Home Useful properties of fruits First lunar day in April

First lunar day in April

The new moon is the best period for new projects and achievements

New Moon 2016

The cycle of the moon begins with a new moon. Astrologers interpret this time as the period when the Moon enters into union with the Sun, since they are located in the same zodiac constellation. The satellite of the Earth at this time is not visible to us, since it is overshadowed by the light of the Sun. This time opens up new ways and opportunities for us: we can plan the implementation long-term plans, realize desires and start large-scale projects. In 2016, the new moon falls on the dates indicated, and the Sun and Moon will take a position in the following characters zodiac:

  • in January - on the 10th (Capricorn);
  • in February - on the 8th (Aquarius);
  • in March, in addition to the new moon on the 9th, there will be solar eclipse(Fish);
  • in April - on the 7th (Aries);
  • in May - on the 6th day (Taurus);
  • in June - on the 5th (Gemini);
  • in July - on the 4th day (Cancer);
  • in August - on the 2nd day (Leo);
  • in September, in addition to the new moon on the 1st, a solar eclipse (Virgo) will occur;
  • in October - on the 1st day (Libra);
  • in October - on the 30th (Scorpio);
  • in November - on the 29th (Sagittarius);
  • in December - on the 29th (Capricorn).

Full moon 2016

This phase lunar cycle signifies the culmination of all beginnings. Many of us are currently experiencing an emotional and energetic upsurge, some of us have a heightened sense of anxiety. The sun and moon are in opposite positions zodiac constellations and seem to oppose each other. These days it is good to sum up, comprehend the results, but not start anything new. In 2016 the full moon falls on next dates, and the Sun and Moon will take such paired positions:

  • in January - on the 24th (Aquarius-Leo);
  • in February - on the 22nd (Pisces-Virgo);
  • in March, on the 23rd, a lunar eclipse falls (Aries-Libra);
  • in April - on the 22nd (Taurus-Scorpio);
  • in May - on the 21st (Gemini-Sagittarius);
  • in June - on the 20th (Gemini-Sagittarius);
  • in July - on the 20th (Cancer-Capricorn);
  • in August - on the 18th (Leo-Aquarius);
  • in September on the 16th there is a lunar eclipse (Virgo-Pisces);
  • in October - on the 16th (Libra-Aries);
  • in November - on the 14th (Scorpio-Taurus);
  • in December - on the 14th (Sagittarius-Gemini).

The full moon is a day for the culmination of events and summing up

Full moon and new moon calendar for 2016

  • New moon
  • Full moon
  • Moon eclipse
New Moons and Full Moons in JANUARY 2016
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
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4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
New Moons and Full Moons in FEBRUARY 2016
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
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8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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22 23 24 25 26 27 28
New Moons and Full Moons in MARCH 2016
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
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New moons and full moons in April 2016
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New Moons and Full Moons in May 2016
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30 31
New Moons and Full Moons in JUNE 2016
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New moons and full moons in July 2016
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New Moons and Full Moons in AUGUST 2016
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
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New Moons and Full Moons in SEPTEMBER 2016
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
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New Moons and Full Moons in OCTOBER 2016
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
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New Moons and Full Moons in NOVEMBER 2016
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
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New Moons and Full Moons in DECEMBER 2016
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
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Helpful Hints

April is a beautiful spring month when we start gradually get out into nature, we take off boring hats and fur coats, we want to look our best, we pay more attention to the opposite sex and we want to have more fun.

This month will begin with the days of the waning moon and from the 1st of April it will be good to do cleaning or any repairs. Try to clean up and clean up on the days of the waning moon ( from 1 to 7 and from 22 to 30 April 2016), then you will spend less time and effort on cleaning.

From 8 to 21 April 2016 The moon will rise. it good time for purchases, start of construction, signing different kind documents, the beginning of new interesting projects and a new collaboration, to deposit money in a bank at interest. Those wishing to go to new job better start looking for her exactly at this time.

