Home Preparations for the winter The girl has blood flowing all over her body. Uterine bleeding during puberty: if the cycle is not formed, how to identify the pathology? Contraception is to blame

The girl has blood flowing all over her body. Uterine bleeding during puberty: if the cycle is not formed, how to identify the pathology? Contraception is to blame

Some pathological formations on the skin can alert anyone. And small dots, similar to rashes, colored red, are a fairly common reason for contacting a dermatovenerologist. But in fact, such a symptom has a different nature, as dotted hemorrhages on the skin make themselves felt, the causes of which let's look at www..

Pinpoint hemorrhages on the arms, legs and face can look like flat spots, as well as rounded pinpoint spots. They are colored deep red and can reach one to two millimeters in diameter. They cannot be detected by palpation; such formations do not protrude above the skin surface at all. Sometimes the size of pinpoint hemorrhages reaches a pea. The main feature that distinguishes this pathology from bites is the inability to examine center point.

About why pinpoint hemorrhages occur on the body (various reasons)

Doctors usually classify pinpoint hemorrhages on the skin as petichiae. Their appearance is explained by capillary hemorrhages (small hemorrhages) inside skin, as well as in mucous membranes.

The main cause of pinpoint hemorrhages is some kind of physical injury, for example, a strong blow to the surface of the skin. Petichiae can form in patients of all ages, both adults and children.

Quite rarely, pinpoint hemorrhages on the skin of the face occur in response to severe coughing and vomiting. In this case, strong tension leads to rupture of the capillaries near the eyes. Most often, this disorder occurs in children. With a severe intestinal infection, vomiting can lead to the appearance of a petichial rash on the face and chest, as well as in the area of ​​the anterior wall of the neck.

Petichiae can form after pressure has been applied to the skin tissue. Such hemorrhages disappear on their own, after a few days, and are not considered dangerous phenomenon. So, for example, pinpoint bleeding on the skin can appear when wearing incorrectly selected underwear (small in size), golf, stockings, etc. In this case, the elements of the rash are localized in areas that were subject to pressure.

IN certain cases hemorrhages on the skin occur as a symptom of thrombocytopenia. This disease develops when the number of platelets in the blood decreases by an order of magnitude. A similar condition may occur after consumption medicines, it is also a complication of some infections. With thrombocytopenia, the patient experiences impaired blood clotting, in which any cut or abrasion bleeds and does not heal for a very long time.

Petichiae can be caused by a blood clotting disorder. Capillaries can also burst due to the consumption of certain medications.

So, for example, when patients with the influenza virus consume acetylsalicylic acid, a widespread multi-point rash may occur almost throughout the body. Drugs intended for the treatment of varicose veins can cause hemorrhage on the skin, as they can significantly worsen blood clotting.

With viral colds, patients may develop a pathological condition such as disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome. Such a violation is manifested precisely by petichiae in different areas bodies.

There are a number of quite serious illnesses, one of the symptoms of which may be hemorrhages in the skin. They are represented by lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, Wegener's granulomatosis, infective endocarditis, scurvy, periarteritis nodosa, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Also on this list are hypercortisolism, purpura, typhoid fever, smallpox, Werlhof's disease and septicemia.

The appearance of hemorrhages on the skin can even be explained by such a life-threatening condition as sepsis, which develops against the background of long-term inflammatory diseases. This disease requires immediate hospitalization.

It is believed that the appearance of a similar symptom can be observed during allergic reactions. They make the vessels somewhat more permeable, which is why blood can ooze through their walls, exiting under the skin. Actually, just such a picture is typical for the autoimmune diseases already mentioned above.

If even a slight physical impact on the child’s skin causes hemorrhage, it is worth considering whether he may have some kind of disturbance in the functioning of the blood coagulation system. The most famous and at the same time dangerous disease of this type is hemophilia.

In old age, people often experience the appearance of large hemorrhages under the skin. These are pinpoint hemorrhages on the legs and also on the arms. A similar situation is observed with the loss of fat pads, due to which blood vessels become more vulnerable. Such local hemorrhages do not in any way indicate the possibility of internal bleeding.

Sometimes, by pinpoint hemorrhages under the skin, patients mean the appearance spider veins. These pinpoint hemorrhages on the face and legs look like a red mesh. Such formations are not at all dangerous to health; they are considered solely as a cosmetic defect. Most often they appear due to hormonal imbalances and varicose veins.

If pinpoint hemorrhages appear on the skin, you should make an appointment with a therapist or cosmetologist.

The most common and severe forms Disorders of the reproductive system during puberty in girls include juvenile uterine bleeding. This term refers to dysfunctional bleeding at the age of 10-18 years from the beginning of the first menstruation until adulthood.

This gynecological pathology occurs in approximately 10-20% of all girls in this age category. Heavy and frequent bleeding can cause a significant decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood, aggravate hormonal disorders, and in the future cause infertility. In addition, uterine bleeding in adolescents has a negative impact on psychological state children, causing isolation, self-doubt, fear for their health and even life.

Reasons for violations

The main reason is disturbances in the functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. Hormonal imbalance provokes a single-phase ovarian cycle with a delay in menstruation and further bleeding. More often, dysfunctional uterine bleeding of puberty occurs during the first two years after.

There is no direct connection between this pathology and the development of other secondary sexual characteristics. In general, the girl’s puberty proceeds without disturbances. In more than a third of patients, the disease may be complicated by the appearance acne and oily seborrhea.

