Home Roses Semi-industrial systems. Semi-industrial air conditioners. Duct semi-industrial systems

Semi-industrial systems. Semi-industrial air conditioners. Duct semi-industrial systems

Most models of semi-industrial air conditioners are characterized by significant power. They are able to operate uninterruptedly for many days, since their internal units are more reliable than those included in household split systems. The main task of industrial air conditioning systems is to accurately maintain climatic parameters at a given level required for a given technological process or conditions for storing inventory items.

The area of ​​use of industrial air conditioners is production of various types, trading platforms, catering establishments, public buildings, data centers, server rooms, etc.

Precision air conditioners

Precision or cabinet air conditioning systems during their full service life are 100% consistent with their name - they maintain the climate in the serviced premises at the precise level of the parameters specified by them. The temperature in the room where the precision air conditioner operates will correspond to the specified one with an accuracy of plus/minus 1 o C, the humidity will be maintained at the specified level with an accuracy of plus/minus 5%. Cabinet air conditioners are designed for non-stop operation for a full calendar year; subject to timely maintenance, their service life is over 10 years.

Externally, precision air conditioning devices look unattractive compared to household air conditioner models - however, they do not require an elegant design. This segment of climate control equipment is highly specialized and intended for technical premises in which significant amount technological equipment- medical, hardware, telecommunications, etc. Also, precision air conditioners are used to maintain a given climate in museum storage facilities and warehouses. They are indispensable in conditions where storage facilities require a strictly defined climate or there is a significant amount of technological equipment in a small area, successful activities which is affected by changes in temperature and air humidity.

By general design and the principle of operation of precision air conditioners does not differ from the design of other refrigeration appliances. Depending on the model of cabinet air conditioning systems, the condenser is cooled by air or water. Air cooled by the device can enter the room in several ways; the most common supply is through an air duct located near the floor or at the top of the air conditioner. If the room has a raised floor, then the cooled air is directed into the underground, and an air-permeable grille is installed in the raised floor next to each device that needs cooling. For technical rooms with a raised floor, special models of precision climate control devices are produced - they are placed directly in the underground, only air intakes go outside. In floor-mounted cabinet air conditioners, conditioning air enters through air intakes located on the top, side or behind the unit.

Among the models of precision air conditioners, there are monoblock and double-block devices - the first look like window monoblocks, only much larger, and the second look like household splits with a simplified design. The complete factory equipment of cabinet air conditioners is designed for year-round use - the devices are equipped with electric heating elements and an air humidification system. The cooling power of precision climate control devices can be from seven to one hundred kilowatts, the weight of the indoor (room) unit can be from 200 kg. The least powerful models (7 kW) cost about half a million rubles.

Multi-zone air conditioning systems (VRV and VRF)

Split systems, consisting of a common external unit and several (from two to one hundred) internal units, were developed in the 80s with the aim of expanding the line of household climate control appliances. At the end of the 90s, the cost of air conditioners decreased significantly, which contributed to their mass distribution - more and more street split units appeared on the facades of buildings, worsening the appearance of cities. Against this background, a number of city governors introduced restrictions on the number and location of outdoor units of air conditioning systems on the walls of buildings, which made it impossible to install climate control devices in every room. And then multi-zone air conditioners came to the forefront; a powerful external split unit made it possible to connect several indoor block hair dryers to it - multi-zone split systems were identified by manufacturers as a separate class of climate control devices.

The line of multi-zone air conditioners includes household and semi-industrial models: the first are formed by an external unit and several internal ones (maximum four); the second - from several external blocks, united together into a common section, and up to hundreds of internal blocks. Range of cooling capacities of external units of household VRV and VRF systems air conditioning - 5-25 kW, the power of semi-industrial models is four times higher - 22-100 kW. The calculated power of the external unit (units) of multi-zone air conditioners is actually higher than indicated in the device passport - this is necessary to compensate for the total load created by the internal units during operation. An outdoor split-block multi-zone air conditioning system can withstand 40% excess load. The cooling power of indoor block hair dryers is 2-18 kW.