The most favorable days for shopping: from 8 to 11 April 2016 when the Moon is in the signs of Taurus and Gemini. At this time, purchases will be most successful, you will find everything you need at a good price.

April 2016 most bad days for any important undertakings, the following can be called: 4, 6, 7, 10, 14, 13, 17, 21, 22, 25 and 29. These days are best spent in a calm and relaxing environment.

At the very end of the article can be found with a listing basic daily and important things and the best days for them April 2016.

Other useful articles heading Lunar calendar for April 2016:


The new month will start from have a good day. Although today is Friday, you will most likely have a lot of things to do. will be easy to complete. On this day, you can take on the most difficult things: everything will be done on time. Today is a good time to start any repair work, general cleaning, putting things in order in the apartment, workplace, suburban area or in your head. You can contact the authorities with all sorts of requests and suggestions (after 11:00). You can not take things to dry cleaning.

In the morning you can see abrupt change of mood, there may be unexpected news, people from your inner circle may surprise you. A favorable aspect of Venus with the Moon will contribute to good mood after noon.

Today is also a good day. It's good to give it all old debts and with a light soul to rest and relax. Today, you will most likely do only what you yourself wish. No one can do anything to you against your will. You can leave for this day simple homework , you can wash the glass in the house if the weather is not too cold. You can clean winter shoes and hide them until the next season. Today you can draw up documents for the purchase of real estate.

Nice day to rest. You can go out of town to nature, to the country house or just for a picnic, if the weather allows you to do this. Try at least go out for a walk in the park. It is also a good time to meet friends, exchange news and interesting information, for reading, expanding knowledge.

You can do something completely new for you. It's also good to do what you love any creative activity. You can borrow and lend money. It's also good to go shopping household appliances, various modern devices and appliances, telephones, computers, televisions, etc.

Moon off course until 08:46

This day might be pretty difficult and traumatic: Keep away from piercing and cutting objects and fire. Now your sensitivity can increase a lot, so quarrels and disagreements with loved ones will not be uncommon. Try not to be offended: this can adversely affect the atmosphere in the family and your health. It is not worth starting new and important things for you on this day: it is better to wait for the days of the growing moon. Can be arranged at home big wash.

Moon off course from 13:33

Today is also not worth planning anything important, because in the morning Moon afflicted by Saturn, and in the afternoon goes to "idle". If, nevertheless, you cannot refuse important things today, plan to start them for a period from 12:00 to 13:30. Today is good for yoga and meditation. You can go on trips to the reservoirs.

Moon off course until 09:46

Bad day. Not recommended today important decisions and start new business, the result of which is important to you. It is better to wait a couple of days until the moon becomes growing. Don't be too passive during the day. This time is also categorically not suitable for concluding contracts, marriage and purchases.

Favorable days of the lunar calendar

NEW MOON at 14:24

This day is for case planning especially right after the new moon. Try to solve all the important things in the first half of the day, and after lunch, relax more and dream about the future. It is better not to make purchases today, as there is a risk of buying something unnecessary, succumbing to a momentary impulse. In general, it is better to think about each step.


Moon off course until 09:11

A good day. Today you can plan a wedding, arrange banquets. It is best to assign a painting after 9:12 when the Moon has time to enter the sign of Taurus. On this day, it is good to plan the beginning of various important things: it is good to conclude long-term contracts, start construction, go in search of new acquaintances, and also make large and small purchases. Today you can take loans, loans and solve various financial issues.

Moon off course from 12:49

In the morning, you can buy new clothes, shoes, perfumes, cosmetics and jewelry. good day for wedding celebrations and various banquets. Also, this day is suitable for concluding various transactions, especially those related to trade and real estate. Good for moving new apartment or in new house. Plan all important things on time until 13:00, until the moon went into "idle". It is also good to visit various cultural events today: exhibitions, cinema, theaters, etc.