The appearance of uterine bleeding in older girls is noted at early menarche (7-12 years). It is diagnosed in more than 60% of patients. With the late appearance of the first menstruation (after 15-16 years), this pathology occurs rarely - no more than 2% of cases.

The main causes of the pathological condition in adolescents:

  • pathologies of the blood coagulation system;
  • formation of ovarian tumors of hormonal origin;
  • acute and chronic infectious diseases(ARVI, pneumonia, chronic tonsillitis, chicken pox, rubella);
  • organ diseases endocrine system(pancreas, adrenal glands);
  • tuberculosis of the genital organs;
  • malignant neoplasms of the body and cervix;
  • living in unfavorable conditions, excessive physical and psychological stress;
  • poor nutrition that does not provide the body with essential vitamins and microelements.

The most significant provoking factor is chronic tonsillitis with regular periods of exacerbation. There is a definite connection between the disease in girls and how her mother’s pregnancy proceeded. Provoking factors could be late toxicosis, chronic intrauterine pregnancy, premature aging or placental abruption, asphyxia of the child at birth.

Symptoms of the disease

Many girls have regular monthly cycle does not recover immediately after menarche, but only over six months to two years. Menstruation may be delayed by two to three months, and sometimes even six months. Uterine bleeding most often occurs after a delay of menstruation of up to 2 weeks or a month and a half.

In some cases, it may occur a week or two after menarche or occur during the intermenstrual period. The main symptoms of the pathology include:

  • copious (more than 100 ml per day) and long-term (over 7 days) bloody issues;
  • discharge that occurs 2-3 days after the end of menstruation;
  • menstruation that recurs at intervals of less than 21 days;
  • dizziness, drowsiness, nausea as a result of anemia;
  • pale skin, dry mouth;
  • pathological desire to eat inedible foods (for example, chalk);
  • depressed state, irritability, rapid physical fatigue.

Very often, a girl and even her more experienced mother cannot identify the disorder and regard it as normal menstruation. The girl can continue to lead her usual lifestyle, thereby delaying treatment, which should begin immediately, and aggravating the problem. It should be remembered that any heavy discharge, especially with clots, requires close attention. Menstruation is considered heavy when a pad or tampon has to be changed at least every hour.

Since pathology can be caused by various reasons, in addition to a mandatory examination by a pediatric gynecologist, consultation with an endocrinologist, neurologist, or oncologist is necessary.


For diagnosis, general and special methods violation studies. General ones include a gynecological and general examination of the patient, examination of the condition of internal organs, analysis of the physique and height-to-weight ratio, and the presence of secondary sexual characteristics. From the conversation, the gynecologist learns about the date of the first menstruation, the regularity of the menstrual cycle, previous diseases and general condition health.

Patients are prescribed a number laboratory research: general tests urine and blood, biochemical blood test, sugar test and hormonal screening to determine hormonal levels. To clarify the diagnosis, pelvic organs are also examined.

Abnormal uterine bleeding during puberty should be differentiated from other pathological conditions that may be accompanied by bleeding, namely:

  • diseases of the blood system;
  • hormone-producing ovarian tumors, endometriosis, cervical cancer;
  • inflammatory diseases genitals;
  • injuries of the vagina and external genitalia;
  • beginning abortion during pregnancy;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome.

With diseases of the blood system, patients often experience nosebleeds and the appearance of hematomas on the body. Unlike inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, dysfunctional uterine bleeding is rarely accompanied by cramping pain in the lower abdomen. If tumors of various types are suspected, their presence will be determined after ultrasound and other specific diagnostic methods.


With heavy bleeding and feeling unwell girls need to be called ambulance. Before her arrival, the child is put to bed, given complete rest and an ice pack is applied to the stomach. The patient should be given a lot of sweet drinks, preferably tea. Even if the bleeding was stopped on its own, this should not be a reason for complacency, since such pathologies are prone to relapse.

The main goal of therapy is the complete cessation of discharge and normalization of the menstrual cycle in the future. When choosing methods and drugs for treatment, the intensity of bleeding, the severity of anemia, data laboratory tests, general physical and sexual development patients.

To treat and stop discharge in adolescents, they are carried out in exceptional cases. They are indicated only when the pathology threatens the patient’s life. In other cases, they are limited to drug therapy.

Drugs used for uterine bleeding in adolescents

If the girl’s general condition is satisfactory and there are no signs of severe anemia, treatment can be carried out at home using hemostatic drugs, sedatives and vitamins.

If the patient's condition is severe and there are all signs of anemia (low hemoglobin, dizziness, pale skin), hospitalization is necessary.

To stop bleeding and normalize the menstrual cycle, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • uterine contractants - Oxytocin, Ergotal, water pepper extract;
  • hemostatic drugs - Vikasol, Tranexam, Ascorutin, Dicinone, Aminocaproic acid;
  • combined - Rugulon, Non-ovlon, Janine;
  • sedatives - bromine or valerian preparations, motherwort tincture, Seduxen, Tazepam;
  • drugs to regulate the menstrual cycle - Utrozhestan, Duphaston, which are taken from the 16th to the 25th day of the cycle;
  • vitamins – group B, including folic acid, C, E, K.