Indoor (indoor) units of VRV and VRF climate systems are no different from hair dryers of conventional household split systems - they are controlled and configured using a remote control, and each indoor unit is connected to an external unit independently of the others. Semi-industrial models of multi-zone split systems can be equipped with wall, ceiling, floor, or cassette hair dryers, the total power of which does not exceed the power characteristics of the external split unit or section of external units. The outdoor unit of a multi-zone air conditioner is connected to the indoor units via a two- or three-pipe main. Freon circuit of two copper pipes allows you to simultaneously either heat or cool all serviced rooms, and formed by three pipes - each indoor unit can operate in cooling or heating mode independently of the others.

Household models of multi-zone split systems with an outdoor unit with a power of 5 kW and two indoor units with five kilowatts of total cooling power cost about 170,000 rubles. Prices for semi-industrial multi-zone climate systems are determined by the complexity of constructing the freon main, the required power characteristics of the section of external units and the total number of internal hair dryers, and the purposes of constructing such systems.

Duct and rooftop air conditioning systems

Both types of these climate systems supply treated air to the premises through air ducts, otherwise their design is not the same and the most noticeable difference is two split units for ducted air conditioners and one for rooftop ones.

Duct air conditioners. Their system includes an internal unit called a fan coil unit and an external unit called a chiller. The fan coil unit is located in the most remote and soundproofed part of the building (usually in the basement), as far as possible from the staff's workplaces - when turned on, the device emits a loud hum. The freon line connecting the fan coil and chiller into the air conditioning system does not exceed maximum length 50 m. The air from outside the building is pumped through the air duct into the fan coil unit, undergoes cleaning and temperature treatment, and then is sent to consumers. The chiller, placed outside at a certain distance from the building, depending on the operating mode of the system, serves to remove heat or cold from the fan coil unit. Being equipped with thin air filters, duct air conditioners are capable of multi-stage air purification, up to the elimination of dirt particles of one micron.

The cooling power range of ducted air conditioning systems is 5-140 kW, maximum air flow is 25,000 cubic meters per hour. The line of duct air conditioners includes three types of models - low-pressure with a system pressure of up to 50 Pa, medium-pressure, developing a maximum pressure of 150 Pa, and high-pressure systems, with a maximum pressure of 300 Pa.

Rooftop air conditioners. A single unit of rooftop air conditioning systems is placed on the roof of the building using a special frame. Air is pumped into the device, cleaned and subjected to temperature treatment, then sent through branched air ducts to points of consumption. Such equipment is capable of ventilating a building - supplying dust-free air without heating or cooling it.

The general design of a roof monoblock is practically indistinguishable from the design of household monoblock air conditioners, for example, window ones. The difference is that these devices are much larger and more powerful; they are controlled by a complex set of automation that carefully monitors each work operation to avoid overheating. During operation, the air conditioning unit becomes very hot, and it urgently needs unlimited air access from all sides.
The power range of rooftop air conditioners is 8-140 kW, air consumption is 1500-25000 cubic meters per hour. Compared to ducted air conditioning systems, rooftop air conditioners are more compact, and the presence of one unit and the complete absence of an external freon line greatly simplifies installation work- the impressive size of the duct fan coil may require partial dismantling of the wall in order to install it in the basement.

Both air conditioning systems are installed discreetly, without hanging their elements on the facade of the building, easily cope with the air supply of the entire building, and are capable of operating in recirculation (ventilation) mode. Their disadvantages are significant noise from installations during operation, noise in air ducts caused by air movement.

Noise can be minimized by carefully calculating the installation location of the climate system and equipping the air ducts with noise absorbers.

Cassette air conditioners

The spread of false ceilings - suspended ceilings - prompted design engineers from leading climate control equipment manufacturers to create an internal split unit that could be built into a suspended ceiling. The external unit of a cassette air conditioner does not differ in design from similar units of other split systems, and the indoor unit hair dryer is a cassette installed in a suspended ceiling using an independent fastening system, the front panel of which is brought out on the same level as the plane of the false ceiling.

The cassette air conditioner is installed in rooms with a ceiling height of more than 2.5 m; to hide its body in the space behind the suspended ceiling, at least 250 mm of distance from the cladding slabs to the plane of the real ceiling is required. In addition to the height of the internal block of a cassette split system, it will be important to pay attention to the power characteristics of the pump that pumps out condensate from the pan of the device - there are models with a pump that raises moisture to a height of 400 mm, and there are also more powerful ones, capable of pumping liquid to a height of 800 mm. Cassette air conditioners, as a rule, cannot be controlled manually - they are located too high, so they are equipped with a remote control, infrared or wired.

