Orthodox icons and prayers

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Icon of Tenderness meaning, what helps

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On this shrine, the Most Holy Theotokos is depicted at the happiest moment, even before the birth of her child, Jesus, but after the Annunciation. Against the background of the divine image, the Defender stands out with enthusiastic features and a bright image. The Virgin Mary is depicted with crossed arms in a prayerful gesture, with a slightly inclined head and slightly half-lowered eyes, which in turn is the personification of kindness, chastity and restraint. The Mother of God is captured precisely when the angel Gabriel tells that she will have to give birth to the Son of God.

Initially, the icon of the Mother of God of Tenderness was made on canvas, which is attached to a cypress board. The image of the Saint was presented to the Monk Seraphim of Sarov by Nicholas II. Who was able to see not only the purity of hearts, but also the soul of every person, therefore, just the same, he could ask for healing for Orthodox people.

The oil from the lamp burning near the shrine had medicinal properties thanks to which, lubricating the sick, Saint Seraphim could heal from various ailments. The Reverend himself died right in front of the miraculous image on his knees.

Then, in 1991, the face was transferred to Patriarch Alexei II in Moscow to be placed in the patriarchal church, however, for worship, the shrine is annually transferred to the Epiphany Cathedral. Gradually from divine image began to make many copies, and some of them had no less healing properties than the original.

In this article, you will learn the meaning of the Tenderness icon, what the miraculous image helps in, a prayer to the Mother of God, in which temples and churches the shrine can be located, and much more.

When they arrange a celebration in honor of the Holy Image

The Diveevo Icon of the Mother of God Tenderness is revered in many churches and temples, and a celebration is also held in her honor:

  • December 22 / 9 (old style) - the day of the Monk Seraphim of the Virgin Mill community;
  • August 1/July 19 (old style);
  • August 10 / July 28 (old style).

What helps the icon of the Tenderness of the Virgin and its meaning

The miraculous face, in fact, can be considered female, which is why it is mainly aimed at protecting and helping the beautiful female half of humanity. The meaning of the icon of Tenderness is very important for many, and therefore, turning to the Holy Face, young girls can thus maintain a good disposition, purity, and chastity.

It is also believed that if you ask for support from the Mother of God, then she will definitely help, the main thing is to believe, and the stronger she is, the sooner you will get what you want.

What do they pray for the icon of the Mother of God Tenderness

  • The miraculous image of the Most Pure, first of all, helps to get rid of various ailments;
  • The shrine will also relieve mental hardships, and will also help to overcome the transitional age;
  • A prayer service to the Divine image can help in the conception of a child, and can also facilitate the birth process;
  • It can also be noted what the icon of Tenderness helps in is the tenderness of evil hearts, getting rid of immoral thoughts and giving harmony;
  • The image will help girls to find a worthy person and bring happiness to life.

The meaning of the icon of the Mother of God Tenderness is very important for many Orthodox, because the image itself is distinguished by amazing touchingness, tenderness and the ability to protect from the most painful despondency. It flows in the heart when severe trials fall on the human lot and protects against significant shocks, and before the onset of a depressed state of mind from a series of monotonous gray everyday life.

Where is the icon of the Tenderness of the Blessed Virgin

The shrine of the Mother of God can be found in Golitsino in the Cathedral of Seraphim of Sarov. In the last century, somewhere in the 60s, from the Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery, one of the nuns handed over the miraculous copy of the cell image of the Most Holy Theotokos Seraphim of Sarov to the icon painter Alexei Artsybushev for safekeeping.

This miraculous icon of Tenderness, which was painted in the 19th century, was in the artist’s house for over 40 years, but after that he donated the shrine to the Cathedral of St. Seraphim of Sarov (Golitsyno), which was being built.

One of the most revered lists of the divine image is located in the Trinity Cathedral of the Seraphim-Diveevo Church, in honor of which the limit was even consecrated. The face was written somewhere in the late 19th - early 20th century by the nuns of the monastery. Although the image exists relatively recently, however, during this time it has become widely known due to its miraculous properties.

In honor of this face, they even determined the special days of his veneration, which fell on December 9 and July 28, and before the start of the service every week on Sunday, a church chant of the Paraklis is held in front of the divine image.

The most revered shrine among the Orthodox people is located in the capital in the Patriarchal Epiphany Cathedral.