At elevated level girls are prescribed Turinal, Norkolut for three cycles with a three-month break with further repetition of the drug regimen. If the level is low, sex hormones are prescribed in a cyclic manner. Hormone therapy is not the main method of preventing new bleeding.

Physiotherapy is used as auxiliary treatment methods - electrophoresis with novocaine or vitamin B1 and acupuncture. The second procedure is prescribed for blood loss without the threat of anemia, in the absence of pronounced hormonal imbalance.

If bleeding is caused by diseases of the endocrine system, appropriate specific treatment and iodine preparations are prescribed.

For the purpose of sedation and normalization of the processes of excitation and inhibition of the central structures of the brain, Nootropil, Veroshpiron, Asparkam, Glycine can be prescribed. Comprehensive treatment and measures to restore the menstrual cycle include performing physical therapy exercises and psychocorrective sessions with a psychologist.

Clinical recommendations for uterine bleeding during puberty include bed rest during treatment, applying cold to the lower abdomen, and drinking plenty of fluids to replenish fluid loss from the body. Do not apply a warm heating pad, take a hot bath, douche, or take hemostatic agents without consulting a doctor.

Of great importance is the elimination of the symptoms of iron deficiency anemia, which is most often a complication of uterine bleeding. For treatment, iron preparations such as Ferrum Lek, Maltofer, Hematogen, Totema, Sorbifer Durules are prescribed. The drugs are taken in tablet form; injections are more effective. In the future, the girl must follow a diet that includes foods rich in iron: red meat, liver, poultry, seafood, spinach, beans, pomegranates, brown rice, dried fruits, peanut butter.

After discharge from the hospital, the girl must be registered with a pediatric gynecologist.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine knows many herbs, infusions and decoctions of which have a hemostatic effect. However, they cannot completely replace drug treatment. Herbal decoctions and infusions can be used as an additional treatment method.

Among the most effective plants are:

  • knotweed - contains acetic and malic acids, tannin, vitamins K and C, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, increases blood viscosity;
  • water pepper - tannin, organic acids, vitamin K in the composition stabilizes the activity of the smooth muscles of the uterus, increases blood clotting;
  • shepherd's purse - contains alkaloids, organic acids, vitamin C, tannin, riboflavin, which help reduce blood secretions;
  • Nettle is the most famous plant for stopping bleeding, regulates the menstrual cycle, and saturates the body with vitamins K, C, A, B.

To prepare decoctions, plant herbs are crushed, poured with boiling water and kept in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. After straining, take several times a day. The duration of use and dosage should be checked with your doctor.

Prevention of bleeding

Since juvenile bleeding occurs mainly due to hormonal disorders, there are no specific preventive measures. However, following certain recommendations will help reduce the risk of their occurrence:

  1. Timely treatment of infectious and viral diseases, especially those that become chronic (tonsillitis, bronchitis, ARVI).
  2. Regular observation of pregnant women by an obstetrician-gynecologist, starting from the early stages of gestation in order to identify and correct early and late edema of pregnant women, intrauterine disorders of fetal development, premature birth, fetal hypoxia.
  3. Adolescent girl's adherence to principles proper nutrition– eating foods rich in vitamins, excluding fast food, avoiding “diets” that involve prolonged fasting.
  4. Maintaining a menstrual calendar, which will help you pay attention to deviations when they first appear.
  5. Taking sedatives medicines to strengthen blood vessels and nervous system(as prescribed by a doctor).
  6. Giving up bad habits, following a daily routine, getting enough sleep, regular physical exercise, playing sports.
  7. Notifying girls about the dangers of early sexual intercourse.

Separately, it should be said about the need to visit a pediatric gynecologist. Many mothers consider this unnecessary until the girl becomes sexually active. A visit to a pediatric gynecologist for preventive purposes, especially after the onset of menstruation, should become the same norm as visits to other doctors.

A girl's bloody discharge often creates panic among her parents. But they are not always dangerous signs. The human body performs an excretory function. Discharge in girls begins at birth and continues for the rest of their lives. However, there are times when you should be wary. This occurs at the moment when spotting appears. They can occur as a result of many factors. Sometimes they become a symptom of a disease. Depending on the age at which secretions from the genitals appear, the degree of danger of their manifestations is noted.

Discharge in a newborn girl appears during a sexual crisis. It occurs 7–14 days after birth. For many moms and dads, the appearance of strange discharge becomes frightening. The secretion may be yellowish or reddish. Its appearance is associated with the entry of maternal hormones into the fetus’s body during intrauterine development. After birth, the girl begins to develop various functions body. At this point, unnecessary hormones are excreted in the form of secretions.

Bloody discharge in a newborn is called metrorrhagia. They occur in 6-8% of girls in the first days of life. Their duration ranges from 1 to 3-4 days. They are characterized by certain characteristics.
1. During the process of discharge from the genital tract, the mucous membranes of the vagina, uterus and cervix are in the same state as observed in women before menstruation.
2. When bloody discharge appears, the cells of the uterine mucosa are rejected due to the cessation of estrogen entering the girl’s body.
3. Treatment for the appearance of red discharge in a newborn girl is not required. In this case, it is enough to wash with boiled water to eliminate the risk of infection of the genitals.

Secretion in girls under 9 years of age

A girl older than one year may also experience spotting. In this case, this condition is not considered normal. After a year, immunity is established in the girl’s body. At this moment, the discharge may be of a different nature. However, the appearance of a secretion with bloody spots from one to 9 years of age may indicate:
infection of the girl’s genitals;
transfer of an infectious pathogen from the anus to the vaginal area.