The cooling power of cassette split systems is directly related to the size of the internal hair dryer; there are two of them - compact (Euro-size) with a wall of 600 mm and a power of up to 6 kW, a regular one with a wall of 800 mm and a power of up to 15 kW. Models with a power of 15 kilowatts are intended for indoors, total area which is 130-150 m2.

The cassette hair dryer pumps air from the room into itself for subsequent cleaning and temperature preparation through the air intake in the central part of the device. Air return is carried out from two or four sides of the front panel - this is another advantage of cassette air conditioning systems, which allows you to quickly create an atmosphere in the room with the required parameters.

Prices for cassette air conditioners are comparable to prices for other split systems with similar cooling capacity. For example, a 3.5 kW model costs about 17,000 rubles.

Ceiling air conditioners

The internal block hair dryer of ceiling split systems is placed under the ceiling and attached to the ceiling plane, due to which the air stream from the device moves through the hottest layer of the room atmosphere, effectively cooling it. In addition, the flow of cooled air moving from the ceiling is guaranteed not to reach the bodies of people in the room served by the ceiling air conditioner. Some models of ceiling split systems allow their installation both on the ceiling and on the wall - they are equipped with two trays for collecting condensate (for horizontal and under vertical installation device).

The cooling power of ceiling climate systems is 2.5-18 kW, respectively, the model’s power is designed to maintain required parameters atmosphere over an area of ​​25-180 square meters. The maximum serviced area of ​​ceiling split systems is slightly higher than that of other semi-industrial models of air conditioners - due to the higher air flow rate they generate. Depending on the power characteristics, the width and length of ceiling block hair dryers may vary, but their thickness (height) is always in the range from 180 to 250 millimeters. The cost of the least powerful model - 2.5 kW - is about 30,000 rubles.

Designed to prepare air in spacious rooms, ceiling air conditioners are installed in the halls of large offices, in which sections of partitions do not reach the ceiling, in industrial and trading enterprises, restaurants and libraries.

In conclusion

In addition to the described types of air conditioning devices, semi-industrial air conditioners include column split systems, the cooling power of which reaches 50 kW and is sufficient to control the climate in rooms up to 300 m2. But since this climate technology has already been closely studied in, we will not return to its description.

Due to their increased performance and high reliability, semi-industrial air conditioners are in demand in commercial sphere and everyday life. They provide a comfortable microclimate in large apartments, country houses, offices, cafes, restaurants and shops.

This type of climate control equipment differs from household models in the following parameters:

  • increased cooling performance and efficiency;
  • effective and volumetric filter elements with a long service life;
  • the ability to work in more “heavy contaminated conditions” and with severe frosts(up to -15 and below).

High cooling power, characteristic of semi-industrial air conditioners (5-30 kW), allows you to cool large halls and halls. The devices have a wide range of applications. Effective and functional semi-professional solutions provide comfort and coziness in premises of any purpose.

They are installed at the following facilities:

  • offices;
  • country houses;
  • cottages;
  • apartments;
  • dachas;
  • the shops;
  • premises shopping centers;
  • cafe;
  • restaurants;
  • workshops and workshops;
  • hotels.

Taking into account the characteristics and capabilities of semi-industrial air conditioners, they are noticeably more expensive than household models. The price of such devices is 500-5000 dollars.

Selection of semi-industrial air conditioners

Devices are selected according to the volume of the room, the quality of thermal insulation and financial capabilities. Kilowatt
The power is enough to effectively cool 10 square meters of apartment. In offices, shops and other facilities with high ceilings, power calculations should be made taking into account the cubic capacity of the room.

Depending on the design of the compressor of the external unit, there are inverter and conventional split systems. The first option is more preferable in living conditions: Inverter air conditioners are quieter and consume less electricity. And for other premises, traditional systems are quite suitable, since their prices are lower.

Types of semi-industrial air conditioners

Semi-industrial air conditioning systems are classified based on the method of placing the indoor unit and design features. Let's start our review of semi-industrial air conditioners with the most common category - wall-mounted systems.

Wall-mounted air conditioning systems

The most popular climate control equipment for shops, cafes, offices and residential premises up to 100 meters in area. The appearance and design of wall-mounted semi-industrial air conditioners does not differ from their domestic counterparts. The only difference is the dimensions and increased power.