Miracles performed by the image of the Virgin Mary

  • According to the chronicle, in 1337 a terrible plague reigned in Novgorod, which took more and more human lives every day, and there was no salvation from the deadly disease. And then, in despair, all the Orthodox people gathered and marched to the Trinity Cathedral, where they tearfully began to cry out to the image of the Most Holy Theotokos, reading a prayer service for salvation from the cruel embrace of the epidemic. After that, the attack soon receded, and in memory of this divine help, people began to annually make a crusade to the Trinity Monastery from St. Sophia Cathedral.
  • There were also cases when the image could stream myrrh, one of these occurred on July 8, 1337, however, not only tears flowed from the face, but the entire image hovered in the air, held by some unknown force. After that, the clergy were called, and a procession was made to the Trinity Cathedral for the service;
  • In the settlement of Lokot (Bryansk region) there is a unique divine shrine of the Serafimo-Diveevo Queen of Heaven in the family of Natalia and Viktor Remezov. Once a sufferer came to their house with cancer, and in the near future she had to undergo a complex operation. The woman diligently and wholeheartedly prayed to the Mother of God for a successful outcome of her illness, and after that she went to the hospital to prepare for surgery. However, after the ultrasound examination, the doctors were seriously surprised, because the ultrasound showed that cancer cells no more, and the patient appeared to be completely healthy.

Prayer to the Icon of the Mother of God Tenderness

“Oh, Blessed Lady Lady, Mother of God Virgin! Accept our unworthy prayers, save us from slander evil people and from a vain death, give us first and joy in sorrow grant a place. And deliver us, O Lady Lady Theotokos, from all evil, and vouchsafe us, your sinful servants, to the right hand in the second coming of your Son, Christ our God, and be our heirs vouchsafe the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal life with all the saints in endless ages. Amen".

“Receive, all-merciful, Most Pure Lady, Lady of the Mother of God, these honest gifts, the only applied to You, from us, Your unworthy servants: chosen from all generations, the highest being of all creatures of heaven and earth, for the sake of You, the Lord of Forces be with us, and By you we will know the Son of God and be honored with His holy Body and His most pure Blood; even more blessed are you in the birth of childbirth, God-blessed, the brightest cherubim and the most honest seraphim. And now, all-singing Most Holy Theotokos, do not stop praying for us, Thy unworthy servants, to deliver us from every evil advice and every circumstance and keep us intact from every poisonous pretense of the devil; but even to the end with your prayers, keep us uncondemned, as if by your intercession and help we save, glory, praise, thanksgiving and worship for the whole in the Trinity to the one God and all the Creator we send, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

God bless you!

You will also be interested in watching a video about the miraculous icon of the Tenderness of the Mother of God:

Icon "Tenderness" - meaning, what helps?

On the icon "Tenderness" the Mother of God is depicted in a happy moment before the birth of the baby, but after the Annunciation. She stands out for her bright face and enthusiastic expression. Mary has half-lowered eyes, prayerfully crossed hands and a slightly tilted head, all this symbolizes meekness, humility and chastity. The Mother of God is depicted at the moment when the angel Gabriel informs her that she is destined to give birth to the Son of God. Icon Day is celebrated on August 1 and 10.

Initially, the face was depicted on canvas, which was attached to a cypress board. It was presented by Nicholas II to the Reverend Seraphim of Sarov. He had the ability to see the hearts and souls of people, and therefore prayed for their healing. The oil from the lamp that burned near the image had healing properties. The monk anointed the sick with it, which contributed to their recovery. Seraphim called this icon "The Joy of All Joys." The monk died kneeling right in front of the icon. In 1991, the image was transferred to the Moscow Patriarch Alexy II, who placed it in the patriarchal church. Every year the icon is transferred to the Cathedral of the Epiphany, where worship takes place. In time has been done great amount copies and some of them also have miraculous power.

What helps the icon "Tenderness" and its meaning

In general, the image is considered feminine, so its power is aimed at protecting the fair sex. Thanks to the use of the icon, a girl can maintain purity, good disposition and chastity. It is believed that the image helps everyone and most importantly, faith, and the stronger it is, the faster the desired will come true.

What do they pray for the icon "Tenderness":

  1. Prayer to this icon makes it easier to survive puberty, promotes conception and easy childbirth.
  2. The image helps to get rid of various diseases.
  3. Mothers turn to the Mother of God with a request for happy life their daughters, so that they find a worthy life partner and be happy.
  4. If you turn to the image, you can get rid of bad thoughts, emotional experiences and achieve harmony.

Today, many girls prefer to embroider the “Tenderness” icon. During the process itself, it is recommended to pray and turn to the Virgin. You need to work with a sense of repentance in a good mood and without bad thoughts. Many women who could not get pregnant found out that they were in a position immediately after the completion of work. The embroidered pictures play the role of an ordinary icon for which one can pray.

The prayer to the icon "Tenderness" sounds like this:

“Oh, Blessed Lady Lady, Mother of God Virgin! Accept our unworthy prayers, save us from the slanders of evil people and from vain death, give us first and give us joy in sorrow, grant a place. And deliver us, O Lady Lady Theotokos, from all evil, and vouchsafe us, your sinful servants, to the right hand in the second coming of your Son, Christ our God, and be our heirs vouchsafe the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal life with all the saints in endless ages. Amen".