Infection can spread to organs genitourinary system through dirty hands. In girls under 11 years of age, the infection process is inflammatory in nature. It is characterized by the appearance of bloody discharge. In medicine, this process is called vulvovaginitis.

Girls under 8 years of age are susceptible to frequent disturbances of the vaginal microflora. This is due to the lack of lactic acid bacteria to protect the body. After this age (approximately 9 years), the incidence of vulvovaginitis decreases if the rules of genital hygiene are followed. Moreover, any pathological discharge, especially bloody ones, before the age of 11 is a reason to visit a gynecologist.

Bloody discharge in girls under 11 years of age

Bloody discharge in girls under 11 years of age is considered pathological. In this case, the secretion should not be released from the genital organs in principle until the onset of puberty. During this period hormonal background has not yet been established, and the structure of the genital organs has not reached its final development. The girl’s body is not yet configured to perform menstrual function. Therefore, the eggs do not mature, and hormones are produced in negligible quantities. In this case, there is no hormonal effect on the child’s body.

The period up to 11 years is considered the age of physiological rest. Therefore, the appearance of bloody discharge is a serious reason to consult a doctor. It will help identify factors influencing the occurrence of the problem. Basically, doctors identify three reasons that can cause secretions from the genitals.

1. Sometimes they can indicate early puberty in a girl. It is not considered normal, so if the girl has not yet entered the puberty stage, then a visit to the gynecologist is mandatory.
2. Doctors often diagnose an infection of the genitourinary system.
3. Sometimes the appearance of bloody discharge indicates infection of the organs gastrointestinal tract.


After 11 years, girls begin puberty. During this period, which is also called puberty, spotting may occur. They indicate the onset of menarche - the first menstruation, which indicates the beginning of puberty in a girl. Discharge is not considered dangerous and requires treatment, because this period is important for every girl. During the restructuring of the body, the production of eggs begins. If fertilization does not occur, the mature egg leaves the body along with the upper layer of the endometrium. This rejection is a monthly process in a girl’s body - menstruation.

Sometimes spotting in girls aged 11 to 18 years can be pathological. This occurs when juvenile uterine bleeding occurs. They are dysfunctional in nature. During this period, disruption of the menstrual cycle may occur, as well as disruption of the functioning of the ovaries. These bleedings are considered a complex pathology, which is gaining momentum from year to year, increasingly appearing in girls. Sometimes it is difficult to diagnose, since the bleeding may coincide in timing with the onset of the next menstruation. However, there is an important symptom that characterizes this particular type of pathology - large blood loss.

Often juvenile spotting appears during the year between the onset of the next menstruation. They can begin within two to three years after menarche. Symptoms of dangerous bleeding are as follows:
excessive bleeding;
irregular menstruation;

It is not difficult to identify the symptoms of juvenile bleeding in a girl: blood spots are found in the smear between menstruation. They may occur for the first time after a missed period. In this case, the bleeding lasts for more than a week.

If any of these manifestations occur, you should consult a gynecologist to clarify the diagnosis. Most often they are caused by dysfunction of the organs of the reproductive system.
Women's health should be under special control, starting from the very early age. Indeed, in the future this may affect reproductive function body, causing its disturbances.

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Red dots on the body are not uncommon; most often they are either the result of an allergic reaction or hemangiomas, the so-called red moles. Let us consider in detail the reasons for the appearance of red dots on the skin, their types and various ways treatment.


Small red dots, or hemangiomas, are visible through the skin benign tumors capillaries. The fact is that the tumor process weakens the walls of the capillaries and after a while, due to the accumulation of blood, protrusions develop on them, which appear on the skin as small red droplets. Hemangiomas have a number of identifying features that will help distinguish them from other types of red dots on the body.

  1. They look like regular moles, but are red in color.
  2. The spots have a clear outline without swelling or redness around.
  3. Their appearance on the skin usually does not cause any discomfort.
  4. Hemangiomas appear on the face, limbs, chest, abdomen, and less commonly on the human genitals.

The causes of hemangiomas are also varied and depend on various factors: age, health status, gender, genetic characteristics.

There are several most common reasons:

  1. Viruses, particularly herpes.
  2. Long-term effects on blood vessels chemical substances- carcinogens.
  3. Human age: many vascular diseases are caused by the aging of the body.
  4. For many women, red dots appear on the body due to hormonal imbalance.
  5. Hereditary predisposition. In this case, small red dots may appear in a newborn baby.
  6. Development of capillary tumors due to exposure to radiation.

There are several types of hemangiomas: cavernous, branched and capillary. The classification depends on the place of their formation and size. Thus, capillary hemangiomas are very small red dots that appear on the skin of the face and scalp. The branched ones are a little larger and also appear on the face. Cavernous hemangiomas reach quite large sizes(up to several centimeters in diameter) and appear both throughout the body and on internal organs. Such tumors are detected using ultrasound.

Hemangiomas do not pose a threat to life, but you should avoid exposing them to direct sunlight to prevent the formations from degenerating into malignant tumors. When rubbing the skin with clothing, they can cause bleeding, which will be difficult to stop, which is why, having discovered hemangiomas, it is better to immediately consult a doctor and get rid of them.