This type of climate control technology is different affordable price and a wide selection of models. Disadvantages include relatively low power (up to 10 kW) and stringent installation requirements. There are also restrictions on the length of communication between the external and internal units. This imposes restrictions on their placement locations.

Duct air conditioners

A climate system designed for installation behind suspended ceilings or in attics. As a rule, ducted semi-industrial air conditioners have a partial ventilation function. They are able to take fresh air from the street and mix it into the flow.

The power of such systems is 5-25 kW, which makes it possible to organize simultaneous cooling of several rooms.

To separately regulate the temperature in each of the rooms, the air flows in each of the channels coming from the indoor unit are regulated by manual or electromechanical valves controlled by thermostats.

Advantages of ducted semi-industrial air conditioners:

  • high performance;
  • mixing function fresh air;
  • hidden installation;
  • air conditioning of several rooms.

Disadvantage of the system:

  • labor-intensive installation;
  • the need to repair the ceiling after installing communications.

Cassette systems

Unlike duct air conditioners, cassette units are designed for installation directly into suspended ceilings. Only the cassettes with gratings remain in sight. Air is supplied to the heat exchanger through the center of the cassette, after which it is returned to the room through the side louvers. There is no fresh air in them. Therefore, when installing cassette air conditioners, it is necessary to take special care of the flow of fresh air into the room.

Advantages of cassette air conditioners:

  • hidden installation;
  • high performance;
  • attractive appearance gratings;
  • uniform distribution of air through the louvers of the grilles.

Installation of such air conditioners requires intervention in the structure of the suspended ceiling.

Column air conditioners

Stationary units are mounted on the floor of a refrigerated room. The devices are characterized by increased power and are designed for quick, effective cooling of the room. Column semi-industrial air conditioners are installed in server rooms, industrial premises and large shopping centers.



  • Large dimensions.
  • Not a very attractive design.
  • Heavy weight.

The main disadvantage of column technology is that it occupies a significant usable area.

Floor-ceiling systems

If there is no attic space, and there is not enough space between the suspended ceiling and the ceiling to accommodate a cassette unit, then installing floor-ceiling air conditioners is relevant. They are also used in rooms with plastered or plasterboard ceilings, in which tampering is undesirable. The attractive design of floor-ceiling devices does not spoil the appearance of the room, and the functionality does not differ from cassette models.

Floor-ceiling semi-industrial systems are mounted in two ways:

  • Mounting above the floor against the wall. Cold air directed upwards so as not to create discomfort;
  • Ceiling installation. In this case, the air flow is directed parallel to the ceiling.

The Anti-draft function, available in premium models, allows you to control air flow using blinds. This is relevant when zoning a room and creating warmer and cooler areas.


  • Installation without interfering with the structure of plasterboard and plastered ceilings.
  • Possibility of zoning (for top models).

The only drawback of floor-ceiling systems is that they are not designed for hidden installation.

There are also semi-industrial multi-split systems with the ability to connect several different indoor units to one external unit. Such solutions allow you to place an indoor unit in each room that fits perfectly into the design concept.

Semi-industrial air conditioners– the most universal type of climate control equipment, which is units of increased productivity. The average power of semi-industrial air conditioners is in the range of 10-15 kW. Possible air conditioning area – 100 – 400 sq.m.

Semi-industrial air conditioners have a wide range of applications. They are successfully installed in large apartments and private cottages, as well as in offices, shopping centers, restaurants, cafes, hotels, administrative and public buildings.

Main characteristics of semi-industrial air conditioning systems:

Increased power and performance;

High work efficiency;

Increased working resource;

Significant length of freon pipeline;

Wide possibilities for automated centralized and group management, integration with other engineering systems;

Reliable deep air purification system;

Active use energy saving technologies, in particular – the use of compressors inverter type, electric motors direct current for driving fans, using high-speed fans for more efficient heat transfer, etc.;

Often - the presence of a pump that removes a significant volume of condensate formed;

The presence of a “hot” start option and other functions not typical for household air conditioning systems.

Depending on the purpose, area and design features building, the type of indoor units of semi-industrial split systems is selected. These can be traditional wall-mounted, ducted, ceiling-mounted, wall-ceiling or cassette air conditioners. The outdoor unit of the system is selected taking into account the total power of the connected indoor units.