Other icons of the Mother of God "Tenderness" and their meaning

One of the famous icons of the Mother of God "Tenderness" - Pskov-Pechersk. She is a list of the "Vladimir Mother of God". It was written in 1521 by the monk Arseniy Khitrosh. This icon belongs to the Eleusa type. It depicts the Mother of God, who holds Jesus in her arms. The baby is pressed against the mother's cheek, which symbolizes great power children's love for their parents.

The image became famous throughout the world due to its miraculous power. She defended Christians in the most difficult periods life. In 1581, the Polish king decided to conquer Pskov and began to drop red-hot cannonballs on the city. One shell hit the icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness" directly, but it did not suffer in any way. It is believed that it was the face of the Virgin that helped to withstand the onslaught of the Polish army. According to existing legends, the image of the Mother of God helped take Polotsk from the French. There are still many stories when a miraculous icon helped people cope with various ailments.

Of great importance Novgorod icon"Affection". The inhabitants of Novgorod have been worshiping this image for more than 700 years. It protects the city from various misfortunes, for example, fires, wars, etc. The celebration of this icon takes place on July 8.

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"Tenderness" - the icon of the Mother of God. Prayer, meaning

In the Orthodox Church, several types of icons of the Virgin are accepted for veneration, one of them is “Tenderness”. On the icons "Tenderness" (in the Greek tradition - "Eleusa"), the Most Holy Theotokos is usually depicted to the waist. She holds the baby - the Savior - in her arms and with tenderness bows to her Divine Son.

The Serafimo-Diveevo icon "Tenderness" differs from the others, it depicts the Mother of God alone. Her arms are folded crosswise on her chest, and her whole appearance conveys a state of deep humility and love. This image does not belong to the type of icon painting "Eleus", however, it has an identical name.

"Tenderness" - the icon of the Mother of God of Pskov - Pechersk

The Pskov-Pechersk Icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness" (photo below) is a list of the "Vladimir Mother of God". It was written by the monk Arseniy Khitrosh in 1521. The icon was brought to the Pskov-Caves Monastery by pious merchants in 1529-1570, when Saint Cornelius was the abbot of the monastery. This holy icon has become famous all over the world for its miraculous help, supporting and protecting Orthodox Christians in difficult moments of life.

"Tenderness" - the icon of the Mother of God of Pskov-Pechersk - refers to the icon-painting type "Eleus", which is the most common in Russian icon painting. It depicts the Virgin Mary holding her Son Jesus Christ in her arms. The baby presses his cheek to the Mother of God, showing the highest degree filial love.

This type includes such icons of the Mother of God as Donskaya, Vladimirskaya, Yaroslavskaya, Feodorovskaya, Zhirovitskaya, Grebnevskaya, Pochaevskaya, Seeking for the Lost, Akhrenskaya, Degtyarevskaya, etc. One of the images of this type is the icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness" Pecherskaya.

The history of the glorification of the miraculous icon

In 1581, the Polish ruler King Stefan Batory attempted to siege Pskov. From the bell tower of the Mirozhsky monastery, the soldiers of the opposing side dropped red-hot cannonballs, one of which hit the icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness", which hung on top of the city wall. But the image was miraculously preserved, and the core fell near it without causing any damage. Lost in this war Lithuanian principality was forced into again conclude a truce with Russia.

Thanks to the help of the Mother of God, the city of Polotsk was taken from the French. The event took place on October 7, 1812 during Patriotic War during the invasion of the troops of Napoleon Bonaparte. The commander of the 1st Corps ascribes his victory to the help of the Mother of God and her holy image “Tenderness”. The icon of the Mother of God with its miraculous power helped to win another victory.

Numerous cases of the help of this icon in the miraculous healing of blind people are known. The widow, who prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary, received recovery after a fervent prayer in front of the Tenderness icon. The icon of the Mother of God was glorified by a great miracle. The woman was blind for almost three years, and after a fervent prayer in front of the miraculous image she received her sight. Also, a peasant who had not seen before for six years was also healed of blindness. In addition, they noted various occasions recovery from serious illnesses that occurred with the help of the Mother of God after prayer before this holy image.

"Tenderness" - Seraphim-Diveevo Icon

The icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness" is considered one of the main shrines of the Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery. The nuns and nuns of the convent consider her their Heavenly Abbess. This icon was in the cell of Seraphim of Sarov. He deeply revered this icon, calling it "Joy of all joys." Standing in prayer before the image of the Theotokos, the monk peacefully departed to the Lord. Even during the life of the saint, a lampada was burning in front of the icon, with oil from which he anointed all the people who came to him, healing from mental and bodily ailments.