Official medicine uses the following methods for eliminating hemangiomas:

  1. Surgical removal.
  2. Destruction of tumors using x-rays. This method is used to treat cavernous hemangiomas.
  3. Spot cauterization with carbon dioxide.
  4. Destruction electric shock- electrocoagulation.
  5. Sclerosis is the introduction of a special substance into the tumor.
  6. Destruction of formation with liquid nitrogen - cryodestruction.

You can cure superficial hemangiomas at home; remedies will help with this traditional medicine: compresses of crushed dandelions and pineapple juice, rubbing with onion juice, lotions of garlic and lemon juice.

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You can self-medicate only after consultation with a specialist dermatologist, who will confirm that the red dots on the body are hemangiomas and not any other rashes. It is necessary to consult a specialist before using various juices so that it does not cause complications or allergic reactions.

Etiology of the disease

Red dots on the body may appear for other reasons. They often occur after inaccurate shaving in those places where microtraumas have occurred in the area of ​​removed hairs. In winter and autumn, many people also sometimes experience red dots, this is caused by a lack of vitamin complexes in the body, such as group B, C and K.

Soft skin infant most susceptible to various types of irritation and allergic rashes. Many problems of this kind are caused by diapers, in which the child’s groin area does not receive the required amount of air and quickly sweats. If your baby has red dots on his skin, discard diapers and replace them with cloth diapers.

Many people notice that after eating yogurt with jam, sweets, citrus fruits or other unusual foods, red dots appear on their body, which in this case are one of the symptoms of allergies. In this case, rashes on the face and body are accompanied by shortness of breath, abdominal pain, redness of the eyes, runny nose, and sometimes nausea. Allergies can appear not only after eating any foods, but also after a course of antibiotics. Availability of similar side effects must be indicated in the instructions for use of the drug. Antihistamines are usually prescribed to combat allergic rashes, but special cases When this does not help, corticosteroids are prescribed.

Another type of red dots is hepatic, which are also sometimes called “liver stars.” They form clusters in the upper body: on the chest, arms and shoulders. Sometimes the stars grow, the cause of which is pancreatitis suffered by a person.

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Red spots on the body are also a consequence of rheumatic diseases. They themselves are not treated, but go away only after the main cause of their appearance is eliminated.

Sometimes blood spots can be the result of diseases of the digestive system, but this can only be diagnosed by a gastroenterologist.

Rubella rash

Another cause of red dots on the skin may be infectious viral disease- rubella. It is accompanied by the appearance of either individual small spots, or a whole cluster of them in one place.

The appearance of rubella rashes is also associated with other signs: fever, redness of the whites of the eyes, swollen lymph nodes behind the ears, headache, runny nose, nasal congestion and joint pain. Sometimes these signs do not appear immediately after infection and rubella can only be diagnosed 2-3 weeks after infection.

Rubella is not dangerous. Having suffered it once, the human body develops a stable immunity that prevents getting sick again. Rubella can be dangerous only for pregnant women who have not received a special vaccination against this disease in time. Rubella contracted during pregnancy negatively affects the health of the newborn and threatens with abnormalities such as mental retardation, slow growth, deafness, heart disease, and cataracts. Apart from these consequences, rubella poses virtually no danger, it is quickly treated, and the signs of the disease disappear as quickly as they appear.

Manifestation of measles

Measles vaccinations are given in early childhood, but sometimes parents do not consider it necessary to give their child this vaccination or the vaccine turns out to be of poor quality: then this disease occurs.

The measles rash is easy to distinguish from other types of red spots. The pimples themselves initially have White color, and red spots are pigment manifestations that will disappear after some time. The rash begins on the mucous membrane, after which it spreads to the entire surface of the body.

Measles manifests itself gradually: in the first days of the disease, the temperature rises, headache, cough, runny nose, red eyes. On the second day, white pimples with a red border begin to appear in the mouth; after another day or two, the same spots appear on the face, neck and behind the ears. In the following days, the rash appears all over the body, on the arms and legs and even on the fingers.

The danger of measles is that it is highly contagious and is transmitted by airborne droplets. In adults, it is extremely severe and can cause complications: otitis media, encephalitis, pneumonia, and so on, even death.

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When the first symptoms of measles appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will prescribe necessary complex medications, advise you to drink more fluids and stay in bed. If the disease is not neglected and all instructions are followed, it will pass quickly and without complications.

Sexual infections

The appearance of red dots on the genitals is usually accompanied by unpleasant itching, the appearance of wounds, and a burning sensation. This may be a sign of many diseases caused by infection or poor intimate hygiene.

The cause of rashes may be synthetic, non-breathable underwear, metabolic disorders and poor nutrition, wearing panty liners too often or poor hygiene on menstrual days.

In men, a rash on the penis can be caused by infectious disease- balanoposthitis. The accumulation of fungal microorganisms causes severe irritation, which then develops into fairly large red pimples.

Treating such a rash is simple, but quite unpleasant. Potassium permanganate, furatsilin, and antifungal drugs will help get rid of red spots on the genitals.

Attention! Red spots on the skin may turn out to be chancre - the first sign of syphilis infection. After some time, this red spot ruptures, forming an ulcer. Similar manifestations usually occur on the genitals of both men and women, sometimes they form on the thighs and lower abdomen. The worst option is when chancre appears on the tonsils, uterus or other internal organs. Then the person simply does not notice them, so he consults a doctor too late, only when other signs of the disease appear. Even in the absence of treatment, the chancre itself disappears after a few months, but this does not at all indicate recovery; on the contrary, it means that syphilis is progressing.