The type of indoor unit is selected taking into account the characteristics of the room:

Wall blocks are used in standard large areas;

Column units are installed in large rooms that require powerful cooling or heating (for multifunctional climate systems operating for cooling and heating);

The use of cassette units is traditional for rooms with high design requirements - apartments in the elite segment, hotels, restaurants, etc., that is, where the air conditioner must be as hidden and unnoticeable in the interior as possible.

When installing semi-industrial air conditioners, given their increased power, it is necessary to carefully control the direction of air flows to avoid their direct entry into areas where people are located.

The Climatseason company gives you the opportunity to buy semi-industrial air conditioners, the price of which is the most attractive on the climate equipment market. When ordering the supply of equipment and installation services at the same time, a significant discount is provided for installation.

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Split systems

A split system (from the English “Split” - separate) is an air conditioner consisting of an external (compressor-condensing) and internal (evaporative) units. The external unit is usually mounted on the facade of buildings, the internal one - indoors. The blocks are connected to each other by two thin copper tubes in thermal insulation, which are carried inside the walls, in suspended ceilings, behind wall panels or closed with decorative plastic boxes.

Split systems have eliminated two main disadvantages of window air conditioners: being tied to the window opening and being noisy. The indoor unit of a split system can be installed anywhere, and not only on the wall: indoor units, in addition to wall-mounted, can be floor-mounted, ceiling-mounted, column-mounted, or built into a suspended ceiling - ducted or cassette.

The noisiest part of an air conditioner is the compressor. In split systems it is placed on the outer wall of the building, which makes it possible to achieve ultra-quiet operation: the noise level of the most “advanced” models is only 22-26 dB.

Depending on the size of the room that needs to be air-conditioned, as well as on the customer’s wishes, it is possible to install a split system of the selected type.

Wall-mounted split systems (for rooms with an area of ​​10-100 m²)

Wall-mounted split systems are the most widely used in Russian market, they are installed in apartments, country houses, offices, mini-shops, etc.

This wall-mounted air conditioner consists of an outdoor unit, which contains a compressor, valve, heat exchanger-condenser and capillary tube, and an indoor unit, which contains a heat exchanger-condenser and electronic control.

These split systems are designed to air condition one room; Based on its area and ceiling height, the power of the installed unit is determined. As a rule, wall-mounted split systems have a number of useful functions— timer, automatic curtains, “I Feel” function; they are controlled using a remote control.

Advantages of wall-mounted split systems:

  • noiselessness
  • ergonomic design
  • full set of functions
  • Possibility of installation almost anywhere in the room

Disadvantages of wall-mounted split systems:

  • need for professional installation
  • relatively high price
  • lack of fresh air supply

Multi split systems

To air condition, for example, an apartment with two or more rooms, you can use a multi-split system, in which up to four indoor units can be placed on one external unit. You just need to choose the right power for each indoor unit. The complexity of installation increases somewhat.

The use of multi-split systems is also advisable if the mounting of external units is limited.

Advantages of multi split systems:

  • economical solution
  • possibility of using indoor units of different capacities
  • one external unit

Disadvantages of multi split systems:

  • difficulty of installation
  • higher price
  • impossibility simultaneous work for heat and cold of different indoor units
  • less reliability (one compressor and one control unit for several indoor units)

Duct split systems (for rooms 50-300 m²)

Duct air conditioners are designed to condition several rooms simultaneously. A duct air conditioner is primarily designed to operate in recirculation mode, and as such it is closer to split systems. The main difference is that the indoor units of ducted air conditioners are installed behind a suspended ceiling, in dressing rooms, etc., and the air is taken in and distributed through air ducts throughout the air-conditioned rooms.

The indoor unit of a duct air conditioner has more simple design, since, unlike split systems, there are no design requirements for it.

Air is taken from the room through the intake grille, passes through the indoor unit and is again supplied to the premises through the distribution grilles by the air duct system. The unit has a more powerful fan, which allows it to overcome the resistance of distribution ducts and grilles.

A duct air conditioner, like a split system, consists of two units - a compressor-condenser (outdoor unit) and an evaporative (indoor unit). A ducted air conditioner is designed primarily to operate only on recirculation and cannot always supply fresh air to the room. This is due to the fact that the temperature of the air supplied to the working area, according to the requirements of SNiP, should not be lower than 14-16 ° C. Therefore, at lower outside temperatures, it is necessary to preheat the air taken from the street, even when the system is operating in cooling mode. Heating of fresh air in the cool season can be achieved by using air conditioner models with a heat pump. However, in the cold season, when the outside air temperature is below minus 10-15°C, the heating capacity of the air conditioner becomes insufficient.