An interesting fact is that the iconographic type of this icon is more characteristic of Western Christianity than the Eastern tradition of writing. The Holy Mother of God is depicted here in young age, at that moment of Her life, when the Archangel Gabriel announced the good news about the incarnation of the Son of God. The face of the Holy Virgin Mary is pensive, her arms are crossed on her chest, her gaze is turned downward. Above the head is an inscription of the words from the akathist: “Rejoice, Unbrideed Bride!”

History of the icon

The history of writing and the author of this icon are unknown, its origin dates back to late XVIII century. After the death of Seraphim of Sarov, the image was transferred to the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Diveevo monastery. For this, a special chapel was rebuilt, and the icon was placed in a special elegant icon case. Since that time, there has been a tradition: for all the nuns of the monastery during the service, to stand behind the icon case of the Virgin.

In 1902, Saint Emperor Nicholas II presented the monastery with a precious gilded riza for the Tenderness icon and a decorated silver lamp. In the year when Seraphim of Sarov was glorified, several exact lists were made from the Mother of God icon, which were sent to various Russian monasteries.

In the post-revolutionary time, when the Diveevo monastery was closed, the icon of the Mother of God was taken to Murom by the Diveevo Abbess Alexandra. In 1991, the miraculous image was handed over to Alexy II, the Patriarch of Moscow, who placed the icon in the patriarchal church, where it is currently located. Once a year, the miraculous image is taken to the Cathedral of the Epiphany for veneration. It is possible for all Orthodox Christians who wish to venerate it. The Diveye Monastery now houses an exact copy of the miraculous image.

Novgorod icon "Tenderness"

For almost 700 years, the inhabitants of Novgorod have venerated another icon of the Mother of God, "Tenderness". She is known for the numerous miracles that came from prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos.

Holy Virgin protected the city from fires, ruins and wars. Thanks to fervent heartfelt prayer before this holy image, many people received healing from spiritual sorrows and bodily illnesses. The celebration of the icon takes place on July 8.

Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness"

On the Smolensk Mother of God icon "Tenderness" the Holy Virgin is depicted with her hands folded crosswise on her chest. She admires her Divine Son playing on the folds of Her clothes. The face of the Blessed Virgin is filled deep love and at the same time sorrow for His Son.

The image has been known to the world since 1103. And he became famous thanks to the miraculous intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who defended Smolensk from the attack of Polish soldiers in early XVII century.

Miraculous Icon of "Tenderness" of the Mother of God, meaning for believers

When praying to the Most Holy Theotokos "Tenderness", many Christians ask for the strengthening of faith, for the reconciliation of the warring, for deliverance from the invasion of enemies and the preservation Russian state. But most often young girls and women come to her, pouring out numerous requests for a successful marriage, healing from infertility and the birth of healthy children. Any icon "Tenderness" depicts the state of the holy soul of the Mother of God: her endless love for people, great purity and holiness.

Many Christian women, after performing a sincere prayer in front of a holy image, note deep peace, faith and hope in miraculous power Holy Virgin. The icon "Tenderness" of the Mother of God helps in this. The meaning of this holy image lies in the help of the Mother of God to all people who ask her.

Many Orthodox Christian women embroider icons of the Most Holy Theotokos. IN Lately for this purpose began to use beads more often. There is a pious tradition to dedicate this work to the Blessed Virgin. While embroidering, believing women pray and work with a sense of repentance. When asked to give birth to healthy children, some mothers take on the task of embroidering icons. When the icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness" with beads is ready, it is enclosed in a glazed frame and consecrated in Orthodox church. After that, they pray before the image in the hope of receiving what they ask for.


Many prayers dedicated to the Most Holy Theotokos are known. Before the icon "Tenderness" believers read an akathist. Prayer to the icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness" contains deep meaning: the Orthodox praise the Blessed Virgin, calling Her Intercessor and Defender of our Country, the Beauty and Glory of the monastery, and also ask to save people from evil, save Russian cities and protect the Orthodox people from the invasion of enemies, earthquakes, floods, from evil people and other misfortunes. It is customary to say this prayer, turning to the Blessed Virgin Mary for help, in the hope of Her heavenly help and support.

The Akathist to the Icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness" contains mostly laudatory texts. It contains 13 ikos and kontakia, which illuminate some historical events associated with the appearance and glorification of the holy icon. The akathist also contains various requests to the Most Holy Theotokos for help, protection and prayer for the sinful human race. At the end, the final kneeling prayer is always read, filled with requests to the Blessed Virgin Mary for the salvation and protection of all people.