Moon off course until 08:59

Today you can do light cleaning especially you can wash floors and window panes. You can ventilate the premises for a long time. Be careful with cutting and piercing objects today. A good day to go shopping, meet friends, learn something new. It is good to work with documents and all sorts of information.

It is better to plan all important things on time after 12:00 when the Moon leaves the negative aspect with Saturn. The morning may not be very successful for you, you will get up in bad mood and everything will annoy you. To avoid this, try to be less nervous and take everything calmly.

In the afternoon it's good to go to short trips, out of town or just get some air in city parks. You can draw up various documents, look for a new job or clients, spend more time surrounded by other people, read and be interested in the latest news.

Moon off course until 11:07

We do not recommend starting in the morning new long-term business A: They won't be successful. You can’t make large purchases, especially buying something that should serve you for a long time: furniture, various items life. The second half of the day is more successful. For example, it is better to postpone the solution of various family issues, problems related to real estate, relatives and inheritance until after 11:00.

Can go on trips to reservoirs, in a sanatorium or recreation centers, it is better in the circle of relatives and friends. Today is a good day for meetings with relatives, for visiting parents. You can buy houses land or prepare documents related to their sale and purchase. You can buy food.

This day is not the best for important things due to the approach of the moon to a phase change. It is better to plan all important things at the beginning of the day. You shouldn't start something very protracted cases, for example, start construction, move, deal with documents related to citizenship or registration. Also, we do not recommend making new acquaintances today.

The second phase of the moon from 07:00

Moon without a course from 07:01 to 16:53

Almost all day the moon will be in "idle" and only closer to 17:00 will move into the sign of Leo. In the evening, you can organize a party, visit the cinema or theater, meet friends and relax. During the day, finish all the things you started in the past and do not start anything new if the result is important to you.

Despite the end of the week, today is good enter into new position or embark on new (especially creative) projects. You can contact your superiors for a raise, or the introduction of new ideas. Also successful will be appeals to various higher institutions.

Today is a good day for visits to hairdressers and beauty salons, the best day of the month for things that are related to beauty! On this day, it is also good to plan banquets, anniversaries, celebrations, creative evenings, and it is also good to attend cultural and entertainment events.

Another very auspicious day of the month. Today is very good make romantic acquaintances, go on dates, buy gold jewelry. You can go shopping for gifts for loved ones. This day is also suitable for gambling or shopping lottery tickets. Good day to start building.

Not the best day of the month increased risk of injury due to carelessness. Try today also not to be too critical of your loved ones, as you can easily quarrel. Today it is good to do light cleaning, rearranging furniture or other things in the house. It’s better not to get acquainted today, as you will immediately pay attention to all the shortcomings of a potential partner.

Moon off course from 15:29

It is better to plan all important matters for the period from 10:00 to 15:30. On this day, it is good to do tedious and boring work, clean, dust, sort out finances and accounts, draw up various documents. good practice business correspondence and compilation of databases. You can go for small purchases, especially household cleaners and personal care products.

Moon without a course until 14:24

The first half of the day will be unsuccessful for starting new important things, the result of which for you is great importance. Today you can limit yourself to high-calorie food: it will be easy to go on a diet and make a fasting day. In the afternoon, it is good to visit cultural events or a hairdresser. You can buy everything related to beauty and art.

This day favorable for marriage, engagements and banquets, despite the middle of the week. You can go to a concert, theater or museum. Any will benefit entertainment. It is good to arrange a small banquet, invite guests, or arrange romantic evening by candlelight to their loved ones. Today it is not recommended to borrow money, apply for loans and engage in any financial matters where you want to take risks.

Moon off course from 09:13

The day is not suitable for starting important things, but you can solve issues that you started in the past. Today we advise you to communicate more and be in public more. The next ones will be successful negotiations with clients or partners. Requests for repayment of the debt may be in vain. Don't stress too much today. All matters should be easy and not lead to disputes and disagreements. Try to rest more today as the full moon is approaching.