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It is very difficult to cure syphilis, especially advanced syphilis. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate! Medications for each person can only be prescribed by their attending physician, and it is necessary to follow all medical recommendations and adhere to the medication dosage schedule. Due to the fact that treatment of syphilis requires large doses of antibiotics, the patient is most often admitted to a hospital under the constant supervision of medical personnel. In addition, the patient must strictly observe the rules of hygiene: use separate dishes, towels, bed linen and try to have less contact with others.

For any skin rashes, it is better to immediately seek help from specialists, without hoping for chance and without putting your health in danger!


V.F. KOKOLINA, Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Pediatric Faculty of the Russian State Medical University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, full member of the National Academy of Juvenology, Honored Doctor of Russia, dr med. sciences

The problem of uterine bleeding in adolescents remains relevant and attracts the attention of not only pediatric gynecologists, but also doctors of other specialties. Issues of treatment and rehabilitation of patients with uterine bleeding are important, since relapses of the disease greatly worsen the prognosis for generative function, which is a social and economic problem.


The etiological factors contributing to the occurrence of uterine bleeding during puberty (UMB) are extremely diverse: pathology of the antenatal and perinatal period (intrauterine fetal hypoxia, intrauterine infection, birth asphyxia, birth trauma), immaturity and imperfection of central regulatory mechanisms, the receptor apparatus, infectious diseases ( ARVI, influenza, tonsillitis, chicken pox, mumps, etc.), diseases of the hepatobiliary system and gastrointestinal tract, previous injuries skulls, accompanied by loss of consciousness, acute and chronic traumatic factors and stressful situations in the family and school, increased training loads and conscious restriction of food intake in order to reduce body weight, environmental distress.


The main complaints of young patients upon admission to the hospital are complaints of prolonged and moderate bleeding, lasting over 7-10 days, heavy bleeding, accompanied by weakness and dizziness. As a result of a clinical study conducted on the basis of the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital, it was revealed that 83-84% of girls admitted to the hospital have menstrual dysfunction, a significant proportion (51-52%) are patients with heavy painful menstruation against the background of an unsteady cycle, in 25% patients experience heavy and painful menstruation against the background of a regular cycle, 6-7% of patients experience opsomenorrhea.

In patients with manual transmission, early menarche (9-12 years) was observed in 60-67% of cases, and late menarche (15-16 years) in 2-5% of cases. According to anthropometry and assessment of the degree of development of secondary sexual characteristics, patients with manual transmission at the age of 12 years exceed the age norm in terms of development intensity, and from the age of 15 there is a tendency to lag behind age parameters. Excessive hair growth in androgen-dependent areas in combination with acne vulgaris and oily seborrhea occurs in 32-33% of patients with manual transmission.


Wide diagnostic possibilities are revealed by the ultrasound scanning method, which makes it possible to determine morphological and structural changes in the ovaries and uterus at different periods of the patient’s development. The echographic dimensions of the uterus of patients with manual transmission do not undergo significant changes during dynamic observation. Of particular interest is ultrasonography ovaries and follicular apparatus in patients with manual transmission at the time of bleeding and over time after treatment. In 28-29% of patients with manual transmission, according to our studies, multiple follicles are detected, in 44% - persistent follicles with a diameter of 1.5 to 2.5 cm, in 14-15% of patients - follicular cysts (diameter from 3 to 6 cm) . During a control ultrasound scan after the end of treatment, the above-described liquid formations undergo regression.