There are several various kinds Orthodox icons Mother of God, called "Tenderness": there are miraculous, locally revered and revered images.

Despite the fact that all these images are different, they have one thing in common - they always convey the boundless love of the Most Holy Theotokos for Orthodox Christians and all people.

The Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness" in Moscow is located at the Center for Social Forensic Psychiatry. V. P. Serbian. This is a house operating temple, located at the address: Khamovniki, Kropotkinsky lane, 23. Believers who want to pray and find peace of mind are always welcome here.

IN Orthodox Church several types of icons of the Mother of God "Tenderness" (in the Greek tradition - "Eleusa") are accepted for veneration. Eleusa (Greek Ελεούσα - merciful from έλεος - compassion, sympathy) is one of the main types of depiction of the Mother of God in Russian icon painting. On them, the Most Holy Theotokos is usually depicted to the waist and holds the baby - the Savior - in her arms and bows with tenderness to her Divine Son.

The Serafimo-Diveevo icon "Tenderness" differs from the others - it depicts the Mother of God alone. An interesting fact is that the iconographic type of this icon is more characteristic of Western Christianity than the Eastern tradition of writing. According to iconography, it goes back to the one revered in Lithuania and Western Russia Ostrobramskaya Icon of the Mother of God, from which it differs in the absence of Western attributes - the moon crescent below and the stars around the halo. The Most Holy Theotokos is depicted here at a young age, at that moment in Her life, when the Archangel Gabriel proclaimed the good news of the incarnation of the Son of God. The face of the Holy Virgin Mary is pensive, her arms are folded crosswise on her chest, her gaze is turned downward, her eyes are half closed, and the whole appearance conveys a state of deep humility and love. Above the head is an inscription of the words from the akathist: “Rejoice, Unbrided Bride!” This image does not belong to the type of icon painting "Eleus", however, it has an identical name.

The icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness" Serafimo-Diveevskaya belonged to the Monk Seraphim of Sarov, was his cell icon. The history of painting and the author of this icon are unknown; its origin dates back to the end of the 18th century.

With oil from the lamp that burned in front of this holy icon, the Monk anointed the sick, who received healing after the anointing.

The ascetic called the icon "Tenderness" - "Joy of All Joys", and in front of it he died in prayer on January 2, 1833. After the death of the Monk Seraphim, the Sarov rector, Fr. Nifont gave the holy icon “Joy of All Joys” to the sisters of the Diveevo Seraphim Convent. They transferred it to the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Diveevo monastery, where the icon was until the Soviet period. For this, a special chapel was rebuilt, and the icon was placed in a special elegant icon case. Since that time, there has been a tradition: for all the nuns of the monastery during the service, to stand behind the icon case of the Virgin.

In 1902, Saint Emperor Nicholas II presented the monastery with a precious gilded riza for the Tenderness icon and a decorated silver lamp. In the year when Seraphim of Sarov was glorified, several exact lists were made from the Mother of God icon, which were sent to various Russian monasteries.

In 1927 The Diveevo Monastery, where the original Joy of All Joys icon was located, was closed, but the holy image was secretly taken out by Abbess Alexandra of Diveevo to Murom. It has been kept by pious people for decades.

In 1991 the miraculous image was handed over to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II, who placed the icon in the Patriarchal Church of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God of the Working Patriarchal Residence in Chisty Lane where she currently is.

According to tradition, once a year - on the feast of the Praise of the Most Holy Theotokos (5th Week of Great Lent (Saturday Akathist)) - the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church brings the Seraphim-Diveevo Icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness" to the service in Moscow Epiphany Cathedral in Yelokhov to read the Akathist before her. On this day, the miraculous image is taken out for worship - all Orthodox Christians can venerate it.

The Diveye Monastery now houses an exact copy of the miraculous image, which is considered one of the main shrines of the Seraphim-Diveevsky monastery. The nuns and nuns of the convent consider her their Heavenly Abbess.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness" Pskov-Pechersk
O Most Holy Lady Mistress, Virgin Mother of God! Accept our unworthy prayers, save us from the slanders of evil people and from vain death, give us repentance before the end, have mercy on our prayers and grant joy in sorrow a place. And deliver us, O Lady Lady Mother of God, from every misfortune, misfortune, sorrow, illness and all evil, and vouchsafe us, Thy sinful servants, to the right hand at the second coming of Thy Son, Christ our God, and the heirs of us be worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal life with all the saints for everlasting ages. Amen.

Serafimo-Diveevo Icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness"

The icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness" Serafimo-Diveevo was before the revolution in the Trinity Cathedral of the Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery.