Lunar calendar 2016: auspicious days

FULL MOON at 08:25

A good day for cooperation and solving various issues in close contact with partners. Will benefit various experiments, will be successful research work. You can search for lost things: yes big chance that they will be found.

Can be practiced buying and selling cars, various machines and equipment, antiques. However, be careful with these activities, it is likely that things cannot be resolved too quickly. Carefully check all documents, equipment and cars so that there are no problems.

Any research and scientific activity that day will be successful. It is possible that today you may receive a new brilliant idea, or you will find something that you could not replace before. Postpone the beginning of the journey until a more favorable position of the moon. Good day for laundry.

Moon off course until 15:46

In the morning, do not start new business, as the moon will be "idle". Can be arranged at home big wash. You should not trust tempting offers today, believe promises. It is better to spend this day in a calm home environment, you can do research, collect information of interest. In the evening, be sure to watch an interesting program or a popular science film, from which you will learn a lot of useful things for yourself. It is better not to engage in serious matters today.

Don't plan to start today important serious matters, as the Moon will be afflicted by the malefic Saturn. You can continue to resolve some legal issues, issues related to the courts and inheritance. It's not worth it to travel yet. It is better to start preparing for the trip and collecting the necessary things for now.

This day is more favorable than the previous one, so all important things, especially legal nature Better plan for today. Today you can make business and romantic acquaintances, go on long journeys, communicate with foreigners and teach foreign language. This is a good day to borrow money or pay off debts. You can also go shopping. You can submit documents to any institutions or contact the authorities with various requests and suggestions. At home, you can wash windows, ventilate mattresses, and clean shoes.

The moon is back in the sign of Capricorn, which means it's time for general cleaning or the beginning of repair work. On this day, you become more serious and businesslike, so this time is ideal for doing large amounts of work. Appoint for the next few days the most hard work, give subordinates the most difficult tasks and they will be completed properly and on time.

Another good day for hard work, cleaning, appeals to superiors and cases related to real estate. However, some surprises are not ruled out today. Be prepared that not everything will go smoothly. You may witness unexpected incidents, or receive unexpected news from friends.

Moon without a course from 10:07 to 11:47

Today it is better to give up some very important things, especially their beginnings, since the Moon approaching a phase change. It is not recommended to solve any issues related to the increase today. It is better not to contact your superiors or higher institutions: you will waste your time in vain. The danger is today electrical appliances and chemical substances. You can meet friends, spend time in a pleasant company, communicate more and relax.

There is a lot of controversy about the impact of the full moon phase in 2016 on all life on Earth. There are myths, assumptions, horoscopes and research. Psychics, astrologers, doctors and researchers all try to impose their point of view. In this article we will try to figure out which of them is right, consider how general influences of this phenomenon, as well as the nuances that are individual for the full moon in February, March, April.

full moon moment

Observing the full disk of the Moon, illuminating everything around, many perceive our satellite as an analogue of the night Sun. But the moon only reflects the sun's rays, and thanks to this light reaches the earth. This phenomenon occurs approximately once every 30 days. The maximum phase (peak) of this phenomenon can occur in any daily period, not only at night, but also during daytime. For example, when the full moon occurs in March (23rd) 2016, the time in Moscow will be 15:02, which will not allow you to see this moment in this place.


Our distant ancestors believed in magical power Moon. especially dangerous and magic time considered the moment of the full moon. At this time, all respectable people were at home protected by walls, and only werewolves, witches, evil magicians, absorbing the energy of the full moon, did their dark deeds under starry sky. In ancient times, it was believed that the full moon activated dark sides man, and the servants of "darkness" at this time became more powerful. All werewolves took on their animal form, and sorcerers cast the most powerful spells. Today, all this is perceived as a fairy tale, but the debate about the influence of the moon on life and the human condition continues.