  • History (it is better for the doctor to talk alone with the girl and separately with the mother).
  • Examination and assessment of the degree of development of secondary sexual characteristics.
  • Degree rating physical development: height, body weight, weight-height ratio.
  • Instrumental research methods:
    - radiography of the skull with a projection of the sella turcica in the lateral and frontal positions;
    - electroencephalography, rheoencephalography;
    - computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging if a tumor of the pituitary gland or an “empty” sella is suspected;
    - echography of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands;
    - a picture of the hands (bone age).
  • Gynecological examination:
    - rectoabdominal examination;
    - vaginoscopy;
    - Ultrasound of the pelvic organs (sizes of the uterus, ovaries, M-echo).
  • Laboratory examination:
    - clinical blood test with hemosyndrome;
    - clinical urine analysis;
    - blood chemistry;
    - blood sugar test;
    - coagulogram;
    - hormonal screening (FSH, LH, prolactin, estradiol, progesterone on the 5-7th day of the menstrual cycle, TSH, testosterone, cortisol).
  • Consultations with specialists (neurologist, endocrinologist, ophthalmologist).
  • Hysteroscopy and separate diagnostic curettage (if indicated). Assessment of the thickness of the endometrium, the state of the median uterine echo (M-echo) has diagnostic and prognostic significance: in 61-62% of patients with uterine bleeding, the thickness of the endometrium (again, according to our data) does not exceed 10-15 mm, in 38-39% signs of endometrial hyperplasia are determined. Hysteroscopy with curettage of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity can reveal various shapes endometrial hyperplasia, polyps, adenomyosis, uneven rejection of secretory endometrium. A study of the level of hormones in the blood allows us to identify hormonal imbalance in patients with manual transmission: in 95-96% of patients there is a decrease in progesterone levels, in 59-60% there is a decrease in estradiol levels, in 22-23% an increase in testosterone levels is found, in 6-7 % - a significant increase in the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) in the blood. Analysis of the ratio of the levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) in patients with manual transmission reveals a low value of this indicator (in 64-65% of cases less than 1:5). This indirectly indicates insufficient activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary structures of the brain, i.e. indicates existing dysfunction of central regulatory mechanisms. PRINCIPLES OF THERAPY When choosing a treatment method, the intensity of bleeding, the degree of anemia, characteristics of physical and sexual development, data from laboratory examination results, heredity, and the suspected cause of bleeding are taken into account. The first thing to do is stop the bleeding. Subsequently, it is necessary to carry out treatment aimed at regulating the menstrual cycle and preventing relapses. To stop bleeding and normalization of hemostasis, symptomatic therapy is prescribed, including:
  • uterine contractants (oxytocin 0.5-1.0 ml 2 times a day), water pepper extract 20 drops 3 times a day orally;
  • hemostatic agents (calcium gluconate 0.5 g 3 times a day orally or 10% solution intramuscularly 10 ml once a day, Vicasol 1 ml intramuscularly 1-2 times a day for no more than 3 days, dicinone 1 ml intramuscularly 1-2 times a day). For posthemorrhagic anemia caused by uterine bleeding, various ferropreparations are used - Ferrocal, Ferroplex, Ferro-foilgamma, Maltofer. When choosing a supplement containing iron, several factors must be taken into account. Since ionized iron is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract only in divalent form and ascorbic acid is of great importance in this process, its presence in the preparation is very important. Folic acid plays a significant role in hematopoiesis, enhancing nucleic acid metabolism. For the normal metabolism of folic acid, cyanocobalamin is necessary, which is the main factor in the formation of folic acid. active form. A deficiency of these substances, which often occurs with anemia associated with blood loss, leads to disruption of DNA synthesis in hematopoietic cells, while the inclusion of these components in the drug increases the active absorption of iron in the intestine, its further utilization, and also releases additional amounts of transferrin and ferritin. All this significantly increases the rate of hemoglobin synthesis and increases the effectiveness of therapy for iron deficiency conditions and iron deficiency anemia. All these requirements are met by the complex antianemic drug Ferro-folgamma, containing 100 mg of ferrous sulfate, 5 mg of folic acid, 10 mcg of cyanocobalamin and 100 mg of ascorbic acid. The active components of the drug are in a special neutral shell, which ensures their absorption mainly in the upper part small intestine. The absence of local irritation on the gastric mucosa contributes to good tolerability of the drug in the gastrointestinal tract. Ferro-foil is prescribed 1-2 capsules per day. The best effect is obtained when taking the drug before meals. For mild anemia, it is recommended to take 1 capsule 3 times a day for 3-4 weeks; for moderate to severe cases - 1 capsule 3 times a day for 8-12 weeks; in severe cases - 1 capsule 3 times a day for 16 weeks or more. Agents that strengthen the vascular wall: ascorbic acid 0.1 g 3 times a day orally or 5% solution of ascorbic acid 1.0 ml intramuscularly. Rutin is prescribed 0.02 g 3 times a day orally. General strengthening and vitamin therapy: 40% glucose solution 20.0 ml, cocarboxylase 50.0-100.0 mg intravenously once a day, for 10 days; vitamin B 1 (1.0 ml) and vitamin B 6 (0.1 ml) intramuscularly (alternate every other day, 10 days). Sedative therapy: bromine or valerian preparations, motherwort tincture 20 drops 3 times a day orally; seduxen in an age dosage of 1/2 tablet per day or tazepam 1/2-1 tablet per day orally. Physiotherapy: electrophoresis of cervical sympathetic nodes with novocaine (10 procedures); endonasal electrophoresis with vitamin B 1 (10 procedures). Acupuncture: the impact of acupuncture on both segmental and biologically distant active points upper, lower limbs and head. Indications for acupuncture are uterine bleeding without anemia and with mild anemia at 10-13 years of age, without significant hormonal imbalance at 14-17 years of age. Repeated, recurrent uterine bleeding with severe and moderate anemia, aggravated by heredity of coagulopathy (frequent nosebleeds, bleeding from the gums, the presence of ecchymosis, DUB