The Mother of God on this icon is depicted half-height, with her arms folded crosswise on her chest, without the Divine Infant at the moment when She pronounces the words to the Archangel Gabriel during the Annunciation: "Behold the servant of the Lord, be me according to thy word." The icon is painted in oil on canvas, mounted on a cypress board, 67x49 cm in size.

Oil from the lamp that burned in front of this holy icon, Reverend Seraphim Sarovsky anointed the sick, who received healing after the anointing. The ascetic called the icon "Tenderness" - "Joy of All Joys", and in front of it he died at a prayer on January 2 (15), 1833.

Father repeatedly said to the Diveyevo sisters, pointing to the icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness": "I entrust and leave you in the care of this Queen of Heaven."

After the death of the Monk Seraphim of Sarov, in fulfilling his will, rector Fr. Nifont gave the holy icon to the sisters of the Diveevo monastery.

At the first opportunity, a gilded riza was made. Another precious riza with stones was donated by Sovereign Nicholas II during the glorification of St. Seraphim. The halo on this riza was made in the form of diverging rays of radiance, consisting of precious stones and pearls. Many lists were made from the icon, some of them also became miraculous.

In 1903 the icon "Tenderness" was brought procession from Diveevo to Sarov for the celebration of the glorification of the Reverend.

After the dispersal of the monastery and the closure of the monastery in 1927, Bishop Seraphim (Zvezdinsky), Archbishop Zinovy ​​(Drozdov) of Tambov, and Abbess Alexandra were arrested and sent to Moscow. After her release, Mother Alexandra and several sisters settled in Murom, managing to save and take with her the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness" along with the rest of Father Seraphim's belongings.

After her death in 1941, the nun Maria (Barinova) kept the image. At the end of her life, she decided to give the shrine to Patriarch Pimen, who once, while still a hieromonk, served in Murom, visited the Diveyevo sisters and kissed the shrines of St. Seraphim, carrying his love for the Holy Elder and the Diveyevo monastery through all his life. However, the patriarch decided that the shrines should be given for safekeeping to Archpriest Viktor Shipovalnikov, who lived in the village of Kratovo near Moscow.

For nineteen years, Father Victor and his mother carefully kept the belongings of the Reverend Seraphim. Accepting those who came to the shrines, they repeatedly witnessed miracles and healings. In 1991, the icon, salary and belongings of the monk were handed over to Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia.

Now the icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness", which belonged to Father Seraphim, is at the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill. Once a year - on the feast of the Praise of the Most Holy Theotokos - it is taken out for general worship at the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Epiphany in Moscow.

Information about the icon "Tenderness" Serafimo-Diveevskaya

This icon was a private icon of St. Seraphim of Sarov. From the life of St. Seraphim: “With special love, the holy elder received sincerely and humbly penitents and those who showed ardent zeal for the Christian spiritual life. After a conversation with them, the Monk Seraphim used to lay on their bowed heads the end of the stole and his right hand. At the same time, he offered to say a short prayer of repentance behind him, after which he himself said a prayer of permission, from which those who came received relief of conscience and some special spiritual pleasure; then the elder crosswise anointed the visitor with oil from a lamp that burned in front of the icon of the Mother of God of Tenderness, which was in his cell, which he called the icon of the Mother of God - the Joy of all joys, ... then - he christened with every Christian, no matter what time it happened, reminding those of the saving power of the Resurrection of Christ, and gave it to be applied to the image of the Mother of God or to the cross hanging on his chest. Through the prayers of the monk, many miracles were performed in front of this icon. Saint Seraphim died on his knees before the icon of the Mother of God Tenderness. He was found in his cell in an ordinary white robe, in front of a small lectern, kneeling with cross-folded hands.

From the annals of the Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery it is known that even during his lifetime, the Monk Seraphim foresaw that this icon would be in the Diveevo Monastery. “The sister of their nobles, Olga Mikhailovna Klimova, said that having the obedience to be a“ horsewoman ”, she carried wood and firewood. One day, Father Seraphim gave her a thousand rubles, saying: “This is mother for the arrangement and arrangement of a large cell for you, for the High Lady, who will live with you! Everything must be prepared for Her; Here you go, make sure you have everything ready. And when She arrives, then you all serve Her, and let Glafira Vasilyevna follow Her. With this money, a building was built, which was later a refectory. Then Olga Mikhailovna added: “And everything was wonderful to me, what kind of Lady the Great will settle in it with us! The father died, and the late hegumen Nifont called Fr. Pavel, the cell-attendant of the father, to him, gave him the miraculous icon of the Queen of Heaven “Tenderness”, in front of which Fr. Seraphim always prayed, and ordered to give it to the millers. “She belongs there!” - said the abbot. Then the words of the priest were clarified when they brought our Lady, our Lady, to the new cell prepared for the Lady High.”