According to astrological canons, any full moon happens under a certain sign of the zodiac, which makes this time good or bad for any deeds and deeds.

Full moon in February(22nd) 2016 will occur when the starry sky will be under the rule of the Virgo sign. This time is perfect for business people who can use it productively. All the events that take place will be clear, and the background of what happened will be in full view. Women will surprise during this period with their ability to consider logical contradictions and correctly analyze the events that have occurred. Astrologers recommend using this time for cleansing and healing. You can safely start a diet and pay more attention to your health.

will be special full moon in march(23rd) 2016, it will happen when the sign of Libra dominates. This event will be significant due to lunar eclipse. During this period, diplomacy will become the main argument in relationships with others. Finding a consensus between your desires and the rights of other people, you can minimize mental losses. The full moon coming in March 2016 is suitable for creating partnerships such as love, marriage or business relationships.

Full moon in April(22nd) 2016 will come when the sign of Scorpio will lead the life processes. Astrologers believe that this is the time of the destructive impulse. If you need to get rid of old things, relationships, then this can be done with minimal energy and emotional losses.

Even on the full moon, coming in April 2016, it will be possible to comprehend the essence of events that seem unreal. At this time, a hint from above will help resolve many complex issues.

Naturally, the influence of the full moon on the fate and well-being of each person is individual, and it is up to you to decide whether to listen to the recommendations of astrologers. There are individuals who practically do not respond to full moon, but the well-being of some people is inextricably linked with the phases of the Earth's satellite.

Moon calendar

Moon phases February 2016
New moon 08.02 at 17:37:36
Full moon 22.02 at 21:18:53
First quarter 15.02 at 10:45:16
Last quarter 01.02 at 06:26:37
Waxing Crescent 09.02 — 21.02
Waning moon 01.02 - 07.02 and 23.02 - 29.02
Moon phases March 2016
New moon 09.03 at 04:53:23
Full moon 23.03 at 14:59:48
First quarter 15.03 at 20:01:53
Last quarter 02.03 at 02:09:48; 31.03 at 18:15:46
Waxing Crescent 10.03 — 22.03
Waning moon 01.03 — 08.03; 24.03 — 31.03
Solar eclipse 09.03 at 5:57:10
Moon eclipse 23.03 at 15:47:11
Moon phases April 2016
New moon 07.04. at 14:22:37
Full moon 22.04. at 08:22:34
First quarter 14.04. at 06:58:27
Last quarter 30.04 at 06:27:23
Waxing Crescent 08.04 — 21.04
Waning moon 01.04 — 06.04; 23.04 — 30.04

Impact on a person

It is believed that citizens with a subtle psyche are most affected by this phase of the moon. They get worse:

  • phobias that appear inexplicably from where;
  • desperate excessive joy;
  • fatal, without barriers, doom.

And even people who do not succumb lunar influence complain of insomnia.

But not only emotional condition and unmotivated mental actions are the consequences of the influence of the full moon. The studies of ancient healers, confirmed by modern doctors, prove that during this phase of the moon, the metabolism of many people is slower than usual. This is negatively reflected in the state of the blood. Therefore, in given period it is contraindicated to perform operations, as heavy bleeding and prolonged healing after surgery are possible. The full moon also has a negative effect on hypertensive patients and individuals with a diseased heart. Due to the increasing amount of liquid formations in the tissues, the stable work of the heart is disturbed.

It is believed that the influence of this phase of the moon affects the period two days before and the same after the full moon, so all of the above is relevant in this four-day period.

In that lunar calendar April 2016 year you will find information about the position of the moon, its phases for each day of the month. When are favorable and unfavorable periods.

April 1- at 2:49 beginning of the 24th lunar day
The day is right for decision important issues. You need determination and steadfastness. A good time to start a journey and any creative activity.

April 2- at 3:30 the beginning of the 25th lunar day
It's time to look at your life from the outside. Do not start new things until you finish the old ones, otherwise the feeling of dissatisfaction will lead to despondency and even depression.