in mothers of girls), and the presence of coagulopathy in the subjects are contraindications to the use of acupuncture. All patients admitted with uterine bleeding and with identified disorders of the blood coagulation and anticoagulation systems are given specific treatment: for hemostatic purposes, along with symptomatic and hormonal therapy, transfusion therapy is carried out: antihemophilic plasma at the rate of 10 ml (IU)/kg; cryoprecipitate in a dose of about 15 ml (U)/kg 1 time per day for 2-3 days until uterine bleeding completely stops. At the same time, to improve platelet function, these patients need to administer burnt magnesia (3.0-4.0 g) per day, ATP - 1.0 ml intramuscularly for up to 10 days. At thrombosthenia: burnt magnesia 3.0-4.0 g per day; dicinone 1.0 ml intramuscularly up to 10 injections; 5% solution of epsilon-aminocaproic acid intravenous drip 200.0 ml once a day for 2-4 days in a row; patients with thrombocytopenic purpura- prednisolone at the rate of 2-8 mg/kg per day. This complex is carried out for 3-5 days, depending on the effect and the initial state of the girl’s body. If the dynamics are positive, therapy is continued for another week until a hemostatic effect is achieved. For moderate and severe anemia, non-hormonal therapy is reduced to 2-3 days. If this therapy is ineffective and there are signs of endometrial hyperplasia (with an increase in M-echo over 10-15 mm), hormonal hemostasis with combined estrogen-gestagen drugs (Marvelon, Rigevidon, Regulon, etc.) is indicated. Two application schemes are used hormonal drugs:
    1) 2-3 tablets per day until bleeding stops completely, then the dose of the drug is reduced to 1 tablet per day for 21 days;
    2) 2 tablets per day for 10 days before a menstrual-like reaction. The latter treatment regimen is used in patients without anemia or with mild anemia, while the long regimen is mainly used in patients with moderate to severe anemia, using time to compensate for blood loss and restore normal hemostasis. In case of severe anemia, with the consent of the parents and the patient, infusion-transfusion therapy is carried out, including intravenous administration of blood replacement solutions (polyglucin 500 ml, 5% glucose 800 ml, insulin 1 unit per 5 g of dry glucose) and fractional administration of plasma and red blood cells. The inclusion of these drugs in the complex of therapeutic measures for uterine bleeding is pathogenetically justified and improves the body's adaptive capabilities. According to indications (continuing heavy bleeding, decrease in Hb below 90 g/l, Ht up to 25%, lack of effect from conservative therapy, including hormonal therapy, suspicion of organic pathology of the endometrium - increase in M-echo on ultrasound over 15 mm) , even against the background of spotting, with the consent of the parents and the patient, surgical hemostasis is performed: separate diagnostic curettage of the uterine mucosa and cervical canal with hysteroscopy before and after curettage. The operation is performed under intravenous anesthesia. To prevent hymen rupture, the area of ​​the vulvar ring is injected with a 0.25% solution of novocaine with lidase (64 units). During hysteroscopy, the uterus may contain: glandular cystic endometrial hyperplasia; endometrial polyp; adenomyosis. PREVENTION The following scheme for the rehabilitation period (2-6 months) is recommended for all patients with a history of manual transmission:
    1. Compliance with the daily routine, good nutrition, moderate physical activity (the best option sporting events - visiting the swimming pool).
    2. Correction of a psychotraumatic situation at home or at school with the help of a psychologist (if it occurred), sedative therapy for 2-3 months.
    3. Sanitation of foci of chronic infection.
    4. Normalization of body weight in case of deviation from the norm.
    5. Girls 10-13 years old - cyclic vitamin therapy during three menstrual cycles: folic acid 1 tablet per day from the 5th day of the cycle for 10 days, vitamin E 1 capsule per day for 10 days; vitamin C 0.5 g 3 times a day for 10 days from the 16th day of the menstrual cycle.
    6. After stopping bleeding, to regulate the menstrual cycle and prevent recurrent bleeding, Utrozhestan is prescribed 100 mg 2-3 times a day from the 16th to the 25th day of the menstrual cycle. Utrozhestan fully corresponds to endogenous progesterone, has a physiological regulatory antigonadotropic effect, causes secretory transformation of the endometrium, has no metabolic side effects, and does not adversely affect the liver.
    7. For girls 14-17 years old, combined estrogen-gestagen drugs are prescribed no more than three menstrual cycles: short diagram- 2 tablets for 10 days from the 16th day of the cycle, long regimen - 1 tablet per day for 21 days from the 5th day of the cycle.
    8. Detection of endometriosis requires clinical observation by a gynecologist and specific conservative treatment: Utrozhestan - 100 mg 2-3 times a day from the 16th to 25th day of the cycle, symptomatic therapy during menstruation.
    9. Acupuncture: 2-3 sessions of 10 sessions for girls 10-13 years old.
    10. Physiotherapy: endonasal electrophoresis with vitamin B 1 10 days.
    11. Taking into account the interest of the central regulatory mechanisms of menstrual dysfunction and the release of pathogenetic factors of uterine bleeding in girls, the following treatment regimen is recommended:
  • glycine 0.05 g 3 times a day for 2 months (the effect of normalizing the processes of excitation and inhibition of the central nervous structures of the brain, sedative effect);
  • vitamin E 1 capsule 2 times a day for 10 days (normalization of oxidative processes, improvement of steroidogenesis in the ovaries);
  • endonasal electrophoresis with vitamin B 1 for 10 days;
  • nootropil 200-400 mg 2-3 times a day for 30 days;
  • veroshpiron 0.25 g daily in the morning for 3 weeks (has a mild diuretic and hypoandrogenic effect);
  • asparkam 0.05 g 3 times a day for 3 weeks (sedative effect of magnesium, mild diuretic effect). This treatment complex is carried out from the 7th day of the menstrual cycle once a quarter for a year and is combined with physical therapy and psychocorrection from a psychologist. On the background complex treatment in 92-93% of patients, after completion of therapy, the menstrual cycle is restored for a period of 4 to 6 months.
    12. If hormonal abnormalities in the functioning of peripheral endocrine organs (thyroid gland, adrenal glands) are detected, correction is carried out together with an endocrinologist. In order to prevent iodine deficiency, it is recommended to use Iodine Balance 100 for 3-6 months.
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