The celebration of the icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness" takes place on July 28 / August 10 and December 9/22 - on the day of the founding of the Virgin Mill Community by St. Seraphim.

Pentagrams on the frame of the icon "Tenderness"

In the photo album: "Opening of the relics and glorification of the holy venerable Seraphim of Sarov wonderworker, in Their presence Imperial Majesties, July 1903", a photograph is provided miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Tenderness", before which Rev. about. Seraphim. The photograph clearly shows the pre-revolutionary frame of the icon, which depicts the stars of David (not hexagrams!), Meaning and symbolizing the six basic aspirations or feelings of a person. The main one is the desire of man for his God and Creator. This desire expresses the upper end of the star.

For reference. In Judaism, the star of David was replaced by the mark of Satan - a hexagram, and faith in the one God was replaced by faith in Satan. Many ordinary Jews, due to their spiritual blindness, do not see the difference between the hexagram and the star of David, which was depicted only along the contour and was the basis of his royal seal. It was in imitation of this seal that some Russian princes and tsars took the Star of David as the basis of their seals.

The hierarchs committed blasphemy: the great shrine of Orthodoxy - the icon "Tenderness", before which Father Seraphim of Sarov prayed - was dressed in a precious salary with satanic five-pointed stars - the stars of magicians, sorcerers, masons and communists - and put up for "prayer" in the residence of the "patriarch" .

The five-pointed star - the pentagram - is nothing more than a mutilated star of David, which was cut off by a ray, symbolizing the connection with God and Heaven. That is why the pentagram is a favorite symbol of demons (cast down from Heaven) and the forces of evil, Kabbalah, magic and witchcraft.

pentagram on lower levels symbolic correspondence means "liberated man" and is sometimes depicted with the figure of a naked man inscribed in it, spreading his arms and legs, so that the phallus is especially clearly visible. This is a sign of "liberation" from obedience to God. moral law, His commandments are the emblem of "humanism", revolutions, democracy and "progress" throughout the world. At deeper levels of symbolism, it can have even more terrible meanings.

According to the teachings of Kabbalah, the pentagram, facing upwards with two rays, means Satan, and facing upwards with one ray - "Messiah". But every Orthodox knows what kind of "messiah" the Kabbalists are waiting for. No matter how unclean, he will remain unclean. Both that, and another position of a five-pointed star means actually one and the same. The point down is the falling down, overthrown Satan, the point up is the rising Antichrist - the false messiah.

The symbol of "workers' and peasants'" power - a five-pointed star - clearly revealing the satanic essence of Bolshevism, appeared everywhere: at metro stations, on school textbooks, on locomotives and railway stations, on the facades of official institutions and, of course, on the Kremlin towers. But first, a star appeared on the headdresses of the soldiers of the Red Army (just as it burned in the forehead of the famous Baphomet), which Lev Davidovich Trotsky personally took care of.

The pentagrams on the shoulders of the Most Holy Lady of Our Mother of God look exactly like in Soviet army... The cited photograph of the icon was taken from a calendar, under the icon on the calendar there is an inscription: "After the death of Father Seraphim, the icon" Tenderness "was given as a consolation to the Diveevo sisters and since then has become known as Seraphim-Diveevo. Currently, this great shrine is located in Krestovoye temple of the Patriarchal residence."

The icon "Tenderness of the Most Holy Theotokos" is very revered in Orthodoxy. She conveys the happiest moment of the Mother of God - after the Annunciation, but even before the birth of Jesus, at the moment when she brought the news that she was to become the mother of the Son of God. The Heavenly Intercessor is depicted with a bright, enthusiastic face. The arms are crossed in a prayerful gesture, the head is slightly tilted, the eyes are half-lowered - everything speaks of the kindness, chastity and restraint of the Virgin Mary.

The meaning of the icon

This is a very touching and tender image, the Orthodox believe that it protects from despondency and a depressed state that appears in response to the trials and shocks that arise in human life.

What can you ask for the icon "Tenderness"

  • Before the image, they pray for deliverance from various diseases and ailments, liberation from emotional experiences and worries.
  • For adolescents, the shrine helps to cope with the problems of adolescence.
  • The icon promotes women rapid conception and easy childbirth.
  • It helps girls to meet a worthy man and find happiness.
  • Mothers can pray that their daughters will be well married and have a happy marriage.

In addition, you can pray for the softening and tenderness of evil hearts and getting rid of bad and immoral thoughts, achieving peace and peace in the soul.

But first of all this shrine is considered female, her help is more directed at women, she protects them, helps to keep a good disposition, purity and chastity - what the Most Holy Theotokos personifies in a miraculous image.