April 3- at 4:05 the beginning of the 26th lunar day
auspicious time to relax in the company. Your tension is almost gone. A good day for operations related to the land issue and the purchase and sale of real estate.

April, 4- at 4:36 the beginning of the 27th lunar day
The luckiest day of the month. The mood of the day is light and harmonious. You will feel inspired and full of energy. perfect time to build connections.

April 5- at 5:04 the beginning of the 28th lunar day
You are overly emotional and receptive. Don't lift serious problems- there is a high probability that the decisions will be erroneous. good time for new acquaintances.

April 6- at 5:30 the beginning of the 29th lunar day
You are quick-tempered and aggressive, because this is not the right day for teamwork or attending noisy events. Better do your homework. Think only good things.

April 7- at 5:57 the beginning of the 30th lunar day, at 14:25 the new moon and the beginning of the 1st lunar day
Auspicious day for creativity and planning for the near future. The contacts you make will be useful. Spend the evening in good company.

April 8- at 6:24 the beginning of the 2nd lunar day
It is recommended to do only the work brought to automatism: your attention is low. Good day for money investment. Support immunity with folk remedies.

April 9- at 6:55 the beginning of the 3rd lunar day
Be restrained and patient to avoid quarrels and scandals: their consequences will be difficult to neutralize. Get busy in the evening physical activity to recharge your batteries.

April 10th- at 7:32 the beginning of the 4th lunar day
You will be characterized by a sharp change in mood, irascibility, vulnerability. Therefore, refrain from solving important issues. The day is good for working with information.

April 11- at 8:14 the beginning of the 5th lunar day
Feel free to start new things, but give preference to simple ones, as mistakes can creep in unnoticed. You will often be distracted. In the evening, educate yourself.

April 12th- at 9:05 the beginning of the 6th lunar day
You will feel insecure, doubt a lot. Therefore, it is not recommended to start serious business. Spend the day doing household chores. Avoid boredom.

April 13- at 10:03 the beginning of the 7th lunar day
Apart from emotional instability, another danger lies in wait for you - injuries. Therefore, be careful and careful. The day is favorable for household chores.

14th of April- at 11:06 the beginning of the 8th lunar day
Start vigorous activity closer to noon. Composure and consistency will allow you to do a lot of work. Take your time to avoid mistakes.

April 15- at 12:12 the beginning of the 9th lunar day
It is desirable to spend the day in solitude. If possible, go out of town. In the evening, relax, visualize desires and dreams - today this has a special power.

April 16- at 13:20 the beginning of the 10th lunar day
You will gain confidence in your actions. Favorable time to work in a team. You can easily convince anyone that your decision is the right one.

April 17- at 14:27 the beginning of the 11th lunar day
Great period for active action. Luck accompanies you today in everything. It is recommended to attend a cultural event - you will get a lot of good impressions.

April 18th- at 15:34 the beginning of the 12th lunar day
Today you will be distinguished by practicality and exactingness. Ideal period for financial investments. You can count on the support of your superiors.

April 19- at 16:41 the beginning of the 13th lunar day
Reminds you of unfinished business. At noon, be attentive to new information: it will affect the course of events in the near future. Good day to work with money.

20 April- at 17:47 the beginning of the 14th lunar day
An energetically powerful day - you can not think negatively. Do self-analysis, but do not scold yourself for mistakes and mistakes. If you start something, be sure to finish it.

The 21st of April- at 18:52 the beginning of the 15th lunar day
There will be a strong need to rest. If possible, do not deny yourself, but avoid crowded places. Don't raise important questions.

April 22– at 8:25 full moon, at 19:57 the beginning of the 16th lunar day
In the first half of the day you will be absent-minded, so do not take on tasks that require increased concentration. There is a chance to replenish the circle of acquaintances.