To ensure a year-round supply of fresh air, in addition to the ducted air conditioner, it is necessary to install special electric or water heaters that provide the necessary heating of the supplied air in the cool season, or use separate supply air ventilation units with built-in heaters.

Additional electric heaters or air supply units must have their own automation system. Therefore, if it is necessary to use a ducted air conditioner with fresh air supply all year round, it is necessary to develop an individual heater control system or install an additional control panel for the air handling unit. In both cases, this leads to a more complex and expensive project and additional inconvenience for the user, who is forced to “work” with two remote controls.

Unlike conventional split systems, which do not supply fresh air to the room, split systems with forced ventilation is a highly efficient air conditioning and ventilation system. You all year round maintain the desired temperature and supply of purified fresh air in your rooms in accordance with sanitary standards. At the same time, the interior design is not compromised, because all equipment is mounted behind a suspended ceiling. Only elegant decorative grilles for air supply remain in the interior.

It is advisable to use duct-type split systems in large rooms separated by partitions: apartments with high ceilings, offices, etc.

Advantages of duct split systems:

  • possibility of fresh air supply
  • hidden installation
  • big square service

Disadvantages of duct split systems:

  • Suspended ceilings or decorative boxes are required
  • complexity of zonal regulation

Cassette-type split systems (for rooms with an area of ​​40-150 m²)

Cassette split air conditioning systems are the ideal solution for air conditioning an entire building.

Modern design, advanced manufacturing technology of installation components and raw materials provide cassettes with higher performance with some of the lowest noise characteristics. Low-power cassette-type air conditioners have a standard overall size of the internal unit of 600×600 mm, and are designed for installation above a suspended ceiling, have a built-in control panel, which greatly facilitates installation of the product, and a controlled grille to ensure optimal comfort in controlling this system. Cassette-type air conditioners are available in three sizes with a wide range of performance - from 3 to 15 kW, and can operate only in cooling mode or in heat pump mode. Cassette installations are usually designed with a remote control in mind. remote control or wall-mounted climate control systems. Cassette air conditioner models provide exceptional comfort and high operating efficiency.

Cassette air conditioners with air distribution in four directions of cold flow are especially suitable for use in volumetric non-residential premises public use, such as shops, offices, conference rooms, hospitals, schools and restaurants. In these models, air enters through an opening in the center of the unit, and cooled air is distributed in four directions. Maximum comfort is ensured when installing this cassette unit in the center of the room.

It is advisable to use cassette-type split systems in large rooms with suspended ceilings.

Advantages of cassette split systems:

  • large service area;
  • elegant design (only the front panel is visible);
  • possibility of fresh air supply;
  • four-way air distribution.

Disadvantages of cassette split systems:

  • require suspended ceilings.

Floor-ceiling split systems (for rooms with an area of ​​40-150 m²)

In the case when the power of a conventional split system is not enough for high-quality air conditioning of the room, and it is not possible to install a cassette-type air conditioner (there is no suspended ceiling), or if the room has a very elongated shape, it is recommended to install floor-ceiling air conditioners, the power of which is usually 4 -15 kW for cold and heat.

The indoor unit of a floor-to-ceiling or floor-mounted air conditioner directs a powerful stream of cooled air along the wall or ceiling and thus ensures uniform temperature distribution in the room.

Its original appearance is specially designed for ceiling or wall mounting. The control panel can be remote or built into the indoor unit.

Column-type split system (for rooms with an area of ​​80-180 m²)

A broad category of climate control equipment are semi-industrial air conditioners. This is a technique that is intermediate, standing between household and industrial options. Due to their high power, the possibility of trouble-free operation, as well as the special structural strength, these systems have gained popularity not only in industry, but also in everyday life.

Besides small shops, shopping complexes, cafes, restaurants, office and social premises, they can also be seen in multi-room apartments, cottages and country houses.

Main types of semi-industrial air conditioners

The variety of equipment on the market is so great that many people get lost and cannot immediately decide which semi-industrial air conditioner to choose. Let's try to remove this annoying misunderstanding.