Veneration of the image The significance that this shrine has is very important for an Orthodox Christian, therefore it is venerated in most temples and churches.

It is celebrated on the following days:

  • December 22 (N.S.) / December 9 (O.S.);
  • August 1 (N.S.) / July 19 (O.S.);
  • August 10 (N.S.) / July 28 (O.S.).

The history of the icon and its storage

The holy image of the Mother of God Tenderness, made on canvas attached to a cypress board, kept in the cell of St. Seraphim of Sarov. He called the icon "All Joy Joy" and saw in her great power. Emperor Nicholas II presented this icon with a robe and a crown of precious stones and pearls. The Monk Seraphim of Sarov was famous for his ability to see the purity of souls and hearts, he asked the Mother of God for the healing of all Orthodox who turned to him for help. With the oil that burned in the lamp next to the icon "Tenderness", Saint Seraphim healed the sick. Near the same image, the saint died in 1833, kneeling in prayer.

Saint Seraphim bequeathed the shrine to the Diveevo Monastery. Since 1991, it has been placed in the patriarchal church in Moscow, but every year it is transferred to Cathedral of the Epiphany so that anyone could bow to her. This is the most revered icon of “Tenderness” in the history of Orthodoxy. Many lists and copies were made from the holy image, and many of them received healing properties no less than the original icon.

The icon "Tenderness of the Most Holy Theotokos" is also located in the cathedral in Golitsyn. In the 1960s, this list of the 19th century was handed over by a nun of the Serafimo-Diveevo Monastery to the icon painter A. Artsybushev, who 40 years later handed it over to the cathedral. A no less honored list is kept in the Trinity Cathedral of the Serafimo-Diveevo Monastery. It is known for its miraculous properties, although it was written by the nuns of the monastery relatively recently - in late XIX- the beginning of the 20th century. This face is especially revered on December 9 and July 28; every Sunday, before the service, a church hymn is held near the shrine.

very famous icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness" - Pskov-Pechersk, a list of the Vladimir Mother of God, written in 1521. On it, the Mother of God is already holding the baby Jesus in her arms. This image has great power. When the Poles attacked Pskov in the 16th century and began to throw red-hot cannonballs at the city, one of them hit the icon, but did not damage it. It was this shrine that protected the city and did not allow the enemy to take it. On Wikipedia you can find full list revered and famous icons and lists of "Tenderness", starting with the Novgorod image of the XII century. Before the icon "Tenderness of the Mother of God" two prayers are read:

  • “O Most Holy Lady Mistress, Mother of God Virgin! Accept our unworthy prayers…”;
  • “Accept, all-merciful, Most Pure Lady, the Lady of the Mother of God, this honest gift ...”;

as well as the first akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos before the icon "Tenderness" of Serafimo-Diveevskaya.

Miracles of the icon "Tenderness"

Many miracles are associated with this shrine. In 1337, as the story goes, the image of “Tenderness” saved Novgorod from a terrible pestilence, when desperate residents gathered in the Trinity Cathedral and began to read with tears to the Heavenly Intercessor about salvation from death. The Blessed Virgin Mary always fulfills requests that come from a pure heart, so soon death receded from the city, and people in memory of this miracle every year marched in procession from St. Sophia Cathedral to Trinity Cathedral. In the same year, another miracle happened - the icon began to stream myrrh and soar in the air. The Novgorod icon "Tenderness" has been revered for more than 700 years. Residents believe that it is she who protects the city from misfortunes, wars, etc.

In our time, the image does not get tired of performing miracles and healing the sick. The image of the Most Holy Theotokos “Tenderness” can stream myrrh, emitting the smell of flowers, not only being written on wood. Myrrh-streaming lists, frescoes, photos of icons, etc. - this is one of the greatest miracles that the image of the Virgin creates.

In the village of Lokot, Bryansk Region, one of the families keeps a unique double-sided icon of the Diveevo Mother of God. She was made from church calendar. For some time she just hung on the wall in the house, but then she began to stream myrrh. Feeling the incredible fragrance emanating from the image, the mistress of the house removed it from the wall and saw that on reverse side the second face of the Mother of God appeared. The image was made a double robe, the priest sang an akathist over it. Since then, the icon has been constantly streaming myrrh, except during Great Lent. Other icons and plants that parishioners leave in front of her also stream myrrh.

There is a known case of incredible healing, which was granted by the Lokot image of the Mother of God “Tenderness” to an oncological patient. Before the operation she long time prayed at the icon for happy outcome surgical intervention. However, it was not needed - after the prayers, the patient went to the hospital, where, during the preoperative examination, the doctors found that she was practically healthy. This is the great meaning of the image - to heal the sick who turn to him with prayer.

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