April 23- at 21:02 the beginning of the 17th lunar day
Favorable time for change in any area. The day is suitable for working with information: you will quickly find what you need, and easily learn the difficult. Productive work in a group.

April 24- at 22:05 the beginning of the 18th lunar day
Don't follow the public opinion: it will push you towards something you could do without. Don't ask for advice and don't give it to anyone.

25th of April- at 23:04 the beginning of the 19th lunar day
Get on with your daily activities. Do not pay attention to small chores - they will be solved by themselves. A favorable period for self-education - knowledge will come in handy very soon.

26 April- at 23:59 the beginning of the 20th lunar day
An unfavorable day for solving serious issues, as you will be impulsive and too vulnerable. Noisy events are not recommended.

April 27– 20th lunar day
Sign up for a sports section or a drawing circle, meet friends or relatives. Any business today will work if you are positive.

April 28- at 0:47 the beginning of the 21st lunar day
You are prone to stress, so avoid unnecessary contacts and do not take on too difficult work. Music for meditation, relaxing massage will help relieve stress.

April 29- at 1:29 the beginning of the 22nd lunar day
Let the accumulated energy out. get busy physical labor or creativity. Spend an evening with nice people, come up with a cultural program or just read.

April 30- at 2:06 the beginning of the 23rd lunar day
The business trip that began today will end in success, in the personal sphere everything will not go as we would like. To avoid quarrels, do not be too demanding of your partner.

auspicious days: 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25 and 30 April.
Days when you should refrain from taking important decisions. bad days : 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 24, 26 and 28 April.
days, favorable for activity. You can plan complex and difficult tasks on them: April 1, 11, 14, 17, 27 and 29.

new moon - April 7 at 14:25.
Full moon
- April 22 at 8:25.
Waxing Crescent: from 7 to 21 April.
Waning moon : until the 6th and from April 22, 2016.

Each Moon Phase has its own characteristics. From April 8, the growth of the moon will begin, which carries certain strengths and opportunities. Astrology explains its significance in human life.

The beginning of the growth of the moon: the first lunar phase (from April 8 to 14)

This first phase of the waxing Moon continues until the beginning of the first quarter. In the human body there is an accumulation of energy, therefore. During the period of the initial growth of the moon, it is recommended to make plans and start new projects at work. It is useful to engage in rethinking of relationships, both personal and business. Since new acquaintances are made quite easily, in the growth phase you can find not only like-minded people and business partners, but also love. The main thing is not to sit at home and meet friends and relatives more often. If you have problems in your relationship with someone, it is quite possible to correct them using the power of the influence of the moon. In general, it is advisable to properly distribute physical exercises and loads and not overwork yourself: fatigue will come quickly enough, since the growth phase has just begun, the primary energy reserve is accumulating.

The second phase of the growth of the moon (from April 14 to 22)

The first quarter phase has a positive effect on all new cases. Therefore, the formation of plans is quite easy, but most of them need to be put into practice only with the beginning of the next phase of the growth of the moon. Any business that begins during this period receives a certain impetus, which helps to act correctly and quickly. Such an impulse will help you to fully open up in your chosen business and is favorable for starting a long-term relationship or even marriage. However, there is also a certain disadvantage from a medical point of view: wounds do not heal in the fastest way, which in certain cases may be problematic. It is advisable to be careful and avoid injury, as the risk of injury is increased.

Due to the actively rising energy in a person, internal forces mobilized and can be safely used. During this period, it is very useful to practice exercise, because the activity is already quite high. You can start new workouts, make it a habit to do morning exercises or a run. Everything that needs to spend a decent amount of energy on will be given easily, and the forces will be significantly replenished. A good time to travel, but you need to be careful with emotions. Usually, during the second phase of the growth of the moon, there are quite a lot of conflicts. It is good to direct strength and activity to qualitative changes, whether in personal life or in the workplace.

These are for the phase of the growth of the moon. By following them, you will definitely be successful. All the best and don't forget to press the buttons and

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