The main representatives of the semi-industrial series are split systems, consisting of outdoor and indoor units. Having sufficient power, they effectively cool and purify the air. Buyers have the following options to choose from:

  • channel;
  • cassette;
  • columned;
  • wall;
  • ceiling

Each of these systems has its own distinctive features that make it optimal choice for one or another object.

Duct semi-industrial systems

Modern climate control equipment mounted in a suspended ceiling. Output power 12-25 kW. Wide functionality. For example, the AUX brand implements the addition of fresh air.

Thanks to the high power and installation features, it is possible to install a functional and widespread system that will cool the air in several (4-5) rooms of an apartment, house or office at once.

Pros. Air conditioning of several rooms. Flush installation, fresh air intake and a number of additional functions.

Minuses. It won't be possible to display different temperatures in all rooms without additional improvement (thermostat + electric valve for each indoor unit).

The communication system is too voluminous (long and branched). Must be installed in a suspended ceiling. The renovation will have to be redone.

Cassette semi-industrial systems

A common type of semi-industrial air conditioners, mounted inside suspended ceilings. Thanks to this, neither the airways, nor communications, nor the internal block itself are visualized. Only the air conditioning grille (60x60 cm or 120x60 cm) is visible on the ceiling, from where the air actually enters the room. In a number of models, such as, for example, in, the function of mixing fresh air is implemented.

Pros. Invisible. Functional. Capable of cooling large areas. The grille plays a decorative role. The blinds built into it allow you to evenly distribute air flows.

Minuses. Must be installed in a suspended ceiling. The renovation will have to be redone.

Column semi-industrial systems

A high-performance system that allows you to cool large rooms. It is installed in a specially designated area of ​​the room. A running air conditioner creates strong current cold air. Being nearby is not only uncomfortable, but also not recommended.

Pros. High cooling capacity. Easy installation without damaging the interior. It is in demand in large shopping centers and industrial zones, where it is possible to install it and ensure optimal performance.

Minuses. Can only be installed where there are no special design requirements and there is free space. The size is like a refrigerator. It takes up part of the room and weighs a lot.

Wall-mounted semi-industrial systems

The most common type of equipment, actively used in everyday life, as well as in offices, shops and other facilities whose area does not exceed 70 square meters. meters. The indoor unit of the air conditioning system is mounted in close proximity to the wall on which the outdoor unit is located in order to reduce the length of air ducts and other communications. On average, their length is 5-7 m.

Pros. The most modest cost. Big choice proposals.

Minuses. Limited power - no more than 7 kW. Installation restrictions.

Floor-ceiling semi-industrial systems

A ceiling air conditioner can be a replacement for a cassette air conditioner if it is not possible to make repairs or install a suspended ceiling. In terms of functionality, it is practically not inferior, and the pleasant design does not spoil the interior at all.

The installation principle of this technique is twofold:

  • under the ceiling - with air flow along the ceiling;
  • above the floor - with air flowing upward, along the wall.

A number of premium models, for example, have an “Anti-draft” function. Built-in blinds allow you to direct the flow in 4 directions, adjusting its strength in each direction. Thanks to this, you can zone the room, increasing cooling in some places, weakening in others.

Pros. High functionality, ability to regulate air direction. Can be installed without the need to install a suspended ceiling.

Minuses. Is not hidden. Don't choose budget options.

If necessary, you can also choose a multi-split, equipped with different indoor units. This typesetting system allows you to solve any problem, which is very appealing to consumers.

Main characteristics of semi-industrial air conditioners

Power. This indicator in the semi-industrial series ranges from 5 to 30 kW, which is very good, considering the compact dimensions and quite reasonable cost of climate control equipment.

Scope of application. Air conditioners similar type widely used in office premises, residential apartments, country cottages, country houses, trading floors of small shops and large shopping centers, production workshops, as well as any premises for social, domestic and public purposes. In a word, wherever the area of ​​the premises is 50-300 “squares”.

Price bar. Considering that their power and functionality are much higher than those of household air conditioners, the price of semi-industrial options ranges from $250-5000.

Taking into account the existing demand in the market, the Chinese brand AUX has developed a whole line of effective and functional semi-industrial climate systems that can provide unsurpassed comfort and coziness in the room. Models presented on our website - prominent representatives your category.

You can study their features and distinctive features and consult with our specialist. We will be happy to help you choose the most convenient, reliable and profitable air conditioner.

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